Aksezer, E. A., Arslan, S., Bagić, D., Clarebout, A., Damery, S., Demiryontar, B., Mescoli, E., & Tomić, T. V. (2024). Post-industrial Transitions in Superdiverse Cities. In Applied Innovation and Technology Management (pp. 91-105). Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-75649-8_7 |
Mescoli, E. (27 September 2024). Is sustainable food inclusive? Reflections from fieldwork in Liège, Belgium [Paper presentation]. Shaping Gastronomy: Regenerating Food Systems and Societies, Pollenzo, Italy. |
Mescoli, E. (2024). L’expérience de femmes migrantes dans le projet Nomad House: les ateliers de Paris [Paper presentation]. Femmes en mouvement : parcours migratoires et expressions artistiques, Paris, France. |
Mescoli, E., & Esin Aksay Aksezer. (04 July 2024). Cultural Diversity in the UNIC HEIs: The Role of Inclusion Practices on Belonging and IdentityBuilding [Paper presentation]. IMISCOE Annual conference. |
Mescoli, E., & Moralli, M. (03 July 2024). Art as a method. Exploring the subversive power (and risks) of creative methodologies in migration research [Paper presentation]. IMISCOE Annual conference, Lisbonne, Portugal. |
Mescoli, E. (06 June 2024). Ethnographies of food transition and sustainability in urban contexts. Case studies from Europe and beyond [Paper presentation]. Ninth International Convention on Food and Drink Studies. |
Mescoli, E. (2024). L’alimentation durable est-elle inclusive? Quelques réflexions à partir d’une approche des Sciences Sociales et de l’analyse de données de terrain (Liège) [Paper presentation]. Les recettes pour une alimentation inclusive. Festival Nourrir autrement, Verviers, Belgium. |
Mescoli, E. (18 March 2024). Doing engaged research at the intersection of arts and migration: the artistic initiatives and the art-based research outputs with and by undocumented migrants in Liège [Paper presentation]. Transversal Dialogues About the Cultural Representation of Migration Across Temporalities and Geographies, Constance, Germany. |
Mescoli, E. (04 March 2024). The challenges of engaged research in migration studies: examples from the field [Paper presentation]. Winter workshop EUMIGS – ULiège. |
Mescoli, E. (2024). Ciné-débat et rencontre autour du film "illégal" (2010) d'Olivier Masset-Depasse [Paper presentation]. Ciné-débat et rencontre au ciné-club Nickelodéon. |
Martiniello, M., & Mescoli, E. (2024). Arts and Refugees: Multidisciplinary Perspectives (Vol. 2). Arts. doi:10.3390/arts13010040 Dataset: https://doi.org/10.3390/arts13010040 |
Mescoli, E. (2024). Dal patrimonio al piatto. Diversità e convergenze culinarie in un laboratorio di cucina interculturale. In G. Volpe & V. Polito, Il patrimonio archeologico per l’incontro e l’educazione interculturale. Italy: Edipuglia. |
Mescoli, E., Konstantinidou, A., Reidsma, M., & Mandin, J. (2023). Chapter 3: Applying mixed-method design in the study of immigrant social protection. In H. Vandermeerschen, E. Mescoli, J.-M. Lafleur, ... P. De Cuyper, Newcomers Navigating the Welfare State: Experiences of Immigrants and Street-Level Bureaucrats with Belgium's Social Assistance System (pp. 55-67). Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press. doi:10.11116/9789461665249 |
Clarebout, A., & Mescoli, E. (05 July 2023). Practices and discourses of urban citizenship: unpacking the local ‘citizen card’ project in the city of Liege, Belgium [Paper presentation]. IMISCOE annual conference 2023 in Warsaw, Varsovie, Poland. |
Aksay Aksezer, E., Demiryontar, & Mescoli, E. (2023). International Student Experiences in Three Superdiverse Higher Education Institutions: Institutional Policies and Intersectionalities. Social Sciences. doi:10.3390/socsci12100544 |
