Publications and communications of Elise Vandomme

Vandomme, E., Baratto, M., & Crama, Y. (02 July 2024). Locally Stable Roommate Problem [Paper presentation]. 33rd European Conference Of Operational Research (EURO), Copenhagen, Denmark.

Vandomme, E.* , & Masáková, Z.*. (2021). Redundance in the Signed m-Bonacci Numeration System. Journal of Integer Sequences, 24 (7).
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Charlier, E., Puzynina, S., & Vandomme, E. (2020). Recurrence along directions in multidimensional words. Discrete Mathematics, 343, 23. doi:10.1016/j.disc.2020.112006

Medková, K., Pelantová, E., & Vandomme, E. (2020). On non-repetitive complexity of Arnoux–Rauzy words. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 285, 423-433. doi:10.1016/j.dam.2020.06.016

Vandomme, E. (February 2019). New notions of recurrence in a multidimensional setting [Paper presentation]. Seminar at IRIF (Institut de Recherche en Informatique Fondamentale), Paris, France.

Charlier, E., Puzynina, S., & Vandomme, E. (2019). Recurrence in multidimensional words. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11417, 397-408. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-13435-8_29

Vandomme, E. (November 2018). New notions of recurrence in a multidimensional setting [Paper presentation]. Combinatorial and algebraic structures seminar, Prague, Czechia.

Vandomme, E. (October 2018). Two algorithms to compute the maximal number of leaves in induced subtrees [Paper presentation]. Algorithms seminar of the CGLab, Ottawa, Canada.

Vandomme, E. (October 2018). Recurrence dans les mots 2D [Paper presentation]. Seminar of combinatorics and mathematical computer science, Montréal, Canada.

Vandomme, E. (2018). Été+kayak+laval=LoL. Qu'ont en commun les termes de cette équation? [Paper presentation]. Emission scientifique "L'oeuf ou la poule", Montréal, Canada.

Vandomme, E. (June 2018). Fully leafed induced subtrees [Paper presentation]. Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization, Paris, France.

Vandomme, E. (June 2018). Critical exponents of balanced words [Paper presentation]. Enumerative and algebraic combinatorics seminar, Bordeaux, France.

Vandomme, E. (June 2018). Caterpillar graphs and their link with prefix normal words [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de Mathématiques Discrètes de l'Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium.

Vandomme, E. (May 2018). Maximal number of leaves in induced subtrees [Paper presentation]. Optimization Days, Montreal, Canada.

Vandomme, E. (May 2018). Critical exponents of inifinite balanced words [Paper presentation]. Mathematics seminar of Hofstra University, Hempstead, United States.

Vandomme, E. (2018). Le Jeu de la Vie [Paper presentation]. Emission scientifique "L'oeuf ou la poule", Montréal, Canada.

Vandomme, E. (April 2018). Fully leafed induced subtrees [Paper presentation]. Seminar of the research center GERAD, Montreal, Canada.

Vandomme, E. (2018). La BlockChain, cette technologie qui se cache derrière le BitCoin [Paper presentation]. Emission scientifique "L'oeuf ou la poule", Montréal, Canada.

Vandomme, E. (2018). Les dessous du jeu de Set [Paper presentation]. Emission scientifique "L'oeuf ou la poule", Montréal, Canada.

Blin, G., Blondin Massé, A., Gasparoux, M., Hamel, S., & Vandomme, E. (2018). Nearest constrained circular words. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, 105 (6), 1-14. doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.CPM.2018.6

Blondin Massé, A., De Carufel, J., Goupil, A., Lapointe, M., Nadeau, É., & Vandomme, E. (2018). Leaf realization problem, caterpillar graphs and prefix normal words. Theoretical Computer Science, 732, 1-13. doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2018.04.019

Blondin Massé, A., De Carufel, J., Goupil, A., Lapointe, M., Nadeau, É., & Vandomme, E. (2018). Fully leafed induced subtrees. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10979. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-94667-2_8

Rampersad, N., Shallit, J., & Vandomme, E. (2018). Critical exponents of infinite balanced words. Theoretical Computer Science, In press. doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2018.10.017

Vandomme, E. (2017). Un assitant de vérification de preuves nommé Coq [Paper presentation]. Emission scientifique "L'oeuf ou la poule", Montréal, Canada.

Vandomme, E. (2017). Vers l'infini et plus loin encore [Paper presentation]. Emission scientifique "L'oeuf ou la poule", Montréal, Canada.

