Publications and communications of Emilie Charlier

Charlier, E. (March 2024). Substitutions and Cantor real numeration systems [Paper presentation]. Journées nationales du GdR Informatique Mathématique, Grenoble, France.

Charlier, E. (March 2024). Substitutions and Cantor real numeration systems [Paper presentation]. Young Women in Model Theory and its Applications, Bonn, Germany.

Charlier, E., Cisternino, C., & Kreczman, S. (2024). On periodic alternate base expansions. Journal of Number Theory, 254, 184-198. doi:10.1016/j.jnt.2023.07.008

Kreczman, S., & Charlier, E. (04 April 2023). Régularité de langages générés par un système de numération glouton [Poster presentation]. Journées Nationales de l’Informatique Mathématique, Paris, France.

Charlier, E. (March 2023). Alternate Bases: combinatorial, ergodic and algebraic properties [Paper presentation]. Journées annuelles SDA2, Toulouse, France.

Charlier, E. (2023). Alternate Base Numeration Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13899, 14-34. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-33180-0_2

Charlier, E., Cisternino, C., & Dajani, K. (2023). Dynamical behavior of alternate base expansions. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 43, 827-860. doi:10.1017/etds.2021.161

Charlier, E., Cisternino, C., Masáková, Z., & Pelantová, E. (2023). Substitutions and Cantor real numeration systems. ORBi-University of Liège.

Charlier, E., Cisternino, C., Masáková, Z., & Pelantová, E. (2023). Spectrum, algebraicity and normalization in alternate bases. Journal of Number Theory, 249, 470-499.

Charlier, E., & Kreczman, S. (2023). On the regularity of greedy dominant root numeration systems. In Actes de Numeration 2023. Liège, Belgium: Université de Liège.

Charlier, E. (December 2022). Non-canonical Bertrand numeration systems [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de théorie des nombres de Nancy, Nancy, France.

Charlier, E. (July 2022). An introduction to numeration systems: Cobham-like theorems, first-order logic and regular sequences [Paper presentation]. Trends in Arithmetic Theories (ICALP 2022 satellite workshop), Paris, France.

Charlier, E. (May 2022). Spectrum, algebraicity and normalization in alternate bases [Paper presentation]. One World Numeration Seminar.

Charlier, E. (March 2022). A full characterization of Bertrand numeration systems [Paper presentation]. Séminaire du GT de combinatoire et interactions du LaBRI.

Charlier, E., Cisternino, C., & Stipulanti, M. (March 2022). Regular sequences and synchronized sequences in abstract numeration systems. European Journal of Combinatorics, 101, 103475. doi:10.1016/j.ejc.2021.103475

Charlier, E., Cisternino, C., & Kreczman, S. (2022). On periodic alternate base expansions. In Actes des 18èmes Journées Montoises d'Informatique Théorique. Prague, Czechia: Czech Technical University in Prague.

Charlier, E., Cisternino, C., Masáková, Z., & Pelantová. (2022). Integers in real numeration systems. In Actes des 18èmes Journées Montoises d'Informatique Théorique. Prague, Czechia: Czech Technical University in Prague.

Charlier, E., Cisternino, C., & Stipulanti, M. (2022). A full characterization of Bertrand numeration systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13257, 102-114. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-05578-2_8

Charlier, E., Massuir, A., Rigo, M., & Rowland, E. (2022). Ultimate periodicity problem for linear numeration systems. International Journal of Algebra and Computation, 32, 561-596. doi:10.1142/S0218196722500254

Charlier, E., & Cisternino, C. (2021). Expansions in Cantor real bases. Monatshefte für Mathematik, 195, 585–610. doi:10.1007/s00605-021-01598-6

Charlier, E., Cisternino, C., & Massuir, A. (2021). Minimal automaton for multiplying and translating the Thue-Morse set. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 28 (P3.12), 36. doi:10.37236/9068

Charlier, E., Cisternino, C., & Stipulanti, M. (2021). Robustness of Pisot-regular sequences. Advances in Applied Mathematics, 125, 102151. doi:10.1016/j.aam.2020.102151

Charlier, E. (November 2020). Regular sequences in abstract numeration systems [Paper presentation]. One World Seminar on Combinatorics on Words.

Charlier, E., Puzynina, S., & Vandomme, E. (2020). Recurrence along directions in multidimensional words. Discrete Mathematics, 343, 23. doi:10.1016/j.disc.2020.112006

Charlier, E. (July 2019). Decidability through first-order logic and regular sequences [Paper presentation]. Dyadisc3: Decidability and dynamical systems, Amiens, France.

