Publications and communications of Marie-Laure Fauconnier

Gou, M., Bi, J., Gege, L., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Chen, Q. (November 2024). Identification and formation of key aroma-active compounds in red jujube as affected by different processing methods. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 135, 106694. doi:10.1016/j.jfca.2024.106694

Fauconnier, M.-L., Burgeon, C., Genva, M., & Delory, B. (16 September 2024). Into the depths: the challenge of belowground VOC sampling [Paper presentation]. NOSE2024, International Conference on ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING of ODOURS and VOCs.

Abeslami, A., Farissi, H., El Bachiri, A., Sindic, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Bruneau, E., & Talhaoui, A. (2024). Exploring the Physicochemical and Antioxidant Characteristics of Honey from Eastern Morocco: Insights into Potential Health Benefits and Molecular Docking Analysis. Agriculture. doi:10.3390/agriculture14091540

Vilain, L., Mongrand, S., Fouillen, L., Genva, M.* , & Fauconnier, M.-L.*. (06 September 2024). Plant responses to phosphate deficiency: on the involvement of jasmonates [Paper presentation]. Réunion de l'équipe 5-UMRt BioEcoAgro.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Chaji, S., Zenasni, W., Ouaabou, R., Ajal, E., Lahlali, R., Fauconnier, M.-L., Hanine, H., Černe, M., Pasković, I., Merah, O., & Bajoub, A. (17 July 2024). Nutrient and Bioactive Fraction Content of Olea europaea L. Leaves: Assessing the Impact of Drying Methods in a Comprehensive Study of Prominent Cultivars in Morocco. Plants, 13, 1961. doi:10.3390/plants13141961

Fan, S., Yang, Q., Wang, D., Zhu, C., Wen, X., Li, X., Richel, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Yang, W., Hou, C., & Zhang, D. (15 July 2024). Zein and tannic acid hybrid particles improving physical stability, controlled release properties, and antimicrobial activity of cinnamon essential oil loaded Pickering emulsions. Food Chemistry, 446, 138512. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2024.138512

Vilain, L., Genva, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Mongrand, S., & Fouillen, L. (11 July 2024). Analysis of plant esterified oxylipins: the case of arabidopsides [Paper presentation]. Journées Scientifiques de Bordeaux Métabolome.

Mushtaq, W.* , Fauconnier, M.-L.* , & De Clerck, C.*. (10 July 2024). Assessment of induced allelopathy and differential gene expression in crop-weed co-culture with rye-pigweed model [Paper presentation]. 9th World Congress on Allelopathy : 2024 Meeting Caserta Italy, Caserta, Italy.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Zhu, H., Fauconnier, M.-L., Zhang, H., Xu, X., Wang, X., Zhang, Y., Guo, R., Zhang, W., Zhang, S., Wang, Y., Pang, X., & Lv, J. (2024). Establishment of a similarity evaluation model for human Milk phospholipids: A comparative study on the composition and structure of human Milk phospholipids and its natural resources. Food Chemistry, 140556. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2024.140556

Martini, F., Muchembled, J., Burgeon, C., Jijakli, H., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Gontier, E. (19 June 2024). Comparison of anti-oomycete activities of essential oils and fungicidal substances against the agent of potato late blight disease Phytophthora infestans [Poster presentation]. Congres Plant Bio ProTech, Castellon de la Plana, Spain.

Suffys, S., Goffin, D., Richard, G., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Haubruge, E. (18 June 2024). INSIGHT INTO THE DEVELOPMENT OF KOMBUCHA TYPE BEVERAGES – from the fermentation monitoring to the study of consumer acceptance [Paper presentation]. Oral communication for the University of Engineering – Hebei, China.

Vilain, L., Fouillen, L., Mongrand, S., Genva, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (17 June 2024). PhoJA: Investigation of jasmonates in Arabidopsis responses to phosphate deficiency [Paper presentation]. Lab Meeting - Laboratoire de Biogenèse Membranaire (Université de Bordeaux - CNRS).

Race, G., Genva, M., Ongena, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (13 June 2024). Study of the role of complex lipids in plant responses to stress [Poster presentation]. 14th International Conference of the French Society of Plant Biology, Bordeaux, France.

Fauconnier, M.-L., Genva, M., & Burgeon, C. (12 June 2024). Botanicals: A Path to Greener Pest Control? [Paper presentation]. 14th International Conferenceof French Society of Plant Biology, Bordeaux, France.

Mushtaq, W., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2024). Phenolic profiling unravelling allelopathic encounters in agroecology. Plant Stress, 100523. doi:10.1016/j.stress.2024.100523

Song, G., Li, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Zhang, D., Gu, M., Chen, L., Lin, Y., Wang, S., & Zheng, X. (June 2024). Research progress of chilled meat freshness detection based on nanozyme sensing systems. Food Chemistry: X, 22, 101364. doi:10.1016/j.fochx.2024.101364

Diop, S. M., Ndiaye, E. H. B., Genva, M., Thiam, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Gueye, M. T. (31 May 2024). Identification of two chemotypes for essential oils and floral waters of Mentha spicata L. from two localities of Senegal. Journal of Essential Oil and Plant Composition , 2 (2), 143-150. doi:10.58985/jeopc.2024.v02i02.54

Hering, N., Schmit, A.-C., Herzog, E., Corbin, L.-T., Schmidt-Speicher, L., Ahrens, R., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Nick, P. (2024). Spearmint Targets Microtubules by (−)-Carvone. Horticulture Research. doi:10.1093/hr/uhae151

Martini, F., Burgeon, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Jijakli, H., Gontier, E., & Muchembled, J. (25 May 2024). Anti-oomycete activities of 5 essential oils against 3 genotypes of Phytophthora infestans the causing agent of late blight disease [Poster presentation]. International Symposium of Crop Protection, Gent, Belgium.

Ouahabi, S., Daoudi, N., Loukili, E., Asmae, H., Merzouki, M., Bnouham, M., Challioui, A., Hammouti, B., Fauconnier, M.-L., Rhazi, L., Gotor, A., Depeint, F., & Ramdani, M. (25 May 2024). Investigation into the Phytochemical Composition, Antioxidant Properties, and In-Vitro Anti-Diabetic Efficacy of Ulva lactuca Extracts. Marine Drugs, 22, 240. doi:10.3390/md22060240

Berdy, J., Florent Bondekwe, Francis, F., Fauconnier, M.-L., Azadi, H., & Papy N'Sevolo. (21 May 2024). Ethnobotanical applications for insect pest managment in stored rice and maize in the Isangi territory, DRC [Poster presentation]. 75th international symposium on crop protection.

Burgeon, C., Khelalfa Wissam, Deleu, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Jijakli, H. (21 May 2024). CERCOIL: Combatting Cercospora leaf spot disease using essential oil-based fungicides [Poster presentation]. International symposium on crop protection, Gand, Belgium.

Fauconnier, M.-L., Genva, M., & Burgeon, C. (21 May 2024). Botanicals a sustainable strategy for crop protection? [Paper presentation]. 75th International Symposium on Crop Protection.

Genva, M.* , Race, G.* , Vilain, L.* , Deleu, M., Ongena, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (21 May 2024). Unravelling the functions of esterified oxylipins in plant stress responses [Poster presentation]. 75th International Symposium On Crop Protection, Gand, Belgium.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Mohaddab, M., Fakiri Malika, El-Goumi Younes, Burgeon, C., Genva, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (21 May 2024). IN VITRO PRODUCTION OF SECONDARY METABOLITES BY CAPPARIS SPINOSA CALLUS CULTURE [Poster presentation]. International Symposium on Crop Protection.

Mushtaq, W.* , Fauconnier, M.-L.* , & De Clerck, C. (21 May 2024). Assessment of induced allelopathy in crop-weed co-culture with ryepigweed model [Paper presentation]. 75th ISCP, Ghent, Belgium.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Sakho, A.* , Diagne, A.* , Diop, M. B., Ba, A. S. A., Diop, S. M., Gueye, M. T., Genva, M., Francis, F., Azadi, H., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (21 May 2024). Post-harvest Loss Management Initiative in Senegal : Using Bio-pesticides for Sustainability and Food Security [Poster presentation]. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CROP PROTECTION, Ghent, Belgium.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Taguimjeu Tafokeu K, P. L., Genva, M., Flora Mer, & Fauconnier, M.-L. (21 May 2024). EXTRABARK PROJECT: Towards a reinforced circular economy valorization of wood bark by-products by the extraction of valuable molecules as an alternative to synthetic products in agronomy and wood protection [Poster presentation]. 75th International Symposium on Crop Protection, Jubilee edition, Gand, Belgium.

Taguimjeu Tafokeu K, P. L., Genva, M., Flora Mer, & Fauconnier, M.-L. (21 May 2024). EXTRABARK PROJECT: Towards a reinforced circular economy valorization of wood bark by-products by the extraction of valuable molecules as an alternative to synthetic products in agronomy and wood protection [Poster presentation]. 75th International Symposium on Crop Protection, Jubilee edition, Gand, Belgium.

Belkessam, M., Nada SOUISSI, Sana BEN SLAMA MALLOULI, Monia ATTIA, Genva, M., Néziha GHANEM-BOUGHANMI, Fauconnier, M.-L., & Mossadok BEN ATTIA. (17 May 2024). Study of the antimicrobial activity of essential oils from the leaves of male and female Pistacia lentiscus against pathogenic microorganisms causing diseases in livestock [Paper presentation]. 8th International Conference of Biodiversity and Biotechnology ICBB8 – Marseille – 2024, Marseille, France.

Mushtaq, W.* , Fauconnier, M.-L.* , & De Clerck, C.*. (07 May 2024). Assessment of induced allelopathy in crop-weed co-culture with rye-pigweed model. Scientific Reports, 14 (1), 10446. doi:10.1038/s41598-024-60663-w
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Ziani, I., El Guerraf, A., Bentouhami, N. E., Brahmi, M., Bouakline, H., El Bachiri, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Ansar, S., & Sher, F. (2024). Nanoreinforcement strategies for enhancing biodegradable composites in biochemical applications within agriwaste valorisation. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 103223. doi:10.1016/j.bcab.2024.103223

Zeng, L., Fu, Y.-Q., Gao, Y., Wang, F., Liang, S., Yin, J.-F., Fauconnier, M.-L., Ke, L., & Xu, Y.-Q. (2024). Dynamic changes of key metabolites in Longjing green tea during processing revealed by widely targeted metabolomic profiling and sensory experiments. Food Chemistry, 139373. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2024.139373

Burgeon, C., Segers, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Jijakli, H., Jacques, P., & Francis, F. (11 April 2024). ADOPT-IPM: EU-China joint action to increase the development and adoption of IPM tools [Poster presentation]. Agri-food and environmental strategies at the heart of Wallonia's S3, Namur, Belgium.

Quievreux, M.* , Burgeon, C.* , Segers, A.* , Boubsi, F.* , Delaplace, P., Massart, S., Ongena, M., Deleu, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Jijakli, H., Francis, F., & Jacques, P. (11 April 2024). Analytical and technological platforms for the development of new biostimulants and biocontrol agents (PHENIX-BIOCONTROL_ULIEGE) [Poster presentation]. Wallonie S3 Forward: Agri-food chains of the future and innovative environmental strategies, Namur, Belgium.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Suffys, S., Goffin, D., Richard, G., Francis, A., Haubruge, E., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (09 April 2024). Study and development of a functional fermented drink based on Sobacha: A Japanese infusion of roasted buckwheat seeds [Poster presentation]. 5th Global Food Security Conference: Towards equitable, sustainable and resilient food systems, Leuven, Belgium.

Josselin, L., Proctor, R. H., Lippolis, V., Cervellieri, S., Hoylaerts, J., De Clerck, C., Fauconnier, M.-L.* , & Moretti, A.*. (April 2024). Does alteration of fumonisin production in Fusarium verticillioides lead to volatolome variation? Food Chemistry, 438, 138004. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2023.138004
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Wang, J., Yang, P., Liu, J., Yang, W., Qiang, Y., Jia:, W., Han, D., Zhang, C., Purcaro, G., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (30 March 2024). Study of the flavor dissipation mechanism of soy-sauce-marinated beef using flavor matrices. Food Chemistry, 437 (1), 137890. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2023.137890

Zhu, H., Wang, X., Li, K., Zhang, Y., Fauconnier, M.-L., Chen, B., Zhang, S., Jiang, S., Pang, X., & Lv, J. (2024). Comparison of Comprehensive Fatty Acid Profile from different regions in Chinese Human Milk Project (CHMP) study. International Dairy Journal, 105947. doi:10.1016/j.idairyj.2024.105947

Kouache, B., Kaci, Z., Brada, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (February 2024). Chemical Composition and Insecticidal Activity of Thymus algeriensis Boiss and Reut. Essential Oil against Aphis fabae Scopoli1763. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, 58 (1), 164-169. doi:10.18805/

Paguet, A.-S., Siah, A., Lefèvre, G., Vandenberghe, M., Lutun, D., Degardin, N., Samaillie, J., Mathiron, D., Dermont, C., Michels, F., Fauconnier, M.-L., Chollet, S., Molinié, R., Fontaine, J.-X., Sahpaz, S., & Rivière, C. (01 February 2024). Phytochemical characterisation and aromatic potential for brewing of wild hops (Humulus lupulus L.) from Northern France: Towards a lead for local hop varieties. Food Chemistry, 433, 137302. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2023.137302

El Hassania, L., Mounime, K., Elbouzidi, A., Taibi, M., Mohamed, C., Abdelkhaleq, L., Mohamed, R., Mrabti, H. N., Zengin, G., Addi, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2024). Analyzing the Bioactive Properties and Volatile Profiles Characteristics of Opuntia dillenii: Exploring its Potential for Pharmacological Applications. Chemistry and Biodiversity, 202301890. doi:10.1002/cbdv.202301890

Burgeon, C., Genva, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (10 January 2024). Capturing Aroma: Advances in VOCs Sampling Techniques [Paper presentation]. CAAS-ULiège conference.

Allay, A., Benkirane, C., Moumen, B., Rbah, Y., Fauconnier, M.-L., Caid, H., Elamrani, A., & Mansouri, F. (2024). Enhancing bioactive compound extractability and antioxidant properties in hemp seed oil using a ternary mixture approach of polar and non-polar solvents. Industrial Crops and Products, 219, 119090. doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2024.119090

Bikindou, K., Bounkosso, H.-M., Boungou-Tsona, G., Bitemou, E., Figuérédo, G., Fauconnier, M.-L., Chalard, P., & Loumouamou, A. N. (2024). Chemical composition, anti-inflammatory and anticholinesterase activities of the essential oils of Elionurus platypus (Trin.) Hack. from Congo. Advancement in Medicinal Plant Research, 12 (1), 1-9. doi:10.30918/ampr.121.23.042

Dalir, M., Choobchian, S., Abbasi, E., Fauconnier, M.-L., Dogot, T., Värnik, R., & Azadi, H. (2024). Impact of medicinal plants cultivation on rural livelihoods: the case of South Khorasan Province in Iran. Environment, Development and Sustainability. doi:10.1007/s10668-024-04947-1

El Hassania, L., Mohammed, B., Kadda, S., Hbika, A., Elbouzidi, A., Mohamed, T., Salamatullah, A. M., Bourhia, M., Dauelbait, M., Mohammed, R., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2024). Physicochemical and phytochemical characterization of opuntia dillenii: A promising source of bioactive compounds. International Journal of Food Properties, 27 (1), 1079 - 1094. doi:10.1080/10942912.2024.2385960

Gao, P., Zhang, W., Zhao, X., Xu, C., Pang, X., Fauconnier, M.-L., Zhang, S., & Lv, J. (2024). The effect of Maillard reaction on flavour development of protein hydrolysates from cheese. Food Chemistry, 437, 137569. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2023.137569

Gontier, E., Dauwe, R., Nguyen, T. K. O., Gourlin, L., Martini, F., Hinard, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Berdy, J., Jijakli, H., Muchembled, J., Jullian, N., Ele Ekouna, J.-P., Sehaki, C., Ha, T. L., Dongfagsiteli Tchinda, N., Silla, S., Goïmasse, R., & Tran, T. L. M. (2024). A “BioEcoAgro” integrated research approach for new/renew valorizations of ancient traditional medicines and today/tomorrow’s uses of plant secondary metabolites [Poster presentation]. The First Vietnam International Symposium on Medicinal Plants and Natural Products (MPNP2024), Quy Nhon, Vietnam.

Ramli, B., Rabie Mokred, M., Hamiani, A., Benzine, S., Kamel Bendeddouche, C., Lao, M., Kambouche Bouzidi, N., Bellahouel Benzine, S., Fauconnier, M.-L., Nadia, И., & Bouzidi, K. (2024). Chlorogenic acid with cytotoxic activity and other constituents from Anacyclus valentinus from Algeria. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society. doi:10.2298/JSC240413081R

Rezig, K., Benkaci-Ali, F., Fauconnier, M.-L., Laurent, S., Umar, H. I., Alex, O. D., & Tata, S. (January 2024). HPLC/ESI-MS Characterization of Phenolic Compounds from Cnicus benedictus L. Roots: A Study of Antioxidant, Antibacterial, Anti-Inflammatory, and Anti-Alzheimer's Activity. Chemistry and Biodiversity, 21 (1), 202300724. doi:10.1002/cbdv.202300724

Wang, M., Liu, E., Jin, T., Zafar, S.-U., Mei, X., Fauconnier, M.-L., & De Clerck, C. (2024). Towards a better understanding of atmospheric water harvesting (AWH) technology. Water Research, 250, 121052. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2023.121052

Akotowanou, O. C. A., Adjou, E. S., Sessou, P., Kougblenou, S. D., Olubi, A. B., Michels, F., Ahoussi, E. D., Yessoufou, A., Bankolé, H., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Sohounhloué, D. C. K. (23 December 2023). Antifungal Properties of Pimenta racemosa (Mill.) and Mentha x piperita (L.) Essential Oils against Fusarium oxysporum Causing Tomato Fruit Rot. Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology, 26 (11), 50-59. doi:10.9734/jabb/2023/v26i11666

Fauconnier, M.-L., & Genva, M. (04 December 2023). Les huiles essentielles : perspectives pour le Sénégal [Paper presentation]. Kick-off meeting projet ARES.

Thiaw, M., Samb, I., Genva, M., Gaye, M. L., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (20 November 2023). Momordica balsamina L.: a plant with multiple therapeutic and nutritional potential. A review. Nutraceuticals, 3, 556-573. doi:10.3390/nutraceuticals3040040

Battistini, R., Masotti, C., Bianchi, D., Decastelli, L., Garcia-Vozmediano, A., Maurella, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Paparella, A., Serracca, L., Vivo, López- Malo, A., Adam, C., & Júnior, C. (30 October 2023). In Vivo Evaluation of the Potential of Thyme and Lemon Hydrolates as Processing Aids to Reduce Norovirus Concentration during Oyster Depuration. Foods, 12, 3976. doi:10.3390/foods12213976

Burgeon, C., Markey, A., Brostaux, Y., Fauconnier, M.-L., Medronho, B., & Aliaño-González, M. (28 October 2023). Modifying Headspace Sampling Environment Improves Detection of Boar Taint Compounds in Pork Fat Samples. Chemosensors, 11 (551). doi:10.3390/chemosensors11110551

Martini, F., Jijakli, H., Gontier, E., Muchembled, J.* , & Fauconnier, M.-L.*. (27 October 2023). Harnessing Plant's Arsenal: Essential Oils as Promising Tools for Sustainable Management of Potato Late Blight Disease caused by Phytophthora infestans-A Comprehensive Review. Molecules, 28 (1), 7302. doi:10.3390/molecules28217302
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Suffys, S., Goffin, D., Richard, G., Francis, A., Haubruge, E., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (04 October 2023). Development of a Functional Fermented Drink based on Sobacha: A Japanese Infusion of Roasted Buckwheat Seeds [Poster presentation]. 3rd Food Chemistry Conference: Shaping a healthy and sustainable food chain through knowledge, Dresden, Germany.

Safari Murhububa, I., Tougeron, K., Bragard, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Mugisho Bugeme, D., Bisimwa Basengere, E., Walangululu Masamba, J., & Hance, T. (October 2023). The aphid Pentalonia nigronervosa (Hemiptera: Aphididae) takes advantage from the quality change in banana plant associated with Banana bunchy top virus infection. Journal of Economic Entomology, 116 (5), 1481–1489. doi:10.1093/jee/toad130

Zhang, Y., Gao, P., Zhang, W., Zhu, H., Wang, C., Xie, N., Wang, Y., Pang, X., Fauconnier, M.-L., Lü, J., & Zhang, S. (October 2023). Free fatty acid hydrolyzed with lipases and their effects on enzyme-modified cheese flavor. Food Science of Animal Products, 1 (3), 9240031. doi:10.26599/fsap.2023.9240031

Berdy, J., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (07 September 2023). Projet RESSAC :Intensification agro-écologique des systèmes d’agriculture itinérante pour la promotion de la sécurité alimentaire dans les zones forestières périurbaines de la province de la Tshopo en RDC [Paper presentation]. Introduction au projet RESSAC à l'ERAIFT, Kinshasa, Congo - Kinshasa.

Suffys, S., Goffin, D., Richard, G., Francis, A., Haubruge, E.* , & Fauconnier, M.-L.*. (16 August 2023). Unveiling the Aromas and Sensory Evaluation of Hakko Sobacha: A New Functional Non-Dairy Probiotic Fermented Drink. Molecules, 28 (16), 6084. doi:10.3390/molecules28166084
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Vilain, L., Genva, M., Deleu, M., Mongrand, S., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (11 July 2023). Oxidised complex lipids in plants: On the occurrence and roles of esterified oxylipins [Paper presentation]. 10th European Symposium on Plant Lipids, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Han, D., Deng, S., Wang, H., Huang, F., Fauconnier, M.-L., Li, H., Zheng, J., Meng, L., Zhang, C., & Li, X. (29 June 2023). Lipid oxidation and flavor changes in saturated and unsaturated fat fractions from chicken fat during a thermal process. Food and Function, 14, 6554-6569. doi:10.1039/d3fo01061a

Gou, M., Chen, Q., Wu, X., Liu, G., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Bi, J. (28 June 2023). Novel insight into the evolution of volatile compounds during dynamic freeze-drying of Ziziphus jujuba cv. Huizao based on GC-MS combined with multivariate data analysis [Poster presentation]. 2nd Advances in Separation Science (AdvSepSci), Gembloux, Belgium.

Josselin, L., De Clerck, C., De Boevre, M., Soyeurt, H., Moretti, A., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (28 June 2023). Fungal volatile organic compounds: new targets for the detection of fungal contamination and mycotoxin production [Poster presentation]. 2nd Advances in Separation Science (AdvSepSci), Gembloux, Belgium.

Konan, K. A., Coulibaly, I., Genva, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (28 June 2023). Evaluation of volatile compounds in cocoa beans (Theobroma cacao L.1753) from new fermentation media in Côte d’Ivoire [Poster presentation]. 2nd Advances in Separation Science (AdvSepSci), Gembloux, Belgium.

Taguimjeu, P. L. K. T., Fongang, Y. S. F., Ngouela, S. A., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (28 June 2023). Antiplasmodial-guided investigation of Lantana camara (Verbenaceae) [Poster presentation]. 2nd Advances in Separation Science (AdvSepSci), Gembloux, Belgium.

Taguimjeu Tafokeu K, P. L., Yannick Stéphane Fotsing Fongang, Ngouela Silvère Augustin, & Fauconnier, M.-L. (28 June 2023). Antiplasmodial-guided investigation of Lantana camara (Verbenaceae) [Poster presentation]. 2nd Advances in Separation Science (AdvSepSci), Gembloux, Belgium.

Taguimjeu Tafokeu K, P. L., Yannick Stéphane Fotsing Fongang, Ngouela Silvère Augustin, & Fauconnier, M.-L. (28 June 2023). Antiplasmodial-guided investigation of Lantana camara (Verbenaceae) [Poster presentation]. 2nd ADVANCES IN SEPARATION SCIENCE: from Extraction to Chromatographic Applications, Gembloux, Belgium.

Ziani, I., Genva, M., Bouakline, H., Sayah, O., Fauconnier, M.-L., & El Bachiri, A. (28 June 2023). Fractionation of rosemary solid residue from steam distillation: the relationship between phenolic profile and biological activities [Poster presentation]. 2nd Advances in Separation Science (AdvSepSci), Gembloux, Belgium.

Fauconnier, M.-L., & Genva, M. (27 June 2023). Essential oil-based biopesticides from low-tech to high-tech formulations [Paper presentation]. Journée formulation du consortium biocontrôle.

Ouahabi, S., Loukili, E., Daoudi, N., Chebaibi, M., Ramdan, M., Rahhou, I., Bnouham, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Hammouti, B., Rhazi, L., Gotor, A., Dépeint, F., & Ramdani, M. (24 June 2023). Study of the Phytochemical Composition, Antioxidant Properties, and In Vitro Anti-Diabetic Efficacy of Gracilaria bursa-pastoris Extracts. Marine Drugs, 21 (7), 372. doi:10.3390/md21070372

Suffys, S., Richard, G., Burgeon, C., Werrie, P.-Y., Haubruge, E., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Goffin, D. (21 June 2023). Utilization of Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction – Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectroscopy Technique to Study the Aroma Active Compound Production during Kombucha Fermentation [Poster presentation]. 2nd ADVANCES IN SEPARATION SCIENCE: from extraction to chromatographic separation, Gembloux, Belgium.

Josselin, L., Proctor Robert H., Lippolis Vincenzo, Cervellieri Salvatore, De Boevre Marthe, De Clerck, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Moretti Antonio. (14 June 2023). Fungal volatile organic compounds: new tools to reduce mycotoxin contamination in crops? [Paper presentation]. 16th European Fusarium Seminar, Rome, Italy.

Jijakli, H., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Razafindralambo, H. (23 May 2023). Evidence-based support for transition to agroecological weed management in diverse farming systems and European regions [Poster presentation]. Le Rendez-vous franco-belge de l’AgriTech.

Berdy, J., Kouakou Ahossi Konan, Pierre Leonel K. Tafokeu Taguimjeu, & Fauconnier, M.-L. (20 May 2023). Chemistry for Africa [Poster presentation]. TERRA Innovation Day.

Guo, X., Zhang, M., Wang, M., Wang, J., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2023). Nanomaterials-based Biosensors against Aspergillus and 2 Aspergillosis:Control and Diagnostic Perspectives. In Prof. Mehdi Razzaghi-Abyaneh, Aspergillus and Aspergillosis - Advances in Genomics, Drug Development, Diagnosis and Treatment. Londres, United Kingdom: IntechOpen.

Shabanzadeh-Khoshrody, M., Azadi, H., Shahabi Ahangarkolaee, S., Fauconnier, M.-L., Grahić, J., & Sklenička, P. (May 2023). Water shortage and optimal pattern of field cropping cultivation: Addressing economic and environmental concerns in Qazvin Plain, Iran. Journal of Cleaner Production, 399, 136512. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.136512

Suffys, S., Goffin, D., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Haubruge, E. (28 April 2023). Développement de boissons fonctionnelles fermentées répondant aux besoins du consommateur [Poster presentation]. Superdiversity school: La diversité dans l’enseignement supérieur, enjeux et défis, Liège, Belgium.

Suffys, S., Richard, G., Burgeon, C., Werrie, P.-Y., Haubruge, E., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Goffin, D. (15 April 2023). Characterization of Aroma Active Compound Production during Kombucha Fermentation: Towards the Control of Sensory Profiles. Foods, 12, 1657. doi:10.3390/foods12081657

Suffys, S., Goffin, D., Haubruge, E., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (07 April 2023). Développement de nouveaux microbiotiques à haute valeur nutritionnelle et organoleptique [Paper presentation]. Présentation de projets de recherche axés sur les métabolites végétaux et microbiens, Lille, France.

Guo, X., Wang, J., Zhang, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2023). Specific Applications of II–VI Semiconductor Nanomaterials-Based Biosensors for Food Analysis and Food Safety. In Handbook of II-VI Semiconductor-Based Sensors and Radiation Detectors Vol. 3: Sensors, Biosensors and Radiation Detectors. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-24000-3_27

Mansouri, F., Allay, A., Moumen, A., Benkirane, C., Taaifi, Y., Belhaj, K., Addi, M., Hano, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Caid, H., & Elamrani, A. (29 March 2023). Laboratory-Scale Optimization of Hemp Seed Roasting Temperature and Time for Producing a High-Quality Pressed Oil. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2023, 1-16. doi:10.1155/2023/8261279

Sarheed, M., Schärer, H.-J., Wang-Müller, Q., Flury, P., Maes, C., Genva, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Nick, P. (18 March 2023). Signal, Not Poison-Screening Mint Essential Oils for Weed Control Leads to Horsemint. Agriculture, 13, 712. doi:10.3390/agriculture13030712

Martini, F., Fauconnier, M.-L., Jijakli, H., Muchembled, J., & Gontier, E. (13 March 2023). Alternative management for potato late blight disease through plants secondary metabolites [Paper presentation]. Webinaire de l'UMRt BioEcoAgro, Lille, France.

Gou, M., Chen, Q., Qiao, Y., Jin, X., Zhang, J., Yang, H., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Bi, J. (March 2023). Key aroma-active compounds identification of Ziziphus jujuba cv. Huizao: Effect of pilot scale freeze-drying. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 116, 105072. doi:10.1016/j.jfca.2022.105072

Cozzi, L., Vicenza, T., Battist, R., Masot, C., Suffredini, E., Pasquale, S., Fauconnier, M.-L., Ercolini, C., & Serracca, L. (28 February 2023). Effects of Essential Oils and Hydrolates on the Infectivity of Murine Norovirus. Viruses, 15, 682. doi:10.3390/v15030682

Liu, X., Sun, H., Mu, T., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Li, M. (13 February 2023). Preparation of cellulose nanofibers from potato residues by ultrasonication combined with high-pressure homogenization. Food Chemistry, 413, 135675. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2023.135675

Berraaouan, D., Essifi, K., Addi, M., Hano, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Tahani, A. (07 February 2023). Hybrid Microcapsules for Encapsulation and Controlled Release of Rosemary Essential Oil. Polymers, 15, 823. doi:10.3390/polym15040823

Lremizi, I., Ait Ouazzou, A., Bensouici, C., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (19 January 2023). Chemical composition, antioxidant, anticholinesterase, and alpha-glucosidase activity of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni extracts cultivated in Algeria. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 17, 2639–2650. doi:10.1007/s11694-022-01704-8

Denoirjean, T., Belhassen, D., Doury, G., Ameline, A., Werrie, P.-Y., Fauconnier, M.-L., Hance, T., & Le Goff, G. J. (12 January 2023). Essential Oil Trunk Injection Into Orchard Trees: Consequences on the Performance and Preference of Hemipteran Pests. Journal of Economic Entomology, 116 (2), 389–398. doi:10.1093/jee/toac203

Argui, H., Braida, F., Ben Youchret-Zarella, O., Yalçin, C., Ben-Attia, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Said, H. (2023). Influence of drying plant material on yield, chemical composition, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of essential oil extracted from the Tunisian Cupressus sempervirens leaves [Poster presentation]. 9th International Conference on Green Energy & Environmental Engineering (GEE-2023), Sousse, Tunisia.

