Publications and communications of René Warnant

Gül, C., & Warnant, R. (15 April 2024). VTEC Estimation Performance of Real-Time PPP with Galileo High Accuracy Service [Paper presentation]. European Geoscience Union 2024, Vienna, Austria. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-8485

Warnant, R. (31 May 2022). Ionosphere Monitoring Using Dual Frequency Smartphones [Paper presentation]. URSI AT-AP RASC Meeting, Gran Canaria, Spain.

Paziewski, J., Fortunato, M., Mazzoni, A., Odolinski, R., Li, G., Debelle, M., Warnant, R., & Gong, X. (03 March 2021). The quality analysis of GNSS observations tracked by Android smart devices and positioning performance assessment [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2021. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu21-334

Warnant, R., Remy, C., Debelle, M., & Wautelet, G. (28 May 2020). Ionosphere Monitoring Using Dual Frequency Multi-Constellation Smartphones [Paper presentation]. 4th Annual Raw Measurements Workshop (On-line meeting), Prague, Czechia.

Warnant, R., & Debelle, M. (19 March 2019). Precise Positioning with Dual Frequency Smartphones [Paper presentation]. BeGeo 2019, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Billen, R., Binard, M., Cornet, Y., Hallot, P., Kasprzyk, J.-P., Warnant, R., & Sheeren, D. (2019). Un regard sur l’évolution de la géomatique : analyse de 4 décennies de recherche au sein du Département de Géographie de l’Université de Liège. Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège, (72), 11-32.

Lonchay, M., & Warnant, R. (2019). Intégration de cartes de scintillations ionosphériques dans les algorithmes de positionnement par satellites. Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège, 72 (2019/1). doi:10.25518/0770-7576.5836

Deprez, C., & Warnant, R. (28 September 2018). GPS + Galileo Single-Frequency Relative Positioning with low-cost receivers [Paper presentation]. 31st International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2018), Miami, Florida, United States.

Warnant, R., Van De Vyvere, L., & Warnant, Q. (2018). Positioning with Single and Dual Frequency Smartphones Running Android 7 or Later. In Proceedings of the 31st International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2018) (pp. 284 - 303). doi:10.33012/2018.15880

Warnant, R., & Warnant, Q. (30 May 2018). Raw GNSS Measurements under Android : Data Quality Analysis [Paper presentation]. GNSS Raw Measurements : From Research to Commercial Use, Prague, Czechia.

Deprez, C., & Warnant, R. (2018). GPS + Galileo Single-Frequency Relative Positioning with low-cost receivers. In Proceedings of the 31st International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2018) (pp. 3956-3966).

Deprez, C., & Warnant, R. (17 November 2017). Precise positioning in multi-GNSS mode [Paper presentation]. 7th Belgium Geography Day, Liège, Belgium.

Warnant, R., Deprez, C., & Warnant, Q. (17 November 2017). Precise Positioning with Smartphones running Android 7 or later [Paper presentation]. Belgian Geography Day, Liege, Belgium.

Deprez, C., & Warnant, R. (16 March 2017). Positioning in multi-GNSS mode [Paper presentation]. Begeo 2017, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Deprez, C., & Warnant, R. (2016). Multi-GNSS relative positioning with Galileo, BeiDou and GPS. In Proceedings of NAVITEC 2016.

Warnant, R. (2016). GNSS: Principle, limitations and perspectives [Paper presentation]. Colloque national de l’Ordre Belge des Géomètres-Experts, Wépion, Belgium.

Warnant, R. (2016). GNSS: Principle, applications and opportunities [Paper presentation]. Business and Technology Club : “Les Technologies aérospatiales”, Liège, Belgium.

Warnant, R., & Deprez, C. (2016). The added value of new GNSS for ionosphere monitoring. In Proceedings of Navitec 2016.

Deprez, C., & Warnant, R. (11 October 2016). Relative positioning with Galileo E5 AltBOC code measurements [Paper presentation]. The CLGE Students' Contest 2016.

Deprez, C., & Warnant, R. (07 September 2016). GPS, Galileo and BeiDou inter-system biases estimation in relative positioning with code and phase pseudoranges [Paper presentation]. International Association of Geodesy (IAG), Commission 4 Symposium, Wroclaw, Poland.

Van de Vyvere, L., & Warnant, R. (September 2016). Galileo Cycle-Slip Detection. How Four Frequencies Help When the Ionosphere Is Disturbed. GPS World, 27 (9), 50-56.

Warnant, R., Deprez, C., & Van de Vyvere, L. (September 2016). The added value of new GNSS to monitor the ionosphere [Paper presentation]. International Association of Geodesy – Commission 4 Symposium on Positioning and Navigation, Wroclaw, Poland.

Warnant, R., Deprez, C., Wautelet, G., & Van de Vyvere, L. (27 June 2016). Monitoring the ionosphere using new GNSS [Paper presentation]. International Beacon Satellite Symposium 2016, Trieste, Italy.

Deprez, C., & Warnant, R. (18 April 2016). Inter-system biases estimation in multi-GNSS relative positioning with GPS and Galileo [Paper presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, Vienne, Austria.

Wautelet, G., & Warnant, R. (15 September 2015). Origin of high-frequency TEC disturbances observed by GPS over the European mid-latitude region. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 133, 67-78. doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2015.08.003

Lonchay, M., Wautelet, G., Cornet, Y., Aquino, M., & Warnant, R. (19 November 2014). Spatial Analysis of GNSS Measurements from an Equatorial Ionospheric Scintillation Monitoring Receiver (ISMR) Network [Paper presentation]. 11th European Space Weather Week, Liège, Belgium.

Wautelet, G., & Warnant, R. (17 November 2014). GNSS observational bias in the frame of ionospheric studies [Poster presentation]. 11th European Space Weather Week, Liège, Belgium.

Wautelet, G., & Warnant, R. (02 May 2014). Tropospheric jet stream as a source of traveling ionospheric disturbances observed by GPS [Poster presentation]. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2014, Vienne, Austria.

Lonchay, M., Cornet, Y., Aquino, M., & Warnant, R. (30 April 2014). Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Equatorial Ionospheric Scintillations in the Frame of Absolute GNSS Positioning Algorithms [Paper presentation]. European Geoscience Union General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria.

Lonchay, M., Cornet, Y., Aquino, M., & Warnant, R. (23 April 2014). Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Equatorial Ionospheric Scintillations in the Frame of Absolute GNSS Positioning Algorithms [Poster presentation]. Workshop on Correlated Observation Errors, Reading, United Kingdom.

Wautelet, G., & Warnant, R. (March 2014). Climatological study of ionospheric irregularities over the European mid-latitude sector with GPS. Journal of Geodesy, 88 (3), 223-240. doi:10.1007/s00190-013-0678-4

Brenot, H., Wautelet, G., Warnant, R., Neméghaire, J., & Van Roozendael, M. (2014). GNSS meteorology and impact on NRT position. In ENC-GNSS 2014.

Wautelet, G., & Warnant, R. (July 2013). Modeling and forecasting the occurrence of ionospheric irregularities in mid-latitude regions [Paper presentation]. Beacon Satellite Symposium 2013, Bath, United Kingdom.

Bidaine, B., Lonchay, M., & Warnant, R. (01 January 2013). Galileo Single Frequency Ionospheric Correction: Performances in Terms of Position. GPS Solutions, 17 (1), 63-73. doi:10.1007/s10291-012-0261-0

Jakowski, N., Béniguel, Y., De Franceschi, G., Hernandez-Pajares, M., Jacobsen, K. S., Stanislawska, I., Tomasik, L., Warnant, R., & Wautelet, G. (December 2012). Monitoring, tracking and forecasting ionospheric perturbations using GNSS techniques. Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 2 (A22). doi:10.1051/swsc/2012022

Wautelet, G., & Warnant, R. (11 September 2012). Local climatological modeling of ionospheric irregularities detected by GPS in mid-latitude region. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 89, 132-143. doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2012.08.015

Warnant, R., Bidaine, B., Lonchay, M., Spits, J., & Wautelet, G. (20 June 2012). Monitoring the ionospheric activity using GNSS. From dual frequency GPS to multi-constellation multi-frequency GNSS [Paper presentation]. Conference given at the University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom.