Charlier, E., Cisternino, C., & Massuir, A. (2019). State Complexity of the Multiples of the Thue-Morse Set. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, 305, 34-49. doi:10.4204/EPTCS.305.3

Charlier, E., Cisternino, C., & Massuir, A. (2019). State complexity of the multiples of the Thue-Morse set. In Actes de Numeration 2019. Vienne, Austria: Erwin Schrödinger Institute.

Charlier, E., Leroy, J., & Rigo, M. (2019). Preface. In Special issue: Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2017). World Scientific Publishing Company. doi:10.1142/S0129054119020015

Charlier, E., Philibert, M., & Stipulanti, M. (2019). Nyldon words. Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A, 167, 60-90. doi:10.1016/j.jcta.2019.04.002

Charlier, E., Puzynina, S., & Vandomme, E. (2019). Recurrence in multidimensional words. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11417, 397-408. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-13435-8_29

Charlier, E., Rigo, M., & Leroy, J. (Eds.). (2019). Special issue: Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2017). International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 30.

Charlier, E. (February 2018). Nyldon words [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Words and Complexity, Lyon, France.

Charlier, E. (2018). Nyldon words. In Actes des 17èmes Journées Montoises d'Informatique Théorique.

Charlier, E. (2018). First-order Logic and Numeration Systems. In Sequences, Groups, and Number Theory. Birkhauser/Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-69152-7_3

Charlier, E., Ernst, M., Esser, C., Haine, Y., Lacroix, A., Leroy, J., Raskin, J., & Swan, Y. (Eds.). (2018). MATh.en.JEANS.

Charlier, E., & Steiner, W. (2018). Permutations and negative beta-shifts. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 29 (5), 721-740. doi:10.1142/S0129054118420029

Charlier, E. (September 2017). Permutation groups and the Morse-Hedlund Theorem [Paper presentation]. Workshop "Ergodic Theory & Symbolic Dynamics", Londres, United Kingdom.

Charlier, E., Leroy, J., & Rigo, M. (2017). Preface. In Developments in Language Theory. Springer Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-62809-7

Charlier, E. (March 2017). Analogues of Cobham's theorem in three different areas of mathematics [Paper presentation]. Séminaire cristolien d'analyse multifractale, Créteil, France.

Charlier, E., Leroy, J., & Rigo, M. (Eds.). (2017). Special issue dedicated to the 16th "Journées Montoises d'Informatique Théorique". RAIRO: Informatique Théorique et Applications, 51.

Charlier, E., Leroy, J., & Rigo, M. (2017). Foreword to the special issue dedicated to the sixteenth "Journées Montoises d'Informatique Théorique". In special issue RAIRO ITA (pp. 167). EDP Sciences. doi:10.1051/ita/2018001

Charlier, E., Leroy, J., & Rigo, M. (Eds.). (2017). Developments in Language Theory. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10396.

Charlier, E., Puzynina, S., & Zamboni, L. (2017). On a group theoretic generalization of the Morse-Hedlund theorem. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 145 (8), 3381–3394. doi:10.1090/proc/13589

Charlier, E. (November 2016). Logic, Decidability and Numeration Systems [Paper presentation]. Combinatorics, Automata and Number Theory (CANT), Marseille, France.

Charlier, E., Leroy, J., & Rigo, M. (01 July 2016). Asymptotic properties of free monoid morphisms. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 500, 119-148. doi:10.1016/j.laa.2016.02.030

Charlier, E., & Steiner, W. (2016). Permutations and negative beta-shifts. In Actes de Numeration 2016.

Charlier, E. (2016). Permutations and shifts. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9840.

Charlier, E., Harju, T., Puzynina, S., & Zamboni, L. (2016). Abelian bordered factors and periodicity. European Journal of Combinatorics, 51, 407-418. doi:10.1016/j.ejc.2015.07.003

Charlier, E., Leroy, J., & Rigo, M. (2015). An analogue of Cobham's theorem for graph directed iterated function systems. Advances in Mathematics, 280, 86-120. doi:10.1016/j.aim.2015.04.008

Charlier, E., Kamae, T., Puzynina, S., & Zamboni, L. (November 2014). Infinite self-shuffling words. Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A, 128, 1-40. doi:10.1016/j.jcta.2014.07.008

Charlier, E., Harju, T., Puzynina, S., & Zamboni, L. (2014). Abelian bordered factors and periodicity. In Actes des Journées Montoises d'Informatique Théorique.

