Publications and communications of Marie-Christine Lebrethon

Valdes-Socin, H., Betea, D.-F., Vroonen, L., Lebrethon, M.-C., & Pétrossians, P. (2024). Pseudohypo parathyroïdies type 1A (PHP-1A), type 1B (PHP-1B) et pseudo-pseudohypoparathyroïdie (PPH) : nouvelles données cliniques et génétiques chez 14 patients. Annales d'Endocrinologie.

Dufour, P., Pirard, C., Lebrethon, M.-C., & Charlier, C. (2023). Associations between endocrine disruptor contamination and thyroid hormone homeostasis in Belgian type 1 diabetic children. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. doi:10.1007/s00420-023-01974-9

Dotremont, H., France, A., Heinrichs, C., Tenoutasse, S., Brachet, C., Cools, M., De Waele, K., Massa, G., Lebrethon, M.-C., Gies, I., Van Besien, J., Derycke, C., Ziraldo, M., De Schepper, J., Beauloye, V., Verhulst, S., Rooman, R., & den Brinker, M. (2023). Efficacy and safety of a 4-year combination therapy of growth hormone and gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue in pubertal girls with short predicted adult height. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 14, 1113750. doi:10.3389/fendo.2023.1113750

Dufour, P., Pirard, C., Lebrethon, M.-C., & Charlier, C. (18 November 2022). Association between endocrine disruptor contamination and thyroid hormone homeostasis in Belgian type 1 diabetic children [Poster presentation]. 2022 Annual RBSLM Meeting.

Philips, J.-C., Radermecker, R., Lebrethon, M.-C., & S, S. (September 2022). Le médicament du mois. Le glucagon nasal (Baqsimi®), nouveau traitement du coma hypoglycémique. Revue Médicale de Liège, 77 (9), 538 - 543.

Pollé, O. G., Delfosse, A., Martin, M., Louis, J., Gies, I., den Brinker, M., Seret, N., Lebrethon, M.-C., Mouraux, T., Gatto, L., Lysy, P. A., & Parent, A.-S. (Other coll.). (22 August 2022). Glycemic Variability Patterns Strongly Correlate With Partial Remission Status in Children With Newly Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes Care, 45 (10), 2360-2368. doi:10.2337/dc21-2543

De Ridder, F., Charleer, S., Jacobs, S., Bolsens, N., Ledeganck, K. J., Van Aken, S., Vanbesien, J., Gies, I., Casteels, K., Massa, G., Lysy, P. A., Logghe, K., Lebrethon, M.-C., Depoorter, S., Gillard, P., De Block, C., & den Brinker, M. (2022). Effect of nationwide reimbursement of real-time continuous glucose monitoring on HbA1c, hypoglycemia and quality of life in a pediatric type 1 diabetes population: The RESCUE-pediatrics study. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 10, 991633. doi:10.3389/fped.2022.991633

Vander Haegen, M., Etienne, A.-M., & LEBRETHON, M.-C. (2021). Étude prospective des effets de l’inquiétude sur l’ajustement psychologique des parents d’un enfant atteint d’un diabète de type 1. Revue Médicale de Liège.

LEBRETHON, M.-C., FUDVOYE, J., & PARENT, A.-S. (December 2020). Developmental exposure to Bisphenol A : a contributing factor to the increased incidence of obesity? Belgian Journal of Paediatrics, 22 (4), 220 - 222.

LEBRETHON, M.-C., FUDVOYE, J., PARENT, A.-S., SEGHAYE, M.-C., Moline, S., WAXWEILER, C., DEWANDRE, A.-C., & LAGASSE, C. (December 2020). Interdisciplinary overweight outpatient management in pediatrics. Belgian Journal of Paediatrics, 22 (4), 240 - 242.

Fudvoye, J., Parent, A.-S., & Lebrethon, M.-C. (May 2020). Progrès technologiques et nouveautés en insulinothérapie au cours de la dernière décennie chez l’enfant et l’adolescent diabétiques. Revue Médicale de Liège, 75 (5-6), 406-409.

DEWANDRE, A.-C., Lepage, S., Cloes, M., & LEBRETHON, M.-C. (27 February 2020). Le modèle transthéorique appliqué à la mise en place d’une activité physique régulière chez les jeunes en surpoids : de la théorie à la pratique [Poster presentation]. 11ème Biennale de l'Association pour la Recherche sur l'Intervention en Sport : ‘Former des citoyens physiquement éduqués : Un défi pour les intervenants en milieux scolaire, sportif et des loisirs’, Liège, Belgium.

