Guilliams, A., Banneux, F., Rubens, U., Gason, O., Chapeau, P., Sevinç, O., Hoyoux, A., Lejeune, C., & Marée, R. (September 2024). On designing Shareish, an open-source, map-based, web platform to facilitate diverse solidarity practices. Human Technology: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Humans in ICT Environments, 20 (2), 285–324. doi:10.14254/1795-6889.2024.20-2.4 |
Marée, R. (12 May 2024). Shareish and post-growth: A combination of non-monetary solidarity practices, online radical cartography, and open-source development [Paper presentation]. CHI24 workshop on Post-growth human-computer interaction: Co-envisioning HCI beyond economic growth, United States - Hawaii. |
Kumar, N., Marée, R., Geurts, P., & Muller, M. (2023). Recent Advances in Bioimage Analysis Methods for Detecting Skeletal Deformities in Biomedical and Aquaculture Fish Species. Biomolecules. doi:10.3390/biom13121797 ![]() |
Marée, R. (2023). Development of software tools to foster collaboration with open source & open data: Cytomine (image analysis) & Shareish (citizen mutual aid) [Paper presentation]. Open Science Day 2023. |
Fries, A., Pirotte, M., Vanhee, L., Bonnet, P., Quatresooz, P., Debruyne, C., Marée, R., & Defaweux, V. (2023). Validating instructional design and predicting student performance in histology education: Using machine learning via virtual microscopy. Anatomical Sciences Education. doi:10.1002/ase.2346 |
Guilliams, A., Rubens, U., Florent Banneux, Chapeau, P., & Marée, R. (2023). Shareish (Share & Cherish): an open-source, map-based, web platform to foster mutual aid. In Proceedings 11th International Conference on Communities and Technologies. New York, United States: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3593743.3593790 |
Kumar, N., Claudia Di Biagio, Zachary Dellacqua, Raman, R., Arianna Martini, Clara Boglione, Muller, M., Geurts, P., & Marée, R. (2023). Empirical Evaluation of Deep Learning Approaches for Landmark Detection in Fish Bioimages. In Computer Vision – ECCV 2022 Workshops. ECCV 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Cham, Unknown/unspecified: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-25069-9_31 |
Mormont, R., Testouri, M., Marée, R., & Geurts, P. (2022). Relieving pixel-wise labeling effort for pathology image segmentation with self-training. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Genève, Switzerland: Springer Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-25082-8_39 |
Zoratto, S., Christopher Kremslehner, Michaela Sochorova, Rubens, U., Le, B., Marée, R., Florian Gruber, & Martina Marchetti-Deschmann. (September 2022). Integration of MALDI FTICR MSI data with the open-source software Cytomine [Poster presentation]. COMULIS conference. |
Navdeep Kumar, Zachary Dellacqua, Clara Boglione, Arianna Martini, Muller, M., Geurts, P., & Marée, R. (04 October 2021). Towards Setting up of an Automatic Recognition System for Vertebrae and Opercular Anomalies in Reared Gilthead Seabream(Sparus aurata) [Poster presentation]. Aquaculture Europe 2021, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. |
Kumar, N., Carletti, A., Gavaia, P. J., Muller, M., Cancela, L., Geurts, P., & Marée, R. (2021). Deep Learning approaches for Head and Operculum Segmentation in Zebrafish Microscopy Images. In Part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNIP, volume 13052). Switzerland: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-89128-2_15 |
Paul-Gilloteaux, P., Tosi, S., Hériché, J.-K., Gaignard, A., Ménager, H., Marée, R., Baecker, V., Klemm, A., Kalaš, M., Zhang, C., Miura, K., & Colombelli, J. (2021). Bioimage analysis workflows: Community resources to navigate through a complex ecosystem. F1000Research, 10. doi:10.12688/f1000research.52569.1 |
