De Cooman, J., & Petit, N. (09 February 2023). Asimov for Lawmakers. Journal of Business and Technology Law, 18 (1), 1-34. |
Petit, N., & De Cooman, J. (2021). Models of Law and Regulation for AI. In A. Elliott, The Routledge Social Science Handbook of AI. Routledge. |
Auer, D., & Petit, N. (2019). Two Systems of Belief about Monopoly: The Press vs. Antitrust. Cato Journal: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Public Policy Analysis. |
Gautier, A., & Petit, N. (2019). Smallest Salable Patent Practicing Unit and Component Licensing: Why $1is not $1. Journal of Competition Law and Economics, 15 (1), 690-717. doi:10.2139/ssrn.2954592 |
Neyrinck, N., & Petit, N. (2019). Le droit européen de la concurrence face aux enjeux de la mondialisation. |
De Cooman, J., & Petit, N. (2018). Les données personnelles : Mythes et réalités. In La vie privée à l'ère des big data: Dangers & opportunités de la révolution numérique. Centre Jean Gol. |
Gautier, A., Ittoo, A., & Petit, N. (05 December 2018). Algorithmic Price Discrimination & Tacit Collusion [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Law and Economics of Big Data and AI, Rome, Italy. |
Petit, N. (May 2018). "Innovation competition and merger policy: New? Not sure. Robust? Not quite!". Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, 2018 (2). |
Gautier, A., & Petit, N. (2018). Optimal enforcement of competition policy: the commitments procedure under uncertainty. European Journal of Law and Economics, 45 (2), 195-224. doi:10.1007/s10657-018-9578-7 |
Petit, N. (2017). Antitrust and Artificial Intelligence - A Research Agenda. JEL. |
Cheng, T. K., Grunes, A. P., Idot, L., Leblond, L., Petit, N., & Stucke, M. E. (2017). I. Les moteurs de recherche. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, 2017 (2). |
Petit, N. (2017). The Antitrust and Intellectual Property Intersection in European Union Law. In R. Blair & D. Sokol, Roger D. Blair & D. Daniel Sokol. Cambridge. doi:10.1017/9781316671313.007 |
Petit, N. (2017). The Advocate General's opinion in Intel v. Commission: Eight points of common sense for consideration by the CJEU. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, 1. |
Petit, N. (2017). Significant Impediment to Industry Innovation: A Novel Theory of Harm in EU Merger Control? |
Petit, N. (2017). EU Competition Law Analysis of FRAND Disputes. In Jorge L Contreras, The Cambridge Handbook of Technical Standardization Law. Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781316416723.020 |
Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (2017). Les Joint-Ventures – Aspects de droit de la concurrence [Paper presentation]. Les Joint-Ventures, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Vandenbosch, S., & Petit, N. (2016). Le Brexit et "l'arme nucléaire" de l'UE, l'article 7. Le Vif. L'Express. |
Petit, N. (2016). The IEEE-SA Revised Patent Policy and Its Definition of 'Reasonable' Rates: A Transatlantic Antitrust Divide? Fordham Intellectual Property, Media and Entertainment Law Journal. |
Petit, N. (2016). The Smallest Salable Patent-Practicing Unit ('SSPPU') Experiment, General Purpose Technologies and the Coase Theorem. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Broos, S., Gautier, A., Marcos Ramos, J., & Petit, N. (2016). Analyse statistique des affaires d’ententes dans l’UE (2004-2014). Revue Economique. doi:10.3917/reco.hs01.0079 |
Muheme, D., Neyrinck, N., & Petit, N. (2016). Procedural Rights in EU Antitrust Proceedings. In C. Cauffman & Q. Hao (Eds.), Procedural Rights in Competition Law in the EU and China (pp. 129-160). Springer. |
Petit, N. (2016). Technology Giants, the Moligopoly Hypothezis and Holistic Competition: A Primer. |
Petit, N. (2016). Chinese State Capitalism and Western Antitrust Policy. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Petit, N., & Bogojević, S. (2016). Deterring the State Versus the Firm: Soft and Hard Deterrence Regimes in EU Law. Columbia Journal of European Law, Vol. 23. |
