Publications and communications of Magali Deleu

Balleux, G.* , Höfte, M.* , Arguelles-Arias, A., Deleu, M.* , & Ongena, M.*. (January 2025). Bacillus lipopeptides as key players in rhizosphere chemical ecology. Trends in Microbiology, 33 (1), 80 - 95. doi:10.1016/j.tim.2024.08.001
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Hoste, A., Smeralda, W., Cugnet, A., Brostaux, Y., Deleu, M., Garigliany, M.-M., & Jacques, P. (20 November 2024). The structure of lipopeptides impacts their antiviral activity and mode of action against SARS-CoV-2 in vitro. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 90 (11), 0103624. doi:10.1128/aem.01036-24

Leconte, A., Jacquin, J., Duban, M., Deweer, C., Trapet, P., Laruelle, F., Farce, A., Compère, P., Sahmer, K., Fiévet, V., Hoste, A., Siah, A., Lounès-Hadj Sahraoui, A., Jacques, P., Coutte, F., Deleu, M., & Muchembled, J. (September 2024). Deciphering the mechanisms involved in reduced sensitivity to azoles and fengycin lipopeptide in Venturia inaequalis. Microbiological Research, 286, 127816. doi:10.1016/j.micres.2024.127816

Gilliard, G., Demortier, T., Boubsi, F., Jijakli, H., Ongena, M., De Clerck, C., & Deleu, M. (July 2024). Deciphering the distinct biocontrol activities of lipopeptides fengycin and surfactin through their differential impact on lipid membranes. Colloids and Surfaces. B, Biointerfaces, 239, 113933. doi:10.1016/j.colsurfb.2024.113933

Burgeon, C., Khelalfa Wissam, Deleu, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Jijakli, H. (21 May 2024). CERCOIL: Combatting Cercospora leaf spot disease using essential oil-based fungicides [Poster presentation]. International symposium on crop protection, Gand, Belgium.

Genva, M.* , Race, G.* , Vilain, L.* , Deleu, M., Ongena, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (21 May 2024). Unravelling the functions of esterified oxylipins in plant stress responses [Poster presentation]. 75th International Symposium On Crop Protection, Gand, Belgium.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Quievreux, M.* , Burgeon, C.* , Segers, A.* , Boubsi, F.* , Delaplace, P., Massart, S., Ongena, M., Deleu, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Jijakli, H., Francis, F., & Jacques, P. (11 April 2024). Analytical and technological platforms for the development of new biostimulants and biocontrol agents (PHENIX-BIOCONTROL_ULIEGE) [Poster presentation]. Wallonie S3 Forward: Agri-food chains of the future and innovative environmental strategies, Namur, Belgium.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Deleu, M. (2024). Membrane lipids play a role in the interactions between bioactive molecules and plasma membranes [Paper presentation]. Belgian Biophysical Society Symposium 2024, 29 March, Academy Palace, Brussels.

Gilliard, G., Demortier, T., Boubsi, F., Ongena, M., Jijakli, H., De Clerck, C., & Deleu, M. (2024). Deciphering the distinct biocontrol activities of lipopeptides fengycin and surfactin through their differential impact on lipid membranes [Poster presentation]. Physical Modes of Action of Membrane-Active Compounds 807. WE-Heraeus-Seminar 07 – 10 April 2024 at the Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany.

Vilain, L., Genva, M., Deleu, M., Mongrand, S., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (11 July 2023). Oxidised complex lipids in plants: On the occurrence and roles of esterified oxylipins [Paper presentation]. 10th European Symposium on Plant Lipids, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Bacha, K., Chemotti, C., Mbakidi, J.-P., Deleu, M., & Bouquillon, S. (01 June 2023). Dendrimers: Synthesis, Encapsulation Applications and Specific Interaction with the Stratum Corneum—A Review. Macromol, 3 (2), 343-370. doi:10.3390/macromol3020022

Gilliard, G.* , Prsic, J.* , Ongena, M.* , & Deleu, M.*. (21 March 2023). The atypical modulation of plant immunity by the lipopeptide surfactin [Poster presentation]. 16eme rencontres plantes-bactéries, Aussois, France.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Claereboudt, E., Claereboudt, M. R., Savarino, P., Caulier, G., Gaumez, L., Deleu, M., Gerbaux, P., & Eeckhaut, I. (16 March 2023). A Distinct Saponin Profile Drives an Olfactory-Mediated Aggregation in the Aquacultivated Sea Cucumber Holothuria scabra. Marine Drugs, 21 (3), 184. doi:10.3390/md21030184

Gilliard, G.* , Prsic, J.* , Ongena, M.* , & Deleu, M.*. (30 January 2023). Plant membrane lipids as key actors of the sensing mechanism of the elicitor surfactin in plant cells [Poster presentation]. Plant Lipids: Structure, Metabolism and Function, Galveston, United States - Texas.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Gilliard, G., & Deleu, M. (2023). How biophysics can help to decipher lipid-driven biological mechanisms of surfactins, a class of bacterial lipopeptides [Poster presentation]. XXIII GEM Congress - Membranes: Structure, Dynamics and function.

Rondelli, V., Mollica, L., Koutsioubas, A., Nasir, M. N., Trapp, E., Deboever, E., & Deleu, M. (2023). In the sugar. (MLZ annual report 2022).

Leconte, A., Jacques, P., Deleu, M., Jacquin, J., Deweer, C., Muchembled, J., Coutte, F., Tournant, L., & Oste, S. (December 2022). In vitro and in planta study of the antifungal activity of different lipopeptides from Bacillus sp. against Venturia inaequalis [Paper presentation]. 13ème CIMA « Conférence internationale sur les maladies des plantes ».

Bacha, K., Chemotti, C., Monboisse, J.-C., Robert, A., Furlan, A., Smeralda, W., Damblon, C., Estager, J., Brassart-Pasco, S., Mbakidi, J.-P., Prsic, J., Bouquillon, S., & Deleu, M. (18 November 2022). Encapsulation of Vitamin C by Glycerol-Derived Dendrimers, Their Interaction with Biomimetic Models of Stratum corneum and Their Cytotoxicity. Molecules, 27 (22), 8022. doi:10.3390/molecules27228022

Gilliard, G.* , Furlan, A.* , Smeralda, W., Prsic, J., & Deleu, M. (10 November 2022). Added Value of Biophysics to Study Lipid-Driven Biological Processes: The Case of Surfactins, a Class of Natural Amphiphile Molecules. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23 (22), 13831. doi:10.3390/ijms232213831
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Leconte, A., Tournant, L., Muchembled, J., Paucellier, J., Héquet, A., Deracinois, B., Deweer, C., Krier, F., Deleu, M., Oste, S., Jacques, P., & Coutte, F. (09 September 2022). Assessment of Lipopeptide Mixtures Produced by Bacillus subtilis as Biocontrol Products against Apple Scab (Venturia inaequalis). Microorganisms, 10 (9), 1810. doi:10.3390/microorganisms10091810

Gilliard, G., Anais Deker, Prsic, J., Ongena, M., & Deleu, M. (September 2022). Stimulation of plant immunity by the lipopeptide surfactin is influenced by plant cell wall [Poster presentation]. EOS workshop.

Bacha, K., Estager, J., Brassart-Pasco, S., Chemotti, C., Fernandes, A. E., Mbakidi, J.-P., Deleu, M., & Bouquillon, S. (27 August 2022). Synthesis and Activity of Ionic Antioxidant-Functionalized PAMAMs and PPIs Dendrimers. Polymers, 14 (17), 3513. doi:10.3390/polym14173513

Furlan, A., Buhrin Erin, Gilliard, G., & Deleu, M. (15 June 2022). Development of asymmetric liposomes to mimic plant plasma membrane using cyclodextrins as lipid carriers Influence of phospholipid fatty acid chains [Paper presentation]. BESS 2022, Lipid Bilayers at ESS, Lund, Sweden.

Rondelli, V., Mollica, L., Koutsioubas, A., Nasir, N., Trapp, M., Deboever, E., Brocca, P., & Deleu, M. (15 June 2022). Carbohydrate-carbohydrate interaction drives the preferential insertion of dirhamnolipid into glycosphingolipid enriched membranes. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 616, 739-748. doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2022.02.120

Leconte, A., Jacquin, J., Muchembled, J., Deleu, M., Coutte, F., & Jacques, P. (June 2022). Indication of the role of efflux pumps that may explain the reduced sensitivity to tebuconazole and reduced sensitivity to fengycin and surfactin in V. inaequalis [Poster presentation]. Plant BioProTech, Reims, France.

Gilliard, G., Anaïs Deker, Prsic, J., Ongena, M., & Deleu, M. (19 May 2022). Cell wall influences immune response to the elicitor surfactin in Arabidopsis thaliana [Poster presentation]. 13eme journée du Reseau Français des Parois.

Gilliard, G., Prsic, J., Ongena, M., & Deleu, M. (12 April 2022). Fluorescent probes to study the perception of the elicitor surfactin at the plant plasma membrane [Poster presentation]. Fluorescence markers for advanced microscopy: From photophysics to biology.

Genva, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Deleu, M., Mongrand, S., & Fouillen, L. (28 February 2022). Thesis project & Current work at the LBM [Paper presentation]. Lab Meeting - Laboratoire de Biogenèse Membranaire (Université de Bordeaux).

Gilliard, G., Prsic, J., Ongena, M., & Deleu, M. (26 January 2022). Mechanistic aspect of the perception of the elicitor surfactin at the plant plasma membrane [Paper presentation]. 15èmes rencontres plantes bactéries.

Deboever, E., Vanaubel, G., Rondelli, V., Koutsioupas, A., Mathelie-Guinlet, M., Dufrene, Y., Ongena, M., Lins, L., Vancutsem, P., Fauconnier, M.-L.* , & Deleu, M.*. (2022). Modulation of Plant Plasma Membrane Structure by Exogenous Fatty Acid Hydroperoxide is a Potential Perception Mechanism for their Eliciting Activity. Plant, Cell and Environment, 45, 1082-1095. doi:10.1111/pce.14239
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Deleu, M. (2022). Plant plasma membrane models to study the molecular mechanism underlining rhamnolipid sensing by plant cells [Paper presentation]. Lipid Bilayers at ESS-BESS.

Deleu, M.* , Bacha, K.* , & Bouquillon, S. (2022). Contribution of Biobased Dendrimers in the field of Cosmetics [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de présentation du projet InTiCosm.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Deleu, M., Prsic, J., Gilliard, G., Smeralda, W., Hoste, A., Garigliany, M.-M., Jacques, P., & Ongena, M. (2022). How biophysics can help to understand biological mechanisms of surfactins [Paper presentation]. EOS workshop – Bacterial lipopeptides: from (physico)chemistry to ecology, Liège, Belgium.

Hoste, A., Cugnet, A., Smeralda, W., Deleu, M., Garigliany, M.-M., & Jacques, P. (2022). Study of the impact of bacterially produced lipopeptides on SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) in vitro [Paper presentation]. Biosurfactants 2022, Stuttgart, Germany.

Hoste, A., Cugnet, A., Smeralda, W., Deleu, M., Garigliany, M.-M., & Jacques, P. (2022). Study of the Effect of Bacterially Produced Secondary Metabolites on SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) in Vitro [Paper presentation]. ESVV2022, Ghent, Belgium.

Prsic, J., Gilliard, G., Deleu, M., & Ongena, M. (2022). The surfactin lipopeptide from beneficial bacilli is perceived by plant cells via an uncommon lipid-mediated process to trigger systemic resistance [Paper presentation]. miCROPe, Vienna, Austria.

Théatre, A.* , Hoste, A.* , Rigolet, A., Benneceur, I., Bechet, M., Ongena, M., Deleu, M., & Jacques, P. (2022). Bacillus sp.: A Remarkable Source of Bioactive Lipopeptides. In R. Hausmann & M. Henkel, Biosurfactants for the Biobased Economy. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Cham. doi:10.1007/10_2021_182
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Gilliard, G.* , Huby, E.* , Cordelier, S., Ongena, M., Dhondt-Cordelier, S.* , & Deleu, M.*. (05 October 2021). Protoplast: A Valuable Toolbox to Investigate Plant Stress Perception and Response. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12. doi:10.3389/fpls.2021.749581
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Bouquillon, S., & Deleu, M. (2021). Des molécules cargo biosourcées pour diffuser des principes actifs [Paper presentation]. Congrès des Sciences.

Furlan, A., Gilliard, G., Bouquiaux, C., & Deleu, M. (23 July 2021). Development of asymmetric liposome to mimic plant plasma membrane [Poster presentation]. 13th European Biophysical Conference, EBSA.

Lins, L., Deleu, M., & Jacques, P. (June 2021). Valorisation d’un co-produit de la production du bio-éthanol comme substrat de fermentation pour la production de nouvelles formes de biosurfactants plus actives [Paper presentation]. Journées Condorcet, Reims, France.

Deleu, M. (2021). Interaction avec les membranes biomimétiques de la peau et effet cytotoxique.

Deleu, M. (18 January 2021). Interaction with skin biomimetic membranes and cytotoxic effect [Paper presentation]. Kick-off meeting - InTiCosm project.

Gilliard, G., Prsic, J., Ongena, M., & Deleu, M. (14 January 2021). Implications des flux ioniques racinaires dans la réponse immune induite par la surfactine chez Arabidopsis thaliana [Paper presentation]. Journées jeunes chercheurs Condorcet 2021.

Baranger, C., Pezron, I., Lins, L., Deleu, M., Le Goff, A., & Fayeulle, A. (2021). A compartmentalized microsystem helps understanding the uptake of benzo[a]pyrene by fungi during soil bioremediation processes. Science of the Total Environment, 784, 147151. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147151

Cordelier, S.* , Crouzet, J.* , Gilliard, G., Dorey, S., Deleu, M.* , & Dhondt-Cordelier, S.*. (2021). Deciphering the role of plant plasma membrane lipids in response to invasion patterns: how could biology and biophysics help? Journal of Experimental Botany. doi:10.1093/jxb/erab517
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Genva, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Lins, L., & Deleu, M. (2021). Evaluation de l’impact de l’accumulation d’arabidopsides sur les membranes des chloroplastes en condition de stress [Poster presentation]. Journées Jeunes Chercheurs Condorcet J2C2.

