Publications and communications of Anne-Françoise Rousseau

Rousseau, A.-F. (January 2025). Prévention et prise en charge du PICS: du sur-mesure ? [Paper presentation]. Séminaire pluridisciplinaire de soins intensifs, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Rousseau, A.-F., Ghuysen, A., Lambermont, B., & Paquay, M. (19 December 2024). Clinical debriefing: Who's invited - Response to Dewdney & Wait. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 87, 103913. doi:10.1016/j.iccn.2024.103913

Rousseau, A.-F., Fadeur, M., & Misset, B. (2024). Nutritional approach of patients with minor burns: A neglected aspect of burn care? JPEN Journal of Parenteral and Eternal Nutrition. doi:10.1002/jpen.2677

Rousseau, A.-F., & Martindale, R. (01 August 2024). Nutritional and metabolic modulation of inflammation in critically ill patients: a narrative review of rationale, evidence and grey areas. Annals of Intensive Care, 14 (1), 121. doi:10.1186/s13613-024-01350-x

Rousseau, A.-F., Fontana, M., GEORIS, S., Lambermont, B., CAVALLERI, J., PIROTTE, M., TRONCONI, G., Paquay, M., & Misset, B. (18 June 2024). Implementation of a routine post-shift debriefing program in ICU aiming at quality-of-care improvement: A primary analysis of feasibility and impacts. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 84, 103752. doi:10.1016/j.iccn.2024.103752

Pirnay, J.-P., Djebara, S., Steurs, G., Griselain, J., Cochez, C., De Soir, S., Glonti, T., Spiessens, A., Vanden Berghe, E., Green, S., Wagemans, J., Lood, C., Schrevens, E., Chanishvili, N., Kutateladze, M., de Jode, M., Ceyssens, P.-J., Draye, J.-P., Verbeken, G., ... Guiot, J. (Other coll.). (2024). Personalized bacteriophage therapy outcomes for 100 consecutive cases: a multicentre, multinational, retrospective observational study. Nature Microbiology. doi:10.1038/s41564-024-01705-x

COLSON, C., MINGUET, P., NEIS GILSON, S., Petit, F., Lambermont, B., Misset, B., & Rousseau, A.-F. (June 2024). Perception du syndrome post intensifs par le patient et son proche : étude comparative prospective au sein d’une clinique post-soins intensifs [Paper presentation]. Réanimation 2024, Paris, France.

Martial, C., Fritz, P., CASSOL, H., Gosseries, O., Lambermont, B., Misset, B., & Rousseau, A.-F. (June 2024). Phenomenological memory characteristics and impact of near-death experience in critically ill survivors: Observations at discharge and after a 1-year follow-up. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 24 (3), 100478. doi:10.1016/j.ijchp.2024.100478

Rousseau, A.-F., Dardenne, N., Collaborateurs Confident, LAYIOS, N., BERTRAND, A., Donneau, A.-F., & Misset, B. (June 2024). Evaluation du devenir fonctionnel et de ses facteurs prédictifs après un SDRA induit par le COVID-19: analyse complémentaire de l’essai CONFIDENT [Paper presentation]. Réanimation 2024, Paris, France.

Rousseau, A.-F., Fontana, M., GEORIS, S., Paquay, M., PIROTTE, M., TRONCONI, G., Lambermont, B., & Misset, B. (June 2024). Les débriefings cliniques pour améliorer la qualité des soins en réanimation: analyse de faisabilité et évaluation des impacts [Paper presentation]. Réanimation 2024, Paris, France.

Rousseau, A.-F., MINGUET, P., NEIS GILSON, S., Misset, B., & Lambermont, B. (2024). Post-intensive care unit follow-up: don't stop it now! Intensive Care Medicine. doi:10.1007/s00134-024-07467-8

Rousseau, A.-F. (April 2024). Unveiling the significance of post-ICU nutrition for recovery [Paper presentation]. FREM section webinar.

Rousseau, A.-F., FADEUR, M., FAUVILLE, J.-P., HANS, N., MARTIN, F., & Misset, B. (2024). Determination of energy requirements after minor burns using indirect calorimetry: A descriptive cohort study. JPEN Journal of Parenteral and Eternal Nutrition. doi:10.1002/jpen.2614

MALENGREAUX, C., MINGUET, P., COLSON, C., Dardenne, N., Misset, B., & Rousseau, A.-F. (09 February 2024). Incidence and risk factors of peripheral nerve injuries 3 months after ICU discharge: a retrospective study comparing COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 critically ill survivors. Journal of Anesthesia, Analgesia and Critical Care, 4 (1), 10. doi:10.1186/s44158-024-00144-8

Delrez, S., Boemer, F., COLSON, C., MINGUET, P., NEIS GILSON, S., Lambermont, B., & Rousseau, A.-F. (2024). Association between serum acylcarnitine profile after ICU discharge and mid‐term muscle outcomes: an observational study. Intensive Care Medicine Experimental, 12 (Suppl 1), 000753.

NEIS GILSON, S., COLSON, C., MINGUET, P., Lambermont, B., & Rousseau, A.-F. (2024). Perception du syndrome post-soins intensifs par le patient et son proche: étude comparative prospective au sein d’une clinique post-soins intensifs [Paper presentation]. SFAR le Congrès, Paris, France.

Rousseau, A.-F., Dardenne, N., PIAGNERELLI, M., HOSTE, E., GRIMALDI, D., MICHAUX, I., DE WAELE, E., DUMOULIN, A., JORENS, P., VAN DE HAUWAERT, E., VALLOT, F., LAMOTE, S., SWINNEN, W., DE SCHRYVER, N., FRAIPONT, V., DE MEY, N., DAUBY, N., LAYIOS, N., MESLAND, J., ... Misset, B. (2024). Functional outcomes after COVID‐19 ARDS: insight from the CONFIDENT trial. Intensive Care Medicine Experimental, 12 (Suppl 1), 000916.

Rousseau, A.-F., Pantet, O., & Berger, M. M. (2024). Nutrition du patient sévèrement brûlé. In R. Thibault, J. Bohé, N. Peretti, ... S. Walrand, Traité de nutrition clinique (Edition 2024, pp. 1288-1309). Paris, France: Les Editions de la SFNCM.

FADEUR, M., Kaux, J.-F., DE FLINES, J., Misset, B., Paquot, N., & Rousseau, A.-F. (December 2023). Comparaison de deux appareils de deux appareils de calorimétrie indirecte en mode canopy : le Q-NRG et le Deltatrac II [Paper presentation]. JFN 2023, Marseille, France.

Rousseau, A.-F. (December 2023). Complexité de la nutrition du patient sévèrement brûlé [Paper presentation]. JFN 2023, Marseille, France.

Davies, T. W., Kelly, E., van Gassel, R. J. J., van de Poll, M. C. G., Gunst, J., Casaer, M. P., Christopher, K. B., Preiser, J. C., Hill, A., Gundogan, K., Reintam-Blaser, A., Rousseau, A.-F., Hodgson, C., Needham, D. M., Schaller, S. J., McClelland, T., Pilkington, J. J., Sevin, C. M., Wischmeyer, P. E., ... Puthucheary, Z. A. (20 November 2023). A systematic review and meta-analysis of the clinimetric properties of the core outcome measurement instruments for clinical effectiveness trials of nutritional and metabolic interventions in critical illness (CONCISE). Critical Care, 27 (1), 450. doi:10.1186/s13054-023-04729-7

Nizet, O., MARTIN, F., Rousseau, A.-F., CAMBY, S., & Nizet, J.-L. (November 2023). Comment je traite… la brûlure de l’enfant aux urgences. Revue Médicale de Liège, 78 (11), 604 - 609.

Rousseau, A.-F. (November 2023). PICS et réhabilitation : dépistage et orientation [Paper presentation]. Journées Atlantiques de Médecine Intensive Réanimation, Nantes, France.

