Liegeois, L., Borie, M., Lecloux, G., Van hede, D.* , & Lambert, F.*. (2024). Influence of Implant Component Materials on Peri-Implant Soft Tissue Healing: A Comparative Histological and Immunohistochemical Study in Humans. Clinical Oral Implants Research. doi:10.1111/clr.14391 * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Roth, D., DESPONTIN, F., Compère, P., Lamy, M., Van hede, D., & Lambert, F. (2024). Efficacy of cleaning methods for the trans-mucosal parts of zirconia monolithic crowns. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research. |
Meyle, J., Lambert, F., Winning, L., Bertl, K., Bruckmann, C., Duplan, M. B., Harrison, P., Laleman, I., Mattheos, N., Molina, A., Stavropoulos, A., de Waal, Y. C. M., Yousfi, H., Dommisch, H., Polyzois, I., & Kebschull, M. (November 2024). Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Periodontology and Implant Dentistry. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 51 Suppl 27 (S27), 91 - 116. doi:10.1111/jcpe.14071 |
Lambert, F., Pjetursson, B., & Casentini, P. (25 October 2024). Abutment junction: what’s all the fuss about ? [Paper presentation]. EAO - Milan 2024, Milan, Italy. |
Lambert, F. (21 September 2024). Implants in periodontal patients [Paper presentation]. DG Paro - Jubilee Congress, Bonn, Germany. |
Mainjot, A., BERNARD, J.-C., Rutten, L., Rutten, P., Paulus, J.-M., Lambert, F., & Charavet, C. (02 August 2024). No-prep dentistry using the Simple Orthodontic Extrusion (SOE) technique to create occlusal space. Illustration in tooth wear and resin-bonded bridges. International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry, 19 (3), 228 - 250. |
Sadeghian Dehkord, E., DE CARVALHO, B., Ernst, M., Albert, A., Lambert, F., & Geris, L. (June 2024). Influence of physicochemical characteristics of calcium phosphate-based biomaterials in cranio-maxillofacial bone regeneration. A systematic literature review and meta-analysis of preclinical models. Materials Today Bio, 26, 101100. doi:10.1016/j.mtbio.2024.101100 |
Lambert, F. (10 May 2024). Complications in immediate implant placement and loading [Paper presentation]. ITI World Symposium 2024, Singapore. |
Lambert, F. (09 May 2024). Future of dental Implantology set with patient-first-strategy [Paper presentation]. ITI World Symposium 2024, Singapore. |
Mainjot, A., & Lambert, F. (18 April 2024). Mise en charge dans le secteur esthétique : intervention en live [Paper presentation]. Congrès d'implantologie orale Interaction, Liège, Belgium. |
Mainjot, A., & Lambert, F. (15 March 2024). Esthétique implantaire et gestion des tissus mous dans le secteur antérieur [Paper presentation]. MASTER CLASS D-ESTHETICS, LIEGE, Belgium. |
Lambert, F. (24 February 2024). Managing and preventing infraposition of implants [Paper presentation]. DG Paro - Spring meeting - Interface Perio and Orthdodontics - Interdisciplinary Concepts, Berlin, Germany. |
Mainjot, A., & Lambert, F. (23 February 2024). La mise en charge immédiate en zone esthétique [Paper presentation]. CUC implatologie, Liège, Belgium. |
Lambert, F. (16 February 2024). Connected dentistry empowering excellence [Paper presentation]. iExcel Clinical Expert Meeting, Bâle, Switzerland. |
Mainjot, A., & Lambert, F. (08 February 2024). DUO chirurgie-prothèse : l’apport d’une approche en équipe en dentisterie esthétique et minimalement invasive sur dents et sur implants [Paper presentation]. MASTER CLASS EXPERT TEAMWORK D-ESTHETICS, LIEGE, Belgium. |
Lambert, F. (19 January 2024). Managing and preventing implant infra-position : a perio/prosth approach [Paper presentation]. EFP International Perio Master Clinic 2024, Singapore. |
Salhi, L.* , Hazout, S., Van hede, D., Lambert, F., Charlier, C., & Deville, M.*. (2024). Establishment of a quantitative method for the extraction of nicotine and cotinine in gingival tissue and relationship between gingival intoxication with conventional smoking biomarkers: a pilot study. Clinical and Experimental Dental Research. doi:10.1002/cre2.70022 |
Mainjot, A., & Lambert, F. (14 December 2023). La gestion des tissus mous sur dents et implants [Paper presentation]. CUC en implantologie, Liège, Belgium. |
Lambert, F. (07 December 2023). Competitive benchmark and peri-implantitis management [Paper presentation]. iExcel Power Session, Bâle, Switzerland. |
Liang, B., Sadeghian Dehkord, E., Van hede, D., Barzegari, M., Verlee, B., Pirson, J., Nolens, G., Lambert, F., & Geris, L. (03 December 2023). Model-Based Design to Enhance Neotissue Formation in Additively Manufactured Calcium-Phosphate-Based Scaffolds. Journal of Functional Biomaterials, 14 (563), 22. doi:10.3390/jfb14120563 |
Lambert, F., Lecloux, G., & Vincent, K. (29 November 2023). La préservation alvéolaire [Paper presentation]. Congrès dentaire international ADF, Paris, France. |
Lambert, F. (20 October 2023). How can the anterior maxilla be treated with GBR ? [Paper presentation]. Sepa Bone Regeneration Global Summit, Madrid, Spain. |
Pinto De Carvalho, B., Dory, E., Trus, C., Pirson, J., Germain, L., Lecloux, G., Lambert, F.* , & Rompen, E.*. (2023). Biological performance of a novel bovine hydroxyapatite in a guided bone regeneration model: A preclinical study in a mandibular defect in dogs. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research. doi:10.1111/cid.13260 * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Salhi, L., Altaep, Y., Van hede, D., Salmon, E., & Lambert, F. (2023). How periodontitis or periodontal bacteria can influence Alzheimer’s disease features? A systematic review of pre-clinical studies. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. doi:10.3233/JAD-230478 |
Lambert, F. (28 September 2023). Decision making for immediate implant [Paper presentation]. Congrès 10 ans - L'incisive dans tous ses états, Marseille, France. |
Lambert, F., & Mainjot, A. (23 September 2023). Implant strategies : how far do we push the limits ? [Paper presentation]. ITI Greece and Cyprus Congress, Athènes, Greece. |
Al-Nawas, B., Lambert, F., Andersen, S. W. M., Bornstein, M. M., Gahlert, M., Jokstad, A., Jung, J., Kwon, Y.-D., Laleman, I., Oteri, G., Roehling, S., Schiegnitz, E., Takeda, Y., & Terheyden, H. (September 2023). Group 3 ITI Consensus Report: Materials and antiresorptive drug-associated outcomes in implant dentistry. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 34 Suppl 26 (S26), 169 - 176. doi:10.1111/clr.14135 |
Laleman, I., Lambert, F., Gahlert, M., Bacevic, M., Woelfler, H., & Roehling, S. (September 2023). The effect of different abutment materials on peri-implant tissues-A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 34 Suppl 26 (S26), 125 - 142. doi:10.1111/clr.14159 |
Sadeghian Dehkord, E., Kerckhofs, G., Compère, P., Lambert, F., & Geris, L. (22 July 2023). An Empirical Model Linking Physico-Chemical Biomaterial Characteristics to Intra-Oral Bone Formation. Journal of Functional Biomaterials, 14 (7), 388. doi:10.3390/jfb14070388 |
Lambert, F., Gallucci, G., & Al Nawas, B. (02 June 2023). Digital tools to optimize implant therapy [Paper presentation]. Sepa congress 2023, Séville, Spain. |
Lambert, F., & Hamilton, A. (27 May 2023). Immediate loading for single tooth replacement (anterior-posterior) [Paper presentation]. Fast and furious : How fast can we go ?, Bruges, Belgium. |
Hurtgen, A., Seidel, L., Manni, L. L., Liegeois, L., Lecloux, G., & Lambert, F. (2023). Clinical and radiographic assessment of circular versus triangular cross-section neck implants in the posterior maxilla: Five-year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial. Clinical Oral Implants Research. doi:10.1111/clr.14082 |
Lambert, F. (28 April 2023). Peri-implantitis management [Paper presentation]. International Osteology Symposium in Barcelona, Barcelone, Spain. |
Bouhy, A., Lamy, M., Altaep, Y., & Lambert, F. (April 2023). Maxillary implant overdenture retained by four unsplinted attachments and opposed by a natural or fixed dentition: Five-year clinical outcomes. A prospective case series. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 34 (4), 285 - 296. doi:10.1111/clr.14033 |
Mainjot, A., & Lambert, F. (10 March 2023). Esthétique implantaire et gestion des tissus dans le secteur antérieur [Paper presentation]. Master Class d-esthetics, LIEGE, Belgium. |
Lambert, F., & Mainjot, A. (03 March 2023). Managing and preventing implant infra-position: a perio/prosth approach [Paper presentation]. EFP Perio Master Clinic 2023, Anvers, Belgium. |
Laleman, I., & Lambert, F. (2023). Implant connection and abutment selection as a predisposing and/or precipitating factor for peri-implant diseases: A review. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research. doi:10.1111/cid.13185 |
Lambert, F. (February 2023). Live on stage [Paper presentation]. GLOBAL BIOMATERIALS SYMPOSIUM, Bâle, Switzerland. |
Mainjot, A., & Lambert, F. (2023). Immediate implant placement to replace a fractured central incisor in a young patient, and management of long-term implant infraposition. In Volume 14 of the ITI Treatment Guide (pp. 132-145). Berlin, Germany: Quintessenz Verlags-GmbH. |
Roth, D., Lamy, M., Compère, P., Van hede, D., & Lambert, F. (2023). Effect of lab procedures and ultrasonic bath cleaning on the pollution of customized implant abutments: an vitro study. International Journal of Prosthodontics. doi:10.11607/ijp.8328 |
