Vandomme, E., Baratto, M., & Crama, Y. (02 July 2024). Locally Stable Roommate Problem [Paper presentation]. 33rd European Conference Of Operational Research (EURO), Copenhagen, Denmark. |
Vandomme, E.* , & Masáková, Z.*. (2021). Redundance in the Signed m-Bonacci Numeration System. Journal of Integer Sequences, 24 (7). * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Charlier, E., Puzynina, S., & Vandomme, E. (2020). Recurrence along directions in multidimensional words. Discrete Mathematics, 343, 23. doi:10.1016/j.disc.2020.112006 |
Medková, K., Pelantová, E., & Vandomme, E. (2020). On non-repetitive complexity of Arnoux–Rauzy words. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 285, 423-433. doi:10.1016/j.dam.2020.06.016 |
Vandomme, E. (February 2019). New notions of recurrence in a multidimensional setting [Paper presentation]. Seminar at IRIF (Institut de Recherche en Informatique Fondamentale), Paris, France. |
Charlier, E., Puzynina, S., & Vandomme, E. (2019). Recurrence in multidimensional words. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11417, 397-408. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-13435-8_29 |
Vandomme, E. (November 2018). New notions of recurrence in a multidimensional setting [Paper presentation]. Combinatorial and algebraic structures seminar, Prague, Czechia. |
Vandomme, E. (October 2018). Two algorithms to compute the maximal number of leaves in induced subtrees [Paper presentation]. Algorithms seminar of the CGLab, Ottawa, Canada. |
Vandomme, E. (October 2018). Recurrence dans les mots 2D [Paper presentation]. Seminar of combinatorics and mathematical computer science, Montréal, Canada. |
Vandomme, E. (2018). Été+kayak+laval=LoL. Qu'ont en commun les termes de cette équation? [Paper presentation]. Emission scientifique "L'oeuf ou la poule", Montréal, Canada. |
Vandomme, E. (June 2018). Fully leafed induced subtrees [Paper presentation]. Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization, Paris, France. |
Vandomme, E. (June 2018). Critical exponents of balanced words [Paper presentation]. Enumerative and algebraic combinatorics seminar, Bordeaux, France. |
Vandomme, E. (June 2018). Caterpillar graphs and their link with prefix normal words [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de Mathématiques Discrètes de l'Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium. |
Vandomme, E. (May 2018). Maximal number of leaves in induced subtrees [Paper presentation]. Optimization Days, Montreal, Canada. |
Vandomme, E. (May 2018). Critical exponents of inifinite balanced words [Paper presentation]. Mathematics seminar of Hofstra University, Hempstead, United States. |
Vandomme, E. (2018). Le Jeu de la Vie [Paper presentation]. Emission scientifique "L'oeuf ou la poule", Montréal, Canada. |
Vandomme, E. (April 2018). Fully leafed induced subtrees [Paper presentation]. Seminar of the research center GERAD, Montreal, Canada. |
Vandomme, E. (2018). La BlockChain, cette technologie qui se cache derrière le BitCoin [Paper presentation]. Emission scientifique "L'oeuf ou la poule", Montréal, Canada. |
Vandomme, E. (2018). Les dessous du jeu de Set [Paper presentation]. Emission scientifique "L'oeuf ou la poule", Montréal, Canada. |
Blin, G., Blondin Massé, A., Gasparoux, M., Hamel, S., & Vandomme, E. (2018). Nearest constrained circular words. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, 105 (6), 1-14. doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.CPM.2018.6 |
Blondin Massé, A., De Carufel, J., Goupil, A., Lapointe, M., Nadeau, É., & Vandomme, E. (2018). Leaf realization problem, caterpillar graphs and prefix normal words. Theoretical Computer Science, 732, 1-13. doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2018.04.019 |
Blondin Massé, A., De Carufel, J., Goupil, A., Lapointe, M., Nadeau, É., & Vandomme, E. (2018). Fully leafed induced subtrees. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10979. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-94667-2_8 |
Rampersad, N., Shallit, J., & Vandomme, E. (2018). Critical exponents of infinite balanced words. Theoretical Computer Science, In press. doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2018.10.017 |
Vandomme, E. (2017). Un assitant de vérification de preuves nommé Coq [Paper presentation]. Emission scientifique "L'oeuf ou la poule", Montréal, Canada. |
Vandomme, E. (2017). Vers l'infini et plus loin encore [Paper presentation]. Emission scientifique "L'oeuf ou la poule", Montréal, Canada. |