Lonchay, M., Aquino, M., Hancock, C., & Warnant, R. (14 June 2012). Precise Point Positioning: Performances under Ionospheric Scintillations [Paper presentation]. New Navigator Seminar 2012, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom.

Warnant, R., & Spits, J. (May 2012). The added value of triple frequency GNSS for TEC reconstruction [Paper presentation]. 6th GNSS Vulnerabilities and Solutions Conference, Baska, Croatia.

Brenot, H., Champollion, C., Deckmyn, A., Van Malderen, R., Kumps, N., Warnant, R., & De Mazière. (April 2012). Humidity 3D field comparisons between GNSS tomography, IASI satellite observations and ALARO model. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 14, 2012-4285, 2012.

Bruyninx, C., Dehant, V., Defraigne, P., Ducarme, B., Everaerts, M., Legrand, J., Roosbeek, F., Rosenblatt, P., Van Camp, M., Van Hoolst, T., Voet, P., Warnant, R., & Yseboodt, M. (2012). Belgian Report of activity in the frame of the International Association of Geodesy. International Association of Geodesy.

Lejeune, S., Wautelet, G., & Warnant, R. (January 2012). Ionospheric effects on relative positioning within GPS dense network. GPS Solutions, 16 (1), 105-116. doi:10.1007/s10291-011-0212-1

Stankov, S., Jodogne, J.-C., Kutiev, I., Stegen, K., & Warnant, R. (2012). Evaluation of the automatic ionogram scaling for use in real-time ionospheric density profile specification: Dourbes DGS-256/ARTIST-4 performance. Annals of Geophysics, 55 (2), 283-291. doi:10.4401/ag-4976

Warnant, R. (2012). Introduction aux GNSS. (ULiège - Université de Liège, GEOG0039).

Warnant, R. (2011). Géodésie spatiale. (ULiège - Université de Liège, GEOG0038).

Lonchay, M., Bidaine, B., & Warnant, R. (2011). An Efficient Dual and Triple Frequency Preprocessing Method for GALILEO and GPS Signals. In 3rd International Colloquium – Scientific and Fundamentals Aspects of the GALILEO Programme.

Spits, J., & Warnant, R. (31 August 2011). Enhancement of Total Electron Content monitoring using triple frequency GNSS data [Paper presentation]. Third Colloquium on Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Program, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Humbled, F., Rasson, J., Spassov, S., Hus, J., & Warnant, R. (30 August 2011). Magnetic Valley : a knowledge transfer project. Data Science Journal, 10.

Bidaine, B., & Warnant, R. (2011). Galileo Single Frequency Ionospheric Correction: Performances in Terms of Position. In J. M. Goodman (Ed.), 2011 Ionospheric Effects Symposium Proceedings. JMG Associates Ltd.

Stankov, S., Stegen, K., Muhtarov, P., Marinov, P., & Warnant, R. (2011). On the real time reconstruction of the ionospheric electron density profile based on concurrent measurements from collocated digital ionosonde and GNSS receiver [Paper presentation]. 13th International Ionospheric Effects Symposium (IES2011), Alexandria, United States.

Warnant, R., Lonchay, M., Spits, J., Bidaine, B., Stankov, S., & Wautelet, G. (May 2011). Total Electron Content reconstruction using dual frequency Galileo (E1/E5a) and modernized GPS (L1/L5) measurements [Paper presentation]. Ionospheric Effects Symposium (IES2011).

Stankov, S., Stegen, K., Muhtarov, P., & Warnant, R. (April 2011). Local ionospheric electron density profile reconstruction in real time from simultaneous ground-based GNSS and ionosonde measurements. Advances in Space Research, 47 (7), 1172-1180. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2010.11.039

Stankov, S., Wautelet, G., Lejeune, S., Spits, J., & Warnant, R. (April 2011). On the impact of ionospheric variability and disturbances on GNSS-based positioning applications [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria.

Stankov, S., Stegen, K., Jodogne, J.-C., & Warnant, R. (2011). RMI-Dourbes ionosonde database - Status 2010. Brussels, Belgium: Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium.

Stankov, S., Stegen, K., & Warnant, R. (2011). Local Operational Geomagnetic Index K Calculation (K-LOGIC) from digital ground-based magnetic measurements. (Technical Report, Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence, Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium).

Bidaine, B., & Warnant, R. (15 January 2011). Ionosphere modelling for Galileo single frequency users: illustration of the combination of the NeQuick model and GNSS data ingestion. Advances in Space Research, 47 (2), 312-322. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2010.09.001

Spits, J., & Warnant, R. (2011). Total Electron Content Monitoring using triple frequency GNSS: results with Giove-A/-B data. Advances in Space Research, 47, 296-303. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2010.08.027

Stankov, S., Stegen, K., & Warnant, R. (2011). K-type geomagnetic index nowcast with data quality control. Annals of Geophysics, 54 (3), 285-295. doi:10.4401/ag-4655

Warnant, R. (2011). Théorie des erreurs. (GEOG0626).

Warnant, R. (2011). Systèmes de positionnement par satellites. (GEOG0625).

Wautelet, G., Lejeune, S., & Warnant, R. (December 2010). A GPS/GNSS dense network used to monitor ionospheric positioning error [Poster presentation]. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, United States.

Warnant, R., Lejeune, S., Wautelet, G., Spits, J., Stegen, K., & Stankov, S. (July 2010). The RMI Space Weather and Navigation Systems (SWANS) project [Paper presentation]. 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Bremen, Germany.

Wautelet, G., Lejeune, S., Stankov, S., Aquino, M., & Warnant, R. (11 June 2010). Understanding the occurrence of mid-latitude ionospheric irregularities by using GPS, ionosonde and geomagnetic measurements [Paper presentation]. Beacon Satellite Symposium, Barcelone, Spain.

Bidaine, B., Nava, B., Stankov, S., & Warnant, R. (2010). M-Ingestion: Simultaneous Ingestion of Ionosonde and GNSS Data into the NeQuick Model. In P. Doherty, M. Hernández-Pajares, J.-M. Juan, J. Sanz, ... A. Aragon-Angel (Eds.), The International Beacon Satellite Symposium BSS2010. Barcelone, Spain: CIMNE.

Spits, J., & Warnant, R. (2010). Total Electron Content monitoring using triple frequency GNSS: Results with GIOVE-A/-B data [Paper presentation]. The International Beacon Satellite Symposium 2010 (BSS2010), Barcelona, Spain.

Stankov, S., Stegen, K., & Warnant, R. (2010). A statistical study of the TEC storm-time response at European middle latitudes for use in ionospheric nowcast and forecast. In P. Doherty, M. Hernandez-Pajares, J.-M. Juan, J. Sanz, ... A. Aragon-Angel (Eds.), The International Beacon Satellite Symposium 2010.

Warnant, R., Lonchay, M., Spits, J., Bidaine, B., Stankov, S., & Wautelet, G. (June 2010). TEC reconstruction using dual frequency modernized GPS (L1/L5) and GALILEO (E1/E5A) measurements [Paper presentation]. International Beacon Satellite Symposium 2010, Barcelona, Spain.

Stankov, S., Stegen, K., Wautelet, G., & Warnant, R. (06 May 2010). On the local operational geomagnetic index K calculation [Poster presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010, Vienne, Austria.

Wautelet, G., Lejeune, S., & Warnant, R. (06 May 2010). Monitoring the ionospheric positioning error with a GNSS dense network [Paper presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010, Vienne, Austria.

Warnant, R. (2010). Reconstruction de paramètres environnementaux à l'aide des GNSS: une opportunité pour les entreprises [Paper presentation]. Première réunion du groupe de travail GNSS du Pôle de compétitivité SKYWIN, Redu, Belgium.

Warnant, R. (2010). Galileo ? Bien plus qu’un système de positionnement ! [Paper presentation]. Commission Espace du Sénat belge.

Stankov, S., Stegen, K., & Warnant, R. (2010). Seasonal variations of storm-time TEC at European middle latitudes. Advances in Space Research, 46 (10), 1318-1325. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2010.07.017

Warnant, R. (2010). Géodésie géométrique et astronomie de position. (ASTR0213).

