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Gao, X.-G., Wang, J.-P., Ge, S., Su, S.-K., Bai, M., & François, B. (11 July 2024). Investigation of canopy interception characteristics in slope protection grasses: A laboratory experiment. Science of the Total Environment, 948, 174731. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.174731 |
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Wang, J.-P., Luan, J.-Y., Gao, X.-G., Liu, T.-H., Andò, E., & François, B. (November 2022). A micro-investigation of unsaturated sand in mini-triaxial compression based on micro-CT image analysis. Acta Geotechnica, 17 (11), 4799 - 4821. doi:10.1007/s11440-022-01658-7 |
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Poncelet, N., Herrier, G., & François, B. (March 2022). An effective stress constitutive framework for the prediction of desiccation crack in lime-treated soil: Experimental characterization and constitutive prediction. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 29, 100265. doi:10.1016/j.gete.2021.100265 |
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Wang, J.-P., François, B., & Lambert, P. (2020). From Basic Particle Gradation Parameters to Water Retention Curves and Tensile Strength of Unsaturated Granular Soils. International Journal of Geomechanics, 26 (6). doi:10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0001677 |
François, B., Nève, J. J., Levasseur, S., Dizier, A., & Gerard, P. (2019). Hydro-mechanical modelling of the boom clay excavation, convergence and contact with concrete lining. Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering, 0 (217729), 418 - 425. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-99670-7_52 |
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Wang, J.-P., Andò, E., Charrier, P., Salager, S., Lambert, P., & François, B. (2019). Micro-scale investigation of unsaturated sand in mini-triaxial shearing using X-ray CT. Geotechnique Letters, 9 (4), 269 - 277. doi:10.1680/jgele.18.00214 |
Wang, J.-P., Lambert, P., De Kock, T., Cnudde, V., & François, B. (2019). Investigation of the effect of specific interfacial area on strength of unsaturated granular materials by X-ray tomography. Acta Geotechnica. doi:10.1007/s11440-019-00765-2 |
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Hashemi Afrapoli, M. A., Massart, T., & François, B. (2018). Experimental characterisation of clay-sand mixtures treated with lime. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 22(8), 962 - 977. doi:10.1080/19648189.2016.1229228 |
Negawo, W. J., Di Emidio, G., Bezuijen, A., Verastegui Flores, R. D., & François, B. (2018). Lime-stabilisation of high plasticity swelling clay from Ethiopia. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, doi:10.1080/19648189.2017.1304272 |
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Wang, J.-P., François, B., & Lambert, P. (2017). Equations for hydraulic conductivity estimation from particle size distribution: A dimensional analysis. Water Resources Research, 53 (9), 8127 - 8134. doi:10.1002/2017WR020888 |
Wang, J.-P., Hu, N., François, B., & Lambert, P. (2017). Estimating Water Retention Curves and Strength Properties of Unsaturated Sandy Soils from Basic Soil Gradation Parameters. Water Resources Research, 53 (7), 6069 - 6088. doi:10.1002/2017WR020411 |
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Erol, S., & François, B. (2015). Thermal stresses in borehole heat exchangers. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 39 (13), 1450 - 1470. doi:10.1002/nag.2373 |
François, B., & Keita, O. (2015). A microstructurally-based internal length for strain localization problems in dynamics. European Journal of Mechanics. A, Solids, 53, 282 - 293. doi:10.1016/j.euromechsol.2015.05.012 |
Gerard, P., Mahdad, M., Robert McCormack, A., & François, B. (2015). A unified failure criterion for unstabilized rammed earth materials upon varying relative humidity conditions. Construction and Building Materials, 95, 437 - 447. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2015.07.100 |
Hashemi Afrapoli, M. A., Massart, T., Salager, S., Herrier, G., & François, B. (2015). Pore scale characterization of lime-treated sand-bentonite mixtures. Applied Clay Science, 111, 50 - 60. doi:10.1016/j.clay.2015.04.001 |
