Publications and communications of Stoyan Gaydardzhiev

Articles in scientific journals with peer reviewing

Shikika, A., Muvundja, F. A., Mugumaoderha, M. C., Aatach, M., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (2024). Separation and Purification of Ta and Nb from Ammonium Bifluoride Leachates Using Methyl Isobuthyl Ketone, 2-Octanol, and Aliquat® 336. Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy. doi:10.1007/s40831-024-00880-9

Aatach, M., Simão, M. A., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (31 May 2024). Effects of ultrasound on the electrochemical cementation of copper onto iron. Minerals Engineering, 213, 108750. doi:10.1016/j.mineng.2024.108750

Demeusy, B., Madanski, D., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (March 2024). Laboratory flotation study of the DPM Krumovgrad gold ore (Bulgaria) – Effects from improved collector suite and ore desliming. Minerals Engineering, 208, 108596. doi:10.1016/j.mineng.2024.108596

Panda, S., Dembele Seydou, Mishra Srabani, Akcil, A., Agcasulu, İ., Hazrati, E., Tuncuk, A., Malavasi, P., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (2024). Small-scale and scale-up bioleaching of Li, Co, Ni, Mn from spent lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. doi:10.1002/jctb.7609

Vardanyan, A., Vardanyan, N., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (August 2023). Biological extraction of Cu and Ni from printed circuit boards via redoxolysis with concomitant material characterization. Hydrometallurgy, 221, 106145. doi:10.1016/j.hydromet.2023.106145

Demeusy, B., Madanski, D., Bouzahzah, H., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (July 2023). Mineralogical study of electrum grain size, shape and mineral chemistry in process streams from the Krumovgrad mine, Bulgaria. Minerals Engineering, 198, 108080. doi:10.1016/j.mineng.2023.108080

Vardanyan, A., Khachatryan, A., Castro, L., Willscher, S., Gaydardzhiev, S., Zhang, R., & Vardanyan, N. (08 February 2023). Bioleaching of Sulfide Minerals by Leptospirillum ferriphilum CC from Polymetallic Mine (Armenia). Minerals, 13 (2), 243. doi:10.3390/min13020243

Vardanyan, A., Vardanyan, N., Aatach, M., Malavasi, P., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (06 December 2022). Bio-Assisted Leaching of Non-Ferrous Metals from Waste Printed Circuit Boards-Importance of Process Parameters. Metals, 12 (12), 2092. doi:10.3390/met12122092

Shikika, A., Zabene, F., Muvundja, F. A., Mugumaoderha, M. C., Aatach, M., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (2022). Efficient Extraction of Ta and Nb from a Coltan Ore Through Alkaline Roasting, Water Leaching, Precipitation, and Oxalic Acid Leaching. Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy. doi:10.1007/s40831-022-00621-w

Vardanyan, A., Vardanyan, N., Abrahamyan, N., Aatach, M., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (2022). Sequential biologically assisted extraction of Cu and Zn from printed circuit boards (PCB). International Journal of Environmental Studies, 1-16. doi:10.1080/00207233.2022.2126122

Mafra, C., Bouzahzah, H., Stamenov, L., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (July 2022). An integrated management strategy for acid mine drainage control of sulfidic tailings. Minerals Engineering, 185, 107709. doi:10.1016/j.mineng.2022.107709

Shikika, A., Zabene, F., Muvundja, F., Mugumaoderha, M., Colaux, J., Aatach, M., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (2021). Extraction of Ta and Nb from a Coltan Bearing Ore by Means of Ammonium Bifluoride Fluorination and Sulfuric Acid Leaching. Minerals. doi:10.3390/min11121392

Shikika, A., Muvundja, F., Mugumaoderha, M., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (March 2021). Extraction of Nb and Ta from a coltan ore from South Kivu in the DRC by alkaline roasting - thermodynamic and kinetic aspects. Minerals Engineering, 163. doi:10.1016/j.mineng.2020.106751

