Publications and communications of France Lambert

Liegeois, L., Borie, M., Lecloux, G., Van hede, D.* , & Lambert, F.*. (2024). Influence of Implant Component Materials on Peri-Implant Soft Tissue Healing: A Comparative Histological and Immunohistochemical Study in Humans. Clinical Oral Implants Research. doi:10.1111/clr.14391
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Roth, D., DESPONTIN, F., Compère, P., Lamy, M., Van hede, D., & Lambert, F. (2024). Efficacy of cleaning methods for the trans-mucosal parts of zirconia monolithic crowns. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research.

Meyle, J., Lambert, F., Winning, L., Bertl, K., Bruckmann, C., Duplan, M. B., Harrison, P., Laleman, I., Mattheos, N., Molina, A., Stavropoulos, A., de Waal, Y. C. M., Yousfi, H., Dommisch, H., Polyzois, I., & Kebschull, M. (November 2024). Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Periodontology and Implant Dentistry. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 51 Suppl 27 (S27), 91 - 116. doi:10.1111/jcpe.14071

Lambert, F., Pjetursson, B., & Casentini, P. (25 October 2024). Abutment junction: what’s all the fuss about ? [Paper presentation]. EAO - Milan 2024, Milan, Italy.

Lambert, F. (21 September 2024). Implants in periodontal patients [Paper presentation]. DG Paro - Jubilee Congress, Bonn, Germany.

Mainjot, A., BERNARD, J.-C., Rutten, L., Rutten, P., Paulus, J.-M., Lambert, F., & Charavet, C. (02 August 2024). No-prep dentistry using the Simple Orthodontic Extrusion (SOE) technique to create occlusal space. Illustration in tooth wear and resin-bonded bridges. International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry, 19 (3), 228 - 250.

Sadeghian Dehkord, E., DE CARVALHO, B., Ernst, M., Albert, A., Lambert, F., & Geris, L. (June 2024). Influence of physicochemical characteristics of calcium phosphate-based biomaterials in cranio-maxillofacial bone regeneration. A systematic literature review and meta-analysis of preclinical models. Materials Today Bio, 26, 101100. doi:10.1016/j.mtbio.2024.101100

Lambert, F. (10 May 2024). Complications in immediate implant placement and loading [Paper presentation]. ITI World Symposium 2024, Singapore.

Lambert, F. (09 May 2024). Future of dental Implantology set with patient-first-strategy [Paper presentation]. ITI World Symposium 2024, Singapore.

Mainjot, A., & Lambert, F. (18 April 2024). Mise en charge dans le secteur esthétique : intervention en live [Paper presentation]. Congrès d'implantologie orale Interaction, Liège, Belgium.

Mainjot, A., & Lambert, F. (15 March 2024). Esthétique implantaire et gestion des tissus mous dans le secteur antérieur [Paper presentation]. MASTER CLASS D-ESTHETICS, LIEGE, Belgium.

Lambert, F. (24 February 2024). Managing and preventing infraposition of implants [Paper presentation]. DG Paro - Spring meeting - Interface Perio and Orthdodontics - Interdisciplinary Concepts, Berlin, Germany.

Mainjot, A., & Lambert, F. (23 February 2024). La mise en charge immédiate en zone esthétique [Paper presentation]. CUC implatologie, Liège, Belgium.

Lambert, F. (16 February 2024). Connected dentistry empowering excellence [Paper presentation]. iExcel Clinical Expert Meeting, Bâle, Switzerland.

Mainjot, A., & Lambert, F. (08 February 2024). DUO chirurgie-prothèse : l’apport d’une approche en équipe en dentisterie esthétique et minimalement invasive sur dents et sur implants [Paper presentation]. MASTER CLASS EXPERT TEAMWORK D-ESTHETICS, LIEGE, Belgium.

Lambert, F. (19 January 2024). Managing and preventing implant infra-position : a perio/prosth approach [Paper presentation]. EFP International Perio Master Clinic 2024, Singapore.

Salhi, L.* , Hazout, S., Van hede, D., Lambert, F., Charlier, C., & Deville, M.*. (2024). Establishment of a quantitative method for the extraction of nicotine and cotinine in gingival tissue and relationship between gingival intoxication with conventional smoking biomarkers: a pilot study. Clinical and Experimental Dental Research. doi:10.1002/cre2.70022

Mainjot, A., & Lambert, F. (14 December 2023). La gestion des tissus mous sur dents et implants [Paper presentation]. CUC en implantologie, Liège, Belgium.

Lambert, F. (07 December 2023). Competitive benchmark and peri-implantitis management [Paper presentation]. iExcel Power Session, Bâle, Switzerland.

Liang, B., Sadeghian Dehkord, E., Van hede, D., Barzegari, M., Verlee, B., Pirson, J., Nolens, G., Lambert, F., & Geris, L. (03 December 2023). Model-Based Design to Enhance Neotissue Formation in Additively Manufactured Calcium-Phosphate-Based Scaffolds. Journal of Functional Biomaterials, 14 (563), 22. doi:10.3390/jfb14120563

Lambert, F., Lecloux, G., & Vincent, K. (29 November 2023). La préservation alvéolaire [Paper presentation]. Congrès dentaire international ADF, Paris, France.

Lambert, F. (20 October 2023). How can the anterior maxilla be treated with GBR ? [Paper presentation]. Sepa Bone Regeneration Global Summit, Madrid, Spain.

Pinto De Carvalho, B., Dory, E., Trus, C., Pirson, J., Germain, L., Lecloux, G., Lambert, F.* , & Rompen, E.*. (2023). Biological performance of a novel bovine hydroxyapatite in a guided bone regeneration model: A preclinical study in a mandibular defect in dogs. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research. doi:10.1111/cid.13260
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Salhi, L., Altaep, Y., Van hede, D., Salmon, E., & Lambert, F. (2023). How periodontitis or periodontal bacteria can influence Alzheimer’s disease features? A systematic review of pre-clinical studies. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. doi:10.3233/JAD-230478

Lambert, F. (28 September 2023). Decision making for immediate implant [Paper presentation]. Congrès 10 ans - L'incisive dans tous ses états, Marseille, France.

Lambert, F., & Mainjot, A. (23 September 2023). Implant strategies : how far do we push the limits ? [Paper presentation]. ITI Greece and Cyprus Congress, Athènes, Greece.

Al-Nawas, B., Lambert, F., Andersen, S. W. M., Bornstein, M. M., Gahlert, M., Jokstad, A., Jung, J., Kwon, Y.-D., Laleman, I., Oteri, G., Roehling, S., Schiegnitz, E., Takeda, Y., & Terheyden, H. (September 2023). Group 3 ITI Consensus Report: Materials and antiresorptive drug-associated outcomes in implant dentistry. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 34 Suppl 26 (S26), 169 - 176. doi:10.1111/clr.14135

Laleman, I., Lambert, F., Gahlert, M., Bacevic, M., Woelfler, H., & Roehling, S. (September 2023). The effect of different abutment materials on peri-implant tissues-A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 34 Suppl 26 (S26), 125 - 142. doi:10.1111/clr.14159

Sadeghian Dehkord, E., Kerckhofs, G., Compère, P., Lambert, F., & Geris, L. (22 July 2023). An Empirical Model Linking Physico-Chemical Biomaterial Characteristics to Intra-Oral Bone Formation. Journal of Functional Biomaterials, 14 (7), 388. doi:10.3390/jfb14070388

Lambert, F., Gallucci, G., & Al Nawas, B. (02 June 2023). Digital tools to optimize implant therapy [Paper presentation]. Sepa congress 2023, Séville, Spain.

Lambert, F., & Hamilton, A. (27 May 2023). Immediate loading for single tooth replacement (anterior-posterior) [Paper presentation]. Fast and furious : How fast can we go ?, Bruges, Belgium.

Hurtgen, A., Seidel, L., Manni, L. L., Liegeois, L., Lecloux, G., & Lambert, F. (2023). Clinical and radiographic assessment of circular versus triangular cross-section neck implants in the posterior maxilla: Five-year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial. Clinical Oral Implants Research. doi:10.1111/clr.14082

Lambert, F. (28 April 2023). Peri-implantitis management [Paper presentation]. International Osteology Symposium in Barcelona, Barcelone, Spain.

Bouhy, A., Lamy, M., Altaep, Y., & Lambert, F. (April 2023). Maxillary implant overdenture retained by four unsplinted attachments and opposed by a natural or fixed dentition: Five-year clinical outcomes. A prospective case series. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 34 (4), 285 - 296. doi:10.1111/clr.14033

Mainjot, A., & Lambert, F. (10 March 2023). Esthétique implantaire et gestion des tissus dans le secteur antérieur [Paper presentation]. Master Class d-esthetics, LIEGE, Belgium.

Lambert, F., & Mainjot, A. (03 March 2023). Managing and preventing implant infra-position: a perio/prosth approach [Paper presentation]. EFP Perio Master Clinic 2023, Anvers, Belgium.

Laleman, I., & Lambert, F. (2023). Implant connection and abutment selection as a predisposing and/or precipitating factor for peri-implant diseases: A review. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research. doi:10.1111/cid.13185

Lambert, F. (February 2023). Live on stage [Paper presentation]. GLOBAL BIOMATERIALS SYMPOSIUM, Bâle, Switzerland.

Mainjot, A., & Lambert, F. (2023). Immediate implant placement to replace a fractured central incisor in a young patient, and management of long-term implant infraposition. In Volume 14 of the ITI Treatment Guide (pp. 132-145). Berlin, Germany: Quintessenz Verlags-GmbH.

Roth, D., Lamy, M., Compère, P., Van hede, D., & Lambert, F. (2023). Effect of lab procedures and ultrasonic bath cleaning on the pollution of customized implant abutments: an vitro study. International Journal of Prosthodontics. doi:10.11607/ijp.8328

Lambert, F. (26 November 2022). Collaborer efficacement pour réhabiliter en zone esthétique [Paper presentation]. ADF 2022 Congress, Paris, France.

