Baiwir, L., Dessart, L., & Delcourt, C. (24 September 2024). Consumer engagement with preventive health technologies: a double-edged sword for consumer wellbeing. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 58 (4), 872-904. doi:10.1111/joca.12603 |
Kandil, O., Dessart, L., Standaert, W., & Bosma, M. (08 January 2024). A Framework to Improve the Digital Customer Experience in Complex Services. Services Marketing Quarterly, 45 (1), 25-54. doi:10.1080/15332969.2023.2294235 |
Dessart, L., Cova, B., & Davignon, N. (2024). How Violence Among Consumers Alters the Expected Benefits of Participation in a Consumer Collective. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 58 (3), 840-865. doi:10.1111/joca.12594 |
Dethier, F., Delcourt, C., & Dessart, L. (2024). Donor Perceptions of Nonprofit Organizations’ Transparency: Conceptualization and Operationalization. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 53 (5), 1230-1260. doi:10.1177/08997640231211212 |
Kostyk, A., Cowan, K., Dessart, L., & Schyns, M. (2024). Memories of tourism brands in virtual reality. Annals of Tourism Research: A Social Sciences Journal, 109. doi:10.1016/j.annals.2024.103824 |
Etienne, E., Leclercq, A.-L., Remacle, A., Dessart, L., & Schyns, M. (15 July 2023). Perception of avatars nonverbal behaviors in virtual reality. Psychology and Marketing, 40 (11), 2464-2481. doi:10.1002/mar.21871 |
Dessart, L., & Standaert, W. (2023). Strategic storytelling in the age of sustainability. Business Horizons, 66 (3), 371-385. doi:10.1016/j.bushor.2023.01.005 |
Dessart, L., & Bressolles, G. (2022). Intensity of collective consumption practices in brand communities: the case of crossfit. Journal of Brand Management. doi:10.1057/s41262-022-00298-2 |
Ernens, S., Delcourt, C., Dessart, L., & Baiwir, L. (December 2022). Frontline Employees’ Attitude Toward Embodied Social Robots In Customer Service: An Integrative Framework And Empirical Test. Journal of Service Management Research, 6 (4). doi:10.5771/2511-8676-2022-4 |
Dessart, L., & Veloutsou, C. (July 2021). Augmenting brand community identification for inactive users: a uses and gratification perspective. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 15 (3), 361-385. doi:10.1108/JRIM-11-2019-0191 |
Dessart, L., & Cova, B. (2021). Brand repulsion: consumers' boundary work with rejected brands. European Journal of Marketing, 55 (4), 1758-7123. doi:10.1108/EJM-02-2019-0164 |
Morgan-Thomas, A., Dessart, L., & Veloutsou, C. (December 2020). Digital ecosystem and consumer engagement: A socio-technical perspective. Journal of Business Research, 121, 713-723. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.03.042 |
Dessart, L., Veloutsou, C., & Morgan-Thomas, A. (2020). Brand negativity: a relational perspective on anti-brand community participation. European Journal of Marketing, 54 (7), 1761-1785. doi:10.1108/EJM-06-2018-0423 |
Dessart, L., & Pitardi, V. (November 2019). How stories generate consumer engagement: An exploratory study. Journal of Business Research, 104, 183-195. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.06.045 |
Dessart, L., Aldas-Manzano, J., & Veloutsou, C. (2019). Unveiling heterogeneous engagement-based loyalty in brand communities. European Journal of Marketing, 53 (3), 1854-1881. doi:10.1108/EJM-11-2017-0818 |
Dessart, L., & Duclou, M. (2019). Health and fitness online communities and product behaviour. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 28 (2), 188-199. doi:10.1108/JPBM-12-2017-1710 |
Dessart, L. (2018). Do ads that tell a story always perform better? The role of character identification and character type in storytelling ads. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 35 (2), 289-304. doi:10.1016/j.ijresmar.2017.12.009 |
Dessart, L. (2017). Social media engagement: A model of antecedents and relational outcomes. Journal of Marketing Management, 33 (5-6), 375-399. doi:10.1080/0267257X.2017.1302975 |