Benkirane, C., Mansouri, F., Ben Moumen, A., Taaifi, Y., Melhaoui, R., Caid, H. S., Fauconnier, M.-L., Elamrani, A., & Abid, M. (2023). Phenolic profiles of non‐industrial hemp ( <i>Cannabis sativa</i> L.) seed varieties collected from four different Moroccan regions. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 58, 1367–1381. doi:10.1111/ijfs.16298

Essifi, K., Brahmi, M., Berraaouan, D., Amrani, A., El Bachiri, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Tahani, A. (2023). Development and characterization of alginate@montmorillonite hybrid microcapsules for encapsulation and controlled release of quercetin: Effect of clay type. Materials Today: Proceedings, 72 (7), 3280-3286. doi:10.1016/j.matpr.2022.07.242

Fan, S., Wang, D., Wen, X., Li, X., Fang, F., Richel, A., Xiao, N., Fauconnier, M.-L., Hou, C., & Zhang, D. (2023). Incorporation of cinnamon essential oil-loaded Pickering emulsion for improving antimicrobial properties and control release of chitosan/gelatin films. Food Hydrocolloids, 138, 108438. doi:10.1016/j.foodhyd.2022.108438

Genva, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2023). La recherche, médiateur entre l’entrepreneuriat et le développement durable en respectant l’éthique environnementale [Paper presentation]. Les doctoriales 2023, Madagascar.

Gou, M., Bi, J., Chen, Q., Wu, X., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Qioa, Y. (2023). Advances and Perspectives in Fruits and Vegetables Flavor Based on Molecular Sensory Science. Food Reviews International, 39 (6), 3066-3079. doi:10.1080/87559129.2021.2005088

Gou, M., Chen, Q., Wu, X., Liu, G., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Bi, J. (2023). Novel insight into the evolution of volatile compounds during dynamic freeze-drying of Ziziphus jujuba cv. Huizao based on GC-MS combined with multivariate data analysis. Food Chemistry, 410, 135368. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2022.135368

Kabiri, G., Hssaini, L., Naim, N., Houmanat, K., Ennahli, S., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Hanine, H. (2023). Aromatic potential, quality and antioxidant activity of saffron grown in Morocco. Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 38 (1), 13-26. doi:10.1002/ffj.3722

Konan, K. A., Coulibaly, I., Kouassi, K. A., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2023). Evaluation de la qualité marchande, biochimique et organoleptiques des fèves de cacao (Theobroma Cacao L.1753) issues des nouveaux supports de fermentation à soubre dans les régions du De La Nawa (Côte d’Ivoire). In Le Cacao, les défis nationaux d'une filière stratégique dans la lutte contre la pauvreté en Afrique de l'Ouest (pp. 45-68). Côte d’Ivoire: Harry Cover.

le Maire, N., Colaux, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Verpoorten, D. (2023). « World of Chemistry » : Un parcours ludique de mini-jeux en ligne pour renforcer ses connaissances en chimie générale à l’université. Intégration Pédagogique des TIC : Revue Internationale de l'Association AUPTIC - Education, 3, 61-84.

Paguet, A.-S., Siah, A., Lefèvre, G., Moureu, S., Cadalen, T., Samaillie, J., Michels, F., Deracinois, B., Flahaut, C., Alves Dos Santos, H., Etienne-Debaecker, A., Rambaud, C., Chollet, S., Molinié, R., Fontaine, J.-X., Waterlot, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sahpaz, S., & Rivière, C. (2023). Multivariate analysis of chemical and genetic diversity of wild Humulus lupulus L. (hop) collected in situ in northern France. Phytochemistry, 205, 113508. doi:10.1016/j.phytochem.2022.113508

Rachid, L., Naim, N., Guirou, B., Fauconnier, M.-L., Hafida, H., Tahiri, A., Madani, I., & Lahlali, R. (2023). Chemical, biochemical and volatile profiles of saffron (Crocus sativus L.) from different growing areas of Morocco. JSFA Reports, 3, 233–247. doi:10.1002/jsf2.114

Song, G., Zhang, Z., Fauconnier, M.-L., Li, C., Chen, L., Zheng, X., & Zhang Dequan. (2023). Bimodal single-atom iron nanozyme biosensor for volatile amine and food freshness detection. Nano Today, 53, 102025. doi:10.1016/j.nantod.2023.102025

Zhu, H., Si, X., Wang, Y., Zhu, P., Pang, X., Wang, X., Fauconnier, M.-L., Ju, N., Zhang, S., & Lv, J. (2023). Fatty Acid, Triglyceride, and Kinetic Properties of Milk Fat Fractions Made by the Combination of Dry Fractionation and Short-Path Molecular Distillation. Journal of Dairy Science, 106 (10), 6655–6670. doi:10.3168/jds.2022-22970

Ziani, I., Bouakline, H., Yahyaoui, M. I., Belbachir, Y., Fauconnier, M.-L., Asehraou, A., Tahani, A., Talhaoui, A., & El Bachiri, A. (2023). The effect of ethanol/water concentration on phenolic composition, antioxidant, and antimicrobial activities of Rosmarinus tournefortii de Noé hydrodistillation solid residues. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 17, 1602–1615. doi:10.1007/s11694-022-01722-6

De Clerck, C., Josselin, L., Vangoethem, V., Lassois, L., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Jijakli, H. (13 December 2022). Weapons against Themselves: Identification and Use of Quorum Sensing Volatile Molecules to Control Plant Pathogenic Fungi Growth. Microorganisms, 10 (12), 2459. doi:10.3390/microorganisms10122459

Naim, N., Fauconnier, M.-L., Ennahli, N., Tahiri, A., Baala, M., Madani, I., Lahlali, R., Castellani, S., & Conese, M. (09 December 2022). Chemical Composition Profiling and Antifungal Activity of Saffron Petal Extract. Molecules, 27, 8742. doi:10.3390/molecules27248742

Josselin, L., De Clerck, C., De Boevre, M., Moretti, A., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (08 December 2022). Impact of Volatile Organic Compounds on the Growth of Aspergillus flavus and Related Aflatoxin B1 Production: A Review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23 (24), 15557. doi:10.3390/ijms232415557

Genva, M., Lheureux, L., Saive, M., Maes, C., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (01 December 2022). Study of the Cosmetic Potential Uses of Plants from Mayotte as Skin Care Agents through the Screening of Their Biological Activities. Nutraceuticals, 2 (4), 420-440. doi:10.3390/nutraceuticals2040031

Naim, N., Ennahli, N., Hafida, H., Lahlali, R., Tahiri, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Madani, I., & Ennahli, S. (November 2022). ATR-FTIR spectroscopy combined with DNA barcoding and GC-MS to assess the quality and purity of saffron (Crocus Sativus L.). Vibrational Spectroscopy, 123, 103446. doi:10.1016/j.vibspec.2022.103446

Loukili, E. H., Bouchal, B., Bouhrim, M., Abrigach, F., Genva, M., Zidi, K., Bnouham, M., Bellaoui, M., Hammouti, B., Addi, M., Ramdani, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (30 October 2022). Chemical Composition, Antibacterial, Antifungal and Antidiabetic Activities of Ethanolic Extracts of Opuntia dillenii Fruits Collected from Morocco. Journal of Food Quality, 2022, 1-15. doi:10.1155/2022/9471239

Gao, P., Zhang, W., Wei, M., Chen, B., Zhu, H., Xie, N., Pang, X., Fauconnier, M.-L., Zhang, S., & Lv, J. (01 October 2022). Analysis of the non-volatile components and volatile compounds of hydrolysates derived from unmatured cheese curd hydrolysis by different enzymes. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 168, 113896. doi:10.1016/j.lwt.2022.113896

Guici El Kouacheur, K., Cherif, H. S., Saidi, F., Bensouici, C., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2022). Prunus amygdalus var. amara (bitter almond) seed oil: fatty acid composition, physicochemical parameters, enzyme inhibitory activity, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potential. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization. doi:10.1007/s11694-022-01629-2

Fauconnier, M.-L. (16 September 2022). SPME: a powerful tool to answer scientific questions in the field of agronomy [Paper presentation]. Advances in separation science From extraction to chromatographic applications.

Burgeon, C., Font-i-Furnols, M., Garrido, M. D., Linares, M. B., Brostaux, Y., Sabeña, G., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Panella-Riera, N. (2022). Can sensory boar taint levels be explained by fatty acid composition and emitted volatile organic compounds in addition to androstenone and skatole content? Meat Science, 108985. doi:10.1016/j.meatsci.2022.108985

Guo, X., Qiao, Q., Zhang, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (12 August 2022). Nuclease Triggered "Signal-On" and Amplified Fluorescent Sensing of Fumonisin B 1 Incorporating Graphene Oxide and Specific Aptamer. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23 (16), 9024. doi:10.3390/ijms23169024

Ali, B., Abderrahim, Z., Hassane, M., Sindic, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Abdelkhaleq, L., Mohammed, A., & Mohamed, B. (30 June 2022). Chemical Composition of Cactus Pear Seed Oil: phenolics identification and antioxidant activity. Journal of Pharmacopuncture, 25 (2), 121-129. doi:10.3831/kpi.2022.25.2.121

Ameline, A., Dorland, J., Werrie, P.-Y., Couty, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Lateur, M., & Doury, G. (2022). Geranium macrorrhizum, a potential novel companion plant affecting preference and performance of Myzus persicae on sweet pepper. Journal of Pest Science. doi:10.1007/s10340-022-01522-3

Gou, M., Chen, Q., Qiao, Y., Li, J., Long, J., Wu, X., Zhang, J., Fauconnier, M.-L., Jin, X., Lyu, J., & Bi, J. (06 June 2022). Comprehensive investigation on free and glycosidically bound volatile compounds in Ziziphus jujube cv. Huizao. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 112, 104665. doi:10.1016/j.jfca.2022.104665

Wu, X., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Bi, J. (31 May 2022). Characterization and Discrimination of Apples by Flash GC E-Nose: Geographical Regions and Botanical Origins Studies in China. Foods, 11 (11), 1631. doi:10.3390/foods11111631

Josselin, L., De Clerck, C., De Boevre Marthe, Moretti Antonio, Soyeurt, H., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (30 May 2022). Several species in a similar environment, how can this impact volatile organic compounds’ emission and subsequent mycotoxin production? [Paper presentation]. 43rd Mycotoxin Workshop – Society of Mycotoxin Research, Toulouse, France.

Josselin, L., De Clerck, C., Soyeurt, H., Moretti Antonio, De Boevre Marthe, & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2022). Several species in a similar environment, how can this impact volatile organic compounds’ emission and subsequent mycotoxin production? [Paper presentation]. 43rd Mycotoxin Workshop – Society of Mycotoxin Research, Toulouse, France.

Sidali, L., Brada, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (11 May 2022). Composition chimique, toxicité aiguë et activité anti-inflammatoire de l’huile essentielle de Thymus fontanesii de Miliana [Poster presentation]. 1ere journée Nationale sur L’AGROALIMENTAIRE et MICROBIOLOGIE DE L’ENVIRONNEMENT.

Maes, C., Abir, S., Jacquet, P., De Clerck, C., Blecker, C., Bouquillon, S., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (18 April 2022). Cinnamomum zeylanicum Essential Oil Formulation with Poly(propylene imine) Dendrimers with Surface-Grafted Glycerol: Release Kinetics of trans-Cinnamaldehyde and Germination Inhibition Effects. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 70, 5177-5185. doi:10.1021/acs.jafc.1c07472

Genva, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Mongrand, S., & Fouillen, L. (05 April 2022). Développement et optimisation d'une méthode analytique pour la détection et la quantification des phospholipides anioniques par HPLC-MS/MS dans des échantillons végétaux [Paper presentation]. réunion de l'équipe 5-UMRt BioEcoAgro.

Zitouni, H., Fauconnier, M.-L., Hssaini, L., Ouaabou, R., Viuda-Martos, M., Hernández, F., Ercisli, S., Haddou, L. A., Messaoudi, Z., & Hanine, H. (21 March 2022). Phenols, Volatile Compounds, Organic Acids and Antioxidant Activity of Strawberry Tree (<i>Arbutus Unedo</i> L.) Fruits Belonging to Five Genotypes Growing in Morocco. International Journal of Fruit Science, 22 (1), 414-437. doi:10.1080/15538362.2022.2037038

Maes, C., Menot, B., Hayouni, S., Martinez, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Bouquillon, S. (15 March 2022). Preparation of New Glycerol-Based Dendrimers and Studies on Their Behavior toward Essential Oil Encapsulation. ACS Omega, 7, 10277-10291. doi:10.1021/acsomega.1c06917

Genva, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Deleu, M., Mongrand, S., & Fouillen, L. (28 February 2022). Thesis project & Current work at the LBM [Paper presentation]. Lab Meeting - Laboratoire de Biogenèse Membranaire (Université de Bordeaux).

Fauconnier, M.-L., & Genva, M. (25 February 2022). Sensory evaluation versus chemical analysis what's the best technique to characterize food flavour? [Paper presentation]. International cooperation programme China-Belgium.

Werrie, P.-Y., Juillard, A., Heintz, C., Brisset, M.-N., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (18 February 2022). Phytotoxicity and Plant Defence Induction by Cinnamomum cassia Essential Oil Application on Malus domestica Tree: A Molecular Approach. Agronomy, 12 (2), 512. doi:10.3390/agronomy12020512

Wu, X., Bi, J., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (18 February 2022). Characteristic Volatiles and Cultivar Classification in 35 Apple Varieties: A Case Study of Two Harvest Years. Foods, 11 (5), 690. doi:10.3390/foods11050690

Hammami, A., Berraaouan, D., Fauconnier, M.-L., Taha, A., Essifi, K., & El bachiri, A. (01 February 2022). Montmorillonite nanoclay based formulation for controlled and selective release of volatile essential oil compounds. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 277, 125569. doi:10.1016/j.matchemphys.2021.125569

Nemiche, S., Hait Hamadouche, N., Nemmiche, S., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Tou, A. (18 January 2022). Ameliorative or corrective effects of Fig “Ficus carica” extract on nickel-induced hepatotoxicity in Wistar rats. Toxicological Research, 38, 311-321. doi:10.1007/s43188-021-00118-w

Benkirane, C., Ben Moumen, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Belhaj, K., Abid, M., Caid, H. S., Elamrani, A., & Mansouri, F. (2022). Bioactive compounds from hemp (<i>Cannabis sativa</i> L.) seeds: optimization of phenolic antioxidant extraction using simplex lattice mixture design and HPLC-DAD/ESI-MS<sup>2</sup> analysis. RSC Advances, 12 (39), 25764-25777. doi:10.1039/d2ra04081f

Deboever, E., Vanaubel, G., Rondelli, V., Koutsioupas, A., Mathelie-Guinlet, M., Dufrene, Y., Ongena, M., Lins, L., Vancutsem, P., Fauconnier, M.-L.* , & Deleu, M.*. (2022). Modulation of Plant Plasma Membrane Structure by Exogenous Fatty Acid Hydroperoxide is a Potential Perception Mechanism for their Eliciting Activity. Plant, Cell and Environment, 45, 1082-1095. doi:10.1111/pce.14239
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Fatimata Nea, Félix Tonzibo, & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2022). Composition chimique et activité insecticide de l’huile essentielle de Lantana camara [Paper presentation]. 3ème CONFERENCE INTERNATIONALE SUR LES PLANTES PESTICIDES / BIOPESTICIDES.

Jijakli, H., Fauconnier, M.-L., & De Clerck, C. (Eds.). (2022). Use of Essential Oils and Volatile Compounds as Biological Control Agents. (MDPI). Basel, Switzerland: MDPI.

Fauconnier, M.-L., & Genva, M. (21 December 2021). Essential oils in agro-food industries: from traditional uses to new applications [Paper presentation]. National Demonstration Base for Talent Introduction Institute of Food Science and Technology, Beijing by visio, China.

Fauconnier, M.-L. (2021). Les huiles essentielles [Paper presentation]. Conférence à l'UTA, Barvaux sur Ourthe, Belgium.

Amrouche, Z., Blecker, C., Laribi-Habchi, H., Fauconnier, M.-L., & El-Hadi, D. (December 2021). Antioxydant activity, oxidative stability properties of Colza oil, comparison of mechanical agitated and ultrasonic extraction on green tea catechins of Camellia sinensis L. Algerian journal of environmental science and technology, 7 (4), 2167-2176.

Hui, H., Shi, A., Liu, H., Li, L., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Wang, Q. (2021). Study on Key Aroma Compounds and its Precursors of Peanut Oil Prepared with Normal- and High-Oleic Peanuts. Foods. doi:10.3390/foods10123036

Lemaire, N., Colaux, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Verpoorten, D. (18 November 2021). WORLD OF CHEMISTRY » - RETOUR D’EXPÉRIENCE D’UN PARCOURS LUDIQUE DE MINI-JEUX DANS UN COURS DE CHIMIE À L’UNIVERSITÉ [Paper presentation]. AUPTIC.

BENMALLEM REMANE, Y., Blecker, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., BELLAL, M. M., & Moula, N. (15 November 2021). Comparison of fatty acid composition of milk from Holstein and local breed cows in two breeding systems. Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Animal Science and Biotechnologies, 78 (2), 46-54. doi:10.15835/buasvmcn-asb:2021.0006

Werrie, P.-Y., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (13 November 2021). Development of a new tool for pest management in fruit arboriculture using essential oils applied by trunk injection [Paper presentation]. 51st International Symposium on Essentials Oils (ISEO 2021).

Maes, C., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (12 November 2021). Cinnamon essential oil encapsulation: controlled release for biosourced pesticides [Paper presentation]. 51th International symposium on essantial oils (ISEO 2021).

Josselin, L., De Clerck, C., De Boevre, M., Moretti, A., Soyeurt, H., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (10 November 2021). Fungal volatile organic compounds, can be used to develop aflatoxin-specific sensors? [Paper presentation]. MycoTWIN - MycoKey - 2021 International Conference.

Josselin, L., De Clerck, C., De Boevre, M., Moretti, A., Soyeurt, H., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (29 October 2021). A qualitative and semi-quantitative study of volatile organic compounds released by mycotoxin-producing strains of Aspergillus flavus [Paper presentation]. 3rd International Webinar on Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Chemistry.

Genva, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2021). Les huiles essentielles dans les thérapies contre le cancer [Paper presentation]. Plantes et Cancers - Risques et bénéfices, Villers-la-Ville, Belgium.

Li, Y., Gao, F., Lu, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Zheng, J. (2021). Bio-specific Au/Fe3+ porous spongy nanoclusters for sensitive SERS detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7. Biosensors. doi:10.3390/bios11100354

Maes, C., Meersmans, J., Lins, L., Bouquillon, S., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2021). Essential oil-based bioherbicides: human health risks analysis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. doi:10.3390/ijms22179396

Sossey Alaoui, K., Tychon, B., Joaquim, S., Geffard, A., Nott, K., Ronkart, S., Porcher, J.-M., Beaudouin, R., Robert, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Saive, M. (2021). Toxic effects of a mixture of five pharmaceutical drugs assessed using Fontinalis antipyretica Hedw. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. doi:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2021.112727

Fauconnier, M.-L. (24 August 2021). Les huiles essentielles : applications en agronomie [Paper presentation]. 59ème édition du Congrès des Professeurs de Science, Gembloux, Belgium.

Burgeon, C., Markey, A., Debliquy, M., Lahem, D., Rodriguez, J., Ly, A., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (August 2021). Boar taint detection - Development of sensors for rapid on line slaughterhouse detection of boar taint an approach based on the analysis of VOC profiles [Poster presentation]. 67th ICOMST - International congress on meat science and technology, Cracovie, Poland.

Essifi, K., BERRAAOUN, D., Ed-Daoui, A., Brahmi, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Tahani, A. (2021). Influence of sodium alginate concentration on microcapsules properties foreseeing the protection and controlled release of bioactive substances. Journal of Chemistry. doi:10.1155/2021/5531479

Murhuba Safari, I., Tougeron, K., Bragard, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Bisimwa, E., Wanlangululu Masamba, J., & Hance, T. (2021). Effect of banana bunchy top virus on the interaction between banana aphids and banana trees. Journal of Chemical Ecology. doi:10.1007/s10886-021-01298-3

Thiam, A., Talla Gueye, M., Sanghare, C. H., Cissokho, P. S., Ndiaye, E. B., Diop, S. M., Ndiaye, I., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (August 2021). Characterization by GC/MS-FID and GC/MS-HS-SPME and Insecticidal activity against Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabricius, 1775) of essential oils and powder of Xylopia aethiopica (Dunal) A. Rich from Senegal. Journal of Plant Protection Research, 61 (3), 203-212. doi:10.24425/jppr.2021.137955

Werrie, P.-Y., Deckers, S., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2021). Brief insight into the underestimated role of hop amylases on beer aroma profiles. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists. doi:10.1080/03610470.2021.1937453

Fauconnier, M.-L. (09 July 2021). Essential oils for applications in agronomy, what's new? [Paper presentation]. EOHUB WEBINAR – Horizons in Essential Oils, Spain.

Bourgou, S., Bettaieb Rebey, I., Ben Kaab, S., Hammami, M., Dakhlaoui, S., Sawsen, S., Msaada, K., Isoda, H., Ksouri, R., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2021). Green Solvent to Substitute Hexane for Bioactive Lipids Extraction from Black Cumin and Basil Seeds. Foods. doi:10.3390/foods10071493

Burgeon, C., Markey, A., Debliquy, M., Lahem, D., Ly, A., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2021). Comprehensive SPME-GC-MS analysis of VOCs profiles obtained following high temperature heating of pork back fat with varying boar taint intensities. Foods. doi:10.3390/foods10061311

Fauconnier, M.-L. (2021). Le Pouvoir des Fleurs.

Diop, S. M., Gueye, M. T., NDIAYE, E. H. B., Thiam, A., Cissokho, P. S., Sanghare, C. H., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2021). Activités antioxydante et insecticide d’huiles essentielles de Mentha arvensis L. du Sénégal. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences. doi:10.4314/ijbcs.v15i3.10

Zidi, K., Kati, D. E., Mostapha, B.-B., Genva, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2021). Comparative Study of Fig Volatile Compounds Using Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction-Gas chromatography/Mass Spectrometry: Effects of Cultivars and Ripening Stages. Frontiers in Plant Science. doi:10.3389/fpls.2021.667809

Zitouni, H., Fauconnier, M.-L., Hssaini, L., Viuda-Martos, M., Hernandez, F., Ercisli, S., ENNAHLI, N., Elothmani, D., MESSAOUDI, Z., & Hafida, H. (2021). "Strawberry Trees (Arbutus unedo L.) naturally grown in Morocco: A Combined Study using Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction coupled with GC-MS and Physico-Morphological Screening". ACS Food Science & Technology. doi:10.1021/acsfoodscitech.1c00010

De Clerck, C.* , Genva, M.* , Jijakli, H., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2021). Use of Essential Oils and Volatile Compounds as Biological Control Agents. Foods. doi:10.3390/foods10051062
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Renoz, F., Demeter, S., Degand, H., Nicolis, S., Lebbe, O., Martin, H., Deneufbourg, J.-L., Fauconnier, M.-L., Morsomme, P., & Hance, T. (2021). The modes of action of Mentha arvensis essential oil on the granary weevil Sitophilus granarius revealed by a label-free quantitative proteomic analysis. Journal of Pest Science. doi:10.1007/s10340-021-01381-4

Hssaini, L., Hernandez, F., Viueluda-Martos, M., Charafi, J., Razouk, R., Houmanat, K., OUAABOU, R., Ennahli, S., Elothmani, D., Hmid, I., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Hanine, H. (28 April 2021). Survey of phenolic acids, flavonoids and antioxidant potency between figs peels and pulps: Chemical and Chemometric Approach. Molecules, 26 (9), 2574. doi:10.3390/molecules26092574

Moalla, S., Ammar, I., Fauconnier, M.-L., Danthine, S., Blecker, C., Besbes, S., & Attia, H. (2021). Development and characterization of chitosan films carrying Artemisia campestris antioxidants for potential use as active food packaging materials. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. doi:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2021.04.113

Burgeon, C., Debliquy, M., Lahem, D., Rodriguez, J., Ly, A., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (16 April 2021). Past, present, and future trends in boar taint detection. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 112, 283-297. doi:10.1016/j.tifs.2021.04.007

Werrie, P.-Y.* , Burgeon, C.* , Le Goff, G., Hance, T., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (09 April 2021). Biopesticide trunk injection into apple trees: a proof of concept for the systemic movement of mint and cinnamon essential oils. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12, 650132. doi:10.3389/fpls.2021.650132
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Belhal, K., Mansouri, F., Sindic, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Boukharta, M., Serghini Caid, H., & Elamrani, A. (24 March 2021). Effect of Rearing Season on Meat and Intramuscular Fat Quality of Beni-Guil Sheep. Journal of Food Quality, 2021, 1-9. doi:10.1155/2021/6615169

Ngom, D., Fauconnier, M.-L., Malumba Kamba, P., Thiaw, C., Brévault, T., & Sembène, M. (March 2021). Morphophysical and biochemical traits involved in maize grain varietal susceptibility to the maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais (Coleoptera, Curculionidae)". Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 25 (2), 45-56.

Ouradi, H., Hanine, H., Fauconnier, M.-L., Kenne, T., Rizki, H., Ennahli, S., & Hssaini, L. (20 February 2021). Determination of Physico-biochemical Proprieties and Composition in Volatile Constituents by Solid Phase Micro-extraction of Honey Samples from Different Botanical and Geographical Origins in Morocco. Journal of Apicultural Research, 60 (1), 84-98. doi:10.1080/00218839.2020.1718339

Houmy, N., Melhaoui, R., Mansouri, F., Ben Moumen, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sindic, M., Serghini-Caid, H., & Elamrani, A. (14 February 2021). Assessment of fatty acids profile, oil yield and tocopherol content of four Almond cultivars grown in Eastern Morocco. Moroccan Journal of Chemistry, 9 (2). doi:10.48317/IMIST.PRSM/morjchem-v9i2.21037

Burgeon, C., Vercruysse, A., Martin, H., Debliquy, M., Lahem, D., Rodriguez, J., Ly, A., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (February 2021). VOC profile analyses for the development of sensors for rapid on-line slaughterhouse detection of boar taint in entire male pigs [Paper presentation]. RME 2021.

Guo, X., Wei, X., Zhang, J., Saive, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Wang, J. (2021). Aptamer-Based Biosensor for Detection of Mycotoxins. In Prime Archives in Chemistry (pp. 1-44). doi:10.37247/PAC.1.2021.34

Belhaj, K., Mansouri, F., Ben moumen, A., Sindic, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Boukharta, M., Serghini Caid, H., & Elamrani, A. (2021). Proximate Composition, Amino Acid Profile, and Mineral Content of Four Sheep Meats Reared Extensively in Morocco: A Comparative Study. The Scientific World Journal. doi:10.1155/2021/6633774

Demeter, S., Lebbe, O., Hecq, F., Nicolis, S., Kenne, T., Martin, H., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Hance, T. (20 January 2021). Insecticidal activity of 25 essential oils on the stored product pest Sitophilus granarius. Foods, 10 (2), 200. doi:10.3390/foods10020200

Maes, C., Brostaux, Y., Bouquillon, S., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (20 January 2021). Use of new glycerol-based dendrimers for essential oils encapsulation: optimization of stirring time and rate using a Plackett-Burman design and a surface response methodology. Foods, 10 (2), 207. doi:10.3390/foods10020207

Nea, F., Bitchi, B. M., Genva, M., Ledoux, A., Tchinda Tiabou, A., Frederich, M., Tonzibo, Z. F., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (15 January 2021). Phytochemical investigation and biological activities from Lantana rhodesiensis Moldenke [Poster presentation]. Les Journées Jeunes Chercheurs Condorcet - J2C2.

Burgeon, C., Vercruysse, A., Debliquy, M., Lahem, D., Rodriguez, J., Ahmadou, L., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (14 January 2021). Analyse de profils en COVs de gras chauffé dans le but de développer des capteurs pour la detection rapide d’odeur de verrat en abattoir [Paper presentation]. Journées Jeunes Chercheurs Condorcet J2C2.

Burgeon, C., Vercruysse, A., Debliquy, M., Lahem, D., Rodriguez, J., Ly, A., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2021). Communication flash - Analyse des COVs de gras chauffé afin de développer des capteurs pour la détection rapide d'odeur de verrat en abattoir [Paper presentation]. Journées Jeunes Chercheurs Condorcet J2C2 2021.