Willems, S., Didone, V., Cabello Fernandez, C., Delrue, G., Slama, H., Fery, P., Goin, J., Della Libera, C., COVCOG Group, Collette, F., & Rousseau, A.-F. (Other coll.). (18 August 2023). COVCOG: Immediate and long-term cognitive improvement after cognitive versus emotion management psychoeducation programs - a randomized trial in covid patients with neuropsychological difficulties. BMC Neurology, 23 (1), 307. doi:10.1186/s12883-023-03346-9

Rousseau, A.-F., Ngongan, A., COLSON, C., MINGUET, P., NEIS GILSON, S., Cavalier, E., MINGUET, G., Misset, B., & Boemer, F. (16 August 2023). Mid-Term Evolution of the Serum Acylcarnitine Profile in Critically Ill Survivors: A Metabolic Insight into Survivorship. Nutrients, 15 (16), 3595. doi:10.3390/nu15163595

Rousseau, A.-F., Dardenne, N., Kellens, I., Bornheim, S., Misset, B., & Croisier, J.-L. (03 July 2023). Quadriceps handheld dynamometry during the post-ICU trajectory: using strictly the same body position is mandatory for repeated measures. Intensive Care Medicine Experimental, 11 (1), 39. doi:10.1186/s40635-023-00523-5

Rousseau, A.-F., Dongier, A., COLSON, C., MINGUET, P., Defraigne, J.-O., MINGUET, G., Misset, B., & Boemer, F. (19 May 2023). Serum Acylcarnitines Profile in Critically Ill Survivors According to Illness Severity and ICU Length of Stay: An Observational Study. Nutrients, 15 (10), 2392. doi:10.3390/nu15102392

FONTANA, M., GEORIS, S., Paquay, M., PAQUAY, V., TRONCONI, G., PIROTTE, M., Misset, B., & Rousseau, A.-F. (April 2023). Using team debriefing for critical care humanization: a quality improvement initiative at the University Hospital of Liège [Paper presentation]. Congrès eSafe, Liège, Belgium.

Pincemail, J., Rousseau, A.-F., Kaux, J.-F., CHERAMY-BIEN, J.-P., Bruyere, C., PRICK, J., Stern, D., Kaci, M.-M., MAERTENS DE NOORDHOUT, B., Albert, A., Eubelen, C., Le Goff, C., Misset, B., Cavalier, E., Charlier, C., & Meziane, S. (April 2023). A Pilot Study on Oxidative Stress during the Recovery Phase in Critical COVID-19 Patients in a Rehabilitation Facility: Potential Utility of the PAOT ® Technology for Assessing Total Anti-Oxidative Capacity. Biomedicines, 11 (5), 1308. doi:10.3390/biomedicines11051308

Rousseau, A.-F., Misset, B., MASSENET, V., Lecart, M.-P., & Kaux, J.-F. (April 2023). Métabolisme osseux et risque de fracture après séjour aux soins intensifs. Ortho-Rhumato, 21 (2), 16-18.

Rousseau, A.-F., Pantet, O., & Heyland, D. K. (01 March 2023). Nutrition after severe burn injury. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, 26 (2), 99 - 104. doi:10.1097/MCO.0000000000000904

Sng, D. D. D., Uitenbosch, G., de Boer, H. D., Carvalho, H. N., Cata, J. P., Erdoes, G., Heytens, L., Lois, F., Pelosi, P., Rousseau, A.-F., Forget, P., Nesvadba, D., & Pain AND Opioids after Surgery (PANDOS) European Society of Anaesthesiology, I. C. E. R. G. (27 February 2023). Developing expert international consensus statements for opioid-sparing analgesia using the Delphi method. BMC Anesthesiology, 23 (1), 62. doi:10.1186/s12871-023-01995-4

Rousseau, A.-F. (2023). Prise en charge du brûlé aux urgences et en extra-hospitalier [Paper presentation]. Le trimestriel des urgences du CHR de Huy, Huy, Belgium.

Rousseau, A.-F. (February 2023). L'enfant brûlé: prise en charge en aigu [Paper presentation]. Congrès de réanimation et Urgences Pédiatriques, Liège, Belgium.

Bernard, D., Taminiau, B., Medlej, M., Moutschen, M., Misset, B., Daube, G., & Rousseau, A.-F. (2023). Oropharyngeal bacterial microbiota analysis at hospital admission: a comparison of COVID-19 and cerebral vascular disease patients. Annals of Intensive Care, 13 (Suppl 1), 048.

MINGUET, P., COLSON, C., NEIS GILSON, S., FARRAUTO, L., Misset, B., & Rousseau, A.-F. (2023). Inconforts rapportés par les patients en lien avec leurs séjours aux soins intensifs : état des lieux et évaluation de l’impact psychologique à distance [Paper presentation]. Réanimation 2023, Paris, France.

Ngongan, A., Boemer, F., COLSON, C., Misset, B., MINGUET, G., & Rousseau, A.-F. (2023). Mid-term acylcarnitine profile evolution in survivors of a prolonged ICU stay. European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 40 (eSuppl 61), 280.

Rousseau, A.-F. (2023). The injured brain: post-ICU follow-up [Paper presentation]. Focus track on brain health.

Rousseau, A.-F. (2023). Nutritional challenges in ICU: severe skin injuries [Paper presentation]. ESPEN 45th congress, Lyon, France.

Rousseau, A.-F. (2023). Endocrinology interventions in the burn unit: still to be recommended? [Paper presentation]. ESICM LIVES 2023, Milan, Italy.

Rousseau, A.-F. (2023). Debate: Mobilization, how early, how intense ? [Paper presentation]. ESICM LIVES 2023, Milan, Italy.

Rousseau, A.-F. (2023). Case-based essential: failure-to-rescue [Paper presentation]. ESICM LIVES 2023, Milan, Italy.

Rousseau, A.-F., COLSON, C., MINGUET, P., Kellens, I., COLLARD, M., Vancraybex, C., Guiot, J., Lambermont, B., & Misset, B. (January 2023). Characteristics of Mid-Term Post-Intensive Care Syndrome in Patients Attending a Follow-Up Clinic: A Prospective Comparison Between COVID-19 and Non-COVID-19 Survivors. Critical Care Explorations, 5 (1), 0850. doi:10.1097/CCE.0000000000000850

Rousseau, A.-F., DAMS, L., Massart, Q., CHOQUER, L., Cassol, H., Laureys, S., Misset, B., Dardenne, N., Gosseries, O., & Martial, C. (2023). Incidence of near-death experiences in patients surviving a prolonged critical illness and their long-term impact: a prospective observational study. Critical Care, 27, 76. doi:10.1186/s13054-023-04348-2

Rousseau, A.-F., Dongier, A., COLSON, C., Misset, B., MINGUET, G., & Boemer, F. (2023). Acylcarnitine profile in survivors of a prolonged versus a short stay in ICU. European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 40 (e-Suppl 61), 279.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., KELLENS, I., Dardenne, N., Misset, B., & Croisier, J.-L. (November 2022). Physical capacities assessment in critically ill patients: An exploratory study. Australian Critical Care, 35 (6), 709-713. doi:10.1016/j.aucc.2021.11.001

CAVALLERI, J., TREGUIER, D., Deliège, T., Gurdebeke, C., Ernst, M., Lambermont, B., Misset, B., & Rousseau, A.-F. (13 October 2022). One-Year Functional Decline in COVID-19 and Non-COVID-19 Critically Ill Survivors: A Prospective Study Incorporating a Pre-ICU Status Assessment. Healthcare, 10 (10), 2023. doi:10.3390/healthcare10102023

Rousseau, A.-F., FADEUR, M., COLSON, C., & Misset, B. (25 September 2022). Measured Energy Expenditure Using Indirect Calorimetry in Post-Intensive Care Unit Hospitalized Survivors: A Comparison with Predictive Equations. Nutrients, 14 (19), 3981. doi:10.3390/nu14193981

Rousseau, A.-F., LUCANIA, S., FADEUR, M., Verbrugge, A.-M., Cavalier, E., COLSON, C., & Misset, B. (15 September 2022). Adequacy of Nutritional Intakes during the Year after Critical Illness: An Observational Study in a Post-ICU Follow-Up Clinic. Nutrients, 14 (18), 3797. doi:10.3390/nu14183797

BONIVER, M., Wotquenne, P., Moutschen, M., & Rousseau, A.-F. (September 2022). La phagothérapie, un complément prometteur dans notre arsenal thérapeutique face aux bactéries multirésistantes. Revue Médicale de Liège, 77 (9), 510 - 515.

