Publications and communications of Sébastien Massart

Massart, S. (September 2024). "Into the wild " : from virus ecology in wild ecosystem to epidemics in crops [Paper presentation]. Conference Power of Virus 2024, Zadar, Croatia.

Fontdevila Pareta, N., Gailly, C., Blouin, A. G., Buchmann, B., Buenter, M., Candresse, T., Dubuis, N., Kutnjak, D., Lateur, M., Pecman, A., Steyer, S., & Massart, S. (2024). Virome scanning of pear germplasm collections identifies a new Velarivirus and extends the geographical spread of three other pear viruses. Phytobiomes Journal. doi:10.1094/pbiomes-03-24-0030-fi

Massé, D., Candresse, T., Filloux, D., Massart, S., Cassam, N., Hostachy, B., Marais, A., Fernandez, E., Roumagnac, P., Verdin, E., Teycheney, P.-Y., Lett, J.-M., & Lefeuvre, P. (16 July 2024). Characterization of Six Ampeloviruses Infecting Pineapple in Reunion Island Using a Combination of High-Throughput Sequencing Approaches. Viruses, 16 (7), 1146. doi:10.3390/v16071146

Bourak, K., Oulkhir, F. E., Maghnia, F. Z., Massart, S., Biskri, L., Jijakli, H., & Allaoui, A. (13 July 2024). A Comprehensive Approach Combining Short-Chain Polyphosphate and Bacterial Biostimulants for Effective Nutrient Solubilization and Enhanced Wheat Growth. Microorganisms, 12 (7), 1423. doi:10.3390/microorganisms12071423

Van Cranenbroeck, L., & Massart, S. (2024). Étudier les virus et les bactéries de la vigne en Belgique. Sillon Belge, (4121), p. 12.

Massart, S. (2024). Improving the sequencing of single-stranded DNA viruses: Another brick for building Earth's complete virome encyclopa. Peer Community in Genomics. doi:10.24072/pci.genomics.100335

Massart, S. (July 2024). Seed phytobiomes and high throughput sequencing: detecting reliably the Good, the Bad and the Ugly [Paper presentation]. Plant Health 2024, Memphis, United States.

Quievreux, M.* , De Clerck, C., Ongena, M., Jacques, P., Massart, S.* , & Delaplace, P.*. (27 June 2024). Towards a robust stimulation of plant growth with PGPR [Poster presentation]. One Health International Days, Lille, France.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Parisis, O., Stouvenakers, G., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (18 June 2024). Harnessing the complex microbiota of aquaponic systems for plant growth promotion [Poster presentation]. 5th Plant Microbiome Symposium, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Quievreux, M., Ongena, M., Jacques, P., De Clerck, C., Massart, S., & Delaplace, P. (21 May 2024). RootBoost: towards a robust stimulation of plant root growth [Poster presentation]. 75th International Symposium on Crop Protection, Gand, Belgium.

Maclot, F., Thys, E., & Massart, S. (02 May 2024). First report of Verbena latent virus infecting giant goldenrod in Belgium. New Disease Reports, 49 (2), 12277. doi:10.1002/ndr2.12277

Massart, S., & Van Cranenbroeck, L. (2024). Preserver les vignes belges avec le projet Vitibel.

Quievreux, M.* , Burgeon, C.* , Segers, A.* , Boubsi, F.* , Delaplace, P., Massart, S., Ongena, M., Deleu, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Jijakli, H., Francis, F., & Jacques, P. (11 April 2024). Analytical and technological platforms for the development of new biostimulants and biocontrol agents (PHENIX-BIOCONTROL_ULIEGE) [Poster presentation]. Wallonie S3 Forward: Agri-food chains of the future and innovative environmental strategies, Namur, Belgium.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Massart, S. (April 2024). "Into the wild" : de l'ecologie des phytovirus dans les écosystèmes naturels aux épidemies chez les plantes cultivées [Paper presentation]. XXVI ème Journées Francophones de Virologie, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Massart, S. (27 March 2024). Séquençage à haut débit pour la détection des maladies et ravageurs des plantes: du marécage des contaminations à une application fiable en diagnostic [Paper presentation]. Série de Séminaires de recherche sur les végétaux, par Teams, Canada.

Stouvenakers, G., Jijakli, H., & Massart, S. (25 January 2024). Biological control agent.

Massart, S. (2024). HTS from Research to Biosecurity asset, a European perspective [Paper presentation]. Free Online Workshop - Future of HTS Technologies in Biosecurity, Auckland, New Zealand.

Bourak, K., Jijakli, H., & Massart, S. (20 December 2023). Phosphorus Fertilization Impact on Wheat Microbiota: A Basis for Enhancing Plant Phosphorus Uptake with Microbial Support [Poster presentation]. The International Research and Innovation Seminar.

Temple, C., Blouin, A. G., Fontdevila Pareta, N., Steyer, S., & Massart, S. (2023). First report of Melon chlorotic spot virus in cultivated sorrel (Rumex acetosa) in Belgium. Plant Disease. doi:10.1094/PDIS-06-23-1155-PDN

Rollin, J., Rong, W., & Massart, S. (13 October 2023). Cont-ID: detection of sample cross-contamination in viral metagenomic data. BMC Biology, 21 (1), 217. doi:10.1186/s12915-023-01708-w

Stouvenakers, G., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (2023). Application of aquaponic microorganisms alone or in consortium as original biocontrol method of lettuce root rots in soilless culture. Acta Horticulturae, (1378), 289-294. doi:10.17660/actahortic.2023.1378.38

Bourak, K., Massart, S., Jijakli, H., & ALLAOUI Abdelmounaaim. (26 September 2023). Phosphorus fertilizer formulations, rhizo-compartments and growth stages distinctly shape the wheat microbiota structure [Paper presentation]. JDD, Benguerir, Morocco.

Vinogradova, S., Porotikova, E., Navrotskaya, E., Galbacs, Z. N., Massart, S., & Varallyay, E. (18 September 2023). The First Virome of a Russian Vineyard. Plants, 12 (18), 3292. doi:10.3390/plants12183292

Rivarez, M. P. S., Faure, C., Svanella-Dumas, L., Pecman, A., Tušek-Žnidaric, M., Schönegger, D., De Jonghe, K., Blouin, A., Rasmussen, D. A., Massart, S., Ravnikar, M., Kutnjak, D., Marais, A., & Candresse, T. (September 2023). Diversity and Pathobiology of an Ilarvirus Unexpectedly Detected in Diverse Plants and Global Sequencing Data. Phytopathology, 113 (9), 1729 - 1744. doi:10.1094/PHYTO-12-22-0465-V

Stouvenakers, G., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (13 July 2023). Aquaponics as future urban food production systems: phytopathological challenges and opportunities thanks to aquaponic microbiota characterization and original biocontrol agent isolation. Bulletin OILB/SROP, 165, 79-82.

Fontdevila Pareta, N., Gailly, C., Lateur, M., Steyer, S., Dubuis, N., Blouin, A. G., & Massart, S. (July 2023). Characterization of pyrus virus A (PyVA), a novel velarivirus identified in pear trees [Poster presentation]. 25th International Conference on Virus and other graft transmissible diseases of Fruit crops, Wageningen, Netherlands.

Fontdevila Pareta, N.* , Tahzima, R.* , Rong, W., Blouin, A. G., Reynard, J.-S., Bobev, S. G., Caglayan, K., Candresse, T., Castaing, J., Foucart, Y., Jelkmann, W., Zikeli, K., Mavrič Pleško, I., Meekes, E., Minafra, A., Rott, M., Shifang, L., Leichtfried, T., Vončina, D., ... Massart, S.*. (July 2023). Uncovering the worldwide diversity of little cherry virus 1 and 2 and the associated viruses in Prunus spp [Poster presentation]. 25th International Conference on Virus and other graft transmissible diseases of Fruit crops, Wageningen, Netherlands.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Fontdevila Pareta, N., Wanying, H., Khalili, M., Maachi, A., Rivarez, M. P. S., Rollin, J., Salavert, F., Temple-Boyer--Dury, C., Aranda, A. M., Boonham, N., Botermans, M., Candresse, T., Fox, A., Hernando, Y., Kutnjak, D., Marais, A., Petter, F., Ravnikar, M., Selmi, I., ... Massart, S. (July 2023). Managing the deluge of newly discovered plant viruses and viroids: an optimized scientific and regulatory framework for their characterization and risk analysis [Paper presentation]. 25th International Conference on Virus and other graft transmissible diseases of Fruit crops, Wageningen, Netherlands.

Simankov, N., Soyeurt, H., Massart, S., & Tahzima, R. (30 June 2023). Biophysical Features and Local Early Conformational Propensities in Intrinsically Disordered Regions of Rhabdoviral Glycoproteins [Poster presentation]. EBSA Congress 2023, Stockholm, Sweden.

Bourak, K., Sare, A. R., Allaoui, A., Jijakli, H., & Massart, S. (08 June 2023). Impact of Two Phosphorus Fertilizer Formulations on Wheat Physiology, Rhizosphere, and Rhizoplane Microbiota. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24 (12), 9879. doi:10.3390/ijms24129879

Fontdevila Pareta, N., Khalili, M., Maachi, A., Rivarez, M. P. S., Rollin, J., Salavert, F., Temple, C., Aranda, M. A., Boonham, N., Botermans, M., Candresse, T., Fox, A., Hernando, Y., Kutnjak, D., Marais, A., Petter, F., Ravnikar, M., Selmi, I., Tahzima, R., ... Massart, S. (30 May 2023). Managing the deluge of newly discovered plant viruses and viroids: an optimized scientific and regulatory framework for their characterization and risk analysis. Frontiers in Microbiology, 14. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2023.1181562

Haegeman, A., Foucart, Y., De Jonghe, K., Goedefroit, T., Al Rwahnih, M., Boonham, N., Candresse, T., Gaafar, Y. Z. A., Hurtado-Gonzales, O. P., Kogej Zwitter, Z., Kutnjak, D., Lamovšek, J., Lefebvre, M., Malapi, M., Mavrič Pleško, I., Önder, S., Reynard, J.-S., Salavert Pamblanco, F., Schumpp, O., ... Massart, S. (29 May 2023). Looking beyond Virus Detection in RNA Sequencing Data: Lessons Learned from a Community-Based Effort to Detect Cellular Plant Pathogens and Pests. Plants, 12 (11), 2139. doi:10.3390/plants12112139

Guillaume, B., Pirlot, C., Lassois, L., Massart, S., Degré, A., & De Clerck, C. (23 May 2023). Identification of pesticide-degrading strains of soil bacteria in an innovative cropping system in transition to zero pesticide [Paper presentation]. 74th international symposium on crop protection.

Massart, S. (15 May 2023). The plant virome: the quantum leap of HTS technologies and its consequences on plant health regulation [Paper presentation]. conférencier invité pour le projet « Preparedness for future challenges in specific areas of EFSA`s work - Evaluating the impact on/by environmental microbiomes (plants, wildlife, soil) in assessments under EFSA’s remit ».

Schoen, R., de Koning, P. P. M., de Krom, C., Oplaat, C., Westenberg, M., Massart, S., Temple, C., De Jonghe, K., Blouin, A. G., & Botermans, M. (24 April 2023). First report of lettuce ring necrosis virus in chili pepper and tomato in Belgium and The Netherlands. Plant Disease, 107 (8), 2560. doi:10.1094/PDIS-01-23-0036-PDN

Massart, S. (19 April 2023). From cluster to computer: the progressive matching of diagnosticians with bioinformatics [Paper presentation]. 5th EPPO Workshop for Heads of Plant Pest Diagnostic Laboratories, Oieras, Portugal.

Massart, S. (2023). Invit&Vous - L'avenir des études de bioingénieur. Gembloux, Unknown/unspecified:

Simankov, N., Soyeurt, H., Massart, S., & Tahzima, R. (31 March 2023). High Specificity in Disordered Domains of The Glycoprotein in The Family Rhabdoviridae [Poster presentation]. VizBi 2023 - Visualizing Biological Data, Heidelberg, Germany.

Maclot, F., Debue, V., Malmstrom, C. M., Filloux, D., Roumagnac, P., Eck, M., Tamisier, L., Blouin, A. G., Candresse, T., & Massart, S. (14 March 2023). Long-Term Anthropogenic Management and Associated Loss of Plant Diversity Deeply Impact Virome Richness and Composition of Poaceae Communities. Microbiology Spectrum, 11 (2), 0485022. doi:10.1128/spectrum.04850-22

Khalili, M., Candresse, T., Koloniuk, I., Safarova, D., Brans, Y., Faure, C., Delmas, M., Massart, S., Aranda, M. A., Cagalayan, K., Decroocq, V., Drogoudi, P., Glasa, M., Pantelidis, G., Navratil, M., Latour, F., Spak, J., Pribylova, J., Mihalik, D., ... Marais, A. (February 2023). The expanding menagerie of Prunus-infecting luteoviruses. Phytopathology, 113 (2). doi:10.1094/PHYTO-06-22-0203-R

Temple-Boyer-Dury, C., & Massart, S. (2023). A transnational collaboration leads to the characterization of an emergent plant virus. ( wasington, United States: American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

Temple-Boyer-Dury, C., & Massart, S. (2023). A transnational collaboration leads to the characterization of an emergent plant virus. United Kingdom: PHYS.ORG.

Temple-Boyer-Dury, C., & Massart, S. (2023). A transnational collaboration leads to the characterization of an emergent plant virus. United States:

Temple-Boyer-Dury, C., & Massart, S. (2023). A transnational collaboration leads to the characterization of an emergent plant virus. ( NewsBreak.

Maclot, F., Culbertson, K., Ryskamp, M., Massart, S., & Malmstrom, C. (16 January 2023). Influence of host variety and community composition on the dynamics of virus infections in a North American native prairie grass [Poster presentation]. 19èmes Rencontres de Virologie végétale, Aussois, France.

Guo, J., Li, J., Massart, S., He, K., Francis, F., & Wang, Z. (06 January 2023). Analysis of the Genetic Diversity of Two Rhopalosiphum Species from China and Europe Based on Nuclear and Mitochondrial Genes. Insects, 14 (1), 57. doi:10.3390/insects14010057

De Clerck, C., Jacques, F., Lerogeron, L., Gourmet, C., Grossemy, O., Lassois, L., Médart, D., Thonar, C., Colinet, G., Dincher, M., Massart, S., Degré, A., Delaplace, P., & Jijakli, H. (2023). Permacultural raised bed composition impacts yields and soil properties: results of a 3-years trial [Poster presentation]. Wageningen soil conference 2023, wageningen, Netherlands.

Fontdevila Pareta, N., Lateur, M., Steyer, S., Blouin, A. G., & Massart, S. (January 2023). Pyrus virus A (PyVA), characterization of a novel velarivirus identified in pear trees [Poster presentation]. 19è Rencontres de Virologie Végétale, Aussois, France.

Khalili, M., Massart, S., Candresse, T., Brans, Y., Delmas, M., Latour, F., Koloniuk, I., Safarova, D., Aranda, M. A., Faure, C., Caglayan, K., Decroocq, V., Drogoudi, P., Glasa, M., Pantelidis, G., Navratil, M., Spak, J., Pribylova, J., Mihalik, D., ... Marais, A. (January 2023). Prunus-infecting luteoviruses: a growing family [Poster presentation]. 19ème Rencontre de Virologie Végétale, Aussois, France.

Noël, G., Serteyn, L., Sare, A. R., Massart, S., Delvigne, F., & Francis, F. (2023). Co-diet supplementation of low density polyethylene and honeybee wax did not influence the core gut bacteria and associated enzymes of Galleria mellonella larvae (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). International Microbiology, 26 (2), 397-409. doi:10.1007/s10123-022-00303-3

Nyirakanani, C., Tamisier, L., Bizimana, J. P., Rollin, J., Nduwumuremyi, A., Bigirimana, V. D. P., Selmi, I., Lasois, L., Vanderschuren, H., & Massart, S. (2023). Going beyond consensus genome sequences: An innovative SNP-based methodology reconstructs different Ugandan cassava brown streak virus haplotypes at a nationwide scale in Rwanda. Virus Evolution, 9 (2), 053. doi:10.1093/ve/vead053

Rollin, J., Brostaux, Y., & Massart, S. (2023). Detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms in virus genomes assembled from high-throughput sequencing data: large-scale performance testing of sequence analysis strategies. PeerJ. doi:10.7717/peerj.15816

Rollin, J., Rong, W., & Massart, S. (January 2023). Monitoring cross-contamination in viral metagenomic data using an alien-control [Paper presentation]. 19 eme Rencontres de Virologie Végétale, France.