Hoff, G., Arias, A. A., Boubsi, F., Prsic, J., Meyer, T., Ibrahim, H. M. M., Steels, S., Luzuriaga, P., Legras, A., Franzil, L., Lequart-Pillon, M., Rayon, C., Osorio, V., De Pauw, E., Lara, Y., Deboever, E., de Coninck, B., Jacques, P., Deleu, M., ... Ongena, M. (2021). Surfactin Stimulated by Pectin Molecular Patterns and Root Exudates Acts as a Key Driver of the Bacillus-Plant Mutualistic Interaction. MBio, 12 (6). doi:10.1128/mBio.01774-21

Lins, L., & Deleu, M. (2021). Le Laboratoire de Biophysique Moléculaire aux Interfaces.

Mamode Cassim, A., Navon, Y., Gao, Y., Decossas, M., Fouillen, L., Grélard, A., Nagano, M., Lambert, O., Bahammou, D., Van Delft, P., Maneta-Peyret, L., Simon-Plas, F., Heux, L., Jean, B., Fragneto, G., Mortimer, J. C., Deleu, M., Lins, L., & Mongrand, S. (2021). Biophysical analysis of the plant-specific GIPC sphingolipids reveals multiple modes of membrane regulation. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 296, 100602. doi:10.1016/j.jbc.2021.100602

Rondelli, V., Koutsioubas, A., Prsic, J., Deboever, E., Crowet, J.-M., Lins, L., & Deleu, M. (2021). Sitosterol and glucosylceramide cooperative transversal and lateral uneven distribution in plant membranes. Scientific Reports, 11, 21618. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-00696-7

Théatre, A., Cano-Prieto, C., Bartolini, M., Laurin, Y., Deleu, M., Niehren, J., Fida, T., Gerbinet, S., Alanjary, M., Medema, M. H., Léonard, A., Lins, L., Arabolaza, A., Gramajo, H., Gross, H., & Jacques, P. (2021). The Surfactin-Like Lipopeptides From Bacillus spp.: Natural Biodiversity and Synthetic Biology for a Broader Application Range. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 9, 118. doi:10.3389/fbioe.2021.623701

Deleu, M. (2020). Biophysico-chemical characterization of sugar esters from the ValBran project [Paper presentation]. Clôture du projet ValBran - Valorisation du son de blé en molécules tensioactives.

Rémond, C., Plantier-Royon, R., Debatty, L., Brousmiche, L., Deleu, M., Sarazin, C., Husson, E., Sterlet, S., Martinez Garcia, M., Dejonghe, W., & Satyawali, Y. (2020). La valorisation du son de blé en molécules tensioactives. Gembloux, Belgium: Valbiom.

Deboever, E., Lins, L., Ongena, M., De Clerck, C., Deleu, M.* , & Fauconnier, M.-L.*. (July 2020). Linolenic fatty acid hydroperoxide acts as biocide on plant pathogenic bacteria: biophysical investigation of the mode of action. Bioorganic Chemistry, 100, 103877. doi:10.1016/j.bioorg.2020.103877
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Lins, L., Deleu, M., & Phalip, V. (May 2020). Molecular understanding of the interactions between modified surfactins and bacterial membranes [Paper presentation]. journée AG UMRT BioEcoAgro, Gembloux, Belgium.

Lins, L., De Clerck, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Deleu, M. (February 2020). Molecular biophysics as a tool to investigate the bioherbicide effect of essential oils related to their interaction with plant plasma membrane [Paper presentation]. ICABBE 2020, Bangkok, Thailand.

Ben Kaab, S., Lins, L., Hanafi, M., Bettaieb, I., Deleu, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Ksouri, R., Jijakli, H., & De Clerck, C. (January 2020). Cynara cardunculus crude extract as a powerful natural herbicide and insight into the mode of action of its bioactive molecules. Biomolecules, 10 (2), 209. doi:10.3390/biom10020209

Colson, E., Savarino, P., Claereboudt, E., Cabrera Barjas, G., Deleu, M., Lins, L., Eeckhaut, I., Flammand, P., & Gerbaux, P. (2020). Enhancing the Membranolytic Activity of Chenopodium quinoa Saponins by Fast Microwave Hydrolysis. Molecules, 25 (7), 1731. doi:10.3390/molecules25071731

Deboever, E., Deleu, M., Mongrand, S., Lins, L.* , & Fauconnier, M.-L.*. (2020). Plant-pathogen interactions: underestimated roles of phyto-oxylipins. Trends in Plant Science, 25 (1), 22-34. doi:10.1016/j.tplants.2019.09.009
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Franche, A., Fayeulle, A., Lins, L., Billamboz, M., Pezron, I., Deleu, M.* , & Léonard, E.*. (2020). Amphiphilic azobenzenes: Antibacterial activities and biophysical investigation of their interaction with bacterial membrane lipids. Bioorganic Chemistry, 94, 103399. doi:10.1016/j.bioorg.2019.103399
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Furlan, A., Laurin, Y., Botcazon, C., Rodriguez Moraga, N., Rippa, S., Deleu, M., Lins, L., Sarazin, C., & Buchoux, S. (2020). Contributions and Limitations of Biophysical Approaches to Study of the Interactions between Amphiphilic Molecules and the Plant Plasma Membrane. Plants, 9 (5), 648. doi:10.3390/plants9050648

Genva, M., Deleu, M., Andersson, M. X., Lins, L., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2020). Stress-related accumulation of arabidopsides: impact on plant chloroplasts - Flash presentation [Paper presentation]. 25th National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences, Gembloux, Belgium.

Genva, M., Deleu, M., Andersson, M. X., Lins, L., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2020). Stress-related accumulation of arabidopsides: impact on plant chloroplasts [Poster presentation]. 25th National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences, Gembloux, Belgium.

Gerard, D., Méline, T., Muzard, M., Plantier-Royon, R., Deleu, M.* , & Rémond, C.*. (2020). Enzymatically-synthesized xylo-oligosaccharides laurate esters as surfactants of interest. Carbohydrate Research, 495, 108090. doi:10.1016/j.carres.2020.108090
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Lecordier, L., Uzureau, S., Vanwalleghem, G., Deleu, M., Crowet, J.-M., Barry, P., Moran, B., Voorheis, P., Dumitru, A.-C., Yamaryo-Botté, Y., Dieu, M., Tebabi, P., Vanhollebeke, B., Lins, L., Botté, C. Y., Alsteens, D., Dufrêne, Y., Pérez-Morga, D., Nolan, D. P., & Pays, E. (2020). The Trypanosoma Brucei KIFC1 Kinesin Ensures the Fast Antibody Clearance Required for Parasite Infectivity. iScience, 23 (9), 101476. doi:10.1016/j.isci.2020.101476

Liu, L., Xu, F., Deleu, M.* , & Wang, Q.*. (2020). Structure and thermal properties of arachin from six varieties: effect of 35.5kDa subunit. International Journal of Food Properties, 23 (1), 908-917. doi:10.1080/10942912.2020.1769648
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Tiappi Deumaga, M., Jacquet, N., Vanderghem, C., Aguedo, M., Thomas, H. G., Gerin, P., Deleu, M., & Richel, A. (2020). Fractionation and Structural Characterization of Hemicellulose from Steam-Exploded Banana Rachis. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 11 (5), 2183-2192. doi:10.1007/s12649-018-0457-9

Lins, L., & Deleu, M. (02 December 2019). « SAR out of the box » : insights into the relations between molecular structure, membrane interaction and activity of biomolecules using complementary biophysical tools [Paper presentation]. 3rd-International Caparica Christmas Conference on Translational Chemistry 2019 (IC3CT), Lisbonne, Portugal.

Lins, L., Fauconnier, M.-L., De Clerck, C., Genva, M., & Deleu, M. (20 November 2019). Essential oils in plant protection: recent developments, opportunities and challenges [Paper presentation]. Plant Bioprotect, Marrakech, Morocco.

Deboever, E., Deleu, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Lins, L. (Other coll.). (19 November 2019). New insight into free-oxylipins roles, a potential for biocontrol agents [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Symposium Plant BioProTech, Marrakech, Morocco.

rémond, C., Satyawali, Y., & Deleu, M. (2019). The valorisation of wheat bran into surfactant molecules. Dissemination of the ValBran mid-term research results [Paper presentation]. La valorisation du son de blé en molécules tensioactives, Gand, Belgium.

Lins, L., & Deleu, M. (18 October 2019). Complementary biophysical tools to investigate the membrane activities of essential oils [Paper presentation]. Essential oils in agronomy: present and future trends, Gembloux, Belgium.

Rondelli, V., Lins, L., Ongena, M., & Deleu, M. (25 September 2019). Comparative study of membrane interaction properties of mono- and di-rhamnolipids from Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the context of plant elicitation [Poster presentation]. Biosurfactants 2019 - International Conference, Hohenheim, Germany.

Fauconnier, M.-L., Lins, L., Dal Maso, S., De Clerck, C., Genva, M., Jijakli, H., & Deleu, M. (11 September 2019). Molecular Biophysics: A Novel Integrative Approach to Investigate Bioherbicide Mode of Action of Essential Oils [Paper presentation]. 50th international symposium on essential oils, Vienne, Austria.

Lins, L., Dal Maso, S., Foncoux, B., Kamili, A., Laurin, Y., Genva, M., Jijakli, H., De Clerck, C., Fauconnier, M.-L.* , & Deleu, M.*. (16 August 2019). Insights into the Relationships Between Herbicide Activities, Molecular Structure and Membrane Interaction of Cinnamon and Citronella Essential Oils Components. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20, 4007. doi:10.3390/ijms20164007
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Deleu, M., Lins, L., & Ongena, M. (15 July 2019). Mechanistics of surfactin perception in plant immunity elicitation by Bacillus [Poster presentation]. IS-MPMI XVIII congress, Glasgow, United Kingdom.

Lins, L., De Clerck, C., Foncoux, B., Genva, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Deleu, M. (July 2019). Molecular biophysics: An integrative approach to investigate the bioherbicide effect of essential oils related to their interaction with plant plasma membrane [Paper presentation]. 9th European Symposium on Plant Lipids, Marseille, France.

Pottier, M., Orman-Ligeza, B., Redouté, G., De Jaeger, G., Laurin, Y., Deleu, M., Lins, L., Boutry, M., & Périlleux, C. (July 2019). Searching for interactions at the membrane interface that confer antagonistic activities on floral regulators FT and TFL1 [Poster presentation]. 18TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON PLANT MEMBRANE BIOLOGY.

Deleu, M., & Dhont-Cordelier, S. (26 June 2019). Etude de la perception de sphingolipides par des membranes végétales et de leur activité élicitrice - projet ELISPHINGO [Paper presentation]. Les journées Condorcet 2019, Reims, France.

Genva, M., Kenne Kemene, T., Deleu, M., Lins, L., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (20 June 2019). Is it possible to predict the odor of a molecule on the basis of its structure? International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20 (12), 3018. doi:10.3390/ijms20123018

Claereboudt, E., Caulier, G., Decroo, C., Colson, E., Gerbaux, Claereboudt, M., Schaller, H., Flammang, P., Deleu, M., & Eeckhaut, I. (13 June 2019). Triterpenoids in Echinoderms: Fundamental Differences in Diversity and Biosynthetic Pathways. Marine Drugs, 17 (352). doi:10.3390/md17060352

Deboever, E., Deleu, M., Lins, L., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (01 April 2019). New insight into free-oxylipins roles, a potential for biocontrol agents [Poster presentation]. Regulatory Oxylipins, an international meeting, Gent, Belgium.

Genva, M., Deleu, M., Andersson, M. X., Lins, L., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (April 2019). Stress-related accumulation of arabidopsides: impact on chloroplast membranes [Poster presentation]. Regulatory Oxylipins (an International Meeting), Gand, Belgium.

Lebecque, S., Lins, L., Dayan, F. E., Fauconnier, M.-L.* , & Deleu, M.*. (18 March 2019). Interactions between natural herbicides and lipid bilayers mimicking the plant plasma membrane. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10, 329 - 11. doi:10.3389/fpls.2019.00329
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Tiappi Deumaga, M., villani, N., Aguedo, M., Jacquet, N., Happi, G. T., Gerin, P., Deleu, M., & Richel, A. (2019). Chemical composition analysis and structural features of banana rachis lignin extracted by two organosolv methods. Industrial Crops and Products. doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2019.02.022

Genva, M., Deleu, M., Andersson, M. X., Lins, L., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (04 February 2019). Arabidopside interactions with plant membranes [Poster presentation]. 24th National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences, Gand, Belgium.

Genva, M., Deboever, E., Lins, L., Deleu, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2019). Présentation of the Laboratory of Chemistry of Natural Molecules and Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics at Interfaces [Paper presentation]. Rencontre avec le Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany.