Warnant, R., Bidaine, B., Brenot, H., Lejeune, S., Stankov, S., Stegen, K., Spits, J., & Wautelet, G. (2010). SIDC Telescience. (PRODEX project performance report, contract C90317).

Wautelet, G., Lejeune, S., Lonchay, M., & Warnant, R. (18 November 2009). Influence of geometry in the case of relative positioning with GNSS [Poster presentation]. Sixth European Space Weather Week, Bruges, Belgium.

Bidaine, B., & Warnant, R. (2009). Ionosphere Modelling Based on the NeQuick Model and GNSS Data Ingestion. In Second International Colloquium - Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme.

Spits, J., & Warnant, R. (2009). Total Electron Content monitoring using triple frequency GNSS: results with GIOVE-A data. In Proceedings of the Second International Colloquium - Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme.

Bidaine, B., & Warnant, R. (2009). Measuring Total Electron Content with GNSS: Investigation of Two Different Techniques. In The Institution of Engineering and Technology 11th International Conference on Ionospheric Radio Systems and Techniques (IRST 2009) (pp. 201-206). London, United Kingdom: Institution of Engineering and Technology - IET. doi:10.1049/cp.2009.0063

Stankov, S., Warnant, R., & Kozarev, R. (April 2009). On the TEC short-term forecast with corrections based on the average ionospheric response to background and storm-time geomagnetic conditions. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11 (Abs. No EGU2009-13283).

Stankov, S., Warnant, R., & Stegen, K. (April 2009). Local electron density reconstruction from simultaneous ground-based GNSS and ionosonde measurements. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11 (Abs. No EGU2009-10956).

Wautelet, G., Lejeune, S., & Warnant, R. (2009). Effects of ionospheric small-scale structures on GNSS. In The Institution of Engineering and Technology 11th International Conference on Ionospheric Radio Systems and Techniques (IRST 2009) (pp. 196-200). London, United Kingdom: Institution of Engineering and Technology - IET.

Kutiev, I., Marinov, P., Fidanova, S., & Warnant, R. (2009). Modeling medium-scale TEC structures observed by Belgian GPS receivers network. Advances in Space Research, 43, 1732-1739. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2008.07.021

Kutiev, I., Muhtarov, P., Andonov, B., & Warnant, R. (2009). Hybrid model for nowcasting and forecasting the K index. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 71, 589-596. doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2009.01.005

Stankov, S., & Warnant, R. (2009). Ionospheric slab thickness - Analysis, modelling and monitoring. Advances in Space Research, 44 (10), 1295-1303. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2009.07.010

Stankov, S., Warnant, R., & Stegen, K. (2009). Trans-ionospheric GPS signal delay gradients observed over mid-latitude Europe during the geomagnetic storms of October-November 2003. Advances in Space Research, 43 (9), 1314-1324. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2008.12.012

Stankov, S., Warnant, R., & Stegen, K. (2009). Iono slab monitoring service [Paper presentation]. International GBAS Working Group Meeting (IGWG-8), Palermo, Italy.

Stankov, S., Warnant, R., Stegen, K., Lejeune, S., Wautelet, G., Spits, J., & Brenot, H. (2009). Local ionospheric activity – nowcast and forecast services [Paper presentation]. LATO-15 meeting, Brussels, Belgium.

Warnant, R., Foelsche, U., Aquino, M., Bidaine, B., Gherm, V., Hoque, M. M., Kutiev, I., Lejeune, S., Luntama, J.-P., Spits, J., Strangeways, H. J., Wautelet, G., Zernov, N., & Jakowski, N. (2009). Mitigation of ionospheric effects on GNSS. Annals of Geophysics, 52 (3-4), 373-390.

Bidaine, B., & Warnant, R. (2008). Towards an Improved Single-Frequency Ionospheric Correction: Focus on Mid-Latitudes. In 4th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation User Equipment Technologies NAVITEC.

Warnant, R., Lejeune, S., Stankov, S., Stegen, K., Spits, J., Wautelet, G., Bidaine, B., & Kutiev, I. (December 2008). Development of products for GNSS users at the Belgian Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence [Paper presentation]. 3rd International Committee on GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) Meeting, Pasadena, United States.

Bidaine, B., & Warnant, R. (18 November 2008). Modelling the Ionosphere over Europe: Investigation of NeQuick Formulation [Paper presentation]. 5th European Space Weather Week, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Bidaine, B., & Warnant, R. (18 November 2008). Modelling the Ionosphere over Europe: Investigation of NeQuick Formulation [Poster presentation]. 5th European Space Weather Week, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Wautelet, G., Lejeune, S., & Warnant, R. (18 November 2008). Ionospheric variability which degrades the precision of real time GNSS applications [Poster presentation]. Fifth European Space Weather Week, Brussels, Belgium.

Warnant, R., Wautelet, G., Lejeune, S., Brenot, H., Spits, J., Stankov, S., & Kutiev, I. (November 2008). Galileo Local Component for the detection of atmospheric threats [Paper presentation]. 5th European Space Weather Week, Brussels, Belgium.

Warnant, R., Wautelet, G., Spits, J., & Lejeune, S. (2008). Characterization of the ionospheric small-scale activity. (Technical Report, WP 220, GALOCAD Project, contract GJU/06/2423/CTR/GALOCAD). Brussels, Belgium: Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium.

Warnant, R., & Wautelet, G. (2008). GALOCAD User interface. (WP 400). Brussels, Belgium: Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium.

Wautelet, G., Lejeune, S., Stankov, S., Brenot, H., & Warnant, R. (2008). Effects of small-scale atmospheric activity on precise positioning. (Technical Report, WP 230, GALOCAD Project, contract GJU/06/2423/CTR/GALOCAD). Brussels, Belgium: Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium.

Warnant, R., Lejeune, S., & Wautelet, G. (2008). Les GNSS et l’ionosphère [Paper presentation]. « GNSS Conférence Day » de la firme LEICA organisé sur le thème « Les réseaux GNSS comme support d’applications topographiques », Bruxelles, Belgium.

Stankov, S., & Warnant, R. (2008). Ionospheric slab thickness: analysis and monitoring applications. In Proceedings of the 12th International Ionospheric Effects Symposium (IES2008) (pp. 159-164).

Warnant, R., Bavier, M., Brenot, H., Lejeune, S., Spits, J., Stankov, S., & Wautelet, G. (2008). Galileo Local Component for the detection of atmospheric threats. In J. Goodman (Ed.), Proceedings of the 12th International Ionospheric Effects Symposium (IES2008) (pp. 149).

Brenot, H., Lejeune, S., & Warnant, R. (2008). Detection of small-scale structures in the neutral atmosphere using double differences of GNSS measurements [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.

Brenot, H., & Warnant, R. (2008). Characterization of the tropospheric small-scale activity. (Technical Report, WP 250, GALOCAD Project, contract GJU/06/2423/CTR/GALOCAD).

Kunches, J., Terkildsen, M., Stanislawska, I., Dabas, R., Van der Linden, R., & Warnant, R. (2008). Ionospheric Products and Services from the Regional Warning Centers of the International Space Environment Service (ISES) for GNSS Users [Paper presentation]. 3rd International Committee on GNSS, Pasadena, United States.

Lejeune, S., & Warnant, R. (2008). A novel method for the quantitative assessment of the ionosphere effect on high accuracy GNSS applications which require ambiguity resolution. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 70, 889-900. doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2007.01.009

Spits, J., & Warnant, R. (2008). Total Electron Content monitoring using triple frequency GNSS data: a three-step approach [Paper presentation]. 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Montreal, Canada.

Spits, J., & Warnant, R. (2008). Total Electron Content monitoring using triple frequency GNSS data: a three-step approach. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 70, 1885-1893. doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2008.03.007

Spits, S., & Warnant, R. (2008). Total Electron Content monitoring using triple frequency GNSS data: a three-step approach [Paper presentation]. 5th European Space Weather Week, Brussels, Belgium.

Warnant, R. (2008). Project Office - Third synthetic report. (Technical Report, WP 100, GALOCAD Project, contract GJU/06/2423/CTR/GALOCAD).