HARVENGT, J., GERNAY, C., Mastouri, M., FARHAT, N., LEBRETHON, M.-C., Seghaye, M.-C., & Bours, V. (2020). ROHHAD(NET) Syndrome: Systematic review of the clinical timeline and recommendations for diagnosis and prognosis. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. doi:10.1210/clinem/dgaa247

DELANNOY, P., GRANDFILS, S., LEBRETHON, M.-C., CHANTRAINE, F., VAN LINTHOUT, C., BECKERS, A., & VALDES SOCIN, H. G. (2019). A series of 9 pregnancies with hyperthyroidism and Graves disease : fetal and maternal follow up. In Abstract book : Annual congress of the Belgian Society of Internal Medicine.

LE GOFF, C., Gilson, M., Lahr, M., CAVALIER, E., & LEBRETHON, M.-C. (21 May 2019). Premature adrenarche : DHEA Sulfate by Immunoassay or LC-MS/MS ? [Poster presentation]. Euromedlab, Barcelone, Spain.

VALDES SOCIN, H. G., LIBIOULLE, C., LEBRETHON, M.-C., CORMAN, V., DEBRAY, F.-G., DIDEBERG, V., & Beckers, A. (2019). Normosmic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism associated with a novel TACR3 mutation. In Endocrine Abstracts - ECE 2019.

Geurten, C., Geurten, M., HOYOUX, C., & LEBRETHON, M.-C. (2019). Endocrine consequences of neuroblastoma treatment in children: 20 years’ experience of a single center. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism, 32 (4), 347-354. doi:10.1515/jpem-2018-0273

Straetemans, S., Thomas, M., Craen, M., Rooman, R., De Schepper, J., Parent, A.-S., & LEBRETHON, M.-C. (October 2018). Poor growth response during the first year of growth hormone treatment in short prepubertal children with growth hormone deficiency and born small for gestational age: a comparison of different criteria. International Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology, 2018, 9. doi:10.1186/s13633-018-0064-3

Thomas, M., Beckers, D., Brachet, C., Dotremont, H., LEBRETHON, M.-C., Lysy, P., Massa, G., Reynaert, N., Rooman, R., van der Straaten, S., Roelants, M., & De Schepper, J. (April 2018). Adult Height after Growth Hormone Treatment at Pubertal Onset in Short Adolescents Born Small for Gestational Age: Results from a Belgian Registry-Based Study. International Journal of Endocrinology, 2018, 6421243. doi:10.1155/2018/6421243

FUDVOYE, J., LEBRETHON, M.-C., & Parent, A.-S. (March 2017). Low/medium doses of inhaled corticosteroids can cause adrenal insufficiency. Belgian Journal of Paediatrics, 19 (1).

LADANG, A., VRANKEN, L., LUYCKX, F., LEBRETHON, M.-C., & CAVALIER, E. (2017). Etude rétrospective du bilan thyroïdien: définition de valeurs de référence pédiatriques. Revue Médicale de Liège.

Straetemans, S., De Schepper, J., THOMAS, M., Verlinde, F., Rooman, R., LEBRETHON, M.-C., & Parent, A.-S. (September 2016). Validation of Prediction Models for Near Adult Height in Children with Idiopathic Growth Hormone Deficiency Treated with Growth Hormone A Belgian Registry Study. Hormone Research in Paediatrics, 86, 161/168. doi:10.1159/000448553

Mocarbel, Y., Arebalo de cross, G., LEBRETHON, M.-C., THIRY, A., Beckers, A., & VALDES SOCIN, H. G. (2016). Asociacion de craneofaringioma y sindrome de Klinefelter en la transicion puberal : un desafio diagnostico. Archivos Argentinos de Pediatria. doi:10.5546/aap.2017.e104

Cloes, M., DEWANDRE, A.-C., LEBRETHON, M.-C., Nawezi Yav, C., & Rompen, J. (March 2015). Design and implementation of a ‘physical activity day’ for overweight and obese youth [Paper presentation]. 43ème Congrès Annuel de la Société Belge de Pédiatrie, Liege, Belgium.