Clarebout, A., & Mescoli, E. (2023). Food hospitality and the negotiation of subjectivities through meals in the context of migration: case studies from Belgium. Food, Culture and Society. doi:10.1080/15528014.2023.2278852 |
Mescoli, E. (2023). Les mobilisations pro-migrant·e·s en Belgique : quand les citoyen·ne·s font le travail de l’État. Belgium: ABSP. |
Mescoli, E., & Lafleur, J.-M. (2023). Introduction: Newcomers Navigating the Welfare State. In H. Vandermeerschen, E. Mescoli, J.-M. Lafleur, ... P. De Cuyper, Newcomers Navigating the Welfare State Experiences of Immigrants and Street-Level Bureaucrats with Belgium’s Social Assistance System (pp. 7-15). Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press. |
Mescoli, E., & Martiniello, M. (2023). La culture face à l’urgence sanitaire liée au Covid-19 à Bruxelles. In Fiorenza Gamba, Sandro Cattacin, ... N. Viana Alzola, Ville et créativité. Seismo. |
Mescoli, E., & Martiniello, M. (2023). La culture face à l'urgence sanitaire liée à la Covi-19 à Bruxelles. In Ville et créativité (pp. 211-222). Zurich et Genève, Unknown/unspecified: Seismo. |
Vandermeerschen, H., Mescoli, E., De Cuyper, P., & Lafleur, J.-M. (Eds.). (2023). Newcomers Navigating the Welfare State Experiences of Immigrants and Street-Level Bureaucrats with Belgium’s Social Assistance System. Leuven University Press. Dataset: 10.11116/9789461665249 |
Mescoli, E. (25 November 2022). Book Review: Alice, Elliot. 2021. The Outside: Migration as Life in Morocco. Indiana University Press: Indiana. pp. 204. International Migration, 60 (6), 283-285. doi:10.1111/imig.13083 Dataset: https://doi.org/10.1111/imig.13083 |
Mescoli, E. (September 2022). Food, migration, gender. Inequalities and claims in the city [Paper presentation]. SIEF 23rd International Ethnological Food Research Conference: Food, people and the city. Comparative perspectives, Anvers, Belgium. |
Mescoli, E.* , Mandin, J.* , & Costa Santos Adriana*. (17 March 2022). Accessing welfare rights in Belgium: between street-level bureaucracy and immigrants’ agency [Paper presentation]. IMISCOE Spring conference. * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Mescoli, E. (2022). Les « sans-papiers » en Belgique, entre invisibilité et visibilité. En Question : Revue du Centre AVEC, 140, p. 21-25. |
Mescoli, E. (2022). La Belgique face à la crise migratoire : analyse critique de l’accueil. Pensée Plurielle, 54, 95-106. doi:10.3917/pp.054.0095 |
Mescoli, E. (2022). L'évaluation du parcours d'intégration en Wallonie [Paper presentation]. Webinaires du CRIC. |
Mescoli, E. (2022). Engaged research in migration studies [Paper presentation]. Dialogue for hybrid integration: narratives and promotion of agency of children with migrant background. |
Mescoli, E., & Gossiaux, A. (2022). Interprétariat social et parcours d’intégration en Wallonie [Paper presentation]. Interprète en milieu social, une affaire de professionnels. |
Mescoli, E., Razy, E., Vivier, M., & Beuker, L. (2022). Alimentation durable et multiculturelle : se rencontrer pour relever les défis de demain [Paper presentation]. Journée de l’alimentation durable et inclusive. |
Mescoli, E. (2021). Multi-level governance and sanctuary cities: the case of Liege (Belgium) and undocumented migrants. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies. doi:10.1080/15562948.2021.1924413 |
Mescoli, E. (2021). La circoncisione femminile in un’analisi di contesto [Paper presentation]. Mutilazioni genitali femminili. MGF: sapere, saper ascoltare, saper agire. |