Dessart, L., Veloutsou, C., & Morgan-Thomas, A. (2016). Capturing consumer engagement: duality, dimensionality and measurement. Journal of Marketing Management, 32 (5-6), 399-426. doi:10.1080/0267257X.2015.1130738 |
Dessart, L., Veloutsou, C., & Morgan-Thomas, A. (2015). Consumer engagement in online brand communities: A social media perspective. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 24 (1), 28-42. doi:10.1108/JPBM-06-2014-0635 |
Cova, B., & Dessart, L. (2022). You’ll Never Walk Alone: Socializing and Finding your Tribe in a Digital Age. In The Routledge Handbook of Digital Consumption (2nd). United Kingdom: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003317524-21 |
Dessart, L., & Pitardi, V. (2019). Story-Based Consumer Engagement: A Conceptual Framework. In L. Hollebeek & D. Sprott, Handbook of Research on Customer Engagement. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. |
Veloutsou, C., Dessart, L., & Arvaniti, M. (2015). The role of online social interactions in the recommendation of a brand community. In J. Marti Parreno, C. Ruiz Mafe, ... L. Schribner, Engaging Consumers through Branded Entertainment and Convergent Media (pp. 89-109). Hershey, Pennsylvania, United States: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-8342-6.ch005 |
Dessart, L., Veloutsou, C., & Morgan-Thomas, A. (2014). Brand Communities and Anti-Brand Communities: Similarities, Differences and Implications for Practitioners. In N. Grigoriou & C. Veloutsou, Theoretical and Empirical Reflections in Marketing (pp. 63-78). Athens, Greece: Athens Institute for Education and Research. |
Bosma, M., & Dessart, L. (2022). How Technology Influences Customer Experience in Complex Service Settings: An Abstract. In Celebrating the Past and Future of Marketing and Discovery with Social Impact. United States: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-95346-1_29 |
Dessart, L., & Pitardi, V. (2016). How Youtube Storytelling Can Win Consumers’ Hearts: the Case of Nivea. Advances in Consumer Research, 44, 728. |
Dessart, L., Veloutsou, C., & Morgan-Thomas, A. (2014). Brand communities and anti-brand communities: similarities, differences and implications for managers. In N. Grigoriou & C. Veloutsou, Theoretical and Empirical Reflections in Marketing. Athens, Greece: ATINER. |
Petzold, S., Dessart, L., & François Durrieu. (2024). Blog Content and Audience Engagement for B2B Brand Image. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Dessart, L. (2019). Internationalisation des PMEs: revue de littérature. |
Kandil, O., Standaert, W., & Dessart, L. (2025). La digitalisation peut améliorer l’expérience client, mais des défis uniques se posent pour les services complexes. France: The Conversation. |
Kandil, O., Standaert, W., & Dessart, L. (2024). Un cadre pour améliorer l'expérience numérique des clients dans les services complexes. (9). Liège, Belgium: HEC Liège - Digital Lab. |
Dessart, L., Cowan, K., Kostyk, A., & Schyns, M. (April 2024). Charitable Branding Using Virtual Reality Narratives [Paper presentation]. Global Brand Conference, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. |
El Midaoui, Y., Dessart, L., & Standaert, W. (2024). Exploring negative customer engagement related to chatbot interactions with tourism brands [Paper presentation]. Frontiers in Service, United States. |
Baiwir, L., Dessart, L., & Delcourt, C. (16 June 2023). The role of contrasting gamification mechanisms on consumer engagement, and its influence on consumer stress and wellbeing [Paper presentation]. Frontiers in Service, Maastricht, Netherlands. |
Cowan, K., Kostyk Alena, & Dessart, L. (2023). VR Brand Interactions: How VR Influences the Holistic Brand Experience and the Consumer Decision Journey [Paper presentation]. The 8th International XR-Metaverse Conference, Las Vegas, United States. |
Kostyk, A., Dessart, L., & Cowan, K. (2023). VR Brand Interactions: How VR Influences the Holistic Brand Experience and the Consumer Decision Journey [Paper presentation]. 8th International XR-Metaverse Conference, Las Vegas, United States. |