Warnant, R. (2008). Project Office - Final report. (Technical Report, WP 100, GALOCAD Project, contract GJU/06/2423/CTR/GALOCAD).

Warnant, R. (2008). Constitution of a data set for atmospheric studies. (Technical Report, WP 210, GALOCAD Project, contract GJU/06/2423/CTR/GALOCAD).

Bidaine, B., & Warnant, R. (17 October 2007). Ionosphere Modelling for GALILEO Single Frequency Users [Poster presentation]. Séminaire Spatial Data Research in Belgium, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Bidaine, B., & Warnant, R. (2007). Assessment of the NeQuick Model at Mid-latitudes using GPS TEC and Ionosonde Data. In First Colloquium Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme (pp. 10).

Spits, J., & Warnant, R. (2007). Real time TEC monitoring using triple frequency GNSS data : a three step approach. In Proceedings of the First International Colloquium - Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme.

Bidaine, B., & Warnant, R. (11 July 2007). Assessment of the NeQuick Model at Mid-latitudes using GPS TEC and Ionosonde Data [Paper presentation]. IRI/COST 296 WORKSHOP, Prague, Czechia.

Wautelet, G., & Warnant, R. (11 July 2007). Statistical study of ionospheric small-scale irregularities at mid-latitudes using GPS measurements [Paper presentation]. IRI/COST 296 WORKSHOP, Prague, Czechia.

Warnant, R. (July 2007). COST 296 Working Group 3 “Space-based systems” activities and results [Paper presentation]. COST296/IRI Meeting, Prague, Czechia.

Brenot, H., Lejeune, S., Wautelet, G., Bavier, M., Spits, J., & Warnant, R. (2007). Quantification of Tropospheric Activity according to Double Differences Analysis of GNSS Phases Records [Paper presentation]. 1st Colloquium Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo, Toulouse, France.

Camelbeeck, T., Vanneste, K., Alexandre, P., Verbeeck, K., Petermans, T., Rosset, P., Everaerts, M., Warnant, R., & Van Camp, M. (2007). Relevance of active faulting and seismicity studies to assessments of long-term earthquake activity and maximum magnitude in intraplate northwest Europe, between the Lower Rhine Embayment and the North Sea. In S. Stein & S. Mazzotti (Eds.), Continental Intraplate Earthquakes: Science, Hazard and Policy Issues (pp. 193-224). Geological Society of America.

Kutiev, I., Andonov, B., Muhtarov, P., Warnant, R., & Bavier, M. (2007). Hybrid Model for Kp prediction, combining solar wind and magnetometer data [Paper presentation]. 4th European Space Weather Week, Brussels, Belgium.

Kutiev, I., Marinov, P., Fidanova, S., & Warnant, R. (2007). Modelling the medium-scale TEC structures, observed by Belgian GPS receiver network [Paper presentation]. COST296/IRI Meeting, Prague, Czechia.

Lejeune, S., & Warnant, R. (2007). Effect of small-scale variability in TEC on high accuracy GNSS applications which require ambiguity resolution [Paper presentation]. COST296/IRI Meeting, Prague, Czechia.

Spits, J., & Warnant, R. (2007). Real time TEC monitoring using triple frequency GNSS data : a three step approach [Paper presentation]. COST296/IRI Meeting, Prague, Czechia.

Warnant, R. (2007). Project Office – Mid-term progress report. (Technical Report, WP 100, GALOCAD Project, contract GJU/06/2423/CTR/GALOCAD).

Warnant, R. (2007). Project Office - First synthetic report. (Technical Report, WP 100, GALOCAD Project, contract GJU/06/2423/CTR/GALOCAD).

Warnant, R., Kutiev, I., Marinov, P., & Andonov, B. (2007). Ionospheric and geomagnetic conditions during periods of degraded GPS position accuracy : 2. RTK events during disturbed and quiet geomagnetic conditions. Advances in Space Research, 39 (5), 881-888. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2006.06.018

Warnant, R., Kutiev, I., Marinov, P., Bavier, M., & Lejeune, S. (2007). Ionospheric and geomagnetic conditions during periods of degraded GPS position accuracy : 1. Monitoring variability in TEC which degrades the accuracy of Real Time Kinematic GPS applications. Advances in Space Research, 39 (5), 875-880. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2006.03.044

Warnant, R., Lejeune, S., & Bavier, M. (2007). Space Weather influence on satellite based navigation and precise positioning. In J. Lilensten (Ed.), Space Weather - Research towards Applications in Europe (pp. 129-146). Springer.

Lejeune, S., & Warnant, R. (2006). Near real time assessment of the ionosphere effect on high accuracy GNSS applications which require ambiguity resolution. In Proceedings of the 2nd COST296 Workshop.

Spits, J., & Warnant, R. (2006). Real time TEC monitoring using triple frequency GNSS data : A three step approach. In Proceedings of the 2nd COST296 Workshop.

Warnant, R., & Lejeune, S. (2006). Characterisation of ionospheric small-scale structures over mid-latitudes in Europe. In Proceedings of the International Civil Aviation Organization Meeting.

Warnant, R. (2006). L’effet de l’atmosphère terrestre sur les GNSS : une perturbation ou un signal géophysique ? [Paper presentation]. Société Royale Belge d’Astronomie, de Météorologie et de Physique du Globe, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Bavier, M., & Warnant, R. (2006). Detection and characterization of ionospheric irregularities using the Belgian dense GNSS network [Paper presentation]. COST296 2nd Workshop, Rennes, France.

Bavier, M., Warnant, R., & Lejeune, S. (2006). Detecting and forecasting ionospheric irregularities using a cross-correlation method applied to the Belgian dense GNSS network [Paper presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2006, Vienna, Austria.

Bavier, M., Warnant, R., Lejeune, S., Andonov, B., & Kutiev, I. (2006). Development of customer-oriented space weather related services for real-time GPS applications [Paper presentation]. 3rd European Space Weather Week, Brussels, Belgium.

Bruyninx, C., Carpentier, G., De Vidts, B., Dejardin, J.-P., Everaerts, M., Lambot, P., Lejeune, S., Pottiaux, E., Roosbeek, F., Van Huele, W., Voet, P., & Warnant, R. (2006). EUREF Related Activities in Belgium. In EUREF Publication No 14 (pp. 204-207). Ed. J. A. Torres and H. Hornik.

Donnay, J.-P., & Warnant, R. (Eds.). (2006). Techniques de positionnement par satellites. Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège, 47, 85.

Lejeune, S., & Warnant, R. (2006). Near real time assessment of the Space Weather effect on navigation based on the DGNSS technique [Paper presentation]. 3rd European Space Weather Week, Brussels, Belgium.

Lejeune, S., & Warnant, R. (2006). Near real time assessment of the Space Weather effect on high accuracy GNSS applications which require ambiguity resolution [Paper presentation]. 3rd European Space Weather Week, Brussels, Belgium.

Lejeune, S., & Warnant, R. (2006). Near real time assessment of the ionosphere effect on high accuracy GNSS applications which require ambiguity resolution [Paper presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2006, Vienna, Austria.

Spits, J., & Warnant, R. (2006). Real Time TEC monitoring using triple frequency GNSS data: a three step approach [Paper presentation]. 3rd European Space Weather Week, Brussels, Belgium.

Warnant, R. (2006). L’effet de l’atmosphère terrestre sur les GNSS : une perturbation ou un signal géophysique ? Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège, 47, 19-23.

Warnant, R., Bavier, M., Lejeune, S., Kutiev, I., Marinov, P., & Andonov, B. (2006). Impact of geomagnetic activity on high precision GNSS positioning. Galileo GALOCAD project [Paper presentation]. COST724 Management Committee Meeting, Antalya, Turkey.

Warnant, R., Kutiev, I., Jodogne, J.-C., & Pottiaux, E. (2006). GALOCAD : GALileo LOcal Component for nowcasting and forecasting Atmospheric Disturbances [Paper presentation]. 1st Galileo Joint Undertaking Workshop for Small and Medium Enterprises, Brussels, Belgium.

Warnant, R., Lejeune, S., & Bavier, M. (November 2005). Space Weather influence on satellite based navigation and precise positioning [Paper presentation]. Second European Space Weather Week, Noordwijk, Netherlands.