Sethurajan, M., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (February 2021). Bioprocessing of spent lithium ion batteries for critical metals recovery – A review. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 165. doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2020.105225

Shikika, A., Sethurajan, M., Muvundja, F., Mugumaoderha, M., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (2020). A review on extractive metallurgy of tantalum and niobium. Hydrometallurgy. doi:10.1016/j.hydromet.2020.105496

Mafra, C., Bouzahzah, H., Stamenov, L., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (14 September 2020). Insights on the effect of pyrite liberation degree upon the acid mine drainage potential of sulfide flotation tailings. Applied Geochemistry, 23. doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2020.104774

Bryan, C., Williamson, B., Calus-Moszko, J., van Haute, Q., Guezennec, A.-G., Gaydardzhiev, S., Wavrer, P., & Fraczek, R. (2020). CEReS – Co-processing of Coal Mine & Electronic Wastes: Novel Resources for a Sustainable Future. Hydrometallurgy. doi:10.1016/j.hydromet.2020.105444

Arinanda, M., van Haute, Q., Lambert, F., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (April 2019). Effects of operational parameters on the bio-assisted leaching of metals from pyrolyzed printed circuit boards. Minerals Engineering, 134, 16-22.

Naumov, D., Stamenov, L., Gaydardzhiev, S., & Bouzahzah, H. (2019). Coupling mineralogy with physicochemical parameters in view copper flotation efficiency improvement. Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing. doi:10.5277/ppmp18187

Rincon Gamero, J. J., Gaydardzhiev, S., & Stamenov, L. (January 2019). Inversigation on the flotation recovery of copper sulphosalts through an integrated mineralogical approach. Minerals Engineering, 130, 36-47. doi:10.1016/j.mineng.2018.10.006

Rincon Gamero, J. J., Gaydardzhiev, S., & Stamenov, L. (January 2019). Coupling comminution indices and mineralogical features as an approach to a geometallurgical characterization of a copper ore. Minerals Engineering, 130, 57-66. doi:10.1016/j.mineng.2018.10.007

Martino, R., Iseli, C., Gaydardzhiev, S., Streicher-Porte, M., & Weh, A. (June 2017). Electro dynamic fragmentation of printed wiring boards as a preparation tool for their recycling. Minerals Engineering, 107, 20-26. doi:10.1016/j.mineng.2017.01.009

Martino, R., Iseli, C., Gaydardzhiev, S., Streicher-Porte, M., & Weh, A. (January 2017). Characteristics of EoL Printed Wiring Boards processed by ElectroDynamic Fragmentation. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 89 (1-2), 1-10. doi:10.1002/cite.201600091

Shengo, M., Gaydardzhiev, S., & Kalenga, P. (10 November 2016). Malachite and heterogenite behavior during the locked-cycle recycling of process water in flotation of copper-cobalt oxide ores. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 157, 152-162. doi:10.1016/j.minpro.2016.10.009

Shengo, M., Gaydardzhiev, S., & Kalenga, P. (July 2015). Effects of process water recycling during flotation of copper and cobalt oxidised ores from Luiswishi deposit in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Desalination and Water Treatment, 55 (7), 1–17. doi:10.1080/19443994.2015.1070753

Zeka, L., Lambert, F., Frenay, J., Gaydardzhiev, S., & Ndala, A. (May 2015). Possibilities for Co(III) dissolution from an oxidized ore through simultaneous bioleaching of pyrite. Minerals Engineering, 75, 54-62. doi:10.1016/j.mineng.2014.12.023

Rodrigues, M., Leão, V., Gomes, O., Lambert, F., Bastin, D., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (April 2015). Copper extraction from coarsely ground printed circuit boards using moderate thermophilic bacteria in a rotating-drum reactor. Waste Management, 41, 148-158. doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2015.04.001

Lambert, F., Bastin, D., Gaydardzhiev, S., Léonard, G., Lewis, G. (Other coll.), & Bareel, P.-F. (Other coll.). (2015). COPPER LEACHING FROM WASTE ELECTRIC CABLES BY BIOHYDROMETALLURGY. Minerals Engineering. doi:10.1016/j.mineng.2014.12.029

