Publications and communications of Bernard Tychon

Padonou, M. J. D. D. D., Denis, A., Hountondji, Y., Tychon, B., & Gouwakinnou, G. (30 November 2024). Spatial dynamics of the multi-criteria hemeroby index in the rural landscape of North-Benin using satellite data [Poster presentation]. 14th International conference of the African Association of Remote Sensing and the Environment AARSE 2024 – Abidjan, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.

Loudiyi, I., Jacquemin, I., Lahlou, M., Balaghi, R., Tychon, B., & François, L. (November 2024). Atmospheric CO2 fertilization effect on cereal yields in Morocco using the CARAIB dynamic vegetation model. European Journal of Agronomy, 161 (November 2024), 127374. doi:10.1016/j.eja.2024.127374

Padonou, M. J. D. D. D., Denis, A., Hountondji, Y.-C. H., Tychon, B., & Gouwakinnou, G. N. (16 October 2024). Indicateurs de durabilité écologique des agroécosystèmes dérivés de la télédétection satellitaire : revue systématique. Cahiers Agricultures, 33, 27. doi:10.1051/cagri/2024022

Nguyen Thi Thanh Thao, Khoi, D. N., Van Viet, L., Wellens, J., & Tychon, B. (2024). Comparing local people’s perceptions of climate change and drought with scientific observations in the lower Mekong Basin: a case study in Dak Lak province, Vietnam. Environment, Development and Sustainability. doi:10.1007/s10668-024-05543-z

Some, W., Denis, A., Kouadio, A. L., Djaby, B., Nacro, H. B., Belem, A. M. G., & Tychon, B. (14 June 2024). Estimation des rendements fourragers des pâturages dans les espaces climatiques du Burkina Faso à partir de données satellitaires. Revue d'Élevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 77, 1-17. doi:10.19182/remvt.37009

Padonou, M. J. D. D. D., Denis, A., Tychon, B., Hountondji, Y., & GOUWAKINNOU Gérard. (07 March 2024). Indice d'hémérobie [Poster presentation]. Conférence du projet OBSYDYA, Abomey-Calavi, Benin.

Cavalade, C., Stassart, P. M. (Crit. Ed.), & Tychon, B. (Crit. Ed.). (2024). Plan de développement stratégique 2030, ULiège Arlon Campus Environnement. Arlon, Belgium: ULiège Arlon Campus Environnement.

Pale, S., Traoré, F., Wellens, J., Baki, B. C., Sako, A., & Tychon, B. (2024). Estimation des surfaces irriguées ripariennes à l’aide de Earth Engine. Une étude de cas dans le sous-bassin versant de la Haute-Comoé, Burkina Faso. Cahiers Agricultures, 33, 1. doi:10.1051/cagri/2023023

Mamassi, A., Lang, M., Tychon, B., Lahlou, M., Wellens, J., El Gharous, M., & Marrou, H. (2023). A comparison of empirical and mechanistic models for wheat yield prediction at field level in Moroccan rainfed areas. In Silico Plants. doi:10.1093/insilicoplants/diad020

Mamassi, A., Balaghi, R., Devkota, K. P., Bouras, H., El-Gharous, M., & Tychon, B. (16 August 2023). Modeling genotype × environment × management interactions for a sustainable intensification under rainfed wheat cropping system in Morocco. Agriculture and Food Security, 12 (1). doi:10.1186/s40066-023-00428-2

Sibomana, P., Vanmaercke, M., Nahayo, D., Depicker, A., Tychon, B., Hubert, A., Rukundo, E., & Dewitte, O. (24 April 2023). Potential effect of agricultural terraces on landslide occurrence: the tropical mountains of Rwanda  [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienne, Austria. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-9126

Gobin, A., Sallah, A.-H. M., Curnel, Y., Delvoye, C., Weiss, M., Wellens, J., Piccard, I., Planchon, V., Tychon, B., Goffart, J.-P., & Defourny, P. (15 April 2023). Crop Phenology Modelling Using Proximal and Satellite Sensor Data. Remote Sensing, 15 (8), 2090. doi:10.3390/rs15082090

Nickmilder, C., Tedde, A., Dufrasne, I., Lessire, F., Glesner, N., Tychon, B., Bindelle, J., & Soyeurt, H. (2023). Creation of a Walloon Pasture Monitoring Platform Based on Machine Learning Models and Remote Sensing. Remote Sensing, 15 (7). doi:10.3390/rs15071890

Orban, P., Wellens, J., Hallot, E., Baki, B. C., Kabore, F., Traore, F., Derouane, J., Zangre, A., Congo, M., Tychon, B., & Brouyère, S. (2023). Appui à la gestion durable des ressources en eau du Burkina Faso - Rapport annuel d'activités technique N°3 relatif à la subvention 2022.

Mamassi, A., Lang, M., Hélène Marrou, Mouanis Lahlou, Wellens, J., Mohamed El Gharous, & Tychon, B. (01 December 2022). An assessment of empirical models, structure, predictor variables, and performances for wheat yield prediction at field level in Moroccan rainfed areas [Paper presentation]. INTERDROUGHT VII: the 7th Congress on plant production in water-limited environments, Dakar, Senegal.


Catteau, A., Porcher, J.-M., Bado-Nilles, A., Bonnard, I., Bonnard, M., Chaumot, A., David, E., Dedourge-Geffard, O., Delahaut, L., Delorme, N., François, A., Garnero, L., Lopes, C., Nott, K., Noury, P., Palluel, O., Palos-Ladeiro, M., Quéau, H., Ronkart, S., ... Geffard. (29 November 2022). Interest of a multispecies approach in active biomonitoring: Application in the Meuse watershed. Science of the Total Environment, 808, 152148. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.152148

Loudiyi, I., François, L., Tychon, B., Jacquemin, I., Balaghi, R., & LAHLOU, M. (21 October 2022). Climate change impact on cereal yield in Morocco using a dynamic vegetation model driven by Euro-Cordex projections [Paper presentation]. International Colloquium "Global change and transition management: in the singular or in plural form?", Liège, Belgium.

Baki, B. C., Wellens, J., Traoré, F., Pale, S., Djaby, B., Bambara, A., Thao, N. T. T., Hié, M., & Tychon, B. (16 October 2022). Assessment of Hydro-Agricultural Infrastructures in Burkina Faso by Using Multiple Correspondence Analysis Approach. Sustainability, 14 (20), 13303. doi:10.3390/su142013303

Nickmilder, C., Soyeurt, H., Tedde, A. (Other coll.), Dufrasne, I. (Other coll.), Lessire, F. (Other coll.), Tychon, B. (Other coll.), Curnel; Yannick (Other coll.), Glesner Noémie (Other coll.), & Bindelle, J. (Other coll.). (07 September 2022). Deployment of models predicting compressed sward height on Wallonia: confrontation to ground truth [Paper presentation]. 73rd Annual Meeting of EAAP in Porto, Porto, Portugal.

Mamassi, A., Marrou, H., El Gharous, M., Wellens, J., Jabbour, F.-E., Zeroual, Y., Hamma, A., & Tychon, B. (22 August 2022). Relevance of soil fertility spatial databases for parameterizing APSIM-wheat crop model in Moroccan rainfed areas. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 42 (5). doi:10.1007/s13593-022-00813-4

Wellens, J., Mohamed Sallah, A.-H., Curnel, Y., Defourny, P., Gobine, A., Goffart, J.-P., Piccard, I., Planchon, V., & Tychon, B. (25 July 2022). AquaCrop and the Belgian collaborative agriculture monitoring (BELCAM) platform [Paper presentation]. International Symposium on Managing Land and Water for Climate-Smart Agriculture, Viennes, Austria.

Nickmilder, C., Soyeurt, H., Tedde, A. (Other coll.), Dufrasne, I. (Other coll.), Lessire, F. (Other coll.), Tychon, B. (Other coll.), Curnel, Y. (Other coll.), & Bindelle, J. (Other coll.). (2022). Deployment of models predicting compressed sward height on Wallonia: results and feedback. In Grassland at the heart of circular and sustainable food systems. Caen, France: INRAE.

Mamassi, A., Mohamed El Gharous, & Tychon, B. (24 June 2022). Assessment Of Crop Simulation Models Performances In Simulating Crop Growth And Development Variables And Predicting Yield In Moroccan Rainfed Areas [Paper presentation]. UM6P (Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique) DOCTORAL DAY 2022.

Nguyen Thi Thanh Thao, Dao Nguyen Khoi, Denis, A., Luong Van Viet, Wellens, J., & Tychon, B. (22 June 2022). Early Prediction of Coffee Yield in the Central Highlands of Vietnam Using a Statistical Approach and Satellite Remote Sensing Vegetation Biophysical Variables. Remote Sensing, 14(13) (2975). doi:10.3390/rs14132975

Sibomana, P., Vanmaercke, M., Nahayo, D., Uwihirwe, J., Bogaard, T., Hubert, A., Rukundo, E., Tychon, B., & Dewitte, O. (26 May 2022). Landslides, soil moisture, and land use changes in the mountainous Northern-western provinces of Rwanda: field-based research in a tropical environment [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienne, Austria.

Loudiyi, I., Jacquemin, I., François, L., Lahlou, M., Balaghi, R., & Tychon, B. (23 May 2022). Assessing the CO2 fertilization effect on cereal yield in Morocco using the CARAIB dynamic vegetation model driven by Med-CORDEX projections [Paper presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-3070

Nickmilder, C., Soyeurt, H., Tedde, A. (Other coll.), Dufrasne, I. (Other coll.), Lessire, F. (Other coll.), Tychon, B. (Other coll.), Curnel, Y. (Other coll.), & Bindelle, J. (Other coll.). (27 April 2022). Deployment of models predicting compressed sward height on Wallonia: quality and validity of the predictions [Paper presentation]. DAIR'INNOV 2022, Namur, Belgium.

Stassart, P. M., Tychon, B., & Semal, N. (2022). Assemblée Générale du Campus Arlon.

Sibomana, P., Vanmaercke, M., Nahayo, D., Uwihirwe, J., Bogaard, T., Hubert, A., Rukundo, E., Tychon, B., & Dewitte, O. (31 March 2022). Rainfall - Soil moisture response in relation to land use in steep tropical enviroments: field-based research in NW-Rwanda [Poster presentation]. Young Soil Scientists Day 2022, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Baki, B. C., Wellens, J., & Tychon, B. (2022). Nexus Eau-(Energie)-Alimentation : implémentation d’un dispositif innovant pour l’implication des agriculteurs. In S. Schmitz, Colloque international « Changements globaux et gestion de la transition : au singulier ou au pluriel ? ». Liège, Belgium: Institut de géographie Quartier Village Clos Mercator, 3 (B11) 4000 Liège, Belgique.

Sossey Alaoui, K., Tychon, B., Joaquim, S., Geffard, A., Nott, K., Ronkart, S., Porcher, J.-M., Beaudouin, R., Robert, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Saive, M. (2021). Toxic effects of a mixture of five pharmaceutical drugs assessed using Fontinalis antipyretica Hedw. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. doi:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2021.112727

Wellens, J., Stasolla, M., Sall, M. T., Tychon, B., & Neyt, X. (2021). Assimilation of Sentinel-1 change detection in the AquaCrop model: case of sugarcane. In 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. doi:10.1109/IGARSS47720.2021.9555163

Lang, M., Mahyou, H., & Tychon, B. (26 May 2021). Estimation of Rangeland Production in the Arid Oriental Region (Morocco) Combining Remote Sensing Vegetation and Rainfall Indices: Challenges and Lessons Learned. Remote Sensing, 13 (11). doi:10.3390/rs13112093

Nickmilder, C., Soyeurt, H., Tedde, A. (Other coll.), Dufrasne, I. (Other coll.), Lessire, F. (Other coll.), Tychon, B. (Other coll.), Curnel, Y. (Other coll.), & Bindelle, J. (Other coll.). (17 May 2021). Validation of a workflow based on Sentinel-2, Sentinel-1 and meteorological data predicting biomass on pastures [Poster presentation]. 21st Sym­po­si­um of the Eu­ropean Grass­land Fe­de­ra­ti­on, Kassel, Germany.

Loudiyi, I., Jacquemin, I., Tychon, B., François, L., Lahlou, M., Wellens, J., & Balaghi, R. (30 April 2021). Cereal yield forecasting in Morocco using the CARAIB dynamic vegetation model driven by HadGEM2-AO projections [Paper presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2021.

Nickmilder, C., Tedde, A., Dufrasne, I., Lessire, F., Tychon, B., Curnel, Y., Bindelle, J., & Soyeurt, H. (01 February 2021). Development of Machine Learning Models to Predict Compressed Sward Height in Walloon Pastures Based on Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and Meteorological Data Using Multiple Data Transformations. Remote Sensing, 13 (3). doi:10.3390/rs13030408

Denis, A., Desclee, B., Migdall, S., Hansen, H., Bach, H., Ott, P., Kouadio, A. L., & Tychon, B. (2021). Multispectral Remote Sensing as a Tool to Support Organic Crop Certification: Assessment of the Discrimination Level between Organic and Conventional Maize. Remote Sensing, 13 (1) (Janvier 2021). doi:10.3390/rs13010117

Jacquemin, I., Berckmans, J., Henrot, A.-J., Dury, M., Tychon, B., Hambuckers, A., Hamdi, R., & François, L. (2021). Using the CARAIB dynamic vegetation model to simulate crop yields in Belgium: validation and projections for the 2035 horizon. Geo-Eco-Trop: Revue Internationale de Géologie, de Géographie et d'Écologie Tropicales, 44 (4), 541-552.

Pale, S., Wellens, J., Traoré, F., Roncoli, C., Mohamed Sallah, A.-H., Zangré, A., & Tychon, B. (2021). Testing an open app-based water management information sysem and its uptake among stakeholders in the Upper-Comoé river basin (Burkina Faso). Water International, 46 (3). doi:10.1080/02508060.2021.1897382

Orban, P., Wellens, J., Hallot, E., Bambara, A., Pale, S., Baki, C., Kabore, F., Pare, K., Congo, M., Kambou, D., de Thysebaert, D., Derouane, J., Tychon, B., & Brouyère, S. (2020). Appui à la gestion durable des ressources en eau du Burkina Faso - Rapport annuel d'activités technique N°2 relatif à la subvention 2019. Wallonie Bruxelles International.