CHOQUER, L., Rousseau, A.-F., DAMS, L., Massart, Q., Dardenne, N., Ledoux, D., Misset, B., Laureys, S., & Martial, C. (September 2022). Souvenirs d’une expérience de mort imminente chez les patients critiques : incidence, facteurs associés et impact à long terme [Paper presentation]. SFAR le congrès, Paris, France.

Guiot, J., Maes, N., WINANDY, M.-L., Henket, M., Ernst, B., THYS, M., Frix, A.-N., Morimont, P., Rousseau, A.-F., CANIVET, P., Louis, R., Misset, B., Meunier, P., Charbonnier, J.-P., & Lambermont, B. (29 August 2022). Automatized lung disease quantification in patients with COVID-19 as a predictive tool to assess hospitalization severity. Frontiers in Medicine, 9. doi:10.3389/fmed.2022.930055

Davies, T. W., van Gassel, R. J. J., van de Poll, M., Gunst, J., Casaer, M. P., Christopher, K. B., Preiser, J. C., Hill, A., Gundogan, K., Reintam-Blaser, A., Rousseau, A.-F., Hodgson, C., Needham, D. M., Castro, M., Schaller, S., McClelland, T., Pilkington, J. J., Sevin, C. M., Wischmeyer, P. E., ... Puthucheary, Z. A. (06 August 2022). Core outcome measures for clinical effectiveness trials of nutritional and metabolic interventions in critical illness: an international modified Delphi consensus study evaluation (CONCISE). Critical Care, 26 (1), 240. doi:10.1186/s13054-022-04113-x

De Niet, S., Trémège, M., Coffiner, M., Rousseau, A.-F., CALMES, D., Frix, A.-N., GESTER, F., Delvaux, M., DIVE, A.-F., GUGLIELMI, E., Henket, M., Staderoli, A., Maesen, D., Louis, R., Guiot, J., & Cavalier, E. (26 July 2022). Positive Effects of Vitamin D Supplementation in Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Nutrients, 14 (15), 3048. doi:10.3390/nu14153048

Joris, M., Pincemail, J., COLSON, C., JORIS, J., CALMES, D., Cavalier, E., Misset, B., Guiot, J., MINGUET, G., & Rousseau, A.-F. (25 July 2022). Exercise Limitation after Critical Versus Mild COVID-19 Infection: A Metabolic Perspective. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11 (15), 4322. doi:10.3390/jcm11154322

Uitenbosch, G., Sng, D., Carvalho, H. N., Cata, J. P., De Boer, H. D., Erdoes, G., Heytens, L., Lois, F., ROUSSEAU, A.-F., Pelosi, P., Forget, P., & Nesvadba, D. (17 June 2022). Expert Multinational Consensus Statement for Total Intravenous Anaesthesia (TIVA) Using the Delphi Method. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11 (12), 3486. doi:10.3390/jcm11123486

Hautier, A., Le Floch, R., Jeschke, M., Eljaafari, A., Lachamp, J., Rousseau, A.-F., Duhamel, P., Perrot, P., Chaouat, M., Conti, E., Le Touze, A., Defours, A. F., Jeanne, M., Wiramus, S., Losser, M. R., & Boussard, N. (June 2022). RÉSUMÉS DES INTERVENTIONS LORS DE LA TABLE RONDE DU 40ÈME CONGRÈS DE LA SFB, AYANT POUR THÈME: BRÛLURE ET OBÉSITÉ-PREMIÈRE PARTIE. Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters, 35 (2), 160 - 170.

Misset, B., Parzibut, G., LAYIOS, N., CAVALLERI, J., Delvenne, P., Desmecht, D., ROUSSEAU, A.-F., & LAMBERMONT, B. (May 2022). Inflammation au cours de la COVID-19. Revue Médicale de Liège, 77 (5-6), 277-284.

Horlait, G., BEAUDART, C., Bougard, L., BORNHEIM, S., COLSON, C., Misset, B., BRUYERE, O., Boustani, M., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (02 April 2022). Post-intensive care screening: French translation and validation of the Healthy Aging Brain Care-Monitor, hybrid version. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 20 (1), 59. doi:10.1186/s12955-022-01967-1

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., schmitz, S., CAVALIER, E., Misset, B., & BOEMER, F. (07 March 2022). Altered Serum Acylcarnitines Profile after a Prolonged Stay in Intensive Care. Nutrients, 14 (5), 1122. doi:10.3390/nu14051122

ANDRE, S., ROUSSEAU, A.-F., COLSON, C., Misset, B., & GILLET, M. (2022). A prospective pharmacist review of drug‐related problems after ICU discharge: preliminary data. Annals of Intensive Care, 12 (1), 104.

Bougard, L., BEAUDART, C., COLSON, C., Horlait, G., BORNHEIM, S., BRUYERE, O., Misset, B., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (2022). French translation and validation of the Healthy Aging Brain Care‐Monitor, Hybrid Version (HABC‐M‐HV): a new tool for remote post‐intensive care syndrome screening. Annals of Intensive Care, 12 (1), 051.

Cambier, M., Henket, M., Frix, A.-N., Gofflot, S., THYS, M., Tomasetti, S., Peired, A., Struman, I., Rousseau, A.-F., Misset, B., Darcis, G., Moutschen, M., Louis, R., Njock, M.-S., Cavalier, E., & Guiot, J. (2022). Increased KL-6 levels in moderate to severe COVID-19 infection. PLoS ONE, 17 (11), 0273107. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0273107

CAVALLERI, J., Deliège, T., TREGUIER, D., Carol, E., Gurdebeke, C., LAMBERMONT, B., Misset, B., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (2022). One-year functional outcomes of the first wave critically ill COVID-19 survivors, compared to pre-hospitalization status [Paper presentation]. ESICM LIVES 40, Madrid, Spain.

COLSON, C., FARRAUTO, L., PETERS, M., MINGUET, P., Misset, B., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (2022). Impact d’une consultation post-soins intensifs sur le devenir des patients 6 mois après un séjour prolongé en soins intensifs : étude de cohorte rétrospective [Paper presentation]. Réanimation 2022, Paris, France.

DAMAS, P., Legrain, C., LAMBERMONT, B., Dardenne, N., Guntz, J., KISOKA, G., Demaret, P., ROUSSEAU, A.-F., Jadot, L., PIRET, S., Noirot, D., BERTRAND, A., Donneau, A.-F., & Misset, B. (January 2022). Prevention of ventilator‑associated pneumonia by noble metal coating of endotracheal tubes: a multi‑center, randomized, double‑blind study. Annals of Intensive Care, 12 (1). doi:10.1186/s13613-021-00961-y

Deliège, T., CAVALLERI, J., TREGUIER, D., CAROL, E., Gurdebeke, C., Lambermont, B., Misset, B., & Rousseau, A.-F. (2022). Long‐term functional decline in survivors of critical COVID‐19 pneumonia: comparison of the first two waves of the pandemic. Intensive Care Medicine Experimental, 10 (2), 23.

Do Vale, J., LUCANIA, S., FADEUR, M., Verbrugge, A.-M., COLSON, C., Misset, B., & Rousseau, A.-F. (2022). Evaluation des apports nutritionnels chez les patients ayant survécu à une pathologie critique : étude prospective au sein d’une clinique post-soins intensifs [Poster presentation]. Journées Francophones de Nutrition, Toulouse, France.