Vandomme, E. (2017). La complexité des algorithmes : est-ce que P=NP ? [Paper presentation]. Emission scientifique "L'oeuf ou la poule", Montréal, Canada.

Vandomme, E. (2017). OuLiPo, quand la littérature rencontre les maths [Paper presentation]. Emission scientifique "L'oeuf ou la poule", Montréal, Canada.

Vandomme, E. (13 May 2017). How to count leaves in the trees from Tetris? [Paper presentation]. Quebec Colloquium of the Mathematical Sciences Institute (ISM) students, Trois-Rivières, Canada.

Vandomme, E. (25 April 2017). On a conjecture about regularity and l-abelian complexity [Paper presentation]. School on bridges between Automatic Sequences, Algebra and Number Theory, Montréal, Canada.

Vandomme, E. (2017). Mathématiques en Action; Interview à la radio CHOQ de l'Université du Québec à Montréal [Paper presentation]. Emission scientifique "L'oeuf ou la poule", Montréal, Canada.

Vandomme, E. (07 April 2017). Covering codes [Paper presentation]. Combinatorics on Words and Tilings Workshop, Montréal, Canada.

Vandomme, E. (March 2017). On a conjecture of the regularity of L-abelian complexity sequences [Paper presentation]. Seminar of combinatorics and mathematical computer science, Montréal, Canada.

Vandomme, E. (February 2017). Regularity and L-abelian complexity [Paper presentation]. Open Problems Seminar, Waterloo, Canada.

Vandomme, E. (23 January 2017). Sous-arbres induits pleinement feuillus : résultats de complexité [Paper presentation]. Ecole Jeunes Chercheurs en Informatiques Mathématiques (EJCIM), Lyon, France.

Vandomme, E. (19 January 2017). Sous-arbres induits pleinement feuillus [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de Mathématiques Discrètes de l'Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium.

Brlek, S., Dolce, F., Reutemauer, C., & Vandomme, E. (Eds.). (2017). Combinatorics on Words: 11th International Conference on Combinatorics on Words, WORDS 2017; Montreal; Canada; 11 September 2017 through 15 September 2017. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-66396-8

Brlek, S., Dolce, F., Reutenauer, C., & Vandomme, E. (Eds.). (2017). Proceedings of the 11th International Conference WORDS 2017, Montréal, QC, Canada, September 11-15, 2017. Springer Verlag.

Vandomme, E., & Gravier, S. (2017). Constant 2-labellings and an application to (r,a,b)-covering codes. Discussiones Mathematicae. Graph Theory, 37 (4), 891-918. doi:10.7151/dmgt.1973

Vandomme, E. (October 2016). Covering problems in graphs: identifying codes and its fractional relaxation [Paper presentation]. Seminar of combinatorics and mathematical computer science, Montreal, Canada.

Vandomme, E. (2016). Mathémagie - L'art de la divination [Paper presentation]. Exposé Maths à Modeler, Neufchâteau, Belgium.

Vandomme, E. (January 2016). Determining the best direction of a lattice to cover a large surface by Earth Observation Satellite [Paper presentation]. Workshop Maths-Industry (SEME), University of Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France.

Vandomme, E. (December 2015). Regularity from two perspectives [Paper presentation]. PhD candidates seminar of University of Liège, Liège, Belgium.

Vandomme, E. (November 2015). Series and Languages. Chap. 3 of Rational Series and Their Languages by J. Berstel and C. Reutenauer [Paper presentation]. Reading group in Discrete Mathematics, University of Liege, Liège, Belgium.

Gravier, S., Parreau, A., Rottey, S., Storme, L., & Vandomme, E. (October 2015). Identifying codes in vertex-transitive graphs and strongly regular graphs. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 22 (4), 4.6. doi:10.37236/5256

Kleyntssens, T., Nicolay, S., Vandomme, E., & Rigo, M. (23 September 2015). Use of the wavelet theory as a tool to investigate the l-abelian complexity of a sequence [Poster presentation]. Fractals and Related Fields III, Porquerolles, France.

Vandomme, E. (June 2015). Piecewise linear transformation of the unit interval and Cantor sets, Chap. 11 of Substitutions in Dynamics, Arithmetics and Combinatorics by N. Pytheas Fogg [Paper presentation]. Reading group in Discrete Mathematics, University of Liege, Liège, Belgium.

