Wolfs, C. (2024). Advanced oxidation processes for persistent micropollutant elimination in wastewater intended for surface release [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/319363 |
Mahy, J., Lambert, S., Wolfs, C., Drogui, P., & Job, N. (19 July 2023). Adsorption process with carbon xerogel cylinders coupled with in situ regeneration by H2O2 electrogeneration for Refractory Organic Compounds removal in water [Paper presentation]. World Conference on Carbon 2023, Cancun, Mexico. |
Mahy, J., Lambert, S., Wolfs, C., Drogui, P., & Job, N. (July 2023). Development of carbon and Ag-doped carbon xerogel cylinder used for the removal of Refractory Organic Compounds in water thanks to adsorption coupled with in situ regeneration by H2O2 electrogeneration and photocatalysis [Poster presentation]. 13th International Symposium on Scientific Bases for the Preparation of Heterogeneous Catalysts (PREPA13), Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. |
Mahy, J., Lambert, S., Wolfs, C., Drogui, D., & Job, N. (10 March 2023). Synthesis of porous carbon and Ag-carbon cylinders for the removal of Refractory Organic Compounds in water with adsorption coupled with in situ regeneration by H2O2 electrogeneration and photocatalysis [Paper presentation]. Congrès inter-centre de l'INRS, Québec, Canada. |
Mahy, J., Job, N., Wolfs, C., Deschamps, F., Drogui, P., & Lambert, S. (08 June 2022). Adsorption process with carbon xerogel cylinders for Refractory Organic Compounds removal in water, coupled with innovative in situ regeneration by H2O2 electrogeneration [Paper presentation]. 16th International Conference on Nanostructured Materials (NANO 2022), Séville, Spain. |
Wolfs, C., Lambert, S., Léonard, A., & Mahy, J. (2022). Custom-Shaped Carbon Xerogel Materials by 3D Printing. Processes, 10, 1979. doi:10.3390/pr10101979 |
Fagnard, J.-F., Stoukatch, S., Laurent, P., Dupont, F., Wolfs, C., Lambert, S., & Redouté, J.-M. (April 2021). Preparation and characterization of a thermal insulating carbon xerogel-epoxy composite adhesive for electronics applications. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 11 (4), 606-615. doi:10.1109/TCPMT.2021.3059478 |
Benkhennouche-Bouchene, H., Mahy, J., Wolfs, C., Vertruyen, B., Poelman, D., Eloy, P., Hermans, S., Bouhali, M., Souici, A., Bourouina-Bacha, S., & Lambert, S. (10 February 2021). Green Synthesis of N/Zr Co-Doped TiO2 for Photocatalytic Degradation of p-Nitrophenol in Wastewater. Catalysts, 11, 235. doi:10.3390/catal11020235 |
Cosaert, E., Wolfs, C., Lambert, S., Heynderickx, G., & Poelman, D. (2021). Deposition of Hybrid Photocatalytic Layers for Air Purification using Commercial TiO2 Powders. Molecules, Special Issue Hybrid Materials for Advanced Applications, 26, 6584. doi:10.3390/molecules26216584 |
Mahy, J., Wolfs, C., Vreuls, C., Drot, S., Dircks, S., Boergers, A., Tuerk, J., Hermans, S., & Lambert, S. (2020). Advanced oxidation processes for waste water treatment: From laboratory-scale model water to on-site real waste water. Environmental Technology. doi:10.1080/09593330.2020.1797894 |
Douven, S., Mahy, J., Wolfs, C., Reyserhove, C., Poelman, D., Devred, F., Gaigneaux, E., & Lambert, S. (14 May 2020). Effcient N, Fe Co-Doped TiO2 Active under Cost-Effective Visible LED Light: From Powders to Films. Catalysts, 10, 547. doi:10.3390/catal10050547 |
Claude, V., Mahy, J., Wolfs, C., & Lambert, S. (February 2020). Physico-chemical properties of alumina supports modified with silicon alkoxides. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 282, 121102. doi:10.1016/j.jssc.2019.121102 |
Lambert, S., Mahy, J., Wolfs, C., Vreuls, C., & Türk, J. (2020). Projet AOPTi dans le cadre du 22ème appel ERA-Net CORNET « Collective Research Networking ». (Rapport final). Région wallonne. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/249018 |
Mahy, J., Wolfs, C., Mertes, A., Vreuls, C., Drot, S., Smeets, S., Dircks, S., Boergers, A., Tuerk, J., & Lambert, S. (November 2019). Advanced photocatalytic oxidation processes for micropollutant elimination from municipal and industrial water. Journal of Environmental Management, 250, 109561. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.109561 |
Mahy, J., Wolfs, C., Vreuls, C., Dirks, S., Börgers, A., Türk, J., & Lambert, S. (18 September 2019). Assessment of Advanced Photocatalytic Oxidation process for Micropollutant Elimination in Municipal and Industrial Waste Water Treatment Plants [Paper presentation]. ECCE 12 - 12th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Florence, Italy. |
Mahy, J., Lambert, S., Tilkin, R., Wolfs, C., Poelman, D., Devred, F., Gaigneaux, E., & Douven, S. (September 2019). Ambient temperature ZrO2-doped TiO2 crystalline photocatalysts: Highly efficient powders and films for water depollution. Materials Today Energy, 13, 312-322. doi:10.1016/j.mtener.2019.06.010 |