Petit, N. (2015). Rebates and Article 102 TFEU: The European Commission's Duty to Apply the Guidance Paper. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Petit, N. (2015). Re-Pricing Through Disruption in Oligopolies with Tacit Collusion: A Framework for Abuse of Collective Dominance. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Petit, N. (2015). La rationalisation au long cours de la restriction de concurrence par "objet" dans la jurisprudence de la Cour de Justice de l'Union européenne. AJ Contrats d'Affaires. |
Petit, N. (2015). Implications of Competitive Neutrality for Competition Agencies: A Process Perspective. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Petit, N., & Pilorge, J. (2015). Avis 2/13 de la CJUE : l'obsession du contrôle ? Revue des Affaires Européennes. |
Petit, N. (29 May 2015). Antitrust and The challenge of policing « moligopolists » [Paper presentation]. CLEEN Annual Conference. |
Petit, N. (2015). Le droit européen de l’abus de position dominante en 2014. Contrats Concurrence Consommation. |
Petit, N. (2015). Theories of Self-Preferencing Under Article 102 TFEU: A Reply to Bo Vesterdorf. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (March 2015). Les fonctions de la procédure en droit de la concurrence [Paper presentation]. DES FONCTIONS DE LA PROCÉDURE DANS LE DROIT ÉCONOMIQUE EUROPÉEN. |
Petit, N. (10 February 2015). “Problem Practices” in EU Competition Law [Paper presentation]. CCP 10th Annual Conference, ‘Problem Markets’. |
Derenne, J., Morgan de Rivery, E., & Petit, N. (Eds.). (2015). Antitrust damages in EU law and policy. Belgium: Bruylant. |
Petit, N. (2015). State Created Barriers to Exit - The Example of the Acquisition of Alstom by General Electric. Competition Policy International, 11 (1). |
Petit, N. (2015). Intel Leveraging Rebates and the Goals of Article 102 TFEU. European Competition Journal. doi:10.1080/17441056.2015.1033215 |
Petit, N. (2015). Huaweï v. ZTE: Judicial Conservatism at the Patent-Antitrust Intersection. CPI Antitrust Chronicle, 10 (2). |
Petit, N. (2015). "Financial Fair Play" or "Oligopoleague" of Football Clubs?: A Preliminary Review under European Union Competition Law. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Petit, N. (2015). Article 102 TFEU and the Test Debate [Paper presentation]. IBC Conference. |
Petit, N., & Auer, D. (2015). Two-Sided Markets and the Challenge of Turning Economic Theory into Antitrust Policy. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Muheme, D., Neyrinck, N., & Petit, N. (2014). Procedural rights in antitrust proceedings. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Petit, N. (2014). "Stealth Licensing" - Or antitrust law and trade regulation squeezing patent rights. Revue du Droit des Industries de Réseau. |
Petit, N. (March 2014). The Principles of Equivalence and Effectiveness as a Limit to National Procedural Autonomy [Paper presentation]. ENTraNCE 2014. |
Bellis, J.-F., & Petit, N. (2014). Le droit de la concurrence : précautions utiles lors de la rédaction d'un contrat de distribution. In UB3 - Actualités en matière de rédaction des contrats de distribution. Bruylant. |
Candelon, B., Gautier, A., & Petit, N. (January 2014). Market Power in the Credit Rating Industry: State of Play and Proposal for Reforms. CPI Antitrust Chronicle, 2. |
Derenne, J., Morgan de Rivery, E., & Petit, N. (2014). Antitrust damages in EU law and policy: Introduction. Series n° 5. In J. Derenne, E. Morgan de Rivery, ... N. Petit (Eds.), Antitrust damages in EU law and policy, GCLC, College of Europe - Annual Conference Series n° 5. Brussels, Belgium: Bruylant. |
Petit, N. (2014). Uber, Concurrent Déloyal ou Champion Libérateur de l’Économie du Partage ? LCII Policy Briefs. |
Petit, N. (2014). Price Squeezes with Positive Margins - Economic and Legal Anatomy of a Zombie. Revue du Droit des Industries de Réseau. |
