Darimont, C., Li, S., Myster, F., Javaux, J., Pathammavong, M., Tang, L., Gualdron Duarte, J. L., Crepin, P., Druet, T., Georges, M., Mayeres, P., Charlier, C., & Gillet, L. (05 September 2024). Development of a Systems Immunology Approach to Explore Factors Influencing Vaccination Response in Belgian Blue Cattle [Poster presentation]. The 8th European Veterinary Immunology Workshop in Dublin, Dublin, Ireland. |
Yuan, C., Gualdron Duarte, J. L., Charlier, C., Takeda, H., Georges, M., & Druet, T. (26 July 2024). Unravelling the genetic architecture of height and muscular development traits in Belgian Blue cattle and using it for genomic prediction [Paper presentation]. 7th International Conference of Quantitative Genetics (ICQG), Vienne, Austria. |
Forneris, N., Bosse, M., Gautier, M., & Druet, T. (24 July 2024). Genomic prediction of individual inbreeding levels for the management of genetic diversity in populations with small effective size [Poster presentation]. 7th International Conference of Quantitative Genetics (ICQG), Vienne, Austria. |
Yuan, C., Gualdron Duarte, J. L., Takeda, H., Georges, M., & Druet, T. (24 July 2024). Evaluation of heritability partitioning approaches in livestock populations [Poster presentation]. 7th International Conference of Quantitative Genetics (ICQG), Vienne, Austria. |
Forneris, N., Bosse, M., Gautier, M., & Druet, T. (05 June 2024). Evaluation of genomic tools to predict individual homozygosity-by-descent for the management of genetic diversity in small populations [Paper presentation]. Conservgenomics : Conservation Genomics. |
Forneris, N., & Druet, T. (11 April 2024). Evaluation of genomic tools to predict individual homozygosity-by-descent for the management of genetic diversity in small populations [Poster presentation]. ProbGen24: Probabilistic Modeling in Genomics Conference 2024, Vienne, Austria. |
Gautier, M., Micol, T., Camus, L., Moazami-Goudarzi, K., Naves, M., Guéret, E., Engelen, S., Lemainque, A., Colas, F., Flori, L., & Druet, T. (2024). Genomic Reconstruction of the Successful Establishment of a Feralized Bovine Population on the Subantarctic Island of Amsterdam. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 41 (7). doi:10.1093/molbev/msae121 |
Meyermans, R., Janssens, S., Coussé, A., Tinel, S., Gorssen, W., Lepot, F., Hubin, X., Mayeres, P., Veulemans, W., De Wilde, N., Druet, T., Georges, M., Charlier, C., Claerebout, E., & Buys, N. (2024). Genetic and genomic analysis of Belgian Blue's susceptibility for psoroptic mange. Genetics, Selection, Evolution, 56 (1), 52. doi:10.1186/s12711-024-00921-7 |
Naji, M., Gualdrón Duarte, J. L., Forneris, N., & Druet, T. (2024). Inbreeding depression is associated with recent homozygous-by-descent segments in Belgian Blue beef cattle. Genetics, Selection, Evolution, 56 (1), 10. doi:10.1186/s12711-024-00878-7 |
Yuan, C., Gualdrón Duarte, J. L., Takeda, H., Georges, M., & Druet, T. (2024). Evaluation of heritability partitioning approaches in livestock populations. BMC Genomics, 25 (1), 690. doi:10.1186/s12864-024-10600-y |
Cardoso Esteves, S. M., Jadoul, A., Iacono, F., Schloesser, M., Bosman, B., Carnol, M., Druet, T., Cardol, P., & Hanikenne, M. (2023). Natural variation of nutrient homeostasis among laboratory and field strains in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Journal of Experimental Botany. doi:10.1093/jxb/erad194 |
Forneris, N., & Druet, T. (2023). Predicting homozygosity-by-descent to manage inbreeding and diversity [Paper presentation]. 74th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP), Lyon, France. |
Gualdrón Duarte, J. L., Yuan, C., Gori, A.-S., Moreira, G. C. M., Takeda, H., Coppieters, W., Charlier, C., Georges, M., & Druet, T. (2023). Sequenced-based GWAS for linear classification traits in Belgian Blue beef cattle reveals new coding variants in genes regulating body size in mammals. Genetics, Selection, Evolution, 55 (1), 83. doi:10.1186/s12711-023-00857-4 |
Lee, Y. L., Bosse, M., Takeda, H., Moreira, G. C. M., Karim, L., Druet, T., Oget-Ebrad, C., Coppieters, W., Veerkamp, R. F., Groenen, M. A. M., Georges, M., Bouwman, A. C., & Charlier, C. (2023). High-resolution structural variants catalogue in a large-scale whole genome sequenced bovine family cohort data. BMC Genomics, 24 (1), 225. doi:10.1186/s12864-023-09259-8 |
Naji, M., Guladron Duarte, J. L., Forneris, N., & Druet, T. (2023). Inbreeding depression is associated with recent HBD segments in Belgian Blue beef cattle [Poster presentation]. 74th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP), Lyon, France. |
Wilmot, H., Druet, T., Hulsegge, I., Gengler, N., & Calus, M. (2023). Within-breed stratification for across-breed reference population [Poster presentation]. EAAP + WAAP + Interbull Congress 2023, Lyon, France. |
Wilmot, H., Druet, T., Hulsegge, I., Gengler, N., & Calus, M. P. L. (2023). Estimation of inbreeding, between-breed genomic relatedness and definition of sub-populations in red-pied cattle breeds. Animal, 17 (5), 100793. doi:10.1016/j.animal.2023.100793 |
Yuan, C., Tang, L., Lopdell, T., Petrov, V. A., Oget-Ebrad, C., Moreira, G. C. M., Gualdrón Duarte, J. L., Sartelet, A., Cheng, Z., Salavati, M., Wathes, D. C., Crowe, M. A., GplusE Consortium, Coppieters, W., Littlejohn, M., Charlier, C., Druet, T., Georges, M.* , & Takeda, H.*. (2023). An organism-wide ATAC-seq peak catalog for the bovine and its use to identify regulatory variants. Genome Research, 33 (10), 1848 - 1864. doi:10.1101/gr.277947.123 * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Druet, T., Flori, L., & Gautier, M. (08 July 2022). Partitioning of autozygosity in different age-based classes in cattle populations with different demographic histories [Paper presentation]. World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Rotterdam, Netherlands. |
Gualdron Duarte, J. L., Gori, A.-S., Costa Monteiro Moreira, G., Georges, M., Charlier, C., & Druet, T. (08 July 2022). Sequence-based multi-trait genome-wide association study for linear classification traits in Belgian Blue beef cattle [Paper presentation]. World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Rotterdam, Netherlands. |
Lee, Y. L., Bosse, M., Coppieters, W., Veerkamp, R., Karim, L., Oget, C., Druet, T., Groenen, M., Georges, M., Bouwman, A., & Charlier, C. (08 July 2022). Rare CNVs in the bovine genome are not captured well by 50K density genotyping array SNPs [Paper presentation]. World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Rotterdam, Netherlands. |
Oget, C., Costa Monteiro Moreira, G., Karim, L., Coppieters, W., Charlier, C., Georges, M., & Druet, T. (08 July 2022). Fine-Scale Study of Meiotic Recombination in Cattle [Paper presentation]. World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Rotterdam, Netherlands. |