Nickmilder, C., Tedde, A. (Other coll.), Lejeune, P. (Other coll.), Dufrasne, I. (Other coll.), Lessire, F. (Other coll.), Tychon, B. (Other coll.), Lebeau, F. (Other coll.), & Soyeurt, H. (Other coll.). (24 June 2020). Prediction of compressed sward height of Walloon pastures from sentinel-2 images using machine learning algorithms [Paper presentation]. ADSA 2020 Virtual annual meeting.

Heidarian Dehkordi, R., Denis, A., Fouche, J., Burgeon, V., Cornelis, J.-T., Tychon, B., Placencia-Gomez, R. E., & Meersmans, J. (11 May 2020). Remotely-sensed assessment of the impact of century-old biochar on chicory crop growth using high-resolution UAV-based imagery. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 91 (September 2020). doi:10.1016/j.jag.2020.102147

Loudiyi, I., Jacquemin, I., Tychon, B., François, L., Lahlou, M., Wellens, J., & Balaghi, R. (08 May 2020). Simulating and analysing climate change impacts on crop yields in Morocco using the CARAIB dynamic vegetation model driven by Med- CORDEX projections [Paper presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2020.

Sossey Alaoui, K., Tychon, B., & Rosillon, F. (2020). International Research in Environment, Geography and Earth Science Vol.1. In K. Sossey Alaoui, International Research in Environment, Geography and Earth Science Vol.1. United Kingdom: Book Publisher International.

El Jarroudi, M., Lahlali, R., Kouadio, L., Denis, A., Belleflamme, A., El Jarroudi, M., Boulif, M., Mahyou, H., & Tychon, B. (15 February 2020). Weather-Based Predictive Modeling of Wheat Stripe Rust Infection in Morocco. Agronomy, 10 (2), 1-18. doi:10.3390/agronomy10020280

El Jarroudi, M., Lahlali, R., El Jarroudi, H., Tychon, B., Belleflamme, A., Junk, J., Denis, A., El Jarroudi, M., & Kouadio, L. (2020). Employing Weather-Based Disease and Machine Learning Techniques for Optimal Control of Septoria Leaf Blotch and Stripe Rust in Wheat. In Advanced Intelligent Systems for Sustainable Development (pp. 157-165). Switzerland: Springer Nature. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-36664-3_18

Nickmilder, C., Soyeurt, H., Dufrasne, I. (Other coll.), Tedde, A. (Other coll.), Lejeune, P. (Other coll.), Tychon, B. (Other coll.), & Lebeau, F. (Other coll.). (31 January 2020). Managing the high variability of compressed sward heights to model grass growth on pastures using satellite images [Poster presentation]. 25th National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences (NSABS), Gembloux, Belgium.

Durgun, Y. Ö., Gobin, A., Duveiller, G., & Tychon, B. (2020). A study on trade-offs between spatial resolution and temporal sampling density for wheat yield estimation using both thermal and calendar time. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 86, 101988. doi:10.1016/j.jag.2019.101988

Pale, S., Traoré, F., Wellens, J., & Tychon, B. (24 December 2019). Diagnostic d’un système d’informations de gestion de l’eau à usage agricole dans le sous-bassin versant de la Haute-Comoé, Burkina Faso. Geo-Eco-Trop: Revue Internationale de Géologie, de Géographie et d'Écologie Tropicales, 43(3, n.s.), 433–443.

Wellens, J., Derouane, J., Pale, S., Sall, M. T., & Tychon, B. (2019). Integrated Water Resources Management: past, present and future. Geo-Eco-Trop: Revue Internationale de Géologie, de Géographie et d'Écologie Tropicales.

Mamassi, A., Tychon, B., & EL GHAROUS, M. (28 November 2019). Using agrometeorological models and Fertimap database to simulate "Triticum aestivum" and growth and predict yields at filed scale for the improvement of fertilisation advices in Moroccan rainfed areas [Paper presentation]. First workshop of SoilPhorLife project, Gembloux, Belgium.

Orban, A., Barbier, C., Billen, R., Nys, G.-A., Kasprzyk, J.-P., Neyt, X., Stasolla, M., Beaumont, B., Tychon, B., & Wellens, J. (28 November 2019). EO_Regions_Science: Basic Research in support of EO_Regions! [Paper presentation]. Belgian Earth Observation Day (BEODay).

Htitiou, A., Boudhar, A., Lebrini, Y., Hadria, R., Lionboui, H., Elmansouri, L., Tychon, B., & Benabdelouahab, T. (2019). The performance of random forest classification based on phenological metrics derived from Sentinel-2 and landsat 8 to map crop cover in an irrigated semi-arid region. Remote Sensing in Earth Systems Sciences. doi:10.1007/s41976-019-00023-9

El-Mejjaouy, Y., Mamassi, A., Chtouki, M., Mercatoris, B., Dumont, B., Tychon, B., EL Gharous, M., Garré, S., Nguyen, F., Cornelis, J.-T., & Oukarroum, A. (07 October 2019). Use of precision farming practices and crop modelling for enhancing water and phosphorus efficiency [Poster presentation]. 5th International Symposium on Innovation and Technology in the Phosphate Industry [SYMPHOS 2019], Ben Guérir, Morocco.

Mohamed Sallah, A.-H., Wellens, J., Garba, I., Djaby, B., & Tychon, B. (20 September 2019). Open Data and AquaCrop : sorghum yield estimates in support to food security in Niger [Poster presentation]. Abdoul-Hamid MOHAMED SALLAH, Arlon, Belgium.

Jacquemin, I., Berckmans, J., Henrot, A.-J., Dury, M., Tychon, B., Hambuckers, A., Hamdi, R., & François, L. (September 2019). Utilisation du modèle dynamique de végétation CARAIB pour simuler les rendements en Belgique : validation et projections à l'horizon 2035 [Poster presentation]. 6ème colloque de l'AFGP, Arlon, Belgium.

Orban, P., Wellens, J., Hallot, E., Bambara, A., Palé, S., Kabore, F., Bacalu, S., Pare, K., Congo, M., Zangre, A., de Thysebaert, D., Derouane, J., Tychon, B., & Brouyère, S. (2019). Appui à la gestion durable des ressources en eau du Burkina-Faso - Rapport annuel d'activités technique N°1 relatif à la subvention 2018. Wallonie Bruxelles International.

El Jarroudi, M., Lahlali, R., El Jarroudi, H., Tychon, B., Belleflamme, A., El Jarroudi, M., & Kouadio, L. (2019). Employing weather-based disease model and machine learning techniques for optimal control of wheat stripe rust in Morocco. In AI2SD2019, Advanced Intelligent Systems for Sustainable Development.

Mohamed Sallah, A.-H., Tychon, B., Piccard, I., Gobin, A., Van Hoolst, R., Djaby, B., & Wellens, J. (2019). Batch-processing of AquaCrop plug-in for rainfed maize using satellite derived Fractional Vegetation Cover data. Agricultural Water Management, 217 (346-355). doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2019.03.016

Sall, M. T., Chopart, J.-L., Diop, Seck, M., Fall, A., Kane, A., Tychon, B., & Wellens, J. (2019). L'agrobusiness: un rôle moteur en gestion intégrée des ressources en eau (GIRE) et en nexus eau-énergie-alimentation? Cas de la Compagnie Sucrière Sénégalaise. Geo-Eco-Trop: Revue Internationale de Géologie, de Géographie et d'Écologie Tropicales, 43 (3).

Thao, N. T. T., Khoi, D. N., Xuan, T. T., & Tychon, B. (2019). Assessment of Livelihood Vulnerability to Drought: A Case Study in Dak Nong Province, Vietnam. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science. doi:10.1007/s13753-019-00230-4

Traoré, F., Bonkoungou, J., Compaoré, J., Kouadio, L., Wellens, J., Hallot, E., & Tychon, B. (2019). Using multi-temporal landsat images and support vector machine to assess the changes in agricultural irrigated areas in the mogtedo region, burkina faso. Remote Sensing, 11 (12). doi:10.3390/rs11121442

Sossey Alaoui, K., & Tychon, B. (22 October 2018). LE PEUPLEMENT BIOLOGIQUE DANS LES ÉCOSYSTÈMES AQUATIQUES FACE AUX POLLUANTS ÉMERGENTS : MENACES ET RISQUES [Paper presentation]. Séminaire dans le cadre du projet DIADEM, Arlon, Belgium.

Heidarian Dehkordi, R., Denis, A., Timmermans, C., & Tychon, B. (21 September 2018). Spatial modelling of weeds and crop growth in century-old charcoal kiln sites with integration of high and very high resolution remote sensing [Paper presentation]. Thesis presentation to the members of EED unit in Arlon campus of enviornment, Arlon, Belgium.

El Jarroudi, M., Kouadio, A. L., Tychon, B., El Jarroudi, M., Junk, J., Bock, C., & Delfosse, P. (2018). Modeling the Main Fungal Diseases of Winter Wheat: Constraints and Possible Solutions. In Advances in Plant Pathology (pp. 3-30). Intechopen. doi:10.5772/intechopen.75983

Sossey Alaoui, K., Tychon, B., Joachim, S., Nott, K., Porcher, J., Geffard, A., Beaudouin, R., Baudoin, P., Rober, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Saive, M. (28 June 2018). Effects of 5 pharmaceutical substances on bryophyte Fontinalis antipyretica Hedw biomarkers and growth [Paper presentation]. Limnologia 2018 : "XIX Conference of the Iberian Association of Limnology", Coimbra, Portugal.

Mahyou, H., Tychon, B., Lang, M., & Balaghi, R. (2018). Phytomass estimation using eMODIS NDVI and ground data in arid rangelands of Morocco. African Journal of Range and Forage Science. doi:10.2989/10220119.2018.1436088

Ambouta, K. J.-M., Karimou, A., Tidjani, A. D., & Tychon, B. (2018). Les cuvettes du Manga, un écosystème unique en milieu semi-aride objet d’une recherche interdisciplinaire et pluri-institutionnelle. Geo-Eco-Trop: Revue Internationale de Géologie, de Géographie et d'Écologie Tropicales, 42 (2), 245-257.

Orban, A., Barbier, C., Billen, R., Nys, G.-A., Kasprzyk, J.-P., Neyt, X., Stasolla, M., Tychon, B., & Wellens, J. (January 2018). EO_Regions_Science: Basic Research in support of EO_Regions! [Paper presentation]. Belgian Earth Observation Day (BEODay), Beersel, Belgium.

Wellens, J., Wahbi, A., Tychon, B., Dercon, G., & Heng, L. (January 2018). AquaCrop and ICT to improve irrigation efficiencies. FAO /IAEA Soils Newsletter, 40 (2).

Sossey Alaoui, K., & Tychon, B. (19 December 2017). Évaluation de l’Impact des résidus pharmaceutiques sur les traits morphologiques de la mousse F. antipyretica Hedw. Analyse de quelques résultats préliminaires [Paper presentation]. Assememblée générale, projet DIADEM, Reims, France.

Jacquemin, I., Dury, M., Henrot, A.-J., Beckers, V., Berckmans, J., Dendoncker, N., Hamdi, R., Hambuckers, A., Tychon, B., & François, L. (17 November 2017). High-resolution simulations of natural and agricultural ecosystems over Belgium with the CARAIB Dynamic Vegetation Model [Paper presentation]. 7th Belgium geography day, Liège, Belgium.

Pale, S., Traore, F., Wellens, J., & Tychon, B. (17 November 2017). Using Sentinel-2 images and hydrometric data for assessing surface water uptakes for agricultural purposes in Upper-Comoé sub-basin, Burkina Faso [Poster presentation]. 7th Belgium Geography day, November 17 th 2017, Liège Belgium, Liège, Belgium.

Minet, J., Curnel, Y., Gobin, A., Goffart, J.-P., Melard, F., Tychon, B., Wellens, J., & Defourny, P. (November 2017). Crowdsourcing for agricultural applications: A review of uses and opportunities for a farmsourcing approach. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 142, Part A, 126 - 138. doi:10.1016/j.compag.2017.08.026

Mohamed Sallah, A.-H., Wellens, J., Tychon, B., Piccard, I., Gobin, A., Curnel, Y., Leclef, A., Goffart, D., Planchon, V., Goffart, J.-P., Delloye, C., & Defourny, P. (2017). Assessment of AquaCrop for winter wheat using satellite derived fCover data. In 9th International Workshop on the Analysis of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images. doi:10.1109/Multi-Temp.2017.8035224

Piccard, I., Gobin, A., Wellens, J., Tychon, B., Goffart, J.-P., Curnel, Y., Planchon, V., Leclef, A., Cools, R., & Cattoor, N. (2017). Potato monitoring in Belgium with "watchITgrow". In 19th International Workshop on the Analysis of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images. doi:10.1109/Multi-Temp.2017.8035229

Garba, I., Djaby, B., Salifou, I., Toure, I., Samba, A., Yapo, Y., Agoumo, A., Soumana, S., Oumarou, A., & Tychon, B. (May 2017). Improving fodder biomass modeling in the sahelian zone of Niger using the multiple linear regression method. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, 5 (5), 1627-1639.

Garba, I., Salifou, I., Djaby, B., Toure, I., & Tychon, B. (April 2017). Validation of herbaceous biomass assessment model for sahelian rangelands (biomasah) in Niger. International Journal of Current Research, 9 (4), 48992-48999.

Garba, I., Salifou, I., Sallah, A. H., Samba, A., Toure, I., Yapo, Y., Agoumo, A., Soumana, S., Oumarou, A., Tychon, B., & Djaby, B. (April 2017). Mapping of zones at risk (ZAR) in West Africaby using NGI, VCI and SNDVI from the e-station. International Journal of Advanced Research, 5 (4), 1376-1386. doi:10.21474/IJAR01/3953

Pale, S., Traoré, F., Wellens, J., & Tychon, B. (29 March 2017). Un système d’informations pour une gestion optimale de l’eau à usage agricole, dans le sous-bassin versant de la Haute-Comoé au Burkina Faso [Poster presentation]. Journée du Développement PACODEL L’eau pour le développement - Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau (GIRE) dans les Pays en développement Colloque - ULg Campus Arlon Environnement - 29 mars 2017, Arlon, Belgium.

Pale, S., Traoré, F., Wellens, J., & Tychon, B. (29 March 2017). Un système d’informations pour une gestion optimale de l’eau à usage agricole, dans le sous-bassin versant de la Haute-Comoé au Burkina Faso [Poster presentation]. Journée du Développement PACODEL L’eau pour le développement - Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau (GIRE) dans les Pays en développement Colloque - ULg Campus Arlon Environnement - 29 mars 2017.