Vandomme, E. (2017). La complexité des algorithmes : est-ce que P=NP ? [Paper presentation]. Emission scientifique "L'oeuf ou la poule", Montréal, Canada. |
Vandomme, E. (2017). OuLiPo, quand la littérature rencontre les maths [Paper presentation]. Emission scientifique "L'oeuf ou la poule", Montréal, Canada. |
Vandomme, E. (13 May 2017). How to count leaves in the trees from Tetris? [Paper presentation]. Quebec Colloquium of the Mathematical Sciences Institute (ISM) students, Trois-Rivières, Canada. |
Vandomme, E. (25 April 2017). On a conjecture about regularity and l-abelian complexity [Paper presentation]. School on bridges between Automatic Sequences, Algebra and Number Theory, Montréal, Canada. |
Vandomme, E. (2017). Mathématiques en Action; Interview à la radio CHOQ de l'Université du Québec à Montréal [Paper presentation]. Emission scientifique "L'oeuf ou la poule", Montréal, Canada. |
Vandomme, E. (07 April 2017). Covering codes [Paper presentation]. Combinatorics on Words and Tilings Workshop, Montréal, Canada. |
Vandomme, E. (March 2017). On a conjecture of the regularity of L-abelian complexity sequences [Paper presentation]. Seminar of combinatorics and mathematical computer science, Montréal, Canada. |
Vandomme, E. (February 2017). Regularity and L-abelian complexity [Paper presentation]. Open Problems Seminar, Waterloo, Canada. |
Vandomme, E. (23 January 2017). Sous-arbres induits pleinement feuillus : résultats de complexité [Paper presentation]. Ecole Jeunes Chercheurs en Informatiques Mathématiques (EJCIM), Lyon, France. |
Vandomme, E. (19 January 2017). Sous-arbres induits pleinement feuillus [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de Mathématiques Discrètes de l'Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium. |
Brlek, S., Dolce, F., Reutemauer, C., & Vandomme, E. (Eds.). (2017). Combinatorics on Words: 11th International Conference on Combinatorics on Words, WORDS 2017; Montreal; Canada; 11 September 2017 through 15 September 2017. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-66396-8 |
Brlek, S., Dolce, F., Reutenauer, C., & Vandomme, E. (Eds.). (2017). Proceedings of the 11th International Conference WORDS 2017, Montréal, QC, Canada, September 11-15, 2017. Springer Verlag. |
Vandomme, E., & Gravier, S. (2017). Constant 2-labellings and an application to (r,a,b)-covering codes. Discussiones Mathematicae. Graph Theory, 37 (4), 891-918. doi:10.7151/dmgt.1973 |
Vandomme, E. (October 2016). Covering problems in graphs: identifying codes and its fractional relaxation [Paper presentation]. Seminar of combinatorics and mathematical computer science, Montreal, Canada. |
Vandomme, E. (2016). Mathémagie - L'art de la divination [Paper presentation]. Exposé Maths à Modeler, Neufchâteau, Belgium. |
Vandomme, E. (January 2016). Determining the best direction of a lattice to cover a large surface by Earth Observation Satellite [Paper presentation]. Workshop Maths-Industry (SEME), University of Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France. |
Vandomme, E. (December 2015). Regularity from two perspectives [Paper presentation]. PhD candidates seminar of University of Liège, Liège, Belgium. |
Vandomme, E. (November 2015). Series and Languages. Chap. 3 of Rational Series and Their Languages by J. Berstel and C. Reutenauer [Paper presentation]. Reading group in Discrete Mathematics, University of Liege, Liège, Belgium. |
Gravier, S., Parreau, A., Rottey, S., Storme, L., & Vandomme, E. (October 2015). Identifying codes in vertex-transitive graphs and strongly regular graphs. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 22 (4), 4.6. doi:10.37236/5256 |
Kleyntssens, T., Nicolay, S., Vandomme, E., & Rigo, M. (23 September 2015). Use of the wavelet theory as a tool to investigate the l-abelian complexity of a sequence [Poster presentation]. Fractals and Related Fields III, Porquerolles, France. |
Vandomme, E. (June 2015). Piecewise linear transformation of the unit interval and Cantor sets, Chap. 11 of Substitutions in Dynamics, Arithmetics and Combinatorics by N. Pytheas Fogg [Paper presentation]. Reading group in Discrete Mathematics, University of Liege, Liège, Belgium. |
Vandomme, E. (2015). Contributions to combinatorics on words in an abelian context and covering problems in graphs [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Parreau, A., Rigo, M., Rowland, E., & Vandomme, E. (2015). A New Approach to the 2-Regularity of the ℓ-Abelian Complexity of 2-Automatic Sequences. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 22 (1), 1.27. |
