Publications and communications of Christophe Poulet

Lehane, F., Poulet, C., Mina, M., VIGNERY, L., Von Frenckell, C., Ribbens, C., & Malaise, O. (18 September 2024). Influence of Corticosteroid Therapy on Surface and Volumetric Bone Density, Texture Index, and Various Microarchitectural Parameters: Preliminary Results of the MYOOS study [Poster presentation]. Belgian Congress of Rheumatology 2024.

Poulet, C. (2024). Comparison between SomaScan and Mass spectrometry signal detections [Paper presentation]. ImmunAID european consortium - WP6 monthly meeting.

Poulet, C. (2024). Comment le dossier medical informatisé peut m’aider dans ma pratique clinique? [Paper presentation]. Symposium VOIR: Votre Intelligence Artificielle et la médecine personnalisée en rhumatologie, Liège, Belgium.

Fusi, G., Constantinides, M., Fissoun, C., Pichard, L., Pers, Y.-M., Ferreira-Lopez, R., Pantesco, V., Poulet, C., Malaise, O., de Seny, D., Lemaitre, J.-M., Jorgensen, C., & Brondello, J.-M. (14 July 2023). Senescence-Driven Inflammatory and Trophic Microenvironment Imprints Mesenchymal Stromal/Stem Cells in Osteoarthritic Patients. Biomedicines, 11 (7), 1994. doi:10.3390/biomedicines11071994

Poulet, C., Swingland, J. T., Botta, V., Robe, P., Herens, C., Turkheimer, F., & Bours, V. (2023). Assessment of the normal cell contamination impact on tumour samples analysed with SNP arrays: The signal confusion nightmare. ORBi-University of Liège. doi:10.1101/2023.04.04.534870

Poulet, C. (2023). Integration of SomaScan and MS/MS datasets - Mass Spectrometry Data analysis [Paper presentation]. ImmunAID annual meeting, Paris, France.

Poulet, C.* , Debit, A.* , Josse, C., Jerusalem, G., Azencott, C.-A., Bours, V., & Van Steen, K. (2023). Assessing Random Forest self-reproducibility for optimal short biomarker signature discovery. ORBi-University of Liège. doi:10.1101/2023.03.29.534695
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Moermans, C., Brion, C., BOCK, G., Graff, S., Gerday, S., Nekoee, H., Poulet, C., Bricmont, N., Henket, M., PAULUS, V., GUISSARD, F., Louis, R., & Schleich, F. (2023). Sputum Type 2 Markers Could Predict Remission in Severe Asthma Treated With Anti-IL-5. CHEST. doi:10.1016/j.chest.2023.01.037

Poulet, C. (2022). Analysis of SAID patients data obtained by mass spectrometry on Batch 1 and 2 immunAID samples [Paper presentation]. ImmunAID european consortium on rare auto-inflammatory diseases - monthly meeting.

Bhardwaj, A., Josse, C., VAN DAELE, D., Poulet, C., Chavez, M., Struman, I., & Van Steen, K. (2022). Deeper insights into long-term survival heterogeneity of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDAC) patients using integrative individual-and group-level transcriptome network analyses. Scientific Reports, 12 (11027). doi:10.1038/s41598-022-14592-1

DE SENY, D., Baiwir, D., BIANCHI, E., COBRAIVILLE, G., DEROYER, C., Poulet, C., MALAISE, O., PAULISSEN, G., KAISER, M.-J., Hauzer, J.-P., Mazzucchelli, G., DELVENNE, P., & MALAISE, M. (2022). New Proteins Contributing to Immune Cell Infiltration and Pannus Formation of Synovial Membrane from Arthritis Diseases. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23 (1), 434. doi:10.3390/ijms23010434

DEROYER, C., Poulet, C., PAULISSEN, G., Ciregia, F., MALAISE, O., PLENER, Z., COBRAIVILLE, G., DANIEL, C., GILLET, P., MALAISE, M., & DE SENY, D. (2022). CEMIP (KIAA1199) regulates inflammation, hyperplasia and fibrosis in osteoarthritis synovial membrane. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. doi:10.1007/s00018-022-04282-6

