Publications and communications of Charlotte Beaudart

Colman, D., Grosdent, S., Demoulin, C., Schwartz, C., Durieux, N., Pesesse, P., Beaudart, C., Cagnie, B., Dewalque Antoine, & Vanderthommen, M. (2025). Cervical extensor muscle activity during neck tasks in individuals with and without neck pain: a systematic review. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. doi:10.1016/

Beaudart, C., Praillet, A., Le Van, P., Michel, J., Xhrouet, S., Jardon, C., & Kaux, J.-F. (24 October 2024). Self-Medication and Parasport: A Study on Adult Amateur Athletes with Motor Disabilities [Poster presentation]. 38th FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Sharma, M., Beaudart, C., Clark, P., Fujiwara, S., Adachi, J. D., Papaioannou, A., Messina, O. D., Morin, S. N., Kohlmeier, L., Nogues, X., Leckie, C., Harvey, N. C., Kanis, J. A., Reginster, J.-Y., Hiligsmann, M., & Silverman, S. L. (2024). Clinical and demographic factors determining patient fracture risk decision point (FRDP): The improving risk communication in osteoporosis (RICO) project. Osteoporosis International. doi:10.1007/s00198-024-07264-5

Demonceau, C., Voz, B., Bruyère, O., Reginster, J.-Y., & Beaudart, C. (27 September 2024). Health-related quality of life in sarcopenia: content validity of the SarQoL questionnaire [Paper presentation]. World Congress of Epidemiology, Capetown, South Africa.

Ladang, A., GENDEBIEN, A.-S., KOVACS, S., Demonceau, C., Beaudart, C., Peeters, S., Alokail, M. S., Al-Daghri, N., Le Goff, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Bruyère, O., & Cavalier, E. (24 September 2024). Investigation of the Vitamin D Metabolite Ratio (VMR) as a Marker of Functional Vitamin D Deficiency: Findings from the SarcoPhAge Cohort. Nutrients, 16 (19), 3224. doi:10.3390/nu16193224

Westbury, L. D., Harvey, N. C., Beaudart, C., Bruyère, O., Cauley, J. A., Cawthon, P., Cruz-Jentoft, A. J., Curtis, E. M., Ensrud, K., Fielding, R., Johansson, H., Kanis, J. A., Karlsson, M. K., Lane, N. E., Lengele, L., Lorentzon, M., McCloskey, E., Mellström, D., Newman, A. B., ... and the International Musculoskeletal Ageing Network. (06 June 2024). Predictive value of sarcopenia components for all-cause mortality: findings from population-based cohorts. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 36 (1), 126. doi:10.1007/s40520-024-02783-x

Martens, G., Thibaut, A., Beaudart, C., Kaux, J.-F., & Leclerc, S. (26 May 2024). Analysis of an Extensive Survey Conducted within the French-Speaking Sports Community on the Awareness and Management of Concussions in Football [Paper presentation]. Football medeicine - Bridging science and practice, Madrid, Spain.

Beaudart, C., Praillet, A., Le Van, P., Michel, J., Xhrouet, S., Jardon, C., & Kaux, J.-F. (26 April 2024). Self-Medication and Parasport: A Study on Adult Amateur Athletes with Motor Disabilitie [Paper presentation]. 24th European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine - ESPRM, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Fuggle, N. R., Beaudart, C., Bruyère, O., Abrahamsen, B., Al-Daghri, N., Burlet, N., Chandran, M., Rosa, M. M., Cortet, B., Demonceau, C., Dere, W., Halbout, P., Hiligsmann, M., Kanis, J. A., Kaufman, J.-M., Kurth, A., Lamy, O., Laslop, A., Maggi, S., ... Harvey, N. C. (14 March 2024). Evidence-Based Guideline for the management of osteoporosis in men. Nature Reviews Rheumatology, 20 (4), 241-251. doi:10.1038/s41584-024-01094-9

Millet, M., Auroux, M., Beaudart, C., Demonceau, C., Ladang, A., Cavalier, E., Reginster, J.-Y., Bruyère, O., Chapurlat, R., & Rousseau, J.-C. (14 March 2024). Association of circulating hsa-miRNAs with sarcopenia: the SarcoPhAge study. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 36 (1), 70. doi:10.1007/s40520-024-02711-z

Sanchez-Rodriguez, D., Bruyère, O., Surquin, M., Reginster, J.-Y., & Beaudart, C. (05 March 2024). Towards a core outcome set (COS) for intrinsic capacity (IC) intervention studies in adults in midlife and beyond: a scoping review to identify frequently used outcomes and measurement tools. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 36 (1), 54. doi:10.1007/s40520-023-02681-8

Beaudart, C., Praillet, A., Le Van, P., Michel, J., Xhrouet, S., Jardon, C., & Kaux, J.-F. (01 March 2024). Self-Medication and Parasport: A Study on Adult Amateur Athletes with Motor Disabilities. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 58 (Suppl 2), 166-A167. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2024-IOC.307

Beaudart, C., Sharma, M., Clark, P., Fujiwara, S., Adachi, J. D., Messina, O. D., Morin, S. N., Kohlmeier, L. A., Sangan, C. B., Nogues, X., Cruz-Priego, G. A., Cavallo, A., Cooper, F., Grier, J., Leckie, C., Montiel-Ojeda, D., Papaioannou, A., Raskin, N., Yurquina, L., ... Hiligsmann, M. (March 2024). Patients' preferences for fracture risk communication: the Risk Communication in Osteoporosis (RICO) study. Osteoporosis International, 35 (3), 451-468. doi:10.1007/s00198-023-06955-9

Vandenput, L., Johansson, H., McCloskey, E. V., Liu, E., Schini, M., Åkesson, K. E., Anderson, F. A., Azagra, R., Bager, C. L., Beaudart, C., Bischoff-Ferrari, H. A., Biver, E., Bruyère, O., Cauley, J. A., Center, J. R., Chapurlat, R., Christiansen, C., Cooper, C., Crandall, C. J., ... Kanis, J. A. (March 2024). A meta-analysis of previous falls and subsequent fracture risk in cohort studies. Osteoporosis International, 35 (3), 469 - 494. doi:10.1007/s00198-023-07012-1

Calluy, E., Beaudart, C., Alokail, M. S., Al-Daghri, N., Bruyère, O., Reginster, J.-Y., Cavalier, E., & Ladang, A. (2024). Confounding factors of the expression of MTBI biomarkers, S100B, GFAP and UCH-L1, in an aging population. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research.

Calluy, E., Beaudart, C., Alokail, M. S., Al-Daghri, N., Bruyère, O., Reginster, J.-Y., Cavalier, E., & Ladang, A. (2024). Confounding factors of the expression of mTBI biomarkers, S100B, GFAP and UCH-L1 in an aging population. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, online first (0). doi:10.1515/cclm-2024-0194

Ladang, A., GENDEBIEN, A.-S., KOVACS, S., Demonceau, C., Beaudart, C., Le Goff, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Bruyère, O., Al-Daghri, N., Alokail, M. S., & Cavalier, E. (2024). Vitamin D metabolite ratio (VMR) offers the best approach to evaluate functional vitamin D deficiency: results of the Sarcophage study. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research.

Pelzer, D., Beaudart, C., Thibaut, A., Bornheim, S., & Kaux, J.-F. (2024). Which factors may influence medium-term quality of life of patients with lower-limb loss? A systematic review of the literature. Prosthetics and Orthotics International. doi:10.1097/PXR.0000000000000312

van Heden, S., Bruyère, O., Reginster, J.-Y., Surquin, M., Sanchez Rodriguez, M. D. C., & Beaudart, C. (2024). Towards developing a core outcome set (COS) for sarcopenia intervention studies. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research.

Beaudart, C., Tilquin, N., Abramowicz, P., Baptista, F., Peng, D. J., de Souza Orlandi, F., Drey, M., Dzhus, M., Fábrega-Cuadros, R., Fernandez-Garrido, J., Laurindo, L. F., Gasparik, A.-I., Geerinck, A., Emin, G., Iacob, S., Kilaitė, J., Kumar, P., Lee, S.-C., Lou, V. W. Q., ... Bruyère, O. (15 December 2023). Quality of life in sarcopenia measured with the SarQoL questionnaire: A meta-analysis of individual patient data. Maturitas, 180, 107902. doi:10.1016/j.maturitas.2023.107902

Kanis, J. A., Johansson, H., McCloskey, E. V., Liu, E., Åkesson, K. E., Anderson, F. A., Azagra, R., Bager, C. L., Beaudart, C., Bischoff-Ferrari, H. A., Biver, E., Bruyère, O., Cauley, J. A., Center, J. R., Chapurlat, R., Christiansen, C., Cooper, C., Crandall, C. J., Cummings, S. R., ... Leslie, W. D. (December 2023). Previous fracture and subsequent fracture risk: a meta-analysis to update FRAX. Osteoporosis International, 34 (12), 2027 - 2045. doi:10.1007/s00198-023-06870-z

Ladang, A., KOVACS, S., Lengele, L., Locquet, M., Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Bruyère, O., & Cavalier, E. (October 2023). Neurofilament-light chains (NF-L), a biomarker of neuronal damage, is increased in patients with severe sarcopenia: results of the SarcoPhAge study. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 35 (10), 2029 - 2037. doi:10.1007/s40520-023-02521-9

Sanchez-Rodriguez, D., Demonceau, C., Bruyère, O., Cavalier, E., Reginster, J.-Y., & Beaudart, C. (October 2023). Intrinsic capacity and risk of death: Focus on the impact of using different diagnostic criteria for the nutritional domain. Maturitas, 176, 107817. doi:10.1016/j.maturitas.2023.107817

Beaudart, C., Demonceau, C., Sabico, S., Veronese, N., Cooper, C., Harvey, N., Fuggle, N., Bruyère, O., Rizzoli, R., & Reginster, J.-Y. (September 2023). Efficacy of osteoporosis pharmacological treatments in men: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 35 (9), 1789 - 1806. doi:10.1007/s40520-023-02478-9

Ladang, A., Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Al-Daghri, N., Bruyère, O., Burlet, N., Cesari, M., Cherubini, A., da Silva, M. C., Cooper, C., Cruz-Jentoft, A. J., Landi, F., Laslop, A., Maggi, S., Mobasheri, A., Ormarsdottir, S., Radermecker, R., Visser, M., Yerro, M. C. P., ... Cavalier, E. (September 2023). Correction: Biochemical Markers of Musculoskeletal Health and Aging to be Assessed in Clinical Trials of Drugs Aiming at the Treatment of Sarcopenia: Consensus Paper from an Expert Group Meeting Organized by the European Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases (ESCEO) and the Centre Académique de Recherche et d'Expérimentation en Santé (CARES SPRL), Under the Auspices of the World Health Organization Collaborating Center for the Epidemiology of Musculoskeletal Conditions and Aging. Calcified Tissue International, 113 (3), 357 - 358. doi:10.1007/s00223-023-01114-y

LAURENT, C., Beaudart, C., LEONARD, Y., Maertens, B., Laurent, L., & Kaux, J.-F. (September 2023). Rééducation globale à l’aide du système HUBER® en kinésithérapie : une revue systématique de la littérature. Revue Médicale de Liège, 78 (9), 490 - 495.

Moon, R. J., Reginster, J.-Y., Al-Daghri, N., Thiyagarajan, J. A., Beaudart, C., Bruyère, O., Burlet, N., Chandran, M., da Silva, M. C., Conaghan, P. G., Dere, W. H., Diez-Perez, A., Hadji, P., Halbout, P., Hiligsmann, M., Kanis, J. A., McCloskey, E. V., Ormarsdottir, S., Prieto-Alhambra, D., ... Harvey, N. C. (August 2023). Real-world evidence: new opportunities for osteoporosis research. Recommendations from a Working Group from the European Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases (ESCEO). Osteoporosis International, 34 (8), 1283 - 1299. doi:10.1007/s00198-023-06827-2

Den Brave, M., Beaudart, C., de Noordhout, B. M., Gillot, V., & Kaux, J.-F. (July 2023). Effect of robot-assisted gait training on quality of life and depression in neurological impairment: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Rehabilitation, 37 (7), 876-890. doi:10.1177/02692155231152567

Meys, M., Danuta, S., Wang, Z., Abagnale, S., Kaan, B., Alnagger, N., Bardiau, M., Kói, T., Beaudart, C., Laureys, S., Gosseries, O., Thibaut, A., Sala, A., & Annen, J. (23 June 2023). Disorders of Consciousness through Global Neurophysiological Measures: a Meta-Analysis [Paper presentation]. 26th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, New York, United States.

Beaudart, C., GALVANIN, M., Hauspy, R., Clarsen, B. M., Demoulin, C., Bornheim, S., Van Beveren, J., & Kaux, J.-F. (June 2023). French Translation and Validation of the OSTRC-H2 Questionnaire on Overuse Injuries and Health Problems in Elite Athletes. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 11 (6), 23259671231173374. doi:10.1177/23259671231173374

Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Amuthavalli Thiyagarajan, J., Bautmans, I., Bauer, J., Burlet, N., Cesari, M., Cherubini, A., Cooper, C., Cruz-Jentoft, A. J., Dawson-Hughes, B., Fielding, R. A., Harvey, N. C., Landi, F., Laslop, A., Maggi, S., Montero-Errasquin, B., Concepción, P. Y. M., Rolland, Y., ... Bruyère, O. (23 May 2023). Measuring health-related quality of life in sarcopenia: summary of the SarQoL psychometric properties. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 35, 1581-1593. doi:10.1007/s40520-023-02438-3

Beaudart, C., Demonceau, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Locquet, M., Cesari, M., Cruz Jentoft, A. J., & Bruyère, O. (2023). Sarcopenia and health-related quality of life: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle. doi:10.1002/jcsm.13243

Li, N., Beaudart, C., Cauley, J. A., Ing, S. W., Lane, N. E., Reginster, J.-Y., Silverman, S., Singer, A. J., & Hiligsmann, M. (April 2023). Cost Effectiveness Analyses of Interventions for Osteoporosis in Men: A Systematic Literature Review. PharmacoEconomics, 41 (4), 363 - 391. doi:10.1007/s40273-022-01239-2

Li, N., Beaudart, C., Cauley, J. A., Ing, S. W., Lane, N. E., Reginster, J.-Y., Silverman, S., Singer, A. J., & Hiligsmann, M. (April 2023). Correction to: Cost Effectiveness Analyses of Interventions for Osteoporosis in Men: A Systematic Literature Review. PharmacoEconomics, 41 (4), 393. doi:10.1007/s40273-023-01255-w

Grosdent, S., Delvaux, F., Noé, A., Bornheim, S., Van Beveren, J., & Beaudart, C. (March 2023). Traduction et validation de l’« Athlete Fear Avoidance Questionnaire » en français. Kinesitherapie, La Revue, 23 (255), 89-90. doi:10.1016/j.kine.2022.12.156

Ladang, A., Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Al-Daghri, N., Bruyère, O., Burlet, N., Cesari, M., Cherubini, A., da Silva, M. C., Cooper, C., Cruz-Jentoft, A. J., Landi, F., Laslop, A., Maggi, S., Mobasheri, A., Ormarsdottir, S., Radermecker, R., Visser, M., Yerro, M. C. P., ... Cavalier, E. (12 January 2023). Biochemical Markers of Musculoskeletal Health and Aging to be Assessed in Clinical Trials of Drugs Aiming at the Treatment of Sarcopenia: Consensus Paper from an Expert Group Meeting Organized by the European Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases (ESCEO) and the Centre Académique de Recherche et d'Expérimentation en Santé (CARES SPRL), Under the Auspices of the World Health Organization Collaborating Center for the Epidemiology of Musculoskeletal Conditions and Aging. Calcified Tissue International, online. doi:10.1007/s00223-022-01054-z

Westbury, L. D., Beaudart, C., Bruyère, O., Cauley, J. A., Cawthon, P., Cruz-Jentoft, A. J., Curtis, E. M., Ensrud, K., Fielding, R., Johansson, H., Kanis, J. A., Karlsson, M. K., Lane, N. E., Lengele, L., Lorentzon, M., McCloskey, E., Mellström, D., Newman, A. B., Ohlsson, C., ... International Musculoskeletal Ageing Network. (05 January 2023). Recent sarcopenia definitions-prevalence, agreement and mortality associations among men: Findings from population-based cohorts. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, online. doi:10.1002/jcsm.13160

Beaudart, C., Demonceau, C., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2023). Measure of health-related quality of life in interventional studies aiming at the management of sarcopenia: results from a systematic literature review. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 35 (suppl 1), 190.

