Publications and communications of Catherine Delguste

Frippiat, T., Art, T., & Delguste, C. (27 January 2025). Silver Nanoparticles as Antimicrobial Agents in Veterinary Medicine: Current Applications and Future Perspectives. Nanomaterials, 15 (3), 202. doi:10.3390/nano15030202

Gaspar, A., Scholtes, F., Mousset, B., Delguste, C.* , & Philippe, G.*. (19 December 2024). One Health Simulation: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Global Health Education [Poster presentation]. Congrès FarahDay, Liège, Belgium.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Gaspar, A., Philippe, G., Evrard, B., Herné, P., Manfredini, T., & Delguste, C. (06 September 2024). VET&PHARM pilot: Exploring interprofessional communication in pharmacy and veterinary students. Pharmacy Education, 24 (1), 539-551. doi:10.46542/pe.2024.241.539551

Cesarini Latorre, C., de Meeûs d'Argenteuil, C., Delguste, C., Douny, C., Eppe, J., Fievez, L., Frisee, V., Gatez, C., Jauniaux, T., Ledeck, J., Levoz, M., Martinelle, L., Tosi, I., Votion, D., & Wouters, C. (Eds.). (2023). Proceedings of the 10th FARAH-Day. Liège, Belgium: Presses de la Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire de l'ULiège.

Gaspar, A., Philippe, G., Evrard, B., Herné, P., Manfredini, T., & Delguste, C. (21 December 2023). VET&PHARM pilot project: A case study focusing on the perceived value of a pilot seminar on interprofessional communication for students in Pharmacy and Veterinary Medicine in the rational delivery of drugs for veterinary use [Poster presentation]. 10th FarahDay of the Faculuty of Veterinary Medicine, Liège, Belgium.

Frippiat, T., Dams, L., Wielick, C., Delguste, C., Ludwig-Begall, L., Art, T., & Thiry, E. (2023). In vitro virucidal activity of nebulized citrate-complexed silver nanoparticles against equine herpesvirus-1 and murine norovirus. Virology, 585, 232-239. doi:10.1016/j.virol.2023.06.003

Frippiat, T., Dams, L., Delguste, C., Ludwig-Begall, L., Art, T., & Thiry, E. (2022). In vitro virucidal effect of nebulised silver on equine herpesvirus 1 and murine norovirus [Poster presentation]. International Conference on Equine Exercise Physiology, Uppsala, Sweden.

Bayrou, C., Cesarini Latorre, C., Delguste, C., Delrez, N., Douny, C., Eppe, J., Etienne, A.-L., Frisee, V., Gatez, C., Gille, L., Hupperts, C., Jauniaux, T., Jergeay, V., Korsak Koulagenko, N., Kruse, C., Loos, P., Martinelle, L., Moula, N., Parrilla Hernandez, S., ... Votion, D. (Eds.). (2021). Proceedings of the 8th FARAH-Day. Presses de la Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire de l'ULiège.

Frippiat, T., Paindaveine, C., Duprez, J.-N., Delguste, C., Mainil, J., & Art, T. (August 2021). Evaluation of the Bactericidal Effect of Nebulized Silver Nanoparticles on Common Respiratory Bacteria in Horses–In Vitro Studies. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 103, 103635. doi:10.1016/j.jevs.2021.103635

Delguste, C., Goffart, K., Jans, V., Sferrazza, J., Manfredini, T., & Toppets, V. (15 April 2021). Development of a 3-aspects-model for the teaching of shared decision making in veterinary medicine [Poster presentation]. International Conference on Communication in Healthcare 2021 Part 2: Online.

Toppets, V., Goffart, K., Jans, V., Sferrazza, J., Manfredini, T., & Delguste, C. (15 April 2021). Training in communication for veterinary students at the University of Liege, Belgium [Poster presentation]. International Conference on Communication in Healthcare 2021 Part 2: Online.