Andonov, B., Kutiev, I., Warnant, R., Nebdi, H., Bavier, M., & Rasson, J. (2005). Forecasting the Dourbes K index by using solar wind parameters. In Proceedings of Beacon Satellite Symposium 2004.

Bavier, M., Warnant, R., Barré, A., Lejeune, S., & Pottiaux, E. (2005). Near real-time evaluation of the EGNOS ionospheric correction at mid-latitude. In Proceedings of Beacon Satellite Symposium 2004.

Berghmans, D., Van der Linden, R., Vanlommel, P., Warnant, R., Zhukov, A., Robbrecht, E., Clette, F., Podlachikova, O., Nicula, B., Hochedez, J.-F., Wauters, L., & Willems, S. (2005). Solar activity : nowcasting and forecasting at the SIDC. Annales Geophysicae, 23, 3115-3128. doi:10.5194/angeo-23-3115-2005

Lejeune, S., Warnant, R., Barré, A., & Bavier, M. (2005). Near real time assessment of the Space Weather effect on navigation based on the DGPS technique [Paper presentation]. Second European Space Weather Week, Noordwijk, Netherlands.

Lejeune, S., Warnant, R., Barré, A., & Bavier, M. (2005). Near real-time assessment of the ionospheric effect on navigation based on DGPS corrections. In Proceedings of Beacon Satellite Symposium 2004.

Pottiaux, E., & Warnant, R. (2005). Sensing the atmospheric Water Vapour and meteorological events using Tropospheric Zenith Total Delays estimated from a regional network of GPS stations. In Proceedings of Beacon Satellite Symposium 2004.

Valette, J.-J., Yaya, P., Prévost, P.-L., Boucquaert, F., Lassudrie-Duchesne, P., Chouffot, M., Hugentobler, U., Hanuise, C., Issler, J.-L., Lanciaux, J., & Warnant, R. (2005). A GPS based prototype service for monitoring the ionospheric irregularities and scintillations at a global scale [Paper presentation]. Second European Space Weather Week, Noordwijk, Netherlands.

Vanlommel, P., Stegen, K., Warnant, R., & Van der Linden, R. (2005). Final Report of the Solar Influences Data Centre Space Weather Pilot Project. (Technical Report, ESA contract 16913/03/NL/LvH).

Vanlommel, P., Stegen, K., Warnant, R., & Van der Linden, R. (2005). Executive Summary of the of Solar Influences Data Centre Space Weather Pilot Project. (Technical Report, ESA contract 16913/03/NL/LvH).

Warnant, R. (2005). The SIDC GPS-Space Weather Service [Paper presentation]. Second European Space Weather Week, Noordwijk, Netherlands.

Warnant, R. (2005). Physique de la haute atmosphère et de l'espace : l'ionosphère terrestre. (UCL - Université Catholique de Louvain, PHYS2400).

Warnant, R. (2005). L’effet de l’atmosphère terrestre sur les GNSS : une perturbation ou un signal géophysique ? [Paper presentation]. Journée d’étude « Techniques de positionnement par satellites », Liège, Belgium.

Warnant, R. (2005). Contacts with GPS users for evaluation and improvement of the services. (Technical Report of Work Package 230, Solar Influences Data Centre Space Weather Pilot Project, ESA contract 16913/03/NL/LvH).

Warnant, R., Bavier, M., Lejeune, S., Pottiaux, E., Andonov, B., Kutiev, I., Barré, A., Nebdi, H., Rasson, J., & Van der Linden, R. (2005). Development of Space Weather related services for real-time GPS applications [Paper presentation]. Space Environment Centre Space Weather Week, Boulder, United States.

Warnant, R., Bavier, M., Lejeune, S., Pottiaux, E., Andonov, B., Kutiev, I., Barré, A., Nebdi, H., Rasson, J., & Van der Linden, R. (2005). A web-based service for the real time assessment and forecast of Space Weather effects on GNSS applications [Paper presentation]. Second European Space Weather Week, Noordwijk, Netherlands.

Warnant, R., Jodogne, J.-C., Delobbe, L., Rasson, J., Grevesse, J., Pottiaux, E., Bavier, M., Lejeune, S., Barré, A., Spits, J., Nebdi, H., & Van der Linden, R. (2005). Global Navigation Satellite Systems : A new tool in atmosphere sciences. In E. Arijs & B. Ducarme (Eds.), Proceedings of the Earth Science Day : “Geodesy and Geophysics for the third Millenium in Belgium” (pp. 137-138).

Beuthe, M., Bruyninx, C., Carpentier, G., Defraigne, P., Dehant, V., de Viron, O., Duron, J., Karatekin, O., Lejeune, S., Pottiaux, E., Renaud, F., Rivoldini, A., Roosbeek, F., Rosenblatt, P., Van Hoolst, T., Verhoeven, O., Warnant, R., & Yseboodt, M. (2004). Space Geodesy at the Royal Observatory of Belgium. In COSPAR report Period 2002-2003 (pp. 68-76).

Bruyninx, C., Carpentier, G., Lejeune, S., Pottiaux, E., Roosbeek, F., Voet, P., Van Huele, W., & Warnant, R. (2004). EUREF Related Activities in Belgium. In J. Torres & H. Hornik (Eds.), EUREF Publication No. 13 (pp. 213-216).

Francis, O., Van Camp, M., van Dam, T., Warnant, R., & Hendricks, M. (2004). Indication of the uplift of the Ardenne in long-term gravity variations in Membach (Belgium). Geophysical Journal International, 158, 346-352. doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2004.02310.x

Jodogne, J.-C., Nebdi, H., & Warnant, R. (2004). GPS TEC and ITEC from digisonde data compared with NEQUICK model. Advances in Radio Science, 2, 269-273. doi:10.5194/ars-2-269-2004

Morel, L., Witasse, O., Warnant, R., Cerisier, J.-C., Blelly, P., & Lilensten, J. (2004). Diagnostic of the dayside ionosphere of Mars using the Total Electron Content measurement by the NEIGE/Netlander experiment. Planetary and Space Science, 52, 603-611. doi:10.1016/j.pss.2003.12.007

Nebdi, H., Warnant, R., & Lejeune, S. (2004). Study of the correlation between small-scale TEC variability and geomagnetic activity. (Technical Report of Work Package 222, Solar Influences Data Centre Space Weather Pilot Project, ESA contract 16913/03/NL/LvH). Brussels, Belgium: Royal Observatory of Belgium.

Van Camp, M., Camelbeek, T., & Warnant, R. (2004). Intraplate deformations measured using an absolute gravimeter across the Ardenne and the Roer Graben (North-Western Europe). In B. Meurers & R. Pail (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on International Gravity Field Research (pp. 147-148).

Warnant, R., Bavier, M., Lejeune, S., Pottiaux, E., Andonov, B., Kutiev, I., Barré, A., Nebdi, H., Rasson, J., & Van der Linden, R. (2004). Development of Space Weather related services for real time GPS applications in the frame of the SIDC Space Weather Pilot Project [Paper presentation]. first European Space Weather Week, Noordwijk, Netherlands.

Warnant, R., Lejeune, S., Bavier, M., & Pottiaux, E. (2004). Assessment of the effect of TEC large-scale gradients on low-precision GPS applications by giving error maps depending on geographic location. (Technical Report of Work Package 213, Solar Influences Data Centre Space Weather Pilot Project, ESA contract 16913/03/NL/LvH).

Warnant, R., Lejeune, S., & Nebdi, H. (2004). Forecasts of black and red conditions for RTK users. (Technical Report of Work Package 223, Solar Influences Data Centre Space Weather Pilot Project, ESA contract 16913/03/NL/LvH). Brussels, Belgium: Royal Observatory of Belgium.

Bruyninx, C., Defraigne, P., Ducarme, B., Everaerts, M., Pottiaux, E., Roosbeek, F., Warnant, R., & Voet, P. (2003). Belgian Report to the IAG-subcommission “EUREF”. In Proceedings of EUREF 2002 Symposium (pp. 228-231).