Loukili, E. H., Abrigach, F., Bouhrim, M., Bnouham, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Ramdani, M. (2021). Chemical Composition and Physicochemical Analysis of Opuntia dillenii Extracts Grown in Morocco. Journal of Chemistry. doi:10.1155/2021/8858929

Chouit, H., Touafek, O., Brada, M., Benssouici, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., & El Hattab, M. (2021). 582 GC-MS Analysis and Biological Activities of Algerian Salvia microphylla Essential Oils. Journal of the Mexican Chemical Society, 65 (4), 582-601. doi:10.29356/jmcs.v65i4.1581

Davin, M.* , Colinet, G.* , & Fauconnier, M.-L.*. (2021). Targeting the right parameters in PAH remediation studies. Environmental Pollution, 278, 116857. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2021.116857
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Dong, H., Zhang, C.-H., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (January 2021). Effect of seasoning addition on volatile composition and sensory properties of stewed pork. Foods, 10 (1), 83. doi:10.3390/foods10010083

Dong, H., Zhang, C.-H., Fauconnier, M.-L., Jia, W., Wang, J.-F., Hu, F.-F., & Xie, D.-W. (2021). Characterization and comparison of flavor compounds in stewed pork with different processing methods. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 144, 111229. doi:10.1016/j.lwt.2021.111229

Genva, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Lins, L., & Deleu, M. (2021). Evaluation de l’impact de l’accumulation d’arabidopsides sur les membranes des chloroplastes en condition de stress [Poster presentation]. Journées Jeunes Chercheurs Condorcet J2C2.

Josselin, L., De Clerck, C., De Boever Marthe, Moretti Antonio, Jijakli, H., Soyeurt, H., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2021). Volatile Organic Compounds Emitted by Aspergillus flavus Strains Producing or Not Aflatoxin B1. Toxins. doi:10.3390/toxins13100705


Nea, F., Bitchi, M. B., Genva, M., Ledoux, A., Tchinda Tiabou, A., Damblon, C., Frederich, M., Tonzibo, Z. F., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2021). Phytochemical investigation and biological activities of Lantana rhodesiensis. Molecules, 26 (4), 846. doi:10.3390/molecules26040846

Renoz, F., Demeter, S., Degand, H., Stamatios, N., Lebbe, O., Martin, H., Deneubourg, J.-L., Fauconnier, M.-L., Morsomme, P., & Hance, T. (2021). Les modes d'action de l' huile essentielle de Mentha arvensis sur le charançon du grenier Sitophilus granarius révélés par une analyse protéomique quantitative sans étiquette [Poster presentation]. 2021 International Branch Virtual Symposium.

Saha Tchinda, J.-B., Fetngna Tchebe, T. M., Abdou, T., Cheumani Yona, A. M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Ndikontar, M. K., & Richel, A. (2021). Fatty Acid Profiles, Antioxidant and Phenolic Contents of Oils Extracted from Acacia polycantha and Azadirachta indica (Neem) Seeds using Green Solvents. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 45 (2), 15115. doi:10.1111/jfpp.15115

Belhaj, K., Mansouri, F., Benmoumen, A., Sindic, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Boukharta, M., Serghini, C. H., & Elamrani, A. (December 2020). Fatty acids, health lipid indices and cholesterol content of four sheep meats from Moroccan pastures. Archiv für Tierzucht, 2020, 471-482. doi:10.5194/aab-63-471-2020

Foncoux, B., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (24 November 2020). Les huiles essentielles [Paper presentation]. Conférence à destination des producteurs d'huiles essentielles de lavande au Maroc.

Burgeon, C., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2020). AGROSENSOR - Rapport semestriel – Rapport scientifique & technique du consortium (période du 01/05/2020 au 31/10/2020). (2). GxABT.

Traore, K. F., Kone, K. Y., Ahi, A. P., Soro, D., Assidjo, N. E., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Sindic, M. (2020). Phenolic compounds characterisation and antioxidant activity of black plum (Vitex doniana) fruit pulp and peel from Côte d’Ivoire. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization. doi:10.1007/s11694-020-00719-3

Thiam, A., Gueye, M. T., Sanghare, C. H., Ndiaye, E. H. B., Diop, S. M., Cissokho, Diop, M. B., Ndiaye, I., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (29 October 2020). Chemical composition and anti-inflammatory activity of Apium graveolens var. dulce essential oils from Senegal. American Journal of Food Science and Technology, 8 (6), 226-232. doi:10.12691/ajfst-8-6-1

Essifi, K., Lakrat, M., Berraaouan, D., Fauconnier, M.-L., El Bachiri, A., & Tahani, A. (2020). Optimization of gallic acid encapsulation in calcium alginate microbeads using Box-Behnken Experimental Design. Polymer bulletin. doi:10.1007/s00289-020-03397-9

Saive, M.* , Genva, M.* , Istasse, T., Frederich, M., Maes, C., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (18 September 2020). Identification of a proanthocyanidin from Litchi chinensis Sonn. root with anti-tyrosinase and antioxidant activity. Biomolecules, 10 (9), 1347. doi:10.3390/biom10091347
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Li, Y., Zhao, C., Lu, C., Zhou, S., Tian, G., He, L., Bao, Y., Fauconnier, M.-L., Xiao, H., & Zheng, J. (13 September 2020). Simultaneous determination of 14 bioactive citrus flavonoids using thin-layer chromatography combined with surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Food Chemistry, 338, 128115. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.128115

Werrie, P.-Y., Durenne, B., Delaplace, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (September 2020). Phytotoxicity of essential oils: opportunities and constraints for the development of biopesticides. A review. Foods, 9 (9), 1291. doi:10.3390/foods9091291

Genva, M., Andersson, M. X., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (20 July 2020). Simple liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization ion trap mass spectrometry method for the quantification of galacto-oxylipin arabidopsides in plant samples. Scientific Reports, 10, 11957. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-68757-x

Hoc, B., Genva, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Lognay, G., Francis, F., & Caparros Megido, R. (17 July 2020). About lipid metabolism in Hermetia illucens (L. 1758). On the origin of fatty acids in prepupae. Scientific Reports, 10, 11916. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-68784-8

Deboever, E., Lins, L., Ongena, M., De Clerck, C., Deleu, M.* , & Fauconnier, M.-L.*. (July 2020). Linolenic fatty acid hydroperoxide acts as biocide on plant pathogenic bacteria: biophysical investigation of the mode of action. Bioorganic Chemistry, 100, 103877. doi:10.1016/j.bioorg.2020.103877
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Davin, M., Renard, E., Lefébure, K., Fauconnier, M.-L.* , & Colinet, G.*. (June 2020). Temporal evolution of PAHs bioaccessibility in an aged-contaminated soil during the growth of two Fabaceae. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (11), 4016. doi:10.3390/ijerph17114016
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Kabtni, S., Sdouga, D., Bettaieb Rebey, I., Saive, M., Trifi-Farah, N., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Marghali, S. (May 2020). Influence of climate variation on phenolic composition and antioxidant capacity of Medicago minima populations. Scientific Reports, 10, 8293. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-65160-4

Nea, F., Kambiré, D. A., Genva, M., Tanoh, A. E., Wognin, E. L., Martin, H., Brostaux, Y., Tomi, F., Lognay, G., Tonzibo, Z. F., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (May 2020). Composition, Seasonal Variation and Biological Activities of Lantana camara essential oils from Côte d’Ivoire. Molecules, 25 (10), 2400. doi:10.3390/molecules25102400

Li, Y., Lu, C., Zhou, S., Fauconnier, M.-L., Gao, F., Fan, B., Lin, J., Wang, F., & Zheng, J. (April 2020). Sensitive and simultaneous SERS detection of different pathogens based on aptamer and Raman reporter co-mediated gold tags. Sensors and Actuators. B, Chemical, 317, 128182. doi:10.1016/j.snb.2020.128182

Ngom, D., Fauconnier, M.-L., Malumba Kamba, P., Mbacké Dia, H. A. K., Thiaw, C., & Mbacké, E. (2020). Varietal susceptibility of maize to larger grain borer, Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera; Bostrichidae), based on grain physicochemical parameters. PLoS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0232164

Guo, X., Wen, F., Zheng, N., Saive, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Wang, J. (03 March 2020). Aptamer-based biosensor for detection of mycotoxins. Frontiers in Chemistry, 8, 195. doi:10.3389/fchem.2020.00195

Guo, X., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Wang, J. (24 February 2020). Aptasensors Technologies for Aflatoxins B1 Application. Current Trends in Veterinary and Dairy Research, 1 (1), 1-2.

Fauconnier, M.-L. (15 February 2020). Oli essenziali: applicazioni in agronomia [Paper presentation]. Profumo di Vino, Pescia, Italy.

Bettaieb, I., Bourgou, S., Ben Kaab, S., Aidi Wannes, W., Ksouri, R., Saidini Tounsi, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (February 2020). On the effect of initial drying techniques on essential oil composition, phenolic compound and antioxidant properties of anise (Pimpinella anisum L.) seeds. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 14 (1), 220-228. doi:10.1007/s11694-019-00284-4

Lins, L., De Clerck, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Deleu, M. (February 2020). Molecular biophysics as a tool to investigate the bioherbicide effect of essential oils related to their interaction with plant plasma membrane [Paper presentation]. ICABBE 2020, Bangkok, Thailand.

Davin, M., Colinet, G., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (31 January 2020). Rhizoremediation of an aged-contaminated soil with two Fabaceae: impact on PAHs bioaccessibility [Paper presentation]. 25th National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences (NSABS).

Han, D., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Zhang, C.-H. (31 January 2020). Characterization and differentiation of boiled pork from Tibetan, Sanmenxiaand Duroc×(Landrace ×Yorkshire) pigs by volatiles profiling and chemomerics analysis [Poster presentation]. 25th National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences, Gembloux, Belgium.

Josselin, L., De Boevre, M. (Other coll.), De Clerck, C. (Other coll.), Moretti, A. (Other coll.), Soyeurt, H. (Other coll.), & Fauconnier, M.-L. (Other coll.). (31 January 2020). Can fungal volatile organic compounds be used to develop aflatoxin-specific sensors? [Poster presentation]. 25th National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences (NSABS), Gembloux, Belgium.

Maes, C., Bouquillon, S., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (31 January 2020). Use of glycerodendrimers for essential oil encapsulation with slow release adapted for biosourced herbicides [Poster presentation]. 25th National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences (NSABS).

Nea, F., Tanoh, A. E., Genva, M., Wognin, E. L., Martin, H., Brostaux, Y., Tomi, F., Tonzibo, Z. F., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (31 January 2020). Seasonal variation, yield composition and biological activities of essential oils from Lantana camara grown in Côte d’Ivoire [Poster presentation]. 25th National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences, Gembloux, Belgium.

Serteyn, L., Ponnet, L., Saive, M., Backus, E. A., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Francis, F. (31 January 2020). Changes of feeding behavior and salivary proteome of Brown Marmorated Stink Bug when exposed to insect‑induced plant defenses [Poster presentation]. 25th National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences, Gembloux, Belgium.

Tanoh, A. E., Boue, G. B. (Other coll.), Nea, F. (Other coll.), Martin, H. (Other coll.), Genva, M. (Other coll.), Ledoux, A. (Other coll.), Tonzibo, Z. F. (Other coll.), & Fauconnier, M.-L. (Other coll.). (31 January 2020). Seasonal effect on the chemical composition of essential oils hydrodistillated from Zanthoxylum leprieurii Guill. & Perr. and on their biological activities [Paper presentation]. 25th National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences (NSABS), Gembloux, Belgium.

Werrie, P.-Y., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (31 January 2020). TREE-INJECTION: Injection of essential oils as bio pesticides in fruit arboriculture [Poster presentation]. 25th National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences (NSABS), gembloux, Belgium.

Fauconnier, M.-L. (2020). La vie mystérieuse des arbres.

Hssaini, L., Charafi, J., Razouk, R., Hernández, F., Fauconnier, M.-L., Ennahli, S., & Hanine, H. (05 January 2020). Assessment of Morphological Traits and Fruit Metabolites in Eleven Fig Varieties (Ficus Carica L.). International Journal of Fruit Science, 20 (2), 8-28. doi:10.1080/15538362.2019.1701615

Bachy, A., Aubinet, M., Amelynck, C., Schoon, N., Bodson, B., Delaplace, P., De Ligne, A., Digrado, A., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Mozaffar, A., Müller, J.-F., & Heinesch, B. (2020). Dynamics and mechanisms of volatile organic compound exchanges in a winter wheat field. Atmospheric Environment, 221, 117105. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2019.117105

Ben Kaab, S., Bettaieb Rebey, I., Hanafi, M., Hammi, K. M., Smaoui, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., De Clerck, C., Jijakli, H., & Ksouri, R. (2020). Screening of Tunisian plant extracts for herbicidal activity and formulation of a bioherbicide based on Cynara cardunculus. South African Journal of Botany, 128, 67-76. doi:10.1016/j.sajb.2019.10.018

Ben Kaab, S., Lins, L., Hanafi, M., Bettaieb, I., Deleu, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Ksouri, R., Jijakli, H., & De Clerck, C. (January 2020). Cynara cardunculus crude extract as a powerful natural herbicide and insight into the mode of action of its bioactive molecules. Biomolecules, 10 (2), 209. doi:10.3390/biom10020209

Bouhaouel, I., Gfeller, A., Boudabous, K., Fauconnier, M.-L., Slama Ayed, O., Slim Amara, H., & du Jardin, P. (2020). Effects of physico-chemical and biological properties of soil on the allelopathic activity of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. subsp. vulgare) root exudates against Bromus diandrus Roth. and Stelleria media L. weeds. Allelopathy Journal, 49 (1), 17-34. doi:10.26651/allelo.j/2020-49-1-1250

Bourgou, S., Bettaieb, I., Daklaoui, S., Msaada, K., Saidani Tounsi, M., Ksouri, R., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Hamrouni-Sellemi, I. (2020). Green extraction of oil from Carum carvi seeds using bio-based solvent and supercritical fluid: evaluation of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. Phytochemical Analysis, 31 (1), 37-45. doi:10.1002/pca.2864

Deboever, E., Deleu, M., Mongrand, S., Lins, L.* , & Fauconnier, M.-L.*. (2020). Plant-pathogen interactions: underestimated roles of phyto-oxylipins. Trends in Plant Science, 25 (1), 22-34. doi:10.1016/j.tplants.2019.09.009
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Eyenga, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Ngondi, J. L., Ngando, A. M., & Sindic, M. (2020). Variabilities of Tetrapleura tetraptera (Schumach & Thonn.) taub. and Aframomum citratum (C. Pereira) K.Schum from three Agro-ecologic zones in Cameroon and effect of extraction methods on the phenolic compounds recovery [Paper presentation]. 25th National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences (NSABS), Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, Belgium.

Eyenga, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Ngondi, J. L., Ngando, A. M., & Sindic, M. (2020). In vitro Biological activities of aqueous extracts of Tetrapleura tetraptera (Schumach & Thonn.) taub. and Aframomum citratum (C. Pereira) K.Schum from three Agroecologic zones in Cameroon. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine, 13 (2), 71-80. doi:10.4103/1995-7645.275415

Genva, M., Deleu, M., Andersson, M. X., Lins, L., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2020). Stress-related accumulation of arabidopsides: impact on plant chloroplasts - Flash presentation [Paper presentation]. 25th National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences, Gembloux, Belgium.

Genva, M., Deleu, M., Andersson, M. X., Lins, L., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2020). Stress-related accumulation of arabidopsides: impact on plant chloroplasts [Poster presentation]. 25th National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences, Gembloux, Belgium.

Han, D., Chunhui, Z., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Mi, S. (2020). Characterization and differentiation of boiled pork from Tibetan, Sanmenxia and Duroc × (Landrac × Yorkshire) pigs by volatiles profiling and chemometrics analysis. Food Research International, 130, 108910. doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2019.108910

Kaddes, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sassi, K., Berhal, C., Nasraoui, B., & Jijakli, H. (2020). Efficacité des Composés Organiques Volatils fongiques (synthèse bibliographique). Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 24, 81-98. doi:10.25518/1780-4507.18531

Liu, J., Mu, T., Sun, H., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2020). Effects of processing and storage conditions on the stability of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) leaf flavonoids. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 55 (5), 2251-2260. doi:10.1111/IJFS.14478

Saive, M., Frederich, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2020). Plants used in traditional medicine in the Comoros archipelago: a review. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 24 (2), 117-141. doi:10.25518/1780-4507.18553

Serteyn, L., Ponnet, L., Saive, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Francis, F. (2020). Changes of feeding behavior and salivary proteome of Brown Marmorated Stink Bug when exposed to insect-induced plant defenses. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 14, 101-112. doi:10.1007/s11829-019-09718-8

Sidali, L., Brada, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Lognay, G. (2020). Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of Thymus fontanesii essential oil from Algeria. Natural Products Journal, 10 (3), 193-199. doi:10.2174/2210315508666180427162542

Tanoh, A. E., Blanchard Boué, G., Nea, F., Genva, M., Wognin, E. L., Ledoux, A., Martin, H., Tonzibo, Z. F., Frederich, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2020). Seasonal effect on the chemical composition, insecticidal properties and other biological activities of Zanthoxylum leprieurii Guill. & Perr. essential oils. Foods, 9 (5), 550. doi:10.3390/foods9050550

Davin, M., Starren, A., Marit, E., Lefébure, K., Fauconnier, M.-L.* , & Colinet, G.*. (05 December 2019). Investigating the Effect of Medicago sativa L. and Trifolium pratense L. Root Exudates on PAHs Bioremediation in an Aged-Contaminated Soil. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 230. doi:10.1007/s11270-019-4341-4
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Eyenga, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Ngondi, J. L., Ngango A. M., & Sindic, M. (December 2019). In vitro Biological activities of aqueous extracts of Tetrapleura tetraptera (Schumach&Thonn.) taub.andAframomumcitratum(C. Pereira) K.Schum from three Agroecologic zones in Cameroon: The polyphenol variabilities [Paper presentation]. Colloque du quarantenaire de L'ENSET, Douala, Cameroon.

Mazian, B., Cariou, S., Chaignaud, M., Fanlo, J.-L., Fauconnier, M.-L., Bergeret, A., & Malhautier, L. (December 2019). Evolution of temporal dynamic of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and odors of hem stem during field retting. Planta, 250 (6), 1983-1996. doi:10.1007/s00425-019-03280-6

Lins, L., Fauconnier, M.-L., De Clerck, C., Genva, M., & Deleu, M. (20 November 2019). Essential oils in plant protection: recent developments, opportunities and challenges [Paper presentation]. Plant Bioprotect, Marrakech, Morocco.

Deboever, E., Deleu, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Lins, L. (Other coll.). (19 November 2019). New insight into free-oxylipins roles, a potential for biocontrol agents [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Symposium Plant BioProTech, Marrakech, Morocco.

Josselin, L., Fauconnier, M.-L., De Clerck, C. (Other coll.), De Boevre, M. (Other coll.), Moretti, A. (Other coll.), & Soyeurt, H. (Other coll.). (14 November 2019). Study of volatile organic compounds emitted by mycotoxin-producing fungi to develop specific sensors [Paper presentation]. Seminar on Process-Related Compounds and Natural Toxins 2019, Gembloux, Belgium.

Benoua, F. Z., Brada, M., Boutoumi, H., Bezzina, M., Boucherit, A., Drioueche, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Lognay, G. (04 November 2019). Antimicrobial Activity of the Thio-Cyclized Lippia citriodora Leaf Essential Oil Cultivated in Algeria. Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature, 9 (4), 250-259. doi:10.1080/22311866.2019.1666739

Bettaieb Rebey, I., Bourgou, S., Detry, P., Wannes, W. A., Kenne, T., Sellami, I., Ksouri, R., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (26 October 2019). Green Extraction of Fennel and Anise Edible Oils Using Bio-based Solvent and Supercritical Fluid: Assessment of Chemical Composition, Antioxidant Property and Oxidative Stability. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 12 (10), 1798-1807. doi:10.1007/s11947-019-02341-8

Burgeon, C., Werrie, P.-Y., Fauconnier, M.-L., Le Goff, G., & Hance, T. (18 October 2019). Essential oil-based biopesticide for application by tree-injection in fruit orchards [Paper presentation]. EOHUB workshop: "Essential oils applications in agronomy: Present and future trends", Gembloux, Belgium.

Maes, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Bouquillon, S. (18 October 2019). Essential oil encapsulation for pesticides with controlled release [Paper presentation]. EOHUB workshop: "Essential oils applications in agronomy: Present and future trends".

Martin, H., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sergeant, S. (Other coll.), & Genva, M. (Other coll.). (18 October 2019). Oilprotect - Development of new insecticides containing essential oils for grain storage [Paper presentation]. EOHUB workshop: "Essential oils applications in agronomy: Present and future trends", Gembloux, Belgium.

Werrie, P.-Y., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2019). TREE-INJECTION - Rapport d'activités annuel n°1 (période du 15/10/2018 au 15/10/2019). (1). GxABT.

Martin, H., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sergeant, S. (Other coll.), & Genva, M. (Other coll.). (09 October 2019). Oilprotect - Essential oil valorization as insecticides for grain storage [Paper presentation]. MAP-Expo Eindhoven, Eindhoven, Netherlands.

Fauconnier, M.-L. (08 October 2019). (S’) inspirer pour innover - Soirée de lancement [Paper presentation]. Conférence Liège créative, Liège, Belgium.

Fauconnier, M.-L. (2019). Les épices.

Fauconnier, M.-L., Lins, L., Dal Maso, S., De Clerck, C., Genva, M., Jijakli, H., & Deleu, M. (11 September 2019). Molecular Biophysics: A Novel Integrative Approach to Investigate Bioherbicide Mode of Action of Essential Oils [Paper presentation]. 50th international symposium on essential oils, Vienne, Austria.

Martin, H., Sergeant, S., Genva, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., demeter, S. (Other coll.), & Hance, T. (Other coll.). (10 September 2019). Oilprotect - Use of essential oil as insecticides for grain storage [Poster presentation]. Internationnal Sympossiom of Essential Oils, Vienne, Austria.

Werrie, P.-Y., Fauconnier, M.-L., Burgeon, C., Thierry, H., & Jean le Goff, G. (10 September 2019). DEVELOPMENT OF A BIOPESTICIDE BASED ON ESSENTIAL OILS BY TREE-INJECTION APPLICATION IN FRUIT ORCHARDS [Poster presentation]. ISEO 50th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ESSENTIAL OILS, vienne, Austria.

Nea, F., Tanoh, A. E., Wognin, E. L., Kenne Kemene, Genva, M., Saive, M., Tonzibo, Z., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2019). A new chemotpe of Lantana rhodiensis Moldenke oil from Côte d'Ivoire: chemical composition and biological activities. Industrial Crops and Products.

Guo, X., Wen, F., Qiao, Q., Zheng, N., Saine, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Wang, J. (2019). A novel graphene oxide-based aptasensor for amplified fluorescent detection of aflatoxin M1 in milk powder. Sensors. doi:10.3390/s19183840

Lins, L., Dal Maso, S., Foncoux, B., Kamili, A., Laurin, Y., Genva, M., Jijakli, H., De Clerck, C., Fauconnier, M.-L.* , & Deleu, M.*. (16 August 2019). Insights into the Relationships Between Herbicide Activities, Molecular Structure and Membrane Interaction of Cinnamon and Citronella Essential Oils Components. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20, 4007. doi:10.3390/ijms20164007
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Kaddes, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sassi, K., Nasraoui, B., & Jijakli, H. (10 August 2019). Antifungal Properties of Two Volatile Organic Compounds on Barley Pathogens and Introduction to their Mechanism of Action. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16, 2866. doi:10.3390/ijerph16162866

Ly, S., Kakahi, B., Mith, H., Phat, C., Fifani, B., Kenne, T., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Delvigne, F. (2019). Engineering Synthetic Microbial Communities through a Selective Biofilm Cultivation Device for the Production of Fermented Beverages. Microorganisms. doi:10.3390/microorganisms7070206

Maes, C., Bouquillon, S.* , & Fauconnier, M.-L.*. (11 July 2019). Encapsulation of essential oils for the development of biosourced pesticides with controlled release: a review. Molecules, 24 (Special Issue "Essential Oils in Weed Control and Food Preservation"), 2539. doi:10.3390/molecules24142539
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Fauconnier, M.-L. (2019). Projet AGROSENSOR. Newsletter GxABT.

Lins, L., De Clerck, C., Foncoux, B., Genva, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Deleu, M. (July 2019). Molecular biophysics: An integrative approach to investigate the bioherbicide effect of essential oils related to their interaction with plant plasma membrane [Paper presentation]. 9th European Symposium on Plant Lipids, Marseille, France.

Genva, M., Kenne Kemene, T., Deleu, M., Lins, L., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (20 June 2019). Is it possible to predict the odor of a molecule on the basis of its structure? International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20 (12), 3018. doi:10.3390/ijms20123018

Kamal, Mansouri, F., Sindic, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Bourkharta, M., Caid, S., & Elhamrani, A. (June 2019). Lipids, health lipid indices and cholesterol content of three sheep meats from Moroccan pastures [Paper presentation]. Congrès international ‘Valorisation des ressources naturelles : De la recherche scientifique à la faisabilité socioéconomique’, -VARENA 2019-.

Maes, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Bouquillon, S. (14 May 2019). Glycerodendrimers: new tools for slow release essential oil based biosourced herbicides [Paper presentation]. Internatiol Symposium of Green Chemistry.

Fauconnier, M.-L., & Dupuis, H. (May 2019). Essentielles les huiles ? Le Quinzième jour, 273, p. 24-29.

Fauconnier, M.-L. (2019). Toxicité du muguet [Paper presentation]. Emission "on n'est pas des pigeons".

Ben Kaab, S., Bettaieb Rebey, I., Hanafi, M., Berhal, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., De Clerck, C., ksouri, R., & Jijakli, H. (29 April 2019). Rosmarinus officinalis essential oil as an effective antifungal and herbicidal agent. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 17 (2). doi:10.5424/sjar/2019172-14043

Maes, C., Bouquillon, S., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (16 April 2019). Use of glycerodendrimers for essential oil encapsulation with slow release adapted for biosourced herbicides [Poster presentation]. Journées des doctorants ABIES.

Josselin, L., De Boevre, M., De Clerck, C., Moretti, A., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (03 April 2019). Etude de composés organiques volatils (COVs) émis lors de l'interaction hôte - pathogène par des souches produisant des mycotoxines [Poster presentation]. Les Journées Jeunes Chercheurs Transfrontalières 2019, Reims, France.

Maes, C., Bouquillon, S., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (03 April 2019). Utilisation de glycerodendrimère pour l’encapsulation d’huile essentielle avec un relargage lent adapté aux herbicides biosourcés [Paper presentation]. Journées Jeunes Chercheurs Transfrontalières.

Deboever, E., Deleu, M., Lins, L., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (01 April 2019). New insight into free-oxylipins roles, a potential for biocontrol agents [Poster presentation]. Regulatory Oxylipins, an international meeting, Gent, Belgium.

Durenne, B., Blondel, A., Druart, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (April 2019). Epoxiconazole exposure affects terpenoid profiles of oilseed rape plantlets based on a targeted metabolomic approach. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26, 17362–17372. doi:10.1007/s11356-019-05110-4

Genva, M., Deleu, M., Andersson, M. X., Lins, L., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (April 2019). Stress-related accumulation of arabidopsides: impact on chloroplast membranes [Poster presentation]. Regulatory Oxylipins (an International Meeting), Gand, Belgium.

Han, D., Mi, S., Zhang, C., Li, J., Song, H.-L., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Tyteca, E. (April 2019). Characterization and discrimination of Chinese marinated pork hocks by volatile compound profiling using solid phase microextraction gas chromatography-mass spectrometry/olfactometry, electronic nose and chemometrics. Molecules, 24 (7), 1385. doi:10.3390/molecules24071385

Lebecque, S., Lins, L., Dayan, F. E., Fauconnier, M.-L.* , & Deleu, M.*. (18 March 2019). Interactions between natural herbicides and lipid bilayers mimicking the plant plasma membrane. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10, 329 - 11. doi:10.3389/fpls.2019.00329
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Fauconnier, M.-L., & De Muelenaere, M. (2019). Des huiles essentielles pour protéger les grains. Le Soir, p. 8.

Belhaj, K., Mansouri, F., Sindic, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Boukharta, M., Serghini-Caid, H., & Elamrani, A. (2019). Qualité protéique de la viande ovine de trois races en élevage extensif au Maroc. In CIAGRO - Recueil des résumés (pp. 56).

Davin, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Colinet, G., Renard, E. (Other coll.), & Lefébure, K. (Other coll.). (04 February 2019). Investigating the effect of plants on PAHs dissipation and bioaccessibility in brownfield contaminated soils (3 and 6 months cultures) [Poster presentation]. 24th National SYmposium on Applied Biology, Gand, Belgium.

Genva, M., Deleu, M., Andersson, M. X., Lins, L., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (04 February 2019). Arabidopside interactions with plant membranes [Poster presentation]. 24th National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences, Gand, Belgium.

Tanoh, A. E., Nea, F., Kenne Kemene, T., Genva, M., Saive, M., Tonzibo, F., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (04 February 2019). New essential oils with interesting biological activities from endemic plants of Côte d'Ivoire: Zanthoxylum mezoneurispinosum and Zanthoxylum psammophilum [Poster presentation]. National Symposium for Applied biological sciences, Ghent, Belgium.

Werrie, P.-Y., Jean Le Goff, G., Hance, T., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (04 February 2019). Development of an essential oil-based new tool for pest-management in orchards : research methodology [Poster presentation]. 24th National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences (NSABS).

Belhaj, K., Tikent, A., Mansouri, A., Serghini-Caid, H., Sindic, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Boukharta, M. H., & Elamrani, A. (February 2019). Carcass traits and lamb meat quality assessment of Beni G uil's PGI sheep from eastern Morocco [Poster presentation]. Colloque International sur la Recherche en Agroalimentaire 2019, Larache, Morocco.

Nea, F., Tanoh, A. E., Kenne Kemene, T., Saive, M., Genva, M., Tonzibo, Z. F., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (February 2019). Variability of essential oil composition and biological activities of Lantana rhodesiensis Moldenke from Côte d'Ivoire [Paper presentation]. National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences, NSABS 2019, Ghent, Belgium.

Kenne Kemene, T., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (28 January 2019). Les huiles essentielles : enjeux et perspectives [Paper presentation]. WBI - programme 2017-2019, Dakar, Senegal.

Genva, M., Deboever, E., Lins, L., Deleu, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2019). Présentation of the Laboratory of Chemistry of Natural Molecules and Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics at Interfaces [Paper presentation]. Rencontre avec le Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany.

