Genot, V., Renneson, M., Colinet, G., Goffaux, M.-J., Cugnon, T., Toussaint, B., Buffet, D., & Oger, R. (2012). Base de données sols de REQUASUD - 3ème synthèse. (D/2012/8689/1). Gembloux, Belgium: ASBL REQUASUD. |
Genot, V., Renneson, M., Bock, L., Colinet, G., Goffaux, M.-J., Cugnon, T., Coutisse, P., Lizin, P., Blondiau, L.-M., Vanvyve, D., Lambert, R., Toussaint, B., Courtois, P., & Balon, J. (2011). Un conseil de fumure raisonné - le cas du phosphore. (Edition 2011). Gembloux, Belgium: ASBL REQUASUD. |
Bah, B. B., Legrain, X., Engels, P., Colinet, G., & Bock, L. (2007). Légende de la Carte Numérique des Sols de Wallonie - version 2. (2ème éd. revue et corrigée). Gembloux, Belgium: Unité de Science du Sol - GxABT - ULg. |
Bah, B. B., Engels, P., Colinet, G., Bock, L., Bracke, C., & Veron, P. (2005). Légende de la Carte Numérique des Sols de Wallonie (Belgique). Sur base de la légende originale de la Carte des sols de la Belgique de l’IRSIA à 1/20.000. |
Bogaert, J., Colinet, G., & Mahy, G. (Eds.). (2018). Anthropisation des paysages katangais. Gembloux, Belgium: Les Presses Universitaires de Liège - Agronomie - Gembloux. |
Vandenberghe, C., Colinet, G., Destain, J.-P., & Marcoen, J. M. (Eds.). (2013). 2ème Atelier Nitrate - Eau. Evaluation du Programme de Gestion Durable de l'Azote. Gembloux, Belgium: Presses Agronomiques de Gembloux. |
Degre, A., & Colinet, G. (Eds.). (2011). Actes du premier séminaire Sol-Eau. |
Colinet, G., Liénard, A., Schram, D., Otte, P., Boukharaeva, L., & Marloie, M. (2018). Services and Dysservices of Collective Gardens in Urban Areas: A Soil Perspective. In Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions. EMCEI 2017. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation (IEREK Interdisciplinary Series for Sustainable Development). Springer, Cham. |
Kaya Muyumba, D., Mahy, G., & Colinet, G. (2018). Chapitre 8. Etude de profils de sols dans les écosystèmes métallifères du complexe Tenke-Fungurume1. In J. Bogaert, G. Colinet, ... G. Mahy, Anthropisation des paysages katangais. Les presses agronomiques de Gembloux. |
Kaya Muyumba, D., Pourret, O., Liénard, A., Faucon, M.-P., Mahy, G., & Colinet, G. (2018). Chapitre 10. Evaluation expérimentale de la phytodisponibilité du cuivre et du cobalt dans les sols des écosystèmes métallifères de l’Arc cuprifère katangais. In J. Bogaert, G. Colinet, ... G. Mahy, Anthropisation des paysages katangais. Les presses agronomiques de Gembloux. |
Lemtiri, A., Colinet, G., Alabi, T., Bodson, B., Olivier, C., Brostaux, Y., Pierreux, J., Haubruge, E., Cluzeau, D., & Francis, F. (2018). Short-Term Effects of Tillage Practices and Crop Residue Exportation on Soil Organic Matter and Earthworm Communities in Silt Loam Arable Soil. In M. Angeles Munoz & R. Zornoza (Eds.), SOIL MANAGEMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE : EFFECTS ON ORGANIC CARBON, NITROGEN DYNAMICS, AND GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS (pp. 53-71). Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-812128-3.00005-7 |
Mpundu Mubemba, M., Liénard, A., Ngoy Shutcha, M., Ngongo Luhembwe, M., & Colinet, G. (2018). Chapitre 9. Phytostabilisation des sols contaminés au Katanga : résultats d’expérimentations sur la sélection d’espèces ligneuses combinée à des doses croissantes d’amendements1. In J. Bogaert, G. Colinet, ... G. Mahy, Anthropisation des paysages katangais. Les presses agronomiques de Gembloux. |
Ngoy Shutcha, M., Mukobo, R., Kaya Muyumba, D., Mundu Mubemba, M., Faucon, M.-P., Lubalega Kimbamba, T., Andres, L., John, A., Vandenheede, N., Pourret, O., Ngongo Luhembwe, M., & Colinet, G. (2018). Chapitre 11. Fond pédogéochimique et cartographie des pollutions des sols à Lubumbashi. In J. Bogaert, G. Colinet, ... G. Mahy, Anthropisation des paysages katangais. Les presses agronomiques de Gembloux. |
Fullen, M., Zhu, Y., Wu, B., Li, C., Li, Y., An, T. X., & Colinet, G. (2017). Agro-Environmental Sustainability of the Yuanyang Rice Terraces in Yunnan Province, China. In C. Promper, J. Krecek (Ed.), M. Haigh (Ed.), T. Hofer (Ed.), ... E. Kubin (Ed.), Ecosystem Services of Headwater Catchments. New Delhi, India: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-57946-7_12 |
Colinet, G., & Barbieux, S. (2016). Jardin, mon beau jardin. In S. Allemand & E. Heurgon, Nourritures jardinières dans les sociétés urbanisées (pp. 158-164). Paris, France: Hermann. |
Vandenberghe, C., Colinet, G., Destain, J.-P., & Marcoen, J. M. (2013). Mise en oeuvre de la révision du Programme d'action lié à la Directive Nitrates. In C. Vandenberghe, G. Colinet, J.-P. Destain, ... J. M. Marcoen (Eds.), 2ème Atelier Nitrate - Eau Evaluation du Programme de Gestion Durable de l'Azote (pp. 161-163). Gembloux, Belgium: Presses Agronomiques de Gembloux. |
Genot, V., Colinet, G., & Bock, L. (2007). La fertilité et la biodiversité dans les sols. In C. Delbeuck, Rapport analytique sur l'état de l'environnement wallon 2006-2007 (pp. 461-467). |
Bock, L., Laroche, J., Genot, V., Colinet, G., & Lacroix, D. (2002). Intérêt des cartes pédologiques pour la caractérisation géochimiques des sols. Cas d'une parcelle en Condroz. In D. Baize & M. Tercé, Les éléments traces métalliques dans les sols. Approches fonctionnelles et spatiales (pp. 91-106). |
Wang, S., Sun, N., Zhang, S., Longdoz, B., Wellens, J., Meersmans, J., Colinet, G., Wu, L., & Xu, M. (November 2024). Soil organic carbon storage impacts on crop yields in rice-based cropping systems under different long-term fertilisation. European Journal of Agronomy, 161, 127357. doi:10.1016/j.eja.2024.127357 |
Huai, S., Wang, S., Yu, W., Zhang, Q., Wu, H., Xing, T., Jin, Y., Colinet, G., & Lu, C. (25 October 2024). Short-Term Effects of Incorporation Depth of Straw Combined with Manure During the Fallow Season on Maize Production, Water Efficiency, and Nutrient Utilization in Rainfed Regions. Agronomy, 14 (11), 2504. doi:10.3390/agronomy14112504 |
Yang, H., Wang, G., Wang, J., Xiao, Q., Li, Z., De Clerck, C., Meersmans, J., Colinet, G., & Zhang, W. (October 2024). No-tillage facilitates soil organic carbon sequestration by enhancing arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi-related soil proteins accumulation and aggregation. Catena, 245, 108323. doi:10.1016/j.catena.2024.108323 |
Yang, H., Cai, Z., De Clerck, C., Meersmans, J., Colinet, G., & Zhang, W. (September 2024). Long-Term Manuring Enhanced Compositional Stability of Glomalin-Related Soil Proteins through Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Regulation. Agriculture, 14 (9), 1510. doi:10.3390/agriculture14091510 |
Wang, S., Sun, N., Zhang, X., Hu, C., Wang, Y., Xiong, W., Zhang, S., Colinet, G., Xu, M., & Wu, L. (August 2024). Assessing the impacts of climate change on crop yields, soil organic carbon sequestration and N2O emissions in wheat–maize rotation systems. Soil and Tillage Research, 240, 106088. doi:10.1016/j.still.2024.106088 |
Delandmeter, M., Colinet, G., Pierreux, J., Bindelle, J., & Dumont, B. (27 July 2024). Combining field measurements and process‐based modelling to analyse soil tillage and crop residues management impacts on crop production and carbon balance in temperate areas. Soil Use and Management, 40 (3). doi:10.1111/sum.13098 |