Mescoli, E., & Roblain, A. (2021). The ambivalent relations behind civil society’s engagement in the “grey zones” of migration and integration governance: Case studies from Belgium. Political Geography, 91. doi:10.1016/j.polgeo.2021.102477 |
Mescoli, E., & Graf, K. (2020). From nature to culture? Lévi-Strauss' legacy and the study of contemporary foodways. Food, Culture and Society. doi:10.1080/15528014.2020.1773692 |
Mescoli, E. (2020). The anthropology of food and migration: topics, methodologies and perspectives [Paper presentation]. Seminar: Sharing Food Relations. |
Martiniello, M., & Mescoli, E. (2020). The Cultural Practices in the Canal Zone (Brussels) [Paper presentation]. 17th IMISCOE Annual Conference. |
Mescoli, E. (2020). The reception (and integration) of refugees in Belgium: networks of actors and relations [Paper presentation]. Fedasil G100, ‘Opinion publique, action (citoyenne) et politique relatives aux demandeurs d’asile et aux réfugiés dans un contexte anti-migration’. |
Mescoli, E. (2020). The impact of intercultural events on the relations between refugees and local population in borderland environments: the example of the “Dialogue events” in the Euregio Meuse-Rhin [Paper presentation]. 17th IMISCOE Annual Conference, 1-2 July. Panel: Norms and values. |
Mescoli, E. (2020). The artistic projects of undocumented migrants in Liege [Paper presentation]. Panel: Intertwining research and arts in migration studies: experiences from the field, Global Migrant Festival 2020. |
Mescoli, E. (2020). Negotiating (Food) Identity in the Context of Forced Displacement and Unstable Settlement: Reflections on the Culinary Practices of Undocumented Migrants in Liège [Paper presentation]. Materializing the Transient: Ethnographies and Museums in the Study of (Forced) Migration. |
Mescoli, E. (2020). Intersectionality and Muslim Women in Belgium. In Fernandez, N. & Nelson, K. (Eds.). Gendered Lives: Global Issues. Milne Open Textbooks. |
Mescoli, E. (2020). Between food practices and belongings Intersectional stories of Moroccan women in Italy. In M. Raul, D. S. Charles-Edouard, ... C. Chantal, Food Identities at Home and on the Move. Explorations at the Intersection of Food, Belonging and Dwelling. Routledge. |
Mescoli, E., & Martiniello, M. (Other coll.). (2020). Les tendances et les dynamiques culturelles dans 5 quartiers Bruxellois. Bruxelles, Belgium: Perspective Brussels. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/267793 |
Mescoli, E., Martiniello, M., Clarebout, A., & Gossiaux, A. (2020). Étude territorialisée sur les pratiques culturelles des habitant.e.s et usager.e.s dans les quartiers de la zone centrale du canal de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale.Rapport Ethnographique. Perspective Brussels. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/253690 |
Mescoli, E., Roblain, A., & Griffioen, P. (2020). Les initiatives citoyennes de soutien aux migrants en Belgique : de l’humanitaire à la contestation politique. Anthropologie et Développement. |
Mescoli, E., Marije, R., Elien, D., Hondeghem, A., Mazzola, A., Antoine, R., & Andrea, R. (2019). Mobilizations and Opinions Regarding Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Undocumented Migrants in Belgium: Frames, Motivations and Actions. In A. Rea, M. Martiniello, A. Mazzola, ... B. Meuleman, The refugee reception crisis in Europe. Polarized opinions and mobilizations. ULB Press. |
Damery, S., & Mescoli, E. (2019). Harnessing visibility and invisibility through arts practices: Ethnographic case studies with migrant performers in Belgium. Arts. doi:10.3390/arts8020049 |