Rombouts, T., Druet, T., Gualdron Duarte, J. L., Ahariz, N., Karim, L., Coppieters, W., De Smet, S., Georges, M., & Charlier, C. (08 July 2022). A hypomorphic mutation in the ATP2A1 gene increases muscle mass yet compromises meat quality of Belgian Blue cattle [Paper presentation]. World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Rotterdam, Netherlands. |
Yuan, C., Tang, L., Lopdell, T., Oget, C., Costa Monteiro Moreira, G., Gualdron Duarte, J. L., Cheng, Z., Salavati, M., Wathes, D. C., Crowe, M. A., GplusE consortium, Coppieters, W., Charlier, C., Druet, T., Georges, M., & Takeda, H. (08 July 2022). Enrichment of causative variants in tissue-specific and shared ATAC-Seq peaks in cattle [Paper presentation]. World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Rotterdam, Netherlands. |
Druet, T., Naji, M., Forneris, N., Flori, L., & Gautier, M. (29 June 2022). Understanding and managing inbreeding with runs of homozygosity in animal populations [Paper presentation]. 6th Polish Congress of Genetics, Krakow, Poland. |
De Los Rios-Perez, L., Druet, T., Goldammer, T., & Wittenburg, D. (2022). Analysis of Autozygosity Using Whole-Genome Sequence Data of Full-Sib Families in Pikeperch (Sander lucioperca). Frontiers in Genetics. doi:10.3389/fgene.2021.786934 |
Druet, T., & Gautier, M. (2022). A hidden Markov model to estimate homozygous-by-descent probabilities associated with nested layers of ancestors. Theoretical Population Biology, 145, 38-51. doi:10.1016/j.tpb.2022.03.001 |
Kadri, N. K., Zhang, J., Oget-Ebrad, C., Wang, Y., Couldrey, C., Spelman, R., Charlier, C., Georges, M., & Druet, T. (2022). High male specific contribution of the X-chromosome to individual global recombination rate in dairy cattle. BMC Genomics, 23 (1), 114. doi:10.1186/s12864-022-08328-8 |
Magnier, J., Druet, T., Naves, M., Ouvrard, M., Raoul, S., Janelle, J., Moazami-Goudarzi, K., Lesnoff, M., Tillard, E., Gautier, M., & Flori, L. (2022). The genetic history of Mayotte and Madagascar cattle breeds mirrors the complex pattern of human exchanges in Western Indian Ocean. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 12 (4). doi:10.1093/g3journal/jkac029 |
Oget, C., Kadri, N. K., Moreira, G. C. M., Karim, L., Coppieters, W., Georges, M., & Druet, T. (2022). Benchmarking phasing software with a whole-genome sequenced cattle pedigree. BMC Genomics, 23 (1), 130. doi:10.1186/s12864-022-08354-6 |
Cardoso Esteves, S. M., Iacono, F., Jadoul, A., Houet, R., Cardol, P., Druet, T., & Hanikenne, M. (December 2021). Natural variation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mineral nutrition [Poster presentation]. AlgaEurope 20221. |
Oget, C., Kadri, N. K., Costa Monteiro Moreira, G., Karim, L., Coppieters, W., Georges, M., & Druet, T. (02 September 2021). Benchmarking phasing software with whole-genome sequenced cattle trios [Paper presentation]. 72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP), Davos, Switzerland. |
Hanikenne, M., Cardol, P., Cardoso Esteves, S. M., Iacono, F., Jadoul, A., Houet, R., & Druet, T. (30 August 2021). A MAGIC design to examine natural variation in photosynthesis and nutrition in Chlamydomonas [Paper presentation]. Chlamy 2020+1, The 19th international conference on the cell and molecular biology of Chlamydomonas, France. |
Cardoso Esteves, S. M., Iacono, F., Jadoul, A., Houet, R., Cardol, P., Druet, T., & Hanikenne, M. (August 2021). Natural variation in nutrient homeostasis mechanisms in Chlamydomonas [Poster presentation]. 19th International Conference on the Cell and Molecular Biology of Chlamydomonas. |
Druet, T., & Gautier, M. (April 2021). An improved Hidden Markov Model for the characterization of homozygous-by-descent segments in individual genomes [Poster presentation]. Probabilistic Modeling In Genomics. |
Cardoso Esteves, S. M., Iacono, F., Jadoul, A., Banneux, S., Houet, R., Cardol, P., Druet, T., & Hanikenne, M. (March 2021). A MAGIC desing to study mineral nutrition in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Poster presentation]. 12th International Phycological Congress. |
Alemu, S. W., Kadri, N. K., Harland, C., Faux, P., Charlier, C., Caballero, A., & Druet, T. (2021). An evaluation of inbreeding measures using a whole-genome sequenced cattle pedigree. Heredity, 126, 410-423. doi:10.1038/s41437-020-00383-9 |
Caballero, A., Villanueva, B., & Druet, T. (2021). On the estimation of inbreeding depression using different measures of inbreeding from molecular markers. Evolutionary Applications, 14, 416-428. doi:10.1111/eva.13126 |
Lee, Y.-L., Takeda, H., Costa Monteiro Moreira, G., Karim, L., Mullaart, E., Coppieters, W., Appeltant, R., Veerkamp, R. F., Groenen, M. A. M., Georges, M., Bosse, M., Druet, T., Bouwman, A. C., & Charlier, C. (2021). A 12 kb multi-allelic copy number variation encompassing a GC gene enhancer is associated with mastitis resistance in dairy cattle. PLoS Genetics, 17 (7), 1009331. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1009331 |
Gualdron Duarte, J. L., Solé, M., Zhang, J., Gori, A.-S., Hubin, X., Henrotte, E., & Druet, T. (04 December 2020). Estimation of genetic parameters and GWAS for semen production traits in Belgian Blue cattle [Paper presentation]. EAAP annual meeting. |
Lee, Y.-L., Takeda, H., Costa Monteiro Moreira, G., Karim, L., Bosse, M., Bouwan, A., Mullaart, E., Coppieters, W., Georges, M., Druet, T., & Charlier, C. (02 December 2020). Fine resolution CNV catalogue from deeply sequenced cattle genomes [Paper presentation]. EAAP annual meeting. |
Cardoso Esteves, S. M., Iacono, F., Jadoul, A., Banneux, S., Cardol, P., Druet, T., Hanikenne, M., & Houet, R. (Other coll.). (17 November 2020). A MAGIC design to study metal homeostasis in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Poster presentation]. EMBL Conference: From functional genomics to systems biology. |
Druet, T., & Legarra, A. (2020). Theoretical and empirical comparisons of expected and realized relationships for the X-chromosome. Genetics, Selection, Evolution, 52 (1), 50. doi:10.1186/s12711-020-00570-6 |
Druet, T., Oleński, K., Flori, L., Bertrand, A., Olech, W., Tokarska, M., Kaminski, S., & Gautier, M. (2020). Genomic Footprints of Recovery in the European Bison. Journal of Heredity, 111 (2), 194-203. doi:10.1093/jhered/esaa002 |
Gualdron Duarte, J. L., Gori, A.-S., Hubin, X., Lourenco, D., Charlier, C., Misztal, I., & Druet, T. (2020). Performances of Adaptive MultiBLUP, Bayesian regressions, and weighted-GBLUP approaches for genomic predictions in Belgian Blue beef cattle. BMC Genomics, 21 (1), 545. doi:10.1186/s12864-020-06921-3 |
Zhang, J., Kadri, N. K., Mullaart, E., Spelman, R., Fritz, S., Boichard, D., Charlier, C., Georges, M., & Druet, T. (2020). Genetic architecture of individual variation in recombination rate on the X chromosome in cattle. Heredity, 125 (5), 304-316. doi:10.1038/s41437-020-0341-9 |
Gualdron Duarte, J. L., Gori, A.-S., Hubin, X., Charlier, C., & Druet, T. (30 August 2019). Exploring different strategies to implement a weighted single-step GBLUP in Belgian Blue beef cattle [Paper presentation]. 70th annual meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Gent, Belgium. |
