Delcourt, J., & Bronne, L. (04 April 2024). Is the semi-slug Vitrinobrachium breve (A. Férussac, 1821) (Gastropoda: Vitrinidae) really new for Belgium? A historical investigation. Journal of Conchology, 45 (1), 70-76. |
Bronne, L., & Delcourt, J. (24 January 2024). The find of six species new to Belgium highlights the role of the stone trade as a pathway for non-native land snails (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora). Belgian Journal of Zoology, 154, 11-30. doi:10.26496/bjz.2024.116 |
Bronne, L., & Delcourt, J. (2024). First record of a population of Hygromia limbata (Draparnaud, 1805) in the Benelux (Gastropoda: Hygromiidae). Basteria, 88 (1), 68-75. |
Delcourt, J., & Bronne, L. (2024). Escargots: sentinelles discrètes de la biodiversité. Le Magazine Natagora, 121 (juillet-Août 2024), p. 6-11. |
Dewilde, J., Delcourt, J., Vangeluwe, D., & Poncin, P. (2023). Programme de sauvegarde du Tétras lyre dans les Hautes Fagnes Rapport final 2023. |
Delcourt, J., Brochier, B., Vangeluwe, D., & Poncin, P. (December 2023). Is the black grouse (Lyrurus tetrix) an indirect victim of the sylvatic rabies eradication by fox vaccination ? Grouse news - newsletter IUCN/SSC Galliformes Specialist Group, 66, 15. |
Dewilde, J., Delcourt, J., Vangeluwe, D., & Poncin, P. (December 2023). Post-release acclimation of translocated black grouse (Lyrurus tetrix): a multi-time scale analysis using telemetry. Grouse news - newsletter IUCN/SSC Galliformes Specialist Group, 66, 16. |
Ledent, A., Brotcorne, F., Delcourt, J., Poncin, P., & Hindryckx, M.-N. (11 October 2023). Quand un dispositif d’apprentissage numérique ne peut se substituer à l’enseignement en présentiel : les travaux pratiques postpandémiques du supérieur en témoignent. Revue Internationale des Technologies en Pédagogie Universitaire, 20 (2), 100-124. doi:10.18162/ritpu-2023-v20n2-09 |
Delcourt, J., Brochier, B., Vangeluwe, D., & Poncin, P. (13 September 2023). Is the black grouse (Lyrurus tetrix) an indirect victim of the sylvatic rabies eradication by fox vaccination? [Paper presentation]. 15th International Grouse Symposium, Bialystok, Poland. |
Dewilde, J., Delcourt, J., Vangeluwe, D., & Poncin, P. (12 September 2023). Post-release acclimation of translocated Black Grouse (Lyrurus tetrix): a multi-time scale analysis using telemetry [Paper presentation]. 15th International Grouse Symposium, Bialystok, Poland. |
Delcourt, J. (10 March 2023). Première observation du Vertigo strié Vertigo substriata (Jeffreys, 1833) (Gastropoda : Vertiginidae) en province de Liège (Belgique), en Haute Ardenne. Novapex, 24 (1), 33-37. |
Hambuckers, A., Delcourt, J., Leborgne, B., & Cahill, J. R. A. (18 February 2023). Artificial Green Corridors in an Andean City as Effective Support of Avian Diversity. Diversity, 15 (2), 302. doi:10.3390/d15020302 |
Delcourt, J., Dewilde, J., Delvaux, D., Vangeluwe, D., Beudels, R., Devillers, P., Lafontaine, R.-M., & Poncin, P. (2023). Support to the Black Grouse population reinforcement in Belgium: Report on the 2022 restocking operation of the last Belgian breeding population of Black Grouse in the Hautes Fagnes Nature Reserve, within the Hautes Fagnes (High Fens) Natural Park. |
Delcourt, J., Dewilde, J., Vangeluwe, D., & Poncin, P. (2023). Report on the 2023 restocking operation of the last Belgian breeding population of Black Grouse in the Hautes Fagnes Nature Reserve, within the Hautes Fagnes (High Fens) Natural Park. |
Delcourt, J., Hambuckers, A., Vangeluwe, D., & Poncin, P. (2023). Fifty years of spring censuses in black grouse (Lyrurus tetrix) in the High Fens (Belgium): did the rabies vaccination has a negative impact on a fox prey population? European Journal of Wildlife Research, 69, 24. doi:10.1007/s10344-023-01642-w |
