Publications and communications of Elsa Mescoli

Aksezer, E. A., Arslan, S., Bagić, D., Clarebout, A., Damery, S., Demiryontar, B., Mescoli, E., & Tomić, T. V. (2024). Post-industrial Transitions in Superdiverse Cities. In Applied Innovation and Technology Management (pp. 91-105). Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-75649-8_7

Mescoli, E. (27 September 2024). Is sustainable food inclusive? Reflections from fieldwork in Liège, Belgium [Paper presentation]. Shaping Gastronomy: Regenerating Food Systems and Societies, Pollenzo, Italy.

Mescoli, E. (2024). L’expérience de femmes migrantes dans le projet Nomad House: les ateliers de Paris [Paper presentation]. Femmes en mouvement : parcours migratoires et expressions artistiques, Paris, France.

Mescoli, E., & Esin Aksay Aksezer. (04 July 2024). Cultural Diversity in the UNIC HEIs: The Role of Inclusion Practices on Belonging and IdentityBuilding [Paper presentation]. IMISCOE Annual conference.

Mescoli, E., & Moralli, M. (03 July 2024). Art as a method. Exploring the subversive power (and risks) of creative methodologies in migration research [Paper presentation]. IMISCOE Annual conference, Lisbonne, Portugal.

Mescoli, E. (06 June 2024). Ethnographies of food transition and sustainability in urban contexts. Case studies from Europe and beyond [Paper presentation]. Ninth International Convention on Food and Drink Studies.

Mescoli, E. (2024). L’alimentation durable est-elle inclusive? Quelques réflexions à partir d’une approche des Sciences Sociales et de l’analyse de données de terrain (Liège) [Paper presentation]. Les recettes pour une alimentation inclusive. Festival Nourrir autrement, Verviers, Belgium.

Mescoli, E. (18 March 2024). Doing engaged research at the intersection of arts and migration: the artistic initiatives and the art-based research outputs with and by undocumented migrants in Liège [Paper presentation]. Transversal Dialogues About the Cultural Representation of Migration Across Temporalities and Geographies, Constance, Germany.

Mescoli, E. (04 March 2024). The challenges of engaged research in migration studies: examples from the field [Paper presentation]. Winter workshop EUMIGS – ULiège.

Mescoli, E. (2024). Ciné-débat et rencontre autour du film "illégal" (2010) d'Olivier Masset-Depasse [Paper presentation]. Ciné-débat et rencontre au ciné-club Nickelodéon.

Martiniello, M., & Mescoli, E. (2024). Arts and Refugees: Multidisciplinary Perspectives (Vol. 2). Arts. doi:10.3390/arts13010040

Mescoli, E. (2024). Dal patrimonio al piatto. Diversità e convergenze culinarie in un laboratorio di cucina interculturale. In G. Volpe & V. Polito, Il patrimonio archeologico per l’incontro e l’educazione interculturale. Italy: Edipuglia.

Mescoli, E., Konstantinidou, A., Reidsma, M., & Mandin, J. (2023). Chapter 3: Applying mixed-method design in the study of immigrant social protection. In H. Vandermeerschen, E. Mescoli, J.-M. Lafleur, ... P. De Cuyper, Newcomers Navigating the Welfare State: Experiences of Immigrants and Street-Level Bureaucrats with Belgium's Social Assistance System (pp. 55-67). Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press. doi:10.11116/9789461665249

Clarebout, A., & Mescoli, E. (05 July 2023). Practices and discourses of urban citizenship: unpacking the local ‘citizen card’ project in the city of Liege, Belgium [Paper presentation]. IMISCOE annual conference 2023 in Warsaw, Varsovie, Poland.

Aksay Aksezer, E., Demiryontar, & Mescoli, E. (2023). International Student Experiences in Three Superdiverse Higher Education Institutions: Institutional Policies and Intersectionalities. Social Sciences. doi:10.3390/socsci12100544

Clarebout, A., & Mescoli, E. (2023). Food hospitality and the negotiation of subjectivities through meals in the context of migration: case studies from Belgium. Food, Culture and Society. doi:10.1080/15528014.2023.2278852

Mescoli, E. (2023). Les mobilisations pro-migrant·e·s en Belgique : quand les citoyen·ne·s font le travail de l’État. Belgium: ABSP.