Alemu, S., Kadri, N., Charlier, C., & Druet, T. (27 August 2019). Benchmarking inbreeding coefficient estimators with a whole-genome sequenced Holstein pedigree [Paper presentation]. 70th EAAP Annual Meeting, Ghent, Belgium. |
Iacono, F., Cardoso Esteves, S. M., Houet, R., Jadoul, A., Druet, T., Hanikenne, M., & Cardol, P. (21 July 2019). Genetic Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) involved in photosynthesis in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Poster presentation]. From the Biophysics of Natural and Artificial Photosynthesis to Bioenergy Conversion, Newry, ME, United States. |
Cardoso Esteves, S. M., Iacono, F., Jadoul, A., Cardol, P., Druet, T., & Hanikenne, M. (2019). A MAGIC design to examine metal homeostasis in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Paper presentation]. Transport, localization and complexation of metals in hyperaccumilating plants (LOCOMET), Lille, France. |
Cardoso Esteves, S. M., Iacono, F., Jadoul, A., Cardol, P., Druet, T., & Hanikenne, M. (07 February 2019). Identification of genetic variants affecting mineral nutrition in a MAGIC Chlamydomonas reinhardtii design [Poster presentation]. 3rd InBiosDay. |
Iacono, F., Cardoso Esteves, S. M., Jadoul, A., Druet, T., Hanikenne, M., & Cardol, P. (07 February 2019). Genetic Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) involved in photosynthesis in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Poster presentation]. 3rd InBioS day. |
Bertrand, A., Kadri, N. K., Flori, L., Gautier, M., & Druet, T. (2019). RZooRoH: An R package to characterize individual genomic autozygosity and identify homozygous-by-descent segments. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 10 (6), 860-866. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13167 |
Faux, P., Geurts, P., & Druet, T. (2019). A Random Forests Framework for Modeling Haplotypes as Mosaics of Reference Haplotypes. Frontiers in Genetics, 10, 562. doi:10.3389/fgene.2019.00562 |
Druet, T., Flori, L., Olénski, K., Tokarska, M., Kaminski, S., & Gautier, M. (15 December 2018). On the path to recovery : characterizing inbreeding in the European Bison with a model-based approach [Paper presentation]. ZOOLOGY 2018 – Zoology in the Anthropocene, Antwerpen, Belgium. |
Druet, T., Flori, L., Bertrand, A., Olénski, K., Tokarska, M., Kaminski, S., & Gautier, M. (07 December 2018). On the path to recovery: characterizing inbreeding in the European Bison with a model-based approach [Paper presentation]. Séminaire thèse Rajesh Joshi, Äs, Norway. |
Cardoso Esteves, S. M., Iacono, F., Jadoul, A., Druet, T., & Hanikenne, M. (2018). A MAGIC design to study photosynthesis and nutrient homeostasis in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Paper presentation]. BEES Young Scientists Day, Maasmechelen, Belgium. |
Druet, T., & Gautier, M. (29 August 2018). A model-based approach to characterize individual autozygosity at both global and local genomic scales [Paper presentation]. 69th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Dubrovnik, Croatia. |
Kadri, N. K., Harland, C., Charlier, C., Karim, L., Cambisano, N., Deckers, M., Mullaart, E., Coppieters, W., Georges, M., & Druet, T. (2018). High resolution mapping of cross-over events in cattle using NGS data. In Proceedings of the World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. |
Druet, T., & Gautier, M. (October 2017). A model-based approach to characterize individual inbreeding at both global and local genomic scales. Molecular Ecology, 26, 5820-5841. doi:10.1111/mec.14324 |
Druet, T., Sartelet, A., Hubin, X., Tamma, N., Georges, M., & Charlier, C. (August 2017). Identification and management of recessive genetic defects in Belgian Blue beef cattle [Paper presentation]. 68th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Tallinn, Estonia. |
Sole Berga, M., Gori, A.-S., Faux, P., Gautier, M., & Druet, T. (August 2017). Estimation and characterization of individual genomic inbreeding in Belgian Blue beef cattle [Paper presentation]. 68th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Tallinn, Estonia. |
Faux, P., & Druet, T. (2017). A strategy to improve phasing of whole-genome sequenced individuals through integration of familial information from dense genotype panels. Genetics, Selection, Evolution, 49 (1), 46. doi:10.1186/s12711-017-0321-6 |
Hess, M., Druet, T., Hess, A., & Garrick, D. (2017). Fixed-length haplotypes can improve genomic prediction accuracy in an admixed dairy cattle population. Genetics, Selection, Evolution, 49 (1), 54. doi:10.1186/s12711-017-0329-y |
Sole Berga, M., Gori, A.-S., Faux, P., Bertrand, A., Farnir, F., Gautier, M., & Druet, T. (2017). Age-based partitioning of individual genomic inbreeding levels in Belgian Blue cattle. Genetics, Selection, Evolution, 49 (1), 92. doi:10.1186/s12711-017-0370-x |
Charlier, C., Li, W., Harland, C., Littlejohn, M., Coppieters, W., Creagh, F., Davis, S., Druet, T., Faux, P., Guillaume, F., Karim, L., Keehan, M., Kadri, N. K., Tamma, N., Spelman, R., & Georges, M. (19 September 2016). NGS- based reverse genetic screen for common embryonic lethal mutations compromising fertility in livestock. Genome Research, 26:1-9. doi:10.1101/gr.207076.116 |
Druet, T., & Gautier, M. (29 August 2016). A hidden Markov model to estimate inbreeding from whole genome sequence data [Paper presentation]. 67th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Belfast, United Kingdom. |
Kadri, N. K., Harland, C., Faux, P., Cambisano, N., Karim, L., Coppieters, W., Fritz, S., Mullaart, E., Boichard, D., Spelman, R., Charlier, C., Georges, M., & Druet, T. (15 June 2016). Sequence-based association analysis identifies coding and non-coding variants in HFM1, MLH3, MSH4, MSH5, RNF212 and RNF212B with large effects on male and female recombination rate in cattle [Poster presentation]. 5th International Congress on Quantitative Genetics, Madison, United States. |
Kadri, N. K., Harland, C., Faux, P., Cambisano, Karim, L., Coppieters, W., Fritz, S., Mullaart, E., Boichard, D., Spelman, R., Charlier, C., Georges, M., & Druet, T. (11 May 2016). HIGHER MALE THAN FEMALE RECOMBINATION RATE LARGELY CONTROLLED BY MISSENSE VARIANTS IN RNF212, MLH3, HFM1, MSH5 AND MSH4 IN CATTLE [Poster presentation]. Cold Spring Harbor meetings: the biology of genomes. |
Druet, T. (30 March 2016). Genetic architecture of male and female recombination rate in cattle [Paper presentation]. Zodiac Seminar, Wageningen, Netherlands. |
Kadri, N. K., Harland, C., Faux, P., Cambisano, N., Karim, L., Coppieters, W., Fritz, S., Mullaart, E., Baurain, D., Boichard, D., Spelman, R., Charlier, C., Georges, M., & Druet, T. (2016). Coding and noncoding variants in HFM1, MLH3, MSH4, MSH5, RNF212, and RNF212B affect recombination rate in cattle. Genome Research, 26 (10), 1323-1332. doi:10.1101/gr.204214.116 |