Lambert, F. (26 November 2022). Collaborer efficacement pour réhabiliter en zone esthétique [Paper presentation]. ADF 2022 Congress, Paris, France. |
Mainjot, A., & Lambert, F. (26 November 2022). Gestion des tissus mous sur dent et implant : complémentarité du rose et du blanc [Paper presentation]. Congrès annuel de l'Association dentaire française, Paris, France. |
Lambert, F. (14 October 2022). Mucogingival surgery for periodontal health [Paper presentation]. Conférence BSP 2022, Luton, United Kingdom. |
Lambert, F. (14 October 2022). Clinical decision making in periodontal surgery [Paper presentation]. Conférence BSP 2022, Luton, United Kingdom. |
Lambert, F. (30 September 2022). Concept of immediacy in the posterior regions [Paper presentation]. EAO Congress 2022, Genève, Switzerland. |
Salhi, L., Seidel, L., Lambert, F., & Albert, A. (August 2022). Predicting probing depth reduction after periodontal non-surgical treatment in smokers according to the nicotine dependence and the number of cigarette consumed. Heliyon, 8 (8), 10143. doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e10143 |
Borie, M., BACEVIC, M., Liegeois, L., Lecloux, G., Lambert, F., Bosshardt Dieter, & Haugen, H. J. (16 June 2022). The influence of different materials used transmucosally on peri implant soft tissues: a randomized controlled trial [Poster presentation]. Europerio 10, Copenhague, Denmark. |
Determe, S., Rompen, E., LECLOUX, G., DE CARVALHO, B., LAMBERT, F., & Van hede, D. (June 2022). Bone regenerative performance of an in silico optimized 3D-printed ceramic scaffold in a canine model using X-ray microtomography analysis [Poster presentation]. Europerio 10. |
LAMBERT, F. (29 April 2022). Implantation guidée en zone esthétique et mise en charge immédiate [Paper presentation]. Retour vers le Futur. Un grand congèrs de parodontologie et d’implantologie pour tous, Belgium. |
Mainjot, A., & Lambert, F. (28 April 2022). Mise en charge dans le secteur esthétique : intervention en live [Paper presentation]. Congrès Uperio - retour vers le futur, Liège, Belgium. |
LAMBERT, F. (27 April 2022). Travaux Pratiques : gestions d'alvéoles d’extraction [Paper presentation]. Retour vers le Futur. Un grand congèrs de parodontologie et d’implantologie pour tous, Belgium. |
SALHI, L., Reners, M., & LAMBERT, F. (2022). parodontite et maladies systémiques. ID: L'Information dentaire. |
VINCENT, K., LI MANNI, L., Mainjot, A., LECLOUX, G., & LAMBERT, F. (2022). An individualized approach for a one-abutment one-time protocol
using fully guided implant surgery: a 4-year follow-up case series. International Journal of Computerized Dentistry. |
Laleman, I., SEIDEL, L., Gagnot, G., Reners, M., & LAMBERT, F. (2022). Instrumentation during the second stage of periodontal therapy: a European survey. Clinical Oral Investigations. doi:10.1007/s00784-022-04442-9 |
Mainjot, A., & Lambert, F. (11 March 2022). Esthétique implantaire et gestion des tissus dans le secteur antérieur [Paper presentation]. Master Class d-esthetics, LIEGE, Belgium. |
Charavet, C., Van hede, D., Anania, S., MAES, N., Albert, A., & LAMBERT, F. (2022). One-stage versus two-stage piezocision-assisted orthodontic tooth movement: A preclinical study based on Nano-CT and RT-PCR analyses. Journal of Stomatology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. doi:10.1016/j.jormas.2022.03.010 |
Dethier, F., BACEVIC, M., LECLOUX, G., SEIDEL, L., Rompen, E., & LAMBERT, F. (2022). The Effects of Abutment Materials on Peri-Implant Soft Tissue Integration: A Study in Minipigs. Journal of Prosthodontics. doi:10.1111/jopr.13504 |
Hanozin, B., Li Manni, L., LECLOUX, G., BACEVIC, M., & LAMBERT, F. (07 February 2022). Digital vs. conventional workflow for one-abutment one-time immediate restoration in the esthetic zone: a randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Implant Dentistry, 8 (1), 7. doi:10.1186/s40729-022-00406-6 |
Laleman, I., LAMBERT, F., & SZOTEK, G. (2022). Greffe éptithélio-conjonctive ou greffe de tissu conjonctif enfoui ? Clinic. |
LAMBERT, F. (2022). Immediate implant restorations : How far do we push the limits ? [Paper presentation]. Push the Limits, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
LAMBERT, F. (2022). Chirurgie muco-gingivale pour le recouvrement de récessions gingivales [Paper presentation]. Congrès Retour vers le futur, Liège, Belgium. |
Lilet, R., Désiron, M., Finelle, G., Lecloux, G., SEIDEL, L., & Lambert, F. (2022). Immediate implant placement combining socket seal abutment and peri-implant socket filling: A prospective case series. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 33, 33-44. doi:10.1111/clr.13852 |
SALHI, L., Rijkschroeff, P., Van hede, D., Laine, M., Teughels, W., Sakalihasan, N., & LAMBERT, F. (2022). Blood Biomarkers and Serologic Immunological Profiles Related to Periodontitis in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Patients. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. doi:10.3389/fcimb.2021.766462 |
Van hede, D., Liang, B., Anania, S., Barzegari, M., Verlée, B., Nolens, G., Pirson, J., Geris, L., & LAMBERT, F. (2022). 3D-Printed Synthetic Hydroxyapatite Scaffold With In Silico Optimized Macrostructure Enhances Bone Formation In Vivo. Advanced Functional Materials. doi:10.1002/adfm.202105002 |
Mainjot, A., & Lambert, F. (04 December 2021). Immediate implant restorations: how far can we push the limits ? [Paper presentation]. First going meeting Belgium society of oral implantology - Belgium society of periodontology, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Liang, B., Van hede, D., Sadeghian Dehkord, E., Lambert, F., & Geris, L. (15 November 2021). Optimisation of bone formation in 3D-printed calcium-phosphate scaffolds for dental applications: from in silico design to in vivo validation [Paper presentation]. 6th world congress TERMIS 2021, Maastricht, Netherlands. |
SALHI, L., LAMBERT, F., & RENERS, M. (2021). Dépendance nicotinique et sévérité de la parodontite. Parodontologie Implantologie Orale : un Nouveau Regard. |
MAINJOT, A., & LAMBERT, F. (26 March 2021). Esthétique implantaire et gestion des tissus dans le secteur antérieur [Paper presentation]. Master Class d-esthetics, Liège, Belgium. |
SALHI, L., SEIDEL, L., Albert, A., & LAMBERT, F. (2021). Fagerström test for nicotine dependence as an indicator in tobacco‐related studies in periodontology. Journal of Periodontology. doi:10.1002/JPER.20-0019 |
Garyga, V., SEIDEL, L., Gagnot, G., Reners, M., & LAMBERT, F. (07 January 2021). Oral hygiene instructions and methods: a comparative survey of European general dentists, periodontists and dental hygienists. Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry, 19 (1), 327-337. doi:10.3290/j.ohpd.b1749661 |
Alexopoulou, M., LAMBERT, F., Knafo, B., Popelut, A., Vandenberghe, B., & Finelle, G. (2021). Immediate implant in the posterior region combined with alveolar ridge preservation and Sealing Socket Abutment: A retrospective 3D radiographic Analysis. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, 23 (1), 61-72. doi:10.1111/cid.12974 |
BACEVIC, M., Compeyron, Y., LECLOUX, G., Rompen, E., & LAMBERT, F. (2021). Intraoperative and postoperative outcomes of sinus floor elevation using the lateral window technique versus the hydrodynamic transalveolar approach: a preliminary randomized controlled trial. Clinical Oral Investigations. doi:10.1007/s00784-021-03847-2 |
Charavet, C., Van hede, D., MAES, N., Albert, A., & Lambert, F. (2021). Disentangling the effects of CAD/CAM customized appliances and piezocision in orthodontic treatment. Angle Orthodontist, 91 (6), 764-771. doi:10.2319/112620-962.1 |
Gasik, M., LAMBERT, F., & BACEVIC, M. (2021). Biomechanical Properties of Bone and Mucosa for Design and Application of Dental Implants. Materials. doi:10.3390/ma14112845 |
Jackers, N., MAES, N., Lambert, F., Albert, A., & Charavet, C. (2021). Standard vs computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing customized self-ligating systems using indirect bonding with both. Angle Orthodontist. doi:10.2319/012920-59.1 |
LAMBERT, F. (2021). Muco-intégration : stratégies pour l'intégration des tissus mous péri-implantaires [Paper presentation]. Dental Innovation Congress Lugano, Lugano, Switzerland. |
LAMBERT, F. (2021). Master Class Bone augmentation procedures [Paper presentation]. Master Class UPerio Education, Belgium. |
Lilet, R., Désiron, M., Finelle, G., LECLOUX, G., SEIDEL, L., & LAMBERT, F. (2021). Immediate implant placement in the posterior region combining socket seal abutment and alveolar ridge preservation: Implant, hard and soft tissue outcomes after 1 year. Clinical Oral Implants Research. |
Liang, B., Van hede, D., Sadeghian Dehkord, E., Lambert, F., & Geris, L. (11 December 2020). In silico design and in vivo validation of bone formation in 3D-printed calcium-phosphate scaffolds for dental applications [Paper presentation]. 11th World Biomaterial Congress Virtual. |
Mainjot, A., & Lambert, F. (18 October 2020). Une approche en équipe pour retrouver le sourire [Paper presentation]. Journée des membres de l'ITI France, Rennes, France. |
