Porsmoguer, C., Picavet, P., Etienne, A.-L., Grauwels, M., & Claeys, S. (2023). Infected parotid sialocele treated by vegetal foreign body removal in a dog. Veterinary Record Case Reports, e588. doi:10.1002/vrc2.588 |
Vandersmissen, M., Etienne, A.-L., Dancot, M., Evrard, L., Beccati, F., Grulke, S., & Busoni, V. (2022). Conventional imaging is useful for assessment of equine pharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma but underestimates bone involvement. Equine Veterinary Education. doi:10.1111/eve.13713 ![]() |
Picavet, P., Hamon, M., Etienne, A.-L., Guieu, L.-V., Claeys, S., Billen, F., & Noël, S. (2022). Laryngeal paralysis secondary to cervical bite injuries in five dogs. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. doi:10.1080/00480169.2021.1951865 |
Bayrou, C., Cesarini Latorre, C., Delguste, C., Delrez, N., Douny, C., Eppe, J., Etienne, A.-L., Frisee, V., Gatez, C., Gille, L., Hupperts, C., Jauniaux, T., Jergeay, V., Korsak Koulagenko, N., Kruse, C., Loos, P., Martinelle, L., Moula, N., Parrilla Hernandez, S., ... Votion, D. (Eds.). (2021). Proceedings of the 8th FARAH-Day. Presses de la Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire de l'ULiège. |
Carpentier, G., Picavet, P., Etienne, A.-L., & Claeys, S. (2020). Cystite pseudomembraneuse chez un chat. Monde Vétérinaire, (200), 12-17. |
Porato, M., Marolf, V., & Etienne, A.-L. (2020). Catheter fragment embolism in a dog. Veterinary Record Case Reports. doi:10.1136/vetreccr-2020-001139 |
Deflers, H., Gandar, F., Etienne, A.-L., & Marlier, D. (2019). SUCCESSFUL MEDICAL MANAGEMENT OF A BEZOAR IN A PERUVIAN GUINEA PIG (CAVIA PORCELLUS). Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine, 29, 115-118. doi:10.1053/j.jepm.2018.05.004 |
Vanderbeek, P., & Etienne, A.-L. (2019). Comparison of measurements of the laxity index with 3 versus 5-point circles on stress radiographs performed with the Vezzoni- modified Badertscher hip distension device [Poster presentation]. Congrès européen d'Imagerie médicale vétérinaire, Basel, Switzerland. |
Picavet, P., Grauwels, M., Etienne, A.-L., Hamaide, A., & Claeys, S. (26 October 2018). Parotid purulent sialocoele treated by grass seeds extirpation [Poster presentation]. FARAH Day. |
Hamon, M., Picavet, P., Etienne, A.-L., Guieu, L.-V., Billen, F., & Noël, S. (August 2018). Bilateral laryngeal paralysis secondary to traumatic nerve damage in two dogs [Poster presentation]. European College of Veterinary Surgeons – 27th Annual Scientific Meeting, Athens, Greece. |
Broux, O., Clercx, C., Etienne, A.-L., Busoni, V., Claeys, S., Hamaide, A., & Billen, F. (2018). Effects of manipulations to detect sliding hiatal hernia in dogs with brachycephalic airway obstructive syndrome. Veterinary Surgery, 47, 243-251. doi:10.1111/vsu.12735 |
Broux, O., Etienne, A.-L., & Hamaide, A. (2018). Urethral intussusception following traumatic catheterization in a male cat. Canadian Veterinary Journal. |
Etienne, A.-L., Delfosse, C., & Busoni, V. (2018). The integration of a hybrid teaching in veterinary radiology and its effects on fifth year students [Poster presentation]. FARAH Day 2018. |
Etienne, A.-L., Delfosse, C., & Busoni, V. (2018). The integration of a hybrid teaching in veterinary radiology and its effects on fifth year students [Poster presentation]. European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE) General Assembly 2018. |