Frippiat, T., Paindaveine, C., Duprez, J.-N., Delguste, C., Mainil, J., & Art, T. (20 November 2020). In vitro assessment of the bactericidal effect of nebulized silver nanoparticles on Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus and Actinobacillus equuli subsp. equuli [Paper presentation]. 7th FARAH Day, Liege, Belgium.

Bayrou, C., Cesarini Latorre, C., Delguste, C., Douny, C., Gatez, C., Gille, L., Jauniaux, T., Jergeay, V., Martinelle, L., Ponthier, J., Sartelet, A., Thiry, D., & Votion, D. (Eds.). (2020). Proceedings of the 7th FARAH-Day. Presses de la Faculté de Médecine vétérinaire de l'Université de Liège.

Sidikou, D. I., Caron, Y., Delguste, C., Ibrahim, A. I., Ibrahim, M. L., Adakal, H., Hornick, J.-L., & Antoine-Moussiaux, N. (2020). Teaching one health: Animal husbandry in a post-graduate interdisciplinary curriculum. International Journal of One Health, 6 (1), 69 - 75. doi:10.14202/IJOH.2020.69-75

Art, T., Detilleux, J., Balligand, M., Barsacq, S., Beaumont, A., Bonnet, A., Canitrot, E., Delguste, C., Delvaux, V., Ehrmann, C., Ewert, M., François, A.-C., Frequelin, E., Gansser-Potts, M., Gatez, C., Hody, S., Huber, R., Huels, N., Jordan, C., ... Votion, D. (2019). Prediction of maximal oxygen consumption using simple field tests in healthy adults [Poster presentation]. 6th FARAH-Day, Liège, Belgium.

Art, T., Detilleux, J., Balligand, M., Barsacq, S., Beaumont, A., Bonnet, M., Canitrot, E., Delguste, C., Delvaux, V., Erhmann, C., Ewert, M., François, A.-C., Frequelin, E., Gansser-Potts, M., Gatez, C., Hody, S., Huber, R., Huels, Jordan, C., ... Votion, D. (2019). Measured and predicted oxygen uptake in healthy adults [Poster presentation]. 6th FARAH-Day, Liège, Belgium.

Bayrou, C., Delguste, C., Douny, C., Gatez, C., Jauniaux, T., Ponthier, J., Sartelet, A., Thiry, D., & Votion, D. (Eds.). (2019). Proceedings of the 6th FARAH-Day. Presses de la Faculté de Médecine vétérinaire de l’Université de Liège.

Bayrou, C., Cabaraux, J.-F., Delguste, C., Douny, C., Gatez, C., Jauniaux, T., Ludwig, L., Ponthier, J., Sartelet, A., Thiry, D., & Votion, D. (Eds.). (2018). Proceedings of the 5th FARAH-Day. Liège, Belgium: Presse de la Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire de l'Université de Liège.

Busoni, V., Amory, H., & Delguste, C. (2018). Mindfulness training for veterinary students: report of a first experience [Poster presentation]. European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE) General Assembly 2018.

Busoni, V., Amory, H., & Delguste, C. (2018). IMAGING FINDINGS IN HORSES WITH PHARYNGEAL SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA [Poster presentation]. Vorjaarsdaagen 2018.

Etienne, A.-L., Delguste, C., & Busoni, V. (20 April 2017). Comparison of ultrasound-guided vs. landmark techniques for training novices in placing needles into the lumbar subarachnoid space of canine cadavers [Poster presentation]. European Veterinary Conference Voorjaarsdagen, Voorjaarsdagen- Den Haag, Netherlands.

Bayrou, C., Cabaraux, J.-F., Delguste, C., Douny, C., Gatez, C., Jauniaux, T., Ludwig, L., Ponthier, J., Sartelet, A., Thiry, D., & Votion, D. (Eds.). (2017). Proceedings of the 4th FARAH-Day. Liège, Belgium: Presses de la Faculté de Médecine vétérinaire de l’Université de Liège.