Gossiaux, A., Mescoli, E., Riviere, M., Petit Jean, M., Bousetta, H., Fallon, C., Erpicum, M., & Fonder, M. (2019). Évaluation du parcours d’intégration et du dispositif ISP dédiés aux primo-arrivants en Wallonie. (33). Namur, Belgium: IWEPS. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/241610 |
Mazzola, A., Martiniello, M., & Mescoli, E. (2019). Le comunità Italiane in Belgio. Nascita, trasformazione e ritorno delgi stereotipi. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/243195 |
Mescoli, E. (2019). Repas métissés. Negotiating identity and participation through culinary practices by undocumented migrants in Liege [Paper presentation]. 20th Cambridge Heritage Symposium, Cooking Identities & Tasting Memories: The Heritage of Food. |
Mescoli, E. (2019). La mobilisation de la culture dans la construction d'une citoyenneté inclusive [Paper presentation]. Interculturalité et préservation des langues en voie de disparition. |
Mescoli, E. (2019). La cuisine en contexte migratoire: identité, mémoire et participation. Aide Mémoire, 93. |
Mescoli, E. (2019). L’accueil et l'intégration des réfugiés en Belgique: entre contraintes institutionnelles, solidarité citoyenne et agentivité des migrants [Paper presentation]. TREE – Accompagner l’intégration des réfugiés dans l’Euregio Meuse-Rhin: Pratiques, Analyses et Perspectives. |
Mescoli, E. (2019). Islamophobia and counter-narratives to Muslim hatred in Belgium. In A. Easat-Daas, A. Merali, I. Law (Ed.), ... S. Sayyid (Ed.), Countering Islamophobia in Europe. Palgrave. |
Mescoli, E. (2019). Food practices among Moroccan families in Milan: creative adjustments of cultural repertoires. In N. Diasio & M.-P. Julien, Anthropology of Family Food Practices: Constraints, Adjustments, Innovations. Peter Lang. |
Mescoli, E. (2019). Food for action. Culinary experiences and participation by undocumented migrants in Liege [Paper presentation]. Annual International Conference, Geographies of trouble / Geographies of hope, London, United Kingdom. |
Mescoli, E., Clarebout, A., & De Sousa, C. (2019). Itinéraires urbains et diversités culturelles : l’exemple du cœur historique de Liège. En Question : Revue du Centre AVEC, 130, p. 30-35. |
Mescoli, E., & Martiniello, M. (2019). L’impact des migrations sur nos sociétés [Paper presentation]. L’immigration : de la peur à l’apport. |
Mazzola, A., Martiniello, M., Mescoli, E., & Damery, S. (August 2018). Multi-level governance of asylum seeker and refugee’s integration: examples from Belgium [Paper presentation]. ECPR Annual Conference 2018, Hamburg, Germany. |
Mescoli, E. (August 2018). Bonheur de dire, malheur de taire. Speaking out through art by undocumented migrants in Liege (Belgium) [Paper presentation]. EASA2018 Staying, Moving, Settling, Stockholm, Sweden. |
Mescoli, E. (14 June 2018). Repas métissés. Culinary experiences and participation by undocumented migrants in Liege [Paper presentation]. Sharing meals. Social aspects of eating and cooking together, Ecully, France. |
Mazzola, A., Martiniello, M., & Mescoli, E. (June 2018). Forms of Mobilization for the Reception and Integration of Asylum Seekers. Ethnographies from two cases in Wallonia, French-speaking Belgium [Paper presentation]. 7th Ethnography and Qualitative Research Conference, Bergamo, Italy. |
Mescoli, E. (June 2018). Between normality and exceptionality: the place of Muslims in society debates in Belgium [Paper presentation]. Ask the ‘experts’? Positionalities of researchers and public figures of migrant background in European debates about immigration, Gottingen, Germany. |
Lafleur, J.-M., & Mescoli, E. (2018). Creating Undocumented EU Migrants through Welfare: A Conceptualization of Undeserving and Precarious Citizenship. Sociology, 52 (3), 480-496. doi:10.1177/0038038518764615 |
