Publications and communications of Dealan Riga

Riga, D. (In press). Repenser la Belt and Road Initiative - Une lecture diachronique de la projection économique chinoise. The Journal of Cross-Regional Dialogues.

Lika, L., & Riga, D. (Eds.). (2025). EU Geopolitical Actorness in a Changing World. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

Lika, L., & Riga, D. (2025). Conclusion: Assessment of the EU Geopolitical Actorness in a Shifting World Order. In L. Lika & D. Riga, EU Geopolitical Actorness in a Changing World. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

Riga, D., & Lika, L. (2025). Introduction: EU Actorness in Transition. In L. Lika & D. Riga, EU Geopolitical Actorness in a Changing World. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

Riga, D. (2024). Navigating Regionalism in a Heterarchical Global Order. In Advances in Public Policy and Administration. IGI Global. doi:10.4018/979-8-3693-3563-5.ch008

Riga, D. (2024). Heterarchy in World Politics, by Philip G. Cerny (ed.), London, Routledge, 2023. The Journal of Cross-Regional Dialogues.

Psychogiopoulou, E., Samaras, A., Comerma, L., Vlassis, A., & Riga, D. (2024). Competitiveness in European law: the case of the European Film Industry.

Riga, D. (2024). Une troisième vague d'autocratisation ? Changement et complexification de l'autoritarianisme africain. (ULiège - Université de Liège [Droit], Liège, Belgium).

Riga, D. (2024). Origins, goals and effects of EU law and policy in the online music sector.

Riga, D. (2024). Major Powers’ Indo-Pacific Strategy [Paper presentation]. EISA PEC 2024, Lille, France.

Riga, D. (2024). ISA 2024 Annual Convention, San Francisco: (Slot Code: WB13) Constituting Heterarchy Part.1: Exploring the Structures of Unevenness and Complexity in World Politic [Paper presentation]. ISA 2024, San Francisco, United States - California.

Riga, D. (2024). Geopoliticization of EU trade policy: Assessing the scope of EU renew assertiveness in the Indo-Pacific [Paper presentation]. ICAS 13, Surabaya, Indonesia.

Riga, D. (2024). Geopoliticisation of EU trade policy: Assessing the origins of EU renew assertiveness in global trade [Paper presentation]. SGUE 2024, Lisbonne, Portugal.

Riga, D. (2024). Competitiveness in European law.

Riga, D.* , & Bricart, V.*. (2023). La planification. In A. Vlassis & G. Grandjean, Réaliser un travail scientifique. Instruments et processus en sciences politiques et sociales (pp. 163-176). Liège, Belgium: Presses Universitaires de Liège.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Riga, D. (2023). Transnational actors in global politics.

Riga, D. (2023). The Ultimate Socialization Failure? An Assessment of Ukrainian War Impact over the EU-China Trade Relations [Paper presentation]. Annual Congress of the International Studies Association (ISA 2023), Montreal, Canada.

Riga, D. (2023). Heterarchy as a systemic feature empowering regionalism - case study of EU negotiations for a comprehensive agreement on investment negotiations with China [Paper presentation]. 6th international congress of the International Public Policy Association (IPPA6), Toronto, Canada.

Riga, D. (2023). Decoding the EU's Multifaceted Approach to China: Unraveling Complex Strategies and Collaborative Dynamics [Paper presentation]. International relations of the European Union, liège, Belgium.

Riga, D. (2023). Comparative regionalism.

Riga, D. (2023). China and European Union as Systemic Rival: Assessing Alternative Model Promotion in Western Balkans [Paper presentation]. 27th World Congress of Political Science (IPSA 2023), Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Riga, D. (2022). Socialization through Interregional Relations:EU’s Normative Power in its Dialogue with China. In Asia Focus. Amsterdam University Press. doi:10.5117/9789048557820/icas.2022.067

Riga, D. (2022). La Chine, rivale systémique ou partenaire stratégique? ORBi-University of Liège.

Riga, D. (2022). Introduction to International Political Economy [Paper presentation]. Cours - Conférence : SPOL0969-1 Introduction to international relations, Liège, Belgium.

Riga, D. (2022). Eu's normative power in its dialogue with China: free trade norm in shifting global economic order [Paper presentation]. 2022 Annual Congress of European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), Innsbruck, Austria.

Riga, D. (2022). China as a systemic rival for European Union : Model projection in Western Balkans [Paper presentation]. ATINER - 19th Annual International Conference on Politics & International Studies, Athènes, Greece.

Riga, D. (2022). China as a new game changer: a geostrategic outlook [Paper presentation]. Cours-Conférence -Introduction to Geopolitics, Le Havre, France.

Riga, D. (08 April 2021). Les nouvelles routes de la soie, quel impact sur l'ordre international ? Une vision critique du corridor sino-pakistanais [Paper presentation]. Congrès ABSP - COSPOF, Belgium.

Riga, D. (2021). Les Balkans occidentaux, à la croisée entre politique européenne d'intégration et Belt and Road Initiative [Paper presentation]. Cours-Conférence: SPOL3012-1 Questions approfondies de sciences politiques, en relations internationales.

Riga, D. (2021). La Chine: Les nouvelles routes de la Soie [Paper presentation]. Podcast - Devcast.

Riga, D. (2021). Identity clash through interregional economic relations: the case of China-European Union investment negotiations [Paper presentation]. 12th International Congress of Asian Schoolars (ICAS 12), Kyoto, Japan.

Riga, D., & Michel Kempeneers. (2020). L'e-commerce, un phénomène souvent mal compris. Bruxelles, Belgium: L'Echo.

Riga, D. (2019). Les nouvelles routes de la soie: Projet sino-centré ou projet d'hégémonie. ORBi-University of Liège.

Riga, D. (2019). New perspectives on the Belt and Road Initiative beyond doctrinal debates. ORBi-University of Liège.

Riga, D. (2019). The Sino-Pakistani cooperation: a geostrategic vision of the BRI ? [Paper presentation]. Belgian China Studies Newtork - China's Future: Domestic and International Contradictions and Challenge.