Mainjot, A., & Lambert, F. (26 November 2022). Gestion des tissus mous sur dent et implant : complémentarité du rose et du blanc [Paper presentation]. Congrès annuel de l'Association dentaire française, Paris, France.

Lambert, F. (14 October 2022). Mucogingival surgery for periodontal health [Paper presentation]. Conférence BSP 2022, Luton, United Kingdom.

Lambert, F. (14 October 2022). Clinical decision making in periodontal surgery [Paper presentation]. Conférence BSP 2022, Luton, United Kingdom.

Lambert, F. (30 September 2022). Concept of immediacy in the posterior regions [Paper presentation]. EAO Congress 2022, Genève, Switzerland.

Salhi, L., Seidel, L., Lambert, F., & Albert, A. (August 2022). Predicting probing depth reduction after periodontal non-surgical treatment in smokers according to the nicotine dependence and the number of cigarette consumed. Heliyon, 8 (8), 10143. doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e10143

Borie, M., BACEVIC, M., Liegeois, L., Lecloux, G., Lambert, F., Bosshardt Dieter, & Haugen, H. J. (16 June 2022). The influence of different materials used transmucosally on peri implant soft tissues: a randomized controlled trial [Poster presentation]. Europerio 10, Copenhague, Denmark.

Determe, S., Rompen, E., LECLOUX, G., DE CARVALHO, B., LAMBERT, F., & Van hede, D. (June 2022). Bone regenerative performance of an in silico optimized 3D-printed ceramic scaffold in a canine model using X-ray microtomography analysis [Poster presentation]. Europerio 10.

LAMBERT, F. (29 April 2022). Implantation guidée en zone esthétique et mise en charge immédiate [Paper presentation]. Retour vers le Futur. Un grand congèrs de parodontologie et d’implantologie pour tous, Belgium.

Mainjot, A., & Lambert, F. (28 April 2022). Mise en charge dans le secteur esthétique : intervention en live [Paper presentation]. Congrès Uperio - retour vers le futur, Liège, Belgium.

LAMBERT, F. (27 April 2022). Travaux Pratiques : gestions d'alvéoles d’extraction [Paper presentation]. Retour vers le Futur. Un grand congèrs de parodontologie et d’implantologie pour tous, Belgium.

SALHI, L., Reners, M., & LAMBERT, F. (2022). parodontite et maladies systémiques. ID: L'Information dentaire.

VINCENT, K., LI MANNI, L., Mainjot, A., LECLOUX, G., & LAMBERT, F. (2022). An individualized approach for a one-abutment one-time protocol using fully guided implant surgery: a 4-year follow-up case series. International Journal of Computerized Dentistry.

Laleman, I., SEIDEL, L., Gagnot, G., Reners, M., & LAMBERT, F. (2022). Instrumentation during the second stage of periodontal therapy: a European survey. Clinical Oral Investigations. doi:10.1007/s00784-022-04442-9

Mainjot, A., & Lambert, F. (11 March 2022). Esthétique implantaire et gestion des tissus dans le secteur antérieur [Paper presentation]. Master Class d-esthetics, LIEGE, Belgium.

Charavet, C., Van hede, D., Anania, S., MAES, N., Albert, A., & LAMBERT, F. (2022). One-stage versus two-stage piezocision-assisted orthodontic tooth movement: A preclinical study based on Nano-CT and RT-PCR analyses. Journal of Stomatology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. doi:10.1016/j.jormas.2022.03.010

Dethier, F., BACEVIC, M., LECLOUX, G., SEIDEL, L., Rompen, E., & LAMBERT, F. (2022). The Effects of Abutment Materials on Peri-Implant Soft Tissue Integration: A Study in Minipigs. Journal of Prosthodontics. doi:10.1111/jopr.13504

Hanozin, B., Li Manni, L., LECLOUX, G., BACEVIC, M., & LAMBERT, F. (07 February 2022). Digital vs. conventional workflow for one-abutment one-time immediate restoration in the esthetic zone: a randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Implant Dentistry, 8 (1), 7. doi:10.1186/s40729-022-00406-6

Laleman, I., LAMBERT, F., & SZOTEK, G. (2022). Greffe éptithélio-conjonctive ou greffe de tissu conjonctif enfoui ? Clinic.

LAMBERT, F. (2022). Immediate implant restorations : How far do we push the limits ? [Paper presentation]. Push the Limits, Bruxelles, Belgium.

LAMBERT, F. (2022). Chirurgie muco-gingivale pour le recouvrement de récessions gingivales [Paper presentation]. Congrès Retour vers le futur, Liège, Belgium.

Lilet, R., Désiron, M., Finelle, G., Lecloux, G., SEIDEL, L., & Lambert, F. (2022). Immediate implant placement combining socket seal abutment and peri-implant socket filling: A prospective case series. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 33, 33-44. doi:10.1111/clr.13852

SALHI, L., Rijkschroeff, P., Van hede, D., Laine, M., Teughels, W., Sakalihasan, N., & LAMBERT, F. (2022). Blood Biomarkers and Serologic Immunological Profiles Related to Periodontitis in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Patients. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. doi:10.3389/fcimb.2021.766462

Van hede, D., Liang, B., Anania, S., Barzegari, M., Verlée, B., Nolens, G., Pirson, J., Geris, L., & LAMBERT, F. (2022). 3D-Printed Synthetic Hydroxyapatite Scaffold With In Silico Optimized Macrostructure Enhances Bone Formation In Vivo. Advanced Functional Materials. doi:10.1002/adfm.202105002

Mainjot, A., & Lambert, F. (04 December 2021). Immediate implant restorations: how far can we push the limits ? [Paper presentation]. First going meeting Belgium society of oral implantology - Belgium society of periodontology, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Liang, B., Van hede, D., Sadeghian Dehkord, E., Lambert, F., & Geris, L. (15 November 2021). Optimisation of bone formation in 3D-printed calcium-phosphate scaffolds for dental applications: from in silico design to in vivo validation [Paper presentation]. 6th world congress TERMIS 2021, Maastricht, Netherlands.

SALHI, L., LAMBERT, F., & RENERS, M. (2021). Dépendance nicotinique et sévérité de la parodontite. Parodontologie Implantologie Orale : un Nouveau Regard.

MAINJOT, A., & LAMBERT, F. (26 March 2021). Esthétique implantaire et gestion des tissus dans le secteur antérieur [Paper presentation]. Master Class d-esthetics, Liège, Belgium.

SALHI, L., SEIDEL, L., Albert, A., & LAMBERT, F. (2021). Fagerström test for nicotine dependence as an indicator in tobacco‐related studies in periodontology. Journal of Periodontology. doi:10.1002/JPER.20-0019

Garyga, V., SEIDEL, L., Gagnot, G., Reners, M., & LAMBERT, F. (07 January 2021). Oral hygiene instructions and methods: a comparative survey of European general dentists, periodontists and dental hygienists. Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry, 19 (1), 327-337. doi:10.3290/j.ohpd.b1749661

Alexopoulou, M., LAMBERT, F., Knafo, B., Popelut, A., Vandenberghe, B., & Finelle, G. (2021). Immediate implant in the posterior region combined with alveolar ridge preservation and Sealing Socket Abutment: A retrospective 3D radiographic Analysis. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, 23 (1), 61-72. doi:10.1111/cid.12974

BACEVIC, M., Compeyron, Y., LECLOUX, G., Rompen, E., & LAMBERT, F. (2021). Intraoperative and postoperative outcomes of sinus floor elevation using the lateral window technique versus the hydrodynamic transalveolar approach: a preliminary randomized controlled trial. Clinical Oral Investigations. doi:10.1007/s00784-021-03847-2

Charavet, C., Van hede, D., MAES, N., Albert, A., & Lambert, F. (2021). Disentangling the effects of CAD/CAM customized appliances and piezocision in orthodontic treatment. Angle Orthodontist, 91 (6), 764-771. doi:10.2319/112620-962.1

Gasik, M., LAMBERT, F., & BACEVIC, M. (2021). Biomechanical Properties of Bone and Mucosa for Design and Application of Dental Implants. Materials. doi:10.3390/ma14112845

Jackers, N., MAES, N., Lambert, F., Albert, A., & Charavet, C. (2021). Standard vs computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing customized self-ligating systems using indirect bonding with both. Angle Orthodontist. doi:10.2319/012920-59.1

LAMBERT, F. (2021). Muco-intégration : stratégies pour l'intégration des tissus mous péri-implantaires [Paper presentation]. Dental Innovation Congress Lugano, Lugano, Switzerland.

LAMBERT, F. (2021). Master Class Bone augmentation procedures [Paper presentation]. Master Class UPerio Education, Belgium.

Lilet, R., Désiron, M., Finelle, G., LECLOUX, G., SEIDEL, L., & LAMBERT, F. (2021). Immediate implant placement in the posterior region combining socket seal abutment and alveolar ridge preservation: Implant, hard and soft tissue outcomes after 1 year. Clinical Oral Implants Research.

Liang, B., Van hede, D., Sadeghian Dehkord, E., Lambert, F., & Geris, L. (11 December 2020). In silico design and in vivo validation of bone formation in 3D-printed calcium-phosphate scaffolds for dental applications [Paper presentation]. 11th World Biomaterial Congress Virtual.

Mainjot, A., & Lambert, F. (18 October 2020). Une approche en équipe pour retrouver le sourire [Paper presentation]. Journée des membres de l'ITI France, Rennes, France.

Charavet, C., Lecloux, G., Vandenberghe, B., & Lambert, F. (2020). Buccal bone regeneration combined with piezocision in adult orthodontic patients: Clinical, 3D radiographic, and patient-reported outcomes. Journal of Stomatology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. doi:10.1016/j.jormas.2020.10.005

Mainjot, A., & Lambert, F. (25 September 2020). Esthétique implantaire et gestion des tissus dans le secteur antérieur [Paper presentation]. Master Class d-esthetics, LIEGE, Belgium.

