Publications and communications of Abdourahmane KABA

Thierry, G., BECK, F., Hardy, P.-Y., Detry, O., Bonhomme, V., & KABA, A. (22 September 2022). IMPACT DE L’INSTAURATION D’UN PROTOCOLE DE RÉHABILITATION AMÉLIORÉE SUR LA MORBIDITÉ POSTOPÉRATOIRE APRES HÉPATECTOMIE [Poster presentation]. SFAR 2022, Paris, France.

AMICONE, C., Ledoux, D., MEURISSE, N., Honoré, P., Vandermeulen, M., DELBOUILLE, M.-H., MONARD, J., WARMOES, A., Warling, O., Lamproye, A., KABA, A., JORIS, J., Delwaide, J., & Detry, O. (August 2022). Impact of donor age over 70 years in donation after circulatory death liver transplantation: a 15 years of experience. Transplantation, 106 (8S), 73 (LB-O-15.

Andrianne, R., Bellekens, C., Sanou, B., Honoré, P., Desaive, C., Doupagne, M., Burkhard, F., Capelle, X., KABA, A., Lecocq, J. P., Gilles, J., Kaboré, G., & Ouaedraogo, D. (July 2022). Résultats à moyen terme de la dérivation urinaire interne via poche sigmoïdo-rectale de Mainz II en cas de fistule obstétricale vésico-vaginale irréparable à Ouagadougou. Progrès en Urologie, 32 (7), 540 - 542. doi:10.1016/j.purol.2022.02.001

AMICONE, C., Ledoux, D., MEURISSE, N., Honoré, P., Vandermeulen, M., DELBOUILLE, M.-H., MONARD, J., WARMOES, A., Warling, O., Lamproye, A., KABA, A., Joris, J., Delwaide, J., & Detry, O. (05 May 2022). IMPACT OF DONOR AGE OVER 70 YEARS IN DONATION AFTER CIRCULATORY DEATH LIVER TRANSPLANTATION : A 15 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE [Paper presentation]. Belgian Surgical Week 2022, Ostende, Belgium.

Thierry, G., Hardy, P.-Y., KABA, A., Joris, J., Bonhomme, V., & Detry, O. (05 May 2022). IMPACT OF ENHANCED RECOVERY PROGRAM FOR HEPATECTOMY ON POSTOPERATIVE MORBIDITY AND LENGTH OF HOSPITAL STAY [Poster presentation]. Belgian Surgical Week 2022, Ostende, Belgium.

Brustia, R., Monsel, A., Skurzak, S., Schiffer, E., Carrier, F. M., Patrono, D., KABA, A., Detry, O., Malbouisson, L., Andraus, W., Vandenbroucke-Menu, F., Biancofiore, G., Kaido, T., Compagnon, P., Uemoto, S., Rodriguez Laiz, G., De Boer, M., Orloff, S., Melgar, P., ... Scatton, O. (March 2022). Guidelines for Perioperative Care for Liver Transplantation: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Society Recommendations. Transplantation, 106 (3), 552-562. doi:10.1097/TP.0000000000003808

Schielke, A. A., Paolucci, M., MEURISSE, N., Vandermeulen, M., LAMPROYE, A., DELWAIDE, J., JORIS, J., KABA, A., HONORE, P., & DETRY, O. (October 2019). A SINGLE CENTER EXPERIENCE WITH 157 CONTROLED DCD-LIVER TRANSPLANTATIONS. Transplant International, 32 (S2), 029 p165.

Schielke, A. A., Paolucci, M., MEURISSE, N., VANDERMEULEN, M., LAMPROYE, A., DELWAIDE, J., JORIS, J., KABA, A., HONORE, P., & DETRY, O. (29 November 2018). A SINGLE CENTER EXPERIENCE WITH 157 CONTROLED DCD-LIVER TRANSPLANTATIONS [Paper presentation]. 14eme Congrès Francophone de Chirurgie Digestive et Hépato-Bilio-Pancréatique, Marne la Vallée, France.

VANDERMEULEN, M., MEURISSE, N., DAMAS, P., KABA, A., LAMPROYE, A., DELWAIDE, J., JORIS, J., HONORE, P., & DETRY, O. (15 March 2018). Liver transplantation in Jehovah’s Witnesses: a single center-experience [Paper presentation]. Joint NTV-BTS Transplantation congress, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

VANDERMEULEN, M., MEURISSE, N., DAMAS, P., KABA, A., LAMPROYE, A., DELWAIDE, J., JORIS, J., HONORE, P., & DETRY, O. (January 2018). Liver transplantation in Jehovah's witnesses. Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica, 81 (1), 30.

MEURISSE, N., Smet, H., LEDOUX, D., VANDERMEULEN, M., GOREUX, J.-P., KABA, A., JORIS, J., HONORE, P., & DETRY, O. (September 2017). Surgical factors and not donor type per se are risk factors for acute kidney injury after liver transplantation. Transplant International, 30 (S2), 106-107 (OS298.