Barrea, C., HARVENGT, J., LEBRETHON, M.-C., Poirrier, R., & Seghaye, M.-C. (January 2015). JAWAC evolving technologies to study sleep disturbance in obese adolescents - a preliminary study. Tijdschrift van de Belgische Kinderarts, 17 (1), 107.

Bourguignon, J.-P., DOMINE, F., Glowacz, F., LEBRETHON, M.-C., & Parent, A.-S. (2015). Changes in pubertal timing: Past views, Recast issues. In J.-P. Bourguignon, J.-C. Carel, ... Y. Christen (Eds.), Brain Crosstalk in Puberty in Adolescence (pp. 163-172). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-09168-6_12

DEWANDRE, A.-C., HARVENGT, J., LAGASSE, C., PARENT, A.-S., BOURGUIGNON, J.-P., Seghaye, M.-C., Cloes, M., & LEBRETHON, M.-C. (January 2015). Promotion of physical activity among children and adolescents followed for overweight or obesity in. Tijdschrift van de Belgische Kinderarts, 17 (1), 40.

Guffins, A., HARVENGT, J., LUYCKX, F., ANDRIS, C., Seghaye, M.-C., & LEBRETHON, M.-C. (January 2015). Autoimmune thyroid diseases in early childhood three case reports. Tijdschrift van de Belgische Kinderarts, 17 (1), 41.

FUDVOYE, J., BOURGUIGNON, J.-P., LEBRETHON, M.-C., SEGHAYE, M.-C., & Parent, A.-S. (March 2014). Diagnostic approach of early postnatal salt wasting : lessons from a clinical case [Paper presentation]. 42e Congrès Annuel de la Société Belge de Pédiatrie, Bruges, Belgium.

MARINI, T., STERGIOPOULOU, T., LEBRETHON, M.-C., & SEGHAYE, M.-C. (March 2014). Epidémiologie des infections virales respiratoires basses communautaires des enfants hospitalisés [Paper presentation]. 42e Congrès Annuel de la Société Belge de Pédiatrie, Bruges, Belgium.

MARINI, T., STERGIOPOULOU, T., LEBRETHON, M.-C., & SEGHAYE, M.-C. (March 2014). Ecthyma gangrenosum dans le cadre d'un choc septique létal à Pseudomonas aeruginosa [Paper presentation]. 42e Congrès Annuel de la Société Belge de Pédiatrie, Bruges, Belgium.

Cloes, M., LEBRETHON, M.-C., & Feron, I. (13 February 2014). Development of educational info capsules proposing instructional strategies aiming to deal with overweight and obese students [Paper presentation]. 2014 AIESEP World Congress ‘Educating for active healthy citizens’, Auckland, New Zealand.

Cloes, M., Feron, I., & LEBRETHON, M.-C. (10 February 2014). Constraints experienced by physical education teachers with overweight and obese students [Paper presentation]. 2014 AIESEP World Congress ‘Educating for active healthy citizens’, Auckland, New Zealand.

PETIGNOT, S., NYAMUGABO MUNYERE NKANA, K., VALDES SOCIN, H. G., Parent, A.-S., & LEBRETHON, M.-C. (October 2013). L'hyperthyroidie neonatale: clinique et prise en charge therapeutique. Revue Médicale de Liège, 68 (10), 531-6.

Cloes, M., LEBRETHON, M.-C., & Fortemps, G. (May 2013). What is proposed to overweight and obese youth in a sample of fitness centres? [Poster presentation]. Congrès de l’International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA), Gand, Belgium.

Doggen, K., Debacker, N., Beckers, D., Casteels, K., Coeckelberghs, M., Dooms, L., Dorchy, H., LEBRETHON, M.-C., Logghe, K., Maes, M., Massa, G., Mouraux, T., Rooman, R., Thiry-Counson, G., Van Aken, S., Vanbesien, J., & Van Casteren, V. (November 2012). Care delivery and outcomes among Belgian children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes. European Journal of Pediatrics, 171 (11), 1679-85. doi:10.1007/s00431-012-1809-2

Cloes, M., DEWANDRE, A.-C., & LEBRETHON, M.-C. (2012). Physical Activity Promotion In Overweight/Obese Children. A Project Implemented In A Hospital Context [Paper presentation]. Congrès ICSEMIS 2012 « Sport… Inspiring a Learning Legacy » (congrès scientifique Pré-Olympique), Glasgow, United Kingdom.