Zhang, T.* , Sun, Y.* , Parikh, S. J., Colinet, G., Garland, G., Huo, L., Zhang, N., Shan, H., Zeng, X., & Su, S. (2024). Water-fertilizer regulation drives microorganisms to promote iron, nitrogen and manganese cycling: a solution for arsenic and cadmium pollution in paddy soils. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 135244. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2024.135244 * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Langunu, S., Kilela Mwanasomwe, J., Colinet, G., & Ngoy Shutcha, M. (11 June 2024). Are Ecological Risk Indices for Trace Metals Relevant for Characterizing Polluted Substrates in the Katangese Copperbelt (DR Congo) and for Assessment of the Performance of Remediation Trials? Environments, 11 (6), 122. doi:10.3390/environments11060122 |
Kovacs, N., Colinet, G., Longdoz, B., Dincher, M., Vancampenhout, K., Purwanto, B. H., Oprins, J., Peeters, M., & Meersmans, J. (June 2024). Assessing belowground carbon storage after converting a temperate permanent grassland into a bamboo (<i>Phyllostachys</i>) plantation. Soil Use and Management, 40 (2). doi:10.1111/sum.13085 |
Mashagiro Grace, Q., Mujinya Bazirake, B., Colinet, G., & Mahy, G. (13 May 2024). Vegetation degradation alters soil physicochemical properties and potentially affects ecosystem services in green spaces of a tropical megacity (Lubumbashi, DR Congo). Geoderma Regional, Volume 37 (June 2024). doi:10.1016/j.geodrs.2024.e00810 |
Ji, X., Jiang, J., Wang, Y., Colinet, G., & Feng, W. (May 2024). Small straw addition enhances straw decomposition and carbon stabilized in soil aggregates over time. Soil and Tillage Research, 238, 106022. doi:10.1016/j.still.2024.106022 |
Long, Y., Sun, J., Wellens, J., Colinet, G., Wu, W., & Meersmans, J. (15 March 2024). Mapping the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Cropland Abandonment and Recultivation across the Yangtze River Basin. Remote Sensing, 16 (6), 1052. doi:10.3390/rs16061052 |
Lemtiri, A., Jia, Y., Ejack, L., Akaram, I. S., Dórea, H. S., Colinet, G., Francis, F., Ghosal, S., Sunahara, G. I., & Whalen, J. K. (2024). Silver toxicity to the earthworm <i>Eisenia fetida</i> is inconsistent in natural and artificial soils amended with wastewater biosolids. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. doi:10.1139/cjss-2023-0042 |
Meersmans, J., Colinet, G., & Negassa, W. (11 January 2024). Editorial: Soil health, functions, and ecosystem services: insights into soil parameters and methods of integration. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 12. doi:10.3389/fenvs.2024.1358548 |
Liang, S., Sun, N., Meersmans, J., Longdoz, B., Colinet, G., Xu, M., & Wu, L. (2024). Impacts of climate change on crop production and soil carbon stock in a continuous wheat cropping system in southeast England. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2024.108909 |
Yang, H., Xiao, Q., Huang, Y., Cai, Z., Li, D., Wu, L., Meersmans, J., Colinet, G., & Zhang, W. (January 2024). Long-term manuring facilitates glomalin-related soil proteins accumulation by chemical composition shifts and macro-aggregation formation. Soil and Tillage Research, 235, 105904. doi:10.1016/j.still.2023.105904 |
Noël, G.* , Van Keymeulen, V.* , BARBIER, Y., Smets, S., Van Damme, O., Colinet, G., Lokatis, S., Ruelle, J., & Francis, F. (2023). Nest aggregations of wild bees and apoid wasps in urban pavements: A ‘street life’ to be promoted in urban planning. Insect Conservation and Diversity. doi:10.1111/icad.12689 * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Xu, H., Cai, A., Yang, X., Zhang, S., Huang, S., Wang, B., Zhu, P., Colinet, G., Sun, N., Xu, M., & Zhang, W. (13 September 2023). Long-Term Organic Substitution Promotes Carbon and Nitro-Gen Sequestration and Benefit Crop Production in Upland Field. Agronomy, 13 (9), 2381. doi:10.3390/agronomy13092381 |
Langunu, S., Imabo, P. M. I., Bibi Fwanda, B., Kilela Mwanasomwe, J., Colinet, G., & Ngoy Shutcha, M. (17 July 2023). Accumulation of Trace Metals in Fruits from Mango and Syzygium guineense Growing in Residential Households from a Contaminated District of Lubumbashi (DR Congo): Is Fruit Consumption at Risk? Toxics, 11 (7), 620. doi:10.3390/toxics11070620 |
Loudari, A., Latique, S., Mayane, A., Colinet, G., & Oukarroum, A. (11 July 2023). Polyphosphate fertilizer impacts the enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant capacity of wheat plants grown under salinity. Scientific Reports, 13 (11212). doi:10.1038/s41598-023-38403-3 |
Andrade Foronda, D., & Colinet, G. (10 May 2023). Prediction of Soil Salinity/Sodicity and Salt-Affected Soil Classes from Soluble Salt Ions Using Machine Learning Algorithms. Soil Systems, 7 (2), 47. doi:10.3390/soilsystems7020047 |
Mununga Katebe, F., Raulier, P., Colinet, G., Ngoy Shutcha, M., Mpundu Mubemba, M., & Jijakli, H. (26 January 2023). Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution of Agricultural Soil, Irrigation Water, and Vegetables in and Nearby the Cupriferous City of Lubumbashi, (Democratic Republic of the Congo). Agronomy, 13 (2), 357. doi:10.3390/agronomy13020357 |
Calalang, G., Bock, L., Colinet, G., Hallet, V., & Walpole, P. (2023). Natural and Anthropogenic Factors Affecting the Development of Two Highland Agricultural Soils Development of Bukidnon, Philippines. Philippine Agricultural Scientist. |
Dijon, L., Dekoninck, W., Colinet, G., Francis, F., & Noël, G. (2023). They live under our streets: ant nests (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in urban pavements. Biodiversity Data Journal, 11. doi:10.3897/BDJ.11.E102897 ![]() |
Laribi, A., Shand, C., Wendler, R., Mouhouche, B., Hillier, S., & Colinet, G. (2023). Ambient background and quality reference values for trace metals in soils from Algeria. Soil and Water Research, 18 (1), 33–42. doi:10.17221/143/2021-SWR |
Liang, S., Sun, N., Wang, S., Colinet, G., Longdoz, B., Meersmans, J., Wu, L., & Xu, M. (2023). Manure amendment acts as a recommended fertilization for improving carbon sequestration efficiency in soils of typical drylands of China. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 11. doi:10.3389/fenvs.2023.1173509 |
Wang, S., Sun, N., Liang, S., Zhang, S., Meersmans, J., Colinet, G., Xu, M., & Wu, L. (2023). SOC sequestration affected by fertilization in rice-based cropping systems over the last four decades. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 11. doi:10.3389/fenvs.2023.1152439 |
Zhang, T., Jiku, M., Li, L., Ren, Y., Li, L., Zeng, X., Colinet, G., Sun, Y., Huo, L., & Su, S. (2023). Soil ridging combined with biochar or calcium-magnesium-phosphorus fertilizer application: Enhanced interaction with Ca, Fe and Mn in new soil habitat reduces uptake of As and Cd in rice. Environmental Pollution, 121968. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2023.121968 |
Long, Y., Wu, W., Wellens, J., Colinet, G., & Meersmans, J. (19 December 2022). An In-Depth Assessment of the Drivers Changing China’s Crop Production Using an LMDI Decomposition Approach. Remote Sensing, 14 (24), 6399. doi:10.3390/rs14246399 ![]() |