Papagiannopoulos, O. D., Papaloukas, C., Pezoulas, V. C., Van De Werken, H. J. G., Poulet, C., Mueller, Y. M., Katsikis, P. D., de Seny, D., & Fotiadis, D. I. (2022). Comparison of Proteomic Approaches in Autoinflammatory Disease Classification. In BHI-BSN 2022 - IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics and IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks, Symposium Proceedings. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. doi:10.1109/BHI56158.2022.9926877

MALAISE, O., PAULISSEN, G., DEROYER, C., Cirgea, F., Poulet, C., LECHANTEUR, C., Brondello, J.-M., DE SENY, D., & MALAISE, M. (December 2021). Influence des glucocorticoïdes sur les caractéristiques de la sénescence cellulaire dans les fibroblastes synoviaux d’origine arthrosique. Revue du Rhumatisme, 88 (S1), 157. doi:10.1016/j.rhum.2021.10.248

MALAISE, O.* , PAULISSEN, G.* , DEROYER, C., Ciregia, F., Poulet, C., NEUVILLE, S., PLENER, Z., DANIEL, C., Gillet, P., LECHANTEUR, C., Brondello, J.-M., DE SENY, D.* , & MALAISE, M.*. (16 November 2021). Influence of Glucocorticoids on Cellular Senescence Hallmarks in Osteoarthritic Fibroblast-like Synoviocytes. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10 (22), 5331. doi:10.3390/jcm10225331
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Poulet, C. (11 June 2021). Les ARNs non codants, des biomarqueurs prometteurs pour le suivi des pathologies pulmonaires. Vaisseaux, Coeur, Poumons, 26 (3), p. 46-50.

Uyisenga, J. P.* , Debit, A.* , Poulet, C., Frères, P., Poncin, A., Thiry, J., Mutesa, L., Jerusalem, G., Bours, V.* , & JOSSE, C.*. (03 June 2021). Differences in plasma microRNA content impair microRNA-based signature for breast cancer diagnosis in cohorts recruited from heterogeneous environmental sites. Scientific Reports, 11 (1), 11698. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-91278-0
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

DEROYER, C., CIREGIA, F., MALAISE, O., PAULISSEN, G., Poulet, C., Malaise, M., & DE SENY, D. (2021). Fibrosis in osteoarthritis – Role of Cemip [Paper presentation]. Fibrosis in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases : from pathophysiology to innovative treatment.

Wislet-Gendebien, S., Poulet, C., Neirinckx, V., Hennuy, B., Swingland, J. T., Laudet, E., Sommer, L., Shakova, O., Bours, V., & Rogister, B. (2021). Correction: In Vivo Tumorigenesis Was Observed after Injection of In Vitro Expanded Neural Crest Stem Cells Isolated from Adult Bone Marrow. PLoS ONE, 16 (9), 0256477. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0256477

Poulet, C., NJOCK, M.-S., MOERMANS, C., LOUIS, E., LOUIS, R., MALAISE, M., & GUIOT, J. (01 May 2020). Exosomal Long Non-Coding RNAs in Lung Diseases. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21 (10), 3580. doi:10.3390/ijms21103580

MOERMANS, C., Deliege, E., Pirottin, D., Poulet, C., GUIOT, J., HENKET, M., & da Silva, J. (04 December 2019). Suitable reference genes determination for real-time PCR using induced sputum samples. European Respiratory Journal, 54 (6). doi:10.1183/13993003.00644-2018

Poulet, C. (2019). Consideration of batch effects on large cohort data generation [Paper presentation]. 2nd Annual Meeting of immunAID european consortium, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

ONESTI, C. E., BOEMER, F., JOSSE, C., LEDUC, S., Poulet, C., BOURS, V., & JERUSALEM, G. (2019). Tryptophan catabolism differentiates breast cancer patients from healthy controls but does not predict outcome. Annals of Oncology.

Debit, A., Poulet, C., JOSSE, C., Azencott, C.-A., Jerusalem, G., Van Steen, K., & BOURS, V. (15 March 2019). TOWARDS AN ACCURATE CANCER DIAGNOSIS MODELIZATION:COMPARISON OF RANDOM FOREST STRATEGIES [Poster presentation]. 19th BeSHG meeting 15th March 2019 Liege, Belgium, Liege, Belgium.

