Naedenoen, F., & Noël Florent. (2024). Peter Doeringer et Michael Piore. De la segmentation du marché du travail au total workforce management. In Coron Clothilde, Chevalier Françoise, Gaillard Hugo, ... Oiry Ewan (Eds.), LES GRANDS AUTEURS EN GESTION DES RESSOURCES HUMAINES. France: EMS Management & société. |
Pichault, F., & Naedenoen, F. (09 August 2024). Towards total talent management practices: An exploration of management practices of external talents by Belgian companies [Paper presentation]. AOM 2024. |
Naedenoen, F., Jemine, G., Sulbout, J., & Pichault, F. (2023). La formation continue des travailleurs « non-standard » en Wallonie : vers une démarche expérimentale. |
Naedenoen, F. (2023). Amélioration des politiques de rémunération et de gestion du temps de travail d'une administration publique. |
Naedenoen, F. (2023). La puissance des communautés au travail - Synthèse des travaux lors du HTag Summer Campus [Paper presentation]. HTag Summer Campus. |
Naedenoen, F. (2023). Vers le Total Workforce Management [Paper presentation]. RobertHalf Conference Networking. |
Naedenoen, F. (2023). Amélioration du processus d'entrée d'un ministère belge. |
Naedenoen, F. (07 February 2023). Vers le Total Workforce Management? Exploration du concept et analyse des pratiques en Belgique [Paper presentation]. Chaire Mutations Anticipations Innovations, Paris, France. |
Kuburas, I., & Naedenoen, F. (2023). Energy for a just and green recovery deal: the role of the industrial relations in the energy sector for a resilient Europe. |
Naedenoen, F. (2023). Vers le Total Workforce Management - HEC Business Breakfast [Paper presentation]. HEC Business Breakfast. |
Naedenoen, F., & Franssen, M. (2023). The Belgian construction sector: growing practices of digitalization and the challenge of relevant social dialogue practices. In Serena Rugiero & Daniele Di Nunzio, Digital Transitions and Innovation in Construction Value Chains. Industrial Relations and Equitable Socio-technical Change (pp. 49-65). Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781803924045.00010 |
Naedenoen, F. (2022). Vers le Total Workforce Management : état des pratiques en entreprise à la lumière de la théorie néo-institutionnelle et de la théorie de la régulation [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Naedenoen, F. (2022). La gestion des travailleurs externes dans le secteur des médias [Paper presentation]. RTBF Seminaire. |
Pichault, F., & Naedenoen, F. (2022). The Challenges of Total Talent Management in the Gig Economy. In I. NESS, The Routledge Handbook of the Gig Economy (1st Edition, pp. 74-92). New York, United States: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003161875 Dataset: 10.4324/9781003161875-7 |
Naedenoen, F., & Pichault, F. (19 October 2022). Managing external workers: a new playground for HR department? total workforce management practices among belgian companies [Paper presentation]. 33ème Congrès de l’AGRH, Brest, France. |
Jewell, C., Dubois, C., Naedenoen, F., & Pichault, F. (08 July 2022). Organisation in crisis: Exploring the intensification of digital communication tools by hospital staff in a Belgian general hospital during the Covid-19 pandemic [Paper presentation]. 38th EGOS Colloquium 2022, Vienne, Austria. |
Naedenoen, F. (2021). Total Workforce Management and Mobility [Paper presentation]. seminarie netwerk van P&O directeurs. |
Franssen, M., & Naedenoen, F. (30 September 2021). When digital transformations cause restructuring: the role of a qualitative social dialogue [Paper presentation]. Inclusive Futures for Europe BEYOND Industrie4.0 and Digital Disruption, Sofia, Bulgaria. |
Sulbout, J., Pichault, F., Jemine, G., & Naedenoen, F. (2021). Are skilled contingent workers neglected? Evidence from a cross-sector multiple case study on organizational career management practices. European Management Journal. doi:10.1016/j.emj.2021.07.005 |
Pichault, F., & Naedenoen, F. (2021). Gestion des Ressources Humaines externes. Entre laisser-faire et soutien. In R. Beaujolin & E. Oiry (Eds.), Les grands courants en gestion des ressources humaines (pp. 383-398). Paris, France: EMS. |
Pichault, F., & Naedenoen, F. (10 August 2020). Why should we care about external workers? Exploring the conceptual foundations of total workforce management [Paper presentation]. 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management "Broadening our Sight", Vancouver, Canada. |