Heyland, D. K., Wibbenmeyer, L., Pollack, J. A., Friedman, B., Turgeon, A. F., Eshraghi, N., Jeschke, M. G., Béliste, S., Grau, D., Mandell, S., Velamuri, S. R., Hundeshagen, G., Moiemen, N., Shokrollahi, K., Foster, K., Huss, F., Collins, D., Savetamal, A., Gurney, J. M., ... Rousseau, A.-F. (Other coll.). (2022). A Randomized Trial of Enteral Glutamine for Treatment of Burn Injuries. New England Journal of Medicine, 387 (11), 1001-1010. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa2203364

Jennes, S., Vandebenderie, J.-N., Casaer, M., Rose, T., Claes, K., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (2022). Trente-cinq années de plan BABI : accomplissements et développements du plan catastrophe « brûlés » de la Belgian Association for Burn Injuries [Paper presentation]. 41ème Congrès National de la SFB, Nancy, France.

MASSART, Q., Martial, C., DAMS, L., CHOQUER, L., Dardenne, N., Ledoux, D., Misset, B., Laureys, S., & Rousseau, A.-F. (2022). Near‐death experience in all categories ICU survivors: incidence, influencing factors, and long‐term impact. Intensive Care Medicine Experimental, 10 (2), 4.

Messadaa, A., COLSON, C., LAMBERMONT, B., Misset, B., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (2022). Post-intensive care syndrome in COVID-19 and non-COVID survivors [Paper presentation]. 42nd SIZ annual meeting, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Rousseau, A.-F. (2022). Vitamin D in ICU and burn centre, an update [Paper presentation]. ESICM LIVES 2022, Paris, France.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (2022).  Syndrome post-soins intensifs et suivi à distance [Paper presentation]. Staff mensuel médecine intensive et réanimation, Nantes, France.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (2022).  Syndrome post-soins intensifs et follow-up [Paper presentation]. GLEM anesthésie, Liège, Belgium.

Rousseau, A.-F. (2022). Post-intensive care syndrome, nutrition and physical function perspective [Paper presentation]. ESICM LIVES 2022, Paris, France.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (2022). Les patients brûlés en/aux urgence(s) [Paper presentation]. GLEM urgences, Liège, Belgium.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (2022). How to create a post-ICU follow-up ? [Paper presentation]. 42nd SIZ annual meeting, Bruxelles, Belgium.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (2022).  Calorimétrie indirecte [Paper presentation]. Réunion GIMSI, Liège, Belgium.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., DEROISY, R., LECART, M.-P., MASSENET, V., SARLET, N., Misset, B., CAVALIER, E., & KAUX, J.-F. (2022). Bone health in survivors of a prolonged ICU stay. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 34 (S1), 332.

Rousseau, A.-F., Joris, M., Pincemail, J., COLSON, C., Cavalier, E., MINGUET, G., Joris, J., & Misset, B. (2022). Exercise intolerance in COVID‐19 ICU survivors compared to patients complaining of long COVID after mild disease: a metabolic perspective. Intensive Care Medicine Experimental, 10 (2), 166.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., KELLENS, I., DELANAYE, P., Bruyère, O., Misset, B., & Croisier, J.-L. (January 2022). Experimental Approach of Quadriceps Strength Measurement: Implications for Assessments in Critically Ill Survivors. Diagnostics, 12 (1), 202. doi:10.3390/diagnostics12010202

ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (02 December 2021). Follow-up après soins intensifs [Paper presentation]. Conférences de Soins Intensifs.

Bardinet, J., Pourtau, L., ROUSSEAU, A.-F., CHERAMY-BIEN, J.-P., Defraigne, J.-O., & Pincemail, J. (December 2021). Protocol design for the evaluation of chronic antioxidant supplementation on oxidative stress and cognition status in post COVID-19 patients. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 177, 119. doi:10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2021.08.191

LEPORE, D., FADEUR, M., LUCANIA, S., VERBRUGGE, A.-M., Misset, B., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (December 2021). Energy expenditure measured with indirect calorimetry during the post-ICU hospital stay. European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 38 (e-Suppl 39), 169.

Pincemail, J., CAVALIER, E., CHARLIER, C., CHERAMY-BIEN, J.-P., BREVERS, E., Courtois, A., FADEUR, M., Meziane, S., LE GOFF, C., Misset, B., Albert, A., Defraigne, J.-O., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (December 2021). Oxidative Stress Status in COVID-19 Patients Hospitalized in Intensive Care Unit for Severe Pneumonia. A Pilot Study. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 177, 119-S120. doi:10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2021.08.192

Pincemail, J., ROUSSEAU, A.-F., KAUX, J.-F., CHERAMY-BIEN, J.-P., Bruyere, C., PRICK, J., Stern, D., Mouna-Messaouda, K., MAERTENS DE NOORDHOUT, B., Albert, A., Defraigne, J.-O., Misset, B., CAVALIER, E., CHARLIER, C., & Meziane, S. (December 2021). Oxidative Stress Status and its correlation with Redox Status as Measured By An Electrochemical (PAOT®) Methodology: A Pilot Study in Critical COVID-19 Pneumonia Survivors. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 177, 120. doi:10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2021.08.193

schmitz, S., BOEMER, F., FARRAUTO, L., CAVALIER, E., Misset, B., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (December 2021). Acylcarnitines profile in survivors of a prolonged ICU stay. European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 38 (e-Suppl 39), 169.

Marquet, M., FADEUR, M., LUCANIA, S., VERBRUGGE, A.-M., Misset, B., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (November 2021). Mesure de la dépense énergétique de repos par calorimétrie indirecte après séjour prolongé en soins intensifs [Poster presentation]. Journées Francophones de Nutrition, Lille, France.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., schmitz, S., COLSON, C., FARRAUTO, L., MINGUET, P., CAVALIER, E., Misset, B., & BOEMER, F. (November 2021). Etude du profil en acylcarnitines après séjour prolongé aux soins intensifs [Poster presentation]. Journées Francophones de Nutrition, Lille, France.

Spagnoletti, L., ROUSSEAU, A.-F., ADAM, E., DESCHAMPS, V., CHAABANE, S., & Wagener, A. (November 2021). What are the psychological impacts of an ICU hospitalization ? A dimensional approach [Poster presentation]. 16e journée scientifique des jeunes chercheurs en psychologie, Lille, France.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (October 2021). Nutrition du patient brûlé obèse [Paper presentation]. 40ème Congrès National de la SFB, Toulon, France.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., TUBES, R., BETZ, R., DUMONT, J.-Y., HANS, N., MARTIN, F., Misset, B., & GHUYSEN, A. (October 2021). Sauve une vie 3, un film interactif de formation en santé publique [Poster presentation]. 40ème Congrès National de la SFB, Toulon, France.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (September 2021). Specificities of nutritional support in burn patients [Paper presentation]. ESPEN Virtual congress.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., & PREISER, J.-C. (August 2021). To critically ill survivors: LIFE-UP! Journal of Critical Care, 64, 139-140. doi:10.1016/j.jcrc.2021.04.004

JORIS, M., MINGUET, P., COLSON, C., JORIS, J., FADEUR, M., MINGUET, G., GUIOT, J., Misset, B., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (July 2021). Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing in Critically Ill Coronavirus Disease 2019 Survivors: Evidence of a Sustained Exercise Intolerance and Hypermetabolism. Critical Care Explorations, 3 (7), 0491. doi:10.1097/CCE.0000000000000491

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., MINGUET, P., COLSON, C., KELLENS, I., Chaabane, S., DELANAYE, P., Cavalier, E., Chase, J. G., LAMBERMONT, B., & Misset, B. (July 2021). Post-intensive care syndrome after a critical COVID-19: cohort study from a Belgian follow-up clinic. Annals of Intensive Care, 11 (1), 118. doi:10.1186/s13613-021-00910-9

COLSON, C., MALENGREAUX, C., MINGUET, P., Dardenne, N., Misset, B., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (June 2021). Atteintes neurologiques périphériques chez les patients ayant survécu à une pneumonie COVID-19 sévère aux soins intensifs [Paper presentation]. Réanimation 2021, Paris, France.