SALHI, L., Lambert, F., Salem, S., SEIDEL, L. (Other coll.), LECLOUX, G. (Other coll.), & Rompen, E. (Other coll.). (14 August 2020). Tunnel/Pouch versus Coronally Advanced Flap Combined with a Connective Tissue Graft for the Treatment of Maxillary Gingival Recessions: Four-Year Follow-Up of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9 (8). doi:10.3390/jcm9082641

SALHI, L., LAMBERT, F., Albert, A. (Other coll.), & SEIDEL, L. (Other coll.). (03 August 2020). Respective Effects of Oral Hygiene Instructions and Periodontal Nonsurgical Treatment (Debridement) on Clinical Parameters and Patient-Reported Outcome Measures with Respect to Smoking. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9 (8). doi:10.3390/jcm9082491

Sanz, M., Herrera, D., Moritz Kebschull, , Chapple, I., Jepsen, S., Tord Beglundh, , Sculean, A., Maurizio, , Tonetti, S., Berglundh, T., Kebschull, M., Tonetti, M., Kopp, I., Brocklehurst, P., Wennström, J., Aass, A., Aimetti, M., Belibasakis, G., Blanco, J., ... Wimmer, G. (July 2020). Treatment of stage I-III periodontitis-The EFP S3 level clinical practice guideline. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 47 (S22), 4-60. doi:10.1111/jcpe.13290

BACEVIC, M., Rompen, E., RADERMECKER, R., Drion, P., & LAMBERT, F. (2020). Practical considerations for reducing mortality rates in alloxan-induced diabetic rabbits. Heliyon. doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e04103

Mainjot, A., & Lambert, F. (24 April 2020). Collaborer efficacement pour réhabiliter en zone esthétiqueu: un duo paro-prothèse [Paper presentation]. Visioconférence plateforme d'apprentissage Frenchtooth, Liège (visioconférence), Belgium.

SALHI, L., Sakalihasan, N., GAU OKROGLIC, A., Rompen, E., SEIDEL, L., Albert, A., Teughels, W., Defraigne, J.-O., & LAMBERT, F. (2020). Further evidence on the relationship between abdominal aortic aneurysm and periodontitis: a cross sectional study. Journal of Periodontology. doi:10.1002/JPER.19-0671

BACEVIC, M., Dethier, F., Rompen, E., LECLOUX, G., & LAMBERT, F. (2020). The effects of abutment materials on peri-implant soft tissue integration [Poster presentation]. 2020 IADR/AADR/CADR General Session & Exhibition, Washington, D.C., United States.

Borie, M., LAMBERT, F., LECLOUX, G., BOSSHARDT, D., BARRANTES, A., HAUGEN, H. J., & BACEVIC, M. (2020). Peri-implant soft tissue integration in humans – influence of materials: A study protocol for a randomised controlled trial and a pilot study results. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications. doi:10.1016/j.conctc.2020.100643

Botilde, G., COLIN, P.-E., González-Martín, O., LECLOUX, G., Rompen, E., & LAMBERT, F. (2020). Hard and soft tissue analysis of alveolar ridge preservation in esthetic zone using deproteinized bovine bone mineral and a saddle connective tissue graft: a long-term prospective case series. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research. doi:10.1111/cid.12899

BOUHY, A., Rompen, E., LAMY, M., LEGROS, C., LECLOUX, G., & LAMBERT, F. (2020). Maxillary Implant Overdenture Retained by Four Unsplinted Attachments and Opposed by a Natural or Fixed Dentition: One-Year Clinical Outcomes. Clinical Oral Implants Research. doi:10.1111/clr.13623

LAMBERT, F. (2020). Master Class Bone augmentation procedures [Paper presentation]. ParoCHU education.

LAMBERT, F., Eldafrawy, M., BEKAERT, S., & MAINJOT, A. (2020). One tooth-One time (1T1T), immediate loading of posterior single implants with the final crown: Two-year results of a case series. International Journal of Oral Implantology: Implantologist, 13 (4), 369-383.

LI MANNI, L., LECLOUX, G., Rompen, E., Aouini, W., Shapira, L., & LAMBERT, F. (2020). Clinical and Radiographic Assessment of Circular Versus Triangular cross-section neck Implants in the Posterior Maxilla: A 1-year Randomized Controlled Trial. Clinical Oral Implants Research. doi:10.1111/clr.13624

DE CARVALHO, B., ROMPEN, E., LECLOUX, G., Schupbach, P., Dory, E., Art, J. F., & LAMBERT, F. (2019). Effect of Sintering on In Vivo Biological Performance of Chemically Deproteinized Bovine Hydroxyapatite. Materials. doi:10.3390/ma12233946

Liang, B., Sadeghian Dehkord, E., Geris, L., Van hede, D., & Lambert, F. (15 November 2019). Model-based design of 3D-printed calcium-phosphate based biomaterials for dental applications [Paper presentation]. Belgian symposium on tissue engineering, Hasselt, Belgium.

Le Guéhennec, L.* , Van hede, D.* , Plougonven, E., Nolens, G., Verlée, B., Gillet, M.-C., & LAMBERT, F. (2019). In vitro and in vivo biocompatibility of calcium- phosphate scaffolds 3D printed by stereolithography for bone regeneration. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part A. doi:10.1002/jbm.a.36823
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Van hede, D., le Guehennec, L., Plougonven, E., Nolens, G., de Pauw, M.-C., & Lambert, F. (20 June 2019). Biocompatibility of stereolithography 3D-printed calcium-phosphate scaffolds for bone regeneration [Paper presentation]. 97th General Session of the International Association for Dental Research - IADR 2019, Vancouver, Canada.

SALHI, L., Sakalihasan, N., Defraigne, J.-O., Albert, A., SEIDEL, L., LAMBERT, F., & Teughels, W. (23 May 2019). FURTHER EVIDENCE ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN AAA AND PERIODONTITIS [Paper presentation]. European society for cardiovascular surgery.

Aouini, W., LAMBERT, F., Vrielinck, L., & Vandenberghe, B. (2019). Patient Eligibility for Standardized Treatment of the Edentulous Mandible: A Retrospective CBCT-Based Assessment of Mandibular Morphology. Journal of Clinical Medicine. doi:10.3390/jcm8050616

Lambert, F. (26 April 2019). Soft tissue regeneration: surgical techniques for predictable outcomes [Paper presentation]. International Ostelogy Symposium.

CHARAVET, C., LECLOUX, G., JACKERS, N., MAES, N., & LAMBERT, F. (2019). Patient-reported outcomes measures (PROMs) following a piezocision-assisted versus conventional orthodontic treatments : a randomized controlled trial in adults. Clinical Oral Investigations. doi:10.1007/s00784-019-02887-z

Mainjot, A., & Lambert, F. (22 March 2019). From perio to pros, from research to clinic [Paper presentation]. Scientific meeting of the 1000's club, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.

CHARAVET, C., Lambert, F., LECLOUX, G., & LE GALL, M. (2019). Traitement orthodontique accéléré par corticotomies : quelles sont les alternatives minimalement invasives ? Orthodontie Française. doi:10.1051/orthodfr/2019002

Mainjot, A., & Lambert, F. (March 2019). Esthétique implantaire et gestion des tissus dans le secteur antérieur [Paper presentation]. Master Class d-esthetics, LIEGE, Belgium.

CHARAVET, C., LECLOUX, G., JACKERS, N., Albert, A., & LAMBERT, F. (16 January 2019). Piezocision-assisted orthodontic treatment using CAD/CAM customized orthodontic appliances: a randomized controlled trial in adults. European Journal of Orthodontics, 10.1093/ejo/cjy082. doi:10.1093/ejo/cjy082

BACEVIC, M., BRKOVIC, B., LAMBERT, F., DJUKIC, L., PETROVIC, N., & ROGANOVIC, J. (2019). Leukocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin as graft material improves microRNA-21 expression and decreases oxidative stress in the calvarial defects of diabetic rabbits. Archives of Oral Biology, 102, 231-237. doi:10.1016/j.archoralbio.2019.05.005

BOLETTE, A., LECLOUX, G., ROMPEN, E., Albert, A., Kerckhofs, G., & LAMBERT, F. (2019). Influence of induced infection in medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw development after tooth extraction: a study in rats. Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery, 47 (2), 349-356. doi:10.1016/j.jcms.2018.08.011

CHARAVET, C., Van hede, D., Anania, S., MAES, N., & LAMBERT, F. (2019). Multilevel biological responses following piezocision to accelerate orthodontic tooth movement: A study in rats. Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists. doi:10.1016/j.ejwf.2019.07.002

DELIZE, V., BOUHY, A., LAMBERT, F., & LAMY, M. (2019). Intrasubject comparison of digital vs. conventional workflow for screw-retained single-implant crowns: Prosthodontic and patient-centered outcomes. Clinical Oral Implants Research. doi:10.1111/clr.13494

Garyga, V., Pochelu, F., Thivichon-Prince, B., Aouini, W., Santamaria, J., LAMBERT, F., Maucort-Boulch, D., Gueyffier, F., & Grosgogeat, B. (2019). GoPerio - Impact of a personalized video and an automated two-way text-messaging system in oral hygiene motivation: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. doi:10.1186/s13063-019-3738-0

LAMBERT, F. (2019). The mucogingival surgery [Paper presentation]. ProCHU education.

LAMBERT, F. (2019). Strauman women summit Malta [Paper presentation]. Straumann meeting, Malta.

LAMBERT, F. (2019). SBP congress Giordanni/Surmenian [Paper presentation]. SBP congress Giordanni/Surmenian.

LAMBERT, F. (2019). Présent et futur de l'augmentation tissulaire : Choix des matériaux et des techniques [Paper presentation]. SFPIO Sud-Est.

LAMBERT, F. (2019). Peri implant biological complications [Paper presentation]. Nobel Biocare Global Symposium Madrid.

LAMBERT, F. (2019). Mater Class :Mucogingival surgery [Paper presentation]. ParoCHU education.