Sulbout, J., Jemine, G., Pichault, F., & Naedenoen, F. (18 July 2020). Organizational Career Management for External Workers: Where Are We Now? [Paper presentation]. Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution. |
Sulbout, J., Jemine, G., Pichault, F., & Naedenoen, F. (09 March 2020). Organizational Career Management for external workers: where are we now? [Paper presentation]. Small Group Meeting: Towards inclusive careers across the lifespan: Integrating HRM and careers perspectives, Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
Sulbout, J., Jemine, G., Pichault, F., & Naedenoen, F. (14 February 2020). With or without you? Skilled external workers and OCM practices [Paper presentation]. 1st Careers Division Community Conference: Careers in Context: Theorizing in and about Turbulent Times, Vienna, Austria. |
Franssen, M., Naedenoen, F., & Pichault, F. (2020). Digitalisation and restructuring: which social dialogue? Results from the transnational survey. Lentic. |
Teissier, C., & Naedenoen, F. (2020). Digitalisation and restructuring: which social dialogue? Lessons from the DIRESOC project. Belgium: LENTIC. |
Naedenoen, F. (30 April 2019). Lampiris, agile durablement? [Paper presentation]. LIEGE CREATIVE in Plug-R, Liège, Belgium. |
Naedenoen, F. (April 2019). The impact of total workforce management on the HR department [Paper presentation]. International interdisciplinary conference on HRM, Gôteborg, Sweden. |
Kirov, V., Naedenoen, F., Franssen, M., & Beuker, L. (2019). Digitalisation and restructuring: which social dialogue ? Transnational analysis. LENTIC. |
Beuker, L., Borghi, P., Bureau, M.-C., Corsani, A., Gazier, B., Godino, A., Koene, B., Martin-Artiles, A., Molina, O., Mori, A., Naedenoen, F., Norback, M., Sirok, K., Stanic, M., & Walter, L. (2019). The Place of Self-Employment in the European Context. Evidence from nine country case studies: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. In R. Semenza & F. Pichault, The Challenge of Self-Employment in Europe. Status, social protection and collective Representation (pp. 77-140). Edward Elgar Publishing Inc. |
Beuker, L., Pichault, F., & Naedenoen, F. (2019). Comparing the National contexts. In R. Semenza & F. Pichault, The Challenge of Self-Employment in Europe. Status, social protection and collective Representation (pp. 140-178). Massachusetts, United States: Edward Elgar Publishing Inc. |
Pichault, F., & Naedenoen, F. (2019). Vers l'autonomie? Enjeux RH liés aux nouveaux arrangements de travail. Revue de Droit Social, 1, 9-29. |
Pichault, F., & Naedenoen, F. (2019). Vers l'autonomie ? Enjeux RH liés aux nouveaux arrangements de travail [Paper presentation]. 23ème Congrès des économistes, Charleroi, Belgium. |
Vander Sijpe, F., Pichault, F., Naedenoen, F., & Florin, L. (2019). Vers le Total Workforce Management. Une analyse qualitative du rôle des intermédiaires sur le marché du travail. Belgium: Securex. |
Vander Sijpe, F., Pichault, F., Naedenoen, F., & Florin, L. (2019). Naar een Total Workforce Management. Een kwalitatieve analyse met betrekking tot de rol van intermediaire spelers op de arbeidsmarkt. Belgium: Securex. |
Naedenoen, F., Florin Louis, & Pichault, F. (2018). Vers des formes innovantes et durables de sécurisation des parcours professionnels flexibles. |
Pichault, F., Naedenoen, F., & Florin, L. (2018). Vers le Total Workforce Management Une analyse qualitative du rôle des intermédiaires sur le marché du travail. Securex. |
Naedenoen, F. (June 2018). New autonomous workers collectivism, The Belgian Deliveroo Riders case [Paper presentation]. 7th Ethnography & Qualitative Research Conference, Bergamo, Italy. |
Beuker, L., Franssen, M., & Naedenoen, F. (2018). Digitalisation and restructuring: which social dialogue ? Literature review and experts interviews. LENTIC. |
Pichault, F., Naedenoen, F., & Florin, L. (2017). Focus Report : Evolution des formes atypiques d'emploi en Belgique. Securex Groupe. |
Joiris, J., Fox, F., Naedenoen, F., & Pichault, F. (April 2017). Methodological sifting: the role of researchers in the production of social knowledge for trade union [Paper presentation]. Knowledge, Organisation and Policy Seminar. |
Fox, F., Franssen, M., & Naedenoen, F. (2017). Les défis de la révolution digitale pour les travailleurs et pour les acteurs syndicaux [Paper presentation]. Congrès régional de la CSC Liège-Huy-Waremme, Liège, Belgium. |