Nkulu, G., Gaydardzhiev, S., Mwema, E., & Compère, P. (January 2015). SEM and EDS observations of carrollite bioleaching with a mixed culture of acidophilic bacteria. Minerals Engineering, doi:10.1016/j.mineng.2014.12.005. doi:10.1016/j.mineng.2014.12.005

Shengo, M., Gaydardzhiev, S., & Kalenga, P. (08 June 2014). Assessment of water quality effects on flotation of copper-cobalt oxide ore. Minerals Engineering, 65, 145–148. doi:10.1016/j.mineng.2014.06.005

Ionkov, K., Gaydardzhiev, S., Correa de Araujo, A., Lacoste, M., & Bastin, D. (April 2013). Amenability for processing of oolitic iron ore concentrate for phosphorus removal. Minerals Engineering, 46-47, 119–127. doi:10.1016/j.mineng.2013.03.028

Nkulu, G., Gaydardzhiev, S., & Mwema, E. (2013). Statistical analysis of bioleaching copper, cobalt and nickel from polymetalic concentrate originating from Kamoya deposit in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Minerals Engineering, 48. doi:10.1016/j.mineng.2012.10.007

Lewis, G., Gaydardzhiev, S., Bareel, P.-F., & Bastin, D. (September 2011). Bio hydrometallurgical recovery of metals from Fine Shredder Residues. Minerals Engineering, Vol 24, Issue 11, 1166-1171. doi:10.1016/j.mineng.2011.03.025

Kitobo, W., Gaydardzhiev, S., Frenay, J., Ilunga, N., & Bastin, D. (January 2010). Separation of Copper and Zinc by Solvent Extraction During Reprocessing of Flotation Tailings. Separation Science and Technology, 45 (4), 1-6. doi:10.1080/01496390903529869

Gaydardzhiev, S., Wilker, V., & Scheffler, M. (April 2008). Dip-coating of fibrous natural materials for alumina tube manufacturing. Advanced Engineering Materials, 10 (3), 223-226. doi:10.1002/adem.200700269

Gaydardzhiev, S., Gusovius, H., Wilker, V., & Ay, P. (2007). Gel-casted porous Al2O3 ceramics by use of natural fibres as pore developers. Journal of Porous Materials. doi:10.1007/s10934-007-9099-1

Gaydardzhiev, S., & Ay, P. (2006). Evaluation of dispersant efficiency for aqueous alumina slurries by concurrent techniques. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 27 (3), 413-417. doi:10.1080/01932690500359806

Gaydardzhiev, S., & Ay, P. (2006). Characterisation of aqueous suspensions of fumed aluminium oxide in presence of two Dolapix dispersants. Journal of Materials Science, 41, 5257-5262. doi:10.1007/s10853-006-0354-7

Gaydardzhiev, S., Ay, P., & Janeczko, M. (2006). Comparative studies of dispersant optimisation techniques for evaluating the stability of concentrated alumina slurries. Particle and Particle Systems Characterization, 23, 205–209. doi:10.1002/ppsc.200601033

Gaydardzhiev, S., Karthikeyan, J., & Ay, P. (2006). Colour removal from model solutions by coagulation - surface charge and floc characterisation aspects. Environmental Technology, 27, 193-199. doi:10.1080/09593332708618633

Janeczko, M., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (2006). Size and structure characterization of dye flocs during chemical coagulation of Reactive Black 5 dye. Particle and Particle Systems Characterization, 23, 210 - 214.

Singh, B., Gaydardzhiev, S., & Ay, P. (2006). Stabilization of aqueous silicon nitride suspension with Dolapix A 88. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 27 (1), 91-97. doi:10.1081/DIS-200066756

Lilkov, V., Dimitrova, E., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (1999). Microscopic and laser granulometric analyses of hydrating cement suspensions. Cement and Concrete Research, 29, 3-8. doi:10.1016/S0008-8846(98)00173-2

Gaydardzhiev, S., Hadjihristova, M., & Tichy, R. (1996). Opportunities for using two low-cost methods for treatment of metal bearing aqueous streams. Minerals Engineering, 9, 947-964.