Rubens, U.* , Mormont, R.* , Paavolainen, L., Bäcker, V., Pavie, B., Scholz, L. A., Michiels, G., Maska, M., Ünay, D., Ball, G., Hoyoux, R., Vandaele, R., Golani, O., Stanciu, S. G., Sladoje, N., Paul-Gilloteaux, P., Marée, R.* , & Tosi, S.*. (12 June 2020). BIAFLOWS: A Collaborative Framework to Reproducibly Deploy and Benchmark Bioimage Analysis Workflows. Patterns, 1. doi:10.1016/j.patter.2020.100040 * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Mormont, R., Geurts, P., & Marée, R. (2020). Multi-task pre-training of deep neural networks for digital pathology. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. doi:10.1109/JBHI.2020.2992878 |
Marée, R. (2019). Open Practices and Resources for Collaborative Digital Pathology. Frontiers in Medicine. doi:10.3389/fmed.2019.00255 |
Rocks, N., Vanwinge, C., Radermecker, C., Blacher, S., Gilles, C., Marée, R., Gillard, A., Evrard, B., Pequeux, C., Marichal, T., Noël, A., & Cataldo, D. (08 September 2019). Ozone-primed neutrophils promote early steps of tumor cell metastasis to lungs by enhancing their NET production [Poster presentation]. IASLC 2019 World Conference on Lung Cancer. |
Rocks, N., Vanwinge, C., Radermecker, C., Blacher, S., Gilles, C., Marée, R., Gillard, A., Evrard, B., Pequeux, C., Marichal, T., Noël, A., & Cataldo, D. (29 May 2019). Ozone-primed neutrophils promote early steps of tumor cell metastasis to lungs by enhancing their NET production. Thorax, 0, 1-12. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2018-211990 |
Rubens, U., Hoyoux, R., Vanosmael, L., Ouras, M., Tasset, M., Hamilton, C., Longuespée, R., & Marée, R. (2018). Cytomine: towards an open and collaborative software platform for digital pathology bridged to molecular investigations. Proteomics. Clinical Applications, 1800057. doi:10.1002/prca.201800057 |
Multon, S., Pesesse, L., Weatherspoon, A., Florquin, S., Van de Poël, J.-F., Martin, P., Vincke, G., Hoyoux, R., Marée, R., Verpoorten, D., Bonnet, P., Quatresooz, P., & Defaweux, V. (April 2018). UN « MASSIVE OPEN ONLINE COURSE » (MOOC) SUR DES TRAVAUX PRATIQUES EN HISTOLOGIE : UN OBJECTIF, UN OUTIL, UN PUBLIC VARIE ! RETOUR SUR UNE PREMIERE EXPERIENCE. Annales de Pathologie, 38 (2), 76-84. doi:10.1016/j.annpat.2018.02.002 |
Mormont, R., Geurts, P., & Marée, R. (2018). Comparison of deep transfer learning strategies for digital pathology. In 2018 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW). IEEE. |
Vandaele, R., Aceto, J., Muller, M., Peronnet, F., Debat, V., Wang, C.-W., Huang, C.-T., Jodogne, S., Martinive, P., Geurts, P., & Marée, R. (2018). Landmark detection in 2D bioimages for geometric morphometrics: a multi-resolution tree-based approach. Scientific Reports, 8 (1), 538. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-18993-5 |
BEKAERT, S., Fillet, M., Detry, B., Pichavant, M., Marée, R., Noël, A., Rocks, N., & Cataldo, D. (21 December 2017). Inflammation-Generated Extracellular Matrix Fragments Drive Lung Metastasis. Cancer Growth and Metastasis, 10, 1-11. doi:10.1177/1179064417745539 |
Marée, R. (2017). The need for careful data collection for pattern recognition in digital pathology. Journal of Pathology Informatics. doi:10.4103/jpi.jpi_94_16 |
Vandaele, R., LALLEMAND, F., MARTINIVE, P., GULYBAN, A., JODOGNE, S., COUCKE, P., Geurts, P., & Marée, R. (2017). Automated multimodal volume registration based on supervised 3D anatomical landmark detection. In SCITEPRESS Digital Library. |
Mormont, R., Begon, J.-M., Hoyoux, R., & Marée, R. (12 September 2016). SLDC: an open-source workflow for object detection in multi-gigapixel images [Paper presentation]. The 25th Belgian-Dutch Conference on Machine Learning (Benelearn), Kortrijk, Belgium. |
