Publications and communications of Jean-Louis Corhay

Tomassetti, S., Ciani, L., Luzzi, V., Gori, L., Trigiani, M., Giuntoli, L., Lavorini, F., Poletti, V., Ravaglia, C., Torrego, A., Maldonado, F., Lentz, R., Annunziato, F., Maggi, L., Rossolini, G. M., Pollini, S., Para, O., Ciurleo, G., Casini, A., ... Guiot, J. (January 2024). Utility of bronchoalveolar lavage for COVID-19: a perspective from the Dragon consortium. Frontiers in Medicine, 11, 1259570. doi:10.3389/fmed.2024.1259570

DENIS, A., Frix, A.-N., NGUYEN DANG, D., Malaise, O., DEFOURNY, C., Lovinfosse, P., Corhay, J.-L., GESTER, F., Louis, R., Ribbens, C., & Guiot, J. (November 2023). La pathologie pulmonaire associée à la polyarthrite rhumatoïde. Revue Médicale de Liège, 78 (11), 641-648.

Debrus, C., CALMES, D., Von Frenckell, C., Duysinx, B., Cataldo, D., Corhay, J.-L., Louis, R., & Guiot, J. (July 2023). La dermatomyosite amyopathique : une entité rare associée à une pneumopathie interstitielle fulminante. Revue Médicale de Liège, 78 (7-8), 441 - 447.

Guiot, J., Henket, M., Ernst, M., Seidel, L., WINANDY, M.-L., DENIS, A., Frix, A.-N., GESTER, F., THYS, M., GILTAY, L., Garah, O., Njock, M.-S., CANIVET, P., Meunier, P., Corhay, J.-L., Regnier, C., Malaise, O., Malaise, M., & Louis, R. (09 March 2023). Airflow obstruction as a marker of adverse prognosis in rheumatoid arthritis. Frontiers in Medicine, 10. doi:10.3389/fmed.2023.1063012

Thimmesch, M., Corhay, J.-L., Mutijima, E., Piérart, F., Schifflers, S., & Chantrain, C. F. (01 October 2022). Fibroepithelial Polyp as a Rare Cause of Bronchial Obstruction in a Child. Journal of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology, 29 (4), 55-e57. doi:10.1097/LBR.0000000000000814

SIBILLE, A., CORHAY, J.-L., LOUIS, R., Ninane, V., JERUSALEM, G.* , & DUYSINX, B.*. (03 May 2022). Eosinophils and Lung Cancer: From Bench to Bedside. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23 (9), 5066. doi:10.3390/ijms23095066
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Corhay, J.-L., Bonhomme, O., HEINEN, V., Moermans, C., & Louis, R. (May 2022). La bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive. Une maladie inflammatoire chronique. Revue Médicale de Liège, 77 (5-6), 295-301.

GUIOT, J., HENKET, M., Frix, A.-N., GESTER, F., THYS, M., GILTAY, L., DESIR, C., MOERMANS, C., NJOCK, M.-S., MEUNIER, P., CORHAY, J.-L., & LOUIS, R. (11 April 2022). Combined obstructive airflow limitation associated with interstitial lung diseases (O-ILD): the bad phenotype ? Respiratory Research, 23 (1), 89. doi:10.1186/s12931-022-02006-9

Louis, R., Bonhomme, O., HEINEN, V., NGUYEN DANG, D., VAN CAUWENBERGE, H., & Corhay, J.-L. (April 2022). Le médicament du mois. Combinaison fixe budésonide, formotérol, glycopyronium pour le traitement de la BPCO modérée à sévère : Trixeo Aerosphère®. Revue Médicale de Liège, 77 (4), 244-248.

Duquenne, J. B., Corhay, J.-L., Louis, R., & VAN CAUWENBERGE, H. (2022). Étude de faisabilité et d’efficacité d’une application mobile simplifiée d’auto-éducation et d’auto-surveillance pour des patients atteints d’une broncho-pneumopathie chronique obstructive sévère. Revue Médicale de Liège, 77 (2), 110 - 117.

Liégeois, M., Bai, Q., Fievez, L., Pirottin, D., Legrand, C., Guiot, J., Schleich, F., Corhay, J.-L., Louis, R., Marichal, T., & Bureau, F. (2022). Airway Macrophages Encompass Transcriptionally and Functionally Distinct Subsets Altered by Smoking. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, 67 (2), 241 - 252. doi:10.1165/rcmb.2021-0563OC

Sibille, A., Henket, M., Corhay, J.-L., ALFIERI, R., Louis, R., & Duysinx, B. (October 2021). White Blood Cells in Patients Treated with Programmed Cell Death-1 Inhibitors for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer. Lung, 199 (5), 549-557. doi:10.1007/s00408-021-00474-2

Moermans, C., Damas, K., Guiot, J., NJOCK, M.-S., Corhay, J.-L., Henket, M., Schleich, F., & Louis, R. (April 2021). Sputum IL-25, IL-33 and TSLP, IL-23 and IL-36 in airway obstructive diseases. Reduced levels of IL-36 in eosinophilic phenotype. Cytokine, 140, 155421. doi:10.1016/j.cyto.2021.155421

BONHOMME, O., HEINEN, V., Detrembleur, N., Corhay, J.-L., Louis, R., & DUYSINX, B. (2021). Probe-based confocal laser endomicroscopy for pleural malignancies diagnosis. Respirology (Carlton, Vic.), 26 (2), 188-195. doi:10.1111/resp.13945

CALMES, D., Graff, S., MAES, N., Frix, A.-N., THYS, M., BONHOMME, O., Berg, J., DEBRUCHE, M., GESTER, F., HENKET, M., PAULUS, V., DUYSINX, B., HEINEN, V., NGUYEN DANG, D., PAULUS, A., QUAEDVLIEG, V., VAILLANT, F., VAN CAUWENBERGE, H., MALAISE, M., ... SCHLEICH, F. (2021). Asthma and COPD Are Not Risk Factors for ICU Stay and Death in Case of SARS-CoV2 Infection. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, 9 (1), 160-169. doi:10.1016/j.jaip.2020.09.044

CORHAY, J.-L., NGUYEN DANG, D., VAN CAUWENBERGE, H., & LOUIS, R. (2021). Réhabilitation respiratoire dans la bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive. EMC - Pneumologie, 32 (1), 1-10. doi:10.1016/S1155-195X(20)89702-3

Guiot, J., HENKET, M., NJOCK, M.-S., MOERMANS, C., Struman, I., Corhay, J.-L., & Louis, R. (2021). La fibrose pulmonaire : des biomarqueurs à de nouveaux horizons thérapeutiques. Revue Médicale de Liège, 76 (3), 166-172.