Mahy, J., Vreuls, C., Drot, S., Dircks, S., Börgers, A., Türk, J., Wolfs, C., & Lambert, S. (20 June 2019). Assessment of Advanced Photocatalytic Oxidation process for Micropollutant Elimination in Municipal and Industrial Waste Water Treatment Plants [Paper presentation]. 10th IWA International Symposium on Waste Management Problems in Agro-Industries (AGRO 2019), Rhodes, Greece. |
Benhebal, H., Wolfs, C., Kadi, S., Tilkin, R., Allouche, B., Belabib, R., Collard, V., Felten, A., Louette, P., Lambert, S., & Mahy, J. (19 June 2019). Visible Light Sensitive SnO2/ZnCo2O4 Material for the Photocatalytic Removal of Organic Pollutants in Water. Inorganics, 7, 77. doi:10.3390/inorganics7060077 |
Mahy, J., Vreuls, C., Drot, S., Dircks, S., Börgers, A., Türk, J., Wolfs, C., & Lambert, S. (06 June 2019). Advanced oxidative treatment for wastewater contaminated by micropollutants [Paper presentation]. 4th International Conference “Nanomaterials & Applications - NANOAPP 2019, Ljubljana, Slovenia. |
Mahy, J., Vreuls, C., Drot, S., Dircks, S., Borgers, A., Türk, J., Wolfs, C., & Lambert, S. (22 April 2019). Advanced oxidative treatment for wastewater contaminated by micropollutants [Paper presentation]. 9th Edition of International Conference on Chemical Sciences, Dublin, Ireland. |
Mahy, J., Vreuls, C., Drot, S., Dircks, S., Börgers, A., Türk, J., Wolfs, C., & Lambert, S. (20 March 2019). Assessment of Advanced Photocatalytic Oxidation process for Micropollutant Elimination in Municipal and Industrial Waste Water Treatment Plants [Paper presentation]. 9th International Conference on Environment Science and Engineering (ICESE 2019), Leuven, Belgium. |
Belet, A., Wolfs, C., Mahy, J., Poelman, D., Vreuls, C., Gillard, N., & Lambert, S. (20 January 2019). Sol-gel syntheses of photocatalysts for the removal of pharmaceutical products in water. Nanomaterials, 9, 126. doi:10.3390/nano9010126 |
Mahy, J., Wolfs, C., Tilkin, R., & Lambert, S. (10 December 2018). Tailored films and biomaterials: another reality [Poster presentation]. Séminaire des utilisateurs des microscopes organisé par la plateforme de microscopie CAREM, Liège, Belgium. |
Wolfs, C., Mahy, J., Mertes, A., Echterbille, J., Vreuls, C., Turk, J., & Lambert, S. (29 October 2018). Spray-coating as a scalable means for making TiO2 thin films in the context of advanced oxidative processes [Paper presentation]. Journée scientifique "Materials and Energy", Liège, Belgium. |
Wolfs, C., Belet, A., Mertes, A., Vreuls, C., Gillard, N., & Lambert, S. (09 July 2018). Advanced oxidative treatment for wastewater contaminated by micropollutants [Poster presentation]. PREPA12 - 12th International Symposium on the "Scientific Bases for the Preparation of Heterogeneous Catalysts", Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. |
Wolfs, C., Vreuls, C., Mertes, A., Borgers, A., Türk, J., & Lambert, S. (19 June 2018). Advanced oxidative treatment for wastewater contaminated by micropollutants [Poster presentation]. International Symposium on Inorganic and Environmental Materials 2018 – ISIEM 2018, Gand, Belgium. |
Belet, A., Vreuls, C. (Other coll.), Gillard, N. (Other coll.), Wolfs, C. (Other coll.), Heinrichs, B. (Other coll.), & Lambert, S. (Other coll.). (07 September 2017). Advanced oxidative treatment for waste water contamined by pharmaceutical products [Poster presentation]. 19th International Sol-Gel Conference, Liege, Belgium. |
Wolfs, C., Claude, V., & Lambert, S. (07 September 2017). Catalytic reforming of biomass gasification tars with bimetallic catalysts [Poster presentation]. 19th International Sol-Gel Conference, Liège, Belgium. |
Wolfs, C., Vreuls, C. (Other coll.), Gillard, N. (Other coll.), Belet, A. (Other coll.), & Lambert, S. (Other coll.). (12 July 2017). Advanced oxidative treatment for waste water contaminated by pharmaceutical products [Paper presentation]. 16ème Congrès de la Société Française du Génie des Procédés, Nancy, France. |
Belet, A., Vreuls, C. (Other coll.), Gillard, N. (Other coll.), Wolfs, C. (Other coll.), Heinrichs, B. (Other coll.), & Lambert, S. (Other coll.). (07 July 2017). Advanced oxidative treatment for waste water contamined by pharmaceutical products [Paper presentation]. 5th Regional Conference of Young Water Professionals (BeNeLux), Ghent, Belgium. |
Mahy, J., Wolfs, C., Geens, J., & Lambert, S. (May 2017). Method for the determination of the surface composition of alloy nanocrystallites in bimetallic catalysts [Poster presentation]. 11th International Symposium on the Characterization of Porous Solids -COPS-XI, Avignon, France. |
Claude, V., Solis Garcia, H. F., Wolfs, C., & Lambert, S. (2017). Elaboration of an Easy Aqueous Sol-Gel Method for the Synthesis of Micro- and Mesoporous γ-Al2O3 Supports. Advances in Materials Physics and Chemistry, 7, 294-310. doi:10.4236/ampc.2017.77023 |
Wolfs, C., Claude, V., Courson, C., & Lambert, S. (2017). Reforming of toluene with bimetallic catalysts supported on alumina and synthesized by an aqueous sol-gel process. Journal of Advanced Chemical Engineering, 7, 24. |