Verpoorten, D., Vincke, G., Pesesse, L., Multon, S., Weatherspoon, A., Marée, R., Wehenkel, L., QUATRESOOZ, P., D'Haene, N., Salmon, I., Renard, P., Depiereux, E., Snoeck, C., Denis, B., Hoyoux, R., & Defaweux, V. (06 June 2016). Mettre en place des « tableaux » de bord dans l’étude de l’histologie – Une exploration du potentiel pédagogique des traces d’apprentissage [Paper presentation]. 29ème Congrès de l’Association Internationale de Pédagogie Universitaire (AIPU), Lausanne, Switzerland. |
Marée, R., Rollus, L., Stévens, B., Hoyoux, R., Louppe, G., Vandaele, R., Begon, J.-M., Kainz, P., Geurts, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2016). Collaborative analysis of multi-gigapixel imaging data using Cytomine. Bioinformatics, 7. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btw013 |
Marée, R., Geurts, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2016). Towards Generic Image Classification using Tree-based Learning: an Extensive Empirical Study. Pattern Recognition Letters, 74 (15), 17-23. doi:10.1016/j.patrec.2016.01.006 |
Marée, R., Olivo-Marin, J.-C., & Meas-Yedid, V. (2016). An approach for detection of glomeruli in multisite digital pathology. In Proceedings International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (pp. 4). doi:10.1109/ISBI.2016.7493442 |
Vincke, G., Marée, R., Wehenkel, L., Defaweux, V., Quatresooz, P., D'Haene, N., Salmon, I., Renard, P., Depiereux, E., Snoeck, C., Denis, B., & Verpoorten, D. (10 November 2015). Conduire un projet techno-pédagogique avec trois universités francophones belges [Poster presentation]. 11e journée d’étude ABC-éduc -- La collaboration et la recherche en éducation : quelles collaborations ?, Liège, Belgium. |
Marée, R., Jean-Christophe, O.-M., & Vannary, M.-Y. (08 September 2015). Détection automatique de glomérules en pathologie digitale [Paper presentation]. 25ème colloque GRETSI, Lyon, France. |
Vandaele, R., Marée, R., COUCKE, P., GULYBAN, A., LALLEMAND, F., Geurts, P., JODOGNE, S., & MARTINIVE, P. (April 2015). Automated Landmark Detection For Rigid Registration Between The Simulation-CT and the Treatment CBCT [Poster presentation]. 3rd ESTRO FORUM, Barcelone, Spain. |
WEEKERS, L., De Tullio, P., BOVY, C., Poma, L., Marée, R., BONVOISIN, C., Defraigne, J.-O., Krzesinski, J.-M., & Jouret, F. (30 January 2015). Activation of the calcium-sensing receptor before renal ischemia/reperfusion exacerbates kidney injury. American Journal of Translational Research, 7 (1), 128-138. |
Aceto, J., Nourizadeh-Lillabadi, R., Marée, R., Dardenne, N., Jeanray, N., Wehenkel, L., Aleström, P., van Loon, J., & Muller, M. (2015). Zebrafish bone and general physiology are differently affected by hormones or changes in gravity. PLoS ONE, 10 (6), 1-42. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0126928 |
Boukerroucha, M., Josse, C., El Guendi, S., Boujemla, B., Freres, P., Marée, R., Wenric, S., SEGERS, K., COLLIGNON, J., Jerusalem, G., & Bours, V. (2015). Evaluation of BRCA1-related molecular features and microRNAs as prognostic factors for triple negative breast cancers. BMC Cancer, 15 (1), 755. doi:10.1186/s12885-015-1740-9 |
Boukerroucha, M., Josse, C., El Guendi, S., FRERES, P., Marée, R., Wenric, S., SEGERS, K., COLLIGNON, J., JERUSALEM, G., & BOURS, V. (2015). Genetic study of triple negative breast cancers [Poster presentation]. Impakt Breast Cancer Conference, Brussels, Belgium. doi:10.1093/annonc/mdv116.11 |