Fox, F., & Naedenoen, F. (2016). Nouvelles formes de travail et impacts sur le dialogue social [Paper presentation]. Congrès annuel du SETCa, Liège, Belgium. |
Fox, F., Franssen, M., Jemine, G., Naedenoen, F., & Pichault, F. (2016). Rapport d’étude sur les enjeux des nouvelles formes de travail pour la pratique syndicale. |
Naedenoen, F. (2016). New forms of employment / Strategic employee sharing Belgium. Case study 4: Policy analysis. Public Policy and Management Institute for Eurofound. |
Naedenoen, F. (2016). New forms of employment Employee sharing, Belgium. Dublin, Ireland: Eurofound. |
Naedenoen, F., & Fox, F. (2015). Vulnerability and Restructuring. IRENE Network. |
Naedenoen, F. (2014). MOLIERE PROJECT - Belgian National Report. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Dervaux, A., Naedenoen, F., & Pichault, F. (November 2014). Les cellules de reconversion en Belgique : analyse qualitative auprès des travailleurs licenciés collectivement [Paper presentation]. 25e congrès de l’AGRH, Chester, United Kingdom. |
Franssen, M., Pichault, F., & Naedenoen, F. (November 2014). L’introduction des nouvelles technologies dans les services d’aide aux personnes : Une question de justifications [Paper presentation]. 25ème Congrès de l’AGRH, Chester, United Kingdom. |
Naedenoen, F., & Fox, F. (2014). Monitoring Learning and Innovation in European Restructuring. IRENE Network. |
DE CIA, J., Naedenoen, F., Pichault, F., & Hansez, I. (May 2013). Contact center as new forms of work organization: the triangular relationship between worker, contact center and contractors and well-being at work [Paper presentation]. 16th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, Munster, Germany. |
DE CIA, J., Naedenoen, F., Pepermans, R., Pichault, F., & Hansez, I. (July 2012). Stress et stimulation au sein des centres de contact: Etude sur le bien-être au travail [Paper presentation]. XVIIème congrès de l’Association Internationale de Psychologie du Travail de Langue Française, Lyon, France. |
Naedenoen, F. (2012). Analyse d’une cellule de reconversion en Wallonie [Paper presentation]. XXIIIème Congrès AGRH : "Les interfaces de la GRH", Nancy, France. |
Naedenoen, F., & Bruggeman, F. (2012). Accompagnement des travailleurs licenciés collectivement et transitions professionnelles : que nous apprennent les expériences européennes ? Education Permanente, (162-177). |
Naedenoen, F., & Pichault, F. (January 2012). Restructurations d'entreprises et reconversion territoriale. Vers une institutionnalisation adaptative. Revue Française de Gestion, 38 (n°220), 133-147. |
Naedenoen, F., Lisein, O., & Pichault, F. (2010). Etude des pratiques de restructuration en Europe : état des lieux en Belgique - ARENAS - National Background Paper - Belgique. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Naedenoen, F., Pichault, F., & Xhauflair, V. (May 2009). How to deal with radical changes in downsizing strategies of global companies? Territorial renewal and adaptative institutionalization [Paper presentation]. 9th EURAM Conference, Liverpool, United Kingdom. |
Naedenoen, F. (2008). Restructurings in Belgium: a corporatist regime. In B. Gazier & F. Bruggeman (Eds.), Restructuring Work and Employment in Europe. Managing Change in an Era of Globalization (pp. 78-100). Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar. |
Rorive, B., & Naedenoen, F. (April 2006). Nouvelles frontières de l’entreprise et gestion de l’emploi, le cas des centres d’appels [Paper presentation]. Les nouvelles frontières de l’entreprise, Québec, Canada. |
Pichault, F., Antoine, M., Deflandre, D., Naedenoen, F., & Renier, N. (Eds.). (2006). Faut-il brûler la gestion des compétences? Une exploration des pratiques en entreprise. Bruxelles, Belgium: De Boeck. |
Naedenoen, F., & Rorive, B. (September 2005). La gestion de l’emploi dans les centres d’appels : vers une réconciliation des intérêts du client et du travailleur ? [Paper presentation]. XVIe Congrès de l’AGRH - (Ré)concilier l'économique et le social ?, Paris, France. |
Naedenoen, F., & Zune, M. (August 2004). Diversité intra-organisationnelle et sens au travail dans les centres d'appels externes [Paper presentation]. XIIIème Congrès de Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations, Bologne, Italy. |