Bleys, E., Jemine, G., & Pichault, F. (25 October 2024). Donner sens aux changements organisationnels liés au travail hybride : Le management de proximité à l’épreuve de la distance [Paper presentation]. Congrès de l'AGRH 2024. |
Jemine, G. (21 October 2024). L’implémentation d’une nouvelle politique de rémunération dans le secteur hospitalier [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Scientifique du DSSP. |
Jemine, G., & Wuidar, S. (13 September 2024). Beyond crises: the expansion of HR directors’ roles and strategic priorities [Paper presentation]. Repenser la GRH, le changement, et la technologie : pour une approche empirique et polyphonique, Liège, Belgium. |
Jemine, G. (2024). New Ways of Working projects under uncertainty: the challenges of sensegiving strategies and sensemaking work [Paper presentation]. 40th EGOS Colloquium, Milan, Italy. |
Jemine, G. (2024). Beyond the storm: an exploratory survey on HR managers' representations of epidemic-induced telework. International Journal of Information Technology and Management, 23 (2), 156-174. doi:10.1504/IJITM.2024.10062200 |
Jemine, G., & Blaise, M. (2024). Orchestrating public reforms through joint organizations: the case of a new remuneration policy in Belgian healthcare. Public Management Review. doi:10.1080/14719037.2024.2365245 |
Jemine, G., Puyou, F.-R., & Bouvet, F. (2024). Technological innovation and the co-production of accounting services in small accounting firms. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 37 (1), 280-305. doi:10.1108/AAAJ-08-2022-5981 |
Lisein, O., Beuker, L., & Jemine, G. (2023). Avenir de l’Emploi dans le Secteur de l’Aide et des Soins à Domicile – Rapport : 'Evaluation de 5 projets pilotes centrés sur les enjeux du recrutement et de la fidélisation du personnel dans le secteur de l’aide et des soins à domicile & Recommandations institutionnelles'. LENTIC - Université de Liège. |
Naedenoen, F., Jemine, G., Sulbout, J., & Pichault, F. (2023). La formation continue des travailleurs « non-standard » en Wallonie : vers une démarche expérimentale. |
Jemine, G. (November 2023). It takes two to tango: Reconceptualizing union power and union effectiveness in a relational perspective. Industrial Relations Journal, 54 (6), 445-470. doi:10.1111/irj.12403 |
Jemine, G. (2023). L'espace de travail: quelle place dans une vision managériale? [Paper presentation]. Conférence Liège Creative. |
Sulbout, J., Keegan, A., Pichault, F., & Jemine, G. (08 August 2023). Constructing Career Sustainability: the importance of skilled contingent workers' career ecosystem [Paper presentation]. 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, United States. |
Jemine, G., & Blaise, M. (06 July 2023). Linking organizations as external translators of public reforms: implementing a new remuneration policy in the Belgian healthcare sector [Paper presentation]. EGOS 39th Colloquium 2023, Cagliari, Italy. |
Jemine, G. (09 June 2023). Organizing collective action in ephemeral online environments: from Mintzberg to r/place [Paper presentation]. Organizations, Artifacts & Practices (OAP) 13th Workshop, Barcelona, Spain. |
Jemine, G., & Pichault, F. (2023). Behind the Scenes of Strategy: Middle-Management Tactics for Shaping Digital Transformation. In Torben Juul Andersen, Responding to Uncertain Conditions: New Research on Strategic Adaptation (pp. 41-63). Emerald Publishing Limited. doi:10.1108/978-1-80455-964-220231003 |
Jemine, G. (19 January 2023). L’innovation technologique et la co-production des services comptables [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de recherche Comptabilité-Contrôle EMLyon, Lyon, France. |
Jemine, G. (2023). En route vers la "fiduciaire 4.0"? Pas si vite. La Libre Belgique. |
Jemine, G., Puyou, F.-R., & Dubois, C. (2023). The diffusion of management fashions as software in an intermediated market: The case of continuous accounting. Management Accounting Research, 61 (December), 100852. doi:10.1016/j.mar.2023.100852 |
Jemine, G., Stuer, D., & Sulbout, J. (2023). Building bridges across borders: An integrative literature review of project work and careers. European Management Review, 20, 128-144. doi:10.1111/emre.12520 |
Jemine, G. (07 July 2022). “Then your buses will not run tomorrow”: escalating indecision and union power in the public transport sector [Paper presentation]. 38th EGOS Colloquium, Vienna, Austria. |
Jemine, G., & Pichault, F. (June 2022). Behind the Scenes of Strategy: Middle-Management Tactics for Shaping Digital Transformation [Paper presentation]. EURAM 2022 - Leading Digital Transformation, Zurich, Switzerland. |
Jemine, G., & Puyou, F.-R. (13 April 2022). The misfortunes of continuous accounting software: market intermediaries and the diffusion of accounting innovations [Paper presentation]. AGOG Research Seminar, St. Andrews, United Kingdom. |