Petit, N. (2014). Financial Fair Play ou "Oligopoleague" de clubs rentiers: Elements d'analyse en droit de la concurrence. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Petit, N., & Bostyn, S. (2014). Patent=Monopoly: A Legal Fiction. Max Planck Institute for European Legal History Research Paper Series. doi:10.2139/ssrn.2373471 |
Petit, N. (2013). Injunctions for FRAND Pledged SEPs : The question for an appropriate test of abuse under article 102 TFUE. European Competition Journal. |
Petit, N. (2013). The Oligopoly Problem in EU Competition Law. In D. GERADIN & I. LIANNOS (Eds.), Research Handbook in European Competition Law. Edward Elgar. |
Petit, N. (2013). The Future of the Court of Justice in EU Competition Law - New Role and Responsibilities. In in Court of Justice of the EU (Ed.), The Court of Justice and the Construction of Europe: Analyses and Perspectives on Sixty Years of Case-law. CJUE. |
Petit, N. (2013). The Future of the Court of Justice in EU Competition Law Copyright Year. In The Court of Justice and the Construction of Europe: Analyses and Perspectives on Sixty Years of Case-law. Asser Press. |
Petit, N. (2013). Of conflicts of interests in EU competition proceedings. European Competition Law Review, 34 (6), 338-339. |
Petit, N. (2013). Ethique et conflits d'intérêts en droit européen de la concurrence. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, (1). |
Petit, N. (2013). Droit européen de la concurrence. Paris, France: Montchrestien. |
Petit, N., & Rato, M. (2013). Abuse of Dominance in Technology-Enabled Markets: Established Standards Reconsidered? European Competition Journal. |
Petit, N. (29 November 2012). Microsoft Corp. contre Commission T-167/08, 27 juin 2012 [Paper presentation]. EIPA ANNUAL CONFERENCE RECENT TRENDS IN THE CASE LAW OF THE COURT OF JUSTICE OF THE EU, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
Petit, N. (20 September 2012). Aims and Values in EU Competition Law [Paper presentation]. University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. |
Petit, N. (2012). L'Europe change nos vies. Sudpresse. |
Petit, N. (2012). Europe's antitrust chief urges Google to settle allegations. Los Angeles Times. |
Petit, N. (2012). Europe weighs Antitrust Case aigainst Google, urging search changes. New York |
Petit, N. (2012). Change of Tone could help Google in European Antitrust Case. New York |
Petit, N. (2012). US Antitrust Move has Google fighting on Two Fronts. New York |
Petit, N., & Lousberg, C. (2012). Chronique - Cour de Justice et Tribunal de l'Union européenne - Concurrence. Journal du Droit International, (2), 747-759. |
Petit, N. (2012). A Quick Look into the past, present and future of competition Enforcement in the Pharmaceutical Sector. |
Petit, N. (2012). Budget : Après la rigueur douce, la concurrence dure? La Libre Belgique. |
Petit, N. (2012). Conceptual Foundations and Practical Framework in Vertical Restraints And Distribution Agreements Under EU Competition Law. In N. Petit & C. Gheur (Eds.), Vertical Restraints and Distribution Agreements under EU Competition Law. Bruxelles, Belgium: Bruylant. |
Petit, N., Geradin, D., & Layne-Farrar, A. (2012). EU Competition Law and Economics. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. |
Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (2012). Industrial Policy and Competition Enforcement: Is There, Could There and Should There Be a Nexus? [Paper presentation]. 2012 GCLC Annual Conference, 8-9 November 2012, Residence Palace, Brussels. |
Petit, N., & Henry, D. (2011). Vertical Restraints under EU Competition Law: Conceptual Foundations and Practical Framework. Bruylant. |
Petit, N. (December 2011). Excessive Pricing: The Flaws of ‘Tea Party Competition’ Policy. Journal of European Competition Law and Practice, 2 (6), 519-520. |
