Darcis, C. (2022). Keeping the myth alive: Network coordinators facing the challenges of public action in the Belgian mental health sector [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/295586 |
Darcis, C. (May 2022). The place and role of meeting in the coordiantion of mental health networks [Paper presentation]. Meeting Science Symposium, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Darcis, C., Schoenaers, F., & Thunus, S. (2022). The Belgian mental health reform: When acombination of soft instruments hampersstructural change. Governance. doi:10.1111/gove.12608 |
Darcis, C., & Thunus, S. (06 February 2020). What Do Coordinators Do? Mental Health Policy Implementation as Translation. Administrative Sciences, 10 (1). doi:10.3390/admsci10010009 |
Darcis, C. (27 June 2019). Coordinating the policy process, making the collaborative model work. The case of network coordinators in the forensic mental health sector [Paper presentation]. 4th International Conference on Public Policy, Montréal, Canada. |
Darcis, C., & Schoenaers, F. (26 June 2019). The blurring of boundaries in the Belgian internment field: a hybridisation of justice and healthcare professionals' discourses and representations? [Paper presentation]. IAFMHS CONFERENCE MONTREAL 2019, Montréal, Canada. |
Leys, M., Bourmorck, D., & Darcis, C. (08 November 2018). The For-care Research; A “realistic evaluation” of a reform program in a multisectoral framework [Paper presentation]. « Internement : pratiques, recherche et législation ; quelles évolutions ? », Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Darcis, C. (25 June 2018). Talking policy: the construction of Belgian forensic mental health policy [Paper presentation]. 2018 IIAS Congress, Tunis, Tunisia. |
Darcis, C. (22 June 2018). The emergence of the coordination function in the governance of health systems. The case of the forensic mental health sector [Paper presentation]. EHMA 2018 ANNUAL CONFERENCE - MAKING IT HAPPEN, Budapest, Hungary. |
Darcis, C. (June 2018). When hybrid professional roles blur the boundaries. The case of the Belgian internment field [Paper presentation]. IAFMHS Conference 2018 Antwerp, Anvers, Belgium. |
Darcis, C. (20 April 2018). Les représentations autour du patient interné : multiplicité et incertitude [Paper presentation]. Séminaire interne au CRIS - Les systèmes de santé en Belgique, Liège, Belgium. |
Darcis, C. (2018). Intervention dans le cadre du ciné-débat "Être sourd dans un monde entendant" autour du film "Listen to the silence" [Paper presentation]. Festival Imagésanté, Liège, Belgium. |
Leys, M., Nicaise, P., Schoenaers, F., Thunus, S., Vander Laenen, F., Vanderplasschen, W., Pans, M., Bourmorck, D., Darcis, C., Rowaert, S., & de Pau, M. (2018). For-Care research interim report II - The Belgian MDO reform programme implementation of health care trajectories for MDO. Belgium: SPF Santé Publique, sécurité de la chaîne alimentaire et environnement. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/240137 |
Darcis, C. (2017). L'internement. Au croisement de deux mondes distincts. (UCL - Université Catholique de Louvain, Analyse de l'organisation des systèmes et réseaux de soins locaux). |
Darcis, C. (2017). L'internement en Belgique. (ULiège - Université de Liège, Sociologie du contrôle social). |
Darcis, C., & Thunus, S. (September 2017). The work coordinators do. An organisational reflection on the coordination function as enactive of change in complex policy fields [Paper presentation]. ECPR General Conference, Oslo, Norway. |
Darcis, C. (28 April 2017). The role of coordinators in the internment public policy translation [Paper presentation]. Knowledge, Organisations and Policy Seminar, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. |
Pans, M., & Darcis, C. (April 2017). The Belgian Internment Policy as an Example of Hybrid Governance. Tijdschrift voor Bestuurswetenschappen en Publiekrecht, 4 (4). |
Pans, M., Darcis, C., Leys, M., Thunus, S., & Schoenaers, F. (April 2017). Het Belgische interneringsbeleid als een voorbeeld van hybride bestuur. Tijdschrift voor Bestuurswetenschappen en Publiekrecht, 4, 211 - 221. |
Thunus, S., & Darcis, C. (21 February 2017). Le secret professionnel en réseau: Aspects sociologiques et illustrations pratiques [Paper presentation]. Révéler pour mieux aider? Le secret professionnel partagé au cœur du travail en réseau, Liège, Belgium. |
Darcis, C. (2016). L'identité sourde : entre handicap, culture et stigmate [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/211464 |