Publications and communications of Céline Esser

Esser, C., Loosveldt, L., & Vedel, B. (2024). Regularity of Weighted Tensorized Fractional Brownian Fields and associated function spaces. ORBi-University of Liège.

Esser, C., & Loosveldt, L. (May 2024). On the pointwise regularity of the Multifractional Brownian Motion and some extensions. Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 110, 55-73. doi:10.1090/tpms/1206

Esser, C., Launay, C., Loosveldt, L., & Vedel, B. (2024). Weighted tensorized fractional Brownian textures. ORBi-University of Liège.

Esser, C., Jaffard, S., & Vedel, B. (2024). Regularity properties of random wavelet series. Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 110, 31-53. doi:10.1090/tpms/1205

Esser, C., & Loosveldt, L. (2022). Slow, ordinary and rapid points for Gaussian Wavelets Series and application to Fractional Brownian Motions. ALEA: Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 19, 1471–1495.

Esser, C., & Vedel, B. (2022). Lacunary Wavelet Series on Cantor Sets. ORBi-University of Liège.

Ernst, R., Esser, C., & Menet, Q. (2021). U-Frequent hypercyclicity notions and related weighted densities. Israel Journal of Mathematics, 241, 817-848. doi:10.1007/s11856-021-2115-3

Esser, C., & Schindl, G. (2020). On the construction of large Algebra not contained in the image of the Borel map. Results in Mathematics, 75 (1). doi:10.1007/s00025-019-1146-0

Esser, C. (26 April 2019). L’image de l’application de Borel dans les classes quasianalytiques [Paper presentation]. Séminaire d'Analyse Fonctionnelle de Lille.

Ayache, A., Esser, C., & Kleyntssens, T. (2019). Different possible behaviors of wavelet leaders of the Brownian motion. Statistics and Probability Letters, 150, 54-60. doi:10.1016/j.spl.2019.02.003

Esser, C. (24 October 2018). Weighted U-frequent hypercyclicity [Paper presentation]. Workshop ANR Front.

Esser, C. (07 April 2018). Quelques questions autour des séries de Fourier [Paper presentation]. Mathématiques en Mouvement 2018.

Esser, C. (06 March 2018). Results of genericity concerning ultradifferentiable classes [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de Valladolid.

Ayache, A., Esser, C., & Hamonier, J. (2018). A new multifractional process with random exponent. Risk and Decision Analysis, 7, 5–29. doi:10.3233/RDA-180135

Ayache, A., Esser, C., & Qidi, P. (2018). Almost sure approximations in Hölder norms of a general stochastic process defined by a Young integral. ALEA: Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics. doi:10.30757/ALEA.v15-29

Charlier, E., Ernst, M., Esser, C., Haine, Y., Lacroix, A., Leroy, J., Raskin, J., & Swan, Y. (Eds.). (2018). MATh.en.JEANS.

Esser, C., & Jaffard, S. (2018). Divergence of wavelet series: A multifractal analysis. Advances in Mathematics, 328, 928-958. doi:10.1016/j.aim.2018.02.010

Esser, C., & Schindl, G. (2018). How far is the Borel map from being surjective in quasianalytic ultradifferentiable classes? Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. doi:10.1016/j.jmaa.2018.06.037

Kleyntssens, T., Esser, C., & Nicolay, S. (2018). An algorithm for computing non-concave multifractal spectra using the Sν spaces. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 56, 526-543. doi:10.1016/j.cnsns.2017.08.029

Esser, C., Kleyntssens, T., & Nicolay, S. (September 2017). A multifractal formalism for non-concave and non-increasing spectra: the leaders profile method. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 43 (2), 269-291. doi:10.1016/j.acha.2015.12.006

Ayache, A., & Esser, C. (2017). A useful result related with zeros of continuous compactly supported mother wavelets. International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, 15 (5), 1750044. doi:10.1142/S0219691317500448

Esser, C., & Jaffard, S. (2017). Lineability in multifractal analysis. ORBi-University of Liège.

Esser, C. (October 2016). Wavelet series representations for pathwise Young integrals [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Complex Analysis and Operators Theory, Valencia, Spain.

Esser, C. (22 September 2016). Propriétés multifractales de la divergence de séries d’ondelettes [Paper presentation]. GDR Analyse multifractale.

Esser, C. (07 June 2016). Multifractal analysis of the divergence of wavelet series [Paper presentation]. Second joint Conference of the Belgian, Royal Spanish and Luxembourg Mathematical Societies, Logroño, Spain.

Esser, C. (24 May 2016). Représentation d'intégrales stochastiques via la base de Haar [Paper presentation]. Journées de Probabilités 2016, Le Mans, France.

Esser, C. (13 May 2016). Analyse multifractale de la vitesse de divergence de séries d'ondelettes [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de Vannes du LMBA.

Bastin, F., Esser, C., & Jaffard, S. (2016). Large deviation spectra based on wavelet leaders. Revista Matemática Iberoamericana, 32 (3), 859-890. doi:10.4171/rmi/901

Esser, C. (02 December 2015). Estimation de spectres de singularités par des méthodes de grandes déviations basées sur les ondelettes [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de Probabilités et Statistique de Lille.