Beaudart, C., Demonceau, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Locquet, M., Cesari, M., Cruz Jentoft, A. J., & Bruyère, O. (2023). Health-related quality of life in sarcopenia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 35 (suppl 1), 58-59.

Beaudart, C., Demonceau, C., Sabico, S., Veronese, N., Cooper, C., Harvey, N., Bruyère, O., Rizzoli, R., & Reginster, J.-Y. (2023). Efficacy of osteoporosis treatments in men: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 35 (suppl 1), 249.

Beaudart, C., Sanchez Rodriguez, M. D. C., Demonceau, C., Cavalier, E., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2023). Screening for malnutrition by the MNA-SF, diagnosis by the Global Leadership Initiative on Malnutrition (GLIM) criteria, or both? Predictive capacity for mortality in a 9-year follow-up in the SarcoPhAge cohort. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 35 (suppl 1), 335.

Beaudart, C., Sanchez Rodriguez, M. D. C., Demonceau, C., Cavalier, E., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2023). Intrinsic capacity using the MNA-SF and the Global Leadership Initiative of Malnutrition (GLIM) criteria in the nutritional domain and mortality-risk: A 9-year follow-up in the SarcoPhAge cohortr. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 35 (suppl 1), 334-S335.

Brabant, C., Geerinck, A., BEAUDART, C., Tirelli, E., Geuzaine, C., & BRUYERE, O. (2023). Exposure to magnetic fields and childhood leukemia: a systematic review and meta-analysis of case-control and cohort studies. Reviews on Environmental Health, online first. doi:10.1515/reveh-2021-0112

Demonceau, C., Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Veronese, N., & Bruyère, O. (2023). The interconnection between Covid-19, sarcopenia and lifestyle. Maturitas, 169, 56-57. doi:10.1016/j.maturitas.2022.09.009

Mathy, C., Beaudart, C., El Naameh, P., Sarkis, F., GERARD, F. J., FAHED, J., & Demoulin, C. (2023). French translation and validation of the Jefferson Scale of Empathy - Health Professions Student version. European Rehabilitation Journal. doi:10.52057/erj.v3i1.34

Meys, M., Wang, Z., Abagnale, S., Kaan, B. O., Alnagger, N., Bardiau, M., Beaudart, C., Laureys, S., Gosseries, O., Thibaut, A., Sala, A., & Annen, J. (2023). Global Neurophysiological Measures in Disorders of Consciousness: a MetaAnalysis. European Journal of Neurology, Supplement 1, 120-87.


Bouquiaux, O., Beaudart, C., Thibaut, A., Detal, T., Marsala, L., Dorban, G., & Kaux, J.-F. (September 2022). Beneficial effects of a supervised and individualized training circuit on physical capacities and quality of life of patients suffering from multiple sclerosis. Science & Sports, 37 (5-6), 468-476. doi:10.1016/j.scispo.2021.10.001

BEAUDART, C., Demoulin, C., Mehmeti, K., Bornheim, S., Van Beveren, J., & Kaux, J.-F. (August 2022). Validity and reliability of the French translation of the Identification of Functional Ankle Instability (IdFAI). Foot and Ankle Surgery, 28 (6), 756-762. doi:10.1016/j.fas.2021.10.001

BRUYERE, O., Reginster, J.-Y., & Beaudart, C. (July 2022). Lifestyle approaches to prevent and retard sarcopenia: A narrative review. Maturitas, 161, 44-48. doi:10.1016/j.maturitas.2022.02.004

Thibaut, A., Beaudart, C., Martens, G., Bornheim, S., & KAUX, J.-F. (June 2022). Common Bias and Challenges in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Research: How to Tackle Them. Frontiers in rehabilitation sciences, 3, 873241. doi:10.3389/fresc.2022.873241

Vandenput, L., Johansson, H., McCloskey, E. V., Liu, E., Åkesson, K. E., Anderson, F. A., Azagra, R., Bager, C. L., Beaudart, C., Bischoff-Ferrari, H. A., Biver, E., Bruyère, O., Cauley, J. A., Center, J. R., Chapurlat, R., Christiansen, C., Cooper, C., Crandall, C. J., Cummings, S. R., ... Kanis, J. A. (2022). Update of the fracture risk prediction tool FRAX: a systematic review of potential cohorts and analysis plan. Osteoporosis International. doi:10.1007/s00198-022-06435-6

Dardenne, N.* , Locquet, M.* , Diep, A. N., GILBERT, A., Delrez, S., BEAUDART, C., Brabant, C., GHUYSEN, A., Donneau, A.-F.* , & BRUYERE, O.*. (14 May 2022). Clinical prediction models for diagnosis of COVID-19 among adult patients: a validation and agreement study. BMC Infectious Diseases, 22 (1), 464. doi:10.1186/s12879-022-07420-4
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Declerck, L., Schutz, X., Kaux, J.-F., Stoquart, G., Thierry, L., Vanderthommen, M., Cayrol, T., Selves, C., Van Beveren, J., & Beaudart, C. (May 2022). Standard error of measurement and minimal detectable change of the French Physical Activity Scale for Individuals with Physical Disabilities [letter to the editor]. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 65 (3), 101583. doi:10.1016/

Horlait, G., BEAUDART, C., Bougard, L., BORNHEIM, S., COLSON, C., Misset, B., BRUYERE, O., Boustani, M., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (02 April 2022). Post-intensive care screening: French translation and validation of the Healthy Aging Brain Care-Monitor, hybrid version. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 20 (1), 59. doi:10.1186/s12955-022-01967-1

Beaudart, C., Criscenzo, L., DEMOULIN, C., BORNHEIM, S., Van Beveren, J., & KAUX, J.-F. (24 March 2022). FRENCH TRANSLATION AND VALIDATION OF THE KEELE START MSK TOOL [Paper presentation]. World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases.

Beaudart, C., DEMOULIN, C., Mehmeti, K., BORNHEIM, S., Van Beveren, J., & KAUX, J.-F. (24 March 2022). VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY OF THE FRENCH TRANSLATION OF THE IDENTIFICATION OF FUNCTIONAL ANKLE INSTABILITY (IDFAI) [Paper presentation]. World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases.

BOUQUIAUX, O., Thibaut, A., BEAUDART, C., Dorban, G., Bertrand, S., Yildiz, E., & Kaux, J.-F. (February 2022). Dance training and performance in patients with Parkinson disease: Effects on motor functions and patients’ well-being. Science & Sports, 37 (1), 45-50. doi:10.1016/j.scispo.2021.03.004

Thibaut, A., Beaudart, C., QUINET, M., BOUQUIAUX, O., DELSTANCHE, S., LIEVENS, I., Grosjean, D., Ortmans, I., Kaux, J.-F., & Halleux, C. (February 2022). Prise en charge psychologique et cognitive au cours de l’accompagnement de fin de vie de patients atteints de sclérose latérale amyotrophique. Une revue systématique. Revue Médicale de Liège, 77 (2), 104-109.

Beaudart, C., Boonen, A., Li, N., Bours, S., Goemaere, S., Reginster, J.-Y., Roux, C., McGowan, B., Diez-Perez, A., Rizzoli, R., Cooper, C., & Hiligsmann, M. (2022). Patient’s preferences for lifestyle changes in osteoporotic fracture prevention: a cross-european discrete-choice experiment. Osteoporosis International, 32 (supp1), 89 and 46-47.

Beaudart, C., Boonen, A., Li, N., Bours, S., Goemaere, S., Reginster, J.-Y., Roux, C., McGowan, B., Diez-Perez, A., Rizzoli, R., Cooper, C., & Hiligsmann, M. (2022). Patient preferences for lifestyle behaviours in osteoporotic fracture prevention: a cross-European discrete choice experiment. Osteoporosis International, 33, 1335-1346. doi:10.1007/s00198-022-06310-4

Bornheim, S., Thibaut, A., Beaudart, C., MAQUET, P., Croisier, J.-L., & Kaux, J.-F. (January 2022). Evaluating the effects of tDCS in stroke patients using functional outcomes: a systematic review. Disability and Rehabilitation, 44 (1), 13-23. doi:10.1080/09638288.2020.1759703

Bougard, L., BEAUDART, C., COLSON, C., Horlait, G., BORNHEIM, S., BRUYERE, O., Misset, B., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (2022). French translation and validation of the Healthy Aging Brain Care‐Monitor, Hybrid Version (HABC‐M‐HV): a new tool for remote post‐intensive care syndrome screening. Annals of Intensive Care, 12 (1), 051.

Dardenne, N., Locquet, M., Diep, A. N., Gilbert, A., Delrez, S., Brabant, C., Ghuysen, A., Beaudart, C., Bruyère, O., & Donneau, A.-F. (2022). Validation and agreement of clinical prediction models for diagnosis of COVID‑19 [Poster presentation]. 43rd Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics, New Castle, United Kingdom.

Geerinck, A., Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Wojszel, Z. B., De Souza Orlandi, F., Bahat, G., Erdogan, T., Montero-Errasquin, B., Alekna, V., & Bruyère, O. (2022). Measurement properties of the Short Form Sarcopenia Quality of Life (SF-SARQOL) Questionnaire in an international dataset. Osteoporosis International, 32 (Suppl 1), 249.

Geerinck, A., Demián, M.-B., Beaudart, C., & Gasparik, A.-I. (2022). Validation of the Hungarian Version of the SarQoL® Questionnaire and Its Association with the SARC-F Screening Tool. Journal of Frailty and Aging, 11 (3), 267 - 273. doi:10.14283/jfa.2021.53

Geerinck, A., Locquet, M., Hiligsmann, M., Reginster, J.-Y., Bruyère, O., & Beaudart, C. (2022). Patients' preferences for quality-of-life aspects in sarcopenia: a best-worst scaling study. European Geriatric Medicine, 13 (2), 483-91. doi:10.1007/s41999-021-00563-8

GROSJEAN, D., Dekoster, M., Beaudart, C., & Kaux, J.-F. (January 2022). Face à la COVID-19. Ossifications hétérotopiques après une hospitalisation aux soins intensifs liée à une pneumopathie à SARS-CoV-2. Revue Médicale de Liège, 77 (1), 13-17.

Lengele, L., Locquet, M., Moutschen, M., Beaudart, C., KAUX, J.-F., Gillain, S., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (January 2022). Frailty but not sarcopenia nor malnutrition increases the risk of developing COVID-19 in older community-dwelling adults. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 34 (1), 223-234. doi:10.1007/s40520-021-01991-z

Lengele, L., Locquet, M., Moutschen, M., Beaudart, C., Kaux, J.-F., Gillain, S., Shadouh, C., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2022). Relationships between malnutrition, sarcopenia, and frailty and the incidence of Covid-19 in older adults: data from the sarcophage cohort. Osteoporosis International, 32 (Suppl 1), 50.

Locquet, M., Bonnard, F., Beaudart, C., COENDO, C., Gillain, S., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2022). An assessment of the Toulouse Saint Louis University mini falls assessment tool to predict incident falls among older adults residing in nursing homes: a 6-month prospective study. Osteoporosis International, 32 (Suppl 1), 230.

Locquet, M., Sanchez Rodriguez, M. D. C., Bruyère, O., Geerinck, A., Lengele, L., Reginster, J.-Y., & Beaudart, C. (2022). Intrinsic Capacity Defined Using Four Domains and Mortality Risk: A 5-Year Follow-Up of the SarcoPhAge Cohort. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 26 (1), 23-29. doi:10.1007/s12603-021-1702-7

Thibaut, A., Beaudart, C., Maertens de Noordhout, B., Geers, S., Kaux, J.-F., & Pelzer, D. (2022). Impact of microprocessor prosthetic knee on mobility and quality of life in patients with lower limb amputation: a systematic review of the literature. European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. doi:10.23736/S1973-9087.22.07238-0

Martens, G., Thibaut, A., BEAUDART, C., Kaux, J.-F., & Leclerc, S. (20 November 2021). Analysis of a vast survey conducted in the French-speaking sports world on the knowledge and management of concussion in football [Paper presentation]. 7th ECOSEP Congress, Athens, Greece.

BEAUDART, C., Criscenzo, L., Bornheim, S., Van Beveren, J., Demoulin, C., & Kaux, J.-F. (19 November 2021). French translation and validation of the Keele STarT MSK Tool [Poster presentation]. 7th ECOSEP Congress, Athens, Greece.

BEAUDART, C., Mehmeti, K., Van Beveren, J., Stenhouse, A., Demoulin, C., & KAUX, J.-F. (19 November 2021). French translation and validation of the Identification of Functional Ankle Instability (idFAI) tool [Poster presentation]. 7th ECOSEP Congress, Athens, Greece.

SANFILIPPO, D., BEAUDART, C., Bruyère, O., Kaux, J.-F., & Martens, G. (November 2021). What are the main risk factors for lower-extremity running-related injuries? A retrospective survey-based on 3669 respondents. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 55 (S1), 127.

SANFILIPPO, D., BEAUDART, C., Gaillard, A., Bornheim, S., Bruyère, O., & Kaux, J.-F. (November 2021). What Are the Main Risk Factors for Lower Extremity Running-Related Injuries? A Retrospective Survey Based on 3669 Respondents. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 9 (11), 23259671211043444. doi:10.1177/23259671211043444

BEAUDART, C., Criscenzo, L., Demoulin, C., Bornheim, S., Van Beveren, J., & Kaux, J.-F. (October 2021). French translation and validation of the Keele STarT MSK Tool. European Rehabilitation Journal, 12 (1), 1-7. doi:10.52057/erj.v1i1.5

Martens, G., Thibaut, A., Beaudart, C., KAUX, J.-F., & Leclerc, S. (October 2021). Prévention et prise en charge des commotions cérébrales dans le sport. Résultat d’enquête auprès des professionnels et des athlètes [Paper presentation]. 36ème Congrès de la Société Française de Médecine Physique et de Réadaptation, Lille, France.