Loudari, A., Mayane, A., Naciri, R., Zeroual, Y., Colinet, G., & Oukarroum, A. (December 2022). Root morphological and anatomical responses to increasing phosphorus concentration of wheat plants grown under salinity. Plant Stress, 6, 100121. doi:10.1016/j.stress.2022.100121 |
Loudari, A., Mayane, A., Zeroual, Y., Colinet, G., & Oukarroum, A. (10 November 2022). Photosynthetic performance and nutrient uptake under salt stress: Differential responses of wheat plants to contrasting phosphorus forms and rates. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13. doi:10.3389/fpls.2022.1038672 |
Kuang, E., Chi, F.-Q., Zhang, J.-M., Xu, M.-G., Gilles, C., Su, Q.-R., Hao, X.-Y., & Zhu, B.-G. (October 2022). Analysis of DOC component structure of black soil profile with straw deeply bried and based on fluorescence spectrum. Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi, 42 (10), 3243 - 3248. doi:10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2022)10-3243-06 |
Wang, Q., Zhang, N., Chen, Y., Qin, Z., Jin, Y., Zhu, P., Peng, C., Colinet, G., Zhang, S., & Liu, J. (October 2022). The Phosphorus Availability in Mollisol Is Determined by Inorganic Phosphorus Fraction under Long-Term Different Phosphorus Fertilization Regimes. Agronomy, 12 (10), 2364. doi:10.3390/agronomy12102364 |
Petit, J. C. J., Maggi, P., Pirard, C., Charlier, C., Ruttens, A., Colinet, G., & Remy, S. (25 August 2022). Human biomonitoring survey (Pb, Cd, As, Cu, Zn, Mo) for urban gardeners exposed to metal contaminated soils. Environmental Pollution, 312, 120028. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2022.120028 |
Andrade Foronda, D., & Colinet, G. (18 July 2022). Combined Application of Organic Amendments and Gypsum to Reclaim Saline-Alkali Soil. Agriculture, 12. doi:10.3390/agriculture12071049 |
Kilela Mwanasomwe, J., Langunu, S., Nkulu, S. N., Shutcha, M. N., & Colinet, G. (14 July 2022). Effect of Organic Amendment on the Physicochemical Characteristics of Tailings Dam Soil and Root Development of Tree Species, Fifteen Years After Planting. Frontiers in Soil Science, 2, 9. doi:10.3389/fsoil.2022.934999 |
Mwanasomwe, J. K., Langunu, S., Shutcha, M. N., & Colinet, G. (07 July 2022). Effects of 15-Year-Old Plantation on Soil Conditions, Spontaneous Vegetation, and the Trace Metal Content in Wood Products at Kipushi Tailings Dam. Frontiers in Soil Science, 2, 12. doi:10.3389/fsoil.2022.934491 |
Burgeon, V., Fouché, J., Garré, S., Dehkordi, R. H., Colinet, G., & Cornelis, J.-T. (15 April 2022). Young and century-old biochars strongly affect nutrient cycling in a temperate agroecosystem. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 328, 107847. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2021.107847 |
Wang, Q., QIN, Z.-H., ZHANG, W.-W., CHEN, Y.-H., ZHU, P., PENG, C., WANG, L., ZHANG, S.-X., & Colinet, G. (2022). Effect of long-term fertilization on phosphorus fractions in different soil layers and their quantitative relationships with soil properties. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 21 (9), 2720 - 2733. doi:10.1016/j.jia.2022.07.018 |
Wang, Q., Yan-Hua, C., Zhang, N.-Y., Zhen-Han, Q., Yu-Wen, J., Zhu, P., Peng, C., Colinet, G., & zhang, S.-X. (2022). 长期施磷黑土中磷的吸附-解吸特征及其影响因素. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers. doi:10.11674/zwyf.2022153 |
Cissé, D., Cornelis, J.-T., Traoré, M., Saba, F., Coulibaly, K., Lefevbre, D., Colinet, G., & Nacro, H. B. (2021). Co-composted biochar to decrease fertilization rates in cotton–maize rotation in Burkina Faso. Agronomy Journal. doi:10.1002/agj2.20867 |
Davin, M.* , Colinet, G.* , & Fauconnier, M.-L.*. (2021). Targeting the right parameters in PAH remediation studies. Environmental Pollution, 278, 116857. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2021.116857 * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Xu, H., Cai, A., Wu, D., Liang, G., Xiao, J., Xu, M., Colinet, G., & Zhang, W. (2021). Effects of biochar application on crop productivity, soil carbon sequestration, and global warming potential controlled by biochar C:N ratio and soil pH: A global meta-analysis. Soil and Tillage Research, 213. doi:10.1016/j.still.2021.105125 |
Xu, H., Cai, A.-D., Zhou, H.-P., Colinet, G., Zhang, W.-J., & Xu, M.-G. (2021). Long-term straw incorporation significantly reduced subsoil organic carbon stock in cinnamon soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers, 27 (5), 768-776. |
Davin, M., Renard, E., Lefébure, K., Fauconnier, M.-L.* , & Colinet, G.*. (June 2020). Temporal evolution of PAHs bioaccessibility in an aged-contaminated soil during the growth of two Fabaceae. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (11), 4016. doi:10.3390/ijerph17114016 * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Kuang, E., Xu, M., Colinet, G., Chi, F., Su, Q., Zhu, B., & Zhang, J. (2020). Degradation Characteristics of Maize Straw under Different Buried Depths in Northeast Black Soil and Their Effects on Soil Carbon and Nitrogen. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 24 (1), 77-84. doi:10.17957/IJAB/15.1409 |
SONG, F.-F., XU, M.-G., DUAN, Y.-H., CAI, Z.-J., WEN, S.-L., CHEN, X.-N., SHI, W.-Q., & Colinet, G. (2020). Spatial variability of soil properties in red soil and its implications for site-specific fertilizer management. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 19 (9), 2313-2325. doi:10.1016/S2095-3119(20)63221-X |
Xu, H., Cai, A.-D., Zhou, H.-P., Colinet, G., Zhang, W.-J., & Xu, M. (2020). Long-term straw incorporation significantly reduced subsoil organic carbon stock in cinnamon soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers, 27 (5), 768–776. doi:10.11674/zwyf.2021177 |
Xu, H., Liu, K., Zhang, W., Rui, Y., Zhang, J., Wu, L., Colinet, G., Huang, Q., Chen, X., & Xu, M. (2020). Long-term fertilization and intensive cropping enhance carbon and nitrogen accumulated in soil clay-sized particles of red soil in South China. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 20 (4), 1824-1833. doi:10.1007/s11368-019-02544-8 |
Davin, M., Starren, A., Marit, E., Lefébure, K., Fauconnier, M.-L.* , & Colinet, G.*. (05 December 2019). Investigating the Effect of Medicago sativa L. and Trifolium pratense L. Root Exudates on PAHs Bioremediation in an Aged-Contaminated Soil. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 230. doi:10.1007/s11270-019-4341-4 * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Jacobs, A., Noret, N., Van Baekel, A., Liénard, A., Colinet, G., & Drouet, T. (2019). Influence of edaphic conditions and nitrogen fertilizers on cadmium and zinc phytoextraction efficiency of Noccaea caerulescens. Science of the Total Environment, 665, 649-659. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.02.073 |
Kaya Muyumba, D., Ilunga wa Ilunga, E., Faucon, M.-P., Mahy, G., Liénard, A., Seleck, M., Ngongo Luhembwe, M., & Colinet, G. (2019). Factors of Variation of Soil Chemical Properties in Metalliferous Ecosystems of Tenke-Fungurume, Katanga, D. R. Congo. Tropicultura. doi:10.25518/2295-8010.250 |