Awedem Wobiwo, F., Chaturvedi, T., Boda, M., Fokou, E., Emaga, T. H., Cybulska, I., Deleu, M., Gerin, P. A., & Thomsen, M. H. (2019). Bioethanol potential of raw and hydrothermally pretreated banana bulbs biomass in simultaneous saccharification and fermentation process with Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 9 (3), 553-563. doi:10.1007/s13399-018-00367-0

Brault, M., Petit, J., Immel, F., Nicolas, W., Glavier, M., Brocard, L., Gaston, A., Fouche, M., Hawkins, T., Crowet, J.-M., Grison, M., Germain, V., Rocher, M., Kraner, M., Alva, V., Claverol, S., Paternili, A., Helariutta, Y., Deleu, M., ... Bayer, E. (2019). Multiple C2 domains and Transmembrane region Proteins (MCTPs) tether membranes at plasmodesmata. EMBO Reports. doi:10.15252/embr.201847182

Crowet, J.-M., Sinnaeve, D., Feher, K., Laurin, Y., Deleu, M., Martins, J., & Lins, L. (2019). Molecular Model for the Self Assembly of the cyclic Lipodepsipeptide Pseudodesmin A. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 123, 8916-8922. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcb.9b08035

Deleu, M.* , Deboever, E.* , Nasir, M. N., Crowet, J.-M., Dauchez, M., Ongena, M., Jijakli, H., Fauconnier, M.-L.* , & Lins, L.*. (2019). Linoleic and linolenic acid hydroperoxides interact differentially with biomimetic plant membranes in a lipid specific manner. Colloids and Surfaces. B, Biointerfaces, 175, 384-391. doi:10.1016/j.colsurfb.2018.12.014
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Genva, M., Obounou Akong, F., Andersson, M. X., Deleu, M., Lins, L., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2019). New insights into the biosynthesis of esterified oxylipins and their involvement in plant defense and developmental mechanisms. Phytochemistry Reviews, 18, 343–358. doi:10.1007/s11101-018-9595-8

Monnier, N., Furlan, A., Buchoux, S., Deleu, M., Dauchez, M., Rippa, S., & Sarazin, C. (2019). Exploring the Dual Interaction of Natural Rhamnolipids with Plant and Fungal Biomimetic Plasma Membranes through Biophysical Studies. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20, 1009. doi:10.3390/ijms20051009

Verstraeten, S., Deleu, M., Janikowska-Sagan, M., Claereboudt, E., Lins, L., Tyteca, D., & Mingeot-Leclercq, M.-P. (2019). The activity of the saponin ginsenoside Rh2 is enhanced by the interaction with membrane sphingomyelin but depressed by cholesterol. Scientific Reports, 9, 7285. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-43674-w

Deboever, E., Genva, M., Deleu, M. (Other coll.), Lins, L. (Other coll.), & Fauconnier, M.-L. (Other coll.). (27 September 2018). Oxylipins are involved in plant protections processes and are potential biocontrol agents [Paper presentation]. Natural Products and Biocontrol 2018, Perpignan, France.

Deleu, M., Lins, L., & Ongena, M. (26 September 2018). STIMULATION OF PLANT IMMUNITY BY BENEFICIAL BACILLI : MECHANISTICS OF SURFACTIN PERCEPTION [Paper presentation]. Natural Products and Biocontrol 2018, Perpignan, France.

Lins, L., Bettaieb, I., Dal Maso, S., Kenne Kemene, T., De Clerck, C., Deleu, M., Jijakli, H., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (25 September 2018). How could the herbicidal effects of selected essential oil compounds be related to their membrane activity ? [Poster presentation]. Natural products and Biocontrol, Perpignan, France.

Petit, J., Brault, M., Immel, F., Crowet, J.-M., Deleu, M., Bayer, E., & Lins, L. (September 2018). The molecular mechanisms of membrane tethering at plasmodesmata intercellular junctions [Poster presentation]. International workshop on biological membranes: tiny lipids with grand functions, Helsinki, Finland.

Luzuriaga Loaiza, W., Schellenberger, R., De-Gaetano, Y., Obounou Akong, F., Villaume, S., Crouzet, J., Haudrechy, A., Baillieul, F., Clément, C., Lins, L., Allais, F., Ongena, M., Bouquillon, S., Deleu, M., & Dorey, S. (04 June 2018). Synthetic Rhamnolipid Bolaforms trigger an innate immune response in Arabidopsis thaliana. Scientific Reports, 8, 8534. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-26838-y

Claereboudt, E., Eeckhaut, I., Deleu, M., & Lins, L. (24 May 2018). How different serols contribute to cytotoxic action of sea cucumber saponins [Poster presentation]. ICAR 2018 conference, Spain.

Deleu, M. (09 May 2018). Integrative biophysical approach to study biomolecule-membrane interactions [Paper presentation]. Presentation of the laboratory thematics, Pékin, China.

Deleu, M. (24 April 2018). Integrative biophysical approach to unveil drug-membrane interactions [Paper presentation]. Seminar of collaborators, Milan, Italy.

Lebecque, S., Crowet, J.-M., du Jardin, P., Delory, B., Lins, L., Deleu, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (April 2018). Interactions of allelochemicals with plant plasma membrane: a case study with alkaloids from barley [Poster presentation]. 41st New Phytologist Symposium, Nancy, France.

Claereboudt, E., Deleu, M., Lins, L., & Eeckhaut, I. (07 March 2018). How different sterols contribute to saponin tolerant plasma membranes in sea cucumbers [Paper presentation]. 1ere journee doctorale transfrontaliere, Reims, France.

Lebecque, S., Crowet, J.-M., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Delory, B., Deleu, M., & Lins, L. (March 2018). Use of molecular dynamics simulations to study the interactions between barley allelochemicals and plant plasma membrane [Poster presentation]. Applied bioinformatics in life sciences (2nd edition).

Genva, M., Deleu, M., Andersson, M. X., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Lins, L. (19 January 2018). Evaluation des interactions entre les arabidopsides et les lipides de la membrane plasmique des plantes [Poster presentation]. Journées Jeunes Chercheurs Condorcet 2018, Amiens, France.

Petit, J., Crowet, J.-M., Deleu, M., Bayer, E., & Lins, L. (19 January 2018). Analyse de séquence et dynamique moléculaire pour révéler le rôle des domaines C2 des protéines MCTPs impliquées dans la connexion membranaire des plasmodesmes chez les plantes [Paper presentation]. J2C2 - Journées Jeunes Chercheurs Condorcet, Amiens, France.

Brocca, P., Rondelli, V., Corti, M., Del Favero, E., Deleu, M., & Cantu, L. (2018). Interferometric investigation of the gas-state monolayer of monorhamnolipid adsorbing at an oil/water interface. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 266, 687-691. doi:10.1016/j.molliq.2018.06.121

Claereboudt, E., Eeckhaut, I., Lins, L.* , & Deleu, M.*. (2018). How different serols contribute to saponin tolerant plasma membranes in sea cucumbers. Scientific Reports, 8, 10845. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-29223-x
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Crowet, J.-M., Nasir, M. N., Dony, N., Deschamps, A., Stroobant, V., Morsomme, P., Deleu, M., Soumillion, P., & Lins, L. (2018). Insight into the self assembly properties of peptergents: a molecular dynamics simulation study. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. doi:10.3390/ijms19092772

Davin, M., Starren, A., Deleu, M., Lognay, G., Colinet, G., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2018). Could saponins be used to enhance bioremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in aged-contaminated soils ? Chemosphere, 194, 414-421. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.11.174

Deleu, M. (2018). Lipid specificity plays a role in the interactions between bioactive molecules and plasma membranes [Paper presentation]. InteChem Process.

Genva, M., Deleu, M., Andersson, M. X., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Lins, L. (2018). Extraction, purification d’arabidopsides et évaluation des interactions entre ces molécules et les lipides de la membrane plasmique des plantes [Poster presentation]. 1ère Journée Doctorale Transfrontalière, Reims, France.

Genva, M., Deleu, M., Andersson, M. X., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Lins, L. (2018). Evaluation of interactions between arabidopsides and plant plasma membrane lipids [Poster presentation]. Joint Meeting of the Belgian and British Biophysical Societies.

Le Mire, G., Siah, A., Brisset, M.-N., Gaucher, M., Deleu, M., & Jijakli, H. (2018). Surfactin protects wheat against Zymoseptoria tritici and activates both salicylic acid- and jasmonic acid-dependent defense responses. Agriculture, 8. doi:10.3390/agriculture8010011

Lebecque, S., Crowet, J.-M., Lins, L., Delory, B., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Deleu, M. (2018). Interaction between the barley allelochemical compounds gramine and hordenine and artificial lipid bilayers mimicking the plant plasma membrane. Scientific Reports, 8, 10845. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-28040-6

Lins, L., Ongena, M., & Deleu, M. (2018). Lipid specificity of surfactin interaction with plant plasma membrane [Poster presentation]. 665. WE-Heraeus Seminar PHYSICAL APPROACHES TO MEMBRANE ASYMMETRY.

Méline, T., Muzard, M., Deleu, M., Rakotoarivonina, H., Plantier-Royon, R., & Rémond, C. (2018). D-Xylose and L-arabinose laurate esters: Enzymatic synthesis, characterization and physico-chemical properties. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 112, 14-21. doi:10.1016/j.enzmictec.2018.01.008

Fauconnier, M.-L., Lins, L., Ongena, M., Deleu, M., & Jijakli, H. (2017). FIELD - New alternatives to chemical pesticides: deciphering the action mechanisms of lipid based plant elicitors via complementary biophysical and biological approaches. (Rapport final). GxABT.

Petit, J., Crowet, J.-M., Deleu, M., Bayer, E., & Lins, L. (November 2017). Sequence analysis & molecular dynamics to decipher the role of C2 domains from plant plasmodesmata MCTP proteins for membrane tethering [Poster presentation]. GEM XIX: International Conference of "Groupe d'Etude des Membranes", Roscoff, France.

Gronnier, J.* , Crowet, J.-M.* , Habenstein, B.* , Nasir, M. N.* , Bayle, V., Hosy, E., Platre, M. P., Gouguet, P., Raffaele, S., Martinez, D., Grelard, A., Loquet, A., Simon-Plas, F., Gerbeau-Pissot, P., Der, C., Bayer, E., Jaillais, Y., Deleu, M., Germain, V., ... Mongrand, S.*. (July 2017). Structural Basis for Plant Plasma Membrane Protein Dynamics and Organization into Functional Nanodomains. eLife, 6, 1-23. doi:10.7554/eLife.26404
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Luzuriaga-Loaiza, P., Schellenberger, R., Touchard, M., De Gaetano, Y., Obounou Akong, F., Villaume, S., Bailleul, F., Lins, L., Clément, C., Haudrechy, A., Mazeyrat-Gourbeyre, F., Dhondt-Cordelier, S., Cordelier, S., Crouzet, J., Ongena, M., Bouquillon, S., Deleu, M., & Dorey, S. (28 June 2017). Synthetic Rhamnolipid Bolaforms (SRBs) as inducers of plant innate immunity [Paper presentation]. 1st International Symposium on Plant Bioprotection Sciences & Technologies, Reims, France.

Deboever, E., Nasir, M. N., Deleu, M., & Lins, L. (09 May 2017). Use of complementary biophysical approaches to study the interactions of fatty acid hydroperoxides with biomimetic plant plasma membranes [Poster presentation]. réunion annuelle de l'EDT Chimie.

Genva, M., Andersson, M. X., Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Deleu, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (09 May 2017). Plant oxylipins: structure-function relationship [Paper presentation]. Biomolecules: Production, Interactions and Structure-Activity Relationships.

Deleu, M., & Lins, L. (27 April 2017). Complementary biophysical tools to investigate lipid specificity in the interaction between bioactive molecules and the plasma membrane [Paper presentation]. Rencontre Gx-ABT / ESCOM.

Deleu, M., & Ongena, M. (02 March 2017). The lipid fraction of plant plasma membrane has a key role during the immune related defense response by the natural lipopeptide surfactin [Paper presentation]. Lehrstuhlinhaber Pharmazeutische Technologie - Gx-ABT meeting.

Deleu, M., & Lins, L. (March 2017). Complementary biophysical tools to investigate lipid specificity in the interaction between bioactive peptides and the plasma membrane [Paper presentation]. PepCon- 2017-10th anniversary BIT congress, Fukuoka, Japan.

Deboever, E., Nasir, M. N., Deleu, M., Lins, L., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (20 January 2017). Use of complementary biophysical approaches to study the interactions of fatty acid hydroperoxides with biomimetic plant plasma membranes [Poster presentation]. Journées Jeunes Chercheurs SFR Condorcet, Amiens, France.

Awedem Wobiwo, F., Happi Emaga, T., Fokou, E., Boda, M., Gillet, S., Deleu, M., Richel, A., & Gerin, P. A. (2017). Comparative biochemical methane potential of some varieties or residual banana biomass and renewable energy potential. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, on-line. doi:10.1007/s13399-016-0222-x

AwedemWobiwo, F., Korangi Alleluya, V., Happi Emaga, T., Boda, M., Fokou, E., Gillet, S., Deleu, M., & Gérin, P. (2017). Recovery of fibers and biomethane from banana peduncles biomass through anaerobic digestion. Energy for Sustainable Development, 37, 60-65. doi:10.1016/j.esd.2017.01.005

Deleu, M. (2017). Neutron reflectometry for studying interactions between bioactive molecules and biomimetic membranes [Paper presentation]. ESS Science Seminar in Belgium.

dos Santos, A., Bayiha, J., Dufour, G., Cataldo, D., Evrard, B., Silva, L. C., Deleu, M., & Mingeot-Leclercq, M.-P. (2017). Changes in biophysical membrane properties induced by the Budesonide/ Hydroxy-β-cyclodextrin complex. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Biomembranes. doi:10.1016/j.bbamem.2017.06.010

Genva, M., Andersson, M. X., Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Deleu, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2017). Plant Oxylipins: Structure-function Relationships [Poster presentation]. 8th European Symposium on Plant Lipids, Malmö, Sweden.

Genva, M., Andersson, M. X., Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Deleu, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (January 2017). Développement d’une nouvelle méthode pour induire la formation, extraire et purifier des arabidopsides à partir d’Arabidopsis thaliana L [Paper presentation]. Journées Jeunes Chercheurs Condorcet.