Mescoli, E., & Lafleur, J.-M. (2023). Introduction: Newcomers Navigating the Welfare State. In H. Vandermeerschen, E. Mescoli, J.-M. Lafleur, ... P. De Cuyper, Newcomers Navigating the Welfare State Experiences of Immigrants and Street-Level Bureaucrats with Belgium’s Social Assistance System (pp. 7-15). Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press.

Mescoli, E., & Martiniello, M. (2023). La culture face à l’urgence sanitaire liée au Covid-19 à Bruxelles. In Fiorenza Gamba, Sandro Cattacin, ... N. Viana Alzola, Ville et créativité. Seismo.

Mescoli, E., & Martiniello, M. (2023). La culture face à l'urgence sanitaire liée à la Covi-19 à Bruxelles. In Ville et créativité (pp. 211-222). Zurich et Genève, Unknown/unspecified: Seismo.

Vandermeerschen, H., Mescoli, E., De Cuyper, P., & Lafleur, J.-M. (Eds.). (2023). Newcomers Navigating the Welfare State Experiences of Immigrants and Street-Level Bureaucrats with Belgium’s Social Assistance System. Leuven University Press.

Mescoli, E. (25 November 2022). Book Review: Alice, Elliot. 2021. The Outside: Migration as Life in Morocco. Indiana University Press: Indiana. pp. 204. International Migration, 60 (6), 283-285. doi:10.1111/imig.13083

Mescoli, E. (September 2022). Food, migration, gender. Inequalities and claims in the city [Paper presentation]. SIEF 23rd International Ethnological Food Research Conference: Food, people and the city. Comparative perspectives, Anvers, Belgium.

Mescoli, E.* , Mandin, J.* , & Costa Santos Adriana*. (17 March 2022). Accessing welfare rights in Belgium: between street-level bureaucracy and immigrants’ agency [Paper presentation]. IMISCOE Spring conference.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Mescoli, E. (2022). Les « sans-papiers » en Belgique, entre invisibilité et visibilité. En Question : Revue du Centre AVEC, 140, p. 21-25.

Mescoli, E. (2022). La Belgique face à la crise migratoire : analyse critique de l’accueil. Pensée Plurielle, 54, 95-106. doi:10.3917/pp.054.0095

Mescoli, E. (2022). L'évaluation du parcours d'intégration en Wallonie [Paper presentation]. Webinaires du CRIC.

Mescoli, E. (2022). Engaged research in migration studies [Paper presentation]. Dialogue for hybrid integration: narratives and promotion of agency of children with migrant background.

Mescoli, E., & Gossiaux, A. (2022). Interprétariat social et parcours d’intégration en Wallonie [Paper presentation]. Interprète en milieu social, une affaire de professionnels.

Mescoli, E., Razy, E., Vivier, M., & Beuker, L. (2022). Alimentation durable et multiculturelle : se rencontrer pour relever les défis de demain [Paper presentation]. Journée de l’alimentation durable et inclusive.

Mescoli, E. (2021). Multi-level governance and sanctuary cities: the case of Liege (Belgium) and undocumented migrants. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies. doi:10.1080/15562948.2021.1924413

Mescoli, E. (2021). La circoncisione femminile in un’analisi di contesto [Paper presentation]. Mutilazioni genitali femminili. MGF: sapere, saper ascoltare, saper agire.

Mescoli, E., & Roblain, A. (2021). The ambivalent relations behind civil society’s engagement in the “grey zones” of migration and integration governance: Case studies from Belgium. Political Geography, 91. doi:10.1016/j.polgeo.2021.102477

Mescoli, E., & Graf, K. (2020). From nature to culture? Lévi-Strauss' legacy and the study of contemporary foodways. Food, Culture and Society. doi:10.1080/15528014.2020.1773692

Mescoli, E. (2020). The anthropology of food and migration: topics, methodologies and perspectives [Paper presentation]. Seminar: Sharing Food Relations.

Martiniello, M., & Mescoli, E. (2020). The Cultural Practices in the Canal Zone (Brussels) [Paper presentation]. 17th IMISCOE Annual Conference.

Mescoli, E. (2020). The reception (and integration) of refugees in Belgium: networks of actors and relations [Paper presentation]. Fedasil G100, ‘Opinion publique, action (citoyenne) et politique relatives aux demandeurs d’asile et aux réfugiés dans un contexte anti-migration’.