Patchejieff, B., Gaydardzhiev, S., & Lazarov, D. (1994). Opportunities for fine gold recovery from a copper flotation circuit using Knelson concentrator. Minerals Engineering, 7 (2/3), 405-408. doi:10.1016/0892-6875(94)90079-5


Ionkov, K., Gaydardzhiev, S., Bastin, D., Correa de Araujo, A., Pirson, A., & Kokal, H. (10 July 2012). Method of processing an iron ore containing phosphorus.

Scientific conferences in universities or research centers

Tshibanda Bukasa, A., Gaydardzhiev, S., Zeka Mujinga, Mambwe Matanda, & Shengo Lutandula. (29 March 2024). La geométallurgie, élément clé d’un projet minier réussi, cas du gisement de Manono [Paper presentation]. Journées Scientifiques, Lubumbashi, Congo - Kinshasa.

Tshibanda Bukasa, A., Gaydardzhiev, S., Zeka Mujinga, Mambwe Matanda, Shengo Lutandula, & Kanda Ntumba, J.-M. (2023). Geometallurgy of Lithium Primary Resources in DRC : A review [Paper presentation]. 2023 Lithium and Battery Minerals Conference, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.

Gaydardzhiev, S., & Sandvik, K. (1993). Possibilities for rutile extraction from Norwegian eclogite by flotation [Paper presentation]. Annual of the University of Mining and Geology, Sofia, V 39, II, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Scientific congresses and symposiums

Published communications

Shikika, A., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (2024). Solvent extraction of Ta and Nb from oxalic leahcates: a novel technique of colombo-tantalite ores processsing. In J. K. R. B. T. Mardsen, Proceedings of the XXXI International Mineral Processing Congress (pp. 1733-1740). Englewood, United States - Colorado: Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration.

Panda, S., Akcil, A., Gaydardzhiev, S., van Hullenbusch, E., Goenen, M., & Dembele, S. (2024). Biotechnological Recycling and Recovery of Metals from Waste Printed Circuit Boards and Spent Li-ion Batteries—Selected Results from the ERAMIN EU BaCLEM Project. Materials Proceedings. doi:10.3390/materproc2023015076

Poulopoulos, C., Stoilov Viktor, Kadijski Milen, Visariev Evgeni, Harbaliev Plamen, & Gaydardzhiev, S. (2024). Effect of temperature variation on the copper slag flotation at Aurubis-Bulgaria. In Mardsen John et la, Proceedings of the XXXI International Mineral Processing Congress (pp. 2247-2256). Englewood, United States - Colorado: Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration.

Tereucan, E., Madanski Deyan, Sabeva Desislava, Sevdanov Sergey, Aatach, M., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (2024). Reagents modification study for improved flotation of a gold ore at the Dundee Precious Metals Krumovgrad mine, Bulgaria. In Mardsen John et al, Proceedings of the XXXI International Mineral Processing Congress. Englewood, United States - Colorado: Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration.

Aatach, M., Kadiyski, M., Stoilov, V., Evgeni, V., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (2021). Characterisation and recovery of non-ferrous metals met in a copper-slag processed by flotation. In XXX International Mineral Processing Congress, IMPC 2020 (pp. 2318-2329).

Aatach, M., Milen, K., Stoilov, V., Visariev, E., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (2021). Process Oriented Characterisation of Copper Slag Processed by Flotation in View Metals Recovery. In Proceedings of the 7th International Slag Valorisation Symposium: Shifting Gears to a Climate-neutral & Resource Efficient Society. Leuven, Belgium: KU Leuven, Materials Engineering.

Stefanov, A., Grossman, K., Peuker, U., Stoilov, V., Angelov, A., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (2021). Increased liberation and flotation performance of bulk copper flotation concentrate following its regrinding in a stirred media mill. In Proceedings of the XXX International Mineral Processing Congress (pp. 1411-1422). Johannesburg, South Africa: The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.

