Publications and communications of David Lombard

Theses and dissertations

Doctoral thesis

D. Lombard. "American Anthropocene Sublimes: Rhetorics and Narrations of Self and Environment in the Contemporary U.S. Ecobiographical Memoir." Unpublished doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège [Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres], Liège, Belgium, 2024.
Jury: Jury: M. Delville (Promotor), P. Vermeulen (Promotor), V. Despret, P. Verstraeten, U. K. Heise, and H. L. Ulman. .

Master dissertations

D. Lombard. "Transcendentalism and Sublime (Post)Nature in American Literature: From Self-Discovery to Self-Destruction." Unpublished master thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège, 2016.
Jury: Jury: M. Delville (Promotor), C. Pagnoulle, and M. Herbillon. .



Written alone

D. Lombard. Techno-Thoreau: Aesthetics, Ecology and the Capitalocene. Elements; 22. Macerata, Italy: Quodlibet, 2019.

Direction and/or edition of collective works (including proceedings of scientific meetings, special issues of journals)

"The Pastoral: New Trajectories in the Anthropocene."Edited by S. Rozzoni and D. Lombard. Ecocene: Cappadocia Journal of Environmental Humanities, 2, no. 2 (25 December 2021): 126-263.

Articles and book chapters

Articles in journals with peer reviewing

D. Lombard. "Anthropocene Aesthetic Shifts in Post-Apocalyptic Literature: An Analysis of Waste and the Sublime in Maureen F. McHugh’s After the Apocalypse." Revenantno. 10 (2024): 81–99.

D. Lombard. "Hunting for the Sublime in Steven Rinella’s Memoirs and Still Lifes." Miranda: Revue Pluridisciplinaire du Monde Anglophoneno. 27 (2023). doi:10.4000/miranda.51479

D. Lombard. "Rewriting the Unthinkable: (In)Visibility and the Nuclear Sublime in Gerald Vizenor’s Hiroshima Bugi: Atomu 57 (2003) and Lindsey A. Freeman’s This Atom Bomb in Me (2019)." Épistémocritique, 21 (19 January 2023).

S. Rozzoni and D. Lombard. "The Pastoral: New Trajectories in the Anthropocene (Editorial Introduction)." Ecocene: Cappadocia Journal of Environmental Humanities, 2, no. 2 (25 December 2021): 126-133. doi:10.46863/ecocene.46

D. Lombard. "Toward a Speculative-Pragmatic Sublime: A Narratological Analysis of the Toxic Sublime and the Unnarrated in Contemporary U.S. Literature." AM: Art + Mediano. 23 (2020): 121-132. doi:10.25038/am.v0i23.401

D. Lombard. "Thoreau and the Capitalocene." Metacritic Journal for Comparative Studies and Theory, 4, no. 2 (20 December 2018): 20-34. doi:10.24193/mjcst.2018.6.02

Book chapters

D. Lombard. "Thinking with a Mountain: A Narratological and Rhetorical Analysis of the Haptic Sublime in Jon Krakauer’s Mountaineering Memoirs." In The Mountain and the Politics of Representationedited by Martin Hall and Jenny Hall, 57–72. 1ère éd. Liverpool, United Kingdom: Liverpool University Press, 2023.

D. Lombard. "Still Looking for the Sublime: Science, Arts, and Spirituality in the Era of Emotionally Overwhelming Environmental Disruption." In Climate Changes Global Perspectivesby H. Nelson-Teutsch, edited by L. Pfeifer and M. Klingler, 49-59. Wurtzbourg, Germany: Würzburg University Press, 2022. doi:10.25972/WUP-978-3-95826-195-2

Contributions to encyclopedias and dictionaries

D. Lombard. "Sublime – Vers une pluralisation du sublime dans l’Anthropocène ?." In Dictionnaire Arcadie – Lexique philosophique par temps d’Anthropocèneedited by S. Laoureux, L. Carré, L. Riss, S. Frémineur, V. Giet, and J.-B. Vuillerod. France: Hypothèses, 2024.

D. Lombard. "Jon Krakauer." In The Literary Encyclopediaby C. Sandru, edited by R. Clark. Londres, United Kingdom: The Literary Dictionary Company, 2022.

D. Lombard. "Wendell Berry: A Place on Earth." In The Literary Encyclopediaedited by R. Clark and C. Sandru. Londres, United Kingdom: The Literary Dictionary Company, 2022.

