Publications and communications of Nicolas Jacquet

Jacquet, N. (2024). The erosion of social protection principles: qualitative research on the role of social work in the lives of citizens in precarious situations [Doctoral thesis, NIcolas JACQUET]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Jacquet, N., Generet, C., Vandekinderen, C., Zamora Vargas, D., Vrancken, D., & Roets, G. (2024). The Un/Deserving Child: Neo-philanthropic Philosophies and Practices in Combating Child Poverty.

Linchet, S., Nisen, L., Guillaume, J.-F., & Jacquet, N. (2024). Ce que disent les 10 - 15 ans de Belgique francophone à propos des congés scolaires.

Jacquet, N. (2022). The Un/Deserving Child: philanthropic philosophies and practices in Combating child poverty [Paper presentation]. TISSA Conference.

Jacquet, N. (2021). Morcellement des politiques publiques et santé mentale de l’enfant dans les 30 premiers mois. Bruxelles, Belgium: ONE ACADEMY.

Jacquet, N. (2021). Stereotypes, conditions, and binaries: analysing processes of social disqualification towards children and parents living in precarity. British Journal of Social Work.

Jacquet, N. (2020). Intra-national similarities and differences in social work and their significance for developing European dimensions of research and education. In W. Lorenz, European social work after 1989 : east-west exchanges between universal principles and cultural sensitiuity. Springer.

Jacquet, N., Van Haute, D., De Corte, J., Nisen, L., & Roets, G. (2020). Dealing with the wicked issue of child poverty: Inter-organizational networks as forums for collective debate and reflection. Social Policy and Administration, 15. doi:10.1111/spol.12586

Jacquet, N. (21 August 2019). The emergence of neo-philanthropy in relation to the metamorphosis of the social question [Paper presentation]. The International Social Work and Society Academy (TISSA), Munster 2019, Munster, Germany.

Jacquet, N. (July 2019). Gestion des compétences : entre autonomie et activation. Observatoire (L'), 99.

Jacquet, N. (28 November 2018). « Lutter de manière efficace et effective contre la pauvreté des familles » Forum d'échange de bonnes pratiques, SPP IS 181128 [Paper presentation]. Forum d'échange de bonnes pratiques, SPP IS POD MI, Bruxelles.

Jacquet, N. (2018). Evolution des politiques publiques d'emplo, focus sur les jeunes pauvres.

Jacquet, N. (August 2018). Integrated Networks to combat Child poverty. Bruxelles santé, 91.

Jacquet, N. (2018). Lutte contre la pauvreté et la pauvreté infantile [Paper presentation]. Séminaire CRIS.

Jacquet, N. (2018). Final Report INCh BRAIN.

Jacquet, N. (2017). Socio-historique de la protection sociale en Belgique.

Jacquet, N. (2017). Theorising constructions of employability and processes of social disqualification towards children and parents in poverty situations, An exploration of the work of Robert Castel and Serge Paugam. In Book of abstracts 15th Annual TiSSA Conference 2017 - Olsztyn (Poland) Social Work as a Space for Dialogue, Cooperation and Diversity.

Jacquet, N. (August 2017). Theorizing construction of Employability and process of Social disqualification towards children and parents in poverty situation. An exploration of the work of Robert Castel and Serge Paugam [Poster presentation]. TISSA Conference OLSTYN, Olstyn, Poland.

Jacquet, N. (10 March 2016). Conférence, Déclaration des Bourgmestres de lutte contre la pauvreté infantile » Les villes et communes se mobilisent [Paper presentation]. Conférence Déclaration des Bourgmestres de lutte contre la pauvreté infantile » Les villes et communes se mobilisent, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Jacquet, N. (2014). Inégalités des chances scolaires.

Jacquet, N. (2014). Analyse de l'identité professionnelle des agents d'insertion du CPAS de Liège [Paper presentation]. Séminaire organisé dans le cadre du baccalauréat assistant social à la Haute Ecole Libre Mosan (Helmo), Liège, Belgium.

Jacquet, N. (2014). Analyse de l'identité professionnelle des agents d'insertion du CPAS de Liège [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.