Charavet, C., Lecloux, G., Vandenberghe, B., & Lambert, F. (2020). Buccal bone regeneration combined with piezocision in adult orthodontic patients: Clinical, 3D radiographic, and patient-reported outcomes. Journal of Stomatology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. doi:10.1016/j.jormas.2020.10.005 |
Mainjot, A., & Lambert, F. (25 September 2020). Esthétique implantaire et gestion des tissus dans le secteur antérieur [Paper presentation]. Master Class d-esthetics, LIEGE, Belgium. |
SALHI, L., Lambert, F., Salem, S., SEIDEL, L. (Other coll.), LECLOUX, G. (Other coll.), & Rompen, E. (Other coll.). (14 August 2020). Tunnel/Pouch versus Coronally Advanced Flap Combined with a Connective Tissue Graft for the Treatment of Maxillary Gingival Recessions: Four-Year Follow-Up of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9 (8). doi:10.3390/jcm9082641 |
SALHI, L., LAMBERT, F., Albert, A. (Other coll.), & SEIDEL, L. (Other coll.). (03 August 2020). Respective Effects of Oral Hygiene Instructions and Periodontal Nonsurgical Treatment (Debridement) on Clinical Parameters and Patient-Reported Outcome Measures with Respect to Smoking. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9 (8). doi:10.3390/jcm9082491 |
Sanz, M., Herrera, D., Moritz Kebschull, , Chapple, I., Jepsen, S., Tord Beglundh, , Sculean, A., Maurizio, , Tonetti, S., Berglundh, T., Kebschull, M., Tonetti, M., Kopp, I., Brocklehurst, P., Wennström, J., Aass, A., Aimetti, M., Belibasakis, G., Blanco, J., ... Wimmer, G. (July 2020). Treatment of stage I-III periodontitis-The EFP S3 level clinical practice guideline. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 47 (S22), 4-60. doi:10.1111/jcpe.13290 |
BACEVIC, M., Rompen, E., RADERMECKER, R., Drion, P., & LAMBERT, F. (2020). Practical considerations for reducing mortality rates in alloxan-induced diabetic rabbits. Heliyon. doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e04103 |
Mainjot, A., & Lambert, F. (24 April 2020). Collaborer efficacement pour réhabiliter en zone esthétiqueu: un duo paro-prothèse [Paper presentation]. Visioconférence plateforme d'apprentissage Frenchtooth, Liège (visioconférence), Belgium. |
SALHI, L., Sakalihasan, N., GAU OKROGLIC, A., Rompen, E., SEIDEL, L., Albert, A., Teughels, W., Defraigne, J.-O., & LAMBERT, F. (2020). Further evidence on the relationship between abdominal aortic aneurysm and periodontitis: a cross sectional study. Journal of Periodontology. doi:10.1002/JPER.19-0671 |
BACEVIC, M., Dethier, F., Rompen, E., LECLOUX, G., & LAMBERT, F. (2020). The effects of abutment materials on peri-implant soft tissue integration [Poster presentation]. 2020 IADR/AADR/CADR General Session & Exhibition, Washington, D.C., United States. |
Borie, M., LAMBERT, F., LECLOUX, G., BOSSHARDT, D., BARRANTES, A., HAUGEN, H. J., & BACEVIC, M. (2020). Peri-implant soft tissue integration in humans – influence of materials: A study protocol for a randomised controlled trial and a pilot study results. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications. doi:10.1016/j.conctc.2020.100643 |
Botilde, G., COLIN, P.-E., González-Martín, O., LECLOUX, G., Rompen, E., & LAMBERT, F. (2020). Hard and soft tissue analysis of alveolar ridge preservation in esthetic zone using deproteinized bovine bone mineral and a saddle connective tissue graft: a long-term prospective case series. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research. doi:10.1111/cid.12899 |
BOUHY, A., Rompen, E., LAMY, M., LEGROS, C., LECLOUX, G., & LAMBERT, F. (2020). Maxillary Implant Overdenture Retained by Four Unsplinted Attachments and Opposed by a Natural or Fixed Dentition: One-Year Clinical Outcomes. Clinical Oral Implants Research. doi:10.1111/clr.13623 |
LAMBERT, F. (2020). Master Class Bone augmentation procedures [Paper presentation]. ParoCHU education. |
LAMBERT, F., Eldafrawy, M., BEKAERT, S., & MAINJOT, A. (2020). One tooth-One time (1T1T), immediate loading of posterior single implants with the final crown: Two-year results of a case series. International Journal of Oral Implantology: Implantologist, 13 (4), 369-383. |
LI MANNI, L., LECLOUX, G., Rompen, E., Aouini, W., Shapira, L., & LAMBERT, F. (2020). Clinical and Radiographic Assessment of Circular Versus Triangular cross-section neck Implants in the Posterior Maxilla: A 1-year Randomized Controlled Trial. Clinical Oral Implants Research. doi:10.1111/clr.13624 |
DE CARVALHO, B., ROMPEN, E., LECLOUX, G., Schupbach, P., Dory, E., Art, J. F., & LAMBERT, F. (2019). Effect of Sintering on In Vivo Biological Performance of Chemically Deproteinized Bovine Hydroxyapatite. Materials. doi:10.3390/ma12233946 |
Liang, B., Sadeghian Dehkord, E., Geris, L., Van hede, D., & Lambert, F. (15 November 2019). Model-based design of 3D-printed calcium-phosphate based biomaterials for dental applications [Paper presentation]. Belgian symposium on tissue engineering, Hasselt, Belgium. |
Le Guéhennec, L.* , Van hede, D.* , Plougonven, E., Nolens, G., Verlée, B., Gillet, M.-C., & LAMBERT, F. (2019). In vitro and in vivo biocompatibility of calcium- phosphate scaffolds 3D printed by stereolithography for bone regeneration. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part A. doi:10.1002/jbm.a.36823 * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Van hede, D., le Guehennec, L., Plougonven, E., Nolens, G., de Pauw, M.-C., & Lambert, F. (20 June 2019). Biocompatibility of stereolithography 3D-printed calcium-phosphate scaffolds for bone regeneration [Paper presentation]. 97th General Session of the International Association for Dental Research - IADR 2019, Vancouver, Canada. |
SALHI, L., Sakalihasan, N., Defraigne, J.-O., Albert, A., SEIDEL, L., LAMBERT, F., & Teughels, W. (23 May 2019). FURTHER EVIDENCE ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN AAA AND PERIODONTITIS [Paper presentation]. European society for cardiovascular surgery. |
Aouini, W., LAMBERT, F., Vrielinck, L., & Vandenberghe, B. (2019). Patient Eligibility for Standardized Treatment of the Edentulous Mandible: A Retrospective CBCT-Based Assessment of Mandibular Morphology. Journal of Clinical Medicine. doi:10.3390/jcm8050616 |
Lambert, F. (26 April 2019). Soft tissue regeneration: surgical techniques for predictable outcomes [Paper presentation]. International Ostelogy Symposium. |
CHARAVET, C., LECLOUX, G., JACKERS, N., MAES, N., & LAMBERT, F. (2019). Patient-reported outcomes measures (PROMs) following a piezocision-assisted versus conventional orthodontic treatments : a randomized controlled trial in adults. Clinical Oral Investigations. doi:10.1007/s00784-019-02887-z |
Mainjot, A., & Lambert, F. (22 March 2019). From perio to pros, from research to clinic [Paper presentation]. Scientific meeting of the 1000's club, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland. |
CHARAVET, C., Lambert, F., LECLOUX, G., & LE GALL, M. (2019). Traitement orthodontique accéléré par corticotomies : quelles sont les alternatives minimalement invasives ? Orthodontie Française. doi:10.1051/orthodfr/2019002 |
Mainjot, A., & Lambert, F. (March 2019). Esthétique implantaire et gestion des tissus dans le secteur antérieur [Paper presentation]. Master Class d-esthetics, LIEGE, Belgium. |
CHARAVET, C., LECLOUX, G., JACKERS, N., Albert, A., & LAMBERT, F. (16 January 2019). Piezocision-assisted orthodontic treatment using CAD/CAM customized orthodontic appliances: a randomized controlled trial in adults. European Journal of Orthodontics, 10.1093/ejo/cjy082. doi:10.1093/ejo/cjy082 |
BACEVIC, M., BRKOVIC, B., LAMBERT, F., DJUKIC, L., PETROVIC, N., & ROGANOVIC, J. (2019). Leukocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin as graft material improves microRNA-21 expression and decreases oxidative stress in the calvarial defects of diabetic rabbits. Archives of Oral Biology, 102, 231-237. doi:10.1016/j.archoralbio.2019.05.005 |
BOLETTE, A., LECLOUX, G., ROMPEN, E., Albert, A., Kerckhofs, G., & LAMBERT, F. (2019). Influence of induced infection in medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw development after tooth extraction: a study in rats. Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery, 47 (2), 349-356. doi:10.1016/j.jcms.2018.08.011 |
CHARAVET, C., Van hede, D., Anania, S., MAES, N., & LAMBERT, F. (2019). Multilevel biological responses following piezocision to accelerate orthodontic tooth movement: A study in rats. Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists. doi:10.1016/j.ejwf.2019.07.002 |
DELIZE, V., BOUHY, A., LAMBERT, F., & LAMY, M. (2019). Intrasubject comparison of digital vs. conventional workflow for screw-retained single-implant crowns: Prosthodontic and patient-centered outcomes. Clinical Oral Implants Research. doi:10.1111/clr.13494 |
Garyga, V., Pochelu, F., Thivichon-Prince, B., Aouini, W., Santamaria, J., LAMBERT, F., Maucort-Boulch, D., Gueyffier, F., & Grosgogeat, B. (2019). GoPerio - Impact of a personalized video and an automated two-way text-messaging system in oral hygiene motivation: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. doi:10.1186/s13063-019-3738-0 |
LAMBERT, F. (2019). The mucogingival surgery [Paper presentation]. ProCHU education. |
LAMBERT, F. (2019). Strauman women summit Malta [Paper presentation]. Straumann meeting, Malta. |