Graitson, E., Duchesne, T., Cuenot, T., Fonzé, F., Jame, A., Delcourt, J., & Dufrêne, M. (01 December 2022). Statut d'une vaste population de Vipère péliade Vipera berus (Linnaeus, 1758) récemment introduite dans l' est de la Belgique. Bulletin de la Société Herpétologique de France, 181, 1-14. doi:10.48716/bullshf.181-1 |
Delcourt, J. (October 2022). Passé et future des Tétras lyres en Hautes Fagnes (Belgique) : l’impact de la prédation [Paper presentation]. Changements globaux et gestion de la transition: au singulier ou au pluriel, Liège, Belgium. |
Vandromme, J., Licoppe, A., Delcourt, J., Morelle, K., & Della Libera, F. (July 2022). Stratégies d’indépendance du sanglier envers le milieu forestier. Forêt.Nature, 164, p. 43-52. |
Dussenne, M., Delcourt, J., Poncin, P., Cornil, C., & Parmentier, E. (June 2022). Impact of temperature-induced sex reversal on behavior and sound production in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Hormones and Behavior, 142, 105173. doi:10.1016/j.yhbeh.2022.105173 |
Bronne, L.* , & Delcourt, J.*. (2022). The snail Morlina Glabra (Gastropoda: Oxychilidae), although previously unreported, is widespread throughout Belgium, and at least present in The Netherlands and Luxembourg. Journal of Conchology, 44 (3), 267-275. * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Delcourt, J. (2022). L’ornithochorie des mollusques ou la dispersion des limaces et escargots par les oiseaux. Aves, 59 (2), 51-69. doi:10.60768/aves.2022051 |
Delcourt, J., Brochier, B., Delvaux, D., Vangeluwe, D., & Poncin, P. (2022). Fox Vulpes vulpes population trends in Western Europe during and after the eradication of rabies. Mammal Review, 52 (3), 343-359. doi:10.1111/mam.12289 |
Delcourt, J., Dewilde, J., Delvaux, D., Vangeluwe, D., Beudels-Jamar, R., Devillers, P., Lafontaine, R.-M., & Poncin, P. (2022). Renforcement de la population de Tétras lyre en Belgique : Rapport de l’opération de translocation 2022 de 35 Tétras lyres suédois dans la Réserve Naturelle des Hautes Fagnes. |
Delcourt, J., Schoffeniels, M., & Vangeluwe, D. (2022). Rapport de Mission en Pologne 2022 dans le cadre du projet renforcement du Tétras lyre en Hautes Fagnes (annexe du rapport du Comac 2022). |
Gavrilitchenko, N., Gazagne, E., Vandewalle, N., Delcourt, J., & Hambuckers, A. (2022). CoFee-L: A Model of Animal Displacement in Large Groups Combining Cohesion Maintenance, Feeding Area Search and Transient Leadership. Animals, 12 (18), 2412. doi:10.3390/ani12182412 |
Bronne, L., Delcourt, J., & Neucker, T. V. D. (2021). Yet another carnivorous semi-slug found in belgium: Daudebardia rufa (draparnaud, 1805) (gastropoda: Oxychilidae). Belgian Journal of Zoology, 151, 99 - 105. doi:10.26496/bjz.2021.88 |
Delcourt, J., Delvaux, D., Didier Vangeluwe, Roseline Beudels, Pierre Devillers, Jean-Marie Lafontaine, & Poncin, P. (2021). Support to the Black Grouse population reinforcement in Belgium: Report on the 2021 restocking operation of the last Belgian breeding population of Black Grouse in the Hautes Fagnes Nature Reserve, within the Hautes Fagnes (High Fens) Natural Park. |
Delcourt, J., & Vilvens, C. (2021). Loping behaviour in Hygromia Cinctella (Draparnaud, 1801). Novapex, 22 ((1-2)), 43-50. |
Delcourt, J., & Vilvens, C. (2021). Découverte inattendue d’achatines Lissachatina fulica (Bowdich, 1822) (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora: Achatinoidea: Achatinidae: Achatininae) dans les bois de Seraing (Belgique). Novapex, 22 (3), 93-95. |
