Publications and communications of Manon Stipulanti

Stipulanti, M. (03 September 2024). Binomial^4: Coefficients, equivalence, complexity, and beyond [Paper presentation]. 19th Journées Montoises d’Informatique Théorique, Nice, France.

Allouche, J.-P., Campbell, J. M., Shallit, J., & Stipulanti, M. (2024). The reflection complexity of sequences over finite alphabets. ORBi-University of Liège.

Stipulanti, M. (20 May 2024). Parry’s 1960 theorem and some applications in combinatorics on words [Paper presentation]. Random Number Representations, Stochastic Processes, and Quantum Transport, Aalborg, Denmark.

Allouche, J.-P., & Stipulanti, M. (09 May 2024). Summing the sum of digits. Communications in Mathematics, Volume 33 (2025), Issue 2..., 2. doi:10.46298/cm.12610

Jahannia, M., & Stipulanti, M. (2024). Exploring the Crochemore and Ziv-Lempel factorizations of some automatic sequences with the software Walnut. ORBi-University of Liège.

Allouche, J.-P., Shallit Jeffrey, & Stipulanti, M. (2024). Combinatorics on words and generating Dirichlet series of automatic sequences. ORBi-University of Liège.

Cassaigne, J., Gheeraert, F., Restivo, A., Romana, G., Sciortino, M., & Stipulanti, M. (2024). New string attractor-based complexities for infinite words. Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A, 208, 105936. doi:10.1016/j.jcta.2024.105936

Gheeraert, F., Romana, G., & Stipulanti, M. (2024). String attractors of some simple-Parry automatic sequences. Theory of Computing Systems. doi:10.1007/s00224-024-10195-7

Popoli, P., Shallit, J., & Stipulanti, M. (2024). Additive word complexity and Walnut. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, 323, 32:1--32:18. doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.FSTTCS.2024.32

Popoli, P., & Stipulanti, M. (2024). On the pseudorandomness of Parry-Bertrand automatic sequences. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.

Rampersad, N., & Stipulanti, M. (2024). An Introduction to Walnut [Paper presentation]. "Research School in Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science" at the CIRM Thematic Month "Discrete Mathematics & Computer Science: Groups, Dynamics, Complexity, Words".

Rigo, M., Stipulanti, M., & Whiteland, M. (2024). On extended boundary sequences of morphic and Sturmian words. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 31 (1), 1.9. doi:10.37236/11728

Rigo, M., Stipulanti, M., & Whiteland, M. (2024). Characterizations of families of morphisms and words via binomial complexities. European Journal of Combinatorics. doi:10.1016/j.ejc.2024.103932

Rigo, M., Stipulanti, M., & Whiteland, M. (2024). Automatic Abelian Complexities of Parikh-Collinear Fixed Points. ORBi-University of Liège.

Rigo, M., Stipulanti, M., & Whiteland, M. A. (2024). Automatic Abelian Complexities of Parikh-Collinear Fixed Points. Theory of Computing Systems. doi:10.1007/s00224-024-10197-5

Stipulanti, M. (12 June 2023). Magic Numbers in Periodic Sequences [Paper presentation]. Developments in Language Theory 2023 and WORDS 2023, Umeå, Sweden.

Gheeraert, F., Stipulanti, M., & Giuseppe Romana. (2023). String attractors of fixed points of k-bonacci-like morphisms. In A. Frid & R. Mercaş (Eds.), Combinatorics on Words. WORDS 2023. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-33180-0_15

Stipulanti, M. (31 January 2023). Binomial^3: coefficient, equivalence, and complexities [Paper presentation]. Journées de combinatoire de Bordeaux (JCB) 2023, Bordeaux, France.

Kreczman, S., Prigioniero, L., Rowland, E., & Stipulanti, M. (2023). Magic Numbers in Periodic Sequences. In A. Frid (Ed.), Combinatorics on Words - 14th International Conference, WORDS 2023, Proceedings (pp. 206—219). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-33180-0_16

Rigo, M., Stipulanti, M., & Whiteland, M. (2023). Gapped Binomial Complexities in Sequences. In 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) (pp. 1294-1299). IEEE.

Rigo, M., Stipulanti, M., & Whiteland, M. (2023). Automaticity and Parikh-collinear Morphisms. In Robert Merças & Anna E. Frid (Eds.), Words 2023 (pp. 247-260). Springer.

Rowland, E., Stipulanti, M., & Yassawi Reem. (2023). Algebraic power series and their automatic complexity I: finite fields. ORBi-University of Liège.