Škorić, D., Grbin, D., Musić, M. Š., Rollin, J., & Massart, S. (2023). First viruses infecting cockspur coral tree (Erythrina crista-galli L.): discovery of a putative novel capillovirus and a new host for the prune dwarf virus. Journal of Plant Pathology. doi:10.1007/s42161-023-01521-y

Stouvenakers, G., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (2023). First Study Case of Microbial Biocontrol Agents Isolated from Aquaponics Through the Mining of High-Throughput Sequencing Data to Control Pythium aphanidermatum on Lettuce. Microbial Ecology, 86 (2), 1107-1119. doi:10.1007/s00248-022-02126-1

Temple, C., Blouin, A. G., Tindale, S., Steyer, S., Marechal, K., & Massart, S. (2023). High Throughput sequencing technologies complemented by growers’ perceptions highlight the impact of tomato virome in diversified vegetable farms and a lack of awareness of emerging virus threats. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7. doi:10.3389/fsufs.2023.1139090

Trontin, C., Agstner, B., Altenbach, D., Anthoine, G., Baginska, H., Brittain, I., Chabirand, A., Chappé, A.-M., Dahlin, P., Dreo, T., Feye, C., Gianinazzi, C., Harrison, C., Jones, G., Kaiser, M. S., Massart, S., Luigi, M., Mehle, N., Mezzalama, M., ... Petter, F. (2023). What DidWe Achieve Through VALITEST, an EU Project on Validation in Plant Pest Diagnostics? PhytoFrontiers, 3 (1), 75-81. doi:10.1094/PHYTOFR-03-22-0026-FI

Massart, S. (2022). Perquisitions dans le monde belge de la tomate : un producteur flamand a-t-il utilisé un vaccin prohibé contre un virus ? (

Massart, S. (08 November 2022). VIRFAST Faster, cheaper identification of emerging virus problems [Paper presentation]. Euphresco projects: Wrap up & State of Play, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Massé, D., Filloux, D., Candresse, T., Massart, S., Marais, A., Verdin, E., Cassam, N., Fernandez, E., Roumagnac, P., Teycheney, P.-Y., Lefeuvre, P., & Lett, J.-M. (November 2022). Identification of a novel vitivirus from pineapple in Reunion Island. Archives of Virology, 167 (11), 2355 - 2357. doi:10.1007/s00705-022-05512-9

Moubset, O., François, S., Maclot, F., Palanga, E., Julian, C., Claude, L., Fernandez, E., Rott, P., Daugrois, J.-H., Antoine-Lorquin, A., Bernardo, P., Blouin, A. G., Temple, C., Kraberger, S., Fontenele, R. S., Harkins, G. W., Ma, Y., Marais, A., Candresse, T., ... Roumagnac, P. (November 2022). Virion-Associated Nucleic Acid-Based Metagenomics: A Decade of Advances in Molecular Characterization of Plant Viruses. Phytopathology, 112 (11), 2253 - 2272. doi:10.1094/PHYTO-03-22-0096-RVW

Temple-Boyer-Dury, C., Blouin, A., De Jonghe, K., Foucart, Y., Botermans, M., Westenberg, M., Schoen, R., Gentit, P., Visage, M., Verdin, E., Wipf-Scheibel, C., Ziebell, H., Gaafar, Y. Z. A., Zia, A., Yan, X.-H., Richert-Pöggeler, K. R., Ulrich, R., Rivarez, M. P. S., Kutnjak, D., ... Massart, S. (November 2022). Biological and Genetic Characterization of Physostegia Chlorotic Mottle Virus in Europe Based on Host Range, Location, and Time. Plant Disease, 106 (11), 2797 - 2807. doi:10.1094/PDIS-12-21-2800-RE

Massart, S. (27 October 2022). Starting clean : how HTS technologies improved the performance of virus testing of Bioversity International germplasm collection and characterized better the viruses infecting Musa - conférence on-line [Paper presentation]. BBTV Mitigation: Community management in Nigeria, and screening wild banana progenitors for resistance.”, Nigeria.

Massart, S., Adams, I., Al Rwahnih, M., Baeyen, S., Bilodeau, G. J., Blouin, A. G., Boonham, N., Candresse, T., Chandellier, A., De Jonghe, K., Fox, A., Gaafar, Y. Z. A., Gentit, P., Haegeman, A., Ho, W., Hurtado-Gonzales, O., Jonkers, W., Kreuze, J., Kutjnak, D., ... Lebas, B. S. M. (25 October 2022). Guidelines for the reliable use of high throughput sequencing technologies to detect plant pathogens and pests. Peer Community Journal, 2. doi:10.24072/pcjournal.181

Fontdevila Pareta, N., Khalili, M., Maachi, A., Rivarez, M. P. S., Rollin, J., Salavert, F., Temple-Boyer-Dury, C., Aranda, M. A., Boonham, N., Botermans, M., Candresse, T., Fox, A., Hernando, Y., Kutnjak, D., Marais, A., Petter, F., Ravnikar, M., Selmi, I., Tahzima, R., ... Massart, S. (05 October 2022). Managing the deluge of newly discovered plant viruses and viroids [Paper presentation]. International Advances in Plant Virology (IAPV22).

Rong, W.* , Rollin, J.* , Hanafi, M., Roux Nicolas, & Massart, S. (2022). Validation of High-Throughput Sequencing as Virus Indexing Test for Musa Germplasm: Performance Criteria Evaluation and Contamination Monitoring Using an Alien Control. PhytoFrontiers. doi:10.1094/PHYTOFR-03-22-0030-FI
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Massart, S. (16 September 2022). Six millions of SARS-CoV-2 genomes sequenced... how can plant health scientists transfer high throughput sequencing technologies toward plant pest diagnostics ? [Paper presentation]. International Seed Foundation Technical Workshop, Zurich, Germany.

Bourak, K., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (13 September 2022). Impact of phosphorus fertilization on wheat microbiota as a baseline for microbe-enhanced phosphorus plant uptake [Paper presentation]. Phytobiome, Denver, United States.

Massart, S. (September 2022). Six millions of SARS-cov-2 genomes sequenced… How can plant health scientists transfer high throughput sequencing technologies toward plant pest diagnostics? [Paper presentation]. International Plant Health Conference, Londres, United Kingdom.

Okić, A., Wetzel, T., Nourinejhad Zarghani, S., Massart, S., Grahić, J., Gaši, F., Konjić, A., & Vončina, D. (28 August 2022). Occurrence and Distribution Patterns of Plum Tree Viruses and Genetic Diversity of Sharka Isolates in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Horticulturae, 8 (9), 783. doi:10.3390/horticulturae8090783

Lebas, B., Adams, I., Al Rwahnih, M., Baeyen, S., Bilodeau, G. J., Blouin, A. G., Boonham, N., Candresse, T., Chandelier, A., De Jonghe, K., Fox, A., Gaafar, Y. Z. A., Gentit, P., Haegeman, A., Ho, W., Hurtado-Gonzales, O., Jonkers, W., Kreuze, J., Kutjnak, D., ... Massart, S. (August 2022). Facilitating the adoption of high-throughput sequencing technologies as a plant pest diagnostic test in laboratories: A step-by-step description. EPPO Bulletin, 52 (2), 394 - 418. doi:10.1111/epp.12863

Massart, S., Lebas, B., Chabirand, A., Chappé, A.-M., Dreo, T., Faggioli, F., Harrison, C., Macarthur, R., Mehle, N., Mezzalama, M., Petter, F., Ravnikar, M., Renvoisé, J.-P., Spadaro, D., Tomassoli, L., Tomlinson, J., Trontin, C., van der Vlugt, R., Vučurović, A., ... Brostaux, Y. (August 2022). Guidelines for improving statistical analyses of validation datasets for plant pest diagnostic tests. EPPO Bulletin, 52 (2), 419 - 433. doi:10.1111/epp.12862

Kwibuka Bisimwa, Y., Nyirakanani, C., Bizimana, J. P., Bisimwa, E., Brostaux, Y., Lassois, L., Vanderschuren, H., & Massart, S. (22 July 2022). Risk factors associated with cassava brown streak disease dissemination through seed pathways in Eastern D.R. Congo. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13 (Juillet), 1-18. doi:10.3389/fpls.2022.803980

Bourak, K., Massart, S., Jijakli, H., & ALLAOUI Abdelmounaaim. (24 June 2022). Impact of Poly and Orthophosphates products from OCP-Prayon on the dynamic and composition of wheat microbiota: characterization of eight potential beneficial bacterium [Paper presentation]. JDD, Benguerir, Morocco.

Massart, S. (2022). La plus grande collection mondiale de bananiers sauvegardée à Gembloux Agro Bio-Tech. Gembloux, Belgium: CanalZoom.

Bourak, K., Jijakli, H., ALLAOUI, A., & Massart, S. (24 May 2022). Pioneering P: Unraveling Microbiota's Role in Shaping Wheat Disease Dynamics [Paper presentation]. SoilPhorLife Workshop, Gembloux, Belgium.

Stouvenakers, G., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (24 May 2022). In vivo screening of new biocontrol agents from an aquaponic origin to control Pythium aphanidermatum root rot disease on soilless lettuce [Paper presentation]. 73rd International Symposium on Crop Protection.

Massart, S. (2022). reportaje de la III reunion de RENAVIPLANT - Diario de Campo/7 TV Murcia. Murcia, Spain: 7 TV Murcia.

Massart, S. (2022). Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech accueille le back-up de la plus grande collection mondiale de bananiers.

Fontdevila Pareta, N., Steyer, S., Blouin, A., Massart, S., & Lateur, M. (April 2022). First reports of Apple luteovirus 1, Apple rubodvirus 1 and Apple hammerhead viroid infecting apples in Belgium. New Disease Reports, 45 (2). doi:10.1002/ndr2.12076

Massart, S. (2022). Le Mildiou Expliqué par un Scientifique.

Massart, S. (17 March 2022). From jungle to desert: The tough trip of plant virologists [Paper presentation]. Grand Challenge in Plant Virology.

Tahzima, R., Foucart, Y., Peusens, G., Reynard, J.-S., Massart, S., Beliën, T., & De Jonghe, K. (March 2022). An Advanced One-Step RT-LAMP for Rapid Detection of Little cherry virus 2 Combined with High-Throughput Sequence-Based Phylogenomics Reveal Divergent Flowering Cherry Isolates. Plant Disease, 106 (3), 835 - 845. doi:10.1094/PDIS-03-21-0677-RE

Baneras, L., Llorens, L., Diaz-Guerra, L., Gispert, M., Hernandez-del Amo, E., Massart, S., & Verdaguer, D. (22 January 2022). Resilience of microbial communities in Mediterranean soil after induced drought and manipulated UV radiation. European Journal of Soil Science, 73 (1). doi:10.1111/ejss.13218

Hanafi, M., Rong, W., Tamisier, L., Berhal, C., Roux, N., & Massart, S. (15 January 2022). Detection of Banana Mild Mosaic Virus in Musa In Vitro Plants: High-Throughput Sequencing Presents Higher Diagnostic Sensitivity Than (IC)-RT-PCR and Identifies a New Betaflexiviridae Species. Plants, 11 (2), 226. doi:10.3390/plants11020226

De Clerck, C., Jacques Florence, Lassois, L., Médart Damien, Colinet, G., Massart, S., Degré, A., Delaplace, P., & Jijakli, H. (2022). Fertility assessment of several permacultural raised beds of various composition [Poster presentation]. XXXI International Horticultural Congress - IHC2022.

Guillaume, B., Lassois, L., Massart, S., Degré, A., & De Clerck, C. (2022). Isolation characterization and identification of pesticide-degrading strains of soil microorganisms: the case of an innovative cropping system in Belgium [Poster presentation]. 3rd International Conference in Microbial Ecotoxicology- EcoToxicOmic 2022.

Radouane, N., Ezrari, S., Belabess, Z., Tahiri, A., Tahzima, R., Massart, S., Jijakli, H., Benjelloun, M., & Lahlali, R. (30 December 2021). Viruses of cucurbit crops: current status in the Mediterranean Region. Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 60 (3), 493-519. doi:10.36253/phyto-12340

Kuhn, J. H., Adkins, S., Agwanda, B. R., Al Kubrusli, R., Alkhovsky, S. V., Amarasinghe, G. K., Avšič-Županc, T., Ayllón, M. A., Bahl, J., Balkema-Buschmann, A., Ballinger, M. J., Basler, C. F., Bavari, S., Beer, M., Bejerman, N., Bennett, A. J., Bente, D. A., Bergeron, É., Bird, B. H., ... Zhou, X. (December 2021). Correction to: 2021 Taxonomic update of phylum Negarnaviricota (Riboviria: Orthornavirae), including the large orders Bunyavirales and Mononegavirales. Archives of Virology, 166 (12), 3567 - 3579. doi:10.1007/s00705-021-05266-w

Massart, S. (2021). Obligations des établissements producteurs de vitroplants de bananiers à destination de la Guadeloupe, de la Guyane, de la Martinique, de Mayotte et de la Réunion et conditions d’acclimatation de ces vitroplants. (N°2020-SA-0119 VP bannaier, Anses Edition). anses.

Massart, S. (17 November 2021). High throughput sequencing and data sharing for plant virus detection. Jesus shared bread 2,000 years ago... Are we ready to share viral sequence data ? [Paper presentation]. Annual Workshop EURL Virology.

Tahzima, R., Haegemans, A., Massart, S., & Hebrard, E. (November 2021). Flexible Spandrels of the Global Plant Virome: Proteomic-Wide Evolutionary Patterns of Structural Intrinsic Protein Disorder Elucidate Modulation at the Functional Virus-Host Interplay. Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science, Volume 183 (Part C). doi:10.1016/bs.pmbts.2021.06.007

Beris, D., Ioanna, M., Vassilakos, N., Theologidis, I., Rampou, A., Kektsidou, O., Massart, S., & Varveri, C. (October 2021). Association of Citrus Virus A to Citrus Impietratura Disease Symptoms. Phytopathology, 111 (10), 1782-1789. doi:10.1094/PHYTO-01-21-0027-R

Marais, A., Murolo, S., Faure, C., Brans, Y., Larue, C., Maclot, F., Massart, S., Chiumenti, M., Minafra, A., Romanazzi, G., Lefebvre, M., Barreneche, T., Robin, C., Petit, R., & Candresse, T. (15 September 2021). Towards the elucidation of chestnut mosaic virus disease etiology [Paper presentation]. 18 eme Rencontres de Virologie Végétale, Aussois, France.

Massé, D., Cassam, N., Fernandez, E., Filloux, D., Hostachy, B., Verdin, E., Massart, S., Marais-Colombel, A., Candresse, T., Roumagnac, P., Lefeuvre, P., & Lett, J.-M. (15 September 2021). High-throughput sequencing for detection and discovery of viruses associated with mealybug wilt-diseased pineapple : comparison of five approaches [Paper presentation]. 18 eme Rencontres de Virologie Végétale, Aussois, France.

Rollin, J., Rong, W., & Massart, S. (15 September 2021). Cont-ID: detection of cross-contamination in metagenomic data [Paper presentation]. 18 eme Rencontres de Virologie Végétale, Aussois, France.

Tahzima, R., Haegeman, A., Massart, S., & Hébrard, E. (14 September 2021). Flexible Spandrels of the Global Virome: Proteomic-Wide Evolutionary Patterns of Structural Intrinsic Protein Disorder Elucidate Modulation at the Functional Virus-Host Interplay [Paper presentation]. 18 eme Rencontres de Virologie Végétale, Aussois, France.

Temple-Boyer-Dury, C., Blouin, A., De Jonghe, K., Foucart, Y., Botermans, M., Westenberg, M., Schoen, R., Gentit, P., Visage, M., Verdin, E., Wipf-Scheibel, C., Ziebell, H., Gaafar, Y., Zia, A., Yan, X.-H., Richert-Pöggeler, K. R., Ulrich, R., Paul S. Rivarez, M., Kutnjak, D., ... Massart, S. (14 September 2021). Characterization of an emergent viral disease on vegetables in Europe [Paper presentation]. 18 eme Rencontres de Virologie Végétale, Aussois, France.