Ching Wei, W., Cheng-Ta, H., Meng-Che, H., Chu-Hsing, L., Vandaele, R., Sheng-Wei, C., Wei-Cheng, L., Marée, R., Guoyan, Z., Ghassan, H., Vrtovec, T., JODOGNE, S., Geurts, P., Chengwen, C., Hengameh, M., & Bulat, I. (2015). Evaluation and Comparison of Anatomical Landmark Detection Methods for Cephalometric X-Ray Images: A Grand Challenge. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. doi:10.1109/TMI.2015.2412951 |
Jeanray, N., Marée, R., Pruvot, B., Stern, O., Geurts, P., Wehenkel, L., & Muller, M. (2015). Phenotype Classification of Zebrafish Embryos by Supervised Learning. PLoS ONE, 10 (1), 0116989, 1-20. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0116989 |
Leroi, N., Sounni, N. E., Van Overmeire, E., Blacher, S., Marée, R., Van Ginderachter, J., Lallemand, F., LENAERTS, E., COUCKE, P., Noël, A.* , & MARTINIVE, P.*. (2015). The timing of surgery after neoadjuvant radiotherapy influences tumor dissemination in a preclinical model. Oncotarget. doi:10.18632/oncotarget.5931 * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Marée, R., Geurts, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2014). Towards generic image classification: an extensive empirical study. (1). ORBi-University of Liège. |
Vincke, G., Marée, R., Wehenkel, L., Defaweux, V., QUATRESOOZ, P., d'Haene, N., Salmon, I., Renard, P., Depiereux, E., Snoeck, C., Denis, B., & Verpoorten, D. (16 December 2014). HistoWeb - Toward a new learning ecology for histology [Paper presentation]. Digital learning round table, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
QUATRESOOZ, P., Defaweux, V., Rollus, L., Stevens, B., Marée, R., Martin, V., Van de Poël, J.-F., Schaffer, P., Vincke, G., Wehenkel, L., & Verpoorten, D. (30 October 2014). HistoWeb - Transforming a professional bioimages platform into a learning tool for histology [Paper presentation]. E-Learning conference and celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Charter Saar Lor Lux Rhineland-Palatinate Wallony (Open and boundless – OER, MOOCs & Co. Opportunities for the Greater Region), Saarbrücken, Germany. |
Leroi, N., Blacher, S., Marée, R., Noël, A., COUCKE, P., & MARTINIVE, P. (29 June 2014). Does neoadjuvant radiotherapy and the timing of surgery modify metastatic dissemination? [Paper presentation]. 15th International Biennial Congress of the Metastasis Research Society, Heidelberg, Germany. |
Marée, R., Rollus, L., Stevens, B., Louppe, G., Caubo, O., Rocks, N., Bekaert, S., Cataldo, D., & Wehenkel, L. (2014). A hybrid human-computer approach for large-scale image-based measurements using web services and machine learning. In Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging. IEEE. doi:10.1109/isbi.2014.6868017 |
Delga, A., GOFFIN, F., Kridelka, F., Marée, R., LAMBERT, C., & Delvenne, P. (2014). Evaluation of CellSolutions BestPrep(R) Automated Thin-Layer Liquid-Based Cytology Papanicolaou Slide Preparation and BestCyte(R) Cell Sorter Imaging System. Acta Cytologica. doi:10.1159/000367837 |
Leroi, N., Blacher, S., Marée, R., Noël, A., COUCKE, P., & MARTINIVE, P. (2014). Influence of tumor inflammatory microenvironment after neoadjuvant radiotherapy on lung metastases occurrence in a mouse model [Paper presentation]. BACR, Gand, Belgium. |
Vandaele, R., Marée, R., JODOGNE, S., & Geurts, P. (2014). Automatic Landmark Detection in 2D images: A tree-based approach with multiresolution pixel features. ULG. |
Vandaele, R., Marée, R., JODOGNE, S., & Geurts, P. (2014). Automatic Cephalometric X-Ray Landmark Detection Challenge 2014: A tree-based algorithm. ISBI. |
Marée, R., Stevens, B., Rollus, L., Rocks, N., Moles Lopez, X., Salmon, I., Cataldo, D., & Wehenkel, L. (30 September 2013). A rich internet application for remote visualization and collaborative annotation of digital slide images in histology and cytology. Diagnostic Pathology, 8 (S1), 26. doi:10.1186/1746-1596-8-S1-S26 |