Kaya Muyumba, D., Pourret, O., Liénard, A., Bonhoure, J., Mahy, G., Luhembwe, M. N., & Colinet, G. (2019). Mobility of copper and cobalt in metalliferous ecosystems: Results of a lysimeter study in the Lubumbashi Region (Democratic Republic of Congo). Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 196, 208-218. doi:10.1016/j.gexplo.2018.10.013 |
Laribi, A., Shand, C., Wendler, R., Mouhouche, B., & Colinet, G. (2019). Concentrations and sources of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn in soil of the Mitidja plain, Algeria. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 101 (1-2), 59-74. doi:10.1080/02772248.2019.1619744 |
Lejoly, J., Cornelis, J.-T., Van Ranst, E., Jansegers, E., Tarpin, C., Degré, A., Colinet, G., & Malaisse, F. (2019). Effects of termite sheetings on soil properties under two contrasting soil management practices. Pedobiologia, 76. doi:10.1016/j.pedobi.2019.150573 |
Li, Z., Colinet, G., Zu, Y., Wang, J., An, L., Li, Q., & Niu, X. (2019). Species diversity of Arabis alpina L. communities in two Pb/Zn mining areas with different smelting history in Yunnan Province, China. Chemosphere, 233, 603-614. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.05.228 |
Li, Z., Deblon, J., Zu, Y., Colinet, G., Li, B., & He, Y. (2019). Geochemical Baseline Values Determination and Evaluation of Heavy Metal Contamination in Soils of Lanping Mining Valley (Yunnan Province, China). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (23). doi:10.3390/ijerph16234686 |
de Tombeur, F., Sohy, V., Chenu, C., Colinet, G., & Cornelis, J.-T. (30 October 2018). Effects of Permaculture Practices on Soil Physicochemical Properties and Organic Matter Distribution in Aggregates: A Case Study of the Bec-Hellouin Farm (France). Frontiers in Environmental Science, 6. doi:10.3389/fenvs.2018.00116 |
Hiel, M.-P., Barbieux, S., Pierreux, J., Olivier, C., Lobet, G., Roisin, C., Garré, S., Colinet, G., Bodson, B., & Dumont, B. (23 May 2018). Impact of crop residue management on crop production and soil chemistry after seven years of crop rotation in temperate climate, loamy soils. PeerJ, 6 (e4836). doi:10.7717/peerj.4836 |
Davin, M., Starren, A., Deleu, M., Lognay, G., Colinet, G., & Fauconnier, M.-L. (2018). Could saponins be used to enhance bioremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in aged-contaminated soils ? Chemosphere, 194, 414-421. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.11.174 |
Liénard, A., & Colinet, G. (2018). Transfert en cadmium et zinc vers l’orge de printemps en sols contaminés et non contaminés de Belgique : évaluation et prédiction. Cahiers Agricultures, 27 (2). doi:10.1051/cagri/2018008 |
Richelle, L., Visser, M., Bock, L., Walpole, P., Mialhe, F., Colinet, G., & Dendoncker, N. (2018). Looking for a dialogue between farmers and scientific soil knowledge: Learnings from an ethno-geomorphopedological study in a Philippine’s upland village. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 42 (1), 2-27. doi:10.1080/21683565.2017.1322661 |
Wang, Q., Zhan, X.-Y., Zhang, S.-X., Peng, C., Gao, H.-J., Zhang, X.-Z., Zhu, P., & Colinet, G. (2018). Increment of soil phosphorus pool and activation coefficient through long-term combination of NPK fertilizers with manures in black soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers, 24 (6), 1679-1688. doi:10.11674/zwyf.18255 |
Zhou, X., Xu, M., Wang, B., Cai, Z., & Colinet, G. (2018). Changes of Soil Phosphorus Fractionation According to pH in Red Soils of China: An Incubation Experiment. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. doi:10.1080/00103624.2018.1435676 |
Degrune, F., Theodorakopoulos, N., Colinet, G., Hiel, M.-P., Bodson, B., Taminiau, B., Daube, G., Vandenbol, M., & Hartmann, M. (2017). Temporal dynamics of soil microbial communities below the seedbed under two contrasting tillage regimes. Frontiers in Microbiology. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2017.01127 |
Pineux, N., Lisein, J., Swerts, G., Bielders, C., Lejeune, P., Colinet, G., & Degré, A. (2017). Can DEM time series produced by UAV be used to quantify diffuse erosion in an agricultural watershed? Geomorphology, 280, 122–136. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.12.003 |
Pineux, N., Michel, B., Legrain, X., Bielders, C., Degré, A., & Colinet, G. (2017). Diachronical soil surveys: a way to quantify long term diffuse erosion? Geoderma Regional, (10), 102-114. doi:10.1016/j.geodrs.2017.06.001 |
Vandenberghe, C., & Colinet, G. (2017). La gestion de la matière organique du sol, un enjeu important pour limiter la lixiviation du nitrate vers les eaux souterraines. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 21. |
Lemtiri, A., Degrune, F., Barbieux, S., Hiel, M.-P., Chelin, M., Parvin, N., Vandenbol, M., Francis, F., & Colinet, G. (2016). Crop residue management in arable cropping systems under temperate climate. Part 1: Soil biological and chemical (phosphorus and nitrogen) properties. A review. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement. |
Degrune, F., Theodorakopoulos, N., Dufrêne, M., Colinet, G., Bodson, B., Hiel, M.-P., Taminiau, B., Daube, G., Vandenbol, M., & Nezer, C. (Other coll.). (February 2016). No favorable effect of reduced tillage on microbial community diversity in a silty loam soil (Belgium). Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 224, 12-21. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2016.03.017 |
Hiel, M.-P., Chelin, M., Parvin, N., Barbieux, S., Lemtiri, A., Colinet, G., Degré, A., Bodson, B., & Garré, S. (2016). Crop residue management in arable cropping systems under a temperate climate. Part 2: Soil physical properties and crop production. A review. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 20 (1), 245-256. |
Kifukieto, C., Colinet, G., Milau, F., Metena, M., Kameneko, Z., Aloni, J., Kachaka, C., & Francis, F. (2016). Impact des termites sur la composition des sols au plateau des Batékés , République Démocratique du Congo. Afrique Science: Revue Internationale des Sciences et Technologie, 12, 175-181. |
Lemtiri, A.* , Liénard, A.* , Alabi, T., Brostaux, Y., Cluzeau, D., Francis, F., & Colinet, G. (2016). Earthworms Eisenia fetida affect the uptake of heavy metals by plants Vicia faba and Zea mays in metal-contaminated soils. Applied Soil Ecology, 104, 67-78. doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2015.11.021 * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Liénard, A., & Colinet, G. (2016). Assessment of vertical contamination of Cd, Pb and Zn in soils around a former ore smelter in Wallonia, Belgium. Environmental Earth Sciences, 75. doi:10.1007/s12665-016-6137-9 |
Renneson, M., Barbieux, S., & Colinet, G. (2016). Indicators of phosphorus status in soils: Significance and relevance for crop soils in Southern Belgium. A review. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 20 (S1), 257-272. |
Vandenberghe, C., De Toffoli, M., Lambert, R., & Colinet, G. (2016). L’épandage d’engrais de ferme avant le semis d’une culture intermédiaire (CIPAN) présente-t-il un risque important de lixiviation de nitrate ? Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 20 (2). |
