Publications and communications of Valentine Vanootighem

Brédart, S., Devue, C., & Vanootighem, V. (2024). How does it feel when people forget your name or name you incorrectly? ORBi-University of Liège. doi:10.31219/

Gathoye, L., & Vanootighem, V. (31 May 2024). Are suggestible people more likely to change their belief in the occurrence of autobiographical events? [Poster presentation]. 2024 Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Vanootighem, V. (31 May 2024). The effect of emotional valence on nonbelieved memories [Poster presentation]. 2024 Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Gathoye, L., Lejeune, C., & Vanootighem, V. (2024). Caractériser les souvenirs désavoués : apports respectifs des dictionnaires et des progressions thématiques. In A. Dister & D. Longrée, JADT 2024. Mots comptés, textes déchiffrés (pp. 379-388). Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium: Presses universitaires de Louvain (PUL).

Vanootighem, V., Didone, V., & Brédart, S. (10 March 2023). Are Individuals with Higher Interdependent Self-Construal More Likely to Change Their Belief in the Occurrence of Autobiographical Events? [Poster presentation]. International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS), Bruxelles, Belgium.

Brédart, S., & Vanootighem, V. (2022). Middle-aged people’s perceptions of name recall failures. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 18 (1), 27-32. doi:10.5709/acp-0344-z

Vanootighem, V. (28 May 2021). The frequency of nonbelieved memories [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the ​Belgian Association of Psychological Sciences - BAPS 2021.

Vanootighem, V., & Brédart, S. (05 July 2019). We can stop believing in memories of any age [Poster presentation]. 16th European Congress of Psychology, Moscou, Russia.

Vanootighem, V., Dupont, M., & Brédart, S. (09 March 2019). The Impact of Fatigue on Proper Name Retrieval [Poster presentation]. International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS 2019), Paris, France.

Mathys, C., & Vanootighem, V. (2019). Présentation de l’outil d’évaluation du niveau de risque, des besoins et forces du jeune au départ des structures EMA et des structures d''observation, d'évaluation et d'orientation en IPPJ.

Vanootighem, V., Moyse, E., & Brédart, S. (2019). Belief in memories may be relinquished as often for adulthood as for childhood events, but for different reasons. Memory, 27 (5), 705-713. doi:10.1080/09658211.2018.1554081

Vanootighem, V., & Mathys, C. (2018). Implémentation des outils diagnostiques et pédagogiques concernant les structures d’observation, d’évaluation et d’orientation. Direction Générale de l'Aide à la Jeunesse.

Vanootighem, V., Moyse, E., & Brédart, S. (30 August 2018). Nonbelieved memories may occur as frequently for adulthood as for childhood events [Poster presentation]. British Psychological Society, Cognitive Section Conference 2018, Liverpool, United Kingdom.

Vanootighem, V., Brédart, S., & Dehon, H. (31 August 2017). Face description abilities predict line-up performance [Poster presentation]. 40th European Conference on Visual Perception ECVP 2017, Berlin, Germany.

Vanootighem, V., & Brédart, S. (31 May 2017). Do nonbelieved memories typically refer to childhood memories? [Paper presentation]. BAPS 2017 meeting. "Past, present and future of psychology as a scientific discipline", Brussels, Belgium.

Vanootighem, V. (19 May 2017). Les souvenirs auxquels on ne croit plus [Paper presentation]. Jubilé de la faculté de Psychologie, Logopédie et Sciences de l’éducation, Liège, Belgium.

Vanootighem, V., Brédart, S., & Dehon, H. (21 July 2016). The verbal overshadowing effect in children and adults is unrelated to the specific content of descriptions [Poster presentation]. The 6th International Conference on Memory, ICOM-6, Budapest, Hungary.

Vanootighem, V., & Mathys, C. (24 May 2016). A qui bénéficie l’évaluation du jeune délinquant ? Entre enjeux protectionnels et gestion des forces du jeune, proposition d’un outil d’évaluation [Paper presentation]. XVe Congrès de l’AICLF (Association Internationale des Criminologues de Langue Française), Paris, France.