Camelbeeck, T., Warnant, R., Vanneste, K., & Van Camp, M. (2003). Present-day vertical crustal motion and active faulting in the Roer graben [Paper presentation]. Workshop on the State of GPS Vertical Positioning Precision: Separation of Earth Processes by Space Geodesy, Luxemburg City, Luxembourg.

Cugnon, P., Van der Linden, R., Berghmans, D., Vanlommel, P., Robbrecht, E., Clette, F., Zhukov, A., Wauters, L., Warnant, R., Bruyninx, C., Nebdi, H., Jodogne, J.-C., Heynderickx, D., Stegen, K., Kruglanski, M., Roth, M., & Henry, J.-P. (2003). The Solar Influences Data Centre : A Partnership for Space Weather [Paper presentation]. ESA Space Weather Workshop : Developing a European Space Weather Service Network, Noordwijk, Netherlands.

Pottiaux, E., Becker, M., Buerki, B., Gyger, R., Häfele, P., Plötz, C., Schlueter, W., Schwarz, W., Somieski, A., & Warnant, R. (2003). The Radcalwet observation campaign: relative and absolute calibration of WVR's [Paper presentation]. EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France.

Pottiaux, E., Becker, M., Buerki, B., Gyger, R., Häfele, P., Plötz, C., Schlueter, W., Schwarz, W., Somieski, A., & Warnant, R. (2003). Calibration and quality assessment of water vapor radiometer observations using radiosonde GPS and VLBI [Paper presentation]. EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France.

Pottiaux, E., & Warnant, R. (2003). Tropospheric Delay Estimations in a Regional Network of EUREF Stations. Quality assessment using Water Vapour Radiometer and Radiosonde Observations. In Proceedings of EUREF 2002 Symposium (pp. 91-96).

Pottiaux, E., & Warnant, R. (2003). First experiences with a Water Vapour Radiometer at the Royal Observatory of Belgium. In Proceedings of EUREF 2002 Symposium (pp. 351-354).

Stankov, S., Jakowski, N., Muhtarov, P., Kutiev, I., Heise, S., & Warnant, R. (2003). A new method for reconstruction of the vertical electron density distribution in the upper ionosphere and plasmasphere. Journal of Geophysical Research. Space Physics, 108 (A51164), 1164. doi:10.1029/2002JA009570

Stankov, S., Warnant, R., & Jodogne, J.-C. (2003). Real-time reconstruction of the vertical electron density distribution from GPS TEC measurements. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hungarica, 38 (4), 377-388. doi:10.1556/AGeod.38.2003.4.1

Van Camp, M., Camelbeeck, T., Vanneste, K., & Warnant, R. (2003). Present day and geologic deformation rates in the Ardenne and the lower Rhine embayment (North-western Europe) [Paper presentation]. EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France.

Van Camp, M., Dassargues, A., Vanneste, K., Verbeeck, K., & Warnant, R. (2003). Local Hydrological effects in Membach, Belgium: influence on the long term gravity variation [Paper presentation]. EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France.

Warnant, R. (2003). Assessment of the effect of TEC medium-scale gradients on low-precision DPN-GPS applications using a system of colors. (Technical Report of Work Package 211, Solar Influences Data Centre Space Weather Pilot Project, ESA contract 16913/03/NL/LvH).

Warnant, R. (2003). Amélioration de la correction troposphérique appliquée en Géodésie spatiale en utilisant les mesures effectuées par un radiomètre à vapeur d’eau et par des sondes météorologiques. (Rapport d’activité 2001-2002 du projet Action 1 (MO/33/005)-SPP Politique scientifique).

Warnant, R., Grevesse, J., & Pottiaux, E. (2003). Processing GPS measurements during periods of high ionospheric activity. In Proceedings of EUREF 2002 Symposium (pp. 365-368).

Warnant, R., Lejeune, S., & Pottiaux, E. (2003). Assessment of the effect of small-scale TEC gradients on DPN-GPS applications using a system of colors. (Technical Report of Work Package 221, Solar Influences Data Centre Space Weather Pilot Project, ESA contract 16913/03/NL/LvH).

Warnant, R., Morel, L., Stankov, S., Jodogne, J.-C., Nebdi, H., & Jakowski, N. (2003). The use of DORIS as a tool to study the Earth ionosphere [Paper presentation]. 2003 IDS Analysis Workshop, Marne La Vallée, France.

Warnant, R., Nebdi, H., & Pottiaux, E. (2003). Near real-time validation of GPS-TEC using ionosonde TEC at Dourbes. (Technical Report of Work Package 212, Solar Influences Data Centre Space Weather Pilot Project, ESA contract 16913/03/NL/LvH).

Warnant, R., Stankov, S., Jodogne, J.-C., & Nebdi, H. (2003). The monitoring of the ionospheric activity using GPS measurements. In Proceedings of the COST271 2002 workshop.

Witasse, O., Blelly, P., Lilensten, J., Molina-Cuberos, G., Lebreton, J.-P., & Warnant, R. (2003). A new Mars ionosphere/airglow Model between 60 and 500 km altitude. In Proceedings of the Workshop “Mars Atmosphere Modelling and Observations” (pp. 11-7).

Witasse, O., Bougher, S. W., Cerisier, J.-C., Warnant, R., Lebreton, J.-P., Blelly, P.-L., & Fontanari, J. (2003). Effects of a dust storm on the coupled Mars thermosphere ionosphere [Paper presentation]. EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France.

Warnant, R., Jodogne, J.-C., & Nebdi, H. (2002). The influence of Space Weather and of the ionosphere on Global Navigation Satellite Systems [Paper presentation]. journée “Global Navigation Satellite Systems : a proven and evolving technology”, Brussels, Belgium.

Stankov, S., Jakowski, N., Wehrenpfenning, A., & Warnant, R. (2002). Index of local response to geomagnetic activity for use in the short-term ionospheric forecast. In Proceedings of the COST271 2002 workshop.

Stankov, S., Warnant, R., & Jodogne, J.-C. (2002). Improved operational model for real-time reconstruction of the electron density profile at a single ionosonde location. In Proceedings of the COST271 2002 workshop.

Warnant, R. (2002). GPS : A tool to study the Earth Atmosphere [Paper presentation]. Comité national belge de Radioélectricité.

Stankov, S., Warnant, R., & Jodogne, J.-C. (2002). Operational model for real-time reconstruction of the electron density profile using GPS TEC measurements. In Proceedings of the XXVII URSI General Assembly.

Warnant, R. (2002). Atmospheric perturbations on GNSS signals and their influence on time transfer. In Proceedings of the XXVII URSI General Assembly.

Stankov, S., Warnant, R., & Jodogne, J.-C. (April 2002). A real-time operational procedure for GPS TEC based reconstruction of the electron profile at a single ionosonde location. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 4 (ABS No. EGS02-A-05554).

Warnant, R. (2002). Le GPS, un système à tout faire ? [Paper presentation]. "Evénements-Rencontres” de l’Infopole, Namur, Belgium.

Bruyninx, C., Defraigne, P., Ducarme, B., Everaerts, M., Pottiaux, E., Roosbeek, F., Voet, P., & Warnant, R. (2002). Belgian Report to the IAG-subcommission “EUREF”. In J. Torres & H. Hornik (Eds.), EUREF Publication N°10 (pp. 72-75).

Dehant, V., Bruyninx, C., Defraigne, P., de Viron, O., Roosbeek, F., Van Hoolst, T., & Warnant, R. (2002). Space Geodesy at the Royal Observatory of Belgium. In COSPAR report Period 2000-2001, Part III (A) (pp. 63-71).

Morel, L., Witasse, O., Warnant, R., Cerisier, J.-C., Blelly, P.-L., & Lilensten, J. (2002). Modeling the Martian Ionosphere using the Total Electron Content measurement by the NEIGE/NETLANDER experiment and coordination with other experiments (GPR, Magnet) [Paper presentation]. XXVII General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Nice, France.

Morel, L., Witasse, O., Warnant, R., Cerisier, J.-C., Blelly, P., & Lilensten, J. (2002). Modeling the Martian ionosphere using the Total Electron Content measurement by the NEIGE/NETLANDER experiment. In Proceedings of the XXVII URSI General Assembly.