Mescoli, E. (2020). The impact of intercultural events on the relations between refugees and local population in borderland environments: the example of the “Dialogue events” in the Euregio Meuse-Rhin [Paper presentation]. 17th IMISCOE Annual Conference, 1-2 July. Panel: Norms and values.

Mescoli, E. (2020). The artistic projects of undocumented migrants in Liege [Paper presentation]. Panel: Intertwining research and arts in migration studies: experiences from the field, Global Migrant Festival 2020.

Mescoli, E. (2020). Negotiating (Food) Identity in the Context of Forced Displacement and Unstable Settlement: Reflections on the Culinary Practices of Undocumented Migrants in Liège [Paper presentation]. Materializing the Transient: Ethnographies and Museums in the Study of (Forced) Migration.

Mescoli, E. (2020). Intersectionality and Muslim Women in Belgium. In Fernandez, N. & Nelson, K. (Eds.). Gendered Lives: Global Issues. Milne Open Textbooks.

Mescoli, E. (2020). Between food practices and belongings Intersectional stories of Moroccan women in Italy. In M. Raul, D. S. Charles-Edouard, ... C. Chantal, Food Identities at Home and on the Move. Explorations at the Intersection of Food, Belonging and Dwelling. Routledge.

Mescoli, E., & Martiniello, M. (Other coll.). (2020). Les tendances et les dynamiques culturelles dans 5 quartiers Bruxellois. Bruxelles, Belgium: Perspective Brussels.

Mescoli, E., Martiniello, M., Clarebout, A., & Gossiaux, A. (2020). Étude territorialisée sur les pratiques culturelles des habitant.e.s et usager.e.s dans les quartiers de la zone centrale du canal de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale.Rapport Ethnographique. Perspective Brussels.

Mescoli, E., Roblain, A., & Griffioen, P. (2020). Les initiatives citoyennes de soutien aux migrants en Belgique : de l’humanitaire à la contestation politique. Anthropologie et Développement.

Mescoli, E., Marije, R., Elien, D., Hondeghem, A., Mazzola, A., Antoine, R., & Andrea, R. (2019). Mobilizations and Opinions Regarding Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Undocumented Migrants in Belgium: Frames, Motivations and Actions. In A. Rea, M. Martiniello, A. Mazzola, ... B. Meuleman, The refugee reception crisis in Europe. Polarized opinions and mobilizations. ULB Press.

Damery, S., & Mescoli, E. (2019). Harnessing visibility and invisibility through arts practices: Ethnographic case studies with migrant performers in Belgium. Arts. doi:10.3390/arts8020049

Gossiaux, A., Mescoli, E., Riviere, M., Petit Jean, M., Bousetta, H., Fallon, C., Erpicum, M., & Fonder, M. (2019). Évaluation du parcours d’intégration et du dispositif ISP dédiés aux primo-arrivants en Wallonie. (33). Namur, Belgium: IWEPS.

Mazzola, A., Martiniello, M., & Mescoli, E. (2019). Le comunità Italiane in Belgio. Nascita, trasformazione e ritorno delgi stereotipi.

Mescoli, E. (2019). Repas métissés. Negotiating identity and participation through culinary practices by undocumented migrants in Liege [Paper presentation]. 20th Cambridge Heritage Symposium, Cooking Identities & Tasting Memories: The Heritage of Food.

Mescoli, E. (2019). La mobilisation de la culture dans la construction d'une citoyenneté inclusive [Paper presentation]. Interculturalité et préservation des langues en voie de disparition.

Mescoli, E. (2019). La cuisine en contexte migratoire: identité, mémoire et participation. Aide Mémoire, 93.

Mescoli, E. (2019). L’accueil et l'intégration des réfugiés en Belgique: entre contraintes institutionnelles, solidarité citoyenne et agentivité des migrants [Paper presentation]. TREE – Accompagner l’intégration des réfugiés dans l’Euregio Meuse-Rhin: Pratiques, Analyses et Perspectives.

Mescoli, E. (2019). Islamophobia and counter-narratives to Muslim hatred in Belgium. In A. Easat-Daas, A. Merali, I. Law (Ed.), ... S. Sayyid (Ed.), Countering Islamophobia in Europe. Palgrave.

Mescoli, E. (2019). Food practices among Moroccan families in Milan: creative adjustments of cultural repertoires. In N. Diasio & M.-P. Julien, Anthropology of Family Food Practices: Constraints, Adjustments, Innovations. Peter Lang.