Baiwir, L., Dessart, L., & Delcourt, C. (05 September 2022). Customer engagement with preventive health technologie: can gamification be detrimental? [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Workshop on Gamification and Motivational Technologies (GAMOTEC). |
Baiwir, L., Dessart, L., & Delcourt, C. (24 June 2022). Exploring the factors that drive customers to engage with preventive health technologies [Paper presentation]. Frontiers in Service 2022, Boston, United States - Massachusetts. |
Baiwir, L., Dessart, L., & Delcourt, C. (2022). Exploring the factors that drive customers to engage with preventive health technologies [Paper presentation]. SERVSIG, Glasgow, United Kingdom. |
Bressolles, G., & Dessart, L. (2022). INTENSITY OF PRACTICES IN BRAND COMMUNITIES: THE CASE OF CROSSFIT [Paper presentation]. Congrès international de l'AFM, Tunis, Tunisia. |
Cowan, K., Dessart, L., & Kostyk, A. (2022). Virtual Brand Experiences: The Formation of Semantic and Episodic Memories [Paper presentation]. International XR conference, Lisbon, Portugal. |
Dessart, L., & Bressolles, G. (2022). Exploring the intensity of practices in brand communities [Paper presentation]. SERVSIG, Glasgow, United Kingdom. |
Kostyk, A., Dessart, L., & Cowan, K. (2022). Consumer Memories of VR Brand Experiences: A Working Paper [Paper presentation]. Global Brand Conference. |
Bosma, M., & Dessart, L. (June 2021). How Technology Influences Customer Experience In Complex Service Settings [Paper presentation]. Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference. |
Bosma, M., & Dessart, L. (2021). The Influence of Digitalization on Customer Experience in Complex Service Settings: A Focus on the Insurance Industry [Paper presentation]. Frontiers in Service. |
Kostyk, A., Cowan, K., & Dessart, L. (2021). Memory of Virtual Reality brand experiences: what consumers remember and why [Paper presentation]. Society for Marketing Advances Annual Conference, Orlando, United States. |
Standaert, W., & Dessart, L. (2020). Drone Racing League: Brouiller les frontières physique-virtuel [Paper presentation]. 25ème conférence de l’Association Information et Management. |
Veloutsou, C., & Dessart, L. (May 2019). Socialising in- and outside brand communities [Paper presentation]. Global Brand Conference, Berlin, Germany. |
Dessart, L., Aldas-Manzano, J., & Veloutsou, C. (2018). Heterogeneous brand engagement in brand communities [Paper presentation]. 47th EMAC Annual Conference. |
Pitardi, V., & Dessart, L. (2018). The Effect of Narrative on Advertising Effectiveness: The Moderating Role of Concreteness Language [Paper presentation]. Academy of Marketing Science Conference. |
Pitardi, V., & Dessart, L. (2018). Narrative Advertising and Language concreteness: the effect on willingness to advise [Paper presentation]. 47th EMAC Annual Conference, Glasgow, United Kingdom. |
Dessart, L. (May 2016). The central and sufficient role of identification in brand communities [Paper presentation]. Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference. |
Brandt, C., Dessart, L., & Pahud de Mortanges, C. (March 2011). The impact of brand pages on brand page commitment and brand commitment in the context of social networking sites [Paper presentation]. 2011 Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management, Lugano, Switzerland. |
Dessart, L., Brandt, C., & Pahud de Mortanges, C. (March 2011). Brand commitment on brand pages in a Social Networking Site context [Paper presentation]. The Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management, Lugano, Switzerland. |
Kandil, O., Standaert, W., & Dessart, L. (08 June 2024). Impact of B2B Relational Quality on Customer Experience in a Digital B2B2C Context [Paper presentation]. SERVSIG 2024, Bordeaux, France. |