Blouin, A., Heyneman, M., Temple-Boyer-Dury, C., De Jonghe, K., & Massart, S. (September 2021). Blueprint of a nationwide surveillance of viruses across an economically important plant family [Paper presentation]. 18 eme Rencontres de Virologie Végétale, Aussois, France.

Fontdevila Pareta, N., Lateur, M., Steyer, S., Blouin, A., Rollin, J., & Massart, S. (September 2021). Virome characterization of pome fruit European genetic resources for future breeding and risk analysis [Poster presentation]. 18 eme Rencontres de Virologie Végétale, Aussois, France.

Eck, M., Szekely, I., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (August 2021). Ecological study of aquaponics bacterial microbiota over the course of a lettuce growth cycle. Water, 13 (15), 2089. doi:10.3390/w13152089

Bourak, K., Jijakli, H., & Massart, S. (28 June 2021). How far Phosphorus formulation can impact wheat microbiome ? [Paper presentation]. JDD first edition.

Sõmera, M., Massart, S., Tamisier, L., Sooväli, P., Sathees, K., & Kvarnheden, A. (11 May 2021). A Survey Using High-Throughput Sequencing Suggests That the Diversity of Cereal and Barley Yellow Dwarf Viruses Is Underestimated. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12, 673218. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2021.673218

Sare, A. R., Jijakli, H., & Massart, S. (22 April 2021). Microbial ecology to support integrative efficacy improvement of biocontrol agents for postharvest diseases management. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 179. doi:10.1016/j.postharvbio.2021.111572

Kutnjak, D., Tamisier, L., Adams, I., Boonham, N., Candresse, T., Chiumenti, M., De Jonghe, K., Kreuze, J., Lefebvre, M., Silva, G., Malapi-Wight, M., Margaria, P., Mavric Plesko, I., McGreig, S., Miozzi, L., Remenant, B., Reynard, J.-S., Rollin, J., Rott, M., ... Haegeman, A. (14 April 2021). A Primer on the Analysis of High-Throughput Sequencing Data for Detection of Plant Viruses. Microorganisms, 9 (841). doi:10.3390/microorganisms9040841

Haegeman, A., Foucart, Y., goedefroit, T., De Jonghe, K., Al Rwahnih, M., Candresse, T., Gaafar, Y., Hurtado-Gonzales, O., Kogej, Z., Kutnjak, D., Lamovsek, J., Lefebvre, M., Malapi-Weight, M., Mavric Plesko, I., Onder, S., Reynard, J.-S., Salavert Pamblanco, F., Schumpp, O., Stevens, K., ... Massart, S. (April 2021). Raising awareness among plant virologists on the richness of their high-throughput sequencing data [Paper presentation]. AAB International Advances in Plant Virology meeting 2021.

Haegeman, A., Foucart, Y., Goedefroit, T., De Jonghe, K., Al Rwahnih, M., Candresse, T., Gaafar, Y., Hurtado-Gonzales, O., Kogej, Z., Kutnjak, D., Lamovsek, J., Lefebvre, M., Malapi-Wight, M., Plesko, I. M., Onder, S., Reynard, J.-S., Pamblanco, F. S., Schumpp, O., Stevens, K., ... Massart, S. (April 2021). Raising awareness among plant virologists on the richness of their high-throughput sequencing data [Poster presentation]. AAB International Advances in Plant Virology meeting 2021.

Kwibuka Bisimwa, Y., Bisimwa, E., Blouin, A., Bragard, C., Thierry, C., Faure, C., Filloux, D., Lett, J.-M., Maclot, F., Armelle, M., Ravelomanantsoa, S., Shakir, S., Vanderschuren, H., & Massart, S. (April 2021). Novel Ampeloviruses infecting cassava in Central Africa and the South-West Indian Ocean Islands [Poster presentation]. International Advances In Plant Virology.

Massart, S. (April 2021). Next generation application of HTS technologies for plant viruses [Paper presentation]. AAB International Advances in Plant Virology meeting 2021.

Trontin, C., Agstner, B., Altenbach, D., Anthoine, G., Bagińska, H., Brittain, I., Chabirand, A., Chappé, A. M., Dahlin, P., Dreo, T., Freye-Minks, C., Gianinazzi, C., Harrison, C., Jones, G., Luigi, M., Massart, S., Mehle, N., Mezzalama, M., Mouaziz, H., ... Vučurović, A. (April 2021). VALITEST: Validation of diagnostic tests to support plant health. EPPO Bulletin, 51 (1), 198 - 206. doi:10.1111/epp.12740

Massart, S. (23 March 2021). A preliminary dive into quality management …. A kind and useful " monster" [Paper presentation]. université.

Massart, S. (18 March 2021). The poor relative of high throughput sequencing in research: a focus on validation, controls and contamination analysis [Paper presentation]. Inextvir-connected virus conference serie.

Massart, S. (12 March 2021). Carabiners, helmets and quickdraws for climbing the reliability cliff of high troughput sequencing technologies: Guidelines for the use of HTS in plant pest diagnostics [Paper presentation]. Panel on Diagnostics and Quality Assurance.

Massart, S., & Lebas, B. (12 March 2021). Valitest D2.1: Improvement of statistical analysis of validation datasets [Paper presentation]. Panel on Diagnostics and Quality Assurance.

Massart, S. (03 March 2021). Carabiners, helmets and quickdraws for climbing the reliability cliff of high troughput sequencing technologies: Guidelines for the use of HTS in plant pest diagnostics [Paper presentation]. APS - part 2 International guidelines and Practical examples.

Chandelier, A., Hulin, J., San Martin, G., Debode, F., & Massart, S. (March 2021). Comparison of qPCR and Metabarcoding Methods as Tools for the Detection of Airborne Inoculum of Forest Fungal Pathogens. Phytopathology, 111 (3), 570-581. doi:10.1094/PHYTO-02-20-0034-R

Maclot, F., Debue, V., Blouin, A., Fontdevila Pareta, N., Tamisier, L., Filloux, D., & Massart, S. (March 2021). Identification, molecular and biological characterization of two novel secovirids in wild grass species in Belgium. Virus Research, 298, 198397. doi:10.1016/j.virusres.2021.198397

Kumar, P. L., Cuervo, M., Kreuze, J. F., Muller, G., Kulkarni, G., Kumari, S. G., Massart, S., Mezzalama, M., Alakonya, A., Muchugi, A., Graziosi, I., Ndjiondjop, M.-N., Sharma, R., & Negawo, A. T. (09 February 2021). Phytosanitary Interventions for Safe Global Germplasm Exchange and the Prevention of Transboundary Pest Spread: The Role of CGIAR Germplasm Health Units. Plants, 10 (328). doi:10.3390/plants10020328

Massart, S. (February 2021). Untangling bioinformatics bias for the diagnostic of plant viruses by HTS: Lessons from an international performance testing of sequence analysis strategies [Paper presentation]. 13th conference virtual: The RME conference series, virtual, Netherlands.

Eck, M., Szekely, I., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (2021). Microorganisms in aquaponics: Insights on the composition of the root microbiome of lettuces of varying age. Acta Horticulturae, 1321, 213-219. doi:10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1321.28

Gurcan, K., Turan, S., Teber, S., Kilincer, I., Uz, I., Tamisier, L., Massart, S., & Caglayan, K. (2021). Molecular and Biological characterization of a new mulberry idaeovirus. Virus Research, 298. doi:10.1016/j.virusres.2021.198411

Hammond, J., Adams, I., Fowkes, A. R., MCGreig, S., Botermans, M., van Oorspronk, J. J. A., Westenberg, M., Verbeek, M., Dullemans, A. M., Stijger, C. C. M. M., Blouin, A., Massart, S., De Jonghe, K., Heyneman, M., Walsh, J. A., & Fox, A. (2021). Sequence analysis of 43‐year old samples of Plantago lanceolata show that Plantain virus X is synonymous with Actinidia virus X and is widely distributed. Plant Pathology. doi:10.1111/ppa.13310

Kuhn, J. H., Adkins, S., Alioto, D., Alkhovsky, S. V., Amarasinghe, G. K., Anthony, S. J., Avšič-Županc, T., Ayllón, M. A., Bahl, J., Balkema-Buschmann, A., Ballinger, M. J., Bartonička, T., Basler, C., Bavari, S., Beer, M., Bente, D. A., Bergeron, É., Bird, B. H., Blair, C., ... Zhou, X. (2021). 2021 taxonomic update for phylum Negarnaviricota (Riboviria: Orthornavirae), including the large orders Bunyavirales and Mononegavirales. Archives of Virology. doi:10.1007/s00705-021-05143-6

Kwibuka Bisimwa, Y., Bisimwa, E., Blouin, A., Bragard, C., Candresse, T., Faure, C., Filloux, D., Lett, J.-M., Maclot, F., Marais, A., Ravelomanantsoa, S., Shakir, S., Vanderschuren, H., & Massart, S. (2021). Novel Ampeloviruses Infecting Cassava in Central Africa and the South-West Indian Ocean Islands. Viruses, 13 (6). doi:10.3390/v13061030

Maclot, F., Candresse, T., Filloux, D., Rott, P., Malmstrom, C., van der Vlugt, R., Massart, S., & Roumagnac, P. (2021). De la paire de bottes à la paire de bases : de l’intérêt d’étudier l’écologie des viromes de plantes. Virologie (Montrouge, France), 25 (1), 29-42. doi:10.1684/vir.2021.0879

Marais, A., Murolo, S., Faure, C., Brans, Y., Larue, C., Maclot, F., Massart, S., Chiumenti, M., Minafra, A., Romanazzi, G., Lefebvre, M., Barreneche, T., Robin, C., Petit, R. J., & Candresse, T. (2021). Sixty years from the first disease description, a novel badnavirus associated with chestnut mosaic disease. Phytopathology. doi:10.1094/PHYTO-09-20-0420-R

Nyirakanani, C.* , Bizimana, J.-P.* , Kwibuka Bisimwa, Y., Nduwumuremyi, A., Vincent Paul Bigirimana, V., Bucagu, C., Lassois, L., Malice, E., Gengler, N., Massart, S., Bragard, C., Habtu, M., Brostaux, Y., Thonar, C., & Vanderschuren, H. (2021). Farmer and field survey in cassava growing districts of Rwanda reveals key factors associated with cassava brown streak disease incidence and cassava productivity. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 5. doi:10.3389/fsufs.2021.699655
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Radulović, M., Mavrič-Pleško, I., Maclot, F., Delić, D., & Massart, S. (January 2021). First report of black raspberry necrosis virus and raspberry leaf mottle virus in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Journal of Plant Pathology, 103 (1), 371. doi:10.1007/s42161-020-00697-x

Somera, M., Sooväli, P., Massart, S., Tamisier, L., Sathees, K., & Kvarnheden, A. (2021). Corrigendum: A Survey Using High-Throughput Sequencing Suggests That the Diversity of Cereal and Barley Yellow Dwarf Viruses Is Underestimated. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12 (772637). doi:10.3389/fmicb.2021.772637

Tahzima, R., Qessaoui, R., Foucart, Y., Massart, S., & DeJonghe. (2021). First Report of Apricot vein clearing-associated virus (AVCaV) infecting Prunus domestica revealed by High-Throughput Sequencing in Africa. Plant Disease. doi:10.1094/PDIS-09-20-1966-PDN

Thomas, J., Massart, S., Van den Houwe, I., Roux, N., & Crew, K. (2021). Safe dissemination of germplasm resources of banana. In G. H. J. Kema & A. Drenth, Achieving sustainable cultivation of bananas. Volume 2: Germplasm and genetic improvement (pp. 1-21). Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing.

Hanafi, M., Tahzima, R., BEN KAAB, S., Tamisier, L., Roux, N., & Massart, S. (2020). Identification of Divergent Isolates of Banana Mild Mosaic Virus and Development of a New Diagnostic Primer to Improve Detection. Pathogens. doi:10.3390/pathogens9121045

Van den Houwe, I., Chase, R., Sardos, J., Ruas, M., Kempenaers, E., Guignon, V., Massart, S., Carpentier, S., Panis, B., Rouard, M., & Roux, N. (December 2020). Correction to: Safeguarding and using global banana diversity: a holistic approach (CABI Agriculture and Bioscience, (2020), 1, 1, (15), 10.1186/s43170-020-00015-6). CABI Agriculture and Bioscience, 1 (1). doi:10.1186/s43170-020-00019-2

Massart, S. (12 November 2020). Monitoring banana germplasm health for international transfers [Paper presentation]. Phytosanitary Safety for Transboundary pest prevention.

Hou, W., Li, S., & Massart, S. (November 2020). Is There a “Biological Desert” With the Discovery of New Plant Viruses? A Retrospective Analysis for New Fruit Tree Viruses. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2020.592816

Stouvenakers, G., Massart, S., Depireux, P., & Jijakli, H. (29 October 2020). Microbial Origin of Aquaponic Water Suppressiveness against Pythium aphanidermatum Lettuce Root Rot Disease. Microorganisms, 8 (11), 24. doi:10.3390/microorganisms8111683

Van den houwe, I., Chase, R., Sardos, J., Ruas, M., Kempenaers, E., Guignon, V., Massart, S., Carpentier, S., Panis, B., Rouard, M., & Roux, N. (2020). Safeguarding and using global banana diversity: a holistic approach. CABI Agriculture and Bioscience. doi:10.1186/s43170-020-00015-6

Maclot, F., Candresse, T., Filloux, D., M. Malmstrom, C., Roumagnac, P., van der Vlugt, R., & Massart, S. (16 October 2020). Illuminating an Ecological Blackbox: Using High Throughput Sequencing to Characterize the Plant Virome Across Scales. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11 (578064). doi:10.3389/fmicb.2020.578064

Massart, S., & De Jonghe, K. (15 October 2020). Tactical sciences for plant viruses to foster food security: the potato case [Paper presentation]. Belgian Scientific Plant Health Symposium, online, Belgium.

Bourak, K., Jijakli, H., Youssef ZEROUAL, Xavier WATTIEZ, abdelmounaaim ALLAOUI, & Massart, S. (13 October 2020). Do Phosphorus supply shape wheat microbiota? [Poster presentation]. International Conference on Phosphates (ICP).

Massart, S. (2020). Lutte contre la furiose du bananier. ORBi-University of Liège.

Xing, F., Hou, W., Massart, S., Gao, D., Li, W., Cao, M., Zhang, Z., Wang, H., & Li, S. (October 2020). RNA-Seq Reveals Hawthorn Tree as a New Natural Host for Apple Necrotic Mosaic Virus, Possibly Associated with Hawthorn Mosaic Disease. Plant Disease, 104 (10), 2713-2719. doi:10.1094/PDIS-11-19-2455-RE

Belabess, Z., Sagouti, T., Rhallabi, N., Tahiri, A., Massart, S., Tahzima, R., Lahlali, R., & Jijakli, H. (27 August 2020). Citrus Psorosis Virus: Current Insights on a Still Poorly Understood Ophiovirus. Microorganisms, 8 (8). doi:10.3390/microorganisms8081197

Song, Z., Massart, S., Yan, D., Cheng, H., Eck, M., Berhal, C., Ouyang, C., Li, Y., Wang, Q., & Cao, A. (05 August 2020). Composted Chicken Manure for Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation Increased the Strawberry Yield and Shifted the Soil Microbial Communities. Sustainability, 12. doi:10.3390/su12166313

Khalili, M., Nourinejhad Zarghani, S., Massart, S., Dizadji, A., Olmos, A., Wetzel, T., & Belen Ruiz-Garcia, A. (2020). First report of grapevine rupestris vein feathering virus in grapevine. Journal of Plant Pathology. doi:10.1007/s42161-020-00599-y

Song, Z., Yan, D., Fang, W., Huang, B., Wang, X., Zhang, D., Zhu, J., Ouyang, C., Li, Y., Wang, Q., Massart, S., & Cao, A. (July 2020). Maltose and Totally Impermeable Film Enhanced Suppression of Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation on Soilborne Pathogens and Increased Strawberry Yield. Sustainability, 12 (5456). doi:10.3390/su12135456

Massart, S., Jijakli, H., & Sare, A. R. (24 June 2020). Supporting plant health through microbial communities: the apple fruit case [Paper presentation]. Colloque"Microbiome et Biocontrôle", Paris, France.