Aatach, M., Kadiyski, M., Stoilov, V., Vissariev, E., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (2020). Characterisation and recovery of non-ferrous metals met in a copper-slag processed by flotation. In Proceedings of the XXX International Mineral Processing Congress (pp. 2318-2329). Johannesburg, South Africa: The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.

Korolev, I., Remes, A., Stoilov, V., Angelov, A., Pukov, T., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (2019). HSC SIM® simulation model of the assarel copper flotation circuit based on process mineralogy and metallurgical testing. In V. Chanturia (Ed.), Proceedings of the 29 International Mineral Processing Congress (pp. 3976-3984).

Nagy, S., Bokanyi, L., Üveges, V., Ambrus, M., Gaydardzhiev, S., & Mucsi, G. (2018). Influence of various mechanical preparation methods of LCD on the leachability of critical elements. In L. Bokanyil (Ed.), Proceedings 4 Waste Recycling XXI International Conference.

Mwase Malumbo, J., Gaydardzhiev, S., Stefanescu, E., & Sehner, E. (2018). Purification of a Norwegian ilmenite ore to produce synthetic rutile. In V. Chanturia (Ed.), Purification of a Norwegian ilmenite ore to produce synthetic rutile (pp. 2626-2633). Moscow, Russia: Ore and Metals Publishing House.

Mwase Malumbo, J., Gaydardzhiev, S., Guillet, A., Stefansecu, E., & Sehner, E. (2018). Investigation on Ilmenite Placer Ore as a Precursor for Synthetic Rutile. In EMPRC 2018 European Mineral Processing and Recycling Congress Proceedings. Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany: GDMB.

Martino, R., Correa de Araujo, A., Gotelip Barbosa, M., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (2016). Geometallurgical Modelling of Low-Grade Itabirite Iron Ores from the Iron Quadrangle, Brazil. In Proceedings of the XXVIII International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC 2016). West Westmount, Canada: The Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum.

Zeka, L., Gaydardzhiev, S., Frenay, J., & Ndala, I. (2016). The role of bacteria and the addition of pyrite during leaching of Co(III) from heterogenite. In Proceedings of the XXVIII International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC 2016). West Westmount, Canada: The Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum.

Ionkov, K., Gomes, O., Neumann, R., Gaydardzhiev, S., & Corea de Araujio, A. (2016). Process oriented characterisation of oolitic iron concentrate during dephosphorisation by roasting and leaching. In Proceedings of the XXVIII International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC 2016). West Westmount, Canada: The Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum.

Kanda, J.-M., Kongolo, M., Gaydardzhiev, S., De Donato, P., Barres, O., & Bastin, D. (2014). Insights upon the adsorption mechanism of KAX on malachite. In J. Yianatos (Ed.), Proceedings of the XXVII International Mineral Processing Congress.

Shengo, M., Gaydardzhiev, S., & Kalenga, P. (2014). Physicochemical observations during process water reuse in flotation of oxide copper-cobalt ore. In J. Yianatos (Ed.), Proceedings of the XXVII International Mineral Processing Congress.

Silvas, F., de Moraes, V., Bortolini, G., Gomes, O., Gaydardzhiev, S., Espinosa, D., & Tenório, J. (2014). Characterization of printed circuit boards from scrap printers. In J. Yurko, L. Zhang, ... A. Allanore (Eds.), Proceedings TMS 2014 143rd ANNUAL MEETING & EXHIBITION (pp. 67-74). United States: TMS Willey. doi:10.1002/9781118889664.ch8

Rodrigues, M., Gaydardzhiev, S., Lopes, K., & LEÃO, V. (2013). Biolixiviação de cobre contido em placas de circuito impresso (pci) com micro-organismos mesófilos. In A. C. Silva & E. M. S. Silva (Eds.), ANAIS PROCEEDINGS (pp. 97-104). Brazil: Gráfica e Editora Pires do Rio Ltda-ME.