D. Lombard. "Henry David Thoreau: Civil Disobedience." In The Literary Encyclopediaby R. Clark and C. Sandru. Londres, United Kingdom: The Literary Dictionary Company, 2021.

Book reviews

D. Lombard. "Aux origines du nature writing : découvrir, écrire & penser la wilderness américaine aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles." Acta Fabula: Revue des Parutions en Théorie Littéraire, 22, no. 10 (18 December 2021).

D. Lombard and H. Klaubert. "Kulturökologie und ökologische Kulturen in der Großregion/Écologie culturelle et cultures écologiques dans la Grande Région." Local Environment, 26, no. 7 (31 May 2021): 921-922. doi:10.1080/13549839.2021.1932780

D. Lombard. "Book Review of Louise Economides's The Ecology of Wonder in Romantic and Postmodern Literature." The Trumpeter, 36, no. 1 (19 February 2021): 86-90.

D. Lombard. "Beat Generation. La simplicité involontaire." Acta Fabula: Revue des Parutions en Théorie Littéraire, 20, no. 5 (May 2019).

Scientific popularization and diffusion for general audience

Articles in magazines or newspapers

D. Lombard. "Roz Chast : Can’t We Talk about Something more Pleasant ? [Est-ce qu'on peut parler d'autre chose]." Lectures pour l'été 2023 (2023).

D. Lombard. "Jon Krakauer : Under the Banner of Heaven [Sur ordre de Dieu]." Lectures pour l'été 2023 (2023).

D. Lombard. "Lucie Rico : Le chant du poulet sous vide." Lectures pour l'été 2022 (2022).

D. Lombard. "John Steinbeck : Of Mice and Men [Des souris et des hommes]." Lectures pour l'été 2022 (2022).

D. Lombard. "L’Asturienne de Caroline Lamarche : Richesse et rouille d’une saga hispano-liégeoise." Karoo. Plateforme de critique et de création culturelle (2022).

D. Lombard. "Dans les lignes, à travers les âges Guy Delhasse raconte Liège en toutes lettres." Karoo. Plateforme de critique et de création culturelle (2022).

D. Lombard. "Écrire l’instantané, chanter la sincérité. Entretien avec Renaud Ledru alias Elvin Byrds." Karoo. Plateforme de critique et de création culturelle (2021).

D. Lombard. "Kenan Görgün : Anatolia Rhapsody & François Gemenne : On a tous un ami noir." Lectures pour l'été 2021 (2021).

D. Lombard. "Henry D. Thoreau : La désobéissance civile & Frédéric Gros : Désobéir." Lectures pour l'été 2021 (2021).

D. Lombard. "Nous sommes à la lisière de Caroline Lamarche : Vers un monde pas si étrange ?." Karoo. Plateforme de critique et de création culturelle (2021).

D. Lombard. "Anatolia Rhapsody : L’exil et ses identités fragmentées." Karoo. Plateforme de critique et de création culturelle (2021).

D. Lombard. "La rétrospective 2020 de David Lombard « Rétro-prospective » culturelle." Karoo. Plateforme de critique et de création culturelle (2020).

D. Lombard. "Clapton a tué ma femme ! Enquête loufoque et touchante sur la couleur locale liégeoise." Karoo. Plateforme de critique et de création culturelle (2020).

D. Lombard. "La nature, une nécessité symbolique et vitale." Voix Solidaires : l'Expertise Universitaire au Service du Développement DurableSummer (2017).

D. Lombard. "Breaking Barriers Between Arts: Bob Dylan’s Nobel Prize." Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liègeno. 10 (2016).


D. Lombard. "Atelier de recherche collective - Fictionalité." 2024.

D. Lombard. "Interview: David Lombard." 2023.

D. Lombard. "David Lombard / PhD student-researcher (WeChangeForLife Testimony)." 2019.

Unpublished conferences and communications

Communications to congresses and symposiums

D. Lombard. "“Some Truths that Were Too Difficult and Frightening to Know”: the Ethics and Affordances of Contemporary Schizophrenia Memoir." Paper presented at What Remains ? Literature and Ethics in a Time of Crisis, Stockholm, Sweden, 21 August 2024.

D. Lombard. "Clinical and Cultural, or ‘Fixed’ and Fragmented Selves: A Rhetorical-Narratological and Materialist Analysis of Schizophrenic Identity in Contemporary Memoir." Paper presented at IABA World Conference 2024 – Fragmented Lives, Reykjavik, Iceland, 13 June 2024.