GUIOT, J., HENKET, M., Frix, A.-N., Delvaux, M., DENIS, A., GILTAY, L., THYS, M., GESTER, F., MOUTSCHEN, M., CORHAY, J.-L., LOUIS, R., LAMBERMONT, B. (Other coll.), & MALAISE, O. (Other coll.). (2020). Single-center experience of patients with interstitial lung diseases during the early days of te COVID-19 pandemic. Respiratory Investigation, 58 (6), 437-9. doi:10.1016/j.resinv.2020.08.006

SIBILLE, A., HENKET, M., Corhay, J.-L., Louis, R., & DUYSINX, B. (2020). Clinical benefit to programmed death-1 inhibition for non-small-cell lung cancer is associated with higher blood eosinophil levels [letter to the editor]. Acta Oncologica, 59 (3), 257-259. doi:10.1080/0284186X.2019.1695063

VAN CAUWENBERGE, H., Delroualle, A., Hans, B., NGUYEN DANG, D., Corhay, J.-L., Louis, R., & Gillet, P. (November 2019). Expérience liégeoise dans le télé-monitoring de patients BPCO sévères. Revue Médicale de Liège, 74 (11), 566-571.

Maloir, Q., GESTER, F., Corhay, J.-L., Louis, R., & Guiot, J. (28 September 2019). Radiological and clinical specific features of anti-synthetase syndrome : a retrospective analytic study [Paper presentation]. ERS congress, Madrid, Spain. doi:10.1183/13993003.congress-2019.pa3673

Vermeersch, K., Gabrovska, M., Aumann, J., Demedts, I. K., Corhay, J.-L., Marchand, E., Slabbynck, H., Haenebalcke, C., Haerens, M., Hanon, S., Jordens, P., Peche, R., Fremault, A., Lauwerier, T., Delporte, A., Vandenberk, B., Willems, R., Everaerts, S., Belmans, A., ... Janssens, W. (03 May 2019). Azithromycin during Acute Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exacerbations Requiring Hospitalization (BACE). A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-controlled Trial. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 200 (7), 857-868. doi:10.1164/rccm.201901-0094OC

BONHOMME, O., DUYSINX, B., HEINEN, V., DETREMBLEUR, N., Corhay, J.-L., & Louis, R. (18 January 2019). First report of probe based confocal laser endomicroscopy during medical thoracoscopy. Respiratory Medicine, 147, 72-75. doi:10.1016/j.rmed.2019.01.006

Corhay, J.-L. (2019). L'étude clinique du mois L'étude IMPACT dans la bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive. Revue Médicale de Liège, 74 (1), 54-60.

DUYSINX, B., HEINEN, V., Corhay, J.-L., VAILLANT, F., Gomez, A., & Louis, R. (2019). La thoracoscopie médicale en pratique pneumologique: expérience du CHU de Liège. Revue des Maladies Respiratoires, 36, 688-696. doi:10.1016/j.rmr.2019.02.007

Maalioune, S., Corhay, J.-L., Delvenne, P., Louis, R., & SCHLEICH, F. (2019). Une sarcoïdose dans le décours d'une tuberculose. Existe-t-il un lien étiologique entre ces deux maladies granulomateuses ? Revue Médicale de Liège, 74 (7-8), 394-400.

PELLEGRINI, I., SIBILLE, A., PAULUS, A., VAILLANT, F., Radermecker, M., Corhay, J.-L., Louis, R., & DUYSINX, B. (2019). Comment je traite… Le mésothéliome pleural malin en 2019. Revue Médicale de Liège, 74 (12), 627-632.

Vermeersch, K., Belmans, A., Bogaerts, K., Gyselinck, I., Cardinaels, N., Gabrovska, M., Aumann, J., Demedts, I. K., Corhay, J.-L., Marchand, E., Slabbynck, H., Haenebalcke, C., Vermeersch, S., Verleden, G. M., Troosters, T., Ninane, V., Brusselle, G. G., Janssens, W., Ninane, V., ... Martinot, J.-B. (2019). Treatment failure and hospital readmissions in severe COPD exacerbations treated with azithromycin versus placebo - A post-hoc analysis of the BACE randomized controlled trial. Respiratory Research, 20 (1), 237. doi:10.1186/s12931-019-1208-6

VAN CAUWENBERGE, H., Thonnard, A.-S., NGUYEN DANG, D., Corhay, J.-L., & Louis, R. (25 September 2018). Oxygénothérapie de longue durée : survie à 1 an, facteurs prédictifs de mortalité. Revue des Maladies Respiratoires, 35 (9), 939-947. doi:10.1016/j.rmr.2018.09.001

Janssens, W., Corhay, J.-L., Bogaerts, P., Derom, E., FRUSCH, N., NGUYEN DANG, D., Kibanda, J., Ruttens, D., Thyrion, L., Troosters, T., & Marchand, E. (2018). How resources determine pulmonary rehabilitation programs : a survey among Belgian chest physicians. Chronic Respiratory Disease, 1479972318767732. doi:10.1177/1479972318767732

Corhay, J.-L., BONHOMME, O., & GUIOT, J. (2018). Le medicament du mois Trimbow(R) ou triple association bronchodilatatrice et anti-inflammatoire en aérosol dans la broncho-pneumopathie chronique obstructive. Revue Médicale de Liège, 73 (9), 480-484.

DUYSINX, B., GUIOT, J., PELLEGRINI, I., Louis, R., Corhay, J.-L., & HEINEN, V. (2018). Comment j'explore... Techniques diagnostiques invasives des pneumopathies interstitielles diffuses. Revue Médicale de Liège, 73 (3), 147-155.

Louis, R., ZIANT, S., Duchesnes, C., Giet, D., SCHLEICH, F., & Corhay, J.-L. (2018). Le concept d'exacerbation dans l'asthme et la BPCO : enquête sur les critères de prescription de corticoïdes systémiques et d'antibiotiques chez les généralistes et les pneumologues. Revue Médicale de Liège, 73 (11), 570-574.