Gazel, M., Roumi, V., Ordek, K., Maclot, F., Massart, S., & Caglayan, K. (June 2020). Identification and molecular characterization of a novel foveavirus from Rubus spp. in Turkey. Virus Research, 286. doi:10.1016/j.virusres.2020.198078

Sare, A. R., Stouvenakers, G., Eck, M., Lampens, A., Goormachtig, S., Jijakli, H., & Massart, S. (28 February 2020). Standardization of Plant Microbiome Studies: Which Proportion of the Microbiota is Really Harvested? Microorganisms, 8 (3), 342. doi:10.3390/microorganisms8030342

Massart, S., Vankerkoven, L., Blouin, A., Nourinejhad Zarghani, S., & Wetzel, T. (2020). First report of Grapevine pinot gris virus (GPGV) and Grapevine rupestris stem pitting-associated virus (GRSPaV) in grapevine in Belgium. Plant Disease. doi:10.1094/PDIS-10-19-2071-PDN

Mehle, N., Kutnjak, D., Jakoš, N., Seljak, G., Pecman, A., Massart, S., & Ravnikar, M. (February 2020). First report of cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus in cucurbita pepo and cucurbita maxima in Slovenia. Plant Disease, 104 (2), 599. doi:10.1094/PDIS-07-19-1524-PDN

Berhal, C., Van denhouwe, I., Roux, N., & Massart, S. (31 January 2020). Sanitizing the international banana germplasm collection for a safe exchange of banana plants around the world [Poster presentation]. 25th National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences (NSABS), Gembloux, Belgium.

Eck, M., Szekely, I., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (31 January 2020). Study of the evolution of microorganisms communities in an aquaponic system over the course of a full lettuce growth cycle [Poster presentation]. NSABS, Gembloux, Belgium.

Maclot, F., Candresse, T., Filloux, D., Malmstrom, C., Roumagnac, P., & Massart, S. (31 January 2020). Exploring the virus richness and diversity in contrasted plant communities of Poaceae in Belgium [Poster presentation]. 25th National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences (NSABS), Gembloux, Belgium.

Stouvenakers, G., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (31 January 2020). Aquaponic water, a novel source of biocontrol agents against pythium aphanidermatum root rot in lettuce [Poster presentation]. 25th National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences (NSABS), Gembloux, Belgium.

Eck, M., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (2020). Study of bacterial community in the aquaponic closed-loop system of Gembloux Agro Bio-Tech. Acta Horticulturae. doi:10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1273.17

Elbeaino, T., Kontra, L., Demian, E., Jaksa-Czotter, N., Ben Slimen, A., Fabian, R., Lazar, J., Tamisier, L., Digiaro, M., Massart, S., & Varallyay, E. (2020). Complete Sequence, Genome Organization and Molecular Detection of Grapevine Line Pattern Virus, a New Putative Anulavirus Infecting Grapevine. Viruses, 12 (602). doi:10.3390/v12060602

Hiri, K. D., Rollin, J., Grigorii, S., Macha, N., Massart, S., Hren, M., & Curk, T. (2020). INEXTVIR: High throughput sequencing of the virome of agricultural crops and ecosystems across Europe MSCA ITN -Innovative Network for Next Generation Training and Sequencing of Virome [Poster presentation]. 6th European Student Council Symposium- 6september, virtual conference.

Kuhn, J. H., Adkins, S., Alioto, D., Alkhovsky, S. V., Amarasinghe, G. K., Anthony, S. J., Avšič-Županc, T., Ayllón, M. A., Bahl, J., Balkema-Buschmann, A., Ballinger, M. J., Bartonička, T., Basler, C., Bavari, S., Beer, M., Bente, D. A., Bergeron, É., Bird, B. H., Blair, C., ... Zhou, X. (2020). 2020 taxonomic update for phylum Negarnaviricota (Riboviria: Orthornavirae), including the large orders Bunyavirales and Mononegavirales. Archives of Virology, 165 (12), 3023-3072. doi:10.1007/s00705-020-04731-2

Massart, S., Major, M., & Kumar, L. (2020). Genebank Platform: GreenPass puts germplasm distribution in the fast lane. ORBi-University of Liège.

Schroyen, M.* , Leblois, J.* , Uerlings, J., Li, B., Arevalo Sureda, E., Massart, S., Wavreille, J., Bindelle, J., & Everaert, N. (2020). Maternal dietary resistant starch does not improve piglet's gut and liver metabolism when challenged with a high fat diet. BMC Genomics, 21 (1), 439. doi:10.1186/s12864-020-06854-x
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Sõmera, M., Kvarnheden, A., Desbiez, C., Blystad, D.-R., Sooväli, P., Kundu, J. K., Gantsovski, M., Nygren, J., Lecoq, H., Verdin, E., Spetz, C., Tamisier, L., Truve, E., & Massart, S. (2020). Sixty Years After the First Description: Genome Sequence and Biological Characterization of European Wheat Striate Mosaic Virus Infecting Cereal Crops. Phytopathology. doi:10.1094/PHYTO-07-19-0258-FI

Kominek, P., Massart, S., Pham, K., van Leeuwen, P., & Kminkova, M. (December 2019). Characterisation of a novel virus infecting orchids of the genus Pleione. Virus Research, 261, 56-59. doi:10.1016/j.virusres.2018.12.009

Salem, N.* , Tahzima, R.* , Goedefroid, T., Massart, S., & DeJonghe, K. (30 November 2019). First Report of Candidatus Phytoplasma solani Infecting New Natural Host Plum (Prunus domestica L.) in Jordan. Plant Disease, 104 (2). doi:10.1094/PDIS-01-19-0156-PDN
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Bourak, K., Jijakli, H., & Massart, S. (28 November 2019). Impact of P on microbiota and its subsequent influence on wheat disease development [Paper presentation]. 1er Workshop du projet SoilPhorLife, Gembloux, Belgium.

Maclot, F., Candresse, T., Filloux, D., Malmstrom, C., Roumagnac, P., & Massart, S. (29 October 2019). Exploring the virus richness and diversity in contrasted plant communities of Poaceae [Paper presentation]. International Advances in Plant Virology, Rome, Italy.

Tamisier, L., Colson, C., Maclot, F., Zhang, P., Wang, X., Francis, F., Baurain, D., & Massart, S. (29 October 2019). Experimental evolution of Barley yellow dwarf virus in cultivated and wild Poaceae species [Poster presentation]. International Advances in Plant Virology 2019.

Zoure, A., Sare, A. R., Yaméogo, F., Somda, Z., Massart, S., Badolo, A., & Francis, F. (2019). Bacterial communities associated with the midgut microbiota of wild Anopheles gambiae complex in Burkina Faso. Molecular Biology Reports. doi:10.1007/s11033-019-05121-x

Stouvenakers, G., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (09 October 2019). AQUAPONIC WATER SUPPRESSIVENESS ON PYHTIUM APHANIDERMATUM ROOT ROT IN LETTUCE AND ITS ORIGIN [Paper presentation]. Aquaculture europe 19, Berlin, Germany.

Loudari, A., Khourchi, S., Bourak, K., Colinet, G., Bargaz, A., Delaplace, P., Allaoui, A., Jijakli, H., Massart, S., Cornelis, J.-T., & Oukarroum, A. (07 October 2019). Does innovative P fertilization enhance P use efficiency and plant stress tolerance? [Poster presentation]. la 5ème édition du SYMPHOS – Symposium International sur l’Innovation et la Technologie dans l’Industrie des Phosphates, Benguerir, Morocco.

Eck, M., Szekely, I., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (October 2019). STUDY OF THE EVOLUTION OF MICROORGANISMS COMMUNITIES IN AN AQUAPONIC SYSTEM OVER THE COURSE OF A FULL LETTUCE GROWTH CYCLE [Paper presentation]. Aquaculture Europe 2019, Berlin, Germany.

Massart, S. (26 September 2019). Genome-based pest risk assessment for newly discovered plant viruses: Nazca lines or Rosetta stone? [Paper presentation]. Plant Health at the age of metagenomics, Paris, France.

Sare, A. R., Jijakli, H., & Massart, S. (22 September 2019). Identification of helper strains from apple fruit epiphytic microbiome to increase P. anomala strain K efficacy against B. cinerea on postharvest apples [Paper presentation]. The fruit microbiome: A new frontier, Lessburg, United States.

Tahzima, R., Qessaoui, R., Foucart, Y., Massart, S., & DeJonghe, K. (04 September 2019). First Report of Little Cherry Virus 1 Infecting Apricot (Prunus armeniaca) in Africa. Plant Disease, 103 (11). doi:10.1094/PDIS-05-19-1082-PDN

Massart, S. (September 2019). New diagnostic technologies for Plant Health: analyzing their impact at scientific, diagnostic, commercial, biosecurity and regulatory levels [Paper presentation]. Fourth Sino-Europe Forum on Potato Sustainable Production and Technical Cooperation, Dingxi, China.

Massart, S., Jijakli, H., & Sare, A. R. (September 2019). Supporting plant health through microbial communities: the apple fruit case and beyond [Paper presentation]. Workshop on interaction between Plant Pathogen and Host and Their Control, Chongqing, China.

Massart, S. (2019). Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech au chevet des bananaiers. CanalZoom.

Tahzima, R., Foucar, Y., Massart, S., & DeJonghe, K. (17 August 2019). First Report of Prunus virus F in Cherry Using High Throughput Sequencing (HTS) in Belgium. New Disease Reports, 40 (7). doi:10.5197/j.2044-0588.2019.040.007

Stouvenakers, G., Dapprich, P., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (2019). Chapter 14: Plant Pathogens and Control Strategies in Aquaponics. In S. Goddek, A. Joyce, B. Kotzen, ... G. M. Burnell (Eds.), Aquaponics Food Production Systems: Combined Aquaculture and Hydroponic Production Technologies for the Future (pp. 353-378). Cham, Switzerland: Springer Open. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-15943-6_14

Maclot, F., Candresse, T., Filloux, D., Roumagnac, P., & Massart, S. (13 May 2019). Minor plant species can be key players of the Poaceae virome at the agroecosystem scale [Paper presentation]. International Plant Virus Epidemiology Symposium, Seoul, South Korea.

Massart, S. (2019). Training school internationale en bioinformatique à Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech.

Eck, M., Sare, A. R., Massart, S., Schmautz, Z., Junge, R., Smits, T. H. M., & Jijakli, H. (02 February 2019). Exploring bacterial communities in aquaponic systems. Water, 11 (260). doi:10.3390/w11020260

Maclot, F., Candresse, T., Filloux, D., Roumagnac, P., & Massart, S. (28 January 2019). Effect of species composition on virome diversity in various ecosystemic communities of Poaceae [Paper presentation]. 17èmes Rencontres de Virologie végétale, Aussois, France.

Tamisier, L., Colson, C., Maclot, F., Zhang, P., Francis, F., Baurain, D., & Massart, S. (28 January 2019). Experimental evolution of Barley yellow dwarf virus in cultivated and wild Poaceae species [Paper presentation]. 17emes Rencontres de Virologie Végétale, Aussois, France.

Hanafi, M., Rong, W., Crew, K. S., Roux, N., Thomas, J. E., & Massart, S. (27 January 2019). Identification of a new isolate of Banana mild mosaic virus by high throughput sequencing triggers the development of a new diagnostic primer [Poster presentation]. 17èmes recontres de virologie végétale, Aussois, France.

Tahzima, R., Haegeman, A., De Jongh, K., Brostaux, Y., & Massart, S. (04 January 2019). Unfolding the Planet’s Plant Virus Modulome [Paper presentation]. Rencontres Virologie Végétale Congress (RVV), Aussois, France.

Angeli, D., Sare, A. R., Jijakli, H., Pertot, I., & Massart, S. (2019). Insights gained from metagenomic shotgun sequencing of apple fruit epiphytic microbiota. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 153, 96 - 106. doi:10.1016/j.postharvbio.2019.03.020

Buzkan, N., Chiumenti, M., Massart, S., Sarpkaya, K., Karadag, S., & Minafra, A. (2019). A new emaravirus discovered in Pistacia from Turkey. Virus Research, 263, 159-163. doi:10.1016/j.virusres.2019.01.012

Caglayan, K., Roumi, V., Gazel, M., Elçi, E., Acioglu, M., Mavric Plesko, I., Reynard, J.-S., Maclot, F., & Massart, S. (2019). Identification and Characterization of a Novel Robigovirus Species from Sweet Cherry in Turkey. Pathogens, 8 (57). doi:10.3390/pathogens8020057

Gaafar, Y., Sieg-Müller, A., Lüddecke, P., Hartrick, J., Seide, Y., Müller, J., Maaß, C., Schuhmann, S., Richert-Pöggeler, K. R., Blouin, A., Massart, S., & Ziebell, H. (2019). First report of natural infection of beetroot with beet soil-borne virus. New Disease Reports, 40. doi:10.5197/j.2044-0588.2019.040.005

Le Mire, G., Siah, A., Marolleau, B., Gaucher, M., Maumené, C., Brostaux, Y., Massart, S., Brisset, M.-N., & Jijakli, H. (2019). Evaluation of lambda Carrageenan, CpG-ODN, glycine Betaine, Spirulina platensis, and Ergosterol as elicitors for control of Zymoseptoria tritici in wheat. Phytopathology, 109 (3), 409-417. doi:10.1094/PHYTO-11-17-0367-R

Massart, S., Chiumenti, M., De Jonghe, K., Glover, R., Haegeman, A., Koloniuk, I., Kominek, P., Kreuze, J., Kutnjak, D., Lotos, L., Maclot, F., Maliogka, V., Maree, J. H., Olivier, T., Olmos, A., M. Pooggin, M., Reynard, J.-S., Ruiz-Garcia, A. B., Safarova, D., ... Candresse, T. (2019). Virus Detection by High-Throughput Sequencing of Small RNAs: Large-Scale Performance Testing of Sequencing Analysis Strategies. Phytopathology, 109, 488-497. doi:10.1094/PHYTO-02-18-0067-R

Salem, N.* , Tahzima, R.* , Goedefroid, T., Massart, S., & DeJonghe, K. (2019). First Report of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma aurantifolia’-Related Strains Infecting Potato (Solanum tuberosum) in Jordan. Plant Disease, 103 (6). doi:10.1094/PDIS-04-18-0705-PDN
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Tahzima, R., Foucart, Y., Peusens, G., Beliën, T., Massart, S., & De Jonghe, K. (2019). New sensitive and fast detection of Little cherry virus 1 using loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP). Journal of Virological Methods, 265, 91-98. doi:10.1016/j.jviromet.2018.12.019

Tahzima, R., Foucart, Y., Peusens, G., Beliën, T., Massart, S., & De Jonghe, K. (2019). High-Throughput Sequencing Assists Studies in Genomic Variability and Epidemiology of Little Cherry Virus 1 and 2 infecting Prunus spp. in Belgium. Viruses, 11 (592). doi:10.3390/v11070592

Wu, N., Zhang, P., Liu, W., Cao, M., Massart, S., & Wang, X. (2019). Complete genome sequence and characterization of a new iflavirus from the small brown planthopper (Laodelphax striatellus). Virus Research, 272. doi:10.1016/j.virusres.2019.197651

Zarghani, S. N., Ruiz-Garcia, A. B., Olmos, A., Massart, S., & Wetzel, T. (January 2019). Virome Analysis of Grapevines in German Vineyards [Poster presentation]. 17eme Rencontres de Virologie Végétale, Aussois, France.

Daldoul, S., Massart, S., Ruiz-Garcia, A. B., Olmos, A., & Wetzel, T. (December 2018). First report of grapevine rupestris vein feathering virus in grapevine in Germany. Plant Disease, 102 (10), 2053. doi:10.1094/PDIS-03-18-0533-PDN

Maclot, F., Filloux, D., Roumagnac, P., Candresse, T., & Massart, S. (26 November 2018). Impact of ecosystem diversity on the Poaceae virome [Paper presentation]. Final Meeting of COST-DIVAS Action HTS Technologies for the study and diagnostic of plant viruses, Liège, Belgium.

Beris, D., Malandraki, I., Kektsidou, O., Massart, S., & Varveri, C. (November 2018). Identification of a novel virus in citrus samples exhibiting impietratura disease symptoms by HTS technology [Paper presentation]. Final meeting of COST DIVAS Action, Liège, Belgium.