Murgiano, L., Waluk, D. P., Towers, R., Wiedemar, N., Dietrich, J., Jagannathan, V., Drogemuller, M., Balmer, P., Druet, T., Galichet, A., Penedo, M. C., Muller, E. J., Roosje, P., Welle, M. M., & Leeb, T. (2016). An Intronic MBTPS2 Variant Results in a Splicing Defect in Horses with Brindle Coat Texture. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 6 (9), 2963-70. doi:10.1534/g3.116.032433 |
Druet, T. (23 October 2015). Higher male than female recombination rate in cattle is controlled by genetic variants effective in both sexes [Paper presentation]. Interuniversity Institute of Bioinformatics in Brussels (IB2) seminar. |
Kadri, N. K., Harland, C., Coppieters, W., Fritz, S., Boichard, D., Spelman, R., Schrooten, C., Mullaart, E., Charlier, C., Georges, M., & Druet, T. (05 May 2015). Higher male than female recombination rate in cattle is controlled by genetic variants effective in both sexes [Poster presentation]. Cold Spring Harbord meeting - The biology of genomes. |
Kadri, N. K., Harland, C., Coppieters, W., Fritz, S., Boichard, D., Spelman, R., Schrooten, C., Mullaart, E., Charlier, C., Georges, M., & Druet, T. (February 2015). Scanning the genome for QTL affecting the recombination process in the male and female cattle germline [Poster presentation]. Gordon Research Conference: Quantitative Genetics & Genomics, Lucca, Italy. |
Druet, T., & Georges, M. (2015). LINKPHASE3: an improved pedigree-based phasing algorithm robust to genotyping and map errors. Bioinformatics, 31 (10), 1677-9. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btu859 |
Sartelet, A.* , Li, W.* , Pailhoux, E., Richard, C., Tamma, N., Karim, L., Fasquelle, C., Druet, T., Coppieters, W., Georges, M., & Charlier, C. (2015). Genome-wide next-generation DNA and RNA sequencing reveals a mutation that perturbs splicing of the phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class H gene (PIGH) and causes arthrogryposis in Belgian Blue cattle. BMC Genomics, 16 (316). doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1528-y * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Druet, T., Ahariz, N., Cambisano, N., Tamma, N., Michaux, C., Coppieters, W., Charlier, C., & Georges, M. (17 October 2014). Selection in action: dissecting the molecular underpinnings of the increasing muscle mass of Belgian Blue Cattle [Paper presentation]. First FARAH-day. |
Druet, T., & Georges, M. (22 August 2014). Pedigree-based haplotype reconstruction, identification of cross-overs and detection of map and genotyping errors using PHASEBOOK [Paper presentation]. 10 th World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. |
Kadri, N. K., Sahana, G., Guldbrandtsen, B., Lund, M. S., & Druet, T. (June 2014). Efficiency of haplotype-based methods to fine-map QTLs and embryonic lethal variants affecting fertility: Illustration with a deletion segregating in Nordic Red cattle. Livestock Science, 166, 167-175. doi:10.1016/j.livsci.2014.04.030 |
Druet, T., Ahariz, N., Cambisano, N., Tamma, N., Michaux, C., Coppieters, W., Charlier, C., & Georges, M. (2014). Selection in action: dissecting the molecular underpinnings of the increasing muscle mass of Belgian Blue Cattle. BMC Genomics, 15 (1), 796. doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-796 |
Druet, T., Macleod, I. M., & Hayes, B. J. (January 2014). Toward genomic prediction from whole-genome sequence data: impact of sequencing design on genotype imputation and accuracy of predictions. Heredity, 112 (1), 39-47. doi:10.1038/hdy.2013.13 |
Hayes, B. J., Daetwyler, H. D., Bowman, P. J., Chamberlian, A., Vander Jagt, C., Capitan, A., Pausch, H., Stothard, P., Liao, X., Schrooten, C., Mullaart, E., Fries, R., Guldbrandtsen, B., Lund, M. S., Boichard, D., Veerkamp, R. F., VanTassell, C. P., Gredler, B., Druet, T., ... Goddard, M. E. (2014). Genomic prediction from whole genome sequence in livestock: the 1000 bull genomes project. In Proceedings from the 10th World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. American Society of Animal Science. |
Kumar Kadri, N., Sahana, G., Charlier, C., Iso-Touru, T., Guldbrandtsen, B., Karim, L., Sander Nielsen, U., Panitz, F., Pedersen Aamand, G., Schulman, N., Georges, M., Vilkki, J., Sandø Lund, M., & Druet, T. (January 2014). A 660-Kb Deletion with Antagonistic Effects on Fertility and Milk Production Segregates at High Frequency in Nordic Red Cattle: Additional Evidence for the Common Occurrence of Balancing Selection in Livestock. PLoS Genetics, 10 (1), 1004049. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1004049 |
Sartelet, A.* , Stauber, T.* , Coppieters, W., Ludwig, C. F., Fasquelle, C., Druet, T., Zhang, Z., Ahariz, N., Cambisano, N., Jentsch, T. J., & Charlier, C. (January 2014). A missense mutation accelerating the gating of the lysosomal Cl-/H+-exchanger ClC-7/Ostm1 causes osteopetrosis with gingival hamartomas in cattle. Disease Models and Mechanisms, 7, 119-128. doi:10.1242/dmm.012500 * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Schrooten, C., Dassonneville, R., Ducrocq, V., Brondum, R. F., Lund, M. S., Chen, J., Liu, Z., Gonzalez-Recio, O., Pena, J., & Druet, T. (2014). Error rate for imputation from the Illumina BovineSNP50 chip to the Illumina BovineHD chip. Genetics, Selection, Evolution, 46 (1), 10. doi:10.1186/1297-9686-46-10 |
Sartelet, A., Li, W., Pailhoux Eric, Tamma, N., Karim, L., Fasquelle, C., Druet, T., Coppieters, W., Georges, M., & Charlier, C. (2013). A splice-acceptor site variant in the bovine PIGH gene causes glycosylphosphatidyl inositol deficiency and lethal arthrogryposis syndrome. In C. Bayrou, J.-F. Cabaraux, C. Delguste, T. Jauniaux, A. Sartelet, ... D. Votion (Eds.), Proccedings of the 3rd Scientific Meetingof the Faculty of Veterinary Medecine (pp. 27). Liège, Belgium: Presses de la Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire. |
Sartelet, A., Li, W., Pailhoux, E., Tamma, N., Karim, L., Fasquelle, C., Druet, T., Coppieters, W., Georges, M., & Charlier, C. (29 August 2013). A splice-acceptor site variant in the bovine PIGH gene causes glycosylphosphatidyl inositol deficiency and lethal arthrogryposis syndrome [Poster presentation]. Buiatrissima - 8th ECBHM Symposium, Berne, Switzerland. |
Druet, T., & Farnir, F. (2013). Use of ancestral haplotypes in Genome Wide Association Studies. In C. Gondro, J. van der Werf, ... B. Hayes (Eds.), Genome-Wide Association Studies and Genomic Prediction (pp. 347-380). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-1-62703-447-0_15 |
Druet, T., Ahariz, N., Cambisano, N., Géron, S., Coppieters, W., Charlier, C., & Georges, M. (February 2013). Scan for selective sweeps associated with muscular devolpment in Belgian Blue beef cattle [Poster presentation]. The Quantitative Genetics & Genomics Gordon Research Conference. |
Sartelet, A., Li, W., Pailhoux, E., Tamma, N., Karim, L., Fasquelle, C., Druet, T., Coppieters, W., Georges, M., & Charlier, C. (28 January 2013). A splice-acceptor site variant in the bovine PIGH gene causes glycosylphosphatidyl inositol deficiency and lethal arthrogryposis syndrome [Poster presentation]. GIGA-DAY, Liège, Belgium. |