Lengele, L., Bruyère, O., FADEUR, M., VERBRUGGE, A.-M., MARTIN, F., HANS, N., Misset, B., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (June 2021). Should We Worry About Nutrition Of Adults With Minor Burns? An Audit Of Their Intakes. Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters, 34 (2), 163-169.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (01 April 2021). Le devenir des patients après soin intensifs: une vie après la survie [Paper presentation]. GLEM anesthésie.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., & PREISER, J.-C. (16 March 2021). Une vie après les soins intensifs [Paper presentation]. Webinar.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (08 March 2021). Stress oxydant, soins intensifs et l'après [Paper presentation]. Webinar.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (2021). COVID-19: les survivants des soins intensifs [Paper presentation]. Commission Santé.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., Prescott, H., Brett, S., Weiss, B., Azoulay, E., Creteur, J., Latronico, N., Hough, C., Weber-Carstens, S., Vincent, J.-L., & Preiser, J.-C. (March 2021). Long-term outcomes after critical illness: recent insights. Critical Care, 25, 108. doi:10.1186/s13054-021-03535-3

PINCEMAIL, J., CAVALIER, E., CHARLIER, C., CHERAMY-BIEN, J.-P., BREVERS, E., COURTOIS, A., FADEUR, M., Meziane, S., LE GOFF, C., Misset, B., Albert, A., DEFRAIGNE, J., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (07 February 2021). Oxidative Stress Status in COVID-19 Patients Hospitalized in Intensive Care Unit for Severe Pneumonia. A Pilot Study. Antioxidants, 10 (257). doi:10.3390/antiox10020257

ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (19 January 2021). Highlights 2020 - soins intensifs [Paper presentation]. Soirée Highlights de la SBNC.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (14 January 2021). Le tube digestif: un organe noble ? [Paper presentation]. Conférences d'Anesthésie-Réanimation.

BLANJEAN, A., KELLENS, I., Misset, B., JORIS, J., Croisier, J.-L., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (2021). Quadriceps strength in intensive care unit survivors: Variability and influence of preadmission physical activity. Australian Critical Care. doi:10.1016/j.aucc.2020.10.007

Bougard, L., MINGUET, P., COLSON, C., LAMBERMONT, B., Misset, B., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (2021). Post‐intensive care syndrome after critical COVID‐19 pneumonia. Intensive Care Medicine Experimental, 9 (1).

BOUQUEGNEAU, A., HUART, J., LUTTERI, L., ERPICUM, P., GROSCH, S., Résimont, G., WIESEN, P., ROUSSEAU, A.-F., BOVY, C., KRZESINSKI, J.-M., THYS, M., LAMBERMONT, B., Misset, B., Pottel, H., DARCIS, G., CAVALIER, E., JOURET, F., & DELANAYE, P. (2021). Survivors of COVID-19 mostly recover from tubular proteinuria and acute kidney injury after hospital discharge. Journal of Nephrology, 34 (4), 967-969. doi:10.1007/s40620-021-01075-1

DAMAS, P., LAMBERMONT, B., Legrain, C., ROUSSEAU, A.-F., Demaret, P., & Misset, B. (2021). Prevention of ventilator‐associated pneumonia by noble metal coating of endotracheal tubes: A randomized, controlled, double‐blind, multicenter, prospective pilot study. Intensive Care Medicine Experimental, 9 (1). doi:10.1186/s40635-021-00413-8

Darcis, G., Bouquegneau, A., Maes, N., Thys, M., Henket, M., Labye, F., Rousseau, A.-F., Canivet, P., Desir, C., Calmes, D., Schils, R., De Worm, S., Léonard, P., Meunier, P., Moutschen, M., Louis, R., & Guiot, J. (2021). Long-term clinical follow-up of patients suffering from moderate-to-severe COVID-19 infection: a monocentric prospective observational cohort study. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 109, 209-216. doi:10.1016/j.ijid.2021.07.016

Lambermont, B., ROUSSEAU, A.-F., Seidel, L., THYS, M., CAVALLERI, J., DELANAYE, P., Chase, J. G., Gillet, P., & Misset, B. (2021). Outcome Improvement Between the First Two Waves of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic in a Single Tertiary-Care Hospital in Belgium. Critical Care Explorations, 3 (5), 0438. doi:10.1097/CCE.0000000000000438

LAMBERMONT, B., SEIDEL, L., THYS, M., CAVALLERI, J., DELANAYE, P., CANIVET, J.-L., KISOKA, G., LAYIOS, N., LEDOUX, D., MASSION, P., MORIMONT, P., Parzibut, G., PIRET, S., ROBINET, S., ROUSSEAU, A.-F., WIESEN, P., Chase, J. G., MEURIS, C., Moutschen, M., & Misset, B. (2021). Comparison of Covid-19 patient management and outcome in a tertiary care center during the first and second waves of the pandemic. Annals of Intensive Care, Suppl 1, 86.

MALENGREAUX, C., MINGUET, P., COLSON, C., Dardenne, N., Misset, B., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (2021). Peripheral nerve injuries 3 months after a critical COVID-19 pneumonia. Critical Care, 25 (Suppl 1).

ROUGIER, L., PREISER, J.-C., FADEUR, M., VERBRUGGE, A.-M., Paquot, N., LEDOUX, D., Misset, B., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (2021). Nutrition During Critical Care: An Audit on Actual Energy and Protein Intakes. JPEN Journal of Parenteral and Eternal Nutrition. doi:10.1002/jpen.1962

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., & Berger, M. (2021). Nutrition du brûlé grave adulte. In Questions de nutrition clinique en réanimation et soins intensifs. SFNCM.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., HOUGARDY, J.-M., CHAABANE, S., HARDY, R., DESCHAMPS, V., BARTHELEMY, N., DEVOS, M., Dardenne, N., Bodart, M., & Misset, B. (2021). Psychological distress in critically ill COVID-19 patients’ relatives during the first wave of the pandemic. Annals of Intensive Care, Suppl 1, 133.

Dépret, F., Farny, B., Jeanne, M., Klouche, K., Leclerc, T., Nouette-Gaulain, K., Pantet, O., Rémerand, F., Roquilly, A., ROUSSEAU, A.-F., Sztajnic, S., Wiramus, S., Vicaut, E., & Legrand, M. (November 2020). The A2B trial, antibiotic prophylaxis for excision-graft surgery in burn patients: a multicenter randomized double-blind study. Trials, 21 (1), 973. doi:10.1186/s13063-020-04894-y

FADEUR, M., PREISER, J.-C., VERBRUGGE, A.-M., Misset, B., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (2020). Oral Nutrition during and after Critical Illness: SPICES for Quality of Care! Nutrients. doi:10.3390/nu12113509

ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (October 2020). ICU-induced muscle wasting and its recovery: epidemiology and assessment [Paper presentation]. 5th Clinical Update Symposium.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., Kerschan-Schindl, K., Scherkl, M., & Amrein, K. (August 2020). Bone metabolism and fracture risk during and after critical illness. Current Opinion in Critical Care, 26 (4), 379-385. doi:10.1097/MCC.0000000000000734

Maurel, V., Denis, B., Camby, M., Jeanne, M., Cornesse, A., Glavnik, B., Alanio, A., ROUSSEAU, A.-F., Le Floch, R., Lagrange-Xelot, M., Textoris, J., Wiramus, S., de Tymowski, C., & Legrand, M. (June 2020). Outcome and Characteristics of Invasive Fungal Infections in Critically Ill Burn Patients: A Multicenter Retrospective Study. Mycoses, 63 (6), 535-542. doi:10.1111/myc.13068

Reintam Blaser, A., Preiser, J.-C., Fruhwald, S., Wilmer, A., Wernerman, J., Benstoem, C., Casaer, M. P., Starkopf, J., van Zanten, A., Rooyackers, O., Jakob, S. M., Loudet, C. I., Bear, D. E., Elke, G., Kott, M., Lautenschläger, I., Schäper, J., Gunst, J., Stoppe, C., ... Rousseau, A.-F. (Other coll.). (15 May 2020). Gastrointestinal dysfunction in the critically ill: a systematic scoping review and research agenda proposed by the Section of Metabolism, Endocrinology and Nutrition of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine. Critical Care, 24 (1), 224. doi:10.1186/s13054-020-02889-4

Legrand, M., Barraud, D., Constant, I., Devauchelle, P., Donat, N., Fontaine, M., Goffinet, L., Hoffman, C., Jeanne, M., Jonqueres, J., Leclerc, T., Lefort, H., Louvet, N., Losser, M.-R., Lucas, C., Pantet, O., Roquilly, A., ROUSSEAU, A.-F., Soussi, S., ... Blet, A. (April 2020). Management of Severe Thermal Burns in the Acute Phase in Adults and Children. Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine, 39 (2), 253-267. doi:10.1016/j.accpm.2020.03.006

ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (February 2020). Les conséquences d'un séjour aux soins intensifs: gestion du syndrome post-soins intensifs [Paper presentation]. Enseignement post-universitaire de médecine générale, Liège, Belgium.