Garba, I., Salifou, I., Djaby, B., Toure, I., Mohamed Sallah, A.-H., Adoum, A., Samba, A., Banoin, M., & Tychon, B. (February 2017). Performance of similarity analysis in the estimation of forage yields in the Sahelian zone of Niger. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 8 (2), 1072-1088.

Wellens, J., Raes, D., & Tychon, B. (2017). On the use of decision-support tools for improved irrigation management: AquaCrop-based applications. In A. Elshorbagy & S. Kulshreshtha (Eds.), Current perspectives on irrigation and drainage (pp. 53-67). Intech. doi:10.5772/63177

Barké, M. K., Oussein, I., Bielders, C., Ambouta, K. J.-M., & Tychon, B. (2017). Caractérisation morphologique des cuvettes oasiennes du Centre-Est du Niger. Physio-Géo: Géographie Physique et Environnement, 11, 255-276. doi:10.4000/physio-geo.5607

Idjigberou, E. S., & Tychon, B. (2017). Possibilités d'utilisation de Google EarthTM pour le suivi du couvert forestier de forêts claires en zone soudanienne au Bénin. Annales de l’Université de Parakou. Sciences Naturelles et Agronomie, 7 (1), 54-63.

Pale, S., Traore, F., Wellens, J., & Tychon, B. (15 November 2016). Vers la mise en place d’un système de conseil aux irrigants, à l’aide des outils d’aide à la décision: application dans le sous-bassin versant de la Haute-Comoé au Burkina Faso [Paper presentation]. Atelier de capitalisation et de partage des résultats du Programme d’Appui au Développement de l’Irrigation phase 2 (PADI II) Ouagadougou, les 14 et 15 novembre 2016, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

Jacquemin, I., Dury, M., Henrot, A.-J., Berckmans, J., Hamdi, R., Hambuckers, A., Tychon, B., & François, L. (29 September 2016). Using a dynamic vegetation model for future projections of crop yields: simulations from the plot scale to the Belgian and European scales [Paper presentation]. FACEing the future : food production and ecosystems, Giessen, Germany.

Diouf, A. A., Hiernaux, P., Brandt, M., Faye, G., Djaby, B., Diop, M. B., Ndione, J. A., & Tychon, B. (13 August 2016). Do Agrometeorological Data Improve Optical Satellite-based Estimations of Herbaceous Yield in Sahelian Semi-Arid Ecosystems? Remote Sensing, 8, 668. doi:10.3390/rs8080668

Carabano, M.-J., Logar, B., Bormann, J., Minet, J., Vanrobays, M.-L., Diaz, C., Tychon, B., Gengler, N., & Hammami, H. (May 2016). Modeling heat stress under different environmental conditions. Journal of Dairy Science, 99 (5), 3798–3814. doi:10.3168/jds.2015-10212

Jacquemin, I., Henrot, A.-J., Fontaine, C. M., Dendoncker, N., Beckers, V., Debusscher, B., Tychon, B., Hambuckers, A., & François, L. (22 April 2016). Using a dynamic vegetation model for future projections of crop yields : application to Belgium in the framework of the VOTES and MASC projects [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienne, Austria.

Jacquemin, I., Henrot, A.-J., Beckers, V., Berckmans, J., Debusscher, B., Dury, M., Minet, J., Hamdi, R., Dendoncker, N., Tychon, B., Hambuckers, A., & François, L. (21 April 2016). High-resolution climate and land surface interactions modeling over Belgium: current state and decennial scale projections [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienne, Austria.

Jacquemin, I., Verbeiren, B., Vanderhaegen, S., Canters, Vermeiren, K., Engelen, G., Huysmans, M., Batelaan, O., & Tychon, B. (19 April 2016). Drought-related vulnerability and risk assessment of groundwater in Belgium: estimation of the groundwater recharge and crop yield vulnerability with the B-CGMS [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienne, Austria.

Piccard, I., Gobin, A., Curnel, Y., Goffart, J.-P., Planchon, V., Wellens, J., Tychon, B., Cattoor, N., & Cools, R. (April 2016). iPot: Improved potato monitoring in Belgium using remote sensing and crop growth modelling [Poster presentation]. EGU: European Geoscience Union General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria.

Mahyou, H., Tychon, B., Balaghi, R., Louhaichi, M., & Mimouni, J. (2016). A KNOWLEDGE-BASED APPROACH FOR MAPPING LAND DEGRADATION IN THE ARID RANGELANDS OF NORTH AFRICA. Land Degradation and Development. doi:10.1002/ldr.2470

Minet, J., Robert, B., & Tychon, B. (29 October 2015). The potential of OpenStreetMap for land use/land cover mapping [Paper presentation]. FOSS4G Belgium 2015, Brussels, Belgium.

Traore, F., Wellens, J., Tychon, B., Pare, K., & Zangre, A. (October 2015). Irrigation Development Support Program - Agricultural water management in Burkina Faso [Poster presentation]. Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Irrigation, Montpellier, France.

Sossey Alaoui, K., Rosillon, F., & Tychon, B. (04 September 2015). Trend analysis in ecological status and macrophytic characterization of watercourses: case of the Semois-Chiers basin, Belgium Wallonia. Journal of Water Resource and Protection, Vol.7 No.13 2015.

Benabdelouahab, T., Balaghi, R., Hadria, R., Lionboui, H., Minet, J., & Tychon, B. (30 July 2015). Monitoring surface water content using visible and short-wave infrared SPOT-5 data of wheat plots in irrigated semi-arid regions. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 36 (15), 4018-4036. doi:10.1080/01431161.2015.1072650

Diouf, A. A., Faye, G., Minet, J., Djaby, B., Ndione, J.-A., & Tychon, B. (2015). Zonage phénoclimatique et caractérisation des parcours naturels du Sénégal avec les données de télédétection satellitaire. In XXVIIIème Colloque de l’Association Internationale de Climatologie, Liège 1-5 juillet 2015 (pp. 319-324).

Jacquemin, I., Verbeiren, B., Uljee, I., Engelen, G., Huysmans, M., & Tychon, B. (2015). Evaluation de la vulnérabilité et du risque associés à la sécheresse des nappes phréatiques en Belgique : simulation de la recharge au niveau des zones agricoles avec le modèle B-CGMS. In Actes du 28e Colloque International de l’Association Internationale de Climatologie (pp. 349-354).

Diouf, A. A., Brandt, M., Verger, A., El Jarroudi, M., Djaby, B., Fensholt, R., Ndione, J. A., & Tychon, B. (01 July 2015). Fodder Biomass Monitoring in Sahelian Rangelands Using Phenological Metrics from FAPAR Time Series. Remote Sensing, 7 (9122-9148). doi:10.3390/rs70709122

Hammami, H., Vanrobays, M.-L., Minet, J., Bastin, C., Colinet, F., Tychon, B., & Gengler, N. (June 2015). Thermal stress impacts on milk-based biomarkers in dairy cattle under temperate conditions [Poster presentation]. Joint Networks Workshops, Reading, United Kingdom.

Verbeiren, B., Huysmans, M., Vanderhaegen, S., Canters, F., Engelen, G., Jacquemin, I., Tychon, B., Vangelis, H., Tsakiris, G., & Batelaan, O. (June 2015). Quantifying drought effects on groundwater recharge in a human-influenced catchment [Paper presentation]. Desertland II conference, Gand, Belgium.

Brouyère, S., Orban, P., Derouane, J., Malou, R., Gning, A., Wellens, J., Tychon, B., Kaly, E., Hughes, B., Diop, N. C. C., & Gueye, I. D. (2015). Maîtrise de la gestion de l’eau pour une agriculture durable dans le delta du fleuve Sénégal : appui à la mise en œuvre de la Grande Offensive Agricole pour la Nourriture et l'Abondance (GOANA)–Phase 2 - Rapport d'activité n° 3 relatif à la subvention 2014. WBI.

Henrot, A.-J., François, L., Dury, M., Hambuckers, A., Jacquemin, I., Minet, J., Tychon, B., Heinesch, B., Horemans, J., & Deckmyn, G. (April 2015). Modelling carbon fluxes of forest and grassland ecosystems in Western Europe using the CARAIB dynamic vegetation model: evaluation against eddy covariance data [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria.

Piccard, I., Nackaerts, K., Gobin, A., Goffart, J.-P., Planchon, V., Curnel, Y., Wellens, J., Tychon, B., Cools, R., & Cattoor, N. (April 2015). The iPot Project: improved potato monitoring in Belgium using remote sensing and crop growth modelling [Poster presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly.

Wellens, J., Lang, M., Benabdelouahab, T., Denis, A., Tychon, B., Barke, M. (Other coll.), Bouezmarni, M. (Other coll.), Debbaut, V. (Other coll.), Diouf, A. (Other coll.), Durgun, O. (Other coll.), El Jarroudi, M. (Other coll.), Garba, I. (Other coll.), Jacquemin, I. (Other coll.), Minet, J. (Other coll.), Ozer, P. (Other coll.), Sallah, H. (Other coll.), & Sossey Alaoui, K. (Other coll.). (2015). unité: Eau-Environnement-Développement (ULg Campus Arlon): la télédétection au service de l'agriculture.

El Jarroudi, M., Kouadio, A. L., Beyer, M., Junk, J., Hoffmann, L., Tychon, B., Maraite, H., Bock, C., & Delfosse, P. (01 February 2015). Economics of a decision-support system for managing the main fungal diseases of winter wheat in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. Field Crops Research, 172 (2), 32-41. doi:10.1016/j.fcr.2014.11.012

El Jarroudi, M., Kouadio, A. L., Mackels, C., Tychon, B., Delfosse, P., & Bock, C. (2015). A comparison between visual estimates and image analysis measurements to determine Septoria leaf blotch severity in winter wheat. Plant Pathology. doi:10.1111/ppa.12252

Denis, A., & Tychon, B. (2015). Remote sensing enables high discrimination between organic and non-organic cotton for organic cotton certification in West Africa. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 1-12. doi:10.1007/s13593-015-0313-2

KARIMOU BARKÉ, M., Tychon, B., OUSSEINI, I., & Ozer, A. (2015). Détection des cuvettes oasiennes du centre-est du Niger par classification d'une image texturale basée sur la variance. Photo Interpretation European Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 51 (3), 24-36, 65-71.

Minet, J., Diouf, A. A., Garba, I., Lang, M., Djaby, B., Sircely, J., Tychon, B., & Conant, R. (2015). LIVESTOCK SYSTEMS--TECHNICAL REPORT. European Commission.

Minet, J., Laloy, E., Tychon, B., & François, L. (2015). Bayesian inversions of a dynamic vegetation model at four European grassland sites. Biogeosciences, 12 (9), 2809-2829. doi:10.5194/bg-12-2809-2015

Sauret, E., Wellens, J., Guyon, F., Orban, P., Traore, F., De Thysebeart, D., Derouane, J., Tychon, B., & Brouyère, S. (2015). Cadres méthodologiques et outils de gestion des eaux et terres pour l'agriculture irriguée en zones périurbaines au Burkina Faso. In J. Bogaert & J.-M. Halleux, Territoires périurbaines - Développement, enjeux et perspectives dans les pays du Sud (pp. 119-128). Les presses agronomiques de Gemboux.

El Jarroudi, M., Kouadio, A. L., Mackels, C., Tychon, B., Delfosse, P., & Bock, C. (01 November 2014). Disease severity assessment in epidemiological studies: accuracy and reliability of visual estimates of Septoria leaf blotch (SLB) in winter wheat. Phytopathology, 104 (11), 37.

Sossey Alaoui, K., Galoux, D., & Tychon, B. (2014). EVALUATION DE LA QUALITE BIOLOGIQUE DES COURS D'EAU PAR L'INDICE MACROPHYTIQUE (IBMR) CAMPAGNE 2014). Arlon, Belgium: Ulg, Campus d'Arlon.

Verbeiren, B., Huysmans, M., Vanderhaegen, S., Canters, F., Verbeeck, K., Engelen, G., Jacquemin, I., Tychon, B., Vangelis, H., Tsakiris, G., & Batelaan, O. (November 2014). Differentiating between influencing factors land use and climate to assess drought effects on groundwater recharge in a temperate context [Paper presentation]. Hyper Droughts EGU 6th Leonardo Conference, Prague, Czechia.

Minet, J., Laloy, E., Tychon, B., & François, L. (15 October 2014). Outcomes from the MACSUR grassland model inter-comparison with the model CARAIB [Paper presentation]. LiveM Bilbao Conference.

Durgun, Y. Ö., & Tychon, B. (24 September 2014). Improving Remote Sensing Derived Dry Matter Productivity By Reformulating The Efficiency Factors: Case Studies For Wheat And Maize [Poster presentation]. The 4th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, Torrent (Valencia), Spain.

Diouf, A. A., Djaby, B., Diop, M. B., Wele, A., Ndione, J. A., & Tychon, B. (2014). Fonctions d’ajustement pour l’estimation de la production fourragère herbacée des parcours naturels du Sénégal à partir du NDVI s10 de SPOT-vegetation. In XXVIIe Colloque de l’Association Internationale de Climatologie.

Durgun, Y. Ö., & Tychon, B. (18 June 2014). Improving Remote Sensing Derived Dry Matter Productivity By Reformulating The Efficiency Factors: Case Studies For Wheat And Maize [Paper presentation]. 34th EARSEL (European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories) Symposium, Warsaw, Poland.

Benabdelouahab, T., Balaghi, R., Lionboui, H., Hadria, R., & Tychon, B. (28 May 2014). Mapping of vegetation water content using Shortwave Infrared SPOT5 data to monitor irrigation in semi-arid regions [Paper presentation]. Water ressources valuation in arid and semi arid areas, BENIMELLAL, Morocco.

Brouyère, S., Orban, P., Derouane, J., Malou, R., Gning, A. A., Ruthy, I., Wellens, J., Tychon, B., Niang, A., Coly, A., Kaly, E., & Hughes, B. (2014). Maîtrise de la gestion de l’eau pour une agriculture durable dans le delta du fleuve Sénégal : appui à la mise en œuvre de la Grande Offensive Agricole pour la Nourriture et l'Abondance (GOANA)–Phase 2 - Rapport d'activité n° 2 relatif à la subvention 2013. WBI.

Raes, D., Steduto, P., Hsiao, T., & Fereres, E. (2014). AquaCrop: Manuel d'utilisation (Wellens, J., Dimzoure, L., Ntekam, M., ... Tychon, B., Trans.).