Bastin, D., Gaydardzhiev, S., Jacques, S., Mehanddzhiyski, V., & Dedelyanova, K. (2013). The influence of grinding media alloys on the flotation performances at Ellatsite plant (Bulgaria). In Proceedings of the XV Balkan Mineral Processing Congress.

Ionkov, K., Gaydardzhiev, S., Bastin, D., & Correa de Araujo, A. (2012). Potential for application of alkali roast acid leach technology for removal of phosphorus from iron ore. In Proceedings of 6-th International Congress on the Science and Technology of Ironmaking ICSTI.

Gaydardzhiev, S., Bouchat, H., Dedelyanova, K., & Voutov, Z. (2012). Influence of selected parameters on the flotation of Cu-Mo ore from Ellatzite deposit in Bulgaria. In Proceedings of the XXVI International Mineral Processing Congress (pp. 1542-1548). New Delhi, India: Indian Institute of Minerals Engineers.

Ionkov, K., Gaydardzhiev, S., Bastin, D., de Araujo, A. C., & Lacoste, M. (2012). Removal of phosphorous through roasting of oolitic iron ore with alkaline earth additives. In Proceedings of the XXVI International Mineral Processing Congress (pp. 2194-2205).

Ionkov, K., Gaydardzhiev, S., Corea de Araujo, A., Kokal, H., Pirson, A., & Bastin, D. (2011). DEPHOSPHORIZATION OF LIMONITIC CONCENTRATE BY ROASTING, ACID LEACHING AND MAGNETIC SEPARATION. In M. Holmes (Ed.), Proceedings of the Iron Ore 2011 International Conference (pp. 445-452).

Gaydardzhiev, S., Bastin, D., & Bareel, P.-F. (2010). Copper extraction from scrap cables by biotechnological means. In Proceedings of the XXV International Mineral Processing Congress (pp. 3751-3757).

Gaydardzhiev, S., Bastin, D., Goffinet, F., & Bareel, P.-F. (2010). Biosolubilization of copper from waste electric cables. In J. Harre (Ed.), Proceedings of the Copper 2010 International Conference (pp. 2935-2945). Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany: GDMB.

Kitobo, W., Gaydardzhiev, S., Frenay, J., Bastin, D., & Ilunga, A. (2009). Bacterial leaching of complex sulphides from mine tailings altered by acid drainage. In E. Dominic (Ed.), Bacterial leaching of complex sulphides from mine tailings altered by acid drainage (pp. 365-373).

Gaydardzhiev, S., Wilker, V., & Scheffler, M. (2008). Fibrous natural materials for ceramic processing. In W. Zuo (Ed.), Proceedings of the XXIV International Mineral Processing Congress.

Gaydardzhiev, S., & Ay, P. (2006). Characterisation of stability behaviour of ultra fine alumina powder in view its colloidal processing by gel-casting. In Onal G. et al. (Ed.), Proceedings of XXIII International Mineral Processing Congress, 3-8 September 2006, Istanbul. Istanbul, Turkey: Istanbul Technical University.

Janeczko, M., Gaydardzhiev, S., & Ay, P. (2006). Removal of selected azo dyes from textile wastewater by chemical coagulation/flocculation: implication of the dye destabilization mechanism. In Fecko P et al. (Ed.), Proceedings of 10-th Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing (pp. 153-159). Ostrava, Czechia: VSB TU Ostrava.

Janeczko, M., Georgiev, P., Nicolova, M., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (2006). Colour removal from wastewater by means of microbial treatment. In P. Fecko (Ed.), 10-th Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing. Ostrava, Czechia: VSB TU Ostrava.

Janezcko, M., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (2006). Removal of dyes from textile wastewater by chemical coagulation. In G. Önal (Ed.), XXIII International Mineral Processing Congress, 3-8 September 2006, Istanbul. Istanbul, Turkey: Promedadvertising Agency.