Mescoli, E. (2019). Food for action. Culinary experiences and participation by undocumented migrants in Liege [Paper presentation]. Annual International Conference, Geographies of trouble / Geographies of hope, London, United Kingdom.

Mescoli, E., Clarebout, A., & De Sousa, C. (2019). Itinéraires urbains et diversités culturelles : l’exemple du cœur historique de Liège. En Question : Revue du Centre AVEC, 130, p. 30-35.

Mescoli, E., & Martiniello, M. (2019). L’impact des migrations sur nos sociétés [Paper presentation]. L’immigration : de la peur à l’apport.


Mazzola, A., Martiniello, M., Mescoli, E., & Damery, S. (August 2018). Multi-level governance of asylum seeker and refugee’s integration: examples from Belgium [Paper presentation]. ECPR Annual Conference 2018, Hamburg, Germany.

Mescoli, E. (August 2018). Bonheur de dire, malheur de taire. Speaking out through art by undocumented migrants in Liege (Belgium) [Paper presentation]. EASA2018 Staying, Moving, Settling, Stockholm, Sweden.

Mescoli, E. (14 June 2018). Repas métissés. Culinary experiences and participation by undocumented migrants in Liege [Paper presentation]. Sharing meals. Social aspects of eating and cooking together, Ecully, France.

Mazzola, A., Martiniello, M., & Mescoli, E. (June 2018). Forms of Mobilization for the Reception and Integration of Asylum Seekers. Ethnographies from two cases in Wallonia, French-speaking Belgium [Paper presentation]. 7th Ethnography and Qualitative Research Conference, Bergamo, Italy.

Mescoli, E. (June 2018). Between normality and exceptionality: the place of Muslims in society debates in Belgium [Paper presentation]. Ask the ‘experts’? Positionalities of researchers and public figures of migrant background in European debates about immigration, Gottingen, Germany.

Lafleur, J.-M., & Mescoli, E. (2018). Creating Undocumented EU Migrants through Welfare: A Conceptualization of Undeserving and Precarious Citizenship. Sociology, 52 (3), 480-496. doi:10.1177/0038038518764615

Martiniello, M., & Mescoli, E. (2018). L'art pour exister, l'art d'exister: l'engagement artistique des nouveaux migrants. Voix Solidaires : l'Expertise Universitaire au Service du Développement Durable, 13 (Eté 2018), p. 11-13.

Martiniello, M., & Mescoli, E. (2018). L'art pour exister, l'art d'exister. Voix Solidaires : l'Expertise Universitaire au Service du Développement Durable, 13.

Mazzola, A., Mescoli, E., & Martiniello, M. (2018). In Belgio. Mulino (Il) : Rivista Mensile di Attualità e Cultura, 6 (18), 165-169. doi:10.1402/91975

Mazzola, A., Mescoli, E., & Martiniello, M. (2018). I profili della neo-mobilità giovanile italiana in Belgio.

Mescoli, E. (2018). On ethics in migration research [Paper presentation]. IMISCOE Winter School.

Mescoli, E. (2018). Cultures alimentaires et appartenances. Une ethnographie dans l’espace de la frontière. In L. Lika, A. Weerts, J. Contor, ... S. Wintgens, Frontières : approche multidisciplinaire (Presses Universitaires de Liege).

Mescoli, E. (2017). De l’intersectionnalité.

Mescoli, E. (2017). NGOs and female circumcision in Egypt. An anthropological enquiry. Anthropology of Contemporary Middle East and Central Eurasia.

Campigotto, M., Dobbels, R., & Mescoli, E. (2017). Ethnographies du proche: perspectives réflexives et enjeux de terrain. Emulations: Revue des Jeunes Chercheurs en Sciences Sociales.

Gsir, S., Mandin, J., & Mescoli, E. (2017). Countries of origin as organisers of emigration: Moroccans and Turks in Belgium. In P. Fargues, A. Weinar, A. Di Bartolomeo, S. Kalantaryan, ... J. Salamonska (Eds.), Migrant Integration between Homeland and Host Society Volume 2. Springer.

Lafleur, J.-M., & Mescoli, E. (2017). How did EU Citizens Experience Belgium’s Policy of Expulsion and Removal? ORBi-University of Liège.

