Publications and communications of Vinciane Dideberg

Apa, Z., Gilsoul, J., Dideberg, V., & Collette, F. (2024). Association between executive functions and COMT Val108/158Met polymorphism among healthy younger and older adults: A preliminary study. PLoS ONE, 19 (5), 0303343. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0303343

Gordon, D. M., Beckers, P., CASTERMANS, E., Neggers, S. J., ROSTOMYAN, L., Bours, V., Pétrossians, P., Dideberg, V., Beckers, A., & Daly, A. (01 December 2021). Dutch Founder SDHB Exon 3 Deletion in Patients with Pheochromocytoma-Paraganglioma in South Africa. Endocrine Connections, 11 (1). doi:10.1530/EC-21-0560

BECKERS, P., CABERG, J.-H., DIDEBERG, V., Dangouloff, T., den Dunnen, J. T., BOURS, V., Servais, L., & BOEMER, F. (04 February 2021). Newborn screening of duchenne muscular dystrophy specifically targeting deletions amenable to exon‑skipping therapy. Scientific Reports, 11, 3011. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-82725-z

BOEMER, F., Caberg, J.-H., Beckers, P., Dideberg, V., di Fiore, S., Bours, V., Marie, S., Dewulf, J., Marcelis, L., Deconinck, N., Daron, A., Blasco-Perez, L., Tizzano, E., Hiligsmann, M., Lombet, J., Pereira, T., Lopez-Granados, L., Shalchian-Tehran, S., van Assche, V., ... Servais, L. (2021). Three years pilot of spinal muscular atrophy newborn screening turned into official program in Southern Belgium. Scientific Reports, 11 (1), 19922. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-99496-2

Lantoine, J., Brysse, A., DIDEBERG, V., Claes, K., Symoens, S., Coucke, W., Benoit, V., Rombout, S., De Rycke, M., Seneca, S., Van Laer, L., Wuyts, W., Corveleyn, A., Van Den Bogaert, K., Rydlewski, C., Wilkin, F., Ravoet, M., Fastré, E., Capron, A., & Vandevelde, N. M. (2021). Frequency of Participation in External Quality Assessment Programs Focused on Rare Diseases: Belgian Guidelines for Human Genetics Centers. JMIR Medical Informatics, 9 (7), 27980. doi:10.2196/27980

VALDES SOCIN, H. G., LIBIOULLE, C., DEBRAY, F.-G., DIDEBERG, V., BOURS, V., & BECKERS, A. (2019). A novel rare case of normosmic congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism associating a GnRHR and a KISS1R variants. In Endocrine Abstracts - ECE 2019.

VALDES SOCIN, H. G., Debray, F.-G., HARVENGT, J., LIBIOULLE, C., DIDEBERG, V., Bours, V., & Beckers, A. (September 2018). CHD7 impliqué dans l'hypogonadisme hypogonadotrope avec ou sans anosmie : description de 3 patients et de 3 nouvelles mutations [Poster presentation]. 35ème Congrès de la Société Française d'Endocrinologie, Nancy, France.

VALDES SOCIN, H. G., HARVENGT, J., Pintiaux, A., JONAS, C., PARENT, A.-S., Geenen, V., CORMAN, V., DEBRAY, F.-G., Dideberg, V., T'sjoen, G., De Leerner, A., Beckers, D., Destree, A., Roland, D., Lederer, D., Boscolo, M., Burlacu, C., VROONEN, L., Bours, V., ... Beckers, A. (September 2018). Etude multicentrique belge chez 56 patients avec hypogonadisme hypogonadotrope congénital (HHC) : caractérisation des anomalies génétiques et cérébrales [Poster presentation]. 35ème Congrès de la Société Française d'Endocrinologie, Nancy, France.

VALDES SOCIN, H. G., LIBIOULLE, C., HARVENGT, J., PINTIAUX, A., JONAS, C., Parent, A.-S., GEENEN, V., CORMAN, V., Debray, F.-G., DIDEBERG, V., T'Sjoen, G., De Leerner, A., Beckers, D., Destree, A., Roland, D., Lederer, D., Boscolo, M., Bours, V., Maiter, D., & Beckers, A. (May 2018). The first Belgian series of 56 patients with congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (CHH) : genetics and brain abnormalities [Poster presentation]. 20th European Congress of Endocrinology.