SANFILIPPO, D., BEAUDART, C., Gaillard, A., Bornheim, S., Bruyère, O., & Kaux, J.-F. (September 2021). What are the main risk factors for lower-extremity running-related injuries? A retrospective survey-based on 3669 respondents. Medicina dello Sport: Rivista di Fisiopatologia dello Sport, 74 (Suppl. 1 to n.3), 29.

Beaudart, C., Gillier, M., Bornheim, S., Van Beveren, J., Bruyère, O., & Kaux, J.-F. (February 2021). French Translation and Validation of the Victorian Institute of Sports Assessment for Gluteal Tendinopathy Questionnaire. PM&R, 13 (2), 137-143. doi:10.1002/pmrj.12391

Beaudart, C., Bauer, J. M., Landi, F., Bruyère, O., Reginster, J.-Y., & Hiligsmann, M. (2021). Experts' preferences for sarcopenia outcomes: a discrete-choice experiment from a working group of the European Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases (ESCEO) in collaboration with the European Union of Geriatric Medicine Society (EUGMS). Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 33, 1079-1083. doi:10.1007/s40520-021-01794-2

Beaudart, C., Bonnefoy, M., Gilbert, T., Paillaud, E., Raynaud-Simon, A., Guérin, O., Jeandel, C., Le Sourd, B., Haine, M., Ferry, M., Rolland, Y., Berrut, G., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2021). Quelle qualité de vie pour le patient sarcopénique ? Gériatrie et Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie du Vieillissement, 19 (3), 245-252. doi:10.1684/pnv.2021.0948

Beaudart, C., & DEMOULIN, C. (2021). Validation d'un questionnaire : analyses statistiques.

Dangouloff, T., Botty, C., Beaudart, C., Servais, L., & Hiligsmann, M. (January 2021). Systematic literature review of the economic burden of spinal muscular atrophy and economic evaluations of treatments. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 16 (1), 47. doi:10.1186/s13023-021-01695-7

Erdogan, T., Eris, S., Avci, S., Oren, M. M., Kucukdagli, P., Kilic, C., Beaudart, C., Bruyère, O., Karan, M. A., & Bahat, G. (2021). Sarcopenia quality‑of‑life questionnaire (SarQoL)®: translation, cross‑cultural adaptation and validation in Turkish. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 33 (11), 2979-2988. doi:10.1007/s40520-020-01780-0

Ferrer Soler, C., Cuvelier, C., Hars, M., Herrmann, F. R., Charpiot, A., Ducharne Wieczorkiewicz, C., Bruyère, O., Beaudart, C., Zekry, D., Gold, G., & Trombetti, A. (2021). Validation of the Perform-FES: a new fear of falling scale for hospitalized geriatric patients. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 33 (1), 67-76. doi:10.1007/s40520-020-01726-6

Geerinck, A., Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Locquet, M., Monseur, C., GILLAIN, S., & Bruyère, O. (2021). Development and validation of a short version of the Sarcopenia Quality of Life questionnaire: the SF‑SarQoL. Quality of Life Research, 30 (8), 2349-2362. doi:10.1007/s11136-021-02823-3

Geerinck, A., Dawson-Hughes, B., Beaudart, C., Locquet, M., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2021). Assessment of the performance of the SarQoL questionnaire in screening for sarcopenia in older people. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 33, 2149-2155. doi:10.1007/s40520-021-01913-z

Geerinck, A., Locquet, M., Bruyère, O., Reginster, J.-Y., & Beaudart, C. (2021). Evaluating quality of life in frailty: applicability and clinimetric properties of the SarQoL(®) questionnaire. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 12 (2), 319-330. doi:10.1002/jcsm.12687

Geerinck, A., Locquet, M., Reginster, J.-Y., Bruyère, O., & Beaudart, C. (2021). Letter to the Editor: Discriminative Power of the Sarcopenia Quality of Life (SarQoL®) Questionnaire with the EWGSOP2 Criteria [letter to the editor]. Journal of Frailty and Aging, 10 (2), 193-194. doi:10.14283/jfa.2020.47

Geerinck, A., Locquet, M., Reginster, J.-Y., Bruyère, O., & Beaudart, C. (2021). Discriminative power of the Sarcopenia Quality of Life (SarQoL) questionnaire with the EWGSOP2 criteria [letter to the editor]. Journal of Frailty and Aging, 10 (2), 193-194.

Gielen, E., Beckwée, D., Delaere, A., De Breucker, S., Vandewoude, M., Bautmans, I., Beaudart, C., Beyer, I., Bruyère, O., De Cock, A.-M., de Saint-Hubert, M., De Spiegeleer, A., & Perkisas, S. (2021). Nutritional interventions to improve muscle mass, muscle strength, and physical performance in older people: an umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Nutrition Reviews, 79 (2), 121-147. doi:10.1093/nutrit/nuaa011

Lengele, L., Bruyère, O., Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., & Locquet, M. (2021). Malnutrition, assessed by the Global Leadership Initiative on Malnutrition (GLIM) criteria but not by the mini nutritional assessment (MNA), predicts the incidence of sarcopenia over a 5-year period in the SarcoPhAge cohort. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 33 (6), 1507-1517. doi:10.1007/s40520-021-01880-5

Lengele, L., Bruyère, O., Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., & Locquet, M. (2021). Impact of malnutrition status on muscle parameter changes over a 5-year follow-up of community-dwelling older adults from the SarcoPhage Cohort. Nutrients, 13 (2), 407. doi:10.3390/nu13020407

Lengele, L., Bruyère, O., Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., & Loquet, M. (2021). Correction to: Malnutrition, assessed by the Global Leadership Initiative on Malnutrition (GLIM) criteria but not by the mini nutritional assessment (MNA), predicts the incidence of sarcopenia over a 5‑year period in the SarcoPhAge cohort. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. doi:10.1007/s40520-021-01901-3

Locquet, M., Bonnard, F., Beaudart, C., COENDO, C., Gillain, S., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2021). An Assessment of the Toulouse Saint Louis University Mini Falls Assessment Tool to Predict Incident Falls among Older Adults Residing in Nursing Homes: A 6-Month Prospective Study. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 25 (7), 933-937. doi:10.1007/s12603-021-1651-1

Locquet, M., Bruyère, O., Lengele, L., Reginster, J.-Y., & Beaudart, C. (2021). Relationship between smoking and the incidence of sarcopenia: The SarcoPhAge cohort. Public Health, 193, 101-108. doi:10.1016/j.puhe.2021.01.017

Locquet, M., Diep, A. N., Beaudart, C., Dardenne, N., Brabant, C., Bruyère, O., & Donneau, A.-F. (2021). A systematic review of prediction models to diagnose COVID-19 in adults admitted to healthcare centers. Archives of Public Health, 79 (1), 105. doi:10.1186/s13690-021-00630-3

Neuprez, A., Kaux, J.-F., Locquet, M., Beaudart, C., & Reginster, J.-Y. (January 2021). The presence of erosive joints is a strong predictor of radiological progression in hand osteoarthritis: results of a 2-year prospective follow-up of the Liège Hand Osteoarthritis Cohort (LIHOC). Arthritis Research and Therapy, 23 (1), 12 (9. doi:10.1186/s13075-020-02390-x

Reginster, J.-Y., Beaudart, C., Al-Daghri, N., Avouac, B., Bauer, J., Bere, N., Bruyère, O., Cerreta, F., Cesari, M., Rosa, M. M., Cooper, C., Cruz Jentoft, A. J., Dennison, E., Geerinck, A., Gielen, E., Landi, F., Laslop, A., Maggi, S., Prieto Yerro, M. C., ... Fielding, R. A. (2021). Update on the ESCEO recommendation for the conduct of clinical trials for drugs aiming at the treatment of sarcopenia in older adults. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 33, 3-17. doi:10.1007/s40520-020-01663-4

Sanchez Rodriguez, M. D. C., Locquet, M., Bruyère, O., Lengele, L., CAVALIER, E., Reginster, J.-Y., & Beaudart, C. (2021). Prediction of 5-year mortality risk by malnutrition according to the GLIM format using seven pragmatic approaches to define the criterion of loss of muscle mass. Clinical Nutrition, 40 (4), 2188-2199. doi:10.1016/j.clnu.2020.09.047

Beaudart, C., Lengele, L., Leclercq, V., Geerinck, A., Sanchez Rodriguez, M. D. C., Bruyère, O., & Reginster, J.-Y. (December 2020). Symptomatic Efficacy of Pharmacological Treatments for Knee Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review and a Network Meta‑Analysis with a 6‑Month Time Horizon. Drugs, 80 (18), 1947-1959. doi:10.1007/s40265-020-01423-8

Geerinck, A., Reginster, J.-Y., Locquet, M., Monseur, C., Gillain, S., Bruyère, O., & Beaudart, C. (December 2020). Clinimetric properties of the newly developed short form sarcopenia quality of life (SF-SarQoL) questionnaire [Poster presentation]. Society on Sarcopenia, Cachexia and Wasting Disorders conference.


Locquet, M., Willems, T., Specque, C., Beaudart, C., Bruyère, O., Van Beveren, J., Dardenne, N., Reginster, J.-Y., & Kaux, J.-F. (July 2020). Cross-cultural adaptation, translation, and validation of the functional assessment scale for acute hamstring injuries (FASH) questionnaire for French-speaking patients. Disability and Rehabilitation, 42 (14), 2076-2082. doi:10.1080/09638288.2018.1544669

Geerinck, A., Beaudart, C., Salvan, Q., Van Beveren, J., D'Hooghe, P., Bruyère, O., & Kaux, J.-F. (June 2020). French translation and validation of the Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool, an instrument for measuring functional ankle instability. Foot and Ankle Surgery, 26 (4), 391-397. doi:10.1016/j.fas.2019.05.002

Beaudart, C., Hagelstein, T., Van Beveren, J., GODON, B., Bruyère, O., & Kaux, J.-F. (March 2020). French translation and validation of the exercise-induced leg pain Questionnaire. Disability and Rehabilitation, 42 (6), 857-862. doi:10.1080/09638288.2018.1508512

Geerinck, A., Beaudart, C., Locquet, M., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (March 2020). Association between frailty and quality of life measured with the SarQoL®, SF-36 and EQ-5D questionnaires in older people from the SarcoPhAge cohort [Poster presentation]. International Conference on Frailty and Sarcopenia Research, Toulouse, France.

Leclercq, V., Hiligsmann, M., Parisi, G., Beaudart, C., Tirelli, E., & Bruyère, O. (February 2020). Prioritization of items of the AMSTAR 2 tool to critically appraise systematic reviews and meta-analyses: A best-worst scaling approach [Paper presentation]. REWARD EQUATOR Conference 2020.

Beaudart, C., Bauer, J., Landi, F., Bruyère, O., Reginster, J.-Y., & Hiligsmann, M. (2020). A discrete-choice experiment to assess experts’ preferences for sarcopenia outcomes. Osteoporosis International, 31 (S1), 320.

Beaudart, C., Bruyère, O., Cruz-Jentoft, A. J., Vaquero-Pinto, M. N., Locquet, M., Bauer, J., Cooper, C., Rolland, Y., Dupuy, C., Landi, F., Reginster, J.-Y., Maggi, S., Rizzoli, R., & Hiligsmann, M. (2020). Patient’s engagement in the identification of critical outcomes in sarcopenia. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 21 (2), 284-286. doi:10.1016/j.jamda.2019.09.004

Beaudart, C., Bruyère, O., Geerinck, A., Hajaoui, M., Scafoglieri, A., Perkisas, S., Bautmans, I., Gielen, E., Reginster, J.-Y., & Buckinx, F. (2020). Equation models developed with bioelectric impedance analysis tools to assess muscle mass: A systematic review. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, 35, 47-62. doi:10.1016/j.clnesp.2019.09.012

Beaudart, C., Lengele, L., Geerinck, A., Leclercq, V., Sanchez Rodriguez, M. D. C., Bruyère, O., & Reginster, J.-Y. (2020). Efficacy of symptomatic treatments for knee OA: a systematic review and network meta-analysis with a 6-month time-horizon. Osteoporosis International, 31 (S1), 56.

Beaudart, C., Locquet, M., Lengele, L., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2020). The different diagnosis criteria of the EWGSOP2 definition and long-term clinical outcomes. Osteoporosis International, 31 (S1), 58.

Beaudart, C., Locquet, M., Lengele, L., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2020). Performance of the “Yubi-wakka (finger-ring) test as self-screening method for sarcopenia using the SarcoPhAge, Belgian cohort study. Osteoporosis International, 31 (S1), 85 and 302.

Dzhus, M., Dzhus, M., Masnyi, M., Kulyk, M., Mostbauer, H., Ivashkivsky, O., Boyko, Y., Cherchenko, K., Geerinck, A., Reginster, J.-Y., Bruyère, O., & Beaudart, C. (2020). Cross-sectional evaluation of the sarcopenia quality of life (Sarqol) questionnaire: Translation and validation of its psychometric properties. Annals of Geriatric Medicine and Research, 24 (2), 139-147. doi:10.4235/AGMR.20.0020

Geerinck, A., Beaudart, C., Locquet, M., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2020). Association between SARC-F and quality of life measured by SARQOL® questionnaire in older, community-dwelling subjects friom the SarcoPhAge cohort. Osteoporosis International, 31 (S1), 451.

Geerinck, A., Bruyère, O., Locquet, M., Gillain, S., Monseur, C., Reginster, J.-Y., & Beaudart, C. (2020). Development of a short version of the sarcopenia quality of life (SARQOL®) questionnaire. Osteoporosis International, 31 (S1), 450-451.

Geerinck, A., Locquet, M., Bruyère, O., Reginster, J.-Y., & Beaudart, C. (2020). Evaluating quality of life in frailty: applicability and psychometric properties of the SARQOL® questionnaire. Osteoporosis International, 31 (S1), 450.

Hiligsmann, M., Beaudart, C., Bruyère, O., Biver, E., Bauer, J., Cruz-Jentoft, A. J., Gesmundo, A., Goissier, S., Landi, F., Locquet, M., Maggi, S., Rizzoli, R., Rolland, Y., Vaquero, N., Cooper, C., & Reginster, J.-Y. (2020). Outcome priorities for older persons with sarcopenia. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 21 (2), 267-271.e2. doi:10.1016/j.jamda.2019.08.026

Hiligsmann, M., Dennison, E., Beaudart, C., Herrero-Beaumont, G., Branco, J., Bruyère, O., Conaghan, P. G., Cooper, C., Al-Daghri, N., Jiwa, F., Lems, W., Pinto, D., Rizzoli, R., Thomas, T., Uebelhart, D., Veronese, N., & Reginster, J.-Y. (2020). A discrete-choice experiment to assess patients’preferences for osteoarthritis treatment: an ESCEO working group. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, 50 (5), 859-866. doi:10.1016/j.semarthrit.2020.08.005

LADANG, A., Beaudart, C., Locquet, M., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2020). Evaluation of a panel of microRNAs that predicts fragility fracture risk: a pilot study. Calcified Tissue International, 106 (3), 239-247. doi:10.1007/s00223-019-00628-8

Leclercq, V., Beaudart, C., Ajamieh, S., Tirelli, E., & Bruyère, O. (2020). The methodological quality of meta-analyses indexed in PsycINFO: leads for enhancements – a meta-epidemiological study. BMJ Open, 10, 036349. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-036349

Leclercq, V., Beaudart, C., Tirelli, E., & Bruyère, O. (2020). Psychometric measurements of AMSTAR 2 in a sample of meta-analyses indexed in PsycINFO. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 119, 144-145. doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2019.10.005

Leclercq, V., Hiligsmann, M., Parisi, G., Beaudart, C., Tirelli, E., & Bruyère, O. (2020). Best-worst scaling identified adequate statistical methods and literature search as the most important items of AMSTAR2 (A measurement tool to assess systematic reviews). Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 128, 74-82. doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2020.08.011

Lengele, L., Beaudart, C., Locquet, M., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2020). 5-year adverse outcomes of sarcopenia diagnosed according to six different definitions. Osteoporosis International, 31 (S1), 47-48.