Pottiaux, E., & Warnant, R. (2002). Quality assessment of GPS Integrated Precipitable Water Vapour Estimations using Water Vapour Radiometer Observations. In Proceedings of the IAG General Assembly 2001.

Pottiaux, E., & Warnant, R. (2002). First comparisons of precipitable water vapour estimations using GPS and water vapour radiometers at the Royal Observatory of Belgium. GPS Solutions, 6 (1-2), 11-17. doi:10.1007/s10291-002-0007-5

Van Camp, M., Warnant, R., Francis, O., & Morel, L. (2002). GPS, superconducting and absolute gravimeter measurements to evaluate crustal deformation in Membach, Belgium [Paper presentation]. 27th General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Nice, France.

Van Camp, M., Warnant, R., Vanneste, K., Verbeeck, K., Petermans, T., El Bouch, A., Dassargues, A., & Crommen, O. (2002). Measuring local hydrological effects on the long term-gravity variation in Membach, Belgium [Paper presentation]. AGU 2002 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, United States.

Warnant, R., Jodogne, J.-C., & Nebdi, H. (2002). The influence of Space Weather and of the ionosphere on Global Navigation Satellite Systems [Paper presentation]. GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC) ISC European Meeting, Brussels, Belgium.

Barriot, J.-P., Dehant, V., Folkner, W., Cerisier, J.-C., Ribes, A., Benoist, J., Van Hoolst, T., Warnant, R., Preston, R. A., Romans, L. J., Wu, S. C., & Wernik, A. W. (2001). The Netlander Ionosphere and Geodesy Experiment [Paper presentation]. 2nd Netlander Scientific Meeting, Nantes, France.

Barriot, J.-P., Dehant, V., Folkner, W., Cerisier, J.-C., Ribes, A., Benoist, J., Van Hoolst, T., Warnant, R., Preston, R. A., Romans, L., Wu, S., & Wernik, A. W. (2001). The NETLANDER Ionosphere and Geodesy Experiment. Advances in Space Research, 28 (8), 1237-1249. doi:10.1016/S0273-1177(01)00295-2

Bruyninx, C., Evraerts, M., Mues, F., Muls, A., Pottiaux, Voet, P., & Warnant, R. (2001). EUREF Related Activities in Belgium. In J. Torres & H. Hornik (Eds.), EUREF Publication (pp. 244-247).

Bruyninx, C., Warnant, R., Dehant, V., Defraigne, P., Van Hoolst, T., Roosbeek, F., Pottiaux, E., Yseboodt, M., Ponsar, S., de Viron, O., Brondeel, M., & Sleewaegen, J.-M. (2001). Space Geodesy Activities of the Section “Time, Earth Rotation and Space Geodesy” of the Royal Observatory of Belgium. In Earth Observation/Internal Geophysics and Geodesy (pp. 1, pp. 25-39). SSTC/DWTC.

Cerisier, J.-C., Warnant, R., & Morel, L. (2001). The Ionospheric Total Electron Content : Simulation of the measurement by the NEIGE/NETLANDER experiment [Paper presentation]. 2Nd Netlander Scientific Meeting, Nantes, France.

Dehant, V., Van Hoolst, T., Defraigne, P., Warnant, R., & Roosbeek, F. (2001). NEIGE: Netlander Ionosphere and Geodesy Experiment. In Space Sciences/Planetary Geodesy (pp. 2, 173-184). SSTC/DWTC.

Morel, L., Witasse, O., Warnant, R., Cerisier, J.-C., Blelly, P., & Lilenstein, J. (2001). Modeling the Martian ionosphere using the Total Electron Content measurement by the NEIGE/NETLANDER experiment [Poster presentation]. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, United States.

Warnant, R. (2001). Géodésie : le système GPS. (UCL - Université Catholique de Louvain, GEOG3110).

Warnant, R. (2001). Amélioration de la correction troposphérique appliquée en Géodésie spatiale en utilisant les mesures effectuées par un radiomètre à vapeur d’eau et par des sondes météorologiques. (Rapport d’activité 1999-2000 du projet Action 1 (MO/33/002)- SPP Politique scientifique).

Bruyninx, C., Dehant, V., Everaerts, M., Pottiaux, E., Warnant, R., Voet, P., & Muls, A. (2000). Belgian Activities Related to the EUREF Subcommission. In E. Gubler, J. Torres, ... H. Hornik (Eds.), EUREF Publication (pp. 140-143).

Trotignon, J.-G., Parrot, M., Cerisier, J.-C., Menvielle, M., Axford, W. I., Paetzold, M., Warnant, R., & Wernik, A. W. (2000). The plasma environment of Mars : from the shocked solar wind down to the ionosphere. Planetary and Space Science, 48 (12-14), 1181-1191. doi:10.1016/S0032-0633(00)00102-1

Warnant, R. (2000). Seven years of continuous Total Electron Content measurements using the Global Positioning System. In J. Lemaire (Ed.), Proceedings of the URSI 2000 Forum (pp. 51-54). Brussels, Belgium: Institut d'Aéronomie Spatiale.

Warnant, R., & Pottiaux, E. (2000). The increase of the ionospheric activity as measured by GPS. Earth, Planets, and Space, 52 (11), 1055-1060. doi:10.1186/BF03352330

Bruyninx, C., Warnant, R., Everaerts, M., Sleewaegen, J.-M., Muls, A., & Voet, P. (1999). National Report of Belgium. In E. Gubler & H. Hornik (Eds.), EUREF Publication N° 7/I (pp. 155-157). Frankfurt am main, Germany: Bundesamtes für Kartographie und Geodäsie.

Dehant, V., Brondeel, M., Bruyninx, C., Coene, Y., Defraigne, P., de Viron, O., Driegelinck, E., Mesmaker, D., Moyaert, A., Roosbeek, F., Sleewaegen, J.-M., Van Camp, L., Van Hoolst, T., & Warnant, R. (1999). Objectifs scientifiques de la Section Heure, Rotation de la Terre et Géodésie Spatiale de l’Observatoire Royal de Belgique. Ciel et Terre, 115 (3), 127-133.

Bruyninx, C., Brondeel, M., Dehant, V., Everaerts, M., Sleewaegen, J.-M., Warnant, R., Muls, A., & Voet, P. (1998). National Report of Belgium. Veröffentlichungen der Bayerischen Kommission für die Internationale Erdmessung, Astronomisch - Geodätische Arbeiten, 58, 138-146.

Cerisier, J.-C., Axford, W. I., Paëtzold, M., Parrot, M., Trotignon, J.-G., Warnant, R., & Wernik, A. W. (1998). Netlander Ionospheric TEC Experiment [Paper presentation]. Netlander Workshop, Paris, France.

Muls, A., Sleewaegen, J.-M., Bruyninx, C., & Warnant, R. (1998). The redesign of the Belgian permanent GPS network for future (near) real-time applications. Annales Geophysicae, 16 (Suppl. I, C394).

Warnant, R. (1998). The study of the TEC and its irregularities using a regional network of GPS stations. In J. Dow, J. Kouba, ... T. Springer (Eds.), Proceedings of the IGS 1998 Analysis Center Workshop (pp. 249-263).

Warnant, R. (1998). Le Global Positioning System au service des sciences de la Terre. Ciel et Terre, 114 (6), 166-173.

Warnant, R. (1998). Detection of irregularities in the TEC using GPS measurements. Application to a mid-latitude station. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hungarica, 33 (1), 121-128.

Warnant, R., & Jodogne, J.-C. (1998). A comparison between the TEC computed using GPS and ionosonde measurements. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hungarica, 33 (1), 147-153.

Brondeel, M., Bruyninx, C., Sleewaegen, J.-M., Warnant, R., & Muls, A. (1997). Design and perspectives of the permanent GPS network in Belgium. Reports On Geodesy, 7 (27), 199-209.

Warnant, R. (1997). Using the Global Positioning System to monitor active faults in “stable continental Europe”. Aardkundige Mededelingen, 8, 205-208.

Warnant, R. (1997). Reliability of the TEC computed using GPS measurements: the problem of hardware biases. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hungarica, 32 (3-4), 451-459.

Warnant, R. (1997). Influence of the ionospheric refraction on time transfer using GPS. In Proceedings of the 11 th. European Frequency and Time Forum (pp. 529).