Busoni, V., Amory, H., & Delguste, C. (2017). Mindfulness training for veterinary students: report of one-year experience [Poster presentation]. European Association of Communication in Healthcare - Summer Event.

Bayrou, C., Cabaraux, J.-F., Delguste, C., Gatez, C., Jauniaux, T., Lété, C., Sartelet, A., Thiry, D., Votion, D., & Zeippen, C. (Eds.). (2016). Proceedings of the 3rd FARAH-Day 2016. Liège, Belgium: Presses de la Faculté de Médecine vétérinaire de l'Université de Liège.

Etienne, A.-L., Delguste, C., & Busoni, V. (01 September 2016). TEACHING VETERINARY RADIOLOGY: DOES COMPARISON HELP? [Poster presentation]. EVDI 2016 Wroclaw Poland, Wroclaw, Poland.


Bayrou, C., Cabaraux, J.-F., Delguste, C., Gatez, C., Jauniaux, T., Lété, C., Thiry, D., Votion, D., & Zeippen, C. (Eds.). (2015). Proceedings of the 2nd FARAH-Day / Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (University of Liege - Belgium). Liège, Belgium: Presses de la Faculté de Médecine vétérinaire de l’Université de Liège.

Busoni, V., Amory, H., & Delguste, C. (October 2015). Mindfulness training for veterinary students: report of one-year experience [Poster presentation]. FARAH Day.

Tasnier, S., Busoni, V., Hanzen, C., Van de Poël, J.-F., Bolen, G., Delguste, C., Antoine, N., Delvaux, V., Art, T., & Verpoorten, D. (2015). Learning to look - Purpose and design of an awareness-raising online course in veterinary sciences. In M. Prilla, T. Ullmann, M. Kravcik (Ed.), A. Mikroyannidis (Ed.), ... V. Pammer (Ed.), Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology-Enhanced Learning (pp. 35-42). Aachen, Germany: CEUR Workshop Proceedings.

Bayrou, C., Cabaraux, J.-F., Delguste, C., Jauniaux, T., Sartelet, A., & Votion, D. (Eds.). (2014). Proceedings of the 1st FARAH-Day Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (University of Liege - Belgium). Liège, Belgium: Presses de la Faculté de Médecine vétérinaire de l’Université de Liège.

Bayrou, C., Cabaraux, J.-F., Delguste, C., Jauniaux, T., Sartelet, A., & Votion, D. (Eds.). (2013). Proceedings of the 3rd Scientific Meeting of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Liège, Belgium: Presses de la Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire.

Bayrou, C., Cabaraux, J.-F., Delguste, C., Jauniaux, T., Sartelet, A., & Votion, D. (Eds.). (2012). Proceedings of the 2nd Scientific Meeting of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (University of Liège – Belgium). Liège, Belgium: Presses de la Faculté de Médecine vétérinaire de l’Université de Liège.

Delguste, C., Doucet, M., Gabriel, A., Guyonnet, J., Lepage, O. M., & Amory, H. (April 2011). Assessment of a bone biopsy technique for measuring tiludronate in horses: A preliminary study. Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research, 75 (2), 128-133.

Cabaraux, J.-F., Delguste, C., Frippiat, T., Jauniaux, T., & Sartelet, A. (Eds.). (2011). Proceedings of the 1st Scientific Meeting of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (Liège – Belgium). Liège, Belgium: Presses de la Faculté de Médecine vétérinaire de l’Université de Liège.

Zhang, W., Fievez, L., Zhang, F., Cheu, E., Antoine, N., Delguste, C., Zhang, Y., Rong, W., Bureau, F., Advenier, C., & Gustin, P. (November 2010). Effects of formoterol and ipratropium bromide on repeated cadmium inhalation -induced pulmonary inflammation and emphysema in rats. European Journal of Pharmacology, 25 (647), 178-187. doi:10.1016/j.ejphar.2010.08.028

Leroux, A., Sandersen, C., Borde, L., Van Galen, G., Verleyen, V., Delguste, C., & Amory, H. (September 2010). A retrospective study of Doppler echocardiographic findings in horses referred in a Belgian equine clinic [Poster presentation]. 2010 BEVA Congress, Birmingham, United Kingdom.

