Publications and communications of Alessandro Mazzola

Mazzola, A. (2024). “I Like It but That's Not What We Need”: Critical Ethnographic Accounts of Art Workshops in Refugee Reception Centres. In Cathrine Bublatzky, Burcu Dogramaci, Kerstin Pinther, ... Mona Schieren (Eds.), Entangled Histories of Art and Migration Theories, Sites and Research Methods (pp. 27-37). Bristol, United Kingdom: Intellect.

Mazzola, A. (2022). Quelle politique migratoire pour l’Italie de Giorgia Meloni ? The Conversation.

Mazzola, A., & De Backer, M. (May 2021). Solidarity with vulnerable migrants during and beyond the state of crisis. Culture, Practice & Europeanization, 6 (1), 55-69.

Mazzola, A., & De Backer, M. (08 April 2021). Solidarity towards migrants during the Covid-19 pandemic. Creative solutions half between civil society initiatives and the state [Paper presentation]. ABSP Congress 2021, Brussels, Belgium.

Mazzola, A., & Sloboda, J. (17 March 2021). Music for social impact: an international comparative study of musician practitioners [Paper presentation]. Research Seminar, Manchester, United Kingdom.

Mazzola, A., & Damery, S. (11 March 2021). Accidental Activists When Cultural and Artistic Practices Become Unintentionally Impactful [Paper presentation]. ESA-Arts 2021, Helsinki, Finland.

De Backer, M., & Mazzola, A. (2021). Liminal spaces of migrant reception in times of crisis. Social Cartographies, 10-11 (V/VI), 143-156.

Mazzola, A., & Martiniello, M. (Other coll.). (2021). Migrazioni, porti chiusi e società aperte in Italia. In B. Bonciani, L. Bordato, ... E. Giovene Di Girasole (Eds.), Dialoghi tra porto e città nell'epoca della globalizzazione. Per un approccio multidisciplinare alle sfide della portualità (Fondazione Aldo Della Rocca, pp. 283-290). Ariccia, Italy: Aracne.

Mazzola, A., & Martiniello, M. (2021). Covid-19 and the live music sector. Coping Strategies and Forgotten Professions. Social Cartographies, 10-11 (V/VI), 165-178.

Mazzola, A. (21 December 2020). Plans d'action pour la lutte contre le racisme. Forces et faiblesses. IMAG Le magazine de l'interculturel, n°354 (décembre 2020), p. 14-17.

Mazzola, A. (December 2020). « I like it but that’s not what we need ». A critical analysis of participatory music projects in refugee reception centres [Paper presentation]. Fifth Research Symposium on Social Impact of Making Music Brussels.

Mazzola, A., & Roblain, A. (2020). La santé mentale est un enjeu crucial des migrations contemporaines. The Conversation.

Mazzola, A., & Martiniello, M. (2020). Virus et migration: l’impossible protection. Espace de Libertés: Magazine du Centre d'Action Laïque, (492), p. 50-53.

Martiniello, M., & Mazzola, A. (2020). La musique adoucit-elle le confinement ? The Conversation.

Mazzola, A., & Martiniello, M. (2020). Le Covid-19 brise les fragiles solidarités avec les réfugiés. The Conversation.

Martiniello, M., & Mazzola, A. (2020). Nouveaux mouvements antiracistes: importation américaine ou modèle européen ? The Conversation.

Mazzola, A. (2020). Belgium. In T. Wilson, Europe: An Encyclopedia of Culture and Society. Santa Barbara, United States - California: ABC-CLIO.

Mazzola, A., & Martiniello, M. (2020). How Covid-19 breaks down solidarity with migrants. The Conversation.

Sloboda, J., Baker, G., De bisschop, A., Karttunen, S., Mazzola, A., Rojas, J. S., Van Zijl, A., Westerlund, H., & Zapata Restrepo, G. (2020). Music for Social Impact: An overview of context, policy and activity in four countries, Belgium, Colombia, Finland, and the UK. Finnish Journal of Music Education (The), 23 (1 & 2), 116-143.

Rea, A., Martiniello, M., Mazzola, A., & Meuleman, B. (Eds.). (2019). The refugee reception crisis in Europe. Polarized opinions and mobilizations. Brussels, Belgium: ULB Press. doi:10.26530/OAPEN_1005529

Kováts, A., & Mazzola, A. (2019). The Reception of Refugees and the Reactions of the Local Population in Hungary. In A. Rea, M. Martiniello, A. Mazzola, ... B. Meuleman, The refugee reception crisis in Europe. Polarized opinions and mobilizations. ULB Press.