Njock, M.-S., GUIOT, J., HENKET, M., Nivelles, O., Thiry, M., Dequiedt, F., Corhay, J.-L., Louis, R., & Struman, I. (2018). Sputum exosomes: promising biomarkers for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Thorax. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2018-211897

GUIOT, J., Demarche, S., HENKET, M., PAULUS, V., Graff, S., SCHLEICH, F., Corhay, J.-L., Louis, R., & MOERMANS, C. (2017). Methodology for Sputum Induction and Laboratory Processing. Journal of Visualized Experiments, (130). doi:10.3791/56612

Fastrès, A., Felice, F., Roels, E., MOERMANS, C., CORHAY, J.-L., Bureau, F., Louis, R., Clercx, C., & GUIOT, J. (16 December 2017). The lung microbiome in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: A promising approach for targeted therapies. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18 (12), 2735. doi:10.3390/ijms18122735

GUIOT, J., CORHAY, J.-L., LOUIS, R., DUYSINX, B., SEIDEL, L., & HENKET, M. (2017). Clinical experience in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a retrospective study. Acta Clinica Belgica. doi:10.1080/17843286.2017.1399228

Godinas, L., Corhay, J.-L., HENKET, M., GUIOT, J., Louis, R., & MOERMANS, C. (November 2017). Increased production of TGF-β1 from sputum cells of COPD: Relationship with airway obstruction. Cytokine, 99, 1-8. doi:10.1016/j.cyto.2017.06.018

Berghmans, T., Scherpereel, A., Meert, A.-P., Giner, V., Lecomte, J., Lafitte, J.-J., Leclercq, N., Paesmans, M., Sculier, J.-P., Van Houtte, P., Roelandts, M., Thiriaux, J., Alexopoulos, C. G., Vaslamatzis, M., Holbrechts, S., Wackenier, P., Recloux, P., Bonduelle, Y., Corhay, J.-L., ... Steenhouwer, F. (19 September 2017). A Phase III randomized study comparing a chemotherapy with cisplatin and etoposide to a etoposide regimen without cisplatin for patients with extensive small-cell lung cancer. Frontiers in Oncology, 7 (SEP). doi:10.3389/fonc.2017.00217

GUIOT, J., Duysinx, B., BONHOMME, O., Louis, R., & Corhay, J.-L. (September 2017). Comment je traite ⋯ une fibrose pulmonaire idiopathique. Revue Médicale de Liège, 72 (9), 381-383.

GUIOT, J., Struman, I., CHAVEZ, V., HENKET, M., Herzog, M., Scoubeau, K., Hardat, N., Bondue, B., Corhay, J.-L., MOERMANS, C., & Louis, R. (15 August 2017). Altered epigenetic features in circulating nucleosomes in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Clinical Epigenetics, 9, 84. doi:10.1186/s13148-017-0383-x

GUIOT, J., Moermans, C., HENKET, M., Corhay, J.-L., & Louis, R. (2017). Blood Biomarkers in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. Lung. doi:10.1007/s00408-017-9993-5

Ninane, V., Corhay, J.-L., Germonpre, P., Janssens, W., Joos, G. F., Liistro, G., Vincken, W., Gurdain, S., Vanvlasselaer, E., & Lehouck, A. (06 March 2017). Inhaled treatment of COPD : a Delphi consensus statement. International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 12, 793-801. doi:10.2147/COPD.S125564

GUIOT, J., HENKET, M., Corhay, J.-L., Moermans, C., & Louis, R. (08 February 2017). Sputum biomarkers in IPF: Evidence for raised gene expression and protein level of IGFBP-2, IL-8 and MMP-7. PLoS ONE, 12 (2), 0171344. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0171344

Cataldo, D., Corhay, J.-L., Derom, E., Louis, R., Marchand, E., Michils, A., Ninane, V., Peche, R., Pilette, C., Vincken, W., & Janssens, W. (2017). A Belgian survey on the diagnosis of asthma-COPD overlap syndrome. International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 12, 601-613. doi:10.2147/COPD.S124459

Debrus, C., BONHOMME, O., & Corhay, J.-L. (2017). Réduction des exacerbations dans la bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive: défi en 2017. Revue Médicale de Liège, 72 (2), 74-80.

GUIOT, J., CORHAY, J.-L., & Louis, R. (January 2017). Le nintedanib (OFEV) : nouveau traitement remboursé dans la fibrose pulmonaire idiopathique. Revue Médico-Chirugicale du CHU de Charleroi, 2017-1.

GUIOT, J., HENKET, M., BONDUE, B., CORHAY, J.-L., & LOUIS, R. (September 2016). IGFBP-2 a new interesting target in IPF [Paper presentation]. ERS Congress. doi:10.1183/13993003.congress-2016.PA3092

Manise, M., Bakayoko, B., SCHLEICH, F., Corhay, J.-L., & Louis, R. (July 2016). IgE mediated sensitisation to aeroallergens in an asthmatic cohort: relationship with inflammatory phenotypes and disease severity. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 70 (7), 596-605. doi:10.1111/ijcp.12837

Hilzendeger, C., da Silva, J., HENKET, M., SCHLEICH, F., CORHAY, J.-L., Kebadze, T., Edwards, M. R., Mallia, P., Johnston, S. L., & Louis, R. (30 June 2016). Reduced sputum expression of interferon-stimulated genes in severe COPD. International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 11, 1485-94. doi:10.2147/COPD.S105948

BONHOMME, O., CORHAY, J.-L., & LOUIS, R. (2016). Traitement pharmacologique de la bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive à l'état stable. EMC - Pneumologie.

GUIOT, J., Bondue, B., HENKET, M., CORHAY, J.-L., & LOUIS, R. (23 May 2016). Raised serum levels of IGFBP-1 and IGFBP-2 in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. BMC Pulmonary Medicine, 16 (1), 86. doi:10.1186/s12890-016-0249-6

SCHLEICH, F., CORHAY, J.-L., & LOUIS, R. (May 2016). Blood eosinophil count to predict bronchial eosinophilic inflammation in COPD. European Respiratory Journal, 47 (5), 1562-4. doi:10.1183/13993003.01659-2015

Grégoire, C., GUIOT, J., Vertenoeil, G., WILLEMS, E., HAFRAOUI, K., CORHAY, J.-L., LOUIS, R., & BEGUIN, Y. (February 2016). Yellow nail syndrome after allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in two patients with multiple myeloma. Acta Clinica Belgica, 71, 428-430. doi:10.1080/17843286.2015.1122872

Corhay, J.-L. (2016). L'etude clinique du mois. L'etude FLAME dans la broncho-pneumopathie chronique obstructive. Revue Médicale de Liège, 71 (9), 400-406.