Lafleur, J.-M., & Mescoli, E. (2017). Deserving EU citizenship: The case of undocumented Italian migrants in Belgium [Paper presentation]. Deservingness - power, morality and inequality in contemporary Europe and beyond Friday.

Mescoli, E. (2017). Se faire « manger par l’autre ». Stratégie féminines d’affirmation de soi dans un contexte migratoire. In R. Ben Khalifa, Etrangers au Maghreb. Maghrébins à l’étranger : politiques publiques à l’épreuve de la société civile : XIXe-XXIe siècles. Actes du colloque. Karthala-Presses Universitaires de Tunis.

Mescoli, E. (2017). On the materiality of research: a multidimensional and multisensory ethnography of food and migration [Paper presentation]. Anthropologies of media and mobility. Theorizing movement and circulations across entangled fields.

Mescoli, E. (2017). Faire les courses au quotidien. L’approvisionnement alimentaire d’un groupe de migrantes marocaines en Italie en temps de crise. In G. Matagne & V. Van Ingelgom (Eds.), Politiques de crise, crises du politique. Éditions Academia-L’Harmattan.

Mescoli, E. (2017). Dominant Islamophobic Narratives – Belgium. Counter-Islamophobia kit.

Mescoli, E. (2017). Being Moroccan abroad. Objects and everyday practices in women subjectivation. International Review of Social Research.

Mescoli, E. (2016). Double culture, double richesse ? [Paper presentation]. Double culture, double richesse ?, Waremme, Belgium.

Lafleur, J.-M., & Mescoli, E. (September 2016). Creating undocumented EU migrants through welfare: The case of Belgium [Paper presentation]. 2016 APSA Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Philadelphia, United States - Pennsylvania.

Mescoli, E. (July 2016). Is there an alphabet of Moroccan cuisine? Notes on the materiality of cooking and eating [Paper presentation]. 14th EASA Biennal Conference_P103 From nature to culture? Lévi-Strauss' legacy and the study of contemporary foodways, Milan, Italy.

Mescoli, E., & Lafleur, J.-M. (June 2016). Welfare and the creation of Undocumented EU migrants in Belgium [Paper presentation]. 13TH IMISCOE ANNUAL CONFERENCE.

Mescoli, E. (May 2016). Quand les cultures alimentaires se rencontrent. (Re)définition et transmission des pratiques dans un atelier de cuisine arabe en Italie [Paper presentation]. IEHCA, Deuxième Conférence Internationale d’Histoire et des Cultures de l’Alimentation, Tours, France.

Mescoli, E., & Sarcinelli, A. (May 2016). Mot de cloture [Paper presentation]. Journée d’étude de l’Ecole Doctorale Thématique en Sciences Sociales de la communauté française de Belgique : « Ethnographies du proche. Perspectives réflexives et enjeux de terrain », Liege, Belgium.

Mescoli, E., & Gsir, S. (March 2016). Mobiliser la culture du pays d’origine, un défi pour l’intégration des migrants? [Paper presentation]. DEMOCRATIE ET CULTURE ENTRE PRATIQUES ET CRITIQUES, Téboursouk, Tunisia.

Mescoli, E. (2016). “Forgotten women: the impact of islamophobia on Muslim women” National Report Belgium. Brussels, Belgium: ENAR.

Mescoli, E. (11 December 2015). Des choses et des corps. Consommation et enjeux de terrain [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de méthodologie : Les apports de l’anthropologie de l’enfance.

Mescoli, E. (September 2015). The materiality of Intangible Cultural Heritage: food and social encounters [Paper presentation]. SHARING CULTURES – 4th International Conference on Intangible Heritage, Lagos, Portugal.

Mescoli, E. (22 June 2015). Transnational routes for hyper-local practices. Homemade food of Moroccan migrant women in Italy [Paper presentation]. 12ème Congrès SIEF, Utopias, Realities, Heritages. Ethnographies for the 21st century, Zagreb, Croatia.

Mescoli, E. (09 June 2015). The cultural Other’s ways of eating. On embodied subjectivities, diets and inclusion of diversity [Paper presentation]. Other Ways Of Eating: Choices, Convictions, Restrictions.

Mescoli, E. (May 2015). Biscuits et thé à la menthe aux fêtes interculturelles. Entre essentialisation et participation des femmes marocaines en Italie [Paper presentation]. New configurations of the Mediterranean: the role of women, Lugano, Switzerland.

