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CUNIN, M.-P., Bodart, G., THYS, M., GANGOLF, M., Kolh, P., & Jacques, J. (2022). L’utilisation du Natural Langage Processing comme outil d’aide à l’exploitation de données hospitalières [Paper presentation]. Giseh. |
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JACQUES, J., THYS, M., GANGOLF, M., CUNIN, M.-P., LAMBERT, F., VANBRABANT, T., POUSTOVOITOV, A., WASEIGE, E., LARUELLE, A.-S., DEBOUNY, M., DUPONT, A.-C., & KOLH, P. (2020). Apport d’un Entrepôt de données cliniques dans la gestion d’un hôpital universitaire [Paper presentation]. Giseh 2020. |
CUNIN, M.-P., KERSTEN, F., KOLH, P., & JACQUES, J. (23 August 2019). Introduction du financement forfaitaire à la pathologie en Belgique : impact au CHU de Liège [Paper presentation]. Lalass, Montréal, Canada. |
JACQUES, J., Jansen, B., DUPONT, A.-C., Kolh, P., & COMPERE, J. (2018). Mise en place d’un outil de pilotage institutionnel au CHU de Liège [Paper presentation]. CALASS 2018. |
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Neuville, M., JACQUES, J., DELANAYE, P., & Jouret, F. (04 June 2017). Patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease under chronic hemodialysis display thirst disturbance [Poster presentation]. 54th congress ERA-EDTA, Madrid, Spain. |
NEUVILLE, M., Hustinx, R., JACQUES, J., Krzesinski, J.-M., & Jouret, F. (2016). Diagnostic Algorithm in the Management of Acute Febrile Abdomen in Patients with Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. PLoS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0161277 |
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JACQUES, J. (2013). Indicateurs de performance clinique hospitalière. Etudes empiriques basées sur les données médico-administratives belges [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. |
FAILLA, V., JACQUES, J., CASTRONOVO, C., & NIKKELS, A. (2012). Herpes zoster in patients treated with biologicals. Dermatology. doi:10.1159/000338691 |
Verelst, S., JACQUES, J., Van den Heede, K., Gillet, P., KOLH, P., Vleugels, A., & Sermeus, W. (2012). Retrospective medical record evaluation: reliability in assessing causation, preventability, and disability of adverse events. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 25 (8), 649-62. doi:10.1108/09526861211270613 |
Hiligsmann, M., Gathon, H.-J., Bruyère, O., Beaudart, C., Kolh, P., JACQUES, J., Gillet, P., & Reginster, J.-Y. (March 2011). Patient out-of-pocket contributions related to hip fracture hospital costs in Belgium. Osteoporosis International, 22 (Suppl.1), 333. |
Fontaine, P., Jacques, J., Gillain, D., Sermeus, W., Kolh, P., & Gillet, P. (2011). Assessing the causes inducing lengthening of hospital stays by means of the Appropriateness Evaluation Protocol. Health Policy, 66-71. doi:10.1016/j.healthpol.2010.06.011 |
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