Delguste, C., & Lepage, O. M. (2010). Revue bibliographique sur l'utilisation clinique des bisphosphonates chez le cheval. Pratique Vétérinaire Équine, 42 (numéro spécial), 131-135.

Porter, S., Saegerman, C., Van Galen, G., Sandersen, C., Delguste, C., Guyot, H., & Amory, H. (2009). Apport de l'épidémiologie clinique dans l'étude des endocardites végétantes chez les équidés (1994-2006). Épidémiologie et Santé Animale, 55, 73-83.

Votion, D., Linden, A., Delguste, C., Amory, H., Thiry, E., Engels, P., Van Galen, G., Navet, R., Sluse, F., Serteyn, D., & Saegerman, C. (2009). Atypical Myopathy In Grazing Horses: A First Exploratory Data Analysis. Veterinary Journal, 180 (1), 77-87. doi:10.1016/j.tvjl.2008.01.016

Delguste, C. (08 November 2008). Pharmacology of tiludronate in horses [Paper presentation]. Journée de la BEPS, Belgium.

Delguste, C., Amory, H., Guyonnet, J., Thibaud, D., Garnero, P., Detilleux, J., Lepage, O. M., & Doucet, M. (April 2008). Comparative Pharmacokinetics of Two Intravenous Administration Regimens of Tiludronate in Healthy Adult Horses and Effects on the Bone Resorption Marker Ctx-1. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 31 (2), 108-16. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2885.2007.00936.x

Van Galen, G., Cassart, D., Sandersen, C., Delguste, C., Nollet, H., Amory, H., & Ducatelle, R. (March 2008). The Composition of the Inflammatory Infiltrate in Three Cases of Polyneuritis Equi. Equine Veterinary Journal, 40 (2), 185-8. doi:10.2746/042516408X276933

Delguste, C. (2008). Contribution à l'étude pharmacologique et clinique du tiludronate chez le cheval [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Delguste, C., Doucet, M., Lepage, O. M., Amory, H., & Thibaud, D. (2008). Elaboration of a PK/PD model of tiludronate in horses: a preliminary study. CEVA Santé Animale.

Delguste, C., Doucet, M., Lepage, O., Amory, H., & Thibault, D. (2008). Elaboration of a PK/PD model of tiludronate in horses: a preliminary study. (Study report CEVA ST-MPK/145R1/0302). CEVA Santé animale.

Porter, S., Saegerman, C., Van Galen, G., Sandersen, C., Delguste, C., Guyot, H., & Amory, H. (2008). Vegetative endocarditis in the horse: retrospective study. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 22 (6), 1411-1416.

Porter, S. R., Saegerman, C., van Galen, G., Sandersen, C., Delguste, C., Guyot, H., & Amory, H. (2008). Vegetative endocarditis in equids (1994--2006). Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 22 (6), 1411-6. doi:10.1111/j.1939-1676.2008.0192.x

Van Galen, G., Delguste, C., Sandersen, C., Verwilghen, D., Grulke, S., & Amory, H. (2008). Tetanus in the equine species: a retrospective study of 31 cases. Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde, 133 (12), 512-7.

Delguste, C., Amory, H., Doucet, M., Piccot-Crezollet, C., Thibaud, D., Garnero, P., Detilleux, J., & Lepage, O. M. (September 2007). Pharmacological effects of tiludronate in horses after long-term immobilization. BONE, 41 (3), 414-421. doi:10.1016/j.bone.2007.05.005

Delguste, C. (2007). Pharmacokinetics of imipramine in narcoleptic horses [Paper presentation]. Journal club of residents in clinical pharmacology, videoconference, Canada.