Gies, I., Thomas, M., Tenoutasse, S., De Waele, K., LEBRETHON, M.-C., Beckers, D., Francois, I., Maes, M., Rooman, R., de Beaufort, C., Massa, G., & De Schepper, J. (2012). Insulin sensitivity modulates the growth response during the first year of high-dose growth hormone treatment in short prepubertal children born small for gestational age. Hormone Research in Paediatrics, 78 (1), 24-30. doi:10.1159/000339829

Descamps, O. S., Tenoutasse, S., Stephenne, X., Gies, I., Beauloye, V., LEBRETHON, M.-C., De Beaufort, C., De Waele, K., SCHEEN, A., Rietzschel, E., Mangano, A., Panier, J. P., Ducobu, J., Langlois, M., Balligand, J. L., Legat, P., Blaton, V., Muls, E., Van Gaal, L., ... Heller, F. R. (2011). Management of familial hypercholesterolemia in children and young adults: Consensus paper developed by a panel of lipidologists, cardiologists, paediatricians, nutritionists, gastroenterologists, general practitioners and a patient organization. Atherosclerosis, 218 (2), 272-80. doi:10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2011.06.016

HARVENGT, J., DEBRAY, F.-G., LEBRETHON, M.-C., BOURGUIGNON, J.-P., & RICHELLE, C. (2011). Comment j'explore les hypoglycémies chez l'enfant : à propos de deux cas. Revue Médicale de Liège, 66 (12), 631-635.

HARVENGT, J., Retz, M.-C., Foidart, J.-M., Bourguignon, J.-P., & LEBRETHON, M.-C. (2011). De l'utilité d'une consultation conjointe de gynécologie- endocrinologie pédiatrique : étude rétrospective des motifs de consultation et approche pratique. Revue Médicale de Liège, 66 (11), 581-8.

Bourguignon, J.-P., Rasier, G., Lebrethon, M.-C., Gerard, A., Naveau, E., & Parent, A.-S. (05 August 2010). Neuroendocrine disruption of pubertal timing and interactions between homeostasis. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 324 (1-2), 110-120. doi:10.1016/j.mce.2010.02.033

HARVENGT, J., LEBRETHON, M.-C., leroy, P., SEGHAYE, M.-C., goyens, P., & Debray, F.-G. (March 2010). HYPERINSULINISM-HYPERAMMONEMIA: AN UNUSUAL CAUSE OF HYPOKETOTIC HYPOGLYCEMIA [Poster presentation]. Société belge de pédiatrie.

Beckers, D., THOMAS, M., Jamart, J., FRANCOIS, I., MAES, M., LEBRETHON, M.-C., De Waele, K., Tenoutasse, S., & De Schepper, J. (2010). Adult final height after GH therapy for irradiation-induced GH deficiency in childhood survivors of brain tumors: the Belgian experience. European Journal of Endocrinology, 162 (3), 483-90. doi:10.1530/EJE-09-0690

VALDES SOCIN, H. G., Debray, F.-G., Parent, A.-S., Lebrethon, M.-C., Bourguignon, J.-P., Bours, V., & Beckers, A. (2010). Comment j'EXPLORE ... un hypogonadisme hypogonadotrope congenital isole. Revue Médicale de Liège, 65 (11), 634-41.

Parent, A.-S., Rasier, G., Matagne, V., Lomniczi, A., LEBRETHON, M.-C., Gerard, A., Ojeda, S. R., & Bourguignon, J.-P. (March 2008). Oxytocin Facilitates Female Sexual Maturation through a Glia-to-Neuron Signaling Pathway. Endocrinology, 149 (3), 1358-65. doi:10.1210/en.2007-1054

Rasier, G., Parent, A.-S., Gerard, A., Denooz, R., Lebrethon, M.-C., Charlier, C., & Bourguignon, J.-P. (March 2008). Mechanisms of Interaction of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals with Glutamate-Evoked Secretion of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone. Toxicological Sciences, 102 (1), 33-41. doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfm285

Lagrou, K., Froidecoeur, C., Thomas, M., Massa, G., Beckers, D., Craen, M., de Beaufort, C., Rooman, R., François, I., Heinrichs, C., LEBRETHON, M.-C., Thiry-Counson, G., Maes, M., & De Schepper, J. (2008). Concerns, expectations and perception regarding stature, physical appearance and psychosocial functioning before and during high-dose growth hormone treatment of short pre-pubertal children born small for gestational age. Hormone Research, 69 (6), 334-42. doi:10.1159/000117389