Sonon, B., François, B., & Massart, T. (2015). An advanced approach for the generation of complex cellular material Representative Volume Elements using distance fields and level sets. Computational Mechanics. doi:10.1007/s00466-015-1168-8 |
Erol, S., & François, B. (05 September 2014). Efficiency of various grouting materials for borehole heat exchangers. Applied Thermal Engineering, 70 (1), 788 - 799. doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2014.05.034 |
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François, B., Labiouse, V., Dizier, A., Marinelli, F., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (January 2014). Hollow Cylinder Tests on Boom Clay: Modelling of Strain Localization in the Anisotropic Excavation Damaged Zone. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 47 (1), 71-86. doi:10.1007/s00603-012-0348-5 |
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François, B., & Laloui, L. (2013). Modelling the thermo-plasticity of unsaturated soils. Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering, 535 - 540. |
Hashemi Afrapoli, M. A., Khaddour, G., François, B., Massart, T., & Salager, S. (2013). A tomographic imagery segmentation methodology for three-phase geomaterials based on simultaneous region growing. Acta Geotechnica. doi:10.1007/s11440-013-0289-5 |
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Dupray, F., François, B., & Laloui, L. (2011). Analysis of the FEBEX multi-barrier system including thermoplasticity of unsaturated bentonite. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 37 (4), 399 - 422. doi:10.1002/nag.1103 |
Hueckel, T., François, B., & Laloui, L. (2011). Temperature-dependent internal friction of clay in a cylindrical heat source problem. Geotechnique, 61 (10), 831 - 844. |
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François, B., & Laloui, L. (2012). Modelling the thermo-plasticity of unsaturated soils. In 2nd International Symposium on Constitutive Modeling of Geomaterials (ISModel 2012, Bejing, China), Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering, 2012, Constitutive Modeling of Geomaterials (2012). -. |
Hashemi Afrapoli, M. A., Kadiri, H., Massart, T., Verbrugge, J.-C., & François, B. (2012). Influence of the clay content of a lime-treated soil on its compression strength. In International Symposium on Recent Research, Advances & Execution Aspects of ground improvement works (IS-GI Brussels 2012), Volume II, 365-372. -. |
Hashemi Afrapoli, M. A., Zine, N., Massart, T., Verbrugge, J.-C., & François, B. (2012). Lime-treatment of sand improved by bentonite addition. In European Young Technical Engineers Conference (EYGEC), Goteborg, Sweden. -. |
Levasseur, S., Collin, F., François, B., & Charlier, R. (2012). Field scale experiment modelling in Opalinus Clay: the HGA experiment. In Clays in Natural & Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement, 2012. |
Massart, T., Mercatoris, B., Sonon, B., François, B., & Selvadurai, P. A. P. S. (2012). Towards realistic multiscale modelling of cohesive-frictional materials. In Euromech Colloquium 537 on Multi-scale computational homogenization of heterogeneous structures and materials, Marne-la-Vallée, France. -. |
Sonon, B., Hashemi Afrapoli, M. A., Verbrugge, J.-C., François, B., & Massart, T. (2012). Effect of fabric on elastic properties of a lime treated clayey sand. In International Symposium on Recent Research, Advances & Execution Aspects of ground improvement works (IS-GI Brussels 2012) (2012). -. |
Dascalu, C., & François, B. (2011). A two-scale damage law for creeping rocks. In Multiscale and Multiphysics Processes in Geomechanics, Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering. -. |
Dupray, F., François, B., & Laloui, L. (2011). Analysis of the febex in-situ experiment through an advanced thermo-hydro-mechanical coupled plasticity model. In 2nd International Symposium on Computational Geomechanics (ComGeo II), Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia. -. |
François, B., Collin, F., Dizier, A., & Charlier, R. (2011). Development of an extended Drucker-Prager hardening model for cross-anisotropy of soft rocks. In S. Pietruszczak & G. N. Pande (Eds.), PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2 nd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTATIONAL GEOMECHANICS (COMGEO II) (Computational Geomechanics COMGEO II, pp. 142-152). |