Charlier, E., & Honkala, J. (2014). The freeness problem for products of matrices defined on bounded languages. In Actes des Journées Montoises d'Informatique Théorique.

Charlier, E. (January 2014). Abelian borders and periodicity [Paper presentation]. Discrete Mathematics Day, Liège, Belgium.

Charlier, E., & Honkala, J. (2014). The freeness problem over matrix semigroups and bounded languages. Information and Computation, 237, 243-256. doi:10.1016/j.ic.2014.03.001

Charlier, E., Domaratzki, M., Harju, T., & Shallit, J. (June 2013). Composition and orbits of language operations: finiteness and upper bounds. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 90 (6), 1171-1196. doi:10.1080/00207160.2012.681305

Charlier, E. (April 2013). Self-shuffling words [Paper presentation]. Workshop on challenges on combinatorics on words, Toronto, Canada.

Charlier, E., Kamae, T., Puzynina, S., & Zamboni, L. (2013). Self-shuffling words. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7966, 113-124. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-39212-2_13

Charlier, E. (August 2012). Automates et systèmes de numération [Paper presentation]. Brussels Summer School of Mathematics of ULB, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Charlier, E. (July 2012). A decision problem for ultimate periodicity in non-standard numeration systems [Paper presentation]. Journées de l'ANR SubTile, Decidability problems for substitutive sequences, tilings and numerations, Amiens, France.

Charlier, E. (June 2012). Syntactical complexity of periodic sets [Paper presentation]. First Joint Conference of the Belgian, Royal Spanish and Luxembourg Mathematical Societies, Liege, Belgium.

Charlier, E. (June 2012). Monoïde syntaxique et numérations [Paper presentation]. Journées Machines à états finis et Combinatoire, 5èmes Journées du groupe de travail SDA2, Rouen, France.

Charlier, E. (May 2012). An introduction to abstract numeration systems [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de vérification de l'ULB, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Charlier, E. (May 2012). Abstract numeration systems [Paper presentation]. Combinatorics on words colloquium of the University of Turku, Turku, Finland.

Charlier, E. (April 2012). Ensembles reconnaissables de rationnels [Paper presentation]. Groupe de travail en combinatoire des mots, Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, France.

Charlier, E., Lacroix, A., & Rampersad, N. (2012). Multi-dimensional sets recognizable in all abstract numeration systems. RAIRO: Informatique Théorique et Applications, 46 (1), 51-65. doi:10.1051/ita/2011112

Charlier, E., Rampersad, N., & Shallit, J. (2012). Enumeration and decidable properties of automatic sequences. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 23 (5), 1035-1066. doi:10.1142/S0129054112400448

Charlier, E. (August 2011). Orbits of language operations: finiteness and upper bounds [Paper presentation]. Theory Seminar of the University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.

Charlier, E. (July 2011). Enumeration and decidable properties of automatic sequences [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Applied MAthematics, Modeling, and Computanional Science (Laurier Centennial Conference), Waterloo, Canada.

Charlier, E., Rampersad, N., & Shallit, J. (2011). Enumeration and decidable properties of automatic sequences. In Actes de Numération 2011.

Charlier, E. (May 2011). Finite orbits of language operations [Paper presentation]. Algorithms and Complexity Seminar of the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada.

Charlier, E. (April 2011). Abstract numeration systems or decimation of languages [Paper presentation]. Languages and Automata Theory Seminar of the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada.

Charlier, E. (January 2011). A numeration point of view on the HD0L periodicity problem [Paper presentation]. Languages and Automata Theory Seminar of the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada.

Charlier, E., Domaratzski, M., Harju, T., & Shallit, J. (2011). Finite orbits of language operations. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6638, 204-215. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-21254-3_15

Charlier, E., Le Gonidec, M., & Rigo, M. (2011). Representing real numbers in a generalized numeration system. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 77, 743-759. doi:10.1016/j.jcss.2010.07.002

Charlier, E., & Rampersad, N. (2011). The growth function of S-recognizable sets. Theoretical Computer Science, 412 (39), 5400-5408. doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2011.05.057

Charlier, E., Rampersad, N., Rigo, M., & Waxweiler, L. (2011). The minimal automaton recognizing mN in a linear numeration system. Integers, 11B (A4), 1-24.

