Travaglianti, F., Babic, A., & Hansez, I. (2018). Relationships between employment quality and intention to quit: Focus on PhD candidates as traditional workers. Studies in Continuing Education, 1-17. doi:10.1080/0158037X.2017.1396448 |
Travaglianti, F., Babic, A., Pepermans, R., & Hansez, I. (2017). Needs-Supplies Fit and Behavioral Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Organizational Identification. Journal of Management and Organization, 23 (5), 709-727. doi:10.1017/jmo.2016.21 |
Travaglianti, F., Babic, A., & Hansez, I. (April 2016). Importance of work-related needs between job crafting, burnout and engagement [Poster presentation]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), Los Angeles (California), United States. |
Travaglianti, F. (2016). Needs Supplies Fit and Employment Quality: Flexible and Secure Work Environment [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Beuker, L., DE CIA, J., Dervaux, A., Orianne, J.-F., Pichault, F., & Travaglianti, F. (March 2016). Analyse qualitative interdisciplinaire du discours de travailleurs à l’aide d’un logiciel collaboratif : le cas de la flexicurité. Recherches Qualitatives, 35 (1), 29-55. |
Travaglianti, F., Babic, A., & Hansez, I. (2016). The role of work-related needs in the relationship between job crafting, burnout and work engagement. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 42 (1), 1308. doi:10.4102/sajip.v42i1.1308 |
Travaglianti, F., Babic, A., & Hansez, I. (November 2015). Needs-supplies fit and behavioral outcomes: the mediating role of organizational identification [Paper presentation]. International Research Symposium on ‘Sustainable HRM and Employee Well-being’, Sydney, Australia. |
Beuker, L., DE CIA, J., Orianne, J.-F., Pichault, F., & Travaglianti, F. (17 June 2015). La flexicurité revisitée : analyse qualitative interdisciplinaire du discours de travailleurs à l'aide d'un logiciel collaboratif » [Paper presentation]. 5ème colloque du RIFReQ : "Prudence empirique et risque interprétatif", Montpellier, France. |
Travaglianti, F., Babic, A., & Hansez, I. (28 May 2015). "Needs-supplies fit and behavioural outcomes: the mediating role of organizational identification" [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting of the Belgian Association of Psychological Science (BAPS), Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Travaglianti, F., Babic, A., & Hansez, I. (10 March 2015). Qualité de l'emploi et perception d'écart entre les besoins et les caractéristiques de l'emploi chez les doctorants: impact sur l'intention de quitter [Paper presentation]. Journées d'études: "Etre jeune chercheur aujourd'hui: quelles réalités?", Paris, France. |
Travaglianti, F., Orianne, J.-F., Pichault, F., & Hansez, I. (2015). Construction d'une méthodologie exploratoire concernant les besoins des travailleurs: l'exemple des besoins de flexibilité au travail et de sécurité d'emploi des travailleurs à contrat permanent. Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels, 21 (52), 119-143. |
Travaglianti, F., De Zanet, F., Vandenberghe, C., & Hansez, I. (16 May 2014). Job characteristics and work engagement: multiple-group analyses of flexibility practices [Poster presentation]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, United States. |
Travaglianti, F., Babic, A., & Hansez, I. (April 2014). Discrepancy in Flexibility and Employment Security's Expectations: Impact on Well-Being at Work [Paper presentation]. 11th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference, London, United Kingdom. |
Beuker, L., Gérard, J., Schoenaers, F., & Travaglianti, F. (November 2013). Comment concilier flexibilité et sécurité en TPE/PME ? [Paper presentation]. 24ème Congrès de l'AGRH, Paris, France. |
Travaglianti, F., DE CIA, J., Orianne, J.-F., & Pichault, F. (August 2013). Flexibilité au travail et sécurité d’emploi : quelles sont les attentes des travailleurs ? [Paper presentation]. 48ème congrès international de la Société d’Ergonomie de Langue Française. |
Travaglianti, F., Orianne, J.-F., Pichault, F., & Hansez, I. (28 May 2013). Workers expectations in flexibility and employment security: a qualitative approach [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting of the Belgian Association of Psychological Sciences (BAPS), Belgium. |
Travaglianti, F., DE CIA, J., Orianne, J.-F., Pichault, F., & Hansez, I. (24 May 2013). Individual needs in flexibility and employment security: a qualitative approach [Paper presentation]. 16th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Münster, Germany. |