LAMBERT, F. (2019). SBP congress Giordanni/Surmenian [Paper presentation]. SBP congress Giordanni/Surmenian. |
LAMBERT, F. (2019). Présent et futur de l'augmentation tissulaire : Choix des matériaux et des techniques [Paper presentation]. SFPIO Sud-Est. |
LAMBERT, F. (2019). Peri implant biological complications [Paper presentation]. Nobel Biocare Global Symposium Madrid. |
LAMBERT, F. (2019). Mater Class :Mucogingival surgery [Paper presentation]. ParoCHU education. |
LAMBERT, F. (2019). Master Class : Mucogingival surgery [Paper presentation]. ParoCHU education. |
LAMBERT, F. (2019). Master Class : La chirurgie muco-gingivale [Paper presentation]. ParoCHU education. |
LAMBERT, F. (2019). Maintaining peri-implant soft tissue health [Paper presentation]. ITI Congress BENELUX, Netherlands. |
LAMBERT, F. (2019). La Chirurgie muco-gingivale [Paper presentation]. ParoCHU education. |
LAMBERT, F. (2019). From Perio to Pros, from Research to Clinic [Paper presentation]. Universitätsspital Zürich seminar. |
LAMBERT, F. (2019). Evidence-based guideline for periodontal therapy [Paper presentation]. EFP's Perio Workshop. |
Le Roch, S, Rouche, F, Valet, F, Bouchard, P, Abrahamsson, I, Artzi, Z, Asbi, T, Balta, M.G, Bizzarro, S, Buti, J, Chaushu, L, Danser, M, DE CARVALHO, B., Garabetyan, J, Goldstein, M, Gursoy, H, Harmouche, L, Harrison, P, Herrera, D, ... Yarimoglu, E. (2019). European survey on criteria of aesthetics for periodontal evaluation: The ESCAPE study. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. doi:10.1111/jcpe.13182 |
SALHI, L., ROMPEN, E., SAKALIHASAN, N., Laleman, I., Teughels, W., MICHEL, J.-B., & LAMBERT, F. (2019). Can Periodontitis Influence the Progression of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm? A Systematic Review. Angiology. doi:10.1177/0003319718821243 |
Sanz, M., Dahlin, C. B., Apatzidou, D. C., Artzi, Z. D., Bozic, D. E., De Bruyn, H. G., Dommisch, H. H., Donos, N. F., Eickholz, P. I., Ellingsen, J. E. J., Haugen, Herrera, D. A., LAMBERT, F., Layrolle, P. M., Montero, E. A., Mustafa, K. N., Omar, O., & Schliephake, H. (2019). Biomaterials and regenerative technologies used in bone regeneration in the craniomaxillofacial region: Consensus report of group 2 of the 15th European Workshop on Periodontology on Bone Regeneration. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 46 (Issue S21), 82-91. doi:10.1111/jcpe.13123 |
LAMBERT, F. (December 2018). Live surgery. Guided Surgery [Paper presentation]. Advimago continuing education. |
Sadeghian Dehkord, E., Kerckhofs, G., LAMBERT, F., & Geris, L. (30 November 2018). Analyzing the influence of driving physico-chemical characteristics in intra-oral bone regeneration using a predictive empirical model [Paper presentation]. 17th National Day on Biomedical Engineering, Brussels, Belgium. |
Lambert, F. (28 November 2018). Limites et bénéfices des gestions d’alvéoles d’extraction [Paper presentation]. Association Dentaire Française, Paris, France. |
Lambert, F. (16 November 2018). Piezocision accelarated orthodontics [Paper presentation]. SECIB, European Association for Osseointegration. |
MAINJOT, A., & LAMBERT, F. (2018). Manuel d'implantologie clinique : Consolidation des savoirs et ouvertures sur l'avenir. In M. DAVARPANAH, S. SZMUKLER-MONCLER, ... P. RAJZBAUM, Manuel d'implantologie clinique Consolidation des savoirs et ouvertures sur l'avenir (pp. 719-725). France: CPD. |
Heitz-Mayfield, L. J. A., Aaboe, M., Araujo, M., Carrion, J. B., Cavalcanti, R., Cionca, N., Cochran, D. L., Darby, I. B., Funakoshi, E., Gierthmuehlen, P. C., Hashim, D., Jahangiri, L., Kwon, Y. D., LAMBERT, F., Layton, D. M., Lorenzana, E. R., McKenna, G., Mombelli, A. W., Müller, F., ... Yeo, A. B. K. (2018). Group 4 ITI Consensus Report: Risks and biologic complications associated with implant dentistry. Clinical Oral Implants Research, (Suppl 16), 351-358. doi:10.1111/clr.13307 |
Lambert, F. (27 October 2018). Benefit of digital workflow [Paper presentation]. Innovation Day Nobel biocare. |
Lambert, F. (18 October 2018). La chirurgie muco-gingivale [Paper presentation]. ADFOC, Association Dentaire de Savoie. |
Lambert, F. (12 October 2018). Strategies for Bone regeneration [Paper presentation]. EAO, European Association for Osseointegration. |
Lambert, F. (05 October 2018). Benefit of digital workflows from a perio perspective [Paper presentation]. YPP Straumann. |
Lambert, F. (28 September 2018). Mucointegration: Strategies for peri-implant soft tissue integration [Paper presentation]. Sofia Dental Meeting. |
Lambert, F. (14 September 2018). Mucointegration: Strategies for peri-implant soft tissue integration [Paper presentation]. COAE. |
Sadeghian Dehkord, E., Kerckhofs, G., Lambert, F., & Geris, L. (11 September 2018). Developing a predictive empirical model to optimize biomaterials characteristics for intra-oral bone regeneration [Paper presentation]. 29th European Conference on Biomaterials, Maastricht, Netherlands. |
Lambert, F. (23 June 2018). Piezocision to accelerate orthodontic movement [Paper presentation]. Europerio 9, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Acteon Corporate Forum. |
Lambert, F. (23 June 2018). Innovative approaches to the benefit of orthodontics [Paper presentation]. Europerio 9. |
Lambert, F. (22 June 2018). Decision making for immediate implant in the esthetic zone [Paper presentation]. Europerio 9, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Straumann Corporate Forum. |
BACEVIC, M., KERCKHOFS, G., BRKOVIC, B., Rompen, E., & LAMBERT, F. (June 2018). Effects of biomaterials and leukocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF) on bone regeneration in healthy versus controlled diabetic conditions [Poster presentation]. EuroPerio9. doi:10.1111/jcpe.575_12915 |
BACEVIC, M., KERCKHOFS, G., ROGANOVIC, J., ADELIN, A., Rompen, E., & LAMBERT, F. (June 2018). Bone regeneration in healthy versus controlled diabetic conditions: Influence of leukocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF) [Poster presentation]. EuroPerio9. |
CHARAVET, C., & LAMBERT, F. (June 2018). Symposium [Paper presentation]. EuroPerio 9, Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
Garyga, Pochelu, F., Santamaria, J., Aouini, W., Thivichon‐Prince, B., & LAMBERT, F. (June 2018). GoPerio: a mobile health concept for patient motivation in periodontal therapy [Paper presentation]. Europerio 9. |
GARYGA, V., SEIDEL, L., GAGNOT, G., RENERS, M., & LAMBERT, F. (June 2018). Oral hygiene instructions and methods: a European survey among dental professionals – the eSIP study [Paper presentation]. Europerio 9. |
Lilet, R., Van hede, D., Rompen, E., Lecloux, G., Bacevic, M., & LAMBERT, F. (June 2018). Comparison of monophasic / biphasic bovine hydroxyapatites on bone regeneration in a rabbit calvarial defect model [Poster presentation]. Europerio. |
SALHI, L., Teughels, W., Rompen, E., SAKALIHASAN, N., Michel, J. B., & LAMBERT, F. (June 2018). Does periodontitis influence the progression of abdominal aortic aneurysm? A systematic review [Paper presentation]. Europerio 9. |
Van hede, D., Lilet, R., Rompen, E., Lecloux, G., Jepsen, S., Winter, J., & Lambert, F. (June 2018). Comparison of monophasic / biphasic bovine hydroxyapatites on gene expression profiles in a rabbit calvarial defect model [Poster presentation]. EuroPerio9. |
Lambert, F. (26 April 2018). Stratégie pour l’intégration des tissus mous peri-implantaires [Paper presentation]. Euro-implanto. |
Lambert, F. (21 April 2018). Treatment Guidelines and Recommendations of the 6th ITI Consensus Conference
[Paper presentation]. ITI Annual Conference. |
Berglundh, T., Armitage, G., Avila-Ortiz, G., Araujo, M., Blanco, J., Camargo, P., Chen, S., Cochran, D., Derks, J., Figuero, E., Hämmerle, C., Heitz-Mayfield, L. J. A., Huynh-Ba, G., Iacono, V., Koo, K.-T., LAMBERT, F., McCauley, L., Quirynen, M., Renvert, S., ... Zitzmann, N. (2018). Consensus report: Peri-implant diseases and conditions. Journal of Periodontology. doi:10.1002/JPER.17-0739 |
Mainjot, A., & Lambert, F. (March 2018). Esthétique implantaire et gestion des tissus dans le secteur antérieur [Paper presentation]. Master Class d-esthetics, LIEGE, Belgium. |
Berglundh, T., Armitage, G., Araujo, M., Avila-Ortiz, G., Blanco, J., Camargo, P. M., Chen, S., Cochran, D., Derks, J., Figuero, E., Hammerle, C. H. F., Heitz-Mayfield, L. J. A., Huynh-Ba, G., Iacono, V., Koo, K.-T., Lambert, F., McCauley, L., Quirynen, M., Renvert, S., ... Zitzmann, N. (2018). Peri-implant diseases and conditions: Consensus report of workgroup 4 of the 2017 World Workshop on the Classification of Periodontal and Peri-Implant Diseases and Conditions. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 45 Suppl 20, 286-S291. doi:10.1111/jcpe.12957 |
CHARAVET, C., LECLOUX, G., Bruwier, A., VANDENBERGHE, B., LE GALL, M., & LAMBERT, F. (2018). Selective piezocision-assisted orthodontic treatment combined with minimally invasive alveolar bone regeneration: A proof-of-concept. International Orthodontics. doi:10.1016/j.ortho.2018.09.021 |
LAMBERT, F. (2018). Soft tissue management in the esthetic zone [Paper presentation]. d-Esthetics Master Class. |
LAMBERT, F. (2018). Master Class : La hirurgie muco-gingivale Niveau 2 [Paper presentation]. ParoCHU education. |