GESTER, F., PAULUS, A., SIBILLE, A., CORHAY, J.-L., DUYSINX, B., & LOUIS, R. (2016). Facteurs pronostiques du cancer pulmonaire non à petites cellules. Revue Médicale de Liège, 71 (1), 34-39.


SIBILLE, A., PAULUS, A., Martin, M., Bourhaba, M., Barthélemy, M., Radermecker, M., Corhay, J.-L., & DUYSINX, B. (September 2015). Prise en charge du cancer bronchique non à petites cellules. Revue Médicale de Liège, 70 (9), 432-441.

SIBILLE, A., PAULUS, A., MARTIN, M., BOURHABA, M., Barthélemy, N., Radermecker, M., CORHAY, J.-L., LOUIS, R., & DUYSINX, B. (September 2015). PRISE EN CHARGE DU CANCER BRONCHIQUE NON A PETITES CELLULES. Revue Médicale de Liège, 70 (9), 432-41.

Berg, J., GUIOT, J., HEINEN, V., CORHAY, J.-L., LOUIS, R., & DUYSINX, B. (February 2015). Chylothorax et pseudochylothorax: contraste a partir de deux observations. Revue Médicale de Liège, 70 (2), 73-7.

GUIOT, J., HENKET, M., CORHAY, J.-L., & LOUIS, R. (2015). Serum Insulin - like Growth Factor B inding P rotein 2 (IGFBP2) as a m arker of Idiopathic Pulmonary F ibrosis [Poster presentation]. Biomedica.

GUIOT, J., HENKET, M., CORHAY, J.-L., & LOUIS, R. (2015). Serum IGFBP2 as a marker of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis [Poster presentation]. ERS congress. doi:10.1183/13993003.congress-2015.PA3840

Nguyen, M.-S., NGUYEN DANG, D., SCHLEICH, F., Manise, M., CORHAY, J.-L., & LOUIS, R. (2015). Etude du phénotype mixte BPCO-asthme dans une série de patients BPCO en état stable. Revue Médicale de Liège, 70 (1), 37-43.

GUIOT, J., CORHAY, J.-L., & Louis, R. (November 2014). La fibrose pulmonaire idiopathique. Revue Médicale de Liège, 69 (11), 605-10.

MOERMANS, C., BONNET, C., WILLEMS, E., Baron, F., NGUYEN DANG, D., HENKET, M., Sele, J., CORHAY, J.-L., Beguin, Y., & Louis, R. (November 2014). Sputum cytokines levels in patients undergoing hematopoietic SCT (HSCT) and comparison with healthy subjects and COPD: a pilot study. Bone Marrow Transplantation, 49 (11), 1382-1388. doi:10.1038/bmt.2014.164

Corhay, J.-L., MOERMANS, C., HENKET, M., NGUYEN DANG, D., DUYSINX, B., & Louis, R. (28 September 2014). Increased of exhaled breath condensate neutrophil chemotaxis in acute exacerbation of COPD. Respiratory Research, 15, 115. doi:10.1186/s12931-014-0115-0

Corhay, J.-L., SCHLEICH, F., & Louis, R. (July 2014). Phenotypes de la broncho-pneumopathie chronique obstructive. Revue Médicale de Liège, 69 (7-8), 415-21.

Corhay, J.-L., NGUYEN DANG, D., VAN CAUWENBERGE, H., & Louis, R. (2014). Pulmonary rehabilitation and COPD: providing patients a good environment for optimizing therapy. International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 9, 27-39. doi:10.2147/COPD.S52012

Nguyen Minh, S., & CORHAY, J.-L. (2014). BỆ NH PHỔI TẮC NGHẼN MẠN TÍNH: KIỂU HÌNH VÀ ỨNG DỤNG LÂM SÀNG. National Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases (LAO và BÊ.NH PHỔI), 17, 10-16.

Ribera-Jorba, T., HEINEN, V., Corhay, J.-L., Louis, R., & DUYSINX, B. (2014). Pleuresies d'etiologie inattendue: le corps etranger au sein de la cavite pleurale. Revue Médicale de Liège, 69 (1), 38-45.

Corhay, J.-L., Vincken, W., Schlesser, M., Bossuyt, P., & Imschoot, J. (2013). Chronic bronchitis in COPD patients is associated with increased risk of exacerbations: a cross-sectional multicentre study. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 67 (12), 1294-301. doi:10.1111/ijcp.12248

Decramer, M., Brusselle, G., Buffels, J., Corhay, J.-L., De Backer, W., Degryse, J. M., Janssens, W., Marchand, E., Van den Brande, P., Vincken, W., Gayan-Ramirez, G., Van Craenendonck, V., Vandenberghe, H., & De Vuyst, P. (2013). COPD awareness survey: do Belgian pulmonary physicians comply with the GOLD guidelines 2010? Acta Clinica Belgica, 68 (5), 325-40. doi:10.2143/ACB.3403

Corhay, J.-L., Frusch, N., & LOUIS, R. (2012). Interrelations genetique- environnement: la broncho-pneumopathie chronique obstructive. Revue Médicale de Liège, 67 (5-6), 292-7.

CORHAY, J.-L., NGUYEN DANG, D., DUYSINX, B., GRAAS, C., PIRNAY, F., BURY, T., & LOUIS, R. (2012). Should we exclude elderly patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease from a long-time ambulatory pulmonary rehabilitation programme? Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 44 (5), 466-72. doi:10.2340/16501977-0973

FRUSCH, N., DUYSINX, B., BLEUS, N., GIOT, J.-B., Corhay, J.-L., & LOUIS, R. (2012). L'image du mois. Agenesie de l'artere pulmonaire droite associee a une hypoplasie du poumon droit. Revue Médicale de Liège, 67 (1), 4.