Druet, T., Perez-Pardal, L., Charlier, C., & Gautier, M. (2013). Identification of large selective sweeps associated with major genes in cattle. Animal Genetics, 44 (6), 758-62. doi:10.1111/age.12073 |
Sartelet, A., Stauber, T., Coppieters, W., Fasquelle, C., Druet, T., Zhang, Z., Ahariz, N., Cambisano, N., Jentsch, T., Georges, M., & Charlier, C. (19 October 2012). A missense mutation in the ClC-7 chloride channel causes hamartomas with osteopetrosis in cattle [Paper presentation]. 2nd FMC Scientific day, Liège, Belgium. |
Guillaume, F., Zhang, Z., Sartelet, A., Charlier, C., Georges, M., Farnir, F., & Druet, T. (20 June 2012). Development of a method for haplotype-based association analysis of binary traits in structured populations [Poster presentation]. 4th International Conference on Quantitative Genetics: Understanding Variation in Complex Traits, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. |
Sartelet, A., Stauber, T., Druet, T., Fasquelle, C., Tamma, N., Ahariz, N., Cambisano, N., Coppieters, W., Jentsch, T., & Georges, M. (05 June 2012). A missense mutation in the ClC-7 chloride channel causes hamartomas with osteopetrosis in cattle [Paper presentation]. XXVIIth Wolrd Buiatrics Congress, Lisbonne, Portugal. |
Zhang, Z., Guillaume, F., Sartelet, A., Charlier, C., Georges, M., Farnir, F., & Druet, T. (June 2012). Ancestral haplotype-based association mapping with generalized linear mixed models accounting for stratification. Bioinformatics, 28 (19), 2467-2473. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bts348 |
Sartelet, A., Druet, T., Michaux, C., Fasquelle, C., Geron, S., Tamma, N., Zhang, Z., Coppieters, W., Georges, M., & Charlier, C. (15 March 2012). A splice site variant in the bovine RNF11 gene compromises growth and regulation of the inflammatory response. PLoS Genetics, 15 (3), 1002581. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1002581 |
Durkin, K., Coppieters, W., Drogemuller, C., Ahariz, N., Cambisano, N., Druet, T., Fasquelle, C., Haile, A., Horin, P., Huang, L., Kamatani, Y., Karim, L., Lathrop, M., Moser, S., Oldenbroek, K., Rieder, S., Sartelet, A., Solkner, J., Stalhammar, H., ... Charlier, C. (02 February 2012). Serial translocation by means of circular intermediates underlies colour sidedness in cattle. Nature, 482 (7383), 81-4. doi:10.1038/nature10757 |
Boichard, D., Guillaume, F., Baur, A., Croiseau, P., Rossignol, M., Boscher, M., Druet, T., Genestout, L., Colleau, J., Journaux, L., Ducrocq, V., & Fritz, S. (2012). Genomic selection in French dairy cattle. Animal Production Science, 52 (12), 115-120. doi:10.1071/AN11119 |
Druet, T., MacLeod, I., & Hayes, B. (2012). Impact of sequencing design on missing marker imputation and genomic selection in cattle [Poster presentation]. 4th International Conference on Quantitative Genetics: Understanding Variation in Complex Traits. |
Frkonja, A., Druet, T., Gredler, B., Curik, I., & Sölkner, J. (2012). Estimating age of admixture in a cattle population based on SNP chip data. Acta Agriculturae Slovenica, 100 (SUPPL.3), 115-119. |
Mulder, H. A., Calus, M. P. L., Druet, T., & Schrooten, C. (2012). Imputation of genotypes with low-density chips and its effect on reliability of direct genomic values in Dutch Holstein cattle. Journal of Dairy Science, 95 (2), 876-89. doi:10.3168/jds.2011-4490 |
Sandor, C., Li, W., Coppieters, W., Druet, T., Charlier, C., & Georges, M. (2012). Genetic variants in REC8, RNF212, and PRDM9 influence male recombination in cattle. PLoS Genetics, 8 (7), 1002854. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1002854 |
Ytournel, F., Teyssèdre, S., Roldan, D., Erbe, M., Simianer, H., Boichard, D., Gilbert, H., Druet, T., & Legarra, A. (2012). LDSO: A program to simulate pedigrees and molecular information under various evolutionary forces. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 129 (5), 417-421. doi:10.1111/j.1439-0388.2011.00986.x |
Sartelet, A., Druet, T., Michaux, C., Fasquelle, C., Géron, S., Tamma, N., Zhang, Z., Coppieters, W., Georges, M., & Charlier, C. (09 December 2011). A splice site mutation in the bovine RNF11 gene is responsible of growth retardation and increased susceptibility to inflammatory diseases [Paper presentation]. 1st FMV Scientific Day, Liège, Belgium. |
Sartelet, A., Druet, T., Zhang, Z., Michaux, C., Fasquelle, C., Géron, S., Coppieters, W., Georges, M., & Charlier, C. (10 October 2011). A splice site mutation in the bovine RNF11 gene is responsible of growth retardation and increased susceptibility to inflammatory diseases [Poster presentation]. 4th International Symposium on Animal Functional Genomics, Dublin, Ireland. |
de Roos, A. P. W., Schrooten, C., & Druet, T. (September 2011). Genomic breeding value estimation using genetic markers, inferred ancestral haplotypes, and the genomic relationship matrix. Journal of Dairy Science, 94 (9), 4708-4714. doi:10.3168/jds.2010-3905 |
Dassonneville, R., Brondum, R. F., Druet, T., Fritz, S., Guillaume, F., Guldbrandtsen, B., Lund, M. S., Ducrocq, V., & Su, G. (2011). Effect of imputing markers from a low-density chip on the reliability of genomic breeding values in Holstein populations. Journal of Dairy Science, 94 (7), 3679-86. doi:10.3168/jds.2011-4299 |
Druet, T. (2011). A hidden Markov model combining linkage and linkage disequilibrium information for fine-mapping studies [Paper presentation]. QTL-MAS Workshop, Rennes, France. |
Druet, T., & Farnir, F. (2011). Modeling of Identity-by-Descent Processes Along a Chromosome Between Haplotypes and Their Genotyped Ancestors. Genetics, 188 (2), 409-419. doi:10.1534/genetics.111.127720 |
Dupuis, M.-C., Zhang, Z., Druet, T., Denoix, J.-M., Charlier, C., Lekeux, P., & Georges, M. (2011). Results of a haplotype-based GWAS for recurrent laryngeal neuropathy in the horse. Mammalian Genome. doi:10.1007/s00335-011-9337-3 |
Karim, L.* , Takeda, H.* , Lin, L.* , Druet, T.* , Arias, J. A. C., Baurain, D., Cambisano, N., Davis, S. R., Farnir, F., Grisart, B., Harris, B. L., Keehan, M. D., Littlejohn, M. D., Spelman, R. J., Georges, M.* , & Coppieters, W.*. (2011). Variants modulating the expression of a chromosome domain encompassing PLAG1 influence bovine stature. Nature Genetics, 43 (5), 405-13. doi:10.1038/ng.814 * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Lund, M. S., de Ross, S. P., de Vries, A. G., Druet, T., Ducrocq, V., Fritz, S., Guillaume, F., Guldbrandtsen, B., Liu, Z., Reents, R., Schrooten, C., Seefried, F., & Su, G. (2011). A common reference population from four European Holstein populations increases reliability of genomic predictions. Genetics, Selection, Evolution, 43 (1), 43. doi:10.1186/1297-9686-43-43 |
Cierco-Ayrolles, C., Dejean, S., Legarra, A., Gilbert, H., Druet, T., Ytournel, F., Estivals, D., & Mangin, B. (22 October 2010). Does probabilistic modelling of linkage disequilibrium evolution improve the accuracy of QTL location in animal pedigree? Genetics, Selection, Evolution, 42, 38. doi:10.1186/1297-9686-42-38 |
