Caravello, C., Occhiuto, R., & Amendt, K. (In press). GREEN-COVERED: THE SINT-PIETERSBERG AS A TERRARIUM OF CULTURES. In S. Mundula, S. Sapone (Ed.), ... K. Santus (Ed.), TERRARIUM Earth Design: Ecology, Architecture and Landscape (Mimesis Edizioni, pp. 402-411). Milano, Italy: Mimesis. |
Occhiuto, R., & Marinaro Ludovica. (12 September 2022). Landscape Architects Knew…Planning with the aim of “gardening the world” [Paper presentation]. Scales of Change, Ljubljana, Slovenia. |
Mansouri, Y., Occhiuto, R., & Hanocq, P. (28 March 2022). Study of the Influence of Urban and Landscape Characteristics on the Walkability of Cities [Paper presentation]. ACRPS Conference for Graduate Students in Western Universities, Doha, Qatar. |
Occhiuto, R. (2022). Urban Form Balance in Landscape's Folds [Paper presentation]. Morphology and Urban Design. New strategies for a changing society. |
Occhiuto, R., & Caravello, C. (16 December 2021). Shared Mining Heritage for cross-border territorial regeneration. The case of the Grünmetropole in the Three Countries Park [Paper presentation]. The FARO Convention Implementation . Heritage Communities: Relationships, Participation and well-being in a shared multidisciplinary perspective, Napoli, Italy. |
Occhiuto, R. (December 2021). What the ground says… Sustainability, 13 (23), 13420. doi:10.3390/su132313420 |
Occhiuto, R. (2021). Following Meuse River Lines & Movements for a Paradigm Shift [Paper presentation]. Forum Eurégional - Ensemble pour un paysage résilient au climat, Eupen, Belgium. |
Occhiuto, R. (27 October 2021). dell'INDOCILE Dialogo tra terra e aqcqua [Paper presentation]. SEGNI di ACQUA e di TERRA, Pistoia, Italy. |
Mansouri, Y., Attar, A., Occhiuto, R., & Hanocq, P. (17 June 2021). Etude et évaluation de la marchabilité dans les centres urbains [Paper presentation]. Les 22èmes rencontres internationales en urbanisme de l'aperau, Rabat, Morocco. |
Caravello, C., Occhiuto, R., & Brüll, A. (2021). Hidden landscapes, or underground built heritage as an opportunity for territorial regeneration. The European case of the Three Countries Park (BE-NL-DE) [Paper presentation]. UNISCAPE Online Lectures Series "Where Disciplines Meet", Firenze, Italy. |
Mansouri, Y., Occhiuto, R., & Hanocq, P. (22 February 2021). Marchabilité et mobilités douces comme vecteurs de requalification urbaine et paysagère, axée sur la perception des espaces vécus [Poster presentation]. Journée de la Recherche en Architecture, Liège, Belgium. |
Vannelli, G., D’agostino, A., & Occhiuto, R. (2021). Ripensare i lastscapes. Da spazi altri a spazi pubblici: ipertopie al di là dei recinti. Ri-vista : Ricerche per la Progettazione del Paesaggio, 19 (2), 102 - 119. doi:10.36253/rv-11443 |
Baldin, E., & Occhiuto, R. (20 November 2020). Progetti di valorizzazione dei paesaggi della Mosa: l’approccio sensibile nell’insegnamento e nella ricerca [Paper presentation]. Per una nuova cultura del Paesaggio, verso la Green Deal Strategy. L'attualità della Convenzione Europea del Paesaggio nella prospettiva educativa, Ancona, Italy. |
Goossens, M., & Occhiuto, R. (2020). Liège: une ville-Paysage en récits. |
Occhiuto, R. (30 June 2020). Lungo le linee delle acque della Mosa a Liegi. Journal of Sustainable Design - Eco Web Town, 21. |
Mansouri, Y., Occhiuto, R., & Hanocq, P. (13 November 2019). Etude de l’influence des caractéristiques de l’environnement construit et du paysage sur la marche en milieu urbain. Cas des villes moyennes dans le contexte maghrébin [Poster presentation]. Séminaire inaugural de l’EDT 62 Bruxelles, le 13 - 11 - 2019, Liège, Belgium. |
Occhiuto, R., Goossens, M., Hautecler, P.-C., Henry, B., Janssen, A.-M., Wuytack, K., Baldin, E., & Peeters, A. (Other coll.). (13 June 2019). Archi-écritures et Pay(S)ages en pro-jet: Recherche et ateliers d'Architecture et de Paysage [Paper presentation]. 3e séminaire du Réseau « Ville, Territoire, Paysage », Versailles, France. |