Vandomme, E. (2015). Contributions to combinatorics on words in an abelian context and covering problems in graphs [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Parreau, A., Rigo, M., Rowland, E., & Vandomme, E. (2015). A New Approach to the 2-Regularity of the ℓ-Abelian Complexity of 2-Automatic Sequences. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 22 (1), 1.27.

Vandomme, E. (December 2014). Four problems in graph theory and combinatorics on words [Paper presentation]. PhD candidates seminar of University of Liège, Liège, Belgium.

Parreau, A., Rigo, M., Rowland, E., & Vandomme, E. (September 2014). A new approach to the 2-regularity of the ℓ-abelian complexity of 2-automatic sequences (extended abstract) [Paper presentation]. Journées montoises d'informatique théorique, Nancy, France.

Gravier, S., Parreau, A., Rottey, S., Storme, L., & Vandomme, E. (July 2014). Identifying codes in vertex-transitive graphs [Paper presentation]. 9th International colloquium on graph theory and combinatorics (ICGT 2014), Grenoble, France.

Vandomme, E. (2014). Comment sauver sa maison des flammes ? [Paper presentation]. Ma thèse en 180 secondes, Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium.

Vandomme, E. (February 2014). Some properties of the Thue-Morse word [Paper presentation]. PhD candidates seminar of University of Liège, Liège, Belgium.

Rigo, M., Parreau, A., & Vandomme, E. (20 January 2014). A conjecture on the 2-abelian complexity of the Thue-Morse word [Paper presentation]. Representing Streams II, Leiden, Netherlands.

Vandomme, E., Gravier, S., & Parreau, A. (09 September 2013). Linear formulation of identifying codes in graphs [Poster presentation]. Fourth PhD-Day of the Belgian Mathematical Society, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Rigo, M., Salimov, P., & Vandomme, E. (2013). Some properties of abelian return words. Journal of Integer Sequences, 16, 13.2.5.

Rigo, M., & Vandomme, E. (14 December 2012). 2-abelian complexity of the Thue-Morse sequence [Paper presentation]. Representing Streams, Leiden, Netherlands.

Vandomme, E. (December 2012). Complexité k-abélienne du mot de Thue-Morse [Paper presentation]. Journées Maths à Modeler, Grenoble, France.

Gravier, S., & Vandomme, E. (November 2012). Constant 2-labelling of weighted cycles [Paper presentation]. Bordeaux Graph Workshop, Bordeaux, France.

Rigo, M., Salimov, P., & Vandomme, E. (11 September 2012). Some properties of abelian return words (long abstract) [Paper presentation]. Journées montoises d'informatique théorique.

Gravier, S., & Vandomme, E. (September 2012). Constant 2-labelling of a graph [Paper presentation]. Journées montoises d'informatique théorique, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Vandomme, E. (July 2012). Syntactic complexity of ultimately periodic sets of integers [Paper presentation]. Journées de l'ANR SubTile: Decidability problems for substitutive sequences, tilings and numerations, Amiens, France.

Vandomme, E., & Gravier, S. (23 May 2012). Coloring of the infinite grid [Poster presentation]. School on Combinatorics, Automata and Number Theory, CIRM Marseille, France.

Vandomme, E. (May 2012). Mathémagie [Paper presentation]. Séminaire compréhensible de l'Institut Fourier, Grenoble, France.

Lacroix, A., Rampersad, N., Rigo, M., & Vandomme, E. (2012). Syntactic complexity of ultimately periodic sets of integers and application to a decision procedure. Fundamenta Informaticae, 116, 175-187. doi:10.3233/FI-2012-677

Vandomme, E. (December 2011). Perfect coloring of the infinite grid [Paper presentation]. PhD candidates seminar of University of Liège, Liège, Belgium.

Vandomme, E. (November 2011). HD0L w-equivalence and periodicity problems in the primitive case [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de Mathématiques Discrètes de l'Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium.

Rigo, M., & Vandomme, E. (June 2011). Syntactic complexity of ultimately periodic sets of integers [Paper presentation]. Numeration 2011, Liege, Belgium.

Vandomme, E. (March 2011). Complexité syntaxique d’ensembles d’entiers ultimement périodique [Paper presentation]. École Jeunes Chercheurs en Informatique Mathématique, Amiens, France.

Rigo, M., & Vandomme, E. (2011). Syntactic complexity of ultimately periodic sets of integers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6638, 477-488. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-21254-3_38

Vandomme, E. (2010). Problème de décision pour les ensembles ultimement périodiques dans un système de numération non-standard [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.