Sartelet, A., Druet, T., Coppieters, W., Georges, M., & Charlier, C. (April 2010). Towards positional identification of susceptibility loci for White Heifer disease in Belgian Blue Cattle (poster). New Biotechnology, 27 (Supplement 1), 79. |
Boichard, D., Guillaume, F., Baur, A., Croiseau, P., Rossignol, M. N., Boscher, M. Y., Druet, T., Genestout, L., Eggen, A., Journaux, L., Ducrocq, V., & Fritz, S. (2010). GENOMIC SELECTION IN FRENCH DAIRY CATTLE. In Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. |
Druet, T. (2010). Integration of data from different marker panels: current applications in human genetics. Interbull Bulletin. |
Druet, T., & Georges, M. (2010). A hidden markov model combining linkage and linkage disequilibrium information for haplotype reconstruction and quantitative trait locus fine mapping. Genetics, 184 (3), 789-98. doi:10.1534/genetics.109.108431 |
Druet, T., Schrooten, C., & de Roos, A. P. W. (2010). IN SILICO GENOTYPING OF THOUSANDS OF SNP IN DAIRY CATTLE FOR THE EUROGENOMICS PROJECT. In Proceedings of the 9th World Congress oN Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. |
Druet, T., Schrooten, C., & de Roos, A. P. W. (2010). Imputation of genotypes from different single nucleotide polymorphism panels in dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science, 93 (11), 5443-54. doi:10.3168/jds.2010-3255 |
Druet, T., Zhang, Z., Coppieters, W., Mulder, H. A., Calus, M. P. L., Mullaart, E., Schrooten, C., de Roos, A. P. W., & Georges, M. (2010). Genotyping panels available in cattle and their properties. In Book of Abstracts of the 61st Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production. |
Lund, M. S., de Roos, A. P. W., de Vries, A. G., Druet, T., Ducrocq, V., Fritz, S., Guillaume, F., Guldbrandtsen, B., Liu, Z., Reents, R., Schrooten, C., Seefried, M., & Su, G. (2010). IMPROVING GENOMIC PREDICTION BY EUROGENOMICS COLLABORATION. In Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. |
Rosendo, A., Druet, T., Pery, C., & Bidanel, J.-P. (2010). Correlative responses for carcass and meat quality traits to selection for ovulation rate or prenatal survival in French Large White pigs. Journal of Animal Science, 88 (3), 903-11. doi:10.2527/jas.2009-2326 |
Zhang, Z., & Druet, T. (2010). Marker imputation with low-density marker panels in Dutch Holstein cattle. Journal of Dairy Science, 93 (11), 5487-94. doi:10.3168/jds.2010-3501 |
Zhang, Z., Georges, M., & Druet, T. (2010). PREDICTION OF MISSING MARKERS WITH LOW DENSITY MARKER PANELS IN DAIRY CATTLE. In Proceedings of the 9th World Congress oN Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. |
Coppieters, W., Mes, T. H. M., Druet, T., Farnir, F., Tamma, N., Schrooten, C., Cornelissen, A. W. C. A., Georges, M., & Ploeger, H. W. (2009). Mapping QTL influencing gastrointestinal nematode burden in Dutch Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle. BMC Genomics, 10, 96. doi:10.1186/1471-2164-10-96 |
Druet, T., Fritz, S., Sellem, E., Basso, B., Gerard, O., Salas-Cortes, L., Humblot, P., Druart, X., & Eggen, A. (2009). Estimation of genetic parameters and genome scan for 15 semen characteristics traits of Holstein bulls. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 126 (4), 269-77. doi:10.1111/j.1439-0388.2008.00788.x |
Fasquelle, C.* , Sartelet, A.* , Li, W., Dive, M., Tamma, N., Michaux, C., Druet, T., Huijbers, I. J., Isacke, C. M., Coppieters, W., Georges, M., & Charlier, C. (2009). Balancing selection of a frame-shift mutation in the MRC2 gene accounts for the outbreak of the Crooked Tail Syndrome in Belgian Blue Cattle. PLoS Genetics, 5 (9), 1000666. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1000666 * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Ben Jemaa, S., Fritz, S., Guillaum, F., Druet, T., Denis, C., Eggen, A., & Gautier, M. (2008). Detection of quantitative trait loci affecting non-return rate in French dairy cattle. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 125 (4), 280-8. doi:10.1111/j.1439-0388.2008.00744.x |
Colleau, J. J., Fritz, S., Ponsart, C., Le Bourhis, D., Lacaze, S., Tissier, M., Mervant, G., Amigues, Druet, T., Malafosse, A., Boichard, D., & Humblot, P. (2008). Intérêt du typage des embryons dans un programme de sélection assistée par marqueurs en bovins laitiers. In Renc. Rech. Ruminants, 2008, 15 (pp. 427-430). |
Druet, T., Coppieters, W., Farnir, F., & Georges, M. (2008). Large-scale haplotype reconstruction using pedigree information and a Hidden Markov Model [Poster presentation]. XX International Congress of Genetics, Berlin, Germany. |
Druet, T., Fritz, S., Boussaha, M., Ben-Jemaa, S., Guillaume, F., Derbala, D., Zelenika, D., Lechner, D., Charon, C., Boichard, D., Gut, I. G., Eggen, A., & Gautier, M. (2008). Fine mapping of quantitative trait loci affecting female fertility in dairy cattle on BTA03 using a dense single-nucleotide polymorphism map. Genetics, 178 (4), 2227-35. doi:10.1534/genetics.107.085035 |
Duchesne, A., Manciaux, L., Gautier, M., Floriot, S., Grohs, C., Fritz, S., Druet, T., Schelcher, F., Ducos, A., & Eggen, A. (2008). A Generalized Caprine-like Hypoplasia Syndrome is localized within a 6-cM interval on bovine chromosome 13 in the Montbeliarde breed. Animal Genetics, 39 (2), 112-20. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2052.2007.01688.x |
Guillaume, F., Fritz, S., Boichard, D., & Druet, T. (2008). Short communication: correlations of marker-assisted breeding values with progeny-test breeding values for eight hundred ninety-nine French Holstein bulls. Journal of Dairy Science, 91 (6), 2520-2. doi:10.3168/jds.2007-0829 |
Guillaume, F., Fritz, S., Boichard, D., & Druet, T. (2008). Estimation by simulation of the efficiency of the French marker-assisted selection program in dairy cattle. Genetics, Selection, Evolution, 40 (1), 91-102. doi:10.1051/gse:2007036 |
Leclerc, H., Duclos, D., Barbat, A., Druet, T., & Ducrcoq, V. (2008). Environmental effects on lactation curves included in a test-day model genetic evaluation. Animal, 2:3, 344-353. doi:10.1017/S175173110700119X |
Tribout, T., Iannuccelli, N., Druet, T., Gilbert, H., Riquet, J., Gueblez, R., Mercat, M.-J., Bidanel, J.-P., Milan, D., & Le Roy, P. (2008). Detection of quantitative trait loci for reproduction and production traits in Large White and French Landrace pig populations. Genetics, Selection, Evolution, 40 (1), 61-78. doi:10.1051/gse:2007035 |
Druet, T., Basso, B., Sellem, E., Salas-Cortes, L., Humblot, P., Druart, X., & Fritz, S. (2007). QTL detection for male fertility traits in dairy cattle. In Book of abstracts from the 58th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production. |
Fritz, S., Druet, T., Guillaume, F., Malafosse, A., Boscher, M. Y., Eggen, A., Gautier, M., Colleau, J. J., & Boichard, D. (2007). Bilan du programme de Sélection Assistée par Marqueurs dans les trois principales races bovines laitières françaises et perspectives d’évolution. In Renc. Rech. Ruminants, 2007, 14. |