El Jarroudi, M., Kouadio, A. L., Giraud, F., Delfosse, P., & Tychon, B. (25 April 2014). Brown rust disease control in winter wheat: II. Exploring the optimization of fungicide sprays through a decision support system. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21 (4), 4809-4818. doi:10.1007/s11356-014-2557-9

Minet, J., Laloy, E., Tychon, B., & François, L. (02 April 2014). Bayesian inference of a dynamic vegetation model for grassland [Paper presentation]. FACCE MACSUR Mid-Term Scientific Conference, Sassari, Italy.

Denis, A., Stevens, A., Van Wesemael, B., Udelhoven, T., & Tychon, B. (01 April 2014). Soil organic carbon assessment by field and airborne spectrometry in bare croplands: accounting for soil surface roughness. Geoderma, 226-227 (August 2014), 94–102. doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2014.02.015

Durgun, Y. Ö., & Tychon, B. (05 February 2014). Improving Remote Sensing Derived Dry Matter Productivity by Adding A Water Limitation Factor: A Case Study of Belgium [Poster presentation]. Global Vegetation Monitoring and Modelling, Avignon, France.

Minet, J., Tychon, B., Jacquemin, I., & François, L. (February 2014). Can a global dynamic vegetation model be used for both grassland and crop modeling at the local scale? [Poster presentation]. CropM International Symposium and Workshop: Modelling climate change impacts on crop production for food security, Oslo, Norway.

François, L., Jacquemin, I., Fontaine, C., Minet, J., Dury, M., & Tychon, B. (2014). Implementing agricultural land-use in the CARAIB dynamic vegetation model [Paper presentation]. FACCE-JPI MACSUR Mid-term Scientific Conference, Sassari, Italy.

Tsakiris, G., Nalbantis, I., Vangelis, H., Verbeiren, B., Huysmans, M., Tychon, B., Jacquemin, I., Canters, F., Vanderhaegen, S., Engelen, G., Poelmans, L., De Becker, P., & Batelaan, O. (December 2013). A System-based Paradigm of Drought Analysis for Operational Management. Water Resources Management, 27, 5281-5297. doi:10.1007/s11269-013-0471-4

Tychon, B., Denis, A., Djaby, B., & Bourlard, E. (2013). The Agrometeorological crop yield forecasting System of Armenia - User Manual - December 2013. (ULiège - Université de Liège).

Denis, A., & Tychon, B. (05 November 2013). Remote sensing and GIS techniques for supporting organic cotton certification process in West Africa [Paper presentation]. Global Geospatial Conference 2013 - AFRICAGIS 2013 - GSDI 14, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Midekor, A., Wellens, J., & Tychon, B. (2013). Initiation à ENVI.

Durgun, Y. Ö., & Tychon, B. (11 September 2013). Improving Remote Sensing Derived Dry Matter Productivity by Adding Water Limitation Factor [Poster presentation]. ESA Living Planet Symposium.

Verbeiren, B., Huysmans, M., Tychon, B., Jacquemin, I., Canters, F., Vanderhaegen, S., Engelen, G., Poelmans, L., De Becker, P., Tsakiris, G., Vangelis, H., & Batelaan, O. (September 2013). Drought-related vulnerability and risk assessment of groundwater resources under temperate conditions [Paper presentation]. 13th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Athènes, Greece.

Wellens, J., Raes, D., Traore, F., Denis, A., Djaby, B., & Tychon, B. (September 2013). Performance assessment of the FAO AquaCrop model for irrigated cabbage on farmer plots in a semi-arid environment. Agricultural Water Management, 127, 40-47. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2013.05.012

El Jarroudi, M., Kouadio, A. L., Beyer, M., Tychon, B., & Delfosse, P. (10 August 2013). Profitability of using warning system for foliar disease of wheat in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg [Poster presentation]. 2013 APS-MSA Joint Meeting, Austin, Texas, United States.

El Jarroudi, M., Kouadio, A. L., Beyer, M., Tychon, B., & Delfosse, P. (10 August 2013). Operational warning for Septoria leaf blotch and leaf rust in winter wheat: Importance of fungicide dosage, formulation and spray time [Poster presentation]. 2013 APS-MSA Joint Meeting, Austin, Texas, United States.

Wellens, J., Midekor, A., Traore, F., & Tychon, B. (August 2013). An easy and low-cost method for preprocessing and matching small-scale amateur aerial photography for assessing agricultural land use in Burkina Faso. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 23, 273-278. doi:10.1016/j.jag.2012.09.007

Djaby, B., Louis, K., El Jarroudi, M., Allard, D. W., & Tychon, B. (2013). Spatial Distribution of Calibrated WOFOST Parameters and Their Influence on the Performances of a Regional Yield Forecasting System. Sustainable Agriculture Research. doi:10.5539/sar.v2n4p12

El Jarroudi, M., Kouadio, A. L., Beyer, M., Giraud, F., Tychon, B., & Delfosse, P. (01 July 2013). Factors affecting Tan Spot on winter wheat in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. Journal of Plant Pathology, s1, 7-17.

El Jarroudi, M., Kouadio, A. L., Beyer, M., Tychon, B., & Delfosse, P. (June 2013). Profitability of using warning system for foliar disease of wheat in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. Phytopathology, 103, 38-39.

El Jarroudi, M., Kouadio, A. L., Beyer, M., Tychon, B., & Delfosse, P. (June 2013). Operational warning for Septoria leaf blotch and leaf rust in winter wheat: Importance of fungicide dosage, formulation, and spray time. Phytopathology, 103, 38.

Tsakiris, G., Nalbantis, I., Vangelis, H., Verbeiren, B., Huysmans, M., Tychon, B., Jacquemin, I., Canters, F., Vanderhaegen, S., Engelen, G., Poelmans, L., De Becker, P., & Batelaan, O. (June 2013). Towards a comprehensive framework for the assessment of groundwater drought in temperate regions [Paper presentation]. 8th International Conference of the European Water Resources Association, Porto, Portugal.

Brouyère, S., Orban, P., Derouane, J., Malou, R., Gning, A. A., Ruthy, I., Wellens, J., Tychon, B., Tchang, T., & Sow, M. (2013). Maîtrise de la gestion de l'eau pour une agriculture durable dans le delta du Fleuve Senegal-Phase 2 - Rapport d'activités n°1 relatif à la subvention 2012. WBI.

Benabdelouahab, T., Balaghi, R., Barbier, C., Amediaz, R., Noury, H., & Tychon, B. (06 February 2013). Application de la télédétection optique et RADAR pour contribuer à une gestion hydrique efficiente de la céréaliculture des périmètres irrigués au Maroc : Cas du périmètre irrigué du Tadla [Paper presentation]. La télédétection spatiale & la modélisation au service du développement agricole, BENIMELLAL, Morocco.

Dimzoure, L., Wellens, J., & Tychon, B. (2013). Cartographie des périmètres irrigués de Mogtedo et de Karfiguela à l'aide de Google Earth.

Traore, F., Cornet, Y., Denis, A., Wellens, J., & Tychon, B. (2013). Monitoring the evolution of irrigated areas with Landsat images using backward and forward change detection analysis in the Kou watershed. Geocarto International, 1-20. doi:10.1080/10106049.2012.744100

Wellens, J., Nitcheu, M., Traore, F., & Tychon, B. (2013). A public-private partnership experience in the management of an irrigation scheme using decision-support tools in Burkina Faso. Agricultural Water Management, 116, 1-11. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2012.09.013

Wellens, J., Traore, F., Diallo, M., & Tychon, B. (2013). A framework for the use of decision-support tools at various spatial scales for the management of irrigated agriculture in West-Africa. Agricultural Sciences, 4 (8A), 9-15. doi:10.4236/as.2013.48A002

El Jarroudi, M., Kouadio, A. L., Delfosse, P., Giraud, F., Junk, J., Hoffmann, L., Maraite, H., & Tychon, B. (December 2012). Typology of the Main Fungal Diseases Affecting Winter Wheat in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2, 1386-1399.

Kouadio, A. L., Djaby, B., El Jarroudi, M., & Tychon, B. (December 2012). Importance of a Well-distributed Frequency of Measurements in the Senescence Monitoring of Winter Wheat and Yield Estimates. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2, 1203-1213.

Denis, A., Desclee, B., Migdall, S., Hanssen, H., Bach, H., Ott, P., & Tychon, B. (08 November 2012). Can satellites help organic crop certification? [Poster presentation]. Conference, Liège, Belgium.

El Jarroudi, M., Kouadio, A. L., Beyer, M., Tychon, B., & Delfosse, P. (October 2012). Tan Spot on winter wheat in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg: Diagnostics and Evolution [Poster presentation]. Impact of Plant Pathogens on the Quality of Crops and Wine (Patholux-Grapelux) Plant pathology in relation to food safety and food quality, Mondorf-les-Bains, Luxembourg.

Kouadio, A. L., Djaby, B., Grégory, D., El Jarroudi, M., & Tychon, B. (June 2012). Cinétique de décroissance de la surface verte et estimation du rendement du blé d’hiver. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 16 (2), 179-191.

Mahtour, A., El Jarroudi, M., Delobbe, L., Hoffmann, L., Maraite, H., & Tychon, B. (June 2012). Wheat disease forecasting using weather radar observations [Poster presentation]. ERAD 20127th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, Toulouse, France.

El Jarroudi, M., Tychon, B., Hoffmann, L., & Maraite, H. (May 2012). Modélisation et simulation prévisionnelle de la septoriose et rouille brune des feuilles pour une gestion durable du blé d’hiver [Paper presentation]. 42e congrès du Groupe Français des Pesticides, 30 mai – 1er juin 2012, POITIERS, Poitiers, France.

El Jarroudi, M., Giraud, F., Delfosse, P., Kouadio, A. L., Hoffmann, L., Maraite, H., & Tychon, B. (January 2012). Maladies du blé d'hiver au Luxembourg Les interactions entre climat, sol et phytotechnie montrent l'importance primordiale du facteur climat. Phytoma: La Défense des Végétaux, 650.

Kouadio, A. L., Duveiller, G., Djaby, B., El Jarroudi, M., Deforuny, P., & Tychon, B. (2012). Estimating regional wheat yield from the shape of decreasing curves of green area index temporal profiles retrieved from MODIS data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 18, 111-118. doi:10.1016/j.jag.2012.01.009

Traore, F., & Tychon, B. (15 November 2011). La GIRE dans le domaine agricole au Burkina Faso, cas du bassin versant du Kou : Conférence sur le rôle de la recherche en appui à la Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau (GIRE) [Paper presentation]. Conférence sur le rôle de la recherche en appui à la Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau (GIRE), Arlon, Belgium.

Kouadio, A. L., Djaby, B., Giraud, F., Delfosse, P., Tychon, B., & El Jarroudi, M. (November 2011). Images hémisphériques et leur analyse pour prévoir le rendement du blé d’hiver. Comment la phase de décroissance de la surface verte de la plante nous renseigne-t-elle sur le rendement final ? Phytoma: La Défense des Végétaux, 648, 8-12.

El Jarroudi, M., Giraud, F., Defosse, P., Kouadio, A. L., Hoffmann, L., Maraite, H., & Tychon, B. (06 August 2011). New method for establishing a network of operational warning of Septoria leaf blotch disease in winter wheat [Poster presentation]. APS–IPPC Joint Meeting, Honolulu, HI, United States.

El Jarroudi, M., Giraud, F., Delfosse, P., Kouadio, A. L., Hoffmann, L., Maraite, H., & Tychon, B. (06 August 2011). Regional-based typology of the main fungal diseases affecting winter wheat [Poster presentation]. APS–IPPC Joint Meeting, Honolulu, HI, United States.

El Jarroudi, M., Giraud, F., Delfosse, P., Kouadio, A. L., Hoffmann, L., Maraite, H., & Tychon, B. (June 2011). New method for establishing a network of operational warning of Septoria leaf blotch disease in winter wheat. Phytopathology, 101, 47.

Wellens, J., Diallo, M., Nitcheu, M., Traore, F., Midekor, A., Sawadogo, B., & Tychon, B. (31 May 2011). Appropriation of decision support tools derived results in the private management of an irrigation scheme in Burkina Faso [Paper presentation]. 3e congrès international Watarid, Paris, France.

Mahtour, A., El Jarroudi, M., Hoffmann, L., & Tychon, B. (26 May 2011). Performance of leaf wetness sensor used in winter wheat disease management [Poster presentation]. Symposium "In-situ Environmental Monitoring and Policy, Gent, Belgium.

El Jarroudi, M., Giraud, F., Tychon, B., Hoffmann, L., & Delfosse, P. (March 2011). Prévoir la septoriose : un modèle belge au Luxembourg. Phytoma: La Défense des Végétaux, 642, 43-46.

El Jarroudi, M., Giraud, F., Tychon, B., Hoffmann, L., Maraite, H., & Delfosse, P. (2011). Prévoir la septoriose un modèle belge au Luxembourg. Modélisation et simulation prévisionnelle de la septoriose des feuilles par Proculture pour une gestion durable du blé d'hiver. Phytoma: La Défense des Végétaux, (642).

Mahyou, H., Tychon, B., Paul, R., Balaghi, R., & mimouni, J. (24 February 2011). Desertification of arid Rangelands in Morocco [Paper presentation]. Biodiversity in Agroecosystems, Milan, Italy.

Bartholomeus, H., Kooistra, L., Stevens, A., van Leeuwen, M., van Wesemael, B., Ben-Dor, E., & Tychon, B. (February 2011). Soil Organic Carbon mapping of partially vegetated agricultural fields with imaging spectroscopy. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 13 (1), 81-88. doi:10.1016/j.jag.2010.06.009

Bronne, C.-E., Wellens, J., Midekor, A. A., Diakité, M., Denis, A., & Tychon, B. (2011). Prévision des rendements agricoles. Guide d'utilisation. (ULiège - Université de Liège).

El Jarroudi, M., Giraud, F., Delfosse, P., Beyer, M., Hoffmann, L., Maraite, H., & Tychon, B. (2011). SITE – SPECIFIC MONITORING FOR DISEASE FORECASTING IN WINTER WHEAT. Journal of Plant Pathology, 93 (Supplement 1), 19-20.

El Jarroudi, M., Giraud, F., Delfosse, P., Kouadio, A. L., Hoffmann, L., Maraite, H., & Tychon, B. (2011). Regional-based typology of the main fungal diseases affecting winter wheat in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. Phytopathology, 101, 47.