VALDES SOCIN, H. G., LIBIOULLE, C., HARVENGT, J., Pintiaux, A., JONAS, C., PARENT, A.-S., GEENEN, V., CORMAN, V., Debray, F.-G., DIDEBERG, V., T'Sjoen, G., De Leerner, A., Beckers, D., Destree, A., Roland, D., Lederer, D., Boscolo, M., BOURS, V., Maiter, D., & BECKERS, A. (2018). Brain imaging and genetics in patients with congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism: a multicenter Belgian study. In J. O. Jorgensen, NENEG Abstract Book Communications (pp. 64). Aarhus, Denmark: Pfizer.

HARVENGT, J., LIBIOULLE, C., Debray, F.-G., DIDEBERG, V., Bours, V., & VALDES SOCIN, H. G. (16 February 2018). Brain MRI abnormalities and genetic results in a series of 30 patients with congenital isolated hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism (CIHH) [Poster presentation]. Meeting of the Belgian Society for Human Genetics (BeSHG) : "The Epigenome in development and disease", Ghent, Belgium.

VALDES SOCIN, H. G., LIBIOULLE, C., DEBRAY, F.-G., DIDEBERG, V., BOURS, V., & BECKERS, A. (2018). Le Syndrome de Kallmann: un vieux syndrome revisité par la génétique. Urologic, 14, 1-7.

VALDES SOCIN, H. G., DEBRAY, F.-G., LIBIOULLE, C., DIDEBERG, V., BOURS, V., & Beckers, A. (2017). Syndrome de charge atypique avec hypogonadisme hypogonadotrope anosmique : description de 2 nouvelles mutations. In Annales d'Endocrinologie - abstract book.

BOEMER, F., Fasquelle, C., D'OTREPPE DE BOUVETTE, S., JOSSE, C., DIDEBERG, V., SEGERS, K., GUISSARD, V., CAPRARO, V., Debray, F.-G., & Bours, V. (2017). A next-generation newborn screening pilot study: NGS on dried blood spots detects causal mutations in patients with inherited metabolic diseases. Scientific Reports, 7 (1), 17641. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-18038-x

VALDES SOCIN, H. G., CORMAN, V., LIBIOULLE, C., Debray, F.-G., DIDEBERG, V., Bours, V., & Beckers, A. (2016). Hypogonadisme hypogonadotrope anosmique associé à une nouvelle mutation hétérozygote c.937C>T, p.His314Tyr de l'isoforme IIIb du gène FGR1. In Annales d'Endocrinologie : 33ème congrès de la Société Française d'Endocrinologie.

VALDES SOCIN, H. G., DEBRAY, F.-G., LIBIOULLE, C., Pintiaux, A., Parent, A.-S., CORMAN, V., Gellner, K., Geenen, V., VROONEN, L., DIDEBERG, V., Bours, V., & BECKERS, A. (2016). Caractérisation clinique, neuroendocrinienne, génétique et résultats thérapeutiques dans le syndrome de Kallmann et de l'hypogonadisme normosmique idiopathique : expérience liégeoise. In Annales d'Endocrinologie : 33ème congrès de la Société Française d'Endocrinologie.

Jaspar, M., Manard, M., DIDEBERG, V., Bours, V., Maquet, P., & Collette, F. (2016). Influence of COMT Genotype on Antero-Posterior Cortical Functional Connectivity Underlying Interference Resolution. Cerebral Cortex, 26, 498-509. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhu188

VALDES SOCIN, H. G., LIBIOULLE, C., Debray, F.-G., Pintiaux, A., Parent, A.-S., CORMAN, V., Gellner, K., Geenen, V., Burlacu, C., JONAS, C., Maiter, D., T'Sjoen, G., Poppe, K., Brachet, C., DIDEBERG, V., Bours, V., & Beckers, A. (2016). Neuroendocrine phenotype, genetics and hormonal treatment outcome in idiopathic normosmic hypogonadism and Kallman syndrome patients : A multicenter Belgian Study. In Acta Clinical Belgica.