LAMBERT, F. (2018). Master Class : La chirurgie muco-gingivale Niveau 2 [Paper presentation]. ParoCHU education. |
LAMBERT, F. (2018). La Chirurgie muco-gingivale Niveau 2 [Paper presentation]. ParoCHU education. |
LAMBERT, F., & DE CARVALHO, B. (2018). Impact de la santé buccodentaire sur les performances sportives. Journal de Traumatologie du Sport, (35/3), 168-172. doi:10.1016/j.jts.2018.07.005 |
RENERS, M., ALBOUY, J.-P., BARTALA, M., BOBETSIS, Y. A., BONAFE, I., CREVEL, M., DA SILVA, D., DUFFAU, F., GAGNOT, G., GIOVANNOLI, J.-L., JEPSEN, S., JUZANX, I., LAMBERT, F., MADIANOS, P. N., MICHEAU, C., THYS, N., & VERNER, C. (2018). Chapitre 10: Mucogingival surgery. In M. RENERS, Periodontology (pp. 161-172). Paris, France: L'Information Dentaire. |
Lambert, F. (28 November 2017). Gestion esthétique du secteur maxillaire en implantologie [Paper presentation]. ADF, Association Dentaire Française. |
Lambert, F. (08 November 2017). AAP/EFP workshop meeting [Paper presentation]. EFP, European Federation for Periodontology. |
BACEVIC, M., Brkovic, B., Albert, A., ROMPEN, E., RADERMECKER, R., & LAMBERT, F. (2017). Does Oxidative Stress Play a Role in Altered Characteristics of Diabetic Bone? A Systematic Review. Calcified Tissue International, 553-563. doi:10.1007/s00223-017-0327-7 |
Lambert, F., & Mainjot, A. (2017). One-Tooth One-Time (1T1T): a straightforward approach to replace missing teeth in the posterior region. Journal of Oral Implantology. doi:10.1563/aaid-joi-D-17-00136 |
Lambert, F. (21 September 2017). Benefits of digital workflows [Paper presentation]. Nobel Biocare Benelux Symosium. |
LAMBERT, F., & MAINJOT, A. (21 September 2017). Digital workflow in the esthetic zone [Paper presentation]. Congrès Nobelbiocare, Maastricht, Netherlands. |
LAMBERT, F., & MAINJOT, A. (06 July 2017). La prothèse, les biomatériaux et le parodonte : une histoire en pleine évolution [Paper presentation]. Société Francophone des Biomatériaux Dentaires, Paris, France. |
Lambert, F. (26 May 2017). Short and narrow implants: less titanium to decrease invasiveness [Paper presentation]. Sociedad Española de Periodoncia y osteointegracion. |
LAMBERT, F. (05 May 2017). Benefit of digital workflows from a perio perspective [Paper presentation]. ITI World Symposium. |
Lambert, F. (21 March 2017). Optimizing peri-implant soft tissues [Paper presentation]. Nobel Biocare continuous Education course. |
Lambert, F. (19 March 2017). Optimizing peri-implant soft tissues [Paper presentation]. Nobel Biocare continuous Education course. |
LI MANNI, L., LECLOUX, G., LEGROS, C., MAINJOT, A., ROMPEN, E., & LAMBERT, F. (24 February 2017). Immediate implant loading and prosthodontic components full-guided surgery: results of a case series [Paper presentation]. Free Communication Day. |
Lambert, F. (2017). Practical Approaches for Soft and Hard Tissue Augmentation at Implant Sites [Paper presentation]. Université de Liège, Service de Parodontologie et Chirurgie bucco-dentaire, Chaudfontaine. |
LAMBERT, F. (2017). Master Class : La chirurgie muco-gingivale Niveau 1 [Paper presentation]. ParoCHU education. |
LAMBERT, F. (2017). Master Class : Chirurgie muco-gingivale Niveau 2 [Paper presentation]. ParoCHU education. |
LAMBERT, F. (2017). La Chirurgie muco-gingivale Niveau 2 [Paper presentation]. ParoCHU education. |
LAMBERT, F. (December 2016). Digital dentistry from a perio perspective [Paper presentation]. The Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontics (GNYAP) fall meeting. |
Fernandez Ayora, A., González-Martín, O., ROMPEN, E., LECLOUX, G., & LAMBERT, F. (November 2016). Extraction Socket Management with Buccal Plate Expansion: Preliminary Results of a Novel Technique. International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry, 36 (6). doi:10.11607/prd.2659 |
LAMBERT, F., Bacevic, M., Layrolle, P., Schupbach, P., Drion, P., & ROMPEN, E. (2016). Impact of biomaterial microtopography on bone regeneration: comparison of three hydroxyapatites. Clinical Oral Implants Research. doi:10.1111/clr.12986 |
BACEVIC, M., BRKOVIC, B., Rompen, E., & LAMBERT, F. (September 2016). Does oxidative stress play a role in altered characteristics of diabetic bone? A systematic review [Poster presentation]. EAO - European Association for Osseointegration, Paris, France. |
LAMBERT, F. (September 2016). Effectiveness of removable prosthesis retained by 4 implants-supported locator-attachments : patient-centered outcomes [Poster presentation]. EAO, European Association for Implantology, The 25th Annual Congress. |
LAMBERT, F. (September 2016). Does oxidative stress play a role in altered characteristics of diabetic bone? A systematic review [Poster presentation]. EAO, European Association for Implantology, The 25th Annual Congress, Paris, France. |
LI MANNI, L., LECLOUX, G., LEGROS, C., MAINJOT, A., ROMPEN, E., & LAMBERT, F. (September 2016). Immediate implant loading and prosthondontic components full-guided surgery: preliminary results of a case series [Poster presentation]. EAO - 25th annual congress, Paris, France. |
LAMBERT, F., BOTILDE, G., LECLOUX, G., & ROMPEN, E. (2016). Effectiveness of temporary implants in teenage patients: a prospective clinical trial. Clinical Oral Implants Research. doi:10.1111/clr.12931 |
LAMBERT, F. (25 June 2016). Peri-implant soft tissue integration [Paper presentation]. Nobel Biocare Global Symposium, New York City, Etats-Unis. |
LAMBERT, F. (23 June 2016). Soft tissue handling [Paper presentation]. Nobel Biocare Global Symposium, New York City, Etats-Unis. |
Lambert, F. (22 June 2016). Peri-implant soft tissue healing and integration [Paper presentation]. Nobel Biocare Global Symposium. |
LAMBERT, F. (04 June 2016). Le patient parodontal peut-il espérer un résultat esthétique? [Paper presentation]. SFPIO, Lyon, France. |
Lambert, F. (25 May 2016). An Integrated Approach for Single Tooth Replacement: Innovative Concepts and Protocols to Restore the Posterior Region [Paper presentation]. MIS, Make It Simple, MIS Global Conference. |
Lambert, F. (14 May 2016). Gestion des tissus mous peri-implantaire [Paper presentation]. Meeting Bordeaux. |
Lambert, F. (12 May 2016). Live Congress in 3D [Paper presentation]. Live Congress in 3D. |
CHARAVET, C., LECLOUX, G., VANDENBERGHE, B., & LAMBERT, F. (May 2016). Traitement orthodontique combinant piézocision et biomatériaux [Poster presentation]. Echec aux Echecs, Marseille, France. |
LAMBERT, F. (May 2016). La dentisterie numérique : Action [Paper presentation]. Université de Liège, Belgique. |
LAMBERT, F. (May 2016). Gestion des alvéoles, ROG, greffes osseuses et gingivales [Paper presentation]. GAD, Global Advanced Dentistry, Aix-en-Provence, France. Implants et Chirurgie muco-gingivale. |
LAMBERT, F. (May 2016). An Integrated Approach for Single Tooth Replacement: Innovative Concepts and Protocols to Restore the Posterior Region [Paper presentation]. MIS, Make It Simple, MIS Global Conference, Barcelone, Espagne. |
Lambert, F. (15 April 2016). Minimally invasive approach to minimize complications [Paper presentation]. ITI Benelux Symposium Study Club. |
CHARAVET, C., LECLOUX, G., BRUWIER, A., ROMPEN, E., MAES, N., Limme, M., & Lambert, F. (2016). Localized Piezoelectric Alveolar Decortication for Orthodontic Treatment in Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Dental Research. doi:10.1177/0022034516645066 |
LAMBERT, F. (April 2016). Minimally invasive approach to minimize complications [Paper presentation]. ITI Benelux Symposium, Maastricht, Pays-Bas. |
LAMBERT, F. (2016). Practical Approaches for Soft and Hard Tissue Augmentation at Implant Sites [Paper presentation]. Université de Liège, Service de Parodontologie et Chirurgie bucco-dentaire, Chaudfontaine. |
LAMBERT, F. (2016). Live surgery. Guided Surgery [Paper presentation]. Advimago continuing education, Bruxelles. |
LAMBERT, F. (November 2015). Technique de régénération osseuse intra-orale [Paper presentation]. IFPIO, Marseille, France. |
LAMBERT, F. (November 2015). Quelles stratégies pour l’optimisation des tissus mous péri-implantaires ? [Paper presentation]. ADF, Association Dentaire Française, Paris, France. |
Lambert, F. (22 October 2015). Benefits of extraction socket management [Paper presentation]. University of Bern Congress. |
Lambert, F. (08 October 2015). Préserver ou reconstruire a gestion des alvéoles d'extraction”.omnipraticien [Paper presentation]. COEFI. |
CHARAVET, C., Lecloux, G., & Lambert, F. (October 2015). Piezocision Assisted Orthodontic Treatment [Poster presentation]. Traiter c'est Innover, La Hulpe, Belgium. |
CHARAVET, C., LECLOUX, G., ROMPEN, E., & Lambert, F. (October 2015). Innovative Orthodontic Treatment Using PiezoSurgery [Paper presentation]. Interdisciplinary Orthodontics in children and adults, Milan, Italy. |
LAMBERT, F. (October 2015). Préserver ou reconstruire a gestion des alvéoles d'extraction [Paper presentation]. COEFI, Paris, France. |
LAMBERT, F. (October 2015). La régénération osseuse post extractionnelle [Paper presentation]. AAP, Bordeaux, France. |
LAMBERT, F. (October 2015). Benefits of extraction socket management [Paper presentation]. University of Bern, Bern, Suisse. |