Hamon, M., Picavet, P., Etienne, A.-L., Guieu, L.-V., & Noël, S. (2018). Bilateral laryngeal paralysis secondary to traumatic nerve damage in two dogs. Veterinary Surgery. doi:10.1111/vsu.12910 |
Schiavo, S., Etienne, A.-L., Evrard, L., Grulke, S., & Busoni, V. (2018). IMAGING FINDINGS IN HORSES WITH PHARYNGEAL SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA [Poster presentation]. Vorjaarsdaagen 2018. |
Vangrinsven, E., Girod, M., Etienne, A.-L., & Gommeren, K. (2017). Thymic haemorrhage due to ingestion of human anticoagulant medication in a puppy. Veterinary Record Case Reports. doi:10.1136/vetreccr-2017-000552 |
Etienne, A.-L. (2017). Solliciter l’implication, la motivation et l’apprentissage en profondeur des étudiants de médecine vétérinaire en fin de cursus : rêve inaccessible ou réalité à portée de main ? [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/219261 |
Etienne, A.-L., Delfosse, C., & Busoni, V. (May 2017). Un cours hybride d'imagerie médicale destiné à des étudiants de 5e année de médecine vétérinaire rime t'il avec implication, motivation et apprentissage en profondeur [Poster presentation]. Présentation au cours de master de pédagogie en enseignement supérieur. |
Etienne, A.-L., Delguste, C., & Busoni, V. (20 April 2017). Comparison of ultrasound-guided vs. landmark techniques for training novices in placing needles into the lumbar subarachnoid space of canine cadavers [Poster presentation]. European Veterinary Conference Voorjaarsdagen, Voorjaarsdagen- Den Haag, Netherlands. |
Etienne, A.-L., & Busoni, V. (01 February 2017). Travaux Paracliniques d'Imagerie médicale en Master Bloc 2 en 2017 [Paper presentation]. Journée de l'Enseignement de la Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire, Liège, Belgium. |
Liotta, A. P., Billen, F., Heimann, M., Hamaide, A., Rizza, M., Etienne, A.-L., & Bolen, G. (2017). Prevalence, location and concurrent diseases of ultrasonographic cyst-like lesions of abdominal lymph nodes in dogs. Veterinary Record. doi:10.1136/vr.103795 |
Soliveres, E., Shimizu, N., Hamaide, A., Noël, S., Heimann, M., Etienne, A.-L., & Bolen, G. (2017). Ultrasound-guided bladder biopsy: technique description in 13 dogs [Poster presentation]. 4th FARAH Day, Liège, Belgium. |
Soliveres, E., Shimizu, N., Hamaide, A., Noël, S., Heimann, M., Etienne, A.-L., & Bolen, G. (2017). Ultrasound-guided bladder biopsy: technique description in 13 dogs. Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound, 58 (6), 707. |
Etienne, A.-L., Delguste, C., & Busoni, V. (01 September 2016). TEACHING VETERINARY RADIOLOGY: DOES COMPARISON HELP? [Poster presentation]. EVDI 2016 Wroclaw Poland, Wroclaw, Poland. |
Merveille, A.-C., Bolen, G., Krafft, E., Roels, E., Gomart, S., Etienne, A.-L., Clercx, C., & Mc Entee, K. (September 2015). Pulmonary Vein-to-Pulmonary Artery Ratio is an Echocardiographic Index of Congestive Heart Failure in Dogs with Degenerative Mitral Valve Disease. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 29, 1502-1509. doi:10.1111/jvim.13634 |
Etienne, A.-L., Peeters, D., & Busoni, V. (July 2015). Comparaison de l’effet du guidage échographique sur les ponctions de liquide céphalo-rachidien entre les localisations cisternales et lombaires chez le chien : une étude ex vivo. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 158, 126-136. |
Bergamino, C., Etienne, A.-L., & Busoni, V. (2015). DEVELOPING A TECHNIQUE FOR ULTRASOUND-GUIDED INJECTION OF THE ADULT CANINE HIP. Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound. doi:10.1111/vru.12242 |