Petit, N. (December 2011). Credit rating agencies, the Sovereign Debt Crisis and Competition Law. European Competition Journal, 7 (3). |
Petit, N., & Lousberg, C. (2011). Arrêt Tele 2 Polska: une interprétation contestable de la compétence des autorités nationales de concurrence. Journal de Droit Européen, (182), 242-245. |
Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (October 2011). Collective dominance: An overview of national case law. e-Competitions, N°39129. |
Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (August 2011). Credit Rating Agencies and Competition Law. CPI Antitrust Journal, 8 (Summer). |
Petit, N. (2011). L'UE devrait enquêter sur l'irrationalité des agences de notation. Libération, p. 14. |
Petit, N. (2011). Les vertus oubliées d'une politique de concurrence efficace. Le Soir, p. 14. |
Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (April 2011). Back to Microsoft I and II: Tying and the Art of Secret Magic. Journal of European Competition Law and Practice, 2 (2), 117-121. doi:10.1093/jeclap/lpq080 |
Petit, N. (2011). The Judgement of the European Court of Justice in VEBIC: Filling a Gap in Regulation 1/2003. Journal of European Competition Law and Practice, 2 (4), 340-344. doi:10.1093/jeclap/lpr030 |
Petit, N. (2011). The Economics of Parallel Trade – Econ-oclast Views on a Dogma of EU Competition Law. In I. Govaere, R. Quick, ... M. Bronckers (Eds.), Trade and Competition Law in The EU and Beyond, Edward Elgar Publishing. edward elgar publishing. |
Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (2011). Droit de la concurrence et instrumentalisation parisitaire. In C. Roquilly (Ed.), La contribution des juristes et du droit à la performance de l'entreprise (pp. 74-86). Paris, France: Joly éditions. |
Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (2010). Tying Law in Microsoft I and II: The Secret Art of Magic? ORBi-University of Liège. |
Petit, N., & geradin, D. (2010). Judicial Review in European Union Competition Law: A Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Petit, N. (September 2010). Remedies for Coordinated Effects under the EU Merger Regulation. Competition Law International, 6 (2), 29-37. |
Petit, N. (September 2010). Remedies for Coordinated Effects under the EU Merger Regulation. Competition Law International, 6 (2), 29-37. |
Petit, N. (2010). The Economics of Parallel Trade – Iconoclast Views on a Dogma of EU Competition Law. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Petit, N. (2010). The Past Clouds the Future of Europe’s New Antitrust Enforcer. New York Times. |
Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (15 February 2010). Behavioral Economics and Abuse of Dominance – A Fresh Look at the Article 102 TFEU Case-Law [Paper presentation]. The Vienna Competition 2010. |
Petit, N. (February 2010). Editorial - Antitrust in the Energy Sector. Oil, Gas and Energy Law, 8, 1-2. |
Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (February 2010). A Review of the Competition Law Implications of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. CPI Antitrust Journal, 1. |
Petit, N. (2010). Le droit européen de la concurrence au banc des accusés. Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, (2). |
Petit, N. (2010). How Much Discretion do, and should, Competition Authorities enjoy in the Course of their Enforcement Activities? A Multi-Jurisdictional Assessment. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, (1), 44-62. |
Petit, N., & Henry, D. (2010). Why the EU Merger Regulation should not enjoy a Monopoly over Tacit Collusion. In Krasnodebska-Tomkiel (Ed.), Changes in Competition policy over the last two Decades (pp. 181-197). Varsovie, Poland: UOKIK. |
Petit, N., & Lousberg, C. (2010). Enquêtes sectorielles: complément ou substitut de l'action des autorités de concurrence? Le "couteau suisse" du droit européen de la concurrence? Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, (2), 19-28. |
Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (2010). Behavioral Economics and Abuse of Dominance: A Proposed Alternative Reading of the Article 102 TFEU Case-Law. Global Competition Law Centre Working Papers Series, (02/2010). |
Petit, N., & Provost, E. (2010). L'émancipation du Conseil de la Concurrence? Note sous la décision du Conseil de la concurrence du 26 mai 2009 dans l'affaire Base/BMB. Tijdschrift voor Belgische Mededinging, (2), 89-101. |
Petit, N. (December 2009). From formalism to effects? The Commission's Communication on enforcement priorities in applying article 82 EC. World Competition: Law and Economics Review, 32, 485-504. |
Petit, N., & Provost, E. (2009). Abusive margin squeeze: an overview of European national case laws. e-Competitions, 11. |
Petit, N. (25 October 2009). Annual congress of the international league for competition law [Paper presentation]. Congrès annuel international de la ligue pour le droit de la concurence, Vienne, Austria. |
Defossez, A., & Petit, N. (2009). Lisbonne, et après? La Libre Belgique. |
Petit, N. (2009). The guidelines on the application of article 81(3) EC: A critical review. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Petit, N. (September 2009). International report on Competition Authorities Discretion [Paper presentation]. LIDC Internationale conference, Vienne, Austria. |
Petit, N., & RABEUX, L. (2009). Judicial Review in French Competition Law and Economic Regulation: A Post Commission v. Tetra laval Assessment. In O. ESSENS, A. GERBRANDY, ... S. LAVRIJSSEN, National Courts and the Standard of Review in Competition Law and Economic Regulation (pp. 103-126). europa law Publishing. |
Petit, N. (08 July 2009). OCCP Seminar on Dominant Positions and New Technologies [Paper presentation]. OCCP Seminar, Warsaw, Poland. |
Petit, N. (29 June 2009). Actualité des droits communautaire et belge de la concurrence [Paper presentation]. Commission juridique de la FEB, Bruxellles, Belgium. |
Petit, N. (12 June 2009). Towards an optimal enforcement of Competition rules in Europe [Paper presentation]. Annual Conference of the GCLC, Bruxellles, Belgium. |
Petit, N., & Defossez, A. (June 2009). La loi belge sur la protection de la concurrence économique - Rapport d'étape après deux années d'application. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, 2. |
Petit, N. (08 May 2009). Le droit de la distribution [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de recyclage, Liège, Belgium. |
Petit, N. (2009). L'application du droit communautaire des restrictions verticales aux accords de distribution commerciale. Le Droit de la Distribution. |
Petit, N. (13 March 2009). Les fédérations d’entreprises et les règles de concurrence. |
Petit, N. (2009). The outcome of the EC pharmaceutical sector inquiry. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, (3). |
Petit, N. (12 February 2009). Actualités du droit de la concurence [Paper presentation]. Conférence du jeune Barreau de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Petit, N. (2009). Les strategies juridiques en droit des coordinations entre entreprises Une approche scenarisee. In A. Masson, Les stratégies juridiques des entreprises. Bruxelles, Belgium: Larcier. |
Fegatilli, E., & Petit, N. (January 2009). Économétrie du droit de la concurrence, un essai de conceptualisation. Revue Internationale de Droit Economique, I, 67-122. |
Petit, N. (2009). Ne dites plus Constitution. 15e Jour du Mois, (169), p. 5. |
Petit, N. (2009). L'application du droit de la concurrence par les juridictions belges: une analyse tendancielle de la jurisprudence récente. In J.-F. Bellis, Concurrence en droit, belge et européen. Larcier. |
Petit, N. (2009). Concurrence difficile. 15e Jour du Mois, (180), p. 9. |
Petit, N. (2009). Aperçu de la procédure communautaire de transaction. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence. |
