Riga, D. (In press). Repenser la Belt and Road Initiative - Une lecture diachronique de la projection économique chinoise. The Journal of Cross-Regional Dialogues. |
Lika, L., & Riga, D. (Eds.). (2025). EU Geopolitical Actorness in a Changing World. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. |
Lika, L., & Riga, D. (2025). Conclusion: Assessment of the EU Geopolitical Actorness in a Shifting World Order. In L. Lika & D. Riga, EU Geopolitical Actorness in a Changing World. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. |
Riga, D., & Lika, L. (2025). Introduction: EU Actorness in Transition. In L. Lika & D. Riga, EU Geopolitical Actorness in a Changing World. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. |
Riga, D. (2024). Navigating Regionalism in a Heterarchical Global Order. In Advances in Public Policy and Administration. IGI Global. doi:10.4018/979-8-3693-3563-5.ch008 |
Riga, D. (2024). Heterarchy in World Politics, by Philip G. Cerny (ed.), London, Routledge, 2023. The Journal of Cross-Regional Dialogues. |
Psychogiopoulou, E., Samaras, A., Comerma, L., Vlassis, A., & Riga, D. (2024). Competitiveness in European law: the case of the European Film Industry. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/324358 |
Riga, D. (2024). Une troisième vague d'autocratisation ? Changement et complexification de l'autoritarianisme africain. (ULiège - Université de Liège [Droit], Liège, Belgium). |
Riga, D. (2024). Origins, goals and effects of EU law and policy in the online music sector. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/323289 |
Riga, D. (2024). Major Powers’ Indo-Pacific Strategy [Paper presentation]. EISA PEC 2024, Lille, France. |
Riga, D. (2024). ISA 2024 Annual Convention, San Francisco: (Slot Code: WB13) Constituting Heterarchy Part.1: Exploring the Structures of Unevenness and Complexity in World Politic [Paper presentation]. ISA 2024, San Francisco, United States - California. |
Riga, D. (2024). Geopoliticization of EU trade policy: Assessing the scope of EU renew assertiveness in the Indo-Pacific [Paper presentation]. ICAS 13, Surabaya, Indonesia. |
Riga, D. (2024). Geopoliticisation of EU trade policy: Assessing the origins of EU renew assertiveness in global trade [Paper presentation]. SGUE 2024, Lisbonne, Portugal. |
Riga, D. (2024). Competitiveness in European law. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/323290 |
Riga, D.* , & Bricart, V.*. (2023). La planification. In A. Vlassis & G. Grandjean, Réaliser un travail scientifique. Instruments et processus en sciences politiques et sociales (pp. 163-176). Liège, Belgium: Presses Universitaires de Liège. * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Riga, D. (2023). Transnational actors in global politics. |
Riga, D. (2023). The Ultimate Socialization Failure? An Assessment of Ukrainian War Impact over the EU-China Trade Relations [Paper presentation]. Annual Congress of the International Studies Association (ISA 2023), Montreal, Canada. |
Riga, D. (2023). Heterarchy as a systemic feature empowering regionalism - case study of EU negotiations for a comprehensive agreement on investment negotiations with China [Paper presentation]. 6th international congress of the International Public Policy Association (IPPA6), Toronto, Canada. |
Riga, D. (2023). Decoding the EU's Multifaceted Approach to China: Unraveling Complex Strategies and Collaborative Dynamics [Paper presentation]. International relations of the European Union, liège, Belgium. |
Riga, D. (2023). Comparative regionalism. |
Riga, D. (2023). China and European Union as Systemic Rival: Assessing Alternative Model Promotion in Western Balkans [Paper presentation]. 27th World Congress of Political Science (IPSA 2023), Buenos Aires, Argentina. |
Riga, D. (2022). Socialization through Interregional Relations:EU’s Normative Power in its Dialogue with China. In Asia Focus. Amsterdam University Press. doi:10.5117/9789048557820/icas.2022.067 |
Riga, D. (2022). La Chine, rivale systémique ou partenaire stratégique? ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/299685. |
Riga, D. (2022). Introduction to International Political Economy [Paper presentation]. Cours - Conférence : SPOL0969-1 Introduction to international relations, Liège, Belgium. |
Riga, D. (2022). Eu's normative power in its dialogue with China: free trade norm in shifting global economic order [Paper presentation]. 2022 Annual Congress of European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), Innsbruck, Austria. |
Riga, D. (2022). China as a systemic rival for European Union : Model projection in Western Balkans [Paper presentation]. ATINER - 19th Annual International Conference on Politics & International Studies, Athènes, Greece. |
Riga, D. (2022). China as a new game changer: a geostrategic outlook [Paper presentation]. Cours-Conférence -Introduction to Geopolitics, Le Havre, France. |
Riga, D. (08 April 2021). Les nouvelles routes de la soie, quel impact sur l'ordre international ? Une vision critique du corridor sino-pakistanais [Paper presentation]. Congrès ABSP - COSPOF, Belgium. |
Riga, D. (2021). Les Balkans occidentaux, à la croisée entre politique européenne d'intégration et Belt and Road Initiative [Paper presentation]. Cours-Conférence: SPOL3012-1 Questions approfondies de sciences politiques, en relations internationales. |
Riga, D. (2021). La Chine: Les nouvelles routes de la Soie [Paper presentation]. Podcast - Devcast. |
Riga, D. (2021). Identity clash through interregional economic relations: the case of China-European Union investment negotiations [Paper presentation]. 12th International Congress of Asian Schoolars (ICAS 12), Kyoto, Japan. |
Riga, D., & Michel Kempeneers. (2020). L'e-commerce, un phénomène souvent mal compris. Bruxelles, Belgium: L'Echo. |
Riga, D. (2019). Les nouvelles routes de la soie: Projet sino-centré ou projet d'hégémonie. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/240594. |
Riga, D. (2019). New perspectives on the Belt and Road Initiative beyond doctrinal debates. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/240579. |
Riga, D. (2019). The Sino-Pakistani cooperation: a geostrategic vision of the BRI ? [Paper presentation]. Belgian China Studies Newtork - China's Future: Domestic and International Contradictions and Challenge. |