Mikut, R., Dickmeis, T., Driever, W., Geurts, P., Hamprecht, F. A., Kausler, B. X., Ledesma-Carbayo, M. J., Maree, R., Mikula, K., Pantazis, P., Ronneberger, O., Santos, A., Stotzka, R., Strahle, U., & Peyrieras, N. (August 2013). Automated Processing of Zebrafish Imaging Data: A Survey. Zebrafish, 10 (3), 401-421. doi:10.1089/zeb.2013.0886 |
Marée, R., Wehenkel, L., & Geurts, P. (2013). Extremely Randomized Trees and Random Subwindows for Image Classification, Annotation, and Retrieval. In A. Criminisi & J. Shotton (Eds.), Decision Forests in Computer Vision and Medical Image Analysis, Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (pp. 125-142). Springer. |
Delvaux, D., Kerff, F., Murty, M. R. V. S., Lakaye, B., Czerniecki, J., Kohn, G., Wins, P., Herman, R., Gabelica, V., Heuze, F., Tordoir, X., Marée, R., Matagne, A., Charlier, P., De Pauw, E., & Bettendorff, L. (2013). Structural Determinants of Specificity and Catalytic Mechanism in mammalian 25-kDa Thiamine Triphosphatase. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects, 1830, 4513-4523. doi:10.1016/j.bbagen.2013.05.014 |
Fillet, M., Deroyer, C., COBRAIVILLE, G., LE GOFF, C., Cavalier, E., Chapelle, J.-P., Marée, R., Legrand, V., Pierard, L., Kolh, P., & Merville, M.-P. (2013). Identification of protein biomarkers associated with cardiac ischemia by a proteomic approach. Biomarkers: Biochemical Indicators of Exposure, Response, and Susceptibility to Chemicals, 18 (7), 614-24. doi:10.3109/1354750X.2013.838306 |
Marée, R., Stevens, B., Rollus, L., Louppe, G., & Wehenkel, L. (October 2012). A rich internet application for remote visualization, collaborative annotation, and automated analysis of large-scale biomages [Poster presentation]. Turning Images to Knowledge: Large-Scale 3D Image Annotation, Management, and Visualization, Ashburn, United States. |
Marée, R. (18 September 2012). A rich internet application for remote visualization, collaborative annotation, and automated analysis of large-scale biomages [Paper presentation]. BioImage Informatics Meeting, Dresden, Germany. |
Marée, R. (23 March 2012). A web-based software for visualization, collaborative annotation, and automated analysis of bioimages: Zebrafish applications [Paper presentation]. 2nd European Zebrafish PI Meeting, Karlsruhe, Germany. |
Jeanray, N., Marée, R., Pruvot, B., Stern, O., Geurts, P., Wehenkel, L., & Muller, M. (08 December 2011). Phenotype Classification of Zebrafish Embryos by Supervised Learning [Poster presentation]. BelTox Annual Scientific Meeting 2011, Mechelen, Belgium. |
Stevens, B., Rollus, L., Wehenkel, L., & Marée, R. (02 November 2011). A web-based framework for visualization, annotation, and automatic exploitation of high-resolution bioimages using tree-based machine learning methods [Poster presentation]. 6th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics, Delft, Netherlands. |
Jeanray, N., Marée, R., Pruvot, B., Stern, O., Geurts, P., Wehenkel, L., & Muller, M. (02 September 2011). Phenotype Classification of Zebrafish Embryos by Supervised Learning [Paper presentation]. MIAAB 2011 - Microscopic Image Analysis with Applications in Biology, Heidelberg, Germany. |
Levels, J. H., Geurts, P., Karlsson, H., Marée, R., Ljunggren, S., Fornander, L., Wehenkel, L., Lindahl, M., Stroes, E. S., Kuivenhoven, J. A., & Meijers, J. C. (28 June 2011). High-density lipoprotein proteome dynamics in human endotoxemia. Proteome Science, 9 (1), 34. doi:10.1186/1477-5956-9-34 |
Jeanray, N., Marée, R., Pruvot, B., Stern, O., Geurts, P., Wehenkel, L., & Muller, M. (20 May 2011). Phenotype Classification of Zebrafish Embryos by Supervised Learning [Poster presentation]. Benelearn 2011 - 20th Annual Belgian Dutch Conference on Machine Learning, La Haye, Netherlands. |