Goossens, M., Occhiuto, R., & Henry, B. (Other coll.). (2018). Démarches collaboratives de conception du projet urbain et de paysage : le cas du quartier de Tilff. |
Sambieni, K. R., Useni, S. Y., Cabala, K. S., Biloso, M. A., Munyemba Kankumbi, F., Lelo Nzuzi, F., Occhiuto, R., & Bogaert, J. (December 2018). Les espaces verts en zone urbaine et periurbaine de Kinshasa en Republique Democratique du Congo. Tropicultura, 36 (3), 478-491. |
Sambieni, K. R., Biloso Moyene, A., TOYI, M. S., Sambieni, N. K. E., Natta, A. K., Occhiuto, R., & Bogaert, J. (June 2018). La biodiversité des parcelles habitées en zone périurbaine à Kinshasa: déterminants socio-biophysiques et représentations. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 12 (3), 1164-1183. doi:10.4314/ijbcs.v12i3.8 |
Sambieni, K. R., Biloso, M. A., TOYI, M. S., Occhiuto, R., Bogaert, J., & DOSSOU, B. (08 March 2018). La végétation arborée domestique dans le paysage urbain et périurbain de la ville de Kinshasa, République Démocratique du Congo. Afrique Science: Revue Internationale des Sciences et Technologie, 14 (2), 197-208. |
Kaleka N'Kole, E., Tshiunza Kabeya, A., & Occhiuto, R. (2018). What landscape for Kindele (Kinshasa, RDC)? Environments and communities with natural/human interrelations to reconcil/reinvent by the project. In S. Delarue & R. Dufour, Landscape of conflict (pp. 227-235). |
Sambieni, K. R., Messina Ndzomo, J. P., Biloso Moyene, A., Halleux, J.-M., Occhiuto, R., & Bogaert, J. (2018). Les statuts morphologiques d'urbanisation des communes de Kinshasa en Republique Democratique du Congo. Tropicultura, 36 (3), 520-530. |
Baldin, E., & Occhiuto, R. (09 February 2017). Lab Pay(S)age: a Laboratory of Observation as an activator for Landscape Awareness Process [Poster presentation]. International conference on Landscape Observatories, Amersfoort, Netherlands. |
Occhiuto, R. (29 September 2015). River Talks behind the Urban Wall [Paper presentation]. International Seminar En-Route, Naples, Italy. |
Occhiuto, R., & Hautecler, P.-C. (26 September 2015). Industrial Landscape between Modernity and Tradiion: What Meaning to Accompany Change by the Project? [Paper presentation]. ISUF 2015 XXII International Conference: City as an organism - New Vision for Urban Life, Roma, Italy. |
Occhiuto, R. (22 September 2015). Journées étude Paysages et Imagination. Apports et relations de l'imagination et des imaginaires au projet de paysage [Paper presentation]. Journées étude, Lille, France. |
Occhiuto, R. (September 2015). City as Organism. New Vision for Urban Life [Paper presentation]. 22nd ISUF International Conference Rome, Rome, Italy. |
Occhiuto, R. (17 April 2015). Narrazioni fluttuanti tra distanziamento e recupero del Paesaggio della Mosa [Paper presentation]. VIII Colloquio Internazionale DOTTORATO PAESAGGIO & AMBIENTE - Agire con il Paesaggio, strategie & tattiche per l'habitat contemporaneo, Rome, Italy. |
Occhiuto, R. (03 April 2015). Lire le futur du passé: villes et paysages de Meuse en projet [Paper presentation]. Les sites industriels de la grande région entre mémoire et innovation. Enjeux culturels, sociaux et économiques d'un patrimoine en transformation, Liège, Belgium. |
Occhiuto, R. (24 March 2015). PAESAGGI INCISI: Recupero, riuso, rigenerazione [Paper presentation]. OPEN SESSION LANDSCAPE, Florence, Italy. |
Occhiuto, R., & Szanto, C. (2015). The tourist flow between punctuations and new buildings and landscapes in progress: the interaction between the Station and San Giobbe. In M. Marzo, Cities of Art and Tourism. Skira. |
Occhiuto, R. (07 January 2015). Il paesaggio come laboratorio: metodi, progetti, pratiche [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Laboratoire Projet Urbain, Rome, Italy. |
Occhiuto, R. (2015). Conseil Scientifique de la Recherche. |
Occhiuto, R., & Szanto, C. (03 December 2014). Seminar "Landscape Laboratory" [Paper presentation]. Rencontres Post-Doctorales, Liège, Belgium. |