Lengele, L., Moehlinger, P., Bruyère, O., Locquet, M., Reginster, J.-Y., & Beaudart, C. (2020). Association between Changes in Nutrient Intake and Changes in Muscle Strength and Physical Performance in the SarcoPhAge Cohort. Nutrients, 12 (11), 3485, 1-16. doi:10.3390/nu12113485

Locquet, M., Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Bruyère, O., & Croisier, J.-L. (2020). Muscle strengthevaluated using the hand-held dynamometer MicroFET2 in older adults: a reliability study. Osteoporosis International, 31 (S1), 301-302.

Matijevic, R., BEAUDART, C., BRUYERE, O., Djurdjevic, A., Hrnjakovic, O., Harhaji, V., Savic, A., & Geerinck, A. (2020). Performance of the SARC-F screening tool in a Serbian cohort. Osteoporosis International, 31 (S1), 371.

Matijevic, R., BEAUDART, C., BRUYERE, O., Djurdjevic, A., Hrnjakovic, O., Harhaji, V., Savic, A., & Geerinck, A. (2020). Evaluation of factors associated with quality of life in older people. Osteoporosis International, 31 (S1), 370-371.

Matijević, R., Hrnjaković, O., Đurđević, A., Geerinck, A., Beaudart, C., Bruyère, O., Dulić, O., Harhaji, V., & Rašović, P. (2020). Translation and psychometric performance of the Serbian version of the Sarcopenia Quality of Life (SarQoL®) questionnaire. Srpski Arhiv za Celokupno Lekarstvo, 148 (11-12), 742-748. doi:10.2298/SARH200924114M

Sanchez Rodriguez, M. D. C., Bergmann, P., Body, J. J., Cavalier, E., Gielen, E., Goemaere, S., Lapauw, B., Laurent, M. R., Rozenberg, S., Honvo, G., Beaudart, C., & Bruyère, O. (2020). The Belgian Bone Club 2020 guidelines for the management of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. Maturitas, 139, 69 - 89. doi:10.1016/j.maturitas.2020.05.006

Sanchez Rodriguez, M. D. C., Bergmann, P., Body, J., CAVALIER, E., Gielen, E., Goemaere, S., Lapauw, B., Laurent, M., Rozenberg, S., Honvo, G., BEAUDART, C., & BRUYERE, O. (2020). The Belgian Bone Club 2020 Guidelines for the management of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. Osteoporosis International, 31 (S1), 83 and 532-533.

Sanchez Rodriguez, M. D. C., Locquet, M., Reginster, J.-Y., Cavalier, E., Bruyère, O., & Beaudart, C. (2020). Mortality in malnourished older adults diagnosed by ESPEN and GLIM criteria in the SarcoPhAge study. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 11 (5), 1200-1211. doi:10.1002/jcsm.12574

Sanchez Rodriguez, M. D. C., Locquet, M., Reginster, J.-Y., CAVALIER, E., Bruyère, O., & Beaudart, C. (2020). Diagnosis of malnutrition using GLIM criteria : validity of 7 pragmatic approaches which do not require the measurement of muscle mass. Osteoporosis International, 31 (S1), 618.

Tooth, C., Gofflot, A., Schwartz, C., Croisier, J.-L., Beaudart, C., Bruyère, O., & Forthomme, B. (2020). Risk Factors of Overuse Shoulder Injuries in Overhead Athletes: A Systematic Review. Sports Health, 12 (5), 478-87. doi:10.1177/1941738120931764

Tsekoura, M., Billis, E., Gliatis, J., Tsepis, E., Matzaroglou, C., Sakkas, G. K., Beaudart, C., Bruyère, O., Tyllianakis, M., & Panagiotopoulos, E. (2020). Cross cultural adaptation of the Greek sarcopenia quality of life (SarQoL) questionnaire. Disability and Rehabilitation, 42 (7), 1006-1012. doi:10.1080/09638288.2018.1514076

Tsekoura, M., Billis, E., Tsepis, E., Lampropoulou, S., Beaudart, C., Bruyère, O., Yilmaz, O., Bahat, G., & Gliatis, J. (2020). Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Greek Version of the SARC-F for evaluating sarcopenia in Greek older adults. Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions, 20 (4), 505-12.

Veronese, N., Demurtas, J., Smith, L., Reginster, J.-Y., Bruyère, O., Beaudart, C., Honvo, G., & Maggi, S. (2020). Glucosamine sulphate: an umbrella review of health outcomes. Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal Disease, 12, 1-12. doi:10.1177/1759720X20975927

Veronese, N., Demurtas, J., Soysal, P., Smith, O., Bruyère, O., Reginster, J.-Y., Beaudart, C., Cooper, C., Mirko, M., & Maggi, S. (2020). Sarcopenia and health-related outcomes: an umbrella review of observational studies. Osteoporosis International, 31 (S1), 198-199.

Geerinck, A., Beaudart, C., Dardenne, N., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (December 2019). An exploration of the structural validity of the Sarcopenia Quality of Life (SarQoL) questionnaire with exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis [Paper presentation]. Journée des doctorants en Santé Publique.

Beaudart, C., Bruyère, O., Reginster, J.-Y., Bauer, J., Cooper, C., Cruz-Jentoft, A. J., Dupuy, C., Landi, F., Locquet, M., Maggi, S., Rizzoli, R., Rolland, Y., Vaquero, N., & Hiligsmann, M. (July 2019). Identification and prioritization of important oucomes for patients in sarcopenia. Osteoporosis International, 30 (S2), 189-S190.

Beaudart, C., Rolland, Y., Cruz-Jentoft, A. J., Bauer, J. M., Sieber, C., Cooper, C., Al-Daghri, N., Araujo de Carvalho, I., Bautmans, I., Bernabei, R., Bruyère, O., Cesari, M., Cherubini, A., Dawson-Hughes, B., Kanis, J. A., Kaufman, J. M., Landi, F., Maggi, S., McCloskey, J., ... Fielding, R. A. (July 2019). Assessment of muscle function and physical performance in daily clinical practice: a position paper endorsed by the European Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases (ESCEO). Calcified Tissue International, 105 (1), 1-14. doi:10.1007/s00223-019-00545-w

Buckinx, F., Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Rolland, Y., Cesari, M., Rizzoli, R., PETERMANS, J., & Bruyère, O. (July 2019). Development of a frailty specific patient reported outcome (PRO): the FRAILQOL. Osteoporosis International, 30 (S2), 465-S466.

Hajaoui, M., Locquet, M., Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., PETERMANS, J., & Bruyère, O. (July 2019). Sarcopenia : performance of the SARC-F questionnaire according to the european consensus criteria, EWGSOP1 vs. EWGSOP2. Osteoporosis International, 30 (S2), 539-S540.

Hiligsmann, M., Beaudart, C., Bruyère, O., Biver, E., Bauer, J., Cruz-Jentoft, A. J., Gesmundo, A., Goisser, S., Lansi, F., Locquet, M., Maggi, S., Rizzoli, R., Rolland, Y., Vaquero, N., & Reginster, J.-Y. (July 2019). A cross-european discrete choice experiment to assess patients’ preferences for sarcopenia outcomes. Osteoporosis International, 30 (S2), 190.

LADANG, A., Beaudart, C., Locquet, M., Reginster, J.-Y., Bruyère, O., & Cavalier, E. (July 2019). Fragility fracture risk prediction in elderly people based on a micro RNA panel. Osteoporosis International, 30 (S2), 299-S300.

Leclercq, V., Beaudart, C., Ajamieh, S., Rabenda, V., Tirelli, E., & Bruyère, O. (July 2019). Meta-analyses indexed in PsycINFO had a better completeness of reporting when they mention PRISMA. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 115, 46-54. doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2019.06.014

Leclercq, V., Beaudart, C., Ajamieh, S., Tirelli, E., & Bruyère, O. (July 2019). The methodological quality of meta-analyses in behavioral and social sciences: leads for enhancements according to AMSTAR2 [Paper presentation]. European Congress of Psychology, Moscow, Russia.

Locquet, M., Beaudart, C., Croisier, J.-L., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (July 2019). Determinants and health consequences of a rapid muscle health decline in older adults from the SacoPhAge study. Osteoporosis International, 30 (S2), 211 and S275.

Locquet, M., Beaudart, C., Durieux, N., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (July 2019). Relationship between the changes over time of bone and muscle health in children and adults : a systematic review and meta-analysis. Osteoporosis International, 30 (S2), 176-S177.

Leclercq, V., Beaudart, C., Ajamieh, S., Rabenda, V., Tirelli, E., & Bruyère, O. (14 May 2019). The methodological quality of meta-analyses in behavioral and social sciences: leads for enhancements according to AMSTAR 2 [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences, Liège, Belgium.

Leclercq, V., Beaudart, C., Ajamieh, S., Rabenda, V., Tirelli, E., & Bruyère, O. (14 May 2019). The explicit use of PRISMA and its effect on the reporting completeness of meta-analyses in the field of behavioral and social sciences [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences.

Geerinck, A., Alekna, V., Beaudart, C., Bautmans, I., Cooper, C., De Souza Orlandi, F., Konstantynowicz, J., Monterro-Errasquin, B., Topinkova, E., Tsekoura, M., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (29 April 2019). Standard error of measurement and smallest detectable change of the Sarcopenia Quality of Life (SarQoL) questionnaire: An analysis of subjects from 9 validation studies. PLoS ONE, 14 (4). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0216065

LADANG, A., Beaudart, C., Locquet, M., Reginster, J.-Y., Bruyère, O., & CAVALIER, E. (April 2019). Risk-fracture prediction in elderly people based on a microRNA panel [Poster presentation]. IOF-WHO osteoporosis congress.

Alekna, V., Kilaite, J., Tamulaitiene, M., Geerinck, A., Mastaviciute, A., Bruyère, O., Reginster, J.-Y., & Beaudart, C. (2019). Validation of the Lithuanian version of sarcopenia‑specific quality of life questionnaire (SarQoL®). European Geriatric Medicine, 10, 761-767. doi:10.1007/s41999-019-00208-x

Beaudart, C., Locquet, M., Touvier, M., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2019). Association between dietary nutrient intake and sarcopenia in the SarcoPhAge study. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 31, 815-824. doi:10.1007/s40520-019-01186-7

Beaudart, C., Sanchez Rodriguez, M. D. C., Locquet, M., Reginster, J.-Y., Lengele, L., & Bruyère, O. (2019). Malnutrition as a strong predictor of the onset of sarcopenia. Nutrients, 11 (12), 2883. doi:10.3390/nu11122883

Beckwée, D., Delaere, A., Aelbrecht, S., Baert, V., Beaudart, C., Bruyère, O., de Saint-Hubert, M., Bautmans, I., & Sarcopenia Guidelines Development Group of the Belgian Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics (BSGG). (2019). Exercise Interventions for the Prevention and Treatment of Sarcopenia. A Systematic Umbrella Review. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 23, 494-502. doi:10.1007/s12603-019-1196-8

Bruyère, O., Beaudart, C., & Aubertin-Leheudre, M. (2019). Muscle strength/power assessment and outcomes. Osteoporosis International, 30 (S2), 209.

Bruyère, O., Beaudart, C., Ethgen, O., Reginster, J.-Y., & Locquet, M. (2019). The health economics burden of sarcopenia: a systematic review. Maturitas, 119, 61-9. doi:10.1016/j.maturitas.2018.11.003

Cimpaye, O., Louis, R., Darcis, G., Beaudart, C., & MEURIS, C. (2019). Evaluation de l'application des recommandations du Conseil Supérieur de la Santé relatives à l'isolement respiratoire des malades atteints de la tuberculose pulmonaire au CHU de Liège. Revue Médicale de Liège, 74 (9), 465-470.

Geerinck, A., Beaudart, C., Dardenne, N., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2019). An exploration of the structural validity of the sarcopenia quality of life (SARQOL®) questionnaire with exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Osteoporosis International, 30 (S2), 537.

Geerinck, A., Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2019). Comparison of the psychometric properties of the SarQoL® questionnaire with the EWGSOP and EWGSOP2 criteria for sarcopenia. Osteoporosis International, 30 (S2), 179.

Hajaoui, M., Locquet, M., Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Petermans, J., & Bruyère, O. (2019). Sarcopenia: Performance of the SARC-F Questionnaire According to the European Consensus Criteria, EWGSOP1 and EWGSOP2 [letter to the editor]. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 20 (9), 1182-1183. doi:10.1016/j.jamda.2019.05.021

Hiligsmann, M., Pinto, D., Dennison, E., Al-Daghri, N., Beaudart, C., Branco, J., Bruyère, O., Conaghan, P. G., Cooper, C., Herrero-Beaumont, G., Jiwa, F., Lems, W., Rizzoli, R., Thomas, T., Veronese, N., & Reginster, J.-Y. (January 2019). Patients’ preferences for osteoarthritis treatment: the value of stated-preference studies. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 31 (1), 1-3. doi:10.1007/s40520-018-1098-3

Honvo, G., Leclercq, V., Geerinck, A., Thomas, T., Veronese, N., Charles, A., Rabenda, V., Beaudart, C., Cooper, C., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2019). Safety of topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in osteoarthritis: outcomes of a systematic review and meta-analysis. Drugs and Aging, 36 (suppl 1), 45-64. doi:10.1007/s40266-019-00661-0

Locquet, M., Beaudart, C., Durieux, N., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2019). Relationship between the changes over time of bone mass and muscle health in children and adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 20, 429. doi:10.1186/s12891-019-2752-4

Locquet, M., Beaudart, C., Hajaoui, M., PETERMANS, J., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2019). Three-Year Adverse Health Consequences of Sarcopenia in Community-Dwelling Older Adults According to 5 Diagnosis Definitions. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 20, 43-46. doi:10.1016/j.jamda.2018.06.004

Locquet, M., Beaudart, C., Petermans, J., & Bruyère, O. (2019). EWGSOP 2 vs. EWGSOP 1: impact on the prevalence of sarcopenia and its outcomes. Osteoporosis International, 30 (S2), 275-S276.