Latge, G., Poulet, C., JOSSE, C., JERUSALEM, G., & Bours, V. (15 March 2019). Role of DNA methylation in INK4a-ARF-INK4b locus expression in breast cancer [Poster presentation]. 19th Meeting of the Belgian Society of Human Genetics, Liège, Belgium.

Debit, A., & Poulet, C. (2018). Towards an accurate cancer diagnosis modelization: Comparison of Random Forest strategies [Paper presentation]. GIGA-Cancer Seminars, Liege, Belgium.

Debit, A., Poulet, C., JOSSE, C., Van Steen, K., JERUSALEM, G., Bours, V., & Azencott, C.-A. (05 October 2018). Towards an accurate cancer diagnosis modelization: Comparison of Random Forest strategies [Poster presentation]. 5th conference Bioinformatics for young international researchers expo byteMAL 2018, Liege, Belgium.

ONESTI, C. E., JOSSE, C., Poncin, A., FRERES, P., Poulet, C., BOURS, V., & JERUSALEM, G. (2018). Predictive and prognostic role of peripheral blood eosinophil count in triple-negative and hormone receptor-negative/HER2-positive breast cancer patients undergoing neoadjuvant treatment. Oncotarget. doi:10.18632/oncotarget.26120

Debit, A., JOSSE, C., JERUSALEM, G., BOURS, V., & Poulet, C. (13 September 2018). Towards an accurate cancer diagnosis modelization:Comparison of Random Forest strategies [Poster presentation]. JOINT MEETING GIGA-CANCER DAY 2018 / EDT-CANCEROLOGY, Liege, Belgium.

Latgé, G., JOSSE, C., Poulet, C., Bours, V., & Jerusalem, G. (13 September 2018). Role of DNA methylation in INK4a-ARF-INK4b locus expression in breast cancer [Poster presentation]. GIGA-Cancer DAY, Liege, Belgium.

ONESTI, C. E., JOSSE, C., PONCIN, A., FRERES, P., Poulet, C., BOURS, V., & JERUSALEM, G. (13 September 2018). Predictive and prognostic role of peripheral blood eosinophil count in triple negative and hormone receptor negative/HER2 positive breast cancers patients undergoing neoadjuvant treatment [Paper presentation]. GIGA-Cancer Day 2018 / EDT-Cancerology Vascular landscape and (pre)metastatic niche in cancer biology.

Latge, G., Poulet, C., Bours, V., JOSSE, C., & Jerusalem, G. (2018). Natural Antisense Transcripts: Molecular Mechanisms and Implications in Breast Cancers. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19 (1). doi:10.3390/ijms19010123

Mallon, Z. R., Poulet, C., Enstrom, A., Honarmand, S., Murphy, A. L., Hassan, R., Brockstedt, D. G., & Whiting, C. C. (2017). Cellular and genomic disease signature of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma [Poster presentation]. SITC 2017 Annual Meeting.

Sticca, T., CABERG, J.-H., Wenric, S., Poulet, C., HERENS, C., JAMAR, M., Josse, C., El Guendi, S., MAX, S., BEGUIN, Y., GOTHOT, A., CAERS, J., & Bours, V. (2017). Genomic Studies of Multiple Myeloma Reveal an Association between X Chromosome Alterations and Genomic Profile Complexity. Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer, 56, 18-27. doi:10.1002/gcc.22397

Dubois, N., Willems, M., Kroonen, J., Berendsen, S., Van Hecke, W., Bredel, M., Poulet, C., Chakravarti, A., Bours, V., & Robe, P. (29 November 2016). Involvement of Ikbζ in glioblastomas and its potential implication in radioresistance [Poster presentation]. 28th EORTC-NCI-AACR symposium on "Molecular targets and cancer therapeutics", Munich, Germany.