El Jarroudi, M., Giraud, F., Tychon, B., Hoffman, L., & Delfosse, P. (2011). First report of the breakdown of the YR17 resistance gene to wheat stripe rust in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Journal of Plant Pathology, 93 (1), 243.

Mahtour, A., El Jarroudi, M., Delobbe, L., Hoffmann, L., Maraite, H., & Tychon, B. (2011). Site-specific Septoria Leaf Blotch Risk Assessment in Winter Wheat using Weather-Radar Rainfall Estimates. Plant Disease, 10.1094/PDIS-07-10-0482. doi:10.1094/PDIS-07-10-0482

Tidjani, A. D., Bielders, C., Ambouta, K. J.-M., & Tychon, B. (2011). Dune rehabilitation using a mechanical fixation technique : effect on sediment fluxes and on the quantitative and qualitative recovery of the herbaceous groundcover. Geophysical Research Abstracts.

Mahtour, A., El Jarroudi, M., Hoffmann, L., & Tychon, B. (23 November 2010). Sensitivity of simulated surface wetness duration to meteorological variations in three different regions of Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg [Poster presentation]. Conference on “Impact of plant pathogens on food quality of agricultural crops and wine-Book of proceedings (edited by T. Bohn, M. Beyer, D. Evers & L. Hoffmann). Keynote/ Oerke EC. 24-25, Remich, Luxembourg.

El Jarroudi, M., Giraud, F., Delfosse, P., Beyer, M., Hoffmann, L., & Tychon, B. (22 November 2010). Site–specific monitoring for disease forecasting in winter wheat [Paper presentation]. Impact of Plant pathogens on food quality of agricultural crops and wine, Rémich, Luxembourg.

Mahtour, A., El Jarroudi, M., Hoffmann, L., & Tychon, B. (22 November 2010). Sensitivity of simulated surface wetness duration to meteorological variations in three different regions of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg [Poster presentation]. Conference on “Impact of Plant pathogens on food quality of agricultural crops and wine, Rémich, Luxembourg.

El Jarroudi, M., Giraud, F., Tychon, B., Hoffmann, L., & Delfosse, P. (October 2010). Rouille brune du blé, un modèle pour évaluer les risques. Phytoma: La Défense des Végétaux, 637, 9-12.

El Jarroudi, M., Giraud, F., Tychon, B., Hoffmann, L., Maraite, H., & Delfosse, P. (2010). Rouille brune du blé, un modèle pour évaluer les risques. L'évaluation des paramètres météorologiques affectant la rouille brune du blé au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg à l'origine d'un outil de prévision. Phytoma: La Défense des Végétaux, (637).

Mahyou, H., Tychon, B., & Balaghi, R. (28 September 2010). Knowledge-based approaches for degradation mapping in arid rangeland [Poster presentation]. International Conferense on ADVANCED SIENTIFIC TOOLS FOR DESERITIFICATION POLICY, IFAD, ROME, Rome, Italy.

Tychon, B., Djaby, B., Denis, A., Oger, R., Buffet, D., Curnel, Y., Piccard, I., Eerens, H., & Royer, A. (15 September 2010). Bulletin agrométéorologique - Situation au 1er septembre 2010. Bulletin Agrométéorologique, 8 (4), 1-4.

El Jarroudi, M., Kouadio, A. L., Martin, B., Giraud, F., Delfosse, P., Hoffmann, L., Curnel, Y., & Tychon, B. (2010). Modelling plant diseases impact with the Belgium Crop Growth Monitoring System. In J. Wery, I. Shili-Touzi, ... A. Perrin (Eds.), PROCEEDING OF AGRO2010 the XIth ESA Congress. Montpellier, France: Agropolis Production.

Kouadio, A. L., Djaby, B., El Jarroudi, M., Giraud, F., Delfosse, P., Hoffmann, L., Defourny, P., & Tychon, B. (September 2010). A SIMPLIFIED APPROACH FOR WHEAT YIELD ESTIMATES BASED ON METRICS DERIVED FROM GREEN AREA INDEX DECREASING CURVES [Poster presentation]. XIth ESA Congress Agro2010 Montpellier. the International Scientific Week Around Agronomy, Montpellier, France.

Kouadio, A. L., Duveiller, G., Djaby, B., Tychon, B., & Defourny, P. (2010). Wheat Yield Estimates at NUTS-3 level using MODIS data: an approach based on the decreasing curves of green area index temporal profiles. In F. Cawkwell (Ed.), Proceedings of RSPSoc2010 Annual Conference. 1st-3rd September 2010, Cork, Ireland (Nottingham: RSPSoc) (pp. 214-221).

El Jarroudi, M., Giraud, F., Delfosse, P., Hoffmann, L., Maraite, H., & Tychon, B. (07 August 2010). Time spray strategies for Septoria Leaf Blotch disease progress on winter wheat: the use of forecasting model [Paper presentation]. 2010 APS Annual Meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina, United States.

El Jarroudi, M., Giraud, F., Delfosse, P., Hoffmann, L., Maraite, H., & Tychon, B. (07 August 2010). Assessment of the night weather parameters and their use in forecasting model of leaf rust [Paper presentation]. APS Annual Meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina, United States.

Tychon, B., Djaby, B., Denis, A., Oger, R., Marlier, C., Piccard, I., Eerens, H., & Royer, A. (12 July 2010). Bulletin agrométéorologique - Situation au 30 juin 2010. Bulletin Agrométéorologique, 8 (2), 1-6.

Mahtour, A., El Jarroudi, M., Giraud, F., Delfosse, P., Huber, L., Hoffmann, L., & Tychon, B. (2010). Spatial heterogeneity of leaf wetness duration in winter wheat canopy and its influence on plant disease epidemiology. Phytopathology.

El Jarroudi, M., Giraud, F., Delfosse, P., Hoffmann, L., Maraite, H., & Tychon, B. (June 2010). Time spray strategies for Septoria leaf blotch disease progress on winter wheat: The use of forecasting model. Phytopathology, 100, 32.

El Jarroudi, M., Giraud, F., Delfosse, P., Hoffmann, L., Maraite, H., & Tychon, B. (2010). Assessment Of The Night Weather Parameters And Their Use In Forecasting Model Of Wheat Leaf Rust. Phytopathology, (100), 32.

Traore, F., Dembélé, Y., & Tychon, B. (28 May 2010). Optimisation de l'utilisation des ressources en eau du bassin du Kou pour des usages agricoles [Paper presentation]. PhD day - Université de Liège, Campus d'Arlon, Arlon, Belgium.

Tychon, B., Djaby, B., Denis, A., Oger, R., Marlier, C., Piccard, I., Eerens, H., & Royer, A. (07 May 2010). Bulletin agrométéorologique - Situation au 30 avril 2010. Bulletin Agrométéorologique, 8 (1), 1-4.

Brouyère, S., Tychon, B., Derouane, J., Wellens, J., & Gardin, N. (29 April 2010). GIRE au Burkina Faso : les ressources en eau souterraine dans la région de Bobo Dioulasso et leurs usages [Paper presentation]. Jeudis de l'Aquapôle, Liège, Belgium.

Horion, S., Tychon, B., & Cornet, Y. (24 April 2010). Climatological characteristics of NDVI time series: challenges and constraints. Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège, 54, 137-144.

Wellens, J., Diallo, M., Dakouré, D., Compaoré, N. F., Denis, A., & Tychon, B. (2010). Utilisation des prises de vue aérienne à basse altitude pour le suivi des activités hydro-agricoles. Cas du bassin du Kou. In Integrated water resources management and challenges of the sustainable development. United Nations.

Wellens, J., Diallo, M., Gardin, N., Midekor, A., Compaore, N. F., Dakoure, D., Karambiri, H., Derouane, J., Brouyère, S., & Tychon, B. (March 2010). Promouvoir des approches innovantes de recherche-développement en matière de GIRE au Burkina Faso [Paper presentation]. Integrated water resources management and challenges of the sustainable development, Second international Congress, Agadir, Morocco.

Traore, F., & Tychon, B. (12 January 2010). Remote sensing assessement of irrigated areas extension in the Kou watershed [Paper presentation]. ENVITAM-UNITER PhD student day, Namur, Belgium.

Balaghi, R., Badjeck, M.-C., Djaby, B., De Pauw, E., De Wit, A., Defourny, P., Donato, S., Gommes, R., Ravelo, A.-C., Sivakumar, M.-V.-K., Telahigue, N., & Tychon, B. (2010). Managing climatic risks for enhanced food security : key information capabilities. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 1, 313-323. doi:10.1016/j.proenv.2010.09.020

Duveiller, G., de Wit, A., Kouadio, A. L., Djaby, B., Curnel, Y., Tychon, B., & Defourny, P. (2010). Exploring the potential of crop specific green area index time series to improve yield estimation at regional scale. In J. A. Sobrino (Ed.), Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing (RAQRS'III).

Gommes, R., Das, H., Mariani, L., Challinor, A., Tychon, B., Balaghi, R., & Dawod, M. A. A. (2010). Chapter 6 : Agrometeorological forecasting. In WMO/CAgM Guide to Agricultural Meteorological Practices (GAMP) WMO n° 134.

Horion, S., Tychon, B., & Cornet, Y. (2010). Modelling climate control on cropland and grassland development using phenologically tuned variables. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12.

Kouadio, A. L., & Tychon, B. (January 2010). Wheat yield and PAI decreasing shape curve [Paper presentation]. ENVITAM-UNITER PhD day workshop, Namur, Belgium.

Mahyou, H., Tychon, B., Balaghi, R., Mimouni, J., & Paul, R. (2010). Désertification des parcours arides au Maroc. Tropicultura, 28 (2), 107-114.

Sepulcre-Canto, G., Gellens-Meulenberghs, F., Arboleda, A., Duveiller, G., Piccard, I., de Wit, A., Tychon, B., Djaby, B., & Defourny, P. (2010). Combining remote sensing imagery of both fine and coarse spatial resolution to estimate crop evapotranspiration and quantifying its influence on crop growth monitoring. Geophysical Research Abstracts.

Stevens, A., Udelhoven, T., Denis, A., Tychon, B., Lioy, R., Hoffmann, L., & Van Wesemael, B. (01 January 2010). Measuring soil organic carbon in croplands at regional scale using airborne imaging spectroscopy. Geoderma, 158, 32-45. doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2009.11.032

Wellens, J., Nitcheu, M., Diallo, M., Midekor, A., Sawadogo, B., Diakite, M., & Tychon, B. (2010). Appropriation et vulgarisation d'outils d'aide à la décision dans la co-gestion du périmètre irrigué de la Vallée du Kou (sud-ouest du Burkina Faso).

Gilliams, S., Bydekerke, L., Delrue, J., Haub, C., Tychon, B., & Barbieri, M. (2009). GMFS Final report Stage 1 and Stage 2. (ESRIN Contract n° 19402/05/I-LG). Mol, Belgium: GMFS.

El Jarroudi, M., Delfosse, P., Maraite, H., Hoffmann, L., & Tychon, B. (October 2009). Assessing the Accuracy of Simulation Model for Septoria Leaf Blotch Disease Progress on Winter Wheat. Plant Disease, 93. doi:10.1094/PDIS-93-10-0983

Tychon, B., Scohy, L., Denis, A., Oger, R., Marlier, C., Piccard, I., Eerens, H., & Royer, A. (09 September 2009). Bulletin agrométéorologique - Situation au 31 août 2009. Bulletin Agrométéorologique, 7 (3), 1-4.

El Jarroudi, M., Giraud, F., Vrancken, C., Junk, J., Tychon, B., Hoffmann, L., & Delfosse, P. (September 2009). First Report of Wheat Leaf Rust in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Progress of its Appearance over the 2003–2008 Period. Plant Disease, 93. doi:10.1094/PDIS-93-9-0971A

Nitcheu, M., Midekor, A., Diallo, M., Wellens, J., & Tychon, B. (2009). SIMIS: Scheme Irrigation Management Information System - Formation.

Stevens, A., Udelhoven, T., Denis, A., Tychon, B., Lioy, R., & van Wesemael, B. (September 2009). Monitoring soil organic carbon in cropland using VIS-NIR imaging spectroscopy [Paper presentation]. 6th EARSeL Imaging Spectroscopy SIG workshop. Imaging Spectroscopy: An Innovative Tool for Scientific and Commercial Applications, Tel Aviv, Israel.

Denis, A., Tychon, B., Stevens, A., & Van Wesemael, B. (2009). Improving soil organic carbon (SOC) prediction by field spectrometry in bare cropland by reducing the disturbing effect of soil roughness. In Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2009 IEEE International, IGARSS 2009. IEEE. doi:10.1109/IGARSS.2009.5417660

Tychon, B., Scohy, L., Denis, A., Oger, R., Marlier, C., Piccard, I., Eerens, H., & Royer, A. (01 July 2009). Bulletin agrométéorologique - Situation au 21 juin 2009. Bulletin Agrométéorologique, 7 (2), 1-5.

Tychon, B., Djaby, B., Denis, A., Oger, R., Marlier, C., Piccard, I., Eerens, H., & Royer, A. (15 May 2009). Bulletin agrométéorologique - Situation au 30 avril 2009. Bulletin Agrométéorologique, 7 (1), 1-3.

Stevens, A., Denis, A., Udelhoven, T., van Wesemael, B., Tychon, B., Hoffmann, L., & Lioy, R. (28 April 2009). Monitoring soil organic carbon in croplands using imaging spectroscopy (MOCA) [Paper presentation]. Belgian Earth Observation Day 2009, Maaseik, Belgium.

Stevens, A., Udelhoven, T., Denis, A., Tychon, B., Lioy, R., & van Wesemael, B. (April 2009). Monitoring soil organic carbon in croplands using imaging spectroscopy [Paper presentation]. European Geophysical Union (EGU) Conference, Vienna, Austria.

Wellens, J., Diallo, M., Dakoure, D., Compaorer, N., Moet, B., Denis, A., & Tychon, B. (19 March 2009). Utilisation des prises de vue aériennes à basse altitude pour le suivi des activités hydro-agricoles - Cas du bassin du Kou (Burkina Faso) [Poster presentation]. Journées scientifiques du 2iE, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

Djaby, B., Tychon, B., & Massart, M. (18 March 2009). Set-up of CGMS in Ethiopia and first user experiences [Paper presentation]. 4th CGMS Expert Meeting, ISPRA, Italy.

van Wesemael, B., Stevens, A., Denis, A., Tychon, B., Udelhoven, T., Hoffmann, L., & Lioy, R. (2009). MOCA Final Report - Monitoring soil Organic CArbon in croplands using Imaging Spectroscopy (MOCA). (BELSPO SR/00/110, BELSPO SR/00/110). Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium: Université Catholique de Louvain - UCL.