Mescoli, E., Marije, R., Elien, D., Hondeghem, A., Mazzola, A., Antoine, R., & Andrea, R. (2019). Mobilizations and Opinions Regarding Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Undocumented Migrants in Belgium: Frames, Motivations and Actions. In A. Rea, M. Martiniello, A. Mazzola, ... B. Meuleman, The refugee reception crisis in Europe. Polarized opinions and mobilizations. ULB Press.

Mazzola, A., & Rea, A. (07 September 2019). Public opinion and forms of mobilisation concerning asylum seekers and refugees in anti-immigrant times [Paper presentation]. ECPR 2019 General Conference, Wroclaw, Poland.

Mazzola, A. (28 July 2019). The refugee reception crisis in Europe. Polarized opinions and mobilizations [Paper presentation]. IMISCOE Annual Conference 2019, Malmö, Sweden.

Mazzola, A. (2019). La neo-mobilità giovanile italiana in Belgio [Paper presentation]. Presentazione Rapporto Italiani nel mondo 2018, Charleroi, Belgium.

Mazzola, A. (2019). Cultural, ethnic and political dimensions of Mediterraneaness in Neapolitan contemporary music. From a discursive transformation in sounds and lyrics to mobilization against Salvini's Lega. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 42 (6). doi:10.1080/01419870.2019.1562195

Mazzola, A. (2019). Belgium: Modern and contemporary performance practice. In J. L. Sturman, The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Music and Culture (pp. 340-342). Thousand Oaks, United States: SAGE. doi:10.4135/9781483317731.n97

Mazzola, A. (2019). Belgium: History, Culture and Geography of Music. In J. L. Sturman (Ed.), The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Music and Culture (pp. 337-339). Thousand Oaks, United States: SAGE. doi:10.4135/9781483317731.n96

Mazzola, A., Martiniello, M., & Mescoli, E. (2019). Le comunità Italiane in Belgio. Nascita, trasformazione e ritorno delgi stereotipi.

Rea, A., Martiniello, M., Mazzola, A., & Meuleman, B. (2019). The Refugee Reception Crisis in Europe. Polarized Opinions and Mobilizations. In A. Rea, M. Martiniello, A. Mazzola, ... B. Meuleman (Eds.), The Refugee Reception Crisis in Europe (pp. 11-30). Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles.

Mazzola, A. (05 December 2018). Terroni Uniti: on how music provides spaces for solidarity towards newcomers, and fosters mobilization against Salvini's Lega [Paper presentation]. On the Threshold of the Future The Societal Dimensions of Arts, Berlin, Germany.

Mazzola, A. (2018). The Paradoxes of Music Diplomacy in a Federal Country. A Case Study from Flanders, Belgium. In M. Dunkel & S. Nitzsche, Popular Music and Public Diplomacy. Transnational and Transdisciplinary Perspectives (pp. 49-68). Bielefeld, Germany: Transcript Verlag. doi:10.14361/9783839443583-004

Mazzola, A., & Damery, S. (August 2018). Accidental Activists: When arts practices are unintentionally political [Paper presentation]. ECPR Annual Conference 2018, Hamburg, Germany.

Mazzola, A., Martiniello, M., Mescoli, E., & Damery, S. (August 2018). Multi-level governance of asylum seeker and refugee’s integration: examples from Belgium [Paper presentation]. ECPR Annual Conference 2018, Hamburg, Germany.

Mazzola, A. (18 July 2018). The impact of cultural projects on the discoursive normalization and integration of refugees in Belgium’s society and policy system: problems and issues from two cases in Wallonia [Paper presentation]. XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Toronto, Canada.

Mazzola, A., Martiniello, M., & Mescoli, E. (June 2018). Forms of Mobilization for the Reception and Integration of Asylum Seekers. Ethnographies from two cases in Wallonia, French-speaking Belgium [Paper presentation]. 7th Ethnography and Qualitative Research Conference, Bergamo, Italy.

Mazzola, A., & Mandin, J. (23 February 2018). Prima gli Italiani. The new Lega at the intersection of banal nationalism, neo-Fascism and selective populism [Paper presentation]. Right-Wing Populism and Extreme Right in Europe: between Revolution, Adjustment and Banalization, Liège, Belgium.

Mazzola, A., Mescoli, E., & Martiniello, M. (2018). In Belgio. Mulino (Il) : Rivista Mensile di Attualità e Cultura, 6 (18), 165-169. doi:10.1402/91975

Mazzola, A., Mescoli, E., & Martiniello, M. (2018). I profili della neo-mobilità giovanile italiana in Belgio.

Mazzola, A. (29 June 2017). Welcome Refugees Napoli is Your Home. On how cultural experiences can structure collective solidarity and inclusion [Paper presentation]. 2017 IMISCOE Annual Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Mazzola, A. (2017). United we fall, divided we sing. An empirical study of the political role of music in Flanders (Belgium) and Southern Italy [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Martiniello, M., Mazzola, A., & Rea, A. (2017). La nuova immigrazione italiana in Belgio. Studi Emigrazione, LIV (207), 440-450.