GAUDIN, E., SEIDEL, L., Bacevic, M., ROMPEN, E., & LAMBERT, F. (2015). Occurrence and risk indicators of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw after dental extraction: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. doi:10.1111/jcpe.12455 |
LAMBERT, F. (September 2015). Practical Approaches for Soft and Hard Tissue Augmentation at Implant Sites [Paper presentation]. Université de Liège, Service de Parodontologie et Chirurgie bucco-dentaire, Chaudfontaine, Belgique. |
LAMBERT, F. (08 June 2015). Minimally invasive approach in implant dentistry [Paper presentation]. Straumann Asia. |
LAMBERT, F., Bacevic, M., Schupbach, P., Layrolle, P., Drion, P., & ROMPEN, E. (03 June 2015). Impact of biomaterial physical characteristics on bone regeneration: Comparison of three hydroxyapatites [Poster presentation]. Europerio, London, United Kingdom. |
CHARAVET, C., Lecloux, G., Rompen, E., & LAMBERT, F. (June 2015). Influence of piezocision-assisted orthodontic treatment in adults patients : A Randomized Control Trial [Poster presentation]. EuroPerio, Londres, United Kingdom. |
LAMBERT, F. (June 2015). Use of power driven and airflow scalers [Paper presentation]. Europerio 8, Londres, Angleterre. |
LAMBERT, F. (June 2015). Minimally invasive approach in implant dentistry [Paper presentation]. Straumann Asia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaisie; Bejing, Chine ; Xyamen, Chine ; Tapei, Thailande. |
Lambert, F. (14 May 2015). Live surgery Congress in 3D [Paper presentation]. Live surgery Congress in 3D. |
LAMBERT, F. (May 2015). Live Congress in 3D [Paper presentation]. Université de Liège, Belgique. |
Jepsen, S., Berglundh, T., Genco, R., Aass, A. M., Demirel, K., Derks, J., Figuero, E., Giovannoli, J. L., Goldstein, M., LAMBERT, F., Ortiz-Vigon, A., Polyzois, I., Salvi, G. E., Schwarz, F., Serino, G., Tomasi, C., & Zitzmann, N. (31 March 2015). Primary prevention of peri-implantitis: Managing peri-implant mucositis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 42 (S16), 152–S157. doi:10.1111/jcpe.12369 |
Lambert, F. (19 March 2015). Vers une simplification des protocoles d’implants [Paper presentation]. Global D. |
LAMBERT, F. (March 2015). Vers une simplification des protocoles d’implants [Paper presentation]. Global D, Lyon, France. |
LAMBERT, F. (March 2015). Gestion implantaire de l'édentement unitaire dans le secteur esthétique : une approche visant à optimiser les tissus. Partie I : aspect chirurgical. Réalites Cliniques: Revue Européenne d'Odontologie, 26 (n°1). |
LAMBERT, F. (March 2015). Extraire ou conserver ? [Paper presentation]. Apad asbl, Journée de rencontre. |
LAMBERT, F. (February 2015). Ergonomics in dental practice [Paper presentation]. BSP, Belgian Society of Periodontology. |
Ayora, A. F., HERION, F., ROMPEN, E., Reginster, J.-Y., Magremanne, M., & LAMBERT, F. (2015). Dramatic osteonecrosis of the jaw associated with oral bisphosphonates, periodontitis and dental implant removal. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 42, 190-195. doi:10.1111/jcpe.12322 |
ESPOSITO, M., GRUSOVIN, M. G., LAMBERT, F., MATOS, S., PIETRUSKA, M., ROSSI, R., SALHI, L., & BUTI, J. (2015). The effectiveness of a resorbable bone substitute with a resorbable membrane in the treatment of periodontal infrabony defect - A multicenter randomised controlled trial. European Journal of Oral Implantology, 8 (3), 233-244. |
LAMBERT, F., LECLOUX, G., GRENADE, C., BOUHY, A., LAMY, M., & ROMPEN, E. (2015). Less invasive surgical procedures using narrow diameter implants: a prospective study in 20 consecutive patients. Journal of Oral Implantology. doi:10.1563/AAID-JOI-D-13-00201 |
CHARAVET, C., Lecloux, G., Rompen, E., BRUWIER, A., & Lambert, F. (05 December 2014). Benefits of piezocision-assisted orthodontics : a randomized controlled trial, preliminary results [Paper presentation]. Piezocision for Rapid Orthodontics Treatment, Liège, Belgium. |
LAMBERT, F. (December 2014). Préserver plutôt que reconstruire [Paper presentation]. SNIF, 5ème Symposium National d’Implantologie au Féminin, Paris, France. |
Lambert, F. (25 November 2014). Traitement parodontal ou extraction et implant [Paper presentation]. ADF, Association Dentaire Française. |
Lambert, F. (09 November 2014). Workshop in Periodontal Prevention [Paper presentation]. EFP, European Federation of Periodontology. |
CHARAVET, C., LECLOUX, G., LAMBERT, F., BERNARD, J.-C., ROMPEN, E., LIMME, M., & BRUWIER, A. (November 2014). Traitement orthodontique chez le patient adulte assisté par piézocision: illustration d'un cas clinique [Poster presentation]. Congrès de la société d'orthodontie française. |
LAMBERT, F. (November 2014). Traitement parodontal ou extraction et implant [Paper presentation]. ADF, Association Dentaire Française, Paris, France. |
LAMBERT, F. (November 2014). Quelles stratégies pour l’optimisation des tissus mous péri-implantaires ? [Paper presentation]. ADF, Association Dentaire Française, Paris, France. |
LAMBERT, F. (November 2014). Extraction socket management with Buccal Plate Expansion: Preliminary Results of a Novel Technique [Paper presentation]. Mediplus. |
LAMBERT, F. (October 2014). Implantologie du Futur :
la longévité de nos implants sera-t-elle conditionnée par les innovations chirurgicales ou prothétiques ? [Paper presentation]. AFI, Association Française d’Implantologie, 29ème Congrès, Paris, France. |
Lambert, F. (24 September 2014). Certification in oral implantology [Paper presentation]. EAO, European Association for Implantology. |
LAMBERT, F. (September 2014). Certification in oral implantology [Paper presentation]. EAO, European Association for Implantology, Rome, Italie. The Annual Congress, Junior Committee session. |
Lambert, F. (22 May 2014). Live Congress in 3D [Paper presentation]. Live Congress in 3D. |
LAMBERT, F. (May 2014). Live Congress in 3D [Paper presentation]. Université de Liège, Belgique. |
LAMBERT, F. (March 2014). La gestion des alvéoles d’extraction [Paper presentation]. Global D, Lyon, France. |
LAMBERT, F. (March 2014). Failure Festival [Paper presentation]. BSP. Belgian Society of Periodontology. |
Lambert, F. (04 February 2014). How to present the scientific literature [Paper presentation]. FOR, Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation. |
LAMBERT, F. (February 2014). How to present the scientific literature [Paper presentation]. FOR, Foundation for Oral rehabilitation, Fussisberg, Suisse. |
LAMBERT, F. (January 2014). Nouvelles approches pour la régénération des tissus mous [Paper presentation]. Excellence en implantologie, Paris, France. |
LAMBERT, F. (2014). Extraction socket management [Paper presentation]. Mediplus congress. |
SALHI, L., LECLOUX, G., Seidel, L., ROMPEN, E., & LAMBERT, F. (2013). Coronally advanced flap versus the pouch technique combined with a connective tissuegraft to treat Miller's class I gingival recession: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. |
LAMBERT, F. (December 2013). Gestion des alvéoles d’extraction [Paper presentation]. Mediplus, Bruxelles, Belgique. |
Lambert, F. (22 November 2013). Decision making to replace missing teeth in the esthetic zone [Paper presentation]. OMD Congress. |
LAMBERT, F. (November 2013). Le traitement de la parodontite pour la santé de nos patients [Paper presentation]. Laboratoire Ketterhill, Luxembourg. |
LAMBERT, F. (November 2013). La réhabilitation esthétique en équipe: de la chirurgie à la prothèse, de la recherche à la clinique [Paper presentation]. ITI, International Team for Implantology, Belgian Education Program, Bruxelles, Belgique. |
LAMBERT, F. (November 2013). Decision making to replace missing teeth in the esthetic zone [Paper presentation]. OMD Congress, Ordem dos Médicos Dentistas. Lisbonne, Portugal. |
LAMBERT, F. (November 2013). Choix des biomatériaux dans la régénération tissulaire guidée [Paper presentation]. ADF, Association Dentaire Française, Paris, France. |
FERNANDEZ AYORA, A., HERION, F., LAMBERT, F., LECLOUX, G., & ROMPEN, E. (October 2013). DRAMATIC OSTEONECROSIS OF THE JAW ASSOCIATED WITH ORAL BIPHOSPHONATES TREATMENT AFTER IMPLANT REMOVAL: A CASE REPORT [Poster presentation]. 22nd Meeting of the European Association of Osseointegration, Dublin, Ireland. |
LAMBERT, F. (October 2013). Chirurgie plastique parodontale: Traitement des récessions multiples de grandes étendues. Alpha Omega France, 160. |
Knapen, M., Gheldof, D., Drion, P., Layrolle, P., Rompen, E., & Lambert, F. (2013). Effect of Leukocyte- and Platelet-Rich Fibrin (L-PRF) on Bone Regeneration: A Study in Rabbits. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research. doi:10.1111/cid.12146 |
LAMBERT, F. (September 2013). Vers une simplification des protocoles [Paper presentation]. SMD, Société de Médecine Dentaire, Namur. |
LAMBERT, F. (September 2013). Extraction socket management with Buccal Plate Expansion: Preliminary Results of a Novel Technique [Paper presentation]. University of Leuven. |
LAMBERT, F. (September 2013). Extraction Socket Management [Paper presentation]. Mediplus, Bruxelles. |
ROMPEN, E., LAMBERT, F., & LAMY, M. (2013). Le maxillaire édenté complet. In P. Missika (Ed.), 25 cas d'école en implantologie. Editeur Information Dentaire. |