Mescoli, E. (2015). Cibo e Islam [Paper presentation]. Laboratorio di cucina interculturale, Sesto San Giovanni, Italy.

Mescoli, E. (12 March 2015). Se "faire manger" par l'Autre. Stratégies féminines de définition de soi en contexte public [Paper presentation]. Etrangers au Maghreb. Maghrébins à l’étranger : politiques publiques à l’épreuve de la société civile : XIXe-XXIe siècles, Tunis, Tunisia.

Mescoli, E. (16 January 2015). Acheter, cuisiner, transmettre. Diversification des choix alimentaires des familles marocaines en contexte migratoire [Paper presentation]. Comment mangent les familles contemporaines ? Comparaison européenne - Des parcours d’approvisionnements aux pratiques culinaires.

Gsir, S., Mandin, J., & Mescoli, E. (2015). Corridor Report on Belgium : the case of Moroccan and Turkish Immigrants. Florence, Italy: Migration Policy Center.

Gsir, S., & Mescoli, E. (2015). Maintaining national culture abroad. Countries of origin, culture and diaspora. Florence, Italy: Migration Policy Center.

Gsir, S., & Mescoli, E. (2015). Les pratiques citoyennes transnationales des Tunisiens et Tunisiennes de Belgique. Fondation Roi Baudouin.

Gsir, S., & Mescoli, E. (2015). Les pratiques citoyennes transnationales des Tunisiens et Tunisiennes de Belgique [Paper presentation]. Soirée de réflexion au sujet de l’engagement philanthropique de la diaspora Belgo-Tunisienne.

Gsir, S., Mescoli, E., & Mandin, J. (2015). Corridor report on Belgium: the Case of Moroccan and Turkish Immigrants, INTERACT Key Findings 2015/01. Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, San Domenico di Fiesole (FI): European University Institute.

Mescoli, E. (2015). NGOs and female circumcision in Egypt. An anthropological enquiry. Anthropology of Contemporary Middle East and Central Eurasia.

Mescoli, E. (2015). Les recettes de l’Autre. De la transmission des savoirs (et savoir-faire) féminins en contexte migratoire. Hommes et Migrations.

Mescoli, E. (2015). La saveur des échanges culturels. In A. Medhoune, S. Lausberg, M. Martiniello, ... A. Rea (Eds.), L’immigration marocaine en Belgique. Mémoires et destinées. Couleurs Livres.

Mescoli, E. (2015). IMISCOE Research Network, Training and Research Inventory 2015. IMISCOE.

Mescoli, E. (2015). Chapter 2: Islamic Food Practices in a Migration Context: an Ethnography among Moroccan Women in Milan (Italy). In E. Toguslu (Ed.), Everyday Life Practices of Muslims in Europe. Leuven University Press.

Mescoli, E., & Sarcinelli, A. (2015). Mot de cloture [Paper presentation]. séminaire de méthodologie « Les apports de l’anthropologie de l’enfance (VII) : Que partage-t-on sur le terrain avec les enfants ? ».

Mescoli, E. (13 November 2014). When food cultures meet. Ethnographic analysis of belongings and positionings [Poster presentation]. Moving People Changing Culture, Cardiff, United Kingdom.

Mescoli, E. (2014). La langue qui goûte. Manger marocain(s) en Italie. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège.

Mescoli, E. (17 June 2014). Islamic religion and food practices in migration context: negotiating belonging and performing subjectivities [Paper presentation]. The Bodily and Material Cultures of Religious Subjectivation, London (UCL), United Kingdom.

Mescoli, E. (29 May 2014). Normalizzare il corpo attraverso il cibo. (Micro)pratiche alimentari e inclusione della diversità [Paper presentation]. Séminaire: Regimi dietetici e modelli culturali del corpo, Milan, Italy.

Mescoli, E. (2014). Entre recettes du Soi et recettes de l'Autre. Ethnographie de pratiques culinaires marocaines à Sesto San Giovanni (Milan, Italie) [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Mescoli, E. (2014). Faire les courses au quotidien. L’approvisionnement alimentaire d’un groupe de migrantes marocaines en Italie en temps de crise. In G. Matagne & V. Van Ingelgom, Politiques de crise, crises du politique. Academia-L’Harmattan.