VALDES SOCIN, H. G., Pintiaux, A., LIBIOULLE, C., DEBRAY, F.-G., DIDEBERG, V., Bours, V., & Beckers, A. (2015). Hypogonadisme hypogonadotrope normosmique familial : identification d'une nouvelle mutation c.1664-2A> T du gène FGFR1. In Abstract book - Annales d'Endocrinologie - 32ème Congrès de la Société Française d'Endocrinologie.


Jaspar, M., DIDEBERG, V., Bours, V., Maquet, P., & Collette, F. (2015). Modulating effect of COMT Val158Met polymorphism on interference resolution during a working memory task. Brain and Cognition, 95, 7-18. doi:10.1016/j.bandc.2015.01.013

Jaspar, M., Genon, S., Muto, V., Meyer, C., Manard, M., DIDEBERG, V., Bours, V., Salmon, E., Maquet, P., & Collette, F. (2014). Modulating effect of COMT genotype on the brain regions underlying proactive control process during inhibition. Cortex: A Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior, 50, 148-161. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2013.06.003

Uwineza, A., CABERG, J.-H., Hitayezu, J., JAMAR, M., DIDEBERG, V., Rusingiza, E. K., Bours, V., Mutesa, L., & Hellin, A.-C. (2014). Array-CGH analysis in Rwandan patients presenting development delay/intellectual disability with multiple congenital anomalies. BMC Medical Genetics, 15 (1), 79. doi:10.1186/1471-2350-15-79

Ziegler, E., Foret, A., Mascetti, L., Muto, V., Le Bourdiec-Shaffii, A., Stender, J., Balteau, E., DIDEBERG, V., Bours, V., Maquet, P., & Phillips, C. (2013). Altered white matter architecture in BDNF Met carriers. PLoS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0069290

Phillips, C., Foret, A., Mascetti, L., Muto, V., Shaffi-Le Bourdiec, A., Stender, J., DIDEBERG, V., BOURS, V., Maquet, P., & Ziegler, E. (19 June 2013). Connectome-based classification of BDNF Met allele carriers [Paper presentation]. 19th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Seattle, United States.

Ziegler, E., Foret, A., Mascetti, L., Muto, V., Le Bourdiec-Shaffi, A., Stender, J., Balteau, E., DIDEBERG, V., BOURS, V., Maquet, P., & Phillips, C. (June 2013). Connectome-based classification of BDNF Met allele carriers [Poster presentation]. 19th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Seattle, United States.

Mascetti, L., Foret, A., Schrouff, J., Muto, V., DIDEBERG, V., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Phillips, C., Luxen, A., Collette, F., BOURS, V., & MAQUET, P. (2013). Concurrent Synaptic and Systems Memory Consolidation during Sleep. Journal of Neuroscience, 33 (24), 10182-10190. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0284-13.2013

Orlent, H., Reynaert, H., Bourgeois, S., DIDEBERG, V., Adler, M., Colle, I., De Maeght, S., Laleman, W., Michielsen, P., Moreno, C., Mulkay, J.-P., Starkel, P., & DELWAIDE, J. (2011). IL28B polymorphism and the control of hepatitis C virus infection: ready for clinical use? Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica, 74 (2), 317-322.

Dideberg, V., Kristjansdottir, G., Milani, L., Libioulle, C., Sigurdsson, S., Louis, E., Wiman, A. C., Vermeire, S., Rutgeerts, P., Belaiche, J., Franchimont, D., Van Gossum, A., Bours, V., & Syvanen, A. C. (15 December 2007). An insertion-deletion polymorphism in the Interferon Regulatory Factor 5 (IRF5) gene confers risk of inflammatory bowel diseases. Human Molecular Genetics, 16 (24), 3008-3016. doi:10.1093/hmg/ddm259

Dideberg, V. (2007). Genetics and pharmacogenetics of inflammatory bowel diseases [Doctoral thesis, Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Louis, E., Bours, V., Dideberg, V., & Belaiche, J. (2007). Les maladies inflammatoires chroniques intestinales : de la génétique au traitement. Revue Médicale de Liège, 62, 47-51.

Dideberg, V., & Bours, V. (December 2005). Integration de la pharmacogenetique dans la pratique medicale. Revue Médicale de Liège, 60 (12), 918-22.