Publications and communications of Céline Leclercq

Leclercq, C., & Hansez, I. (03 December 2024). Temporal Stages of Burnout: How to Design Prevention? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21 (12), 1617. doi:10.3390/ijerph21121617

Pirsoul, T., Parmentier, M., Durieux, N., Hansez, I., Leclercq, C., Vleugels, W., & Pichault, F. (2024). Cartographie des initiatives en santé mentale et travail en Belgique.

Leclercq, C., & Hansez, I. (06 June 2024). Identification of health professionals needs for Occupational Clinic consultations [Poster presentation]. 16th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology.

Leclercq, C., & Hansez, I. (20 July 2023). Le syndrome d’épuisement professionnel selon une perspective temporelle en 4 stades [Paper presentation]. AIPTLF 2023, Montréal, Canada.

Leclercq, C., & Hansez, I. (26 May 2023). Professionalisation of the occupational clinician: towards a competence profile [Paper presentation]. EAWOP 2023, Katowice, Poland.

Babic, A., Marzucco, L., Bodarwe, M., Bourguignon, M., Laurent, J., & Leclercq, C. (2023). Event justice and social entity justice: A cross-lagged analysis. European Review of Applied Psychology. doi:10.1016/j.erap.2022.100796

Leclercq, C., Bodarwe, M., & Hansez, I. (03 June 2022). Construction of a psychosocial risks diagnostic tool based on a psychodynamic work perspective (PWP) [Poster presentation]. 2022 Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association of Psychological Sciences, Leuven, Belgium.

Babic, A., Leclercq, C., Miesse, F., & Hansez, I. (2021). CONFINEMENT LIÉ A LA CRISE SANITAIRE COVID-19 : IMPACT DU TÉLÉTRAVAIL CONTRAINT SUR LE BIEN-ÊTRE ET LA PERFORMANCE. In M.-E. Bobillier Chaumon, B. Gangloff, P. Gilbert, ... A.-M. Vonthron, Les incidences psycho-sociales et socio-organisationnelles de la crise sanitaire Covid sur le travail et la santé des salariés. Harmattan.

Leclercq, C., Philippe, E., Laurent, J., Peters, S., Burlet, A., Firket, P., & Hansez, I. (10 June 2021). Élaborer un référentiel de compétences : réalisation de focus-groupes et analyse par la méthode Sens-Processus-Contenu [Paper presentation]. 6ème Colloque International Francophone de Recherche Qualitative (RIFREQ), Montpellier, France.

Leclercq, C., Braeckman, L., Firket, P., Babic, A., & Hansez, I. (2021). Interest of a Joint Use of Two Diagnostic Tools of Burnout: Comparison between the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory and the Early Detection Tool of Burnout Completed by Physicians. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (19), 10544. doi:10.3390/ijerph181910544

Leclercq, C., Philippe, E., Laurent, J., Peters, S., Burlet, A., Firket, P., & Hansez, I. (September 2020). Competence profile for the occupational clinician [Paper presentation]. The 14th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference, Nicosie, Cyprus.

Braeckman, L., Hansez, I., Leclercq, C., Rusu, D., Firket, P., & Van den Cruyce, N. (2020). Vroegtijdige detectie van burn-out: het belang van het gezamenlijke gebruik van twee diagnostische hulpmiddelen. Tijdschrift Klinische Psychologie, 50 (4), 296-311.

Leclercq, C., D'Hulster, L., Braeckman, L., Firket, P., Laurent, J., & Hansez, I. (May 2019). Comparison of the OLBI/UBOS and the early detection tool of burnout [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences (BAPS), Liège, Belgium.

Leclercq, C., Jemine, M., D'Hulster, L., Braeckman, L., Firket, P., Laurent, J., & Hansez, I. (May 2019). Interest of a joint use of two diagnotic tools of burnout: comparison between clinical judgements from physicians and scores from a self-reported measure of burnout [Poster presentation]. XIXth EAWOP Congress, Torino, Italy.