El Jarroudi, M., Giraud, F., Tychon, B., Hoffmann, L., & Delfosse, P. (2009). First report of wheat powdery mildew and its severity in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg over the 2003-2009 period. Journal of Plant Pathology, 91 (S4), 109.

Tychon, B., & Ambouta, K. J.-M. (2009). Gestion interdisciplinaire du problème d'ensablement des cuvettes en milieu sahélien nigérien. Geo-Eco-Trop: Revue Internationale de Géologie, de Géographie et d'Écologie Tropicales, 33, 1-10.

Tychon, B., Ambouta, K. J.-M., Ozer, A., Bielders, C., Paul, R., & Ozer, P. (2009). Perspectives - Quel avenir pour les cuvettes oasiennes dans le Niger oriental ? Geo-Eco-Trop: Revue Internationale de Géologie, de Géographie et d'Écologie Tropicales, 33.

Tychon, B., & Ozer, A. (Eds.). (2009). Ensablement des cuvettes du sud-est du Niger par apports éoliens : processus, impacts et moyens de lutte. Tervuren, Belgium: Eric Warner.

Wellens, J., Nitcheu, M., Sawadogo, B., Mamadou, D., & Tychon, B. (2009). Optimisation des calendriers d'irrigation pour le périmètre irrigué de la Vallée du Kou à l'aide du logiciel SIMIS. In Journées Scientifiques 2iE; 2009.

El Jarroudi, M., Tychon, B., Maraite, H., & Hoffmann, L. (September 2008). Statistical Analysis of the night weather conditions favouring the epidemic of the brown rust in the Grand-Duchy of Luxemburg. Italian Journal of Agronomy, 3.

El Jarroudi, M., Tychon, B., & Hoffmann, L. (08 August 2008). Agriculture durable: Proposition des modalités de la mise en place de la lutte dirigée à Nador. Exemple d’un système d’avertissement de la septoriose appliqué à la culture du blé d’hiver au Grand-Duché du Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Association Ouverture pour la Science et le Savoir, Nador, Morocco.

Delrue, J., Barbieri, M., Tychon, B., Kouadio, A. L., & Denis, A. (2008). Global Monitoring for Food Security (GMFS). Service operations report SENEGAL 2007. (Contract n° 19402/05/I-LG). Mol, Belgium: GMFS.

Defourny, P., Bériaux, E., Tychon, B., Djaby, B., Piccard, I., Eerens, H., & Léo, O. (12 February 2008). Global agricultural monitoring systems by integration of earth observation and modelling techniques (globam project) [Paper presentation]. Belgian earth observation day STEREO, Namur, Belgium.

Stevens, A., van Wesemael, B., Tychon, B., Denis, A., Udelhoven, T., & Lioy, R. (12 February 2008). Monitoring soil organic carbon in croplands using imaging spectroscopy (MOCA project) [Paper presentation]. Belgian earth observation day, Namur, Belgium.

Mahyou, H., & Tychon, B. (29 January 2008). Monitoring of the dynamics of the natural resources by the geomatic in Morocco [Paper presentation]. PhD day envitam, Liège, Belgium.

Traore, F., & Tychon, B. (29 January 2008). Optimisation de l'utilisation des ressources en eau du bassin du Kou pour des usages agricoles [Paper presentation]. ENVITAM-UNITER PhD student day, Liège, Belgium.

Wellens, J., Diallo, M., Dakouré, D., Compaoré, N. F., Denis, A., & Tychon, B. (29 January 2008). Utilisation des prises de vue aérienne à basse altitude pour le suivi des activités hydro-agricoles – Cas du Bassin du Kou [Paper presentation]. Salon Africain d’Irrigation et Drainage, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

Ambouta, K. J.-M., & Tychon, B. (2008). Envahissement des cuvettes par apports éoliens: processus, impacts et moyens de lutte. Tropicultura, 26, 63-64.

Balaghi, R., Tychon, B., EERENS, H., & JLIBENE, M. (2008). Empirical regression models using NDVI, rainfall and temperature data for the early prediction of wheat grain yields in Morocco. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 10, 438-452. doi:10.1016/j.jag.2006.12.001

Bronne, C. E., Wellens, J., Diakite, M., Traore, F., Diallo, M., & Tychon, B. (2008). Elaboration d'un modèle de prévision des rendements cotonniers dans la province du Houet (Burkina Faso).

El Jarroudi, M., Tychon, B., Maraite, H., & Hoffmann, L. (2008). Statistical Analysis of the night weather conditions favouring the epidemic of the brown rust in the Grand-Duchy of Luxemburg. Italian Journal of Agronomy, 3 (3), 611-612.

Mackels, C., & Tychon, B. (2008). Green leaf area decline of the last three leaves of wheat. Determination of the relationships with remote sensing green land cover. Italian Journal of Agronomy, 3 (3), 671-672.

Stevens, A., Van Wesemael, B., Bartholomeus, H., Rosillon, D., Tychon, B., & Ben-Dor, E. (2008). Laboratory, field and airborne spectroscopy for monitoring organic carbon content in agricultural soils. Geoderma, 144, 395-404. doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2007.12.009

Wellens, J., Diallo, M., Gardin, N., Midekor, A., Compaore, N., Dakoure, D., Karambiri, H., Derouane, J., Brouyère, S., & Tychon, B. (2008). Promouvoir des approches innovantes de recherche-développement en matière de GIRE au Burkina Faso. Global Water Partnership - Toolbox: Integrated Water Resources Management, CS 322.

Wellens, J., Traore, F., Niamian, M.-J., Diallo, M., Compaore, N., Dakoure, D., Derouane, J., & Tychon, B. (2008). Elaboration du bilan d'eau du bassin versant du Kou et analyse critique des principaux composants.

Wellens, J., Tychon, B., Traore, F., Derouane, J., Diallo, M. (Other coll.), Dakoure, D. (Other coll.), Compaore, N. (Other coll.), Yacouba, H. (Other coll.), Ye, D. (Other coll.), & Depez, F. (Other coll.). (2008). Renforcement structurel de la capacité de gestion des ressources en eau pour l'agriculture dans le bassin du Kou (Burkina Faso): Rapport Technique 2 (2007-2008).

Bancal, M.-O., Roche, R., Gabrielle, B., Tychon, B., & El Jarroudi, M. (13 November 2007). Assessing the impact of fungal diseases management on crops and environment. Using dynamic models in the case of foliar diseases in wheat [Paper presentation]. ENDURE Network of Excellence RA3.3 & RA3.4 Workshop, Paris, France.

Tychon, B., El Jarroudi, M., Mamy, Gabrielle, B., Roche, R., & Bancal, M. O. (November 2007). A computer-based decision support system for septoriosis control in winter wheat : implementation in Belgium and Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. ENDURE diversifying crop protection. Annual meeting, Versailles, France.

Tychon, B., Schyns, V., Denis, A., Oger, R., Curnel, Y., Piccard, I., Viaene, P., & Eerens, H. (13 October 2007). Bulletin agrométéorologique - Situation au 30 septembre 2007. Bulletin Agrométéorologique, 6 (3), 1-4.

Stevens, A., van Wesemael, B., Tychon, B., Rosillon, D., Bartholomeus, H., & Ben Dor, E. (October 2007). Laboratory, field and airborne spectroscopy for monitoring organic carbon content in agricultural soils [Paper presentation]. 6èmes rencontres HélioSPIR, Colloque La Spectroscopie proche infrarouge en sciences du sol, Grenoble, France.

Tychon, B., Schyns, V., Denis, A., Oger, R., Curnel, Y., Piccard, I., Viaene, P., & Eerens, H. (31 August 2007). Bulletin agrométéorologique - Situation au 20 août 2007. Bulletin Agrométéorologique, 6 (2), 1-4.

Tychon, B., Schyns, V., Denis, A., Oger, R., Curnel, Y., Piccard, I., Viaene, P., & Eerens, H. (15 July 2007). Bulletin agrométéorologique - Situation fin juin 2007. Bulletin Agrométéorologique, 6 (1), 1-4.

Horion, S., Eerens, H., Tychon, B., & Cornet, Y. (2007). Spatial aggregation of low resolution satellite data for the monitoring of vegetation response to climatic stresses : analysis of the spatial heterogeneity of aggregated entities. In Proceedings Envisat Symposium. ESA.

De Longueville, F., Tychon, B., Leteinturier, B., & Ozer, P. (April 2007). An approach to optimise the establishment of grassy headlands in the Belgian Walloon region: A tool for agri-environmental schemes. Land Use Policy, 24 (2), 443-450. doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2006.05.008

Blaes, X., Defourny, P., Denis, A., Leteinturier, B., Oger, R., Tychon, B., Vanhalle, L., & Pekel, J.-F. (28 March 2007). SAGRIWATEL 2 Extension, Comité de Pilotage, Introduction [Paper presentation]. SAGRIWATEL 2 Extension, Comité de Pilotage, Namur, Belgium.

Blaes, X., Defourny, P., Denis, A., Leteinturier, B., Oger, R., Tychon, B., Vanhalle, L., & Pekel, J.-F. (2007). Projet SAGRIWATEL II bis, Suivi de l’état de l’agriculture wallonne par télédétection, Passage du « système parcelle » au « système bloc » du SIGEC : étude d’impact et proposition de solutions alternatives visant à reconstituer le parcellaire à partir des blocs, Introduction générale. (Projet SAGRIWATEL II bis, Délivrable 0). Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium: Université Catholique de Louvain - UCL.

Denis, A., & Tychon, B. (2007). Projet SAGRIWATEL II bis, Suivi de l’état de l’AGRIculture WAllonne par TELédétection II bis, Etude prospective de reconstitution du parcellaire agricole wallon (SIGEC) par télédétection et utilisation de géoidentifiants parcellaires dans un contexte de « système bloc ». (Projet SAGRIWATEL II bis, Délivrable 4). Arlon, Belgium: Université de Liège.

Balaghi, R., Jlibene, M., Tychon, B., & Mrabet, R. (2007). Gestion du risque de sécheresse agricole au Maroc. Sécheresse, 18 (3), 169-176.

Cors, M., & Tychon, B. (2007). Grassed Buffer Strips as Nitrate Diffuse Pollution Remediation Tools: Management Impact on the Denitrification Enzyme Activity. Water Science and Technology, 55 (3), 25-30. doi:10.2166/wst.2007.068

De Longueville, F., Tychon, B., Oger, R., & Ozer, P. (2007). Conception d’une méthode destinée à promouvoir l’implantation de bandes herbeuses extensives dans les prairies permanentes en Wallonie. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 11 (1), 19-26.

Leteinturier, B., Denis, A., Blaes, X., Oger, R., Tychon, B., Defourny, P., & Vanhalle, L. (2007). Projet SAGRIWATEL II bis, Suivi de l’état de l’agriculture wallonne par télédétection II bis, Parcellaire SIGEC : Etude d’impact du passage du « système parcelles » au « système blocs » - Analyse des résultats de l’enquête. (Projet SAGRIWATEL II bis, Délivrable 1). Gembloux, Belgium: Centre Wallon de Recherches Agronomiques - CRA-W.

Leteinturier, B., Tychon, B., & Oger, R. (2007). Diagnostic agronomique et agro-environnemental des successions culturales en Wallonie (Belgique). Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 11 (1), 27-38.

Wellens, J., Sawadogo, I., Diallo, M., Dakoure, D., Traore, F., & Tychon, B. (2007). Recensement exhaustif des activités hydro-agricoles du Bassin du Kou.

Tychon, B., Denis, A., De Longueville, F., Eerens, H., Piccard, I., Viaene, P., Oger, R., & Curnel, Y. (15 October 2006). Bulletin agrométéorologique - Septembre 2006. Bulletin Agrométéorologique, 5 (6), 1-4.

Balaghi, R., Tychon, B., Eerens, H., & Jlibene, M. (October 2006). Empirical regression models using NDVI, rainfall and temperature data for the early prediction of wheat grain yields in Morocco [Paper presentation]. III CGMS Experts Meeting and Geoland Training Workshop, Arlon, Belgium.

Curnel, Y., Leteinturier, B., de Longueville, F., Denis, A., Tychon, B., & Oger, R. (2006). Projet SAGRIWATEL II, Suivi de l’état de l’agriculture wallonne par télédétection II, Rapport technique sur les développements réalisés pour deux applications issues de Sagriwatel I. (Projet SAGRIWATEL II, Délivrable 2.2). Gembloux, Belgium: Centre Wallon de Recherches Agronomiques - CRA-W.

Curnel, Y., Oger, R., Leteinturier, B., Tychon, B., & Eerens, H. (October 2006). The B-CGMS project : evaluation after 5 years of monitoring and prediction [Paper presentation]. III CGMS Experts Meeting and Geoland Training Workshop, Arlon, Belgium.

de Longueville, F., Denis, A., Leteinturier, B., Blaes, X., Tychon, B., Oger, R., & Defourny, P. (2006). Projet SAGRIWATEL II, Suivi de l’état de l’agriculture wallonne par télédétection II, Rapport technique sur la présentation et la validation des résultats obtenus et rapport final. (Projet SAGRIWATEL II, Délivrable 1.4). Arlon, Belgium: Université de Liège.

Horion, S., Tychon, B., & De Longueville, F. (October 2006). Monitoring of the crop water stress in Belgium. The case of the 2003 heat wave [Paper presentation]. III CGMS Experts Meeting and Geoland Training Workshop, Arlon, Belgium.

Horion, S., Tychon, B., & De Longueville, F. (October 2006). Monitoring of the crop water stress in Belgium. The case of the 2003 heat wave [Paper presentation]. III CGMS Experts Meeting and Geoland Training Workshop, Arlon, Belgium.

Leteinturier, B., Curnel, Y., de Longueville, F., Denis, A., Oger, R., & Tychon, B. (2006). Projet SAGRIWATEL II, Suivi de l’état de l’agriculture wallonne par télédétection II, Rapport technique sur la présentation et la validation des résultats. (Projet SAGRIWATEL II, Délivrable 2.3). Gembloux, Belgium: Centre Wallon de Recherches Agronomiques - CRA-W.