Broux, O., Etienne, A.-L., Billen, F., & Hamaide, A. (2015). Urethral intussusception following traumatic catheterization in a male cat. Veterinary Surgery. |
Broux, O., Etienne, A.-L., Billen, F., & Hamaide, A. (2015). Urethral intussusception following traumatic catheterization in a male cat [Poster presentation]. 2nd FARAH Day, Liège, Belgium. |
Lavia, C., Canonne-Guibert, M., Etienne, A.-L., Noël, S., & Claeys, S. (September 2014). Un cas de phéochromocytome bilatéral chez un Shih Tzu traité par surrénalectomie bilatérale (totale et contralatérale partielle). Monde Vétérinaire, 144, 10-16. |
Etienne, A.-L., Grauwels, M., Storms, G., Liotta, A. P., & Bolen, G. (August 2014). CT FEATURES OF A LACRIMAL GLAND TUMOR IN A DOG [Poster presentation]. EVDI conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Utrecht, Netherlands. |
Etienne, A.-L., Audigié, F., Peeters, D., Gabriel, A., & Busoni, V. (2014). Ultrasonographic Percutaneous Anatomy of the Atlanto-Occipital Region and Indirect Ultrasound-Guided Cisternal Puncture in the Dog and the Cat. Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia. |
Liotta, A. P., Sandersen, C., Busoni, V., Etienne, A.-L., & Bolen, G. (October 2013). Ultrasound-guided epidural access in dog [Paper presentation]. Farah Day, Liège, Belgium. |
Merveille, A.-C., Cabrero, M., Krafft, E., Etienne, A.-L., Jespers, P., Gomart, S., Bolen, G., Clercx, C., & Mc Entee, K. (2013). Pulmonary vein to pulmonary artery ratio is an echocardiographic index of left congestive heart failure in dogs with myxomatous mitral valve disease. Proceedings of the 23th ECVIM Meeting. |
Liotta, A. P., Sandersen, C., Busoni, V., Etienne, A.-L., & Bolen, G. (2013). Ultrasound-guided epidural access in dog. In Veterinary Radiology and ultrasound. |
Bergamino, C., Etienne, A.-L., & Busoni, V. (August 2013). ULTRASOUND ANATOMY AND US-GUIDED INTRA-ARTICULAR INJECTION TECHNIQUE OF THE CANINE ADULT HIP [Poster presentation]. EVDI Annual Conference, Cascais, Portugal, Cascais, Portugal. |
Etienne, A.-L., Cavrenne, R., Gommeren, K., Bolen, G., & Busoni, V. (July 2013). Ultrasonographic characteristics of the cisterna chyli in eight dogs and four cats. Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound, 54 (4), 398-402. doi:10.1111/vru.12046 |
Busoni, V., Audigié, F., Etienne, A.-L., Evrard, L., Coudry, V., Jacquet, S., Bertoni, L., & Denoix, J.-M. (2013). Examens radiographique et échographique de la tête. In Proceedings du Congrès de l’Association de Vétérinaires Equins Francophones (AVEF). |
Etienne, A.-L., Massart, L., & Busoni, V. (2013). US-guided versus blind lumbar puncture in dogs - A post-mortem study [Paper presentation]. Congrès annuel European Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging. |
Etienne, A.-L., Evrard, L., Bolen, G., Esman, Grulke, S., & Busoni, V. (2012). IMAGING FINDINGS IN HORSES WITH PHARYNGEAL SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA [Poster presentation]. IVRA-ECVDI congrès annuel. |
Etienne, A.-L., Massart, L., & Busoni, V. (2012). US-guided versus blind lumbar puncture in dogs - A post- mortem study. Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound. |
Etienne, A.-L., Peeters, D., & Busoni, V. (2012). Ultrasound-guided versus blind technique for CSF puncture in dogs: a cadaveric study [Paper presentation]. Second Scientific Day of FMV. |