Jemine, G. (2022). Du télétravail contraint au travail hybride: perceptions managériales et enjeux organisationnels [Paper presentation]. HR Club. |
Franssen, M., Jemine, G., & Rondeaux, G. (February 2022). L’Humain au-delà de la digitalisation: repenser les espaces de travail, les compétences et les pratiques RH. Cahiers du Digital, 3. |
Jemine, G., & Guillaume, K. (2022). Lifting the veil on HRIS adoption: the role of vendors and consultants in the diffusion of HR innovations. Information Technology and People, 35 (7), 2418-2440. doi:10.1108/ITP-02-2021-0114 |
Jemine, G., Pichault, F., & Dubois, C. (2022). New Ways of Working in academia: maneuvering in and with ambiguity in workspace design processes. M@n@gement, 25 (4), 16-30. doi:10.37725/mgmt.v25.4447 |
Sulbout, J., Pichault, F., Jemine, G., & Naedenoen, F. (2021). Are skilled contingent workers neglected? Evidence from a cross-sector multiple case study on organizational career management practices. European Management Journal. doi:10.1016/j.emj.2021.07.005 |
Jemine, G., Puyou, F.-R., & Dubois, C. (08 July 2021). The misfortunes of artificial intelligence solutions for accounting firms: The forgotten role of distribution channels in the diffusion of innovations [Paper presentation]. 37th EGOS Colloquium, Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
Sulbout, J., Pichault, F., & Jemine, G. (08 July 2021). We need to talk about sustainability! A focus on skilled contingent workers’ career scripts [Paper presentation]. 37th EGOS Colloquium in July 2021 - Organizing for an Inclusive Society: Meanings, Motivations & Mechanisms, Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
Sulbout, J., Pichault, F., & Jemine, G. (05 July 2021). Constructing Career Sustainability: A Focus on Skilled Contingent Workers¿ Career Scripts [Paper presentation]. 2021 – SASE Conference After Covid? Critical Conjunctures and Contingent Pathways of Contemporary Capitalism. |
Marenne, C., Jemine, G., & Lisein, O. (June 2021). Revisiting organizational self-assessment: towards a dynamic conceptualization [Paper presentation]. XXXème Conférence de l'AIMS - Association Internationale de Management Stratégique: "Le Management stratégique à l'épreuve des grands défis mondiaux". |
Sulbout, J., Pichault, F., & Jemine, G. (26 May 2021). The way towards sustainability? A qualitative investigation of skilled contingent workers’ sustainable career scripts [Paper presentation]. HEC Research Day, Liège, Belgium. |
Jemine, G. (2021). Dans les coulisses de projets « NWoW »: Les engrenages du processus de changement. |
Jemine, G. (2021). "New Ways of Working": Origins, Legimation, and Challenges [Paper presentation]. Nouvelles Organisations de Travail. |
Jemine, G. (2021). New Ways of Working: de l'espace conçu à l'espace vécu [Paper presentation]. L’aménagement des espaces de travail NWoW : un idéal fantasmé ?. |
Jemine, G. (2021). Télétravail massif, contrôle et régulation [Paper presentation]. L’impact de la Covid et du télétravail massif sur le travail des membres de la fonction publique et sur les rôles syndicaux. |
Jemine, G. (2021). Générations, polyphonie, et participation [Paper presentation]. Régionale des directions des établissements secondaires du diocèse du 19 mars 2021. |
Jemine, G. (2021). Une nouvelle façon de travailler, mais à quel prix? La Libre Belgique. |
Jemine, G. (2021). New Ways of Working: du contenu aux processus. |
Sulbout, J., Pichault, F., & Jemine, G. (15 January 2021). We need to talk about sustainability! A focus on skilled contingent workers’ career scripts [Paper presentation]. Paper Development Workshop, Remote, Belgium. |
Jemine, G. (2021). Deconstructing New Ways of Working: A Five-Dimensional Conceptualization Proposal. In N. Mitev, J. Aroles, K. Stephenson, ... J. Malaurent, New Ways of Working Organizations and Organizing in the Digital Age (pp. 453-480). London, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan. |
Jemine, G., Fauconneau-Dufresne, S., Pichault, F., & Rondeaux, G. (2021). Beyond flexibility: confronting conceived and lived spaces of New Ways of Working. In N. Mitev, J. Aroles, K. Stephenson, ... J. Malaurent, New Ways of Working Organizations and Organizing in the Digital Age (pp. 293-318). Palgrave Macmillan. |
Jemine, G., & Franssen, M. (2021). Anticiper l’après-crise du Covid-19. Rapport intermédiaire: Politiques et perceptions managériales du travail à distance contraint. |
Jemine, G., Pichault, F., & Dubois, C. (2021). The politics behind design projects: when space, organization, and technology collide. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 14 (3), 743-766. doi:10.1108/IJMPB-01-2020-0020 |
Jemine, G., Pichault, F., & Dubois, C. (04 December 2020). The Politics Behind Design Projects: When Space, Organization, and Technology Collide [Paper presentation]. EURAM 2020 Online Conference. |