François, B., Collin, F., Dizier, A., & Charlier, R. (2011). An extended Drucker-Prager hardening model for cross-anisotropy of soft rocks. In A. Anagnostopoulos (Ed.), Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (pp. 537-540). Greece: IOS Press. |
Hueckel, T., François, B., & Laloui, L. (2011). Effect of thermal variability of the internal friction in clay in a cylindrical thermo-mechanical problem. In 2nd International Symposium on Computational Geomechanics (ComGeo II), Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia. -. |
Dascalu, C., & François, B. (2010). A time-dependent damage law in solids: a homogenization approach. In 9th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics. |
Dascalu, C., & François, B. (2010). A time-dependent damage law in deformable solid: a homogeneization approach. In 9th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics Limassol, Cyprus (2010). -. |
François, B., & Dascalu, C. (2010). A subcritical damage model for clay as a two-scale material. In CLAYS IN NATURAL & ENGINEERED BARRIERS FOR RADIOACTIVE WASTE CONFINEMENT (pp. 749-750). |
François, B., & Laloui, L. (2010). Non-isothermal infiltration in plastic bentonite. In E. Alonso & A. Gens (Eds.), Unsaturated Soils (pp. 1375-1382). CRC Press. |
Dizier, A., Collin, F., Garitte, B., François, B., Chen, G., Sieffert, Y., Labiouse, V., Charlier, R., & Chambon, R. (2009). THERMO-HYDRO-MECHANICAL MODELLING OF HOLLOW CYLINDER LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS ON BOOM CLAY. In EC-TIMODAZ-THERESA THMC conference, 29 Sep. – 01 Oct. 2009. |
François, B., Dascalu, C., & Operchalska, B. (2009). A time-dependent multi-scale damage model for rocks based on sub-critical growth of micro-cracks. In 1st International Symposium on Computational Geomechanics (ComGeo I) (pp. 38-48). |
François, B., & Laloui, L. (2009). Behaviour of an engineered clay barrier involved in a prospective nuclear waste isolation system. In 1st International Symposium on Computational Geomechanics (ComGeo I) (pp. 422-433). |
François, B., & Laloui, L. (2009). Behaviour of an engineered clay barrier for A nuclear waste isolation system. In Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, Coupled Problems’09. |
Hueckel, T., François, B., & Laloui, L. (2009). Implications of thermal sensitivity of the static internal friction angle. In 1st International Symposium on Computational Geomechanics (ComGeo I) (pp. 104-115). |
Sanavia, L., Laloui, L., Passarotto, M., Luison, L., & François, B. (2009). Coupled hydro-thermo-mechanical analysis of a deep radioactive waste disposal based on porous media mechanics. In Int. Conf. on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, Coupled Problems’09. |
François, B. (2008). Un modèle de comportement thermo-plastique pour les sols-non-saturés: Application aux stockages de déchets nucléaires. In 26eme Rencontres Universitaires de Génie Civil. |
François, B., Bonnard, C., & Laloui, L. (2008). Investigation of the geomechanical aspects of a large landslide by means of a finite-element method: a case study. In 12th IACMAG Conference. |
François, B., & Laloui, L. (2008). Thermo-plasticity of soils at various saturation states: a constitutive model. In 3rd International Workshop of Young Doctors in Geomechanics (pp. 7-10). |
François, B., & Laloui, L. (2008). ACMEG-TS: A unified elasto-plastic constitutive model to simulate coupled processes in non-isothermal unsaturated soils. In 1st European Conf. on Unsaturated Soils. |
François, B., & Lyesse, L. (2008). Unsaturated soils under non-isothermal conditions: Framework of a new constitutive model. In Geo Congress 08. |
Laloui, L., & François, B. (2008). Numerical simulation of an in-situ underground experiment for nuclear waste storage. In 12th IACMAG Conference (pp. 2345-2355). |
Laloui, L., François, B., Nuth, M., Peron, H., & Koliji, A. (2008). A thermo-hydro-mechanical stress-strain framework for modelling the performance of clay barriers in deep geological repositories for radioactive waste. In 1st European Conf. on Unsaturated Soils (pp. 63-80). |
François, B., & Laloui, L. (2007). A fully coupled thermo-mechanical model for unsaturated soil. In 2nd International Conference on Porous Media and its Applications in Science, Engineering and Industry. |
