Publications and communications of Christina Piot

Theses and dissertations

Master dissertations

Piot, C. (2019). Onderzoek naar de multimodale codering van motion events in het Frans en het Nederlands als T1 en T2 [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.


Articles and book chapters

Articles in journals with peer reviewing

Piot, C. (2022). Is Sylvester Pacing Up and Down or Is He Going Back and Forth? Onomasiological Analysis of the Multimodal Expression of Motion Events in French and Dutch as L1 and L2. I-LanD Journal, 2, 61-86. doi:10.26379/IL2022002_004

Articles in proceedings

Piot, C. (2022). Is Sylvester going away or is he walking away? The multimodal expression of motion events in French and Dutch as L1 and L2. Canadian Journal of Netherlandic Studies, 42 (2), 111-121.

Piot, C. (20 October 2021). De multimodale uitdrukking van motion events in het Frans en het Nederlands als T1 en T2: Pilootstudie. Handelingen van de Koninklijke Zuid-Nederlandse Maatschappij maatschappij voor Taal- en Letterkunde en Geschiedenis, 75 (1), 155-186. doi:10.21825/kzm.87032

Unpublished conferences and communications

Communications to congresses and symposiums

Perrez, J., & Piot, C. (16 May 2024). How do teachers adapt their multimodal behaviors when addressing L2 learners? An exploratory study [Paper presentation]. AFLiCo 9.

Piot, C. (08 August 2023). Is he pushing the cart to the tiger cage or is he going to the tiger cage with the cart? The multimodal expression of caused motion events in French and Dutch as L1 and L2 [Paper presentation]. 16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Düsseldorf, Germany.

Piot, C. (22 May 2023). L'expression multimodale des évènements de mouvement en français et néerlandais en tant que L1 et L2 [Paper presentation]. Journée annuelle des doctorants, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Piot, C., & Perrez, J. (31 March 2023). Spreken en gebaren over motion events in het Frans en Nederlands als T1 en T2 [Paper presentation]. NVT-net dag: Taal, communicatie en cognitie: van onderzoek naar onderwijs, Liège, Belgium.

Piot, C. (07 September 2022). Talking and gesturing about motion in L1 and L2 [Paper presentation]. Of Time and Space: cognitive, typological and multimodal perspectives, Lille, France.

Perrez, J., & Piot, C. (13 July 2022). Multimodal Foreigner Talk: An Exploratory Study in Classroom Interactions [Paper presentation]. ISGS 2022 Conference - Gesture: From Description to Application, Chicago, United States.

Piot, C. (15 May 2022). Gaat Sylvester weg of loopt hij weg? De multimodale uitdrukking van motion events in het Nederlands [Paper presentation]. CAANS 2022, Toronto (online), Canada.

Piot, C. (08 April 2022). Is Sylvester pacing up and down or is he going back and forth? Onomasiological analysis of the multimodal expression of motion events in French and Dutch as L1 and L2 [Paper presentation]. iGesto: Young Researchers’ Talks, (online), Portugal.

Piot, C. (03 June 2021). Multimodal Encoding of Motion Events in French and Dutch as L1 and L2 [Paper presentation]. Language for Specific Purposes, Professional Communication, Multimodality and Gesture Studies (LSPPC6), Hong Kong (online), China.

Piot, C. (24 April 2021). Multimodale codering van motion events in het Frans en het Nederlands als T1 en T2: Pilootstudie [Paper presentation]. Lentevergadering, Belgium.

Piot, C. (17 April 2021). Multimodal encoding of motion events in French and Dutch as L1 and L2 [Paper presentation]. Can Motion Event Construal be Taught or Restructured? Evidence from Bilinguals and L2 Learners, Reading, United Kingdom.

Piot, C. (16 October 2020). Onderzoek naar de multimodale codering van motion events in het Frans en het Nederlands als T1 en T2 [Paper presentation]. Journée de la Linguistique, Namur (online), Belgium.

Piot, C. (2020). Research on the multimodal encoding of motion events in French and Dutch as L1 and L2 [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Multimodal Communication, Osnabrück, Germany.

Conferences in universities or research centers

Piot, C. (30 April 2024). Taalkundig onderzoek vanuit een multimodaal perspectief: Ontwerp en analyse [Paper presentation]. Kwantitatieve Onderzoeksmethoden, Antwerpen, Belgium.

Piot, C. (28 February 2024). Is Sylvester pacing up and down or is he going back and forth? Onomasiological study of the multimodal expression of motion events in French and Dutch as L1 and L2 [Paper presentation]. Spoken language and gesture, VU, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Perrez, J., & Piot, C. (03 May 2023). La gestuelle au cours de et en langues étrangères [Paper presentation]. Didactique spéciale en langues et littératures modernes: Partim 1 (Université de Liège), Liège, Belgium.

Piot, C. (12 December 2022). Taalonderzoek vanuit een multimodaal perspectief [Paper presentation]. Linguistique synchronique a: Taal, ruimte en cognitie, Liège, Belgium.

Piot, C. (19 October 2022). Speaking and gesturing about motion events in L1 and L2 [Paper presentation]. Communication in Social Interaction Lab Meeting, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, Netherlands.

Piot, C. (15 September 2022). Speaking and gesturing about motion in L1 and L2 [Paper presentation]. Multimodal Language Department meeting, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, Netherlands.

Piot, C. (13 November 2020). De multimodale uitdrukking van motion events in het Frans en het Nederlands als T1 en T2 [Paper presentation]. Linguistique synchronique néerlandaise a: Ruimte, taal en cognitie.


Piot, C. (14 September 2023). What do co-speech gestures tell us about conceptualization? The case of caused motion events [Poster presentation]. GESPIN, Nijmegen, Netherlands.

Piot, C., Perrez, J., & Lemmens, M. (27 April 2023). Talking and gesturing about motion at different L2 proficiency levels [Poster presentation]. 1st International Multimodal Communication Symposium (MMSYM 2023), Barcelone, Spain.

Piot, C., Perrez, J., & Lemmens, M. (14 July 2022). Motion in speech and gesture in a CLIL context [Poster presentation]. ISGS 2022 Conference - Gesture: From Description to Application, Chicago, United States.

Conferences given outside the academic context

Piot, C. (2024). Langue et gestes: une symphonie insoupçonnée [Paper presentation]. Ma thèse en 180 secondes, Liège, Belgium.

Piot, C. (2023). Waarom heb ik jullie gevraagd om een aflevering van Tweety & Sylvester na te vertellen? De toelichting [Paper presentation]. Présentation des objectifs de la recherche aux participant·es.