Sulbout, J., Jemine, G., Pichault, F., & Naedenoen, F. (18 July 2020). Organizational Career Management for External Workers: Where Are We Now? [Paper presentation]. Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution. |
Sulbout, J., Jemine, G., Pichault, F., & Naedenoen, F. (09 March 2020). Organizational Career Management for external workers: where are we now? [Paper presentation]. Small Group Meeting: Towards inclusive careers across the lifespan: Integrating HRM and careers perspectives, Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
Jemine, G., Stuer, D., & Sulbout, J. (15 February 2020). Careers in the project era: a systematic literature review of project work and career development [Paper presentation]. Careers in Context: Theorizing in and about Turbulent Times, Vienna, Austria. |
Sulbout, J., Jemine, G., Pichault, F., & Naedenoen, F. (14 February 2020). With or without you? Skilled external workers and OCM practices [Paper presentation]. 1st Careers Division Community Conference: Careers in Context: Theorizing in and about Turbulent Times, Vienna, Austria. |
Jemine, G., Dubois, C., & Pichault, F. (2020). When the Gallic Village Strikes Back: The Politics Behind ‘New Ways of Working’ Projects. Journal of Change Management, 20 (2), 146-170. doi:10.1080/14697017.2020.1720777 |
Jemine, G., Dubois, C., & Pichault, F. (2020). From a new workplace to a New Way of Working: legitimizing organizational change. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management, 15 (3), 257-278. doi:10.1108/QROM-10-2018-1690 |
Jemine, G. (December 2019). L'outil face au manager: le contrôle du travail à l'ère du numérique, un terrain controversé? Cahiers du Numérique, 15 (4), 137-162. |
Jemine, G. (2019). Organizing Strategic Decision: Decisional Work in New Ways of Working Projects [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Jemine, G. (2019). Siffler en travaillant? De Marx à l'intelligence artificielle [Paper presentation]. Doc'Café, Liège, Belgium. |
Jemine, G. (23 November 2018). When local actors strike back: Power, Resources and Critical Uncertainties in New Ways of Working projects [Paper presentation]. Séminaire doctoral en sociologie des organisations, du travail et des professions. |
Jemine, G., & Lisein, O. (2018). Entre procédures et autonomie: l’agent d’assurances face au "NWoW" (étude de cas). (ULiège - Université de Liège). |
Fauconneau-Dufresne, S., Jemine, G., Pichault, F., & Rondeaux, G. (05 July 2018). Activity-based working environments as social constructs: a discussion of the sensemaking perspective [Paper presentation]. 34th EGOS Colloquium: Surprise in and around Organizations: Journeys to the Unexpected, Tallinn, Estonia. |
Fauconneau-Dufresne, S., Jemine, G., Pichault, F., & Rondeaux, G. (22 June 2018). Beyond flexibility: confronting normative and lived spaces of New Ways of Working [Paper presentation]. “New Ways of Working (NWW): Rematerializing Organizations in the Digital Age”, Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
Jemine, G., Dubois, C., & Pichault, F. (22 June 2018). Legitimizing New Ways of Working: discursive and material dimensions of a transformation project [Paper presentation]. New Ways of Working (NWW): Rematerializing Organizations in the Digital Age, Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
Jemine, G. (2018). Nouveaux modes d'organisation: enjeux stratégiques, managériaux et opérationnels [Paper presentation]. Journée d'étude: Les nouvelles formes de travail, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. |
Jemine, G. (30 May 2018). Behind the scenes of New Ways of Working: Exploring the issues of legitimation and black-boxing [Paper presentation]. HEC Liège Research Day. |
Jemine, G. (2018). An ethnographic report of the 8th OAP Workshop. |
Jemine, G., Pichault, F., & Dubois, C. (29 June 2017). Infrastructures in the Making: The Case of a Public Broadcasting Operator [Paper presentation]. SASE 29th Annual Meeting, Lyon, France. |
Jemine, G. (27 April 2017). “New Ways of Working” and their managerial myths: the resurgence of liberation and distributed surveillance? [Paper presentation]. Knowledge, Organisations and Policy Seminar, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. |
Jemine, G. (April 2017). Déploiement de dispositifs numériques au sein de nouvelles formes d’organisation : de l’émergence à la stabilisation. Sociologies Pratiques, 34 (1), 49-59. |
Fox, F., Franssen, M., Jemine, G., Naedenoen, F., & Pichault, F. (2016). Rapport d’étude sur les enjeux des nouvelles formes de travail pour la pratique syndicale. |
Jemine, G. (October 2016). Un chantier de modernisation des contextes de travail: le "New Way of Working" dans une compagnie d'assurances [Paper presentation]. 27e Congrès AGRH, Strasbourg, France. |
Jemine, G. (2016). Le New Way of Working. Discours, dispositifs et pratiques d’un processus de changement organisationnel. Sociologies Pratiques, 32, 107-108. |