LAMBERT, F. (21 June 2013). Hard and soft tissue regeneration in anterior cases: Materials and Procedures [Paper presentation]. Nobel Biocare Global Symposium, New York, United States - New York. |
COMPEYRON, Y., LECLOUX, G., LEGROS, C., ROMPEN, E., & LAMBERT, F. (08 June 2013). Mise en charge immédiate en zone esthétique avec un pilier zircone préformé [Paper presentation]. Congrès SFPIO Deauville, Deauville, France. |
GAUDIN, E., HERION, F., LECLOUX, G., ROMPEN, E., & LAMBERT, F. (08 June 2013). extractions dentaires et risque d'ostéonécrose de la mâchoire chez les patients traités par bisphosphonates en intraveineuse [Paper presentation]. Congrès SFPIO Deauville. |
DETHIER, F., LECLOUX, G., ROMPEN, E., & LAMBERT, F. (June 2013). Placement précoce d’implant dans des sites d’extractions préservés : résultats à 1 an [Paper presentation]. Congrès SFPIO Deauville, Deauville, France. |
LAMBERT, F. (June 2013). Hard and soft tissue management in the esthetic zone: materials and techniques [Paper presentation]. Nobel Biocare Global Symposium. New-York City, Etats-Unis. The Young Leaders Sessions. |
LAMBERT, F. (17 May 2013). Hard and soft tissue management in the esthetic zone [Paper presentation]. Congress of the NVOI, Cascais, Portugal. |
LAMBERT, F. (March 2013). Une approche moderne de la régénération osseuse alvéolaire [Paper presentation]. ULg - Université de Liège. |
LAMBERT, F., LECLOUX, G., & ROMPEN, E. (March 2013). Un approche moderne de la régénération osseuse [Paper presentation]. Cours international sur la régénération osseuse alvéolaire, Université de Liège. |
LAMBERT, F. (2013). La Chirurgie muco-gingivale Niveau 2 [Paper presentation]. Mediplus congress. |
LAMBERT, F. (2013). Decision making for teeth replacement in the esthetic area [Paper presentation]. Program in Implant dentistry, Department of Oral Surgery, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. |
LAMBERT, F., LECLOUX, G., Léonard, A., Sourice, S., Layrolle, P., & ROMPEN, E. (2013). Bone Regeneration Using Porous Titanium Particles versus Bovine Hydroxyapatite: A Sinus Lift Study in Rabbits. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, 15 (3). doi:10.1111/j.1708-8208.2011.00374.x |
LAMBERT, F., Léonard, A., Drion, P., Sourice, S., Pilet, P., & Rompen, E. (2013). The effect of collagenated space filling materials in sinus bone augmentation: a study in rabbits. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 24 (5). doi:10.1111/j.1600-0501.2011.02412.x |
LAMBERT, F., Léonard, A., LECLOUX, G., Sourice, S., Pilet, P., & ROMPEN, E. (2013). A comparison of three calcium phosphate based space fillers in sinus elevation: a study in rabbits. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants, 28 (2), 393-402. doi:10.11607/jomi.2332 |
VANHOUTTE, V., ROMPEN, E., LECLOUX, G., RUES, S., SCHMITTER, M., & LAMBERT, F. (2013). A methodological approach to assessing alveolar ridge preservation procedures in humans: soft tissue profile. Clinical Oral Implants Research. doi:10.1111/clr.12144 |
CHARAVET, C., LAMBERT, F., LECLOUX, G., ROMPEN, E., & LIMME, M. (07 December 2012). Piezocision-assisted orthodontic treatment in adult patient: A case report [Paper presentation]. Free Communication Day, Leuven, Belgium. |
LAMBERT, F. (08 November 2012). Approche moins invasive de la chirurgie muco-gingivale [Paper presentation]. Approche moins invasive de la chirurgie muco-gingivale, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
CHARAVET, C., LECLOUX, G., LAMBERT, F., BERNARD, J.-C., RASKIN, S., ROMPEN, E., & LIMME, M. (November 2012). Traitement orthodontique chez le patient adulte assisté par piezocision : Illustration d'un cas clinique [Poster presentation]. Journées de l'Orthodontie, Paris, France. |
LAMBERT, F. (11 October 2012). EAO Summer Camp Session [Paper presentation]. 21th Annual Meeting of the European Association For Osseointegration, Copenhagen, Denmark. |
LAMBERT, F. (06 October 2012). Decision making for tooth replacement in the esthetic zone [Paper presentation]. Conference of the BSOI, Brussels, Belgium. |
LAMBERT, F. (October 2012). réhabilitation esthétique en équipe: de la chirurgie à la prothèse, de la recherche à la clinique [Paper presentation]. ITI, International Team for Implantology, Belgian Education Program, Bruxelles, Belgique. |
LAMBERT, F., Vincent, K., VANHOUTTE, V., Seidel, L., LECLOUX, G., & ROMPEN, E. (September 2012). A methodological approach to assessing alveolar ridge preservation procedures in humans: hard tissue profile. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 9, 887-94. doi:10.1111/j.1600-051X.2012.01900.x |
COMPEYRON, Y., LECLOUX, G., ROMPEN, E., LEGROS, C., & LAMBERT, F. (June 2012). Description of a ‘soft tissue friendly’ protocol for immediate loading in the esthetic zone: 1 year result of 13 consecutive patients [Poster presentation]. Europerio 7, Vienna, Austria. |
DETHIER, F., LECLOUX, G., ROMPEN, E., & LAMBERT, F. (June 2012). Early Implant placement in socket preservations: 12-month results of a prospective case series [Poster presentation]. Europerio 7, Au, Austria. |
FERNANDEZ AYORA, A., VANHOUTTE, V., LECLOUX, G., ROMPEN, E., & LAMBERT, F. (June 2012). Patient morbidity after socket preservation using a connective tissue graft versus a bilayer collagen matrix: Preliminary results of a comparative Randomized Control Trial [Poster presentation]. europerio 7, Vienna, Austria. |
GAUDIN, E., HERION, F., ROMPEN, E., & LAMBERT, F. (June 2012). Dental extractions in patients treated with intravenous bisphosphonates and risk of osteonecrosis of jaws [Poster presentation]. Europerio 7, Vienna, Austria. |
SALHI, L., ROMPEN, E., LECLOUX, G., Seidel, L., & LAMBERT, F. (June 2012). Patient morbidity after 2 different surgical protocols to treat miller class I recession in the anterior maxilla: A Comparaitive Ramdomized Control Trial [Paper presentation]. Europerio 7, Vienna, Austria. |
LAMBERT, F. (May 2012). Une image moderne de la régénération osseuse [Paper presentation]. Brunch & Learn, Luxembourg. |
LAMBERT, F. (May 2012). Les gestions d’alvéole au quotidien [Paper presentation]. Université de Liège, Belgique. Implantologie Live Congress. |
LAMBERT, F. (26 April 2012). Une nouvelles approche implantaire pour traiter les agénésies [Paper presentation]. ITI Study Club, Liège, Belgium. |
LAMBERT, F. (April 2012). I create smile [Paper presentation]. AAD, Academy of Advanced Dentistry. Medipolis, Anvers, Belgique. |
MAINJOT, A., & LAMBERT, F. (April 2012). Esthetic management : a team approach [Paper presentation]. I create, Antwerp, Belgium. |
LAMBERT, F. (21 January 2012). Choix des biomatériaux dans la régénération osseuse alvéolaire [Paper presentation]. IMCI 2012: International Master Course in Implantology, Paris, France. |
LAMBERT, F. (13 January 2012). Préserver plutôt que reconstruire [Paper presentation]. GENI Working Group, Lyon, France. |
LAMBERT, F. (2012). Reconstruction de la papille: Un défi [Paper presentation]. ADF, Paris, France. |
LAMBERT, F. (2012). Gestion provisoire et définitive des agénésies avec des implants de faible diamètre [Paper presentation]. Journées Dentaires de l'UCL 2012, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain, Belgium. |
LAMBERT, F. (11 June 2011). Choix des biomatériaux dans la régénération osseuse alvéolaire [Paper presentation]. Congrèe SFPIO, Aix-en-Provence, France. |
LAMBERT, F. (04 March 2011). Influence of space-filling materials in sub-sinusal bone augmentations : BHA vs BCP vs Beta-TCP vs Nano HA [Paper presentation]. The 26th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, United States - District of Columbia. |
LAMBERT, F. (24 February 2011). Management of aggressive periodontitis: a team approach [Paper presentation]. The BUOS symposium, Spa, Belgium. |
LAMBERT, F., & LECLOUX, G. (18 February 2011). Technologies in Periodontology: Avantages of the Piezosurgey [Paper presentation]. Technologies in Periodontology. |
LAMBERT, F. (2011). Influence of Biomaterials in Alveolar Bone Regeneration and Preservation [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. |
LAMBERT, F. (2011). Technologies in Periodontology [Paper presentation]. BSP, Belgian Society of Periodontology. |
LAMBERT, F. (2011). Management of agressive periodontitis : the team approach [Paper presentation]. BUOS, Belgian Union of Orthodontist Societies. The BUOS Symposium Spa. |
LAMBERT, F. (2011). Implant dans le secteur esthétique: choix du timing et de la technique chirurgicale [Paper presentation]. IMCI 2011: International Master Course in Implantology, Paris, France. |
LAMBERT, F. (2011). Dépister au quotidien les indications pour les gestions d'alvéoles [Paper presentation]. Study Club SMD: Dépister au quotidien les indications pour les gestions d'alvéoles, Verviers, Belgium. |
LAMBERT, F. (2011). An architectural plan for creating implant esthetics [Paper presentation]. BSP Belgian Society of Periodontology. |
LAMBERT, F., Layrolle, P., ROMPEN, E., & DE COSTER, P. (2011). Physico-chemical and morphological properties of current particulated biomaterials used in alveolar bone augmentations: a review. Journal of Osteology and Biomaterials, 2. |
LAMBERT, F., LECLOUX, G., Léonard, A., Layrolle, P., Sourice, S., & ROMPEN, E. (2011). Bone regeneration using porous titanium particles vs. bovine hydroxyapatite: a sinus lift study in rabbits [Poster presentation]. 20th Annual Meeting of the European Association For Osseointegration, Athens, Greece. |