Dubois, N., Willems, M., Kroonen, J., Berendsen, S., Van Hecke, W., Bredel, M., Musumeci, L., Poulet, C., Chakravarti, A., Bours, V., & Robe, P. (09 September 2016). Involvement of Ikbζ in glioblastomas and its potential implication in radioresistance [Poster presentation]. Annual Mini Symposium - EDT-Cancérologie Expérimentale, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Berendsen, S., Varkila, M., Kroonen, J., Seute, T., Snijders, T. J., Kauw, F., Spliet, W. G. M., Willems, M., Poulet, C., Broekman, M. L., Bours, V., & Robe, P. (2016). Prognostic relevance of epilepsy at presentation in glioblastoma patients. Neuro-Oncology. doi:10.1093/neuonc/nov238

Dubois, N., Willems, M., Kroonen, J., Berendsen, S., Van Hecke, W., Bredel, M., Musumeci, L., Poulet, C., Chakravarti, A., Bours, V., & Robe, P. (2016). Involvement of Ikbζ in glioblastomas and its potential implication in radioresistance [Poster presentation]. 28th EORTC-NCI-AACR symposium on "Molecular targets and cancer therapeutics", Munich, Germany.

Artesi, M., Kroonen, J., Bredel, M., Nguyen-Khac, M., Deprez, M., SCHOYSMAN, L., Poulet, C., Chakravarti, A., Kim, H., Scholtens, D., Seute, T., ROGISTER, B., BOURS, V., & Robe, P. (2015). Connexin 30 expression inhibits growth of human malignant gliomas but protects them against radiation therapy. Neuro-Oncology. doi:10.1093/neuonc/nou215

CREVECOEUR, J., Kaminski, R., Rogister, B., Foerch, P., Vandenplas, C., Neveux, M., Mazzuferi, M., KROONEN, J., Poulet, C., MARTIN, D., SADZOT, B., RIKIR, E., Klitgaard, H., MOONEN, G., & Deprez, M. (2014). Expression pattern of synaptic vesicle protein 2 (SV2) isoforms in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy and hippocampal sclerosis. Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology, 40 (2), 191-204. doi:10.1111/nan.12054

Wenric, S., JOSSE, C., Fasquelle, C., Poulet, C., Sticca, T., Boukerroucha, M., JERUSALEM, G., & Bours, V. (15 March 2013). Exome sequencing of tumors: relevance in copy-number alteration (CNA) analysis and fixed tissue samples [Poster presentation]. 13th Annual Meeting of the Belgian Society of Human Genetics, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Neirinckx, V., Marquet, A., Poulet, C., Laudet, E., Coste, C., Manguette, J., Rogister, B., & Wislet, S. (28 January 2013). Adult Bone Marrow Neural Crest and Mesenchymal Stem Cells : Which Role in Therapy of Neurological Pathologies ? [Poster presentation]. GIGA Day 2013.

Moermans, C., Poulet, C., HENKET, M., Bonnet, C., WILLEMS, E., Baron, F., Beguin, Y., & Louis, R. (2013). Lung function and airway inflammation monitoring after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Respiratory Medicine, 107, 2071-2080. doi:10.1016/j.rmed.2013.10.013

Wislet, S.* , Poulet, C.* , Neirinckx, V., Hennuy, B., Swingland, J., Laudet, E., Sommer, L., Shakhova, O., Bours, V., & Rogister, B. (October 2012). In Vivo Tumorigenesis Was Observed after Injection of In Vitro Expanded Neural Crest Stem Cells Isolated from Adult Bone Marrow. PLoS ONE, 7 (10), 46425. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0046425
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Wislet, S., Laudet, E., Neirinckx, V., Alix, P., Leprince, P., glejzer, A., Poulet, C., Hennuy, B., Sommer, L., Shakhova, O., & Rogister, B. (August 2012). [RETRACTED] Mesenchymal stem cells and neural crest stem cells from adult bone marrow: characterization of their surprising similarities and differences. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 69 (15), 2593-2608. doi:10.1007/s00018-012-0937-1

Glejzer, A., Laudet, E., Leprince, P., Poulet, C., Hennuy, B., Sommer, L., Shakhova, O., Rogister, B., & Wislet-Gendebien, S. (June 2011). Wnt1 and BMP2: two factors recruiting multipotent neural crest progenitors isolated from adult bone marrow. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 68/12, 2101-2114. doi:10.1007/s00018-010-0558-5

Poulet, C., Hennuy, B., Robe, P., Deprez, M., HERENS, C., & Bours, V. (01 November 2010). Subclassification of diffuse glioma tumours based on gene expression and allele copy number variation [Poster presentation]. 12th EUROPEAN WORKSHOP ON CYTOGENETICS AND MOLECULAR GENETICS OF SOLID TUMORS.