Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2024). Het Marktenhof: bevoegdheden, procedure, rechtspraak. Brussels, Belgium: LeA Uitgevers. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (24 May 2024). Online content moderation in the DSA: from codifying procedure to proceduralising code? [Paper presentation]. 4th Machine Lawyering Conference, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR China. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (07 May 2024). The binding effect of competition authorities' decisions and private enforcement: theory v. practice [Paper presentation]. Madrid Competition Litigation Seminar 2024, Madrid, Spain. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (05 April 2024). Competition Sandboxes: by-design enforcement tools to promote fairness, accessibility and sustainability in EU digital and technology markets? [Paper presentation]. CLASF Workshop on Promoting Fairness, accessibility and sustainability in Digital and Technology Markets through competition law, Malaga, Spain. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., & Jancewicz, K. A. (20 March 2024). Inconsistent administrative enforcement of EU law at Member State level [Paper presentation]. The Lisbon Treaty 15 years on - Achievements and Challenges, Budapest, Hungary. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., Jancewicz, K. A., & Bois, J. (2024). Inconsistent administrative enforcement of EU law at Member State level: the Lisbon Treaty’s hidden constitutional challenge? (EUDAIMONIA Working Paper 2024/1). ORBi-University of Liège. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2024). Advanced EU competition law: private enforcement - course outline. (ULiège - Université de Liège [Droit, Science Politique et Criminologie], Belgium). |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2024). Digital technology disruptions and competition law: a stress test for the existing governance and enforcement frameworks? In M. Eliantonio, C. Colombo, ... K. Wright (Ed.), The Evolving Governance of EU Competition Law in a Time of Disruptions: a Constitutional Perspective. Oxford, United Kingdom: Hart Publishing. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2023). Independent administrative authorities and the sectoral ‘Europeanisation’ of national administrative law : a European Union law perspective. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (December 2023). The Privilege against Self-Incrimination in EU Competition Law: Time for a Case Law Update? Białostockie Studia Prawnicze, 28 (4), 117 - 130. doi:10.15290/bsp.2023.28.04.07 |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2023). From codifying procedure to proceduralising code? – The European Union’s Artificial Intelligence, Digital Services and Digital Markets Acts as instruments of cyberspace regulation and enforcement. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., & Mattioli, P. (2023). Digital Services Coordinators and other competent authorities in the Digital Services Act: streamlined enforcement coordination lost? ORBi-University of Liège. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2023). Preface. In B. Jan, Automated Enforcement of EU law with AI Systems - An inquiry into the legal status of AI Systems in the Field of Free Movement of Goods. Louvain, Belgium: LeA Uitgevers. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2023). Recueil de documentation - Droit matériel européen 2023-2024. (ULiège - Université de Liège [Droit], Liège, Belgium). |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2023). Advanced EU law 2023-2024 - Cases & Materials. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2023). Droit matériel de l'Union européenne - libertés de circulation et marché intérieur (2ème édition). (2ème éd). Bruxelles, Belgium: Larcier. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2023). EU law's contribution in streamlining Member States' enforcement structures: A promising mechanism for convergence? In M. Kos, M. Sahadzic, J. Kukavica, J. Gasperin Wischoff, ... J. Scholtes (Eds.), Accommodating Diversity in Multilevel Constitutional Orders - Legal Mechanisms of convergence and divergence (pp. 225-241). United Kingdom: Routledge. |
Gautier, A., Ittoo, A., & Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2023). Pricing algorithms aren't colluding - Yet! ORBi-University of Liège. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (12 May 2023). Allocution introductive - 60 ans d'études juridiques européennes à l'Université de Liège [Paper presentation]. Journées internationales David-Constant: 60 ans d'études juridiques européennes à l'Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., & Wildemeersch, J. (Eds.). (2023). Questions choisies de droit européen des affaires - 60 ans d'études juridiques européennes à Liège. Bruxelles, Belgium: Bruylant. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (05 May 2023). The European Union’s AI, Digital Services and Digital Markets Acts (and MICA) as instruments of cyberspace regulation and enforcement [Paper presentation]. KILAW 9th Annual International Conference. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (28 April 2023). Private enforcement of EU competition law: challenges and opportunities [Paper presentation]. Madrid Competition Litigation Seminar 2023, Madrid, Spain. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (24 March 2023). Privilege against self-incrimination: an elephant in the room of automated competition law enforcement? [Paper presentation]. EULEN Jean Monnet Workshop - Toledo, Tolède, Spain. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2023). Algoritmische prijsbepaling en het kartelverbod: hoe toekomstbestendig is artikel 101 VWEU? Sociaal‐Economische Wetgeving: Tijdschrift voor Europees en Economisch Recht. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., & Van Garsse, S. (2022). Artificial intelligence accountability of public administration in Belgium. (Belgian Report for the International Association of Comparative Law). |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (04 October 2022). Présentation du rapport belge relatif au droit de la concurrence des plateformes [Paper presentation]. Journées internationales association Henri Capitant - Les plateformes, Bogota, Colombia. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., Carvalho, S., Lazar, E., & Riano Saad, A. (2022). Rapport européen: droit de la concurrence et les plateformes. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2022). Rapport belge: droit de la concurrence et les plateformes. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (09 July 2022). Algorithms: between competition and regulation [Paper presentation]. The enforcement of EU competition law in times of crisis, Porto, Portugal. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (08 July 2022). Prohibition of anticompetitive agreements: general principles and recent case law in the digital sphere [Paper presentation]. TRAINING COURSE FOR JUDGES ON COMPETITION LAW, Porto, Portugal. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (07 July 2022). Table ronde: La constitution "micro-économique" Libertés économiques fondamentales et droit de la concurrence [Paper presentation]. Journées internationales David-Constant • L'idée de constitution économique en Europe Généalogie et état des lieux, Liège, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (06 July 2022). La constitution économique européenne du micro au macro - remarques introductives [Paper presentation]. Journées internationales David-Constant • L'idée de constitution économique en Europe Généalogie et état des lieux, Liège, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (06 July 2022). Discussant: AI-powered algorithms and competition law: time for new rules? [Paper presentation]. ARC DIGITALPLATFORMS Workshop, Liège, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2022). Introduction to EU internal market law [Paper presentation]. ELSA Summer School EU Institutional law, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (01 July 2022). Varieties of independence of national administrative authorities under EU law [Paper presentation]. EU Legal Studies Institute - internal seminars, Liège, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., & Miny, X. (2022). The Fundamental Econnomic Freedoms - Constitutionalizing the Internal Market. In X. Miny & G. Gregoire (Ed.), The Idea of Economic Constitution in Europe (pp. 263-297). Leiden, Netherlands: Brill. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (16 June 2022). Integrated enforcement structures and EU law – how different is data protection from digital regulation? [Paper presentation]. European Data Protection Supervisor Conference, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (11 June 2022). Compliance Requirements in EU Investment Services Regulation - two years later: a more Coherent Accountability Framework in place? [Paper presentation]. LEGAL ACCOUNTABILITY IN EU MARKETS FOR FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS, Uppsala, Sweden. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (10 June 2022). Panel discussant: Investment Firms as Agents of Accountability – Review Mechanisms [Paper presentation]. LEGAL ACCOUNTABILITY IN EU MARKETS FOR FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS, Uppsala, Sweden. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (03 June 2022). The Digital Markets Act and the increasing emergence of regulatory antitrust in the European Union [Paper presentation]. BECCLE International Competition law and economics conference, Bergen, Norway. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2022). Les plateformes - droit de la concurrence: rapport belge. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (13 May 2022). A comment on Q. Li - AI-enabled Price Discrimination: A Competition Law Perspective [Paper presentation]. Ius Commune Doctoral Workshop, Leuven, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2022). Présentation du rapport belge relatif au droit de la concurrence et des plateformes. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (09 May 2022). Le non bis in idem après BPost et Nordzucker - un revirement de la jurisprudence précédente? [Paper presentation]. Rencrontres Cour de justice de l'UE - FDSPC Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (25 April 2022). Editorial: new challenges for EU competition law enforcement? Market and Competition Law Review, VI (1), 1-12. doi:10.34632/mclawreview.2022.11307 |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (20 April 2022). The emergence of upgraded EU governance and enforcement mechanisms - New rules, same challenges? The digital regulation case study [Paper presentation]. G-Law Net Seminar series, Maastricht, Netherlands. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2022). Towards future-proof comparative administrative law? ORBi-University of Liège. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (16 February 2022). Competition law and artificial intelligence - challenges for public enforcement of competition law [Paper presentation]. Autorité belge de la concurrence - séminaire de l'auditorat, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (01 February 2022). The Belgian AI & Competition law study - a comment on the road ahead [Paper presentation]. Publication of the study on AI & IP - Competition Law - Consumer - E-commerce - Insurance - Data Economy - Safety & Cybersecurity, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (01 February 2022). Is Belgian competition law ready for the Artificial Intelligence Age? A comment on the Study of the Belgian Federal Government [Paper presentation]. AI4 Belgium - Economic regulation and impact: is Belgium fit for the AI age?, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2022). ECB decision-making within the Banking and Monetary Union: the principle of confidentiality on its way out? European Papers, 1437-1461. doi:10.15166/2499-8249/533 |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2022). Reflections on the FIDE Congress “EU competition law and the digital economy” Working Group sessions. In J. Rijpma, XXIXth FIDE Congress The Hague - Conference proceedings. La Haye, Netherlands: Eleven Publishers. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2022). Public enforcement of antitrust rules: antitrust procedure. In A. Fercic (Ed.), European Union Competition Law. Europa Law Publishing. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2022). Compte-rendu de l'ouvrage F. Wijckmans, F. Tuytschaever, H. Burez en E. Wijckmans, Mededingingsrecht – Bos door de Bomen, Zaventem, Contrast Books & Seminars 2022, XXII+377 p. Revue de la Concurrence Belge. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2022). By-design regulation and European Union law: opportunities, challenges, and the road ahead. In Borghi Maurizio & R. Brownsword (Eds.), Law, Regulation and Governance in the Information Society. United Kingdom: Routledge. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2022). Business Coordination. In A. Fercic (Ed.), European Union Competition Law. Groningen, Netherlands: Europa Law Publishing. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2022). Burden of proof. In Richard Whish, William Kovacic, Deborah Healy, ... Pablo Trévisan (Eds.), Concurrences Global Competition Law Dictionary. Paris, France: Concurrences Books. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2022). BPost and Nordzucker: searching for the essence of ne bis in idem in European Union law. European Constitutional Law Review, 357-374. doi:10.1017/S1574019622000190 |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., Caramelo Gomes, J., & Bessa Vilela, N. (2022). Introduction to competition law. In A. Fercic (Ed.), European Union Competition Law. Europa Law Publishing. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (03 December 2021). Regulating Artificial intelligence - what, when, how and by whom? [Paper presentation]. BSC AI & Public Policy course, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2021). Compliance requirements in EU investment services regulation: towards a more coherent accountability framework? In M. Strand & C. F. Bergström (Eds.), Checks and Balances in the EU Financial Market: The Role(s) of Investment Firms. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (24 November 2021). Opinion 1/19: EU law and Member States’ autonomy in context [Paper presentation]. Law meets practice expert seminar on Opinion 1/19, Brussels, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (18 November 2021). Comment développer une intelligence artificielle robuste? Perspectives d'un juriste [Paper presentation]. Séminaire à porte fermée de l'Institut Destrée sur les enjeux de l'IA en région wallonne et au-delà, Namur, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (06 November 2021). Presentation of the FIDE General Report on Competition law in the Digital Economy and on the discussion sessions organised during the Conference [Paper presentation]. XXIX FIDE Congress The Hague, La Haye, Netherlands. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (05 November 2021). Data and competition law - a general rapporteur's perspective [Paper presentation]. FIDE Congress The Hague 2021, The Hague, Netherlands. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (05 November 2021). Competition law and the digital markets act: reflections from a general rapporteur [Paper presentation]. FIDE international congress, The Hague, Netherlands. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (05 November 2021). Algorithmic decision-making in EU competition law: the road ahead - a general rapporteur's perspective [Paper presentation]. FIDE Congress The Hague 2021, The Hague, Netherlands. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (04 November 2021). Vertical restraints in the digital economy - towards a new legal framework? - A general rapporteur's perspective [Paper presentation]. FIDE Congress The Hague 2021, The Hague, Netherlands. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2021). EU competition law and the digital economy – FIDE 2020 Topic 3 General Report Update. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., & Bois, J. (29 October 2021). EUDAIMONIA: national administrative autonomy against the background of EU law [Paper presentation]. EU Law@Liège research seminar, Liège, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (11 October 2021). Review of Géraldine Gaulard, La pleine juridiction du juge de l’Union européenne en droit de la concurrence: Contrôle et compétence sur les amendes. Common Market Law Review, 58, 1622-1624. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (08 October 2021). Les enjeux de droit administratifs européens du DSA [Paper presentation]. L’émergence d’une régulation autonome des plateformes ?, Rennes, France. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2021). My experience as an ERC applicant/grantee. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (15 September 2021). GDPR and the AI Act: towards enhanced by-design regulatory obligations? [Paper presentation]. AI Mellontology e-Symposium 2021, Thessaloniki (online via Zoom), Greece. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2021). European competition law - slides. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2021). European competition law - course outline. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2021). Droit matériel européen - recueil de documentation 2021-2022. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2021). Droit matériel européen - agenda du cours 2021-2022. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2021). Advanced EU law - cases and materials 2021-2022. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (August 2021). The Commission’s digital services and markets act proposals: First step towards tougher and more directly enforced EU rules? Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 28 (5), 667-686. doi:10.1177/1023263X211030434 |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (03 July 2021). Session chair: Mergers panel [Paper presentation]. Academic Society for Competition Law Conference. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2021). La classification de services fournis par les plateformes en ligne en droit du marché intérieur. Revue des Affaires Européennes, 119-139. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2021). Digital Markets Act: beware of procedural fairness and judicial review booby-traps! ORBi-University of Liège. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (07 June 2021). Algorithmic collusion and EU competition law: introduction and conclusion [Paper presentation]. ASCOLA-LCII seminar on algorithmic collusion, Liège, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2021). Vaccins Covid-19: l'Union fait-elle la force? Journal de Droit Européen, 161. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (28 January 2021). Panel chair/discussant: Automated decision-making: towards effective remedies in a changing world? [Paper presentation]. CPDP - Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (25 January 2021). Towards a new normal in EU internal market law? [Paper presentation]. Data for the public good: Building a healthier digital future: European Data Protection Supervisor Webinar, Brussels, Belgium. |