Mathonet, P., Rigo, M., Stipulanti, M., & Zenaïdi, N. (2022). On digital sequences associated with Pascal's triangle. Aequationes Mathematicae. doi:10.1007/s00010-022-00932-z

Stipulanti, M. (09 May 2022). Binomial complexities and Parikh-collinear morphisms [Paper presentation]. 26th International Conference Developments in Language Theory (DLT-2022).

Charlier, E., Cisternino, C., & Stipulanti, M. (March 2022). Regular sequences and synchronized sequences in abstract numeration systems. European Journal of Combinatorics, 101, 103475. doi:10.1016/j.ejc.2021.103475

Charlier, E., Cisternino, C., & Stipulanti, M. (2022). A full characterization of Bertrand numeration systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13257, 102-114. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-05578-2_8

Jahannia, M., Mohammad-noori, M., Narad, R., & Stipulanti, M. (2022). Closed Ziv-Lempel factorization of the m-bonacci words. Theoretical Computer Science, 918, 32-47. doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2022.03.019

Rigo, M., & Stipulanti, M. (2022). Revising regular sequences in light of rational base numeration systems. Discrete Mathematics, 345, 112735. doi:10.1016/j.disc.2021.112735

Rigo, M., Stipulanti, M., & Whiteland, M. (2022). On extended boundary sequences of morphic and Sturmian words. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, 241, 79. doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.MFCS.2022.79

Rigo, M., Stipulanti, M., & Whiteland, M. (2022). Binomial Complexities and Parikh-Collinear Morphisms. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13257, 251-262. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-05578-2_20

Stipulanti, M. (31 March 2021). Automatic sequences in rational base numeration systems (and even more) [Paper presentation]. Discrete Math. Seminar, Liège, Belgium.

Charlier, E., Cisternino, C., & Stipulanti, M. (2021). Robustness of Pisot-regular sequences. Advances in Applied Mathematics, 125, 102151. doi:10.1016/j.aam.2020.102151

Rigo, M., & Stipulanti, M. (2021). Automatic sequences: from rational bases to trees. Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 24 (1), 25.

Rowland, E., & Stipulanti, M. (21 August 2020). Avoiding 5/4-powers on the alphabet of nonnegative integers. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 27 (3), 3.42, 39. doi:10.37236/9581

Stipulanti, M. (27 March 2020). Avoiding fractional powers on the alphabet N [Paper presentation]. New York Combinatorics Seminar, New York, United States.

Stipulanti, M. (15 January 2020). Nyldon words [Paper presentation]. Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM2020), Denver, Colorado, United States.

Rowland, E., & Stipulanti, M. (2020). Avoiding 5/4-powers on the alphabet of nonnegative integers (extended abstract). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12086, 280-293. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-48516-0_21

Stipulanti, M. (06 November 2019). A way to extend Pascal's triangle to words [Paper presentation]. Hofstra Mathematics Seminar, Hempstead (Long Island, New York), United States.

Stipulanti, M. (28 May 2019). Extensions of the Pascal triangle to words [Paper presentation]. Most Informal Probability Seminar, Leiden, Netherlands.

Stipulanti, M. (2019). Extensions of the Pascal Triangle to Words, and Related Counting Problems [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Stipulanti, M. (12 March 2019). The formal inverse of the period-doubling word [Paper presentation]. Discrete Math. Seminar, Liège, Belgium.

Charlier, E., Philibert, M., & Stipulanti, M. (2019). Nyldon words. Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A, 167, 60-90. doi:10.1016/j.jcta.2019.04.002

Jahannia, M., Mohammad-noori, M., Rampersad, N., & Stipulanti, M. (2019). Palindromic Ziv–Lempel and Crochemore Factorizations of m-Bonacci Infinite Words. Theoretical Computer Science, 16-40. doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2019.05.010

Mol, L., Rampersad, N., Shallit, J., & Stipulanti, M. (2019). Cobham’s Theorem and Automaticity. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 30, 1363–1379. doi:10.1142/S0129054119500308

Stipulanti, M. (2019). Convergence of Pascal-Like Triangles in Parry–Bertrand Numeration Systems. Theoretical Computer Science, 758, 42-60. doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2018.08.003

Stipulanti, M. (16 November 2018). A way to extend the Pascal triangle to words [Paper presentation]. IRIF Automata seminar, Paris, France.

Stipulanti, M. (24 September 2018). A way of extending Pascal and Sierpinski triangles to finite words [Paper presentation]. Young Mathematicians Symposium of the Greater Region, Nancy, France.