D. Lombard. "The Material, Didactic, and Intermedial Dimensions of Schizophrenia as ‘Lived Experience’ in Clem and Olivier Martini’s Bitter Medicine." Paper presented at Lived Experiences: International PhD Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 07 June 2024.

D. Lombard. "“He Wanted to Live”: Hunting, Local Fictionality, and the Sublime in Gerald Vizenor’s Interior Landscapes: Autobiographical Myths and Metaphors." Paper presented at North-American Novelists’ Autobiographical Acts: Nonfictional Disruptions, Aix-en-Provence, France, 06 July 2023.

D. Lombard. "The Sublime as a Rhetorical Strategy in the Contemporary American Ecobiographical Memoir." Paper presented at 8th Rhetoric in Society Conference, Tubingue, Germany, 03 June 2023.

D. Lombard. "Pluralizing the Sublime in the Post-Romantic American Memoir: From the Visual to the Haptic." Paper presented at The American Comparative Literature Association's 2023 Annual Meeting, Chicago, United States - Illinois, 18 March 2023.

D. Lombard. "Le sublime en tant que concept rhétorique et narratologique dans les mémoires et le roman contemporains américains." Paper presented at Journée des doctorants 2022 de l'École doctorale près le FNRS « Langue, lettres & traductologie » (ED3bis), Bruxelles, Belgium, 23 May 2022.

D. Lombard. "The Nuclear Sublime and Gerald Vizenor’s Senses of Presence and Absence in Hiroshima Bugi: Atomu 57 (2003)." Paper presented at "Absences/Presences in a Damaged World" - The 2021 BAAHE Annual Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 03 December 2021.

D. Lombard. "Rewriting the Unthinkable: Atomic Bodies and the Nuclear Sublime in Lindsey A. Freeman’s Creative Memoir This Atom Bomb in Me (2019)." Paper presented at Crises : climat et critique dans la littérature et les arts anglophones du 19ème au 21ème siècles / Crises: Climate and Critique in the Literature and Arts of the English-Speaking World after 1800, Paris, France, 19 November 2021.

D. Lombard. "Restoring the Farm: From the Silent Toxic Sublime to a Post-Agricultural Sublime of Presence in Contemporary American (Non)Fiction." Paper presented at Sacrifice Zones: Grief and Hope in Contemporary Literature, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 01 October 2021.

D. Lombard. "The Rhetorics and Narratologies of the Sublime in Contemporary American Memoir: Mountains, Alaska, and the Farm." Paper presented at "Emergency/y": ASLE 2021 Conference, Online, United States, 03 August 2021.

D. Lombard. "Écocritique, littérature, et anthropocène." Paper presented at Université d'été "Questions environnementales et sciences humaines et sociales : Quelles perspectives ?", Metz, France, 10 June 2021.

D. Lombard. "Revisiting America’s Last Frontier: Richard Proenneke’s and Ernestine Hayes’s “Worlds” and Ecological Sublimes." Paper presented at 18th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference - "How to Do Things with Worlds", Bloomington, United States, 17 April 2021.

D. Lombard. "From Cheechako to Koviashuvik and Shahóon: Wilderness and the Alaskan Sublime in Ken Ilgunas’s Walden on Wheels and Ernestine Hayes’s Blonde Indian." Paper presented at Digital BAAS 2021 - The British Association for American Studies 66th Annual Convention, United Kingdom, 09 April 2021.

D. Lombard. "Facing the Imaginative Challenges of the Anthropocene: A Rhetorical and Narratological Analysis of the Toxic Sublime in Contemporary U.S. Literature." Paper presented at X Lisbon Summer School for the Study of Culture - Ecoculture, Lisbon, Portugal, 10 July 2020.

D. Lombard. "The Imaginative Challenges of the Anthropocenes: A Rhetorical and Narratological Analysis of the Sublime in Contemporary U.S. Literature." Paper presented at ANTHROPOCENES: Reworking the Wound, Katowice, Poland, 19 June 2020.

D. Lombard. "Reading the Sublime: Or, What can Rhetoric Mobilizations of the Sublime Do for Narrative (Identity) and Ecocriticism." Paper presented at Stories to Live By: Narrative and Identity, Groningen, Netherlands, 22 January 2020.

D. Lombard. "The Toxic Sublime in US Literature: Self, Senses and Environment." Paper presented at International Conference on Ecocriticism and Environmental Studies, London, United Kingdom, 19 October 2019.