Lambert, F., Léonard, A., Drion, P., Sourice, S., Layrolle, P., & Rompen, E. (2011). Influence of space-filling materials in subantral bone augmentation: blood clot vs. autogenous bone chips vs. bovine hydroxyapatite. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 22 (5), 538-545. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0501.2010.02069.x |
LAMBERT, F., VINCENT, K., VANHOUTTE, V., LECLOUX, G., ROMPEN, E., & Vandenberghe, B. (2011). Description of the bone-remodeling pattern after socket preservation procedures in human: a methodological study [Poster presentation]. 20th Annual Meeting of the European Association For Osseointegration, Athens, Greece. |
Lambert, F., Léonard, A., Drion, P., Layrolle, P., & Rompen, E. (06 October 2010). Influence of space filling materials in sub-sinusal bone augmentation: Clot vs Autogenous bone chips vs Bovine Hydroxyapatite [Poster presentation]. 19th Annual EAO Meeting, Glasgow, United Kingdom. |
LECLOUX, G., Beaujan, L., ROMPEN, E., & LAMBERT, F. (October 2010). Revisited rules of papilla level adjacent to single-tooth dental implants according recent implant designs. A retrospective study [Poster presentation]. 19th Annual EAO Meeting, Glasgow, United Kingdom. |
LAMBERT, F. (22 September 2010). Implants dans le secteur esthétique: choix du timing et de la technique chirurgicale [Paper presentation]. 36 ieme entretiens de Garancière, Paris, France. |
LECLOUX, G., & LAMBERT, F. (19 May 2010). “Implants dans le secteur esthétique: choix du timing et de la technique chirurgicale : Chirurgie en life” [Paper presentation]. ITI Belgian education Program, Liège, Belgium. |
LAMBERT, F. (May 2010). Sinus-lifts: principes biologiques et travaux pratiques [Paper presentation]. Université de Liège, Triptyque sur la régénération osseuse alvéolaire. |
LAMBERT, F. (24 April 2010). Orthodontics and Periodontology [Paper presentation]. What's your opinion about planning?, Brussels, Belgium. |
LAMBERT, F. (09 April 2010). Sub sinusal Bone augmentation Procedures: Biological Concept and Surgical Technique [Paper presentation]. ITI Brazilian Program, Sao Paulo, Brazil. |
LAMBERT, F. (07 April 2010). Sub Sinusal Bone augmentation Procedures: Biological Concept and Surgical Technique [Paper presentation]. ITI Brazilian Program. |
LAMBERT, F. (April 2010). Gestions d’alvéoles: principes biologiques et travaux pratiques [Paper presentation]. Triptyque sur la régénération osseuse alvéolaire, Université de Liège. |
LAMBERT, F., & ROMPEN, E. (23 March 2010). Roxolid a new implant material [Paper presentation]. Roxolid launch, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
LAMBERT, F. (05 March 2010). Propriétés physico-chimiques et comportements in vivo des biomatériaux utilisés pour la régénération osseuse [Paper presentation]. Triptyque sur la régénération osseuse alvéolaire et utilisation des biomatériaux. Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium. |
LAMBERT, F., & ROMPEN, E. (23 February 2010). Roxolid a new implant material [Paper presentation]. Roxolid launch, Liège, Belgium. |
LAMBERT, F. (21 January 2010). Surgical and Prosthodontic considerations for the Bone Level Implant [Paper presentation]. ITI theme night, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
LAMBERT, F. (2010). What's Your Opinion About Planning? The orthodontics and periodontology [Paper presentation]. BSP, Belgian Society of Periodontology. |
LAMBERT, F. (2010). Implants dans le secteur esthétique: choix du timing et de la technique chirurgicale : Chirurgie en life [Paper presentation]. ITI, International Team for Implantology, Belgian Education Program, Liège. |
LAMBERT, F., LECLOUX, G., & ROMPEN, E. (2010). One-step approach for implant placement and subantral bone regeneration using bovine hydroxyapatite: a 2- to 6-year follow-up study. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants. |
LAMBERT, F., & ROMPEN, E. (January 2010). Prise en charge pluridisciplinaire d'une parodontite juvénile: Traitement Paro-Ortho-Prothétique. Le point, 218 (Janvier -Février), 27-30. |
VANHOUTTE, V., LAMBERT, F., & ROMPEN, E. (December 2009). One-piece zirconia implants : 18 months clinical outcomes [Paper presentation]. Free communication day, Brussels, Belgium. |
LAMBERT, F. (17 October 2009). Oral Photography [Paper presentation]. AAD conference. |
LAMBERT, F., & ROMPEN, E. (September 2009). One-piece zirconium implant with concave transmucosal profile: an 18 month prospective study [Poster presentation]. 18th Annual Meeting of the European Association For Osseointegration, Monaco, France. |
LECLOUX, G., ROMPEN, E., LAMBERT, F., & RAEPSAET, N. (September 2009). Evaluation of a technique for ridge preservation after tooth extraction 'saddle connective tissue graft and BHA' [Poster presentation]. 18th Annual Meeting of the European Association For Osseointegration, Monaco, France. |
LAMBERT, F., Weber, H. P., Belser, U., Susarla, S., & Gallucci, G. (August 2009). Descriptive analysis of implant and prosthodontic survival rates with fixed implant-supported rehabilitations in the edentulous maxilla. Journal of Periodontology, 80 (8), 1220-30. doi:10.1902/jop.2009.090109 |
LAMBERT, F., Geron, C., LECLOUX, G., & ROMPEN, E. (June 2009). Marginal bone resorption and marginal bone level around implants in the posterior mandible: A 4-year retrospective study [Poster presentation]. Europerio 6, Stockolm, Sweden. |
LECLOUX, G., GRENADE, C., PEVEE, J. M., LAMBERT, F., & ROMPEN, E. (June 2009). Effect of low concentration of tetracycline solution on collagen membrane biodegradation: a rat study [Poster presentation]. Europerio 6, Stockolm, Sweden. |
LAMBERT, F. (30 April 2009). Les sutures en dentisterie : cours théorique et travaux pratiques [Paper presentation]. Les sutures en dentisterie : cours théorique et travaux pratiques, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
LAMBERT, F. (April 2009). Les sutures en dentisterie : théorie et travaux pratiques [Paper presentation]. Henri Schein, Bruxelles, Belgique. |
LAMBERT, F. (March 2009). Le traitement parodontal de A à Z [Paper presentation]. SMD Study Club: Le traitement parodontal de A à Z, Liège, Belgium. |
LAMBERT, F. (2009). Implants dans le secteur esthétique: choix du timing et de la technique chirurgicale [Paper presentation]. ITI theme night, Luxembourg ville, Luxembourg. |
LAMBERT, F., LECLOUX, G., DEBATY, B., & ROMPEN, E. (September 2008). Journée clinique et pratique de la parodontologie pour le dentiste généraliste [Paper presentation]. Journée clinique et pratique de la parodontologie pour le dentiste généraliste, Namur, Belgium. |
LAMBERT, F. (June 2008). “Une approche pluridisciplinaire pour le traitement d'une parodontite agressive: une étude de cas” [Paper presentation]. Annual SFPIO Congress, La Grande Motte, France. |
LAMBERT, F., LECLOUX, G., DEBATY, B., & ROMPEN, E. (25 April 2008). Maitrisez vos actes chirurgicaux sans stress + travaux pratiques [Paper presentation]. Maitrisez vos actes chirurgicaux sans stress, Liège, Belgium. |
LAMBERT, F. (2008). Innovatives techniques in implant dentistry [Paper presentation]. Program in Oral Implantology, University of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium. |
Lambert, F., Lecloux, G., & Rompen, E. (2008). Augmentation osseuse sous-sinusienne : actualisation du concept du sinus lift. Revue d'Odonto-Stomatologie, 37 (1), 3-17. |
LAMBERT, F., LECLOUX, G., & ROMPEN, E. (2008). Augmentation osseuse sous-sinusienne : actualisation du concept du sinus lift. Revue d'Odonto-Stomatologie. |
ARNAUD, L., LAMBERT, F., LECLOUX, G., & ROMPEN, E. (October 2007). 3-D guided bone regeneration using autogenous bone block as space maintainer for bone augmentation in the anterior maxilla [Poster presentation]. The 16th EAO Congress, Barcelona, Spain. |
Ronco, V., LAMBERT, F., LECLOUX, G., & ROMPEN, E. (October 2007). Sinus elevation and simultaneous implant placement: the influence of the remaining bone height [Poster presentation]. The 16th EAO Congress, Barcelona, Spain. |
ARNAUD, L., LAMBERT, F., & Rompen, E. (May 2007). A minimally invasive approach for horizontal bone regeneration of the anterior maxilla [Poster presentation]. International Osteology Symposium, Monaco, France. |
Bolland, F., Ronco, V., LAMBERT, F., & Rompen, E. (April 2007). Influence of collar design on palatal implant primary stability [Poster presentation]. ITI World Symposium, New york, United States - New York. |
LAMBERT, F., Weber, H., Gallucci, G., & Susarla, S. (September 2006). Fixed implant rehabilitation of the edentulous maxilla: a systematic literature review [Poster presentation]. 15th EAO Congress, Zurich, Switzerland. |
Lambert, F., Lecloux, G., & Rompen, E. (September 2005). Placement of non-submerged implants simultaneously with sinus augmentation with bovine HA [Poster presentation]. EAO 14th annual meeting, Munich, Germany. |
LAMBERT, F., LECLOUX, G., & ROMPEN, E. (May 2005). The best solution for you patient. A Biological Approach for Aesthetic Implant Dentistry [Poster presentation]. Nobel Biocare World Symposium, Las Vegas, United States - Nevada. |