Hurdebise, Q.* , Tarayre, C.* , Fischer, C.* , Colinet, G., Hiligsmann, S., & Delvigne, F. (2015). Determination of Zinc, Cadmium and Lead Bioavailability in Contaminated Soils at the Single-Cell Level by a Combination of Whole-Cell Biosensors and Flow Cytometry. Sensors. doi:10.3390/s150408981 * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Degrune, F., Dufrêne, M., Colinet, G., Massart, S., Taminiau, B., Bodson, B., Hiel, M.-P., Daube, G., Vandenbol, M., & Nezer, C. (Other coll.). (2015). A novel sub-phylum method discriminates better the impact of crop management on soil microbial community. Agronomy for Sustainable Development. doi:10.1007/s13593-015-0291-4 |
Calalang, G., Bock, L., & Colinet, G. (2015). Crop production of Northern Mindanao, Philippines: its contribution to the regional economy of food security. Tropicultura, 33 (2). |
Kaya Muyumba, D., Liénard, A., Mahy, G., Ngongo Luhembwe, M., & Colinet, G. (2015). Caractérisation des systèmes sols-plantes dans les collines de l’arc cuprifère du Katanga (synthèse bibliographique). Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 19 (2), 204-214. |
Meerts, P., Bogaert, J., Colinet, G., Lejoly, J., Mahy, G., Verbruggen, N., & Ngongo, L. M. (2015). Plants, Metallic Pollution and Environment in Katanga (DR Congo) : A Human and Scientific Adventure. Bulletin des Séances de l'Académie Royale des Sciences d'Outre-Mer, 61, 583-592. |
Pourret, O., Lange, B., Bonhoure, J., Colinet, G., Decrée, S., Mahy, G., Seleck, M., Shutcha, M., & Faucon, M.-P. (2015). Assessment of soil metal distribution and environmental impact of mining in Katanga (Democratic Republic of Congo). Applied Geochemistry. doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2015.07.012 |
Pourret, O., Lange, B., Houben, D., Colinet, G., Shutcha, M., & Faucon, M.-P. (2015). Modeling of cobalt and copper speciation in metalliferous soils from Katanga (Democratic Republic of Congo). Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 149, 87-96. doi:10.1016/j.gexplo.2014.11.011 |
Renneson, M., Vandenberghe, C., Dufey, J., Marcoen, J. M., Bock, L., & Colinet, G. (January 2015). Degree of phosphorus saturation in agricultural loamy soils with a near-neutral pH. European Journal of Soil Science, 66, 33-41. doi:10.1111/ejss.12207 |
Shutcha, M., Faucon, M.-P., Kamengwa, C., Colinet, G., Mahy, G., Ngongo luhembwe, M., Visser, M., & Meerts, P. (2015). Three years of phytostabilisation experiment of bare acidic soil extremely contaminated by copper smelting using plant biodiversity of metal-rich soils in tropical Africa (Katanga, DR Congo). Ecological Engineering. doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2015.04.062 |
Stroobants, A., Degrune, F., Olivier, C., Muys, C., Roisin, C., Colinet, G., Bodson, B., Portetelle, D., & Vandenbol, M. (2014). Diversity of Bacterial Communities in a Profile of a Winter Wheat Field: Known and Unknown Members. Microbial Ecology. doi:10.1007/s00248-014-0458-6 |
Liénard, A., & Colinet, G. (June 2014). Synthèse bibliographique sur la mobilité des éléments traces dans les sols et l’utilisation de la stabilisation physico-chimique comme technique de gestion in situ des sites contaminés. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 18 (2), 273-289. |
Lemtiri, A., Colinet, G., Alabi, T., Cluzeau, D., Zirbes, L., Haubruge, E., & Francis, F. (01 March 2014). Impacts of earthworms on soil components and dynamics. A review. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 18. |
Calalang, G., Bock, L., & Colinet, G. (2014). Establishing a soil reference system for fertility assesment and monitoring at plot level in the Highlands of Mindanao, Philippines. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 3, 189-196. |
Calalang, G., & Colinet, G. (2014). A review of soils and crops in the Bukidnon Highlands of Northern Mindanao, The Philippines. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 18, 544-557. |
Deraedt, D., Colinet, G., Claessens, H., & Degré, A. (2014). Représentation du couvert forestier dans la modélisation hydrologique : Comparaison de dix modèles. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 18 (1), 83-96. |
Genot, V., Bock, L., Dardenne, P., & Colinet, G. (2014). L’intérêt de la spectroscopie proche infrarouge en analyse de terre (synthèse bibliographique). Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 18 (2). |
Liénard, A., Brostaux, Y., & Colinet, G. (2014). Soil contamination near a former Zn-Pb ore-treatment plant: Evaluation of deterministic factors and spatial structures at the landscape scale. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 147, 107-116. doi:10.1016/j.gexplo.2014.07.014 |
Mpundu Mubemba, M., Useni, Y., Nyembo, L., & Colinet, G. (2014). Effets d’amendements carbonatés et organiques sur la culture de deux légumes sur sol contaminé à Lubumbashi (RD Congo). Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 18 (3), 367-375. |
Wali, A., Colinet, G., & Ksibi, M. (2014). Speciation of Heavy metals by modified BCR sequential extraction in soils contaminated by phosphogypsum in Sfax, Tunisia. Environmental Research, Engineering and Management, 4 (70), 14-26. |
Seleck, M., Bizoux, J.-P., Colinet, G., Faucon, M.-P., Guillaume, A., Meerts, P., Piqueray, J., & Mahy, G. (December 2013). Chemical soil factors influencing plant assemblages along copper-cobalt gradients: implications for conservation and restoration. Plant and Soil, 373, 455-469. doi:10.1007/s11104-013-1819-5 |
Latte, N., Colinet, G., Fayolle, A., Lejeune, P., Hebert, J., Claessens, H., & Bauwens, S. (08 June 2013). Description of a new procedure to estimate the carbon stocks of all forest pools and impact assessment of methodological choices on the estimates. European Journal of Forest Research, 132, 565-577. doi:10.1007/s10342-013-0701-6 |
Renneson, M., Dufey, J., Legrain, X., Genot, V., Bock, L., & Colinet, G. (March 2013). Relationships between the P status of surface and deep horizons of agricultural soils under various cropping systems and for different soil types: a case study in Belgium. Soil Use and Management, 29 (S1), 103-113. doi:10.1111/j.1475-2743.2012.00435.x |
Alongo Longomba, S, Visser, M, Kombele Bishosha, F, Colinet, G., & Bogaert, J. (2013). Propriétés et diagnostic de l'état agropédologique du sol de la série Yakonde après fragmentation de la forêt à Yangambi, R.D. Congo. Annales des Instituts Supérieurs d'Études Agronomiques de Bengamisa, 5, 36-51. |
Alongo, S., Visser, M., Drouet, T., Kombele, F., Colinet, G., & Bogaert, J. (2013). Effets de la fragmentation des forêts par l'agriculture itinérante sur la dégradation de quelques propriétés physiques d'un ferralso échantillonné à Yangambi, R.D. Congo. Tropicultura, 31 (1), 36-43. |
Ilunga wa Ilunga, E., Seleck, M., Colinet, G., Faucon, M.-P., Meerts, P., & Mahy, G. (2013). Small-scale diversity of plant communities and distribution of species niches on a copper rock outcrop in Upper Katanga, D.R.Congo. Plant Ecology and Evolution, 146 (2), 173-182. doi:10.5091/plecevo.2013.816 |