Votion, D., Delguste, C., Amory, H., Van Galen, G., Serteyn, D., & Saegerman, C. (2007). Prévenir la myopathie atypique du cheval au pré par la gestion raisonnée des pâtures et des chevaux établie sur base de l'identification des facteurs de risques de la maladie. In 33ème Journée de la Recherche Equine (Actes de colloque, pp. 8). Le Pin au Haras, France: Les Haras nationaux - Librairie.

Doucet, M., Amory, H., Delguste, C., & Guyonnet, J. (2007). Comparative bioavailability of two intravenous dosages rates of tiludronic acid in healthy adult horses. (Study report CEVA ST-MPK/145R1/0504). CEVA Santé animale.

Van Galen, G., Sandersen, C., Delguste, C., Ponthier, J., Verwilghen, D., Amory, H., Cassart, D., & Ducatelle, R. (2007). The composition of the inflammatory infiltrate in 3 cases of polyneuritis equi. In In Proccedings of the Second congress of the European College od Equine Internal Medicine (ECEIM).

Amory, H., Delguste, C., & Doucet, M. (2007). Comparative bioavailability of two intravenous dosage rates of tiludronic acid in healthy adult horses. CEVA Santé Animale.

Cassart, D., Baise, E., Cherel, Y., Delguste, C., Antoine, N., Votion, D., Amory, H., Rollin, F., Linden, A., Coignoul, F., & Desmecht, D. (January 2007). Morphological alterations in oxidative muscles and mitochondrial structure associated with equine atypical myopathy. Equine Veterinary Journal, 39 (1), 26-32. doi:10.2746/042516407X157765

Delguste, C., Amory, H., Guyonnet, J., Thibaud, D., Lepage, O. M., & Doucet, M. (2007). Comparative pharmacokinetics of two intravenous dosage rates of tiludronate in healthy adult horses [Paper presentation]. 15th Biennal Symposium of the American Association for Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics (AAVPT), Asilomar, United States - California.

Delguste, C., Amory, H., Guyonnet, J., Thibaud, D., Lepage, O. M., & Doucet, M. (2007). Comparative pharmacokinetics of two dosage rates of tiludronate in healthy adult horses [Poster presentation]. AAVPT 15 Biennal Symposium, Asilomar, United States - California.

Delguste, C., de Moffarts, B., Kirschvink, N., Art, T., Pincemail, J., Defraigne, J.-O., Amory, H., & Lekeux, P. (2007). Change in blood antioxidant status of horses moved from a stable following diagnosis of equine motor neuron disease. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 48 (11), 1165-1167.

Delguste, C., Lepage, O. M., Amory, H., & Doucet, M. (2007). Pharmacologie clinique des bisphosphonates : revue de littérature axée sur le tiludronate chez le cheval. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 151, 269-280.

Van Galen, G., Delguste, C., Verwilghen, D., & Amory, H. (January 2007). Cleft Palate (CP): not only a diagnosis in foals [Poster presentation]. Hippos Congress, Liege, Belgium.

Votion, D., Linden, A., Saegerman, C., Engels, P., Erpicum, M., Thiry, E., Delguste, C., Rouxhet, S., Demoulin, V., Navet, R., Sluse, F., Serteyn, D., Van Galen, G., & Amory, H. (2007). History and clinical features of atypical myopathy in horses in Belgium (2000-2005). Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 21 (6, Nov-Dec), 1380-1391. doi:10.1892/07-053.1

Van Galen, G., Delguste, C., Sandersen, C., Ponthier, J., Verwilghen, D., & Amory, H. (2006). Tetanus in the horse: a review of 31 cases. In Proceedings of the 45th Annual Congress of the British Equine Veterinary Association.