Locquet, M., Beaudart, C., Petermans, J., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2019). EWGSOP2 versus EWGSOP1: impact of the prevalence of sarcopenia and its major health consequences. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 20 (3), 384-385. doi:10.1016/j.jamda.2018.11.027

Locquet, M., Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2019). Association between the decline in muscle health and the decline in bone health in older individuals from the SarcoPhAge Cohort. Calcified Tissue International, 104, 273-284. doi:10.1007/s00223-018-0503-4

Veronese, N., Demurtas, J., Soysal, P., Smith, L., Torbahn, G., Schoene, D., Schwingshackl, L., Sieber, C., Bauer, J., Cesari, M., Bruyère, O., Reginster, J.-Y., Beaudart, C., Cruz-Jentoft, A. J., Cooper, C., Petrovic, M., Maggi, S., & the Special Interest Groups in Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses for healthy ageing Sarcopenia and Frailty and resilience in older persons of the European Geriatric Medicine Society (EuGMS). (2019). Sarcopenia and health-related outcomes: an umbrella review of observational studies. European Geriatric Medicine, 10 (6), 853-862. doi:10.1007/s41999-019-00233-w

Geerinck, A., Scheppers, A., Beaudart, C., Bruyère, O., Vandenbussche, W., Bautmans, R., Delye, S., & Bautmans, I. (December 2018). Translation and validation of the Dutch SarQoL, a quality of life questionnaire specific to sarcopenia. Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions, 18(4), 463-472.

Geerinck, A., Beaudart, C., Bautmans, I., Cooper, C., De Souza Orlandi, F., Konstantynowicz, J., Monterro-Errasquin, B., Topinkova, E., Tsekoura, M., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (13 November 2018). Standard error of measurement and smallest detectable change of the SarQoL questionnaire: an analysis of subjects from 8 validation studies [Poster presentation]. European congress of the International society for Pharmaeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR), Barcelona, Spain.

Geerinck, A., Bruyère, O., Locquet, M., Reginster, J.-Y., & Beaudart, C. (November 2018). Evaluation of the responsiveness of the SarQoL® questionnaire, a patient-reported outcome measure specific to sarcopenia. Advances in Therapy, 35, 1842-1858. doi:10.1007/s12325-018-0820-z

Leclercq, V., Beaudart, C., Ajamieh, S., Rabenda, V., Tirelli, E., & Bruyère, O. (November 2018). Poor quality reporting of the meta-analyses in psychology as assessed using the PRISMA Statement. European Journal of Public Health, 28 (4), 509. doi:10.1093/eurpub/cky218.292

Geerinck, A., Beaudart, C., Bautmans, I., Cooper, C., De Souza Orlandi, F., Konstantynowicz, J., Monterro-Errasquin, B., Topinkova, E., Tsekoura, M., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (11 October 2018). Standard error of measurement and smallest detectable change of the SarQoL questionnaire: an analysis of subjects from 8 validation studies [Paper presentation]. 14th International Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society, Berlin, Germany.

Leclercq, V., Beaudart, C., Ajamieh, S., Rabenda, V., Tirelli, E., & Bruyère, O. (October 2018). The use of PRISMA statement improves the reporting quality of meta-analyses published in the field of psychology. Value in Health Regional Issues, 21, 401. doi:10.1016/j.jval.2018.09.2380

Kaux, J.-F., Salvan, Q., & Beaudart, C. (2018). Traduction et validation du questionnaire "Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool" en français. In La voile et les sports nautiques (pp. 50).

Beaudart, C., Hagelstein, T., Van Beveren, J., GODON, B., Bruyère, O., & Kaux, J.-F. (2018). French translation and validation of the Exercise-Induced Leg Pain Questionnaire. In Abstract Book - 21st European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (pp. 400).

GEERINCK, A., Bruyère, O., Locquet, M., Reginster, J.-Y., & Beaudart, C. (21 April 2018). Evaluation of the responsiveness of a patient-reported outcome measure specific to sarcopenia: the SarQoL questionnaire [Poster presentation]. World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases, Krakow, Poland.

Beaudart, C., Bruyère, O., Reginster, J.-Y., Bauer, J., Cooper, C., Cruz-Jentoft, A., Landi, F., Locquet, M., Maggi, S., Rizzoli, R., Rolland, Y., Vaquero, N., & Hiligsmann, M. (April 2018). Patient’s engagement in the identification of critical outcomes in sarcopenia. Osteoporosis International, 29 S1, 299.

Beaudart, C., Locquet, M., Touvier, M., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (April 2018). Association between dietary nutrient intake and sarcopenia: the SarcoPhAge cohort study. Osteoporosis International, 29 S1, 57.

Bruyère, O., & Beaudart, C. (April 2018). Muscle Function assessment in daily practice. Osteoporosis International, 29 (Suppl1), 87.

Buckinx, F., Baudry, S., Bautmans, I., Beaudart, C., Croisier, J.-L., Gielen, E., KAUX, J.-F., Perkisas, S., Scafoglieri, A., Bruyère, O., & On behalf of the Belgian Ageing Muscle Society. (April 2018). L'évaluation de la masse et de la force musculaires en pratique clinique. Ortho-Rhumato, 16 (2), 14-20.

GEERINCK, A., Bruyère, O., Locquet, M., Reginster, J.-Y., & Beaudart, C. (April 2018). Evaluation of the responsiveness of the SARQOL® questionnaire: results from the SarcoPhAge study. Osteoporosis International, 29 S1, 300.

Honvo, G., Leclercq, V., GEERINCK, A., Rabenda, V., Beaudart, C., Cooper, C., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (April 2018). Adverse events associated with topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) in osteoarthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized, placebo-controlled trials. Osteoporosis International, 29 S1, 550.

Konstantynowicz, J., Abramowicz, P., Glinkowski, W., Taranta, E., Marcinowicz, L., Reginster, J.-Y., Bruyère, O., & Beaudart, C. (April 2018). The polish validation of the Sarquol®, a quality of life questionnaire specific for sarcopenia: the evidence of a good utility. Osteoporosis International, 29 S1, 541-542.

Locquet, M., Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (April 2018). Determinants of rapid muscle function declines over 1 year in community-dwelling older adults: the SarcoPhAge study. Osteoporosis International, 29 S1, 339-340.

Locquet, M., Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (April 2018). Consequences of relevant muscle function decline over 1 year in older individuals living in the community: results from the SarcoPhAge study. Osteoporosis International, 29 S1, 339.

Locquet, M., Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Hajaoui, M., & Bruyère, O. (April 2018). Association between decline in muscle health and bone health in older individuals fom the SarcoPhAge cohort. Osteoporosis International, 29 S1, 212.

Locquet, M., Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Petermans, J., & Bruyère, O. (April 2018). Three-year adverse health consequences of sarcopenia in community-dwelling older adults: Results from the SarcoPhAge cohort study. Osteoporosis International, 29 S1, 60-61.

Sornay-Rendu, E., Beaudart, C., Bruyère, O., & Chapurlat, R. (April 2018). The discriminative ability of SARQOL according to the definition of sarcopenia: The OFELY study. Osteoporosis International, 29 (Suppl1), 61.

Tsekoura, M., Billis, E., Gliatis, J., Tsepis, E., Matzaroglou, C., Sakkas, G., Beaudart, C., Bruyère, O., & Panagiotopoulos, E. (April 2018). Sarcopenia and quality of life questionnaire (SARQOL): Greek cross cultural adaptation. Osteoporosis International, 29 (Suppl1), 93.

Kaux, J.-F., Hagelstein, T., Van Beveren, J., Bruyère, O., & Beaudart, C. (March 2018). Traduction et validation du Exercise-Induced Leg Pain, questionnaire pour les patients francophones. Journal de Traumatologie du Sport, 35 (1), 62-63.

GEERINCK, A., Scheppers, A., Beaudart, C., Bruyère, O., Vandenbussche, W., Bautmans, R., Delye, S., & Bautmans, I. (February 2018). Translation and validation of the psychometric properties of the Dutch version of the SarQoL®, a quality of life questionnaire specific to sarcopenia [Paper presentation]. Winter Meeting, Ostende, Belgium.

Bahat, G., Yilmaz, O., Merve Oren, M., Akif Karan, M., Reginster, J.-Y., Bruyère, O., & Beaudart, C. (2018). Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the SARC-F to assess sarcopenia: methodological report from European Union Geriatric Medicine Society Sarcopenia Special Interest Group. European Geriatric Medicine, 9, 23-28. doi:10.1007/s41999-017-0003-5

Beaudart, C., Biver, E., Bruyère, O., Cooper, C., Al-Daghri, N., Reginster, J.-Y., & Rizzoli, R. (2018). Quality of life assessment in musculo-skeletal health. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 30 (5), 413-418. doi:10.1007/s40520-017-0794-8

Beaudart, C., Locquet, M., Bornheim, S., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2018). French translation and validation of the sarcopenia screening tool SARC-F. European Geriatric Medicine, 9, 29-37. doi:10.1007/s41999-017-0007-1

Beaudart, C., Locquet, M., Reginster, J.-Y., Delandsheere, L., Petermans, J., & Bruyère, O. (2018). Quality of life in sarcopenia measured with the SarQoL®: impact of the use of different diagnosis definitions. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 30, 307-313. doi:10.1007/s40520-017-0866-9

Beaudart, C., Rabenda, V., Simmons, M., Geerinck, A., Araujo De Carvalho, I., Reginster, J.-Y., Amuthavalli Thiyagarajan, J., & Bruyère, O. (2018). Effects of protein, essential amino acids, B-Hydroxy B-Methylbutyrate, creatine, Dehydroepiandrosterone and fatty acid supplementation on muscle mass, muscle strength and physical performance in older people aged 60 years and over. A systematic review of the litterature. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 22 (1), 117-130. doi:10.1007/s12603-017-0934-z

De Spiegeleer, A., Beckwée, D., Bautmans, I., Petrovic, M., Beaudart, C., Beyer, I., Bruyère, O., De Breucker, S., De Cock, A.-M., Delaere, A., de Saint-Hubert, M., Gielen, E., Perkisas, S., Vandewoude, M., & the Sarcopenia Guidelines Development group of the Belgian Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics (BSGG). (2018). Pharmacological Interventions to Improve Muscle Mass, Muscle Strength and Physical Performance in Older People: An Umbrella Review of Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses. Drugs and Aging, 35 (8), 719-34. doi:10.1007/s40266-018-0566-y

Gasparik, A. I., Mihai, G., Beaudart, C., Bruyère, O., Pop, R.-M., Reginster, J.-Y., & Pascanu, I. M. (2018). Correction to: Psychometric performance of the Romanian version of the SarQoL®, a health-related quality of life questionnaire for sarcopenia (Archives of Osteoporosis, (2017), 12, 1, (103), 10.1007/s11657-017-0397-1). Archives of Osteoporosis, 13 (1), 98. doi:10.1007/s11657-018-0516-7

GILLAIN, S., Boutaayamou, M., Beaudart, C., DEMONCEAU, M., Bruyère, O., Reginster, J.-Y., Garraux, G., & PETERMANS, J. (2018). Assessing gait parameters with accelerometer-based methods to identify older adults at risk of falls: a systematic review. European Geriatric Medicine, 9, 435-448. doi:10.1007/s41999-018-0061-3

Konstantynowicz, J., Abramowicz, P., Glinkowski, W., Taranta, E., Marcinowicz, L., Dymitrowicz, M., Reginster, J.-Y., Bruyère, O., & Beaudart, C. (2018). Polish Validation of the SarQoL®, a Quality of Life Questionnaire Specific to Sarcopenia. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 7, 323-332. doi:10.3390/jcm7100323

Locquet, M., Beaudart, C., Bruyère, O., Kanis, J. A., Delandsheere, L., & Reginster, J.-Y. (2018). Bone health assessment in older people with or without muscle health impairment. Osteoporosis International, 29, 1057-1067. doi:10.1007/s00198-018-4384-1

Locquet, M., Beaudart, C., Delandsheere, L., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2018). Subjective sleep quality among sarcopenic and non-sarcopenic older adults - results from the SarcoPhAge Cohort. Journal of Frailty and Aging, 7, 176-181. doi:10.14283/jfa.2018.13

Locquet, M., Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., PETERMANS, J., & Bruyère, O. (2018). Comparison of the performance of five screening methods for sarcopenia. Clinical Epidemiology, 10, 71-82. doi:10.2147/CLEP.S148638

Kaux, J.-F., Hagelstein, T., Van Beveren, J., Bruyère, O., & Beaudart, C. (09 December 2017). French Translation and validation of the Exercise-Induced Leg Pain [Paper presentation]. 5th Congress of E.C.O.S.E.P, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Beaudart, C., Dawson, A., Shaw, S. C., Harvey, N. C., Kanis, J. A., Binkley, N., Reginster, J.-Y., Chapurlat, R., Chan, D. C., Bruyère, O., Rizzoli, R., Cooper, C., & Dennison, E. M. (March 2017). Nutrition and physical activity in the prevention and treatment of sarcopenia: systematic review. Osteoporosis International, 28 (6), 1817-33. doi:10.1007/s00198-017-3980-9

Beaudart, C., Edwards, M., Moss, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Moon, R., Parsons, C., DEMOULIN, C., Rizzoli, R., Biver, E., Dennison, E., Bruyère, O., & Cooper, C. (March 2017). English translation and validation of the SarQoL®, a quality of life questionnaire specific for sarcopenia. Age and Ageing, 46 (2), 271-7. doi:10.1093/ageing/afw192

Beaudart, C., Locquet, M., Reginster, J.-Y., PETERMANS, J., & Bruyère, O. (March 2017). The SarcoPhAge study: evolution of sarcopenic subjects after 2 years of follow-up. Osteoporosis International, 28 Suppl 1, 208.

Buckinx, F., Reginster, J.-Y., Beaudart, C., Brunois, T., Lenaerts, C., Croisier, J.-L., PETERMANS, J., & Bruyère, O. (March 2017). Sarcopenia in nursing home residents: the senior cohort. Osteoporosis International, 28 Suppl 1, 123-124.

Buckinx, F., Reginster, J.-Y., Beaudart, C., Brunois, T., Lenaerts, C., Croisier, J.-L., PETERMANS, J., & Bruyère, O. (March 2017). Prevalence of sarcopenia according to 10 different operational definitions of frailty. Osteoporosis International, 28 (Supp 1), 317-318.

Ethgen, O., Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Bruyère, O., & Reginster, J.-Y. (March 2017). The Future Prevalence of Sarcopenia in Europe: A Claim for Public Health Action. Calcified Tissue International, 100 (3), 229-234. doi:10.1007/s00223-016-0220-9

Locquet, M., Beaudart, C., Delandsheere, L., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (March 2017). Subjective sleep quality in sarcopenic vs non-sarcopenic older adults from the sarcophage cohort. Osteoporosis International, 28 Suppl 1, 173-174.

Locquet, M., Beaudart, C., Delandsheere, L., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (March 2017). Sensitivity and specificity of the sarc-F questionnaire according to different definitions of sarcopenia: results from the SarchoPhAge study. Osteoporosis International, 28 Suppl 1, 201.

Locquet, M., Beaudart, C., Delandsheere, L., Reginster, J.-Y., Kanis, J. A., & Bruyère, O. (March 2017). Bone quality assessment among sarcopenic and non sarcopenic elderly subjects from the SarcoPhAge Study. Osteoporosis International, 28 Suppl 1, 206-207.