Chourdakis, M., Bouras, E., Shields, B. A., Stoppe, C., Rousseau, A.-F., & Heyland, D. K. (2020). Nutritional therapy among burn injured patients in the critical care setting: An international multicenter observational study on “best achievable” practices. Clinical Nutrition. doi:10.1016/j.clnu.2020.04.023

LAMBERMONT, B., ERNST, M., DEMARET, P., BOCCAR, S., FRAIPONT, V., GURDEBEKE, C., VAN BRUSSEL, C., QUINONEZ, M., DUBOIS, C., LEMINEUR, T., NJAMBOU, T., AKANDO, B., WERTZ, D., THYS, M., MAES, N., CANIVET, J.-L., KISOKA, G., LAYIOS, N., LEDOUX, D., ... HIGNY, J. (2020). Corticosteroids are associated with a decrease in mortality in a multicenter cohort of mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients [Poster presentation]. ESICM 2020.

LAMBERMONT, B., ERNST, M., DEMARET, P., FRAIPONT, V., GURDEBEKE, C., SOTTIAUX, T., QUINONEZ, M., DUBOIS, C., NJAMBOU, T., AKANDO, B., LEMINEUR, T., WERTZ, D., FORET, F., ROUSSEAU, A.-F., LEDOUX, D., LAYIOS, N., ROBINET, S., MORIMONT, P., & Misset, B. (2020). Corticosteroid therapy is associated with a decrease in mortality in a multicenter cohort of mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients. Intensive Care Medicine Experimental, 8 (Suppl 2), 001357.

MARCHETTA, S., LAMBERMONT, B., MASSION, P., ROUSSEAU, A.-F., LAYIOS, N., ROBINET, S., CANIVET, J.-L., KISOKA, G., LEDOUX, D., MORIMONT, P., PIRET, S., WIESEN, P., & Misset, B. (2020). La première vague de la COVID-19 aux Soins intensifs. Revue Médicale de Liège.

Perot, A., Misset, B., MASSION, P., PIRET, S., ROUSSEAU, A.-F., WIESEN, P., ROBINET, S., LAMBERMONT, B., MORIMONT, P., LEDOUX, D., CANIVET, J.-L., & LAYIOS, N. (2020). Low incidence of thrombotic events in SARS-CoV-2 mechanically ventilated anticoagulated patients. Intensive Care Medicine Experimental, 8 (Suppl 2), 001583.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., Lengele, L., FADEUR, M., MARTIN, F., HANS, N., Bruyère, O., & Misset, B. (2020). Quantification of nutritional intakes in burn outpatients. Journal of Burn Care and Research, 41 (Suppl 1), 153.

Vankrunkelsven, W., Gunst, J., Amrein, K., Bear, D. E., Berger, M., Christopher, K. B., Fuhrmann, V., Hiesmayr, M., Ichai, C., Jakob, S. M., Lasocki, S., Montejo, J. C., Oudemans-van Straeten, H. M., Preiser, J.-C., Blaser, A. R., Rousseau, A.-F., Singer, P., Starkopf, J., van Zanten, A. R., ... Casaer, M. P. (2020). Monitoring and parenteral administration of micronutrients, phosphate and magnesium in critically ill patients: The VITA-TRACE survey. Clinical Nutrition. doi:10.1016/j.clnu.2020.06.005

ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (December 2019). Soins intensifs et anesthésie: spécificités des grands brûlés [Paper presentation]. Forums des savoirs, Liège, Belgium.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., VERBRUGGE, A.-M., FADEUR, M., STRUVAY, A., & LEFORT, H. (December 2019). Aspects nutritionnels de la prise en charge du patient brûlé grave. Revue de l'Infirmière, 68 (256), 28-29. doi:10.1016/j.revinf.2019.10.008

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., FADEUR, M., VERBRUGGE, A.-M., LEDOUX, D., PAQUOT, N., Misset, B., & Preiser, J.-C. (November 2019). Nutrition orale aux soins intensifs : influence des apports sur le devenir des patients [Paper presentation]. Evènement de nutrition clinique, Waterloo, Belgium.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (19 October 2019). Réanimation après brûlures domestiques [Paper presentation]. Séance publique d'octobre.

BERTRAND, T., FADEUR, M., Misset, B., LEDOUX, D., PREISER, J.-C., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (September 2019). La nutrition orale aux soins intensifs est-elle satisfaisante ? [Poster presentation]. SFAR le congrès, Paris, France.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., PIRET, S., LEDOUX, D., & DAMAS, P. (September 2019). Le syndrome post-soins intensifs : l’enjeu d’une vie après la survie. Revue Médicale de Liège, 74 (9), 457-460.

MATHY, X., ROUGIER, L., FADEUR, M., VERBRUGGE, A.-M., PAQUOT, N., Preiser, J.-C., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (March 2019). The condition of orally fed patients in ICU: an observational study. Critical Care, 23 (Suppl 2), 267.

Jault, P., Leclerc, T., Jennes, S., Pirnay, J.-P., Que, Y. A., Resch, G., ROUSSEAU, A.-F., Ravat, F., Carsin, H., Le Floch, R., Schaal, J.-V., Soler, C., Fevre, C., Arnaud, I., Bretaudeau, L., & Gabard, J. (2019). Efficacy and tolerability of a cocktail of bacteriophages to treat burn wounds infected by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PhagoBurn): a randomised, controlled, double-blind phase 1/2 trial. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 19 (1), 35-45. doi:10.1016/S1473-3099(18)30482-1

Parzibut, G., CANIVET, J.-L., GUIOT, J., Lambermont, B., Layios, N., LEDOUX, D., Massion, P., MORIMONT, P., PIRET, S., ROBINET, S., Rousseau, A.-F., Verscheure, S., WIESEN, P., & Misset, B. (2019). Le syndrome de detresse respiratoire aigue. Revue Médicale de Liège, 74 (10), 514-520.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (January 2019). Highlights ESEPN [Paper presentation]. Soirée Highlights, Limelette, Belgium.

Vankrunkelsven, W., Gunst, J., Amrein, K., Bear, D., Berger, M., Christopher, K., Fuhrmann, V., Hiesmayr, M., Ichai, C., Jakob, S., Lasocki, S., Montejo, J., Oudemans-van Straeten, H., Preiser, J., Reintam Blaser, A., ROUSSEAU, A.-F., Singer, P., Starkopf, J., Van Zanten, A., ... Casaer, M. (2019). Current practice and variability in micronutrient monitoring and administration: results of the Vita-Trace survey. Critical Care, 23 (Suppl 2), 275.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (2018). Brûlures et brûlés: soins et traitements. France: Medicilline.