Bois, J., & Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2021). National Institutional Autonomy and EU law: time to reframe the stakes of interdisciplinary scholarship? ORBi-University of Liège. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2021). EUDAIMONIA - National Institutional Autonomy within the EU legal order: uncovering and addressing its distinctive appearances, limits and impact on Member States’ administrations. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2021). Droit matériel européen - diapositives 2021-2022. (ULiège - Université de Liège [Droit, Science Politique et Criminologie]). |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2021). By-design Regulation in the Algorithmic Society: Promising way Forward or (EU) Constitutional Nightmare In-the-making? In H.-W. Micklitz, A. Simoncini (Ed.), O. Pollicino (Ed.), ... G. Sartor (Ed.), Constitutional Challenges in the Algorithmic Society. Cambridge University Press. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2021). Advanced EU law - Slides. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (04 December 2020). Artificial intelligence: when, how and what to regulate at EU level? [Paper presentation]. AI, law and regulation workshops, Brussels, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2020). Plateformes en ligne et droit de l'Union européenne - un cadre juridique aux multiples visages. Bruylant. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2020). Digitale economie en mededingingsrecht: plus est en vous? Revue de Droit Commercial Belge, 895-911. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (19 November 2020). Digital technology disruptions and competition law enforcement: a stress test for the European Commission’s flexible constitutional mandate? [Paper presentation]. The Evolving Governance of EU Competition Law in Time of Disruptions: a Constitutional Perspective, Brussels, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2020). Case (re-)Allocation Against the Backdrop of Procedural Convergence: Time for a Regulation ‘2’ Upgrade? Journal of European Competition Law and Practice, 418-422. |
Gautier, A., Ittoo, A., & Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (July 2020). AI algorithms, price discrimination and collusion: a technological, economic and legal perspective. European Journal of Law and Economics, 50 (3), 405-435. doi:10.1007/s10657-020-09662-6 |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (July 2020). Accommodating the freedom of online platforms to provide services through the incidental direct effect back door: Airbnb Ireland. Common Market Law Review, 57 (4), 1201-1228. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., & Petit, N. (2020). General Report - EU Competition law and the digital economy. In D. Mandrescu (Ed.), EU Competition Law and the Digital Economy: Protecting Free and Fair Competition in an Age of Technological (R)evolution (pp. 27-60). The Hague, Netherlands: Eleven International Publishing. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., & Petit, N. (2020). EU competition law and the digital economy - questionnaire. In D. Mandrescu (Ed.), EU Competition Law and the Digital Economy: Protecting Free and Fair Competition in an Age of Technological (R)evolution (pp. 1-9). Eleven International Publishing. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (26 June 2020). By-design obligations in the algorithmic society: an EU constitutional nightmare? [Paper presentation]. CiTIP Staff Seminar. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (18 June 2020). The EU's approach to artificial intelligence regulation [Paper presentation]. AI and Human Skills Workshop. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (15 June 2020). Compliance requirements in EU investment services regulation: towards a more coherent accountability framework? [Paper presentation]. Checks and Balances in the EU Financial Market: The Role(s) of Investment Firms, Uppsala (colloque en ligne), Sweden. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2020). Arrêt « Airbnb Ireland » : quel statut pour les plateformes en ligne en tant que prestataires de services ? Journal de Droit Européen, 110-112. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2020). European law, big data and artificial intelligence seminar: course guidelines and organisation. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2020). EU competition law public enforcement in the age of information overload: new challenges ahead? In C. Rusu (Ed.), New Directions in competition law enforcement. Wolf Legal Publishers. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2020). Droit matériel européen - recueil de documentation 2020. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2020). Droit européen de la concurrence - plan du cours - European Competition law - course outline 2020-2021. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2020). Article 101 TFEU’s association of undertakings notion and its surprising potential to help distinguishing acceptable from unacceptable algorithmic collusion. Antitrust Bulletin, 423-444. doi:10.1177/0003603X20929116 |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2020). Advanced EU law - Cases & Materials 2020-2021. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., & Petit, N. (2020). EU competition law and the digital economy. Fédération Internationale de Droit européen - FIDE. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (16 December 2019). Panel moderator: what division of labor between antitrust and regulation? [Paper presentation]. A new consensus on competition policy in digital markets?, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (14 December 2019). AI and regulation: what, when, how and when? [Paper presentation]. ELSA Benelux Conference, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (22 November 2019). Artificial intelligence and regulation: what to regulate, when, how and by whom? [Paper presentation]. Brussels School of Competition - AI Seminar, Brussels, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (November 2019). Review of Mathieu le Soudeer - Droit antitrust de l’Union européenne et droits fondamentaux des entreprises. Brussels: Bruylant, 2019. 986 pages. ISBN: 9782802761792. EUR 175. Common Market Law Review, 56 (6), 1769-1771. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (15 October 2019). Horizontal direct effect of free movement provisions: Court v. legislator? [Paper presentation]. Maastricht Centre for European Law (MCEL) research seminars, Maastricht, Netherlands. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). Private Damages Actions in EU Competition Law and Restorative Justice: Towards a More Streamlined Institutional Framework? Market and Competition Law Review, 15-49. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (04 September 2019). Independence and impartiality of EU-mandated national supervisory bodies [Paper presentation]. Europeanisation of administrative law workshop, Leiden, Netherlands. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (03 July 2019). Constitutional asymmetry in the European Union [Paper presentation]. International Society of Public Law (ICON-S) Annual Conference, Santiago de Chili, Chile. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). Editoriaal/Editorial: Belgisch mededingingsrecht tussen voortschrijdend en voortkabbelend inzicht. Tijdschrift voor Belgische Mededinging, 110-112. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (21 June 2019). Le cadre réformé de la surveillance financière dans l’Union européenne [Paper presentation]. Droit bancaire et financier européen, Brussels, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (12 June 2019). By-design regulation and EU law: opportunities, challenges and the road ahead [Paper presentation]. Bournemouth University Centre for Intellectual Property Policy and Management Visiting Fellows' Seminar, Bournemouth, United Kingdom. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). Regulating tax competition in the internal market: is the European Commission changing course? European Papers, 225-250. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). Pierre Pescatore. In D. Heirbaut, P. Humblet, P. Wautelet, M. Cools (Ed.), J.-F. Gerkens (Ed.), ... G. Grandjean (Ed.), Tweehonderd jaar rechtsfaculteiten Gent en Luik / Deux-centième anniversaire des facultés de droit de Gand et Liège. Bruges, Belgium: Die Keure. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (27 May 2019). From ECB to Eurogroup Transparency: adapting the EU constitutional framework from the inside out ? [Paper presentation]. The Law of the Economic and Monetary Union: Complementing, Adapting or Transforming the EU legal order?, Helsinki, Finland. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (10 May 2019). By-design regulation in the algorithmic society: promising way forward or (EU) constitutional nightmare in-the-making? [Paper presentation]. Inaugural conference of the IACL Research Group on Algorithmic State Market & Society – Constitutional dimensions, Florence, Italy. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (03 May 2019). Panel moderator/president: Digital Platforms: Antitrust and Regulation [Paper presentation]. Institutions and Regulation for the fourth Industrial Revolution, Brussels, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (06 April 2019). Is EU private enforcement contributing to restorative justice? Three observations in light of the Belgian experience' [Paper presentation]. Directive 2014/104/EU on antitrust damages actions and beyond, Porto, Portugal. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (05 April 2019). Article 101 TFEU - revisiting the basics and reflecting upon its application in relation to digital platforms [Paper presentation]. NEW CHALLENGES IN EU COMPETITION LAW ENFORCEMENT BY NATIONAL JUDGES, Porto, Portugal. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). Simultaneous Application of EU and National Competition Law by the Same Competition Authority: No Ne Bis In Idem. Competition Policy International -CPI. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (22 March 2019). ‘Associations of undertakings’ in Article 101 TFEU: a horizontal agreements’ gatekeeper gone rogue? [Paper presentation]. The acceptable cartel workshop, London, United Kingdom. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). Will Deliveroo and Uber be captured by the proposed EU platform Regulation? You’d better watch out… ORBi-University of Liège. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (05 March 2019). Construire un droit des données - réflexions et perspectives - présidence de la séance plénière [Paper presentation]. Construire un droit des données - Designing data law, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (01 March 2019). Economie des plateformes - la régulation des plateformes digitales [Paper presentation]. Economie de plateformes, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). EU post-crisis economic and financial market regulation: embedding Member States’ interests within ‘more Europe’. In M. Varju (Ed.), Between compliance and particularism: Member State interests and European Union law (pp. 79-102). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-05782-4_4 |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (10 January 2019). Member States in the EU's living economic constitution [Paper presentation]. Rule of law challenges in the EU: implications for EU economic law, Budapest, Hungary. |
Rueben, M., Aroyo, A. M., Lutz, C., Schmolz, J., Van Cleynenbreugel, P., Corti, A., Agrawal, S., & Smart, W. D. (2019). Themes and Research Directions in Privacy-Sensitive Robotics. Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts, 2018-September, 77-84. doi:10.1109/ARSO.2018.8625758 |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). The Presumption of Harm and its Implementation in the Member States’ Legal Orders. In M. Strand, V. Bastidas, ... M. Iacovides (Eds.), EU Competition Litigation: Transposition and first experiences of the new regime (pp. 201-214). Oxford, United Kingdom: Hart Publishing. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). The Commission’s burden of proof in Article 101(1) TFEU: evidentiary shortcuts cut short? Competition Policy International-CPI. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). Member States in the EU economic constitution: rule of law developments and challenges. Legal Issues of Economic Integration, 46 (4), 329-344. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). Les plateformes face au droit économique de l'Union européenne. In J. Clesse & F. Kéfer (Ed.), Enjeux et défis juridiques de l'économie de plateforme (pp. 213-246). Belgium: Anthemis. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). Jusqu’ici tout va bien : les plateformes numériques face au droit européen. Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, 213-217. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). Droit matériel européen - slides 2019. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). Droit matériel européen - recueil de documentation 2019. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). Consumentenbescherming: plan du cours. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). Belgian competition law. In J. Kokott, W. Jaeger, P. Pohlmann, ... D. Schroeder (Eds.), Frankfurter Kommentar zum Kartellrecht. Germany: Otto Schmidt. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). Asymmetry as a way to move forward with multi-tiered integration? A study of constitutional asymmetry in the European Union. In P. Popelier & M. Sahadzic (Eds.), Constitutional asymmetry in multi-tiered multinational systems (pp. 163-196). Routledge. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). Advanced EU law - Cases & Materials 2019-2020. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). Jusqu'ici, tout va bien - les plateformes numériques face au droit européen [Paper presentation]. Leçons inaugurales de la Faculté de Droit, Science Politique et Criminologie de l'Université de Liège. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). Some preliminary reflections on the relationship between innovation and competition law. In P. Nihoul & P. Van Cleynenbreugel (Eds.), The roles of innovation in competition law analysis (pp. 2-12). Edward Elgar. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (10 October 2018). Tax rulings and the limits of EU State aid law [Paper presentation]. University of Bialystok PhD workshop and international conference, Bialystok, Poland. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). Staatsteun: do's en don'ts voor Belgische ondernemingen. In P. Van Cleynenbreugel (Ed.), Mededingingsrecht: do's en don'ts voor Belgische ondernemingen (pp. 71-154). Intersentia. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). European Law and technological innovation - course plan. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). Advanced EU law - Cases & Materials 2018-2019. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (July 2018). The freedom to receive trade union services: an additional stepping stone for enhancing worker protection within the EU internal market? European Labour Law Journal, 9 (2), 101-115. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (Ed.). (2018). Mededingingsrecht: do's and don'ts voor Belgische ondernemingen. Antwerp, Belgium: Intersentia. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (01 June 2018). Embedding Member States' interests in EU financial market and economic governance: what role for law? [Paper presentation]. Member States' interests in European Union law, Budapest, Hungary. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). The General Data Protection Regulation: concluding remarks and observations [Paper presentation]. HEC Liège Data Science Meetup. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (24 April 2018). From Zalando over YouTube to Uber and AirBnB: the EU digital single market takes shape [Paper presentation]. International Week Ghent University College, Gent, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (24 April 2018). Constitutional asymmetry in the European Union [Paper presentation]. Constitutional asymmetry in multi-tiered multinational systems, Antwerp, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (23 April 2018). L'ubérisation de la société - le point de vue du droit européen du marché intérieur [Paper presentation]. Lunch facultaire Faculté de Droit, de Science Politique et de Criminologie. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). Elite Taxi and Uber France : do Member States have free rein to prohibit and criminalise ridesharing activities? ORBi-University of Liège. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). Commuting within the EU? Take your Netflix content with you! ORBi-University of Liège. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., Rueben, M., Aroyo, A., Lutz, C., Smölz, J., Corti, A., & Smart, W. (2018). Themes and research directions in privacy-sensitive robotics. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). Le droit de l’Union européenne ne se prête-t-il pas (encore) à l’ubérisation des services? Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, (1), 108-120. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (09 March 2018). Uber and competition law: some thoughts in light of the Elite Taxi judgment [Paper presentation]. Leiden Law Exchange (LLX) seminar on Uber and the collaborative economy, Leiden, Netherlands. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (03 March 2018). The sharing economy and European Union law: promoting innovation or regulating disruption? [Paper presentation]. Workshop Industrial Organization in the Digital Economy, Liège, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). Seeking to regulate Uber? Why not rely on Article 101 TFEU. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). La supervision financière au sein de l’Union européenne et de la zone euro après la crise : un cadre juridique toujours en pleine évolution. Observateur de Bruxelles, 22-26. |
