Artige, L. (2024). A Summary Indicator of Firm Concentration. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Artige, L. (2023). La décroissance économique est-elle une utopie ? Une réponse aux défis climatiques ? [Paper presentation]. Conférence de l'Extension de l'ULB Centre, La Louvière, Belgium. |
Artige, L., & Cavenaile, L. (April 2023). Public Education Expenditures, Growth and Income Inequality. Journal of Economic Theory, 209. doi:10.1016/j.jet.2023.105622 |
Artige, L., & Bignandi, S. (2023). The Firm Size Distribution: Evidence from Belgium. Applied Economics, 55 (8), 907-923. doi:10.1080/00036846.2022.2095339 |
Artige, L. (2022). Inflation : stop ou encore ? [Paper presentation]. Conférence sur les prix énergétiques, Liège, Belgium. |
Artige, L. (2022). Innovation. In The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-98390-5_237-1 |
Artige, L. (2022). Innovation. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Artige, L., & Bignandi, S. (2021). The Firm Size Distribution: Evidence from Belgium. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Artige, L. (2021). Sauver l'économie ou la planète ? |
Artige, L., & Lubart, T. (2020). Economic Perspectives on Creativity. In M. Runco & S. Pritzker, Encyclopedia of Creativity. Academic Press. |
Artige, L. (2020). An Overlapping Generations Model with Two Periods and Perfect Foresight. (ULiège - Université de Liège, ECON0933-1 Advanced Macroeconomics). |
Artige, L. (2019). La créativité à l'université, une aptitude clé ? |
Artige, L., Lubart, T., & Van Neuss, L. (November 2019). What came first, the chicken or the egg? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 42. doi:10.1017/S0140525X19000232 |
Artige, L., & Cavenaile, L. (04 July 2019). Public Education Expenditures, Growth and Income Inequality [Paper presentation]. ECINEQ Conference 2019, Paris, France. |
Artige, L., & Reginster, A. (2018). On the Stylized Fact of the Firm Size Distribution. ORBi-University of Liège. doi:10.2139/ssrn.3219439 |
Artige, L. (16 May 2018). Public Education Expenditures, Growth and Income Inequality [Paper presentation]. CEPR Growth and Inequality: Long-Term Effects of Short-Term Policies, Tel Aviv, Israel. |
Artige, L. (2018). Déploiement économique wallon: sommes-nous prêts ? [Paper presentation]. Conférence Linklaters et HEC Liège, Seraing, Belgium. |
Artige, L. (08 September 2017). Creativity and Innovation [Paper presentation]. ENTRENOVA 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia. |
Artige, L., & Reginster, A. (September 2017). Deux décennies d’augmentation des prix immobiliers résidentiels en Wallonie (1995-2015). Dynamiques Régionales, 5 (2), 9-22. |
Artige, L., & Reginster, A. (2017). Le marché immobilier résidentiel en Wallonie (1995-2015). |
Artige, L. (2017). How to Develop Tourism in Liège? An Experiment of Collective Creativity Training in a Large Group of Business Students. |
Artige, L. (08 September 2016). Measurement of Innovation: Where Do We Stand? [Paper presentation]. ENTRENOVA 2016, Rovinj, Croatia. |
Artige, L., & Cavenaile, L. (23 June 2016). Public Education Expenditures, Growth and Income Inequality [Paper presentation]. 2016 Taipei International Conference on Growth, Trade, and Dynamics, Taipei, Taiwan. |
Artige, L. (2016). Le secteur de la construction en Belgique [Paper presentation]. Réunion OPTICOST, Limelette, Belgium. |
Artige, L., & Cavenaile, L. (2016). Public Education Expenditures, Growth and Income Inequality. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Artige, L. (18 March 2016). Will Big Data Deliver Its Promised Productivity Growth? [Paper presentation]. IAES Conference, Lisbon, Portugal. |
Artige, L. (10 March 2016). The Macroeconomics of PAYG Pension Schemes in an Ageing Society [Paper presentation]. BEL-Ageing Meeting, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Artige, L. (20 January 2016). Public Education Expenditures, Growth and Income Inequality [Paper presentation]. Economics Seminar, Hohenheim, Germany. |
Artige, L. (2015). La croissance : stop ou encore ? |
Artige, L. (2015). Les relations entre universités et entreprises comme vecteurs d'innovation [Paper presentation]. Les Midis de l'innovation, Jambes, Belgium. |
Artige, L., & Donnay, P. (2015). Quels instruments pour quelle croissance ? In E. De Keuleneer, B. Rentier, L. Artige, P.-M. Boulanger, T. Bréchet, I. Cassiers, D. de la Croix, P. Donnay, K. Maréchal, ... A. Touzri (Eds.), La croissance : réalités et perspectives. Actes du 21e Congrès des économistes belges de langue française (pp. 203-209). Charleroi, Belgium: Editions de l'Université Ouverte. |
Artige, L. (2015). Why Facebook is flying up high and Twitter can't fly away. LCII Policy Brief. |
Artige, L. (11 September 2015). Will Big Data Deliver its Promised Productivity Growth? [Paper presentation]. ENTRENOVA 2015, Kotor, Montenegro. |