Delvaux, D., Delcourt, J., Vangeluwe, D., Beudels-Jamar, R., Devillers, P., Lafontaine, R.-M., & Poncin, P. (2021). Renforcement de la population de Tétras lyre en Belgique Rapport du suivi de la population fagnarde de l’année 2021. |
Delcourt, J., Delvaux, D., Didier Vangeluwe, Roseline Beudels-Jamar, Pierre Devillers, Jean-Marie Lafontaine, & Poncin, P. (2020). Support to the Black Grouse population reinforcement in Belgium: Report on the 2020 restocking operation of the last Belgian breeding population of Black Grouse in the Hautes Fagnes Nature Reserve, within the Hautes Fagnes (High Fens) Natural Park. |
Delvaux, D., Delcourt, J., Vangeluwe, D., Beudels-Jamar, R., Devillers, P., Lafontaine, R.-M., & Poncin, P. (2020). Renforcement de la population de Tétras lyre en Belgique Rapport du suivi de la population fagnarde de l’année 2020. |
Delcourt, J., Delvaux, D., Vangeluwe, D., Beudels-Jamar, R., Devillers, P., Lafontaine, R.-M., & Poncin, P. (2019). Renforcement de la population de Tétras lyre en Belgique. Rapport de l’opération de translocation 2019 de 25 Tétras lyres suédois dans la Réserve Naturelle des Hautes Fagnes et suivis de la population fagnarde. rapport final 2019. |
Delcourt, J., Delvaux, D., Poncin, P., Didier Vangeluwe, Roselyne C Beudels-Jamar, René-Marie Lafontaine, & Pierre Devillers. (October 2019). Le tétras lyre en Hautes Fagnes: où en sommes nous? Chasse & Nature, 111 (8), p. 37-40. |
Delcourt, J., Vangeluwe, D., Loneux, M., Collard, A., Beudels, R., Devillers, P., Lafontaine, R.-M., Rimbaud, G., & Poncin, P. (2019). Aide au renforcement de la population de Tétras lyre en Belgique. Rapport final année 2018. |
Delcourt, J. (2019). Introduction à la phylogénie moléculaire à l’usage des malacologues amateurs. Novapex, 20 (3), 101-107. |
Delcourt, J., Didier Vangeluwe, Roseline Beudels-Jamar, Pierre Devillers, Jean-Marie Lafontaine, Delvaux, D., & Poncin, P. (2019). Support to restocking the Black Grouse population in Belgium: Report on the 2019 restocking operation of the last Belgian breeding Black Grouse population in the Hautes Fagnes Nature Reserve, within the Natural Park Hautes Fagnes (High Fens). |
Delcourt, J.* , Leclercq, M.* , & Vilvens, C.*. (2019). A very rare teratological observation in Monachoides incarnatus (O. F. Müller, 1774) (Gastropoda: Hygromiidae), a "unicorn snail". Novapex, 20 (4), 127-135. * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Delcourt, J., & Vilvens, C. (2019). First record of the Hedge Snail Hygromia limbata (Draparnaud, 1805) (Gastropoda: Hygromiidae) in Belgium. Novapex, 20 ((1-2)), 45-48. |
Delcourt, J., Ovidio, M., Denoël, M., Muller, M., Pendeville-Samain, H., Deneubourg, J.-L., & Poncin, P. (December 2018). Individual identification and marking techniques for zebrafish. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 28 (4), 839-864. doi:10.1007/s11160-018-9537-y |
Delcourt, J., Didier vangeluwe, Delvaux, D., & Poncin, P. (2018). Report of the 2018 urgent restocking operation of the last Belgian breeding Black Grouse population in the Hautes Fagnes Nature Reserve, within the Natural Park Hautes Fagnes (High Fens). |
Delcourt, J., Miller, N., Couzin, I., & Garnier, S. (2018). Methods for the effective study of collective behavior in a radial arm maze. Behavior Research Methods, 50, 1673-1685. doi:10.3758/s13428-018-1024-9 |
Delcourt, J., & Vilvens, C. (2017). L’invasive hélice carénée Hygromia cinctella (Draparnaud, 1801) (Gastropoda: Hygromiidae) progresse en Wallonie, Belgique. Novapex, 18 (4), 111-118. |
Delcourt, J., Bode, W. F. N., & Denoël, M. (March 2016). Collective vortex behaviors: diversity, proximate, and ultimate causes of circular animal group movements. Quarterly Review of Biology, 91 (1), 1-24. doi:10.1086/685301 |