Mathys, C., & Vanootighem, V. (2016). Recherche relative au diagnostic des problématiques et besoins des jeunes poursuivis du chef d’un fait qualifié infraction, au contenu et à l’implémentation d’une intervention pédagogique de courte durée et à l’évaluation de cette intervention, et à la détermination de l’offre institutionnelle nécessaire aux interventions de courte durée. Direction Générale de l'Aide à la Jeunesse.

Schippers, N., Vanootighem, V., FAYMONVILLE, M.-E., Nyssen, A.-S., & Mairiaux, P. (12 November 2015). Etude concernant les possibilités de réinsertion professionnelle des personnes atteintes de douleurs chroniques [Paper presentation]. Journées Nationales de Médecine du Travail, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Mairiaux, P., Schippers, N., Vanootighem, V., Faymonville, M.-E., & Nyssen, A.-S. (2015). Etude concernant les possibilités de réinsertion socioprofessionnelle de personnes atteintes de douleurs chroniques. (RIZIV/INAMI/SIDU-2014-03). BRUXELLES, Belgium: INAMI.

Vanootighem, V. (2015). 60 questions étonnantes sur la musique et les réponses qu'y apporte la science. Bruxelles, Belgium: Mardaga.

Beaumel, A., Vanootighem, V., Gillet, A., FAYMONVILLE, M.-E., & Nyssen, A.-S. (28 May 2015). Work incapacity and chronic pain patients: Is there an impact of work incapacity on anxiety and depression? [Poster presentation]. Belgian Association for Psychological Science (BAPS 2015), Brussels, Belgium.

Dehon, H., Vanootighem, V., & Brédart, S. (2013). Verbal overshadowing of face memory does occur in children too! Frontiers in Psychology. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00970

Vanootighem, V. (2013). Décrire un visage altère-t-il son identification ? L’effet d’ombrage verbal dans le développement [Doctoral thesis, Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Vanootighem, V., Brédart, S., & Dehon, H. (22 November 2013). Do verbal and perceptual expertises mediate the verbal overshadowing effect in development ? [Poster presentation]. Person perception from face and voice symposium, Brussels, Belgium.

Vanootighem, V., Brédart, S., & Dehon, H. (12 July 2013). The influence of verbal descriptions on face identification in children and adults [Poster presentation]. 13th European Congress of Psychology (ECP 2013), Stockholm, Sweden.

Vanootighem, V., Brédart, S., & Dehon, H. (28 May 2013). Verbalizing musical memories: influence of perceptual and verbal expertise [Poster presentation]. Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.

Vanootighem, V., Brédart, S., & Dehon, H. (28 May 2013). Person description abilities in children, adolescents and adults [Poster presentation]. Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences (BAPS), Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.

Vanootighem, V., Dehon, H., & Brédart, S. (10 May 2012). The influence of verbal descriptions and delay on face identification in children and adults [Poster presentation]. BapSepex joint meeting, Liège, Belgium.

Vanootighem, V., Brédart, S., & Dehon, H. (2012). Does delay release the verbal overshadowing effect in child and adult eyewitnesses? Perception, 41 (supplement), 194.

Vanootighem, V., Brédart, S., & Dehon, H. (01 August 2011). Evidence of a verbal overshadowing effect in children [Poster presentation]. 5th International Conference on Memory, York, United Kingdom.

Vanootighem, V., Dehon, H., Taconnat, L., & Rémy, P. (07 September 2010). Témoignage oculaire : exploration de la sensibilité aux aspects perceptifs et sémantiques dans le développement [Poster presentation]. Société Française de Psychologie (SFP), Lille, France.

Mikolajczak, M., Quoidbach, J., Vanootighem, V., Lambert, F., Lahaye, M., Fillée, C., & de Timary, P. (2010). Cortisol awakening response (CAR)’s flexibility leads to larger and more consistent associations with psychological factors than CAR magnitude. Psychoneuroendocrinology. doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2009.11.003

Vanootighem, V., Dehon, H., Taconnat, L., & Rémy, P. (03 June 2009). Dissociated developmental trajectories for conceptual and perceptual sensibility in eyewitness testimony? [Poster presentation]. Belgian Association for Psychological Science (BAPS), Brussels, Belgium.