Aouida, M., Rook, F., Maimann, A. B., Sanchez-Pérez, R., Abid, G., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Jebara, M. (2019). Polymorphisms in cyanogenic glucoside and cyano-aminoacid content in natural accessions of common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) and selection for improved agronomic performance. Plant Breeding, 138 (3), 348-359. doi:10.1111/pbr.12691

Belhaj, K., Mansouri, F., Sindic, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Boukharta, M., Serghini-Caid, H., & Elamrani, A. (2019). Effect of Cooking Methods on Fatty Acids Profile and Health Lipid Indices of Be-Ni-Guil Lamb Meat from Eastern Morocco. Journal of Applied Biological Sciences, 13 (3), 166-171.

Bettaieb Rebey, I., Aidi Wannes, W., Ben Kaab, S., Bourgou, S., Saidani Tounsi, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2019). Bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity of Pimpinella anisum L. accessions at different ripening stages. Scientia Horticulturae, 246, 453-461. doi:10.1016/j.scienta.2018.11.016

Bouhaouel, I., Richard, G., Fauconnier, M.-L., Ongena, M., Franzil, L., Gfeller, A., Hajer, A., & du Jardin, P. (2019). Identification of barley (hordeum vulgare L. SubSp. Vulgare) root exudates allelochemicals, their autoallelopathic activity and against bromus diandrus Roth. Germination. Agronomy, 9 (7), 345-363. doi:10.3390/agronomy9070345

Deleu, M.* , Deboever, E.* , Nasir, M. N., Crowet, J.-M., Dauchez, M., Ongena, M., Jijakli, H., Fauconnier, M.-L.* , & Lins, L.*. (2019). Linoleic and linolenic acid hydroperoxides interact differentially with biomimetic plant membranes in a lipid specific manner. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 175, 384-391. doi:10.1016/j.colsurfb.2018.12.014
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Genva, M., Obounou Akong, F., Andersson, M. X., Deleu, M., Lins, L., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2019). New insights into the biosynthesis of esterified oxylipins and their involvement in plant defense and developmental mechanisms. Phytochemistry Reviews, 18, 343–358. doi:10.1007/s11101-018-9595-8

Hu, H., Liu, H., Aimin, S., Li, L., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Qiang, W. (2019). The effect of microwave pretreatment on micronutrients contents, oxidative stability and flavor quality of peanut oil. Molecules, 24 (1), 62. doi:10.3390/molecules24010062

Kaddes, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sassi, K., Nasraoui, B., & Jijakli, H. (2019). Endophytic fungal volatile compounds as solution for sustainable agriculture. Molecules, 24, 1065, 16. doi:10.3390/molecules24061065

Liu, J., Mu, T.-H., Sun, H., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2019). Optimization of ultrasonic-microwave synergistic extraction of flavonoids from sweet potato leaves by response surface methodology. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 43 (5), 1-10. doi:10.1111/jfpp.13928

Liu, X., Mu, T., Sun, H., Zhang, M., Chen, J., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2019). Effect of ingredients on the quality of gluten-free steamed bread based on potato flour. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 56, 2863–2873. doi:10.1007/s13197-019-03730-9

Madas, M.-N., Mārghitas, L. A., Dezmirean, D. S., Bonta, V., Bobis, O., Fauconnier, M.-L., Francis, F., Haubruge, E., & Nguyen, B. K. (2019). Volatile Profile and Physico-Chemical Analysis of Acacia Honey for Geographical Origin and Nutritional Value Determination. Foods, 8 (10), 445. doi:10.3390/foods8100445

Mansouri, F., Ben Moumen, A., Aazza, S., Belhaj, K., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sindic, M., Serghini-Caid, H., & Elamrani, A. (2019). Quality and chemical profiles of virgin olive oils of three European cultivars suitable for super-high-density planting conditions in eastern Morocco. Materials Today: Proceedings, 13 (3), 998-1007. doi:10.1016/j.matpr.2019.04.065

Soilhi, Z., Rhimi, A., Heuskin, S., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Mekki, M. (2019). Essential oil chemical diversity of Tunisian Mentha spp. collection. Industrial Crops and Products, 131, 330-340. doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2019.01.041

Tanoh, A. E., Nea, F., Kenne Kemene, T., Genva, M., Saive, M., Tonzibo, F., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2019). Antioxidant and Lipoxygenase Inhibitory Activities of Essential Oils from Endemic Plants of Côte d’Ivoire: Zanthoxylum mezoneurispinosum Ake Assi and Zanthoxylum psammophilum Ake Assi. Molecules, 24 (13), 2445. doi:10.3390/molecules24132445

Zribi, I., Ghezal, N., Sbai, H., Richard, G., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Haouala, R. (2019). Biochemical composition of Tunisian Nigella sativa L. at different growth stages and assessment of the phytotoxic potential of its organic fractions. Plant Biosystems, 153 (2), 205-212. doi:10.1080/11263504.2018.1454530

Fauconnier, M.-L. (05 December 2018). Les métabolites secondaires de plantes: extraction , purification et valorisation dans le secteur agronomique et agro-alimentaire [Paper presentation]. sur invitation, Alès, France.

Deboever, E., Genva, M., Deleu, M. (Other coll.), Lins, L. (Other coll.), & Fauconnier, M.-L. (Other coll.). (27 September 2018). Oxylipins are involved in plant protections processes and are potential biocontrol agents [Paper presentation]. Natural Products and Biocontrol 2018, Perpignan, France.

Lins, L., Bettaieb, I., Dal Maso, S., Kenne Kemene, T., De Clerck, C., Deleu, M., Jijakli, H., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (25 September 2018). How could the herbicidal effects of selected essential oil compounds be related to their membrane activity ? [Poster presentation]. Natural products and Biocontrol, Perpignan, France.

Maes, C., Bouquillon, S., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (September 2018). Encapsulation of Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt and Cinnamomum verum Presl essential oils with glycerodendrimers in order to create a biosourced herbicide [Poster presentation]. Natural products and biocontrole 2018.

Serteyn, L., Ponnet, L., Saive, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Francis, F. (July 2018). Interaction between Halyomorpha halys Stål and its host plant: induced defense and feeding behavior [Poster presentation]. XI European Congress of Entomology, Naples, Italy.

Durenne, B., Druart, P., Blondel, A., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2018). How cadmium affects the fitness and the glucosinolate content of oilseed rape plantlets. Environmental and Experimental Botany. doi:10.1016/j.envexpbot.2018.06.008

Sossey Alaoui, K., Tychon, B., Joachim, S., Nott, K., Porcher, J., Geffard, A., Beaudouin, R., Baudoin, P., Rober, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Saive, M. (28 June 2018). Effects of 5 pharmaceutical substances on bryophyte Fontinalis antipyretica Hedw biomarkers and growth [Paper presentation]. Limnologia 2018 : "XIX Conference of the Iberian Association of Limnology", Coimbra, Portugal.

Bettaieb Rebey, I., Bourgou, S., Detry, P., Hamrouni Sellami, I., Ksouri, R., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (21 June 2018). Eco-extraction of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) seed oil [Poster presentation]. 9th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (ICEST 2018), Prague, Czechia.

Bouquillon, S., Hayouni, S., Maes, C., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (14 June 2018). Catalyse enzymatique en milieu non conventionnel [Paper presentation]. Journées Condorcet 2018, Calais, France.

Bouquillon, S., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2018). Catalyse enzymatique en milieu non conventionnel (CENZYNC). (Rapport final).

Ben Kaab, S., Rebey Bettaieb, I., Fauconnier, M.-L., De Clerck, C., Ksouri, R., & Jijakli, H. (22 May 2018). Study of Tunisian plant extracts as bioherbicide [Paper presentation]. International symposium on Crop protection, Ghent, Belgium.

De Clerck, C., Jallais, L., Vangoethem, V., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Jijakli, H. (22 May 2018). Identification of fungal volatile organic compounds emitted during quorum sensing as potential biocontrol agents [Paper presentation]. 70th international symposium on crop protection, Ghent, Belgium.

Elamrani, A., Melhaoui, R., Houmy, N., Addi, M., Abid, M., Mihamou, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sindic, M., & Serghini-Caid, H. (09 May 2018). Valorization Challenges to Almonds and their Co-products: Characterization of Oils Extracted from Broken Almonds Springing from Shelling and Sorting Operations [Paper presentation]. The Fourth International American Moroccan Agricultural Sciences Conference AMAS Conference IV, Meknès, Morocco.

Fauconnier, M.-L. (09 May 2018). Scientific writing [Paper presentation]. Conférence, Beijing, China.

Fauconnier, M.-L. (08 May 2018). Volatolomics [Paper presentation]. Conférence, Beijing, China.

Sid Ali, L., Brada, M., Harhour, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Lognay, G. (03 May 2018). Activité antimicrobienne de l'huile essentielle de Thymus fontanesii [Poster presentation]. 1er Symposium International sur la Recherche Antimicrobienne (ISAR 2018), Khemis Miliana, Algeria.

Belhaj, K., Mansouri, F., Serghini-Caid, H., Sindic, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Boukharta, M., & Elamrani, A. (May 2018). Meat quality traits of Béni Guil lamb raised in eastern Morocco [Poster presentation]. The Fourth International American Moroccan Agricultural Sciences Conference - AMAS Conference IV, Agropolis-Meknes, Morocco.

Durenne, B., Blondel, A., Ducat, N., Pigeon, O., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Druart, P. (May 2018). Phenotyping of Brassica napus L. plantlets affected during in vitro growth by the presence of epoxiconazole. Acta Horticulturae, 1202, 101-106. doi:10.17660/ActaHortic.2018.1202.15

Harhour, A., Brada, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Lognay, G. (May 2018). Contribution à l'étude de la composition chimique et de l'activité antimicrobienne des huiles essentielles du juniperus oxycedrus [Paper presentation]. 1er Symposium International sur la Recherche Antimicrobienne (ISAR 2018), Khemis miliana – Ain Defla, Algeria.

Harhour, A., Brada, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Lognay, G. (May 2018). Activité antimicrobienne des huiles essentielles du juniperus pheonicea [Paper presentation]. 1er Symposium International sur la Recherche Antimicrobienne (ISAR 2018), Khemis miliana – Ain Defla, Algeria.

Melhaoui, R., Houmy, N., Mihamou, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sindic, M., Serghini-Caid, H., & Elamrani, A. (May 2018). Pomological evaluation of four mains introduced almond cultivars in North Eastern region of Morocco [Poster presentation]. The Fourth International American Moroccan Agricultural Sciences Conference –AMAS-Conference IV, Agropolis-Meknes, Morocco.

Michel, C., Amelynck, C., Aubinet, M., Bachy, A., Delaplace, P., Digrado, A., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Mozaffar, A., Schoon, N., & Heinesch, B. (11 April 2018). Environmental controls of biogenic volatile organic compound emissions from a grazed grassland in Dorinne, Belgium [Poster presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Vienne, Austria.

Houmy, N., Melhaoui, R., Sindic, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Serghini-Caid, H., & Elamrani, A. (04 April 2018). Characterization of almond oils and cakes, obtained from broken almonds discarded by sorting during shells' cracking process for almond kernels separation [Poster presentation]. The international conference "Humboldt Kolleg" Beacons of Hope in the Quest For the Next Einstein in Africa/MENA, Marrakech, Morocco.

Melhaoui, R., Houmy, N., Abid, M., Mihamou, A., Serghini-Caid, H., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sindic, M., & Elamrani, A. (04 April 2018). Morphological and chemical characterization of almond's fruits of Ferragnes and Ferraduel cultivars recently introduced in eastern Morocco [Poster presentation]. Beacons of Hope in the Quest For the Next Einstein in Africa/MENA, Marrakech, Morocco.

Blondel, A., Durenne, B., Mingeot, D., Ninane, V., Ducat, N., Pigeon, O., Roisin, C., Romnée, J.-M., Planchon, V., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Druart, P. (2018). Rapport de clôture : SOLINDIC : Etude de l’activité biologique du système « Sol-Plante » en vue de préserver les fonctionnalités des sols agricoles. (Rapport de clôture). Gembloux, Belgium: CRA-W.

De Clerck, C., Fiers, M., Jallais, L., Parisi, O., Fauconnier, M.-L., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (April 2018). Volatile organic compounds emitted upon infection of barley roots by fungal pathogens: antifungal effects and mode of action [Poster presentation]. XV Meeting of the Working Group ‘Biological and integrated control of plant pathogens’ Biocontrol products: from lab testing to product development, Lleida, Spain.

Lebecque, S., Crowet, J.-M., du Jardin, P., Delory, B., Lins, L., Deleu, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (April 2018). Interactions of allelochemicals with plant plasma membrane: a case study with alkaloids from barley [Poster presentation]. 41st New Phytologist Symposium, Nancy, France.

Mansouri, F., Ben Moumen, A., Belhaj, K., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sindic, M., Serghini-Caid, H., & Elamrani, A. (April 2018). Effect of crop season on the quality and composition of virgin olive oils from Greek and Spanish varieties grown in north-eastern Morocco [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Conference on Materials and Environmental Science (ICMES2018) : New Materials for Sustainable Energy Development, Oujda, Morocco.

Bettaieb Rebey, I., Bourgou, S., Detry, P., Ksouri, R., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (22 March 2018). Techniques conventionnelles et innovantes pour l'extraction de biomolécules à partir des plantes [Paper presentation]. Journées thématiques "Extraction", Amiens, France.

Maes, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Bouquillon, S. (07 March 2018). The potential of dendrimers to encapsulate essential oils [Poster presentation]. Journée Transfrontalière des Doctorants.

Lebecque, S., Crowet, J.-M., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Delory, B., Deleu, M., & Lins, L. (March 2018). Use of molecular dynamics simulations to study the interactions between barley allelochemicals and plant plasma membrane [Poster presentation]. Applied bioinformatics in life sciences (2nd edition).

Durenne, B., Blondel, A., Druart, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (20 February 2018). A laboratory high-throughput glass chamber using dynamic headspace TDGC/ MS method for the analysis of whole Brassica napus L. plantlet volatiles under cadmium-related abiotic stress. Phytochemical Analysis, 29 (5), 463-471. doi:10.1002/pca.2750

Belhaj, K., Mansouri, F., Sindic, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Boukharta, M., Serghini-Caid, H., & Elamrani, A. (08 February 2018). Effect of cooking methodes on omega-6/omega-3 and hypo/hypercholesterolemic ratios of Bebni-Guil lamb meat from eastern Morocco [Paper presentation]. 23rd National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences (NSABS), Bruxelles, Belgium.

le Maire, N., Verpoorten, D., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Colaux, C. (2018). Clash of Chemists: A gamified blog to master the concept of limiting reagent stoichiometry. Journal of Chemical Education. doi:10.1021/acs.jchemed.7b00256

Melhaoui, R., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sindic, M., Addi, M., Abid, M., Mihamou, A., Serghini-Caid, H., & Elamrani, A. (08 February 2018). Tocopherol content of almond oils produced in eastern Morocco [Paper presentation]. 23rd National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences (NSABS), Bruxelles, Belgium.

Melhaoui, R., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sindic, M., Addi, M., Abid, M., Mihamou, A., Serghini-Caid, H., & Elamrani, A. (08 February 2018). Tocopherol analysis of almond oils produced in eastern Morocco [Poster presentation]. 23rd National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences (NSABS), Bruxelles, Belgium.

Fauconnier, M.-L. (2018). Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech contribue à la mise en place d’une filière de production d’huiles essentielles au Sénégal. Newsletter GxABT.

le Maire, N., Fauconnier, M.-L., Colaux, C., & Verpoorten, D. (February 2018). "Gamification" d'activités d'entrainement - Retour d'expérience dans un cours de chimie générale. Actualité Chimique, 426, 2.

Genva, M., Deleu, M., Andersson, M. X., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Lins, L. (19 January 2018). Evaluation des interactions entre les arabidopsides et les lipides de la membrane plasmique des plantes [Poster presentation]. Journées Jeunes Chercheurs Condorcet 2018, Amiens, France.

Abselami, A., Tahani, A., Sindic, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Bruneau, E., & Elbachiri, A. (2018). Physicochemical Properties of some Honeys Produced from Different Flora of Eastern Morocco. Journal of Materials and Environmental Science, 9 (3), 879-886. doi:10.26872/jmes.2018.9.3.97

Belhaj, K., Mansouri, F., Ben Moumen, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Boukharta, M., Serghini-Caid, H., Sindic, M., & Elamrani, A. (2018). Physicochemical and nutritional characteristics of Béni Guil lamb meat raised in eastern Morocco. Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 11, 175-185. doi:10.3233/MNM-17195

Bouhaouel, I., Gfeller, A., Boudabous, K., Fauconnier, M.-L., Slim Amara, H., & du Jardin, P. (2018). Physiological and biochemical parameters: new tools to screen barley root exudates allelopathic potential (*Hordeum vulgare* L. subsp. *vulgare*. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 40 (2), 1-14. doi:10.1007/s11738-018-2604-0

Davin, M., Starren, A., Deleu, M., Lognay, G., Colinet, G., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2018). Could saponins be used to enhance bioremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in aged-contaminated soils ? Chemosphere, 194, 414-421. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.11.174

Digrado, A., Gourlez de la Motte, L., Bachy, A., Mozaffar, A., Schoon, N., Bussotti, F., Amelynck, C., Dalcq, A.-C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Aubinet, M., Heinesch, B., du Jardin, P., & Delaplace, P. (2018). Decrease in the photosynthetic performance of temperate grassland species does not lead to a decline in the gross primary production of the ecosystem. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9, 16 p., article 67. doi:10.3389/fpls.2018.00067

Diop, S. M., Diop, M. B., Talla Gueye, M., Ndiaye, I., Ndiaye, E. H. B., Thiam, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Lognay, G. (2018). Chemical composition of essential oils and floral waters of Ocimumbasilicum L. from Dakar and Kaolack regions, Senegal. Journal of Essential Oil-Bearing Plants, 21 (2), 540-547. doi:10.1080/0972060X.2018.1425640

Durenne, B., Geerts, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2018). In vitro monitoring of Artemisia afra using a non-invasive phenotyping system based on VOCs tracking [Poster presentation]. Greensys 2019 - International Symposium on Advanced Technologies and Management for Innovative Greenhouses, Angers, France. doi:10.1093/jxb/erv219

Fauconnier, M.-L., & Bouquillon, S. (2018). Projet CENZYNC [Paper presentation]. Journées SFR Condorcet 2018, Reims, France.

Genva, M., Deleu, M., Andersson, M. X., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Lins, L. (2018). Extraction, purification d’arabidopsides et évaluation des interactions entre ces molécules et les lipides de la membrane plasmique des plantes [Poster presentation]. 1ère Journée Doctorale Transfrontalière, Reims, France.

Genva, M., Deleu, M., Andersson, M. X., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Lins, L. (2018). Evaluation of interactions between arabidopsides and plant plasma membrane lipids [Poster presentation]. Joint Meeting of the Belgian and British Biophysical Societies.

Harhour, A., Brada, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Lognay, G. (2018). Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activity of Algerian Juniperus Phoenicea Essential Oil. Natural Product Sciences, 24 (2), 125-131. doi:10.20307/nps.2018.24.2.125

Kenne Kemene, T., Lognay, G., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2018). Probiotics as a Sources of Aromas in Functionnal Food: Selected Examples and Analytical Methodology (chap.5). In H. Razafindralambo (Ed.), Trends in Probiotic Applications (pp. 85-111). Houston, United States: Studium Press LLC.

Lebecque, S., Crowet, J.-M., Lins, L., Delory, B., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Deleu, M. (2018). Interaction between the barley allelochemical compounds gramine and hordenine and artificial lipid bilayers mimicking the plant plasma membrane. Scientific Reports, 8, 10845. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-28040-6

Liu, X., Mu, T., Sun, H., Zhan, M., Chen, J., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2018). Influence of different hydrocolloids on dough thermo-mechanical properties and in vitro starch digestibility of gluten-free steamed bread based on potato flour. Food Chemistry, 239, 1064-1074. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2017.07.047

Ly, S., Mith, H., Tarayre, C., Taminiau, B., Daube, G., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Delvigne, F. (2018). Impact of microbial composition of Cambodian traditional dried starters (Dombea) on flavor compounds of rice wine: combining amplicon sequencing with HP-SPME-GCMS. Frontiers in Microbiology. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2018.00894

Maes, C., Bouquillon, S., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (January 2018). Encapsulation innovante d'huiles essentielles en vue de la création de biopesticides [Paper presentation]. Journées Jeunes Chercheurs SFR Condorcet, Amiens - Université de Picardie Jules Verne, France.

Mansouri, F., Ben Moumen, A., Belhaj, K., Richard, G., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sindic, M., Serghini-Caid, H., & Elamrani, A. (2018). Effect of crop season on the quality and composition of extra virgin olive oils from Greek and Spanish varieties grown in the Oriental region of Morocco. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 30 (7), 549-5862. doi:10.9755/ejfa.2018.v30.i7.1738

Mansouri, F., Ben Moumen, A., Richard, G., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sindic, M., Elamrani, A., & Serghini-Caid, H. (2018). Proximate composition, amino acid profile, carbohydrate and mineral content of seed meals from four safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) varieties grown in north-eastern Morocco. Oilseeds and Fats, Crops and Lipids. doi:10.1051/ocl/2018001

Mounir, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Afechtal, M., Thonart, P., Ismaili Alaoui, M., & Delvigne, F. (2018). Aroma profile of pilot plant-scale produced fruit vinegar using a thermotolerant Acetobacter pasteurianus strain isolated from Moroccan cactus. Acetic Acid Bacteria, 7 (1), 11. doi:10.4081/aab.2018.7312

Mozaffar, M. A., Schoon, N., Bachy, A., Digrado, A., Heinesch, B., Aubinet, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Delaplace, P., du Jardin, P., & Amelynck, C. (2018). Biogenic volatile organic compound emissions from senescent maize leaves and a comparison with other leaf developmental stages. Atmospheric Environment, 176, 71-81. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.12.020

Ndiaye, E. H. B., Diop, M. B., Gueye, M. T., Ndiaye, I., Diop, S. M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Lognay, G. (2018). Characterization of Essential oils and hydrosols from senegalese Eucalyptus camaldulensis (Dehnh.). Journal of Essential Oil Research, 30 (2), 131-141. doi:10.1080/10412905.2017.1420554

Saive, M., Frederich, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2018). Plants used in traditional medicine and cosmetics in Mayotte Island (France): An ethnobotanical study. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 17 (4), 645-653.

SID ALI, Brada, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Kenne Kemene, T. (2018). Optimization of Algerian Thymus fontanesii Boiss. & Reut essential oil extraction by electromagnetic induction heating. Natural Product Sciences, 24 (1), 71-78. doi:10.20307/nps.2018.24.1.71

Tagba, P., Osseyi, E., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Lamboni, C. (2018). Aromatic Composition of “Sodabi”, a Traditional Liquor of Fermented Oil Palm Wine. Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology, 14 (1), 15-22. doi:10.19026/ajfst.14.5421

Thiam, A., Guèye, M. T., Ndiyae, I., Diop, S. M., Ndiaye, E. H. B., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Lognay, G. (2018). Effet of drying methods on the chemical composition of essential oils of Xylopia aethiopicafruits (Dunal) A. Richard (Annonaceae) from southern Senegal. American Journal of Essential Oils and Natural Products, 6 (1), 25-30.

De Clerck, C., Fiers, M., Jallais, L., Parisi, O., Fauconnier, M.-L., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (December 2017). Antifungal effects of volatile organic compounds emitted during infection of barley roots by fungal pathogens [Poster presentation]. Ecology across borders- joint annual meeting of the british ecological society, Gand, Belgium.

Fauconnier, M.-L., Lins, L., Ongena, M., Deleu, M., & Jijakli, H. (2017). FIELD - New alternatives to chemical pesticides: deciphering the action mechanisms of lipid based plant elicitors via complementary biophysical and biological approaches. (Rapport final). GxABT.

Bettaieb ép Rebey, I., Bourgou, S., Detry, P., Ksouri, R., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (25 November 2017). Eco-extraction of aniseed oil: Use of green solvent as alternative solvent to n-hexane [Poster presentation]. Tunisia-Japan Symposium on Science, Society & Technology "Establishment of Open Innovation Platform in North Africa", Gammarth, Tunisia.

Fauconnier, M.-L. (2017). Les arbres, ces natures sensibles : Oui, les plantes se parlent. Moustique, p. 55.

Durenne, B., Geerts, P., Druart, P., Blondel, A., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (November 2017). Using phenotyping and complementary VOC profiling approach to investigate physiological response of Brassica napus L. plantlets under cadmium and epoxiconazole abiotic stresses [Poster presentation]. "Plant Phenotyping Forum: integrating European plant phenotyping community", Tartu, Estonia.

Michel, C., Heinesch, B., Bachy, A., Aubinet, M., Digrado, A., Delaplace, P., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Amelynck, C., Schoon, N., & Mozaffar, A. (20 October 2017). Environmental controls of methanol emissions from a grazed grassland in Dorinne, Belgium [Poster presentation]. ICOS Belgium Science Conference, Gembloux, Belgium.

Ydjedd, S., Chaala, M., Richard, G., Kati, D. E., López-Nicolás, R., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Louaileche, H. (October 2017). Assessment of antioxidant potential of phenolic compounds fractions of Algerian Ceratonia siliqua L. pods during ripening stages. International Food Research Journal, 24 (5), 2041-2049.

le Maire, N., Colaux, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Verpoorten, D. (12 September 2017). Des mini-jeux pour apprendre : Retour d'expérience dans un cours de chimie à l'université [Paper presentation]. Colloque AIPU 2017, Namur, Belgium.

Durenne, B., Blondel, A., Druart, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (September 2017). Could indolic glucosinolates root profiling be correlated to Brassica napus L. cadmium stress tolerance? [Poster presentation]. 4th international glucosinolate conference 2017, Berlin, Germany.

De Clerck, C., Kaddes, A., Fiers, M., Jallais, L., Parisi, O., Fauconnier, M.-L., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (August 2017). Antifungal effects of volatile organic compounds emitted during infection of barley roots by fungal pathogens [Poster presentation]. joined meeting of the 33th annual meeting of the ISCE and the 9th meeting of the APACE symposium, Kyoto, Japan.

Fauconnier, M.-L. (July 2017). New Alternatives to Chemical Pesticides: Deciphering the Action Mechanisms of Lipid based Plant Elicitors via Complementary Biophysical and Biological Approaches [Paper presentation]. 8th European Symposium on Plant Lipids, Malmö, Sweden.

Berhal, C., De Clerck, C., LEVICEK, C., Verheggen, F., Fauconnier, M.-L., Jijakli, H., & Massart, S. (16 June 2017). First Characterization of the Volatile Organic Compounds Emitted by Banana Plants (Musa sp.) [Paper presentation]. First announcement of HYPI Conference: New Perspectives in Modeling and Measurement of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compound Emissions by Remote Sensing, Antwerp, Belgium.

De Clerck, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Fiers, M., Parisi, O., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (15 June 2017). Volatile organic compounds emitted by infected barley roots are active against barley pathogens [Poster presentation]. HYPI conference on BVOCs, Anvers, Belgium.

Michel, C., Heinesch, B., Bachy, A., Aubinet, M., Digrado, A., Delaplace, P., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Amelynck, C., Schoon, N., & Mozaffar, A. (15 June 2017). Environmental controls of biogenic volatile organic compound emissions from a grazed grassland in Dorinne, Belgium [Poster presentation]. New Perspectives in Modeling and Measurement of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions by Remote Sensing, Anvers, Belgium.

le Maire, N., Colaux, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Verpoorten, D. (08 June 2017). GAMIFICATION ET LUDO-PÉDAGOGIE : POURQUOI? COMMENT? CONDITIONS D’APPLICATION ET LIMITES? RETOUR D’EXPÉRIENCE DANS UN COURS DE CHIMIE GÉNÉRALE À L’UNIVERSITÉ [Paper presentation]. Gamification et agilité au service de la pédagogie des ERP.

Durenne, B., Blondel, A., Ducat, N., Pigeon, O., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Druart, P. (24 May 2017). Oral communication: Brassica napus L. plantlets affected during in vitro growth by the presence of epoxiconazole [Paper presentation]. Brassica 2017, Pontevedra, Spain.

le Maire, N., Colaux, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Verpoorten, D. (24 May 2017). "World of Chemistry" : Des mini-jeux pour améliorer sa maîtrise de la chimie [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de didactique du département de chimie (UNamur), Namur, Belgium.

Berhal, C., De Clerck, C., LEVICEK, C., Verheggen, F., Fauconnier, M.-L., Jijakli, H., & Massart, S. (23 May 2017). Study of VOCs in the interaction between Banana and Foc TR4 [Poster presentation]. 69th International Symposium on Crop Protection (ISCP 69th), Gent, Belgium.

De Clerck, C., Kaddes, A., Fiers, M., Jallais, L., Parisi, O., Fauconnier, M.-L., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (23 May 2017). Study of volatile organic compounds active against barley pathogens [Paper presentation]. 69th International Symposium on Crop Protection.

le Maire, N., Colaux, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Verpoorten, D. (17 May 2017). Gamification d’activités d’entrainement : retour d’expérience dans un cours de chimie générale [Paper presentation]. Journée thématique de l'enseignement : Chimie et Jeux, Sciences et Jeux - Quels apports dans l'enseignement ?, Lyon, France.

Berhal, C.* , De Clerck, C.* , Fauconnier, M.-L., LEVICEK, C., Boullis, A., Kaddes, A., Jijakli, H., Verheggen, F., & Massart, S. (2017). First Characterisation of Volatile Organic Compounds Emitted by Banana Plants. Scientific Reports. doi:10.1038/srep46400
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Genva, M., Andersson, M. X., Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Deleu, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (09 May 2017). Plant oxylipins: structure-function relationship [Paper presentation]. Biomolecules: Production, Interactions and Structure-Activity Relationships.

Sidali, L., Brada, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Kenne Kemene, T. (May 2017). Influence qualitative et quantitative du mode de séchage sur l'huile essentielle de Thymus fontanesii de l'Algérie [Poster presentation]. 1er Séminaire national "Phytothérapie & Santé", Blida, Algeria.