Rasier, G., Parent, A.-S., Gerard, A., LEBRETHON, M.-C., & Bourguignon, J.-P. (October 2007). Early maturation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone secretion and sexual precocity after exposure of infant female rats to estradiol or dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane. Biology of Reproduction, 77 (4), 734-742. doi:10.1095/biolreprod.106.059303

Fransolet, A.-C., Born, J. D., Misson, J.-P., Dresse, M.-F., Forget, P., Rausin, L., Otto, B., Weerts, E., Rutten, I., Closon, M.-T., Bolle, S., Lebrethon, M.-C., Mouchamps, M., & Hoyoux, C. (April 2007). Prise en charge du médulloblastome de l'enfant. Revue Médicale de Liège, 62 (4), 200-4.

LEBRETHON, M.-C., Aganina, A., Fournier, M., Gerard, A., Parent, A.-S., & Bourguignon, J.-P. (March 2007). Effects of in vivo and in vitro administration of ghrelin, leptin and neuropeptide mediators on pulsatile gonadotrophin-releasing hormone secretion from male rat hypothalamus before and after puberty. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 19 (3), 181-188. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2826.2006.01518.x

Lagrou, K., Vanderfaeillie, J., Froidecoeur, C., Thomas, M., Massa, G., Tenoutasse, S., Craen, M., LEBRETHON, M.-C., Beckers, D., Francois, I., Rooman, R., Thiry-Counson, G., de Beaufort, C., & De Schepper, J. (2007). Effect of 2 years of high-dose growth hormone therapy on cognitive and psychosocial development in short children born small for gestational age. European Journal of Endocrinology, 156 (2), 195-201. doi:10.1530/eje.1.02335

Parent, A.-S., Domine, F., Charlier, C., Lebrethon, M.-C., & Bourguignon, J.-P. (2007). Régulation et dérégulation de l'âge pubertaire : populations à risque ? Revue Médicale de Liège, 62, 13-17.

Domine, F., Parent, A.-S., Rasier, G., Lebrethon, M.-C., & Bourguignon, J.-P. (November 2006). Assessment and mechanism of variations in pubertal timing in internationally adopted children: a developmental hypothesis. European Journal of Endocrinology, 155 (Suppl. 1), 17-S25. doi:10.1530/eje.1.02252

LEBRETHON, M.-C. (2006). Contribution de modèles in vitro humains et animaux àla compréhension de la régulation et des troubles des axes hypophyso-surrénalien et hypothalamo-hypophyso-gonadique [Post doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

LEBRETHON, M.-C., STRIVAY, M., & Bourguignon, J.-P. (2006). Hyperplasie congénitale des surrénales Forme classique. Percentile, 11 (6), 173-177.

Salmon, C., Gaillez, S., Pieltain, C., Sacre, F., Misson, J.-P., Rocour-Brumioul, D., Bourguignon, J.-P., & LEBRETHON, M.-C. (2006). Le syndrome de Prader Willi: intérêt d'une prise en charge pluridisciplinaire. Revue Médicale de Liège, 61 (7-8, Jul-Aug), 593-599.

Weets, I., Truyen, I., Verschraegen, I., Van der Auwera, B., De Schepper, J., Dorchy, H., LEBRETHON, M.-C., Van Gaal, L., Van Rooy, P., Pipeleers, D. G., & Gorus, F. K. (2006). Sex- and season-dependent differences in C-peptide levels at diagnosis of immune-mediated type 1 diabetes. Diabetologia, 49 (6), 1158-62. doi:10.1007/s00125-006-0191-x

Massin, M. M., LEBRETHON, M.-C., Brumioul, D., Gérard, P., & Bourguignon, J.-P. (December 2005). Patterns of physical activity determined by heart rate monitoring among diabetic children. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 90 (12), 1223-1226. doi:10.1136/adc.2005.075283

Matagne, V., LEBRETHON, M.-C., Gerard, A., & Bourguignon, J.-P. (May 2005). Kainate/Estrogen Receptor Involvement in Rapid Estradiol Effects in Vitro and Intracellular Signaling Pathways. Endocrinology, 146 (5), 2313-23. doi:10.1210/en.2004-1265

BOURGUIGNON, J.-P., Rocour-Brumioul, D., COLLARD, J., & LEBRETHON, M.-C. (2005). Le diabète de l'enfant et de l'adolescent. 2 Aspects particuliers chez l'adolescent. Revue Médicale de Liège, 60 (5-6), 320-321.