Buckinx, F., Mouton, A., Reginster, J.-Y., Croisier, J.-L., Dardenne, N., Beaudart, C., Nelis, J., Lambert, E., Appelboom, G., & Bruyère, O. (February 2017). Relationship between ambulatory physical activity assessed by activity trackers and physical frailty among nursing home residents. Gait and Posture, 54, 56-61. doi:10.1016/j.gaitpost.2017.02.010

Rabenda, V., Beaudart, C., & Bruyère, O. (February 2017). Il n'est jamais trop tard pour apprendre à (bien) lire ... La Méta-Analyse. Ortho-Rhumato, 15 (1), 27-32.

Beaudart, C., Biver, E., Reginster, J.-Y., Rizzoli, R., Bolland, Y., PETERMANS, J., GILLAIN, S., Buckinx, F., Dardenne, N., & Bruyère, O. (2017). Validation of the SarQoL, a specific health-related quality of life questionnaire for Sarcopenia. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 8 (2), 238-44. doi:10.1002/jcsm.12149

Beaudart, C., Locquet, M., Reginster, J.-Y., PETERMANS, J., & Bruyère, O. (2017). Results of the SarcoPhAge study after 2 years of follow-up. Journal of Frailty and Aging, 6 Suppl 1, 111-112.

Beaudart, C., Locquet, M., Reginster, J.-Y., PETERMANS, J., & Bruyère, O. (2017). L'étude SarcoPhAge: devenir des sujets sarcopéniques après 2 ans de suivi. L'Année Gérontologique, 31 (1), 42.

Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Geerinck, A., Locquet, M., & Bruyère, O. (2017). Current review of the SarQoL®: a health-related quality of life questionnaire specific to sarcopenia. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, 17 (4), 335-341. doi:10.1080/14737167.2017.1360768

Beaudart, C., Zaaria, M., Pasleau, F., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2017). Health outcomes of sarcopenia: a systematic review and metaanalysis. Osteoporosis International, 28 Suppl 1, 67.

Beaudart, C., Zaaria, M., Pasleau, F., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (January 2017). Health Outcomes of Sarcopenia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. PLoS ONE, 12 (1), 0169548. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0169548

Beaudart, C., Zaaria, M., Pasleau, F., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2017). Analyse des conséquences cliniques de la sarcopénie: une revue systématique et méta-analyse. L'Année Gérontologique, 31 (1), 18.

Bruyère, O., Buckinx, F., Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Bauer, J., Cederholm, T., Cherubini, A., Cooper, C., Cruz-Jentoft, A. J., Landi, F., Maggi, S., Rizzoli, R., Sayer, A. A., Sieber, C., Vellas, B., & Cesari, M. (2017). How clinical practitioners assess frailty in their daily practice: an international survey. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 29, 905-12. doi:10.1007/s40520-017-0806-8

Buckinx, F., Croisier, J.-L., Reginster, J.-Y., Dardenne, N., Beaudart, C., Slomian, J., Leonard, S., & Bruyere, O. (2017). Reliability of muscle strength measures obtained with a hand-held dynamometer in an elderly population. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging, 37 (3), 332-40. doi:10.1111/cpf.12300

Buckinx, F., Reginster, J.-Y., BRUNOIS, T., Lenaerts, C., Beaudart, C., Croisier, J.-L., PETERMANS, J., & Bruyère, O. (2017). Prevalence of sarcopenia in a population of nursing home residents according to their frailty status: results of the SENIOR cohort. Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions, 17 (3), 209-17.

Gasparik, A. I., Mihai, G., Beaudart, C., Bruyère, O., Pop, R. M., Reginster, J.-Y., & Pascanu, I. M. (2017). Psychometric performance of the Romanian version of the SarQoL®, a health-related quality of life questionnaire for sarcopenia. Archives of Osteoporosis, 12, 103. doi:10.1007/s11657-017-0397-1

Locquet, M., Beaudart, C., Delandsheere, L., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2017). Subjective sleep quality in sarcopenic versus non-sarcopenic older adults from the SarcoPhAge study. Journal of Frailty and Aging, 6 Suppl 1, 56.

Locquet, M., Beaudart, C., Delandsheere, L., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2017). Sensibility and sensitivity of the SARC-F questionnaire according to different definitions of sarcopenia: results from the SarcoPhAge study. Journal of Frailty and Aging, 6 Suppl 1, 119-120.

Locquet, M., Beaudart, C., Delandsheere, L., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2017). Sensibilité et spécificité du questionnaire SARC-F selon les différentes définitions de la sarcopénie: résultats de l'étude SarcoPhAge. L'Année Gérontologique, 31 (1), 44.

Locquet, M., Beaudart, C., Larbuisson, R., Leclercq, V., Buckinx, F., Kaux, J.-F., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (January 2017). Self-Administration of Medicines and Dietary Supplements Among Female Amateur Runners: A Cross-Sectional Analysis. Advances in Therapy, 33 (12), 2257-2268. doi:10.1007/s12325-016-0426-2

Locquet, M., Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., PETERMANS, J., GILLAIN, S., Quabron, A., Slomian, J., Buckinx, F., & Bruyère, O. (2017). Prevalence of concomitant bone and muscle wasting in elderly women from the SarcoPhAge cohort: preliminary results. Journal of Frailty and Aging, 6 (1), 18-23. doi:10.14283/jfa.2016.111

Beaudart, C. (2016). Contribution à l'étude de la sarcopénie : définition, diagnostic et conséquences [Doctoral thesis, Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Kaux, J.-F., Delvaux, F., Oppong-Kyei, J., Dardenne, N., Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Croisier, J.-L., Forthomme, B., Crielaard, J.-M., & Bruyère, O. (December 2016). Validity and reliability of the French translation of the VISA-A questionnaire for Achilles tendinopathy. Disability and Rehabilitation, 38 (26), 2593-2599. doi:10.3109/09638288.2016.1138553

Kaux, J.-F., DELVAUX, F., SCHAUS, J., Demoulin, C., Locquet, M., Buckinx, F., Beaudart, C., Dardenne, N., Van Beveren, J., Croisier, J.-L., FORTHOMME, B., & Bruyère, O. (December 2016). Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Patient-Rated Tennis Elbow Evaluation (PRTEE) questionnaire on lateral elbow tendinopathy for French-speaking patients. Journal of Hand Therapy, 29 (4), 496-504. doi:10.1016/j.jht.2016.06.007

Nejjar, B., Bour, A., Beaudart, C., Bruyère, O., & CAVALIER, E. (November 2016). Prevalence of the hypovitaminosis D among Moroccan woman consulting in ambulatory medicine. American Journal of Innovative Research and Applied Sciences, 3 (2), 476-483.

Beaudart, C., McCloskey, E., Bruyère, O., Cesari, M., Rolland, Y., Rizzoli, R., Araujo de Carvalho, I., Amuthavalli Thiyagarajan, J., Bautmans, I., Bertière, M.-C., Brandi, M. L., Al-Daghri, N. M., Burlet, N., CAVALIER, E., Cerreta, F., Cherubini, A., Fielding, R., Gielen, E., Landi, F., ... Cooper, C. (October 2016). Sarcopenia in daily practice: assessment and management. BMC Geriatrics, 16 (170). doi:10.1186/s12877-016-0349-4

Locquet, M., Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., PETERMANS, J., GILLAIN, S., Quabron, A., Slomian, J., Buckinx, F., & Bruyère, O. (29 September 2016). Prevalence of concomitant bone and muscle wasting in patients from the SarcoPhAge Study [Paper presentation]. Journée des Doctorants de l'Ecole Doctorale "SPSS", Bruxelles, Belgium.

Beaudart, C., Rabenda, V., & Bruyère, O. (September 2016). Il n'est jamais trop tard pour apprendre à (bien) lire ... La revue systématique. Medi-Sphere, 525, 35-38.

Kaux, J.-F., Bornheim, S., Remy, G., DELVAUX, F., Beaudart, C., Van Beveren, J., Croisier, J.-L., & Bruyère, O. (2016). Traduction inter-culturelle et validation du Kujala Anterior Knee Pain Scale (AKPS) en français. In 9ème Congrès commun SFMES - SFTS (pp. 25).

Kaux, J.-F., DELVAUX, F., SCHAUS, J., Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Van Beveren, J., Croisier, J.-L., Forthomme, B., CRIELAARD, J.-M., & Bruyère, O. (2016). Adaptation interculturelles du questionnaire "Patient-Rated Tennis Elbow Evaluation" pour les patients francophones. In 9ème Congrès commun SFMES - SFTS (pp. 33).

Kaux, J.-F., DELVAUX, F., SCHAUS, J., DEMOULIN, C., Locquet, M., Buckinx, F., Beaudart, C., Van Beveren, J., CROISIER, J.-L., FORTHOMME, B., & Bruyère, O. (2016). Validity and reliability of the French translation of the Patient-Related Tennis Elbow Evaluation Questionnaire. In Crossing borders through sport science (pp. 694-695).

Bruyère, O., Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Buckinx, F., Schoene, D., Hirani, V., Cooper, C., Kanis, J. A., Rizzoli, R., McCloskey, E., Cederholm, T., Cruz-Jentoft, A., & Freiberger, E. (June 2016). Assessment of muscle mass, muscle strength and physical performance in clinical practice: An international survey. European Geriatric Medicine, 7 (3), 243-6. doi:10.1016/j.eurger.2015.12.009

Kaux, J.-F., Delvaux, F., Oppong-Kyei, J., Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Croisier, J.-L., Forthomme, B., Crielaard, J.-M., & Bruyère, O. (May 2016). Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the victorian institute of sport assessment-patella questionnaire for French-speaking patients with patellar tendinopathy. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 46 (5), 384-393. doi:10.2519/jospt.2016.5937

Locquet, M., Beaudart, C., LARBUISSON, R., Buckinx, F., KAUX, J.-F., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (May 2016). Self-Medication Practice among Amateur Runners: Prevalence and Associated Factors. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 15 (2), 387-8.

CAVALIER, E., WATAR, F., KOVACS, S., Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Bruyère, O., LE GOFF, C., & Reginster, J.-Y. (16 April 2016). Evaluation of the intra-individual variability of Myostatin and Activin A (and PIIINP): impact on the least significant change and follow-up of the patients [Paper presentation]. World Congresse on Osteoporosis Osteoarthritis and musculoskeletal diseases, Malaga, Spain.

Beaudart, C., Edwards, M., Dennison, E. M., Moss, C., Bruyère, O., Reginster, J.-Y., Moon, R. J., Cooper, C., & Demoulin, C. (April 2016). English translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the SarQuoL® questionnaire. Osteoporosis International, 27 (Supplement 1), 221-222.

Buckinx, F., Reginster, J.-Y., Beaudart, C., Croisier, J.-L., PETERMANS, J., & Bruyère, O. (April 2016). Prevalence of sarcopenia in a population of nursing home residents according to their frailty status: results of the Senior cohort. Osteoporosis International, 27 (supplement 1), 55-56.

CAVALIER, E., CARLISI, I., KOVACS, S., WATAR, F., Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Bruyère, O., & Reginster, J.-Y. (April 2016). Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in normal healthy and hemodialyzed populations. Osteoporosis International, 27 (Supplement 1), 512.

CAVALIER, E., Piron, C., WATAR, F., KOVACS, S., Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Bruyère, O., LE GOFF, C., & Reginster, J.-Y. (April 2016). Evaluation of the intra-individual variability of myostatin and activin A, two biomarkers of sarcopenia: impact on the least significant change and followup of the patients. Osteoporosis International, 27 (supplement 1), 56.

Ethgen, O., Tchoconte, C., Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (April 2016). The future prevalence of sarcopenia in Europe. Osteoporosis International, 27 (Supplement 1), 53-54.

Kaux, J.-F., Delvaux, F., Oppong-Kyei, J., Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., BARTSCH, V., & Bruyère, O. (April 2016). Adaptation transculturelle et validation des questionnaires VISA-P et VISA-A en français. Science & Sports, 31 (2), 65-72. doi:10.1016/j.scispo.2016.01.003

Locquet, M., Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., PETERMANS, J., GILLAIN, S., Quabron, A., Slomian, J., Buckinx, F., & Bruyère, O. (April 2016). Prevalence of concomitant bone and muscle wasting in patients from the SarcoPhAge study. Osteoporosis International, 27 (supplement 1), 129.

Beaudart, C., Edwards, M., Dennisson, E., Moss, C., Bruyère, O., Reginster, J.-Y., Moon, R., Demoulin, C., & Cooper, C. (2016). English translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the SARQOL Questionnaire. Journal of Frailty and Aging, 5 (Supplement 1), 58.

Beaudart, C., Rabenda, V., & Bruyère, O. (2016). Il n'est jamais trop tard pour apprendre à (bien) lire ... La revue systématique. Ortho-Rhumato, 14 (6), 37-40.

Beaudart, C., Rabenda, V., & Bruyère, O. (2016). Het is nooit te laat om (goed) te leren lezen ... Systematic review. Gunaïkeia. Société Royale Belge de Gynécologie et d'Obstétrique, 21 (9), 37-40.

Bruyère, O., Beaudart, C., Locquet, M., Buckinx, F., PETERMANS, J., & Reginster, J.-Y. (2016). Sarcopenia as a public health problem. European Geriatric Medicine, 7 (3), 272-5. doi:10.1016/j.eurger.2015.12.002

Buckinx, F., Reginster, J.-Y., Beaudart, C., CROISIER, J.-L., PETERMANS, J., & Bruyère, O. (2016). Prevalence of sarcopenia in a population of nursing home residents according to their frailty status: Results of the senior cohort. Journal of Frailty and Aging, 5 (Supplement 1), 34.

Buckinx, F., Reginster, J.-Y., Petermans, J., Croisier, J.-L., Beaudart, C., BRUNOIS, T., & Bruyère, O. (2016). Relationship between frailty, physical performance and quality of life among nursing home residents: the SENIOR cohort. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 28 (6), 1149-57. doi:10.1007/s40520-016-0616-4

Cavalier, E., Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Bruyère, O., & Reginster, J.-Y. (2016). Critical analytical evaluation of promising markers for sarcopenia. European Geriatric Medicine, 7 (3), 239-242. doi:10.1016/j.eurger.2015.11.002

CAVALIER, E., Carlisi, A. S., WATAR, F., KOVACS, S., Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Bruyère, O., & Reginster, J.-Y. (2016). Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in normal healthy and hemodialyzed populations. Journal of Frailty and Aging, 5 (Supplement 1), 116.

CAVALIER, E., Piron, C., WATAR, F., KOVACS, S., Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Bruyère, O., LE GOFF, C., & Reginster, J.-Y. (2016). Evaluation of the intra-individual variability of myostatin and activin A, two biomarkers of sarcopenia. Impact of the least significant change and follow-up of the patients. Journal of Frailty and Aging, 5 (Supplement 1), 82.

Locquet, M., Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., PETERMANS, J., GILLAIN, S., Quabron, A., Slomian, J., Buckinx, F., & Bruyère, O. (2016). Prevalence of concomitant bone and muscle wasting in patients from the SarcoPhAge Study. Journal of Frailty and Aging, 5 (Supplement 1), 84.