Votion, D., Linden, A., Thiry, E., Van Galen, G., Serteyn, D., Delguste, C., Amory, H., & Saegerman, C. (2006). Risk factors associated with atypical myopathy in grazing horses. In In Proceedings of the 45th Annual Congress of the British Equine Veterinary Association.

Delguste, C., Doucet, M., Gabriel, A., Lepage, O. M., Thibaud, D., & Amory, H. (September 2006). Assessment of a bone biopsy technique for tiludronic acid dosage in horses: a preliminary study [Poster presentation]. EAVPT congress, Torino, Italy.

Delguste, C., Lepage, O. M., Doucet, M., Thibaud, D., & Amory, H. (2006). Pharmacological effects of tiludronate in horses after immobilisation [Poster presentation]. congrès ECVS, Séville, Spain.

Delguste, C., Mantran, A., Sandersen, C., Lopez, D., Bertrand, P., & Amory, H. (January 2006). Equine Piroplasmosis in Belgium: a retrospective study [Poster presentation]. 1st ECEIM congress, Leipzig, Germany.

Delguste, C., Sandersen, C., Van Galen, G., & Amory, H. (2006). Equine Motor Neuron Disease in Belgium: a retrospective study [Poster presentation]. Congress of the Equine Sport Medicine (EPSOM), Aachen, Germany.

Sandersen, C., Detilleux, J., Art, T., Delguste, C., Van Galen, G., & Amory, H. (2006). Cardiac pumping reserve measured in healthy horses using a dobutamine stress test. In Proceedings of the 45th Congress of the British Equine Veterinary Association (pp. 99).

Amory, H., Bertrand, P., Delguste, C., & Sandersen, C. (2005). Endocarditis in horses: a retrospective study of five cases. In Proceedings of the 44th Annual Congress of the British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA) (pp. 257).

Bertrand, P., Sandersen, C., Cassart, D., Delguste, C., Lopez, D., Grulke, S., & Amory, H. (2005). A case of Rhodococcus equi infection in an adult probably immuno-compromised horses. In Proceedings of the Leipziger Tierärzte Kongress (pp. 32(G), 91).

Delguste, C., Doucet, M., Amory, H., Guyonnet, J., & Thibaud, D. (2005). Linearity and stationarity of the pharmacokinetics of tiludronate in horses [Poster presentation]. AAVPT 14 Biennal Symposium.

Delguste, C., & Lepage, O. M. (2005). Evaluation of the pharmacological effects of the bisphosphonate tiludronate in the horse at exercise after a long term immobilisation period. CEVA Santé Animale.

Donabedian, M., Delguste, C., Perona, G., Lebecque, P., Duboeuf, F., Lepage, O., & Martin-Rosset, W. (2005). Third metacarpal bone mineral density assessment in the standing horse by dual X-ray absorptiometry - Suitability, precision and accuracy. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology, 18 (1), 26-30. doi:10.1055/s-0038-1632924

Sandersen, C., Detilleux, J., Delguste, C., Pierard, L., Van Loon, G., & Amory, H. (2005). Atropine reduces dobutamine-induced side effects in ponies undergoing a pharmacological stress protocol. Equine Veterinary Journal. doi:10.2746/0425164054223868

Delguste, C., Sandersen, C., Amory, H., & Doucet, M. (10 December 2004). Rationale for the use of bisphosphonates in veterinary medicine [Poster presentation]. 5th MICEM congress, Maastricht, Netherlands.

Votion, D., Amory, H., Sandersen, C., Rollin, F., Delguste, C., Lopez, D., Baise, E., Cassart, D., Desmecht, D., Piat, E., & Linden, A. (2004). Clues for Differential Diagnosis of atypical myopathy. In Proceeding of the Maastricht International Congress on Equine Medicine (MICEM).

Lopez, D., De Moffarts, B., Delguste, C., Sandersen, C., Pincemail, J., Defraigne, J.-O., & Amory, H. (2004). Cerebrospinal fluid level of protein S100 beta in healthy horse : a preliminary study. In Tierärztliche Praxis Kleintiere (pp. 32(G) p. 95).