Stipulanti, M. (27 April 2018). Some generalizations of the Pascal triangle: base 2 and beyond [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de combinatoire et d'informatique mathématique, Montréal, Canada.

Stipulanti, M. (16 March 2018). Pascal-like triangles: base 2 and beyond [Paper presentation]. Seminar of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Winnipeg, Canada.

Leroy, J., Rigo, M., & Stipulanti, M. (2018). Counting Subwords Occurrences in Base-b Expansions. Integers, 18A, 13, 32.

Rampersad, N., & Stipulanti, M. (2018). The Formal Inverse of the Period-Doubling Sequence. Journal of Integer Sequences, 21 (9), 18.9.1, 22.

Stipulanti, M. (15 December 2017). An extension of the Pascal triangle and the Sierpiński gasket to finite words [Paper presentation]. Groupe de travail du thème "Combinatoire Énumérative et Algébrique" de l'équipe Combinatoire et Algorithmique du LaBRI, Bordeaux, France.

Stipulanti, M. (29 November 2017). Pascal triangles and Sierpiński gasket extended to binomial coefficients of words [Paper presentation]. Journée Scientifique Charles Hermite "Théorie des nombres et théorie des graphes", Nancy, France.

Stipulanti, M. (19 June 2017). Generalized Pascal triangles for binomial coefficients of finite words [Paper presentation]. Aperiodic Patterns in Crystals, Numbers and Symbols, Leiden, Netherlands.

Stipulanti, M. (16 June 2017). Generalized Pascal triangles for binomial coefficients of finite words [Paper presentation]. Computability in Europe (CiE), Turku, Finland.

Stipulanti, M. (19 April 2017). Triangles de Pascal et compagnie [Paper presentation]. Séminaire compréhensible de l'ULg, Liège, Belgium.

Leroy, J., Rigo, M., & Stipulanti, M. (03 March 2017). Behavior of digital sequences through exotic numeration systems. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 24 (1), 1.44, 36. doi:10.37236/6581

Stipulanti, M. (23 January 2017). Des triangles de Pascal généralisés aux coefficients binomiaux de mots finis [Paper presentation]. École Jeunes Chercheurs en Informatique Mathématique, Lyon, France.

Stipulanti, M. (09 January 2017). Generalized Pascal triangles for binomial coefficients of words: a short introduction [Paper presentation]. Sage Days 82 : Women in Sage, Paris, France.

Leroy, J., Rigo, M., & Stipulanti, M. (2017). Counting the number of non-zero coefficients in rows of generalized Pascal triangles. Discrete Mathematics, 340, 862-881. doi:10.1016/j.disc.2017.01.003

Stipulanti, M. (16 December 2016). Chapter VIII "Equations and languages" in J.-É. Pin, Mathematical Foundations of Automata Theory [Paper presentation]. Reading Group in Discrete Mathematics, Liège, Belgium.

Stipulanti, M. (01 December 2016). Generalized Pascal triangles and binomial coefficients of words [Poster presentation]. Combinatorics, Automata and Number Theory (CANT) school 2016, Marseille, France.

Stipulanti, M. (07 September 2016). Generalized Pascal triangle for binomial coefficients of words : an overview [Paper presentation]. 16th Mons Theoretical Computer Science Days, Liège, Belgium.

Stipulanti, M. (05 April 2016). Generalized Pascal triangle for binomial coefficients of finite words [Poster presentation]. Ecole Jeunes Chercheurs en Informatique Mathématique, Strasbourg, France.

Stipulanti, M. (25 March 2016). Une généralisation du triangle de Pascal et la suite A007306 [Paper presentation]. Séminaire compréhensible de l'ULg, Liège, Belgium.

Stipulanti, M. (22 March 2016). Une généralisation du triangle de Pascal [Paper presentation]. Discrete Math. Seminar, Liège, Belgium.

Leroy, J., Rigo, M., & Stipulanti, M. (2016). Generalized Pascal triangle for binomial coefficients of words. Advances in Applied Mathematics, 80, 24-47. doi:10.1016/j.aam.2016.04.006

Stipulanti, M. (23 February 2015). Chapter 2 "Substitutions, arithmetic and finite automata: an introduction" in Pytheas Fogg, Substitutions in Dynamics, Arithmetics and Combinatorics [Paper presentation]. Reading group in Discrete Mathematics, Liège, Belgium.

Stipulanti, M. (2015). Comportement asymptotique des morphismes et théorème de Cobham pour les morphismes effaçants [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.