Locquet, M., Bruyère, O., Beaudart, C., & Reginster, J.-Y. (2016). Ostéoporose et sarcopénie: un même combat ? Ortho-Rhumato, 14 (4), 34-36.

Reginster, J.-Y., Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., & Bruyère, O. (January 2016). Osteoporosis and sarcopenia: two diseases or one? Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, 19 (1), 31-6. doi:10.1097/MCO.0000000000000230

Schaap, L. A., Fox, B., Henwood, T., Bruyère, O., Reginster, J.-Y., Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Roberts, H., Cooper, C., Cherubini, A., Dell'Aquilla, G., Maggio, M., & Volpato, S. (2016). Grip strength measurement: Towards a standardized approach in sarcopenia research and practice. European Geriatric Medicine, 7 (3), 247-255. doi:10.1016/j.eurger.2015.11.012

Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., PETERMANS, J., & Bruyère, O. (December 2015). Qualité de vie du patient sarcopénique : apport de l’étude liégeoise SarcoPhAge. Gériatrie et Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie du Vieillissement, 13 (4), 391-5. doi:10.1684/pnv.2015.0571

Beaudart, C., Biver, E., Reginster, J.-Y., Rizzoli, R., Rolland, Y., Bautmans, I., PETERMANS, J., GILLAIN, S., Buckinx, F., & Bruyère, O. (17 November 2015). Development and validation of a self-administrated quality of life questionnaire specific to sarcopenia: the SarQoL [Paper presentation]. Journée des Doctorants de l'Ecole Doctorale "SPSS", Liège, Belgium.

Locquet, M., Beaudart, C., LARBUISSON, R., Buckinx, F., KAUX, J.-F., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (17 November 2015). Prevalence and factors associated with self-medication practice among amateur runners [Paper presentation]. Journée des Doctorants de l'Ecole Doctorale "SPSS", Liège, Belgium.

Kaux, J.-F., Delvaux, F., Oppong-Kyei, J., Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Croisier, J.-L., Forthomme, B., Crielaard, J.-M., & Bruyère, O. (08 October 2015). VISA-PF: A Cross-Cultural Adaptation And Validation Of The VISA-P Questionnaire In French [Poster presentation]. 4st Congress of the ECOSEP, Barcelona, Spain.

Kaux, J.-F., DELVAUX, F., Oppong-Kyei, J., Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Croisier, J.-L., Forthomme, B., Crielaard, J.-M., & Bruyère, O. (08 October 2015). Cross-Cultural Adaptation And Validation Of The VISA-A Questionnaire In French [Poster presentation]. 4st Congress of the ECOSEP, Barcelona, Spain.

Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Petermans, J., GILLAIN, S., Quabron, A., Locquet, M., Slomian, J., Buckinx, F., & Bruyère, O. (September 2015). Quality of life and physical components linked to sarcopenia: baseline data of the SarcoPhAge study. European Geriatric Medicine, 6S1, 7-s8.

Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Rizzoli, R., Biver, E., Rolland, Y., Bautmans, I., Petermans, J., GILLAIN, S., Buckinx, F., Van Beveren, J., Jacquemain, M., Italiano, P., Dardenne, N., & Bruyère, O. (September 2015). Development and validation of a self-administrated quality of life questionnaire specific to sarcopenia: the SarQol. European Geriatric Medicine, 6S1, 84.

Kaux, J.-F., Delvaux, F., Oppong-Kyei, J., Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Croisier, J.-L., Forthomme, B., Crielaard, J.-M., & Bruyère, O. (September 2015). Validation of the French translation of the VISA-A. European Journal of Sports Medicine, 3 (Suppl 1), 112-113.

Kaux, J.-F., Delvaux, F., Oppong-Kyei, J., Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Croisier, J.-L., Forthomme, B., Crielaard, J.-M., & Bruyère, O. (September 2015). Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the VISA-P questionnaire in French. European Journal of Sports Medicine, 3 (Suppl 1), 112.

GILLAIN, S., Petermans, J., Dardenne, N., Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., GARRAUX, G., REGINSTER, J.-Y., Bruyère, O., DEMONCEAU, M., WOJTASIK, V., & Schwartz, C. (April 2015). Comparison of body composition, muscle force and physical performances between faller and non-faller people included in a cohort of 100 community dwelling volunteers : the Gaby Study. Journal of Frailty and Aging, 4 (S1), 106.

Buckinx, F., Reginster, J.-Y., Dardenne, N., Croisier, J.-L., Kaux, J.-F., Beaudart, C., Slomian, J., & Bruyère, O. (March 2015). Concordance between muscle mass assessed by bioelectrical impedance analysis and by dual energy X-ray absorptionmetry among elderly people: a cross-sectional study. Osteoporosis International, 26 (S1), 53.

Buckinx, F., Reginster, J.-Y., Dardenne, N., Croisier, J.-L., Kaux, J.-F., Beaudart, C., Slomian, J., & Bruyère, O. (March 2015). Concordance between muscle mass assessed by bioelectrical impedance analysis and by dual energy X-ray absorptionmetry among elderly people: a cross-sectional study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 16 (1), 60-67. doi:10.1186/s12891-015-0510-9

Beaudart, C., Biver, E., Reginster, J.-Y., Rizzoli, R., Rolland, Y., Bautmans, I., PETERMANS, J., GILLAIN, S., Buckinx, F., van beveren, J., Jacqemain, M., Italiano, P., Dardenne, N., & Bruyère, O. (2015). Development of a self-administrated quality of life questionnaire for sarcopenia in elderly subjects: the SarQol. Age and Ageing, 44, 960-966. doi:10.1093/ageing/afv133

Beaudart, C., Biver, E., Reginster, J.-Y., Rizzoli, R., Rolland, Y., Bautmans, I., Petermans, J., GILLAIN, S., Buckinx, F., Van Beveren, J., Jacquemain, M., Italiano, P., & Bruyère, O. (2015). Development of a self-administrated quality of life questionnaire specific to sarcopenia in elderly aged 65 years and older: the SARQOL. Osteoporosis International, 26 (S1), 145.

Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Bautmans, I., Croisier, J.-L., Slomian, J., Buckinx, F., Locquet, M., Quabron, A., & Bruyère, O. (2015). Muscle fatigue resistance and self-perceived fatigue in relation with sarcopenia and quality of life. Journal of Frailty and Aging, 4 (S1), 61-62.

Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Bautmans, I., Croisier, J.-L., Slomian, J., Buckinx, F., Locquet, M., Quabron, A., & Bruyère, O. (2015). Grip fatigue resistance and self-perceived fatigue in relation with sarcopenia and quality of life. Osteoporosis International, 26 (S1), 147-S148.

Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Croisier, J.-L., Slomian, J., Buckinx, F., Locquet, M., Quabron, A., & Bruyère, O. (2015). Is there a specific pattern of lean/fat mass ratio in sarcopenic subjects? Osteoporosis International, 26 (S1), 145-S146.

Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Croisier, J.-L., Slomian, J., Buckinx, F., Locquet, M., Quabron, A., & Bruyère, O. (2015). Is there a specific pattern of lean/fat mass ratio in sarcopenic subjects? Journal of Frailty and Aging, 4 (S1), 61.

Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Croisier, J.-L., Slomian, J., Buckinx, F., Locquet, M., Quabron, A., & Bruyère, O. (2015). Correlation between muscle mass and muscle strength and their association with physical performance and gait speed. Osteoporosis International, 26 (S1), 49.

Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Croisier, J.-L., Slomian, J., Buckinx, F., Locquet, M., Quabron, A., & Bruyère, O. (2015). Correlation between muscle mass and muscle strength and their association with physical performance and gait speed. Journal of Frailty and Aging, 4 (S1), 61.

Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Petermans, J., GILLAIN, S., Quabron, A., Locquet, M., Slomian, J., Buckinx, F., & Bruyère, O. (2015). Quality of life and physical components linked to sarcopenia: The SarcoPhAge study. Experimental Gerontology, 69, 103-110. doi:10.1016/j.exger.2015.05.003

Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Petermans, J., GILLAIN, S., Quabron, A., Locquet, M., Slomian, J., Buckinx, F., & Bruyère, O. (2015). Clinical components linked to sarcopenia: the sarcophage study. Osteoporosis International, 26 (S1), 144.

Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Petermans, J., GILLAIN, S., Quabron, A., Locquet, M., Slomian, J., Buckinx, F., & Bruyère, O. (2015). Clinical components linked to sarcopenia: the sarcophage study. Journal of Frailty and Aging, 4 (S1), 89.

Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Rizzoli, R., Rolland, Y., Bautmans, I., Biver, E., Petermans, J., GILLAIN, S., Van Beveren, J., Jacquemain, M., Italiano, P., Dardenne, N., & Bruyère, O. (2015). Development of a self-administrated quality of life questionnaire specific to sarcopenia in elderly aged 65 and older : the SarQol. Journal of Frailty and Aging, 4 (S1), 31-32.

Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Slomian, J., Buckinx, F., Locquet, M., Quabron, A., & Bruyère, O. (2015). Health related quality of life in sarcopenia. Osteoporosis International, 26 (S1), 148-149.

Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Slomian, J., Buckinx, F., Locquet, M., Quabron, A., & Bruyère, O. (2015). Health related quality of life in sarcopenia. Journal of Frailty and Aging, 4 (S1), 61.

Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Slomian, J., Dardenne, N., Quabron, A., SLANGEN, C., GILLAIN, S., Petermans, J., & Bruyère, O. (2015). Estimation of sarcopenia prevalence using various assessment tools. Experimental Gerontology, 61, 31-37. doi:10.1016/j.exger.2014.11.014

Buckinx, F., Beaudart, C., Slomian, J., Maquet, D., Demonceau, M., Gillain, S., Petermans, J., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2015). Added value of a triaxial accelerometer assessing gait parameters to predict falls and mortality among nursing home residents: A two-year prospective study. Technology and Health Care, 23, 195-203. doi:10.3233/THC-140883

Buckinx, F., Croisier, J.-L., Reginster, J.-Y., Dardenne, N., Beaudart, C., Slomian, J., & Bruyère, O. (2015). Reliability of muscle strength measures obtained with a hand-held dynamometer in an elderly population. Osteoporosis International, 26 (S1), 161.

Buckinx, F., Croisier, J.-L., Reginster, J.-Y., Dardenne, N., Beaudart, C., Slomian, J., & Bruyère, O. (2015). Reliability of eight muscle strength measures obtained with a hand-held dynamometer in an elderly population. Journal of Frailty and Aging, 4 (S1), 60-1.

Buckinx, F., Reginster, J.-Y., Dardenne, N., Beaudart, C., Slomian, J., GILLAIN, S., Petermans, J., RICOUR, C., Goffart, E., & Bruyère, O. (2015). Prevalence of frailty in nursing home residents according to various diagnostic tools. Osteoporosis International, 26 (S1), 160-S161.

Buckinx, F., Reginster, J.-Y., Dardenne, N., Beaudart, C., Slomian, J., GILLAIN, S., Petermans, J., RICOUR, C., Goffart, E., & Bruyère, O. (2015). Prevalence of frailty in nursing home residents according to various diagnostic tools. Journal of Frailty and Aging, 4 (S1), 61.

FOX, B., HENWOOD, T., SCHAAP, L., Bruyère, O., Reginster, J.-Y., Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., ROBERTS, H., COOPER, C., CHERUBINI, A., dell'AQUILLA, G., MAGGIO, M., & VOLPATO, S. (2015). Adherence to a standardized protocol for measuring grip strength and appropriate cut-off values in adults over 65 years with sarcopenia: a systematic review protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 13 (10), 50-59. doi:10.11124/jbisrir-2015-2256

Reginster, J.-Y., NEUPREZ, A., LECART, M.-P., Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Slomian, J., & Bruyère, O. (2015). Ostéoporose et Médecine Personnalisée. Revue Médicale de Liège, 70 (5-6), 321-324.

Slomian, J., Reginster, J.-Y., Gaspard, U., Streel, S., Beaudart, C., Appelboom, G., Buckinx, F., & Bruyère, O. (2015). Exploring the Interest in and the Usage of the Internet Among Patients Eligible for Osteoporosis Screening. Calcified Tissue International, 96, 518-526. doi:10.1007/s00223-015-9987-3

Buckinx, F., Reginster, J.-Y., Dardenne, N., Croisier, J.-L., Kaux, J.-F., Slomian, J., Beaudart, C., & Bruyère, O. (November 2014). Concordance entre la masse musculaire mesurée par impédance bioélectrique et par absorptiométrie radiologique à double énergie. Cahiers de l'Année Gérontologique, 6 (Suppl. 1), 182.

Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Rabenda, V., CAVALIER, E., Petermans, J., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2014). The effects of vitamin D on skeletal muscle strength, muscle mass and muscle power: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of Frailty and Aging, 3 (1), 27.

Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Rabenda, V., GILLAIN, S., Cavalier, E., Slomian, J., Petermans, J., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2014). The effects of vitamin D on skeletal muscle strength, muscle mass and muscle power: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 99 (11), 4336-4345. doi:10.1210/jc.2014-1742

Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Rabenda, V., GILLAIN, S., CAVALIER, E., Slomian, J., PETERMANS, J., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2014). The effects of vitamin D on skeletal muscle strength, muscle mass and muscle power: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Osteoporosis International, 25 (2), 46.

Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Rabenda, V., GILLAIN, S., CAVALIER, E., Slomian, J., Petermans, J., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2014). Les effets d'une supplémentation en vitamine D sur la force, la masse et la puissance musculaire : une méta-analyse d'essais randomisés contrôlés. Gériatrie et Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie du Vieillissement, 12 (1), 73.

Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Slomian, J., Quabron, A., Petermans, J., GILLAIN, S., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2014). Prevalence of sarcopenia according to different diagnostic tools. Journal of Frailty and Aging, 3 (1), 43.

Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Slomian, J., Quabron, A., PETERMANS, J., Reginster, J.-Y., Bruyère, O., & GILLAIN, S. (2014). Prevalence of sarcopenia according to different diagnostic tools. Osteoporosis International, 25 (2), 115.

Beaudart, C., GILLAIN, S., Petermans, J., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2014). Sarcopénie. Quoi de neuf en 2014 ? Revue Médicale de Liège, 69 (5-6), 251-257.

Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Cavalier, E., & Bruyère, O. (2014). Les effets d'une supplémentation en vitamine D sur la fonction musculaire. Ortho-Rhumato, 12 (5), 33-37.

Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Slomian, J., Buckinx, F., & Bruyère, O. (2014). Association entre la masse musculaire totale et la densité minérale osseuse de la hanche. Cahiers de l'Année Gérontologique, 6 (Suppl. 1), 125-6.

Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Slomian, J., Buckinx, F., & Bruyère, O. (2014). Association between lean mass and hip bone mineral density. Arthritis and Rheumatism, 66 (11), 95.

Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Slomian, J., Buckinx, F., Locquet, M., & Bruyère, O. (2014). Prevalence of sarcopenia: the impact of different diagnostic cut-off limits. Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions, 14 (4), 425-31.