Gautier, M., Capitan, A., Fritz, S., Eggen, A., Boichard, D., & Druet, T. (2007). Characterization of the DGAT1 K232A and variable number of tandem repeat polymorphisms in French dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science, 90 (6), 2980-8. doi:10.3168/jds.2006-707 |
Guillaume, F., Fritz, S., Boichard, D., & Druet, T. (2007). Use of SNP for marker assisted selection in French dairy cattle. In Book of abstracts from the 58th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production. |
Guillaume, F., Gautier, M., Ben Jemaa, S., Fritz, S., Eggen, A., Boichard, D., & Druet, T. (2007). Refinement of two female fertility QTL using alternative phenotypes in French Holstein dairy cattle. Animal Genetics, 38 (1), 72-4. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2052.2006.01542.x |
Larroque, H., Gallard, Y., Delacroix-Buchet, A., Bach, C., Ogier, J. C., Mahe, M. F., Miranda, G., Gautier, M., Grohs, C., Legros, H., Druet, T., Colleau, J. J., & Boichard, D. (2007). Détection de QTL influençant l’aptitude à la transformation fromagère des laits dans un croisement Holstein Normande. In Renc. Rech. Ruminants, 2007, 14. |
Rosendo, A., Canario, L., Druet, T., Gogue, J., & Bidanel, J. P. (2007). Correlated responses of pre- and postweaning growth and backfat thickness to six generations of selection for ovulation rate or prenatal survival in French Large White pigs. Journal of Animal Science, 85 (12), 3209-17. doi:10.2527/jas.2007-0106 |
Rosendo, A., Druet, T., Gogue, J., & Bidanel, J. P. (2007). Direct responses to six generations of selection for ovulation rate or prenatal survival in Large White pigs. Journal of Animal Science, 85 (2), 356-64. doi:10.2527/jas.2006-507 |
Rosendo, A., Druet, T., Gogue, J., Canario, L., & Bidanel, J. P. (2007). Correlated responses for litter traits to six generations of selection for ovulation rate or prenatal survival in French Large White pigs. Journal of Animal Science, 85 (7), 1615-24. doi:10.2527/jas.2006-690 |
Boichard, D., Fritz, S., Rossignol, M. N., Guillaume, F., Colleau, J. J., & Druet, T. (2006). Implementation of marker-assisted selection: practical lessons from dairy cattle. In Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. |
Druet, T., & Ducrocq, V. (2006). Innovations in software packages in quantitative genetics. In Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. |
Druet, T., Fritz, S., Boichard, D., & Colleau, J. J. (2006). Estimation of genetic parameters for quantitative trait loci for dairy traits in the French Holstein population. Journal of Dairy Science, 89 (10), 4070-6. doi:10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(06)72451-1 |
Druet, T., Fritz, S., & Gautier, M. (2006). La sélection assistée par marqueurs: un apport de la génomique pour la sélection en bovins laitiers. In Onzième Carrefour des productions animales. |
Gautier, M., Barcelona, R. R., Fritz, S., Grohs, C., Druet, T., Boichard, D., Eggen, A., & Meuwissen, T. H. E. (2006). Fine mapping and physical characterization of two linked quantitative trait loci affecting milk fat yield in dairy cattle on BTA26. Genetics, 172 (1), 425-36. doi:10.1534/genetics.105.046169 |
Gautier, M., Druet, T., Fritz, S., Eggen, A., & Boichard, D. (2006). QTL fine-mapping: experience in French dairy cattle. In Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. |
Gengler, N., Wiggans, G. R., Thornton, L. L. M., Wright, J. R., & Druet, T. (2006). Accounting for heterogeneous variances in multitrait evaluation of Jersey type traits. Journal of Dairy Science, 89 (8), 3143-3151. doi:10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(06)72588-7 |
Leclerc, H., Druet, T., & Ducrocq, V. (2006). Exact validation of breeding value prediction software. In Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. |
Leclerc, H., Minery, S., Delaunay, I., Druet, T., Fikse, W. F., & Ducrocq, V. (2006). Estimation of genetic correlations among countries in international dairy sire evaluations with structural models. Journal of Dairy Science, 89 (5), 1792-803. doi:10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(06)72248-2 |
Rosendo, A., Bidanel, J. P., Druet, T., Caritez, J. C., Billon, Y., Milan, D., & Gilbert, H. (2006). Detection of Quantitative Trait Loci for sow reproduction traits using multivariate analyses. In Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. |
Tribout, T., Iannuccelli, N., Druet, T., Gilbert, H., Riquet, J., Gueblez, R., Mercat, M. J., Bidanel, J. P., Milan, D., & Le Roy, P. (2006). Detection of Quantitative Trait Loci for reproduction and production traits in Large White and French Landrace pig populations. In Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. |
Ytournel, F., Gilbert, H., Druet, T., & Boichard, D. (2006). Structure of linkage disequilibrium and length of IBD segments in simulated populations. In Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. |
Gengler, N., Wiggans, G. R., Thornton, L., Wright, J., & Druet, T. (July 2005). Accounting for heterogeneous variances in multi-trait evaluation of Jersey type traits. Journal of Dairy Science, 83/88 (Suppl. 1/ Suppl. 1), 11. |
Barbat, A., Bonaiti, B., Guillaume, F., Druet, T., Colleau, J. J., & Boichard, D. (2005). Bilan phénotypique de la fertilité à l’insémination artificielle dans les trois principales races laitières françaises. In Renc. Rech. Ruminants, 2005, 12. |
Basso, B., Fritz, S., Druet, T., Guillaume, F., Rossignol, M. N., Amigues, Y., Gabriel, R., Sellem, E., Salas-Cortes, L., Humblot, P., & Druart, X. (2005). Estimation de paramètres génétiques et détection de QTL liés à des caractères de fertilité mâle, de production de semence et de qualité de la semence chez le taureau laitier [Poster presentation]. Rencontres Recherches Ruminants, Paris, France. |
Druet, T., Fritz, S., Colleau, J. J., Gautier, M., Eggen, A., Rossignol, M. N., Boscher, M. Y., Malafosse, A., & Boichard, D. (2005). Genetic markers in breeding programs. In Proceeding of the 26th European Holstein and Red Holstein Conference. |
Druet, T., Jaffrezic, F., & Ducrocq, V. (2005). Estimation of genetic parameters for test day records of dairy traits in the first three lactations. Genetics, Selection, Evolution, 37 (3), 257-71. doi:10.1051/gse:2005001 |
Guillaume, F., Ben-Jemaa, S., Fritz, S., Druet, T., & Gautier, M. (2005). Développement d’indicateurs alternatifs de la fertilité femelle chez les bovins laitiers. Applications à la cartographie fine de QTL [Poster presentation]. Rencontres Recherches Ruminants, Paris, France. |
Colleau, J. J., Barbat, A., Boichard, D., Bonaiti, B., Briend, M., Druet, T., Fritz, S., Larroque, H., Moureaux, S., Regaldo, D., & Ducrocq, V. (2004). Selecting the Holstein breed for functional traits in France. |