Nihoul, P., & Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (Eds.). (2018). The roles of innovation in competition law analysis. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar. doi:10.4337/9781788972444 |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). Typologies of solidarity in EU law: a non–shifting landscape in the wake of economic crises. In A. Biondi, E. Dagilyte, ... E. Küçük (Eds.), Solidarity in EU Law Legal Principle in the Making (pp. 13-36). Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). Streamlining EU law enforcement in a regulated digital market environment. In C. Rusu, M. Veenbrink, ... A. Looijestein-Clearie, Digital markets in the European Union (pp. 111-136). Nijmegen, Netherlands: Wolf Legal Publishers. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). Presumptions and short-cut rules in abuse regulation: (where) do EU and U.S. antitrust approaches meet? In F. Di Porto & R. Podszun (Eds.), Abuse regulation in competition law - past, present, future (pp. 47-67). Edward Elgar. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). Maximum vitamin amounts in food supplements – towards science-based and streamlined EU mutual recognition and risk assessment procedures? European Journal of Risk Regulation, (1), 162-169. doi:10.1017/err.2018.1 |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). European law and technological innovation - 2018 course outline. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). Droit matériel européen - diaprésentations 2018. (ULiège - Université de Liège, Droit matériel européen). |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). Droit matériel européen 2017-2018 - Recueil de documentation. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). Droit matériel européen 2017-2018 - Agenda et plan du cours. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). Droit civil européen - plan du cours et consignes. (Droit civil européen). |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). Confidentiality behind transparent doors : the European Central Bank and the EU law principle of openness. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 52-76. doi:10.1177/1023263X18760546 |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., & Van den Bogaert, S. (2018). Free movement of goods. In F. Ambtenbrink, D. Curtin, B. De Witte, P. J. Kuijper, A. McDonnell, ... S. Van den Bogaert, The Law of the European Union (pp. 517-573). The Hague, Netherlands: Kluwer Law International. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). Recovery of unlawful tax advantages remains a thorny EU State aid law issue. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (12 December 2017). Discussant The institutional functioning of the European Central Bank [Paper presentation]. The European Central Bank in the EU Legal Order- Flexibility in times of crisis, Brussels, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (08 December 2017). The EU's digital single market strategy: Fundamental free movement rights under pressure? [Paper presentation]. Freedom under Pressure, Ghent, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). Le droit de l’Union européenne face à l’économie collaborative. Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Européen, (4), 697-722. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (24 November 2017). Harmful tax competition within the European Union: from tax rulings to financial transaction taxes [Paper presentation]. Regulatory Competition in the EU: Foundations, Tools and Implications, Turin, Italy. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). Allocution de clôture [Paper presentation]. Dialogue sur l’Europe - "Les enjeux européens à l’heure du Brexit" - Conférence du M. Michel Barnier, Liège, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). State Aid law in the European Union - the issue of tax rulings. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (12 October 2017). L’auto-évaluation dans l’application des exceptions en droit économique de l’UE : plusieurs acteurs, nouveaux risques ? [Paper presentation]. L'exception endroit de l'Union européenne, Lyon, France. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). Favoriser l'acquisition de logements par les indigènes, est-ce discriminatoire? (Le Soir). |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., & Demoulin, I. (2017). The EP’s ‘European Standards’ Resolution in the wake of James Elliott Construction: carving ever more holes in Pandora’s Box? ORBi-University of Liège. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (20 September 2017). Réflexions sur la vie et la carrière de M. Pierre Pescatore [Paper presentation]. Tweehonder jaar rechtsfaculteiten Gent en Luik, Ghent - Liège, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). Compte rendu de l'ouvrage: Laura De Deyne, Juridische kenmerken van legitiem markttoezicht in de energiesector. De invloed van de constitutioneel-, bestuurs- en Europeesrechtelijke principes op de onafhankelijkheid en verantwoordingsplicht van energieregulatoren in België, thèse de doctorat, Universiteit Hasselt, 2017, xviii+905 p. Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, (2). |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., & Demoulin, I. (2017). La normalisation européenne après l’arrêt James Elliott Construction du 27 octobre 2016 : la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne a-t-elle élargi ses compétences d’interprétation ? Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, (2). |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (28 June 2017). From internal experts to external interlocutors? EU agencies and procedures assessing the equivalence of third country legal rules with EU regulatory standards [Paper presentation]. The external dimension of EU agencies and bodies, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (17 June 2017). Panel moderator: enforcement and remedies [Paper presentation]. Academic Society for Competition Law Annual Conference, Stockholm, Sweden. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (16 June 2017). NCA independence in the context of EU Regulation 1/2003: time to take incongruent accountability realities (more) seriously? [Paper presentation]. Academic Society of Competition Law Annual Conference, Stockholm, Sweden. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (14 June 2017). Legal presumptions of fault in the wake of the transposition of Directive 2014/104/EU [Paper presentation]. SNELS 2017 Conference, Uppsala, Sweden. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (09 June 2017). The roles of competition law in a regulated digital market environment: lessons (not) to learn from related fields of EU regulation [Paper presentation]. Radboud 2nd Economic Law Conference - Digital Markets in the EU, Nijmegen, Netherlands. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). Droit matériel de l'Union européenne - libertés de circulation et marché intérieur. Larcier. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (30 May 2017). Roundtable moderator: Global Competition amongst Standard Setting Organizations [Paper presentation]. Innovation, Research and Competition in the EU: The Future of Open and Collaborative Standard Setting, Brussels, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). What should be forgotten? Time to make sense of Article 17 GDPR from the point of view of data controllers. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (22 May 2017). Time to rethink federalism sixty years after the Rome Treaties? - A comment on Dr. S. Bardutzky [Paper presentation]. The Federal Experience of the European Union, Lisbon, Portugal. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., Stuyck, J., Stijns, S., De Muynck, M., Derammelaere, J., Van Loock, S., & Vannerom, J. (2017). Voorwoord bij de reeks Ius mercatorum - Vraagstukken economisch recht. In J. Vannerom (Ed.), M-commerce. Antwerp, Belgium: Intersentia. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (12 May 2017). Recovering unlawful advantages in the context of EU State aid tax ruling investigations. Market and Competition Law Review, 1 (1), 15-48. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (28 April 2017). Streamlining NCA independence in reforming Regulation 1/2003: time to take incongruent accountability realities (more) seriously? [Paper presentation]. Reform of Regulation 1/2003 – Effectiveness of the NCAs and Beyond, Warsaw, Poland. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). Faut-il obliger la commercialisation des produits de composition et qualité identiques partout dans l'Union européenne? |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (31 March 2017). Staatssteun aan groene energie [Paper presentation]. Demi-journée d'étude: de rechtspositie van steunverlenende overheden, Leuven, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (24 March 2017). The implicit transformation of national administrative authorities in the service of supranational ‘fair trial’ rights [Paper presentation]. Cambridge International and European Law Conference, Cambridge, United Kingdom. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (06 March 2017). The EU right to be forgotten in a privacy-sensitive human-robot interaction context [Paper presentation]. HRI 2017 - "Smart interaction", Vienna, Austria. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). EU competition law. In E. Ugirashebuja, J. E. Ruhangisa, T. Ottervanger, ... A. Cuyvers (Eds.), East African Community Law: institutional, substantive and comparative EU aspects (pp. 454-466). Leiden, Netherlands: Brill. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (February 2017). Prix fixe du livre : les propositions belges contredisent-elles le droit européen de la concurrence ? Tijdschrift voor Belgische Mededinging, 4, 81-90. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., & Devroe, W. (2017). The EU financial transaction tax project. In B. De Witte, E. Vos, ... A. Ott (Eds.), Between Flexibility and Disintegration The Trajectory of Differentiation in EU Law (pp. 282-303). Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). The European Commission’s geo-blocking proposals and the future of EU e-commerce regulation. Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology, 11 (1), 39-62. doi:10.5817/MUJLT2017-1-3 |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). Le non bis in idem en droit de la concurrence : un monde de différence avec le pénal ? In V. Franssen & D. Thiel (Eds.), EXISTE-T-IL ENCORE UN SEUL NON BIS IN IDEM AUJOURD'HUI ? (pp. 171-207). Paris, France: L'Harmattan. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). La « discrimination à rebours » au sein du marché intérieur : une illégalité qu’il ne faut pas voir au niveau européen ? Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, 153-162. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). European Competition law - Droit européen de la concurrence. (Université Paris Dauphine, Master 214 Droit des affaires). |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). Droit matériel européen - recueil de documentation. (2nd ed). Presses de l'Université de Liège. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). Droit matériel européen - plan de cours 2017. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). Droit matériel européen 2017 - diaprésentations. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). Book review of Anne C Witt, The more economic approach to EU antitrust law. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2016. 384 pages. ISBN: 9781849466967. Common Market Law Review, 54 (5), 1589-1591. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). Advanced EU law - Slides 2017. (ULiège - Université de Liège, Advanced EU law). |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). Advanced EU law - Cases and Materials 2017-2018. (ULiège - Université de Liège, DROI2055). |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2016). European law and technological innovation - slides 2016-2017. (European law and technological innovation). |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2016). Droit européen de la concurrence - European competition law. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (29 November 2016). Le décret relatif aux implantations commerciales et le droit de l’Union européenne : une logique juridique à l’encontre de celle d’un marché intérieur supranational ? [Paper presentation]. Les implantations commerciales - État des lieux deux ans après la régionalisation. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (26 November 2016). The EU’s geo-blocking Regulation proposal and its impact on the coherence of EU e-commerce regulation [Paper presentation]. Cyberspace 2016 Conference. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (12 November 2016). The freedom to receive trade union services: a stepping stone for worker protection in the EU internal market? [Paper presentation]. Trade union rights to establish and provide services in the EU. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2016). Les conséquences juridiques du Brexit [Paper presentation]. JEF Liège Conférence sur le Brexit. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (30 June 2016). Bridging the process/result gap in (EU) competition law and innovation debates [Paper presentation]. 11th Academic Society for Competition Law Conference - The role(s) of innovation in competition debates, Leiden, Netherlands. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (16 June 2016). Towards workable transparency in the context of exchanges of and access to information relating to EU central bank activities? [Paper presentation]. European Central Bank closed research seminar - ECB Legal Scholar Programme, Frankfurt, Germany. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (28 April 2016). Le Non Bis In Idem en droit de la concurrence: un monde de différence avec le pénal? [Paper presentation]. 5ième Journées franco-belges de droit penal, Nancy, France. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (21 April 2016). Sharing powers within exclusive competences? Rethinking the ‘dual federalism’ logic in EU antitrust law enforcement [Paper presentation]. 14th University of Zagreb Jean Monnet Seminar in European Union Law – Rethinking EU Competences, Dubrovnik, Croatia. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (01 April 2016). The Failure of ‘Market Failure’? Rethinking the Role of Law in Post-Crisis EU Governance [Paper presentation]. The Euro-crisis conference, Cambridge, United Kingdom. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (20 March 2016). Recovering unlawful advantages in the context of EU State aid tax ruling investigations [Paper presentation]. A new approach to State aid - conference, Porto, Portugal. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (19 March 2016). Privatisations and free movement of capital [Paper presentation]. International Colloquium Union Policies And Internal Actions: Recent Developments, Porto, Portugal. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2016). Sharing powers within exclusive competences: Rethinking eu antitrust law enforcement. Croatian Yearbook of European Law and Policy, 12, 49-79. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2016). Review of Jan Wolters, Die rechtsstaatlichen Grenzen des ‘more economic approach’ im Lichte der europäischen Rechtsprechung. Eine Untersuchung des Handelns der Kommission auf dem Gebiet des europaïschen Wettbewerbrechts am Maßstab übergeordeneter Vertrags- und Verfassungsgrundsätze. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2015. 371 pages. ISBN: 9783848717361. EUR 99. Common Market Law Review, 52 (5), 1469-1471. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2016). National courts and EU competition law: lost in multilevel confusion? In N. Bodiroga-Vukobrat, S. Rodin, ... G. Sander (Eds.), New Europe - Old Values? Reform and Perseverance (pp. 181-198). Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2016). Hervorming van Justitie in België - uitdagingen en kansen. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2016). Fünf vragen an Pieter Van Cleynenbreugel. Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb, 212. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2016). European law and technological innovation - cases and materials. Presses Universitaires ULg. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2016). Embedding national procedural autonomy in the Directive on Damages’. In M. Bergström, M. Iacovides, ... M. Strand (Eds.), Harmonising EU Competition Litigation The New Directive and Beyond - See more at: (pp. 99-119). Oxford, United Kingdom: Hart Publishing. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2016). Due Process in EU Commission Competition Law Proceedings. What Lessons (not) to Learn for Structuring the Rights of Defense at the National Level? In C. Nagy (Ed.), The Procedural Aspects of the Application of Competition Law - European Frameworks, Central European Perspectives (pp. 36-55). Groningen, Netherlands: Europa Law Publishing. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2016). Droit matériel européen - recueil de documentation. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2016). Droit matériel européen - diaprésentations. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2016). Competition law - Reader. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2016). Advanced EU law - cases and materials. Presses Universitaires ULg. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., & Zians, A. (2016). Le décret relatif aux implantations commerciales: une logique juridique à l'encontre de celle du marché intérieur européen? In A. Vanhuffel & F. Haumont (Eds.), Les implantations commerciales - État des lieux deux ans après la régionalisation (Collection de l’Association belge francophone pour le droit de l'aménagement du territoire et de l'urbanisme, pp. 23-56). Brussels, Belgium: Larcier. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2015). Le contentieux des actions en dommages et intérêts pour infraction au droit européen de la concurrence. Journal de Droit Européen, 386-394. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2015). De transactiebeslissing van het auditoraat van de Belgische mededingingsautoriteit in het supermarktendossier: een ‘hub & spoke’ compromis à la belge? Markt en Mededinging, 205-213. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (19 June 2015). European market regulation: yes, but only if … [Paper presentation]. Tenth International Workshop for Young Legal Scholars – WISH, Jouy-en-Josas, France. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (22 May 2015). Legal presumptions in abuse regulation: (where) do EU and U.S. antitrust approaches meet? [Paper presentation]. Tenth Academic Society for Competition Law Conference – Abuse Regulation, Tokyo, Japan. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2015). Review of Martin Pawlik, Das REACH-System und die Meroni-Doktrin. Ein imperfekter Quantensprung im Europäischen Verwaltungsverbund. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2013. 228 pages. ISBN: 978-3-8487-0160-5. EUR 59. Common Market Law Review, 52, 316-318. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2015). Effectiveness through fairness? Due process as an institutional precondition for effective decentralised EU competition law enforcement. In P. Nihoul & T. Skoczny (Eds.), Procedural fairness in competition proceedings (pp. 44-85). Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2015). Conduct of business rules in EU financial services regulation: behavioural rules devoid of behavioural analysis? In A. Alemanno & A.-L. Sibony (Ed.), Nudge and the Law: A European perspective (pp. 255-275). Oxford, United Kingdom: Hart Publishing. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2015). Citizens beyond the market? EU citizenship in the context of European economic and social integration. In S. Oliveira Pais (Ed.), EU citizenship. Challenges and Opportunities (pp. 97-128). Porto, Portugal: Universidade Catolica Editora. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2015). Associations of undertakings and their decisions in the wake of MasterCard. European Competition Law Review, 283-290. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., Van den Bogaert, S., Aalbers, M. (Other coll.), Weber, T. (Other coll.), & Borger, V. (Other coll.). (2015). Kroniek van het Europees Materieel Recht. Nederlandsch Juristenblad, 2511-2526. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (14 November 2014). Rethinking the N in NCA: Comment on Giorgio Monti’s keynote speech [Paper presentation]. Ten Years of Decentralized EU Competition Law Enforcement. Success or Failure?, fourth ACELG Conference, Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance, Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (31 October 2014). Preliminary rulings in decentralized EU energy law enforcement. Revisiting the Basics [Paper presentation]. EU Energy Law & Policy Workshop, Firenze, Italy. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2014). Inleiding tot en recente ontwikkelingen in het staatssteunrecht [Paper presentation]. Seminar organised for officials working in the regional Flemish administration, Brussels, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2014). Concurrentie in het hoger onderwijs: welke rol voor het (Europese) mededingingsrecht? ELSA Leiden Magazine, p. 3-6. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2014). Inleiding tot en recente ontwikkelingen in het staatssteunrecht [Paper presentation]. Seminar organised for officials working in the regional Flemish administration, Brussels, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (27 June 2014). Effectiveness through fairness? Due Process as institutional precondition to effective decentralised EU competition law enforcement [Paper presentation]. Ninth Academic Society for Competition Law Meeting – Procedural Fairness in Competition Proceedings, Warsaw, Poland. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2014). EU competition law and its relationship to the EU internal market : lessons for ASEAN ? [Paper presentation]. Course on EU and international law for a delegation of Thai judges, The Hague, Netherlands. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (15 May 2014). The relationship between private enforcement and national procedural autonomy [Paper presentation]. Private enforcement in EU competition law, Uppsala, Sweden. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2014). Review of State Aid and the European Economic Constitution by Francesco de Cecco. European Law Review, 39, 879-881. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2014). Procedural autonomy as integration-reinforcement. The Court of Justice of the European Union and national procedural choices. In W. Werner & L. Gruszczynski (Eds.), Deference in international courts and tribunals. Standard of review and margin of appreciation (pp. 175-191). Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2014). No privatisation in the service of fair competition? Article 345 TFEU and the market-state balance after Essent. European Law Review, 39, 264-275. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2014). Meroni circumvented? Article 114 TFEU and EU regulatory agencies. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 21, 64-88. doi:10.1177/1023263X1402100104 |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2014). Market supervision in the European Union. Integrated administration in constitutional context. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2014). Europeaniserend markttoezicht op zoek naar nieuwe evenwichten. Sociaal‐Economische Wetgeving: Tijdschrift voor Europees en Economisch Recht, 162-178. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2014). Efficient justice in the service of justiciable efficiency? Varieties of comprehensive judicial review in EU competition law enforcement. Competition Law Review, 10, 35-63. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2014). Article 101 TFEU and the EU Courts: adapting legal form to the realities of modernisation? Common Market Law Review, 51, 1381-1435. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2014). Adieu thuislandcontrole? Eengemaakt supranationaal toezicht op kredietinstellingen gevestigd in de Eurozone. Tijdschrift voor Rechtspersoon en Vennootschap - Revue pratique des sociétés, 89-114. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., & Devroe, W. (2014). The impact of EU Law General Principles on Private Law Relationships. In A. Hartkamp, C. Sieburgh, L. A. D. Keus, J. Kortmann, ... M. H. Wissink (Eds.), The influence of EU Law on national private law (Onderneming en Recht, pp. 187-218). Deventer, Netherlands: Kluwer Law International. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (13 December 2013). Conduct of business rules in EU financial services regulation: behavioural rules devoid of behavioural analysis? [Paper presentation]. Nudging Europe, Liège, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (28 November 2013). Towards institutional heteronomy? EU law and the structuring of national supervisory authorities’ [Paper presentation]. Ius Commune Conference - Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (31 October 2013). From ‘interference’ to post-national ‘solidarity’. Re-imagining transnational law in a post-crisis regionally integrated regulatory context [Paper presentation]. Law in a Changing Transnational World Workshop, Tel-Aviv, Israel. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (19 September 2013). Efficient justice in the service of justiciable efficiency? Converging supranationally structured litigation standards in national antitrust law and state aid disputes [Paper presentation]. Competition and State Aid Litigation – The Effect of Procedures on Substance, Competition Law Scholars Forum Conference, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2013). From shared competences to institutional heteronomy. The constitutional architecture of supranationally structured market supervision [Doctoral thesis, KU Leuven - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven]. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2013). Economic reasoning and the Courts across EU law [Paper presentation]. Common Law Society Summer School, Giant Mountains, Czechia. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (04 July 2013). United in institutional diversity? Consumer financial protection in the EU and U.S. and the road towards global institutional convergence [Paper presentation]. 14th International Association of Consumer Law Conference, Sydney, Australia. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (21 June 2013). Fragmented transnational solidarity conceptions and EU constitutional law in the wake of economic crisis [Paper presentation]. Legal Workshop: European Union, Solidarity in Question?, London, United Kingdom. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (03 June 2013). The political economy of supranational post-crisis governance and law [Paper presentation]. Harvard Institute for Global Law and Policy first Bi-Annual Conference, Cambridge, United States - Massachusetts. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (30 May 2013). The proposal for a financial transaction tax. Regulatory differentiation in the service of ‘fast track’ Europe [Paper presentation]. Between Flexibility and Disintegration – The State of EU Law Today, Maastricht, Netherlands. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (23 April 2013). Supranational recalibration of national (procedural) law [Paper presentation]. University of Exeter Staff Seminar, Exeter, United Kingdom. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (09 April 2013). Between delegation and attribution. Article 114 TFEU, integrated administration and the constitutional circumvention of the Meroni-judgment in the establishment of new EU regulatory agencies [Paper presentation]. International Graduate Legal Research Conference, King’s College London, London, United Kingdom. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (28 March 2013). Forging EU post-crisis institutional reform in the wake of constitutional heteronomy [Paper presentation]. 24th Annual Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, York, United Kingdom. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (27 March 2013). National courts as legitimising trendsetters: national institutional adaptations and strategic cooperation among judges in the shadow of EU constitutional law [Paper presentation]. 24th Annual Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, York, United Kingdom. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2013). “Onderling afgestemde feitelijke gedragingen” en de gebrekkige afstemming van Belgisch en Europees mededingingsrecht na Oxycure. In P. Wytinck, K. Geens, ... W. Devroe (Ed.), Mijlpalen uit het Belgisch mededingingsrecht geannoteerd. Liber Amicorum Jules Stuyck (pp. 106-147). Malines, Belgium: Wolters Kluwer. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2013). Insitutional assimilation in the wake of EU competition law decentralisation. Competition Law Review, 8 (3), 285-312. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2013). EU-rechtelijk gestructureerd nationaal mededingingstoezicht. Nationale institutionele autonomie steeds meer een illusie? Markt en Mededinging, 146-153. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., & Devroe, W. (2013). Internal Market, competition law and industrial policy. In M. De Visser & A.-P. van der Mei (Eds.), The Treaty on European Union 1993-2013: Reflections from Maastricht (pp. 429-450). Antwerp, Belgium: Intersentia. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (01 December 2012). Re-imagining transnational solidarity in post-crisis European Union law [Paper presentation]. Yale Law School Second Doctoral Conference, New Haven, United States - Connecticut. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (09 November 2012). The converging constitutional architecture of EU market supervision: EU competition law v. EU financial market regulation [Poster presentation]. Second Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance Conference, A New Role for the EU in Economic Governance. Lessons from emerging and existing models, Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (06 November 2012). European financial market supervision: a legal and economic perspective [Paper presentation]. Research Unit Economic Law Seminar, Leuven, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (26 October 2012). The European Court of Justice and national (procedural) choices: guided deference in the shadow of crypto-federalism [Paper presentation]. Standard of Review in International Courts and Tribunals. Rethinking the Fragmentation and Constitutionalization of International Law, Sevilla, Spain. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (29 June 2012). EU fundamental rights v. national procedural autonomy. The confusing constitutional status of positive procedural obligations in EU law [Paper presentation]. Third Conference on The Future of European Law and Policy Conference: Integration or Disintegration?, Birmingham, United Kingdom. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (06 June 2012). Institutional settlement: re-imagining EU substantive law methodology through the lenses of market supervision’ [Paper presentation]. Third Writing Workshop, Harvard Institute for Global Law and Policy Workshop, Cambridge, United States - Massachusetts. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (04 May 2012). A confusing constitutional status for positive procedural obligations in EU law [Paper presentation]. ACCA Young Belgian Researchers’ conference, Leuven, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (13 April 2012). The new institutional settlement in EU financial regulation: constitutionalizing regulatory coopetition? [Paper presentation]. 8th Inter-University Graduate Law Conference, Cornell Law School, Ithaca, United States - New York. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (30 March 2012). The converging dynamics of behavioural judicial analysis in comparative law [Paper presentation]. Second Annual Workshop on International and Comparative Law, St. Louis, MO, United States - Missouri. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (22 March 2012). Institutional assimilation in the wake of EU competition law decentralisation [Paper presentation]. Sixth Annual Postgraduate Workshop, UCD School of Law, Dublin, Ireland. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2012). The hearing officer's extended mandate: whose special friend in the conduct of EU competition proceedings? European Competition Law Review, 286-293. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2012). The confusing constitutional status of positive procedural obligations in EU law. Review of European Administrative Law, 81-100. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2012). Judicial protection against European financial supervisory authorities. ELSA Malta Law Review, 231-263. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2012). Judge-made standards of national procedure in the post-Lisbon constitutional framework. European Law Review, 37, 90-100. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2012). Constitutionalising comprehensively tailored judicial review in EU competition law. Columbia Journal of European Law, 519-547. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2012). Comment on Case C-69/10, Brahim Samba Diouf v. Ministre du Travail, de l’Emploi et de l’Immigration, Judgment of the Court of Justice (Second Chamber) of 28 July 2011, nyr. Common Market Law Review, 49, 327-348. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (08 December 2011). Comment: Global virtues, EU vices? European economic and social governance in a post-crisis atmosphere [Paper presentation]. The European Union's economic and social model - still viable in a global crisis?, Leeds, United Kingdom. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2011). Single entity tests in U.S. antitrust and EU competition law. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (06 June 2011). Europe’s alternative path to responsive law. EU financial and budgetary crisis management between enhanced integration and responsive transnationalism [Paper presentation]. Second Writing Workshop, Harvard Institute for Global Law and Policy Workshop, Cambridge, United States - Massachusetts. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (21 May 2011). Europeanised Market Supervision in Search for a Cross-Sector Constitutional Framework: financial regulation v. competition law [Paper presentation]. Ph.D Day Research Unit Economic Law, Leuven, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (10 May 2011). This time, Europe is different. European Union Financial Crisis Management at the crossroads of transnational law [Paper presentation]. Osgoode Hall GLSA Conference on Transnational Law and Global Governance, Osgoode Hall Law School, Toronto, Canada. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2011). Transforming shields into swords. The VEBIC judgment, adequate judicial protection standards and the emergence of procedural heteronomy in EU law. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 18, 511-547. doi:10.1177/1023263X1101800407 |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., & Devroe, W. (2011). Observations on Economic Governance and the Search for a European Economic Constitution. In D. Schiek, U. Liebert, ... H. Schneider (Eds.), European Social and Economic Constitutionalism after Lisbon (pp. 95-120). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511835193.007 |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2010). From obscuring transcendentalism to functional openness in European Court of Justice scholarship [Specialised master, Harvard University]. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2010). Individuele rechtsbescherming, Europese netwerken van nationale toezichthouders en Lamfalussy-Convergentie. Sociaal‐Economische Wetgeving: Tijdschrift voor Europees en Economisch Recht, 13-31. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2010). Europees financieel toezicht tussen droom en daad: Enkele alternatieve suggesties in het licht van de financiële crisis. Jura Falconis, 379-409. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (18 May 2009). European Financial Supervision in the wake crisis: An Alternative Alternative [Paper presentation]. Economic Law in Times of Economic Hardship Conference, Leuven, Belgium. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2009). Effective judicial protection against Lamfalussy "level 3" networks of national supervisory authorities [Master’s dissertation, KU Leuven - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven]. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2009). Gedragsregels in het financieel recht. Jura Falconis. |
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2009). European law in times of European governance. A legal theory inquiry into the doctrinal perceptions of European law and governance. Jura Falconis. |