Evrard, L., Esmans, M., Etienne, A.-L., Bolen, G., Tosi, I., de la Rebière de Pouyade, G., & Busoni, V. (2012). A study of the caeco-colic vessels and lymph nodes at equine transabdominal ultrasonography. Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound. |
Tosi, I., Bolen, G., Etienne, A.-L., & Busoni, V. (2012). Echographie transabdominale chez les chevaux atteints de coliques chroniques ou recurrentes et/ou amiagrissement: une etude retrospective. In Proceedings du Congrès de l’Association des Vétérinaires Equins Francophones (AVEF). |
Tosi, I., Bolen, G., Evrard, L., Etienne, A.-L., & Busoni, V. (2012). Transabdominal ultrasound in horses with chronic or recurrent colic and/or weight loss: a retrospective study [Paper presentation]. International Congress of the Società Italiana Veterinary per Equine (SIVE). |
Deudon, P., Peeters, D., Balligand, M., Etienne, A.-L., & Bolen, G. (22 January 2011). Contribution of CT scan for lesions affecting the spine [Poster presentation]. Canifelis, Brussels, Belgium. |
Etienne, A.-L., Cavrenne, R., Garcia, & Busoni, V. (2011). ULTRASONOGRAPHIC APPEARANCE OF THE CISTERNA CHYLI IN THE DOG [Poster presentation]. Congrés européen annuel ECVDI. |
Evrard, L., Bolen, G., Etienne, A.-L., Touati, K., Frisee, V., & Busoni, V. (2011). The use of external ultrasound for the diagnosis of coxofemoral joint disease in blue belgian cattle [Poster presentation]. 6th European Congress of Bovine Health Management. |
Tosi, I., Bolen, G., Evrard, L., Etienne, A.-L., & Busoni, V. (2011). Ultrasonography of the collateral ligaments of the distal interphalangeal joint in horses: technique and reference images [Poster presentation]. European Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging (EVDI) Annual Meeting, United Kingdom. |
Van Galen, G., Bolen, G., Verwilghen, D., Etienne, A.-L., Rabba, S., Grulke, S., Billen, F., & Snaps, F. (August 2010). Computed Tomographic Features of Choanal Atresia in a Friesian Foal. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 30 (8), 436-440. doi:10.1016/j.jevs.2010.07.001 |
Etienne, A.-L. (2010). Mise au point d'une technique échoguidée pour la réalisation des ponctions lombaires chez le chien [Specialised master, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/134162 |
Etienne, A.-L., Gandar, F., Szalo, I. M., Poulipoulis, A., Marlier, D., & Snaps, F. (2010). Radiography and computed tomography of snake's lungs [Poster presentation]. 17 ème congrés de l'EAVDI, Giessen, Germany. |
Etienne, A.-L., Peeters, D., & Busoni, V. (2010). Ultrasonographic percutaneous anatomy of the caudal lumbar region and ultrasound-guided lumbar puncture in the dog. Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound, 51 (5), 527-532. doi:10.1111/j.1740-8261.2010.01705.x |
Gandar, F., Szalo, I. M., Etienne, A.-L., Snaps, F., & Marlier, D. (2010). Pneumoinie à pseudomonas aeruginosa chez le python indien. Monde Vétérinaire, 107, 5-7. |
Etienne, A.-L., Jacqmot, O., Bolen, G., Snaps, F., & Busoni, V. (2009). Ultrasonography percutaneous anatomy of caudal lumbar refgion in normal dogs and US guided approach for lumbar subarachnoid puncture [Poster presentation]. International Veterinary Radiology Association congress, Buzios, Brazil. |
Etienne, A.-L., Jacquemot, O., Bolen, G., Snaps, F., & Busoni, V. (2009). Ultrasonographic percutaneous anatomy of caudal lumbar region in normal dogs and US-guided approach for lumbar subarachnoid puncture [Poster presentation]. IVRA Conference, Brazil. |