V.-A. Belleflamme. "The Australian Apology in Fiction: Gail Jones's Sorry." Unpublished master thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège, 2013. Jury: Jury: M. Delrez (Promotor). . |
"Australia-South Asia: Contestations and Remonstrances."Edited by M. Herbillon, M. Mirza, and V.-A. Belleflamme. JEASA: Journal of the European Association for Studies of Australia, 8, no. 2 (2017). |
V.-A. Belleflamme. "Looking at Gail Jones's "The Man in the Moon" in Aestheticized Darkness." Journal of Australian Studies (2021). doi:10.1080/14443058.2021.1875023 |
V.-A. Belleflamme. "Saying the unsayable: Imagining reconciliation in Gail Jones's Sorry." English Text Construction, 8, no. 2 (December 2015): 159-176. doi:10.1075/etc.8.2.01bel |
V.-A. Belleflamme. "“Shakespeare was wrong”: counter-discursive intertextuality in Gail Jones’s Sorry." Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 51, no. 6 (19 November 2015): 661–671. doi:10.1080/17449855.2015.1105854 |
V.-A. Belleflamme. ""Moving on metaphorical silk roads of intellectual trade": Chinese Aesthetics in <i>Five Bells</i>." In Inner and Outer Worlds: Gail Jones' Fictionedited by A. Uhlmann, 91-102. Sydney, Australia: Sydney University Press, 2022. |
G. Mascoli and V.-A. Belleflamme. "Sur les traces d'Hena Maes-Jelinek. Les études postcoloniales : inauguration d'une tradition liégeoise." In Une Fabrique des Sciences humaines. L'Université de Liège dans la mêlée (1817-2017)edited by V. Genin, 265-283. Bruxelles, Belgium: Archives générales du Royaume, 2019. |
V.-A. Belleflamme. "Gail Jones." In The Literary Encyclopedia. The Literary Dictionary Company Limited, 2022. |
V.-A. Belleflamme. "Salhia Ben-Messahel and Vanessa Castejon, eds. Colonial Extensions, Postcolonial Decentrings: Cultures and Discourses on the Edge. Brussels: Peter Lang, 2018. Pp. 236. ISBN: 9782807600539." Recherche Littéraire/Literary ResearchFall (2019): 384. doi:10.3726/b16079 |
V.-A. Belleflamme. "A Guide to Berlin by Gail Jones." EACLALS Newsletter (2016): 14. |
V.-A. Belleflamme. "The Gail Jones Bibliography." CEREP, 2022. Dataset: http://www.cerep.ulg.ac.be/jones/ |
V.-A. Belleflamme. "Unfolding Time with Gail Jones: an Interview." Postgraduate Contemporary Women's Writing Network (2016). |
V.-A. Belleflamme. "Gail Jones, Pardon." Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège (2015). |
V.-A. Belleflamme. "Gail Jones, Cinq Carillons." Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège (2015). |
V.-A. Belleflamme. "Eyrie by Tim Winton." Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège (2015). |
V.-A. Belleflamme. "The Australian Apology in Fiction: Gail Jones's Sorry." Le Journal de BabeLg (2014). |
V.-A. Belleflamme and G. Mascoli. "Sur les traces de Madame Maes Maes-Jelinek. Les études postcoloniales : inauguration d’une tradition liégeoise." Paper presented at Deux siècles au service des Sciences Humaines, Liège, Belgium, 11 February 2017. |
V.-A. Belleflamme. "A Shimmer from the Heart: On the Ethics and Aesthetics of Writing about Grief in Gail Jones’ Work." Paper presented at 2023 EASA Conference, 06 September 2023. |
G. Jones. "Wing-flutter, air-sweep and human breath: the ethics of voice and encounter in Australian Studies.". . Paper presented at 2023 EASA Conference, 06 September 2023. |
V.-A. Belleflamme. "On Speculation and Inspection: Gail Jones and the Writing of the Asterisk." Paper presented at EASA International Conference "Australia as a Risk Society: Hope and Fears of the Past, the Present and the Future", Naples, Italy, 29 March 2021. |
V.-A. Belleflamme. ""Peering into the Darkness": The Leper Colony in The Death of Noah Glass by Gail Jones." Paper presented at EASA International Conference "Alter/Native Spaces", Toulon, France, 19 September 2019. |
V.-A. Belleflamme. "From Astrophysical Metaphors to Metaphysical Alternatives: Moon Dwellers, Space Walkers and Windsurfers in Gail Jones’s Dreams of Speaking." Paper presented at InASA Biennial Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 05 December 2018. |