Szanto, C., & Occhiuto, R. (Other coll.). (2014). Recherche Post-Doctorat : Landscape Project between Theory and Practice of Perception Awareness to Reading the post-Industrial Landscape". |
Occhiuto, R. (14 November 2014). La vallée de la Meuse industrielle et Liège: dialectiques paysagères en réécriture continue [Paper presentation]. Post-Master [dpea] Recherches en Architecture-Séminaire International 2014-2015 Conception architecturale et paysagère et tournant écologique, Paris, France. |
Occhiuto, R. (07 October 2014). Projet de Pay[S]age:vecteur de connaissance [Paper presentation]. Paysages Blessés: Réemploi et Recyclage, Liège, Belgium. |
Occhiuto, R. (October 2014). Séminaire International "UNISCAPE En-Route" - Paysages blessés: réemploi et recyclage [Paper presentation]. Séminaire International UNISCAPE En-Route, Liège, Belgium. |
Occhiuto, R. (2014). Lab Pay(S)Age: A Landscape Observatory for the Research Project. In R. Occhiuto (Ed.), ECLAS CONFERENCE PORTO 2014 - LANDSCAPE: A PLACE OF CULTIVATION - Proceedings (pp. 297-299). |
Occhiuto, R. (July 2014). PAESAGGI INCISI: RIUSO & RICICLO. Network In Progress, 21, 20-40. |
Occhiuto, R., Hautecler, P.-C., & Janssen, A.-M. (23 June 2014). Projet et Ressources naturelles pour une dialectique en devenir [Paper presentation]. Le Droit à la Ville Durable, Kinshasa République Démocratique Congo, Congo - Brazzaville. |
Szanto, C., & Occhiuto, R. (12 June 2014). Proposal for a “Landscape Laboratory” in the Meuse Valley in Liège (Belgium) [Paper presentation]. 10th World-in-Denmark Conference2014, Copenhague, Denmark. |
Szanto, C., & Occhiuto, R. (June 2014). The Wooded Hillsides of the Meuse Valley in Liège (Belgium): An Unbeknownst Potential Urban Woodland? [Poster presentation]. 17th European Forum on Urban Forestry (EFUF): Crossing Boundaries. Urban Forests – Green cities, Lausanne, Switzerland. |
Occhiuto, R. (2014). Voyage aux rythmes d'une ville-paysage. In S. Charlier & T. Moor, Guide architecture moderne et contemporaine 1895-2014 LIEGE (pp. 8-27). Bruxelles, Belgium: Mardaga. |
Occhiuto, R., & Szanto, C. (Other coll.). (May 2014). Observatory/Laboratory: Reflexive Practice in Landscape Education [Paper presentation]. People and Landscape - European Landscape Convention in Practice, Lednice (CZ), Czechia. |
Occhiuto, R. (29 April 2014). Pay[S]age vers une dynamique de retention et de relance [Paper presentation]. Concilier Expertise Scientifique et Participation: le défi posé par la Convention Européenne du Paysage, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Occhiuto, R., Goossens, M., Calgaro, J.-N. (Other coll.), & Michel, T. (Other coll.). (2014). Densification des tissus urbanisés en Wallonie: Forme, Acceptabilité et modalités pour accompagner la mutation des tissus bâtis. (Annexe R13-03). Namur, Belgium: CPDT. |
Occhiuto, R., & Vanderstraeten, P. (26 November 2013). Colloque CPDT 2013 - Densification et Qualité de vie. Quel projet pour le territoire wallon? [Paper presentation]. Conférence CPDT 2013, Liège, Belgium. |
Occhiuto, R., Goossens, M., Fisher, A., Bodart, C. (Other coll.), & De Fijter, A. (Other coll.). (2013). Densité, morphologie urbaine et qualité de vie. Une approche par le projet. Belgium: CONFERENCE PERMANENTE du DEVELOPPEMENT TERRITORIAL - CPDT. |
Occhiuto, R., & Szanto, C. (23 September 2013). Towards the Redefinition of the Meaning of the Landscape of Liège: proposal for a landscape experiment [Poster presentation]. ECLAS 2013, HAMBURG, Germany. |
Occhiuto, R., & Palazzo, A. (2013). Paesaggi che cambiano. Rigenerare, riutilizzare, reinventare i nostri contesti di vita. In A. Palazzo & R. Occhiuto, Paesaggi che cambiano. Rigenerare, riutilizzare, reinventare i nostri contesti di vita. |
Occhiuto, R. (2013). VERDIR-Labo Pay(S)Age. |
Occhiuto, R. (2013). Readings from the "In and Out" of Sites for a Global and Dynamic Geomorphological Approach. In R. Occhiuto (Ed.), International Conference 'Changing Cities' (pp. 417-424). |