Lopez, D., Delguste, C., Sandersen, C., & Amory, H. (2004). Duodenitis/Proximal Jejunitis- a retrospective study of 27 cases [Poster presentation]. 5th Maastricht International Congress on Equine Medicine (MICEM), Maastricht, Netherlands.

Sandersen, C., Detilleux, J., Delguste, C., & Amory, H. (2004). Pharmacological stress echocardiography in horses: a new protocol [Poster presentation]. 5th Maastricht International Congress on Equine Medicine (MICEM), Maastricht, Netherlands.

Votion, D., Amory, H., Demoulin, V., Desmecht, D., Rollin, F., Thiry, E., Baise, E., Cassart, D., Delguste, C., Piat, E., Sandersen, C., & Linden, A. (2004). Atypical Myopathy (Atypical Myoglobinuria). IVIS Reviews in Veterinary Medicine, 0101.1104.

Votion, D., Delguste, C., Amory, H., Baise, E., Cassart, D., Desmecht, D., Rollin, F., Sandersen, C., Piat, E., & Linden, A. (2004). Biochemical findings associated with atypical myopathy in grazing horses. Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology, 447, 12.

Votion, D., Delguste, C., Amory, H., Baise, E., Cassart, D., Desmecht, D., Rollin, F., Sandersen, C., & Linden, A. (2003). La myopathie atypique des équidés: particularités cliniques, examens complémentaires et hypothèses étiologiques. In Journée AVEF (Association des Vétérinaires Equins Français) (pp. 244-254).

Sandersen, C., Detilleux, J., Delguste, C., Guyot, H., Gaciu, F., Van Loon, G., & Amory, H. (2003). Stress echocardiography in horses: comparison of cardiac output during incremental dobutamine infusion in atropinised and non-atropinised ponies. In Proceedings of the 42d Annual Congress of the British Equine Veterinairy Association.

Amory, H., Perron, M., Sandersen, C., Delguste, C., Grulke, S., Cassart, D., Godeau, J.-M., & Detilleux, J. (2003). Prognostic value of clinical signs and blood parameters in equids suffering from acute hepatic insufficiency: a retrospective study on 31 cases. In Proceedings of the 21st ACVIM annual meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina.

Amory, H., Perron, M., Sandersen, C., Delguste, C., Grulke, S., Cassart, D., Godeau, J.-M., & Detilleux, J. (2003). Prognostic value of clinical signs and blood parameters in equids suffering from acute hepatic insufficiency: a retrospective study on 31 cases. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine.

Amory, H., Perron, M., Sandersen, C., Delguste, C., Grulke, S., Cassart, D., Godeau, J.-M., & Detilleux, J. (2003). Clinicopathological data in equids suffering from ante-hepatic, hepatic and post-hepatic diseases. In Proceedings of the 42th Annual Congress of the British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA) (pp. 293).

Sandersen, C., Delguste, C., Cassart, D., Grulke, S., Guyot, H., & Amory, H. (2003). Overo lethal white syndrome - two case reports and a review of the litterature. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 147 (5, OCT-NOV), 359-364.

Sandersen, C., Detilleux, J., Delguste, C., Gaciu, F., Mc Entee, K., Guyot, H., & Amory, H. (2003). Use of atropine to inhibit vagally mediated baroreceptor reflex in horses undergoing dobutamine stress test. Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology, 446 (5), 4.

Votion, D., Delguste, C., Baise, E., Cassart, D., Desmecht, D., Linden, A., Rollin, F., Sandersen, C., & Amory, H. (2003). Diagnostic différentiel en cas de présomption de myopathie atypique des équidés : illustration au travers de cas référés à la Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire de l’Université de Liège au cours du printemps 2003. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 147, 183-193.