Stern, O., Marée, R., Aceto, J., Jeanray, N., Muller, M., Wehenkel, L., & Geurts, P. (20 May 2011). Zebrafish Skeleton Measurements using Image Analysis and Machine Learning Methods [Poster presentation]. Belgian Dutch Conference on Machine learning (Benelearn). |
DE SENY, D., Sharif, M., Fillet, M., COBRAIVILLE, G., Meuwis, M.-A., Marée, R., HAUZEUR, J.-P., Wehenkel, L., Louis, E., Merville, M.-P., Kirwan, J., Ribbens, C., & Malaise, M. (2011). Discovery and biochemical characterisation of four novel biomarkers for osteoarthritis. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 70 (6), 1144-52. doi:10.1136/ard.2010.135541 |
Stern, O., Marée, R., Aceto, J., Jeanray, N., Muller, M., Wehenkel, L., & Geurts, P. (2011). Automatic localization of interest points in zebrafish images with tree-based methods. In Proceedings of the 6th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics. Springer. |
Pisane, J., Marée, R., Wehenkel, L., & Verly, J. (2010). Radar Classification based on Extra-Trees [Paper presentation]. SONDRA Workshop 2010, Cargese, France. |
Voncken, A., Piot, A., Stern, O., Marée, R., Peers, B., Wehenkel, L., Martial, J., & Muller, M. (17 March 2010). Zebrafish as model in toxicology/pharmacology [Poster presentation]. Biomedica 2010, Aachen, Germany. |
Marée, R., Denis, P., Wehenkel, L., & Geurts, P. (2010). Incremental Indexing and Distributed Image Search using Shared Randomized Vocabularies. In ACM Proceedings MIR 2010. doi:10.1145/1743384.1743405 |
Marée, R., Stern, O., & Geurts, P. (2010). Biomedical Imaging Modality Classification Using Bags of Visual and Textual Terms with Extremely Randomized Trees: Report of ImageCLEF 2010 Experiments. In CLEF 2010: Padua, Italy - Notebook Papers/LABs/Workshops. |
Pisane, J., Marée, R., Wehenkel, L., & Verly, J. (2010). Robust Automatic Target Recognition Using Extra-trees. In J. Pisane (Ed.), Robust Automatic Target Recognition Using Extra-trees. IEEE. |
Schoemans, R., Aigrot, M.-S., Wu, C., Marée, R., Hong, P., Belachew, S., Josse, C., Lubetzki, C., & Bours, V. (2010). Oligodendrocyte development and myelinogenesis are not impaired by high concentrations of phenylalanine or its metabolites. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease, 33 (2), 113-20. doi:10.1007/s10545-010-9052-3 |
Dumont, M., Marée, R., Wehenkel, L., & Geurts, P. (2009). Fast Multi-Class Image Annotation with Random Subwindows and Multiple Output Randomized Trees. In Proc. International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP) (pp. 196-203). |
Marée, R., Geurts, P., & Wehenkel, L. (30 January 2009). Content-based Image Retrieval by Indexing Random Subwindows with Randomized Trees. IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications, 1. doi:10.2197/ipsjtcva.1.46 |
De Seny, D., Ribbens, C., Cobraiville, G., Meuwis, M.-A., Marée, R., Geurts, P., Wehenkel, L., Louis, E., Merville, M.-P., Fillet, M., & Malaise, M. (2009). Protéomique par SELDI-TOF-MS des maladies inflammatoires articulaires: identification des protéines S100 comme protéines d'intérêt. Revue Médicale de Liège, 64 (Spec No), 29-35. |
Lecut, C., Frederix, K., Johnson, D. M., Deroanne, C., Thiry, M., Faccinetto, C., Marée, R., Evans, R. J., Volders, P. G., Bours, V., & Oury, C. (2009). P2X1 Ion Channels Promote Neutrophil Chemotaxis through Rho Kinase Activation. Journal of Immunology. doi:10.4049/jimmunol.0804007 |
Marée, R., Stevens, B., Geurts, P., Guern, Y., & Mack, P. (2009). A Machine Learning Approach for Material Detection in Hyperspectral Images. In Proc. 6th IEEE Workshop on Object Tracking and Classification Beyond and in the Visible Spectrum (OTCBVS-CVPR09). IEEE. doi:10.1109/CVPR.2009.5204119 |
