Publications and communications of Lisa Baiwir

Baiwir, L., Dessart, L., & Delcourt, C. (2024). Consumer engagement with preventive health technologies: a double-edged sword for consumer wellbeing. Journal of Consumer Affairs. doi:10.1111/joca.12603

Baiwir, L., Dessart, L., & Delcourt, C. (18 December 2023). Immersion vs. achievement gamification mechanisms and their influence on consumer engagement and wellbeing [Paper presentation]. Journée du Marketing Belge Francophone, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.

Baiwir, L., Dessart, L., & Delcourt, C. (16 June 2023). The role of contrasting gamification mechanisms on consumer engagement, and its influence on consumer stress and wellbeing [Paper presentation]. Frontiers in Service, Maastricht, Netherlands.

Baiwir, L., Dessart, L., & Delcourt, C. (04 May 2023). Am I feeling better? Exploring the relationship between consumer engagement with preventive health technologies and wellbeing [Paper presentation]. HEC Liège Research Day, Liège, Belgium.

Dessart, L., & Baiwir, L. (2023). L'impact des technologies sur la santé (mentale) des jeunes.

Ernens, S., Delcourt, C., Dessart, L., & Baiwir, L. (December 2022). Frontline Employees’ Attitude Toward Embodied Social Robots In Customer Service: An Integrative Framework And Empirical Test. Journal of Service Management Research, 6 (4). doi:10.5771/2511-8676-2022-4

Baiwir, L., Dessart, L., & Delcourt, C. (05 September 2022). Customer engagement with preventive health technologie: can gamification be detrimental? [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Workshop on Gamification and Motivational Technologies (GAMOTEC).

Baiwir, L., Dessart, L., & Delcourt, C. (24 June 2022). Exploring the factors that drive customers to engage with preventive health technologies [Paper presentation]. Frontiers in Service 2022, Boston, United States - Massachusetts.

Baiwir, L., Dessart, L., & Delcourt, C. (2022). Exploring the factors that drive customers to engage with preventive health technologies [Paper presentation]. SERVSIG, Glasgow, United Kingdom.

Dessart, L., & Baiwir, L. (2021). Tourism in the time of VR [Paper presentation]. XR and the immersive economy, Glasgow, United Kingdom.

Baiwir, L., Dessart, L., & Delcourt, C. (23 April 2021). Customer Engagement with Preventive Health Technologies [Paper presentation]. Belgian Service Research Day, Belgium.

Baiwir, L. (2020). The use of virtual reality in the tourism sector: the mediating effect of episodic future thinking on consumers' attitudes and intentions [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.