Baiwir, L., Dessart, L., & Delcourt, C. (18 December 2023). Immersion vs. achievement gamification mechanisms and their influence on consumer engagement and wellbeing [Paper presentation]. Journée du Marketing Belge Francophone, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium. |
Kandil, O., Standaert, W., & Dessart, L. (12 May 2023). A framework to improve the digital customer experience in a complex services context [Paper presentation]. Euregio 2023, Maastricht, Netherlands. |
Baiwir, L., Dessart, L., & Delcourt, C. (04 May 2023). Am I feeling better? Exploring the relationship between consumer engagement with preventive health technologies and wellbeing [Paper presentation]. HEC Liège Research Day, Liège, Belgium. |
El Midaoui, Y., Dessart, L., & Standaert, W. (04 May 2023). The Negative impact of Artificial Intelligence technologies on Customer Brand Engagement in the Tourism industry [Paper presentation]. Global Brand Conference, Bergamo, Italy. |
Kandil, O., Dessart, L., & Standaert, W. (2023). A framework to improve Digital Customer Experience in Complex Services [Paper presentation]. HEC research day. |
El Midaoui, Y., Dessart, L., & Standaert, W. (21 April 2022). The Impact of AI on Consumer Engagement in the Travel Industry [Paper presentation]. Internal Marketing Seminar. |
Dessart, L. (2022). Life as a researcher, life of a paper: managing the unexpected [Paper presentation]. Doctoral Seminar, Twente, Netherlands. |
Dessart, L., & Hoornaert, S. (2022). Digital consumer engagement with storytelling ads: the role of story elements [Paper presentation]. Euregio Marketing and Service Innovation Day, Liège, Belgium. |
El Midaoui, Y., Dessart, L., & Standaert, W. (2022). The Impact of AI on Consumer Engagement in the Travel Industry [Paper presentation]. Belgian Service Research Day, Mons, Belgium. |
El Midaoui, Y., Dessart, L., & Standaert, W. (29 October 2021). The Impact of AI on Consumer Engagement in the Travel Industry [Paper presentation]. Internal Marketing Seminar. |
Baiwir, L., Dessart, L., & Delcourt, C. (23 April 2021). Customer Engagement with Preventive Health Technologies [Paper presentation]. Belgian Service Research Day, Belgium. |
Bosma, M., & Dessart, L. (2021). What critical aspects influence the development and adoption of technology in complex service settings? [Paper presentation]. Belgian Service Research Day. |
Dessart, L. (2019). Digital dissemination and personal branding for researchers [Paper presentation]. Doctoral Seminar. |
Dessart, L., & Lunardo, R. (2017). Do ads that tell a story always perform better? [Paper presentation]. Academy of Marketing Science Conference. |
Dessart, L., & Veloutsou, C. (2017). The role of self-determination in negative brand relationships: a focus on the Apple anti-brand community [Paper presentation]. Consumer Brand Relationship Conference, Porto, Portugal. |
Dessart, L., & Veloutsou, C. (2017). Explaining anti-brand community participation [Paper presentation]. 12th Global Brand Conference, United Kingdom. |
Dessart, L., Kostyk, A., Schyns, M., & Cowan, K. (2024). Musée et réalité virtuelle: une nouvelle ère pour la culture? The Conversation. |
Dessart, L., & Standaert, W. (2023). Quand le storytelling des marques se met au service de la durabilité. The Conversation. |
Dessart, L. (2021). Sur le web, les jeunes mères se connectent aux autres… mais restent isolées. The Conversation. |
Dessart, L. (2020). Les bonnes pratiques du « storytelling » dans la publicité. The Conversation. |
Dessart, L., & Standaert, W. (2023). L’ABCD du “storytelling” pour la durabilité. La Libre Belgique. |
Dessart, L. (2021). Le “grégaire anonyme” à l’heure digitale : toujours connecté, mais toujours seul. La Libre Belgique. |
Dessart, L. (2019). La fin du marketing de l’influence. La Libre Belgique. |
Dessart, L. (2021). Utiliser le storytelling pour communiquer à mes clients [Paper presentation]. Business Breakfast, Belgium. |
Dessart, L. (2023). Internet Show: l'Internet des Trentenaires. Brussels, Belgium: RTBF. |