Delguste, C. (30 November 2002). Myoglobinurie atypique chez les chevaux au pré [Paper presentation]. congrès annuel de l’Association des Vétérinaires Equins de France (AVEF), Le Touquet, France.

Delguste, C., & Amory, H. (09 November 2002). Myoglobinurie atypique: nouveaux cas en Belgique et en France [Paper presentation]. 19ème journée de la Belgian Equine Practitioners Society (BEPS), Bruxelles, Belgium.

Delguste, C. (2002). Myoglobinurie atypique chez les chevaux au pré: une série de cas en Belgique [Specialised master, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Sandersen, C., Delguste, C., Debrue, M., Becker, M., Guyot, H., & Amory, H. (2002). Echocardiographic evaluation of cardiac performance during stimulation with dobutamine in conscious horses: a preliminary study. In Proceedings of the 41st Annual Congress of the British Equine Veterinairy Association.

Amory, H., Brihoum, M., Debrue, M., Delguste, C., Sandersen, C., Art, T., & De Moffarts, B. (2002). Exercise stress echocardiography in healthy horses. In Proceedings of the 41st Annual Congress of the British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA) (pp. 211).

Amory, H., Sandersen, C., Delguste, C., Grulke, S., Godeau, J.-M., Cassart, D., & Detilleux, J. (2002). Approche clinique des ictères et des suspicions d’insuffisance hépatique aiguë chez le cheval : une étude rétrospective sur 40 cas. In Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Equine Veterinary Association (AVEF).

Delguste, C., & Amory, H. (2002). Myoglobinurie atypique: nouveaux cas en Belgique et en France. In Proceedings of the 19th annual meeting of the Belgian Equine Practitioners Society (BEPS).

Delguste, C., Cassart, D., Baise, E., Linden, A., Schwarzwald, C., Feige, K., Sandersen, C., Rollin, F., & Amory, H. (2002). Myopathies atypiques chez les chevaux au pré: une série de cas en Belgique. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 146 (4, AUG-SEP), 235-247.

Delguste, C., de Moffarts, B., Sandersen, C., Debrue, M., Guyot, H., & Amory, H. (2002). Serum vitamin E concentrations in a group of horses, with a high incidence of equine motor neurone disease. Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology, 444 (1-2), 3.

Delguste, C., de Moffarts, B., Sandersen, C., Debrue, M., Guyot, H., & Amory, H. (2002). Evolution of serum vitamine E concentration in horses living in a stable affected by equine motor neurone disease (EMND). In Proceedings of the 41st Annual Congress of the British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA).

Sandersen, C., Delguste, C., Becker, M., Debrue, M., Guyot, H., & Amory, H. (2002). Echocardiographic evaluation of cardiac performance during stimulation with dobutamine in conscious horses: a preliminary study. Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology, 444 (1-2), 4.

Sandersen, C., Delguste, C., Cassart, D., & Amory, H. (2002). Lethal white foal syndrome – Revue de la littérature à partir de 2 cas cliniques. In Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Equine Veterinary Association (AVEF).

Delguste, C., & Cassart, D. (10 November 2001). Myoglobinurie atypique: une série de cas en Belgique [Paper presentation]. 18ème journée de la Belgian Equine Practitioners Society (BEPS), Bruxelles, Belgium.

Delguste, C., Sandersen, C., Amory, H., & Cassart, D. (October 2001). Myopathies atypiques chez les chevaux au pré : une série de cas en Belgique [Poster presentation]. Journées de l'AVEF, Pau, France.

Amory, H., Delvaux, V., Boquet, B., Brihoum, M., Delguste, C., & Sandersen, C. (2001). Echocardiographie Doppler chez l’âne. In Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Equine Veterinary Association (AVEF).

Sandersen, C., Delguste, C., Cassart, D., & Amory, H. (2001). Grass sickness en Belgique : une étude rétrospective sur 11 cas cliniques. In Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Equine Veterinary Association (AVEF).