Occhiuto, R., De Fijter, A. (Other coll.), & Hautecler, P.-C. (Other coll.). (2013). The Future of the Past: Architectural Heritage Guides as Handbooks for City Decoding and as a Blueprints for Urban design. Actes du Colloque. |
Occhiuto, R., & Hautecler, P.-C. (August 2012). Il paesaggio come condizione della sostenibilità urbana: il Parco della Boverie a Liegi [Paper presentation]. NATURALMENTE....ARCHITETTURA, Camerino, Italy. |
Occhiuto, R. (2012). Pay[S]age. In PAESAGGIO URBANO STORICO. |
Fisher, A., Goossens, M., Occhiuto, R., Hautecler, P.-C., & Houbart, C. (March 2012). Vers une politique active du patrimoine dans le SDER nouveau. Cahiers Nouveaux (Les), 81, 17-23. |
Occhiuto, R. (09 January 2012). Il progetto di Paesaggio: condition "a monte" delle trasformazioni territoriali; Memoria, tempo, ri-naturalizzazione in Belgio [Paper presentation]. Projet Urbain, Roma, Italy. |
Occhiuto, R. (2012). Il progetto come condizione del paesaggio sostenibile. Urbanistica Informazioni, (241), 23-25. |
Occhiuto, R. (02 February 2011). Conférence Annuelle EDT Architecture, Urbanisme, Ingénierie architecturale et urbaine [Paper presentation]. Ecole Doctorale Thématique - Conférence Annuelle, Bruxelles Ulb, Belgium. |
Occhiuto, R. (14 December 2010). Architecture, Urbanisme et Projet du Paysage [Paper presentation]. Paysages et Projets: enjeux méthodologiques, Liège, Belgium. |
Occhiuto, R. (2010). Re-founding Landscape project on sensitive perception. In Living Landscape: Florence 18-19 october Conference Materials Vol. II (pp. 57 - 60). Pontedera (Pisa), Italy: Bandecchi & Vivaldi. |
Occhiuto, R. (2010). Project as an awareness process making landscape. In F. Zagari (Ed.), Landscape as a project (1ère éd, pp. 112 - 115). Melfi, Italy: Casa Editrice Libria. |
Occhiuto, R. (Ed.). (2010). Métamorphoses d'un parc: de Hauster à Chaudfontaine. Wavres, Belgium: Mardaga. |
Occhiuto, R. (2010). Le Paysage en question: actions, relations, matériaux [Paper presentation]. Séminaire UVCW, Charleroi et Liège, Belgium. |
Occhiuto, R. (November 2009). Paysage tactile: l'arbre dans le projet du paysage. Territoire(s) Wallon(s), 3, 39 - 54. |
Occhiuto, R. (19 November 2008). Paysage tactile: l'arbre dans le projet du paysage [Paper presentation]. Séminaire "Qualité résidentielle, espace ouvert et dynamiques territoriales" Chaire CPDT, Louvain la Neuve, Belgium. |
Occhiuto, R. (2007). Approccio al paesaggio - ISALL. In S. Marini (Ed.), OLTRE IL GIARDINO. Dessiner sur l'herbe 2006 (pp. 320 - 324). Padova, Italy: Il Poligrafo. |
Occhiuto, R. (December 2006). L'architecture du paysage: dimension globale traversant les disciplines de l'espace. Cahiers Thématiques: Architecture et Paysage, Conception, Territoire, Histoire, n.6, 60 - 71. |
Occhiuto, R. (September 2006). Jardin, parc, espace vert et citoyenneté. Histoire d'un rapport en perte de cohésion. Cahiers de l'Urbanisme, 61, 20 - 30. |
Occhiuto, R. (March 2006). Paysage tactile? Pour le réveil des sens finalisé à une meilleure compréhension de nos milieux de vie. Cahiers de l'Urbanisme, 58, 6 - 11. |
Occhiuto, R. (2005). Le paradigme de l'écart dans l'espace critique du projet de paysage [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Hanocq, P., Piron, F., & Occhiuto, R. (1999). Etude d'un réseau cyclable à Liège. In R. Croughs, C. Jacobs, ... M. Guillaume (Eds.), Communes cyclistes ? Ca existe ! ... Quelsques pistes pour promouvoir l'usage du vélo dans votre commune. IBSR. |
Occhiuto, R. (1994). Parcheggio in Via Sannio a Roma. In D. De Sanctis & A. Gatti, L'architettura del Parcheggio: problemi, proposte, progetti (pp. 120-122). Roma, Italy: Officina Edizioni. |
Occhiuto, R., Falcone, G., & Vece, R. (1988). Tarquinia - Riqualificazione ambientale del Lungomare (IT). In P. Coppola Pignatelli, S. Lenci, V. Turiaco, ... V. Bordini, Contro il degrado urbano (pp. 80). Roma, Italy: Gangemi. |
Occhiuto, R. (1988). Parking-system and public space - V. Sannio Rome (IT) [Master’s dissertation, Università Roma La Sapienza]. ORBi-University of Liège. |