Digrado, A., Gourlez de la Motte, L., Bachy, A., Mozaffar, A., Schoon, N., Bussotti, F., Amelynck, C., Dalcq, A.-C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Aubinet, M., Heinesch, B., du Jardin, P., & Delaplace, P. (30 April 2017). Long-term field study of the influence of the photosynthetic performance of temperate grassland species on ecosystem CO2 exchange fluxes at the ecosystem-scale [Poster presentation]. CO2 Assimilation in Plants from Genome to Biome Gordon Research Conference.

Mozaffar, A., Schoon, N., Bachy, A., Digrado, A., Heinesch, B., Aubinet, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Delaplace, P., du Jardin, P., & Amelynck, C. (28 April 2017). Grazing-induced BVOC fluxes from a managed grassland [Poster presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Vienne, Austria.

Belhaj, K., Mansouri, F., Sindic, M., Boukharta, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Abid, M., Serghini-Caid, H., & Elamrani, A. (27 April 2017). Nutritional and organoleptic quality of Beni-Guil lamb meat breeding in eastern Morocco [Poster presentation]. Jordanian Life Sciences for Sustainable Development.

Belhaj, K., Mansouri, F., Sindic, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Boukharta, M., Serghini-Caid, H., & Elamrani, A. (27 April 2017). Profil d'acides gras et acides aminés essentiels de la vainde ovine de la race Beni-Guil conduite en élevage semi-extensif dans l'est du Maroc [Poster presentation]. 1ère édition des journées pratiques francophones des sciences analytiques.

Houmy, N., Melhaoui, R., Sindic, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Serghini-Caid, H., & Elamrani, A. (27 April 2017). Profil d'acides gras et stabilité oxydative d'huiles de brisures d'amandons et d'écarts de tri des amandes [Paper presentation]. Journées pratiques francophones des sciences analytiques.

Bettaieb Rebey, I., Bourgou, S., Msaada, K., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Ksouri, R. (24 April 2017). Salinity impact on seed yield, polyphenols composition and antioxidant activity of Fennel (Foeniculum vulgarae Mill) extracts [Poster presentation]. Conférence Scientifique Internationale sur l'Environnement et l'Agriculture, Hammamet, Tunisia.

Digrado, A., Bachy, A., Mozaffar, A., Schoon, N., Bussotti, F., Amelynck, C., Dalcq, A.-C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Aubinet, M., Heinesch, B., du Jardin, P., & Delaplace, P. (26 March 2017). Long-term field study of the photosynthetic performance and acclimation potential of Lolium perenne L. facing combined environmental constraints in a temperate managed grassland [Poster presentation]. 2nd Agriculture and Climate Change Conference.

Bettaieb Rebey, I., Bourgou, S., Saidani Tounsi, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Ksouri, R. (March 2017). Etude de la composition chimique et de l’activité antioxydante des différents extraits de la Lavande dentée (Lavandula dentata). Journal of New Sciences, 39 (2), 2096-2105.

Belhaj, K., Mansouri, F., Ben-Moumen, A., Aboudaouar, B., Sindic, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Boukharta, M., Serghini-Caid, H., & Elamrani, A. (07 February 2017). Physicochemical characteristics and fatty acid profile of Longissimus dorsi muscle of Beni-guil sheep breeding in eastern Morocco [Poster presentation]. 22nd National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences (NSABS), Leuven, Belgium.

Belhaj, K., Mansouri, F., Ben-Moumen, A., Sindic, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Boukharta, M., Serghini-Caid, H., & Elamrani, A. (07 February 2017). Quality and chemical composition of longissimus dorsi muscle of Béni-Guil sheep breeding in eastern Morocco [Poster presentation]. 22nd National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences (NSABS), Leuven, Belgium.

Deboever, E., Nasir, M. N., Deleu, M., Lins, L., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (20 January 2017). Use of complementary biophysical approaches to study the interactions of fatty acid hydroperoxides with biomimetic plant plasma membranes [Poster presentation]. Journées Jeunes Chercheurs SFR Condorcet, Amiens, France.

Barka Ndiaye, E. H., Talla Gueye, M., Ndiaye, I., Diop, S. M., Diop, M. B., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Lognay, G. (2017). Chemical composition of essential oils and hydrosols of three Eucalyptus species from Senegal: Eucalyptus alba Renv, Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh and Eucalyptus tereticornis Hook. American Journal of Essential Oils and Natural Products, 5 (1), 1-7.

Bettaieb ép Rebey, I., Bourgou, S., Aidi Wannes, W., Hamrouni Sellami, I., Saidani Tounsi, M., Marzouk, B., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Ksouri, R. (2017). Comparative assessment of phytochemical profiles and antioxidant properties of Tunisian and Egyptian anise (Pimpinella anisum L.) seeds. Plant Biosystems. doi:10.1080/11263504.2017.1403394

Bettaieb ép Rebey, I., Bourgou, S., Marzouk, B., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Ksouri, R. (2017). Salinity impact on seed yield, polyphenols composition and antioxidant activity of Fennel (Foeniculum vulgarae Mill) extracts. Journal of New Sciences, Conférence CSIEA 2017, 2610-2619.

Dib, I., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sindic, M., Belmekki, F., Assaidi, A., Berrabah, M., Mekhfi, H., Aziz, M., Legssyer, A., Bnouham, M., & Ziyyat, A. (2017). Chemical composition, vasorelaxant, antioxidant and antiplatelet effects of essential oil of Artemisia campestris L. from Oriental Morocco. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 17 (art. 82), 1-15. doi:10.1186/s12906-017-1598-2

Digrado, A., Bachy, A., Mozaffar, A., Schoon, N., Bussotti, F., Amelynck, C., Dalcq, A.-C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Aubinet, M., Heinesch, B., du Jardin, P., & Delaplace, P. (2017). Long-term measurements of chlorophyll a fluorescence using the JIP-test show that combined abiotic stresses influence the photosynthetic performance of the perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) in a managed temperate grassland. Physiologia Plantarum, 161 (3), 355-371. doi:10.1111/ppl.12594

Diop, S. M., Guèye, M. T., Ndiaye, I., Diop, M. B., Ndiaye, E. H. B., Thiam, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Lognay, G. (2017). Study of the chemical composition of essential oils and floral waters of Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf (Poaceae) from Senegal. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 11 (4), 1884-1892. doi:10.4314/ijbcs.v11i4.37

Genva, M., Andersson, M. X., Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Deleu, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2017). Plant Oxylipins: Structure-function Relationships [Poster presentation]. 8th European Symposium on Plant Lipids, Malmö, Sweden.

Genva, M., Andersson, M. X., Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Deleu, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (January 2017). Développement d’une nouvelle méthode pour induire la formation, extraire et purifier des arabidopsides à partir d’Arabidopsis thaliana L [Paper presentation]. Journées Jeunes Chercheurs Condorcet.

Kouache, B., Brada, M., Saadi, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Lognay, G., & Heuskin, S. (2017). Chemical Composition and Acaricidal Activity of Thymus algeriensis Essential Oil against Varroa destructor. Natural Product Communications, 12 (1), 135-138. doi:10.1177/1934578x1701200138

le Maire, N., Dalcq, A.-C., Colaux, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Verpoorten, D. (2017). Gamification croissante d’un quiz de chimie – Effets comparés sur la performance, la perception de compétence et l’état de flow. Revue Internationale des Technologies en Pédagogie Universitaire, 14 (1), 69-83. doi:10.18162/ritpu-2017-v14n1-05

Liu, X., Mu, T., Yamul, K. D., Sun, H., Zhang, M., Chen, J., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Andrea. (2017). Evaluation of different hydrocolloids to improve dough rheological properties and bread quality of potato-wheat flour. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 54 (6), 1597–1607. doi:10.1007/s13197-017-2591-y

Mansouri, F., Ben Moumen, A., Richard, G., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sindic, M., Serghini-Caid, H., & Elamrani, A. (2017). Flavor profiles of monovarietal virgin olive oils produced in the Oriental region of Morocco. Oilseeds and Fats, Crops and Lipids, 24, 9. doi:10.1051/ocl/2017012

Mozaffar, A., Schoon, N., Digrado, A., Bachy, A., Delaplace, P., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Aubinet, M., Heinesch, B., & Amelynck, C. (2017). Methanol emissions from maize: Ontogenetic dependence to varying light conditions and guttation as an additional factor constraining the flux. Atmospheric Environment, 152, 405-417. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.12.041

Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Crowet, J.-M., Ongena, M., Dorey, S., Dhondt-Cordelier, S., Clément, C., Bouquillon, S., Haudrechy, A., Sarazin, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Nott, K., & Deleu, M. (2017). Differential interaction of synthetic glycolipids with biomimetic plasma membrane lipids correlates with plant biological response. Langmuir, 33, 9979-9987. doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b01264

Ndiaye, E. H. B., Gueye, M. T., Ndiaye, I., Diop, S. M., Diop, M. B., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Lognay, G. (2017). Chemical composition of essential oils and hydrosols of three Eucalyptus species from Senegal: Eucalyptus alba Renv, Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh and Eucalyptus tereticornis Hook. American Journal of Essential Oils and Natural Products, 5 (1), 1-7.

Ndiaye, E. H. B., Gueye, M. T., Ndiaye, I., Diop, S. M., Diop, M. B., Thiam, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Lognay, G. (2017). Chemical Composition of Distilled Essential Oils and Hydrosols of Four Senegalese Citrus and Enantiomeric Characterization of Chiral Compounds. Journal of Essential Oil-Bearing Plants, 20 (3), 820-834. doi:10.1080/0972060X.2017.1337525

Sidali, L., Brada, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Lognay, G., & Heuskin, S. (2017). Chemical composition, acute toxicity, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activities of Thymus fontanesii essential oil from Algeria. PhytoChem and BioSub Journal, 11 (1), 11. doi:10.163.pcbsj/2017.11.‐1‐30

Zribi, I., Sbai, H., Ghezal, N., Richard, G., Trisman, D., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Haouala, R. (2017). Phytotoxic activity and chemical composition of Cassia absus seeds and aerial parts. Natural Product Research, 5. doi:10.1080/14786419.2017.1300795

Houmy, N., Sindic, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Serghini-Caid, H., & Elamrani, A. (28 December 2016). Huile d’amande un produit de valorisation de brisures d’amandes issues de décorticage des amandes dans des coopératives de la région Oriental du Maroc [Paper presentation]. Congrès national sur l'innovation et le management de la qualité des aliments, Fès, Morocco.

Elamrani, A., Mansouri, F., Sindic, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Serghini-Caid, H. (15 December 2016). Quality and Chemical Profiles of Monovarietal Olive Oils in Eastern Morocco [Paper presentation]. Quality & Chemical Profiles of MVOOs in Eastern Morocco AMAS Conf III, Ouarzazate, Morocco.

Houmy, N., Sindic, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Serghini-Caid, H., & Elamrani, A. (14 December 2016). General chemical composition of almonds (PrunusAmygdalusMiller) grown in eastern Morocco [Poster presentation]. The Third International American Moroccan Agricultural Sciences Conference AMAS III, Ouarzazate, Morocco.

Elamrani, A., Mansouri, F., Sindic, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Serghini-Caid, H. (December 2016). Profil chimique des huiles d’olive Monovariétales produites dans la région Orientale du Maroc et essais de formulation par assemblage de nouvelles huiles d’olive de bonne qualité [Paper presentation]. Congrès National sur L’Innovation & le Management de la Qualité des Aliments « CNIMQA-2016», Fès, Morocco.

Deboever, E., Nasir, M. N. (Other coll.), Deleu, M. (Other coll.), Lins, L. (Other coll.), & Fauconnier, M.-L. (Other coll.). (16 November 2016). Analysis of the interactions of fatty acyds hydroperoxides with biomimetic membranes by complementary biophysical approaches [Poster presentation]. The Bioforum 2016 of BioLiège, Liège, Belgium.

Genva, M., Andersson, M. X., Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Deleu, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (16 November 2016). Development of a new method for arabidopsides extraction and purification [Poster presentation]. BioLiège Bioforum 2016, Liège, Belgium.

Berhal, C., De Clerck, C., LEVICEK, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Jijakli, H., Verheggen, F., & Massart, S. (11 October 2016). Study of the volatile organic compounds in the interaction between banana plants and the fungal disease Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense Tropical Race 4 (FocTR4) [Paper presentation]. Xth International Symposium on Banana / ISHSProMusa symposium: Agroecological approaches to promote innovative banana production systems, Montpellier, France.

Davin, M., Starren, A., Colinet, G., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (13 September 2016). Investigating the effect of plant-derived amendments on PAHs degradation in brownfield contaminated soils [Paper presentation]. International Conference Contaminated Sites 2016.

Liu, X., Mu, T.-H., Sun, H., Zhang, M., Chen, J.-W., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2016). Comparative study of nutritional quality of potato-wheat steamed and baked breads made with four cultivated potato flour. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 12. doi:10.1080/09637486.2016.1226272

Blondel, A., Durenne, B., Mingeot, D., Ninane, V., Ducat, N., Pigeon, O., Roisin, C., Romnée, J.-M., Planchon, V., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Druart, P. (2016). Solindic: Etude de l'activité biologique du système "Sol-Plante" en vue de préserver les fonctionnalités des sols agricoles. (Rapport 1ère année). Gembloux, Belgium: CRA-W.

Blondel, A., Durenne, B., Mingeot, D., Ninane, V., Ducat, N., Pigeon, O., Roisin, C., Romnée, J. M., Planchon, V., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Druart, P. (2016). SOLINDIC : Etude de l’activité biologique du système « Sol-Plante » en vue de préserver les fonctionnalités des sols agricoles. (Rapport 1ère année). Gembloux, Belgium: CRA-W.

Genva, M., Andersson, M. X., Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Deleu, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (September 2016). Plant esterified oxylipins: structure – function relationship [Poster presentation]. 57th International Conference on the Bioscience of Lipids, Chamonix, France.

Kaddes, A., Parisi, O., Berhal, C., Ben Kaab, S., Fauconnier, M.-L., Bouzid, N., Jijakli, H., Massart, S., & De Clerck, C. (26 August 2016). Evaluation of the Effect of Two Volatile Organic Compounds on Barley Pathogens. Molecules, 21 (9). doi:10.3390/molecules21091124

Davin, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Colinet, G. (08 August 2016). Investigating the Effect of Plant Root Exudates and of Saponin on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Solubilization in Brownfield Contaminated Soils [Paper presentation]. 18th International Conference on Environmental Monitoring, Simulation and Remediation.

le Maire, N., Fauconnier, M.-L., Colaux, C., & Verpoorten, D. (06 July 2016). Gamifier un quiz – Effet graduel sur la performance, l’immersion et la perception de compétence [Paper presentation]. Congrès AREF 2016, Mons, Belgium.

Luzuriaga Loaiza, W., Schellenberger, R., Obounou Akong, F., Menhour, B., Borie, N., Risch, A., Villaume, S., Baillieul, F., Deleu, M., Lins, L., Fauconnier, M.-L., Clément, C., Zipfel, C., Hubert, J., Renault, J.-H., Haudrechy, A., Bouquillon, S., Ongena, M., Crouzet, J., & Dorey, S. (05 July 2016). Caractérisation des mécanismes impliqués dans la perception de rhamnolipides naturels et synthétiques chez Arabidopsis thaliana [Paper presentation]. Journées Condorcet, Gembloux, Belgium.

Fauconnier, M.-L., & Kenne Kemene, T. (2016). Valorisation des composés volatils générés lors de la production de produits alimentaires - VOCALisE – n° 6975. (7).

Saive, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (24 June 2016). Criblage de plantes Mahoraise pour des usages cosmétiques [Paper presentation]. PhytoDay 2016, Nancy, France.

Digrado, A., Bachy, A., Mozaffar, A., schoon, N., Amelynck, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Aubinet, M., Heinesch, B., du Jardin, P., & Delaplace, P. (09 June 2016). Photosynthetic apparatus response of the Lolium perenne L. to environmental stresses [Paper presentation]. EDT Plant Science Annual Meeting.

Bachy, A., Mozaffar, A., Aubinet, M., Amelynck, C., Schoon, N., Bodson, B., Moureaux, C., Digrado, A., Delaplace, P., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Heinesch, B. (June 2016). Disentangling soil from plant methanol exchanges in a maize field: a first step [Poster presentation]. GRC conference "Biogenic Hydrocarbons & the Atmosphere", Girona, Spain.

Bouacida, S., Koubaier, H. B. H., Snoussi, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Bouzouita, N. (June 2016). Glucosinolate profiles by HPLC-DAD, phenolic compositions and antioxidant activity of Eruca vesicaria longirostris: Impact of plant part and origin. Mediterranean Journal of Chemistry, 5 (5), 528-539. doi:10.13171/mjc55/01606022015/bouzouita

le Maire, N., Colaux, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Verpoorten, D. (June 2016). Des mini-jeux pour apprendre - Retour d'expérience dans un cours de chimie à l'université [Paper presentation]. 29ème Congrès de l'Association Internationale de Pédagogie Universitaire, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Mozaffar, A., schoon, N., Digrado, A., Bachy, A., Delaplace, P., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Aubinet, M., Heinesch, B., & Amelynck, C. (June 2016). BVOC fluxes from maize: flux intensity, pattern, and composition changes from leaf emergence to senescence [Poster presentation]. Gordon Research Conference on Biogenic Hydrocarbons & the Atmosphere.

Saive, M., Frederich, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (01 June 2016). Screening of mahoran plants for cosmetic applications [Poster presentation]. 6th International Congress of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants, Coimbra, Portugal.

Digrado, A., Bachy, A., Mozaffar, A., Schoon, N., Amelynck, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Aubinet, M., Heinesch, B., du Jardin, P., & Delaplace, P. (20 May 2016). Chlorophyll a fluorescence : a tool to assess the photosynthetic apparatus behavior [Poster presentation]. Terra inovation Fair.

Kaddes, A., Massart, S., Fauconnier, M.-L., Jijakli, H., & De Clerck, C. (17 May 2016). Effectiveness of Volatile Organic Compounds against barley pathogens [Paper presentation]. 68th International Symposium on Crop Protection, Ghent, Belgium.

Barsics, F., Delory, B., Fauconnier, M.-L., Verheggen, F., & Thibord, J.-B. (May 2016). Taupins: à la découverte des odeurs de racines. Phytoma: La Défense des Végétaux, 694.

Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Fauconnier, M.-L., Ongena, M., & Deleu, M. (April 2016). Interactions of novel synthetic rhamnolipids with model membranes mimicking plant plasma membrane [Poster presentation]. Joint Meeting of the Membrane Sections of the French and German Biophysical Societies, Bad Herrenalb, Germany.

Mansouri, F., Benmoumen, A., Richard, G., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sindic, M., Serghini-Caid, H., & Elamrani, A. (31 March 2016). Characterization of monovarietal virgin olive oils from introduced cultivars in eastern Morocco. Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse, 93, 21-30.

Yamoneka, J., Malumba Kamba, P., Danthine, S., Blecker, C., Bera, F., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Lognay, G. (20 March 2016). THERMAL BEHAVIOUR AND PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF SAFOU (DACRYODES EDULIS) PULP OIL FROM PRESS AND SOLVENT EXTRACTION [Poster presentation]. Quatrièmes Journées Scientifiques de l'Agro-Alimentaire, Sousse, Tunisia.

Barsics, F., Delory, B. M., Delaplace, P., Francis, F., Fauconnier, M.-L., Haubruge, E., & Verheggen, F. (2016). Foraging wireworms are attracted to root-produced volatile aldehydes. Journal of Pest Science. doi:10.1007/s10340-016-0734-y

Berhal, C., De Clerck, C., LEVICEK, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Jijakli, H., Verheggen, F., & Massart, S. (05 February 2016). Study of the Volatile Organic Compounds in the Interaction Between Banana Plants (Musa sp.) and the Fungal Disease Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense Tropical Race 4 (Foc TR4) [Poster presentation]. National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences (NSABS) 21st - 2016, Anvers, Belgium.

Houmy, N., Abid, M., Addi, M., Mihamou, A., Serghini-Caid, H., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sindic, M., & Elamrani, A. (05 February 2016). A glance on characterization of almond kernels from five varieties cultivated in eastern Morocco [Poster presentation]. National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences, Anvers, Belgium.

Kaddes, A., Massart, S., Fauconnier, M.-L., Jijakli, H., & De Clerck, C. (05 February 2016). Volatile Organic Compounds:a new tool to control barley pathogens? [Poster presentation]. 21st National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences (NSABS 2016), Antwerp, Belgium.

Fauconnier, M.-L., Nasir, M. N., Deleu, M., & Lins, L. (2016). Des chercheurs au service du monde agricole : Projet FIELD, des éliciteurs à la place des pesticides. CBC Banque, p. 1.

Luzuriaga Loaiza, W., Legras, A., Crowet, J.-M., Franzil, L., Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Deleu, M., Ongena, M., Dorey, S., Obounou Akong, F. (Other coll.), Menhour, B. (Other coll.), Baillieul, F. (Other coll.), Fauconnier, M.-L. (Other coll.), Clément, C. (Other coll.), Haudrechy, A. (Other coll.), & Bouquillon, S. (Other coll.). (20 January 2016). Bases moléculaires de la perception des éliciteurs rhamnolipides et surfactine par des cellules végétales [Paper presentation]. Journées Jeunes Chercheurs Condorcet, Reims, France.

Bachir Bey, M., Richard, G., Meziant, L., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Louaileche, H. (2016). Effects of sun-drying on physicochemical characteristics, phenolic composition and in vitro antioxidant activity of dark fig varieties. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 8. doi:10.1111/jfpp.13164

Bouhaouel, I., Gfeller, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Delory, B., Amara, H. S., & du Jardin, P. (2016). Evaluation of the allelopathic potential of water-soluble compounds of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. subsp. vulgare) and great brome (Bromus diandrus Roth.) using a modified bioassay. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 20 (4), 482-494.

De Clerck, C., Kaddes, A., Fiers, M., Jallais, L., Parisi, O., Fauconnier, M.-L., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (2016). Identification and characterization of volatile organic compounds active against barley pathogens. Bulletin OILB/SROP, 117, 238-241.

Delory, B. M., Delaplace, P., du Jardin, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2016). Barley (Hordeum distichon L.) roots synthesise volatile aldehydes with a strong age-dependent pattern and release (E)- non-2-enal and (E,Z)-nona-2,6-dienal after mechanical injury. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 104. doi:10.1016/j.plaphy.2016.03.028

Delory, B., Delaplace, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., & du Jardin, P. (2016). Root-emitted volatile organic compounds: can they mediate belowground plant-plant interactions? Plant and Soil, 402, 1-26. doi:10.1007/s11104-016-2823-3

Diop, S. M., Guèye, M. T., Ndiaye, I., Ndiaye, E. H. B., Diop, M. B., Heuskin, S., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Lognay, G. (2016). Chemical composition of essential oils and floral waters of Mentha longifolia (L.) Huds. from Senegal. American Journal of Essential Oils and Natural Products, 4 (1), 46-49.

Diop, S. M., Guèye, M. T., Ndiaye, I., Ndiaye, E. H. B., Diop, M. B., Heuskin, S., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Lognay, G. (2016). Chemical Characterization of Essential Oils of Mints from Senegal. Natural Product Communications, 11 (0), 1-2.

Durenne, B., Blondel, A., Druart, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2016). Using TDU-GC-MS to investigate the VOCs emission of Brassica napus L. plantlets cultivated in vitro and exposed to cadmium abiotic stress [Poster presentation]. 40th ISCC and 13th GCxGC Symposium.

Durenne, B., Blondel, A. (Other coll.), Druart, P. (Other coll.), & Fauconnier, M.-L. (Other coll.). (2016). USING TDU-GC-MS TO INVESTIGATE THE VOCS EMISSION OF BRASSICA NAPUS L. PLANTLETS CULTIVATED IN VITRO AND EXPOSED TO CADMIUM ABIOTIC STRESS. In 40th ISCC and 13th GCxGC Symposium Abstracts book.

Gharbi, E., Martinez, J. P., Benahmed, H., Fauconnier, M.-L., Lutts, S., & Quinet, M. (2016). Salicylic acid differently impacts ethylene and polyamine synthesis in the glycophyte Solanum lycopersicum and the wild-related halophyte Solanum chilense exposed to mild salt stres. Physiologia Plantarum, 171, 438–447. doi:10.1111/ppl.12458

Guo, X., Wen, F., Zheng, N., Li, S., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Wang, J. (2016). A qPCR aptasensor for sensitive detection of aflatoxin M1. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 408 (20), 5577–5584. doi:10.1007/s00216-016-9656-z

Houmy, N., Mansouri, F., Benmoumen, A., Elmouden, S., Boujnah, M., Sindic, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Serghini-Caid, H., & Elamrani, A. (2016). Characterization of almond kernel oils of five almonds varieties cultivated in Eastern Morocco. Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes.

Luzuriaga Loaiza, W., Legras, A., Crowet, J.-M., Franzil, L., Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Deleu, M., Ongena, M., Dorey, S., Obounou Akong, F. (Other coll.), Menhour, B. (Other coll.), Baillieul, F. (Other coll.), Fauconnier, M.-L. (Other coll.), Clément, C. (Other coll.), Haudrechy, A. (Other coll.), & Bouquillon, S. (Other coll.). (January 2016). Insights into the molecular basis of rhamnolipid and surfactin perception by plant cells [Paper presentation]. 12èmes Rencontres Plantes-Bactéries, Aussois, France.

Medjahed, Z., Atmani-Kilani, D., Fauconnier, M.-L., Richard, G., & Atmani, D. (2016). Hepatoprotective and anti-diabetic activities of Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl extracts in animal models: Characterization by HPLC analysis. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, 46 (3), 910-920. doi:10.3906/sag-1502-13

Nasir, M. N., Fauconnier, M.-L., Lins, L., & Deleu, M. (January 2016). Using model membranes with their associated tools to analyze oxylipin-membrane interactions [Paper presentation]. Symposium Aquitaine-Liege, Bordeaux, France.

Nasir, M. N., Fauconnier, M.-L., Lins, L., Ongena, M., & Deleu, M. (January 2016). Influence of the chemical structure of key intermediate plant oxylipins during their molecular interactions with plant plasma membrane [Paper presentation]. J2C2, Reims, France.

Paul, A., Frederich, M., Uyttenbroeck, R., Hatt, S., Malik, P., Lebecque, S., Hamaïdia, M., Miazek, K., Goffin, D., Willems, L., Deleu, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Richel, A., De Pauw, E., Blecker, C., Monty, A., Francis, F., Haubruge, E., & Danthine, S. (2016). Grasshoppers as a food source? A review. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 20 (AgricultureIsLife), 337-352.

Polo Lozano, D., Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Jijakli, H., Fauconnier, M.-L., Ongena, M., & Deleu, M. (January 2016). Interactions des rhamnolipides éliciteurs de Pseudomonas aeruginosa avec des membranes modèles de plantes [Paper presentation]. Journées Jeunes Chercheurs Condorcet 2016, Reims, France.

Houmy, N., Belhaj, K., Abid, M., Mihamou, A., Addi, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sindic, M., Serghini-Caid, H., & Elamrani, A. (03 December 2015). Variability in almond oil chemical traits from traditional cultivars from eastern Morocco [Poster presentation]. 7èmes Journées Internationales d’Etude sur les Lipides, Marrakech, Morocco.

Luzuriaga Loaiza, W., Legras, A., Crowet, J.-M., Franzil, L., Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Dorey, S., Fauconnier, M.-L., Deleu, M., & Ongena, M. (23 November 2015). Elicitation of host immunity by plant beneficial bacilli: insights into the molecular basis of surfactin perception [Paper presentation]. Microbe-assited Crop Production (miCROPe), Vienna, Austria.

Censier, F.* , Heuskin, S.* , SAN MARTIN Y GOMEZ, G., Michels, F., Fauconnier, M.-L., De Proft, M., Lognay, G., & Bodson, B. (25 October 2015). A PHEROMONE TRAP MONITORING SYSTEM FOR THE SADDLE GALL MIDGE, Haplodiplosis marginata (von Roser) (DIPTERA: CECIDOMYIIDAE). Crop Protection, 80, 1-6. doi:10.1016/j.cropro.2015.10.024
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Bouhaouel, I., Gfeller, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Slim Amara, H., & du Jardin, P. (09 October 2015). Towards new bioherbicides derived from barley root allelochemicals [Paper presentation]. 9th International Symposium of Pesticides in Food and the Environment in Mediterranean Countries, Hammamet, Tunisia.

Nasir, M. N., Deleu, M., Lins, L., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (October 2015). Interactions of plant oxylipins with plant plasma membrane at the molecular level by experimental and in silico approaches [Paper presentation]. GERLI, Bischofsheim, France.

Nasir, M. N., Deleu, M., Lins, L., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (September 2015). Influence of the Structure of Key Intermediates of Plant Oxylipins on their Interactions at the Molecular Level with Plant Plasma Membrane [Poster presentation]. EuroFed Lipids Congress, Florence, Italy.

Le Mire, G., SIAH, A., Deleu, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Ongena, M., & Jijakli, H. (27 August 2015). Elicitor screening to protect wheat against Zymoseptoria tritici [Paper presentation]. XVIII. International Plant Protection Congress, Berlin, Germany.

Kaddes, A., Massart, S., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Jijakli, H. (25 August 2015). Effect of Volatile Organic Compounds against fungal and bacterial plant pathogens [Poster presentation]. XVIII. International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC) 2015, Berlin, Germany.

De Backer, L., Caparros Megido, R., Fauconnier, M.-L., Brostaux, Y., Francis, F., & Verheggen, F. (24 August 2015). Tuta absoluta infested plant induced HIPV role in Macrolophus pygmaeus foraging behavior [Paper presentation]. International Plant Protection Congress, Berlin, Germany.

Luzuriaga Loaiza, W., Legras, A., Crowet, J.-M., Franzil, L., Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Dorey, S., Fauconnier, M.-L., Deleu, M., & Ongena, M. (July 2015). Éliciteurs bactériens de l’immunité des plantes : bases moléculaires de la perception de la surfactine [Poster presentation]. SFR Condorcet Conference JC2015, Compiègne, France.