LAMBERT, F. (2019). Master Class : Mucogingival surgery [Paper presentation]. ParoCHU education.

LAMBERT, F. (2019). Master Class : La chirurgie muco-gingivale [Paper presentation]. ParoCHU education.

LAMBERT, F. (2019). Maintaining peri-implant soft tissue health [Paper presentation]. ITI Congress BENELUX, Netherlands.

LAMBERT, F. (2019). La Chirurgie muco-gingivale [Paper presentation]. ParoCHU education.

LAMBERT, F. (2019). From Perio to Pros, from Research to Clinic [Paper presentation]. Universitätsspital Zürich seminar.

LAMBERT, F. (2019). Evidence-based guideline for periodontal therapy [Paper presentation]. EFP's Perio Workshop.

Le Roch, S, Rouche, F, Valet, F, Bouchard, P, Abrahamsson, I, Artzi, Z, Asbi, T, Balta, M.G, Bizzarro, S, Buti, J, Chaushu, L, Danser, M, DE CARVALHO, B., Garabetyan, J, Goldstein, M, Gursoy, H, Harmouche, L, Harrison, P, Herrera, D, ... Yarimoglu, E. (2019). European survey on criteria of aesthetics for periodontal evaluation: The ESCAPE study. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. doi:10.1111/jcpe.13182

SALHI, L., ROMPEN, E., SAKALIHASAN, N., Laleman, I., Teughels, W., MICHEL, J.-B., & LAMBERT, F. (2019). Can Periodontitis Influence the Progression of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm? A Systematic Review. Angiology. doi:10.1177/0003319718821243

Sanz, M., Dahlin, C. B., Apatzidou, D. C., Artzi, Z. D., Bozic, D. E., De Bruyn, H. G., Dommisch, H. H., Donos, N. F., Eickholz, P. I., Ellingsen, J. E. J., Haugen, Herrera, D. A., LAMBERT, F., Layrolle, P. M., Montero, E. A., Mustafa, K. N., Omar, O., & Schliephake, H. (2019). Biomaterials and regenerative technologies used in bone regeneration in the craniomaxillofacial region: Consensus report of group 2 of the 15th European Workshop on Periodontology on Bone Regeneration. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 46 (Issue S21), 82-91. doi:10.1111/jcpe.13123

LAMBERT, F. (December 2018). Live surgery. Guided Surgery [Paper presentation]. Advimago continuing education.

Sadeghian Dehkord, E., Kerckhofs, G., LAMBERT, F., & Geris, L. (30 November 2018). Analyzing the influence of driving physico-chemical characteristics in intra-oral bone regeneration using a predictive empirical model [Paper presentation]. 17th National Day on Biomedical Engineering, Brussels, Belgium.

Lambert, F. (28 November 2018). Limites et bénéfices des gestions d’alvéoles d’extraction [Paper presentation]. Association Dentaire Française, Paris, France.

Lambert, F. (16 November 2018). Piezocision accelarated orthodontics [Paper presentation]. SECIB, European Association for Osseointegration.

MAINJOT, A., & LAMBERT, F. (2018). Manuel d'implantologie clinique : Consolidation des savoirs et ouvertures sur l'avenir. In M. DAVARPANAH, S. SZMUKLER-MONCLER, ... P. RAJZBAUM, Manuel d'implantologie clinique Consolidation des savoirs et ouvertures sur l'avenir (pp. 719-725). France: CPD.

Heitz-Mayfield, L. J. A., Aaboe, M., Araujo, M., Carrion, J. B., Cavalcanti, R., Cionca, N., Cochran, D. L., Darby, I. B., Funakoshi, E., Gierthmuehlen, P. C., Hashim, D., Jahangiri, L., Kwon, Y. D., LAMBERT, F., Layton, D. M., Lorenzana, E. R., McKenna, G., Mombelli, A. W., Müller, F., ... Yeo, A. B. K. (2018). Group 4 ITI Consensus Report: Risks and biologic complications associated with implant dentistry. Clinical Oral Implants Research, (Suppl 16), 351-358. doi:10.1111/clr.13307

Lambert, F. (27 October 2018). Benefit of digital workflow [Paper presentation]. Innovation Day Nobel biocare.

Lambert, F. (18 October 2018). La chirurgie muco-gingivale [Paper presentation]. ADFOC, Association Dentaire de Savoie.

Lambert, F. (12 October 2018). Strategies for Bone regeneration [Paper presentation]. EAO, European Association for Osseointegration.

Lambert, F. (05 October 2018). Benefit of digital workflows from a perio perspective [Paper presentation]. YPP Straumann.

Lambert, F. (28 September 2018). Mucointegration: Strategies for peri-implant soft tissue integration [Paper presentation]. Sofia Dental Meeting.

Lambert, F. (14 September 2018). Mucointegration: Strategies for peri-implant soft tissue integration [Paper presentation]. COAE.

Sadeghian Dehkord, E., Kerckhofs, G., Lambert, F., & Geris, L. (11 September 2018). Developing a predictive empirical model to optimize biomaterials characteristics for intra-oral bone regeneration [Paper presentation]. 29th European Conference on Biomaterials, Maastricht, Netherlands.

Lambert, F. (23 June 2018). Piezocision to accelerate orthodontic movement [Paper presentation]. Europerio 9, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Acteon Corporate Forum.

Lambert, F. (23 June 2018). Innovative approaches to the benefit of orthodontics [Paper presentation]. Europerio 9.

Lambert, F. (22 June 2018). Decision making for immediate implant in the esthetic zone [Paper presentation]. Europerio 9, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Straumann Corporate Forum.

BACEVIC, M., KERCKHOFS, G., BRKOVIC, B., Rompen, E., & LAMBERT, F. (June 2018). Effects of biomaterials and leukocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF) on bone regeneration in healthy versus controlled diabetic conditions [Poster presentation]. EuroPerio9. doi:10.1111/jcpe.575_12915

BACEVIC, M., KERCKHOFS, G., ROGANOVIC, J., ADELIN, A., Rompen, E., & LAMBERT, F. (June 2018). Bone regeneration in healthy versus controlled diabetic conditions: Influence of leukocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF) [Poster presentation]. EuroPerio9.

CHARAVET, C., & LAMBERT, F. (June 2018). Symposium [Paper presentation]. EuroPerio 9, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Garyga, Pochelu, F., Santamaria, J., Aouini, W., Thivichon‐Prince, B., & LAMBERT, F. (June 2018). GoPerio: a mobile health concept for patient motivation in periodontal therapy [Paper presentation]. Europerio 9.

GARYGA, V., SEIDEL, L., GAGNOT, G., RENERS, M., & LAMBERT, F. (June 2018). Oral hygiene instructions and methods: a European survey among dental professionals – the eSIP study [Paper presentation]. Europerio 9.

Lilet, R., Van hede, D., Rompen, E., Lecloux, G., Bacevic, M., & LAMBERT, F. (June 2018). Comparison of monophasic / biphasic bovine hydroxyapatites on bone regeneration in a rabbit calvarial defect model [Poster presentation]. Europerio.

SALHI, L., Teughels, W., Rompen, E., SAKALIHASAN, N., Michel, J. B., & LAMBERT, F. (June 2018). Does periodontitis influence the progression of abdominal aortic aneurysm? A systematic review [Paper presentation]. Europerio 9.

Van hede, D., Lilet, R., Rompen, E., Lecloux, G., Jepsen, S., Winter, J., & Lambert, F. (June 2018). Comparison of monophasic / biphasic bovine hydroxyapatites on gene expression profiles in a rabbit calvarial defect model [Poster presentation]. EuroPerio9.

Lambert, F. (26 April 2018). Stratégie pour l’intégration des tissus mous peri-implantaires [Paper presentation]. Euro-implanto.

Lambert, F. (21 April 2018). Treatment Guidelines and Recommendations of the 6th ITI Consensus Conference
 [Paper presentation]. ITI Annual Conference.

Berglundh, T., Armitage, G., Avila-Ortiz, G., Araujo, M., Blanco, J., Camargo, P., Chen, S., Cochran, D., Derks, J., Figuero, E., Hämmerle, C., Heitz-Mayfield, L. J. A., Huynh-Ba, G., Iacono, V., Koo, K.-T., LAMBERT, F., McCauley, L., Quirynen, M., Renvert, S., ... Zitzmann, N. (2018). Consensus report: Peri-implant diseases and conditions. Journal of Periodontology. doi:10.1002/JPER.17-0739

Mainjot, A., & Lambert, F. (March 2018). Esthétique implantaire et gestion des tissus dans le secteur antérieur [Paper presentation]. Master Class d-esthetics, LIEGE, Belgium.

Berglundh, T., Armitage, G., Araujo, M., Avila-Ortiz, G., Blanco, J., Camargo, P. M., Chen, S., Cochran, D., Derks, J., Figuero, E., Hammerle, C. H. F., Heitz-Mayfield, L. J. A., Huynh-Ba, G., Iacono, V., Koo, K.-T., Lambert, F., McCauley, L., Quirynen, M., Renvert, S., ... Zitzmann, N. (2018). Peri-implant diseases and conditions: Consensus report of workgroup 4 of the 2017 World Workshop on the Classification of Periodontal and Peri-Implant Diseases and Conditions. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 45 Suppl 20, 286-S291. doi:10.1111/jcpe.12957

CHARAVET, C., LECLOUX, G., Bruwier, A., VANDENBERGHE, B., LE GALL, M., & LAMBERT, F. (2018). Selective piezocision-assisted orthodontic treatment combined with minimally invasive alveolar bone regeneration: A proof-of-concept. International Orthodontics. doi:10.1016/j.ortho.2018.09.021

LAMBERT, F. (2018). Soft tissue management in the esthetic zone [Paper presentation]. d-Esthetics Master Class.

LAMBERT, F. (2018). Master Class : La hirurgie muco-gingivale Niveau 2 [Paper presentation]. ParoCHU education.