Geudens, N.* , Nasir, M. N.* , Crowet, J.-M., Raaijmakers, J., Fehér, Coenye, T., Martins, J., Lins, L., Sinnaeve, D.* , & Deleu, M.*. (2017). Membrane Interactions of Natural Cyclic Lipodepsipeptides of the Viscosin Group. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Biomembranes, 1859 (3), 331-339. doi:10.1016/j.bbamem.2016.12.013
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Lebecque, S.* , Crowet, J.-M.* , Nasir, M. N., Deleu, M., & Lins, L. (2017). Molecular dynamics study of micelle proeprties according to their size. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 72, 6-15. doi:10.1016/j.jmgm.2016.12.007
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Lenarcic, T., Albert, I., Bohm, H., Hodnik, V., Pirc, K., Zavec, A. B., Podobnik, M., Pahovnik, D., Zagar, E., Pruitt, R., Greimel, P., Yamaji-Hasegawa, A., Kobayashi, T., Zienkiewicz, A., Mortimer, J., Fang, L., Mamode-Cassim, A., Deleu, M., Lins, L., ... Nürnberger, T. (2017). Eudicot plant-specific sphingolipids determine host selectivity of microbial NLP cytolysins. Science, 358, 1431-1434. doi:10.1126/science.aan6874

Liu, L.* , Lin, W.-J.* , Liu, H.-Z., Shi, A.-M., Hu, H., Nasir, M. N., Deleu, M.* , & Wang, Q.*. (2017). Effect of xylose on the structural and physicochemical properties of peanut isolated protein based films. RSC Advances, 7, 52357-52365. doi:10.1039/c7ra07381j
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Crowet, J.-M., Ongena, M., Dorey, S., Dhondt-Cordelier, S., Clément, C., Bouquillon, S., Haudrechy, A., Sarazin, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Nott, K., & Deleu, M. (2017). Differential interaction of synthetic glycolipids with biomimetic plasma membrane lipids correlates with plant biological response. Langmuir, 33, 9979-9987. doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b01264

Salade, L., Wauthoz, N., Deleu, M., Vermeersch, M., De Vriese, C., Amighi, K., & Goole, J. (2017). Development of coated liposomes loaded with ghrelin for nose-to-brain delivery for the treatment of cachexia. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 12, 8531-8543. doi:10.2147/IJN.S147650

wertz, J.-L., Deleu, M., Coppée, S., & Richel, A. (2017). Hemicelluloses and Lignin in Biorefineries. Boca Raton, United States: CRC Press. doi:10.1201/b22136

Deboever, E., Nasir, M. N. (Other coll.), Deleu, M. (Other coll.), Lins, L. (Other coll.), & Fauconnier, M.-L. (Other coll.). (16 November 2016). Analysis of the interactions of fatty acyds hydroperoxides with biomimetic membranes by complementary biophysical approaches [Poster presentation]. The Bioforum 2016 of BioLiège, Liège, Belgium.

Genva, M., Andersson, M. X., Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Deleu, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (16 November 2016). Development of a new method for arabidopsides extraction and purification [Poster presentation]. BioLiège Bioforum 2016, Liège, Belgium.

Nasir, M. N., Ongena, M., Luzuriaga Loaiza, W., Crowet, J.-M., Deleu, M., & Lins, L. (October 2016). The lipid fraction of plant plasma membrane has a key role during the immune related defense response by the natural lipopeptide surfactin [Paper presentation]. GERLI congress, Toulouse, France.

Genva, M., Andersson, M. X., Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Deleu, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (September 2016). Plant esterified oxylipins: structure – function relationship [Poster presentation]. 57th International Conference on the Bioscience of Lipids, Chamonix, France.

Luzuriaga Loaiza, W., Schellenberger, R., Obounou Akong, F., Menhour, B., Borie, N., Risch, A., Villaume, S., Baillieul, F., Deleu, M., Lins, L., Fauconnier, M.-L., Clément, C., Zipfel, C., Hubert, J., Renault, J.-H., Haudrechy, A., Bouquillon, S., Ongena, M., Crouzet, J., & Dorey, S. (05 July 2016). Caractérisation des mécanismes impliqués dans la perception de rhamnolipides naturels et synthétiques chez Arabidopsis thaliana [Paper presentation]. Journées Condorcet, Gembloux, Belgium.

Deleu, M., Nasir, M. N., Crowet, J.-M., gronnier, J., Mongrand, S., & Lins, L. (June 2016). Anchoring of a plant protein, Remorin 1,3 to lipid domains: role of phosphoinositides [Poster presentation]. Iberian biophysics congress, Porto, Portugal.

Sautrey, G., El Khoury, M., Dos Giros, A., Zimmerman, L., Deleu, M., Lins, L., Decout, J.-L., & Mingeot-Leclercq, M.-P. (June 2016). Cover Letter of The journal of Biological Chemistry. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 291 (26).

Awedem Wobiwo, F., Korangi Alleluya, V., Happi Emaga, T., Boda, M., Fokou, E., Gillet, S., Deleu, M., Richel, A., & Gerin, P. A. (12 May 2016). Recovery of fibers and biomethane from banana peduncles biomass through anaerobic digestion [Poster presentation]. Green chemistry and White biotechnology, Gembloux, Belgium.

Crowet, J.-M., Nasir, M. N., Deleu, M., & Lins, L. (29 April 2016). Presentation of the Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics at the Interfaces [Paper presentation]. Asymmetry of biological membranes: physical, biological and biomedical aspects.

Deleu, M., Nasir, M. N., Crowet, J.-M., gronnier, J., Mongrand, S., & Lins, L. (April 2016). Lipid specificity of the interaction of Remorin protein with plant plasma membrane: role of phosphoinositides [Paper presentation]. "Biophysics of Protein–Membrane Interactions: From Model Systems to Cells", Bad herrenalb, Germany.

Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Fauconnier, M.-L., Ongena, M., & Deleu, M. (April 2016). Interactions of novel synthetic rhamnolipids with model membranes mimicking plant plasma membrane [Poster presentation]. Joint Meeting of the Membrane Sections of the French and German Biophysical Societies, Bad Herrenalb, Germany.

Fauconnier, M.-L., Nasir, M. N., Deleu, M., & Lins, L. (2016). Des chercheurs au service du monde agricole : Projet FIELD, des éliciteurs à la place des pesticides. CBC Banque, p. 1.

Luzuriaga Loaiza, W., Legras, A., Crowet, J.-M., Franzil, L., Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Deleu, M., Ongena, M., Dorey, S., Obounou Akong, F. (Other coll.), Menhour, B. (Other coll.), Baillieul, F. (Other coll.), Fauconnier, M.-L. (Other coll.), Clément, C. (Other coll.), Haudrechy, A. (Other coll.), & Bouquillon, S. (Other coll.). (20 January 2016). Bases moléculaires de la perception des éliciteurs rhamnolipides et surfactine par des cellules végétales [Paper presentation]. Journées Jeunes Chercheurs Condorcet, Reims, France.

Cacas, J. L., Buré, C., Grosjean, K., Gerbeau-Pissot, P., Lherminier, J., Rombouts, Y., Maes, E., Bossard, C., Gronnier, J., Furt, F., Fouillen, L., germain, V., Bayer, E., Cluzet, S., Robert, F., Schmitter, J.-M., Deleu, M., Lins, L., Simon-Plas, F., & Mongrand, S. (January 2016). Re-visiting plant plasma membrane lipids in tobacco: a focus on sphingolipids. Plant Physiology, 170, 367-384. doi:10.1104/pp.15.00564

Hamaïdia, M., Barez, P.-Y., Carpentier, A., Lebecque, S., Miazek, K., Paul, A., Neelature Sriramareddy, S., Staumont, B., Danthine, S., Deleu, M., Frederich, M., De Pauw, E., Delaplace, P., Delvigne, F., Goffin, D., Ongena, M., Duysinx, B., Louis, R., cosse, J.-P., & Willems, L. (2016). From Valeriana officinalis to cancer therapy: the success of a bio-sourced compound. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 20 (S1), 314-320.

Lins, L., & Deleu, M. (January 2016). Approche intégrative de biophysique moléculaire pour l’étude de la spécificité lipidique dans l’interaction molécule bioactive/membrane [Paper presentation]. Aquitaine-Liège Symposium: "Plant lipids, membranes and NMR", Bordeaux, France.

Luzuriaga Loaiza, W., Legras, A., Crowet, J.-M., Franzil, L., Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Deleu, M., Ongena, M., Dorey, S., Obounou Akong, F. (Other coll.), Menhour, B. (Other coll.), Baillieul, F. (Other coll.), Fauconnier, M.-L. (Other coll.), Clément, C. (Other coll.), Haudrechy, A. (Other coll.), & Bouquillon, S. (Other coll.). (January 2016). Insights into the molecular basis of rhamnolipid and surfactin perception by plant cells [Paper presentation]. 12èmes Rencontres Plantes-Bactéries, Aussois, France.

Menhour, B., Obounou Akong, F., Mayon, P., Plé, K., Bouquillon, S., Dorey, S., Clément, C., Deleu, M., Harakat, D., & Haudrechy, A. (2016). Recycling Mitsunobu coupling: a shortcut for troublesome esterifications. Tetrahedron, 72 (47), 7488-7495. doi:10.1016/j.tet.2016.09.065

Miazek, K., Lebecque, S., Hamaïdia, M., Paul, A., Danthine, S., Willems, L., Frederich, M., De Pauw, E., Deleu, M., Richel, A., & Goffin, D. (2016). Sphingolipids: Promising lipid-class molecules with potential applications for industry. A review. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 20 (S1), 321-336.

Monty, A., Garré, S., Bindelle, J., Mahy, G., Deleu, M., Bodson, B., & Haubruge, E. (2016). AgricultureIsLife or how to facilitate innovation in agriculture through multi-disciplinary research. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement.

Nasir, M. N., Crowet, J.-M., Lins, L., Obounou Akong, F., Haudrechy, A., Bouquillon, S., & Deleu, M. (2016). Interactions of sugar-based bolaamphiphiles with biomimetic systems of plasma membranes. Biochimie, 130, 23-32. doi:10.1016/j.biochi.2016.04.001

Nasir, M. N., Fauconnier, M.-L., Lins, L., & Deleu, M. (January 2016). Using model membranes with their associated tools to analyze oxylipin-membrane interactions [Paper presentation]. Symposium Aquitaine-Liege, Bordeaux, France.

Nasir, M. N., Fauconnier, M.-L., Lins, L., Ongena, M., & Deleu, M. (January 2016). Influence of the chemical structure of key intermediate plant oxylipins during their molecular interactions with plant plasma membrane [Paper presentation]. J2C2, Reims, France.

Paul, A., Frederich, M., Uyttenbroeck, R., Hatt, S., Malik, P., Lebecque, S., Hamaïdia, M., Miazek, K., Goffin, D., Willems, L., Deleu, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Richel, A., De Pauw, E., Blecker, C., Monty, A., Francis, F., Haubruge, E., & Danthine, S. (2016). Grasshoppers as a food source? A review. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 20 (AgricultureIsLife), 337-352.

Polo Lozano, D., Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Jijakli, H., Fauconnier, M.-L., Ongena, M., & Deleu, M. (January 2016). Interactions des rhamnolipides éliciteurs de Pseudomonas aeruginosa avec des membranes modèles de plantes [Paper presentation]. Journées Jeunes Chercheurs Condorcet 2016, Reims, France.

Sautrey, G., El Khoury, M., Dos Giros, A., Zimmermann, L., Deleu, M., Lins, L., Decout, J. L., & Mingeot-Leclercq, M.-P. (2016). Negatively Charged Lipids as a Potential Target for New Amphiphilic Aminoglycoside Antibiotics: A BIOPHYSICAL STUDY*. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 291 (26), 13864-13874. doi:10.1074/jbc.M115.665364

Luzuriaga Loaiza, W., Legras, A., Crowet, J.-M., Franzil, L., Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Dorey, S., Fauconnier, M.-L., Deleu, M., & Ongena, M. (23 November 2015). Elicitation of host immunity by plant beneficial bacilli: insights into the molecular basis of surfactin perception [Paper presentation]. Microbe-assited Crop Production (miCROPe), Vienna, Austria.

Deleu, M., Nasir, M. N., Crowet, J.-M., Gronnier, J., Mongrand, S., & Lins, L. (October 2015). Interaction of Remorin with plant plasma membrane: Experimental and in silico approaches [Poster presentation]. GERLI, Bischofsheim, France.

Deleu, M., Nasir, M. N., Crowet, J.-M., gronnier, J., Mongrand, S., & Lins, L. (October 2015). Experimental and in silico approaches to study the interaction of Remorin with plant plasma membrane [Poster presentation]. GERLI, Bischoffsheim, France.

Nasir, M. N., Deleu, M., Lins, L., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (October 2015). Interactions of plant oxylipins with plant plasma membrane at the molecular level by experimental and in silico approaches [Paper presentation]. GERLI, Bischofsheim, France.

Deleu, M., Nasir, M. N., Gronnier, J., Crowet, J.-M., Mongrand, S., & Lins, L. (29 September 2015). Experimental and in silico approaches to study the interaction of Remorin with plant plasma membrane : specific interaction of the C-term domain with lipids [Paper presentation]. 13th Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Florence, Italy.

Nasir, M. N., Deleu, M., Lins, L., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (September 2015). Influence of the Structure of Key Intermediates of Plant Oxylipins on their Interactions at the Molecular Level with Plant Plasma Membrane [Poster presentation]. EuroFed Lipids Congress, Florence, Italy.

Le Mire, G., SIAH, A., Deleu, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Ongena, M., & Jijakli, H. (27 August 2015). Elicitor screening to protect wheat against Zymoseptoria tritici [Paper presentation]. XVIII. International Plant Protection Congress, Berlin, Germany.

Luzuriaga Loaiza, W., Legras, A., Crowet, J.-M., Franzil, L., Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Dorey, S., Fauconnier, M.-L., Deleu, M., & Ongena, M. (July 2015). Éliciteurs bactériens de l’immunité des plantes : bases moléculaires de la perception de la surfactine [Poster presentation]. SFR Condorcet Conference JC2015, Compiègne, France.