Massart, S., Kreuze, J., Bachabi, F., Cuervo, M., Kumari, S. G., Mezzalama, M., Rong, W., Sharma, R., Sun, L., & Kumar, L. (November 2018). Safe germplasm exchange: the role of the germplasm Health Units of the CGIAR genebanks to prevent emerging outbreaks and their path toward HTS-based germplasm indexing [Paper presentation]. Final meeting of COST DIVAS Action, Liège, Belgium.

Massart, S. (2018). Training school internationales à Gembloux Agro Bio Tech.

Massart, S. (26 September 2018). Defogging HTS and plant virus diagnostic The role of a collaborative network as the COST Action FA 1407 - DIVAS [Paper presentation]. NGS detect conference, Wageningen, Netherlands.

Massart, S. (2018). Training Schools internationales sur le séquençage haut débit à Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech.

Massart, S. (2018). La maladie du café [Paper presentation]. un jour dans l'histoire -, Belgium.

Massart, S., Candresse, T., Gil, J., Lacomme, C., Predjana, L., Ravnikar, M., Reynard, J.-S., Rumbou, A., Saldarelli, P., Skoric, D., Vainio, E., Valkonen, J. P., Vanderschuren, H., Varveri, C., & Wetzel, T. (03 August 2018). After the data deluge: biological characterization of the new variants and viral species identified by HTS [Paper presentation]. ICPP Conference, Boston, United States.

Eck, M., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (August 2018). Study of a bacterial community in the aquaponic closed-loop system of Gembloux Agro-Bio-Tech [Paper presentation]. XXX. International Horticultural Congress, Istanbul, Turkey.

Lu, L., Rong, W., Massart, S., & Zhang, Z. (August 2018). Genome-Wide Identification and Expression Analysis of Cutinase Gene Family in Rhizoctonia cerealis and Functional Study of an Active Cutinase RcCUT1 in the Fungal–Wheat Interaction. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9 (1813). doi:10.3389/fmicb.2018.01813

Massart, S. (2018). Après les fraises de Wépion, les bananes d'Enghien: avec cette chaleur, le bananier de Gauthier produit des fruits. RTL-info.

Koloniuk, I., Thekke-Veetil, T., Reynard, J.-S., Mavric Plesko, I., Pribylova, J., Brodard, J., Kellenberger, I., Sarkisova, T., Spak, J., Lamovsek, J., Massart, S., Ho, T., Postman, J. D., & Tzanetakis, I. E. (12 July 2018). Molecular Characterization of Divergent Closterovirus Isolates Infecting Ribes Species. Viruses, 10 (369). doi:10.3390/v10070369

Tahzima, R., Haegeman, A., De Jonghe, K., Brostaux, Y., & Massart, S. (06 July 2018). Unearthing Planet’s Plant Virus Modulome: Exploring Plant Virus Proteome Modularity for Taxonomic Classification and Biological Predictions [Poster presentation]. International Congress of Plant Pathology ICPP2018, Boston -Massachusetts - USA, United States.

Sare, A. R., Ait-A, N., Jijakli, H., & Massart, S. (22 May 2018). Ecological relations inside plant microbiota can improve the efficacy of biocontrol agents: The case of Pichia anomala strain K against Botrytis cinerea on apple [Paper presentation]. 70th International Symposium on Crop Protection, Ghent, Belgium.

Stouvenakers, G., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (22 May 2018). AQUAPONIC WATER: A NOVEL SOURCE TO ISOLATE BCAs AGAINST PYTHIUM APHANIDERMATUM? [Poster presentation]. 70th International Symposium on Crop Protection, Ghent, Belgium.

Tahzima, R., Foucart, Y., Peusens, G., Belien, T., Massart, S., & DeJOnghe, K. (06 May 2018). New and Sensitive and Fast Detection of Little cherry virus 1 using Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification. Ghent University. Proceedings of the 70th International Symposium on Crop Protection [Poster presentation]. 70th International Symposium on Crop Protection, Ghent, Belgium.

Beris, D., Malandraki, I., Kektsidou, O., Massart, S., & Varveri, C. (May 2018). Identification of a novel ssRNA(-) virus associated with citrus impietratura disease by high throughput sequencing [Poster presentation]. Power of Virus, Porec, Croatia.

Skoric, D., Seruga Music, M., Cerni, S., & Massart, S. (May 2018). The First Finding of Coleus Vein Necrosis Virus in Europe [Poster presentation]. Power of Virus, Porec, Croatia.

Sare, A. R., Jijakli, H., & Massart, S. (26 April 2018). Improving biological control using microbiota: the case of apple for postharvest diseases [Paper presentation]. XV Meeting of the Working Group ‘Biological and integrated control of plant pathogens’ Biocontrol products: from lab testing to product development, Lleida, Spain.

Stouvenakers, G., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (24 April 2018). Suppressive effect of aquaponic water on the development of root rot caused by Pythium aphanidermatum in lettuce [Paper presentation]. XV Meeting of the Working Group ‘Biological and integrated control of plant pathogens’: Biocontrol products: from lab testing to product development, Lleida, Spain.

Massart, S. (17 April 2018). Gene Sequencing and molecular technologies in Plant pests diagnostics: introduction [Paper presentation]. Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM-13) - FAO, Rome, Italy.

Massart, S. (17 April 2018). A framework for the evaluation of biosecurity, commercial, regulatory and scientific impacts of plant pests identified by NGS technologies [Paper presentation]. Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM-13) - FAO, Rome, Italy.

Eck, M., Sare, A. R., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (10 April 2018). Exploring bacterial communities in diversified aquaponic systems [Poster presentation]. COST FA1305 FInal meeting, Londres, United Kingdom.

Stouvenakers, G., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (10 April 2018). SUPPRESSIVE ACTION OF AQUAPONIC WATER AGAINST PYTHIUM APHANIDERMATUM, AN IMPORTANT ROOT PATHOGEN ON LETTUCE [Poster presentation]. COST Action: FA1305 Meeting Title: Final Conference and MC meeting, Londre, United Kingdom.

De Clerck, C., Fiers, M., Jallais, L., Parisi, O., Fauconnier, M.-L., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (April 2018). Volatile organic compounds emitted upon infection of barley roots by fungal pathogens: antifungal effects and mode of action [Poster presentation]. XV Meeting of the Working Group ‘Biological and integrated control of plant pathogens’ Biocontrol products: from lab testing to product development, Lleida, Spain.

Jijakli, H., Stouvenakers, G., & Massart, S. (April 2018). Suppressive action of aquaponic water against Pythium aphanidematum , an important root pathogen on lettuces [Poster presentation]. COST aquaponics, Londres, United Kingdom.

Massart, S. (2018). La viticulture étudiée à Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech [Paper presentation]., Gembloux, Belgium.

Zhang, P., Liu, W., Cao, M., Massart, S., & Wang, X. (2018). Two novel totiviruses in the white-backed planthopper, Sogatella furcifera. Journal of General Virology. doi:10.1099/jgv.0.001052

Sare, A. R., Jijakli, H., & Massart, S. (19 February 2018). Characterization of apple metagenome in Belgium [Poster presentation]. 2nd Plant Microbiome Symposium, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Massart, S. (26 January 2018). Defogging NGS and plant virus diagnostic - The role of a collaborative network as the COST Action FA1407-DIVAS [Paper presentation]. mid-term meeting E-Space project, Montpellier, France.

Adams, I. P., Fox, A., Boonham, N., Massart, S., & De Jonghe, K. (2018). The impact of high throughput sequencing on plant health diagnostics. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 152 (4), 909-919. doi:10.1007/s10658-018-1570-0

Delic, D., Radulovic, M., Vukosavljevic, V., & Massart, S. (2018). First report of grapevine rupestris stem pitting-associated virus, hop stunt viroid, and grapevine yellow speckle viroid 1 infecting grapevine (Vitis vinifera) in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Plant Disease, 102 (12), 2666. doi:10.1094/PDIS-03-18-0473-PDN

Flandroy, L., Poutahidis, T., Berg, G., Clarke, G., Dao, M.-C., Decaestecker, E., Furman, E., Haahtela, T., Massart, S., Plovier, H., Sanz, Y., & Rook, G. (2018). The impact of human activities and lifestyles on the interlinked microbiota and health of humans and of ecosystems. Science of the Total Environment, 627, 1018-1038. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.01.288

Leblois, J., Massart, S., Soyeurt, H., Grelet, C., Dehareng, F., Schroyen, M., Li, B., Wavreille, J., Bindelle, J., & Everaert, N. (2018). Feeding sows resistant starch during gestation and lactation impacts their faecal microbiota and milk composition but shows limited effects on their progeny. PLoS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0199568

Milla, S., Massart, S., Mathieu, C., Wang, N., Douny, C., Douxfils, J., Scippo, M.-L., De Pauw, E., Dieu, M., Silvestre, F., & Kestemont, P. (2018). Physiological and proteomic responses to corticosteroid treatments in Eurasian perch, Perca fluviatilis: Investigation of immune-related parameters. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part D, Genomics and Proteomics, 25, 86-98. doi:10.1016/j.cbd.2017.11.005

Olmos, A., Boonham, N., Gentit, P., Giovani, B., Kutnjak, D., Liefting, L., Maree, H. J., Minafra, A., Moreira, A., Nakhla, M. K., Petter, F., Ravnikar, M., Rodoni, B., Roenhorst, J. W., Rott, M., Ruiz-Garcia, A. B., Santala, J., Stancanelli, G., van der Vlugt, R., ... Massart, S. (2018). High-Throughput sequencing technologies for plant pest diagnosis: challenges and opportunities. Bulletin OEPP, 0 (0), 1-6. doi:10.1111/epp.12472

Pecman, A., Schmidt, A.-M., De Jonghe, K., Gala, J.-L., Lacomme, C., Van Crup, T., Ebskamp, M., Hostachy, B., Masse, D., Boonham, N., Fox, A., Livieratos, I., Mehle, N., Kutnjak, D., Ravnikar, M., Gang, W., & Massart, S. (2018). VIRFAST: Faster, cheaper identification of emerging plant virus problems [Poster presentation]. Conférence London Calling 2018, London, United Kingdom.

Rong, W., Wang, X., Wang, X., Massart, S., & Zhang, Z. (2018). Molecular and Ultrastructural Mechanisms Underlying Yellow Dwarf Symptom Formation in Wheat after Infection of Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. doi:10.3390/ijms19041187

De Clerck, C., Fiers, M., Jallais, L., Parisi, O., Fauconnier, M.-L., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (December 2017). Antifungal effects of volatile organic compounds emitted during infection of barley roots by fungal pathogens [Poster presentation]. Ecology across borders- joint annual meeting of the british ecological society, Gand, Belgium.

Eck, M., Sare, A. R., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (December 2017). Taxonomic characterisation of bacteria communities from water of diversified aquaponic systems [Poster presentation]. International Symposium Microbe Assisted Crop Production - Opportunities, Challenges and Needs, Vienne, Austria.

Sare, A. R., Ait A., N., Jijakli, H., & Massart, S. (December 2017). Impact of apple microbiota on Pichia anomala strain K, a biocontrol yeast against apple major postharvest diseases [Poster presentation]. International Symposium Microbe Assisted Crop Production - Opportunities, Challenges and Needs, Vienne, Austria.

Jijakli, H., Massart, S., Stouvenakers, G., Sare, A. R., & Eck, M. (November 2017). Importance of Microbiota characterization in two original agronomical situations [Paper presentation]. European summit of Biotechnology, Graz, Austria.

Massart, S. (November 2017). Defogging NGS and plant virus diagnostic - The role of collaborative networks as the COST Action FA1407-DIVAS [Paper presentation]. EPPO-COST-Euphresco conference, Bari, Italy.

Stouvenakers, G., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (18 October 2017). BIOCONTROL PROPERTIES OF RECIRCULATING AQUACULTURE WATER AGAINST HYDROPONIC ROOT PATHOGENS [Paper presentation]. Aquaculture Europe 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Zhang, P., Liu, Y., Liu, W., Massart, S., & Wang, X. (12 September 2017). Simultaneous detection of Wheat dwarf virus, northern cereal mosaic virus, barley yellow striate mosaic virus and rice black-streaked dwarf virus in wheat by multiplex RT-PCR. Journal of Virological Methods, 249, 170-174. doi:10.1016/j.jviromet.2017.09.010

Zhang, P., Liu, Y., Liu, W., Cao, M., Massart, S., & Wang, X. (06 September 2017). Identification, Characterization and Full-Length Sequence Analysis of a Novel Polerovirus Associated with Wheat Leaf Yellowing Disease. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8 (1689). doi:10.3389/fmicb.2017.01689

Leblois, J., Massart, S., Wavreille, J., Li, B., Bindelle, J., & Everaert, N. (30 August 2017). Effects of maternal wheat bran supplementation on microbiota and intestinal parameters of piglets [Paper presentation]. EAAP 2017.

De Clerck, C., Kaddes, A., Fiers, M., Jallais, L., Parisi, O., Fauconnier, M.-L., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (August 2017). Antifungal effects of volatile organic compounds emitted during infection of barley roots by fungal pathogens [Poster presentation]. joined meeting of the 33th annual meeting of the ISCE and the 9th meeting of the APACE symposium, Kyoto, Japan.

Tahzima, R., Foucart, Y., Peusens, G., Belien, T., Massart, S., & De Jonghe, K. (01 August 2017). First Report of Little cherry virus 1 affecting European Plum (Prunus domestica) in Belgium. Plant Disease, 101 (8), 1557. doi:10.1094/PDIS-01-17-0074-PDN

Massart, S., & Tahzima, R. (2017). Rachid Tahzima lauréat du journal of general virology for best oral scientific presentation award 2017. Liège Université Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech - Evenement.

Berhal, C., De Clerck, C., LEVICEK, C., Verheggen, F., Fauconnier, M.-L., Jijakli, H., & Massart, S. (16 June 2017). First Characterization of the Volatile Organic Compounds Emitted by Banana Plants (Musa sp.) [Paper presentation]. First announcement of HYPI Conference: New Perspectives in Modeling and Measurement of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compound Emissions by Remote Sensing, Antwerp, Belgium.

De Clerck, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Fiers, M., Parisi, O., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (15 June 2017). Volatile organic compounds emitted by infected barley roots are active against barley pathogens [Poster presentation]. HYPI conference on BVOCs, Anvers, Belgium.

Tahzima, R., Massart, S., Peusens, G., Belien, T., & De Jonghe, K. (2017). New Developments in the Epidemiology of Little cherry virus 1 and its Occurrence in European Plum Prunus domestica L. in Belgium. In Proceedings of the ICVF 2017 (24th International Conference on Virus and Other Graft Transmissible Diseases of Fruit Crops.).

Sare, A. R., Jijakli, H., & Massart, S. (02 June 2017). Preliminary study of the interactions between the apple microbiota and Pichia anomala strain K, a biocontrol yeast against wound diseases of postharvest apples [Paper presentation]. 4 th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON POSTHARVEST PATHOLOGY.

Dario, A., Massart, S., Sare, A. R., Jijakli, H., & Illaria, P. (June 2017). New insights into the microbiome of apple fruit surface “cv Pinova” through metagenomics [Paper presentation]. 11 th International IOBC - WPRS Workshop on Pome Fruit Diseases, Jurmala, Latvia.

Jijakli, H., Massart, S., & Sare, A. R. (June 2017). Preliminary study of the interactions between the apple microbiota and Pichia anomala strain K, a biocontrol yeast against wound diseases of postharvest apples [Paper presentation]. 4th International Symposium on Postharvest Pathology, Skukuza, South Africa.

Berhal, C., De Clerck, C., LEVICEK, C., Verheggen, F., Fauconnier, M.-L., Jijakli, H., & Massart, S. (23 May 2017). Study of VOCs in the interaction between Banana and Foc TR4 [Poster presentation]. 69th International Symposium on Crop Protection (ISCP 69th), Gent, Belgium.

De Clerck, C., Kaddes, A., Fiers, M., Jallais, L., Parisi, O., Fauconnier, M.-L., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (23 May 2017). Study of volatile organic compounds active against barley pathogens [Paper presentation]. 69th International Symposium on Crop Protection.

Sare, A. R., Stouvenakers, G., Lampens, A., Goormachtig, S., Jijakli, H., & Massart, S. (23 May 2017). Plant microbiome study: The importance and potential bias of microbiota harvesting techniques: an example from apple skin and lettuce root [Poster presentation]. 69th International Symposium on Crop Protection, University of Ghent, Gand, Belgium.