LAMBERT, F. (2018). Master Class : La chirurgie muco-gingivale Niveau 2 [Paper presentation]. ParoCHU education.

LAMBERT, F. (2018). La Chirurgie muco-gingivale Niveau 2 [Paper presentation]. ParoCHU education.

LAMBERT, F., & DE CARVALHO, B. (2018). Impact de la santé buccodentaire sur les performances sportives. Journal de Traumatologie du Sport, (35/3), 168-172. doi:10.1016/j.jts.2018.07.005

RENERS, M., ALBOUY, J.-P., BARTALA, M., BOBETSIS, Y. A., BONAFE, I., CREVEL, M., DA SILVA, D., DUFFAU, F., GAGNOT, G., GIOVANNOLI, J.-L., JEPSEN, S., JUZANX, I., LAMBERT, F., MADIANOS, P. N., MICHEAU, C., THYS, N., & VERNER, C. (2018). Chapitre 10: Mucogingival surgery. In M. RENERS, Periodontology (pp. 161-172). Paris, France: L'Information Dentaire.

Lambert, F. (28 November 2017). Gestion esthétique du secteur maxillaire en implantologie [Paper presentation]. ADF, Association Dentaire Française.

Lambert, F. (08 November 2017). AAP/EFP workshop meeting [Paper presentation]. EFP, European Federation for Periodontology.

BACEVIC, M., Brkovic, B., Albert, A., ROMPEN, E., RADERMECKER, R., & LAMBERT, F. (2017). Does Oxidative Stress Play a Role in Altered Characteristics of Diabetic Bone? A Systematic Review. Calcified Tissue International, 553-563. doi:10.1007/s00223-017-0327-7

Lambert, F., & Mainjot, A. (2017). One-Tooth One-Time (1T1T): a straightforward approach to replace missing teeth in the posterior region. Journal of Oral Implantology. doi:10.1563/aaid-joi-D-17-00136

Lambert, F. (21 September 2017). Benefits of digital workflows [Paper presentation]. Nobel Biocare Benelux Symosium.

LAMBERT, F., & MAINJOT, A. (21 September 2017). Digital workflow in the esthetic zone [Paper presentation]. Congrès Nobelbiocare, Maastricht, Netherlands.

LAMBERT, F., & MAINJOT, A. (06 July 2017). La prothèse, les biomatériaux et le parodonte : une histoire en pleine évolution [Paper presentation]. Société Francophone des Biomatériaux Dentaires, Paris, France.

Lambert, F. (26 May 2017). Short and narrow implants: less titanium to decrease invasiveness [Paper presentation]. Sociedad Española de Periodoncia y osteointegracion.

LAMBERT, F. (05 May 2017). Benefit of digital workflows from a perio perspective [Paper presentation]. ITI World Symposium.

Lambert, F. (21 March 2017). Optimizing peri-implant soft tissues [Paper presentation]. Nobel Biocare continuous Education course.

Lambert, F. (19 March 2017). Optimizing peri-implant soft tissues [Paper presentation]. Nobel Biocare continuous Education course.

LI MANNI, L., LECLOUX, G., LEGROS, C., MAINJOT, A., ROMPEN, E., & LAMBERT, F. (24 February 2017). Immediate implant loading and prosthodontic components full-guided surgery: results of a case series [Paper presentation]. Free Communication Day.

Lambert, F. (2017). Practical Approaches for Soft and Hard Tissue Augmentation at Implant Sites [Paper presentation]. Université de Liège, Service de Parodontologie et Chirurgie bucco-dentaire, Chaudfontaine.

LAMBERT, F. (2017). Master Class : La chirurgie muco-gingivale Niveau 1 [Paper presentation]. ParoCHU education.

LAMBERT, F. (2017). Master Class : Chirurgie muco-gingivale Niveau 2 [Paper presentation]. ParoCHU education.

LAMBERT, F. (2017). La Chirurgie muco-gingivale Niveau 2 [Paper presentation]. ParoCHU education.

LAMBERT, F. (December 2016). Digital dentistry from a perio perspective [Paper presentation]. The Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontics (GNYAP) fall meeting.

Fernandez Ayora, A., González-Martín, O., ROMPEN, E., LECLOUX, G., & LAMBERT, F. (November 2016). Extraction Socket Management with Buccal Plate Expansion: Preliminary Results of a Novel Technique. International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry, 36 (6). doi:10.11607/prd.2659

LAMBERT, F., Bacevic, M., Layrolle, P., Schupbach, P., Drion, P., & ROMPEN, E. (2016). Impact of biomaterial microtopography on bone regeneration: comparison of three hydroxyapatites. Clinical Oral Implants Research. doi:10.1111/clr.12986

BACEVIC, M., BRKOVIC, B., Rompen, E., & LAMBERT, F. (September 2016). Does oxidative stress play a role in altered characteristics of diabetic bone? A systematic review [Poster presentation]. EAO - European Association for Osseointegration, Paris, France.

LAMBERT, F. (September 2016). Effectiveness of removable prosthesis retained by 4 implants-supported locator-attachments : patient-centered outcomes [Poster presentation]. EAO, European Association for Implantology, The 25th Annual Congress.

LAMBERT, F. (September 2016). Does oxidative stress play a role in altered characteristics of diabetic bone? A systematic review [Poster presentation]. EAO, European Association for Implantology, The 25th Annual Congress, Paris, France.

LI MANNI, L., LECLOUX, G., LEGROS, C., MAINJOT, A., ROMPEN, E., & LAMBERT, F. (September 2016). Immediate implant loading and prosthondontic components full-guided surgery: preliminary results of a case series [Poster presentation]. EAO - 25th annual congress, Paris, France.

LAMBERT, F., BOTILDE, G., LECLOUX, G., & ROMPEN, E. (2016). Effectiveness of temporary implants in teenage patients: a prospective clinical trial. Clinical Oral Implants Research. doi:10.1111/clr.12931

LAMBERT, F. (25 June 2016). Peri-implant soft tissue integration [Paper presentation]. Nobel Biocare Global Symposium, New York City, Etats-Unis.

LAMBERT, F. (23 June 2016). Soft tissue handling [Paper presentation]. Nobel Biocare Global Symposium, New York City, Etats-Unis.

Lambert, F. (22 June 2016). Peri-implant soft tissue healing and integration [Paper presentation]. Nobel Biocare Global Symposium.

LAMBERT, F. (04 June 2016). Le patient parodontal peut-il espérer un résultat esthétique? [Paper presentation]. SFPIO, Lyon, France.

Lambert, F. (25 May 2016). An Integrated Approach for Single Tooth Replacement: Innovative Concepts and Protocols to Restore the Posterior Region [Paper presentation]. MIS, Make It Simple, MIS Global Conference.

Lambert, F. (14 May 2016). Gestion des tissus mous peri-implantaire [Paper presentation]. Meeting Bordeaux.

Lambert, F. (12 May 2016). Live Congress in 3D [Paper presentation]. Live Congress in 3D.

CHARAVET, C., LECLOUX, G., VANDENBERGHE, B., & LAMBERT, F. (May 2016). Traitement orthodontique combinant piézocision et biomatériaux [Poster presentation]. Echec aux Echecs, Marseille, France.

LAMBERT, F. (May 2016). La dentisterie numérique : Action [Paper presentation]. Université de Liège, Belgique.

LAMBERT, F. (May 2016). Gestion des alvéoles, ROG, greffes osseuses et gingivales [Paper presentation]. GAD, Global Advanced Dentistry, Aix-en-Provence, France. Implants et Chirurgie muco-gingivale.

LAMBERT, F. (May 2016). An Integrated Approach for Single Tooth Replacement: Innovative Concepts and Protocols to Restore the Posterior Region [Paper presentation]. MIS, Make It Simple, MIS Global Conference, Barcelone, Espagne.

Lambert, F. (15 April 2016). Minimally invasive approach to minimize complications [Paper presentation]. ITI Benelux Symposium Study Club.

CHARAVET, C., LECLOUX, G., BRUWIER, A., ROMPEN, E., MAES, N., Limme, M., & Lambert, F. (2016). Localized Piezoelectric Alveolar Decortication for Orthodontic Treatment in Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Dental Research. doi:10.1177/0022034516645066

LAMBERT, F. (April 2016). Minimally invasive approach to minimize complications [Paper presentation]. ITI Benelux Symposium, Maastricht, Pays-Bas.

LAMBERT, F. (2016). Practical Approaches for Soft and Hard Tissue Augmentation at Implant Sites [Paper presentation]. Université de Liège, Service de Parodontologie et Chirurgie bucco-dentaire, Chaudfontaine.

LAMBERT, F. (2016). Live surgery. Guided Surgery [Paper presentation]. Advimago continuing education, Bruxelles.

LAMBERT, F. (November 2015). Technique de régénération osseuse intra-orale [Paper presentation]. IFPIO, Marseille, France.

LAMBERT, F. (November 2015). Quelles stratégies pour l’optimisation des tissus mous péri-implantaires ? [Paper presentation]. ADF, Association Dentaire Française, Paris, France.

Lambert, F. (22 October 2015). Benefits of extraction socket management [Paper presentation]. University of Bern Congress.

Lambert, F. (08 October 2015). Préserver ou reconstruire a gestion des alvéoles d'extraction”.omnipraticien [Paper presentation]. COEFI.

CHARAVET, C., Lecloux, G., & Lambert, F. (October 2015). Piezocision Assisted Orthodontic Treatment [Poster presentation]. Traiter c'est Innover, La Hulpe, Belgium.

CHARAVET, C., LECLOUX, G., ROMPEN, E., & Lambert, F. (October 2015). Innovative Orthodontic Treatment Using PiezoSurgery [Paper presentation]. Interdisciplinary Orthodontics in children and adults, Milan, Italy.

LAMBERT, F. (October 2015). Préserver ou reconstruire a gestion des alvéoles d'extraction [Paper presentation]. COEFI, Paris, France.

LAMBERT, F. (October 2015). La régénération osseuse post extractionnelle [Paper presentation]. AAP, Bordeaux, France.