François, B., & Lyesse, L. (2007). A stress-strain framework for modelling the behaviour of unsaturated soils under non-isothermal conditions. In Springer Proceedings in Physics 113, Theoretical and Numerical Unsaturated Soils Mechanics (pp. 119-126). |
François, B., Nuth, M., & Laloui, L. (2007). Mechanical constitutive framework for thermal effects on unsaturated soils. In Proceeding of the 10th Int. Symp. on Numerical Models in Geomechanics, NUMOG X. |
François, B., Salager, S., El Youssouffi, M. S., Ubals Picanyol, D., Laloui, L., & Saix, C. (2007). Compression tests on a sandy silt at different suction and temperature levels. In ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 157. |
Gigot, V., François, B., Huysmans, M., & Gerard, P. (03 March 2021). Advanced investigations of hydro-geothermal ground properties using a geothermal experimental platform [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2838 |
Petitclerc, E., Gerard, P., Devleeschouwer, X., François, B., Huysmans, M., Agniel, M., Gigot, V., Gaudaré, L., Van Lysbetten, G., & Burlet, C. (23 March 2020). Shallow Geothermal Resources Assessment of the Brussels Region: Exploration, 3D Geological Model, Geothermal Potential Mapping and Challenges Related [Paper presentation]. EGU 2020. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-9769 |
Gerard, P., & François, B. (2018). Coupled hydro-mechanical finite element modelling of rammed earth construction [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Workshop on Finite element Code Lagamine (LAGASHOP 2018), Delft. |
Gerard, P., Nève, J. J., Levasseur, S., Dizier, A., & François, B. (2018). Clay-support interactions for geological radioactive waste disposal [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Workshop on Finite element Code Lagamine (LAGASHOP 2018), Delft. |
Poncelet, N., & François, B. (2017). Experimental characterization of desiccation of lime treated clayey silt [Paper presentation]. GeoProc 2017., Paris. |
Erol, S., & François, B. (2016). Temperature and energy deficit in the ground during operation and recovery phases of closed-loop ground source heat pump system: Effect of the groundwater flow [Paper presentation]. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU2016. |
Wang, J.-P., Lambert, P., François, B., Gallo, E., & Gabrieli, F. (2016). A numerical study of funicular water bridge effect based on three spheres [Paper presentation]. 1st International Conference on Multiscale Applications of Surface Tension, Brussels, Poster session. |
François, B., & Keita, O. (2015). A dynamic damage law with internal length to model localized failure [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Conference on Damage Mechanics, Troyes, France. |
Massart, T., Sonon, B., & François, B. (2015). A level set-based generalized tessellation for the generation of complex microstructural RVEs [Paper presentation]. Euromech 559 Multi-scale computational methods for bridging scales in materials and structures.Eindhoven, The Netherlands. |
Oualmakran, M., & François, B. (2015). Elasto-plastic constitutive law based on evolving soil structure [Paper presentation]. International Conference on “Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement”, Poster Session, Brussels. |
Oualmakran, M., & François, B. (2015). A two-mechanism plasticity model for aggregated soils [Paper presentation]. VI International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, Venice, Italy. |
Sonon, B., François, B., & Massart, T. (2015). An advanced approach for the generation of complex heterogeneous and cellular materials RVEs using distance fields and level sets [Paper presentation]. European Solid Mechanics Conference, Madrid, Spain. |
Wang, J.-P., Gallo, E., Lambert, P., François, B., & Gabrieli, F. (2015). A numerical analysis of funicular water bridge effect among three particles [Paper presentation]. 12th UK Travelling Workshop – GeoMechanics: from Micro to Macro (GM3). |
François, B., Keita, O., & Dascalu, C. (2014). Dynamic damage law for rock blasting [Paper presentation]. 11th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), Barcelona, Spain. |
Hashemi Afrapoli, M. A., François, B., & Massart, T. (2014). Multiphysical characterization of lime treated sand-bentonite mixtures [Paper presentation]. ALERT Workshop 2014, Aussois, France. |