Nasir, M. N., Deleu, M., Lins, L., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (July 2015). Analyse à l’échelle moléculaire des interactions des oxylipines avec la phase lipidique des membranes de plantes [Poster presentation]. SFR Condorcet Conference JC2015, Compiègne, France.

Nasir, M. N., Luzuriaga Loaiza, W., Ongena, M., Lins, L., Fauconnier, M.-L., Clément, C., Dorey, S., & Deleu, M. (July 2015). Nouvelles alternatives aux pesticides chimiques : élucidation des modes d’action d’éliciteurs lipidiques par des approches biophysiques et biologiques complémentaires : cas de la surfactine (Projet FIELD) [Paper presentation]. SFR Condorcet Conference JC2015, Compiègne, France.

Polo Lozano, D., Nasir, M. N., Deleu, M., Jijakli, H., Fauconnier, M.-L., Richard, G., & Lins, L. (July 2015). Interactions des rhamnolipides éliciteurs de Pseudomonas aeruginosa avec des membranes modèles de plantes [Poster presentation]. SFR Condorcet Conference JC2015, Compiègne, France.

Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Fauconnier, M.-L., Ongena, M., & Deleu, M. (June 2015). How do synthetic rhamnolipids interact with biomimetic systems of plant plasma membranes ? Key role of the chemical structures." [Poster presentation]. 14th European Conference on Organized Films, Genoa, Italy.

Nasir, M. N., Luzuriaga Loaiza, W., Ongena, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Lins, L., & Deleu, M. (June 2015). How does biophysics contribute to the understanding of the plant-PGPR products interactions? [Paper presentation]. 10th International PGPR Workshop, Liege, Belgium.

Nsimba Zakanda, F., Lins, L., Razafindralambo, H., Paquot, M., Mvumbi Lelo, G., & Deleu, M. (June 2015). Spectrofluorimetric and Zeta potential studies of alkylbetainate chloreide surfactants interaction with model membranes. Journal of Colloid Science and Biotechnology, 4, 153-159.

Le Mire, G., Siah, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Deleu, M., Ongena, M., Brostaux, Y., & Jijakli, H. (19 May 2015). Screening for interesting elicitors to protect wheat against Zymoseptoria tritici [Paper presentation]. 67th International Symposium on Crop Protection (ISCP), Ghent, Belgium.

Luzuriaga Loaiza, W., Legras, A., Crowet, J.-M., Franzil, L., Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Dorey, S., Fauconnier, M.-L., Ongena, M., & Deleu, M. (13 May 2015). Surfactin: a receptor-independent bacterial elicitor of plant immunity? [Poster presentation]. BioLiège 2015, Liège, Belgium.

Firmin, O. A., De Gaetano, Y., Nasir, M. N., Deleu, M., & Bouquillon, S. (04 April 2015). D-Xylose and L-Rhamnose Based Surfactants with Original Properties [Paper presentation]. Green & Sustainable Chemistry, Berlin, Germany.

Awedem wobiwo, F., Happi Emaga, T., Fokou, E., Boda, M., Gillet, S., Deleu, M., & Gerin, P. (30 January 2015). Biochemical methane potential of residues of three banana varieties from Cameroon : fresh and dry peduncles [Poster presentation]. 19th National Symposium on Applied Biological Sciences, Gembloux, Belgium.

Deleu, M., & Lins, L. (30 January 2015). Etude de la spécificté lipidique dans l'interaction molécule bioactive/membrane par approches biophysiques complémentaires [Paper presentation]. Séminaires dans le cadre d'une collaboration entre le labo de Biogenèse membranaire de l'Université Bordeaux Segalen et-Gx-ABT.

Polo Lozano, D., Nasir, M. N., Deleu, M., Jijakli, H., Fauconnier, M.-L., Richard, G., & Lins, L. (30 January 2015). Interactions of natural rhamnolpids produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa with plant model membranes [Poster presentation]. 20th National Symposium of Applied Biological Sciences (NSABS-2015), Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.

Luzuriaga Loaiza, W., Legras, A., Franzil, L., Crowet, J.-M., Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Dorey, S., Fauconnier, M.-L., Deleu, M., & Ongena, M. (2015). PGPR elicitors of plant immunity: insights into the molecular basis of surfactin perception [Poster presentation]. 10th International PGPR workshop, Liège, Belgium.

Menhour, B., Mayon, P., Plé, K., Bouquillon, S., Dorey, S., Clément, C., Deleu, M., & Haudrechy, A. (2015). A Stereocontrolled Synthesis of the Hydrophobic Moiety of Rhamnolipids. Tetrahedron Letters, 56, 1159-1161. doi:10.1016/j.tetlet.2015.01.091

Tiappi Deumaga, M., Happi Emaga, T., Tchokouassom, R., Vanderghem, C., Aguedo, M., Gillet, S., Jacquet, N., Danthine, S., Deleu, M., & Richel, A. (2015). Genotype contribution to the chemical composition of banana rachis and implications for thermo/biochemical conversion. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 5 (4), 409-416. doi:10.1007/s13399-015-0158-6

Luzuriaga Loaiza, W., Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Dorey, S., Fauconnier, M.-L., Ongena, M., & Deleu, M. (20 October 2014). Surfactin interaction with model plant plasma membrane [Poster presentation]. Biophysics Conference: Modern Biophysical Techniques for the Life Sciences, Brussels, Belgium.

Polo Lozano, D., Nasir, M. N., Deleu, M., Jijakli, H., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Lins, L. (20 October 2014). Analysis of the interactions of natural elicitor rhamnolipids with plant plasma membranes by in silico methods [Poster presentation]. Biophysics Conference - Modern Biophysical Techniques for the Life Sciences, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Le Mire, G., Deleu, M., Ongena, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Siah, A., & Jijakli, H. (14 October 2014). Screening of elicitor candidates on winter wheat against Septoria tritici [Paper presentation]. Conférences sur "Stimulateurs de défenses des plantes et en particulier du blé", Gembloux, Belgium.

Lins, L., Nasir, M. N., Crowet, J.-M., & Deleu, M. (02 October 2014). complementary biophysical tools to investigate lipid specificity in the itneraction between bioactive molecules and the plasma membrane [Paper presentation]. II international conference on antimicrobial research, madrid, Spain.

Lebecque, S., Crowet, J.-M., Deleu, M., & Lins, L. (October 2014). Development of a method allowing the prediction of the aggregation number of micelle-forming surfactants using molecular dynamics [Poster presentation]. Biophysics Conference - Modern Biophysical Techniques for the Life Sciences, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Deleu, M., Ongena, M., Jijakli, H., Francis, F., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (October 2014). Comprendre les mécanismes d'action des éliciteurs lipidiques de plantes par une approche multidisciplinaire [Paper presentation]. Conférences sur "Stimulateurs de défenses des plantes et en particulier du blé".

Le Mire, G., Deleu, M., Ongena, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Siah, A., & Jijakli, H. (September 2014). Elicitor screening to protect winter wheat against Septoria tritici Blotch: preliminary results [Paper presentation]. Natural Products and Biocontrol 2014, Perpignan, France.

Nasir, M. N., Crowet, J.-M., Lins, L., Bouquillon, S., & Deleu, M. (September 2014). How the nature of sugar residues can influence the interactions of sugar-based bolaamphiphiles with membranes ? [Poster presentation]. Dutch Biophysics, Veldhoven, Netherlands.

Nasir, M. N., Laurent, P., Lins, L., & Deleu, M. (June 2014). Biomimetic approaches to analyze the interactions at the molecular level of fengycin, a natural lipopeptide, with plasma membranes of the target cells [Poster presentation]. 4th Symposium on Antimicrobial Peptides, Lorient, France.

Le Mire, G., SIAH, A., Deleu, M., Ongena, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Jijakli, H. (20 May 2014). A methodology for elicitor screening of winter wheat infected by STB and FHB [Poster presentation]. International Symposium on Crop Protection (ISCP), Ghent, Belgium.

Le Mire, G., Deleu, M., Ongena, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Jijakli, H. (07 February 2014). Development of formulated elicitors to control bioagressors of wheat: which interests? [Poster presentation]. National Symposium of Applied Biological Sciences, Gembloux, Belgium.

Luzuriaga Loaiza, W., Franzil, L., Fauconnier, M.-L., Deleu, M., Lins, L., Ongena, M., & Nasir, M. N. (07 February 2014). Bacterial lipopeptides as elicitors of plant defence [Poster presentation]. Congrès NSABS « 19th National Symposium on Applied Biological Sciences », Gembloux, Belgium.

Polo Lozano, D., Lins, L., Ongena, M., Deleu, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Jijakli, H., & Nasir, M. N. (07 February 2014). Interactions of a potential plant elicitor mannolipid with plant model membranes [Poster presentation]. 19th National Symposium on Applied Biological Sciences, Gembloux, Belgium.

Sainvitu, P., Nasir, M. N., Crowet, J.-M., Willems, L., Lins, L., & Deleu, M. (07 February 2014). Interactions between new phenolic glycolipids and model membrane [Poster presentation]. 19th NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM on APPLIED BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, Gembloux, Belgium.

Lins, L., Perraki, A., Raffaele, S., Germain, V., Gronnier, J., Crowet, J.-M., Nasir, M. N., Deleu, M., & Mongrand, S. (February 2014). Proposed mechanism of plasma membrane anchoring of StREM1.3. Remorin from Group 1, mediated by conformationnal changes at the C terminal anchor domain [Poster presentation]. 2nd BPGM, Gent, Belgium.

Nasir, M. N., Crowet, J.-M., Lins, L., Ongena, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Gatard, S., Bouquillon, S., & Deleu, M. (February 2014). Sugar - based bolaforms as new potential drug delivery system. Importance of the sugar residues in the modulation of the membrane activity [Poster presentation]. National Symposium of Applied Biological Sciences, Gembloux, Belgium.

Nasir, M. N., Crowet, J.-M., Lins, L., Ongena, M., Nott, K., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Deleu, M. (February 2014). Do lipid interaction properties of novel rhamnolipids govern their plant - elicitor activities? [Poster presentation]. National Symposium of Applied Biological Sciences, Gembloux, Belgium.

Nasir, M. N., Polo Lozano, D., Luzuriaga Loaiza, W., Deleu, M., Lins, L., Ongena, M., Jijakli, H., Thonart, P., Francis, F., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (February 2014). New alternatives to chemical pesticides: deciphering the action mechanisms of lipid based plant elicitors via complementary biophysical and biological approaches [Poster presentation]. 19th National Symposium on Applied Biological Sciences, Gembloux, Belgium.

Deleu, M., Crowet, J.-M., Nasir, M. N., & Lins, L. (2014). Complementary biophysical tools to investigate lipid specificity in the interaction between bioactive molecules and the plasma membrane: A review. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Biomembranes, 1838, 3171-3190. doi:10.1016/j.bbamem.2014.08.023

Deleu, M., Crowet, J.-M., Nasir, M. N., & Lins, L. (2014). Complementary biophysical tools to investigate lipid specificity in the interaction between bioactive molecules and the plasma membrane [Poster presentation]. Belgian Biophysical Society Annual Conference.

Deleu, M., Nasir, M. N., Luzuriaga Loaiza, W., Lins, L., Ongena, M., & Mingeot-Leclercq, M.-P. (2014). Lipid specificity of surfactin, a bacterial lipopeptide with antimicrobial and eliciting activities [Poster presentation]. 4th Symposium on Antimicrobial Peptides, Lorient, France.

Eeman, M., Oloffson, G., Sparr, E., Nasir, M. N., Nylander, T., & Deleu, M. (2014). Interaction of fengycin with stratum corneum mimicking model membranes: a calorimetry study. Colloids and Surfaces. B, Biointerfaces, 121, 27-35. doi:10.1016/j.colsurfb.2014.05.019

Lins, L., Crowet, J.-M., Sinnaeve, D., Feher, K., Deleu, M., Nasir, M. N., & Martins, J. (2014). Molecular dynamics simulation of the cyclic lipodepsipeptide Pseudodesmin, A self assembly [Poster presentation]. 4th Symposium on Antimicrobial Peptides, Lorient, France.

Nasir, M. N., Deleu, M., Lins, L., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2014). Analysis of the interactions of oxylipins with plasma membranes at a molecular level by a biomimetic approach [Poster presentation]. 12th EuroFed Lipid Congress, Montpellier, France.

Nasir, M. N., Perraki, A., Mongrand, S., Lins, L., & Deleu, M. (2014). Spectroscopic analysis of the remorin-lipid interactions at the moleculaer level [Poster presentation]. 2nd BPGM, Gent, Belgium.

Sautrey, G., Zimmerman, L., Deleu, M., Delbar, A., Machado, L. S., Jeannot, K., Van Bambeke, F., Buyck, J., Decout, J.-L., & Mingeot-Leclercq, M.-P. (2014). New Amphiphilic Neamine Derivatives Active against Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Their Interactions with Lipopolysaccharides. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 58 (8), 4420-4430. doi:10.1128/AAC.02536-13

Lins, L., Deleu, M., Crowet, J.-M., Nasir, M. N., & Brasseur, R. (10 November 2013). modeling simple lipid phase seaparation and effects of amphiphilic molecules on lipid domains [Paper presentation]. 16th GEM-GERLI lipidomics meeting, saint jean cap ferrat, France.

Nasir, M. N., Crowet, J.-M., Lins, L., Ongena, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Gatard, S., Bouquillon, S., & Deleu, M. (November 2013). INFLUENCE OF THE NATURE OF SUGAR RESIDUES ON THE INTERACTIONS OF SYMETRIC SUGAR- BASED BOLAFORMS WITH MODEL MEMBRANES [Poster presentation]. GEM-GERLI Conference, France.