LAMBERT, F. (October 2015). Benefits of extraction socket management [Paper presentation]. University of Bern, Bern, Suisse.

GAUDIN, E., SEIDEL, L., Bacevic, M., ROMPEN, E., & LAMBERT, F. (2015). Occurrence and risk indicators of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw after dental extraction: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. doi:10.1111/jcpe.12455

LAMBERT, F. (September 2015). Practical Approaches for Soft and Hard Tissue Augmentation at Implant Sites [Paper presentation]. Université de Liège, Service de Parodontologie et Chirurgie bucco-dentaire, Chaudfontaine, Belgique.

LAMBERT, F. (08 June 2015). Minimally invasive approach in implant dentistry [Paper presentation]. Straumann Asia.

LAMBERT, F., Bacevic, M., Schupbach, P., Layrolle, P., Drion, P., & ROMPEN, E. (03 June 2015). Impact of biomaterial physical characteristics on bone regeneration: Comparison of three hydroxyapatites [Poster presentation]. Europerio, London, United Kingdom.

CHARAVET, C., Lecloux, G., Rompen, E., & LAMBERT, F. (June 2015). Influence of piezocision-assisted orthodontic treatment in adults patients : A Randomized Control Trial [Poster presentation]. EuroPerio, Londres, United Kingdom.

LAMBERT, F. (June 2015). Use of power driven and airflow scalers [Paper presentation]. Europerio 8, Londres, Angleterre.

LAMBERT, F. (June 2015). Minimally invasive approach in implant dentistry [Paper presentation]. Straumann Asia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaisie; Bejing, Chine ; Xyamen, Chine ; Tapei, Thailande.

Lambert, F. (14 May 2015). Live surgery Congress in 3D [Paper presentation]. Live surgery Congress in 3D.

LAMBERT, F. (May 2015). Live Congress in 3D [Paper presentation]. Université de Liège, Belgique.

Jepsen, S., Berglundh, T., Genco, R., Aass, A. M., Demirel, K., Derks, J., Figuero, E., Giovannoli, J. L., Goldstein, M., LAMBERT, F., Ortiz-Vigon, A., Polyzois, I., Salvi, G. E., Schwarz, F., Serino, G., Tomasi, C., & Zitzmann, N. (31 March 2015). Primary prevention of peri-implantitis: Managing peri-implant mucositis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 42 (S16), 152–S157. doi:10.1111/jcpe.12369

Lambert, F. (19 March 2015). Vers une simplification des protocoles d’implants [Paper presentation]. Global D.

LAMBERT, F. (March 2015). Vers une simplification des protocoles d’implants [Paper presentation]. Global D, Lyon, France.

LAMBERT, F. (March 2015). Gestion implantaire de l'édentement unitaire dans le secteur esthétique : une approche visant à optimiser les tissus. Partie I : aspect chirurgical. Réalites Cliniques: Revue Européenne d'Odontologie, 26 (n°1).

LAMBERT, F. (March 2015). Extraire ou conserver ? [Paper presentation]. Apad asbl, Journée de rencontre.

LAMBERT, F. (February 2015). Ergonomics in dental practice [Paper presentation]. BSP, Belgian Society of Periodontology.

Ayora, A. F., HERION, F., ROMPEN, E., Reginster, J.-Y., Magremanne, M., & LAMBERT, F. (2015). Dramatic osteonecrosis of the jaw associated with oral bisphosphonates, periodontitis and dental implant removal. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 42, 190-195. doi:10.1111/jcpe.12322

ESPOSITO, M., GRUSOVIN, M. G., LAMBERT, F., MATOS, S., PIETRUSKA, M., ROSSI, R., SALHI, L., & BUTI, J. (2015). The effectiveness of a resorbable bone substitute with a resorbable membrane in the treatment of periodontal infrabony defect - A multicenter randomised controlled trial. European Journal of Oral Implantology, 8 (3), 233-244.

LAMBERT, F., LECLOUX, G., GRENADE, C., BOUHY, A., LAMY, M., & ROMPEN, E. (2015). Less invasive surgical procedures using narrow diameter implants: a prospective study in 20 consecutive patients. Journal of Oral Implantology. doi:10.1563/AAID-JOI-D-13-00201

CHARAVET, C., Lecloux, G., Rompen, E., BRUWIER, A., & Lambert, F. (05 December 2014). Benefits of piezocision-assisted orthodontics : a randomized controlled trial, preliminary results [Paper presentation]. Piezocision for Rapid Orthodontics Treatment, Liège, Belgium.

LAMBERT, F. (December 2014). Préserver plutôt que reconstruire [Paper presentation]. SNIF, 5ème Symposium National d’Implantologie au Féminin, Paris, France.

Lambert, F. (25 November 2014). Traitement parodontal ou extraction et implant [Paper presentation]. ADF, Association Dentaire Française.

Lambert, F. (09 November 2014). Workshop in Periodontal Prevention [Paper presentation]. EFP, European Federation of Periodontology.

CHARAVET, C., LECLOUX, G., LAMBERT, F., BERNARD, J.-C., ROMPEN, E., LIMME, M., & BRUWIER, A. (November 2014). Traitement orthodontique chez le patient adulte assisté par piézocision: illustration d'un cas clinique [Poster presentation]. Congrès de la société d'orthodontie française.

LAMBERT, F. (November 2014). Traitement parodontal ou extraction et implant [Paper presentation]. ADF, Association Dentaire Française, Paris, France.

LAMBERT, F. (November 2014). Quelles stratégies pour l’optimisation des tissus mous péri-implantaires ? [Paper presentation]. ADF, Association Dentaire Française, Paris, France.

LAMBERT, F. (November 2014). Extraction socket management with Buccal Plate Expansion: Preliminary Results of a Novel Technique [Paper presentation]. Mediplus.

LAMBERT, F. (October 2014). Implantologie du Futur :
 la longévité de nos implants sera-t-elle conditionnée par les innovations chirurgicales ou prothétiques ? [Paper presentation]. AFI, Association Française d’Implantologie, 29ème Congrès, Paris, France.

Lambert, F. (24 September 2014). Certification in oral implantology [Paper presentation]. EAO, European Association for Implantology.

LAMBERT, F. (September 2014). Certification in oral implantology [Paper presentation]. EAO, European Association for Implantology, Rome, Italie. The Annual Congress, Junior Committee session.

Lambert, F. (22 May 2014). Live Congress in 3D [Paper presentation]. Live Congress in 3D.

LAMBERT, F. (May 2014). Live Congress in 3D [Paper presentation]. Université de Liège, Belgique.

LAMBERT, F. (March 2014). La gestion des alvéoles d’extraction [Paper presentation]. Global D, Lyon, France.

LAMBERT, F. (March 2014). Failure Festival [Paper presentation]. BSP. Belgian Society of Periodontology.

Lambert, F. (04 February 2014). How to present the scientific literature [Paper presentation]. FOR, Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation.

LAMBERT, F. (February 2014). How to present the scientific literature [Paper presentation]. FOR, Foundation for Oral rehabilitation, Fussisberg, Suisse.

LAMBERT, F. (January 2014). Nouvelles approches pour la régénération des tissus mous [Paper presentation]. Excellence en implantologie, Paris, France.

LAMBERT, F. (2014). Extraction socket management [Paper presentation]. Mediplus congress.

SALHI, L., LECLOUX, G., Seidel, L., ROMPEN, E., & LAMBERT, F. (2013). Coronally advanced flap versus the pouch technique combined with a connective tissuegraft to treat Miller's class I gingival recession: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Periodontology.

LAMBERT, F. (December 2013). Gestion des alvéoles d’extraction [Paper presentation]. Mediplus, Bruxelles, Belgique.

Lambert, F. (22 November 2013). Decision making to replace missing teeth in the esthetic zone [Paper presentation]. OMD Congress.

LAMBERT, F. (November 2013). Le traitement de la parodontite pour la santé de nos patients [Paper presentation]. Laboratoire Ketterhill, Luxembourg.

LAMBERT, F. (November 2013). La réhabilitation esthétique en équipe: de la chirurgie à la prothèse, de la recherche à la clinique [Paper presentation]. ITI, International Team for Implantology, Belgian Education Program, Bruxelles, Belgique.

LAMBERT, F. (November 2013). Decision making to replace missing teeth in the esthetic zone [Paper presentation]. OMD Congress, Ordem dos Médicos Dentistas. Lisbonne, Portugal.

LAMBERT, F. (November 2013). Choix des biomatériaux dans la régénération tissulaire guidée [Paper presentation]. ADF, Association Dentaire Française, Paris, France.

FERNANDEZ AYORA, A., HERION, F., LAMBERT, F., LECLOUX, G., & ROMPEN, E. (October 2013). DRAMATIC OSTEONECROSIS OF THE JAW ASSOCIATED WITH ORAL BIPHOSPHONATES TREATMENT AFTER IMPLANT REMOVAL: A CASE REPORT [Poster presentation]. 22nd Meeting of the European Association of Osseointegration, Dublin, Ireland.

LAMBERT, F. (October 2013). Chirurgie plastique parodontale: Traitement des récessions multiples de grandes étendues. Alpha Omega France, 160.

Knapen, M., Gheldof, D., Drion, P., Layrolle, P., Rompen, E., & Lambert, F. (2013). Effect of Leukocyte- and Platelet-Rich Fibrin (L-PRF) on Bone Regeneration: A Study in Rabbits. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research. doi:10.1111/cid.12146

LAMBERT, F. (September 2013). Vers une simplification des protocoles [Paper presentation]. SMD, Société de Médecine Dentaire, Namur.

LAMBERT, F. (September 2013). Extraction socket management with Buccal Plate Expansion: Preliminary Results of a Novel Technique [Paper presentation]. University of Leuven.

LAMBERT, F. (September 2013). Extraction Socket Management [Paper presentation]. Mediplus, Bruxelles.