Esser, C. (26 November 2015). Estimation de spectres de singularités par des techniques de grandes déviations basées sur les ondelettes [Paper presentation]. 15ème Forum des Jeunes Mathématicien-ne-s.

Esser, C. (06 November 2015). Analyse multifractale de la divergence de séries d'ondelettes [Paper presentation]. Séminaire d'analyse fonctionnelle de Lille.

Esser, C. (2015). A propos des fonctions continues qui ne sont dérivables en aucun point. In Notes de la huitième Brussels Summer School of Mathematics.

Esser, C. (16 June 2015). Denjoy-Carleman classes and lineability [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Functional Analysis Valencia 2015 on the occasion of the 60th birthday of José Bonet, Valencia, Spain.

Esser, C. (2015). Utilisation d'un microscope mathématique pour étudier des phénomènes irréguliers [Paper presentation]. Finale Nationale du concours "Ma thèse en 180 secondes".

Esser, C. (27 May 2015). Dense-lineability in classes of ultradifferentiable functions [Paper presentation]. Genericity & small sets in analysis, Esneux, Belgium.

Esser, C. (24 February 2015). A propos des fonctions continues nulle part dérivables [Paper presentation]. Ecole doctorale thématique.

Bastin, F., Conejero, J. A., Esser, C., & Seoane Sepúlveda, J. B. (2015). Algebrability and nowhere Gevrey differentiability. Israel Journal of Mathematics, 205, 127–143. doi:10.1007/s11856-014-1104-1

Bastin, F., Esser, C., & Simons, L. (2015). Topology on new sequence spaces defined with wavelet leaders. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 431 (1), 317-341. doi:10.1016/j.jmaa.2015.04.074

Esser, C. (2015). Lacunary wavelet series on Cantor sets. ORBi-University of Liège.

Esser, C. (2014). Regularity of functions: Genericity and multifractal analysis [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Esser, C. (26 September 2014). Genericity and classes of ultradifferentiable functions [Paper presentation]. SALT - Séminaire d'analyse Liège Trèves.

Esser, C. (26 September 2014). Detection of non-concave and non-increasing spectra: Snu spaces revisited with wavelet leaders [Paper presentation]. SALT - Séminaire d'analyse Liège Trèves.

Esser, C., Kleyntssens, T., Bastin, F., & Nicolay, S. (22 May 2014). Detection of non concave and non increasing multifractal spectra using wavelet leaders (Part I) [Paper presentation]. FNRS Contact Group “Wavelets and Applications”.

Kleyntssens, T., Esser, C., & Nicolay, S. (22 May 2014). Detection of non concave and non increasing multifractal spectra using wavelet leaders (Part II) [Paper presentation]. FNRS Contact Group “Wavelets and Applications”.

Esser, C., Kleyntssens, T., Nicolay, S., & Bastin, F. (25 March 2014). A new multifractal formalism based on wavelet leaders : detection of non concave and non increasing spectra (Part I) [Paper presentation]. Fractal Geometry and Stochastics V, Tabarz, Germany.

Kleyntssens, T., Esser, C., & Nicolay, S. (25 March 2014). A new multifractal formalism based on wavelet leaders: detection of non concave and non increasing spectra (Part II) [Paper presentation]. Fractal Geometry and Stochastics V.

Esser, C. (27 February 2014). Revisiting Snu spaces with wavelet leaders to detect non concave and non increasing spectra [Poster presentation]. Multifractal Analysis: From Theory to Applications and Back, Banff, Canada.

Esser, C. (2014). Generic results in classes of ultradifferentiable functions. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 413 (1), 378–391. doi:10.1016/j.jmaa.2013.11.067

Esser, C. (17 September 2013). Algebrability of nowhere Gevrey differentiable functions [Paper presentation]. 2º Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores RSME 2013.

Esser, C. (09 September 2013). Generic results in Denjoy-Carleman classes [Poster presentation]. Fourth PhD-Day.

Esser, C. (30 May 2013). Prevalence of nowhere analytic functions [Paper presentation]. Mini-cours Analyse Fonctionnelle et Harmonique et Théorie des opérateurs, Lens, France.

Esser, C. (07 February 2013). Applications of the concept of Prevalence: Nowhere analytic functions and Multifractal analysis [Paper presentation]. Colloquium del Departamento de Análisis Matemático de la Facultad de CC. Matemáticas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.

Esser, C. (05 February 2013). Applications of the concept of prevalence: Nowhere analytic functions and multifractal analysis [Paper presentation]. Seminario del Instituto Universitario de Mathemática Pura y Aplicada, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain.

Bastin, F., Nicolay, S., & Esser, C. (08 May 2012). About Generic Properties of "Nowhere Analyticity" [Paper presentation]. Functional Analysis: Applications to Complex Analysis and Partial Differential Equations, Poznan (Bedlewo), Poland.

Bastin, F., Esser, C., & Nicolay, S. (2012). Prevalence of ''nowhere analyticity''. Studia Mathematica, 210 (3). doi:10.4064/sm210-3-4

Esser, C. (2011). Les espaces de suites Snu: Propriétés topologiques, localement convexes et de prévalence [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.