Gaydardzhiev, S., & Ay, P. (2004). Implication of surface charge effects in color removal from effluents by chemical coagulation - the case of CI Reactive Blue 4 dye. In S. Pratsinis (Ed.), Proceeedings CD of Partec 2004 Inetrnational Congress of Particle Technology.

Strashimirov, S., Dobrev, S., Stamenov, S., Gaydardzhiev, S., & Aksani, B. (2004). Mineralogical characteristics of copper flotation products from Cayeli mine, Turkey and their influence to mineral processing. In Annual of the University of Mining and Geology, Sofia, 47, I, 147-153. Sofia, Bulgaria: MGU.

Gaydardzhiev, S., & Ay, P. (2003). Surface charge studies - an important approach for investigation of color removal from textile wastewaters by chemical coagulation. In Rao & Misra (Eds.), MPT 2004 Conference Proceedings. India: Allied Publishers.

Gaydardzhiev, S. (2001). Improvement of a syllabus on environmental protection designed for mineral and mining engineering students in Bulgaria. In 6th International auDes Conference Bridging Minds & Markets, Venice, 5 – 7 April 2001.

Gaydardzhiev, S. (2000). Thiourea leaching of gold bearing mine wastes from Madjarovo processing plant in SE Bulgaria. In B. Nath (Ed.), Proceedings of NATO ARW “Sustainable Solid Waste Management in the Southern Black Sea Region”, September 1999, Sofia, Bulgaria. Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Patchejieff, B., Gaydardzhiev, S., & Stoev, S. (2000). On the influence of the disturbed conditions in the centrifugal concentration of heavy fine particles. In G. Ozbayoglu (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8-th IMPS Antalya, Turkey, 16-18 X 2000, 167-170. Roterdam, Netherlands: Balkema.

Gaydardzhiev, S. (1999). Natural clinoptiolite in contaminated soil and effluent handling. In D. Salatic (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th Balkan Conference on Mineral Processing, Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

Pramatarova, R., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (1999). Magnetically supported zeolite adsorbents for effluent treatment. In Gaballah, Hager and Solozabal (Ed.), REWAS’99 - Proceedings of the Global Symposium on Recycling, Waste treatment and Clean Technology, San Sebastian, Spain, 2469-2474. Warendale, United States: Minerals Metals and Materials Society.

Gaydardzhiev, S. (1998). Hydrometallurgy of precious metals - effects on the environment. In Gallios and Matis (Ed.), Proceedings of a NATO-ASI, NATO-ASI Series 2, v. 43 (pp. 257-280). Dodrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Gaydardzhiev, S., & Atanasov, S. (1998). Application of zeolite minerals as an in-situ amendments for heavy metals polluted soils. In Pasamehmetoglu and Ozgenoglu (Ed.), Proceedings of SWEMP’98, International Symposium (pp. 737-740). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Balkema.

Gaydardzhiev, S., Kireva, R., & Stoev, S. (1996). Coal-gold agglomeration of alluvial gold. In Kemal, Arslan, Akar and Canbazoglu (Ed.), Proceeding of VI-th International Mineral Processing Symposium (pp. 577-581). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Balkema.

Gaydardzhiev, S., & Stoev, S. (1995). Vibro assisted cementation of gold onto zinc granules. In Proceedings of the 14-th Mining Congress of Turkey (pp. 455 – 458).

Gaydardzhiev, S., & Stoev, S. (1994). Separation by ultrasonic degassing of flotation pulps. In Demirel & Ersayin (Ed.), Proceedings of 5-th International Mineral Processing Symposium, Cappadocia, Turkey (pp. 173-177). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Balkema.

Gaydardzhiev, S. (1992). Perspectives for treatment of precious metals containing flotation wastes. In S. Rao & L. Amaratunga (Eds.), Waste Processing and Recycling in Mining and Metallurgical Industries (pp. 47-55). Montreal, Canada: Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum.

Gaydardzhiev, S. (1992). The use of native brown coals - sorbents in controlling the environmental impact of heavy metals containing mine waters. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Environmental Contamination in Central and Eastern Europe. Tallahassee, Florida, United States: CHAERSE.