Tahzima, R., Massart, S., Peusens, G., Beliën, T., & De Jonghe, K. (23 May 2017). Little cherry virus Diversity: Insights from a Genetic and Molecular Epidemiological Perspective [Paper presentation]. 69th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CROP PROTECTION, Ghent, Belgium.

Berhal, C.* , De Clerck, C.* , Fauconnier, M.-L., LEVICEK, C., Boullis, A., Kaddes, A., Jijakli, H., Verheggen, F., & Massart, S. (2017). First Characterisation of Volatile Organic Compounds Emitted by Banana Plants. Scientific Reports. doi:10.1038/srep46400
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Maclot, F., & Massart, S. (19 April 2017). PhD Thesis 3 minutes presentation: impact of ecosystem diversity on the Poaceae virome [Paper presentation]. Gembloux Molecular Biology.

Sare, A. R., Jijakli, H., & Massart, S. (07 February 2017). Improving apple fruit biological control by microbiota using omics tools [Poster presentation]. 22nd National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences (NSABS), Leuven, Belgium.

Massart, S. (2017). "Il vaut mieux prévenir que guérir", l'adage s'applique également aux plantes. Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech ULg - Les actualités.

Massart, S., Candresse, T., Gil, J., Lacomme, C., Predjana, L., Ravnikar, M., Reynard, J.-S., Rumbou, A., Saldarelli, P., Skoric, D., Vainio, E., Valkonen, J., Vanderschuren, H., Varveri, C., & Wetzel, T. (06 January 2017). A Framework for the Evaluation of Biosecurity, Commercial, Regulatory, and Scientific Impacts of Plant Viruses and Viroids Identified by NGS Technologies. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8 (45). doi:10.3389/fmicb.2017.00045

De Clerck, C., Crew, K., Van den Houwe, I., McMichael, L., Berhal, C., Lassois, L., Jijakli, H., Roux, N., Thomas, J., & Massart, S. (2017). Lessons learned from the virus indexing of Musa germplasm: insights from a multiyear collaboration. Annals of Applied Biology. doi:10.1111/aab.12353

Leblois, J., Massart, S., Li, B., Wavreille, J., Bindelle, J., & Everaert, N. (2017). Modulation of piglets’ microbiota: differential effects by a high wheat bran maternal diet during gestation and lactation. Scientific Reports. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-07228-2

Massart, S. (2017). Virus Discovery: After the deluge ... ...the framework!!! [Paper presentation]. 2nd Workshop of Germplasm Health Units of CGIAR Centers, Mexico city, Mexico.

Massart, S., Chiumenti, M., De Jonghe, K., Glover, R., Haegeman, A., Koloniuk, I., Kominek, P., Kreuze, J., Kuntjak, D., Lotos, L., Maclot, F., Maglioka, V., Maree, H. J., Molnar, J., Olivier, T., Olmos, A., Pooggin, M., Ruiz-Garcia, A. B., Safarova, D., ... Candresse, T. (2017). NGS and virus diagnostic: does sequence analysis strategies really matter? Results of an international performance testing on siRNA [Paper presentation]. 69 th International Symposium on crop protection, Genth, Belgium.

Massart, S., De Jonghe, K., Adams, I., Giampetruzzi, A., Koloniuk, I., Kominek, P., Kreuze, J., Kuntjak, D., Lotos, L., Maree, H. J., Olivier, T., Pooggin, M., Ruiz-Garcia, A. B., Safarova, D., Schneeberger, P. H. H., Sela, N., Varallyay, E., Vainio, E., Verdin, E., ... Candresse, T. (2017). High Throughput Sequencing of siRNAs and virus diagnostic: do sequence analysis strategies really matter? Results of an international proficiency testing [Poster presentation]. 12th European foundation for Plant Pathology (EFPP) and 10th French Society for Plant Pathology (SFP), Dunkerke - Malo-les-bains, France.

Massart, S., De Jonghe, K., Giampetruzzi, A., Koloniuk, I., Adams, I., Kominek, P., Kreuze, J., Kutnjak, D., Lotos, L., Maree, H. J., Olivier, T., Pooggin, M., Ruiz-Garcia, A. B., Safarova, D., Schneeberger, P. H. H., Sela, N., Varallyay, E., Vainio, E., Verdin, E., ... Candresse, T. (January 2017). High Throughput Sequencing of siRNAs and virus diagnostic: do sequence analysis strategies really matter? Results of an international proficiency testing [Poster presentation]. Rencontres de virologie végétale, Aussois, France.

Massart, S., Maree, H. J., Adams, I., Chiumenti, M., De Jonghe, K., Koloniuk, I., Kominek, P., Kreuze, J., Kuntjak, D., Lotos, L., Olivier, T., Pooggin, M., Ruiz-Garcia, A. B., Safarova, D., Schneeberger, P. H. H., Sela, N., Varallyay, E., Vainio, E., Verdin, E., ... Candresse, T. (2017). High Throughput Sequencing of siRNAs and virus diagnostic: do sequence analysis strategies really matter? Results of an international proficiency testing [Poster presentation]. 24th International Conference on virus and other Graft transmissible Disease of fruit Crops, Thessalonique, Greece.

Ruiz-Garcia, A.-B., Chamberland, N., Martinez, C., Massart, S., & Olmos, A. (2017). Disease Note. First Report of Persimmon Cryptic Virus in Spain. Journal of Plant Pathology, 99 (1). doi:10.4454/jpp.v99i1.3802

Tahzima, R., Massart, S., Achbani, E. H., Munyaneza, J. E., & Ouvrard, D. (January 2017). First Report of Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum Associated with the Psyllid Bactericera trigonica Hodkinson on Carrots in Northern Africa. Plant Disease, 101 (1), 242. doi:10.1094/PDIS-07-16-0964-PDN

Kouadio, K. T., De Clerck, C., Agneroh, T. A., Lassois, L., Parisi, O., Massart, S., Lepoivre, P., & Jijakli, H. (03 November 2016). Prevalence of viruses infecting plantain (Musa sp., AAB genome) in the major growing regions in Cote d'Ivoire. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 11 (44), 4532-4541.

Berhal, C., De Clerck, C., LEVICEK, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Jijakli, H., Verheggen, F., & Massart, S. (11 October 2016). Study of the volatile organic compounds in the interaction between banana plants and the fungal disease Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense Tropical Race 4 (FocTR4) [Paper presentation]. Xth International Symposium on Banana / ISHSProMusa symposium: Agroecological approaches to promote innovative banana production systems, Montpellier, France.

Tahzima, R., Peusens, G., Beliën, T., Massart, S., & De Jonghe, K. (08 September 2016). Epidemiology and Molecular Variability of Little cherry virus on Prunus in Belgium [Paper presentation]. INTERNATIONAL ADVANCES IN PLANT VIROLOGY, Greenwich., United Kingdom.

Leblois, J., Bindelle, J., Dehareng, F., Massart, S., Li, B., Soyeurt, H., Beckers, Y., & Wavreille, J. (02 September 2016). Impact of high-wheat bran diet on sows’ microbiota, performances and progeny’s growth and health [Paper presentation]. 67th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP), Belfast, United Kingdom.

Massart, S. (September 2016). Presentation of germplasm Health Unit-Gembloux [Paper presentation]. First Working Group Meeting of the CGIAR Germplasm Health Units, Nairobi, Kenya.

Massart, S., Candresse, T., Gil, J., Lacomme, C., Predjana, L., Ravnikar, M., Reynard, J.-S., Rumbou, A., Saldarelli, P., Skoric, D., Vainio, E., Valkonen, J. P. T., Vanderschuren, H., Varveri, C., & Wetzel, T. (September 2016). Framework for the evaluation of biosecurity, commercial, regulatory and scientific impacts of plant viruses and viroids identified by NGS technologies [Paper presentation]. International Advances in Plant Virology, Greenwich, United Kingdom.

Massart, S., Olmos, A., Adams, I., De Jonghe, K., Giampetruzzi, A., Koloniuk, I., Kominek, P., Kreuze, J., Kutnjak, D., Lotos, L., Maree, J. H., Olivier, T., Pooggin, M., Safarova, D., Schneeberger, P. H. H., Sela, N., Candresse, T., Varallyay, E., Vainio, E., ... Brostaux, Y. (September 2016). Virus diagnostic and high throughput sequencing: Does bioinformatics really matter? Preliminary analysis of bioinformatic proficiency testing in the frame of COST Action FA1407 [Paper presentation]. International Advances in Plant Virology, Greenwich, United Kingdom.

Tahzima, R., Peusens, G., Belïen, T., Massart, S., & De Jonghe, K. (September 2016). Epidemiology and Molecular Variability of little cherry virus in Belgium [Paper presentation]. International Advances in Plant Virology, Greenwich, United Kingdom.

Kaddes, A., Parisi, O., Berhal, C., Ben Kaab, S., Fauconnier, M.-L., Bouzid, N., Jijakli, H., Massart, S., & De Clerck, C. (26 August 2016). Evaluation of the Effect of Two Volatile Organic Compounds on Barley Pathogens. Molecules, 21 (9). doi:10.3390/molecules21091124

Massart, S., & Petter, F. (July 2016). COST Action FA1407: Empowering NGS technologie for study and diagnostic of plant viruses [Paper presentation]. Conference International " Technical Panel on Diagnostic Protocol (TPDP) meeting, Kingston, Jamaica.

Massart, S., Minafra, A., Olmos, A., Wetzel, T., van der Vlugt, R., Ravnikar, M., & Varveri, C. (22 June 2016). New Sequencing technologies for diagnostic and consequences for risk management [Paper presentation]. 54th meeting of the working Party on Phytosanitary regulations, Ghent, Belgium.

Massart, S. (17 June 2016). Serious Game Biotechnologie: dans la peau d'un responsable de laboratoire de diagnostic [Paper presentation]. Pause pédagogique, Gembloux, Belgium.

Massart, S. (20 May 2016). TERRA Innovation Fair: Thematic 4: Innovations in PLant Protection [Paper presentation]. TERRA Innovation Day, Gembloux, Belgium.

Angeli, D., Massart, S., Sare, A. R., Jijakli, H., & Pertot, I. (17 May 2016). Insights gained from metagenomic sequencing of apple fruit surface (cv. Pinova) [Poster presentation]. 68th International Symposium on Crop Protection, Gand, Belgium.

Kaddes, A., Massart, S., Fauconnier, M.-L., Jijakli, H., & De Clerck, C. (17 May 2016). Effectiveness of Volatile Organic Compounds against barley pathogens [Paper presentation]. 68th International Symposium on Crop Protection, Ghent, Belgium.

Massart, S., Angelantonio, M., Ravnikar, M., Van der Vlught, R., Varveri, C., Wetzel, T., & Olmos, A. (17 May 2016). Virus diagnostic and high Throughput Sequencing: Does bioinformatics really matter? Preliminary analysis of European proficiency testing of bioinformatic pipelines in the frame of COST Action FA1407 (COST-DIVAS) [Paper presentation]. 68th International Symposium on Crop Protection, Gand, Belgium.

Stouvenakers, G., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (17 May 2016). Characterization and biocontrol properties of Lactuca sativa rhizosphere microbiota in an aquaponic system [Poster presentation]. 38th international symposium on crop protection, Ghent, Belgium.

Massart, S. (May 2016). Looking beyond next door: impact of NGS technologies and virome studies in plant virology and emphasis on PPV [Paper presentation]. 3rd International Symposium on Plum Pox Virus, Antalya, Turkey.

Massart, S. (April 2016). Nutrient from fish waste recycling for hydroponics bed: phosphorus solubilization by means of microorganisms [Paper presentation]. Training School on aquaponics COST FA1305, Gembloux, Belgium.

Stouvenakers, G., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (23 March 2016). Biocontrol in aquaponic systems: Toward a better characterization of microbiota properties [Paper presentation]. COST FA1305, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Massart, S. (March 2016). A "external" StandPoint on QMS [Paper presentation]. Crop Trust, Ibadan, Nigeria.

Berhal, C., De Clerck, C., LEVICEK, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Jijakli, H., Verheggen, F., & Massart, S. (05 February 2016). Study of the Volatile Organic Compounds in the Interaction Between Banana Plants (Musa sp.) and the Fungal Disease Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense Tropical Race 4 (Foc TR4) [Poster presentation]. National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences (NSABS) 21st - 2016, Anvers, Belgium.

Kaddes, A., Massart, S., Fauconnier, M.-L., Jijakli, H., & De Clerck, C. (05 February 2016). Volatile Organic Compounds:a new tool to control barley pathogens? [Poster presentation]. 21st National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences (NSABS 2016), Antwerp, Belgium.

Leblois, J., Bindelle, J., Dehareng, F., Massart, S., Li, B., & Wavreille, J. (05 February 2016). Early life programming of pigs' intestinal microbiota, intestinal functioning and hepatic metabolism by maternal wheat bran supplementation [Poster presentation]. The 21st National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences (NSABS 2016), Antwerpen, Belgium.

De Clerck, C., Kaddes, A., Fiers, M., Jallais, L., Parisi, O., Fauconnier, M.-L., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (2016). Identification and characterization of volatile organic compounds active against barley pathogens. Bulletin OILB/SROP, 117, 238-241.

Jijakli, H., Massart, S., & Sare, A. R. (2016). Use of the omic and NGS technologies to develop and improve biopesticides based on yeasts against postharvest diseases of fruits. Bulletin OILB/SROP, 117, 28-30.

Massart, S. (2016). Une révolution biotechnologique et la science millénaire: les bases d'un bouleversement majeur [Paper presentation]. rotary club de gembloux, Gembloux, Belgium.

Massart, S., Sare, A. R., & Jijakli, H. (2016). Biological control in the microbiome era: challenges and opportunities for banana production [Paper presentation]. X International Symposium on Banana, Montpellier, France.

Mamiharisoa Razanakoto, L., Massart, S., De Clerck, C., Rabemanantsoa, C., Raherimandimby, M., El Jaziri, M., Rakotozandrindrainy, R., & Jijakli, H. (20 December 2015). First report on the occurrence of Enterobacter sp. causing leaf dieback and wilt of potato in Madagascar. New Disease Reports, 32 (34). doi:10.5197/j.2044-0588.2015.032.034

De Clerck, C., Fujiwara, A., Joncour, P., Léonard, S., Félix, M.-L., Francis, F., Jijakli, H., Tsuchida, T., & Massart, S. (December 2015). A metagenomic approach from aphid’s hemolymph sheds light on the potential roles of co-existing endosymbionts. Microbiome, 3 (63). doi:10.1186/s40168-015-0130-5

Massart, S. (27 November 2015). Sequencage haut-debit et virologie. Le tsunami R&D et son impact pour le diagnostic futur des virus [Paper presentation]. Conférence à l'Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France.

Massart, S. (09 September 2015). Practical training session on virus discovery from High Throughput Sequencing data [Paper presentation]. Usage of High Throughput Sequencing in Virology, Liège, Belgium.

Massart, S. (09 September 2015). Challenges for the transition from research use towards diagnostic tool: the case of plant virus diagnostic [Paper presentation]. Usage of High Throughput Sequencing in Virology, Liège, Belgium.

Kaddes, A., Massart, S., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Jijakli, H. (25 August 2015). Effect of Volatile Organic Compounds against fungal and bacterial plant pathogens [Poster presentation]. XVIII. International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC) 2015, Berlin, Germany.

van der Vlugt, R., Minafra, A., Olmos, A., Ravnikar, M., Wetzel, T., Varveri, C., & Massart, S. (August 2015). Application of next generation sequencing for study and diagnosis of plant viral diseases in agriculture [Poster presentation]. 15th conference of the International Working Group on Legume and Vegetable Viruses, Haarlem, Netherlands.

Massart, S., Gentit, P., Olmos, A., Boonham, N., Büttner, C., Candresse, T., Felix, R., Font, I., Glasa, M., Jalkanen, R., Kominek, P., Laimer, M., Malinowski, T., Maliogka, V., Minafra, A., Ortega Parra, N., Poliverari, A., Ravnikar, M., Safarova, D., ... Wetzel, T. (June 2015). Empowering NGS technologies for the study and diagnostic of plant viruses - European COST Action FA1407 [Poster presentation]. 23rd International Conference on Virus and Other Graft Transmissible Diseases of Fruit Crops (ICVF), Moroika, Japan.