Soussi, S., Berger, M., Colpaert, K., Dunser, M., Guttormsen, A., Juffermans, N., Knape, P., Koksal, G., Lavrentieva, A., Leclerc, T., Lorente, J., Martin-Loeches, I., Metnitz, P., Pantet, O., Pelosi, P., ROUSSEAU, A.-F., Sjöberg, & Legrand, M. (August 2018). Hemodynamic management of critically ill burn patients: an international survey. Critical Care, 22 (1), 194. doi:10.1186/s13054-018-2129-3

ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (May 2018). Post Intensive Care Syndrome [Paper presentation]. Séminaire régional de soins intensifs.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (April 2018). Post Intensive Care Syndrome [Paper presentation]. Conférence Liégeoise d'Anesthésie-Réanimation.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (January 2018). Décès et don d'organe aux Soins Intensifs [Paper presentation]. Enseignement Post-Universitaire, Liège, Belgium.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., KELLENS, I., Freycenon, G., Dardenne, N., Bruyère, O., DAMAS, P., & Croisier, J.-L. (2018). Highly standardized quadriceps dynamometry of critically ill adults at bedside: a step towards individualized rehabilitation. Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica, 69, 159-164.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (December 2017). Post Intensive Care Syndrome [Paper presentation]. Conférences de Soins Intensifs - Erasme.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., Freycenon, G., KELLENS, I., Dardenne, N., Bruyère, O., DAMAS, P., & Croisier, J.-L. (September 2017). Reliability of a standardized protocol for bedside quadriceps strength measurement in critically ill patients. Intensive Care Medicine Experimental, 5 (S2), 327.

PAGE, I., Warnier, S., NYS, M., ROUSSEAU, A.-F., & DAMAS, P. (January 2017). Impact of the cumulated proteins and energy deficits on ICU patient’s outcome. Annals of Intensive Care, 7 (Suppl1), 200.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., Bawin, M., CAVALIER, E., Reginster, J.-Y., DAMAS, P., & Bruyère, O. (2017). Occurrence of bone fracture in the 2 years following a prolonged ICU stay: a retrospective study including a control group. Osteoporosis International, 28 (Suppl 1), 504.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., CAVALIER, E., Reginster, J.-Y., DAMAS, P., & Bruyère, O. (2017). Occurrence of Clinical Bone Fracture Following a Prolonged Stay in Intensive Care Unit: A Retrospective Controlled Study. Calcified Tissue International, 101 (5), 465-472. doi:10.1007/s00223-017-0300-5

Cavalier, E., Bergmann, P., Bruyère, O., DELANAYE, P., Durnez, A., Devogelaer, J.-P., Ferrari, S. L., Gielen, E., Goemaere, S., Kaufman, J.-M., Nzeusseu Toukap, A., Reginster, J.-Y., ROUSSEAU, A.-F., Rozenberg, S., Scheen, A., & Body, J.-J. (July 2016). The role of biochemical of bone turnover markers in osteoporosis and metabolic bone disease: a consensus paper of the Belgian Bone Club. Osteoporosis International, 27, 2181-2195. doi:10.1007/s00198-016-3561-3

ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (2016). Micronutriments chez les brûlés [Paper presentation]. Entretiens de Nutrition Clinique.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (2016). Soins du patient brûlé : une réalité différente chez l'adulte et chez l'enfant ? [Paper presentation]. Douleur aigue et chronique, de l'enfant à l'adulte: regards croisés, Liège, Belgium.

Jault, P., Gabard, J., Leclerc, T., Jennes, S., Que, Y., ROUSSEAU, A.-F., & Ravat, F. (2016). Phage therapy against antimicrobial resistance, design of the first clinical study Phagoburn. Critical Care, 20 (Suppl 2), 109.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (2016). La réanimation des brûlés en Belgique. In Anesthésie, analgésie, réanimation, SAMU. Notre histoire, de 1945 aux années 2000. Tome III: Réanimation (pp. 115-116). Paris, France: Glyphe.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., Cynober, L., & Berger, M. M. (2016). Nutrition du brûlé grave. In D. Quilliot, R. Thibault, P. Bachmann, E. Guex, G. Zéanandin, ... P. Coti-Bertrand, Traité de nutrition clinique (pp. 1143-1162). Les Editions de la SFENP.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., Damas, P., DELANAYE, P., & Cavalier, E. (2016). Bone markers during acute burn care: Relevance to clinical practice? Burns: Journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries. doi:10.1016/j.burns.2016.07.020

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., Michel, L., Bawin, M., CAVALIER, E., Reginster, J.-Y., DAMAS, P., & Bruyère, O. (2016). Incidence of bone fractures after critical illness. Intensive Care Medicine Experimental, 4 (Suppl 1), 1131.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., SOUBERBIELLE, J.-C., DELANAYE, P., Damas, P., & Cavalier, E. (2016). Fibroblast growth factor 23 in acute burn patients: Novel insights from an intact-form assay. Burns: Journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries. doi:10.1016/j.burns.2016.01.024

ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (08 December 2015). Brûlures domestiques enfants et adultes : les gestes qui sauvent [Paper presentation]. 3e Journée Plaies et Cicatrisation, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., DAMAS, P., LEDOUX, D., LUKAS, P., CARLISI, I., LE GOFF, C., GADISSEUR, R., & CAVALIER, E. (August 2015). Vitamin D status after a high dose of cholecalciferol in healthy and burn subjects. Burns: Journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries, 41 (5), 1028-1034. doi:10.1016/j.burns.2014.11.011

ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (June 2015). Besoins lipidiques du patient brûlé [Paper presentation]. 35e congrès de la SFETB, Metz, France.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (2015). Comprehensive approach of vitamin D deficiency in burn adults: a cloudy path towards sunshine [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., FOIDART-DESSALLE, M., LEDOUX, D., REMY, C., CROISIER, J.-L., DAMAS, P., & CAVALIER, E. (March 2015). Effects of cholecalciferol supplementation and optimized calcium intakes on vitamin D status, muscle strength and bone health: A one-year pilot randomized controlled trial in adults with severe burns. Burns: Journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries, 41 (2), 317-325. doi:10.1016/j.burns.2014.07.005

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., & LAYIOS, N. (March 2015). Serum markers of sepsis in burn patients: it takes more to convince! Critical Care Medicine, 43 (3), 100-1. doi:10.1097/CCM.0000000000000815

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., & CAVALIER, E. (11 November 2014). Vitamin D status in critically ill patients: back to basics! [letter to the editor]. Critical Care, 18 (6), 611. doi:10.1186/s13054-014-0611-0

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., DAMAS, P., JANSSENS, M., KALIN, S., LEDOUX, D., LE GOFF, C., GADISSEUR, R., DELANAYE, P., & CAVALIER, E. (November 2014). Critical care and vitamin D status assessment: What about immunoassays and calculated free 25OH-D? Clinica Chimica Acta, 437, 43-47. doi:10.1016/j.cca.2014.07.007

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., DAMAS, P., RENWART, L., AMAND, T., ERPICUM, M., MORIMONT, P., DUBOIS, B., & MASSION, P. (November 2014). Use of a pediatric oxygenator integrated in a veno-venous hemofiltration circuit to remove CO2 : a case report in a severe burn patient with refractory hypercapnia. Burns: Journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries, 40 (7), 57-60. doi:10.1016/j.burns.2014.02.022

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., & TRIPPAERTS, M. (May 2014). Controverses : cooling or not cooling ? [Paper presentation]. 5e édition des Conférences Liégeoises de Médecine Extra-Hospitalière, Liège, Belgium.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., BARGUES, L., LE BEVER, H., VEST, P., CAVALIER, E., LEDOUX, D., PIERARD, G., & DAMAS, P. (April 2014). Effect of gamma-hydroxybutyrate on keratinocytes proliferation: a preliminary prospective controlled study in severe burn patients. International Journal of Critical Illness and Injury Science, 4 (2), 108-113. doi:10.4103/2229-5151.134150

PAQUET, P., JENNES, S., ROUSSEAU, A.-F., LIBON, F., DELVENNE, P., & PIERARD, G. (2014). Effect of N-acetylcysteine combined with infliximab on toxic epidermal necrolysis. A proof-of-concept study. Burns: Journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries. doi:10.1016/j.burns.2014.01.027