Pisane, J., Marée, R., Ries, P., Wehenkel, L., & Verly, J. (2009). An Extra-trees-based Automatic Target Recognition Algorithm. In To appear in Proc. International Radar Conference. Ieee. |
Quesada Calvo, F.* , Fillet, M.* , De Seny, D., Meuwis, M.-A., Marée, R., Crahay, C., Paulissen, G., Rocks, N., Guéders, M., Wehenkel, L., Merville, M.-P., Louis, R., Foidart, J.-M., Noël, A., & Cataldo, D. (2009). Biomarker discovery in asthma-related inflammation and remodeling. Proteomics, 9 (8), 2163-2170. doi:10.1002/pmic.200800643 * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
De Seny, D., Fillet, M., Ribbens, C., Marée, R., Meuwis, M.-A., Lutteri, L., Chapelle, J.-P., Wehenkel, L., Louis, E., Merville, M.-P., & Malaise, M. (2008). Monomeric calgranulins measured by SELDI-TOF mass spectrometry and calprotectin measured by ELISA as biomarkers in arthritis. Clinical Chemistry, 54, 1066-1075. doi:10.1373/clinchem.2007.099549 |
Guéders, M., Bertholet, P., Perin, F., Rocks, N., Marée, R., Botta, V., Louis, R., Foidart, J.-M., Noël, A., Evrard, B., & Cataldo, D. (2008). A novel formulation of inhaled doxycycline reduces allergen-induced inflammation, hyperresponsiveness and remodeling by matrix metalloproteinases and cytokines modulation in a mouse model of asthma. Biochemical Pharmacology, 75 (2), 514-26. doi:10.1016/j.bcp.2007.09.012 |
Levels, J. H., Marée, R., Geurts, P., Kuivenhoven, J. A., Wehenkel, L., Kastelein, J. J., & Meijers, J. C. M. (2008). Compositional protein analysis of HDL by SELDI-TOF MS during experimental endotoxemia [Poster presentation]. 77th European Atherosclerosis Society Congress, Istanbul, Turkey. |
Meuwis, M.-A.* , Fillet, M.* , Lutteri, L., Marée, R., Geurts, P., De Seny, D., Malaise, M., Chapelle, J.-P., Wehenkel, L., Belaiche, J., Merville, M.-P.* , & Louis, E.*. (2008). Proteomics for prediction and characterization of response to infliximab in Crohn's disease: a pilot study. Clinical Biochemistry, 41 (12), 960-7. doi:10.1016/j.clinbiochem.2008.04.021 * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Hiard, S., Rigali, S., Colson, S., Marée, R., & Wehenkel, L. (12 November 2007). PREDetector : Prokaryotic Regulatory Element Detector [Poster presentation]. Benelux Bioinformatics Conference 2007, Leuven, Belgium. |
Marée, R., Dumont, M., Geurts, P., & Wehenkel, L. (22 July 2007). Random Subwindows and Randomized Trees for Image Retrieval, Classification, and Annotation [Poster presentation]. 15th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) and 6th European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB), Vienna, Austria. |
Hiard, S., Marée, R., Colson, S., Hoskisson, P. A., Titgemeyer, F., van Wezel, G. P., Joris, B., Wehenkel, L., & Rigali, S. (June 2007). PREDetector: A new tool to identify regulatory elements in bacterial genomes. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 357 (4), 861-864. doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2007.03.180 |
Hiard, S., Rigali, S., Colson, S., Marée, R., & Wehenkel, L. (15 February 2007). PREDetector : Prokaryotic Regulatory Element Detector [Poster presentation]. Bioinformatics and Modeling : From genomes to network, Liège, Belgium. |
Chandrika, K., Dellot, P., Frippiat, F., Giot, J.-B., Leonard, P., Marée, R., Mayasi, N., Meuris, C., Mukeba Tshialala, D., Rahmouni, S., Uurlings, F., Vaira, D., Wehenkel, L., Demonty, J., & Moutschen, M. (2007). Nouvelles approches dans la prise en charge de l'infection a VIH. Revue Médicale de Liège, 62 Spec No, 47-50. |