V.-A. Belleflamme. "Unscaling Australia through the Fold." Paper presented at Menzies Centre Seminar: Scaling Australia, London, United Kingdom, 16 May 2018. |
V.-A. Belleflamme. "Le Blanc dans le Texte : Interstices Textuels et Indirections Formelles dans l’Œuvre de Gail Jones." Paper presented at Journée d'Etude Digressions, Liège, Belgium, 04 May 2018. |
V.-A. Belleflamme. "“The planet is always half night” in Gail Jones’s “Desolation” and A Guide to Berlin." Paper presented at EASA Biennial Conference “Nationalism Old and New: Europe, Australia and Their Others”, Barcelona, Spain, 18 January 2018. |
V.-A. Belleflamme. "Angels and Constellations in Australian Fiction: Profane Illumination and Topological Temporality in Gail Jones's A Guide to Berlin." Paper presented at Seminar in German Studies, Melbourne, Australia, 22 September 2017. |
V.-A. Belleflamme. "“Moving on metaphorical silk roads of intellectual trade”: Chinese encounters in Gail Jones’s writing." Paper presented at ASAL 2017 Conference "Looking In, Looking Out: China and Australia", Melbourne, Australia, 14 July 2017. |
V.-A. Belleflamme. "All Saved from Drowning? Afghan Refugees in Australia and Words Written in “The Ocean”: A Short Story by Gail Jones." Paper presented at EASA Conference "Australia - South Asia: Contestations and Remonstrances", Liège, Belgium, 27 January 2017. |
V.-A. Belleflamme. "To Speak, or Not to Speak: That Is the Question. Contrapuntal Shakespearean Intertextuality in Gail Jones's Sorry." Paper presented at 4th Conference of the Postgraduate Forum "Postcolonial Nations" - "Expressing the Postcolonial: Approaches to Verbalize the Unspeakable", Munich, Germany, 10 October 2016. |
V.-A. Belleflamme. "Strolling around Sydney and Berlin: The materiality of space and the immateriality of time in Gail Jones’s Five Bells and A Guide to Berlin." Paper presented at 27th Annual GAPS Conference "The Postcolonial and the Material", Augsburg, Germany, 05 May 2016. |
V.-A. Belleflamme. "“Everything was losing definition and outline”: Re-membering Trauma Fiction in Gail Jones’s Sorry." Paper presented at ACLA Annual Meeting, Cambridge, United States, 18 March 2016. |
V.-A. Belleflamme. "“From another angle”: the Australian Reconciliation in Gail Jones’s Sorry and Five Bells." Paper presented at 47th Annual NeMLA Convention, Hartford, United States, 17 March 2016. |
V.-A. Belleflamme. "Chronos and Topos: The Inheritance of the Here-Now in Gail Jones’s Five Bells." Paper presented at EASA Biennial Conference "Australia as Topos: The Transformation of Australian Studies", Veszprém, Hungary, 01 October 2015. |
V.-A. Belleflamme. "« Folded time » : le temps en héritage dans l’œuvre de Gail Jones." Paper presented at Journées doctorales transfrontalières "Temporalités: continuités, transitions, ruptures", Liège, Belgium, 04 July 2015. |
V.-A. Belleflamme. "« Les conditions sociales de la circulation internationale des idées » : l’apport de Bourdieu à la connaissance de la littérature australienne." Paper presented at Séminaire doctoral « Méthodologie de la recherche en littérature », Villeneuve d’Ascq, France, 13 February 2015. |
V.-A. Belleflamme. "The Australian Apology in Fiction: Gail Jones’s Sorry." Paper presented at BAAHE Annual Conference "Digital Trends in (Applied) Linguistics, Literature and Translation Studies", Antwerp, Belgium, 28 November 2014. |
V.-A. Belleflamme. "Imagining Otherwise: Temporality and the Craft of Fiction in Gail Jones's Novels." Poster session presented at Journée des doctorants de l’ED 3bis « Langues, lettres et traductologie » du 18 mai 2016, Bruxelles, Belgium, 18 May 2016. |
V.-A. Belleflamme. "The Australian Apology in Fiction: Gail Jones’s Sorry." Paper presented at La journée retrouvailles, Liège, Belgium, 2013. |