FRUSCH, N., SERVAIS, S., DE PRIJCK, B., Corhay, J.-L., Beguin, Y., Louis, R., & DUYSINX, B. (2012). Spontaneous pneumomediastinum caused by bleomycin-induced pneumonitis. Acta Clinica Belgica, 67-68. doi:10.2143/ACB.67.5.2062693

HEINEN, V., DUYSINX, B., CORHAY, J.-L., & LOUIS, R. (2012). Comment j'explore.... L'echographie thoracique: le nouveau stethoscope du pneumologue. Revue Médicale de Liège, 67 (10), 543-9.

LOUIS, R., SCHLEICH, F., Corhay, J.-L., & Louis, E. (2012). L'asthme: une maladie complexe mettant en jeu facteurs environnementaux et terrain genetique. Revue Médicale de Liège, 67 (5-6), 286-91.

MANISE, M., SCHLEICH, F., QUAEDVLIEG, V., Moermans, C., HENKET, M., SELE, J., CORHAY, J.-L., & LOUIS, R. (2012). Disturbed Cytokine Production at the Systemic Level in Difficult-to-Control Atopic Asthma: Evidence for Raised Interleukin-4 and Decreased Interferon-gamma Release following Lipopolysaccharide Stimulation. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology, 158 (1), 1-8. doi:10.1159/000329858

Corhay, J.-L., & Louis, R. (2011). Indacaterol (Onbrez Breezhaler) et broncho-pneumopathie chronique obstructive. Revue Médicale de Liège, 66 (9), 498-502.

CORHAY, J.-L., NGUYEN DANG, D., BURY, T., PIRNAY, F., & LOUIS, R. (2011). Réhabilitation respiratoire dans la bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive. In EMC Pneumologie. Paris, France: Elsevier Masson SAS.

DUYSINX, B., HEINEN, V., FRUSCH, N., THYS, C., LOUIS, R., & Corhay, J.-L. (2011). L'image du mois. Geyser endobronchique secondaire a une fistule broncho-oesophagienne. Revue Médicale de Liège, 66 (10), 511-2.

DUYSINX, B., PAULUS, A., HEINEN, V., NGUYEN DANG, D., HENKET, M., CORHAY, J.-L., & Louis, R. (2011). Diagnostic value of neurotrophin expression in malignant pleural effusions. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine, 2 (5), 941-946. doi:10.3892/etm.2011.302

Moermans, C., HEINEN, V., NGUYEN DANG, D., HENKET, M., SELE, J., Manise, M., Corhay, J.-L., & Louis, R. (2011). Local and systemic cellular inflammation and cytokine release in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Cytokine, 56 (2), 298-304. doi:10.1016/j.cyto.2011.07.010

PIRLET, C., BECK, E., SCHEEN, A., DUYSINX, B., & CORHAY, J.-L. (2011). Hypocortisolism induces chronic respiratory failure. Respiratory Medicine, 4 (3), 107-108. doi:10.1016/j.rmedc.2011.01.006

PIRSON, J., DUYSINX, B., NGUYEN DANG, D., CORHAY, J.-L., & LOUIS, R. (2011). Apport de la greffe pulmonaire dans les pathologies respiratoires terminales. Revue Médicale de Liège, 66 (7-8), 434-9.

REITERS, V., FRUSCH, N., DUYSINX, B., NGUYEN DANG, D., CORHAY, J.-L., & LOUIS, R. (2011). Y a-t-il une place pour les β-bloquants dans les maladies pulmonaires obstructives ? Revue Médicale de Liège, 66 (12), 619-623.

Thonnard, A.-S., BOSQUEE, L., & CORHAY, J.-L. (2011). Le cas clinique du mois. Cancer bronchique avance non a petites cellules avec reponse exceptionnelle aux therapies ciblees. Revue Médicale de Liège, 66 (3), 121-5.

Duysinx, B., Corhay, J.-L., Larock, M.-P., Withofs, N., Bury, T., Hustinx, R., & Louis, R. (2010). Contribution of positron emission tomography in pleural disease. Revue des Maladies Respiratoires, 27 (8), 47-53. doi:10.1016/j.rmr.2009.12.003

DUYSINX, B., HEINEN, V., Mobarak Zadeh, K., MEURANT, S., POLIZZI, V., NGUYEN DANG, D., LOUIS, R., & CORHAY, J.-L. (2010). Echographie endobronchique: une nouvelle technique d'investigation du mediastin. Revue Médicale de Liège, 65 Spec no., 11-6.

Louis, R., & Corhay, J.-L. (2010). Health status instrument vs. prognostic instrument for assessing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in clinical practice. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 64 (11), 1465-6. doi:10.1111/j.1742-1241.2010.02475.x

Manise, M., Schleich, F., Gusbin, N., Godinas, L., Henket, M., Antoine, N., Corhay, J.-L., & Louis, R. (2010). Cytokine production from sputum cells and blood leukocytes in asthmatics according to disease severity. Allergy, 65 (7), 889-96. doi:10.1111/j.1398-9995.2009.02296.x

Corhay, J.-L., Henket, M., Nguyen Dang, D., Duysinx, B., Sele, J., & Louis, R. (2009). Leukotriene B4 Contributes to Exhaled Breath Condensate and Sputum Neutrophil Chemotaxis in COPD. CHEST, 136 (4), 1047-1054. doi:10.1378/chest.08-2782

Corhay, J.-L., & Louis, R. (2009). L'etude UPLIFT (Understanding Potential Long-term Impacts on Function with Tiotropium). Revue Médicale de Liège, 64 (1), 52-7.

Corhay, J.-L., Duysinx, B., & Louis, R. (2008). Le mesotheliome: un cancer professionnel encore d'actualite! Revue Médicale de Liège, 63 (3), 128-35.

Corhay, J.-L., Nguyen Dang, D., Schees, P., Salamun, I., Bury, T., Pirnay, F., & Louis, R. (2008). La rehabilitation pulmonaire dans la bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive. Revue Médicale de Liège, 63 (11), 677-83.