Lado-Abeal, J., DUMITRESCU, A., LIAO, X.-H., COHEN, R., POHLENZ, J., WEISS, R., LEBRETHON, M.-C., VERLOES, A., & REFETOFF, S. (2005). A De Novo Mutation in an Already Mutant Nucleotide of the Thyroïd Hormone Receptor beta Gene Perpetuates Resistance to Thyroid Hormone. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 90 (3), 1760-1767. doi:10.1210/jc.2004-1488

LEBRETHON, M.-C., Philippart, D., Rocour-Brumioul, D., & Bourguignon, J.-P. (2005). Le diabete de l'enfant et de l'adolescent. 1. Prise en charge par le Service Universitaire de Pediatrie et la Cellule "Education-Diabete en Pediatrie". Revue Médicale de Liège, 60 (5-6, May-Jun), 313-9.

Parent, A.-S., LEBRETHON, M.-C., Gerard, A., & Bourguignon, J.-P. (January 2005). Factors accounting for perinatal occurrence of pulsatile gonadotropin-releasing hormone secretion in vitro in rats. Biology of Reproduction, 72 (1), 143-149. doi:10.1095/biolreprod.104.033167

Matagne, V., Rasier, G., LEBRETHON, M.-C., Gerard, A., & Bourguignon, J.-P. (June 2004). Estradiol stimulation of Pulsatile gonadotropin-releasing hormone secretion in vitro: Correlation with perinatal exposure to sex steroids and induction of sexual precocity in vivo. Endocrinology, 145 (6), 2775-2783. doi:10.1210/en.2003-1259

Matagne, V., LEBRETHON, M.-C., Gerard, A., & Bourguignon, J.-P. (2003). In vitro paradigms for the study of GnRH neuron function and estrogen effects. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1007, 129-42. doi:10.1196/annals.1286.013

LEBRETHON, M.-C., & Bourguignon, J.-P. (May 2002). Aspects récents des mécanismes neuroendocriniens de la puberté. Archives de Pédiatrie, 9 (Suppl. 2), 226s-228. doi:10.1016/s0929-693x(01)00870-3

Grignard, S., Lechien, X., Mairiaux, P., Vandoorne, C., Bourguignon, J.-P., LEBRETHON, M.-C., & Born, M. (July 2001). Soutenir des jeunes dans la gestion de leur santé : Approche individuelle et/ou collective ? [Paper presentation]. XVIIe Conférence Mondiale de Promotion de la Santé et d'Education pour la Santé, Paris, France.

LEBRETHON, M.-C., & Bourguignon, J.-P. (May 2001). Les mécanismes du déclenchement pubertaire : signaux périphériques, hypothalamiques et environnementaux. Métabolismes, Hormones, Nutrition, V (3), 101-106.

LEBRETHON, M.-C., & Bourguignon, J.-P. (February 2001). Central and peripheral isosexual precocious puberty. Current Opinion in Endocrinology and Diabetes, 8 (1), 17-22. doi:10.1097/00060793-200102000-00004

Bourguignon, J.-P., & Lebrethon, M.-C. (2001). Régulation hypothalamique de la neurosécrétion de GnRH à la puberté. Revue Internationale de Pédiatrie, 314, 6-8.

Lebrethon, M.-C., Parent, A.-S., Matagne, V., & Bourguignon, J.-P. (2001). Les mécanismes du déclenchement pubertaire. Références en Gynécologie Obstétrique, 8 (6), 435-439.

Savage, M. O., LEBRETHON, M.-C., Blair, J. C., Ho, J. T., Johnston, L. B., Lienhardt, A., Clark, A. J., & Chaussain, J. L. (2001). Growth abnormalities associated with adrenal disorders and their management. Hormone Research, 56 Suppl 1, 19-23. doi:10.1159/000048129

Savage, M. O., Lienhardt, A., LEBRETHON, M.-C., Johnston, L. B., Huebner, A., Grossman, A. B., Afshar, F., Plowman, P. N., & Besser, G. M. (2001). Cushing's disease in childhood: presentation, investigation, treatment and long-term outcome. Hormone Research, 55 Suppl 1, 24-30. doi:10.1159/000063459

Lebrethon, M.-C., Rocour-Brumioul, D., & Bourguignon, J.-P. (December 2000). L'autoapprentissage, questions de choix. Gestion quotidienne du diabete chez l'enfant et l'adolescent. Revue Médicale de Liège, 55 (12), 1041-6.