Beaudart, C., Reginster, J.-Y., Slomian, J., Buckinx, F., Quabron, A., Dardenne, N., & Bruyère, O. (2014). Prévalence de la sarcopénie : impact de l'utilisation de différentes valeurs seuils de diagnostic. Cahiers de l'Année Gérontologique, 6 (Suppl. 1), 126.

Beaudart, C., Rizzoli, R., Bruyère, O., Reginster, J.-Y., & Biver, E. (2014). Sarcopenia: burden and challenges for public health. Archives of Public Health, 72, 45-60. doi:10.1186/2049-3258-72-45

Beaudart, C., SLANGEN, C., Buckinx, F., Slomian, J., Quabron, A., Petermans, J., GILLAIN, S., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2014). Evaluation de la prévalence de la sarcopénie selon différents outils de diagnostic. Gériatrie et Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie du Vieillissement, 12 (1), 42.

Bruyère, O., CAVALIER, E., Souberbielle, J.-C., Bischoff-Ferrari, H., Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Reginster, J.-Y., & Rizzoli, R. (2014). Effects of vitamin D in the elderly population : current status and perspectives. Archives of Public Health, 72, 32-42. doi:10.1186/2049-3258-72-32

Bruyère, O., Demoulin, M., Beaudart, C., Hill, J. C., Maquet, D., Genevay, S., Mahieu, G., REGINSTER, J.-Y., Crielaard, J.-M., & Demoulin, C. (2014). Validity and Reliability of the French Version of the STarT Back Screening Tool for Patients With Low Back Pain. Spine, 39 (2), 123-E128. doi:10.1097/BRS.0000000000000062

Bruyère, O., Slomian, J., Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., CAVALIER, E., GILLAIN, S., PETERMANS, J., & Reginster, J.-Y. (2014). Prevalence of vitamin D inadequacy in European women aged over 80 years. Osteoporosis International, 25 (2), 196.

Bruyère, O., Slomian, J., Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Cavalier, E., GILLAIN, S., Petermans, J., & Reginster, J.-Y. (2014). Prevalence of vitamin D inadequacy in European women aged over 80 years. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 59, 78-82. doi:10.1016/j.archger.2014.03.010

Buckinx, F., Beaudart, C., Maquet, D., Demonceau, M., Crielaard, J.-M., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2014). Evaluation of the impact of 6-month training by whole body vibration on the risk of falls among nursing home residents, observed over a 12-month period: a single blind, randomized controlled trial. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 26 (4), 369-376. doi:10.1007/s40520-014-0197-z

Buckinx, F., Beaudart, C., Slomian, J., Maquet, D., Demonceau, M., GILLAIN, S., PETERMANS, J., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2014). Risk factors for falls among elderly nursing home residents: a 2-year prospective study. Osteoporosis International, 25 (2), 36-37.

Buckinx, F., Beaudart, C., Slomian, J., Maquet, D., Demonceau, M., GILLAIN, S., Petermans, J., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2014). Prognostic factors of death among nursing homes residents followed prospectively for a period of 2 years. Journal of Frailty and Aging, 3 (1), 40.

Buckinx, F., Beaudart, C., Slomian, J., Maquet, D., Demonceau, M., GILLAIN, S., Petermans, J., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2014). Facteurs pronostiques de décès chez des sujets résidant en maison de repos suivis d'une manière prospective pendant une période de 2 ans. Gériatrie et Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie du Vieillissement, 12 (1), 73-74.

Buckinx, F., Beaudart, C., Slomian, J., Maquet, D., Demonceau, M., GILLAIN, S., Petermans, J., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2014). Facteurs de risque de chute chez des sujets résidant en maison de repos : étude prospective d'une durée de 2 ans. Gériatrie et Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie du Vieillissement, 12 (1), 164-165.

Buckinx, F., Beaudart, C., Slomian, J., Maquet, D., Demonceau, M., GILLAIN, S., Petermans, J., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2014). Evolution sur deux ans des capacités fonctionnelles et motrices de sujets âgés résidant en maison de repos. Gériatrie et Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie du Vieillissement, 12 (1), 57-58.

Buckinx, F., Beaudart, C., Slomian, J., Maquet, D., Demonceau, M., GILLAIN, S., Petermans, J., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2014). Evolution over two years of functional and motor abilities among nursing home residents. Journal of Frailty and Aging, 3 (1), 45.

Buckinx, F., Beaudart, C., Slomian, J., Maquet, D., Demonceau, M., GILLAIN, S., Petermans, J., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2014). Evolution over two years of functional and motor abilities among nursing home residents. Osteoporosis International, 25 (2), 121.

Buckinx, F., Reginster, J.-Y., Cavalier, E., Slomian, J., Beaudart, C., & Bruyère, O. (2014). Evaluation du nombre de résidents en maison de retraite médicalisée bénéficiant d'une supplémentation en vitamine D. Cahiers de l'Année Gérontologique, 6 (Suppl. 1), 68.

Buckinx, F., Reginster, J.-Y., Petermans, J., Beaudart, C., & Bruyère, O. (2014). Effets de la vibrotonie corporelle totale sur le risque de chute de la personne âgée: Mise au point. Ortho-Rhumato, 12 (6), 6-9.

GILLAIN, S., ELBOUZ, L., Beaudart, C., Bruyère, O., Reginster, J.-Y., & PETERMANS, J. (2014). Les chutes de la personne âgée. Revue Médicale de Liège, 69 (5-6), 258-264.

Reginster, J.-Y., NEUPREZ, A., Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Slomian, J., Distèche, S., & Bruyère, O. (2014). Bone forming agents for the management of osteoporosis. Panminerva Medica, 56 (2), 97-114.

Reginster, J.-Y., NEUPREZ, A., Beaudart, C., LECART, M.-P., Sarlet, N., Bernard, D., Distèche, S., & Bruyère, O. (2014). Antiresorptive Drugs Beyond Bisphosphonates and Selective Oestrogen Receptor Modulators for the Management of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis. Drugs and Aging, 31, 413-424. doi:10.1007/s40266-014-0179-z

Reginster, J.-Y., NEUPREZ, A., Dardenne, N., Beaudart, C., & Bruyère, O. (2014). Efficacy and safety of currently marketed anti-osteoporosis medications. Best Practice and Research. Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 28, 809-34. doi:10.1016/j.beem.2014.09.003

Slomian, J., GASPARD, U., Reginster, J.-Y., Streel, S., Beaudart, C., Appelboom, G., Buckinx, F., & Bruyère, O. (2014). Des interventions de prévention ou de promotion de la santé utilisant Internet pourraient-elles être prometteuses chez des femmes aux alentours de la ménopause ? Cahiers de l'Année Gérontologique, 6 (Suppl. 1), 205.

Slomian, J., Streel, S., Appleboom, G., Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2014). Internet as a tool for health: survey on the interest and the use of the internet among subjects from an osteoporosis centre - A preliminary report. Osteoporosis International, 25 (2), 64.

Slomian, J., Streel, S., Appleboom, G., Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2014). Could internet use be promising in health prevention and promotion in menopausal women ? A preliminary report. Osteoporosis International, 25 (2), 309.

Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Rabenda, V., GILLAIN, S., CAVALIER, E., Slomian, J., PETERMANS, J., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (28 November 2013). Les effets d’une supplémentation en vitamine D sur la force musculaire : une méta-analyse d’essais randomisés contrôlés [Paper presentation]. Journée des Doctorants de l'Ecole Doctorale "SPSS", Bruxelles, Belgium.

Buckinx, F., Beaudart, C., Maquet, D., Demonceau, M., CRIELAARD, J.-M., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (28 November 2013). Etude de l'impact d'un entraînement de 6 mois par vibrothérapie sur le risque de chute, observé pendant une durée d'un an, chez les patients résidant en maison de repos. Etude randomisée contrôlée menée en simple aveugle [Paper presentation]. Journée des Doctorants de l'Ecole Doctorale "SPSS", Bruxelles, Belgium.

Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Maquet, D., Crielaard, J.-M., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (September 2013). Caractéristiques cliniques des sujets répondeurs à la vibrotonie corporelle totale. Cahiers de l'Année Gérontologique, 5 (1-2), 118-119.

Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Rabenda, V., GILLAIN, S., CAVALIER, E., Petermans, J., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (September 2013). Les effets d'une supplémentation en vitamine D sur la force musculaire : une méta-analyse d'essais randomisés contrôlés. Cahiers de l'Année Gérontologique, 5 (1-2), 38.

Bruyère, O., Slomian, J., Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Cavalier, E., GILLAIN, S., Petermans, J., & Reginster, J.-Y. (September 2013). Importance du déficit en vitamine D chez les femmes françaises ostéoporotiques et ostéopéniques âgées de plus de 80 ans. Cahiers de l'Année Gérontologique, 5 (1-2), 75.

Buckinx, F., Beaudart, C., Demonceau, M., Maquet, D., Crielaard, J.-M., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (September 2013). Evaluation de l'impact d'un entraînement de six mois par vibrotonie corporelle sur le risque de chute des patients résidant en maison de repos, observé pendant une période de 12 mois. Cahiers de l'Année Gérontologique, 5 (1-2), 119-120.

Rizzoli, R., Reginster, J.-Y., Arnal, J.-F., Bautmans, I., Beaudart, C., Bischoff-Ferrari, H., Biver, E., Boonen, S., Brandi, M.-L., Chines, A., Cooper, C., Epstein, S., Fielding, R. A., Goodpaster, B., Kanis, J. A., Kaufman, J.-M., Laslop, A., Malafarina, V., Rodriguez Mañas, L., ... Bruyère, O. (July 2013). Quality of life in sarcopenia and frailty. Calcified Tissue International, 93, 101-120. doi:10.1007/s00223-013-9758-y

Bruyère, O., Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Reginster, J.-Y., Maquet, D., & Mourey, F. (June 2013). Effets de la Whole body vibration sur le risque de chute de la personne âgée : une mise au point. Kinésithérapie Scientifique, 544, 55-58.

Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Demonceau, M., Maquet, D., Crielaard, J.-M., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (April 2013). Evaluation of the impact of a 6-month training by whole body vibration on the risk of falls among nursing home residents. Osteoporosis International, 24 (Suppl.1), 246-247.

Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Maquet, D., Crielaard, J.-M., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (April 2013). Clinical characteristics of patients responsive to whole body vibration. Osteoporosis International, 24 (Suppl.1), 243.

Bruyère, O., Cooper, C., Pavelka, K., Rabenda, V., Buckinx, F., Beaudart, C., & Reginster, J.-Y. (April 2013). Changes in the structure and the symptoms of the osteoarthritis knee and prediction of future knee replacement over an 8-year follow-up period. Osteoporosis International, 24 (Suppl.1), 209.

Bruyère, O., Detalle, A.-S., Demonceau, M., Beaudart, C., Croisier, J.-L., Crielaard, J.-M., Reginster, J.-Y., & Maquet, D. (April 2013). Quantitative gait assessment using an accelerometer technology as a predictive tool of falls among nursing home residents: a 6-month prospective study. Osteoporosis International, 24 (Suppl.1), 210.

Beaudart, C., Maquet, D., Mannarino, M., Crielaard, J.-M., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2013). Effects of 3 months of controlled whole body vibrations with low exposure period on the risk of falls among nursing home residents. In Proceeding of the meeting.

Bruyère, O., Detalle, A.-S., Demonceau, M., Beaudart, C., Croisier, J.-L., Crielaard, J.-M., Reginster, J.-Y., & Maquet, D. (2013). Quantitative gait assessment using an accelerometer technology as a predictive tool of falls among nursing home residents: a 6-month prospective study. In Proceedings of the meeting.

Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Maquet, D., Crielaard, J.-M., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2013). What are the clinical characteristics of patients improving their gait and body balance with whole body vibration ? Results of a 3-month randomized controlled trial. European Geriatric Medicine, 4 (S1), 53.

Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Rabenda, V., GILLAIN, S., Cavalier, E., Petermans, J., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2013). The effects of vitamin D on skeletal muscle strenght : a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. European Geriatric Medicine, 4 (S1), 72.

Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., Rabenda, V., GILLAIN, S., Cavalier, E., Slomian, J., Petermans, J., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2013). Les effets d'une supplémentation en vitamine D sur la force, la masse et la puissance musculaire : une méta-analyse d'essais randomisés contrôlés. Revue du Rhumatisme, 80 (S1), 180-A181.

Beaudart, C., Maquet, D., Mannarino, M., Buckinx, F., Demonceau, M., Crielaard, J.-M., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2013). Effects of 3 months of short sessions of controlled whole body vibrations on the risk of falls among nursing home residents. BMC Geriatrics, 13 (42). doi:10.1186/1471-2318-13-42

Bruyère, O., Cooper, C., Pavelka, K., Rabenda, V., Buckinx, F., Beaudart, C., & REGINSTER, J.-Y. (2013). Changes in Structure and Symptoms in Knee Osteoarthritis and Prediction of Future Knee Replacement Over 8 Years. Calcified Tissue International, 93, 502-507. doi:10.1007/s00223-013-9781-z

Bruyère, O., Slomian, J., Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., CAVALIER, E., GILLAIN, S., Petermans, J., & REGINSTER, J.-Y. (2013). Prevalence of vitamin D inadequacy in European postmenopausal women aged over 80 years. European Geriatric Medicine, 4 (S1), 13-S14.

Buckinx, F., Beaudart, C., Demonceau, M., Maquet, D., Crielaard, J.-M., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2013). Impact of a 6-month training by whole body vibration on functional and motor abilities among nursing home residents observed over a 12-months period. European Geriatric Medicine, 4 (S1), 54-S55.

Rabenda, V., Nicolet, D., Beaudart, C., Bruyère, O., & Reginster, J.-Y. (2013). Relationship between use of antidepressants and risk of fractures: a meta-analysis. Osteoporosis International, 24, 121-137. doi:10.1007/s00198-012-2015-9

REGINSTER, J.-Y., Beaudart, C., NEUPREZ, A., & Bruyère, O. (2013). Strontium ranelate in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis: new insights and emerging clinical evidence. Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal Disease, 5 (5), 268-276. doi:10.1177/1759720X13500862

Beaudart, C., Maquet, D., Mannarino, M., Buckinx, F., Demonceau, M., CRIELAARD, J.-M., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (20 November 2012). Evaluation de l'impact d'un entraînement de trois mois par vibrotonie sur le risque de chute chez des patients résidant en maison de repos [Paper presentation]. Journée des Doctorants de l'Ecole Doctorale "SPSS", Liège, Belgium.

Hiligsmann, M., Gathon, H.-J., Bruyère, O., Beaudart, C., Kolh, P., JACQUES, J., Gillet, P., & Reginster, J.-Y. (March 2011). Patient out-of-pocket contributions related to hip fracture hospital costs in Belgium. Osteoporosis International, 22 (Suppl.1), 333.

Bruyère, O., Neuprez, A., Fossi, M., Beaudart, C., Zegels, B., Leonori, L., Hiligsmann, M., & Reginster, J.-Y. (November 2010). Le remboursement des traitements contre l'ostéoporose basé sur l'utilisation de l'outil FRAX plutôt que sur les critères actuels permettrait de réduire de 30% le coût, dans une perspective sociétale, du traitement de l'ostéoporose en Belgique. Revue du Rhumatisme, 77 (Suppl.3), 66-67.