D. Lombard. "US Literature and the Toxic Sublime: Technology in the Pastoral Garden." Paper presented at 8th Biennial Conference of the EASLCE - The Garden: Ecological Paradigms of Space, History, and Community, Würzburg, Germany, 29 September 2018.

D. Lombard. "Dwelling on Dwelling: Home and Nature in (Native) American Literature." Paper presented at Representations of Home 2 - Conflict and/or (Be)Longing: Thinking with Stories and Images, Lisbon, Portugal, 16 November 2017.

D. Lombard. "US (Post-)Pastoral Non-Fiction and the Toxic Sublime." Paper presented at New Perspectives in English and American Studies, Krakow, Poland, 20 April 2017.

D. Lombard. "Planned Obsolescence, Nature and the Self in American Literature." Paper presented at "Planned Obsolescence: Text, Theory, Technology", Liège, Belgium, 08 December 2016.

D. Lombard. "From Silenced Nature to Worldness in American Literature." Paper presented at "World / Text / Context" - BAAHE's 2016 Annual Conference, Bruxelles, Belgium, 02 December 2016.

Conferences in universities or research centers

D. Lombard. "On the Viable Sublime: Rhetorics and Narrations of Self and Environment in the Contemporary American Ecobiographical Memoir." Paper presented at Project Narrative Visiting Scholars' Talks: Laura de la Parra Fernández and David Lombard, Columbus, United States - Ohio, 12 April 2023.

D. Lombard. "Exploring the Sublime in the Contemporary American Memoir: the Case of Oak Ridge." Paper presented at Course "AMS 390: U.S. Capitalism & Culture" at the University of Texas at Austin, Austin, United States - Texas, 30 November 2022.

D. Lombard. "Exploring the Sublime in the Contemporary American Memoir: Thoreau’s Legacy and the Case of Native Alaska." Paper presented at Words & Process Seminar Series, Austin, United States - Texas, 29 November 2022.

D. Lombard. "L'excellence, mais à quel prix ?." Paper presented at L'excellence, mais à quel prix ?, Liège, Belgium, 16 June 2022.

D. Lombard. "Tomorrow’s Nature: Ecodystopia and Post-Apocalyptic Fiction in the Anthropocene." Paper presented at Les Rencontres du CIPA, Liège, Belgium, 25 April 2022.

D. Lombard. "Writing the Wilderness in the Anthropocene: Thoreau’s Legacy and the Contemporary American Eco-Memoir." Paper presented at English literature : Reading Roads in American Literary Texts (Course), Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 28 March 2022.

D. Lombard. "Affect Theory in “The Rhetorics and Narratologies of the Sublime in the Contemporary American Environmental Novel and Memoir”." Paper presented at Workshop on Affect Theory and Colonial/Postcolonial Literatures, Liège, Belgium, 28 March 2022.

D. Lombard. "Introductory Presentation: The Sublime in the Anthropocene." Paper presented at The Sublime in the Anthropocene: Materiality, Agency, and Affect / Le sublime dans l’anthropocène : matérialité, agentivité, et affect, Liège, Belgium, 11 March 2022.

D. Lombard. "Ecodystopia, Post-Apocalyptic Literature and the Anthropocene Aesthetic Shift." Paper presented at Les Rencontres du CIPA, Liège, Belgium, 19 April 2021.

Conferences given outside the academic context

D. Lombard. "Transformer notre lien au vivant. De la fiction à l'expérience." Paper presented at Les Rencontres de l'Ecologie Politique, Bruxelles, Belgium, 2023.

D. Lombard. "Presentation on Joanne Meyerowitz's "A War on Global Poverty: The Lost Promise of Redistribution and the Rise of Microcredit"." Paper presented at Course "AMS 390: U.S. Capitalism & Culture" at the University of Texas at Austin, Austin, United States - Texas, 2022.

D. Lombard, P. Schoentjes, and L. Rico. "Littérature et écologie : Qu’est-ce que la littérature a apporté à l’écologie?." Paper presented at Art et Écologie, Liège, Belgium, 2022.

D. Lombard. "BASCE Creative Jam - Online workshop on "Writing Utopia"." Paper presented at BASCE Creative Jam, 2021.

D. Lombard. "Que nous apprend la littérature à l'âge de l'anthropocène ?." Paper presented at Vert Pop - Les Rencontres Écologiques d'Été, Liège, Belgium, 2018.