DETRY, O., MEURISSE, N., HANS, M.-F., DELBOUILLE, M.-H., MONARD, J., De Roover, A., JORIS, J., KABA, A., & HONORE, P. (January 2017). Une série consécutive de 125 greffes hépatiques à partir de donneurs cadavériques en mort circulatoire. Transplant International, 30 (Suppl 1), 24 (O81.

DETRY, O., DE ROOVER, A., Ledinh, H., MEURISSE, N., HANS, M.-F., JORIS, J., LAUWICK, S., KABA, A., MEURISSE, M., & HONORE, P. (November 2015). A consecutive series of 100 controlled DCD liver transplantation. Transplant International, 28 (S4), 109/O296.


Nsadi Fwene, B., Veyi Tadulu, D., Kazadi Mutshim, J., Sanduku Kisile, D., Mukuna Miteo, P., Kosi Kola, Y., KABA, A., & DETRY, O. (2013). Feasibility and accessibility to the laparoscopic procedures in University Hospital of Kinshasa. Surgical Endoscopy, 27, 159- P429.

SZECEL, D., DE ROOVER, A., DELWAIDE, J., POLUS, M., KABA, A., Honoré, P., & DETRY, O. (2013). Laparoscopic liver resection: a single center experience. Surgical Endoscopy, 27, 36- O155.

Le Dinh, DE ROOVER, A., KABA, A., LAUWICK, S., JORIS, J., DELWAIDE, J., Honoré, P., Meurisse, M., & DETRY, O. (September 2012). Donation after cardio-circulatory death liver transplantation. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 18 (33), 4491-506. doi:10.3748/wjg.v18.i33.4491

Nsadi Fwene, B., Veyi, D., Kazadi, J., Sanduku, D., Mukaba, P., Kosi, Y., Mukuna, P., KABA, A., & DETRY, O. (May 2012). DREAM 2012: DEVELOPMENT OF LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY AT THE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL OF KINSHASA, DRC. Acta Chirurgica Belgica, 112 (3), 82.FP40.

SZECEL, D., DE ROOVER, A., DELWAIDE, J., POLUS, M., KABA, A., HONORE, P., & DETRY, O. (May 2012). Laparoscopic liver resection: a single center experience. Acta Chirurgica Belgica, 112 (3), 63.FP1.

Giudice, V., LAUWICK, S., KABA, A., & JORIS, J. (February 2012). Bénéfices démontrés et potentiels de l'administration intraveineuse périopératoire de lidocaïne. Revue Médicale de Liège, 67 (2), 81-84.

LEDOUX, D., DELBOUILLE, M.-H., MONARD, J., HANS, M.-F., JORIS, J., KABA, A., LAUWICK, S., LAMBERMONT, B., MORIMONT, P., & DETRY, O. (24 March 2011). Do dead from cardiovascular death donors experience end-of-life shortening? [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting 2011, Brussels, Belgium.

Nsadi, B., Veyi, D., Kazadi, J., Sanduku, D., Mukaba, P., Kosi, Y., Mukuna, P., KABA, A., & DETRY, O. (March 2011). DREAM 2020: Development of laparoscopic surgery and endoscopy in the university hospital of Kinshasa, DRC. Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica, 74 (1), 14.

Szecel, D., ARENAS SANCHEZ, M. M., DE ROOVER, A., DELWAIDE, J., POLUS, M., KABA, A., Honoré, P., & DETRY, O. (March 2011). Laparoscopic liver resection: monocentric university experience. Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica, 74 (1), 30.

Kohnen, L., Coimbra Marques, C., De Roover, A., Nsadi, B., Kaba, A., Lauwick, S., Joris, J., Maweja, S., Hamoir, E., Meurisse, M., Honore, P., & Detry, O. (2010). Scarless cholecystectomy: laparoscopic surgery by unique umbilical incision. Revue Médicale de Liège, 65 (10), 543-4.

Detry, O., Seydel, B., Veys, C., De Roover, A., Hans, M.-F., Delbouille, M.-H., Monard, J., Delwaide, J., Lamproye, A., Joris, J., Kaba, A., Lauwick, S., Damas, P., Damas, F., Squifflet, J.-P., Honore, P., & Meurisse, M. (December 2008). 5 ans d’expérience monocentrique de transplantation hépatique avec des donneurs à cœur arrêté de catégorie 3 de Maastricht [Paper presentation]. 4ème Congrès Annuel de la Société Francophone de Chirurgie Digestive et Hépatobiliaire, Paris, France.

Lauwick, S., Kaba, A., & Joris, J. (2008). Horizons nouveaux pour l'analgésie postopératoire. Revue Médicale de Liège, 63 (S1), 2-9.

Detry, O., De Roover, A., Coimbra Marques, C., Delwaide, J., Joris, J., Kaba, A., Damas, P., Squifflet, J.-P., & Meurisse, M. (September 2007). Bloodless liver transplantation: Experience with Jehovah's witnesses. Transplant International, 20 (Supplement 2), 291 (P812.