Martiniello, M., & Mescoli, E. (2018). L'art pour exister, l'art d'exister: l'engagement artistique des nouveaux migrants. Voix Solidaires : l'Expertise Universitaire au Service du Développement Durable, 13 (Eté 2018), p. 11-13. |
Martiniello, M., & Mescoli, E. (2018). L'art pour exister, l'art d'exister. Voix Solidaires : l'Expertise Universitaire au Service du Développement Durable, 13. |
Mazzola, A., Mescoli, E., & Martiniello, M. (2018). In Belgio. Mulino (Il) : Rivista Mensile di Attualità e Cultura, 6 (18), 165-169. doi:10.1402/91975 |
Mazzola, A., Mescoli, E., & Martiniello, M. (2018). I profili della neo-mobilità giovanile italiana in Belgio. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/230090 |
Mescoli, E. (2018). On ethics in migration research [Paper presentation]. IMISCOE Winter School. |
Mescoli, E. (2018). Cultures alimentaires et appartenances. Une ethnographie dans l’espace de la frontière. In L. Lika, A. Weerts, J. Contor, ... S. Wintgens, Frontières : approche multidisciplinaire (Presses Universitaires de Liege). |
Mescoli, E. (2017). De l’intersectionnalité. |
Mescoli, E. (2017). NGOs and female circumcision in Egypt. An anthropological enquiry. Anthropology of Contemporary Middle East and Central Eurasia. |
Campigotto, M., Dobbels, R., & Mescoli, E. (2017). Ethnographies du proche: perspectives réflexives et enjeux de terrain. Emulations: Revue des Jeunes Chercheurs en Sciences Sociales. |
Gsir, S., Mandin, J., & Mescoli, E. (2017). Countries of origin as organisers of emigration: Moroccans and Turks in Belgium. In P. Fargues, A. Weinar, A. Di Bartolomeo, S. Kalantaryan, ... J. Salamonska (Eds.), Migrant Integration between Homeland and Host Society Volume 2. Springer. |
Lafleur, J.-M., & Mescoli, E. (2017). How did EU Citizens Experience Belgium’s Policy of Expulsion and Removal? ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/216721. |
Lafleur, J.-M., & Mescoli, E. (2017). Deserving EU citizenship: The case of undocumented Italian migrants in Belgium [Paper presentation]. Deservingness - power, morality and inequality in contemporary Europe and beyond Friday. |
Mescoli, E. (2017). Se faire « manger par l’autre ». Stratégie féminines d’affirmation de soi dans un contexte migratoire. In R. Ben Khalifa, Etrangers au Maghreb. Maghrébins à l’étranger : politiques publiques à l’épreuve de la société civile : XIXe-XXIe siècles. Actes du colloque. Karthala-Presses Universitaires de Tunis. |
Mescoli, E. (2017). On the materiality of research: a multidimensional and multisensory ethnography of food and migration [Paper presentation]. Anthropologies of media and mobility. Theorizing movement and circulations across entangled fields. |
Mescoli, E. (2017). Faire les courses au quotidien. L’approvisionnement alimentaire d’un groupe de migrantes marocaines en Italie en temps de crise. In G. Matagne & V. Van Ingelgom (Eds.), Politiques de crise, crises du politique. Éditions Academia-L’Harmattan. |
Mescoli, E. (2017). Dominant Islamophobic Narratives – Belgium. Counter-Islamophobia kit. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/214964 |
Mescoli, E. (2017). Being Moroccan abroad. Objects and everyday practices in women subjectivation. International Review of Social Research. |
Mescoli, E. (2016). Double culture, double richesse ? [Paper presentation]. Double culture, double richesse ?, Waremme, Belgium. |
Lafleur, J.-M., & Mescoli, E. (September 2016). Creating undocumented EU migrants through welfare: The case of Belgium [Paper presentation]. 2016 APSA Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Philadelphia, United States - Pennsylvania. |