Nasir, M. N., Deleu, M., Lins, L., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (July 2015). Analyse à l’échelle moléculaire des interactions des oxylipines avec la phase lipidique des membranes de plantes [Poster presentation]. SFR Condorcet Conference JC2015, Compiègne, France.

Nasir, M. N., Luzuriaga Loaiza, W., Ongena, M., Lins, L., Fauconnier, M.-L., Clément, C., Dorey, S., & Deleu, M. (July 2015). Nouvelles alternatives aux pesticides chimiques : élucidation des modes d’action d’éliciteurs lipidiques par des approches biophysiques et biologiques complémentaires : cas de la surfactine (Projet FIELD) [Paper presentation]. SFR Condorcet Conference JC2015, Compiègne, France.

Polo Lozano, D., Nasir, M. N., Deleu, M., Jijakli, H., Fauconnier, M.-L., Richard, G., & Lins, L. (July 2015). Interactions des rhamnolipides éliciteurs de Pseudomonas aeruginosa avec des membranes modèles de plantes [Poster presentation]. SFR Condorcet Conference JC2015, Compiègne, France.

Quinsac, A., Carré, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Garrioux, J., Peyronnet, C., Pignolet, C., & Wathelet, J.-P. (July 2015). Glucosinolates and by-products in rapeseed meal related to hydrothermal processing [Poster presentation]. 14th International Rapeseed Congress, Saskatoon Saskatchewan, Canada.

Bawin, T., Dujeu, D., De Backer, L., Fauconnier, M.-L., Lognay, G., Delaplace, P., Francis, F., & Verheggen, F. (30 June 2015). Could alternative solanaceous hosts act as refuges for the tomato leafminer, Tuta absoluta? Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 9 (4), 425-435. doi:10.1007/s11829-015-9383-y

Yamoneka, J., Malumba Kamba, P., Blecker, C., Gindo, M., Richard, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Lognay, G., & Danthine, S. (20 June 2015). Physicochemical properties and thermal behaviour of African wild mango (Irvingia gabonensis) seed fat. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 64, 989-996. doi:10.1016/j.lwt.2015.06.035

Gharbi, E., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Lutts, S. (June 2015). Effect of salicylic acid on the interaction between ethylene and polyamines in the short term response of tomato to salinity stress [Poster presentation]. Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance III, Vienne, Austria.

Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Fauconnier, M.-L., Ongena, M., & Deleu, M. (June 2015). How do synthetic rhamnolipids interact with biomimetic systems of plant plasma membranes ? Key role of the chemical structures." [Poster presentation]. 14th European Conference on Organized Films, Genoa, Italy.

Nasir, M. N., Luzuriaga Loaiza, W., Ongena, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Lins, L., & Deleu, M. (June 2015). How does biophysics contribute to the understanding of the plant-PGPR products interactions? [Paper presentation]. 10th International PGPR Workshop, Liege, Belgium.

De Backer, L., Caparros Megido, R., Fauconnier, M.-L., Brostaux, Y., Francis, F., & Verheggen, F. (19 May 2015). Macrolophus pygmaeus perception of HIPV's from Tuta absoluta infested tomato plants [Poster presentation]. 67th International Symposium on Crop Protection.

De Clerck, C., Kherkhofs, C., Berhal, C., Verheggen, F., Fauconnier, M.-L., Jijakli, H., & Massart, S. (19 May 2015). Volatile organic compounds emitted by Cavendish and Plantain banana plants [Poster presentation]. International Symposium on Crop Protection (ISCP) 67th, Gant, Belgium.

Le Mire, G., Siah, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Deleu, M., Ongena, M., Brostaux, Y., & Jijakli, H. (19 May 2015). Screening for interesting elicitors to protect wheat against Zymoseptoria tritici [Paper presentation]. 67th International Symposium on Crop Protection (ISCP), Ghent, Belgium.

Luzuriaga Loaiza, W., Legras, A., Crowet, J.-M., Franzil, L., Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Dorey, S., Fauconnier, M.-L., Ongena, M., & Deleu, M. (13 May 2015). Surfactin: a receptor-independent bacterial elicitor of plant immunity? [Poster presentation]. BioLiège 2015, Liège, Belgium.

Houmy, N., Mansouri, F., Ben Moumen, A., Elmoudden, S., Boujnah, M., Sindic, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Serghini-Caid, H., & Elamrani, A. (03 May 2015). Characterization of almond kernel oils of five almonds varieties cultivated in Eastern Morocco [Poster presentation]. La XVIe Réunion du GREMPA sur l'Amandier et le Pistachier, Meknes, Morocco.

Amelynck, C., Heinesch, B., Aubinet, M., Bachy, A., Delaplace, P., Digrado, A., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Mozaffar, A., & schoon, N. (April 2015). The CROSTVOC project – an integrated approach to study the effect of stress on BVOC exchange between agricultural crops and grassland ecosystems and the atmosphere [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria.

Mozaffar, A., Amelynck, C., Bachy, A., Digrado, A., Delaplace, P., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Schoon, N., Aubinet, M., & Heinesch, B. (April 2015). Biogenic Volatile Organic Compound (BVOC) emissions from agricultural crop species: is guttation a possible source for methanol emissions following light/dark transition? Geophysical Research Abstracts, 17 (EGU2015-2110-1).

Yamoneka, J., Malumba Kamba, P., Blecker, C., Gindo, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Lognay, G., & Danthine, S. (15 March 2015). Physicochemical properties and thermal behaviour of African wild mango (Irvingia gabonensis) seed oil [Poster presentation]. Troisièmes Journées Scientifiques de l'Agro-Alimentaire, Hammamet, Tunisia.

Yamoneka, J., Malumba Kamba, P., Blecker, C., Gindo, M., Richard, G., Fauconnier, M.-L., Lognay, G., & Danthine, S. (15 March 2015). Physicochemical properties and thermal behaviour of African wild mango (Irvingia gabonensis) seed oil [Poster presentation]. Troisièmes Journées Scientifiques de l'Agro-Alimentaire, Hammamet, Tunisia.

le Maire, N., Fauconnier, M.-L., Colaux, C., & Verpoorten, D. (10 March 2015). Gamification d’évaluation formative ou pourquoi transformer un quiz de chimie en un mini-jeu ? [Paper presentation]. Séance du CDS : "Introduire des composantes ludiques dans mes enseignements".

Houmy, N., Elamrani, A., Sindic, M., Serghini-Caid, H., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Mihamou, A. (03 March 2015). Oil content, triglycerides profiles and fatty acid composition of almond kernels of some varieties cultivated in eastern Morocco [Poster presentation]. Beacons of Hope in the Quest for the Next Einstein In the MENA region, Fes, Morocco.

Censier, F., Fischer, C., Chavalle, S., Heuskin, S., Fauconnier, M.-L., De Proft, M., Lognay, G., Laurent, P., & Bodson, B. (2015). 7. Lutte intégrée contre les ravageurs - 2.1 Suivi des populations de cécidomyie équestre, Haplodiplosis marginata, grâce au développement d'un piège à phéromone. In B. Watillon & B. Bodson (Eds.), Livre Blanc Céréales (Février 2015, pp. 7/4-7/5). Gembloux, Belgium: Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech.

Davin, M., Lognay, G., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Colinet, G. (30 January 2015). Investigating the Effects of Plant Root Exudates on PAHs Bioavailability to Soil Microorganisms in Contaminated Brownfields : Research Methodology [Poster presentation]. 20th National Symposium on Applied Biological Sciences, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

le Maire, N., Fauconnier, M.-L., Colaux, C., & Verpoorten, D. (30 January 2015). Evaluation et gamification - Transformer un quiz de chimie en un mini-jeu [Paper presentation]. 27ème Colloque de l'ADMEE Europe, Liège, Belgium.

Polo Lozano, D., Nasir, M. N., Deleu, M., Jijakli, H., Fauconnier, M.-L., Richard, G., & Lins, L. (30 January 2015). Interactions of natural rhamnolpids produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa with plant model membranes [Poster presentation]. 20th National Symposium of Applied Biological Sciences (NSABS-2015), Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.

Ydjedd, S., Kati, D. E., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (30 January 2015). Elicitation of the defence mechanisms at plant case of Cucumis melo [Poster presentation]. 20th National Symposium of Applied Biological Sciences (NSABS-2015), Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.

Ben Moumen, A., Mansouri, F., Richard, G., Abid, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sindic, M., El Amrani, A., & Serghini-Caid, H. (2015). Biochemical characterisation of the seed oils of four safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) varieties grown in north-eastern of Morocco. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. doi:10.1111/ijfs.12714

Ben Moumen, A., Mansouri, F., Richard, G., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sindic, M., Nabloussi, A., Elamran, A., & Serghini-Caid, H. (2015). Variations in the phytosterol and tocopherol compositions and the oxidative stability in seed oils from four safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L) varieties grown in north-eastern Morocco. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 50 (10), 2264–2270. doi:10.1111/ijfs.12879

De Backer, L., Caparros Megido, R., Fauconnier, M.-L., Brostaux, Y., Francis, F., & Verheggen, F. (2015). Tuta absoluta-induced plant volatiles: attractiveness towards the generalist predator Macrolophus pygmaeus. Arthropod-Plant Interactions. doi:10.1007/s11829-015-9388-6

Fauconnier, M.-L., & Druart, P. (2015). Recherches de lignées aromatiques d’Abies par hybridation somatique. (6). CRAW et GxABT.

Ghazi, Z., Ramdani, M., Tahri, M., Rmili, R., Elmsellem, H., El Mahi, B., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2015). Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activity of seeds oils and fruit juice of Opuntia Ficus Indica and Opuntia Dillenii from Morocco. Journal of Materials and Environmental Science, 6 (8), 2338-2345.

Hennia, A., Brada, M., Nemmiche, S., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Lognay, G. (2015). Chemical composition and antibacterial activitiy of the essential oils of Algerian Myrtus communis L. Journal of Essential Oil Research, 5. doi:10.1080/10412905.2015.1023905

Karenzi, E., Fauconnier, M.-L., Destain, J., Laurent, P., & Thonart, P. (2015). Technological Features of Selected Kivuguto Strains during Milk Fermentation. Bioengineering and Bioscience, 3 (2), 13-22. doi:10.13189/bb.2015.030201

Karenzi, E., Fauconnier, M.-L., Destain, J., & Thonart, P. (January 2015). Manufacturing of Kivuguto milk and stability in storage under refrigeration. European Scientific Journal, 11 (3), 1-16.

Luzuriaga Loaiza, W., Legras, A., Franzil, L., Crowet, J.-M., Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Dorey, S., Fauconnier, M.-L., Deleu, M., & Ongena, M. (2015). PGPR elicitors of plant immunity: insights into the molecular basis of surfactin perception [Poster presentation]. 10th International PGPR workshop, Liège, Belgium.

Mansouri, F., Ben Moumen, A., Richard, G., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sindic, M., Serghini-Caid, H., & Elamrani, A. (2015). Phytosterols composition of virgin olive oils from cultivars introduced in eastern Morocco in comparison to Picholine Marocaine. Journal of Materials and Environmental Science, 6 (8), 2322-2329.

Tahri, M., Imelouane, B., Amhamdi, H., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Elbachiri, A. (2015). The Chemical compositions and the Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of the Essential Oil of Rosemary Leaves from Eastern Morocco. Journal of Materials and Environmental Science, 6 (3), 666-672.

Wylock, C., Elloundou Mballa, P. P., Heilporn, C., Debaste, F., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2015). Review on the potential technologies for aromas recovery from food industry flue gas. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 46 (1), 68-74. doi:10.1016/j.tifs.2015.08.002

Saive, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Danflous, J.-P. (Other coll.). (16 December 2014). Phytochemical Study of Plants of Interest for Cosmetics in Mayotte [Poster presentation]. Young researchers overseas' Day, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Barsics, F., Delory, B., Delaplace, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Haubruge, E., Francis, F., & Verheggen, F. (13 December 2014). Belowground Chemical Ecology: The Case of Wireworms [Paper presentation]. 21st Benelux Congress of Zoology - Zoology 2014.

De Backer, L., Caparros Megido, R., Fauconnier, M.-L., Brostaux, Y., Francis, F., & Verheggen, F. (13 December 2014). Exploiting tritrophic interactions to control the tomato leafminer, Tuta absoluta [Paper presentation]. Zoology 2014 - 21st Benelux Congress of Zoology, Liège, Belgium.

Mansouri, F., Ben Moumen, A., Houmy, N., Richard, G., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sindic, M., Serghini-Caid, H., & Elamrani, A. (December 2014). Evaluation of the oxidative stability of blends of ‘Arbequina’ olive oils with other monovarietal olive oils. Olivae (Official Journal of the International Olive Council), 120, 23-30.

Houmy, N., Elmoudden, S., Boujnah, M., Sindic, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Serghini-Caid, H., & Elamrani, A. (21 November 2014). Caractérisation préliminaire de quelques variétés d’amande cultivées dans la région orientale du Maroc [Poster presentation]. The First International Workshop on Health, Environment & Entrepreneurship, Health & Ion Channel Signaling Mechanisms, Mohammadia, Morocco.

Bouhaouel, I., Gfeller, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Rezgui, S., Amara, H. S., & du Jardin, P. (14 November 2014). Allelopathic and autotoxicity effects of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. ssp. vulgare) root exudates. BioControl, Online First. doi:10.1007/s10526-014-9634-3

Luzuriaga Loaiza, W., Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Dorey, S., Fauconnier, M.-L., Ongena, M., & Deleu, M. (20 October 2014). Surfactin interaction with model plant plasma membrane [Poster presentation]. Biophysics Conference: Modern Biophysical Techniques for the Life Sciences, Brussels, Belgium.

Polo Lozano, D., Nasir, M. N., Deleu, M., Jijakli, H., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Lins, L. (20 October 2014). Analysis of the interactions of natural elicitor rhamnolipids with plant plasma membranes by in silico methods [Poster presentation]. Biophysics Conference - Modern Biophysical Techniques for the Life Sciences, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Le Mire, G., Deleu, M., Ongena, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Siah, A., & Jijakli, H. (14 October 2014). Screening of elicitor candidates on winter wheat against Septoria tritici [Paper presentation]. Conférences sur "Stimulateurs de défenses des plantes et en particulier du blé", Gembloux, Belgium.

Nasir, M. N., Lins, L., Deleu, M., Ongena, M., Jijakli, H., Francis, F., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (October 2014). Comprendre les mécanismes d'action des éliciteurs lipidiques de plantes par une approche multidisciplinaire [Paper presentation]. Conférences sur "Stimulateurs de défenses des plantes et en particulier du blé".

Danthine, S., Simon, C., Richel, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Blecker, C. (September 2014). Batch enzymatic interesterification of fat blends using microwave [Poster presentation]. Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Montpellier, France.

Le Mire, G., Deleu, M., Ongena, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Siah, A., & Jijakli, H. (September 2014). Elicitor screening to protect winter wheat against Septoria tritici Blotch: preliminary results [Paper presentation]. Natural Products and Biocontrol 2014, Perpignan, France.

Delory, B., Delaplace, P., du Jardin, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (13 August 2014). Barley (Hordeum distichon L.) roots produce volatile aldehydes via the lipoxygenase/hydroperoxide lyase pathway with a strong age-dependent pattern [Paper presentation]. 53rd Annual Meeting of the Phytochemical Society of North America, Raleigh, NC, United States.

Heinesch, B., Amelynck, C., Aubinet, M., Bachy, A., Digrado, A., Delaplace, P., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Mozaffar, A., & Schoon, N. (01 July 2014). CROSTVOC : an integrated project for studying the impact of abiotic stresses on BVOC production of field crops and grasslands [Poster presentation]. Gordon Research Conference « Biogenic Hydrocarbons & the Atmosphere, Interactions in a Changing World », Girona, Spain.

Barsics, F., Delory, B., Delaplace, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Fiers, M., Jijakli, H., Francis, F., Haubruge, E., & Verheggen, F. (June 2014). Belowground Chemical Ecology: The Case of Wireworms [Poster presentation]. ICE 2014 - Insect Chemical Ecology 2014 - Doctoral Course, State College, United States - Pennsylvania.

De Backer, L., Caparros Megido, R., Fauconnier, M.-L., Brostaux, Y., Francis, F., & Verheggen, F. (20 May 2014). Exploiting tritrophic interactions to control the tomato leafminer, Tuta absoluta [Paper presentation]. 66th Symposium on Crop Protection, Gand, Belgium.

Le Mire, G., SIAH, A., Deleu, M., Ongena, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Jijakli, H. (20 May 2014). A methodology for elicitor screening of winter wheat infected by STB and FHB [Poster presentation]. International Symposium on Crop Protection (ISCP), Ghent, Belgium.

Danthine, S., Blecker, C., Paul, A., Caparros Megido, R., Haubruge, E., Alabi, T., Lognay, G., Fauconnier, M.-L., Frederich, M., & Francis, F. (16 May 2014). Mealworms: Alternate Source of Lipids [Paper presentation]. International Conference: Insects to Feed the World, Ede, Netherlands.

Abeslami, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sindic, M., Bruneau, E., & El Bachiri, A. (15 May 2014). Identification de la composition en arômes des miels de la région orientale du Maroc (Communication orale) [Paper presentation]. Journée scientifique "Du Programme P3 au Phasing Out : Impacts et Perspectives", Oujda, Morocco.

Berraouan, A., Mekhfi, H., Ziyyat, A., Sindic, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Legssyer, A., Aziz, M., & Bnouham, M. (15 May 2014). Evaluation de l'effet antidiabétique de l'huile du figuier de barbarie (Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill.) (Communication orale) [Paper presentation]. Journée scientifique "Du Programme P3 au Phasing Out : Impacts et Perspectives", Oujda, Morocco.

Zidane, H., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sindic, M., Lognay, G., Heuskin, S., Tahani, A., & El Bachiri, A. (15 May 2014). Encapsulation de l'huile essentielle du Cistus libanotis par une bentonite de Nador (Montmorillonite) (Communication orale) [Paper presentation]. Journée scientifique "Du Programme P3 au Phasing Out : Impacts et Perspectives", Oujda, Morocco.

Rotschild, A., Benini, C., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (14 May 2014). Les huiles essentielles [Paper presentation]. Séminaire "huiles essentielles et plantes médicinales", Oujda, Morocco.

Yamoneka, J., Malumba Kamba, P., Blecker, C., Gindo, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Lognay, G., & Danthine, S. (07 April 2014). Physicochemical properties and the thermal behaviour of african wild mango (Irvingia gabonensis) seeds oil [Poster presentation]. 2ème journées Scientifiques de l'Agro-Alimentaire (J.S.A.A. 2014), Sousse, Tunisia.

De Backer, L., Caparros Megido, R., Fauconnier, M.-L., Brostaux, Y., & Verheggen, F. (02 April 2014). Macrolophus pygmaeus Rambur [Heteroptera: Miridae] attraction to HIPVs released by tomato under infestation by the leafminer Tuta absoluta Meyrick [Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae] [Poster presentation]. Entomophagiste 2014, Louvain, Belgium.

Deckers, S., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2014). Substitution du houblonnage à cru par l’adjonction d’une liqueur naturelle. (1). ULg-GxABT.

le Maire, N., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (21 February 2014). Exploitation du « peer learning » dans les séances de Travaux dirigés - Exemple des TD de Chimie générale en Bac 1 Bioingénieur [Paper presentation]. Pause pédagogique : "Rendre les étudiants acteurs de leurs apprentissages", Gembloux, Belgium.

Bouhaouel, I., Gfeller, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Slim Amara, H., & du Jardin, P. (08 February 2014). Allo- and autoinhibition in barley and great brome: a laboratory study [Paper presentation]. 1st Africa-International Allelopathy Congress, Sousse, Tunisia.

Bachir Bey, M., Richard, G., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Louaileche, H. (07 February 2014). Effect of sun-drying on flavonoïd composition and antioxidant activity of three dark fig varieties [Poster presentation]. Congrès NSABS « 19th National Symposium on Applied Biological Sciences », Gembloux, Belgium.

Delory, B., Delaplace, P., du Jardin, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (07 February 2014). Quantitative gas chromatography - mass spectrometry profiling of volatile organic compounds produced by barley (Hordeum distichon L.) roots according to plant age [Poster presentation]. 19th National Symposium on Applied Biological Sciences, Gembloux, Belgium.

DETHIER, B., Ponchaux, J., Laloux, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (07 February 2014). Contribution to the study of alliinase, the active principle of garlic [Poster presentation]. National Symposium on Applied Biological Sciences.

Digrado, A., Mozaffar, A., Bachy, A., Schoon, N., Amelynck, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Aubinet, M., Heinesch, B., du Jardin, P., & Delaplace, P. (07 February 2014). Impact of abiotic stresses on volatile organic compound production of field crops and grasslands [Poster presentation]. 19th National Symposium on Applied Biological Sciences.

Druart, P., Michels, F., Misson, J.-P., Seffer, X., Wathelet, J.-P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (07 February 2014). Profiles of the volatile organic compounds emitted by the masses of Abies nordmanniana somatic embryos at maintenance and maturation stages [Poster presentation]. Congrès NSABS « 19th National Symposium on Applied Biological Sciences », Gembloux, Belgium.

Eloundou Mballa, P. P., DETHIER, B., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (07 February 2014). Use of GC-MS in SIM-Scan mode for a selective quantification of polluting volatile organic compounds (VOC) in food industries [Poster presentation]. 19th National Symposium on Applied Biological Sciences, Gembloux, Belgium.

Le Mire, G., Deleu, M., Ongena, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Jijakli, H. (07 February 2014). Development of formulated elicitors to control bioagressors of wheat: which interests? [Poster presentation]. National Symposium of Applied Biological Sciences, Gembloux, Belgium.

Luzuriaga Loaiza, W., Franzil, L., Fauconnier, M.-L., Deleu, M., Lins, L., Ongena, M., & Nasir, M. N. (07 February 2014). Bacterial lipopeptides as elicitors of plant defence [Poster presentation]. Congrès NSABS « 19th National Symposium on Applied Biological Sciences », Gembloux, Belgium.

Madas, M.-N., Francis, F., Marghitas, L. A., Haubruge, E., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Nguyen, B. K. (07 February 2014). Physico-chemical properties and aroma profile of Acacia Honey produced in Romania. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, 79 (1), 133-135.

Musoni, M., Telek, S., Zune, Q., Destain, J., Fauconnier, M.-L., Thonart, P., & Delvigne, F. (07 February 2014). Filamenteous fungi (Trichoderma harzianum) behaviour in biofilm culture for 6-pentyl-α-pyrone production as secondary metabolite with coconut aroma [Poster presentation]. Congrès NSABS « 19th National Symposium on Applied Biological Sciences », Gembloux, Belgium.

Polo Lozano, D., Lins, L., Ongena, M., Deleu, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Jijakli, H., & Nasir, M. N. (07 February 2014). Interactions of a potential plant elicitor mannolipid with plant model membranes [Poster presentation]. 19th National Symposium on Applied Biological Sciences, Gembloux, Belgium.

Richard, G., Nott, K., Nicks, F., Paquot, M., Blecker, C., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (07 February 2014). Use of lipases for the kinetic resolution of lactic acid esters in heptane or in a solvent free system [Poster presentation]. 19th National Symposium on Applied Biological Sciences, Gembloux, Belgium.

Zribi, I., le Maire, N., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Haouala, R. (07 February 2014). Assessment of lipoxygenase activity in seeds and leaves of Nigella sativa and Cassia absus [Poster presentation]. Congrès NSABS « 19th National Symposium on Applied Biological Sciences », Gembloux, Belgium.

Bouhaouel, I., Gfeller, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Slim Amara, H., & du Jardin, P. (06 February 2014). Allelopathic potential of sunflower against the great brome [Poster presentation]. 1st Africa-International Allelopathy Congress, Sousse, Tunisia.

Nasir, M. N., Crowet, J.-M., Lins, L., Ongena, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Gatard, S., Bouquillon, S., & Deleu, M. (February 2014). Sugar - based bolaforms as new potential drug delivery system. Importance of the sugar residues in the modulation of the membrane activity [Poster presentation]. National Symposium of Applied Biological Sciences, Gembloux, Belgium.

Nasir, M. N., Crowet, J.-M., Lins, L., Ongena, M., Nott, K., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Deleu, M. (February 2014). Do lipid interaction properties of novel rhamnolipids govern their plant - elicitor activities? [Poster presentation]. National Symposium of Applied Biological Sciences, Gembloux, Belgium.

Nasir, M. N., Polo Lozano, D., Luzuriaga Loaiza, W., Deleu, M., Lins, L., Ongena, M., Jijakli, H., Thonart, P., Francis, F., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (February 2014). New alternatives to chemical pesticides: deciphering the action mechanisms of lipid based plant elicitors via complementary biophysical and biological approaches [Poster presentation]. 19th National Symposium on Applied Biological Sciences, Gembloux, Belgium.

Eloundou Mballa, P. P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2014). VOCALisE – n° 6975 RAPPORT SCIENTIFIQUE & TECHNIQUE. (Semestre n° 1).

Aouinti, F., Elmsellem, H., Bachiri, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Chetouani, A., Chaouki, B., Aouniti, A., & Hammouti, B. (2014). Plants as a source of green corrosion inhibitors on mild steel in hydrochloric acid: The case of oil extract of leaves of Pistacia lentiscus from Saidia Morocco. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 6 (7), 10-23.

Attia, S., Foray, V., Louâpres, P., Heuskin, S., Boivin, G., Haubruge, E., Francis, F., Fauconnier, M.-L., Thonart, P., Lognay, G., & Hance, T. (2014). The facultative bacterial symbiont Serratia symbiotica in Acyrtosiphon pisum confer resistance to Aphidius ervi [Poster presentation]. Entomophagistes 2014, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Attia, S., Louâpre, P., Foray, V., Heuskin, S., Boivin, G., Haubruge, E., Francis, F., Fauconnier, M.-L., Thonart, P., Lognay, G., & Hance, T. (2014). Does the facultative bacteria Serratia symbiotica influence the foraging strategies of aphid parasitoids? [Poster presentation]. Entomophagistes 2014, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Barsics, F., Fiers, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Jijakli, H., Francis, F., Haubruge, E., & Verheggen, F. (2014). Assessing the foraging behavior of Agriotes sordidus wireworms in dual-choice olfactometers. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, 79 (2), 151-156.

Caparros Megido, R., De Backer, L., Ettaïb, R., Brostaux, Y., Fauconnier, M.-L., Delaplace, P., Lognay, G., Belkhadi, M. S., Haubruge, E., Francis, F., & Verheggen, F. (2014). Role of larval host plant experience and solanaceous plant volatile emissions in Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) host finding behavior. Arthropod-Plant Interactions. doi:10.1007/s11829-014-9315-2

Censier, F.* , Fischer, C.* , Laurent, P., Lognay, G., Chavalle, S., Heuskin, S., Fauconnier, M.-L., Bodson, B., & De Proft, M. (2014). Identification of 1-methyloctyl butanoate as the major sex pheromone component from females of the saddle gall midge, Haplodiplosis marginata (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Chemoecology. doi:10.1007/s00049-014-0167-0
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

El Miz, M., Salhi, S., Chraibi, I., El Bachiri, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Tahani, A. (2014). Characterization and Adsorption Study of Thymol on Pillared Bentonite. Open Journal of Physical Chemistry, 4 (3), 98-116. doi:10.4236/ojpc.2014.43013

Foray, V., Grigorescu, A., Sabri, A., Haubruge, E., Lognay, G., Francis, F., Fauconnier, M.-L., Hance, T., & Thonart, P. (2014). Whole-genome sequence of Serratia symbiotica strain CWBI-2.3T, a free-living symbiont of the Black Bean Aphid Aphis fabae. Genome Announcements, 2 (4). doi:10.1128/genomeA.00767-14

Mariutto, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Ongena, M., Laloux, M., Wathelet, J.-P., du Jardin, P., Thonart, P., & Dommes, J. (2014). Reprogramming of fatty acid and oxylipin synthesis in rhizobacteria-induced systemic resistance in tomato. Plant Molecular Biology, 84 (4-5), 455-476. doi:10.1007/s11103-013-0144-y

Nasir, M. N., Deleu, M., Lins, L., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2014). Analysis of the interactions of oxylipins with plasma membranes at a molecular level by a biomimetic approach [Poster presentation]. 12th EuroFed Lipid Congress, Montpellier, France.

Richard, G., Hance, T., Fauconnier, M.-L., Lognay, G., Thonart, P., Deneubourg, J.-L., Haubruge, E., & Francis, F. (2014). Technologie de production de masse d’insectes - INSECTECH. ULg-GxABT.

Sidali, L., Brada, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Lognay, G. (2014). Composition chimique et activité antimicrobienne de l’huile essentielle de Thymus vulgaris du Nord d’Algérie. PhytoChem and BioSub Journal, 8 (3), 156-161. doi:10.163.pcbsj/2014.8.3.156

Simon, C., Richel, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Blecker, C., & Danthine, S. (2014). Microwave-assisted batch enzymatic interesterification of palm stearin/rapeseed oil blends [Poster presentation]. Food Structure & Functionality Forum Symposium, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Zidane, H., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sindic, M., & El Bachiri, A. (2014). Comparative study of volatile secondary metabolite of Cistus libanotis during different process. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 6 (8), 281-287.

Ben moumen, A., Mansouri, F., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sindic, M., Mihamou, A., Elamrani, A., & Serghini-Caid, H. (2013). Effet du stress hydrique sur la composition biochimique des huiles de quatre variétés de carthame (Carthamus tinctorius) produites dans la région orientale du Maroc. In 6èmes Journées internationales d'étude sur les lipides - Programme scientifique, Recueil des Résumés (pp. 30).

Danthine, S., Blecker, C., Paul, A., Frederich, M., Alabi, T., Lognay, G., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Francis, F. (December 2013). Physicochemical properties of lipids extracted from Tenebrio molitor larvae [Poster presentation]. 7th INTERNATIONAL FOOD CONVENTION(IFCON), India.

Mansouri, F., Ben moumen, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sindic, M., Serghini-Caid, H., & Elamrani, A. (2013). Evaluation de la composition des huiles d’olive de nouvelles variétés d’olivier introduites dans la région orientale du Maroc. In 6èmes Journées internationales d'étude sur les lipides - Programme scientifique, Recueil des Résumés (pp. 35).