Duysinx, B., Corhay, J.-L., Hubin, L., Nguyen Dang, D., Henket, M., & Louis, R. (2008). Diagnostic value of interleukine-6, transforming growth factor-beta 1 and vascular endothelial growth factor in malignant pleural effusions. Respiratory Medicine, 102 (12), 1708-14. doi:10.1016/j.rmed.2008.07.008

Duysinx, B., Corhay, J.-L., Larock, M.-P., Nguyen Dang, D., Bury, T., Hustinx, R., & Louis, R. (2008). Prognostic value of metabolic imaging in non-small cell lung cancers with neoplasic pleural effusion. Nuclear Medicine Communications, 29 (11), 982-6. doi:10.1097/MNM.0b013e32830978c4

Duysinx, B., Corhay, J.-L., Larock, M.-P., Withofs, N., Bury, T., Hustinx, R., & Louis, R. (2008). Apport de l'imagerie par tomographie a emission de positons dans la pathologie pleurale. Interet de la TEP en pathologie pleurale. Revue des Maladies Respiratoires, 25 (2), 129-38. doi:10.1016/S0761-8425(08)71511-0

Duysinx, B., Corhay, J.-L., Nguyen Dang, D., & Louis, R. (2008). Comment j'explore...une pathologie pleurale? Revue Médicale de Liège, 63 (10), 615-23.

Renkin, C., Corhay, J.-L., & Louis, R. (2008). La place de l'analyse du condensat de l'air exhalé dans les maladies pulmonaires obstructives. Revue Médicale de Liège, 63 (4), 193-8.

Corhay, J.-L., Hemelaers, Henket, M., Sele, J., & Louis, R. (June 2007). Granulocyte chemotactic activity in exhaled breath condensate of healthy subjects and patients with COPD. CHEST, 131 (6), 1672-1677. doi:10.1378/chest.06-2225

Corhay, J.-L., & Louis, R. (April 2007). L'etude clinique du mois. L'etude TORCH (TOwards a Revolution in COPD Health): vers une revolution de la sante des patients souffrant de BPCO. Revue Médicale de Liège, 62 (4), 230-4.

DUYSINX, B., LAROCK, M.-P., CORHAY, J.-L., NGUYEN DANG, D., LOUIS, R., & HUSTINX, R. (2007). Prognostic value of metabolic imaging in locally advanced non small cell lung cancers. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 48 (SUPPL), 358.

Louis, R., Bosquee, L., DUYSINX, B., & Corhay, J.-L. (2007). Actualites therapeutiques en pneumologie. Revue Médicale de Liège, 62 (5-6, May-Jun), 288-92.

DUYSINX, B., Larock, M.-P., Nguyen, D., Corhay, J.-L., Bury, T., Hustinx, R., & Louis, R. (December 2006). 18f-Fdg Pet Imaging in Assessing Exudative Pleural Effusions. Nuclear Medicine Communications, 27 (12), 971-6. doi:10.1097/01.mnm.0000243366.96012.c0

Duysinx, B., Corhay, J.-L., Nguyen, D., Ghaye, B., & Louis, R. (November 2006). Le cas clinique du mois. Mesotheliome comprimant le tronc souche droit. Revue Médicale de Liège, 61 (11), 753-5.

Corhay, J.-L., Nguyen Dang, D., & Louis, R. (October 2006). Les exacerbations dans la BPCO: un fardeau a reduire. Revue Médicale de Liège, 61 (10), 691-6.

Corhay, J.-L., & Louis, R. (24 August 2005). Le tiotropium: une nouvelle option therapeutique dans la bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive. Revue Médicale Suisse, 1 (30), 1967-1972.

LAROCK, M.-P., DUYSINX, B., NGUYEN, D., CORHAY, J.-L., BURY, T., LOUIS, R., & HUSTINX, R. (2005). FDG-PET imaging for assessing pleural malignancy : a semi-quantitative analysis. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 46 (SUPPL), 426.

Corhay, J.-L., Duysinx, B., Louis, R., & Bartsch, P. (October 2004). Les protheses tracheobronchiques: experience au CHU de Liege. Revue Médicale de Liège, 59 (10), 577-83.

Corhay, J.-L., & Louis, R. (September 2004). Le medicament du mois. Le tiotropium (SPIRIVA). Revue Médicale de Liège, 59 (9), 530-3.

Duysinx, B., Nguyen, D., Corhay, J.-L., Louis, R., & Bartsch, P. (April 2004). Dyspnee paroxystique chez le sujet sain: le pneumothorax spontane. Revue Médicale de Liège, 59 (4), 205-8.

Barthelemy-Brichant, N., Bosquee, L., Cataldo, D., Corhay, J.-L., Gustin, M., Seidel, L., Thiry, A., Ghaye, B., Nizet, M., Albert, A., Deneufbourg, J.-M., Bartsch, P., & Nusgens, B. (01 March 2004). Increased IL-6 and TGF-beta(1) concentrations in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid associated with thoracic radiotherapy. International Journal of Radiation, Oncology, Biology, Physics, 58 (3), 758-767. doi:10.1016/S0360-3016(03)01614-6

DUYSINX, B., Carpentier, M., Nguyen, M. S., Corhay, J.-L., & Bartsch, P. (December 2002). L'image du mois. "Les joyaux de la couronne". Revue Médicale de Liège, 57 (12), 753-4.

BLAISE, P., Thonnart, F., HERMANS, G., Lousberg, L., & CORHAY, J.-L. (2002). Le cas clinique du mois. A propos d'une cause rare de bronchectasies: la dyskinesie ciliaire primitive. Revue Médicale de Liège, 57 (2), 72-8.

DUYSINX, B., Carpentier, M., NGUYEN DANG, D., CORHAY, J.-L., & BARTSCH, P. (2002). L'image du mois. "Les joyaux de la couronne". Revue Médicale de Liège, 57 (12), 753-4.

Bury, T., Daenen, F., Duysinx, B., Bartsch, P., & Corhay, J.-L. (December 2001). Applications en oncologie thoracique de la TEP--18FDG. Revue des Maladies Respiratoires, 18 (6, Pt 1), 623-30.

Valdes Socin, H. G., Corhay, J.-L., de Leval, L., Betea, D., Bartsch, P., & Beckers, A. (2001). Les tumeurs à calcitronine extrathyroïdiennes. In Annales d'Endocrinologie : XIXe Congrès de la Société Française d'Endocrinologie - Abstract book (pp. 376 (P083) (Vol.62 N°4, cahier 1).