Nasir, M. N., Crowet, J.-M., Lins, L., Ongena, M., Nott, K., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Deleu, M. (November 2013). LIPID INTERACTION PROPERTIES OF NOVEL RHAMNOLIPIDS [Paper presentation]. GEM GERLI Conference, Saint Jean Cap Ferrat, France.

Mayon, P., Ait Barka, E., Baillieul, F., Belloy, N., Borie, N., Buchoux, S., Clément, C., Dauchez, M., Dhondt, S., Gatard, S., Harakat, D., Hubert, J., Jacquens, L., Martinez, A., Mazerat Gourbeyre, F., Menhour, B., Renault, J.-H., Sarazin, C., Villaume, S., ... Fauconnier, M.-L. (04 July 2013). Eliciteurs dérivés de rhamnolipides : synthèses, modélisations et activités biologiques [Poster presentation]. Journées SFR, France.

Deleu, M., & Ongena, M. (03 July 2013). Nouvelles alternatives aux pesticides chimiques: élucidation des modes d'action d'éliciteurs lipidiques végétaux par des approches biophysiques et biologiques complémentaires [Paper presentation]. Journées Condorcet 2013, Beauvais, France.

Nasir, M. N., Gatard, S., Deleu, M., & Bouquillon, S. (03 July 2013). Bolaamphiphiles derives d’alcényl-L-rhamnosides et d‘alcényl-D-xylosides: importance de la nature de la tête hydrophile [Poster presentation]. Journées Condorcet 2013, Beauvais, France.

Le Mire, G., Deleu, M., Ongena, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Jijakli, H. (July 2013). Development of formulated elicitors to control bioagressors of wheat [Paper presentation]. Journée SFR Condorcet (Institut LaSalle de Beauvais).

Nasir, M. N., Monhonval, P., Legrand, V., Gatard, S., Bouquillon, S., Nott, K., Lins, L., & Deleu, M. (June 2013). Analysis of the interactions of xylose-based bolaforms with model membranes [Poster presentation]. Biomedica 2013, Aachen, Germany.

Deleu, M. (30 May 2013). Valorisation de la biomasse en produits tensioactifs [Paper presentation]. First Research Speed Dating, Gembloux, Belgium.

Sainvitu, P., Nasir, M. N., Draguet, F., Nott, K., Lins, L., Crowet, J.-M., Willems, L., Cosse, J.-P., Jérôme, C., & Deleu, M. (30 May 2013). Novel phenolic glycolipids: antioxidant activity and effect on membrane models [Poster presentation]. Knowledge for Growth, Ghent, Belgium.

Sainvitu, P., Nasir, M. N., Draguet, F., Nott, K., Lins, L., Crowet, J.-M., Willems, L., Cosse, J.-P., Jérôme, C., & Deleu, M. (15 May 2013). Biophysical characterization of the interaction of novel aromatic glycolipid surfactants with membrane models [Poster presentation]. ICBCBBE 2013 : International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedical Engineering, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Sainvitu, P., Nasir, M. N., Nott, K., Lins, L., Crowet, J.-M., Nicks, F., Laurent, P., Willems, L., Cosse, J.-P., Jérôme, C., & Deleu, M. (May 2013). Biophysical characterization of the interaction of novel aromatic glycolipid surfactants with membrane models. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 77, 840.

Sainvitu, P., Nasir, M. N., Nott, K., Lins, L., Crowet, J.-M., Willems, L., Cosse, J.-P., Jérôme, C., & Deleu, M. (May 2013). Biophysical characterization of the interaction of novel aromatic glycolipid surfactants with membrane models. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 77, 840.

Lins, L., Deleu, M., Mingeot-Leclercq, M.-P., & Brasseur, R. (28 April 2013). Modeling simple lipid phase separation and effects of amphiphilic molecules on lipid domains [Poster presentation]. 104th AOCS annual meeting, Montreal, Montreal, Canada.

Deleu, M. (18 March 2013). Interactions de glycolipides avec des membranes biomimétiques [Paper presentation]. Séminaires "SFR Condorcet".

Bouquillon, S., Deleu, M., Nasir, M. N., Gatard, S., & Najem, M. N. (2013). Bolaamphiphiles derived from alkenyl L-rhamnosides and alkenyl D-xylosides. Influence of the hydrophilic head [Poster presentation]. 2nd International Symposium on Green Chemistry Renewable carbon and Eco-Efficient Processes, La Rochelle, France.

D'Auria, L., Deleu, M., Dufour, S., Dufrêne, Y., Mingeot-Leclercq, M.-P., & Tyteca, D. (2013). Surfactins modulate the lateral organization of fluorescent membrane polar lipids: a new tool to study drug:membrane interaction and assessment of the role of cholesterol and drug acyl chain length. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Biomembranes, 1828, 2064-2073. doi:10.1016/j.bbamem.2013.05.006

Deleu, M., Lorent, J., Lins, L., Brasseur, R., Braun, N., El Kirat, K., Nylander, T., Dufrene, Y. F., & Mingeot-Leclercq, M.-P. (2013). Effects of surfactin on membrane models displaying lipid phase separation. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1828 (2), 801-815. doi:10.1016/j.bbamem.2012.11.007

Galonde, N., Richard, G., Deleu, M., Nott, K., Jérôme, C., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2013). Reusability study of Novozym® 435 for the enzymatic synthesis of mannosyl myristate in pure ionic liquids. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement.

Gatard, S.* , Nasir, M. N.* , Deleu, M., Legrand, V., & Bouquillon, S. (2013). Bolaamphiphiles Derived from Alkenyl L-rhamnosides and Alkenyl D-xylosides: Importance of the Hydrophilic Head. Molecules, 18 (5), 6101-6112. doi:10.3390/molecules18056101
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Nasir, M. N., Besson, F., & Deleu, M. (2013). Interactions of iturinic antibiotics with plasma membrane. Contribution of biomimetic membranes. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 17 (3), 505-516.

Nasir, M. N., Eeman, M., Olofsson, G., Sparr, E., Nylander, T., & Deleu, M. (2013). Interaction of fengycin with stratum corneum mimicking model membranes: a calorimetry study. European Biophysics Journal, 42 (S1), 168.

Nasir, M. N., Laurent, P., Flore, C., Lins, L., Ongena, M., & Deleu, M. (2013). Analysis of calcium-induced effects on the conformation of fengycin. Spectrochimica Acta. Part A, Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 110, 450-457. doi:10.1016/j.saa.2013.03.063

Nasir, M. N., Legrand, V., Gatard, S., Bouquillon, S., Nott, K., Lins, L., & Deleu, M. (2013). Physico-chemical and membrane-interacting properties of D-xylose-based bolaforms. Influence of the anomeric configuration. MATEC Web of Conferences, 4, 4003. doi:10.1051/matecconf/20130404003

Nasir, M. N., Monhonval, P., Nott, K., Ongena, M., Lins, L., & Deleu, M. (2013). Surface and lipid interaction properties of novel rhamnolipids to explain their eliciting activity. European Biophysics Journal, 42 (S1), 168.

Nott, K., Richard, G., & Deleu, M. (2013). Enzymatic synthesis, surface and lipid interaction properties of novel rhamnolipids [Paper presentation]. 104th AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo 2013, Montreal, Canada.

Nott, K., Richard, G., Laurent, P., Jérôme, C., Blecker, C., Wathelet, J.-P., Paquot, M., & Deleu, M. (2013). Enzymatic synthesis and surface properties of novel rhamnolipids. Process Biochemistry, 48, 133-143. doi:10.1016/j.procbio.2012.11.019

Sainvitu, P., Nott, K., Nicks, F., Laurent, P., Willems, L., Cosse, J.-P., Crowet, J.-M., Lins, L., Jérôme, C., & Deleu, M. (16 November 2012). Synthesis and physico-chemical characterization of fatty esters [Poster presentation]. Journée scientifique SFM-BBM, Louvain-la-neuve, Belgium.

Laurent, P., NSimba Zakanda, F., Mvumbi Lelo, G., Paquot, M., & Deleu, M. (11 October 2012). Synthesis and physico-chemical studies of glycine betaine derivatives [Poster presentation]. Journée Scientifique annuelle de la Société Royale de Chimie, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Nasir, M. N., Legrand, V., Gatard, S., Bouquillon, S., Laurent, P., Nott, K., Lins, L., & Deleu, M. (October 2012). Molecular analysis of the interfacial and membrane-interacting properties of D-xylose-based bolaforms [Poster presentation]. Manisfestation annuelle de SRC, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Deleu, M., & Nylander, T. (28 August 2012). Interaction between the antifungal lipopeptide fengycin and lipid membrane [Paper presentation]. 16th Swedish Neutron Scattering Society Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden.

Deleu, M. (02 July 2012). Influence de la structure des bolaformes de sucre sur leurs propriétés interfaciales et membranaires [Paper presentation]. Journal Club de l'ICBMS.

Nasir, M. N., Legrand, V., Gatard, S., Bouquillon, S., Lins, L., & Deleu, M. (July 2012). Characterization of the interaction of xylose-based bolaamphiphiles with biomimetic membrane systems [Paper presentation]. 14th International Conference on Organized Molecular Films, Paris, France.

Galonde, N., Nott, K., Debuigne, A., Deleu, M., Jérôme, C., Paquot, M., & Wathelet, J.-P. (April 2012). Use of ionic liquids for biocatalytic synthesis of sugar derivatives. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 87 (4), 451-471. doi:10.1002/jctb.3745

Nasir, M. N., Eeman, M., Lins, L., Ongena, M., & Deleu, M. (April 2012). How does elicitor and antimicrobial fengycin interact with plasma membranes of sensitive cells ? [Paper presentation]. GEM XV, Paris, France.

Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Ongena, M., & Deleu, M. (April 2012). Calcium-induced conformational changes of the elicitor and membrane-active fengycin [Poster presentation]. GEM XV, Paris, France.

Brognaux, A., Nott, K., Richard, G., Laurent, P., Favrelle, A., Jérôme, C., Blecker, C., Wathelet, J.-P., Paquot, M., & Deleu, M. (2012). (Trans)esterification of mannose catalyzed by lipase B from Candida antarctica in an improved reaction medium using co-solvents and molecular sieve. Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 42 (4), 348-363. doi:10.1080/10826068.2011.622330

Deleu, M., Gatard, S., Payen, E., Lins, L., Nott, K., Flore, C., Thomas, R., Paquot, M., & Bouquillon, S. (2012). d-Xylose-based bolaamphiphiles: Synthesis and influence of the spacer nature on their interfacial and membrane properties. Comptes Rendus Chimie, 15, 68-74. doi:10.1016/j.crci.2011.10.006

Happi Emaga, T., Garna, H., Paquot, M., & Deleu, M. (2012). Purification of pectin from apple pomace juice by using sodium caseinate and characterisation of their binding by isothermal titration calorimetry. Food Hydrocolloids, 29, 211-218. doi:10.1016/j.foodhyd.2012.02.019

Nasir, M. N., & Deleu, M. (2012). Membrane-active lipopeptide fengycin from B. subtilis : structural and functional investigations [Paper presentation]. 1st BPGM Conference, Neder-over-Heembeek, Belgium.

Nsimba Zakanda, F., Lins, L., Nott, K., Paquot, M., Mvumbi Lelo, G., & Deleu, M. (2012). Interaction of Hexadecylbetainate Chloride with Biological Relevant Lipids. Langmuir, 28 (7), 3524-3533. doi:10.1021/la2040328

Ongena, M., Henry, G., Deleu, M., Jourdan, E., & Thonart, P. (2012). Newly discovered natural functions for cyclic lipopeptides from rhizobacteria [Paper presentation]. Antimicrobial peptide symposium 2012, Lille, France.

Ongena, M., Henry, G., Deleu, M., & Thonart, P. (2012). Molecular mechanisms underlying biocontrol-related functions of cyclic lipopeptides from rhizobacteria [Paper presentation]. Belgian Peptide (Group) Meeting, Brussels, Belgium.

Sainvitu, P., Nott, K., Richard, G., Blecker, C., Jérôme, C., Wathelet, J.-P., Paquot, M., & Deleu, M. (2012). Structure, properties and obtention routes of flaxseed lignan secoisolariciresinol. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 16 (1), 115-124.

Deleu, M., Damez, C., Gatard, S., Nott, K., Paquot, M., & Bouquillon, S. (2011). Synthesis and physico-chemical characterization of bolaamphiphiles derived from alkenyl D-xylosides. New Journal of Chemistry, 35, 2258-2266. doi:10.1039/c1nj20158a

Henry, G., Deleu, M., Jourdan, E., Thonart, P., & Ongena, M. (2011). The bacterial lipopeptide surfactin targets the lipid fraction of the plant plasma membrane to trigger immune-related defence responses. Cellular Microbiology, 13 (11), 1824-1837. doi:10.1111/j.1462-5822.2011.01664.x

Henry, G., Deleu, M., Jourdan, E., Thonart, P., & Ongena, M. (2011). The bacterial lipopeptide surfactin targets the lipid fraction of plasma membrane to trigger immune-related defense response in the host plant. Cellular Microbiology, 13, 1824–1837.

Nsimba Zakanda, F., Laurent, P., Paquot, M., Mvumbi, L. G., & Deleu, M. (2011). Alkylbetainate chlorides: Synthesis and behavior of monolayers at the air-water interface. Thin Solid Films, 520, 344-350. doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2011.07.005

Nsimba Zakanda, F., Nott, K., Paquot, M., Mvumbi, L. G., & Deleu, M. (2011). Penetration behaviour of alkylbetainate chlorides into lipid monolayers. Colloids and Surfaces. B, Biointerfaces, 86, 176-180. doi:10.1016/j.colsurfb.2011.03.039

Vanhee, C., Guillon, S., Masquelier, D., Degand, H., Deleu, M., Morsomme, P., & Batoko, H. (2011). ATSPO-related protein localizes to the early secretory pathway in Arabidopsis, but is targeted to mitochondria when expressed in yeast. Journal of Experimental Botany, 62 (2), 497-508. doi:10.1093/jxb/erq283

Boyère, C., Favrelle, A., Deleu, M., Broze, G., Paquot, M., Blecker, C., Jérôme, C., & Debuigne, A. (14 October 2010). Enzymatic synthesis of novel carbohydrate surfactants for water/supercritical CO2 emulsions [Poster presentation]. Journée scientifique annuelle de la Société royale de Chimie - Chimie verte, Gembloux, Belgium.