Colleau, J. J., Fritz, S., Druet, T., Bechu, J., Laurent, Y., Humblot, P., Renard, J. P., & Boichard, D. (2004). Utilité des biotechnologies de la reproduction pour la sélection des bovins laitiers. In Renc. Rech. Ruminants, 2004, 11. |
Druet, T., Fritz, S., Malafosse, A., Eggen, A., Gautier, M., Grohs, C., Rossignol, M. N., Boscher, M. Y., Colleau, J. J., & boichard, D. (2004). Preliminary work for the use of linkage disequilibrium in French MAS program [Paper presentation]. 9th QTL/MAS workshop, Rostock, Germany. |
Druet, T., Fritz, S., Malafosse, A., Eggen, A., Gautier, M., Grohs, C., Rossignol, M. N., Boscher, M. Y., Colleau, J. J., & Boichard, D. (2004). Preliminary work for the use of linkage disequilibrium in French MAS program [Paper presentation]. 9th QTL/MAS Workshop, Rostock, Germany. |
Bormann, J., Wiggans, G. R., Druet, T., & Gengler, N. (2003). Within-herd effects of age at test day and lactation stage on test-day yields. Journal of Dairy Science, 86 (11), 3765-3774. doi:10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(03)73983-6 |
Druet, T., Jaffrezic, F., Boichard, D., & Ducrocq, V. (2003). Modeling lactation curves and estimation of genetic parameters for first lactation test-day records of French Holstein cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 86 (7), 2480-90. doi:10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(03)73842-9 |
Druet, T., Jaffrézic, F., & Ducrocq, V. (2003). Estimation of genetic parameters of test-day records for milk yield for the first three lactations of French Holstein cows. In Book of Abstracts of the 54th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production. |
Druet, T., Jaffrézic, F., & Ducrocq, V. (2003). Estimation of genetic parameters for test-day records of French Holstein cows with an AI-REML algorithm. In Abstracts from the 2003 ADSA/ASAS joint annual meeting. |
Ducrocq, V., & Druet, T. (2003). Advances in computing strategies for the solution of huge mixed model equations. In Book of Abstracts of the 54th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production. |
Fritz, S., Colleau, J. J., Druet, T., Boscher, M. Y., Rossignol, M. N., Malafosse, A., & Boichard, D. (2003). Mise en place d’une Sélection Assistée par Marqueurs dans les trois principales races bovines laitières françaises. In Renc. Rech. Ruminants, 2003, 10. |
Druet, T., Solkner, J., Misztal, I., & Gengler, N. (2002). On the value of incorporating dominance effects in genetic evaluation of dairy cattle. In Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Genetics Applied to LivestockProduction, Session 1 (pp. 1-4). |
Bormann, J., Wiggans, G. R., Druet, T., & Gengler, N. (2002). Estimating effects of permanent environment, lactation stage, age, and pregnancy on test-day yield. Journal of Dairy Science, 85 (1), 263. doi:10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(02)74076-9 |
Druet, T. (2002). Estimation of additive and dominance genetic variances with Method R [Doctoral thesis, ULiège. GxABT - Liège Université. Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/94968 |
Misztal, I., Tsuruta, S., Strabel, T., Auvray, B., Druet, T., & Lee, D. H. (2002). BLUPF90 and related programs (BGF90). In Proceedings from the 7th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. |
Wiggans, G. R., VanRaden, P. M., Bormann, J., Philpot, J. C., Druet, T., & Gengler, N. (January 2002). Deriving lactation yields from test-day yields adjusted for lactation stage, age, pregnancy, and herd test date. Journal of Dairy Science, 85 (1), 264.e1-264.e11. doi:10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(02)74077-0 |
Gengler, N., Wiggans, G. R., Wright, J. R., & Druet, T. (24 July 2001). Simultaneous accounting for heterogeneity of (co) variance components in genetic evaluation of type traits. Journal of Dairy Science, 79/84/80 (Suppl. 1/ Suppl. 1/ Suppl. 1), 247. |
Gengler, N., Dusseldorf, T., Wiggans, G. R., Wright, J. R., & Druet, T. (July 2001). Heterogeneity of (co)variance components for Jersey type traits. Journal of Dairy Science, 84 (7), 1772.e1-1772.e17. doi:10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(01)74613-9 |
Druet, T., Misztal, I., Duangjinda, M., Reverter, A., & Gengler, N. (2001). Estimation of genetic covariances with Method R. Journal of Animal Science, 79 (3), 605-615. doi:10.2527/2001.793605x |
Druet, T., Sölkner, J., Fürst, C., & Gengler, N. (2001). Estimation of additive genetic variance of reproduction traits in Austrian Simmental. Interbull Bulletin, 27, 128-132. |
Druet, T., Solkner, J., Groen, A. F., & Gengler, N. (2001). Additive and dominance genetic variance of fertility by method R and preconditioned conjugate gradient. Journal of Dairy Science, 84 (4), 987.e1-987.e16. doi:10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(01)74557-2 |
Duangjinda, M., Bertrand, K., Misztal, I., & Druet, T. (2001). Estimation of additive and nonadditive genetic variances in Hereford, Gelbvieh, and Charolais by Method R. Journal of Animal Science, 79 (12), 2997-3001. doi:10.2527/2001.79122997x |
Gengler, N., & Druet, T. (2001). Impact of biotechnology on animal breeding and genetic progress. In R. Renaville & A. Burny (Eds.), Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry. |
Bormann, J., Wiggans, G. R., Philpot, J. C., Druet, T., & Gengler, N. (24 July 2000). Estimation of variance components for cow and parity effects from test-day yields. Journal of Animal Science, 78/83 (Suppl. 1/ Suppl. 1), 63. |
Druet, T., Misztal, I., Duangjinda, M., Reverter, A., & Gengler, N. (July 2000). Covariance estimation with Method-R. Journal of Animal Science, 78/83 (Suppl. 1/ Suppl. 1), 56. |
Duangjinda, M., Druet, T., Misztal, I., & Bertrand, K. (2000). Estimation of non-additive genetic variances and maternal inbreeding depression in Canadian Herefords. In Abstracts from the 2000 ADSA/ASAS joint annual meeting. |
Gengler, N., Dusseldorf, T., Wiggans, G. R., Wright, J. R., & Druet, T. (2000). Multitrait genetic evaluation of Jersey type with integrated accounting for heterogeneous (co) variances. Interbull Bulletin, 25. |
Gengler, N., Dusseldorf, T., Wiggans, G. R., Wright, J. R., & Druet, T. (2000). Joint estimation of variances and effects in the US Jersey type evaluation system. Interbull Bulletin, 34, 34-40. |
Druet, T., Solkner, J., & Gengler, N. (September 1999). Use of multitrait evaluation procedures to improve reliability of early prediction of survival. Journal of Dairy Science, 82 (9), 2054.e1-2054.e16. doi:10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(99)75444-5 |
Druet, T., Sölkner, J., & Gengler, N. (1999). Use of Multiple-trait Across Country Evaluation (MACE) procedures to estimate genetic correlations in dual purpose Austrian Simmental. In Book of Abstracts of the 50th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production. |
Druet, T., Sölkner, J., Groen, A. F., & Gengler, N. (1999). Improved genetic evaluation of survival using MACE to combine direct and correlated information from yield and functional traits. Interbull Bulletin, 21, 122. |