Gaydardzhiev, S. (1991). Advantages of natural brown coal application for sorption treatment and cleaning of pregnant solutions after thiourea leaching. In M. Chalkley & A. Oliver (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium of Environmental Controls in Metallurgical Industries and Scrap Metal Recycling (pp. 271-279). Montreal, Canada: Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum.

Oral communications or posters

Aatach, M., Simão, M. A., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (June 2023). Effects of ultrasound on the electrochemical cementation of copper onto iron [Paper presentation]. The 8th International Symposium on Sustainable Minerals (Sustainable Minerals '23), Falmouth, United Kingdom.

Malavasi, P., Aatach, M., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (June 2023). Bioleaching of black mass of spent LiBs – process parameters and material characterization [Paper presentation]. The 11th International Symposium on Biomining (Biomining '23, MEI Conferences), Falmouth, United Kingdom.

Vardanyan, A., Vardanyan, N., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (22 October 2019). Bioleaching of metals from e-waste using immobilized biomass of mesophilic Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans [Paper presentation]. International Biohydrometallurgical Symposium IBS 2019, Fukuoka, Japan.

Arinanda, M., van Haute, Q., Lambert, F., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (21 October 2019). Bioleaching of Metals from Pyrolised Printed Circuit Boards using Coal as External Sulphur Source [Paper presentation]. International Biohydrometallurgical Symposium - IBS 2019, Fukuoka, Japan.

Iseli, C., Streicher-Porte, M., Martino, R., Gaydardzhiev, S., & Weh, A. (11 November 2016). Elektrodynamische Fragmentierung von Elektroschrott [Poster presentation]. RecyDepotech 2016, Leoben, Austria.

Lewis, G., Gaydardzhiev, S., Lambert, F., Bastin, D., & Bareel, P.-F. (2011). The role of biohydrometallurgy in sustainable recycling of metal containing industrial wastes [Paper presentation]. Sustainability through Minerals Resource Conservation & Recycling ‘11.

Lewis, G., Lambert, F., Gaydardzhiev, S., Bastin, D., & Bareel, P. F. (September 2010). Influence of temperature and microorganisms upon copper dissolution during waste electric cables recycling [Poster presentation]. Bio and Hydromet'10.

Köttgen, A., de Haas, B. (Other coll.), Keshav, P. (Other coll.), Mainza, A. (Other coll.), Moys, M. (Other coll.), & Gaydardzhiev, S. (Other coll.). (2010). Improving the grinding performance in ball mills with a conductive and inductive sensor [Poster presentation]. IFPRI 2010 AGM, Liège, Belgium.

Lewis, G., Bastin, D., Gaydardzhiev, S., & Bareel. (2010). Getting more out of end-of-life vehicles – a bio hydrometallurgical approach [Paper presentation]. Bio and Hydromet '10, Cape Town, South Africa.


As author or co-author

Nesladek,, M., Helsen, S., Piessens, K., van Passel, S., Gaydardzhiev, S., Kryukova, V., Myngheer, S., Janssens, R., Welkenhuysen, K., Compernolle, T., Mathieu, P., & Dusar, M. (2013). Clean Coal Technologies and Carbon Capture and Storage in Kazakhstan – Reflections and ACCESS project results. Brussels, Belgium: Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences.

Book chapters and contributions to collective works

Nkulu, G., & Gaydardzhiev, S. (2018). Process Oriented Characterization in Bioleaching Co-Cu Minerals. In E. DONATI (Ed.), HEAVY METALS IN THE ENVIRONMENT - Microorganisms and Bioremediation (pp. 223-233). Boca Raton, United States: CRC Press. doi:10.1201/b22013

Other publications and communications

Speeches and writings for a general audience

Conferences given outside the academic context

Gaydardzhiev, S. (2013). Overview of technologies for mineral/metal recuperation – challenges and technological gaps [Paper presentation]. RENEW Project Technology Foresight Workshop, Cologne, Germany.