ROMPEN, E., LAMBERT, F., & LAMY, M. (2013). Le maxillaire édenté complet. In P. Missika (Ed.), 25 cas d'école en implantologie. Editeur Information Dentaire.

LAMBERT, F. (21 June 2013). Hard and soft tissue regeneration in anterior cases: Materials and Procedures [Paper presentation]. Nobel Biocare Global Symposium, New York, United States - New York.

COMPEYRON, Y., LECLOUX, G., LEGROS, C., ROMPEN, E., & LAMBERT, F. (08 June 2013). Mise en charge immédiate en zone esthétique avec un pilier zircone préformé [Paper presentation]. Congrès SFPIO Deauville, Deauville, France.

GAUDIN, E., HERION, F., LECLOUX, G., ROMPEN, E., & LAMBERT, F. (08 June 2013). extractions dentaires et risque d'ostéonécrose de la mâchoire chez les patients traités par bisphosphonates en intraveineuse [Paper presentation]. Congrès SFPIO Deauville.

DETHIER, F., LECLOUX, G., ROMPEN, E., & LAMBERT, F. (June 2013). Placement précoce d’implant dans des sites d’extractions préservés : résultats à 1 an [Paper presentation]. Congrès SFPIO Deauville, Deauville, France.

LAMBERT, F. (June 2013). Hard and soft tissue management in the esthetic zone: materials and techniques [Paper presentation]. Nobel Biocare Global Symposium. New-York City, Etats-Unis. The Young Leaders Sessions.

LAMBERT, F. (17 May 2013). Hard and soft tissue management in the esthetic zone [Paper presentation]. Congress of the NVOI, Cascais, Portugal.

LAMBERT, F. (March 2013). Une approche moderne de la régénération osseuse alvéolaire [Paper presentation]. ULg - Université de Liège.

LAMBERT, F., LECLOUX, G., & ROMPEN, E. (March 2013). Un approche moderne de la régénération osseuse [Paper presentation]. Cours international sur la régénération osseuse alvéolaire, Université de Liège.

LAMBERT, F. (2013). La Chirurgie muco-gingivale Niveau 2 [Paper presentation]. Mediplus congress.

LAMBERT, F. (2013). Decision making for teeth replacement in the esthetic area [Paper presentation]. Program in Implant dentistry, Department of Oral Surgery, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.

LAMBERT, F., LECLOUX, G., Léonard, A., Sourice, S., Layrolle, P., & ROMPEN, E. (2013). Bone Regeneration Using Porous Titanium Particles versus Bovine Hydroxyapatite: A Sinus Lift Study in Rabbits. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, 15 (3). doi:10.1111/j.1708-8208.2011.00374.x

LAMBERT, F., Léonard, A., Drion, P., Sourice, S., Pilet, P., & Rompen, E. (2013). The effect of collagenated space filling materials in sinus bone augmentation: a study in rabbits. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 24 (5). doi:10.1111/j.1600-0501.2011.02412.x

LAMBERT, F., Léonard, A., LECLOUX, G., Sourice, S., Pilet, P., & ROMPEN, E. (2013). A comparison of three calcium phosphate based space fillers in sinus elevation: a study in rabbits. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants, 28 (2), 393-402. doi:10.11607/jomi.2332

VANHOUTTE, V., ROMPEN, E., LECLOUX, G., RUES, S., SCHMITTER, M., & LAMBERT, F. (2013). A methodological approach to assessing alveolar ridge preservation procedures in humans: soft tissue profile. Clinical Oral Implants Research. doi:10.1111/clr.12144

CHARAVET, C., LAMBERT, F., LECLOUX, G., ROMPEN, E., & LIMME, M. (07 December 2012). Piezocision-assisted orthodontic treatment in adult patient: A case report [Paper presentation]. Free Communication Day, Leuven, Belgium.

LAMBERT, F. (08 November 2012). Approche moins invasive de la chirurgie muco-gingivale [Paper presentation]. Approche moins invasive de la chirurgie muco-gingivale, Bruxelles, Belgium.

CHARAVET, C., LECLOUX, G., LAMBERT, F., BERNARD, J.-C., RASKIN, S., ROMPEN, E., & LIMME, M. (November 2012). Traitement orthodontique chez le patient adulte assisté par piezocision : Illustration d'un cas clinique [Poster presentation]. Journées de l'Orthodontie, Paris, France.

LAMBERT, F. (11 October 2012). EAO Summer Camp Session [Paper presentation]. 21th Annual Meeting of the European Association For Osseointegration, Copenhagen, Denmark.

LAMBERT, F. (06 October 2012). Decision making for tooth replacement in the esthetic zone [Paper presentation]. Conference of the BSOI, Brussels, Belgium.

LAMBERT, F. (October 2012). réhabilitation esthétique en équipe: de la chirurgie à la prothèse, de la recherche à la clinique [Paper presentation]. ITI, International Team for Implantology, Belgian Education Program, Bruxelles, Belgique.

LAMBERT, F., Vincent, K., VANHOUTTE, V., Seidel, L., LECLOUX, G., & ROMPEN, E. (September 2012). A methodological approach to assessing alveolar ridge preservation procedures in humans: hard tissue profile. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 9, 887-94. doi:10.1111/j.1600-051X.2012.01900.x

COMPEYRON, Y., LECLOUX, G., ROMPEN, E., LEGROS, C., & LAMBERT, F. (June 2012). Description of a ‘soft tissue friendly’ protocol for immediate loading in the esthetic zone: 1 year result of 13 consecutive patients [Poster presentation]. Europerio 7, Vienna, Austria.

DETHIER, F., LECLOUX, G., ROMPEN, E., & LAMBERT, F. (June 2012). Early Implant placement in socket preservations: 12-month results of a prospective case series [Poster presentation]. Europerio 7, Au, Austria.

FERNANDEZ AYORA, A., VANHOUTTE, V., LECLOUX, G., ROMPEN, E., & LAMBERT, F. (June 2012). Patient morbidity after socket preservation using a connective tissue graft versus a bilayer collagen matrix: Preliminary results of a comparative Randomized Control Trial [Poster presentation]. europerio 7, Vienna, Austria.

GAUDIN, E., HERION, F., ROMPEN, E., & LAMBERT, F. (June 2012). Dental extractions in patients treated with intravenous bisphosphonates and risk of osteonecrosis of jaws [Poster presentation]. Europerio 7, Vienna, Austria.

SALHI, L., ROMPEN, E., LECLOUX, G., Seidel, L., & LAMBERT, F. (June 2012). Patient morbidity after 2 different surgical protocols to treat miller class I recession in the anterior maxilla: A Comparaitive Ramdomized Control Trial [Paper presentation]. Europerio 7, Vienna, Austria.

LAMBERT, F. (May 2012). Une image moderne de la régénération osseuse [Paper presentation]. Brunch & Learn, Luxembourg.

LAMBERT, F. (May 2012). Les gestions d’alvéole au quotidien [Paper presentation]. Université de Liège, Belgique. Implantologie Live Congress.

LAMBERT, F. (26 April 2012). Une nouvelles approche implantaire pour traiter les agénésies [Paper presentation]. ITI Study Club, Liège, Belgium.

LAMBERT, F. (April 2012). I create smile [Paper presentation]. AAD, Academy of Advanced Dentistry. Medipolis, Anvers, Belgique.

MAINJOT, A., & LAMBERT, F. (April 2012). Esthetic management : a team approach [Paper presentation]. I create, Antwerp, Belgium.

LAMBERT, F. (21 January 2012). Choix des biomatériaux dans la régénération osseuse alvéolaire [Paper presentation]. IMCI 2012: International Master Course in Implantology, Paris, France.

LAMBERT, F. (13 January 2012). Préserver plutôt que reconstruire [Paper presentation]. GENI Working Group, Lyon, France.

LAMBERT, F. (2012). Reconstruction de la papille: Un défi [Paper presentation]. ADF, Paris, France.

LAMBERT, F. (2012). Gestion provisoire et définitive des agénésies avec des implants de faible diamètre [Paper presentation]. Journées Dentaires de l'UCL 2012, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain, Belgium.

LAMBERT, F. (11 June 2011). Choix des biomatériaux dans la régénération osseuse alvéolaire [Paper presentation]. Congrèe SFPIO, Aix-en-Provence, France.

LAMBERT, F. (04 March 2011). Influence of space-filling materials in sub-sinusal bone augmentations : BHA vs BCP vs Beta-TCP vs Nano HA [Paper presentation]. The 26th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, United States - District of Columbia.

LAMBERT, F. (24 February 2011). Management of aggressive periodontitis: a team approach [Paper presentation]. The BUOS symposium, Spa, Belgium.

LAMBERT, F., & LECLOUX, G. (18 February 2011). Technologies in Periodontology: Avantages of the Piezosurgey [Paper presentation]. Technologies in Periodontology.

LAMBERT, F. (2011). Influence of Biomaterials in Alveolar Bone Regeneration and Preservation [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

LAMBERT, F. (2011). Technologies in Periodontology [Paper presentation]. BSP, Belgian Society of Periodontology.

LAMBERT, F. (2011). Management of agressive periodontitis : the team approach [Paper presentation]. BUOS, Belgian Union of Orthodontist Societies. The BUOS Symposium Spa.

LAMBERT, F. (2011). Implant dans le secteur esthétique: choix du timing et de la technique chirurgicale [Paper presentation]. IMCI 2011: International Master Course in Implantology, Paris, France.

LAMBERT, F. (2011). Dépister au quotidien les indications pour les gestions d'alvéoles [Paper presentation]. Study Club SMD: Dépister au quotidien les indications pour les gestions d'alvéoles, Verviers, Belgium.

LAMBERT, F. (2011). An architectural plan for creating implant esthetics [Paper presentation]. BSP Belgian Society of Periodontology.

LAMBERT, F., Layrolle, P., ROMPEN, E., & DE COSTER, P. (2011). Physico-chemical and morphological properties of current particulated biomaterials used in alveolar bone augmentations: a review. Journal of Osteology and Biomaterials, 2.