Dumont, M., Marée, R., Geurts, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2007). Random Subwindows and Multiple Output Decision Trees for Generic Image Annotation [Poster presentation]. 16th Annual Machine Learning Conference of Belgium and The Netherlands, Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
Marée, R., Geurts, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2007). Random subwindows and extremely randomized trees for image classification in cell biology. BMC Cell Biology, 8 (Suppl. 1). doi:10.1186/1471-2121-8-S1-S2 |
Marée, R., Geurts, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2007). Content-based Image Retrieval by Indexing Random Subwindows with Randomized Trees. In Proc. 8th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), LNCS (pp. 611-620). Springer-Verlag. |
Hiard, S., Rigali, S., Colson, S., Marée, R., & Wehenkel, L. (17 May 2006). PreDetector : Prokaryotic Regulatory Element Detector [Poster presentation]. 10th Bioforum, Liège, Belgium. |
Ernst, D., Marée, R., & Wehenkel, L. (2006). Reinforcement learning with raw image pixels as input state. In Advances in machine vision, image processing & pattern analysis (Lecture notes in computer science, Vol. 4153). Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag Berlin. |
Geurts, P., Marée, R., & Wehenkel, L. (2006). Segment and combine: a generic approach for supervised learning of invariant classifiers from topologically structured data. In Proceedings of the Machine Learning Conference of Belgium and The Netherlands (Benelearn) (pp. 15-23). |
Marée, R., Geurts, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2006). Biological Image Classification with Random Subwindows and Extra-Trees [Paper presentation]. Bio-Image Informatics (Workshop on Multiscale Biological Imaging, Data Mining & Informatics), Santa Barbara, United States. |
Marée, R. (2005). Classification automatique d'images par arbres de d́ecision [Doctoral thesis, University of Lìege - Electrical Engineering and Computer Science]. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Marée, R., Geurts, P., Piater, J., & Wehenkel, L. (2005). Random Subwindows for Robust Image Classification. In C. Schmid, S. Soatto, ... C. Tomasi (Eds.), Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2005) (pp. 34-40). |
Marée, R., Geurts, P., Piater, J., & Wehenkel, L. (2005). Decision Trees and Random Subwindows for Object Recognition. In ICML workshop on Machine Learning Techniques for Processing Multimedia Content (MLMM2005). |
Marée, R., Geurts, P., Piater, J., & Wehenkel, L. (2005). Biomedical image classification with random subwindows and decision trees. In Computer Vision for Biomedical Image Applications (pp. 220-229). Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag Berlin. doi:10.1007/11569541_23 |
Marée, R., Geurts, P., Piater, J., & Wehenkel, L. (2004). A generic approach for image classification based on decision tree ensembles and local sub-windows. In K.-S. Hong & Z. Zhang (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (pp. 860-865). Asian Federation of Computer Vision Societies (AFCV). |
Marée, R., Geurts, P., Visimberga, G., Piater, J., & Wehenkel, L. (2003). An empirical comparison of machine learning algorithms for generic image classification. In F. Coenen, A. Preece, ... A. L. Macintosh (Eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd SGAI international conference on innovative techniques and applications of artificial intelligence, Research and development in intelligent systems XX (pp. 169-182). Springer. |
Marée, R., Geurts, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2003). Une méthode générique pour la classification automatique d'images à partir des pixels. Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information, 1, 227-238. |