Martin, B., Tychon, B., El Jarroudi, M., Curnel, Y., & Oger, R. (October 2006). Green leaf area decline of wheat top three leaves in Belgium and G-D of Luxembourg from 2003 to 2006 : the relationships with grain yield [Paper presentation]. III CGMS Experts Meeting and Geoland Training Workshop, Arlon, Belgium.

Tychon, B., & Horion, S. (October 2006). Downscaling of ECMWF grid meteorological data : comparison with ground stations and validation [Paper presentation]. III CGMS Experts Meeting and Geoland Training Workshop, Arlon, Belgium.

Tychon, B., Ozer, P., De Longueville, F., Oger, R., Curnel, Y., Eerens, H., & Piccard, I. (15 September 2006). Bulletin agrométéorologique - Août 2006. Bulletin Agrométéorologique, 5 (5).

Tychon, B., Ozer, P., De Longueville, F., Eerens, H., Piccard, I., Verbeiren, S., Oger, R., & Curnel, Y. (12 August 2006). Bulletin agrométéorologique - Juillet 2006. Bulletin Agrométéorologique, 5 (4), 1-6.

Tychon, B., Ozer, P., De Longueville, F., Eerens, H., Piccard, I., Verbeiren, S., Oger, R., & Curnel, Y. (11 July 2006). Bulletin agrométéorologique - Juin 2006. Bulletin Agrométéorologique, 5 (3), 1-7.

Tychon, B., De Longueville, F., Ozer, P., Eerens, H., Piccard, I., Verbeiren, S., Oger, R., & Curnel, Y. (14 June 2006). Bulletin agrométéorologique - Mai 2006. Bulletin Agrométéorologique, 5 (2), 1-5.

Tychon, B., De Longueville, F., Ozer, P., Eerens, H., Piccard, I., Oger, R., Leteinturier, B., & Curnel, Y. (12 May 2006). Bulletin agrométéorologique - Avril 2006. Bulletin Agrométéorologique, 5 (1), 1-5.

Balaghi, R., Tychon, B., Eerens, H., & Jlibene, M. (2006). Crop yield forecast with NOAA and spot-vegetation data in Morocco [Paper presentation]. ISPRS WG VIII/10 Workshop 2006 Remote Sensing Support to Crop Yield Forecast and Area Estimates, Stresa, Italy.

El Jarroudi, M., Crumière, F., Hausman, J.-F., Tychon, B., & Hoffmann, L. (2006). Relationship between the progress of the foliar pathogens caused by Septoria tritici and the reduction of the photosynthetic vitality of plants in Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg in 2004. Fragmenta Agronomica, 11 (2), 643-644.

El Jarroudi, M., Tychon, B., Maraite, H., Hoffmann, L., & Reiland, G. (2006). Forecasting Septoria tritici on winter wheat in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg from 2000 to 2005. Fragmenta Agronomica, 11 (2), 751-752.

Gobin, B., Brodsky, L., Tychon, B., Andersen, E., Campling, P., & Van Orshoven, J. (2006). Protection and maintenance of permanent pastures. In S. Kay, A. Sima, ... P. Loudjani (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th MARS PAC Annual Conference, 2006 (pp. 7-12). Ispra, Italy: JRC.

Martin, B., El Jarroudi, M., & Tychon, B. (2006). Green leaf area decline of wheat top three leaves in Belgium and G-D of Luxembourg from 2003 to 2005 : the relationships with grain yield. Fragmenta Agronomica, 11 (1), 167-168.

Stevens, A., Van Wesemael, B., Vandenschrick, G., Touré, S., & Tychon, B. (2006). Detection of carbon stock change in agricultural soils using spectroscopic techniques. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 70 (3, MAY-JUN), 844-850. doi:10.2136/sssaj2005.0025

Wellens, J., Tychon, B., Traore, F., Derouane, J., Diallo, M. (Other coll.), Dakoure, D. (Other coll.), Compaore, N. (Other coll.), Yacouba, H. (Other coll.), Karambiri, H. (Other coll.), Ye, D. (Other coll.), & Deprez, F. (Other coll.). (2006). Renforcement structurel de la capacité de gestion des ressources en eau pour l'agriculture dans le bassin du Kou (Burkina Faso): Rapport Technique 2 (2005-2006).

Tychon, B. (November 2005). CGMS/WOFOST model principles [Paper presentation]. Training on Crop Yield Forecasting and Production Estimates Enlargement and Integration Workshop, Ispra, Italy.

Tychon, B., Ozer, P., De Longueville, F., Horion, S., Eerens, H., Piccard, I., Oger, R., & Leteinturier, B. (12 October 2005). Bulletin agrométéorologique - Septembre 2005. Bulletin Agrométéorologique, 4 (5), 1-3.

Tychon, B., Ozer, P., De Longueville, F., Horion, S., Eerens, H., Piccard, I., Oger, R., & Leteinturier, B. (12 September 2005). Bulletin agrométéorologique - Août 2005. Bulletin Agrométorologique, 4 (5), 1-4.

Tychon, B., Ozer, P., De Longueville, F., Horion, S., Eerens, H., Piccard, I., Oger, R., Leteinturier, B., & Curnel, Y. (12 August 2005). Bulletin agrométéorologique - Juillet 2005. Bulletin Agrométéorologique, 4 (4), 1-5.

Tychon, B., Ozer, P., De Longueville, F., Horion, S., Eerens, H., Piccard, I., Oger, R., Leteinturier, B., & Curnel, Y. (08 July 2005). Bulletin agrométéorologique - Juin 2005. Bulletin Agrométéorologique, 4 (3), 6.

Tychon, B., Ozer, P., Horion, S., Eerens, H., Piccard, I., Oger, R., & Leteinturier, B. (14 June 2005). Bulletin agrométéorologique - mai 2005. Bulletin Agrométéorologique, 4 (2), 6.

El Jarroudi, M., Tychon, B., Maraite, H., Hoffmann, L., & Reiland, G. (09 June 2005). Validation of the “Proculture” model to predict Septoria tritici development on winter wheat in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg from 2000 to 2003 [Poster presentation]. 5th European Conference on Precision Agriculture and the 2nd European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming, Uppsala, Sweden.

Tychon, B., Ozer, P., De Longueville, F., Eerens, H., Piccard, I., Oger, R., Leteinturier, B., & Curnel, Y. (15 May 2005). Bulletin agrométéorologique - Avril 2005. Bulletin Agrométéorologique, 4 (1), 1-5.

Tychon, B., & Istasse, A. (11 May 2005). Suivi de l'état de l'AGRIculture WALlonne par TELédétection (projet SAGRIWATEL) [Paper presentation]. Bonnes pratiques, conditionnalité, informatique et Internet - 37ème Colloque Agrimmedia, Paris, France.

Debord, M., Chauchard, A., Tychon, B., Viau, A., Oger, R., & Danet, V. (2005). GeoTraceAgri final project report (GTA). (IST-2001-34281). Information Society Technologies.

Horion, S., Eerens, H., Tychon, B., & Ozer, P. (2005). Monitoring of the 2003 summer drought in Belgium with the NDWI applied on spot-vegetation data. In F. Veroustraete, E. Bartholomé, ... W. W. Verstraeten (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd international vegetation user conference. 1998-2004 : 6 years of operational activities (pp. 217-222). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: European Communities.

Ozer, P., Bodart, C., & Tychon, B. (2005). Analyse climatique de la région de Gouré, Niger oriental : récentes modifications et impacts environnementaux. Cybergeo: Revue Européenne de Géographie.

Piccard, I., Eerens, H., Oger, R., Curnel, Y., Tychon, B., Ozer, P., & Van Diepen, K. (2005). Use of spot/vegetation in different versions of the European crop growth monitoring system. In F. Veroustraete, E. Bartholomé, ... W. W. Verstraeten (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd international vegetation user conference, 1998-2004 : 6 years of operational activities (pp. 411-420). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: European Communities.

Stevens, A., van Wesemael, B., Touré, S., Vandenschrick, G., & Tychon, B. (2004). Can hyperspectral techniques improve estimates of carbon stocks in agricultural soils ? In Proceedings of the Airborne imaging spectroscopy workshop : Belspo, Bruges 8 octobre 2004.

Touré, S., & Tychon, B. (2004). Airborne hyperspectral measurements and superficial soil organic matter. In Proceedings of the Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop.

Tychon, B., Ozer, P., Horion, S., Eerens, H., Piccard, I., Oger, R., & Leteinturier, B. (10 September 2004). Bulletin agrométéorologique - Août 2004. Bulletin Agrométéorologique, 3 (5), 1-4.

Tychon, B., Ozer, P., Horion, S., Eerens, H., Piccard, I., Oger, R., & Leteinturier, B. (17 August 2004). Bulletin agrométéorologique - Juillet 2004. Bulletin Agrométéorologique, 3 (4), 1-4.

Touré, S., El Jarroudi, M., & Tychon, B. (11 July 2004). Mapping of surface soil organic matter using hyperspectral remote sensing and GIS spatial data [Poster presentation]. VIII ESA Congress: EUROPEAN AGRICULTURE IN A Global context, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Tychon, B., Ozer, P., Horion, S., Eerens, H., Piccard, I., Oger, R., & Leteinturier, B. (09 July 2004). Bulletin agrométéorologique - Juin 2004. Bulletin Agrométéorologique, 3 (3), 1-5.

El Jarroudi, M., Tychon, B., Maraite, H., & Hoffmann, L. (July 2004). Epidemiological importance of the tan spot on winter wheat crop in the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg [Poster presentation]. VIII ESA Congress : European agriculture in a global context, Copenhagen, Denmark.

El Jarroudi, M., Tychon, B., Maraite, H., Hoffmann, L., & Fazel. (July 2004). Contribution to the simulation of the tan spot of wheat in the Grand-Duchy of Luxemburg [Poster presentation]. VIII Esa Congress : european agriculture in a global context, Copenhagen, Denmark.

El Jarroudi, M., Tychon, B., Maraite, H., Hoffmann, L., & Touré, S. (July 2004). Use of the monte carlo method for evaluating the meteorological parameters which favour the epidemic of the yellow rust in the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg [Poster presentation]. VIII ESA Congress : European agriculture in a global context, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Tychon, B., Ozer, P., Horion, S., Eerens, H., Piccard, I., Oger, R., & Leteinturier, B. (09 June 2004). Bulletin agrométéorologique - Mai 2004. Bulletin Agrométéorologique, 3 (2), 1-5.

Tychon, B., Ozer, P., Horion, S., Eerens, H., Oger, R., & Leteinturier, B. (10 May 2004). Bulletin agrométéorologique - Avril 2004. Bulletin Agrométéorologique, 3 (1), 1-4.

Buffet, D., Oger, R., & Tychon, B. (06 May 2004). Use of remote sensing imagery for geotraceability in agriculture [Paper presentation]. 3rd Belgian EO Day, Bruxelles, Belgium.

De Longueville, F., Horion, S., Tychon, B., & Ozer, P. (2004). Analyse de la campagne agricole 2003 en terme de stress hydrique. Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège, 44, 97-103.

Ozer, P., Tychon, B., & Eerens, H. (2004). Monitoring drought stress in north-eastern China by means of rainfall data and diachrone indices derived from Pathfinder AVHRR-imagery. In P. Smits & L. Bruzzone, Analysis of Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images (Volume 3, pp. 268-276). London, United Kingdom: World Scientific.

Ozer, P., Tychon, B., Ozer, A., & Paul, R. (2004). L’enseignement en gestion des risques naturels. In G. Demarée, M. De Dapper, ... J. Alexandre (Eds.), Tropical Climatology, Meteorology and Hydrology: Climate-related risk analysis and sustainable development in tropical areas. Bruxelles, Belgium: Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences.

Touré, S., & Tychon, B. (19 November 2003). Estimation of surface soil organic matter by means of hyperspectral data analysis [Paper presentation]. Thematic day of the Belgian Soil Science Society Carbon sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems, Brussels, Belgium.

El Jarroudi, M., Tychon, B., Maraite, H., Hoffmann, L., & Reiland, G. (08 November 2003). Validation of PROCULTURE model to predict Septoria tritici development on winter wheat in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in 2000, 2001 and 2002 [Paper presentation]. Science Festival 2003. Journée des Boursiers, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Tychon, B., Ozer, P., Eerens, H., Oger, R., & Leteinturier, B. (2003). Bulletin agrométéorologique - Septembre 2003. Bulletin Agrométéorologique, 1-4.

Tychon, B., De Longueville, F., Ozer, P., Eerens, H., Oger, R., & Leteinturier, B. (2003). Bulletin agrométéorologique - Août 2003. Bulletin Agrométéorologique, 1-5.

Touré, S., & Tychon, B. (04 September 2003). Estimation of surface soil organic matter by means of hyperspectral data analysis [Paper presentation]. Casi-Swir Workshop, Bruges, Belgium.

Tychon, B., Ozer, P., Eerens, H., Oger, R., & Leteinturier, B. (2003). Bulletin agrométéorologique - Juillet 2003. Bulletin Agrométéorologique, 1-6.

Tychon, B., Ozer, P., Eerens, H., & Oger, R. (2003). Bulletin agrométéorologique - Juin 2003. Bulletin Agrométéorologique, 1-5.

Tychon, B., Ozer, P., Eerens, M., & Oger, R. (2003). Bulletin météorologique - Mai 2003. Bulletin Agrométéorologique.

Tychon, B., & Oger, R. (March 2003). Geographical traceabilitiy of food products [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Geotraceability, Ispra, Italy.

Tychon, B. (Ed.). (2003). Belgian and Chinese crop growth monitoring systems comparison, adaptation and improvement. Arlon, Belgium: Fondation Universitaire Luxembourgeoise.

Cors, M., & Tychon, B. (2003). Effects of grassed buffer strip management on potential denitrification in a belgian agricultural watershed [Paper presentation]. Diffuse pollution conference Dublin 2003.

Hountondji, Y.-C., Ozer, P., & Tychon, B. (2003). Etude des modifications environnementales à partir des données pluviométriques et NDVI de NOAA-AVHRR en Afrique de l’Ouest. In S. Schmitz & H. Meert (Eds.), Les Journées des Géographes Belges: Evaluer la capacité du milieu (pp. 19-24). Leuven, Belgium: BEVAS/SOBEG.

Klohn, W., Mollinga, P., Paranjape, K. J. J. E. S., Tychon, B., Balaghi, R., & Jlibene, M. (2003). Déverouiller le potentiel de l'eau en agriculture. In Déverouiller le potentiel de l'eau en agriculture.