Warnant, R. (1997). Influence of the ionospheric refraction on the repeatability of distances computed by GPS. In Proceedings of the ION GPS’ 97 meeting (pp. 217-223). The Institute of Navigation.

Warnant, R. (1996). Déterminations de positions relatives effectuées grâce au Global Positioning System. Influence de la réfraction ionosphérique [Paper presentation]. Comité national belge de Géodésie et de Géophysique, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Warnant, R. (1996). Etude du comportement du Contenu Electronique Total et de ses irrégularités dans une région de latitude moyenne. Application aux calculs de positions relatives par le GPS [Doctoral thesis, UCL - Université Catholique de Louvain]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Warnant, R. (1996). Improvement of the Ionospheric Correction Applied in Positioning by Satellites. (Rapport final du projet européen CIPA-CT0130).

Warnant, R. (1996). Effect of the ionospheric refraction on GPS measurements: application to time transfer [Paper presentation]. Third Meeting of the Time Laboratory Representatives, Paris, France.

Warnant, R. (1996). Comparison between the Total Electron Content computed using GPS measurements and ionosonde observations. (Rapport d'activités écrit dans le cadre du projet européen "Improvement of the Ionospheric Correction Applied in Positioning by Satellites").

Warnant, R. (1995). Les sources d’erreurs affectant le GPS [Paper presentation]. Journées d’étude “La technologie GPS pour les utilisateurs belges”, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Warnant, R. (1995). Les quantités physiques mesurées par les récepteurs GPS [Paper presentation]. Journées d’étude “La technologie GPS pour les utilisateurs belges”, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Bruyninx, C., & Warnant, R. (1995). Using the GPS Technique for the Detection of Ground Displacements on the Mt. Etna Volcano [Poster presentation]. XXI Assemblée de l'UGGI, Boulder, United States.

Bruyninx, C., & Warnant, R. (1995). Detection of Ground Movements on the Mt. Etna Volcano using the Global Positioning System. Acta Vulcanologica, 7 (1), 27-33.

Collin, F., & Warnant, R. (1995). Application of the Wavelet Transform for GPS Cycle Slip Correction and Comparison with Kalman Filter. Manuscripta Geodaetica, 20, 161-172.

Warnant, R. (1995). Les sources d’erreurs affectant le GPS. Actes des journées d’étude “La technologie GPS pour les utilisateurs belges”.

Warnant, R. (1995). Les quantités physiques mesurées par les récepteurs GPS. Actes des journées d’étude “La technologie GPS pour les utilisateurs belges”.

Warnant, R. (1995). Detection of large gradients in the ionospheric Total Electron Content using GPS measurements. (Rapport d'activités écrit dans le cadre du projet européen "Improvement of the Ionospheric Correction Applied in Positioning by Satellites").

Warnant, R., & Bruyninx, C. (1995). La géodésie spatiale à l'Observatoire Royal de Belgique. Nouvelles de la Science et des Technologies, 13 (2/3/4), 29-31.

Bruyninx, C., & Warnant, R. (1994). The GPS Observation Campaigns on the Mt. Etna Volcano from 1992 to 1994. (Rapport final du projet européen "Volcanic Deformation and Tidal Gravity Effects at Mount Etna").

Bruyninx, C., & Warnant, R. (1994). Detection of Crustal Deformation on Mt. Etna using the ROB-IIV GPS Network [Poster presentation]. Workshop on European Laboratory Volcanoes, Catania, Italy.

Wanninger, L., Sardon, E., & Warnant, R. (1994). Determination of the Total Ionospheric Electron Content with GPS - Difficulties and their Solution. In L. Kersley (Ed.), Proceedings of Beacon Satellite Symposium '94 (pp. 13-16). Aberystwyth, United Kingdom: University of Aberystwyth.

Warnant, R. (1994). Satellite Geodesy at the Royal Observatory of Belgium. In Space Scientific Research in Belgium, Volume III: “Earth Observation” (pp. 13-15). Brussels, Belgium: Services de Programmation de la Politique Scientifique.

Warnant, R. (1994). Etude de l'effet de la réfraction ionosphérique sur les mesures de distances effectuées grâce aux satellites GPS. In Proceedings du Forum URSI 1994 (pp. 86-88).

Warnant, R. (1994). Computation of the Ionospheric Absolute Total Electron Content Using GPS Data. (Rapport d'activités écrit dans le cadre du projet européen "Improvement of the Ionospheric Correction Applied in Positioning by Satellites").

Warnant, R., Jodogne, J.-C., & Van Camp, M. (1994). A Comparison of TEC Values Derived by Using GPS, Ionosonde and NNSS Data. In L. Kersley (Ed.), Proceedings of Beacon Satellite Symposium '94 (pp. 342-345). Aberystwyth, United Kingdom: University of Aberystwyth.

Warnant, R., & Wanninger, L. (1994). Monitoring the Ionospheric TEC using GPS Data. In L. Kersley (Ed.), Proceedings of Beacon Satellite Symposium '94 (pp. 346-349). Aberystwyth, United Kingdom: University of Aberystwyth.

Bruyninx, C., & Warnant, R. (1993). The ROB-IIV GPS Network on Etna [Poster presentation]. journée d'information sur la prévention des catastrophes naturelles, Brussels, Belgium.

Bruyninx, C., & Warnant, R. (1993). Organisation and Processing Status of the ROB GPS Network on Etna. (Rapport d'activités écrit dans le cadre du projet Science Etna: "Volcanic Deformation and Tidal Gravity Effects at Mount Etna").

Bruyninx, C., & Warnant, R. (1993). Experiences with the Processing of the ROB-IIV '92 GPS Survey on Mount Etna. (GPS Report 17). Brussels, Belgium: Royal Observatory of Belgium.

Collin, F., Warnant, R., & Bruyninx, C. (1993). Application of the Wavelet Transform for GPS Cycle Slip Detection and Comparison with Kalman Filter [Paper presentation]. 75èmes Journées Luxembourgeoises de Géodynamique, Walferdange, Luxembourg.

Collin, F., Warnant, R., & Bruyninx, C. (1993). Application of the Wavelet Transform for GPS Cycle Slip Detection and Comparison with Kalman Filter [Paper presentation]. Réunion Générale de l'Association Internationale de Géodésie, Beijing, China.

Warnant, R., Bruyninx, C., & Puglisi, G. (1993). The ROB-IIV GPS Network on Etna. Results of the '92 Campaign [Paper presentation]. 75è Journées Luxembourgeoises de Géodynamique, Walferdange, Luxembourg.

Warnant, R., Bruyninx, C., & Puglisi, G. (1993). The ROB-IIV GPS Network on Etna. First Results. In J. Flick (Ed.), Cahiers du Centre Européen de Géodynamique et de Séismologie - Volume 8 (pp. 115-128).

Bruyninx, C., Warnant, R., & Pâquet, P. (1992). GPS activities at the Royal Observatory of Belgium. In Veröffentlichungen der Bayerischen Kommission für die Internationale Erdmessung, Astronomisch - Geodätische Arbeiten, Heft 52 (pp. 44-49).

Warnant, R. (1990). De la géodésie au centimètre près avec GPS ? [Paper presentation]. Société Belge de Photogrammétrie, de Télédétection et de Cartographie.

Bruyninx, C., & Warnant, R. (1990). Dérivation des équations d'observation. (GPS Report 6). Brussels, Belgium: Royal Observatory of Belgium.

Bruyninx, C., Warnant, R., & Pâquet, P. (1990). Status of the ROB GPS software. In J. Flick (Ed.), Cahiers du Centre Européen de Géodynamique et de Séismologie - Volume 2 (pp. 95-105).

Warnant, R. (1989). Interprétation des données GPS TRIMBLE 4000 SLD. (GPS Report 3). Brussels, Belgium: Royal Observatory of Belgium.

Warnant, R., & Louis, L. (1989). Pseudorange. (GPS Report 4). Brussels, Belgium: Royal Observatory of Belgium.

Warnant, R. (1988). Equilibre thermique et ionique dans la couronne et dans le vent solaire [Master’s dissertation, UCL - Université Catholique de Louvain]. ORBi-University of Liège.