Maréchal, E. (28 July 2022). From donation to transfusion: an ethnographic approach of blood transport logistics in Belgium [Paper presentation]. EASA2022: Transformation, Hope and the Commons, Belfast, United Kingdom. |
Maréchal, E. (16 June 2022). ‘Give blood, save life’. Is giving and receiving blood only about repairing bodies ? [Paper presentation]. RE:22, Reykjavik, Iceland. |
Maréchal, E. (21 January 2022). How to communicate about the manufacturing processes of blood products : some considerations from an ethnographic fieldwork within the blood service of the Belgian Red Cross [Paper presentation]. Mobilising methods in medical anthropology. |
Maréchal, E. (2022). Quand la restitution éclipse les enfants : collectes de sang en province de Liège (Belgique). In E. Razy, C. E. de Suremain, ... N. P. Alvarado Solís, La restitution ethnographique et les enfants. Dispositifs, processus, postures. PULg/IRD Editions. doi:10.4000/books.pulg.10440 |
Maréchal, E. (23 June 2021). Sharing blood (donation) : how affects and emotions of both donor and researcher shape the experience (Liège, Belgium) ? [Paper presentation]. Breaking the rules? Power, participation, transgression (SIEF 2021 15th Congress), Helsinki, Finland. |
Maréchal, E. (21 July 2020). When microbes complicate the task of the Belgian Red Cross : managing blood flows and risks between donors and recipients [Paper presentation]. New anthropological horizons in and beyond Europe, Lisbon (online due to Covid-19), Portugal. |
Maréchal, E. (13 December 2019). ‘Du sang, c’est du sang !’. Comment faire une anthropologie du sang en Belgique francophone ? [Paper presentation]. Journée d’étude « Dialogue interdisciplinaire autour du sang », Liège, Belgium. |
Maréchal, E. (20 November 2017). Quels liens entre drépanocytose et don de sang ? Réflexions à partir d’une ethnographie au sein d’un service de la Croix-Rouge (Belgique) [Paper presentation]. Journée d'étude "Dialogue autour des maladies génétiques. Enjeux et défis interdisciplinaires dans un monde globalisé", Liège, Belgium. |
Maréchal, E. (21 September 2017). From venipuncture to transfusion : pathways of blood in the service of blood of the Red-Cross (Belgium) [Paper presentation]. Predictive texts: imagining the future, Belfast, Ireland. |
Maréchal, E. (2016). Donner corps à la transfusion sanguine. Ethnographie de pratiques professionnelles au Service du Sang de la Croix Rouge de Belgique (Province de Liège) [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. |