Mazzola, A. (2017). Neomelodica Music: Formal, Informal and Criminal Dimensions of Naples’ Marginalised Entertainment Industry. European Review of Organised Crime, 1 (4), 84-105.

Mazzola, A. (2016). Art, musique et intégration des réfugiés. Le cas de Naples en Italie [Paper presentation]. Regards croisés sur l'immigration en Europe: du terrain de recherche au plateau de théâtre, Théâtre de la Passerelle - Gap, France.

Mazzola, A. (2016). Flussi Migratori [Paper presentation]. Alessandro Mazzola, Brussels, Belgium.

Mazzola, A., & Mandin, J. (2016). (Re)producing others: diversity and discrimination in the discourse of Northern League. In J. Jamin (Ed.), L'extrême droite en Europe (pp. 145-164). Bruylant.

Mazzola, A. (06 May 2016). From neo-orientalism to political activism. Folk music and the representation of a pan-Mediterranean identity in Naples [Paper presentation]. MUSIC, MIGRANTS AND THE CITY: A transatlantic dialogue.

Mazzola, A. (22 April 2016). The music of a better people. Reassessing the role of culture in the political-economic regionalist conflict in Belgium and Italy [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Doctoral Annuel, Brussels, Belgium.

Mazzola, A. (2016). The Flemish Lion Singing: Community imagination and historical legitimisation of nationalism at the 76th Flemish National Song Festival. Music and Arts in Action, 5 (2).

Mazzola, A. (06 November 2015). ‘Our Country is a Neighbouring Country’: The Paradoxes of Flemish Music Diplomacy in Federal Belgium [Paper presentation]. Popular Music and Public Diplomacy, Dortmund, Germany.

Mazzola, A. (04 September 2015). As Brigands we die: Folk music, cultural identity and the Southern Question in Italian contemporary politics [Paper presentation]. 3rd Annual International on Identity and Culture, Skopje, North Macedonia.

Mazzola, A. (27 August 2015). “This is not a stroke of our folk” Rap music, nationalism and social hierarchies in Flanders (Belgium) [Paper presentation]. 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Prague, Czechia.

Mazzola, A. (12 May 2015). Flemish nationalism and hip-hop in Belgium Politics v/s music between ethnicity and class [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Doctoral Annuel, Liège, Belgium.

Mazzola, A. (2015). Neomelodici, tamarri e camorristi. Frammenti giornalistici ed etnografici sui figli della Gomorra che fu "canzone". In S. Ferraro, Discorsi su Napoli. Rappresentazioni della città tra eccessi e difetti (pp. 115-141). Ariccia, Italy: Aracne editrice.

Mazzola, A. (2014). Music and Cultural Projects. The sense of doing music in a divided society [Paper presentation]. Current debates in migration and ethnic studies
- Music, Identity and Ethnicity (dir. by Marco Martiniello), Liège, Belgium.

Mazzola, A. (24 October 2014). Performing Diversity: Phenomenology of the Vlaams Nationaal Zangfeest [Paper presentation]. International Graduate Student Conference - IDENTITIES -­‐ AN INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH, Istanbul, Turkey.

Mazzola, A. (02 July 2014). From multiculturalism to ethnic nationalism Flanders between community conflict and the rise of the (far)right [Paper presentation]. ATELIERS D'ÉTÉ 2014 «VOUS AVEZ DIT MULTICULTUREL?», Lunéville (Nancy), France.

Mazzola, A. (08 May 2014). Ethnicized diversity / Institutional ethnicity. On the legitimation of separatism in Italy and Belgium [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Doctoral Annuel, Louvain la Neuve, Belgium.

Mazzola, A. (05 December 2013). The musical resignification. Phenomenology of the Vlaams Nationaal Zangfeest [Paper presentation]. YOUTH (SUB)CULTURES: DOWNLOAD THE DRIVERS From Art of Resistance to Creative Innovation, Antwerp, Belgium.

Mazzola, A. (03 May 2013). Music and Difference, The invention of musical tradition in Flanders and southern Italy [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Doctoral Migrations et diversité culturelle, Brussels, Belgium.

Mazzola, A. (26 March 2013). Music for rebellion. Music and musical practices as forms of resistance and protest in Belgium and Italy [Paper presentation]. International Conference Wars for rights/Wars against rights? Globalization and crisis of democracy, Naples, Italy.

Mazzola, A. (21 March 2013). Music and Difference. The invention of musical traditions in Flanders and Southern Italy [Paper presentation]. Seminaire du CEDEM, Liège, Belgium.