Vilvens, C.* , Delcourt, J.* , & Meuleman, E.*. (2016). Survey of the land malacofauna of the quarry of Loën (Belgium). Novapex, 17 (4), 81-97. * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Delcourt, J., & Vilvens Claude. (2015). Observations de Cernuella virgata et Monacha cartusiana en région liégeoise : signe d’expansion d’espèces xéro-thermophiles en Wallonie? Novapex, 16 (2), 53-57. |
Delcourt, J., & bode, W. N. (December 2014). Stigmergy as a mechanism to produce collective vortex behaviours: a study case in shoveler duck [Poster presentation]. 21st Benelux Congress of Zoology, Liège, Belgium. |
Delcourt, J. (21 February 2013). Video multitracking and study of the collective behaviour in tadpoles [Paper presentation]. Seminarios Charles Darwin de Ecologia & Evolução, Rio Claro, Brazil. |
Bode, N. W., & Delcourt, J. (2013). Individual – to – resource landscape interaction strength can explain different collective feeding behaviours. PLoS ONE, 8 (10), 75879. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0075879 |
Delcourt, J., Denoël, M., Ylieff, M., & Poncin, P. (2013). Video multitracking of fish behaviour: a synthesis and future perspectives. Fish and Fisheries, 14 (2), 186-204. doi:10.1111/j.1467-2979.2012.00462.x |
Léonard, L., Delcourt, J., Vilvens, C., Poulicek, M., & Hambuckers, A. (2013). Inventaire malacologique du domaine forestier universitaire du Sart Tilman (Liège, Belgique). |
Longrie, N., Poncin, P., Denoël, M., Gennotte, V., Delcourt, J., & Parmentier, E. (2013). Behaviours Associated with Acoustic Communication in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). PLoS ONE, 8 (4), 61467. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0061467 |
Delcourt, J., Ylieff, M., Bolliet, V., Barbonnet, A., Denoël, M., & Poncin, P. (07 July 2012). Video multitracking to study the fish behaviour [Paper presentation]. XIV European Congress of Ichthyology, Liège, Belgium. |
Delcourt, J., Garnier, S., Miller, N. Y., & Couzin, I. D. (July 2012). Radial arm maze as a new paradigm to study collective behaviours in fish [Poster presentation]. XIV European Congress of Ichthyology, Liège, Belgium. |
Delcourt, J., & Poncin, P. (2012). Shoals and schools: back to the heuristic definitions and quantitative references. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 22, 595-619. doi:10.1007/s11160-012-9260-z |
Delcourt, J., & Hauteclair, P. (2011). Nos terrils : leur vraie nature. Neufchâteau, Belgium: Weyrich Editions. |
Delcourt, J., Ylieff, M., Bolliet, V., Poncin, P., & Bardonnet, A. (2011). Video tracking in the extreme: a new possibility for tracking nocturnal underwater transparent animals with fluorescent elastomer tags. Behavior Research Methods, 43, 590-600. doi:10.3758/s13428-011-0060-5 |
Delcourt, J., bolliet, V., Ylieff, M., Poncin, P., & bardonnet, A. (July 2010). Glass eel swimming behaviour during their estuarine migration: new insights from video tracking analysis [Paper presentation]. 9th international congress on the biology of fish, Barcelona, Spain. |
Delcourt, J., Bolliet, V., Ylieff, M., Poncin, P., & bardonnet, A. (July 2010). Computerized video multitracking of several small translucent fishes (glass eels) at night with fluorescent elastomer tags [Poster presentation]. workshop on the swimming physiology of fish, Barcelona, Spain. |
Delcourt, J. (02 June 2010). Etude des mouvements de bancs de poissons: aspects méthodologiques, fonctionnels et comportementaux: revue des techniques de vidéo-tracking appliquées aux poissons [Paper presentation]. 3ième Fish Day "Do you like Mice? Try Fish! ", Liège, Belgium. |