Bury, T., DUYSINX, B., CORHAY, J.-L., BARTSCH, P., & Rigo, P. (2000). Comment j'explore ... un cancer broncho-pulmonaire par imagerie metabolique (TEP-18-FDG). Revue Médicale de Liège, 55 (3), 178-83.

Bury, T., Corhay, J.-L., Duysinx, B., Daenen, F., Ghaye, B., Barthelemy, N., Rigo, P., & Bartsch, P. (1999). Value of FDG-PET in detecting residual or recurrent nonsmall cell lung cancer. European Respiratory Journal, 14 (6), 1376-1380. doi:10.1183/09031936.99.14613769

GACH, O., CORHAY, J.-L., Lousberg, L., & BARTSCH, P. (1999). Absces mammaire et toxemie gravidique revelateurs d'une tuberculose multiresistante. Revue des Maladies Respiratoires, 16 (5), 842-5.

Corhay, J.-L., Bury, T., Louis, R., Delavignette, J.-P., Kayembe, J. M., Weber, G., Albert, A., & Radermecker, M. (February 1998). Bronchial Responsiveness in Active Steelworkers. European Respiratory Journal, 11 (2), 272-7. doi:10.1183/09031936.98.11020272

Bury, T., Dowlati, A., Paulus, P., Corhay, J.-L., Hustinx, R., Ghaye, B., Radermecker, M., & Rigo, P. (November 1997). Whole-body 18FDG positron emission tomography in the staging of non-small cell lung cancer. European Respiratory Journal, 10 (11), 2529-34. doi:10.1183/09031936.97.10112529

BURY, T., Nickers Philippe, CORHAY, J.-L., Deneufbourg, J.-M., & Radermecker, M. (30 August 1997). Place de la curiethérapie endobronchique à haut débit de dose dans le cancer bronchique obstructif. Médecine et Hygiène, 1997 (55), 1495-1500.

Louis, R., Van Tulder, L., Poncelet, M., Corhay, J.-L., Mendez, P., & Radermecker, M. (March 1997). Correlation between Bronchoalveolar Lavage (Bal) Fluid Cell Lysate Histamine Content and Bal Fluid Eosinophil Count in Atopic and Nonatopic Asthmatics. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology, 112 (3), 309-12. doi:10.1159/000237471

Bury, T., Paulus, P., Dowlati, A., CORHAY, J.-L., Rigo, P., & Radermecker, M. (1997). Evaluation of pleural diseases with FDG-PET imaging: preliminary report. Thorax, 52 (2), 187-9. doi:10.1136/thx.52.2.187

CORHAY, J.-L., Bury, T., Radermecker, M., & Lousberg, L. (1997). Techniques et indications de la bronchoscopie interventionnelle. Revue Médicale de Liège, 52 (10), 657-65.

Kayembe, J. M., Louis, R., Corhay, J.-L., Bury, T., Agnan, R., Weber, T., Duysinx, B., & Radermecker, M. (1997). Usefulness of Induced Sputum Analysis in Pulmonary Diseases. Acta Clinica Belgica, 52 (2), 106-11. doi:10.1080/17843286.1997.11718561

Piéron, M., Scheen, A., Corhay, J.-L., Radermecker, M., & Lefebvre, P. (1997). Reactivite bronchique chez les patients diabetiques. Revue des Maladies Respiratoires, 14 (5), 379-85.

Bury, T., Paulus, P., Dowlati, A., Corhay, J.-L., Weber, T., Ghaye, B., Schoffers, J., Limet, R., Albert, A., Rigo, P., & Radermecker, M. (December 1996). Staging of the Mediastinum: Value of Positron Emission Tomography Imaging in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. European Respiratory Journal, 9 (12), 2560-4. doi:10.1183/09031936.96.09122560

Bury, T., Paulus, P., Weber, T., Hustinx, R., Corhay, J.-L., Rigo, P., & Radermecker, M. (April 1996). Comment j'explore ... une suspicion de cancer broncho-pulmonaire par tomographie a émission de positrons. Revue Médicale de Liège, 51 (4), 317-9.

BURY, T., Dowlati, A., Paulus, P., CORHAY, J.-L., Benoit, T., Kayembe, J. M., Limet, R., Rigo, P., & RADERMECKER, M. (March 1996). Evaluation of the Solitary Pulmonary Nodule by Positron Emission Tomography Imaging. European Respiratory Journal, 9 (3), 410-4. doi:10.1183/09031936.96.09030410

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Dowlati, A., Bury, T., CORHAY, J.-L., Weber, T., LAMPROYE, A., Mendes, P., & Radermecker, M. (1996). Gastrin levels in serum and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of patients with lung cancer: comparison with patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Thorax, 51 (12), 1270-2. doi:10.1136/thx.51.12.1270

Dowlati, A., Bury, T., CORHAY, J.-L., Weber, T., Mendes, P., & Radermecker, M. (1996). High neuron specific enolase levels in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of patients with lung carcinoma: diagnostic value, relation to serum neuron specific enolase, and staging. Cancer, 77 (10), 2039-43. doi:10.1002/(SICI)1097-0142(19960515)77:10<2039::AID-CNCR11>3.0.CO;2-W

Louis, R., Degroote, D., Bury, T., Corhay, J.-L., Kayembe, J. M., Franchimont, P., & Radermecker, M. (April 1995). Changes in Bronchial Responsiveness, Circulating Leucocytes and Ex Vivo Cytokine Production by Blood Monocytes after Paf Inhalation in Allergic Asthmatics. European Respiratory Journal, 8 (4), 611-8.

Louis, R., Tilkin, P., Poncelet, M., Corhay, J.-L., Mendez, P., Weber, T., & Radermecker, M. (April 1995). Regulation of Histamine Release from Human Bronchoalveolar Lavage Mast Cells by Stem Cell Factor in Several Respiratory Diseases. Allergy, 50 (4), 340-8. doi:10.1111/j.1398-9995.1995.tb01158.x

CORHAY, J.-L., Bury, T., Delavignette, J.-P., Baharloo, F., Radermecker, M., Hereng, P., Fransolet, A.-M., Weber, G., & Roelandts, I. (1995). Nonfibrous mineralogical analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from blast-furnace workers. Archives of Environmental Health, 50 (4), 312-9. doi:10.1080/00039896.1995.9935960

Corhay, J.-L., Bury, T., Louis, R., Delavignette, J. P., Weber, C., Albert, A., & Radermecker, M. (1995). Bronchial hyperresponsiveness in active coke-oven workers. Archives of Public Health, 53, 509-520.

weber, T., Skaventos, I., Kayembe, J., Bury, T., Louis, R., Corhay, J.-L., & Radermecker, M. (1995). Intérêt de la cyclosporine et du méthotrexate dans le traitement de l'asthme. Médecine et Hygiène, 53, 1622-1624.