Richard, G., Hance, T., Fauconnier, M.-L., Lognay, G., Thonart, P., Deneubourg, J.-L., Haubruge, E., & Francis, F. (2013). Technologie de production de masse d’insectes - INSECTECH. (Rapport scientifique annuel N° 1 période du 01/01/2013 au 31/12/2013). ULg-GxABT.

Nasir, M. N., Crowet, J.-M., Lins, L., Ongena, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Gatard, S., Bouquillon, S., & Deleu, M. (November 2013). INFLUENCE OF THE NATURE OF SUGAR RESIDUES ON THE INTERACTIONS OF SYMETRIC SUGAR- BASED BOLAFORMS WITH MODEL MEMBRANES [Poster presentation]. GEM-GERLI Conference, France.

Nasir, M. N., Crowet, J.-M., Lins, L., Ongena, M., Nott, K., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Deleu, M. (November 2013). LIPID INTERACTION PROPERTIES OF NOVEL RHAMNOLIPIDS [Paper presentation]. GEM GERLI Conference, Saint Jean Cap Ferrat, France.

Fauconnier, M.-L. (30 October 2013). Quelle recherche en soutien aux réseaux de laboratoires ? [Paper presentation]. SECURITE SANITAIRE et INNOVATION TECHNOLOGIQUE, Dakar, Senegal.

le Maire, N., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (29 October 2013). MÉNAGER LA CONFIANCE DES ÉTUDIANTS DE 1ER BAC GRÂCE À UN FEEDBACK CONTINU DE LEUR TRAVAIL OU QUELS TYPES D’« ÉVALUATIONS » À QUEL MOMENT ? Exemple du cours de Chimie Générale en 1er Bac Bioingénieur [Paper presentation]. 47ème formation du CDS, Liège, Belgium.

Delory, B., Delaplace, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., & du Jardin, P. (16 October 2013). Les composés organiques volatils racinaires: médiateurs chimiques des interactions plantes-plantes ? [Paper presentation]. Présentation des travaux de doctorat du département des sciences agronomiques de Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, ULg, Gembloux, Belgium.

Grigorescu, A., Foray, V., Sabri, A., Haubruge, E., Lognay, G., Francis, F., Fauconnier, M.-L., Hance, T., & Thonart, P. (October 2013). Serratia symbiotica from Aphis fabae: a step forward in understanding the genomic evolution of a lifestyle transition from free-living to aphid-dependent [Paper presentation]. 6ème Réunion annuelle du Réseau BAPOA “Biologie Adaptative des Pucerons et Organismes Associés”.

Galonde, N., Brostaux, Y., Richard, G., Nott, K., Jérôme, C., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (12 September 2013). Use of response surface methodology for the optimization of the lipase-catalyzed synthesis of mannosyl myristate in pure ionic liquid. Process Biochemistry, 48 (11), 1914-1920. doi:10.1016/j.procbio.2013.08.023

Richard, G., Nott, K., Nicks, F., Paquot, M., Blecker, C., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (05 September 2013). Use of lipases for the kinetic resolution of lactic acid esters in heptane or in a solvent free system. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 97, 289-296. doi:10.1016/j.molcatb.2013.08.015

Grigorescu, A., Foray, V., Sabri, A., Haubruge, E., Lognay, G., Francis, F., Fauconnier, M.-L., Hance, T., & Thonart, P. (August 2013). Serratia symbiotica from Aphis fabae: a step forward in understanding the genomic evolution of a lifestyle transition from free-living to aphid-dependent [Paper presentation]. XIVth Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology.

Galonde, N., Nott, K., Richard, G., Brostaux, Y., Debuigne, A., Jérôme, C., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (21 July 2013). Application of response surface methodology (RSM) to the lipase-catalyzed synthesis of sugar esters in pure ionic liquid and in ionic liquid/organic solvent mixtures [Poster presentation]. Biotrans 2013.

Mayon, P., Ait Barka, E., Baillieul, F., Belloy, N., Borie, N., Buchoux, S., Clément, C., Dauchez, M., Dhondt, S., Gatard, S., Harakat, D., Hubert, J., Jacquens, L., Martinez, A., Mazerat Gourbeyre, F., Menhour, B., Renault, J.-H., Sarazin, C., Villaume, S., ... Fauconnier, M.-L. (04 July 2013). Eliciteurs dérivés de rhamnolipides : synthèses, modélisations et activités biologiques [Poster presentation]. Journées SFR, France.

Eloundou Mballa, P. P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (02 July 2013). Contribution à la détermination du profil en COVs des effluents gazeux de séchage industriel de levain [Poster presentation]. Walking Dinner du département de Chimie et Bio-industries, Gembloux, Belgium.

le Maire, N., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (02 July 2013). Hémisynthèse d'un iminosucre aux vertus thérapeutiques à partir d'oxylipines végétales [Poster presentation]. Réunion de fin d'année du département de Chimie et Bioindustrie, Gembloux, Belgium.

DETHIER, B., Hanon, E., Maayoufi, S., Nott, K., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (July 2013). Optimization of the formation of vinyldithiins, therapeutic compounds from garlic. European Food Research and Technology, 237 (1), 83-88. doi:10.1007/s00217-013-2012-z

Le Mire, G., Deleu, M., Ongena, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Jijakli, H. (July 2013). Development of formulated elicitors to control bioagressors of wheat [Paper presentation]. Journée SFR Condorcet (Institut LaSalle de Beauvais).

Fauconnier, M.-L. (21 June 2013). Recherche de lignées aromatiques d’Abies par hybridation somatique [Paper presentation]. Congrès de l’Association des Producteurs Européens de Sapins de Noël, Neufchâteau, Belgium.

Galonde, N., Nott, K., Richard, G., Brostaux, Y., Debuigne, A., Jérôme, C., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (05 June 2013). OPTIMIZATION OF THE LIPASE-CATALYZED SYNTHESIS OF SUGAR ESTERS IN PURE IL AND IN IL/ORGANIC SOLVENT MIXTURES VIA RESPONSE SURFACE METHODOLOGY (RSM) [Poster presentation]. 9th International Conference on Renewable Resources & Biorefineries, Anvers, Belgium.

Bouhaouel, I., Gfeller, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Amara, H., & du Jardin, P. (June 2013). LABORATORY STUDIES FOR ALLELOPATHIC AND BIOHERBICIDAL POTENTIAL OF TUNISIAN BARLEY (Hordeum vulgare ssp. vulgare L.) AGAINST THE GREAT BROME (Bromus diandrus Roth.) [Poster presentation]. European Weed Research Society Symposium, Samsun, Turkey.

Bouhaouel, I., Gfeller, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Amara, H., & du Jardin, P. (21 May 2013). Does the Allelopathic potential of the Tunisian barley root exudates affects simultaneously weeds and barley growth? [Paper presentation]. 65th International Symposium on Crop Protection, Gand, Belgium.

Fiers, M., Lognay, G., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Jijakli, H. (20 May 2013). Volatile Compound-Mediated Interactions between Barley and Pathogenic Fungi in the Soil. PLoS ONE, 8 (6). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0066805

Bouhaouel, I., Gfeller, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Amara, H., & du Jardin, P. (18 April 2013). Chlorophyll content and fluorescence emission as reporters on allelopathic stress in great brome (Bromus diandrus Roth.) [Poster presentation]. The Bioforum 2013 of BioLiège, Liège, Belgium.

Ben Moumen, A., Mansouri, F., Zraibi, L., Abid, M., Nabloussi, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sindic, M., El amrani, A., & Serghini-Caid, H. (2013). Comparative study of four safflower oils (Carthamus tinctorius) varieties grown in eastern of Morocco. In Book of Proceedings InsideFood Symposium (pp. 6).

Ben Moumen, A., Mansouri, F., Zraibi, L., Abid, M., Nabloussi, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sindic, M., El amrani, A., & Serghini-Caid, H. (April 2013). Comparative study of four safflower oils (Carthamus tinctorius) varieties grown in eastern of Morocco [Poster presentation]. InsideFood Symposium, Leuven, Belgium.

Galonde, N., Nott, K., Richard, G., Debuigne, A., Nicks, F., Jérôme, C., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (April 2013). Study of the Influence of Pure Ionic Liquids on the Lipase-catalyzed (Trans)esterification of Mannose Based on their Anion and Cation Nature. Current Organic Chemistry, 17 (7), 763-770. doi:10.2174/1385272811317070010

Mansouri, F., Ben Moumen, A., Lopez, G., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sindic, M., Serghini-Caid, H., & Elamrani, A. (2013). Preliminary Characterization of monovarietal virgin olive oils produced in eastern area of Morocco. In Book of Proceedings InsideFood Symposium (pp. 6).

Mansouri, F., Ben Moumen, A., Lopez, G., Mihamou, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sindic, M., Serghini-Caid, H., & Elamrani, A. (April 2013). Analytical evaluation of virgin olive oils produced from three varieties Koroneiki , Arbequina and Arbosana grown in east of Morocco [Poster presentation]. InsideFood Symposium, Leuven, Belgium.

Delory, B., Delaplace, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., & du Jardin, P. (2013). Les composés organiques volatils d'origine végétale: médiateurs chimiques des interactions plantes-plantes ?

Delory, B., Delaplace, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., & du Jardin, P. (08 February 2013). Development of an experimental device allowing plant-plant interaction studies and in situ dynamic trapping of volatile organic compounds emitted by barley (Hordeum distichon L.) roots. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, 78 (1), 97-102.

Blecker, C., Richel, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Declerck, S., & Brasseur, R. (2013). Bioraffinerie végétale : chimie et technologie des structures osidiques (TECHNOSE). (11). GxABT.

Brokl, M.* , Fauconnier, M.-L.* , Benini, C., Lognay, G., du Jardin, P., & Focant, J.-F. (2013). Improvement of Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil Characterization by GCxGC-TOFMS. Molecules, 18 (2), 1783-1797. doi:10.3390/molecules18021783
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

DETHIER, B., Nott, K., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2013). (Bio)synthesis, extraction and purification of garlic derivatives showing therapeutic properties. In G. Smagghe, P. Boeckx, P. Bossier, E. Van Damme, ... N. Verhoest (Eds.), Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biosciences 2013. Ghent, Belgium: Faculty of Bioscience Engineering.

Fiers, M., Barsics, F., Lognay, G., Wathelet, J.-P., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Jijakli, H. (2013). Effect of a fungal infection on the volatile compounds emitted by barley’s roots and their roles in the interactions in the rhizosphere. Bulletin OILB/SROP, 86, 127-128.

Galonde, N., Richard, G., Deleu, M., Nott, K., Jérôme, C., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2013). Reusability study of Novozym® 435 for the enzymatic synthesis of mannosyl myristate in pure ionic liquids. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement.

Gfeller, A., Laloux, M., Barsics, F., Edine Kati, D., Haubruge, E., du Jardin, P., Verheggen, F., Lognay, G., Wathelet, J.-P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2013). Characterization of volatile organic compounds emitted by Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) roots and their attractiveness to wireworms. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 39 (8), 1129-1139. doi:10.1007/s10886-013-0302-3

Ghazi, Z., Ramdani, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., El Mahi, B., & Cheikh, R. (2013). Fatty acids Sterols and Vitamin E composition of seed oil of Opuntia Ficus Indica and Opuntia Dillenii from Morocco. Journal of Materials and Environmental Science, 5 (6), 967-972.

Michels, F., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Druart, J.-P. (2013). Rapport de recherche n°5 : Recherches de lignées aromatiques d'Abies par hybridation somatique. (5). GxABT.

Zidane, H., Aouniti, F., Tahani, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Elbachiri, A. (2013). Screening of Mineral Elements in Cistus ladanifer and Cistus libanotis Essential Oils and their Leaves. Oriental Journal of Chemistry, 29 (4), 1319-1324. doi:10.13005/ojc/290407

Bouhaouel, I., Gfeller, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Amara, H., & du Jardin, P. (December 2012). Allelopathic potential of Tunisian barley against weeds [Poster presentation]. Les Journées Internationales de Biotechnologie (JIB2012), Mahdia, Tunisia.

DETHIER, B., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (15 November 2012). Therapeutic compounds in garlic oil: production and evolution after preparation [Poster presentation]. Chemical Reactions in Foods VII (CRF 2012), Prague, Czechia.

DETHIER, B., Hanon, E., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2012). Optimization of the formation of vinyldithiins, a therapeutic compound from garlic. In J. Pulkrabova, M. Tomaniova, V. Godulova, K. Cejpek, ... J. Hajslova (Eds.), Chemical reactions in food: book of abstracts. ITC Prague Press.

benini, C., Mahy, G., jacquemin, J.-M., Fauconnier, M.-L., du Jardin, P., & Bizoux, J.-P. (October 2012). Conservation and management of a threatened traditional agroresource, ylang-ylang Cananga odorata [Lam.] Hook f. & Thomson forma genuina, in the Indian Ocean islands. Crop Science, 52 (6), 2606-2618.

Hirtt, L., Destain, M.-F., Lognay, G., Wathelet, J.-P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (02 July 2012). Modeling of the Diffusion of VOCs Emitted by Barley Roots [Poster presentation]. Eursoil 2012, Bari, Italy.

Benini, C., Mahy, G., Bizoux, J.-P., Wathelet, J.-P., du Jardin, P., Brostaux, Y., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (July 2012). Comparative Chemical and Molecular Variability of Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook.f. Thomson forma genuina (Ylang-Ylang) in the Western Indian Ocean Islands: Implication for Valorization. Chemistry and Biodiversity, 9 (7), 1389–1402. doi:10.1002/cbdv.201100306

Michiels, F., Paquot, M., Wathelet, J.-P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Blecker, C., Declerck, S., & Brasseur, R. (2012). Bioraffinerie végétale : chimie et technologie des structures osidiques (TECHNOSE). (3, Confidentiel).

Barsics, F., Gfeller, A., Laloux, M., Fiers, M., Latine, R., Lognay, G., Wathelet, J.-P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Haubruge, E., & Verheggen, F. (22 May 2012). Do root-emitted volatile organic compounds interact with wireworms? [Paper presentation]. 64th International Symposium on Crop Protection, Gand, Belgium.

Fiers, M., Lognay, G., Wathelet, J.-P., Lepoivre, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Jijakli, H. (22 May 2012). Effect of a fungal infection on the spectrum of volatile organic compounds emitted by plant roots [Paper presentation]. International Symposium on Crop Protection, Gent, Belgium.

Delory, B., Gfeller, A., Delaplace, P., Wathelet, J.-P., Fauconnier, M.-L., & du Jardin, P. (10 February 2012). Growth modelling and profiling of volatile organic compounds in Barley (Hordeum distichon L.) roots [Poster presentation]. Applied Biological Sciences, Leuven, Belgium.

Laloux, M., Edine Kati, D., Fauconnier, M.-L., Lognay, G., & Wathelet, J.-P. (10 February 2012). Development of a headspace solid-phase microextraction method coupled to gas chromatography (HS-SPME GC-MS) to capture and analyze the volatile organic compounds emitted by barley roots (Hordeum vulgare cv. Quench) [Poster presentation]. 17th symposium on applied and biological science, Leuven, Belgium.

Laloux, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Wathelet, J.-P., & Lognay, G. (10 February 2012). Identification and quantification of VOCs emitted by the roots of barley (Hordeum vulgare cv. Quench) aged from 21 days by headspace solid-phase microextraction coupled to gas chromatography (HS-SPME GC-MS) [Poster presentation]. 17th symposium on applied and biological science.

Fauconnier, M.-L., Brokl, M., Benini, C., Lognay, G., Wathelet, J.-P., du Jardin, P., & Focant, J.-F. (02 February 2012). Improvement of Ylang-ylang essential oil characterization by GC×GC-TOFMS [Poster presentation]. HTC-12 /HTSP-2012 Symposia, Bruges, Belgium.

Benini, C., Ringuet, M., Wathelet, J.-P., Lognay, G., du Jardin, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2012). Variations in the essential oils from ylang-ylang (Cananga odorata [Lam.] Hook f. & Thomson forma genuina) in the Western Indian Ocean islands. Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 27 (5), 356-366. doi:10.1002/ffj.3106

Bléé, E., Flenet, M., Boachon, B., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2012). A non-canonical caleosin from Arabidopsis efficiently epoxidizes physiological unsaturated fatty acids with complete stereoselectivity. FEBS Journal, 279, 3981-3995. doi:10.1111/j.1742-4658.2012.08757.x

Fiers, M., Lognay, G., Wathelet, J.-P., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Jijakli, H. (2012). Effect of a fungal infection on the profile of volatile organic compounds emitted by plant roots. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, 77 (3), 125-129.

Ghanem, M. E., Ghars, M. A., Frettinger, P., Perez-Alfocea, F., Lutts, S., Wathelet, J.-P., du Jardin, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2012). Organ-dependent oxylipin signature in leaves and roots of salinized tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum). Journal of Plant Physiology, 169, 1090-1101. doi:10.1016/j.jplph.2012.03.015

Gigot, C., Ongena, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Muhovski, Y., Wathelet, J.-P., du Jardin, P., & Thonart, P. (2012). Optimization and scaling up of a biotechnological synthesis of natural green leaf volatiles using Beta vulgaris hydroperoxide lyase. Process Biochemistry, 47, 2547-2551. doi:10.1016/j.procbio.2012.07.018

Hadj Khelifa, L., Brada, M., Brahmi, F., Achour, D., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Lognay, G. (2012). Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activity of Essential Oil of Ocimum basilicum Leaves from the Northern Region of Algeria. Journal of Herbal Medicine, 1 (2), 53-58.

Wathelet, J.-P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Michels, F., & Misson, J.-P. (2012). Recherches de lignées aromatiques d'Abies par hybridation somatique. (4).

Fauconnier, M.-L. (13 December 2011). « L’Accréditation, une voie à suivre nécessairement pour tout laboratoire ambitieux» [Paper presentation]. 2eme RENCONTRE INTERNATIONALE SUR LES INNOVATIONS TECHNOLOGIQUES « LA SECURITE SANITAIRE DES ALIMENTS : UNE PREOCCUPATION PERMANENTE », Dakar, Senegal.

Delory, B., Delaplace, P., Gfeller, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., & du Jardin, P. (19 October 2011). Describing and modelling root and shoot growth and development in Brachypodium distachyon (L.) Beauv [Poster presentation]. First European Brachypodium Workshop, Versailles, France.

Barsics, F., Gfeller, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Delory, B. (Other coll.), Fiers, M. (Other coll.), Hirtt, L. (Other coll.), Laloux, M. (Other coll.), Camerman, M. (Other coll.), Destain, M.-F. (Other coll.), Lepoivre, P. (Other coll.), Verheggen, F. (Other coll.), Haubruge, E. (Other coll.), Lognay, G. (Other coll.), Wathelet, J.-P. (Other coll.), Delaplace, P. (Other coll.), & du Jardin, P. (Other coll.). (13 October 2011). Les volatils racinaires de l’orge : un langage souterrain ? [Paper presentation]. Journée de la Recherche, Gembloux, Belgium.

Fiers, M., Lognay, G., Wathelet, J.-P., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Lepoivre, P. (13 October 2011). Interactions volatiles entre les racines d’orge et quelques agents pathogènes [Poster presentation]. Journées de la Recherche à Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, Gembloux, Belgium.

Gfeller, A., Wathelet, J.-P., du Jardin, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (13 October 2011). Les volatils racinaires de l’orge: un langage souterrain entre plantes? [Poster presentation]. Journée de la recherche de GxABT, Gembloux, Belgium.

Laloux, M., Kati, D. E., Fauconnier, M.-L., Lognay, G., & Wathelet, J.-P. (13 October 2011). Mise au point d’une méthode de capture et d’analyse des molécules organiques émises par les racines d’orge: la micro-extraction sur phase solide en espace de tête couplée à la chromatographie en phase gazeuse (HS-SPME GC-MS) [Poster presentation]. Journée de la recherche de GX ABT, Gembloux, Belgium.

Avila, C., Arevalo-Soliz, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Durden, K., Klee, H., Tieman, D., & Goggin, F. (11 July 2011). Oxylipins in plant defense against aphids [Poster presentation]. Hemipteran-Plant interactions Symposium, Piracicaba, Brazil.

Fiers, M., Barsics, F., Camerman, M., Delaplace, P., De la Vallée Poussin, N., Destain, M.-F., du Jardin, P., Gfeller, A., Haubruge, E., Hirtt, L., Kati, D. E., Lassois, L., Lepoivre, P., Lognay, G., Verheggen, F., Wathelet, J.-P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (24 May 2011). Volatile organic compounds of the roots of barley and their role in the rhizosphere [Poster presentation]. 63rd International Symposium on Crop Protection, Gent, Belgium.

Mariutto, M., Duby, F., Fauconnier, M.-L., Wathelet, J.-P., Ongena, M., Thonart, P., & Dommes, J. (24 May 2011). Systemic resistance induced by Pseudomonas putida BTP1 in tomato is associated with changes in the oxylipin pathway [Paper presentation]. 63rd International Symposium on Crop Protection, Gand, Belgium.

Fiers, M., Barsics, F., Camerman, M., Delaplace, P., De La Valle Poussin, N., Destain, M.-F., du Jardin, P., Gfeller, A., Haubruge, E., Hirtt, L., Kati, D. E., Lassois, L., Lepoivre, P., Lognay, G., Ooms, D., Verheggen, F., Wathelet, J.-P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (04 April 2011). Volatile organic compounds of the barley rhizosphere and their roles in biotic interactions with plant growth- promoting bacteria, phytopathogens and insect pests [Poster presentation]. 6th IOBC/WPRS Working Group Meeting on "Multitrophic Interactions in Soil, Cordoue, Spain.

Fauconnier, M.-L. (2011). Rapport final d'évaluation du projet APEFE "soutien au laboratoire du Commerce intérieur" de Dakar.

Fauconnier, M.-L. (2011). Etude du profil en oxylipines de plantes supérieures soumises à différents stress abiotiques et biotiques.

Fauconnier, M.-L. (2011). Caractérisation et conservation de la diversité d’une espèce ligneuse tropicale : cas de l’Ylang-ylang (Canaga odorata (Lam.) Hook et Thoms). ULg-GxABT.

Ghanem, M. E., Hichri, I., Smigocki, A. C., Albacete, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Diatloff, E., Martinez-Andujar, C., Lutts, S., Dood, I. C., & Perez-Alfocea, F. (2011). Root-targeted biotechnology to mediate hormonal signaling and improve crop stress tolerance. Plant Cell Reports, 30 (5), 807-823. doi:10.1007/s00299-011-1005-2

Jamar, C., du Jardin, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2011). Cell wall polysaccharides hydrolysis of malting barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) : a review. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 15 (2), 301-313.

Mariutto, M., Duby, F., Adam, A., Bureau, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Ongena, M., Thonart, P., & Dommes, J. (2011). The elicitation of a systemic resistance by Pseudomonas putida BTP1 in tomato involves the stimulation of two lipoxygenase isoforms. BMC Plant Biology, 11, 29. doi:10.1186/1471-2229-11-29

Ghars, M. A., Muhovski, Y., Ghanem, M., Frettinger, P., du Jardin, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (11 July 2010). Study of oxylipins pathways by a transcriptomic analysis of two variety of [Poster presentation]. 19th International Congress on Plant Lipids, Cairn, Australia.

Coulibaly, I., Dubois-dauphin, R., Destain, J., Fauconnier, M.-L., Lognay, G., & Thonart, P. (16 June 2010). The Resistance to Freeze-Drying and to Storage Was Determined as the Cellular Ability to Recover Its Survival Rate and Acidification Activity. International Journal of Microbiology, 2010 (625239). doi:10.1155/2010/625239

Delaplace, P., Ormeno Lafuente, E., Fauconnier, M.-L., Wathelet, J.-P., & du Jardin, P. (05 May 2010). Volatile organic compounds of wheat roots as potential contributors to their communication with soil organisms [Poster presentation]. Chemical Entomology, Gembloux, Belgium.

Gigot, C., Ongena, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Wathelet, J.-P., du Jardin, P., & Thonart, P. (March 2010). The lipoxygenase metabolic pathway in plants: potential for industrial production of natural green leaf volatiles. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 14 (3), 451-460.

Delaplace, P., Wathelet, J.-P., Fauconnier, M.-L., & du Jardin, P. (26 January 2010). Volatile organic compounds of wheat roots as potential contributors to their communication with soil microorganisms [Poster presentation]. Ecole doctorale thématique Plant Sciences, Liège, Belgium.

Mariutto, M., Duby, F., Adam, A., Bureau, C., Jeridi, S., Ongena, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Thonart, P., & Dommes, J. (26 January 2010). Identification, characterization and expression profiling of the tomato gene TomLoxF [Poster presentation]. PhD student day of the Plant Science Doctoral School, Liège, Belgium.

Benini, C., Danflous, J.-P., Wathelet, J.-P., du Jardin, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2010). L'Ylang-Ylang (Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook & Thoms.) : une plante à huile essentielle méconnue dans une filière en danger. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 14, 693-705.

Delaplace, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., & du Jardin, P. (2010). Antioxidants involvement in the Ageing of Non-Green Organs. In S. D. Gupta (Ed.), Reactive oxygen species and antioxidants in higher plants (pp. 151-176). Enfield, United States - New Hampshire: Science Publishers.

Fauconnier, M.-L. (2010). Etude du profil en oxylipines de plantes supérieures soumises à différents stress abiotiques et biotiques.

Fauconnier, M.-L. (2010). Caractérisation et conservation de la diversité d’une espèce ligneuse tropicale : cas de l’Yalng ylang (Canaga odorata (Lam.) Hook et Thoms).

Ghars, M. A., Muhovski, Y., Ghanem, M., du Jardin, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2010). Gene expression of the lipoxygenase pathway in a tomato species tolerant to salt stress [Poster presentation]. One-Day Symposium on Chemical Entomology, Gembloux, Belgium.

Gigot, C., Ongena, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Thonart, P. (2010). Development of a biotransformation process of hydroperoxydes into green leaf volatiles using sugar beet leaves. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 14 (S2), 539.

Gigot, C., Ongena, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Thonart, P. (2010). Development of a biotransformation process of hydroperoxides into green leaf volatiles using sugar beet leaves. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement.

Jamar, C., Loffet, F., Frettinger, P., Ramsay, L., Fauconnier, M.-L., & du Jardin, P. (2010). NAM-1 gene polymorphism and Grain Protein Content in Hordeum. Journal of Plant Physiology, 167, 497-501. doi:10.1016/j.jplph.2009.10.014

Delaplace, P., d'Ans, S., Wathelet, J.-P., Fauconnier, M.-L., & du Jardin, P. (11 August 2009). Volatile organic compounds of wheat roots as potential contributors to their communication with soil microorganisms [Poster presentation]. Gordon Conference Floral & Vegetative Volatiles, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Ghars, M. A., Frettinger, P., Ghanem, M. E., Delaplace, P., du Jardin, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (05 June 2009). Oxylipin profiles of Solanum esculentum and Solanum pennellii under salt stress conditions [Poster presentation]. Symposium Regulatory oxylipins, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Gigot, C., Ongena, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Wathelet, J.-P., du Jardin, P., & Thonart, P. (02 June 2009). Pilot scale biotransformation of vegetal oil into natural green note flavor using sugar beet leaves as sources of hydroperoxide lyase [Poster presentation]. Regulatory Oxylipins : an international symposium, Lausannes, Switzerland.

Coulibaly, I., Yao, A. A., Dubois Dauphin, R., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Thonart, P. (01 April 2009). Determination of phospholipids extracted from Tsukamurella paurometabola C-924 after freeze-drying and during the subsequent storage [Poster presentation]. Biomedica 2009 -The Life Science Summit 1-2 April 2009, Liège, Belgium.

Coulibaly, I., Yao, A. A., Lognay, G., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Thonart, P. (April 2009). Survival of Freeze-dried Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Lactobacillus plantarum Related to Their Cellular Fatty Acids Composition during Storage. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 157 (1), 70-84. doi:10.1007/s12010-008-8240-1

Mariutto, M., Duby, F., Adam, A., Bureau, C., Ongena, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Thonart, P., & Dommes, J. (April 2009). Identification of a new tomato lipoxygenase gene belonging to the aldehyde-producing lipoxygenase group: TomLoxF [Poster presentation]. Biomedica, Liège, Belgium.

Benini, C., Wathelet, J.-P., du Jardin, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2009). Ylang-ylang (Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook. & Thoms. var. genuina) essential oils from Comoros Islands: characterization and variability [Poster presentation]. Groupe de contact FNRS, Gembloux, Belgium.

Delaplace, P., d'Ans, S., Wathelet, J.-P., Fauconnier, M.-L., & du Jardin, P. (2009). Wheat root ecophysiology: understanding communication between wheat root system and soil microorganisms [Poster presentation]. Groupe de Contact FNRS, Gembloux, Belgium.

Delaplace, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Sergeant, K., Dierick, J., Oufir, M., Van Der Wal, F., America, A., Renaut, J., Hausman, J., & Du Jardin, P. (2009). Potato (Solanum Tuberosum L.) Tuber Ageing Induces Changes In The Proteome And Antioxidants Associated With The Sprouting Pattern. Journal of Experimental Botany, 60 (4), 1273-1288. doi:10.1093/jxb/erp008

Delaplace, P., Frettinger, P., Ghanem, M. E., Blondiaux, A., Bauwens, J., Cotton, S., De Clerck, C., Guy, J., Heuze, F., Massoz, A., Tassignon, T., van Aubel, G., du Jardin, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2009). Lipoxygenase pathway and antioxidant system in salt-stressed tomato seedlings (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 13, 529-536.

Fauconnier, M.-L. (2009). Etude du profil en oxylipines de plantes supérieures soumises à différents stress abiotiques et biotiques.

Gosset, V., Harmel, N., Goebel, C., Francis, F., Haubruge, E., Wathelet, J.-P., Du Jardin, P., Feussner, I., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2009). Attacks by a piercing-sucking insect (Myzus persicae Sultzer) or a chewing insect (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say) on potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L.) induce differential changes in volatile compound release and oxylipin synthesis. Journal of Experimental Botany, 60 (4), 1231-1240. doi:10.1093/jxb/erp015

Jamar, C., du Jardin, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2009). Mise au point d’un test de sélection précoce de l’orge de printemps pour ses qualités brassicoles.

