Publications and communications of Shannon Damery

Aksezer, E. A., Arslan, S., Bagić, D., Clarebout, A., Damery, S., Demiryontar, B., Mescoli, E., & Tomić, T. V. (2024). Post-industrial Transitions in Superdiverse Cities. In Applied Innovation and Technology Management (pp. 91-105). Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-75649-8_7

Clarebout, A., & Damery, S. (30 June 2021). Migrant associations as a springboard for the inclusion of newcomers: the cases of two Belgian cities [Paper presentation]. Congress of the Swiss Sociological Association (SSA) : "SOCIAL JUSTICE IN TIMES OF UNCERTAINTY", Genève, Switzerland.

Damery, S. (2021). Home without family, family without home: Young migrants’ experiences of home and relationships in the city of Brussels. In M. Montero-Sieburth, R. Mas Giralt, N. Garcia-Arjona, ... J. Eguren (Eds.), Family Practice in Migration: Everyday Lives and Relationships (pp. 103-120). Abingdon, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom: Routledge.

Mazzola, A., & Damery, S. (11 March 2021). Accidental Activists When Cultural and Artistic Practices Become Unintentionally Impactful [Paper presentation]. ESA-Arts 2021, Helsinki, Finland.

Damery, S. (2020). At home 'outside': Young migrants aligning their ‘home orbits’ in the city of Brussels [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Damery, S. (04 December 2020). Initial Outcomes from the H2020 CHILD UP project: An overview of migrant children’s integration and educational challenges and the corresponding local-level best practices in seven selected European countries [Paper presentation]. Local dimension of children’s migrations and its impact on EU integration policy, krakow, Poland.

Damery, S. (November 2020). Roma music, migrant music, or music for all? [Paper presentation]. Global Migrant Festival.

Damery, S. (25 August 2020). Supporting the Work of Refugee Support Workers: The Training Needs of Professionals in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine (TREE project findings) [Paper presentation]. ECPR General Conference.

Damery, S. (2020). Obstacles and Opportunities in the Integration of Migrant-Background Children in Schools – CHILD UP Practice Analysis. CHILD UP.

Damery, S., & di Napoli, E. (2020). CHILD UP - Report on Legislation. CHILD-UP.

Damery, S. (September 2019). Homeless in the house of God? An investigation of home and homelessness among undocumented migrants living in a Brussels church. Migration Studies, 7 (3), 323–339.

Damery, S. (2019). TREE PROJECT – PRACTICE ANALYSIS: Research Findings and Analysis of Practices and Training Needs among Refugee Support Workers in four sub-regions of Meuse-Rhine Euroregion. INTERREG TREE.

Damery, S. (2019). TREE PROJECT – INTEGRATION CONTEXT ANALYSIS: Overview of Asylum and Integration Policies in four sub-regions of the MeuseRhine Euroregion and the Obstacles to the Implementation of New Training Measures. INTERREG TREE.

Damery, S., & Mescoli, E. (2019). Harnessing visibility and invisibility through arts practices: Ethnographic case studies with migrant performers in Belgium. Arts. doi:10.3390/arts8020049

Mazzola, A., & Damery, S. (August 2018). Accidental Activists: When arts practices are unintentionally political [Paper presentation]. ECPR Annual Conference 2018, Hamburg, Germany.

Mazzola, A., Martiniello, M., Mescoli, E., & Damery, S. (August 2018). Multi-level governance of asylum seeker and refugee’s integration: examples from Belgium [Paper presentation]. ECPR Annual Conference 2018, Hamburg, Germany.

Vivas Romero, M., & Damery, S. (06 October 2017). Ethics and positionality in migration and ethnic studies [Paper presentation]. Guest Lecture for the Course: Methods in Migration Studies, Liege, Belgium.

Damery, S. (28 June 2017). ‘Personal places in public spaces: Migrant experiences of home at the street level [Paper presentation]. Migration, Diversity and the City - 14th IMISCOE Annual Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Damery, S. (05 June 2017). Finding homes beyond houses: An exploration of methodology in researching migrant experiences of home at the city-level [Paper presentation]. RESEARCHING HOME AND MIGRATION QUESTIONS, METHODS, PROSPECTS: An international workshop within the ERC HOMInG Project, Trento, Italy.

Damery, S. (20 August 2015). Unimaginable returns: Young migrants’ home connections in the face of forced deportation [Paper presentation]. PREMIG 2015: Thinking about going ‘home’ Engaging with scenarios of return migration, Oslo, Norway.

Damery, S. (29 August 2014). 'Going Home': The reality of imagined connections among young migrants in Belgium [Paper presentation]. IMISCOE 11th Annual Conference: Immigration, social cohesion, and social innovation, Madrid, Spain.