Parent, A.-S., LEBRETHON, M.-C., Gerard, A., Vandersmissen, E., & Bourguignon, J.-P. (25 August 2000). Leptin Effects on Pulsatile Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone Secretion from the Adult Rat Hypothalamus and Interaction with Cocaine and Amphetamine Regulated Transcript Peptide and Neuropeptide Y. Regulatory Peptides, 92 (1-3), 17-24. doi:10.1016/S0167-0115(00)00144-0

Bourguignon, J.-P., & LEBRETHON, M.-C. (May 2000). Le primum movens du declenchement pubertaire : signaux hypothalamiques, peripheriques et environnementaux. Journal de Gynécologie, Obstétrique et Biologie de la Reproduction, 29 (3), 295-7.

LEBRETHON, M.-C., Vandersmissen, E., Gerard, A., Parent, A.-S., & Bourguignon, J.-P. (May 2000). Cocaine and Amphetamine-Regulated-Transcript Peptide Mediation of Leptin Stimulatory Effect on the Rat Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Pulse Generator in Vitro. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 12 (5), 383-5. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2826.2000.00497.x

LEBRETHON, M.-C., Vandersmissen, E., Gerard, A., Parent, A.-S., Junien, J. L., & Bourguignon, J.-P. (April 2000). In Vitro Stimulation of the Prepubertal Rat Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Pulse Generator by Leptin and Neuropeptide Y through Distinct Mechanisms. Endocrinology, 141 (4), 1464-9. doi:10.1210/endo.141.4.7432

LEBRETHON, M.-C., & Bourguignon, J.-P. (2000). Management of central isosexual precocity: diagnosis, treatment, outcome. Current Opinion in Pediatrics, 12 (4), 394-9. doi:10.1097/00008480-200008000-00020

LEBRETHON, M.-C., Grossman, A. B., Afshar, F., Plowman, P. N., Besser, G. M., & Savage, M. O. (2000). Linear growth and final height after treatment for Cushing's disease in childhood. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 85 (9), 3262-5. doi:10.1210/jcem.85.9.6817

LEBRETHON, M.-C., & Rocour-Brumioul, D. (September 1999). L'adolescent face à l'excès de poids: maladie multifactorielle et traitement pluridisciplinaire. Medi-Sphere, 102, 36-38.

Bourguignon, J.-P., & LEBRETHON, M.-C. (May 1999). Approche algorithmique de la puberte precoce et tardive chez la fille. Revue Médicale de Liège, 54 (5), 362-6.

Massin, M. M., Derkenne, B., Tallsund, M., Rocour-Brumioul, D., Ernould, C., LEBRETHON, M.-C., & Bourguignon, J.-P. (1999). Cardiac autonomic dysfunction in diabetic children. Diabetes Care, 22 (11), 1845-50. doi:10.2337/diacare.22.11.1845

Yamanaka, C., LEBRETHON, M.-C., Vandersmissen, E., Gerard, A., Purnelle, G., Lemaitre, M., Wilk, S., & Bourguignon, J.-P. (1999). Early prepubertal ontogeny of pulsatile gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) secretion: I. Inhibitory autofeedback control through prolyl endopeptidase degradation of GnRH. Endocrinology, 140 (10), 4609-15. doi:10.1210/endo.140.10.6971

Langlois, D., Leroy, C., Penhoat, A., LEBRETHON, M.-C., & Saez, J. M. (1998). Autocrine role of TGFbeta1 in adrenal. Hormone and Metabolic Research, 30 (6-7), 411-415. doi:10.1055/s-2007-978906

l'Allemand, D., Penhoat, A., LEBRETHON, M.-C., Ardevol, R., Baehr, V., Oelkers, W., & Saez, J. M. (1996). Insulin-like growth factors enhance steroidogenic enzyme and corticotropin receptor messenger ribonucleic acid levels and corticotropin steroidogenic responsiveness in cultured human adrenocortical cells. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 81 (11), 3892-7. doi:10.1210/jc.81.11.3892

Munari-Silem, Y., LEBRETHON, M.-C., Morand, I., Rousset, B., & Saez, J. M. (1995). Gap junction-mediated cell-to-cell communication in bovine and human adrenal cells. A process whereby cells increase their responsiveness to physiological corticotropin concentrations. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 95 (4), 1429-39. doi:10.1172/JCI117813