Delcourt, J. (March 2010). Energie verte = énergie propre? Le cas de l'hydroélectricité. Natagora le magazine couleurs nature, 36 (mars-avril), p. 25-28. |
Delcourt, J. (2010). Comportements de prédation en faibles profondeurs d'eau chez le Harle bièvre Mergus merganser. Aves, 47 (4), 201-212. |
Delcourt, J., Destinay, P., Dirick, A., Keyaert, L., & Michalowski, J.-M. (2010). L'Île aux Corsaires et ses trésors naturels. (éditeur responsable: Pierre Tomasovic - natagora Liège et basse meuse). Liège, Belgium: Natagora (Liège et Basse-Meuse). |
Denoël, M., Bichot, M., Ficetola, G. F., Delcourt, J., Ylieff, M., Kestemont, P., & Poncin, P. (2010). Cumulative effects of road de-icing salt on amphibian behavior. Aquatic Toxicology, 99 (2), 275-280. doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2010.05.007 |
Longrie, N., Delcourt, J., Poncin, P., Vandewalle, P., & Parmentier, E. (2010). Sound production and associated behaviour in the Nile Tilapia, oerochromis niloticus (Cichlidae) [Paper presentation]. 2010 Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Providence, Rhode Islands, United States. |
Delcourt, J., Becco, C., Vandewalle, N., & Poncin, P. (2009). A video multitracking system for quantification of individual behavior in a large fish shoal: Advantages and limits. Behavior Research Methods, 41 (1), 228-235. doi:10.3758/BRM.41.1.228 |
Delcourt, J., Ylieff, M., Becco, C., Vandewalle, N., & Poncin, P. (October 2008). Video multitracking systems for quantification of collective behaviours in fish [Paper presentation]. 15th Benelux Congress of Zoology, Liège, Belgium. |
Delcourt, J. (2008). Structure et ontogenèse des comportements de banc chez deux poissons Cichlidés: approche quantitative par l'utilisation du vidéotracking automatisé chez Oreochromis niloticus et Pelvicachromis pulcher [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Delcourt, J., Becco, C., Vandewalle, N., & Poncin, P. (2008). Advantages and limits of a video multitracking system for quantification of individual behavior in a large fish shoal. In A. Spink, M. R. Ballintijn, N. D. Bogers, F. Grieco, L. W. S. Loijens, L. Noldus, G. Smit, ... P. H. Zimmerman (Eds.), Proceedings of Measuring Behavior 2008. Wageningen, Netherlands: Noldus Information technology. |
Delcourt, J., Becco, C., Vandewalle, N., & Poncin, P. (September 2007). Self-organisation in the structure of schools of early juvenile Nile tilapia [Paper presentation]. XII European Congress of Ichthyology, Cavtat (Dubrovnic), Croatia. |
Becco, C., Delcourt, J., Vandewalle, N., & Poncin, P. (August 2007). Experimental study of school behavior: from local to global scale in two fish species [Poster presentation]. International Ethological Congress 2007, HalifaxDalhousie University, , Halifax, Canada, Halifax, Canada. |
Delcourt, J., Becco, C., Vandewalle, N., & Poncin, P. (August 2007). Transition phase of collective behaviours in the ontogeny of schools in the mouthbrooder Nile tilapia [Paper presentation]. International Ethological Congress 2007, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Halifax, Canada. |
Delcourt, J., Becco, C., Ylieff, M., Vandewalle, N., & Poncin, P. (2007). Study of shoals by computerized video-tracking system : development of a new multi-tracking system [Poster presentation]. Congrès European d'Ichthyologie. |
Longrie, N., Delcourt, J., Vandewalle, P., & Parmentier, E. (October 2006). Preliminary study of sound production in Oreochromis niloticus [Poster presentation]. 13th Benelux Congress of Zoology, Leuven, Leuven, Belgium. |
Becco, C., Vandewalle, N., Delcourt, J., & Poncin, P. (September 2006). School fish behaviour [Paper presentation]. Dynamics days Europe 2006, Greece. |