Charlier, E., Rampersad, N., & Shallit, J. (2011). Enumeration and decidable properties of automatic sequences. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6795, 165-179. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-22321-1_15

Charlier, E. (December 2010). S-automatic sets [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de combinatoire et d'informatique mathématique du LaCIM (UQÀM), Montréal, Canada.

Charlier, E. (October 2010). Criteria for recognizability in abstract numeration systems [Paper presentation]. Languages and Automata Theory Seminar of the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada.

Charlier, E., Rampersad, N., Rigo, M., & Waxweiler, L. (2010). Structure of the minimal automaton of a numeration language. In Actes de LaCIM 2010.

Charlier, E. (June 2010). Representing real numbers in a generalized numeration system [Paper presentation]. Numeration 2010, Leiden, Netherlands.

Charlier, E., Kärki, T., & Rigo, M. (2010). Multidimensional generalized automatic sequences and shape-symmetric morphic words. Discrete Mathematics, 310, 1238-1252. doi:10.1016/j.disc.2009.12.002

Charlier, E., Rampersad, N., Rigo, M., & Waxweiler, L. (2010). Structure of the minimal automaton of a numeration language and applications to state complexity. In Actes des Journées Montoises d'Informatique Théorique.

Charlier, E., Rampersad, N., Rigo, M., & Waxweiler, L. (2010). State complexity of testing divisibility. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, 31, 48-57. doi:10.4204/EPTCS.31

Charlier, E. (2009). Abstract Numeration Systems : Recognizability, Decidability, Multidimensional S-Automatic Words, and Real Numbers [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Bell, J., Charlier, E., Fraenkel, A., & Rigo, M. (2009). A Decision Problem for Ultimately Periodic Sets in Non-standard Numeration Systems. International Journal of Algebra and Computation, 19, 809-839. doi:10.1142/S0218196709005330

Charlier, E., Kärki, T., & Rigo, M. (2009). Multidimensional generalized automatic sequences and shape-symmetric morphic words. In Proceedings of AutoMathA.

Charlier, E., Kärki, T., & Rigo, M. (2009). A characterization of multidimensional S-automatic sequences. Actes des rencontres du CIRM, 1, 23-28. doi:10.5802/acirm.5

Charlier, E. (December 2008). A decision problem for ultimately periodic sets in non-standard numeration systems [Paper presentation]. Séminaire du groupe de recherche "Large graphs and Networks" de l'UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Charlier, E. (May 2008). A decision problem for ultimately periodic sets in non-standard numeration systems [Paper presentation]. Journées de Numération, Prague, Czechia.

Charlier, E. (February 2008). Systèmes de numération [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de Master 2 en Mathématiques Discrètes de l'Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium.

Charlier, E., & Rigo, M. (2008). A Decision Problem for Ultimately Periodic Sets in Non-standard Numeration Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5162, 241-252. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-85238-4_19

Charlier, E., & Rigo, M. (2008). A decision problem for ultimately periodic sets in non-standard numeration systems. In Actes des Journées Montoises d'Informatique Théorique.

Charlier, E., Rigo, M., & Steiner, W. (2008). Abstract numeration systems on bounded languages and multiplication by a constant. Integers, 8 (1-A35), 1-19.

Charlier, E. (May 2007). Abstract numeration systems [Paper presentation]. Spring School and Workshop on Combinatorics on Words, Herbertov, Czechia.

Charlier, E. (April 2007). Structural properties of bounded languages with respect to multiplication by a constant [Paper presentation]. Journées de Numération, Graz, Austria.

Charlier, E. (January 2007). Abstract numeration systems and recognizability [Paper presentation]. Rencontres Arithmétique de l'Informatique Mathématique, Montpellier, France.

Charlier, E. (October 2006). Strutural properties of bounded languages with respect to multiplication by a constant [Paper presentation]. Interregional Colloquium of Mathematics, Trèves, Germany.

Charlier, E. (2006). Conservation du caractère reconnaissable par opérations arithmétiques dans un système de numération abstrait [Specialised master, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Charlier, E., & Rigo, M. (2006). Structural properties of bounded languages with respect to multiplication by a constant. In Actes des Journées Montoises d'Informatique Théorique.

Charlier, E. (September 2005). Multiplication by a Constant and Recognizability in an Abstract Numeration System [Poster presentation]. Belgian Mathematical Society PhD-Day, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Charlier, E. (April 2005). Systèmes de numération et reconnaissabilité [Paper presentation]. Séminaire interuniversitaire de logique mathématique, Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium.

Charlier, E. (2004). Frames d'exponentielles [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.