Pascoe, L., Jeunemaitre, X., LEBRETHON, M.-C., Curnow, K. M., Gomez-Sanchez, C. E., Gasc, J. M., Saez, J. M., & Corvol, P. (1995). Glucocorticoid-suppressible hyperaldosteronism and adrenal tumors occurring in a single French pedigree. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 96 (5), 2236-46. doi:10.1172/JCI118279

Penhoat, A., LEBRETHON, M.-C., Begeot, M., & Saez, J. M. (1995). Regulation of ACTH receptor mRNA and binding sites by ACTH and angiotensin II in cultured human and bovine adrenal fasciculata cells. Endocrine Research, 21 (1-2), 157-68. doi:10.3109/07435809509030431

LEBRETHON, M.-C. (1994). Régulation par les hormones (ACTH et A-II) et le facteur de croissance TGFbéta1 de l'expression des gènes codant pour les fonctions différenciées des cellules fasciculo-réticulées surrénaliennes humaines [Doctoral thesis, UCLB - Université Claude Bernard. Lyon 1]. ORBi-University of Liège.

LEBRETHON, M.-C., Jaillard, C., Defayes, G., Begeot, M., & Saez, J. M. (1994). Human cultured adrenal fasciculata-reticularis cells are targets for angiotensin-II: effects on cytochrome P450 cholesterol side-chain cleavage, cytochrome P450 17 alpha-hydroxylase, and 3 beta-hydroxysteroid-dehydrogenase messenger ribonucleic acid and proteins and on steroidogenic responsiveness to corticotropin and angiotensin-II. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 78 (6). doi:10.1210/jcem.78.5.8175981

LEBRETHON, M.-C., Jaillard, C., Naville, D., Begeot, M., & Saez, J. M. (1994). Regulation of corticotropin and steroidogenic enzyme mRNAs in human fetal adrenal cells by corticotropin, angiotensin-II and transforming growth factor beta 1. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 106 (1-2), 137-43. doi:10.1016/0303-7207(94)90195-3

LEBRETHON, M.-C., Jaillard, C., Naville, D., Begeot, M., & Saez, J. M. (1994). Effects of transforming growth factor-beta 1 on human adrenocortical fasciculata-reticularis cell differentiated functions. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 79 (4), 1033-9. doi:10.1210/jcem.79.4.7962271

LEBRETHON, M.-C., Naville, D., Begeot, M., & Saez, J. M. (1994). Regulation of corticotropin receptor number and messenger RNA in cultured human adrenocortical cells by corticotropin and angiotensin II. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 93 (4), 1828-33. doi:10.1172/JCI117168

Naville, D., Barjhoux, L., Jaillard, C., LEBRETHON, M.-C., Saez, J. M., & Begeot, M. (1994). Characterization of the transcription start site of the ACTH receptor gene: presence of an intronic sequence in the 5'-flanking region. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 106 (1-2), 131-5. doi:10.1016/0303-7207(94)90194-5

Naville, D., LEBRETHON, M.-C., Kermabon, A. Y., Rouer, E., Benarous, R., & Saez, J. M. (1993). Characterization and regulation of the angiotensin II type-1 receptor (binding and mRNA) in human adrenal fasciculata-reticularis cells. FEBS Letters, 321 (2-3), 184-8. doi:10.1016/0014-5793(93)80104-3

Ouali, R., LEBRETHON, M.-C., & Saez, J. M. (1993). Identification and characterization of angiotensin-II receptor subtypes in cultured bovine and human adrenal fasciculata cells and PC12W cells. Endocrinology, 133 (6), 2766-72. doi:10.1210/endo.133.6.8243303

LEBRETHON, M.-C. (1992). ADRENARCHE et PREMATURE ADRENARCHE (A propos de 56 observations) [Doctoral thesis, Université de Rennes]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Reznik, Y., Allali-Zerah, V., Chayvialle, J. A., Leroyer, R., Leymarie, P., Travert, G., LEBRETHON, M.-C., Budi, I., Balliere, A. M., & Mahoudeau, J. (1992). Food-dependent Cushing's syndrome mediated by aberrant adrenal sensitivity to gastric inhibitory polypeptide. New England Journal of Medicine, 327 (14), 981-6. doi:10.1056/NEJM199210013271403