Tarayre, C., Bauwens, J., Mattéotti, C., Brasseur, C., Millet, C., Massart, S., Destain, J., Vandenbol, M., De Pauw, E., Haubruge, E., Francis, F., Thonart, P., Portetelle, D., & Delvigne, F. (2015). Multiple analyses of microbial communities applied to the gut of the wood-feeding termite Reticulitermes flavipes fed on artificial diets. Symbiosis. doi:10.1007/s13199-015-0328-0

De Clerck, C., Kherkhofs, C., Berhal, C., Verheggen, F., Fauconnier, M.-L., Jijakli, H., & Massart, S. (19 May 2015). Volatile organic compounds emitted by Cavendish and Plantain banana plants [Poster presentation]. International Symposium on Crop Protection (ISCP) 67th, Gant, Belgium.

Mamiharisoa Razanakoto, L., Parisi, O., Massart, S., De Clerck, C., Rabemanantsoa, C., Raherimandimby, M., El Jaziri, M., Rakotozandrindrainy, R., & Jijakli, H. (19 May 2015). Study of essential oil activity on Curvularia sp. a rice leaf spot pathogen in Madagascar [Poster presentation]. 67th International Symposium on crop protection, Ghent, Belgium.

Massart, S. (2015). Passeport santé pour bananier. ORBi-University of Liège.

Massart, S. (2015). Equipements remarquable: Passeport santé pour bananier. 15e Jour du Mois, (242).

Massart, S. (March 2015). Current impact and future direction of High Throughput Sequencing in plant virus diagnostics: the drivers of COST Action FA1407 [Paper presentation]. Advances in Plant Virology, Birmingham, United Kingdom.

Degrune, F., Dufrêne, M., Colinet, G., Massart, S., Taminiau, B., Bodson, B., Hiel, M.-P., Daube, G., Vandenbol, M., & Nezer, C. (Other coll.). (2015). A novel sub-phylum method discriminates better the impact of crop management on soil microbial community. Agronomy for Sustainable Development. doi:10.1007/s13593-015-0291-4

De Clerck, C., Parmenter, K., Vandenhouwe, I., Lassois, L., Roux, N., Jijakli, H., Thomas, J., & Massart, S. (2015). Virus indexing and sanitation of international banana collection: insights from a 5-years collaborative effort [Paper presentation]. International Symposium on Crop Protection.

Massart, S. (2015). open comment period for the position paper on strategy to enable the distribution of banana streak virus-infected germplasm. ORBi-University of Liège.

Massart, S., Martinez-Medina, M., & Jijakli, H. (2015). Biological control in the microbiome era: Challenges and opportunities. Biological Control, 89, 98-108. doi:10.1016/j.biocontrol.2015.06.003

Massart, S., Olmos, A., Jijakli, H., & Candresse, T. (2015). Current impact and future direction of High Throughput Sequencing in plant virus diagnostics [Paper presentation]. 15ème Rencontres de Virologie Végétale, Aussois, France.

Massart, S., Perazzolli, M., Höfte, M., Pertot, I., & Jijakli, H. (2015). Impact of the Omic Technologies for understanding the modes of action of biological control agents against plant pathogens. BioControl, 60 (6), 725-746. doi:10.1007/s10526-015-9686-z

Montassier, E., Gastinne, T., Vangay, P., Al-Ghalith, G. A., Bruley des Varannes, S., Massart, S., Moreau, P., Potel, G., de la Cochetière, M. F., Batard, E., & Knights, D. (2015). Chemotherapy-driven dysbiosis in the intestinal microbiome. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. doi:10.1111/apt.13302

Olmos, A., Boonham, N., Büttner, C., Candresse, T., Felix, R., Font, I., Glasa, M., Jalkanen, R., Kominek, P., Laimer, M., Malinowski, T., Maliogka, V., Minafra, A., Ortega Parra, N., Poliverari, A., Ravnikar, M., Safarova, D., Vandervlugt, R., Varveri, C., ... Massart, S. (2015). COST Action FA1407: Empowering NGS technologies for the study and diagnostic of plant viruses [Poster presentation]. 47. JAHRESTREFFEN DES ARBEITSKREISES “VIRUSKRANKHEITEN DER PFLANZEN“, Berlin Dahlem, Germany.

Parisi, O., Lepoivre, P., Jijakli, H., & Massart, S. (2015). Insights into the pathogenic PLMVd-peach tree relationship. In International Symposium on Crop Protection: Proceeding.

Thomas, J., Sharman, M., Lassois, L., Massart, S., De Clerck, C., Caruana, M.-L., Chabannes, M., Teycheney, P.-Y., Kumar, P. L., Van den Houwe, I., & Roux, N. (2015). Technical guidelines for the safe movement of Musa germplasm. In J. Thomas (Ed.), Technical guidelines for the safe movement of Musa germplasm (3rd Edition). Rome, Italy: Bioversity International.

Degrune, F., Dufrêne, M., Taminiau, B., Massart, S., Barbieux, S., Bodson, B., Hiel, M.-P., Daube, G., Vandenbol, M., & Nezer, C. (Other coll.). (02 December 2014). Detecting microbial patterns in relation to soil agricultural practices and the plant development stage [Poster presentation]. The Fisrt Global Soil Biodiversity Conference, Dijon, France.

Massart, S., Olmos, A., Jijakli, H., & Candresse, T. (September 2014). Diagnostic des viroses et séquençage haut-débit : vers un changement de paradigme ? Virologie, 18 (V), 247-250.

De Clerck, C., Parmenter, K., Vandenhouwe, I., Lassois, L., Roux, N., Jijakli, H., Thomas, J., & Massart, S. (14 August 2014). Virus indexing and sanitation of international banana collection: insights from a 5-year collaborative effort [Paper presentation]. 11th Australasian Plant Virology Workshop, Brisbane, Australia.

Massart, S. (June 2014). High Throughput sequencing and biological research: Paradigm switches from genetics to ecophysiology [Paper presentation]. Cycle de conferencies de Biologia.

De Clerck, C., Leonard, S., Joncour, P., Jijakli, H., & Massart, S. (20 May 2014). High throughput sequencing of aphid haemolymph reveals endosymbiont diversity [Paper presentation]. 66th International Symposiuim on Crop Protection, Gand, Belgium.

Mamiharisoa Razanakoto, L., Massart, S., De Clerck, C., Parisi, O., Rabemanantsoa, C., El Jaziri, M., Rakotozandrindrainy, R., & Jijakli, H. (20 May 2014). Screening of essential oils on rice pathogen isolated from Madagascar [Poster presentation]. 66th International Symposium on Crop Protection, Ghent, Belgium.

De Clerck, C., Joncour, P., Leonard, S., Francis, F., Jijakli, H., & Massart, S. (03 April 2014). Exploring the role of symbionts in the banana aphid using high throughput sequencing [Paper presentation]. Entomophagistes 2014.

Delaide, B., Lambrechts, P. E., Willaert, J.-F., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (07 February 2014). Biofilter in aquaponics [Poster presentation]. NSABS symposium, Gembloux, Belgium.

Kaddes, A., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (07 February 2014). Effect of two volatile organic compounds on wheat seeds attacked by Fusarium culmorum [Poster presentation]. 19th National Symposium on Applied Biological Sciences, Gemploux, Belgium.

Mamiharisoa Razanakoto, L., De Clerck, C., Massart, S., Rabemanantsoa, C., El Jaziri, M., Rakotozandrindrainy, R., & Jijakli, H. (07 February 2014). Sreening of essential oils against rice pathogens isolated from Madagascar [Poster presentation]. 19th National Symposium on Applied Biological Sciences, Gembloux, Belgium.

De Clerck, C., Tsuchida, T., Massart, S., Lepoivre, P., Francis, F., & Jijakli, H. (2014). Combination of Genomic and Proteomic Approaches to Characterize the Symbiotic Population of the Banana Aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Environmental Entomology. doi:10.1603/EN13107

Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (2014). Pichia anomala and Candida oleophila in Biocontrol of Postharvest Diseases of Fruits: 20 Years of Fundamental and Practical Research. In D. Prusky & M. Gullino (Eds.), Plant Pathology in the 21st Century: Contributions to the 10th International Congress of Plant Pathology. springer.

Massart, S., Nagy, C., & Jijakli, H. (2014). Development of the simultaneous detection of Ralstonia solanacearum race 3 and clavibacter michiganensis subsp. Sepedonicus in potato tubers by a multiplex real-time PCR assay. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 138, 29-37. doi:10.1007/s10658-013-0294-4

Massart, S., Olmos, A., Jijakli, H., & Candresse, T. (2014). Current impact and future directions of high throughput sequencing in plant virus diagnostics. Virus Research, 188, 90-96. doi:10.1016/j.virusres.2014.03.029

Montassier, E., Batard, E., Massart, S., Gastinne, T., Carton, T., Caillon, J., Le Fresnes, S., Caroff, N., Hardouin, J., Moreau, P., Potel, G., Le Vacon, F., & de la Cochetière, M. F. (2014). 16S RNA Gene Pyrosequencing Reveals Shift in Patient Fecal Microbiota during High Dose Chemotherapy as Conditioning Regimen for Bone Marrow Transplantation. Microbial Ecology, 67, 690-699. doi:10.1007/s00248-013-0355-4

Mamiharisoa Razanakoto, L., De Clerck, C., Massart, S., Parisi, O., Rabemanantsoa, C., El Jaziri, M., Rakotozandrindrainy, R., & Jijakli, H. (December 2013). INCIDENCE DES MALADIES BACTERIENNES ET FONGIQUES DU RIZ A MADAGASCAR [Poster presentation]. BIOMAD III, Mahajanga, Madagascar.

Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (25 August 2013). Molecular plant pathogen detection and high-throughput sequencing: toward a paradigm shift [Paper presentation]. 10th International Congress of Plant Pathology, Beijing, China.

De Clerck, C., Tsuchida, T., Massart, S., Lepoivre, P., Francis, F., & Jijakli, H. (August 2013). Combining genomic and proteomic approaches in the identification of bacterial symbionts in the banana aphid (Pentalonia nigronervosa) [Paper presentation]. 10th international congress of plant pathology.

De Clerck, C., Tsuchida, T., Massart, S., Lepoivre, P., Francis, F., & Jijakli, H. (June 2013). Identification of bacterial symbionts in the banana aphid (Pentalonia nigronervosa) coupling genomics and proteomics [Paper presentation]. 9th international symposium on aphids, Pékin, China.

Breton, J., Massart, S., Vandamme, P., De Brandt, E., Pot, B., & Foligné, B. (2013). Ecotoxicology inside the gut: impact of heavy metals on the mouse microbiome. BMC Pharmacology, 14 (62). doi:10.1186/2050-6511-14-62

Frémont, M., Coomans, D., Massart, S., & De Meirleir, K. (2013). High-throughput 16S rRNA gene Sequencing reveals alterations of intestinal microbiota in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome patients. Anaerobe, 22, 50-56. doi:10.1016/j.anaerobe.2013.06.002

Massart, S., & Alexandre, L. (June 2012). Oncogenome sequencing: is it sustainable? [Paper presentation]. European Symposium of Biopathology. Session on Next-generation sequencing in biopathology, Paris, France.

Cousin, F. J., Foligné, B., Deutsch, S.-M., Massart, S., Parayre, S., Le Loir, Y., Boudry, G., & Jan, G. N. L. (2012). assessmentof the probiotic potential of a dairy product fermented by propionibacterium freudenreichii in piglets. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 60 (32), 7917-7927. doi:10.1021/jf302245m

Moh, A., Massart, S., Lepoivre, P., & Jijakli, H. (2012). Models to predict the combined effects of temperature and relative humidity on Pectobacterium Atrosepticum and Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. Carotovorum population density and soft rot disease development at the surface of wounded potato tubers. Journal of Plant Pathology, 94 (1), 181-191.

Massart, S. (December 2011). From Sanger to Oxford: the sequencing highway and its consequences in healthcare [Paper presentation]. Microbiota, Paris, France.

Massart, S. (September 2011). Nutritional genomics: beyond the sequencing (r)evolution, learning from personalized medicine 2eme Better food for better health [Paper presentation]. Les Pensières, Annecy, France.

Massart, S. (28 July 2011). Les modifications génomiques des cellules souches et leur évaluation par séquençage haut-débit [Paper presentation]. Cycle de conférence de l'Institut de Recherche en Biothérapie- CHRU Saint-Eloi, Montpellier, France.

Massart, S. (17 March 2011). Evolution of sequencing and its application in microflora study- Comparative study of gut microflora in children from Europe and rural Africa [Paper presentation]. Journée sur l'analyse de la flore intestinale par métagénomique, Lille, France.

De Filippo, C., Massart, S., Di Paola, M., Ramazzoti, M., Poullet, J. B., Pieraccini, G., Collini, S., Rizzetto, L., Lionetti, P., & Cavalieri, D. (March 2011). The impact of diet in shaping microbiota revealed by a comparative study in children from Europe and Rural Africa [Poster presentation]. Human Microbiome Conference, Vancouver, Canada.

Massart, S., Jijakli, H., & Kummert, J. (2011). Apple stem grooving virus. In A. Hadidi, M. Barba, T. Candresse, ... W. Jelkman (Eds.), Virus and Virus-Like Diseases of Pome and Stone Fruits (pp. 428). APS Press.

Moh, A., Massart, S., Lahlali, R., Jijakli, H., & Lepoivre, P. (2011). Predictive modelling of the combined effect of temperature and water activity (aw) on the in vitro growth of Erwinia spp infecting potato tubers in Belgium. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 15 (3), 378-386.

De Filippo, C., Di paola, M., Ramazzotti, M., Poullet, J. B., Massart, S., Pieraccini, G., Collini, S., Rizzetto, L., Lionetti, P., & Cavalieri, D. (August 2010). The impact of diet in shaping microbiota revealed by a comparative study in children from Europe and Rural Africa [Poster presentation]. Proceedings of the Nugoweek 2010, The Beardmore Hotel Clydebank, Glassgow, United Kingdom.

De Filippo, C., Cavalieri, D., Di Paola, M., Ramazzotti, M., Poullet, J. B., Massart, S., Collini, S., Pieraccini, G., & Lionetti, P. (2010). Impact of diet in shaping gut microbiota revealed by a comparative study in children from Europe and Rural Africa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107 (33), 14691-14696. doi:10.1073/pnas.1005963107

Gadiou, S., Kundu, J. K., Paunovic, S., Garcia-Diez, P., Komorowska, B., Gospodaryk, A., Handa, A., Massart, S., Birisik, N., Takur, P. D., & Polischuk, V. (2010). Genetic diversity of flexiviruses infecting pome fruit trees. Journal of Plant Pathology, 92 (3), 685-691.

Aldaghi, M., Massart, S., Dutrecq, O., Bertaccini, A., Lepoivre, P., & Jijakli, H. (2009). A Simple And Rapid Protocol Of Crude Dna Extraction From Apple Trees For Pcr And Real-Time Pcr Detection Of 'Candidatus Phytoplasma Mali'. Journal of Virological Methods, 156 (1-2), 96-101. doi:10.1016/j.jviromet.2008.10.011

Lahlali, R., Massart, S., De Clercq, D., Serrhini, M., Creemers, P., & Jijakli, H. (2009). Assessment Of Pichia Anomala (Strain K) Efficacy Against Blue Mould Of Apples When Applied Pre- Or Post-Harvest Under Laboratory Conditions And In Orchard Trials. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 123 (1), 37-45. doi:10.1007/s10658-008-9337-7

Massart, S., Brostaux, Y., Barbarossa, L., Batlle, A., Cesar, V., Dutrecq, O., Fonseca, F., Guillem, R., Komorowska, B., Olmos, A., Steyer, S., Wetzel, T., Kummert, J., & Jijakli, H. (2009). Interlaboratory Evaluation Of Two Reverse-Transcriptase Polymeric Chain Reaction-Based Methods For Detection Of Four Fruit Tree Viruses. Annals of Applied Biology, 154 (1), 133-141. doi:10.1111/j.1744-7348.2008.00281.x

Aldaghi, M., Massart, S., Druart, P., Bertaccini, A., Jijakli, H., & Lepoivre, P. (2008). Micropropagation and preliminary in vitro evaluation of antimicrobial activity of some chemicals on apple proliferation-infected shoots [Poster presentation]. 60 th International symposium on crop, Gand, Belgium.