Vandomme, E. (December 2014). Four problems in graph theory and combinatorics on words [Paper presentation]. PhD candidates seminar of University of Liège, Liège, Belgium. |
Parreau, A., Rigo, M., Rowland, E., & Vandomme, E. (September 2014). A new approach to the 2-regularity of the ℓ-abelian complexity of 2-automatic sequences (extended abstract) [Paper presentation]. Journées montoises d'informatique théorique, Nancy, France. |
Gravier, S., Parreau, A., Rottey, S., Storme, L., & Vandomme, E. (July 2014). Identifying codes in vertex-transitive graphs [Paper presentation]. 9th International colloquium on graph theory and combinatorics (ICGT 2014), Grenoble, France. |
Vandomme, E. (2014). Comment sauver sa maison des flammes ? [Paper presentation]. Ma thèse en 180 secondes, Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium. |
Vandomme, E. (February 2014). Some properties of the Thue-Morse word [Paper presentation]. PhD candidates seminar of University of Liège, Liège, Belgium. |
Rigo, M., Parreau, A., & Vandomme, E. (20 January 2014). A conjecture on the 2-abelian complexity of the Thue-Morse word [Paper presentation]. Representing Streams II, Leiden, Netherlands. |
Vandomme, E., Gravier, S., & Parreau, A. (09 September 2013). Linear formulation of identifying codes in graphs [Poster presentation]. Fourth PhD-Day of the Belgian Mathematical Society, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Rigo, M., Salimov, P., & Vandomme, E. (2013). Some properties of abelian return words. Journal of Integer Sequences, 16, 13.2.5. |
Rigo, M., & Vandomme, E. (14 December 2012). 2-abelian complexity of the Thue-Morse sequence [Paper presentation]. Representing Streams, Leiden, Netherlands. |
Vandomme, E. (December 2012). Complexité k-abélienne du mot de Thue-Morse [Paper presentation]. Journées Maths à Modeler, Grenoble, France. |
Gravier, S., & Vandomme, E. (November 2012). Constant 2-labelling of weighted cycles [Paper presentation]. Bordeaux Graph Workshop, Bordeaux, France. |
Rigo, M., Salimov, P., & Vandomme, E. (11 September 2012). Some properties of abelian return words (long abstract) [Paper presentation]. Journées montoises d'informatique théorique. |
Gravier, S., & Vandomme, E. (September 2012). Constant 2-labelling of a graph [Paper presentation]. Journées montoises d'informatique théorique, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. |
Vandomme, E. (July 2012). Syntactic complexity of ultimately periodic sets of integers [Paper presentation]. Journées de l'ANR SubTile: Decidability problems for substitutive sequences, tilings and numerations, Amiens, France. |
Vandomme, E., & Gravier, S. (23 May 2012). Coloring of the infinite grid [Poster presentation]. School on Combinatorics, Automata and Number Theory, CIRM Marseille, France. |
Vandomme, E. (May 2012). Mathémagie [Paper presentation]. Séminaire compréhensible de l'Institut Fourier, Grenoble, France. |
Lacroix, A., Rampersad, N., Rigo, M., & Vandomme, E. (2012). Syntactic complexity of ultimately periodic sets of integers and application to a decision procedure. Fundamenta Informaticae, 116, 175-187. doi:10.3233/FI-2012-677 |
Vandomme, E. (December 2011). Perfect coloring of the infinite grid [Paper presentation]. PhD candidates seminar of University of Liège, Liège, Belgium. |
Vandomme, E. (November 2011). HD0L w-equivalence and periodicity problems in the primitive case [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de Mathématiques Discrètes de l'Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium. |
Rigo, M., & Vandomme, E. (June 2011). Syntactic complexity of ultimately periodic sets of integers [Paper presentation]. Numeration 2011, Liege, Belgium. |
Vandomme, E. (March 2011). Complexité syntaxique d’ensembles d’entiers ultimement périodique [Paper presentation]. École Jeunes Chercheurs en Informatique Mathématique, Amiens, France. |
Rigo, M., & Vandomme, E. (2011). Syntactic complexity of ultimately periodic sets of integers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6638, 477-488. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-21254-3_38 |
Vandomme, E. (2010). Problème de décision pour les ensembles ultimement périodiques dans un système de numération non-standard [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. |