Delcourt, J., Becco, C., Ylieff, M., Vandewalle, N., & Poncin, P. (September 2006). Study of shoals by computerized video-tracking systems: development of a new multi-tracking system [Paper presentation]. 3rd European Conference on Behavioural Biology, Belfast, United Kingdom. |
Becco, C., Vandewalle, N., Delcourt, J., & Poncin, P. (2006). Experimental evidences of a structural and dynamical transition in fish school. Physica A. Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 367, 487-493. doi:10.1016/j.physa.2005.11.041 |
Delcourt, J., Becco, C., Ylieff, M., Caps, H., Vandewalle, N., & Poncin, P. (2006). Comparing the EthoVision 2.3 system and a new computerized multitracking prototype system to measure the swimming behavior in fry fish. Behavior Research Methods, 38, 704-710. doi:10.3758/BF03193904 |
Delcourt, J., Becco, C., Vandewalle, N., & Poncin, P. (2005). Influence de la densité d'individus sur les comportements de bancs chez les tilapias du Nil [Paper presentation]. Colloque SFECA, Rennes, France. |
Delcourt, J., Becco, C., Vandewalle, N., & Poncin, P. (2005). A new automatic video multitracking system able to follow a large school. In L. P. P. J. Noldus, F. Grieco, L. W. S. Loijens, ... P. H. Zimmerman, Proceedings of Measuring Behavior 2005 (pp. 405-406). Wageningen, Netherlands: Noldus Information technology. |
Delcourt, J., Becco, C., Vandewalle, N., & Poncin, P. (2005). A new automatic video multitracking system able to follow a large school [Poster presentation]. Measuring behaviour, Wageningen, Netherlands. |
Delcourt, J., Becco, C., Ylieff, M., Caps, H., Vandewalle, N., & Poncin, P. (September 2004). Measuring the swimming behaviour in fish with two different computerised video tracking systems: comparison of the EthoVision system and a new multi-tracking prototype system [Poster presentation]. XI European Congress of Ichthyology, Tallinn, Tallinn, Estonia. |
Delcourt, J., Ylieff, M., & Poncin, P. (28 August 2004). Measuring the ontogeny of swimming behaviour with a computerised video tracking system: development of spontaneous activity at the embryonic and early juvenile periods in the mouthbrooder Nile tilapia [Poster presentation]. 2nd European Conference on Behavioural Biology (ECBB), Groningen, Netherlands. |
Delcourt, J., Philippart, J.-C., & Poncin, P. (2004). Le héron cendré : comportements de prédation, impacts et protection des piscicultures. Belgium: GIPPA asbl. |
Philippart, J.-C., Poncin, P., Delcourt, J., & Paquot, D. (2004). Le comportement de prédation du Héron cendré… Etude de la répartition spatiale et de la densité de population du héron cendré… |
Delcourt, J. (2003). Approche expérimentale des comportements d'anti-prédation chez le tilapia du Nil (Oreochromis niloticus): détection and évaluation des risques de prédation par les juvéniles [Specialised master, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Delcourt, J., & Poncin, P. (2003). Experimental approach of anti-predator behaviours in the Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) : detection and evaluation of predation risk by juvenile fish [Poster presentation]. 10th Benelux Congress of Zoology. |
Delcourt, J., Keulen, C., Caudron, A., & Poncin, P. (November 2002). Comparative study of the imitative song of the two species of the genus Acrocephalus (Vertebrates Aves): the sedge warbler (A. schoenobaenus) and the reed warbler (A. scirpaceus) [Poster presentation]. 9th Benelux Congress of Zoology, Antwerp, Belgium. |
Delcourt, J. (2002). Etude comparative du chant imitatif de deux espèces du genre Acrocephalus : le phragmite des joncs (A. schoenobaenus) et la rousserolle effarvatte (A. scirpaceus) [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. |