Massart, T., Sonon, B., Mercatoris, B., François, B., & Selvadurai, P. A. P. S. (2014). A level set-based extended finite element description for THM couplings in heterogeneous geomaterials [Paper presentation]. Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI 2014), McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada. |
Sonon, B., Amalou, S., Mercatoris, B., François, B., & Massart, T. (2014). A XFEM/Level set-based poroelastic framework for heterogeneous geomaterials [Paper presentation]. 11th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), Barcelona, Spain. |
Dupray, F., François, B., & Laloui, L. (2013). Case study on thermoplasticity and swelling processes in bentonite included in a multiscale system for nuclear waste disposal [Paper presentation]. 1st International Workshop on Finite element Code Lagamine (LAGASHOP 2013), Liège. |
Keita, O., François, B., & Dascalu, C. (2013). Dynamic damage model implemented in a finite element code to model rock blasting [Paper presentation]. 1st International Workshop on Finite element Code Lagamine (LAGASHOP 2013), Liège. |
Sonon, B., François, B., & Massart, T. (2013). A level-set based microstructure generator for the computational homogenisation of complex heterogeneous materials [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Seattle, USA. |
Levasseur, S., Collin, F., François, B., & Charlier, R. (2012). Field-scale experiment modelling in Opalinus Clay: the HGA experiment [Paper presentation]. 5th International meeting on “Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement”, Poster Session, Montpellier, France. |
Levasseur, S., Collin, F., François, B., & Charlier, R. (2012). Anisotropic hydro-mechancial modelling of HGA field-scale experiment in Opalinus Clay [Paper presentation]. 23th ALERT Workshop, Aussois, France. |
Hashemi Afrapoli, M. A., Sonon, B., François, B., Massart, T., & Verbrugge, J.-C. (2011). Mechanical properties of sand-bentonite mixture stabilized with lime [Paper presentation]. 22th ALERT Workshop, Poster session. Aussois, France. |
Sonon, B., François, B., & Massart, T. (2011). A level-set based multi-scale computiational modelling of soil lime-treatment processes [Paper presentation]. International conference on computational modeling of fracture and failure of materials and structures (CFRAC 2011), Barcelona, Spain. |
Sonon, B., François, B., & Massart, T. (2011). A Level Set Based Multi-scale Computational Modelling of Soil Lime-treatment Processes [Paper presentation]. International conference on computational modeling of fracture and failure of materials and structures (CFRAC 2011), Barcelona, Spain. |
Sonon, B., Hashemi Afrapoli, M. A., François, B., & Massart, T. (2011). Modelling of lime treatment effect of soils using level set enhanced computational tools [Paper presentation]. 22th ALERT Workshop, Session Multiscale geomechanics: from fabric to material properties. Aussois, France. |
Dizier, A., François, B., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2010). Application of a new thermo-mechanical model for study of the nuclear waste disposal in clay rock [Paper presentation]. 21th ALERT Workshop, Session Mechanics of clay rocks. Aussois, France. |
Luison, L., Passarotto, M., François, B., Sanavia, L., & Laloui, L. (2010). Finite element modelling of thermo-elasto-plastic unsaturated porous materials with application to nuclear waste disposal [Paper presentation]. 4th European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Paris, France. |
Dizier, A., Collin, F., Garitte, B., François, B., Chen, G. J., Sieffert, Y., Labiouse, V., Charlier, R., & Chambon, R. (2009). Thermo-hydro-mechanical modelling of hollow cylinder laboratory experiments on Boom and Opalinus Clays [Paper presentation]. Int. Conf. on Impact of thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical processes on the safety of underground radioactive waste repositories. Poster Session, Luxembourg. |
Laloui, L., & François, B. (2008). Thermo-hydro-mechanical simulation of Atlas in situ large-scale test in Boom clay [Paper presentation]. 19th ALERT Workshop, Session Multiphysics of Multiphase Materials. Aussois, France. |
Luison, L., François, B., Bortolotto, R., Sanavia, L., & Laloui, L. (2007). Finite element modelling of thermo-elasto-plastic water saturated porous materials [Paper presentation]. 18th ALERT Workshop, Poster Session, Aussois, France. |