Petit, N. (2009). Accords d’échange d’informations et fédérations d’entreprises – Grands principes d’analyse en droit de la concurrence. In P. LAMBRECHT & C. GHEUR, Les fédérations d'entreprises et les règles de concurrence (pp. 52-68). Bruxelles, Belgium: Larcier. |
Petit, N., & Abenhaim, M. (2009). L’exemption des engagements d’exclusivité au “seuil” de la réforme du droit des accords verticaux : Quelle(s) part(s) de marché ? Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence. |
Petit, N., & Daems, I. (2009). La fin de la récréation pour l'opérateur historique? Annotation de la décision du Conseil de la concurrence dans l'affaire Belgacom/Scarlet, 7 novembre 2008. Tijdschrift voor Belgische Mededinging, (3). |
Petit, N., & RABEUX, L. (2009). Judicial Review in French Competition Law and Economic Regulation: A Post Commission v. Tetra laval Assessment. In O. ESSENS, A. GERBRANDY, ... S. LAVRIJSSEN, National courts and the Standard of Review in Competition Law and Economic Regulation (pp. 105-124). europa law Publishing. |
Petit, N., & Rato, M. (2009). From hard to soft enforcement of EC Competition Law. Bruxelles, Belgium: Bruylant. |
Petit, N. (05 December 2008). Les stratégies juridiques des entreprises en Europe. |
Petit, N., & Fegatilli, E. (2008). Économétrie du droit de la concurrence – Un essai de conceptualisation. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Petit, N. (2008). Trois questions à Nicolas Petit. Forward, (7). |
Petit, N. (September 2008). Non-competition concerns under the ECMR - An overview. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, 4-2008, 182-187. |
Petit, N. (September 2008). Jacques Steenbergen: A Counsel at the head of the Belgian NCA. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, 3-2008. |
Petit, N., & Rato, M. (2008). From Hard to Soft Enforcement of EC Competition Law - A Bestiary of Sunshine Enforcement Instruments. Alternative Enforcement Techniques in EC Competition Law. |
Petit, N., & Digneffe, K. (2008). The Belgian Competition Council finds a non-profit association guilty of price fixing but does not impose any fine (AIAB). e-Competitions, (22333). |
Petit, N. (May 2008). L'effet de la décision de justice [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de recyclage, Charleroi, Belgium. |
Petit, N., & Defossez, A. (May 2008). Les effets des arrêts de la CJCE et du TPICE [Paper presentation]. CUP L'effet de la décision de Justice: contentieux européens, constitutionnel, civil et pénal, Liège, Bruxelles, Charleroi, Belgium. |
Petit, N., & Defossez, A. (2008). L’effet des arrêts de la Cour de Justice et du Tribunal de première instance des Communautés européennes. In G. de Leval & F. Georges, L'effet de la décision de justice. Contentieux européens, constitutionnel, civil et pénal. Anthemis. |
Petit, N. (17 April 2008). Fidelity Discounts and Rebates not Justified by Costs [Paper presentation]. Association Belge d'Etude de la Concurrence, Bruxellles, Belgium. |
Petit, N. (2008). Oligopoles, collusion tacite et droit communautaire de la concurrence. Bruylant. |
Petit, N. (29 February 2008). Le Traité de Lisbonne: Traité simplifié ou constitution cachée? |
Petit, N. (14 February 2008). L'actualité du droit des ententes 2007 [Paper presentation]. Colloque annuel de l'association Française d'étude de la concurence, Paris, France. |
Petit, N. (2008). TPICE British Aggregates Association contre Commission. Revue d'Etudes Juridiques Aménagement, Environnement, Urbanisme et Droit Foncier. |
Petit, N., & Verbeke, R. (2008). The Belgian Competition Council bans a price-coordination mechanism in the retail bakery markets (VEBIC). e-Competitions, (21559). |
Defossez, A., & Petit, N. (2008). L'effet des arrêts et jugements de la CJCE et du TPICE. |
Petit, N. (2008). Traité de Lisbonne et politique de concurrence – Rupture ? Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, (1), 265-279. |