Artige, L. (2015). Will Big Data Deliver its Promised Productivity Growth? ORBi-University of Liège. |
Artige, L., & Pestieau, P. (05 June 2015). Public education, PAYG pension and economic growth in an a geing s ociety [Paper presentation]. BEL - Ageing Workshop: Labor market, pensions, and debt in Europe: live long, retire late or die poor?, Ghent, Belgium. |
Artige, L., & Pestieau, P. (13 April 2015). Pensions, education and growth with declining fertility and increasing longevity [Paper presentation]. Human Capital & Aging Workshop, Boston, United States. |
Artige, L., & Nicolini, R. (January 2015). The Reputation Effect: A Case Study of Credit Contracts in Transition Countries. International Journal of Finance and Banking Studies, 4 (1), 1-17. |
Artige, L., & Van Neuss, L. (December 2014). A New Shift-Share Method. Growth and Change, 45 (4), 667-683. doi:10.1111/grow.12065 |
Artige, L. (2014). Liège. Où s’amorce le nouveau modèle économique wallon ? Où s’échoue le vieux modèle politique wallon ? |
Artige, L. (2014). The East Asian Financial Crisis 1997-1998. (HEC - Université de Liège, International Macroeconomics). |
Artige, L. (2014). Monetary Policy. (HEC - Université de Liège, Economie monétaire et financière). |
Artige, L., Dedry, A., & Pestieau, P. (June 2014). Social Security and Economic Integration. Economics Letters, 123 (June), 318-322. doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2014.02.027 |
Artige, L., Cavenaile, L., & Pestieau, P. (2014). The Macroeconomics of PAYG Pension Schemes in an Aging Society. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Artige, L. (16 May 2014). The Macroeconomics of PAYG Pension Schemes in an Aging Society [Paper presentation]. BEL-Ageing Meeting, Leuven, Belgium. |
Artige, L. (2014). La crise financière 2007-2008. (Economie monétaire et financière). |
Artige, L., & Cavenaile, L. (05 April 2014). Liquidity Constraints and Global Imbalances [Paper presentation]. International Atlantic Economic Society, Madrid, Spain. |
Artige, L. (2013). Perspectives économiques internationales et conjoncture belge : quels défis pour la Wallonie ? [Paper presentation]. Liège creative, Liège, Belgium. |
Artige, L. (2013). Progrès technique et croissance économique. (ECON0824-1 Macroéconomie). |
Artige, L., & Nicolini, R. (2013). The Reputation Effect: A Case Study of Credit Contracts in Transition Countries. SSRN Working Paper. |
Artige, L., & Nicolini, R. (2013). Institutions and Market Creation: Evidence from the Experience of Transition Countries. SSRN Working Paper. |
Artige, L., Cavenaile, & Pestieau, P. (18 June 2013). The Shift from Defined Benefit to Defined Contribution in an Ageing Society [Paper presentation]. Beldebt meeting, Brussels, Belgium. |
Artige, L., Dedry, A., & Pestieau, P. (03 June 2013). Social Security and Economic Integration [Paper presentation]. Beldebt meeting, Brussels, Belgium. |
Van Aken, W., & Artige, L. (2013). Reverse Majority Voting in Comparative Perspective: Implications for Fiscal Governance in the EU. In B. de Witte, A. Héritier, ... A. H. Trechsel (Eds.), The Euro Crisis and the State of European Democracy (pp. 129-161). Florence, Italy: European University Institute - EUDO. |
Artige, L., Dedry, A., & Pestieau, P. (2013). Social Security and Economic Integration. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Artige, L. (2013). La dette publique dans la zone euro [Paper presentation]. Espace universitaire de Liège. |
Artige, L. (04 December 2012). Liquidity Shocks and Global Imbalances [Paper presentation]. Economics research seminar, Graz, Austria. |
Artige, L., Cavenaile, L., & Pestieau, P. (29 November 2012). Debt, Pension and Demographics [Paper presentation]. Beldebt meeting, Liège, Belgium. |
Artige, L. (2012). Analyse comparée des performances des entreprises dans les provinces d’Anvers et de Liège [Paper presentation]. Innova Workshop, Liège, Belgium. |
Artige, L., Dedry, A., & Pestieau, P. (2012). Social Security, Ageing and Economic Integration. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Artige, L., & Van Neuss, L. (2012). A New Shift-Share Method. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Artige, L. (2012). La décroissance : nécessité ou utopie ? |
Artige, L., & Cavenaile, L. (29 March 2012). Global imbalances, Exchange Rates and Economic Growth [Paper presentation]. International Atlantic Economic Conference, Istanbul, Turkey. |
Artige, L., Cavenaile, L., & Pestieau, P. (15 February 2012). Debt and Pension [Paper presentation]. Beldebt meeting, Leuven, Belgium. |
Artige, L. (2011). Evidence on the Determinants of Innovation in a Sample of Spanish firms. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Artige, L. (09 November 2011). Innovation : relations entre universités et entreprises [Paper presentation]. L'innovation et les relations université-entreprises, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Artige, L., & Cavenaile, L. (29 August 2011). A Growth Model of Global Imbalances [Paper presentation]. European Economic Association, Oslo, Norway. |