Favrelle, A., Boyère, C., Deleu, M., Broze, G., Blecker, C., Paquot, M., Jérôme, C., & Debuigne, A. (14 October 2010). Lipase-catalyzed synthesis of hemifluorinated glycosurfactants for water/supercritical CO2 emulsions [Poster presentation]. Journée annuelle de la SRC-Chimie verte, Gembloux, Belgium.

Nott, K., Brognaux, A., Richard, G., Paquot, M., Wathelet, J.-P., Blecker, C., Jérôme, C., & Deleu, M. (14 October 2010). Influence of co-solvents and molecular sieve on mannose enzymatic acylation [Poster presentation]. Journée Annuelle de la Société Royale de Chimie (Belgique), Gembloux, Belgium.

Sainvitu, P., Nott, K., Richard, G., Blecker, C., Jérôme, C., Wathelet, J.-P., Paquot, M., & Deleu, M. (14 October 2010). Towards the synthesis of mannose derivatives of natural phenolic compounds [Poster presentation]. Journée scientifique annuelle de la Société royale de Chimie - Chimie verte, Gembloux, Belgium.

Boyère, C., Favrelle, A., Deleu, M., Broze, G., Paquot, M., Blecker, C., Jérôme, C., & Debuigne, A. (07 September 2010). Enzymatic synthesis of novel carbohydrate surfactants for water/supercritical CO2 emulsions [Poster presentation]. Journée du département de Chimie de l'Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium.

Favrelle, A., Brognaux, A., Nott, K., Richard, G., Laurent, P., Debuigne, A., Deleu, M., Wathelet, J.-P., Blecker, C., Paquot, M., & Jérôme, C. (18 May 2010). Synthèse enzymatique de surfactants sucrés en milieux organiques et dans le CO2 supercritique [Poster presentation]. XXIII ème Journées du Groupe Français des Glucides, Cap Hornu, France.

Deleu, M. (2010). Thermodynamic analysis of the interaction of surfactin, a bacterial lipopeptide, to lipid vesicles. In 13th International Conference on organized molecular films.

Deleu, M., & Bouquillon, S. (2010). Synthesis and interfacial properties of bolaform surfactants issued from alkenyl D-xyloside. In GLEN Congress.

Deleu, M., Damez, C., Gatard, S., Paquot, M., & Bouquillon, S. (2010). Study of the surface and membrane properties of a bolaform surfactant issued from alkenyl D-xyloside [Poster presentation]. Journée scientifique annuelle de la Société royale de Chimie - Chimie verte, Gembloux, Belgium.

Deleu, M., Vaca-Medina, G., Fabre, J.-F., Roiz, J., Valentin, R., & Mouloungui, Z. (2010). Interfacial properties of oleosins and phospholipids from rapeseed for the stability of oil bodies in aqueous medium. Colloids and Surfaces. B, Biointerfaces, 80, 125-132. doi:10.1016/j.colsurfb.2010.05.036

Eeman, M., & Deleu, M. (2010). From biological membranes to biomimetic model membranes. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 14 (4), 719-736.

Henry, G., Ongena, M., Paquot, M., Thonart, P., & Deleu, M. (2010). From cells to model membranes: study of the mechanism of action of surfactin, a bacterial elicitor of defence mechanism in plants [Poster presentation]. 13th INternational Conference on Organized Molecular Films, Québec city, Canada.

Nicoli, S., Eeman, M., Deleu, M., Bresciani, E., Padula, C., & Santi, P. (2010). Effect of lipopeptides and iontophoresis on aciclovir skin delivery. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 62 (6), 702-708. doi:10.1211/jpp.62.06.0006

Nsimba, Z. F., Paquot, M., Mvumbi, L. G., & Deleu, M. (2010). Glycine betaine surfactant derivatives: Synthesis methods and potentialities of use. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 14 (4), 737-748.

Staes, E., Absil, P.-A., Lins, L., Brasseur, R., Deleu, M., Lecouturier, N., Fievez, V., des Rieux, A., Mingeot-Leclercq, M.-P., Raussens, V., & Préat, V. (2010). Acylated and unacylatedghrelin binding to membranes and to ghrelin receptor: Towards a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Biomembranes, 1798, 2102-2113. doi:10.1016/j.bbamem.2010.07.002

Brognaux, A., Favrelle, A., Deleu, M., Richard, G., Nott, K., Debuigne, A., Jérôme, C., Blecker, C., Wathelet, J.-P., & Paquot, M. (15 October 2009). Optimisation de l'acylation enzymatique du mannose par l'utilisation de co-solvants [Poster presentation]. 2ème congrès pluridisciplinaire sur les glucides (Glucidoc 2009), Autrans, France.

Favrelle, A., Brognaux, A., Debuigne, A., Richard, G., Deleu, M., Nott, K., Wathelet, J.-P., Blecker, C., Paquot, M., & Jérôme, C. (15 October 2009). Synthèse enzymatique de surfactants sucrés dans le CO2 supercritique [Poster presentation]. 2ème congrès pluridisciplinaire sur les glucides (Glucidoc 2009), Autrans, France.

Favrelle, A., Brognaux, A., Debuigne, A., Deleu, M., Nott, K., Wathelet, J.-P., Blecker, C., Paquot, M., & Jérôme, C. (07 July 2009). Enzymatic modifications of sugar in supercritical carbon dioxide [Poster presentation]. Biotrans 2009, 9th International Symposium on Biocatalysis and Biotransformations, Berne, Switzerland.

Deleu, M. (2009). Etude du mécanisme d'action de surfactants au niveau des membranes biologiques au moyen de différentes techniques biophysiques.

Deleu, M., Campbell, R., Hellsing, M., & Nylander, T. (2009). Interaction between the bioactive lipopeptide fengycin and lipid membrane [Poster presentation]. NIB 2009- Neutrons in biology meeting, Lund, Sweden.

Destrée, C., Wouters, J., Deleu, M., Paquot, M., Salmon, M., & Eeman, M. (2009). Percutaneous penetration studies of ibuprofenencapsulated into nanoparticles using different skin membrane models [Poster presentation]. Skin and Formulation 3rd symposium, Versailles, France.

Eeman, M., Francius, G., Dufrêne, Y., Nott, K., Paquot, M., & Deleu, M. (2009). Effect of Cholesterol and Fatty Acids on the Molecular Interactions of Fengycin with Stratum Corneum Mimicking Lipid Monolayers. Langmuir, 25, 3029-3039. doi:10.1021/la803439n

Eeman, M., Pegado, L., Dufrene, Y. F., Paquot, M., & Deleu, M. (2009). Influence of environmental conditions on the interfacial organisation of fengycin, a bioactive lipopeptide produced by Bacillus subtilis. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 329 (2), 253-264. doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2008.10.017

Nott, K., Paquot, M., Dufour, S., Eeman, M., & Deleu, M. (2009). Surface properties of new virginiamycin M1 derivatives. Colloids and Surfaces. B, Biointerfaces, 69 (2), 268-275. doi:10.1016/j.colsurfb.2008.11.023

Razafindralambo, H., Dufour, S., Paquot, M., & Deleu, M. (2009). Thermodynamic Studies Of The Binding Interactions Of Surfactin Analogues To Lipid Vesicles Application Of Isothermal Titration Calorimetry. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 95 (3), 817-821. doi:10.1007/s10973-008-9403-6

Vaca Medina, G., Mouloungui, Z., Roiz, J., Fabre, J.-F., Lacroux, E., Valentin, R., & Deleu, M. (2009). Effect of phospholipids on surface properties of rapeseed oleosins at two pH [Poster presentation]. Workshop Ibioloab, Paris, France.

Razafindralambo, H., Dufour, S., Paquot, M., & Deleu, M. (24 May 2008). Application of Isothermal Titration Calorimetry to Thermodynamic Studies of Surfactin Binding Interactions to Lipid Vesicles [Poster presentation]. XV-International conference on biological calorimetry, Pécs, Hungary.

Bensikaddour, H., Fa, N., Burton, I., Deleu, M., Lins, L., Schanck, A., Brasseur, R., Dufrene, Y. F., Goormaghtigh, E., & Mingeot-Leclercq, M.-P. (2008). Characterization of the interactions between fluoroquinolone antibiotics and lipids: a multitechnique approach. Biophysical Journal, 94 (8), 3035-46. doi:10.1529/biophysj.107.114843

Brasseur, R., Deleu, M., Mingeot-Leclercq, M.-P., Francius, G., & Dufrene, Y. (2008). Probing Peptide-Membrane Interactions Using Afm. Surface and Interface Analysis, 40 (3-4), 151-156. doi:10.1002/sia.2682

Deleu, M., Paquot, M., & Nylander, T. (2008). Effect of Fengycin, a Lipopeptide Produced by Bacillus Subtilis, on Model Biomembranes. Biophysical Journal, 94 (7), 2667-2679. doi:10.1529/biophysj.107.114090

Eeman, M., Pegado, L., Dufrêne, Y., Paquot, M., & Deleu, M. (2008). Influence of environmental conditions on the interfacial organisation of fengycin, a bioactive lipopeptide produced by Bacillus subtilis [Poster presentation]. Workshop on electrostatic effects in soft matter: bringing experiments, theory and simulations together - Soft Matter 2008, Barcelone, Spain.

Francius, G., Dufour, S., Deleu, M., Paquot, M., Mingeot-Leclercq, M.-P., & Dufrene, Y. (2008). Nanoscale membrane activity of surfactins: Influence of geometry, charge and hydrophobicity. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Biomembranes, 1778, 2058-2068. doi:10.1016/j.bbamem.2008.03.023

Mingeot-Leclercq, M.-P., Deleu, M., Brasseur, R., & Dufrene, Y. F. (2008). Atomic force microscopy of supported lipid bilayers. Nature Protocols, 3 (10), 1654-9. doi:10.1038/nprot.2008.149

Razafindralambo, H., Dufour, S., Paquot, M., & Deleu, M. (2008). Isothermal titration calorimetry studies of the interaction of surfactin analogues with a model membrane [Poster presentation]. 15th International conference on biological calorimetry, Pécs, Hungary.

Vaca Medina, G., Mouloungui, Z., Deleu, M., Fabre, J.-F., Lacroux Eric, & Roiz, J. (2008). Functional properties of phospholipids and proteins from rapeseed as native tensioactives [Poster presentation]. 7th World Surfactants Congress, Paris, France.

Bouffioux, O., Berquand, A., Eeman, M., Paquot, M., Dufrene, Y. F., Brasseur, R., & Deleu, M. (2007). Molecular organization of surfactin-phospholipid monolayers: Effect of phospholipid chain length and polar head. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Biomembranes, 1768 (7), 1758-1768. doi:10.1016/j.bbamem.2007.04.015

Brasseur, R., Braun, N., El Kirat, K., Deleu, M., Mingeot-Leclercq, M.-P., & Dufrene, Y. (2007). The Biologically Important Surfactin Lipopeptide Induces Nanoripples In Supported Lipid Bilayers. Langmuir, 23 (19), 9769-9772. doi:10.1021/la7014868

Deleu, M. (2007). La chimie au service de la biomasse.

Roiz, J., Deleu, M., & Paquot, M. (2007). THe promotion of environmentally friendly lubricants - The European eco-label for lubricants scope and limitations [Poster presentation]. International conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries (RRB3), Ghent, Belgium.

Bensikaddour, H., Fa, N., Deleu, M., Schanck, A., Dufrêne, Y., & Mingeot-Leclercq, M.-P. (2006). Characterization at nanometric scale of the interaction between fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin) and membrane lipids [Poster presentation]. FEBS Special Meeting - European Lipidomics Initiative: New Concepts in lipidology: from lipidomics to disease, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands.

Deleu, M. (2006). Effects of lipopeptidesonmodel membranes. In 6th annual surface and colloid symposium: lipid-peptide interactions and biological function.

Dufour, S., Paquot, M., Brasseur, R., & Deleu, M. (2006). The interaction of surfctin analogs with membrane models: a structure-function relationship study [Poster presentation]. 6th annual surface and colloid symposium: lipid-peptide interactions and biological function, Lund, Sweden.

Eeman, M., Berquand, A., Dufrene, Y. F., Paquot, M., Dufour, S., & Deleu, M. (2006). Penetration of surfactin into phospholipid monolayers: Nanoscale interfacial organization. Langmuir, 22 (26), 11337-11345. doi:10.1021/la061969p

Eeman, M., Nylander, T., Dufrêne, Y., Paquot, M., & Deleu, M. (2006). Investigation of interactions between phospholipids, cholesterol and surfactin by atomic force microscopy and differential scanning calorimetry [Poster presentation]. 6th annual surface and colloid symposium: lipid-peptide interactions and biological function, Lund, Sweden.

Fa, N., Ronkart, S., Schanck, A., Deleu, M., Gaigneaux, A., Goonnaghtigh, E., & Mingeot-Leclercq, M.-P. (2006). Effect Of The Antibiotic Azithromycin On Thermotropic Behavior Of Dopc Or Dppc Bilayers. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, 144 (1), 108-116. doi:10.1016/j.chemphyslip.2006.08.002

Pierart, C., Brasseur, R., Paquot, M., Moussa, T., & Deleu, M. (2006). Effects of surfactin produced by Bacillus subtilis on a viral fusion peptide [Poster presentation]. 6th annual surface and colloid symposium: lipid-peptide interactions and biological function, Lund, Sweden.