Yao, A. A., Coulibaly, I., Lognay, G., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Thonart, P. (September 2008). Oxylipin profiling during storage of freeze-dried Weissella paramesenteroides LC11 [Poster presentation]. 13th Conference on Food Microbiology, Gent, Belgium.

Yao, A. A., Coulibaly, I., Lognay, G., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Thonart, P. (May 2008). Impact of polyunsaturated fatty acid degradation on survival and acidification activity of freeze-dried Weissella paramesenteroides LC11 during storage. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 79 (6), 1045-1052. doi:10.1007/s00253-008-1497-z

Benini, C., Wathelet, J.-P., du Jardin, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2008). Variabilité morphologique, génétique et chimique de Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook. & Thoms. en vue de l’amélioration qualitative de la production de l’huile essentielle d’ylang-ylang dans les île de l’Océan Indien : état d’avancement de la thèse [Paper presentation]. Groupe de contact FNRS POPVEG, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.

Benini, C., Wathelet, J.-P., du Jardin, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2008). Chemical characterization of essential oils extracted from two ylang-ylang floral morphotypes (Cananga odorata (Lam.) HooK. & Thoms. var. genuina) from Comoros Islands [Paper presentation]. BPBA congress “Secondary metabolites and molecular farming”, Gand, Belgium.

Delaplace, P., Brostaux, Y., Fauconnier, M.-L., & du Jardin, P. (2008). Potato (Solanum Tuberosum L.) Tuber Physiological Age Index Is A Valid Reference Frame In Postharvest Ageing Studies. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 50 (1), 103-106. doi:10.1016/j.postharvbio.2008.03.002

Delaplace, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Du Jardin, P. (2008). Methodes de mesure de l'age physiologique des tubercules semences de pomme de terre (Solanum tuberosum L.). Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 12 (2), 171-184.

Delaplace, P., Rojas-Beltran, J., Frettinger, P., Du Jardin, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2008). Oxylipin Profile And Antioxidant Status Of Potato Tubers During Extended Storage At Room Temperature. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 46 (12), 1077-1084. doi:10.1016/j.plaphy.2008.09.001

Fauconnier, M.-L. (2008). Etude du profil en oxylipines de plantes supérieures soumises à différents stress abiotiques et biotiques.

Fauconnier, M.-L. (2008). Développement durable: évalutions des projets.

Fauconnier, M.-L., Rojas-Beltran, J., Dupuis, B., Delaplace, P., Frettinger, P., Gosset, V., & Du Jardin, P. (2008). Changes In Oxylipin Synthesis After Phytophthora Infestans Infection Of Potato Leaves Do Not Correlate With Resistance. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 46 (8-9), 823-831. doi:10.1016/j.plaphy.2008.04.010

Gigot, C., Rabetafika, H.-N., Fauconnier, M.-L., Destain, J., Ongena, M., Aldric, J.-M., Wathelet, J.-P., du Jardin, P., & Thonart, P. (2008). Sugar beet leaves valorisation through green notes production from linseed oil [Poster presentation]. 30 th Symposium on Biotechnology for fuels and chemicals, New orleans, United States.

Gosset, V., du Jardin, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2008). - Mise au point de technologies nouvelles permettant la production de flocons de pomme de terre ne présentant pas d’odeur indésirable.

Gosset, V., Göbel, C., Harmel, N., Francis, F., Haubruge, E., du Jardin, P., Feussner, I., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2008). Volatile blends and oxylipins profiles in potato leaves (Solanum tuberosum L.) exposed to insects infestations and mechanical wounding [Paper presentation]. 18th International Congress on Plant Lipids, Bordeaux, France.

Gosset, V., Göbel, C., Laine, G., Delaplace, P., du Jardin, P., Feussner, I., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2008). The role of oxylipins and antioxidants on off-flavor precursor formation during potato flake processing. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 56, 11285-11292. doi:10.1021/jf802167x

Jamar, C., du Jardin, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2008). Mise au point d’un test de sélection précoce de l’orge de printemps pour ses qualités brassicoles.

Rabetafika, H.-N., Gigot, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Ongena, M., Destain, J., Du Jardin, P., Wathelet, J.-P., & Thonart, P. (2008). Sugar beet leaves as new source of hydroperoxide lyase in a bioprocess producing green-note aldehydes. Biotechnology Letters, 30 (6), 1115-9. doi:10.1007/s10529-008-9652-2

Wathelet, J.-P., Thonart, P., du Jardin, P., Ongena, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2008). Valorisation des produits issus des feuilles de betteraves : extraction de molécules à note verte - Rapport final. (Rapport final).

Wathelet, J.-P., Thonart, P., du Jardin, P., Ongena, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2008). Valorisation des produits issus des feuilles de betteraves : extraction de molécules à note verte. (Période de mars 2007 à février 2008).

Delaplace, P., Dierick, J.-F., van der Wal, F., Renaut, J., Oufir, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (17 October 2007). Characterization of potato tuber ageing using physiological markers and biochemical data based on DIGE proteome analysis and phenolic compound assessment [Poster presentation]. Proteom'Lux 2007 meeting : Proteomics and Mass Spectrometry, Belvaux, Luxembourg.

Delaplace, P., Dierick, J.-F., van der Wal, F., Renaut, J., Oufir, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., America, A. H. P., & du Jardin, P. (13 October 2007). Characterization of potato tuber ageing using physiological markers and biochemical data based on DIGE proteome analysis and antioxidant system assessment [Poster presentation]. Joint Meeting of the FNRS contact group "Oxidative processes and Antioxidants" and the Belgian Society for Cell and Developmental Biology : "Oxygen and Reactive Oxygen species in biology, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Destain, J., Gigot, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Ongena, M., Thonart, P., Marlier, M., & Paquot, M. (June 2007). Sugar beet : a source of biofuel an chemicals [Poster presentation]. Third international conference on renewable resources & biorefineries (RRB3), Gent, Belgium.

Gigot, C., Rabetafika, H.-N., Fauconnier, M.-L., Destain, J., Ongena, M., Wathelet, J.-P., du Jardin, P., Marlier, M., & Thonart, P. (June 2007). Sugar beet leaves as source of green notes [Poster presentation]. Third international conference on renewable resources & biorefineries (RRB3), Gent, Belgium.

Delaplace, P., Dierick, J.-F., van der Wal, F., Renaut, J., Oufir, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., America, A. H. P., & du Jardin, P. (15 May 2007). Characterization of potato tuber ageing using physiological markers and biochemical data based on DIGE proteome analysis and antioxidant activities assessment [Poster presentation]. Joint meeting of the FNRS contact group "Proteomics" and of the Belgian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology : "Organelle subproteomics and post-translational modifications", Bruxelles, Belgium.

Marlier, M., Thonart, P., du Jardin, P., Ongena, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2007). Valorisation des produits issus des feuilles de betteraves : extraction de molécules à note verte. (Période de mars 2006 à février 2007).

Bajji, M., M'Hamdi, M., Gastiny, F., Delaplace, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Du Jardin, P. (2007). Catalase Inhibition Alters Suberization And Wound Healing In Potato (Solanum Tuberosum) Tubers. Physiologia Plantarum, 129 (3), 472-483. doi:10.1111/j.1399-3054.2006.00844.x

Benini, C., Wathelet, J.-P., du Jardin, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2007). Chemical characterization of essential oils extracted from two ylang-ylang floral morphotypes (Cananga odorata (Lam.) HooK. & Thoms. var. genuina) from Comoros Islands [Paper presentation]. Young Botanist Day, Bailleul, France.

Fauconnier, M.-L. (2007). Etude du profil en oxylipines de plantes supérieures soumises à différents stress (a)biotiques et biotiques.

Gosset, V., du Jardin, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2007). Mise au point de technologies nouvelles permettant la production de flocons de pomme de terre ne présentant pas d’odeur indésirable.

Harmel, N., Almohamad, R., Fauconnier, M.-L., Du Jardin, P., Verheggen, F., Marlier, M., Haubruge, E., & Francis, F. (2007). Role Of Terpenes From Aphid-Infested Potato On Searching And Oviposition Behavior Of Episyrphus Balteatus. Insect Science, 14 (1), 57-63. doi:10.1111/j.1744-7917.2007.00126.x

Harmel, N., Delaplace, P., Blée, E., du Jardin, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2007). Myzus persicae Sulzer aphid contains oxylipins that originate from phloem sap. Journal of Plant Interactions, 2, 31-40. doi:10.1080/17429140701320880

Jamar, C., du Jardin, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2007). Mise au point d’un test de sélection précoce de l’orge de printemps pour ses qualités brassicoles.

Rabetafika, H.-N., Gigot, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Ongena, M., Destain, J., Du Jardin, P., Thonart, P., & Wathelet, J.-P. (2007). Sugar beet leaves as source of lyase in bioprocess producing green note aldehydes [Poster presentation]. 3rd International Conference on Renewable Resources & Biorefineries, Ghent, Belgium.

Rabetafika, H.-N., Gigot, C., Ongena, M., Destain, J., Wathelet, J.-P., Thonart, P., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Marlier, M. (2007). - Valorisation des feuilles de betteraves à travers la production de molécules à notes vertes.

Welti, R., Shah, J., Li, W., Li, M., Chen, J., Burke, J., Fauconnier, M.-L., Chapman, K., Chye, M., & Wang, X. (2007). Plant Lipidomics: Discerning Biological Function By Profiling Plant Complex Lipids Using Mass Spectrometry. Frontiers in Bioscience: A Journal and Virtual Library, 12, 2494-2506. doi:10.2741/2250

Delaplace, P., Dierick, J.-F., van der Wal, F., Rojas-Beltran, J., Fauconnier, M.-L., America, A. H. P., & du Jardin, P. (18 December 2006). Characterization of potato tuber ageing using physiological markers and proteomic data based on DIGE proteome analysis and antioxidant activities assessment [Poster presentation]. 194th meeting of the International Franqui Chair, Young Scientists Day : "Systems Biology, Computational Biology and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology", Gembloux, Belgium.

Delaplace, P., Dierick, J.-F., van der Wal, F., Rojas-Beltran, J., Fauconnier, M.-L., America, A. H. P., & du Jardin, P. (12 October 2006). Characterization of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber ageing using physiological markers and proteomic data based on Differential in gel electrophoresis proteome analysis (DiGE) and antioxidant activities assessment by native-PAGE [Poster presentation]. International Conference on Proteomics: "Bridging the Gap Between Gene Expression and Biological Function", Belvaux, Luxembourg.

Delaplace, P., Van Der Wal, F., Dierick, J., Cordewener, J. H. G., Fauconnier, M.-L., Du Jardin, P., & America, A. H. P. (2006). Potato Tuber Proteomics: Comparison Of Two Complementary Extraction Methods Designed For 2-De Of Acidic Proteins. Proteomics, 6 (24), 6494-6497. doi:10.1002/pmic.200600493

Fauconnier, M.-L. (2006). Evaluation des laboratoires du GIE "la maison" des épices dans différentes îles des Comores.

Harmel, N., Laine, G., Gosset, V., Haubruge, E., du Jardin, P., Francis, F., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2006). Aphids (Myzus persicae) lipoxygenase and oxylipins profiling [Paper presentation]. 2nd International conference on Nonmamalian Eicosanoids, Bioactive Lipids and Plant Oxylipins, Berlin, Germany.

Jamar, C., du Jardin, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2006). Mise au point d’un test de sélection précoce de l’orge de printemps pour ses qualités brassicoles.

Laine, G., du Jardin, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2006). Mise au point de technologies nouvelles permettant la production de flocons de pomme de terre ne présentant pas d’odeur indésirable.

Laine, G., Göbel, C., du Jardin, P., Feussner, I., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2006). Study of precursors responsible for off-flavor formation during storage of potato flakes. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54, 5445-5452. doi:10.1021/jf0605796

Laine, G., Goebel, C., Feussner, I., du Jardin, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2006). Off-flavours apparearing during storage of different potato flake formulations [Paper presentation]. 2nd International conference on Nonmamalian Eicosanoids, Bioactive Lipids and Plant Oxylipins, Berlin, Germany.

Rabetafika, H.-N., Gigot, C., Ongena, M., Destain, J., Wathelet, J.-P., Thonart, P., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Marlier, M. (2006). Valorisation des feuilles de betteraves à travers la production de molécules à notes vertes.

Rojas-Beltran, J., du Jardin, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2006). Changes in redox status and oxylipin profiles during source-potato tuber ageing [Poster presentation]. 17th International Symposium on Plant Lipids, East Lansing, United States.

Delaplace, P., Dierick, J.-F., Rojas-Beltran, J., Fauconnier, M.-L., America, A. H. P., & du Jardin, P. (27 September 2005). Characterization of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber ageing using germination-related physiological markers and proteomic data based on global proteome analysis and antioxidant activities assessment [Paper presentation]. 2nd Solanaceae Genome Workshop, Ischia, Italy.

Delaplace, P., Dierick, J.-F., Fauconnier, M.-L., van der Wal, F., Cordewener, J., America, A. H. P., & du Jardin, P. (05 July 2005). Characterization of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber ageing using physiological and proteomic markers (2D-PAGE) [Poster presentation]. 30th FEBS Congress and 9th IUBMB Conference, Budapest, Hungary.

Delaplace, P., Dierick, J.-F., Fauconnier, M.-L., van der Wal, F., Cordewener, J., America, A. H. P., & du Jardin, P. (25 February 2005). Characterization of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber ageing using physiological and proteomic markers (2D-PAGE) [Poster presentation]. 1st Groupe de contact FNRS - Protéomique quantitative, Liège, Belgium.

Delaplace, P., DIERICK, J.-F., Fauconnier, M.-L., VAN DER WAL, F., CORDEWENER, J., AMERICA T.A.H.P, & Du Jardin, P. (2005). Characterization of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber ageing using physiological and proteomic markers (2D-PAGE). FEBS Journal, (272), 71.

Fauconnier, M.-L. (2005). Plant oxylipins [Paper presentation]. Groupe de contact FNRS Biologie végétale.

Laine, G., du Jardin, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2005). Mise au point de technologies nouvelles permettant la production de flocons de pomme de terre ne présentant pas d’odeur indésirable.

Laine, G., Goebel, C., Feussner, I., du Jardin, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2005). Study of oxylipins during storage of potato flakes [Paper presentation]. 2nd European Symposium on Plant Lipids, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Ongena, M., Duby, F., Rossignol, F., Fauconnier, M.-L., Dommes, J., & Thonart, P. (September 2004). Stimulation of the lipoxygenase pathway is associated with systemic resistance induced in bean by a nonpathogenic Pseudomonas strain. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 17 (9), 1009-1018. doi:10.1094/MPMI.2004.17.9.1009

Fauconnier, M.-L., Welti, R., Delaplace, P., Marlier, M., & du Jardin, P. (03 June 2004). Lipid and oxylipin profile during storage of potato tubers [Poster presentation]. 16th International Plant Lipid Symposium, Budapest, Hungary.

Fauconnier, M.-L., Welti, R., Delaplace, P., Marlier, M., & du Jardin, P. (01 June 2004). Lipid and oxylipin profile during storage of potato tubers [Poster presentation]. 2 ème lipidomic meeting, Paris, France.

Delaplace, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2004). Valorisation industrielle de la pomme de terre. Troupeaux et Cultures des Tropiques, 51-56.

Delaplace, P., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2004). Le stockage post-récolte : une étape clé du processus de production. Troupeaux et Cultures des Tropiques, 4, 27-34.

Delcarte, J., Fauconnier, M.-L., Jacques, P., Matsui, K., Thonart, P., & Marlier, M. (2003). Optimisation Of Expression And Immobilized Metal Ion Affinity Chromatographic Purification Of Recombinant (His)(6)-Tagged Cytochrome P450 Hydroperoxide Lyase In Escherichia Coli. Journal of Chromatography. B, Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 786 (1-2), 229-236. doi:10.1016/S1570-0232(02)00815-2

Fauconnier, M.-L., Welti, R., Blee, E., & Marlier, M. (2003). Lipid And Oxylipin Profiles During Aging And Sprout Development In Potato Tubers (Solanum Tuberosum L.). Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, 1633 (2), 118-126. doi:10.1016/S1388-1981(03)00105-7

Fauconnier, M.-L., Williams, T., Marlier, M., & Welti, R. (2003). Potato Tuber Phospholipids Contain Colneleic Acid In The 2-Position. FEBS Letters, 538 (1-3), 155-158. doi:10.1016/S0014-5793(03)00171-6

Lequeu, J., Fauconnier, M.-L., Chammai, A., Bronner, R., & Blee, E. (2003). Formation Of Plant Cuticle: Evidence For The Occurrence Of The Peroxygenase Pathway. Plant Journal, 36 (2), 155-164. doi:10.1046/j.1365-313X.2003.01865.x

Fauconnier, M.-L. (2002). Etude de faisabilité: mise au point d'une huile d'olive aromatisée.

Fauconnier, M.-L., Delcarte, J., Jaziri, M., Du Jardin, P., & Marlier, M. (2002). Fatty Acid Hydroperoxides Biotransformation By Potato Tuber Cell-Free Extracts. Journal of Plant Physiology, 159 (10), 1055-1060. doi:10.1078/0176-1617-00681

Fauconnier, M.-L., Rojas-Beltran, J., Delcarte, J., Dejaeghere, F., Marlier, M., & Du Jardin, P. (2002). Lipoxygenase Pathway And Membrane Permeability And Composition During Storage Of Potato Tubers (Solanum Tuberosum L. Cv Bintje And Desiree) In Different Conditions. Plant Biology, 4 (1), 77-85. doi:10.1055/s-2002-20439

Moreau, B., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2002). Exploitation des potentialités de lipases d'origine microbienne en vue de la synthèse de biosurfactants à usage alimentaire et non alimentaire de bioinsecticides et de biofongicides.

du Jardin, P., Dejaeghere, F., Fauconnier, M.-L., Rojas-Beltran, J., Abdallakotb, M., Gastiny, F., Noel, S., & Noel, F. (19 November 2001). Active oxygen metabolism and post-harvest physiology of the potato : proposed role in the control of dormancy [Poster presentation]. Oxygen, Free Radicals and Oxidative Stress in Plants, Nice, France.

Fauconnier, M.-L., Rojas-Beltran, J., Delcarte, J., Dejaeghere, F., Marlier, M., & du Jardin, P. (19 November 2001). Evolution of membrane permeability and composition during storage of potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L. cv Bintje and Désirée) in different conditions and in relation with lipoxygenase activity [Poster presentation]. Oxygen, Free Radicals and Oxidative Stress in Plants, Nice, France.

Delcarte, J., Jacques, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Hoyaux, P., Matsui, K., Marlier, M., & Thonart, P. (11 September 2001). Optimization of the expression of heterologous P450 hydroperoxide lyase in Escherichia coli.

Fauconnier, M.-L., Rojas-Beltran, J., Hoyaux, P., Delcarte, J., du Jardin, P., & Marlier, M. (10 July 2001). Symposium « Les lipides de Plantes ».

Delcarte, J., Jacques, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Hoyaux, P., Matsui, K., Marlier, M., & Thonart, P. (06 June 2001). The heme synthesis is limiting factor in the expression of recombinant cytochrome P 450 hydroperoxide lyase in Escherichia coli [Poster presentation]. 4 th European Symposium of Protein Society, Paris, France.

Fauconnier, M.-L., Rojas-Beltran, J., Hoyaux, P., Delcarte, J., du Jardin, P., & Marlier, M. (06 June 2001). Study of lipoxygenase activity during storage of potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.) in relation with membrane integrity [Poster presentation]. 2001 Symposium on Biochemistry and molecular biology of plant fatty acids and glycerolipids, South Lake Tahoe, United States.

Hoyaux, P., Delcarte, J., du Jardin, P., Marlier, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (18 April 2001). Determination of divinyl ether synthase activity during storage of potato tubers [Poster presentation]. 4 th European Symposium of Protein Society, Paris, France.

Hoyaux, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Delcarte, J., du Jardin, P., & Marlier, M. (18 April 2001). Study of divinyl ether synthase in potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.) [Poster presentation]. 4 th European Symposium of Protein Society, Paris, France.

Delcarte, J., Jacques, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Hoyaux, P., Matsui, K., Marlier, M., & Thonart, P. (2001). The Homolytic And Heterolytic Fatty Acid Hydroperoxide Lyase-Like Activities Of Hematin. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 286 (1), 28-32. doi:10.1006/bbrc.2001.5334

Fauconnier, M.-L., Mouttalib, A., Billo, D., & Jaziri, M. (2001). Changes in lipoxygenase and hydroperoxide decomposition activity in tissues cultures of soybean. Journal of Plant Physiology, 158 (7), 953-955. doi:10.1078/0176-1617-00313

Fauconnier, M.-L., Panhaleux, V., Vanzeveren, E., Marlier, M., & Wathelet, J.-P. (2001). Modelling migration from high-density polyethylene containers into concentrated solutions used as food flavourings. Food Additives and Contaminants, 18 (11), 1040-1045. doi:10.1080/02652030110050339

Hoyaux, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Delcarte, J., du Jardin, P., & Marlier, M. (2001). La divinyl éther synthase de plantes. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 5 (2), 79-84.

Fauconnier, M.-L., Delcarte, J., Hoyaux, P., du Jardin, P., & Marlier, M. (23 July 2000). Potato tubers exhibit both homolytic and heterolytic hydroperoxide fatty acid cleaving activities [Poster presentation]. 14 th International Symposium on Plant Lipids, Cardiff, United Kingdom.

Blecker, C., Paquot, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Razafindralambo, H. (07 June 2000). Mechanical properties of spread films from Acacia gums (Acacia senegale and Acacia seyal) [Poster presentation]. European symposium Biopolymers & Cosmetic Applications, Rennes, France.

Blecker, C., Paquot, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Razafindralambo, H. (2000). Mechanical Properties of spread Films from Acacia gums (Acacia senegal and Acacia seyal). Polymerise.

Delcarte, J., Fauconnier, M.-L., Hoyaux, P., Jacques, P., Thonart, P., & Marlier, M. (2000). Revue bibliographique : l’hydroperoxyde lyase. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 4 (3), 157-167.

Fauconnier, M.-L., Blecker, C., Groyne, J., Razafindralambo, H., Vanzeveren, E., Marlier, M., & Paquot, M. (2000). Characterization of two Acacia gums and their fractions using a Langmuir film balance. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 48 (7), 2709-2712. doi:10.1021/jf990749x

Fauconnier, M.-L., Delcarte, J., Hoyaux, P., du Jardin, P., & Marlier, M. (2000). Potato tubers exhibit both homolytic and heterolytic hydroperoxide fatty acid-cleaving activities. Biochemical Society Transactions, 28 (6), 853-855. doi:10.1042/bst0280853

Delcarte, J., Jacques, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Marlier, M., & Thonart, P. (15 July 1999). Importance of the apoprotein in the catalysis of hydroperoxide lyase [Poster presentation]. 9th European Congress of Biotechnology, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Fauconnier, M.-L., Mpambara, A., Delcarte, J., Jacques, P., Thonart, P., & Marlier, M. (11 July 1999). Conversion of green note aldehydes into alcohols by yeast alcohol dehydrogenase [Poster presentation]. 9th European Congress of Biotechnology, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Bazabakana, R., Fauconnier, M.-L., Jaziri, M., Diallo, B., Dupont, J. P., & Homes, J. (February 1999). Control of Dioscorea alata microtubers dormancy and germination by jasmonic acid. Plant Growth Regulation, 27 (2), 113-117.

Fauconnier, M.-L. (1999). Etude de faisabilité: installation d'une unité d'extraction d'oléorésine de vanille à l'ïle Maurice.

Fauconnier, M.-L., Koto, N., Hoyaux, P., Delcarte, P., Rojas-Beltran, J., du Jardin, P., & Marlier, M. (1999). - Evolution of lipoxygenase activity during storage of potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Bintje). Bulletin de la Société des Sciences de Liège, 68 (5-6), 319.

Fauconnier, M.-L., Mpambara, A., Delcarte, J., Jacques, P., Thonart, P., & Marlier, M. (1999). Conversion of green note aldehydes into alcohols by yeast alcohol dehydrogenase. Biotechnology Letters, 21 (7), 629-633. doi:10.1023/A:1005593821577

Jaziri, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Guo, Y. W., Marlier, M., & Vanhalen, M. (1999). Genetic transformation of Anthemis nobilis L. (Roman chamomille). In Y. P. S. Bajaj (Ed.), Transgenic Medicinal Plants (pp. 47-54). Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag.

Malanda, N., Marlier, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (1998). Production de molécules à note verte par synthèse enzymatique.

Fauconnier, M.-L. (1997). La synthèse de polyoléfines catalysée par les métallocènes permet d’obtenir des polymères aux propriétés nouvelles [Doctoral thesis, ULiège. GxABT - Liège Université. Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Fauconnier, M.-L. (1997). Contribution à l’étude de la production du (E)-hex-2-ènal naturel par synthèse enzymatique [Doctoral thesis, ULiège. GxABT - Liège Université. Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Fauconnier, M.-L., & Marlier, M. (1997). Les lipoxygénases du soja. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 1 (2), 125-141.

Fauconnier, M.-L., & Marlier, M. (1997). Fatty acid hydroperoxides pathway in plants. A review. Grasas y Aceites, 48 (1), 30-37. doi:10.3989/gya.1997.v48.i1.765

Fauconnier, M.-L., Perez, A. G., Sanz, C., & Marlier, M. (1997). - Purification and characterization of tomato leaf (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) hydroperoxide lyase. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 45 (11), 4232-4236. doi:10.1021/jf9701042

Malanda, N., Marlier, M., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (1997). Production de molécules à note verte par synthèse enzymatique.

Fauconnier, M.-L., Chot, C. E., & Marlier, M. (26 September 1996). Optimalization of green note aldehydes production by a hydroperoxide lyase [Poster presentation]. 10th Forum for applied biotechnology, Brugge, Belgium.

Fauconnier, M.-L., Dessart, V., & Marlier, M. (26 September 1996). Large scale production of 13-hydroperoxilinolenic acid using soybean lipoxygenase [Paper presentation]. 10th Forum for applied biotechnology, Brugge, Belgium.

Dolpire, S., Marlier, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Paquot, M. (1996). Etude des gommes arabiques et de leurs procédés de mise en oeuvre dans des émulsions contenant des arômes.

Fauconnier, M.-L., Jaziri, M., Homes, J., Shimomura, K., & Marlier, M. (1996). Anthemis nobilis L. (roman chamomille): in vitro culture, micropropagation, and the production of essential oil. In Y. P. S. Bajaj (Ed.), Medicinal and aromatic plants IX (pp. 16-37). Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag.

Fauconnier, M.-L., & Marlier, M. (1996). Purification of soybean lipoxygenase isoenzyme-1 and characterization of its inhibition by 13-hydroperoxides. Grasas y Aceites, 47 (4), 242-246. doi:10.3989/gya.1996.v47.i4.865

Fauconnier, M.-L., & Marlier, M. (1996). An efficient procedure for the production of fatty acid hydroperoxides from hydrolyzed flax seed oil and soybean lipoxygenase. Biotechnology Techniques, 10 (11), 839-844. doi:10.1007/BF00154668

Fauconnier, M.-L., Lecoq, S., & Marlier, M. (27 September 1995). Extraction and partial purification of tomato leaves hydroperoxide lyase [Poster presentation]. 9th Forum for applied biotechnology, Gent, Belgium.

Fauconnier, M.-L., Marbehan, J., Blecker, C., & Marlier, M. (20 February 1995). Purification of soybean lipoxygenase isoenzyme-1 [Poster presentation]. 7th European Congress on Biotechnology, Nice, France.

Fauconnier, M.-L., Vanzeveren, E., Marlier, M., Lognay, G., Wathelet, J.-P., & Severin, M. (1995). Assessment of lipoxygenase activity in seed extracts from 35 plant species. Grasas y Aceites, 46 (1), 6-10. doi:10.3989/gya.1995.v46.i1.895

Jaziri, M., Shimomura, K., Yoshimatsu, K., Fauconnier, M.-L., Marlier, M., & Homes, J. (1995). - Establishment of normal and transformed root cultures of Artemisia annua L. for artemisinin production. Journal of Plant Physiology, 145 (1-2), 175-177. doi:10.1016/S0176-1617(11)81866-3

Vanzeveren, E., Marlier, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Paquot, M. (1995). Etude des gommes arabiques et de leurs procédés de mise en oeuvre dans des émulsions contenant des arômes.

Marlier, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Jaziri, M., Mathieu, E., Roggemans, J., Lognay, G., Wathelet, J.-P., Severin, M., & Homes, J. (12 June 1994). Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry study of terpenoids produced by shoot cultures of Artemisia annua L [Poster presentation]. VIII Int. Congress of Plant Tissue and Cell Culture, IAPTC, Florence, Italy.

Vanzeveren, E., Marlier, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Paquot, M. (1994). Etude des gommes arabiques et de leurs procédés de mise en oeuvre dans des émulsions contenant des arômes.

Jaziri, M., Shimomura, K., Yoshimatsu, K., Marlier, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Vanhaelen, M., Diallo, B., & Homes, J. (31 August 1993). Terpenoids production by normal and transformed cultures of Artemisia annua L [Poster presentation]. 41th Congress of the Society for Medicinal Plant Research (sesquiterpenes, lactones, antiinflammatory compounds and taxonomy), Düsseldorf, Germany.

Fauconnier, M.-L., Jaziri, M., Marlier, M., Roggemans, J., Wathelet, J.-P., Lognay, G., Severin, M., Homes, J., & Shimomura, K. (1993). Essential oil production by Anthemis nobilis L. tissue culture. Journal of Plant Physiology, 141 (6), 759-761. doi:10.1016/S0176-1617(11)81588-9

Marlier, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Jaziri, M., Wathelet, J.-P., Lognay, G., Roggemans, J., Severin, M., & Homes, J. (21 September 1992). Production of essential oil by in vitro culture of Anthemis nobilis L. and characterization by GC-MS [Poster presentation]. Anabiotec 92, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands.

Fauconnier, M.-L. (1991). Contribution à l’étude de la biosynthèse de métabolites secondaires dans des cultures in vitro d’Anthemis nobilis L [Master’s dissertation, ULiège. GxABT - Liège Université. Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech]. ORBi-University of Liège.