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., DAMAS, P., LEDOUX, D., CARLISI, I., LUKAS, P., GADISSEUR, R., & CAVALIER, E. (2014). Vitamin D status during acute phase of burn injury : is 25(OH)D measurement an accurate marker ? Nutrients, 6, 2770.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., DAMAS, P., LEDOUX, D., & CAVALIER, E. (2014). Effect of cholecalciferol recommended daily allowances on vitamin D status and fibroblast growth factor-23: an observational study in acute burn patients. Burns: Journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries, 40 (5), 865-70. doi:10.1016/j.burns.2013.11.015

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., FOIDART-DESSALLE, M., REMY, C., LEDOUX, D., DAMAS, P., & CAVALIER, E. (2014). Effect of optimized cholecalciferol and calcium intakes on bone mineral density: a randomized controlled trial in adult burns during sequelae stage. Nutrients, 6, 2771.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., MASSION, P., LAUNGANI, A., NIZET, J.-L., DAMAS, P., & LEDOUX, D. (2014). Towards targeted early burn care: lessons from a European survey. Journal of Burn Care and Research, 35, 234-239. doi:10.1097/BCR.0000000000000027

ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (05 December 2013). Brûlure et infection [Paper presentation]. Certificat universitaire en Infectiologie et Microbiologie Clinique.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., LEDOUX, D., DAMAS, P., & CAVALIER, E. (November 2013). Hypovitaminose D du patient brûlé : une équation à plusieurs inconnues. Revue Médicale de Liège, 68 (11), 574-578.

DEPAYE, N., ROUSSEAU, A.-F., LAPORT, V., & DAMAS, P. (30 September 2013). Nursing adherence on ventilator care bundle in a burn unit [Paper presentation]. 15th European Burn Association Congress, Vienna, Austria.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., LEDOUX, D., DAMAS, P., & CAVALIER, E. (June 2013). Are we doing enough for burn related hypovitaminosis D ? [Poster presentation]. Vitamin D 16th Workshop, San Francisco, United States - California.

Hermanns-Lê, T., DELVENNE, P., PIERARD, G., ROUSSEAU, A.-F., & PIERARD, C. (2013). Risquer sa peau pour quelques "joints". Revue Médicale de Liège, 68 (5-6), 311-314.

PIERARD, G., Hermanns-Lê, T., PAQUET, P., ROUSSEAU, A.-F., DELVENNE, P., & PIERARD, C. (2013). Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis and Graft-versus-Host Reaction: Revisiting a Puzzling Similarity. ISRN Dermatology. doi:10.1155/2013/651590

REMY, C., JACQUEMIN, D., MASSAGE, P., DAMAS, P., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (2013). La prise en charge précoce du patient brûlé en kinésithérapie. Réanimation, 22 (5), 543-551. doi:10.1007/s13546-013-0709-4

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., LEDOUX, D., DAMAS, P., & CAVALIER, E. (2013). Hypovitaminosis D and osteoporosis in burn patients: are the current practices enough ? Osteoporosis International, 24 (Suppl 1), 377.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., LOSSER, M.-R., ICHAI, C., & BERGER, M. M. (2013). ESPEN endorsed recommendations: nutritional therapy in major burns. Clinical Nutrition, 32, 497-502. doi:10.1016/j.clnu.2013.02.012

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., LEDOUX, D., MASSION, P., & DAMAS, P. (September 2012). Acute burn care : state of the art in Europe [Poster presentation]. ISBI 2012, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., LEDOUX, D., SABOURDIN, N., RICHARD, P., DAMAS, P., & CONSTANT, I. (August 2012). Clinical sedation and bispectral index in burn children receiving gamma-hydroxybutyrate. Paediatric Anaesthesia, 22 (8), 799-804. doi:10.1111/j.1460-9592.2011.03756.x

REMY, C., KELLENS, I., JACQUEMIN, D., CRIELAARD, J.-M., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (June 2012). Insuffisance respiratoire après électrisation par haute tension : évaluation quantitative [Poster presentation]. 32ème Congrès de la SFETB, Nantes, France.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., LEDOUX, D., MASSION, P., & DAMAS, P. (June 2012). Prise en charge des brûlés en phase aigue : enquête européenne. Brûlures. Revue Française de Brûlologie, XIII (2), 60.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., & LECOQ, J.-P. (May 2012). Stratégie transfusionnelle et épargne sanguine chez les patients brûlés [Paper presentation]. Réunion du Service de Chirurgie Plastique, Belgium.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., LEDOUX, D., RICHARD, P., DAMAS, P., & CONSTANT, I. (June 2011). Evaluation quantitative de la réanimation volémique chez l'enfant brûlé : étude rétrospective [Paper presentation]. 31ème Congrès National de la SFETB, Montpellier, France.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., LEDOUX, D., RICHARD, P., DAMAS, P., & CONSTANT, I. (2011). Quantitative evaluation of fluid resuscitation in burn children : a retrospective study. Burns: Journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries, 37 (suppl 1), 12.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., SABOURDIN, N., RICHARD, P., LEDOUX, D., DAMAS, P., & CONSTANT, I. (2011). Clinical sedation and bispectral index in burn children receiving gamma-hydroxybutyrate. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. Supplement, 28 (Suppl 48), 150.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (November 2010). Prise en charge du patient brûlé en centre aigu [Paper presentation]. Réunions de Soins Intensifs, Liège, Belgium.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., SABOURDIN, N., RICHARD, G., GRANADOS, M., MARSOL, P., & CONSTANT, I. (September 2010). Sédation par gamma-hydroxybutyrate et effets sur l'indice bispectral chez l'enfant [Paper presentation]. 52ème Congrès National de la SFAR, Paris, France.

SABOURDIN, N., RICHARD, P., ROUSSEAU, A.-F., MARSOL, P., GRANADOS, M., & CONSTANT, I. (June 2010). Réponse autonome cardiaque chez l'enfant brûlé : un indice pronostic de la sévérité de l'atteinte [Paper presentation]. 30ème Congrès National de la SFETB, Lyon, France.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (March 2009). L'anesthésiste et l'enfant brûlé [Paper presentation]. Réunions d'Anesthésiologie, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Rousseau, A.-F., Hartstein, G., & Brichant, J.-F. (2009). Réanimation cardiopulmonaire chez la femme enceinte. Praticien en Anesthésie Réanimation, 13 (3), 195-199. doi:10.1016/j.pratan.2009.05.005

HANS, G., ROUSSEAU, A.-F., Defechereux, T., KABA, A., & JORIS, J. (2007). Effect of Intravenous Lidocaine on the Depth of Propofol Anesthesia Measured by the Bispectral Index. Anesthesiology, 107, 1472.

HANS, G., ROUSSEAU, A.-F., KABA, A., Defechereux, T., Lamy, M., & JORIS, J. (2006). Intravenous lidocaine reduces propofol requirements during propofol-remifentanil anaesthesia for thyroid surgery: A-581. European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 23, 151.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., HANS, G., KABA, A., DEFECHEREUX, T., LAMY, M., & JORIS, J. (2006). L'infusion intraveineuse de lidocaine réduit les besoins en propofol lors d'une AIVOC associant remifentanil et propofol. Annales Françaises d'Anesthésie et de Réanimation, 25, 170.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., LECOQ, J.-P., CARLIER, A., DELEUZE, J.-P., DUBUISSON, A., LAMY, M., & FRANSSEN, C. (2006). Opioids sparing effect of gabapentin in neurologic thoracic outlet syndrom surgery. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. Supplement, 23 (suppl 37), 223.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., LEPAGE, P., & TOMAT, A.-M. (March 2004). Utilisation du MEOPA en pédiatrie [Poster presentation]. 32ème Congrès de la Société Belge de Pédiatrie.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., CANIVET, J.-L., & CAMPOLINI, C. (2004). L'image du mois. Un courant d'air. Revue Médicale de Liège, 59 (10), 550-551.

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., & MIEVIS, E. (2003). L'image du mois. Sous le pont myocardique coule la coronaire. Revue Médicale de Liège, 58 (10), 601-604.