Aldaghi, M., Massart, S., Druart, P., Bertaccini, A., Jijakli, M., & Lepoivre, P. (2008). Preliminary evaluation of antimicrobial activity of some chemicals on in vitro apple shoots infected by 'Candidatus Phytoplasma mali'. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, 73 (2), 335-41.

Aldaghi, M., Massart, S., Roussel, S., Dutrecq, O., & Jijakli, H. (2008). Adaptation of real-time PCR assay for specific detection of apple proliferation phytoplasma. Acta Horticulturae, (781), 387-393. doi:10.17660/actahortic.2008.781.55

Lahlali, R., Massart, S., Serrhini, M., & Jijakli, M. (2008). A Box-Behnken Design For Predicting The Combined Effects Of Relative Humidity And Temperature On Antagonistic Yeast Population Density At The Surface Of Apples. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 122 (1-2), 100-108. doi:10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2007.11.053

Massart, S., Brostaux, Y., Barbarossa, L., Cesar, V., Cieslinska, M., Dutrecq, O., Fonseca, F., Guillem, R., Lavina, A., Olmos, A., Steyer, S., Wetzel, T., Kummert, J., & Jijakli, M. (2008). Inter-Laboratory Evaluation Of A Duplex RT-PCR Method Using Crude Extracts For The Simultaneous Detection Of Prune Dwarf Virus And Prunus Necrotic Ringspot Virus. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 122 (4), 539-547. doi:10.1007/s10658-008-9322-1

Massart, S., Roussel, S., Kummert, J., Dutrecq, O., & Jijakli, H. (2008). Development of routine duplex RT-PCR tests for certification of fruit tree multiplication material. Acta Horticulturae, 781, 107-111. doi:10.17660/actahortic.2008.781.15

Aldaghi, M., Massart, S., Roussel, S., & Jijakli, M. (2007). Development Of A New Probe For Specific And Sensitive Detection Of 'Candidatus Phytoplasma Mali' In Inoculated Apple Trees. Annals of Applied Biology, 151 (2), 251-258. doi:10.1111/j.1744-7348.2007.00171.x

Aldaghi, M., Massart, S., Roussel, S., Steyer, S., Lateur, M., & Jijakli, H. (2007). Comparison of different techniques for inoculation of Candidatus phytoplasma mali in biological indexing [Poster presentation]. 59th International Symposium on Crop protection, Gand, Belgium.

Aldaghi, M., Massart, S., Roussel, S., Steyer, S., Lateur, M., & Jijakli, M. (2007). Comparison of different techniques for inoculation of "Candidatus Phytoplasma mali" on apple and periwinkle in biological indexing procedure. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, 72 (4), 779-84.

Aldaghi, M., Massart, S., Steyer, S., Lateur, M., & Jijakli, H. (2007). Study on diverse grafting techniques for their capability in rapid and efficient transmission of apple proliferation disease to different host plants [Poster presentation]. Proceedings of the First International Phytoplasmologist working group meeting, Bologne, Italy.

Aldaghi, M., Massart, S., Steyer, S., Lateur, M., & Jijakli, M. (2007). Study On Diverse Grafting Techniques For Their Capability In Rapid And Efficient Transmission Of Apple Proliferation Disease To Different Host Plants. Bulletin of Insectology, 60 (2), 381-382.

Bencheqroun, S., Baji, M., Massart, S., Labhilili, M., El Jaafari, S., & Jijakli, M. (2007). In Vitro And In Situ Study Of Postharvest Apple Blue Mold Biocontrol By Aureobasidium Pullulans: Evidence For The Involvement Of Competition For Nutrients. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 46 (2), 128-135. doi:10.1016/j.postharvbio.2007.05.005

Fekih Hassen, I., Massart, S., Motard, J., Roussel, S., Parisi, O., Kummert, J., Fakhfakh, H., Marrakchi, M., Perreault, J. P., & Jijakli, H. (2007). L’analyse du polymorphisme moléculaire du viroïde de la mosaïque latente du pêcher suggère des recombinaisons contribuant à l’évolution de cet ARN infectieux [Paper presentation]. 11ème Rencontres de Virologie végétale, Aussois, France.

Fekih Hassen, I., Massart, S., Motard, J., Roussel, S., Parisi, O., Kummert, J., Fakhfakh, H., Marrakchi, M., Perreault, J. P., & Jijakli, M. (2007). Molecular features of new Peach Latent Mosaic Viroid variants suggest that recombination may have contributed to the evolution of this infectious RNA. Virology, 360 (1), 50-7. doi:10.1016/j.virol.2006.10.021

Hassen, I., Massart, S., Roussel, S., Kummert, J., Fakiakh, H., Marrakchi, M., & Jijakli, M. (2007). Distribution Of Peach Latent Mosaic Viroid In Commercial Orchards Of Peach In The North Of Tunisia. Journal of Phytopathology, 155 (7-8), 403-408. doi:10.1111/j.1439-0434.2007.01250.x

Massart, S., Brostaux, Y., Kummert, J., Barbarossa, L., Bragard, C., Cambra, M., Cielinska, M., Fronseca, F., Guillem, R., Lavina, A., Wetzel, T., & Jijakli, H. (2007). Premier test inter-laboratoire de détection du Prunus Dwarf Virus (PDV) et du Prunus Necrotic Ring Spot (PNRSV) pour la certification des arbres fruitiers [Poster presentation]. 11èmes Rencontres de Virologie végétale, Aussois, France.

Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (2007). Use of molecular techniques in elucidating the action mechanisms of fungal biocontrol agents. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 69, 229-241. doi:10.1016/j.mimet.2006.09.010

Massart, S., & Jijakli, M. (2007). Potential and use of molecular techniques to understand the mechanisms of action of fungal biocontrol agents [Paper presentation]. International Organization for Biological and Integrated Control ofNoxious Animals and Plants West Palaearctic Regional Section: WorkingGroup "Integrated Control of Plant Pathogens", Proceedings of theMeeting "Fundamental and Practice Approaches to Increase BiocontrolEfficacy" Part 1, Spa, Belgium, 6-10 September 2006.

Massart, S., Nagy, C., & Jijakli, H. (2007). Development of a multiplex real-time PCR assay for the simultaneous detection of Ralstonia solanacearum race 3 (Biovar 2A) and Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus with an internal control from potato tubers [Paper presentation]. 59th International Symposium on Crop Protection, Gand, Belgium.

Moh, A., Massart, S., Lahlali, R., & Jijakli, H. (2007). Predictive modelling of the combined effect of temperature and water activity on the in vitro growth of Erwinia spp infecting potato tubers in Belgium [Poster presentation]. 59th International Symposium on Crop Protection, Gand, Belgium.

Aldaghi, M., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (2006). Establishment of a new method for rapid and precise estimation of apple proliferation phytoplasma concentration in apple trees [Paper presentation]. 58th International Symposium on Crop protection, Gand, Belgium.

Aldaghi, M., Massart, S., Roussel, S., Dutrecq, O., & Jijakli, H. (2006). Adaptation of real-time PCR assay for specific detection of apple proliferation phytoplasma [Paper presentation]. 20th International Symposium on virus and virus-like diseases of temperature fruit crops and 19th International Symposium on small fruit virus diseases, Antalya, Turkey.

Aldaghi, M., Massart, S., Roussel, S., & Jijakli, M. (2006). Establishment of a new method for rapid and precise estimation of apple proliferation phytoplasma concentration in periwinkle. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, 71 (3 Pt A), 853-7.

Bencheqroun, S. K., Bajji, M., Massart, S., Bentata, F., Labhilili, M., Achbani, H., El Jaafari, S., & Jijakli, H. (2006). Biocontrol of blue mold on apple fruits by Aureobasidium pullulans (strain Ach 1-1): in vitro and in situ evidence for the possible involvement of competition for nutrients. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, 71 (3 Pt B), 1151-7.

Fekih Hassen, I., Massart, S., Kummert, J., Fakhfakh, H., Marrakchi, M., & Jijakli, H. (2006). Genomic structure of new Peach Mosaic viroid variants in Tunisia [Poster presentation]. 58th International Symposium on Crop protection, Gand, Belgium.

Fekih Hassen, I., Massart, S., Roussel, S., Kummert, J., Fakhfakh, H., Marrakchi, M., & Jijakli, H. (2006). Utilisation d'un test moléculaire simple pour le diagnostic du Peach Latent Mosaic viroid (PLMVd), du Pear Blister Canker viroid (PBCVd), de l'Apple Scar Skin viroid (ASSVd) et du Hop Stunt viroid (HSVd) en Tunisie [Poster presentation]. 13ème Journées scientifiques de la Recherche agronomiques, Tunis, Tunisia.

Fekih Hassen, I., Massart, S., Roussel, S., Kummert, J., Fakhfakh, H., Marrakchi, M., & Jijakli, H. (2006). Molecular characterization of tunisian variants of Peach Latent Mosaic viroid (PLMVD) [Paper presentation]. 20th International Symposium on virus and virus-like diseases of temperature fruit crops and 19th International Symposium on small fruit virus diseases, Antalya, Turkey.

Fekih Hassen, I., Massart, S., Roussel, S., Kummert, J., Fakhfakh, H., Marrakchi, M., & Jijakli, H. (2006). Genomic structure of new tunisian peach latent mosaic viroid variants [Poster presentation]. 58th International Symposium on crop protection, Gand, Belgium.

Fekih Hassen, I., Massart, S., Roussel, S., Kummert, J., Fakhfakh, H., Marrakchi, M., & Jijakli, H. (2006). Etude épidémiologique du viroïde de la mosaïque latente du pêcher en Tunisie [Poster presentation]. 17ème Journées biologiques. Association tunisienne des sciences biologiques, Hammamet, Tunisia.

Fekih Hassen, I., Parisi, O., Fakhfakh, H., Marrakchi, M., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (2006). Studies on the infectivity and pathogenicity of new Peach Latent Mosaic viroid (PLMVd) variants [Poster presentation]. 4ème Congrès de la Société belge de Biochimie et Biologie moléculaire, Gembloux, Belgium.

Hassen, I. F., Massart, S., Roussel, S., Kummert, J., Fakhfakh, H., Marrakchi, M., & Jijakli, M. (2006). Genomic structure of new Tunisian peach latent mosaic viroid variants. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, 71 (3 Pt B), 1257-65.

Krimi Bencheqroun, S., Bajji, M., Massart, S., Bentata, F., Labhilili, M., Achbani, E. H., El Jaafari, S., & Jijakli, H. (2006). In vitro and in situ evidence for the implication of nutrient competition as a mechanism of action of a new potential strain of Aureobasidium pullulans against postharvest apple blue mold [Poster presentation]. 58th International Symposium on Crop protection, Gand, Belgium.

Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (2006). Potential and use of molecular techniques to understand the mechanisms of action of fungal biocontrol agents [Paper presentation]. IOBC Biological control of fungal and bacterial plant pathogens. IXth Meeting: Fundamental and practical approaches to increase biocontrol efficacy, Spa, Belgium.

Massart, S., & Jijakli, M. (2006). Identification Of Differentially Expressed Genes By Cdna-Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism In The Biocontrol Agent Pichia Anomala (Strain Kh5). Phytopathology, 96 (1), 80-86. doi:10.1094/PHYTO-96-0080

Massart, S., Moh, A., Roussel, S., Van Mellaert, S., & Jijakli, M. (2006). Preliminary development of real time PCR for quantification of Erwinia species infecting potato tubers. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, 71 (3 Pt B), 1171-3.

Massart, S., Roussel, S., Kummert, J., Dutrecq, O., & Jijakli, H. (2006). Development of routine duplex RT-PCR tests for certification of fruit tree multiplication material [Paper presentation]. 20th International Symposium on virus and virus-like diseases of temperature fruit crops and 19th International Symposium on small fruit virus diseases, Antalya, Turkey.

Moh, A., Massart, S., Roussel, S., Van mellaert, S., & Jijakli, H. (2006). Development of real time PCR for quantification of Erwinia spp infecting potato tubers in Belgium [Poster presentation]. 58th International Symposium on Crop protection, Gand, Belgium.

Massart, S. (2005). Identification of genes potentially related to antagonistic properties of the biocontrol agent Pichia anomala strain Kh5 against Botrytis cinerea [Doctoral thesis, ULiège. GxABT - Liège Université. Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Krimi Bencheqroun, S., Massart, S., Labhilili, M., El Jaafari, S., & Jijakli, H. (2005). Study of the implication of nutrient competition in the mechanisms of action of two biocontrol agents against post harvest apple blue mold [Poster presentation]. 57th International Symposium on Crop Protection, Gand, Belgium.

Massart, S. (2005). La motivation du personnel dans les Unités de recherche doit être une préoccupation majeure des responsables d’Unité.

Massart, S., De Clercq, D., Dickburt, C., Salmon, M., & Jijakli, H. (2005). Development Of Real-Time Pcr Using Minor Groove Binding Probe To Monitor The Biological Control Agent Candida Oleophila (Strain O). Journal of Microbiological Methods, 60 (1), 73-82. doi:10.1016/j.mimet.2004.08.012

Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (2005). Potential and use of cDNA-AFLP to isolate genes differentially expressed by a non conventional yeasts, the biocontrol agent Pichia anomala (strain Kh5) [Paper presentation]. 57th International Symposium on Crop Protection, Gand, Belgium.

Massart, S., De Clercq, D., Dutrecq, O., & Jijakli, H. (2004). Real-time PCR monitoring Candida oleophila strain O, an antagonistic yeast against postharvest diseases on apples [Poster presentation]. EPPO Conference on quality of diagnosis and new diagnostic methods for plant pests, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands.

Massart, S., Friel, D., Vandenbol, M., & Jijakli, H. (2004). Molecular study of biocontrol properties of Pichia anomala (strain K), antagonist against Botrytis cinerea on postharvest apples [Poster presentation]. AERZAP: Association pour les études et recherches de zoologie appliquée et de phytopathologie. Bilan physosanitaire de l'année culturale 2003-2004, Gembloux, Belgium.

Massart, S., Friel, D., Vandenbol, M., & Jijakli, H. (2004). Molecular study of biocontrol of Pichia anomala (strain K), antagonist against Botrytis cinerea on postharvest apples [Paper presentation]. AERZAP. Bilan phytosanitaire de l'année culturale 2003-2004, Gembloux, Belgium.

Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (2004). Isolation of genes potentially involved in biocontrol properties of Pichia anomala (strain Kh5) against Botrytis cinerea by the use of cDNA-AFLP [Paper presentation]. International Workshop: Development of Biocontrol Agents of Diseases for Commercial Applications in Food Production Systems, Seville, Spain.

Massart, S., Luna-Guarda, M., & Jijakli, H. (2004). In situ development and application of cDNA-AFLP to isolate genes of Candida oleophila (strain O) potentially involved in antagonistic properties against Botrytis cinerea. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, 69 (4), 595-9.

Massart, S., Luna-Guardia, M., & Jijakli, H. (2004). In situ development and application of cDNA-AFLP to isolate genes of Candida oleophila (strain O) potentially involved in antagonistic properties against Botrytis cinerea [Paper presentation]. XIII Botrytis Symposium, Antalya, Turkey.

Massart, S., Sens-Espel, R., Lepoivre, P., & Jijakli, H. (May 2002). Application of RAP-PCR and cDNA-AFLP to isolate genes of Candida oleophila (strain O) induced by the presence of galacturonic acid [Poster presentation]. International Congress of Biological control of foliar and post-harvest diseases, Kusadasi, Turkey.

Massart, S., Sens-Espel, R., Lepoivre, P., & Jijakli, M. (2002). Application of RAP-PCR and cDNA-AFLP to isolate genes of Candida oleophila (strain O) induced by the presence of galacturonic acid. Bulletin OILB/SROP, 25 (10), 399-402.

Jijakli, H., De Clercq, D., Cognet, S., Massart, S., Grevesse, C., & Lepoivre, P. (2001). Use of molecular tools to enhance antagonistics activity of yeasts against postharvest diseases of apples. Phytopathology, 91 (6 (supplément)), 154.

Jijakli, H., De Clercq, D., Cognet, S., Massart, S., Grevesse, C., & Lepoivre, P. (2001). Use of molecular tools to enhance antagonistic activity of yeasts against postharvest diseases of apples [Poster presentation]. American Phytopathological Society Meeting, Salt-Lake City, United States.