Maugnard, A., Bielders, C., Bock, L., Colinet, G., Cordonnier, H., Degré, A., Demarcin, P., Dewez, A., Feltz, N., Legrain, X., Pineux, N., & Mokadem, A. I. (2013). Cartographie du risque d’érosion hydrique à l’échelle parcellaire en soutien à la politique agricole wallonne (Belgique). Étude et Gestion des Sols, 20 (2), 127-141. |
Vandenberghe, C., Colinet, G., Destain, J.-P., & Marcoen, J. M. (2013). Implementation of the revised program of action related to the Nitrates Directive [Mise en oeuvre de la révision du Programme d'action lié à la Directive Nitrates]. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 17 (SPL1), 161-163. |
Wali, A., Colinet, G., Kahdhraoui, M., & Ksibi, M. (2013). Trace metals in surface soil contaminated by release of phosphate industry in the surroundings of Sfax-Tunisia. Environmental Research, Engineering and Management, 3 (65), 20-30. |
Zu, Y., Bock, L., Schvartz, C., Colinet, G., & Li, Y. (2013). Mobility and distribution of lead, cadmium, copper and zinc in soil profiles in the peri-urban market garden of Kunming, Yunnan Province, China. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 1-17. doi:10.1080/03650340.2012.746778 |
Faucon, M.-P., Chipeng, F., Verbruggen, N., Mahy, G., Colinet, G., Shutcha, M., Pourret, O., & Meerts, P. (2012). Copper tolerance and accumulation in two cuprophytes of South Central Africa: Crepidorhopalon perennis and C. tenuis (Linderniaceae). Environmental and Experimental Botany. doi:10.1016/j.envexpbot.2012.04.012 |
Tran, T., Rochette, A.-J., De Martynoff, A., Thewis, A., Colinet, G., Haubruge, E., & Malaisse, F. (2012). Le milieu naturel de l’Agame-papillon géant [Leiolepis guttata (Cuvier, 1829), Leiolepidinae, Agamidae, Iguania, Sauria, Diapsida, Squamata, Reptilia] au Vietnam sud-central. Geo-Eco-Trop: Revue Internationale de Géologie, de Géographie et d'Écologie Tropicales, 36. |
Bah, B. B., Vanclooster, M., Oger, R., Bock, L., & Colinet, G. (December 2011). Valorisation de la Carte Numérique des Sols de Wallonie et d’une base de données disponible en analyse de sols, dans le cadre de l’évaluation du risque de pollution des eaux souterraines par les pesticides. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 15 (S2), 709-726. |
Genot, V., Colinet, G., Bock, L., Vanvyve, D., Reusen, Y., & Dardenne, P. (12 May 2011). Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy for estimating soil characteristics valuable in the diagnosis of soil fertility. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, 19 (2), 117-138. doi:10.1255/jnirs.923 |
Colinet, G., Koulos, K., Wu, B., Li, Y., Lacroix, D., Su, Y., Chapelle, J., Fullen, M., Hocking, T., & Bock, L. (2011). Agro-pedological Assessment of the Traditional Yuanyang Rice Terraces of Yunnan Province, China. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2 (4), 353-361. doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-764x.2011.03.001 |
Genot, V., Buffet, D., Legrain, X., Goffaux, M.-J., Cugnon, T., Oger, R., Bock, L., & Colinet, G. (2011). Pour un échantillonnage et un conseil agronomique raisonné, les outils d'aide à la décision. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 15 (S2), 657-668. |
Legrain, X., Demarcin, P., Colinet, G., & Bock, L. (2011). Cartographie des sols en Belgique : aperçu historique et présentation des travaux actuels de valorisation et de révision de la Carte Numérique des Sols de Wallonie. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 15 (S2), 647-656. |
Legrain, X., Renneson, M., Genot, V., Demarcin, P., Liénard, A., Bock, L., & Colinet, G. (2011). Méthodologie de constitution d'une collection d'échantillons de sols en relation avec les principaux matériaux parentaux en Wallonie (Belgique méridionale). Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 15 (S2), 683-697. |
Liénard, A., Bock, L., & Colinet, G. (2011). Intérêt des cartes des sols pour l'élaboration d'une stratégie d'échantillonnage en sols contaminés par retombées atmosphériques : application à l'étude de l'effet sol sur le devenir des éléments traces métalliques. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 15 (2), 669-682. |
Piqueray, J., Bottin, G., Delescaille, L.-M., Bisteau, E., Colinet, G., & Mahy, G. (2011). Rapid restoration of a species-rich ecosystem assessed from soil and vegetation indicators: the case of calcareous grasslands restored from forest stands. Ecological Indicators, 11, 724-733. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2010.06.007 |
Saad, L., Parmentier, I., Colinet, G., Malaisse, F., Faucon, M.-P., Meerts, P., & Mahy, G. (2011). Investigating the Vegetation-Soil Relationships on the Copper-Cobalt Rock Outcrops of Katanga (D.R. Congo), an Essential Step in a Biodiversity Conservation Plan. Restoration Ecology. |
Zu, Y., Bock, L., Schvartz, C., Colinet, G., & Li, Y. (2011). Factors affecting trace element content in periurban market garden subsoil in Yunnan Province, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 23 (3), 488-496. doi:10.1016/S1001-0742(10)60401-9 |
Zu, Y., Bock, L., Schvartz, C., Colinet, G., & Li, Y. (2011). Availability of Trace Elements for Chinese Cabbage Amended with Lime in a Periurban Market Garden in Yunnan Province, China. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. doi:10.1080/00103624.2011.584590 |
Adjolohoun, S., Bindelle, J., Adandedjan, C., Colinet, G., & Buldgen, A. (2010). Soil chemical changes following 3-year legume or grass leys in west Africa. Tropical Grasslands, 44, 115-122. |
Chipeng, F., Hermans, C., Colinet, G., Faucon, M.-P., Ngongo, M., Meerts, P., & Verbruggen, N. (2010). Copper tolerance in the cuprophyte Haumaniastrum katangense (S. Moore) P.A. Duvign. & Plancke. Plant and Soil, 328 (1-2), 235-244. doi:10.1007/s11104-009-0105-z |
Katemo Manda, B., Colinet, G., André, L., Chocha Manda, A., Marquet, J.-P., & Micha, J.-C. (2010). Evaluation de la contamination de la chaîne trophique par les éléments traces (Cu, Co, Zn, Pb, Cd, U, V et As) dans le bassin de la Lufira supérieure (katanga/RD Congo). Tropicultura, 28 (4), 246-252. |
Ngoy Shutcha, M., Mpundu Mubemba, M., Faucon, M.-P., Ngongo Luhembwe, M., Visser, M., Colinet, G., & Meerts, P. (2010). PHYTOSTABILISATION OF COPPER-CONTAMINATED SOIL IN KATANGA: AN EXPERIMENT WITH THREE NATIVE GRASSES AND TWO AMENDMENTS. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 12 (6), 616-632. doi:10.1080/15226510903390411 |
Zu, Y., Li, Y., Bock, L., Schvartz, C., & Colinet, G. (08 July 2009). Soil affects on the cadmium and zinc contents of Chinese cabbage in Yunnan province, China. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 56 (1), 107-117. |
Faucon, M.-P., Colinet, G., Mahy, G., N'gongo Luhembwe, M., Verbruggen, N., & Meerts, P. (2009). Soil influence on Cu and Co uptake and plant size in the cuprophytes crepidorhopalon perennis and C. tenuis (Scrophulariaceae) in SC Africa. Plant and Soil, 317, 201-212. doi:10.1007/s11104-008-9801-3 |
Genot, V., Colinet, G., Brahy, V., & Bock, L. (2009). L'état de fertilité des terres agricoles et forestières en Région wallonne (adapté du chapitre 4 - sol 1 de l'"Etat de l'environnement wallon 2006-2007"). Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 13 (1), 121-138. |