Mescoli, E. (July 2016). Is there an alphabet of Moroccan cuisine? Notes on the materiality of cooking and eating [Paper presentation]. 14th EASA Biennal Conference_P103 From nature to culture? Lévi-Strauss' legacy and the study of contemporary foodways, Milan, Italy. |
Mescoli, E., & Lafleur, J.-M. (June 2016). Welfare and the creation of Undocumented EU migrants in Belgium [Paper presentation]. 13TH IMISCOE ANNUAL CONFERENCE. |
Mescoli, E. (May 2016). Quand les cultures alimentaires se rencontrent. (Re)définition et transmission des pratiques dans un atelier de cuisine arabe en Italie [Paper presentation]. IEHCA, Deuxième Conférence Internationale d’Histoire et des Cultures de l’Alimentation, Tours, France. |
Mescoli, E., & Sarcinelli, A. (May 2016). Mot de cloture [Paper presentation]. Journée d’étude de l’Ecole Doctorale Thématique en Sciences Sociales de la communauté française de Belgique : « Ethnographies du proche. Perspectives réflexives et enjeux de terrain », Liege, Belgium. |
Mescoli, E., & Gsir, S. (March 2016). Mobiliser la culture du pays d’origine, un défi pour l’intégration des migrants? [Paper presentation]. DEMOCRATIE ET CULTURE ENTRE PRATIQUES ET CRITIQUES, Téboursouk, Tunisia. |
Mescoli, E. (2016). “Forgotten women: the impact of islamophobia on Muslim women” National Report Belgium. Brussels, Belgium: ENAR. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/179692 |
Mescoli, E. (11 December 2015). Des choses et des corps. Consommation et enjeux de terrain [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de méthodologie : Les apports de l’anthropologie de l’enfance. |
Mescoli, E. (September 2015). The materiality of Intangible Cultural Heritage: food and social encounters [Paper presentation]. SHARING CULTURES – 4th International Conference on Intangible Heritage, Lagos, Portugal. |
Mescoli, E. (22 June 2015). Transnational routes for hyper-local practices. Homemade food of Moroccan migrant women in Italy [Paper presentation]. 12ème Congrès SIEF, Utopias, Realities, Heritages. Ethnographies for the 21st century, Zagreb, Croatia. |
Mescoli, E. (09 June 2015). The cultural Other’s ways of eating. On embodied subjectivities, diets and inclusion of diversity [Paper presentation]. Other Ways Of Eating: Choices, Convictions, Restrictions. |
Mescoli, E. (May 2015). Biscuits et thé à la menthe aux fêtes interculturelles. Entre essentialisation et participation des femmes marocaines en Italie [Paper presentation]. New configurations of the Mediterranean: the role of women, Lugano, Switzerland. |
Mescoli, E. (2015). Cibo e Islam [Paper presentation]. Laboratorio di cucina interculturale, Sesto San Giovanni, Italy. |
Mescoli, E. (12 March 2015). Se "faire manger" par l'Autre. Stratégies féminines de définition de soi en contexte public [Paper presentation]. Etrangers au Maghreb. Maghrébins à l’étranger : politiques publiques à l’épreuve de la société civile : XIXe-XXIe siècles, Tunis, Tunisia. |
Mescoli, E. (16 January 2015). Acheter, cuisiner, transmettre. Diversification des choix alimentaires des familles marocaines en contexte migratoire [Paper presentation]. Comment mangent les familles contemporaines ? Comparaison européenne - Des parcours d’approvisionnements aux pratiques culinaires. |
Gsir, S., Mandin, J., & Mescoli, E. (2015). Corridor Report on Belgium : the case of Moroccan and Turkish Immigrants. Florence, Italy: Migration Policy Center. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/177147 |
Gsir, S., & Mescoli, E. (2015). Maintaining national culture abroad. Countries of origin, culture and diaspora. Florence, Italy: Migration Policy Center. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/177150 |
