Publications and communications of Odile Warling

DELHOUGNE, N., MONIN, L., Vieujean, S., Van Kemseke, C., Reenaers, C., Warling, O., & Louis, E. (2024). Evaluation of the adherence of patients with chronic inflammatory bowel diseases to a PRO telemonitoring using connected devices: a prospective monocentric study. Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica, 87 (4), 457 - 467. doi:10.51821/87.4.13449

LAMBRECHT, C., Vandermeulen, M., DELBOUILLE, M.-H., MONARD, J., WARMOES, A., AMICONE, C., Warling, O., Lamproye, A., Delwaide, J., MEURISSE, N., Honoré, P., Hustinx, R., Lovinfosse, P., & Detry, O. (March 2023). 18FDG PET scanner as a selection criterion in liver transplantation for hepatocarcinoma. Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica, 86 (1), 17.

AMICONE, C., Ledoux, D., MEURISSE, N., Honoré, P., Vandermeulen, M., DELBOUILLE, M.-H., MONARD, J., WARMOES, A., Warling, O., Lamproye, A., KABA, A., JORIS, J., Delwaide, J., & Detry, O. (August 2022). Impact of donor age over 70 years in donation after circulatory death liver transplantation: a 15 years of experience. Transplantation, 106 (8S), 73 (LB-O-15.

AMICONE, C., Ledoux, D., MEURISSE, N., Honoré, P., Vandermeulen, M., DELBOUILLE, M.-H., MONARD, J., WARMOES, A., Warling, O., Lamproye, A., KABA, A., Joris, J., Delwaide, J., & Detry, O. (05 May 2022). IMPACT OF DONOR AGE OVER 70 YEARS IN DONATION AFTER CIRCULATORY DEATH LIVER TRANSPLANTATION : A 15 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE [Paper presentation]. Belgian Surgical Week 2022, Ostende, Belgium.

Paolucci, M., DELBOUILLE, M.-H., WEEKERS, L., WARLING, O., Ledoux, D., MASSION, P., ANCION, A., Tchana-Sato, V., & Detry, O. (October 2021). Face à la COVID-19. La transplantation d’organes en période de pandémie SARS-CoV-2 : l’expérience 2020-2021 du Centre liégeois de Transplantation. Revue Médicale de Liège, 76 (10), 719-723.

Detry, O., Troisfontaine, F., MEURISSE, N., Delwaide, J., LAMPROYE, A., WARLING, O., JADOUL, A., LOLY, C., & COLLIGNON, J. (May 2021). Prise en charge multidisciplinaire des tumeurs malignes primitives du foie. Revue Médicale de Liège, 76 (5-6), 519-524.

Kouam, C., WARLING, O., VAN KEMSEKE, C., LOLY, J.-P., Louis, E., & Delwaide, J. (2020). Risques néoplasiques majorés dans la rectocolite ulcéro-hémorragique associée à la cholangite sclérosante primitive. Revue Médicale de Liège, 75 (11), 724-730.

DETRY, O., MEURISSE, N., LAMPROYE, A., WARLING, O., Oger, A., Delwaide, J., & Honoré, P. (2019). Problematique de la transplantation hepatique chez le patient alcoolique. Revue Médicale de Liège, 74 (5-6), 332-335.

WARLING, O., Oger, A., LAMPROYE, A., BERNARD, V., MARTING, A., DETRY, O., Louis, E., & Delwaide, J. (2019). L'hepatite alcoolique aigue. Revue Médicale de Liège, 74 (5-6), 326-331.

Warling, O., BOVY, C., COIMBRA MARQUES, C., Noterdaeme, T., DELWAIDE, J., & LOUIS, E. (28 April 2014). Overlap syndrome consisting of PSC-AIH with concomitant presence of a membranous glomerulonephritis and ulcerative colitis. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 20 (16), 4811-4816. doi:10.3748/wjg.v20.i16.4811

Warling, O., GUIOT, J., Ramaut, M., Servais, A., Lewin, M., & LOUIS, R. (2013). Fibrose mediastinale idiopathique. Revue Médicale de Liège, 68 (7-8), 408-11.

Servais, S., Caers, J., Warling, O., Frusch, N., Baron, F., De Prijck, B., & Beguin, Y. (2010). Enteroviral meningoencephalitis as complication of Rituximab therapy in a patient treated for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. British Journal of Haematology, 150 (3), 379-381. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2141.2010.08202.x