Bury, T., Corhay, J.-L., Louis, R., & Radermecker, M. (01 November 1994). Le traitement bronchodilatateur du patient BPCO (1994). Revue Médicale de Liège, 49 (11), 593-5.

Louis, R., Bury, T., Corhay, J.-L., & Radermecker, M. (October 1994). Acute Bronchial and Hematologic Effects Following Inhalation of a Single Dose of Paf. Comparison between Asthmatics and Normal Subjects. CHEST, 106 (4), 1094-9. doi:10.1378/chest.106.4.1094

Bury, T., Corhay, J.-L., Louis, R., & Radermecker, M. (September 1994). Decrease of T-Lymphocyte Proliferation in Exercise-Induced Asthma. Allergy, 49 (8), 605-10. doi:10.1111/j.1398-9995.1994.tb00126.x

Louis, R., Dowlati, A., Weber, T., Bury, T., Corhay, J.-L., & Radermecker, M. (September 1994). Modulation of Immunological Histamine Release from Human Lung Fragments by Stem Cell Factor, Il-3, Il-5 and Gm-Csf: Comparison with Human Leukocytes. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology, 105 (1), 18-25. doi:10.1159/000236798

Radermecker, M., Louis, R., leclercq, M., Weber, T., Corhay, J.-L., & Bury, T. (September 1994). Cytokine Modulation of Basophil Histamine Release in Wasp-Venom Allergy. Allergy, 49 (8), 641-4. doi:10.1111/j.1398-9995.1994.tb00133.x

Corhay, J.-L., Bury, T., Louis, R., Lapiere, C. M., & Radermecker, M. (01 March 1994). Manifestations cutanées des maladies pulmonaires. Revue Médicale de Liège, 49 (3), 141-52.

Louis, R., Bury, T., Corhay, J.-L., & Radermecker, M. (March 1994). Potentiation of Histamine Release from Human Leucocytes by Paf. Agents and Actions, 41 (1-2), 5-10. doi:10.1007/BF01986385

Baharloo, F., CORHAY, J.-L., Hotermans, G., Bury, T., Grand, L., & Radermecker, M. (1994). A case of tracheal fibrolipoma. Acta Clinica Belgica, 49 (1), 23-5. doi:10.1080/17843286.1994.11718359

Louis, R., Bury, T., Corhay, J.-L., & Radermecker, M. (January 1994). Effects of Acute Injection of Methylprednisolone in Man on Immunological and Non-Immunological Histamine Release from Leucocytes and Its Potentiation by Interleukin-3. Clinical and Experimental Allergy, 24 (1), 60-5. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2222.1994.tb00918.x

Bury, T., Corhay, J.-L., Louis, R., & Radermecker, M. (01 October 1993). Notes thérapeutiques. Le traitement du cancer bronchique de type grain d'avoine (1993). Revue Médicale de Liège, 48 (10), 578-9.

Corhay, J.-L., Bury, T., Louis, R., & Radermecker, M. (October 1993). Plasma Histamine and Bronchial Reactivity in Allergic Asthma. Allergy, 48 (7), 547-9. doi:10.1111/j.1398-9995.1993.tb01113.x

Bury, T., Corhay, J.-L., Louis, R., & Radermecker, M. (01 September 1993). Ergospirométrie et pratique pneumologique. Revue Médicale de Liège, 48 (9), 523-6.

Louis, R., Bury, T., Corhay, J.-L., & Radermecker, M. (September 1993). No Increase in Plasma Histamine During Paf-Induced Airway Obstruction in Allergic Asthmatics. CHEST, 104 (3), 806-10. doi:10.1378/chest.104.3.806

Louis, R., Corhay, J.-L., Bury, T., & Radermecker, M. (April 1993). L'hyperréactivité bronchique non spécifique: données épidémiologiques et signification clinique. Revue Médicale de Liège, 48 (4), 213-9.

Bury, T., Corhay, J.-L., Louis, R., Radermecker, M., & Belaiche, J. (1993). Chylothorax: a rare complication of endoscopic variceal sclerotherapy. European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 5, 293-294. doi:10.1097/00042737-199304000-00017

CORHAY, J.-L., Bury, T., Cabut, C., & Radermecker, M. (1993). Les pseudo-asthmes. Tout ce qui siffle n'est pas asthme. Revue Médicale de Liège, 48 (3), 137-42.

Bury, T., Corhay, J.-L., Kotolenko, S., Louis, R., Mahieu, P., & Radermecker, M. (November 1992). Les syndromes hémorragiques pulmonaires diffus: approches clinique et diagnostique. Revue Médicale de Liège, 47 (11), 554-9.

Louis, R., Bury, T., Corhay, J.-L., & Radermecker, M. (February 1992). Ly 186655, a Phosphodiesterase Inhibitor, Inhibits Histamine Release from Human Basophils, Lung and Skin Fragments. International Journal of Immunopharmacology, 14 (2), 191-4. doi:10.1016/0192-0561(92)90030-O

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RADERMECKER, M., Broux, R., Corhay, J.-L., Limet, R., & Radermecker, M. (1992). Failure of Buserelin-Induced Medical Castration to Control Pulmonary Lymphangiomyomatosis in Two Patients. CHEST, 101 (6), 1724-6. doi:10.1378/chest.101.6.1724

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Legros, J.-J., Geenen, V., Carvelli, T., Martens, H., Andre, M., CORHAY, J.-L., Radermecker, M., Zangerlé, P.-F., Sassolas, G., Gharib, C., Vanthygem, M., & Lefèbvre, J. (1990). Neurophysins as markers of vasopressin and oxytocin release. A study in carcinoma of the lung. Hormone Research, 34 (3-4), 151-155. doi:10.1159/000181815

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