Gerday, L. (2024). Where Does the "Postcolonial" Stand in Twenty-First-Century "Global" English Linguistics and Anglophone Literary Studies? An Analysis of the Concepts of Variety (of English) and World (Literature) [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Gerday, L. (2024). Le "world" de la world literature contemporaine anglophone : Un éclairage critique linguistique et postcolonial. |
Gerday, L. (2024). "Le langage de l'amour : De la rencontre à la rupture, comment les mots révèlent nos sentiments". Campus ULiège - Lectures pour l'été 2024. |
Gerday, L. (2023). "What Language Do I Dream In? My Family's Secret History". Campus ULiège - Lectures pour l'été 2023. |
Gerday, L., Teicher, R., Schürgers, E., Dupont, B., & Flas, J. (Eds.). (March 2023). Usages de la déviance : discours, identités, éducation. MethIS: Méthodes et Interdisciplinarité en Sciences Humaines, 7. |
Gerday, L. (2022). "Mother for Dinner". Campus ULiège - Lectures pour l'été 2022. |
Gerday, L. (2022). Rewording the World or Reworlding the Word? Some Postcolonial Perspectives on the "World" of World Literature. Interventions: the International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, 24 (6), 917-931. doi:10.1080/1369801X.2021.1892511 |
Gerday, L. (19 July 2021). "Global" as a 21st-century Keyword: A Call for Elucidating the Meaning of this Term in Today's English Linguistics and Anglophone Literary Studies [Paper presentation]. 28th Congress of the Fédération Internationale des Langues et Littératures Modernes (FILLM), Vienne (en ligne), Austria. |
Gerday, L. (2021). "One World Two: A Second Global Anthology of Short Stories". Campus ULiège - Lectures pour l'été 2021. |
Gerday, L. (2020). "Daydream and Drunkenness of a Young Lady". Campus ULiège - Lectures pour l'été 2020. |
Gerday, L. (16 July 2019). On (Re)Theorising Postcolonial Literature in the Era of Globalisation: The "World" as an Area of Contention [Paper presentation]. The Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies (ACLALS) Triennial Conference, Auckland, New Zealand. |
Gerday, L. (05 July 2019). On the Linguistic Behaviour of the Word "Variety" in ELF Studies [Paper presentation]. 12th International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca, Medellín, Colombia. |
Gerday, L. (2019). "The Shape of Ideas: An Illustrated Exploration of Creativity". Campus ULiège - Lectures pour l'été 2019. |
Gerday, L. (23 May 2019). Qu’advient-il de l’idéologie postcoloniale dans les études littéraires et de linguistique anglaise au 21ème siècle ? [Poster presentation]. Journée annuelle des doctorants de l'ED3bis "Langues, Lettres et Traductologie", Liège, Belgium. |
Gerday, L. (2019). Regard critique sur l'usage quotidien de l'anglais moderne écrit [Paper presentation]. Journée enseignement secondaire, Liège, Belgium. |
Gerday, L. (2019). What Is "Global" in an ELT Global Coursebook? A Linguistic Analysis of the New Headway Upper‑Intermediate Student’s Book. English Text Construction, 12 (1), 59-83. doi:10.1075/etc.00018.ger |
Gerday, L. (30 July 2018). Considering English and Literature through Global Lenses: Striking a Balance between Unity and Diversity in Linguistics and Literary Studies [Paper presentation]. 11th Global Studies Conference, Grenade, Spain. |
Gerday, L. (2018). "Marine Le Pen prise aux mots : Décryptage du nouveau discours frontiste". Campus ULiège - Lectures pour l'été 2018. |
Gerday, L. (2018). "Thinking Literature across Continents". Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 54 (3), 433-434. |
Gerday, L. (13 June 2017). English as a Lingua Franca and World Englishes: Tracing the Roots of ELF and its Connection with the World Englishes Paradigm [Poster presentation]. "ELF & Changing English - 10th Anniversary Conference of English as a Lingua Franca", Helsinki, Finland. |
Gerday, L. (2015). Whose English Does the New Headway Upper-Intermediate Global Coursebook Spread? [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. |