LAMBERT, F., LECLOUX, G., Léonard, A., Layrolle, P., Sourice, S., & ROMPEN, E. (2011). Bone regeneration using porous titanium particles vs. bovine hydroxyapatite: a sinus lift study in rabbits [Poster presentation]. 20th Annual Meeting of the European Association For Osseointegration, Athens, Greece.

Lambert, F., Léonard, A., Drion, P., Sourice, S., Layrolle, P., & Rompen, E. (2011). Influence of space-filling materials in subantral bone augmentation: blood clot vs. autogenous bone chips vs. bovine hydroxyapatite. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 22 (5), 538-545. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0501.2010.02069.x

LAMBERT, F., VINCENT, K., VANHOUTTE, V., LECLOUX, G., ROMPEN, E., & Vandenberghe, B. (2011). Description of the bone-remodeling pattern after socket preservation procedures in human: a methodological study [Poster presentation]. 20th Annual Meeting of the European Association For Osseointegration, Athens, Greece.

Lambert, F., Léonard, A., Drion, P., Layrolle, P., & Rompen, E. (06 October 2010). Influence of space filling materials in sub-sinusal bone augmentation: Clot vs Autogenous bone chips vs Bovine Hydroxyapatite [Poster presentation]. 19th Annual EAO Meeting, Glasgow, United Kingdom.

LECLOUX, G., Beaujan, L., ROMPEN, E., & LAMBERT, F. (October 2010). Revisited rules of papilla level adjacent to single-tooth dental implants according recent implant designs. A retrospective study [Poster presentation]. 19th Annual EAO Meeting, Glasgow, United Kingdom.

LAMBERT, F. (22 September 2010). Implants dans le secteur esthétique: choix du timing et de la technique chirurgicale [Paper presentation]. 36 ieme entretiens de Garancière, Paris, France.

LECLOUX, G., & LAMBERT, F. (19 May 2010). “Implants dans le secteur esthétique: choix du timing et de la technique chirurgicale : Chirurgie en life” [Paper presentation]. ITI Belgian education Program, Liège, Belgium.

LAMBERT, F. (May 2010). Sinus-lifts: principes biologiques et travaux pratiques [Paper presentation]. Université de Liège, Triptyque sur la régénération osseuse alvéolaire.

LAMBERT, F. (24 April 2010). Orthodontics and Periodontology [Paper presentation]. What's your opinion about planning?, Brussels, Belgium.

LAMBERT, F. (09 April 2010). Sub sinusal Bone augmentation Procedures: Biological Concept and Surgical Technique [Paper presentation]. ITI Brazilian Program, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

LAMBERT, F. (07 April 2010). Sub Sinusal Bone augmentation Procedures: Biological Concept and Surgical Technique [Paper presentation]. ITI Brazilian Program.

LAMBERT, F. (April 2010). Gestions d’alvéoles: principes biologiques et travaux pratiques [Paper presentation]. Triptyque sur la régénération osseuse alvéolaire, Université de Liège.

LAMBERT, F., & ROMPEN, E. (23 March 2010). Roxolid a new implant material [Paper presentation]. Roxolid launch, Bruxelles, Belgium.

LAMBERT, F. (05 March 2010). Propriétés physico-chimiques et comportements in vivo des biomatériaux utilisés pour la régénération osseuse [Paper presentation]. Triptyque sur la régénération osseuse alvéolaire et utilisation des biomatériaux. Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium.

LAMBERT, F., & ROMPEN, E. (23 February 2010). Roxolid a new implant material [Paper presentation]. Roxolid launch, Liège, Belgium.

LAMBERT, F. (21 January 2010). Surgical and Prosthodontic considerations for the Bone Level Implant [Paper presentation]. ITI theme night, Bruxelles, Belgium.

LAMBERT, F. (2010). What's Your Opinion About Planning? The orthodontics and periodontology [Paper presentation]. BSP, Belgian Society of Periodontology.

LAMBERT, F. (2010). Implants dans le secteur esthétique: choix du timing et de la technique chirurgicale : Chirurgie en life [Paper presentation]. ITI, International Team for Implantology, Belgian Education Program, Liège.

LAMBERT, F., LECLOUX, G., & ROMPEN, E. (2010). One-step approach for implant placement and subantral bone regeneration using bovine hydroxyapatite: a 2- to 6-year follow-up study. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants.

LAMBERT, F., & ROMPEN, E. (January 2010). Prise en charge pluridisciplinaire d'une parodontite juvénile: Traitement Paro-Ortho-Prothétique. Le point, 218 (Janvier -Février), 27-30.

VANHOUTTE, V., LAMBERT, F., & ROMPEN, E. (December 2009). One-piece zirconia implants : 18 months clinical outcomes [Paper presentation]. Free communication day, Brussels, Belgium.

LAMBERT, F. (17 October 2009). Oral Photography [Paper presentation]. AAD conference.

LAMBERT, F., & ROMPEN, E. (September 2009). One-piece zirconium implant with concave transmucosal profile: an 18 month prospective study [Poster presentation]. 18th Annual Meeting of the European Association For Osseointegration, Monaco, France.

LECLOUX, G., ROMPEN, E., LAMBERT, F., & RAEPSAET, N. (September 2009). Evaluation of a technique for ridge preservation after tooth extraction 'saddle connective tissue graft and BHA' [Poster presentation]. 18th Annual Meeting of the European Association For Osseointegration, Monaco, France.

LAMBERT, F., Weber, H. P., Belser, U., Susarla, S., & Gallucci, G. (August 2009). Descriptive analysis of implant and prosthodontic survival rates with fixed implant-supported rehabilitations in the edentulous maxilla. Journal of Periodontology, 80 (8), 1220-30. doi:10.1902/jop.2009.090109

LAMBERT, F., Geron, C., LECLOUX, G., & ROMPEN, E. (June 2009). Marginal bone resorption and marginal bone level around implants in the posterior mandible: A 4-year retrospective study [Poster presentation]. Europerio 6, Stockolm, Sweden.

LECLOUX, G., GRENADE, C., PEVEE, J. M., LAMBERT, F., & ROMPEN, E. (June 2009). Effect of low concentration of tetracycline solution on collagen membrane biodegradation: a rat study [Poster presentation]. Europerio 6, Stockolm, Sweden.

LAMBERT, F. (30 April 2009). Les sutures en dentisterie : cours théorique et travaux pratiques [Paper presentation]. Les sutures en dentisterie : cours théorique et travaux pratiques, Bruxelles, Belgium.

LAMBERT, F. (April 2009). Les sutures en dentisterie : théorie et travaux pratiques [Paper presentation]. Henri Schein, Bruxelles, Belgique.

LAMBERT, F. (March 2009). Le traitement parodontal de A à Z [Paper presentation]. SMD Study Club: Le traitement parodontal de A à Z, Liège, Belgium.

LAMBERT, F. (2009). Implants dans le secteur esthétique: choix du timing et de la technique chirurgicale [Paper presentation]. ITI theme night, Luxembourg ville, Luxembourg.

LAMBERT, F., LECLOUX, G., DEBATY, B., & ROMPEN, E. (September 2008). Journée clinique et pratique de la parodontologie pour le dentiste généraliste [Paper presentation]. Journée clinique et pratique de la parodontologie pour le dentiste généraliste, Namur, Belgium.

LAMBERT, F. (June 2008). “Une approche pluridisciplinaire pour le traitement d'une parodontite agressive: une étude de cas” [Paper presentation]. Annual SFPIO Congress, La Grande Motte, France.

LAMBERT, F., LECLOUX, G., DEBATY, B., & ROMPEN, E. (25 April 2008). Maitrisez vos actes chirurgicaux sans stress + travaux pratiques [Paper presentation]. Maitrisez vos actes chirurgicaux sans stress, Liège, Belgium.

LAMBERT, F. (2008). Innovatives techniques in implant dentistry [Paper presentation]. Program in Oral Implantology, University of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium.

Lambert, F., Lecloux, G., & Rompen, E. (2008). Augmentation osseuse sous-sinusienne : actualisation du concept du sinus lift. Revue d'Odonto-Stomatologie, 37 (1), 3-17.

LAMBERT, F., LECLOUX, G., & ROMPEN, E. (2008). Augmentation osseuse sous-sinusienne : actualisation du concept du sinus lift. Revue d'Odonto-Stomatologie.

ARNAUD, L., LAMBERT, F., LECLOUX, G., & ROMPEN, E. (October 2007). 3-D guided bone regeneration using autogenous bone block as space maintainer for bone augmentation in the anterior maxilla [Poster presentation]. The 16th EAO Congress, Barcelona, Spain.

Ronco, V., LAMBERT, F., LECLOUX, G., & ROMPEN, E. (October 2007). Sinus elevation and simultaneous implant placement: the influence of the remaining bone height [Poster presentation]. The 16th EAO Congress, Barcelona, Spain.

ARNAUD, L., LAMBERT, F., & Rompen, E. (May 2007). A minimally invasive approach for horizontal bone regeneration of the anterior maxilla [Poster presentation]. International Osteology Symposium, Monaco, France.

Bolland, F., Ronco, V., LAMBERT, F., & Rompen, E. (April 2007). Influence of collar design on palatal implant primary stability [Poster presentation]. ITI World Symposium, New york, United States - New York.

LAMBERT, F., Weber, H., Gallucci, G., & Susarla, S. (September 2006). Fixed implant rehabilitation of the edentulous maxilla: a systematic literature review [Poster presentation]. 15th EAO Congress, Zurich, Switzerland.

Lambert, F., Lecloux, G., & Rompen, E. (September 2005). Placement of non-submerged implants simultaneously with sinus augmentation with bovine HA [Poster presentation]. EAO 14th annual meeting, Munich, Germany.

LAMBERT, F., LECLOUX, G., & ROMPEN, E. (May 2005). The best solution for you patient. A Biological Approach for Aesthetic Implant Dentistry [Poster presentation]. Nobel Biocare World Symposium, Las Vegas, United States - Nevada.