Gsir, S., & Mescoli, E. (2015). Les pratiques citoyennes transnationales des Tunisiens et Tunisiennes de Belgique. Fondation Roi Baudouin. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/189919 |
Gsir, S., & Mescoli, E. (2015). Les pratiques citoyennes transnationales des Tunisiens et Tunisiennes de Belgique [Paper presentation]. Soirée de réflexion au sujet de l’engagement philanthropique de la diaspora Belgo-Tunisienne. |
Gsir, S., Mescoli, E., & Mandin, J. (2015). Corridor report on Belgium: the Case of Moroccan and Turkish Immigrants, INTERACT Key Findings 2015/01. Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, San Domenico di Fiesole (FI): European University Institute. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/192583 |
Mescoli, E. (2015). NGOs and female circumcision in Egypt. An anthropological enquiry. Anthropology of Contemporary Middle East and Central Eurasia. |
Mescoli, E. (2015). Les recettes de l’Autre. De la transmission des savoirs (et savoir-faire) féminins en contexte migratoire. Hommes et Migrations. |
Mescoli, E. (2015). La saveur des échanges culturels. In A. Medhoune, S. Lausberg, M. Martiniello, ... A. Rea (Eds.), L’immigration marocaine en Belgique. Mémoires et destinées. Couleurs Livres. |
Mescoli, E. (2015). IMISCOE Research Network, Training and Research Inventory 2015. IMISCOE. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/180684 |
Mescoli, E. (2015). Chapter 2: Islamic Food Practices in a Migration Context: an Ethnography among Moroccan Women in Milan (Italy). In E. Toguslu (Ed.), Everyday Life Practices of Muslims in Europe. Leuven University Press. |
Mescoli, E., & Sarcinelli, A. (2015). Mot de cloture [Paper presentation]. séminaire de méthodologie « Les apports de l’anthropologie de l’enfance (VII) : Que partage-t-on sur le terrain avec les enfants ? ». |
Mescoli, E. (13 November 2014). When food cultures meet. Ethnographic analysis of belongings and positionings [Poster presentation]. Moving People Changing Culture, Cardiff, United Kingdom. |
Mescoli, E. (2014). La langue qui goûte. Manger marocain(s) en Italie. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège. |
Mescoli, E. (17 June 2014). Islamic religion and food practices in migration context: negotiating belonging and performing subjectivities [Paper presentation]. The Bodily and Material Cultures of Religious Subjectivation, London (UCL), United Kingdom. |
Mescoli, E. (29 May 2014). Normalizzare il corpo attraverso il cibo. (Micro)pratiche alimentari e inclusione della diversità [Paper presentation]. Séminaire: Regimi dietetici e modelli culturali del corpo, Milan, Italy. |
Mescoli, E. (2014). Entre recettes du Soi et recettes de l'Autre. Ethnographie de pratiques culinaires marocaines à Sesto San Giovanni (Milan, Italie) [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/164706 |
Mescoli, E. (2014). Faire les courses au quotidien. L’approvisionnement alimentaire d’un groupe de migrantes marocaines en Italie en temps de crise. In G. Matagne & V. Van Ingelgom, Politiques de crise, crises du politique. Academia-L’Harmattan. |
Mescoli, E. (2014). Les femmes migrantes et leur rôle dans la transmission des savoirs culinaires et des soins du corps [Paper presentation]. Table ronde, Bruxelles, France. |
Mescoli, E. (2014). La transmission entre générations de l'héritage culturel et migratoire [Paper presentation]. Les midis de la Méditérranée. |
Mescoli, E. (2013). Cucinare e mangiare in nome di Allah Pratiche alimentari tra le donne marocchine immigrate a Milano. |