Mescoli, E. (2014). Les femmes migrantes et leur rôle dans la transmission des savoirs culinaires et des soins du corps [Paper presentation]. Table ronde, Bruxelles, France.

Mescoli, E. (2014). La transmission entre générations de l'héritage culturel et migratoire [Paper presentation]. Les midis de la Méditérranée.

Mescoli, E. (2013). Cucinare e mangiare in nome di Allah Pratiche alimentari tra le donne marocchine immigrate a Milano.

Mescoli, E. (2013). Islamic food practices in migration context. An ethnography among Moroccan women in Milan. In E. Toguslu, J. Leman, ... S. Ozdemir (Eds.), Everyday Life Practices of Muslims in Europe: Consumption and Aesthetics.

Mescoli, E. (27 November 2013). Islamic food practices in migration context. An ethnography among Moroccan women in Milan [Paper presentation]. Everyday Life Practices of Muslims in Europe: Consumption and Aesthetics, Louvain, Belgium.

Mescoli, E. (07 November 2013). Au-delà des interdits. Religion islamique et pratiques culinaires marocaines en Italie [Poster presentation]. Vous avez dit halal? Normativités islamiques, mondialisation et sécularisation.

Mescoli, E. (2013). Corps et cultures. Réflexions anthropologiques autour du savoir médical [Paper presentation]. Conférence-Débat de la Société Médico-Chirurgicale de Liège.

Mescoli, E. (28 September 2013). In nome di Allah. Analisi etnografica del rapporto tra cibo e Islam a Milano [Paper presentation]. Master in Studi sull'Islam d'Europa, Padova, Italy.

Mescoli, E. (02 May 2013). Entre recettes du Soi et recettes de l'Autre. Ethnographie de pratiques culinaires marocaines en Italie [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Doctoral annuel EDTSS, Programme Migrations et diversité culturelle.

Mescoli, E. (30 April 2013). Entre recettes du Soi et recettes de l’Autre. Ethnographie de pratiques culinaires marocaines en Italie [Paper presentation]. Séminaire interne du LASC, Belgium.

Mescoli, E. (25 April 2013). Nourishing the body, crafting the self, facing the other. Subjectivities and encounters through Moroccan food in Italy [Paper presentation]. Practices and their Bodies. What Kind of Artefact is the Lived Body? Transdisciplinary Conference, Mainz, Germany.

Mescoli, E. (10 April 2013). On women’s bodies. Religion and female circumcision in Egypt [Paper presentation]. Socrel Annual Conference, Material Religion, Durham University, United Kingdom.

Mescoli, E. (10 April 2013). Cooking and eating in the name of Allah. Food practices among Moroccan women in Milan [Paper presentation]. Socrel Annual Conference, Material Religion, Durham University, United Kingdom.

Mescoli, E. (2013). Towards the elsewhere : Discourses on migration and mobility practices between Morocco and Italy. Identities. doi:10.1080/1070289X.2013.828614

Mescoli, E. (11 October 2012). Entre recettes du Soi et recettes de l’Autre. Ethnographie de pratiques culinaires marocaines en Italie [Paper presentation]. Brown Bag du Cedem, University of Liège, Belgium.

Mescoli, E. (2012). Mobiles yes, migrants non ? Young Moroccans on the move. In Exploration De La Mobilité Autour De La Méditerranée.

Mescoli, E. (04 June 2011). Tra ricette del Sè e ricette dell'Altro. Etnografia di pratiche culinarie marocchine in Italia [Paper presentation]. Giornate di dialogo dei dottorandi.

Mescoli, E. (25 August 2010). Qt'a al-bhar bach toulli rajl (Crossing the sea to become a man): imagined trips of aspiring migrants from Morocco to Italy [Paper presentation]. EASA Annual conference, Crisis and imagination, University of Maynooth, Ireland.

Mescoli, E. (2010). Sul mio corpo. La circoncisione femminile in un'analisi di contesto. Milan, Italy: Interscienze.

Mescoli, E., Biondi, C., & Trezzi, M. (2008). Dalle porte della città... : l' esperienza con i rom di via Sesia. Milan, Italy: Caritas Ambrosiana.

Mescoli, E. (2007). Sul mio corpo. Una ricerca a Luxor attorno alla circoncisione femminile [Master’s dissertation, UNIMIB - Università degli studi di Milano Bicocca [IT]]. ORBi-University of Liège.