Morvan, X., Richer de Forge, A., Arrouays, D., Le Bas, C., Saby, N., Jones, R., Verheijen, F., Bellamy, P., Kibblewhite, M., Stephens M, Freudenschuss, A., Strauss, P., Spiegel, A., Verdoodt, A., Goidts, E., Colinet, G., & Sichkov, T. (2007). Une analyse des stratégies d'échantillonnage des réseaux de surveillance de la qualité des sols en Europe. Note technique. Étude et Gestion des Sols, 317-325. |
Colinet, G., Laroche, J., Etienne, M., Lacroix, D., & Bock, L. (2004). Intérêt d'une stratification pédologique pour la constitution de référentiels régionaux sur les teneurs en éléments traces métalliques dans les sols de Wallonie. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 8(2), 83-94. |
Colinet, G., Lacroix, D., & Bock, L. (2002). Importance of pedogenic factors in the spatial distribution of some soils properties in the Belgian Loess Belt: II. Some loess-substratum contacts. Aardkundige Mededelingen, 12, 63-64. |
Lubalega, T., Ngongo, M., Lejoly, J., & Colinet, G. (2015). Contaminations en éléments traces métalliques des termitières autour de Lubumbashi. Congo Sciences. |
Aldric, J.-M., Druart, P., Maesen, P., Campanella, B., Colinet, G., Delvigne, F., Thonart, P., & Destain, J. (May 2011). Potentialités d’application des technologies biologiques pour la depollution des sols en Wallonie. Journal des Ingénieurs, 132. |
Zu, Y., Li, Y., Bock, L., Schvartz, C., Colinet, G., & Wen You, H. (2008). Interactions Between Heavy Metals and Nitrogen and Their Ecological Effects. Journal of Agro-Environment Science, 27 (1), 7-17. |
Vandenberghe, C., Blondel, A., Pierreux, J., Colinet, G., Pigeon, O., & Dumont, B. (2021). Le suivi de la lixiviation dans le sol des produits de protection des plantes. In B. Dumont & M. Deproft, Livre Blanc Céréales (Edition février 2021, pp. 9/10 - 9/12). Gembloux, Belgium: Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech. |
Colinet, G., Liénard, A., Goidts, E., Otte, P., Boukhareva, L., & Marloie, M. (2018). Soil contamination in kitchen gardens of urban areas: the need for comprehensive approaches. In Proceedings. |
Hiel, M.-P., Barbieux, S., Pierreux, J., Roisin, C., Colinet, G., Bodson, B., & Dumont, B. (2017). 10. 1. Impact de la gestion des résidus de cultures sur la fertilité des sols et la production agricole. In B. Bodson & B. Watillon, Livre Blanc Céréales (pp. 10/2 - 10/10). |
Vandenberghe, C., Colinet, G., Khalidi, M., De Toffoli, M., & Lambert, R. (2017). LA MESURE DE RELIQUAT AZOTÉ DANS LE SOL EN DÉBUT DE PÉRIODE DE LIXIVIATION (APL) : méthodologie et bilan après 12 années de contrôle des exploitations agricoles en Belgique (région wallonne). In D. Pin & O. Thibault, DES TERRITOIRES À L’EUROPE : Construire ensemble les transitions environnementales (pp. 115-116). |
Deraedt, D., Bernard, J., Biettlot, L., Clerbois, L., Rosiere, C., Starren, A., Colinet, G., Mercatoris, B., & Degré, A. (2015). Impact of stone content on soil moisture measurement with capacitive sensors 10HS (Decagon). Geophysical Research Abstracts, 17. |
Pineux, N., Michel, B., Legrain, X., Colinet, G., & Degré, A. (2015). Diachronical soil surveys: a way to quantify long term diffuse erosion. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 17. |
Deraedt, D., Degré, A., & Colinet, G. (2014). Distribution des propriétés morphologiques et chimiques d’un sol le long d’un versant forestier. Revue Forestière Française, 2014 (4). doi:10.4267/2042/56279 |
Legrain, X., Bock, L., & Colinet, G. (2014). Suitability of the soil map and legacy data in wallonia (BE) to support the GSM initiative. In D. Arrouays, N. McKenzie, J. Hempel, A. Richer de Forges, ... A. McBratney (Eds.), GlobalSoilMap - Basis of the global spatial soil information system. Leiden, Netherlands: CRC Press/Balkema. doi:10.1201/b16500-21 |
Colaux-Castillo-Bocanegra, C., Colinet, G., Debouche, C., Degré, A., Garré, S., Heinesch, B., & Lebeau, F. (2013). Élaboration du référentiel de compétences du master bioingénieur en Sciences et Technologies de l'Environnement. In R. Poulin (Ed.), Séminaire CITEF 2013 La liaison formation-emploi : l'approche compétences et la formation tout au long de la vie (pp. 8). CITEF. |
Eylenbosch, D., Pierreux, J., Dufranne, D., Lemtiri, A., Locquet, R., Lumaye, F., Olivier, C., Stroobants, A., Monfort, B., Colinet, G., Roisin, C., & Bodson, B. (2013). 2. Implantation des cultures. In B. Bodson & J.-P. Destain (Eds.), Livre Blanc - Céréales (pp. 2/1 à 2/16). Gembloux, Belgium: Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech. |
Deraedt, D., Degré, A., & Colinet, G. (2013). Hydrological and geopedological dynamics of a forested slope. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15, 2013-2026. |
Pineux, N., Colinet, G., & Degré, A. (2013). Spatial distribution of erosion and deposition on an agricultural watershed. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15. |
Genot, V., Colinet, G., Bock, L., Vanvyve, D., & Dardenne, P. (2011). Application de la spectrométrie proche infrarouge à l'analyse de terre. In Actes des 10èmes rencontres de la fertilisation raisonnée et de l'analyse de terre. |
Faucon, M.-P., Colinet, G., Jitaru, P., Verbruggen, N., Shutcha, M., Mahy, G., Meerts, P., & Pourret, O. (2011). Relation between Cobalt Fractionation and its Accumulation in Metallophytes from South of Central Africa. Mineralogical Magazine, 75 (3), 832. |
Mpundu Mubemba, M., Mobinzo, P., Bindelle, J., Vandenput, S., Ngongo Luhembwe, M., & Colinet, G. (2011). Soil, plant and goat faeces can be used to map trace elements contaminations in the town of Lubumbashi (RDCongo). In The 6th International Conference on Soils of Urban, Industrial, Traffic, Mining and Military Areas: Program, Abstracts and participants directory (pp. 16). |
Katemo, B., Colinet, G., Andre, L., Chocha, A., & Micha, J.-C. (2010). Evaluation de la contamination de la chaïne trophique par les éléments traces (Cu, Co, Zn, Pb, Cd, U, V et As) dans le bassin de la Lufira supérieure (Katanga/RD Congo). In Le secteur minier de la République démocratique du Congo à la croisée des chemins. |
Legrain, X., Demarcin, P., Colinet, G., & Bock, L. (25 November 2010). De la Carte des Sols de la Belgique à la Carte Numérique des Sols de Wallonie : vers des Systèmes Régionaux d'Information sur les Sols et leurs propriétés. Milieux Poreux et Transferts Hydriques, 56, 129-134. |
Renneson, M., Dufey, J., Bock, L., & Colinet, G. (2010). Effects of parental material and land use on soil phosphorus forms in Southern Belgium. In Gilkes, RJ & Prakongkep, N (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science; Soil Solutions for a changing World. Brisbane, Australia: IUSS. |
Renneson, M., Vandenberghe, C., Marcoen, J. M., Bock, L., & Colinet, G. (2010). Study of the relevance of phosphorus saturation in Walloon Region (Southern Belgium). In R. J. Gilkes & N. Prakongkep (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science; Soil Solutions for a changing World. IUSS. |