Ozer, P., Eerens, H., & Tychon, B. (2003). Monitoring drought using rainfall based and AVHRR Pathfinder image set derived vegetation indices in north-eastern China. In B. Tychon (Ed.), Belgian and Chinese Crop Growth Monitoring Systems: comparison, adaptation and improvement (pp. 99-109). Arlon, Belgium: Fondation Universitaire Luxembourgeoise.

Tychon, B., & Istasse, A. (2003). Sagriwatel : une vue d'ensemble sur les parcelles. STEREO1, Programme de recherche en observation de la Terre.

Tychon, B., Ozer, P., Pêcheur, C., Weinzaepflen, E., Oger, R., Buffet, D., Decrem, M., Leteinturier, B., Eerens, H., Dong, Q., Wang, Y., Ji, S., Jiang, L., & Li, X. (2003). Belgian and Chinese Crop Growth Monitoring Systems: comparison, adaptation and improvement – An introduction. In B. Tychon (Ed.), Belgian and Chinese Crop Growth Monitoring Systems: comparison, adaptation and improvement (pp. 1-12). Arlon, Belgium: Fondation Universitaire Luxembourgeoise.

Tychon, B., Pêcheur, C., & Ozer, P. (2003). The NDWI as a drought index applied to Belgium and Heilongjiang. In B. Tychon (Ed.), Belgian and Chinese Crop Growth Monitoring Systems: comparison, adaptation and improvement (pp. 111-120). Arlon, Belgium: Fondation Universitaire Luxembourgeoise.

Weinzaepflen, E., Ozer, P., & Tychon, B. (2003). Adaptation of the Heilongjiang Province Institute of Meteorological Sciences “Crop Growth Dynamic Model” to the Belgian conditions. In B. Tychon (Ed.), Belgian and Chinese Crop Growth Monitoring Systems: comparison, adaptation and improvement (pp. 35-47). Arlon, Belgium: Fondation Universitaire Luxembourgeoise.

Tychon, B., Ozer, P., Eerens, H., Oger, R., & Leteinturier, B. (2002). Bulletin météorologique - Septembre 2002. Bulletin Agrométéorologique, 1-4.

Tychon, B., Ozer, P., Eerens, H., Oger, R., & Leteinturier, B. (2002). Bulletin agrométéorologique - Août 2002. Bulletin Agrométéorologique, 1-4.

Tychon, B., Ozer, P., Eerens, H., Oger, R., & Leteinturier, B. (2002). Bulletin agrométéorologique - Juillet 2002. Bulletin Agrométéorologique.

Tychon, B., Ozer, P., Eerens, H., Oger, R., & Decrem, M. (2002). Bulletin agrométéorologique - Juin 2002. Bulletin Agrométéorologique, 1-4.

El Jarroudi, M., Tychon, B., & Maraite, H. (2002). VALIDATION OF “PROCULTURE” MODEL TO PREDICT SEPTORIA TRITICI DEVELOPMENT ON WINTER WHEAT IN THE GRAND-DUCHÉ OF LUXEMBOURG IN 2001. In F. J. Villalobos & L. Testi (Eds.), VII Congress of the European Society For Agronomy (viceconsejeria. Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgacion, pp. 275-276). Sevilla, Spain: Junta De Andalucia. Consejeria de Agricultura y pesca.

Tychon, B., Ozer, P., Eerens, H., Oger, R., & Decrem, M. (2002). Bulletin agrométéorologique. Bulletin Agrométéorologique, 1-5.

Tychon, B., Ozer, P., Eerens, H., Oger, R., & Decrem, M. (2002). Bulletin agrométéorologique - Avril 2002. Bulletin Agrométéorologique, 1-4.

Tychon, B., Balaghi, R., & Jlibene, M. (2002). Risk management in agricultural water use. ORBi-University of Liège.

El Jarroudi, M., Tychon, B., Maraite, H., Hoffmann, L., & Reiland, G. (16 July 2001). Validation of Shaw (1990) model to predict Septoria tritici of winter wheat [Poster presentation]. 2nd International Symposium Modelling Cropping Systems, Florence, Italy.

Cors, M., & Tychon, B. (2001). Controls on denitrification in a riparian buffer strip in a small headwater catchment in south Belgium [Poster presentation]. 11th Nitrogen workshop, 9-12 september 2001, Reims, France, Reims, France.

Ozer, P., Tychon, B., & Touré, S. (2001). SPOT 4 - Vegetation potentialities in food early warning systems and famine risk reduction in the Sahel. In R. Goossens & B. M. De Vliegher (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st workshop of the EARSel Special Interest Group on Remote sensing for developing countries (pp. 167-172). Paris, France: EARSel.

Dehem, D., Tychon, B., Oger, R., Buffet, D., & Eerens, H. (31 May 2000). Aide à la délimitation de zones de calamités [Paper presentation]. Applications opérationnelles de la télédétection à l'agriculture en Belgique, Brussels, Belgium.

Eerens, H., Tychon, B., Dehem, D., Oger, R., & Buffet, D. (31 May 2000). The Belgian crop growth modelling system (B-CGMS). Contribution of remote sensing [Paper presentation]. Applications opérationnelles de la télédétection à l'agriculture en Belgique. Séminaire, Brussels, Belgium.

Oger, R., Buffet, D., Tychon, B., Dehem, D., & Eerens, H. (31 May 2000). Estimation et prévision des productions agricoles à l'échelle de la Belgique à l'aide d'un système intégré "Modèle agrométéorologique - Télédétection" [Paper presentation]. Applications opérationnelles de la télédétection à l'agriculture en Belgique. Séminaire, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Eerens, H., Wouters, K., Dehem, D., Tychon, B., Buffet, D., & Oger, R. (2000). Use of medium-resolution imagery in the Belgian crop growth monitoring system (B-CGMS). In G. Saint (Ed.), Proceedings of Vegetation 2000 : 2 years of operation to prepare the future, Lake Maggiore - Italy - 3-6 April 2000 (pp. 361-366). Ispra, Italy: Joint research Centre.

Lecomte, M., Salvia, M., Iffly, J.-F., Hoffmann, L., Decrem, M., & Tychon, B. (2000). Groundwater pollution in an agricultural catchment on sandstone : evaluation of water and nitrogen losses from soils [Paper presentation]. International Symposium in horticulture research : Environmental problems associated with nitrogen fertilisation of field grown vegetable crops, Postdam, Germany.

Terfai, L., Touré, S., & Tychon, B. (2000). Use of reference site measurements and remote sensing data to estimate evapotranspiration over the Khan catchment (Ivory Coast). In Proceedings of The 2000 Eumetsat meteorological satellite data users' conference. Darmstadt, Germany: Eumetsat.

Tychon, B., Ozer, P., & Touré, S. (2000). VEGETATION potentialities in food early warning systems in the Sahelian region. In G. SAINT (Ed.), VEGETATION 2000 - 2 years of operation to prepare the future (pp. 397-402). Ispra, Italy: Joint Research Centre.

Tychon, B., Ozer, P., & Touré, S. (2000). Suivi de la campagne agricole sahélienne 1998 avec le nouveau senseur basse résolution végétation du satellite spot-4 : analyse comparative avec le senseur NOAA-AVHRR. In Colloque international sur les techniques de l'information spatiale et de l'épidémiologie (pp. 1-6).

Buffet, D., Oger, R., Dehem, D., Tychon, B., Veroustraete, F., & Wouters, K. (1999). A web-based mapping application to link. A crop modelling system (B-CGMS) and a GIS database. In M. Donatelli, C. Stockle, F. Villalobos, ... J. M. Villar Mir (Eds.), International symposium on modelling cropping systems Lleida, 21-23 june, 1999, Book of proceedings (pp. 151-152). Lleida, Spain: Univ. of Lleida.

Buffet, D., Dehem, D., Wouters, K., Tychon, B., Oger, R., & Veroustraete, F. (April 1999). Adaptation of the European crop growth monitoring system to the Belgian conditions [Poster presentation]. Conference Mars Project : ten years of demand-driven technical support, Brussels, Belgium.

Lawson-Body, L. A., Tychon, B., & Compère, R. (1999). Utilisation du SIG pour la définition des zones agro-écologiques du Togo [Paper presentation]. Colloque International sur les Techniques de l’Information Spatiale et de l’Epidémiologie, Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso.

Tychon, B. (1999). Presentation of Fondation Universitaire Luxembourgeoise activities in Remote sensing. In Catalogue of presentations Earth observation for environmental monitoring Information Day. Brussels, Belgium: Research DG of the European Commission.

Tychon, B., Buffet, D., Dehem, D., Oger, R., Veroustraete, F., & Wouters, K. (1999). Adaptation of the European crop growth monitoring system to the Belgian conditions. In M. Donatelli, C. Stockle, F. Villalobos, ... J. M. Villar Mir (Eds.), International symposium on modelling cropping systems Lleida, 21-23 june, 1999, Book of proceedings (pp. 263-264). Lleida, Spain: Univ. of Lleida.

Tychon, B., Vander Borght, P., & De Backer, L. W. (1999). Water and nitrogen transfer study through soils of a small agricultural water catchment. Water Science and Technology, 39 (12), 69-76. doi:10.1016/S0273-1223(99)00320-0

Weinzaepflen, E., Tychon, B., & Godden, B. (1999). Use of mineralization kinetics to estimate the agricultural value of a compost incorporated into a vineyard in Luxembourg. In P. R. Warman & B. R. Taylor (Eds.), Proceedings of the International composting symposium (ICS'99) (pp. 876-884).

Tychon, B., De Backer, L. W., & Vander Borght, P. (April 1998). Water electrical conductivity - waterflow relationship as a handy way to define flow discharge components and catchment initial soil water content [Paper presentation]. 23ème assemblée générale de l'European Geophysical Society (EGS), Nice, France.

Diallo, M. A., & Tychon, B. (1998). Monitoring phenological stages of cultivated crops by remote sensing in Mali. In Ninth conference on satellite meteorology and oceanography, 25-29 may 1998, Unesco, Paris, France (pp. 308-310). Boston, United States: American meteorological society.

Tonnard, V., & Tychon, B. (1998). L'enseignement en agrométéorologie pour les ressortissants des pays en voie de développement. In G. Demarée, J. Alexandre, ... M. De Dapper (Eds.), Proceedings of the International conference on "Tropical climatology, meteorology and hydrology. In memoriam Franz Bultot" Brussels, 22-24 May, 1996 (pp. 685-692). Bruxelles, Belgium: Royal meteorological institute, Royal academy of overseas sciences.

Tychon, B., & Wollenweber, G. (1998). Estimation of latent heat fluxes with a modified Jackson model applied to sparse vegetation : application to the hapex Sahel experiment. In G. Demarée, J. Alexandre, ... M. De Dapper (Eds.), Proceedings of the International conference "Tropical climatology, meteorology and hydrology. In memoriam Franz Bultot" Brussels, 22-24 May, 1996 (pp. 556-581).

Weinzaepflen, E., Vander Borght, P., & Tychon, B. (1998). Effects of management of nitrogen fertilizers and conversion of cropping soils in fallow on nitrate pollution studie of the springs of roodt (Nospelt, Luxembourg). In Conference proceedings 3rd international conference on diffuse pollution (pp. 261-268).

Touré, S., & Tychon, B. (1997). Estimation of actual evapotranspiration at large watershed scale in Africa using NOAA-AVHRR surface temperature and NDVI. In 1997 Meteorological satellite data users' conference Proceedings (pp. 557-562). Darmstadt, Germany: Eumetsat.

Tychon, B., & Tonnard, V. (Eds.). (1997). Estimation de la production agricole à une échelle régionale. Bruxelles, Belgium: European Commission Joint Research Centre.

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Tychon, B., & Tonnard, V. (February 1995). The role of agrometeorological data bases and software in agrometeorological training in developing countries. FAO Agrometeorology series, 13, 295-300.

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Tychon, B., Capellen, O., Foucart, G., Mouraux, D., & Guiot, J. (1992). Fumure azotée : Effet d'un sous-semis sur une culture de maïs. Revue de l'Agriculture, 45 (2).

Tychon, B., & Vander Borght, P. (1992). Pratiques agricoles et pollution des eaux par les nitrates. Observations en agriculture peu intensive de la Lorraine belge. In D. Mouraux (Ed.), Actes du colloque Têtes de rotation Azote Environnement (pp. 49-63). Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium: Jean-François Ledent.

Debbaut, V., Tychon, B., & Vander Borght, P. (May 1991). Transfert des nitrates en Lorraine belge [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Nitrates et agriculture, Arlon, Belgium.

Tychon, B. (1991). Modélisation du mouvement de l'eau et de l'azote nitrique dans un sol. In P. Vander Borght & B. Tychon (Eds.), Gestion de l'azote agricole et qualité des eaux. Actes du séminaire spécialisé (pp. 35-43). Liège, Belgium: Cebedoc.

Debbaut, V., Tychon, B., & Vander Borght, P. (1991). Transfert des nitrates et qualité des eaux souterraines en Lorraine belge. In P. Vander Borght & B. Tychon (Eds.), Gestion de l'azote agricole et qualité des eaux. Actes du séminaire spécialisé (pp. 145-166). Liège, Belgium: Cebedoc.

Trodoux, E., Tychon, B., & Vander Borght, P. (1991). Mesure de la dénitrification biologique potentielle dans les sols à l'aide de l'acétylène. Revue de l'Agriculture, 44 (4), 637-648.

Tychon, B., & Vander Borght, P. (1991). Pratique agricole en Lorraine belge et pollution des eaux par les nitrates. In J.-P. Harpes (Ed.), Actes du colloque Les problèmes environnementaux au Luxembourg et dans la grande région (pp. 167-178). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Centre Universitaire de Luxembourg.

Tychon, B., Guiot, S., Debbaut, V., & Vander Borght, P. (November 1990). Evolution du profil en azote des sols agricoles du sud de la Belgique [Paper presentation]. Colloque Nitrates, agriculture, eau, Paris, France.

Tychon, B., Guiot, J., Debbaut, V., & Vander Borght, P. (1990). Evolution du profil en azote des sols agricoles du sud de la Belgique. In R. Clavet (Ed.), Nitrates - Agriculture - Eau, International symposium (pp. 375-380). Versailles, France: INRA.

Tychon, B., Guiot, S., Debbaut, V., & Vander Borght, P. (1990). Transfert des nitrates dans un bassin hydrographique à vocation agricole du Sud-Luxembourg. Tribune de l'Eau, 43 (543), 37-39.