Mescoli, E. (2013). Islamic food practices in migration context. An ethnography among Moroccan women in Milan. In E. Toguslu, J. Leman, ... S. Ozdemir (Eds.), Everyday Life Practices of Muslims in Europe: Consumption and Aesthetics. |
Mescoli, E. (27 November 2013). Islamic food practices in migration context. An ethnography among Moroccan women in Milan [Paper presentation]. Everyday Life Practices of Muslims in Europe: Consumption and Aesthetics, Louvain, Belgium. |
Mescoli, E. (07 November 2013). Au-delà des interdits. Religion islamique et pratiques culinaires marocaines en Italie [Poster presentation]. Vous avez dit halal? Normativités islamiques, mondialisation et sécularisation. |
Mescoli, E. (2013). Corps et cultures. Réflexions anthropologiques autour du savoir médical [Paper presentation]. Conférence-Débat de la Société Médico-Chirurgicale de Liège. |
Mescoli, E. (28 September 2013). In nome di Allah. Analisi etnografica del rapporto tra cibo e Islam a Milano [Paper presentation]. Master in Studi sull'Islam d'Europa, Padova, Italy. |
Mescoli, E. (02 May 2013). Entre recettes du Soi et recettes de l'Autre. Ethnographie de pratiques culinaires marocaines en Italie [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Doctoral annuel EDTSS, Programme Migrations et diversité culturelle. |
Mescoli, E. (30 April 2013). Entre recettes du Soi et recettes de l’Autre. Ethnographie de pratiques culinaires marocaines en Italie [Paper presentation]. Séminaire interne du LASC, Belgium. |
Mescoli, E. (25 April 2013). Nourishing the body, crafting the self, facing the other. Subjectivities and encounters through Moroccan food in Italy [Paper presentation]. Practices and their Bodies. What Kind of Artefact is the Lived Body? Transdisciplinary Conference, Mainz, Germany. |
Mescoli, E. (10 April 2013). On women’s bodies. Religion and female circumcision in Egypt [Paper presentation]. Socrel Annual Conference, Material Religion, Durham University, United Kingdom. |
Mescoli, E. (10 April 2013). Cooking and eating in the name of Allah. Food practices among Moroccan women in Milan [Paper presentation]. Socrel Annual Conference, Material Religion, Durham University, United Kingdom. |
Mescoli, E. (2013). Towards the elsewhere : Discourses on migration and mobility practices between Morocco and Italy. Identities. doi:10.1080/1070289X.2013.828614 |
Mescoli, E. (11 October 2012). Entre recettes du Soi et recettes de l’Autre. Ethnographie de pratiques culinaires marocaines en Italie [Paper presentation]. Brown Bag du Cedem, University of Liège, Belgium. |
Mescoli, E. (2012). Mobiles yes, migrants non ? Young Moroccans on the move. In Exploration De La Mobilité Autour De La Méditerranée. |
Mescoli, E. (04 June 2011). Tra ricette del Sè e ricette dell'Altro. Etnografia di pratiche culinarie marocchine in Italia [Paper presentation]. Giornate di dialogo dei dottorandi. |
Mescoli, E. (25 August 2010). Qt'a al-bhar bach toulli rajl (Crossing the sea to become a man): imagined trips of aspiring migrants from Morocco to Italy [Paper presentation]. EASA Annual conference, Crisis and imagination, University of Maynooth, Ireland. |
Mescoli, E. (2010). Sul mio corpo. La circoncisione femminile in un'analisi di contesto. Milan, Italy: Interscienze. |
Mescoli, E., Biondi, C., & Trezzi, M. (2008). Dalle porte della città... : l' esperienza con i rom di via Sesia. Milan, Italy: Caritas Ambrosiana. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/160982 |
Mescoli, E. (2007). Sul mio corpo. Una ricerca a Luxor attorno alla circoncisione femminile [Master’s dissertation, UNIMIB - Università degli studi di Milano Bicocca [IT]]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/300202 |