Colinet, G., Weissen, F., Lecomte, H., & Bock, L. (2010). Mapping and monitoring issues of a forest soil network in Southern Belgium. In R. J. Gilkes & N. Prakongkep (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science; Soil solutions for a changing world : Brisbane Australia 1-6 August 2010. |
Bourland, N., Kouadio, Y. L., Colinet, G., & Doucet, J.-L. (2010). Pericopsis elata (Harms) van Meeuwen in southeastern Cameroon : ecological and pedological approaches to improve the management of an endangered commercial timber species. International Forestry Review, 12 (5), 111. |
Genot, V., Colinet, G., Bock, L., Vanvyve, D., Reusen, Y., & Dardenne, P. (2009). Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy for estimating soil characteristics useful in the diagnosis of soil fertility. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on NIR Spectroscopy. |
Genot, V., Colinet, G., Buffet, D., Oger, R., & Bock, L. (2009). UN PORTAIL CARTOGRAPHIQUE POUR UN ECHANTILLONNAGE ET UN DIAGNOSTIC AGRONOMIQUE PESONNALISES. In Actes des 9èmes rencontres de la Fertilisation Raisonnée et de l'Analyse de Terre. |
Mpundu Mubemba, M., Ngoy Shutcha, M., Faucon, M.-P., Mahy, G., Ngongo Luhembwe, M., Meerts, P., & Colinet, G. (2009). Contamination des sols par les activités minières à Lubumbashi (RDC). Incidences en matière de diagnostic et de choix de solutions de gestion. In D. Schwartz (Ed.), Actes des 10emes JES. |
Renneson, M., Vandenberghe, C., Marcoen, J. M., Bock, L., & Colinet, G. (2009). Evaluation de la pertinence du taux de saturation en phosphore en tant qu'indicateur de bonnes pratiques en matière de fertilisation phosphorée dans les sols agricoles en Région wallonne (Belgique). In D. Schwartz (Ed.), Actes des 10èmes journées d'étude des sols (pp. 205-206). |
Genot, V., Colinet, G., Dardenne, P., & Bock, L. (2009). Transferring a calibration model and a spectral library to a soil analysis laboratories network. In EGU 2009 Book of abstracts. |
Ngongo Luhembwe, M., Bogaert, J., Colinet, G., Faucon, M.-P., Lejoly, J., Mahy, G., Verbruggen, N., & Meerts, P. (2009). Appui à la création d’un diplôme d’études approfondies en biologie végétale et environnement à l’Université de Lubumbashi et remédiation multiscalaire des sols contaminés. In Dahdouh-Guebas, F (Ed.), Proceedings of the Symposium on African Botany in Brussels (pp. 98). |
Genot, V., Colinet, G., Dardenne, P., & Bock, L. (2008). Study of the near infrared reflectance spectroscopy performances for the determination of soil parameters useful for the fertility diagnosis [Paper presentation]. EGU, Viennes, Austria. |
Meerts, P., Shimba, N., Shutcha, M. N., Mubemba, M. M., Kankumbi, F., Kayemb, F., Faucon, M.-P., Bogaert, J., Colinet, G., Lejoly, J., Mahy, G., Verbruggen, N., Visser, M., & Luhembwe, M. (2008). Cuivre et biodiversité au Katanga : stratégies de conservation et de valorisation d’un patrimoine exceptionnel. In Colloque « La quête des ressources naturelles en Afrique centrale. Le cas du secteur minier en RDC. |
Noel, S., Bah, B. B., Colinet, G., Buffet, D., Huyghebaert, B., Sorel, A., & Hallet, V. (2008). CRA-W's Committee of Intervention : analyse of catchments polluted with pesticide. In 10th International Congress on Mechanization and Energy in Agriculture, 14-17 October 2008, Antalya-Türkiye - Prodeedings (pp. 604-608). |
Genot, V., Colinet, G., Dardenne, P., Vanvyve, D., & Bock, L. (2007). Le mode de calibrage local pour prédire, par spectroscopie proche infrarouge, la CEC et le taux de carbone organique total des échantillons de terre : Application en Région wallonne (Belgique) [Paper presentation]. La spectroscopie proche infrarouge en Sciences du sol, Grenoble, France. |
Genot, V., Colinet, G., Dardenne, P., Vanvyve, D., & Bock, L. (2007). Application de la spectroscopie proche infrarouge (SPIR) dans un réseau d'analyse de terre et de conseil [Paper presentation]. La spectroscopie proche infrarouge en Sciences du sol, Grenoble, France. |
Genot, V., Colinet, G., Dardenne, P., Vanvyve, D., & Bock, L. (2007). Study of the near infrared reflectance spectroscopy performances to predict some soil characteristics useful for the fertility diagnosis [Paper presentation]. 16th Symposium of the International Scientific Centre of Fertilizers (CIEC). |
Bah, B. B., Legrain, X., Genot, V., Colinet, G., & Bock, L. (2007). Intérêt d'une approche basée sur la détermination des limitations intrinsèques des sols dans le cadre de l'évaluation de leur aptitude à l'épandage de déchets organiques. In Actes des 9èmes Journées Nationales de l’Etude des Sols (pp. 123-124). |
Genot, V., Colinet, G., Dardenne, P., Bah, B. B., Legrain, X., & Bock, L. (2007). Etude de la performance de la spectroscopie proche infrarouge pour la mesure de caractéristiques du sol nécessaires au conseil de fumure. In Actes des 9èmes Journées Nationales d'Etude des Sols (pp. 379-380). |
Colinet, G., Baize, D., Delcarte, E., Marcoen, J. M., Carletti, I., & Bock, L. (2004). Comparaison de différentes méthodes de détermination des teneurs en éléments majeurs et traces dans les sols. In Actes des 8emes JNES. |
Colinet, G. (2004). Intérêt d’une stratification pédologique pour la constitution de référentiels régionaux sur les teneurs en éléments traces métalliques dans les sols de Wallonie. In Actes du Colloque "Terre wallonne - humains admis". |
Colinet, G., Lacroix, D., & Bock, L. (2002). Importance of pedogenic factors in the spatial distribution of some soil properties in the Belgian loess belt: some loess-substratum contacts. In P. Degryse & M. Sintubin (Eds.), Contributions to the Geology of Belgium and Northwest Europe. Proceedings of the first Geologica Belgica International Meeting. Leuven University Press. |
Colinet, G., Lacroix, D., Laroche, J., Marcoen, J. M., & Bock, L. (2002). Contribution à la caractérisation de la distribution spatiale des teneurs en éléments traces métalliques dans les sols en région limoneuse belge. In Actes des 7ème Journées nationales de l'étude des sols (pp. 27-28). |
Colinet, G., Laroche, J., Lacroix, D., Marcoen, J. M., & Bock, L. (2000). Importance of pedogenic factors in the spatial distribution of some soil properties in the Belgian Loess Belt: I. Parent material influence on texture and elemental composition. In GSA Abstracts with Programs v. 32, no. 7. |
Nouet, C., Hanikenne, M., Frederich, M., Dumont, B., Eppe, G., Colinet, G., & Biron, P. (17 November 2021). Multifonctionnalité du phytomanagement, une opportunité pour les friches [Paper presentation]. Visions convegentes : mobiliser les friches pour accroître la résilience de nos sociétés, Liege, Belgium. |
Loudari, A., Mayane, A., Zeroual, Y., Colinet, G., & Oukarroum, A. (28 June 2021). Combined effect of P fertilization and salinity on germination and seedling characteristics of wheat seeds [Paper presentation]. UM6P Interdisciplinary Doctoral Day (JDD)-1st edition, Benguérir, Morocco. |
Loudari, A., Colinet, G., & Oukarroum, A. (15 October 2020). Influence of salinity on phosphorus and potassium uptake of tomato plants grown in hydroponic conditions [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Phosphates (ICP) Fundamentals, processes and technologies (2nd edition) Phosphate Days 2020. |