Artige, L., & Dubois, D. (09 June 2011). Enquête sur l’innovation en Province de Liège : premiers résultats [Paper presentation]. Workshop: "Économie et innovation en province de Liège: passé, présent et avenir", Liège, Belgium. |
Artige, L., & Cavenaile, L. (2011). A Calibrated Growth Model of Global Imbalances. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Artige, L., & Cavenaile, L. (18 March 2011). A Growth Model of Global Imbalances [Paper presentation]. International Atlantic Economic Conference, Athens, Greece. |
Artige, L. (2010). Envisager la décroissance ? 15e Jour du Mois. |
Artige, L., & Nicolini, R. (February 2010). Market potential, productivity and foreign direct investment: some evidence from three case studies. European Planning Studies, 18 (2), 147-168. doi:10.1080/09654310903491531 |
Artige, L. (2010). Endogenous Growth in an OLG Model with a Fixed Factor. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Artige, L. (2010). Endogenous Growth and Parental Funding of Education in an OLG Model with a Fixed Factor. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Artige, L. (2010). Analysis of the speed of convergence. (ECON0933-1 Advanced Macroeconomics). |
Artige, L., & Cavenaile, L. (2010). A Growth Model of Global Imbalances. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Artige, L. (08 October 2009). Firm-Level Evidence on Innovation in Spain [Paper presentation]. Globelics 2009, Dakar, Senegal. |
Artige, L., & Nicolini, R. (2008). La situació de la innovació a Catalunya: quin entorn demanen les empreses ? Barcelone, Spain: CIDEM. |
Artige, L., & Nicolini, R. (2008). Investigación y Desarrollo más Innovación. Madrid, Spain: Consejo Económico y Social de España. |
Artige, L. (August 2006). Memory in Contracts: The Experience of the EBRD (1991-2003) [Paper presentation]. European Meeting of the Econometric Society (ESEM), Vienne, Austria. |
Artige, L., & Nicolini, R. (2006). Inversions Estrangeres Directes i Innovació a Catalunya. In I. Busom (Ed.), La situació de la innovació a Catalunya (pp. 179-206). Barcelone, Spain: CIDEM edition. |
Artige, L., & Nicolini, R. (2006). Labor productivity in Europe: Evidence from a sample of regions. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Artige, L., & Nicolini, R. (2006). La productivitat laboral: estratègies per el creixement econòmic. El cas de Catalunya. Barcelone, Spain: Report for Institut d’Estudis Autònomics. |
Artige, L., & Nicolini, R. (2006). Agrupació geogràfica d'empreses multinacionals a Catalunya. Revista Econòmica de Catalunya, 54, 23-46. |
Artige, L., & Nicolini, R. (August 2005). Memory in contracts. The experience of the EBRD (1991-2003) [Paper presentation]. 14th World Congress, Marrakech, Morocco. |
Artige, L., & Nicolini, R. (2005). Evidence on the determinants of foreign direct investment: the case of three European regions. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Artige, L., Camacho, C., & de la Croix, D. (December 2004). Wealth Breeds Decline: Reversals of Leadership and Consumption Habits. Journal of Economic Growth, 9 (4), 423-449. doi:10.1007/s10887-004-4542-5 |
Artige, L. (2004). Regions, Political Economics and Economic Performance [Doctoral thesis, UCL - Université Catholique de Louvain]. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Artige, L. (April 2004). On Dictatorship, Economic Development and Stability [Paper presentation]. Macroeconomics Seminar, Barcelone, Spain. |
Artige, L. (2004). Les investissements directs et les échanges commerciaux entre la Belgique et les pays arabes. In B. Khader & C. Roosens (Eds.), Belges et Arabes. Voisins distants, partenaires nécessaires (pp. 163-222). Louvain-La-neuve, Belgium: Presses universitaires de Louvain. |
Artige, L. (March 2003). On dictatorship, economic development and stability [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Public Choice Society, Nashville, United States. |
Artige, L., & Nicolini, R. (2003). Book Review: Theories of Endogenous Regional Growth: Lessons for Regional Policies. Journal of Regional Science, 43 (2), 403-406. |
Artige, L. (November 2001). Endogenous growth and regional dynamics in an OLG model with land [Paper presentation]. 5th Annual EUNIP Conference, Vienna, Austria. |
Artige, L. (Other coll.). (2000). Transition report 2000: Employment, skills and transition. Londres, United Kingdom: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. |
Artige, L. (June 2000). Endogenous Growth and Regional Dynamics in an OLG Model with Land [Paper presentation]. Society for Economic Dynamics Meeting, San José, Costa Rica. |