Petit, N. (2008). L'arrêt Microsoft. Abus de position dominante, refus de licence et vente liée... L'article 82 sans code source. Journal de Droit Européen. |
Petit, N. (2008). L'actualité du droit des ententes en 2007. Les Petites Affiches. |
Petit, N. (2008). Annotation sous TPICE, T-210/02, 23 décembre 2006, affaire des granulats. Aménagement - Environnement, (2), 119. |
Petit, N., & Lousberg, C. (2008). TPI, 9 septembre 2008, MyTravel Group plc/Commission. Revue des Affaires Européennes, (4), 785-792. |
Petit, N. (2007). L'ordonnance Actua TV contre Belgacom TV, ou l'art de la définition stratégique du marché pertinent. Revue du Droit des Technologies de l'Information. |
Petit, N. (2007). Oligopoles, collusion tacite et droit communautaire de la concurrence [Doctoral thesis, Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Petit, N., & Biesemans, L. (2007). The Belgian Competition Council orders an ICT company to disclose proprietary information over its electronic network (CRM/FneyrinckPortima). e-Competitions, (14978). |
Petit, N. (2007). Le français devrait-il servir de référence juridique? |
Defossez, A., & Petit, N. (2007). The Belgian Competition Council assesses the validity of opening days/hours and advertising provisions for pharmacy outlets as set by the pharmacists professional associations (Belgian Pharmacists Associations). e-Competitions. |
Petit, N., & Rato, M. (2007). The Commission's Non Contractual Liability in the Field of Merger Control - Don't Use a Hammer When You Need a Screwdriver. Global Competition Policy. |
Defossez, A., Petit, N., & Candela, M. (2006). 2006, l'Europe sans boussole. La Libre Belgique. |
Petit, N. (2006). La politique industrielle sous les tirs croisés de la mondialisation et du droit communautaire de la concurrence. Mondialisation politique industrielle et droit comm de la concurrence. |
Petit, N., & Geradin, D. (2005). Price Discrimination Under Ec Competition Law: Another Antitrust Theory in Search of Limiting Principles. GCLC. |
Petit, N., Geradin, D., Hofer, P., Louis, F., & Walker, M. (2005). The Concept of Dominance in EC Competition Law. Global Competition Law Center. |
Petit, N., Geradin, D., Hofer, P., Walker, M., & Louis, F. (2005). GCLC Research Papers on Article 82 EC: The concept of dominance. GCLC College d'Europe. |
Petit, N. (2005). Droit de la concurrence et recours en annulation à l'ere post-modernisation. Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Européen. |
Petit, N., & Geradin, D. (2005). Judicial Remedies Under EC Competition Law: Complex Issues Arising from the Modernization Process. Fordham Corporate Law. |
Petit, N. (2004). note sous arrêt du 4 mars 2003 "FENIN c/ Commission". Revue du Droit de l'Union Européenne. |
Petit, N. (2004). Petit, Nicolas, The Proliferation of National Regulatory Authorities Alongdside Competition Authorities in the EC: A Source of Jurisdictional Confusion. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Petit, N., & Geradin, D. (2004). The Development of Agencies at EU and National Levels: Conceptual Analysis and Proposals for Reform. |
Petit, N. (2003). note sous arrêt du 18 septembre 2003, Volkswagen AG c/ Commission. Revue du Droit de l'Union Européenne. |
Petit, N., & Geradin, D. (15 May 2003). Competition Rules in the Euromed Countries with a Special Emphasis on Network Industries [Paper presentation]. ABCDE World Bank Conference. |
Petit, N. (2003). note sous arrêt du 23 octobre 2003, Van den Bergh Foods contre Commission. Revue du Droit de l'Union Européenne. |
Petit, N. (2003). Circumscribing the Scope of EC Competition Law in Network Industries_A Comparative Approach to the US Supreme Court Ruling in the Trinko Case. Journal of Network Industries. |
Petit, N. (2003). Circumscribing the Scope of EC Competition Law in Network Industries_A Comparative Approach to the US Supreme Court Ruling in the Trinko Case. Journal of Network Industries. |
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