De Roover, A., Detry, O., Meurisse, N., Coimbra Marques, C., Squifflet, J.-P., Delbouille, M.-H., Hans, M.-F., Monard, J., Delwaide, J., Kaba, A., Joris, J., Meurisse, M., & Honore, P. (2007). Complications in living liver donor according to Clavien's classification: An European experience. Journal of Hepatology, 46 (Suppl. 1), 66. doi:10.1016/S0168-8278(07)61747-4

Deroover, A., DETRY, O., COIMBRA MARQUES, C., HANS, M.-F., MONARD, J., DELBOUILLE, M.-H., Bastens, B., Brixko, C., SERVAIS, B., DELWAIDE, J., KABA, A., JORIS, J., DAMAS, P., BELAICHE, J., MEURISSE, M., & HONORE, P. (2007). Complications in living liver donors according to Clavien’s classification. Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica, 70, 01.

Detry, O., De Roover, A., Coimbra Marques, C., Detroz, B., Delwaide, J., Kaba, A., Polus, M., Lamproye, A., Joris, J., Belaiche, J., Meurisse, M., & Honore, P. (2007). Actualites en chirurgie et transplantation hepatique. Revue Médicale de Liège, 62 (5-6, May-Jun), 310-6.

Detry, O., De Roover, A., Coimbra Marques, C., Monard, J., Hans, M.-F., Delbouille, M.-H., Kaba, A., Joris, J., Squifflet, J.-P., Delwaide, J., Meurisse, M., & Honore, P. (2007). Bloodless cadaveric liver transplantation: Experience with Jehovah's witness recipients. Journal of Hepatology, 46 (Suppl. 1), 67. doi:10.1016/S0168-8278(07)61749-8

Detry, O., De Roover, A., Coimbra Marques, C., Squifflet, J.-P., Delwaide, J., Kaba, A., Joris, J., Hans, M.-F., Delbouille, M.-H., Monard, J., Belaiche, J., Meurisse, M., & Honore, P. (2007). Cadaveric whole liver transplantation for non-acetaminophen fulminant hepatic failure: A 20-year experience. Journal of Hepatology, 46 (Suppl. 1), 66-S67. doi:10.1016/S0168-8278(07)61748-6

Deroover, A., GUIDI, O., COIMBRA MARQUES, C., DETRY, O., KABA, A., JORIS, J., & Etienne, I. (January 2006). Intestinal transplantation for microvillous inclusion disease: should we include the colon? Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica, 69, 3.

Detry, O., De Roover, A., Delwaide, J., Kaba, A., Joris, J., Damas, P., Lamy, M., Honore, P., & Meurisse, M. (August 2005). Liver transplantation in Jehovah's witnesses. Transplant International, 18 (8), 929-936. doi:10.1111/j.1432-2277.2005.00160.x

Detry, O., De Roover, A., Coimbra Marques, C., Delwaide, J., Szapiro, D., Kaba, A., Joris, J., Damas, P., Meurisse, M., & Honore, P. (February 2004). Le cas clinique du mois. Cirrhose autoimmune traitee par transplantation hepatique 'a partir d'un lobe hepatique droit preleve chez un donneur vivant. Revue Médicale de Liège, 59 (2), 69-74.

Detry, O., De Roover, A., Coimbra, C., Delwaide, J., Szapiro, D., KABA, A., Joris, J., DAMAS, P., Meurisse, M., & Honoré, P. (2004). Cirrhose autoimmune traitée par transplantation hépatique à partir d'un lobe hépatique droit prélevé chez un donneur vivant. Revue Médicale de Liège, 59 (2), 69 - 74.

DETRY, O., DE ROOVER, A., DELWAIDE, J., DAMAS, P., KABA, A., JORIS, J., MEURISSE, M., & HONORE, P. (2004). Liver transplantation in Jehovah's witnesses. Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica, 67, 22.

Detry, O., De Roover, A., Kaba, A., Joris, J., Damas, P., Meurisse, M., & Honore, P. (December 2003). Right lobe living-related liver transplantation in a Jehovah's Witness. Transplant International, 16 (12), 895-896. doi:10.1007/s00147-003-0630-2

DETRY, O., De Roover, A., DELWAIDE, J., JORIS, J., DAMAS, P., KABA, A., MEURISSE, M., & HONORE, P. (October 2002). Liver transplant in Jehovah's witnesses. Hepatology, 36 (4), 2032.

Detroz, B., Moscato, Detry, O., Hamoir, E., Defechereux, T., Kaba, A., Joris, J., Honoré, P., & Jacquet, N. (January 2001). 120 laparoscopic sigmoidectomies in diverticulitis: a 9 years experience. Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica, 64 (1), 49.

Detry, O., Honoré, P., De Roover, A., Canivet, J.-L., Damas, P., Kaba, A., Joris, J., Meurisse, M., & Jacquet, N. (January 2001). Liver transplantation in Jehovah's witnesses. Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica, 64 (1), 53.