Deleu, M., Brasseur, R., Paquot, M., Legros, H., Dufour, S., Jacques, P., Destain, J., Thonart, P., Brans, A., Joris, B., & Frère, J.-M. (11 May 2005). Novel use of lipopeptide preparations.

Deleu, M. (2005). Effects of bioactive amphiphiles on model cell membranes. In 11th W. Mejbaum-Katzenellenbogen's Molecular Biology Seminar: amphiphiles and their aggregates in basic and applied science.

Deleu, M., Paquot, M., & Nylander, T. (2005). Fengycin Interaction With Lipid Monolayers At The Air-Aqueous Interface - Implications For The Effect Of Fengycin On Biological Membranes. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 283 (2), 358-365. doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2004.09.036

Dufour, S., Deleu, M., Nott, K., Wathelet, B., Thonart, P., & Paquot, M. (2005). Hemolytic activity of new linear surfactin analogs in relation to their physico-chemical properties. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects, 1726, 87-95. doi:10.1016/j.bbagen.2005.06.015

Dufour, S., Deleu, M., Wathelet, B., Thonart, P., Nott, K., & Paquot, M. (2005). Hemolytic activity of new linear surfactin analogs [Poster presentation]. 11th W. Mejbaum-Katzenellenbogen's Molecular Biology Seminar: amphiphiles and their aggregates in basic and applied science, Wroclaw, Poland.

Eeman, M., Deleu, M., Paquot, M., & Dufrêne, Y. (2005). Effect of potential drugs on model membranes - An AFM study [Poster presentation]. The fisrt France-Israel Bi-National Workshop on NanoBioPhotonics, Eilat, Israel.

Eeman, M., Deleu, M., Paquot, M., Thonart, P., & Dufrene, Y. (2005). Nanoscale Properties Of Mixed Fengycin/Ceramide Monolayers Explored Using Atomic Force Microscopy. Langmuir, 21 (6), 2505-2511. doi:10.1021/la0475775

Fa, N., Burton, I., Deleu, M., Brasseur, R., Dufrêne, Y., & Mingeot-Leclercq, M.-P. (2005). Probing fluoroquinoone-biomembrane interactions on the nanoscale [Poster presentation]. Lipids, liposomes and biomembranes, Vancouver, Canada.

Deleu, M. (2004). Les lipopeptides de Bacillus subtilis: des biosurfactants à structure particulière présentant des activités biologiques prometteuses.

Deleu, M. (2004). Interactions of amphiphilic bioactive molecules with membrane-mimetic systems [Paper presentation]. Belgian Particle, Colloid and Interface Society seminar: surfactant self-assembly and surfactants at interfaces, Gembloux, Belgium.

Deleu, M. (2004). Interaction between antimicrobial peptides and membranes [Paper presentation]. NORFA Workshop: recent progress in quality and health aspects of milk components, Tallin, Estonia.

Deleu, M., Brans, A., Brasseur, R., Destain, J., Dufour, S., Frère, J.-M., Jacques, P., Joris, B., Legros, H., Paquot, M., & Thonart, P. (2004). Novel use of lipopeptide preparations.

Deleu, M., & Paquot, M. (2004). From renewable vegetables resources to microorganisms: new trends in surfactants. Comptes Rendus Chimie, 7 (6-7), 641-646. doi:10.1016/j.crci.2004.04.002

Deleu, M., Paquot, M., Olofsson, G., & Nylander, T. (2004). Interaction of lipopeptides from Bacillus subtilis with lipid vesicles [Poster presentation]. 18th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society, Almeria, Spain.

Deleu, M., Paquot, M., Olofsson, G., & Nylander, T. (2004). Interaction of antimicrobial lipopeptides from Bacillus subtilis with lipid membranes [Poster presentation]. Peptide Congress, Membrane interactions, Namur, Belgium.

Eeman, M., Berquand, A., Dufrêne, Y., Paquot, M., & Deleu, M. (2004). Study of surfactin penetration into lipid monolayers by using AFM [Poster presentation]. International symposium on surface and colloid chemistry for Nanoscience, Lund, Sweden.

Eeman, M., Deleu, M., Paquot, M., Thonart, P., & Dufrêne, Y. (2004). Nanoscaleorganization of mixed fengycin/lipid monolayers [Poster presentation]. EMBO/FEBS Workshop on AFM Applications in Biology, Lisbon, Portugal.

Deleu, M. (2003). Fengycin penetration into a DPPC monlayer: a study using the Langmuir trough technique with the Brewster angle microscopy. In International symposium on surface and colloid chemistry for the life sciences.

Deleu, M., Bouffioux, O., Razafindralambo, H., Paquot, M., Hbid, C., Thonart, P., Jacques, P., & Brasseur, R. (2003). Interaction Of Surfactin With Membranes: A Computational Approach. Langmuir, 19 (8), 3377-3385. doi:10.1021/la026543z

Deleu, M., & Paquot, M. (2003). Des produits foisonnés aux agents anti-infectieux: l'avenir est aux agents tensioactifs naturels [Poster presentation]. Green Chemistry, Poitiers, France.

Deleu, M., Paquot, M., & Nylander, T. (2003). A preliminary study of the fengycin-lipid interaction at an interface in order to gain more insight in the action mechanism of fengfycin in biological membrane [Poster presentation]. 17th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society, Florence, Italy.

Tyteca, D., Schanck, A., Dufrene, Y., Deleu, M., Courtoy, P., Tulkens, P., & Mingeot-Leclercq, M.-P. (2003). The Macrolide Antibiotic Azithromycin Interacts With Lipids And Affects Membrane Organization And Fluidity: Studies On Langmuir-Blodgett Monolayers, Liposomes And J774 Macrophages. Journal of Membrane Biology, 192 (3), 203-215. doi:10.1007/s00232-002-1076-7

Assié, L., Deleu, M., Arnaud, L., Paquot, M., Thonart, P., Gaspar, C., & Haubruge, E. (2002). Insecticide activity of surfactins and iturins from a biopesticide Bacillus subtilis Cohn (S499 strain). Mededelingen van de Faculteit Landbouwkundige en Toegepaste Biologische Wetenschappen, 67 (3), 647-655.

Deleu, M., & Paquot, M. (2002). Surface properties of fengycins at air-water interface [Poster presentation]. 5th Liquid Matter Conference of the European Physical Society, Konstanz, Germany.

Deleu, M., Paquot, M., & Blecker, C. (2002). Surface tension measurements on micellar systems. In Encyclopedia of Surface and Colloid Science (pp. 5119-5126). New York, United States: Marcel Dekker Editions.

Deleu, M., Gallet, X., Brasseur, R., Dufrêne, Y., Vandenbussche, G., Ruysschaert, J.-M., Jacques, P., Thonart, P., & Paquot, M. (2001). Different techniques to study the conformation of surfactins at interfaces [Poster presentation]. FNRS Strcutural Biology Contact Group, 1st conference: structure/function relationships in proteins, Gembloux, Belgium.

Deleu, M., Nott, K., Brasseur, R., Jacques, P., Thonart, P., & Dufrene, Y. F. (2001). Imaging Mixed Lipid Monolayers By Dynamic Atomic Force Microscopy. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Biomembranes, 1513 (1), 55-62. doi:10.1016/S0005-2736(01)00337-6

Deleu, M. (2000). Propriétés de la surfactine et de la fengycine A aux interfaces liquide/liquide et dans des émulsions modèles [Doctoral thesis, ULiège. GxABT - Liège Université. Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Ahimou, F., Jacques, P., & Deleu, M. (2000). Surfactin and iturin A effects on Bacillus subtilis surface hydrophobicity. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 27 (10), 749-754. doi:10.1016/S0141-0229(00)00295-7

Deleu, M. (2000). Les effets therapeutiques de la pectine doivent encore etre prouves.

Deleu, M., Gallet, X., Dufrêne, Y., Rouxhet, P., Vandenbussche, G., Ruysschaert, J.-M., Jacques, P., Thonart, P., & Paquot, M. (2000). Conformational analysis of surfactins at interfaces [Poster presentation]. Bioforum de Liège, Liège, Belgium.

Ahimou, F., Deleu, M., Jacques, P., Thonart, P., & Paquot, M. (July 1999). Surfactin and iturin A effects on Bacillus subtilis surface hydrophobicity [Poster presentation]. 9th European Congress on Biotechnology, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Deleu, M. (1999). Surfactin and iturinA effect on Bacillus subtilis surface hydrophobicity. In European Congress on Biotechnology.

Deleu, M., Paquot, M., Jacques, P., Thonart, P., Adriaensen, Y., & Dufrene, Y. F. (1999). Nanometer scale organization of mixed surfactin/phosphatidylcholine monolayers. Biophysical Journal, 77 (4), 2304-2310. doi:10.1016/S0006-3495(99)77069-4

Deleu, M., Paquot, M., Razafindralambo, H., Popineau, Y., Budziekiewicz, H., Jacques, P., & Thonart, P. (1999). Structure, interfacial properties, and functional qualities in foams and emulsions of surfactin, a lipopeptide from Bacillus subtilis. In E. Dickinson & J. M. Rodriguez-Patino, Food Emulsions and Foams: Interfaces, Interactions and Stability (pp. 296-304). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Royal Society of Chemistry.

Deleu, M., Razafindralambo, H., Popineau, Y., Jacques, P., Thonart, P., & Paquot, M. (1999). Interfacial and emulsifying properties of lipopeptides from Bacillus subtilis. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 152 (1-2), 3-10. doi:10.1016/S0927-7757(98)00627-X

Gallet, X., Deleu, M., Razafindralambo, H., Jacques, P., Thonart, P., Paquot, M., & Brasseur, R. (1999). Computer Simulation Of Surfactin Conformation At A Hydrophobic/Hydrophilic Interface. Langmuir, 15 (7), 2409-2413. doi:10.1021/la980954r

Schneider, J., Taraz, K., Budzikiewicz, H., Deleu, M., Thonart, P., & Jacques, P. (1999). The structure of two fengycins from Bacillus subtilis S499. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. C, Journal of Biosciences, 54 (11), 859-66. doi:10.1515/znc-1999-1102

Paquot, M., Razafindralambo, H., Deleu, M., Popineau, Y., Jacques, P., & Thonart, P. (March 1998). Relationships between structure, interfacial properties and functional qualities in foam and emulsion of Bacillus subtilis lipopeptides [Poster presentation]. Food Emulsions and Foams Symposium, Seville, Spain.

Deleu, M. (1998). Méthodes d'analyse de la structure des protéines [Paper presentation]. Centième anniversaire du diplôme d'Ingénieur chimiste et des Industries agricoles (FASAGx): Structure et propriétés des protéines, Gembloux, Belgium.

Deleu, M., Wathelet, B., Paquot, M., & Brasseur, R. (1998). Apercu des techniques d'analyse conformationnelle des macromolecules biologiques. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 2 (4), 234-247.

Jacques, P., Chambon, F., Destain, J., Deleu, M., & Thonart, P. (1998). Oxygen transfer plays a key role in the production of antiviral and antifungal lipopeptides from Bacillus subtilis [Poster presentation]. 2nd European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Science, Porto, Portugal.

Razafindralambo, H., Popineau, Y., Deleu, M., Hbid, C., Jacques, P., Thonart, P., & Paquot, M. (1998). Foaming properties of lipopeptides produced by Bacillus subtilis: effect of lipid and peptide structural attributes. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 46 (3), 911-916. doi:10.1021/jf970592d

Deleu, M., Blecker, C., Sensidoni, A., & Paquot, M. (22 January 1997). Etude de la modification de la matière grasse résiduelle du lactosérum Franche-Comté par la lipase Mucor miehei [Poster presentation]. Deuxième carrefour des productions animales, Gembloux, Belgium.

Deleu, M. (1997). Surface-active properties of Bacillus subtilis lipopeptides at the oil/water interface [Paper presentation]. European symposium on Cell Factories of Bioactives peptides from Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas, Sienne, Italy.

Deleu, M. (1997). Les lipopeptides de Bacillus subtilis dans le domaine des émulsions. In Triennale de la FABI: évolution technologique et emploi.

Deleu, M. (1997). Contribution à l'étude des propriétés interfaciales et émulsifiantes des lipopeptides de Bacillus subtilis [Specialised master, ULiège. GxABT - Liège Université. Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Deleu, M., Razafindralambo, H., Popineau, & Paquot, M. (1997). Surface-active properties of Bacillus subtilis lipopeptides at oil-water interfaces [Poster presentation]. Euriopean meeting on Cell Factories of Bioactive Peptides from Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas, Gembloux, Belgium.

Deleu, M., Razafindralambo, H., Popineau, Y., & Paquot, M. (1997). Surface-active properties of Bacillussubtilis lipopeptides at the oil-water interface [Poster presentation]. Spring Meeting of the Belgian Biophysical Society, Gembloux, Belgium.

Deleu, M., Razafindralambo, H., Popineau, Y., & Paquot, M. (1997). Interfacial and emulsifying properties of Bacillus suvtilis lipopeptides [Poster presentation]. Second world congress on emulsions, Bordeaux, France.

Razafindralambo, H., Popineau, Y., Deleu, M., Hbid, C., Jacques, P., Thonart, P., & Paquot, M. (1997). Surface-active properties of surfactin iturin A mixtures produced by Bacillus subtilis. Langmuir, 13 (23), 6026-6031. doi:10.1021/la970533u

Deleu, M. (1996). Etude de la modification de la matière grasse du lactosérum Franche-Comté par la lipase de Rhizomucor miehei [Master’s dissertation, ULiège. GxABT - Liège Université. Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Paquot, M., Deleu, M., Beaufils, C., & Blecker, C. (1996). Electrical microenvironment influence on the hydrolytic activity of free and immobilised Yarrowia lipolytica lipase. Biotechnology Letters, 18 (1), 73-78. doi:10.1007/BF00137814